THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBLV COINTY, PA. Historical. IUST0UY OF COMlMltl.V COUNTY. military r.ncoun. Tlireo Months Scrvlon, 11 ill llegiment. Montour County. , Company if. Mustered In April 20, 18G1. William McClur e.Klliott James Captain. Kick Atii?ii9tui Q Samuel Illblcr, lJtKnrren William J Lieutenant. Kaiirlilld Gorge Thoniai Maxwell, 2J Field a Hubert Lieutenant. (looilrlch Maxwell John Doyle, 1st Ser Ooodricli William 0 geant. Oallljan Thomas Jonatlian Waten, iMGibbs Jlmei M Sergeant. Gibbous Moses Lawson Carroll, CJOreen 1'utrlck Sergeant. Harper Samuel Setlt Vmte, 4th Ser-flowell Tliomai Cpant. JonkiiH Charles William Hubert,-, MKulp Ellm Cotporal. Kelly William Jerome A Harder, 21Le .Tulin Corporal, Moore .Tamci G AV'm. B Seckholtz, BlMellen Naaj Corporal. Mellen Willi im H Philip Uetin, 4:h Cor Murr.17 Mttb,l.n poral. McCmy Clarfftce. Krauk Lewi, jriii-.McGuiru Andrew cian. Mcd ir WillUm C.iarlcs JIunma, Mu-McAdle Jane xician. Aggry Henry Arter William 0 ItotHlilcger IVderiek lWumont Charles Iliir.i John Hums James Cuthbert Kdward Cuthberk Wm 11 Crosley Daniel P Clan John Cain James Coup Peter M Clark Jesse C Deshuy William Davis Thomas C Day Andrew Devers James Devers Isaiah ,McU.inn James Oiles lVterM PuUjli Joiin I'elnnlcy Herman Q lick John 0 lllidjjew.iy Elwiti'O lli.hcl Daniel Keiil John 0 Jteily Mutln lingers Charles Roberts Caleb Itiddle Itlchard Sloddent Thomas Supplnger Amos Sherr Adolpli Toole Thomas t Taylor Martin Weidle Jo-epb Watkins Edwin Everdale George, After being armed ami mj'iiped, Captain McClurs was ptationed at Elkton, Maryland. Thenco June 18th to Ciiambersburg, tbenee in a few'days to ltagerstown. Ordered by forced march to Wllliamiport to repeal an attack, but the enemy had retired. On a forward movement from Willlamsport, they encountered Stonewall Jackson and beat him, at Falling Water, and had the com plimeuts of Gen. Patterson. The regiment volunteered for the three years service, but was mostly, on re-mustcr, tilled with new men. Three Months Service. lith llegiment. Montour County. Company C. Mustered in April 20, 18(11. 0car Ephlin, Capt-IIouser James tain. IIowo John T John A Winner, lstlloplina Richard Lieutenant. Handshaw Peter Clinton Pursel, 21Houser John J Lieutenant. Johnson Stephen Henry M Trumbowor,Jenklns John It Sergeant. Johnon Joseph II Arthur Amandtis, 2JJones Edward Sergeaut. Jones Matthew Freeze. McWilllamj, JonUii John 3d Sergeant. Kelly Patrick John C Perrin, p.bKelly Martin Sergoaii'. ICesier Michael Jicnb Miller, 1st Cor Iiudati Thninas poral. Lewis John O Geo. W Vangilder, 2JMeticer John Corporal. .Mower Charles AdolphusUookheister.McXinch Samuel 3 1 Corporal. Markel William Itese Flapigan, 4tliMiller Jacob 0 Corporal. Ogden Andrew II Henry Metz, Musi-Pursel John cian. Phillips James M William Milliner.Mu-Ilobbe Joseph Hlcian. Alcorn John Alward John Blue Samuel Ilrown lien ton B ltanihart William Uoush Montgomery Rank Ellis II Roderick Edward W Ruh Stephen L Rollin Harris G Small Charles Stall Samuel Snyder John 0 Uillmoyer William HSpade Hiram JI Caldwell Samuel W Sigler Robert Davis Lewis L Thomas James Danks Oeorga Thomas William DivisRic'iard Terry Onrlei Dalss Reese Tinman Casper Bferlieart Nathaniel Thorp James Fields Elijah Thacher Edward l'eustermacher Joseph Wise Mark W II Watts William M Foin John A Gasklns Harblt Handley William Huntingdon John Jones Jnmes Williams Daniel Woods John Young William Patton Alfred 15 Except marching and drill the 14th did not see much service. Although several marches were made for the purpose, tliev never succeeded in incountering the enemy, J ney were with lieu. Patterson on the Po toniac. Upon being mustered out, a large number of the men took service In other regiments recruiting for the war. Treasure hunters in Haytl are ve.y desir ous of finding about $30 000 000 buried by Toussalut L' Ouverturo. the negro insurrec tion leader, toward the close of the last cen tury, when be was ou the point of surrender ing to the French. He caused the coin to be placed in sacks and carried to a place near Port-au-Prince In three wagons, guard ed by ton soldjen. He ordered ten men to dig the hole for their reception, and, after covering them, to return immediately with with (he wagons and escort. Aftertbe work had been secoinpll.bed the party returned, but were lire J on from ambush by a bat talion of tolditia under the command "of Toussaint himself. All were killed, and the secret of the treasure's location was Iot with Toussalut's death. An ollicer connect ed with the battalllon bad received intima tions of the intended burial, butobtained no knowledge of the spot. The luxuriant veg eluliou 01 the tropica speedily covered it. All of Tuukbauncck, is wondering bow Lelle Smith, aged 8. cantrived. unassLted to climb cut of a well thirty-two feet deep! in which was eight feet of water, Into which lie bad fallen while practising gymnastics on Hie well sweep. Miscellaneous.. Capturing Sen-Lions In Alaska. singular method Is annually employed by (ho natives uf St. l'nul'a Inland, Alaka, tor the rapture of the rea-llon. Here Is an Island which, Instead of presenting, an al most unbroken lino of bold, abrupt clilis to the sea, like others In the North Paclflc.oflera to the seals n low, though gradually rising ground. Taking advantage of this topo graphy, the natives of St. Paul'a Island se cure every season hundreds of sea-llons,with but a tithe of the labor and exposure by which their capture Is attended at other pla ces. Eleven miles north-east from the vil lage on St. Paul's Island is a point upon which a large number of sea lions annually repair for the pnrpoes of breeding, etc., but as this animal Is timid, and sure to take, to water when brought into the presence of man, its capture requires much discretion and boldness on the part of its captor", who are chosen every season from the village people.with especial reference to their physi cal qualification for the work. The 'sea richie' ai the natives name them, cannot be approached successfully by daylight ; so the hunters, ten or twelve in number, rendez voiis in n hut near by until a favorable night comes on, when the moon is partially ob cured by drifting clou is and the wind blows In from the rookery. Then they step down to the beach, at low water, and proceed to on all fours ovr the surf beaten sand and bowlders up to the dozing herd and between them an 1 the wster ; in this way a sntall body.ol men crawling along in Indian may pass unnoticed by tho sea lion sentries which doubtless in the uncertain light con found the form of their human enemies with those of seal. When the creeping natives have nil reached tho strip of beach which is left baro by ebb tido between tho water am the uiisu'pccting animals, at a given signal the hunters leap at once to their feet, shout, yell, and brandish their arms while the as tonishod Hons roar and flounder in all direc tions. If, at the moment of surprise, tho brutes are sleeping w ith their heads pointed toward the water, they chargo straight on 11 that way, directly over the men ; but if their beads have been resting pointed laud ward, they follow that course just as desper ately, and nothing will turn them at first, either one way or the other. Those who charge for the water are lost, of course, but the natives promptly follow up tho land leaders with 11 rare combination of horrible noises and demoniacal gesticulations until the freuzied spurt and exertions of the ter rified animals completely exhaust them, and then, panting, gasping, prone upon the earth they are extended at the mercy of their cun ning captors, who gently urge them along up to the but In which they have been keepitig watch during several days past, for the night in which to make this cflort. Here the na tives have what they call their ptn or cage, in which the lion-like seals, as they are cap tured from night to night, are collected and retained until sufficient numbers or a drove of three or four hundred has been secured. This cage is nothiug mre than a succession of small poles stuck at wide intervals over a circle, in the ground ; these poles arc deck ed with fluttering strips of white coltou cloth, and light ropes are loosely stretched from one to tho other. Within this flimsy circle the sea-lions are securely imprisoned, and though incessantly watched by two or three men, they scarcely make an effort to escape, but their roaring is almost deafening, w'hilo they constantly writhe and twist over and against one another like a handlul of angle-worms in a saucer. From illuitralett paper by Henry IP. Elliot. Scribner for Oc tober. Artcmns Ward ai a Praet'cal Joker. Ilrowneand Griswold, 'the Fat Contribu tor,' were on newspaper work at the same time in Cleveland, and they vere very inti mate friends. One day there came to the city a dramatic reader, a man of some note, but of a very timid disposition. These two worthies in some manner discovered tbat he was a person easily to ye imposes! upon, and shortly after his arrival they paid him a visit. It was an early hour in the morning long after the man had retired, and Ibiy found it difficult to arouse him. They told him they were editors, and wanted to bear him read before writing him up. They invi ted him to step into a hall adjoining the ho tel and give them a specimen of his powers. As first the man refused to go with them, but when they told him sternly that they were editors, and would crush him if he did not comply, he felt compelled to go. Nor would they allow him to put on his clothts, but forced bim to go in a night dress to a cold and dreary hall, while they complacent iy smoked their cigars while they listened to him declaim, with cliattcrinir teeth and trembling voire for several hours. When they finally permitted him to go, they fold him, by way of consolation, that they had always thlrstca to hear a dramatic reader in night-dress, and that they were much grati fied with ids performance. Ilrowne was a great lover of a practical joke. One of his maddest pianks was in New York City, in 1803. He had been at some benefit performance with Dan liryant and Nelse Seymour, and at its con clusion he induced these two to join bim on a lark. Accordingly they went to Rryant's property room, and each donned a complete suit of armor. Then they armed themselves with broadsword, and in tho still hours of the night went foith in search of'defenaeless citizens. Up and down the streets in grim array they marched.and whenever they (ound a man alone and unarmed, they would make him down on his krees and pray tit irt-rcy. Then, alter having frightened .him almost out of his senses, they would permit him to go on bis way. Their fun, honever, after a while was brought to an abrupt termination by the edice who marched them oil' to the Tombe. Thy entered fictitious names but the Judge next morning re cognizsd tlio culprits, and discharged them wilh an ad monition. On the sune niizht thev vhited the house of Tom Jackson, who hadjtist Drought to tuls country (tie famous S. Deil-riiirers. In refnonse to their vlrletit ringing ot tho bell, Jackson came to nu U per window, and not knowing who his vis tors were, aked lliem in tones of thunder what tbey wanted, Me want an engagement." said Drowne. " e are llie origloal bell-iinge rs." Jackson then recognized them. and. ar predating the joke, Invited them iu. fC, C. rt it ai 1 . ri.i.t.- ..... 1 " jkuinrutiji in vviouer ncrioner.i me attention oruen. Doofc, oftlie Agri cultural Department, U calli J m th rr-i that a very line article uf 8weitzr cheese can u maun irom mo mill: tit the vocanut Tlie cxicauui couhl he verv unifitahlv inhi vateUn uhe honanazfino aloiij; tlieNrth. eru I'acino railway. Oen. )oot baa it In hU power too, toniiunlify the lahnr question by introducing the breaU.fruit tree in thin country. H I believed that bv croitsini? the ureau iruu tree wnu some active variety nl spilng wheat, a species of vegetation could oeirouuce(i irom wiucn tne agile Ureen hacUr could nick li in hot roll in the morn lug withouta particle oflabor, Iiygufiing tnu uitau'iiuiv ut-e 1111 imr common lutter nut tree, it W thought that the vtilpmllil Inn. tered much in vngue with the bonunoiuer and iicvapittle capllalUli, could ho pimluced in prolusion at little or no com. jiaiiwwre uaztcie. GILB S' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA, CtircN all l'uln In .11 1111 urn! IIctiNt TESTIMONIALS! rno!.raca Utkri (Fallln of tlio Womb.) A Won derful cure. Nine j ears my w Ho BurJerod 'with tins terrible complaint. Mho was attended by doctor ar tor doctor, went to the different hospitals where fe males are treated; tried tliera all j worn bandnires and pess-irlcs with only temporary relief. Her hfo waa miserable. V applied Dr. UUcs Liniment, Her relief w as Immediate. She la now well. It, McDekmott, ao West Mth street, ew York. I bad twelve strokes of l'arnijsls. My leg, arm and toDfuo were tut lem j wan oullced to u-w a cath eter ettry day. Doctor Uie' liniment Iodide of Ammonia um cured the. W III answer any Inquiries so that all amiced may know of It, lout Afi'kt,. No lit itranford, Conn. Chestnut 1 1 111. l'hlladclpbli, April u, '7ft. W.M.Olle. Kt) Dear Mr I used jour Iodide of Ammonia UM men ton Klmi Ten. pie's hind pastern Joliit. Mio had been qnlto lame; the tfTVct was wonderful; she wiiks now qutto well. Very re spectfully jours, A. Weich. P. S. I am now using It on Llttleton'rfrltfht lore leg. A large shoe boll on a valuable oung horse waa remoed by Olios' Liniment Iodide of Ainmonli. HlIErilKHD KNAIT, Carpets IWstxtii ave.. Now York. Aktiimi Tho tortures and agonies I endured for slxjean. norio but those who lute suffered with this terrible can know. My life was misera ble, hi desperation I tried titles' Mulment lo dde of Ammonia, it gave mo Instant relief. LWd It in ternally as well as externally, 1 1104. I1knkun, 1ST west s"th street. New York. T was In a clrendtul condition. .luluts swi.llen, Fain Intense, injections of inorphino Into my vt tns died to relit Vt me. (dies' Iodide or Ammonia took awav tho deposits Horn my Joints I wanteery one who buffers to Know what will euro them. Kohovck UvriiKor, North l!)d 1uk, I-untnoll'eiu. vt, another Sufferer cured. Dlsciiarsred from the Massachusetts tieneral Hospital as Ineuiable, with IntU'uiitatory lu lit MioaldiTe, lingers an I roet ; suffered reatlully rur threH jears, tileil eu'rjthliitf t lu.t all hope Dr. (J lies' Liniment lol Woof Ammonia effected u euinpiete cute. Kl t PM MIITH, No. 'i Prano street. Kali KUei, Mass Strains, splints. brnlseH. Lameness In horses, Olles' I.lnlmct.t Iodide of Amiivmli Is a perftel spe cific. No person who owns u tiorso should be with out It. M. ItOPBSS, W9 seventh avenuo New York. In my family, and for ihosVtcK. I have used lllle't Liniment Uxllilc c-f Aiciuonla. It 1j unsurpassed, and 1 am surprised at (ho many dlffeieut miladk-u In wnlen it is applicable. It gttes the utmobt satis faction. .ToltN.1. ClKTEK, Superintendent Eastern Kxperlmen tat Farm. AO o. and $t : and In Quarts at 12.50, In which there IsnnrcusaUng. 'irlal blio W cents. SOI l BY AM. DllCfMIISTS. N. .1. Ili:M)i:itSIKTT, At. tor may 41, 'is- rpiIE GHI3AT POSITIVE CUltE X torttU DIHTAHCS miln-rfroiaiicioranTM condi tion or ti u i. on i. iii:w, m:i;vi, w The Best Family Medicine on Earth. SlOO IX GOLD to tnr rr0Q ttntcte.l with a dl'rMA that IR0BESK will not ri'lluteor cor, providing tb bonei or orsans aro not n Kited beyond point of repair. la acieutlflcalij compounded irota llerba, Jtoota, IJarka ad Uuma fouDd to California aad the Weit ln(lle roiublalo; ft TobIc, Catbartlc-, AlteratlTA. Diuretic and Sudorific Ita Immediate effoct upon tho dlsestho organ, whether Impaired bjdlaoaia or exhausted from aDTcaane(tl to la crease their power of assimilation and nutrition. It lo crcaws the appetlM, aaslsta dlireatlon, and Rlvci flrmnesi and tons to the muacalar and ctrcnUtlojr mtera. It stlm nlaUs tha vital proceiMca to renewed actUlty, alters, cor nets and purines the fluids, tonus tho organs and ro-ttab-Ushes their healthy fuacUous. UTHE only true remedy for colds., It Is useless to expatiate npon the Tlrtucs of this GltFAl i in'ia mi km i 1 1 At ftp, IlLLJUTlsM. CLMIULIir-. mhrtii muTr, cuhTiriTio, Cif y ((Oltt.i Y and take It as per directions upon each bottlo. In EngUih, German, Spanish and French. Ona bottlo IL butter convince you of Its merits Una olumes xirset it printers' Ink. , ... A trial of one bottle (mures its adoption In orcrr family, for no Man,W'oman or Child ran take iUOUHr" and remafr loon ilck. It first cleanses tho sjstem, then repairs, thee builds up, thus curing disease and establishing health on i permanent, safe and enduring basis. l Iut up In large bottles, amTls pleasant to tako. h Soli bj bruxalkl tJpnrrall'. lMw, I.UO per Bottle. MValkcr k Badger Mfg:. Co., rrop'rs, 40 Jha Street, Kw Tark. ' SUFPEItED 30 VKAUS. Jersey Clry, Poptember Sd, 1 tit. ho tonfrue can tell what 1 hare auffered for the past so years from CtisTM ItflJ,- and HI I Mi HLIIUIMJ III tvH, at tlnws ao bad tbat I could not stand upon ray feet. I coolil nut walk half a rnUe uithou aufferloif Intense aguny which would bring on sat ere Illness. About one yearuco 1 was Induced to try a bottlo of your IMiK S v aol am clad to state that after taking lour bottles I was entirely cured of botn diseases and r"3 iK nrwitni nemiin mun mmugia, j aa- Una. (j IM)'T GO FOOLING AIIOL'M). Aa a rejrulaOnff medicine I can confidently recommend HMtKLNK, 1 hate used It in my fatnUy and know others who hare tried It, and all pronounce it Rood and reliable. It don't (i (oollnit around and disappoint you by making no sljrii, but It attends to business and ac fvmpllshea that w hereunto It In wnt W M. II, HUVALL, Klrerhca.1, L. I. OF YBAIIS STAIVm.(j. I osd one bottle rf llfiORIM- and ran truthfully say that It has rured (lie of IMSl'l I'M I and HlLIOl hSfcSe ot ytaxs sUndlnf. ' 8. C. EOF, II. n , Uhanon, N. J. For iu al N. J. DRUG- STORE, I5Booiifislmr Pa. 5 who U uuthorlzo I to Kuarantoo VKiOUENE to prove aa repruscLtod. Ha. is, TS-iy. S. W. Douglass, Ortil and. Mining Eiigineor, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch, I am prepared to make dralien. Plans and .Models In Wood, llrax?, Iru, or the abovo material combUed ad ncccuaary ot Bridges, Mines, Breakers, Buildings, ZBgines, PUMPS, and all kinds ot maiiilncry for us-j ot cates at Ccurt or (or applications to uvuro luuxis. Piiteiit. Nrrurril march V3 6- GLAZING AND PAPERING. "TXTM. P. BODINE, Iron Rtret Wow sec v r ona, utooutsuurg, ra., is prdparea 10 ao all .ums ui PAINTING, GLAZINO, and PAPER HANGING In tlie box styles, at lowest prlcee, ana at abort I'irilis tiavlPK aucb work to do lll eave money tMlUJH UU U.O, All wort;warraiiU)a togtfe aatutactloo. 80ll;IUxl WM. F. IiOUINE. Oct. , 187a. oltaintdor nno 1nrrntiontoror Imprnremtnti on oht on rt fartrrdtctilor other compound 'm, trade tnnrili rtnrt tabftt. Careatt, Atntgntntnt. Inter ffrencett. Awntnl. Fnitn jot infringrmrnt, anil iltrthe J'nti nt t.fiiri.vroinvt au cntt 9 arising unarr me i-nirm i.nirw, prompt tunttfmUit fa. InvfnHntiM that ttnrr been bytht PatfntO' tie mayttill, in innnt cast, bit pattHUit ty v. Hung opposite (A T. S. ratent Department, nwl engaged in Patent luttnttt ex ehitivtty, tr can mak clu$tt $enrttien, and secure Patents more prompt I u, and telth hmnder ctaimt, man in wi nr rniime rrma i its'tinnion, vovr dertcet ir make examinations and a J else unto patentability, free of charge. All carretpondenee ttrlrtlii rnn jldentiaJ. Prleet loin. and AO CltAliUU tJV- We refer in, Washington, to Jfon Pontmnster General J). Jf, Ktjt. Tift, F. P. Power, The ftrman American yattanat Jlank,t aflciafn in the tT, .V. Patent (Jjtee, and to fienatorn and Prprctmttitieet in Vonamn; and especially in our client tn every Vpposlte Pntittt Vttre, Washington, I), (A LAFFERTY'S PATENT Screw Porcelain-Lined Cylinder. BECEIVED lIIaitEST AWABD At Centennial Exposition, i'lilL,Aii:i.riiiA 'I. ... , and uhi: ii'iwr i ;.nt:K wood rinii'4 I' In the inntket, PI iln wni ucks, nWi copper and pr nvi iin nn. u. .iiir m sen iw.ii.i , na nits oiu puinp. and fnsl out iii'r Hie taoni'y. Don't buy a pump i mil you can ir wiiouhioi pucts. Beffleml) r We Warrant Every 0Q3 TO GIVE S ATI3F ACTIO V. UVhJVrt also 11 lin(r Ch.iln I'umpsut erylow pru'f-s. v-ul um uwi ht icitrit'iicr. .1. bCIIUYI.Klt & SOX, Sep. 2f. 'H Im IlLOOMSIIUKfl, PA. Standard of" The World Over 30D Modifications. TO THE FIQU'iENTS OF EVEBY BUSINESS SCALES. MmW with 1 lie I.Hlihi nmLUohi Viitiinblff Imitrot t'liicnlN. Two Grand Prizes AT PAULS liXPOSITIOX. Itrccivcil IliglicNt MciliilN at wnti.irs vmu, i.'ivnov, WOUI.Il-i I'lllt, M!V YOHK, WdllM)'-! F Mlt, l-Allls. WtMtl.liy YWU, VIIINNA, WOIII.IIM 1'MH, SANTIAtin, (flilll) WOlll.i'N KMII, l-IIII.AIlhl.l'IIIA, j:!!riM1!'' K.AI"' hviiNi:v, (au.uuiid) IS1 IsM 1W!7 1113 1973 1 Mil 1S7T lalX FAIRBANKS & B WING 715 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia, feep. 27, 73-t3 v x IMPOaTANT TO YOU.'.'Q The Bryant & Stratton Business College, Mo. 108 South 10th Streal, PUlai'a, Offers miHnrpii8ti fucUlties lor ac-qulrluK P.'vualnesa edu cation. NtuUonto cmi enter Rt any tlnic.. No vitCHllons. Illustrated circulars lrco. HUB. !IU, -78-V0W ASH IlEALElt IN Silverware, Watehes,Jowelry,Clocks,&c, iLw !52 jSEiDw-ttoS? omco humae DreTd03r All kind rf Wotdits, Clocks and Jeiulry neat ly repaired and wairunled. may n, -7s It A KSIGNKK'S NOT1CK. .Ot' Ixieut ohuii John .Nuiu-Bu uereoy cuentliat Aaron K, Knlttlo ot ooii.,,. !. ... jV.ri W'.'V'W t'l',"'',."t I'as ftfslt-ni d all I'lestale to i.i '.VS.'l'!.'" ,oc,.lkt tniWp in trust for tl'i teneilt 01 credltots ot Die said Aorou B. Kutltle. KfmRf im". ""lltid to the tsld Aaron illtle. All Aaron 8. and nil rj-rvons liai claims or diinand m make , JOHN P. YOTM. . . Asfclenee ot Aoron H. Knlttlo, Ati.oiT I:iun AH s. tor Assignee. ""'"'" S,'it, 6, 'i-e TrllSfAPErISKEPT0N FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 Siiisom St, PHILADELPHIA. Who are our authorized aiteuta, uud receive AdnTtueiucuu n.t our , id;o. III Til Fall U I Uegs leave lo inform his customers mid the public that his stock is uow replcto with nil tho Notifies for luill and Winter Wear, consisting of new nmljbcnutiful styles of ' ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT REDUCED PRICES uny of which he is prepared to make up in tho latest style. Reiuiy-iimrto cothiii"; cheaper thmi ever. Cheap Suits for men. Cheap suits for Youths, Hoys for all "of the best make and Just received u full lino of all tho For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. BAYED MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUKG, DPA.. 6 '13 rpirX-jE: LAECHESf MEWSFUPIEK AND HAS TUB Margest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $1.50 a Year in Advance. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE! DIFFEJRETATT STYI.233 OP TYPE' IN THIS PAPER OF THE INN U.M Ell ABLE AND MATERIAL Ie 'fflii'B CdliiiiMilbiianii )ffiB. ABl kinds of I'laisi ami F;asaiy Printing done oaa sBaon! noil ice and at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA, yyAINWISIOIIT ACQ., WHULESALK CiltUUIIIIH, 1'UlLllJELrilM, Dealers In TEAS, SVIIUl'S, COFl-KE, hUOAIt, .MOUSSES, kick, sncrs, kicabb rout, Ac, &o. N. K. corncrSecona nntl Arcli kticcta, nrOrdcrs will receive rronipt attention, tf BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HERRING EKSl'lXriTUM.Y annotinccn It) tlic public tliul lie hati rcocucd SNVDEH'S TANNKHV, (old stand) Illooinbbiirir, l'a.. at tho forks nt tho lit. .y and l.iKlithtrett roads, ltcn uli ili'HrrlpllnnKnr leal t.i r Id ho madu lu the incut ami nunvuiiiuuKi! uiuiintr, utid bold ui prircb to bull tlm nu b. 'i ho hlghibl price Iti lath will al all times Lo lu 1UI (Ml KEN HIDES otfvtrydcborlpilon In Ihe country. Iho puhllcpat routine 1 roK'-tluity holidicd. liiwilluui, m.u 1, 1MB. 11KALT1I AND HAPPINESS, Jleallhniid llappinchsareptlcclcM Wcullh to llu-lr pobbiibuih, uudjillLC) uio Klihlnthettaihof ev eryone 'Alio 111 UM) WIUUHT'S LIVKIl TILLS The only sure CUIIB tor Torpid Uicr, Djsu'psla. Ileadiiilic, ur stoiuach. lonstlputlon, liillilty, .... ui.y Bit iiiuutlia VUIUIUUIUIB HUU lilMKl UIS- ordtra Mjjio tfuuluu unkha bitmcd "Mm. 'Mlitht. Phlla" ir jour I ruunlbt vMU not bupi ly send to cents tor one box to Larrltk, Holler C to., 70 N.4iu St., I'klk, Jan., ts-ly ur M. C. SLOAN & BRO. 3m J III.OOi118III)IUit IA, Manufacturers ot Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATKOHM WAOONH, AC FlrsMass orlc alwaj s on hand. lIKfAIKINO NEATLY CONK, lllecs reduced to suit the Umea. Jan. e, uu-u. Fall Gtoods! Children. at tho lowest prices. latest styles in color and quality of FOR -A-ISTID Bom SOLD ONLY BY a ucck In jour own town, fsoutill luo. No Uk. JU'hgit IT y uu want n imslricwi nt v lileh 1 rrf-oiis of ( liber mx can ir.ake LTi'iit. nut nil 11 1, llnm iliMV work- wrltti for I'aitlliJlura to II, ui i.tT& Co., l'uitland.Mulne. niuich 22, '7fi iy HAPPY RELIEF To nil Mitivilci; Irum clironlo dl!Ubi sot all kinds. I'urtldenlldl cuiiKiiltuilon Invited jxThonally (r liy ir.ull, Ni w ini-tliod ot tn-nlmciit. Sew niul rrllalie ifti-riHi'S. lunik ntid cltciilarH sent live In K'ttlod llilllin. AditrtbH IIIIWAHII AUUIATIUN', 411) Ni rtli Ninth hlrcit, I'nlladcliililn, l'a., un Inslltuln liiiMni;n IiIeIi reputation tor honorable conduct and t rorehHonai skui. July 111, ';-3m jHtCO ESPY PLANING MILL. The underfcitrnen lepseocr tlieKspy rianlDe Will, Is pic pa red to do alt Muds or mill work. Doors, Frames, M, Blitfls, etc. made to order en short notice. hatlstactlon guar. aiitccd. oiuki.ks Kurd, Iilocmsburg, I . - 7lf- -n HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Ooldi, Icflotaia, Hoaneaeiii Difficult UreatLlDg, and all Affoctloni of tte Throat, Bronchial Tntci, and Lnngl, leading to Oontomptlon, This infallible remedy is composed of the llovnyof the plant Horchound, in chemical union v. ith Tak-IIai.m, extracted from the I.HK 1'RINCiriE of the forest tree ABEIS ISauumka, or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES AND scAri Eits all irritations and inflainmalions, ruid the Tar.lialm CI EAKbFS AND uf.ais the throat run I air passage leading; to the lungs. 1'lVE additional ingredients keep the organs coo, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you frmn trying this great incdi. cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou aands of lives liyit in his large private practice. N. II. The Tar-Halm has no uau taste or smelt. pmcrs 50 cents and $i ter bottle. Great saving to buy large siio. "PlkeV Tootliwlio Drops" Cure lu 1 Minute. Sold liy all Druggists. 0. N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y. dec,u,-jr; IiTiKrn-atniKl thormisli lill-mirliyin f roprrj tUn; tlr. I'lcrn'i Oolclni .Mnli.-nf pl.coiiry curt ill rrfm tlw nr ""(' to 'Sr? Mlnrn l lu!.ii., nn.l llnlr tlfrcls tn i ra.llcn rj, 0liVM, huiltllln.1 MmNl rnn.lltiillon itlnh. II. c.l. 1 rr. prlw. Cnll-rhrum, Pctrr hnrrfc Kc.lT r l:outh "Ll".ln !i'.rl.nll ul-c ai , i t ai .1 f.y lu. I loVu.n " riiwi'irml lf IliU mcrful, I.iirl rj Inn, nn I ,,:W,Wl',MH II. potency I,, tmtn, hrrorulou. Hnrr. nml Hwlllnff Mlp NwrlllnffN uo.lro or 'llilri. .rf u. no i ,.ninr.M ir von ilalL iliow ir, (irl.llllali'il, lmc rnllow rolor r.r rk I ii. 'r Jilloftlsli-l rown rpol on r.iro or, rrrqiiMit IumiIiuIm .r iJHilncis bail titc In inraiHi, lliltninl Inat tr I Mill i nllcmnlr.l ltli liol,low iiilrll", nn.l (rlooniy fonboillnirv Irn pillar nnrrrlllV. niv I loninii. r...ilnl. von nrc uilrrrlnit irtmi TnrpM llirr. or Hlllo.,...." In tunny cum ol l.tVrr mplntnl " I nl) fart o( Hll-80 r) iutoiu. nru cxwrlMi' .1. A. a rttiinlyfor nil mill case, tin 1'lirri's (Icl.lcn ilcllcnl Discovery lias no cinl, J It r Uccts m rfvet nml r.i'llrnl cnrcfi. In lire t ore r,t llmnchUK Krcro fVmiiln, nn. Ilio ftrlv .Inert, or CftnuMipllon, H linn n.lonlMiil tlij in. Ileal iVirnlly, nivl iiulnciil .lijMclnni .roiinmico It llii' L-rcttC't liH'illcnl Ol.covtry of tlic nirc. lillu It run s ttii- cvf ml ( 'nitph. It rln-nptliins the i) elim mi. I rurlllrnthr) l.ti.o.1. HoM l;y IriiMl.ti. I!. V. I'M. in I'.. -M. Ii.. I'rop r, Worltl'i Dlrpcnsnry ami liiTaUJi' Ilulil, llullalo, N. V. size: or PELLETS. OOO o o o THE CATH ' No oo of tUn tho Inrsc, r T"' 1 J f; 5 Bf ITS?.1.! ?, Pi1,' 2 rnmnowil of clitnp. enfle, nml luilky Inirnllmt". IliSw l'lllrl i nroVntcrlr lnrer thnn ma.lnr.1 Mcdm ,!lW!li'u'Vgffcmli Plomuili. cr Illonit In Ilcnd. tako lr. IMrrc. l'kwnnt I'uritntho IMIcln. In opl illation of tli.j rimidlal poiur of ll.uo rnrjrathu IV "H "' cnat nnrlclvofOI, inay tM tnl.l lint Ihclr lidlun lipon Itr Bi.lmol rponomy I. ,inlvrr.nU ,iot a any l nirlli of Ihur. In ?ny ll"Jt-. " '"1 "wy. " alvajs frith nnl ullaMo. Tlilali not tin- rayltu 1.IU1 nit up In cluap on,lin nr pasl.l.oar.1 lion. Vnr all ulicru a IiMlrej Alterntlie. oe I'uraiitlie.l! Indlcateil.lh.t4i lllllf i' I K''" tlm most iTf4"ct pntl-ractlon. eoM lii dniagl.t. I!. V. 1'll.Iti i:. 31. n.. I'mir'n. Wotld's Dispensary aud Iatall Js' Hotel, lluffalo, N. V. CATARRH miiTfliiR.- Frrnmnt licul- achp,illcliarpi' I illlnn Into throat, 6onu'tlmi;9 prnrnsi't miter) thick i.iirmi4. tmrlili lit. (ilfrnfilvr. ( tP. In ctlHTMi (trrnosB,ilrrwaur),wi;ak,or Inflaine'l Du-, Etoitntnir up, or obstruction, of the iiiisui pas Bacta, rlnKlnp In Urs. dr&fut's hawking and cough liik' toclcar tlm 1 1 iron t, Id nt Ion, ficatm from ulc rf, tolcealtc rcit.nanal twauff.oirvnBhehr;atli,ln)palrt'.l ar total deprivation of pi im-of stncll '1,t:i?t'1IiU rlnris, nitntal depreitlon. loss or aniwtlte, lndiwi Hon, rnlarccd tonsils tlckllnR coiiiiii, (tc. Only a Tow of thcBQ e)7nptoui8 aro UkLiy to Lo prmut la any :oso at one time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces radical curcsof tho worst car of ratarrli, no raittiror howloiiK ttan.llnir. The liquid nnv I. mulled, or tli r applied I V II10 uw of Dr. I'ltncl.'s Douclii'. ThU Is tlio only f.irni or lnstru aii'ntlit Innate.! Willi nlilcli llnl I 1111 illeliie can Ii; nrrle.1 limn if and rnuFtCTLY rrani to nil parts of tlie nlTi eted n.isni pissipia, and tlin tliain tiers or eatttlcs coiiimunlcallnir llnrewllli, In wlilili lores and ulcers frequently exist, ami from which the catarrhal dlsciinriro irenerally proeenls. Its use is pleasntil and rasliy undirstood, from directum iccnniiianylni; each InstninienL Dr. si. a nrrh lUnn-dv eures neent attneks of "told lit tlio llud" I ' a f.w appllcallnns. H Is mil. I and plca int lou. ontilnliijr no 6troniror enustlc 'Irujs or DoLous. t 4'irrli Itiniedynn-I Ii'.uihi'wildtiTdfwa I.. V. rinirt', l. H.. l'r..r.V.i rl J's Dls peusary and liivalU.' Iloltl, J.aL-alo, :.. . nil?. . 0, 'H Tho Lightest Running, 'The Simplest, Tho Most Durable, The Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It in canity uiulcriitnml, tnake the cloiiblc-dirvHtl lix'k-hlKi'li, ha nolf regulnf In a teiiNloiis and talcc-iip, and trill da the w liolo range vf family irnrivlllioiit tliaiicc. Thv ' Ilonicfctlc' Ih made in the tnont d arable manner t with conical steel bearlnta and compensating Journult throughout PAPER FASHIONS. Tliem popular PATTKltNH for ladlei, fiiascji', nnif children dress, urr nil oil 11 njntcill (.lipcrlor fo any s.Vu iisr, muf rein lie iiri4criif'4l hy liny "mo. J'Kltsllreetlonisiiiiit f(inlratlo,i tut eiiri en vtlope. fiend J', vn Ctnls fur Illustrated Cata loguo vf IOOO JVmAIdim. Sswinsc Hachino Co., Hew York. I. W. HAHTMAW, ApfDcuiPEiic" Paier Faslioas nioomsbur. recctiiber 11, isil iy Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; PaLnt Initds Holt Work and llltifid Cap. 10 nn without it i i W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 04 Mulden I.iuie, hi WUluua IL, dec. I, istl-iy IW T01X, n f" O TT huslnesi you can enr-au'e In. 13 to f ao I pir dayinade hy any Huikirof iliher UUvl 1 ben, iltiit In Ihelruuu Kanlllli-s. Par. tlculara anil hauiples worth it free, Iinnrmo jour fliarp II1110 at IhlsbUblueM. Add n Mismik t Co.. Portland, Maine, march 'ti tb-; j- TTtuiriile rnoney faner at ncikrcrtwlhanat. D 1) iiiini; else capital nor required; wo will art si.ii. .19 i..rilnvi,ii.ii... .......I....... "" M.i.iwviiimii vj lira tline. CcUy oullltand terms trie. AddresaTaeu Co., Auuuhta, Jlalne. March v8, ts-ly J0IJ lMUNThd Neatljr anil cheaply eieculed ut tie Columbian OIBou. f4 Ninth f-lri l t I'lltfhuiL'. tlcc. 10. 1ST4. Mrsfrs. DHDIIhll. IIPAVAT O tirnlletnin : our nnliitnhaii' irUni rnllrn sat- Nfacllori, 1 hatn tisid Ihcm on n inmd many dtircr ent Kinds or uork, Mich n lion, T 11 MotHl, Ittlck, Arc., and ticvcr heard any cotni-lalntfi, tin thn con. tiury, tin' ork atnnils ell and tor enr, lllln my opinion, stand Willi any lend In Hie ii'Bikrt. When In want nf ti feicf te In Uilttliy 1 r Mcltdly jott nro nt IllNTly In im' my name with pleasuit, also tousu I Uln UN OU 1 111J1K KM. ite'.rH'ciiuiiy nun., .Itlll.N T. (WAY. rainier nnd Denier In 1'iillitn, ells, AC. hTIIRTLY I'lIK Willi II t.HAIl, AT rilBLOWKST .MaIIKKT ltATK-t. JIONTOIJIt KI.ATI: I'AINTS, S CKNTO. MOXTOrit.MISTAI.l.liJ WHITS. S CENTS. MONTtll'It MKTAt.l.lf! lltlOWN, (I (JESTS. OI K C()I.Ol:S AT Tllli J llll- rt. PURE LINSEED OIL iH liiui'Nl luailu l 111 Irn. Snmtilo enrdij and rrlte Iifl without charge. Oiihraaml ttiitulilea liy mall will rccelie rromnt altenllon. 1IKNRY S. KEAY, IANUKAOTUUKU, KUTEUT, l'A, .moyi:h r.itorf. WtlOl.lAl.I-: AOKNTtf, lil.OOMdllllr.fl, l'A Mays, 'ti.-ly. Tho Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood'n Magazine Tho Leonard f3co;t Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., Now York. Oonllnno their authorized lleprlnlHot Tin: i:iiiMii iciiu m;viKWtiii(,',) tiii: WK-iTMiNsi i:it ui;vikv (i ii rni), TlIK LONDON OUAHTHItl.V HKVIEW (Conserva tlsc). TIIK Iiltmsit QUAItTKHI.Y 1IEVIEW (Evaneel lcal). it" Tliew Heprlnts nro rot 8lcetlons ; thpyplvo tlit- o)lj,'lnaN In lull, a nil ut about ono-thlrd tliupilco of tho HitfiMi tuitions. Tin latest idaii(Ts nml dhco files In the nrtsand sciences, tliu recent mldltlons to knowledo In eu'ry ilop.utiiu'ht or HUTututP, untl all the iiuw pulillca llons aa they issti frum tlmprcs aro fully leported ami (llscuitH'd lu tho pagi" of t hose. piTlortlcals, In Mngtuco at once clear, forcible and rompiflicnshe. Tho nilloU's atu co.iuiHinly moro condensed and lull of tnattortlian the aerayo books or the ierlod. Tm iiis for IS7S liiclmllup poslne I'nvalilo strtctlv In Advance. 1 or unvunu iteview For any two Ielevn For any tlireo IteWews For all four He lews Tor Illaekwood'H Jlag.izlno For Ulackuood and one licUew For Hlnckwood and two eies For lllackuood and three Itetlena For lllackwuodand four IteMewn fl 00 jkt annum 7 (HI 10 W " 121 4 (H) " 7(H) JO IH) 13 I U laoy CLUbS. dlfccutitcf tMcntj 1 tr per c ctd. will l allowed oclutisor louroriniiu pithOiiH. 'ihus: lourcop esor lilackwood or or one I'elew will be tent to one address ror fl'2 so, four copies of the four JleUews ana itl.ickwoud furfts, nnd so on. 'lo clubs or ten ormote, tti atldltlon to tlio abovo discount, a copy gratia w HI bo allow ed to tho gullter up or tUoclub, PKKMIUMS. yew Kubscilbcrs (applilnffearli) for the 3 ear 1S78 may hae, without charge, the numbers for the last qu.irttr of 177 or bULhii.iloUlcal8 as thej bubscrlbur ror. or Instead, new subscribers to any two, tlnve, or four or the ahoo peilodtcals, may hao one or tho "Four IidWews" for 1S77 ; bubbcilbcm to all live may hao two or tho "Four l(LMtiws"or one bet of Itlack wood's Magazlno for ls;7. Nelihtr M?mtuinsto btibwilbcra nor discount to club can be allowed, unless the money Is rt tnltted direct to tho publishers. .No premiums ylun to ClUlrt. Toscturo premiums It wllllxj necessary to mako eiirly apnllcatlon, as tl.o btOLkunllablo lor that pur- Tho Leonard Scott 11 HAltCLAY ST.. ft'b 1. 1S7S. Publishing Co., NEW YOHK, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIII.ADKI,l'IIA AND KKADING KOAD AKUANUEMKNT OK PASSENGER TUAINS. May 19, ibis. TItilNS LKAVK ItCl'EItT AS FOI I.OWnjBl'NIIiV tll.'EITHl For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'otlbvllle 1'atnariua, Ac, 11,43 a. lu For Cataulssn, 11,45 u. in. 7,20 and 7,:c p. in. .For Wllllunisport,ol',fo y,oi a, m, and 4,00 p. m. TKAIN8FOH KUI'ICKT LEAVE AS rOI LOWS, (8C HPAY IX CK1TED.) Uftirc Now York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,3, a. in., PottsvUle, 18,15 p. m andTainaqua, 1,'J0p. m. U'liutrutaulssa, 8,60 a. m. and 4,oiip.ra. U'u e W luiainspoi 1 ,9,45 a.m,s,t5 p. m. and 5,00 p. ra rnsatngers lo ai.d from New Yorkand I'hllad. 1 phlaKothrousj without change or cars. J. K. WOOTTKN, C'.'d, HANCOCK, Uenera. Manager, (.eueral'l icut Agmu Jan. II, t70 It. N joiiTiiintx CENTRAL ItAlMVAY CO.Ml'ANY. On nnd afler November aoth, 1813, trains will leave MUNUUliY as rollows: NOHTIIWA1ID. Etlo Mall 6.90 n. m., urrlve Klmlra n .6 " L'anandalgua... 3.85 p. ra ltoche&U'r 5.15 4' Niagara y 40 ( Henovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. anUe Williams IX) rt 19.68 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. in., nrrhe filmlra 10.80 a. m. llullalo Kiprsss I.1B a. m. arrive Ijutfalo 8.60 a. re KOUTUWAUD. llullalo Kxpn.ES 8.60 a. in. arrive Ilarrlshuri; 4 M a. " Da)tlU)OIO8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrive llarrtsburi;l.60p.m " Washington " " llaltlmore c.3o 't " Washington 8.S0 ' llarrlshurgaccominodallon 6.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p. m, arrlv e Haltlmoro 8.95 a. m " Washington 6.13 " Erie Mall 19.65 a. m. arrlvo llarrlnburg 3 06 a. m) " llaltlmore 8.40 " " Waklilngionlu.as1' All dally encept Sunday. I. M. HOYD, Jr., (lencral Passenger Agett A. J. I'AbSATT, (lencral Manat(r D KI.AAVAHK, LACKAWANNA ANU WKbTKUN ItAlLKOAD. l!I.OOMSI!(Jlta DIVISION. Tlroe-TnUo No. M, Talcs erect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1SI8. NOHTH. STATIONS. NOHTH mi p.m. p.m. u.rn II to II 40 9 87 II 30 9 SI a tu Kcrauton llellevuy ......Tailonllle,.,. . ..Lackawanna. 1'ltlt.on . . West ITtthton... .... W'oinin ilallhy iiiiinett Klnijston Klntrnton ..I'll mouth June. .... Plymouth Aoudalo Kantlcoke .Utinlock'al reek. -Milckuhlnny.... . .HIl lV V..rri u.ui. ii in, p.ui as 9 10 9 16 9 V3 V II 08 8 tS 0 13 0 911 Ii tt a 31 1 40 a Ai 9 43 8 94 3 61 9 0 8 84 18 M 10 07 8 til 8 111 8 40 S 4 8 44 9 II U 41 U 10 83 3 M 8 111 S II) 9 49 C 5.) 2 63 6 611 4 RT ii ,a 9 04 8 44 10 1ft Bin 1 Hi 110 S3 3 15 7 18 8 93 3 80 8 66 B 10 7 IS 10 SO 10 34 10 4J 8 IS 7 SB 7 f5 1 ii 8 19 3 11 8IM 3 04 7 01 S Al I S3 9 11 1 1 IN 7 S3 9 94 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 09 9 '4 t 1.0 1 07 8 81 3 Sil 8 I9 3 Wl 6 14 8 W 8 85 n 8 17 8 1U 10 11, 11 07 II 13 ....t:eaih llaeu'." 4 03 4 10 S 45 8 65 8 no ncrwicx Hrlar (.'reek... . Willow drove.... 11 Si 4 18 9 05 I 4 '.5 7 II 4 99 7 S3 144' I IM IJmoItldL'H A ...... .'l 39 4 49 7 44 7 bo a oo 6 45 0 SI 1 rl -."",;iii4ii4uif...,.,ll 41 4 49 A 1 03 7 89 7 II Itllrv.r. lit . 1 4 1 SI ......... ..u.-v, v HI u 4 6 i 8 S iCttUwuaa iiridije. It 67 sui a is lITTin'" chulaskyir.!!'. 19 18 6 14 8 SI o is 0 (M 1 00 9 61 sn n - e 45 ...... 4uueron .riorthuiAbu huid. 19 43 6 45 9 to p.m. p.m. a.m. P.m. n.m. am butter uenl cat"; Jiu'Cjo!"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers