mn 17 n A I n it m i at LJUli jVJjU MJ5I AIN, ni,ooHsnuna, fiiidat, oci. 11. ts;a Itall Una.l Time Tnlile. LACKAWANNA & BLOOM8I1U1U1 HAIL ItOAl) K0RTII. Accomraodatlon Train A.M. Mall Trait 7.3s A. M SOUTH. 8.MA.M. 4.49 I'. M 11. A. M sxpresa Train i.t,; p. t. OATAWISSA HAIL ItOAD. NORTH SOUTH Accommodation Train s,w A. M. P.M. Express 4.r I M. 11.45 A.M. Thronghrnrsnti Express train cither to New urk or Philadelphia. Accommodation train r una between Uatawlssa anil Wllllamsport. lJnMociiATio Mixtinos Tlie following nn. nntinri menl of Democratic! meetings nre tuattt liy tin- Clmlrmnti of tlie t't iinly Committee i Moii'luy eeeiMiij; October Hiti Montour, tit Dietterirk's. Tne'ilny evening Octolier 15ilt, Mt. l'leasitit, at Miller's. Weilncfilpy evening, Oclotier lOlli, Kycr'i 0 rovo. Tliiimlny (-veiling, October 17llt,Orangcvllle. Friday ctii'k, Octolier 18, Half Way HoiKe. Saturday evening, October 19lli, Evansvllle. Able r pcalicn will be In attend ance. I). I.owkniieiui, Cbalrnian. HucWwIieat flour nnd turkeys wanted on sub- Fcriptlon. In the boat race at Montreal on the 3rd Inst, Itanlnn beat Courtney by a length and a quar ter In thirty nix minutes and twenty two seconds. John I. Mitchell litis been renominated for Concrete by the Republicans of the sixteenth district. Vi'a go to press lh'n week a half day earlier than usual, to allow our employees to attend the Fair. Dr. It. H. Smith lias been nominated for Con' grcs by the Democrat", and J. 1 Davis by the (1 reeiibackers, of the sixleenlh Unmet. The Senatorial Conference adjourned from Williani'port to Danville, where it met in WcdncMlay anil Is now in session. We return thanks to thoe of our subscriber" who have responded to our notices of subscrip tion due. There are still many to hcar.from, A farmsr told us the other day that he would not be without Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup if it cost IWe dollars a bottle. It mint be a wonder. Vul remedy. Nantlcoke has two school board", ami each one is attempting to run things their own way. They have got into the courts now and the dif ficulty will probably be adjusted. The fence along the north side of the Court House Alley is being rebuilt. It has been an eye sore for a long time, and the improvement was much needed. Willnm J. Knorr has been commissioned. Justice of the l'eace for the lljrough of lierwick to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John McAnall, Esq. Hitsiness men in every civilized country testify that actual ue during many years proves fair- banks' Scales to he convenient, accurate and dur able in the highest degree. We r quest all mothers to stop using Lauda num for Ihe Babies, and use Dr. Hull's Il.iby Syrup, a good medicine. It contains nothing Trljurious. Mr. Jacob Smith of New York lly is in town visiting frifiids He lived 'n llloonisburg fifty four years ago, and workid in Ihe first printing office in Columbia county. He is now engaged in the real estate business. The Columbia County delegation for the Wahinittonvill Fair will leave lliickhorn on ' Iminlsy niori irg Oct 17lh at 7 o'clock head cd by Risewick with the Huckhoni Hind. Every body is envited to join in this procession. An unoccupied frame house belongingtoLew is McAflte on Summer Hill, Ilriar creek town ship, was burned down un Monday night last, The building was an old one without in-urance The loss will not exceed SLUO. I his was the work of an incendiary. Poon Smith 1 He left the Republican Parly and Joined the' Nationals to get an office, and after a weary struggle conies home with a pen dent lower lip defeated I and this, too after all his toil, trouble, nnd of course lavish expemli lure of money, and then beaten by a Ilcrdic. Alas poor Yorick 1 We are informed lint there are an unusually large quantity of strawberries in the fields near Rear Gap. Mr. P. Thomas alono pltked over 60 quarts. Ho haB presented us a box of fine ones picked ns late as Saturday. This is cer tainly remarkably lato to guther strawberries. Our thanks aredue to him for his kind favor. There will be a Democratic Mass Meeting at Benton, Tuesday,' October 22, at two o'clock p. m. Hon. C. R. Ruckiilew and other prominent speakers will be present. Let everybody turn out and have a rousing meeting in f.ivor of lion est government, honest llionev. Andy Dill and the whole ticket. With the recent elections perished the. last lionoofthe Republicans to rcvcifo thoilem- ocratic control of tho next Congrei-s. W'itl a net loss of four and probably six members in Ohio and Indiana, added to the, loss of nun in Oregon, one, in Vermont and two in Maine, with thoHiiglo gain of ono in Colorado to oil- set tho nemiint. Democratio supremacy In both tho Senate) and House seems to Le assur ed oti tho -1th of March next. LADY IlEAUTIFIEItS. Ladies, vou cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and snaiklinc eyes with all the cosmet ics of France, or bcaulifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you euci good heallh. strenelh and beauty as Hop Hit ters. A trial is certain proof. See another column. The Afhland (O.) IW gives Ihe following complimentary notice of our former townsman U. M. Girton ! "That ehgant new hnrniss ncenlly trolled out by Thomas & Yearick, which attracts tlie no- linn wua i It, liv Mr. C M. Clip ton, of Savannah. He certainly iinder-lands his Lusiness, for It Untie of Ihe bestj'obs we have seen in many a ilay." Ever since Dr. W.M.Ciilesnf-151Sixthavenue, extended a flank invitation to ihe owners of lime horses to bring their crjniiio property round to his place of busings for free treatment, the corner of Twenll-scventh street ami hixin avenue has come to ronuble a horse fair. The Doctor's bold drjiance, which Is thus lliriM upon thecuiious attention of his neighbors, Is h.vcd on his earntst belief in his Iodide Ammonia l.xn- niment, which la now preferred to ull otherB hy the tliltf stock raisers and poiling men of this country. A valuable hoise of Ihe writers was kicked on the hoik. Swelling and lameiics ensued, i. I ...... I .,1.1,.. w- n il v !.., .1 in trv (iila Jamuuiu. ami are K ra ff iid.,,1 in mv It acied like a charm. About two inches of bone came away, the sore healed, and lameness and swelling ure fuel disappearing. lln.rv Wait) Jietcher, Lyman Abbult, Eli- tori. In the Oourt of Common Pleat of Columbia County. John O, Frtctt 1 VS. Mnliin In MliJIr irTI 77. . , -1 I. ... I I . . M I iml wkju Mtumua. j Appeal. 1. Counties are not Munlclnal Cnniritnn tl.t .1.. .. .. . !. . . "limn me meaning oi tun Bin section of the lClh srllcle of the Constitution nor of Ihe Act of 13th June 1874, providing for appeals In certain casts, The inking of prlvalo properly for Ihe pur- line ot Highways under Ihe general road laws, Is not by virtue of any privilege in vested in the counties, hut is nn act (if pow er on Ihepartof tlicSiate.excrcisedlhtough Itsjudlclary. 3. No nppeillies to llie Court of Common l'leis Irani assc"tnents of ilsmnges caused hv Ihe laying nut of public roads hy proceedings in tlii (Jusrler Se-sions. OPINION 11 Y KMVI'IX, p. J, In pursuance of an order Issued out of the Court of Quarter Sessioniof thlscounty, tho viewers to whom it was directed reported that they had viewed and laid out for public us a road from a point on a public road near George Z'lgler's in Scott township to a point on tho Mt. Pleasant road iti Illooms burg that the road bo laid passes over the mproved lands of the plalntifl and that they had assessed his damages at the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars. Within the tlmo limited in, and in man ncr and form as provided by the Act of 13 Juno 1871, Pamph, Liws 288 an appeal was taken by the plaintiff and duly entered upon the record ot tlie Court of Common Pleas. On motion of Counsel for the County, a rule wns granted to show cause why this n peal all ill not bo stricken off. Tho questions raised by this rule by consent of counsel were submitted to the Court without argil incut. The Act of 1871 was passsd for tho pur- purpose of carrying into effect the 8tli sec tion of the 10th Article of .the Constitution and in its firtit section provides as follows "In all cases of damages assessed against any municipal or other corporation or iudivldu ai or individuals, invested with the privi ege of taking private property for public use, for properly taken, injured or destroyed by the construction or enlargement of thel works, highways or improvements whether uch assessments shall have been made by viewers or otherwise than upon a trial in Court, and an appeal is'.not provided for or regulated by existing laws, an appeal may be taken by either party to the Court Common Pleas of the proper county within thirty days from the ascertainment of the hiniagcs or the filing of a report thereof in Court pursuant to any general or special .Vet, and not afterwards," Under the general road laws of the State counties are required to pay damages caused by the laying out and opening of road through improved lands. The questions which are presented in con struing the section of the Constitution above mentioned and the act of 1871 are, whether the term municipal corporations was intcn ded to embrace counties, and in this wheth er the authority to lay out roads, conferred by law upon the Courts of Quarter Sessions cm bo properly held to be an investiture of the county with the power or privilego o taking private property for public use, The term municipal, originally mgiiifyin a free town or city, is now generally appliei: to incorporate ddistricts, having charters granted by the legislature, or which hav been erected into a borough by a decree of the Courts under general laws enacted for that purpose. The primary and fundamental idea of municipal corporation is an agency to regu late and administer the internal concerns o i locality in matters peculiar to the place incorporated, and not common to the state or people at large. In his excellent treatise on Municipal Corporations Judge Dillon in volume 1 pa 91 says: "Corporations intended to assist in the coudttct of local government are som times styled political and sometime public, sometimes ciVtV and sometimes municipal, and certain kinds of them with very restricted powers quasi corporations nil these bv way of distinction fron private corporations. All corporations i tended as agencies in the administration civil government, are public, as distinguish ed from private corporations. Thus an in corporated school or county as well as city is a public corporation ; hut the school ills trict or county, proprly speaking, is not while the city is a municipal corporation. In the case of Hamilton County vs. align els 7 Ohio St. Rep. 109, the distinction be tween municipal corporations proper, such as chartered towns or cities and involuntary quasi corporations such as counties is th pointed out by Hnnkerholl .1. in delivering the judgment of the Supreme Court. "M nicipal corporations proper" he observes, are called intoexistence either at tucelireci solicitation or by tho free consent of tl persons composing them for the promotion their own local and private advantage and convenience. On the other nan Counties are at most but local organization which for tho purpose of civil adtnlstratioti are invested with a few functions character istic of a corporate existence. I hey are I :al subdivisions of a state.created by the sov ereign powerof tho state of its ownsovercig will without tho particular solicitation, con sent or concurrent action of Ihe people w inhabit them. The former (municipal) or ganization is asked for,or at least assented hy the people it embraces ; the latter organ izjtion. (counties) is superimposed hy a sov ereign and paramount authority." ,V Mimiciiml corporation proper, is created mainly for the intcrest.advantage and eoiive- nienee of the locality and Its peopio ; a . i-..!.... .....niu.l ul..i.e ovr-lit. county orgatiii.uiou n ncs'i sively with a view to the policy ot the -late at large, for purposes of political or ganization and civil administration In mat ters of finance and tho general administra tion of justice. With scarcely an exception all the powers and functions of llin county organization, have a direct and exclusive reference to the general policy ot the state and are'.iu fact but a branch of the general administration of that policy." Comities aro therefore purely auxiliaries of the state ; ami to the general statutes of the state they owe their creation, and the statutes confer upon them all the powers ibev possess, prescribe all the duties they owe and imposo all the liabilities to which they are subject. Considered with respect to the limited number of their cor porate powers, they aie most frequently termed piasi corporation to distinguish them from municipal corporations proper, Tlie statute of 18.'H, Digest 295, does not declare counties to be corporations; It mere y confers certain powers to be exercised as a corporate body. It confers no authority to make by laws or rules or regulations for the government or convenience- of the peo people, and clearly was not Intended to ill vest them with the powers and privileges uuiverally,inveted in incorporated districts bucIi as cities and boroughs. In McCoy vs. Washington county 3 Phil. Rep. 232 Mr. Juktice Griersaldof the defen dant that it was "a municipal corporation and uot a private uno." The remark was un necessary for the case as the authority to create the debt in full was conferred by Act of Abseuibly and uot by any Inherent au lUb COLUMBIAN AND thority as ft municipal corporation. in uommonwialth vs. Morr sv C Weeklv Notes 72 It was held that a school tn-,iir.r is a municipal officer within thn meant ncf tit tho Act of 18G0 which makes It a misde meanor for any state, counly, township or municipal ollicer to convert In his use the fuuds entrusted to him for sufa keenlinr. In lelivcrlng the opinion of the, Court Mr. Jus- tlc Woodward said the character of counties nnd townships ns municipal corporations as hxcil by Act of Assembly. Rut I do not iiderstand him to mean by this anything moro than that they can exercise certain lim ited powers as If they wero a corporation. it appears lo ino that the exact status of counties was stated by Mr. Justice Geo. W. Woodward In Klltanlng Academy vs. Jlrowii, f Wright 272., lie says. "If counties were municipal corporations they would have the power of regulating i' eir internal police by what tho old Romans caalled leges munici- tatcs. Hut thev lack the lee slat ve facultv lid so nre not strictly corporations, still they are tjuasi corporations. They can perform many of the functions of municipalities. hey can sue and he sui'd, cm purchase, nidi and alien lands, can appiltit agents execute their will, but because they cannot legislate, everything don-j by the ouiity must be authorized by the lcgislatUo power of the State. In speaking of school districts, the same learned Judge said in Whecler vs. School I)i' rectors, G Wright3C3. "They belong to that class of yuan corporations to which townships and counties belong." To the same effect and nearly in the same language Is tho opinion of Mr. Jutlce Meicur in delivering the opinion of the Supreme Court in Comtli. vs. ileatnisli 3 Weekly Notes 111. In other States Ihe same view is takcu,as will be seen by numerous cases by reference to 3 U. S. Digest 010. I am therefore of opinion that nlhough counties may exercise certain limited and lefined powers as if they were corporations. they are not municipal corporations within the meaning of tho section of the constitu tion, and of the Act of Assembly under con ideration. Hut if they are municipal corporations, they are not within tho provisions of the statute for the reason that they are not in vested with the privilege ot taking private iropcrty for public use for highways From the commencement of proceedings to lay out a public road, to its being fina lly confirmed and opened for use, and from thence through all time, a county lias noth m whatever to do with It, except to pay lamages and expenses in compliance with a general law of the state. The takirg is by the state by right of em inent domain, in the manner provided by iti laws, through the agency of its judiciary. It las alwajs been the policy of the state to make provision for necessary highways fo: all its citizens ; and to that end, in grants of its lands there was added six per cent, for roads and the Courts of tho state were cloth ed with authority to appoint viewers and to establish roads. This may he done withou the consent or even against the protest of the county officials. They are invested with no power, authority or privilege pertaining to the matter.; The expense of opening and repairing roads is to be borne by the township which they are located after being estab lished they are held to be township and not county roads. The decisions of the Courts aro to tho ellect that they aro their (th townships) roads. Dean vs. New Mill'ord township B W. it S, 047. Alcorn vs. City o Philadelphia 8 Wright 351 and they and uot the county are liable lor damages caused by neglect to keep them in repair. I am of opinio, i therefore that no appeal allowed or provided for by the Act of 1 SI from an assessment ol damages returned by viewers appointed by tho Court of Quarte Sessions to lay out a public mail. The framersof the Constitution and the legislature) which passed the act clearly did not intend to flood the Courts with the amount of litigation aim expense wliteli would be sure to happen and bo incurred if an appeal might be laken.and a trial by jury had, m every ease of ilant-iges assessed or re fused hy viewers. I have had no dilliculty in reaching this conclusion, hut the import ance of the question seemed to demand that the reasons which led to it should bi placed upon record. And now October 5, 1878. Rule made abso lute and Appeal stricken oil VM. KLWKLL, P. J. . LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER. , Tvtlr'r Srn.rillH. I U-rlN. Itull. 1'lUll S ki.,1a1I lll.MMldl.K.ei IK-I.l loits wonder- S tut oi-r. l-uicltltMMli-ltiogiiaraiitrc of )i-tltll. Krali ' Il cured atf nn of KpuT. flu, eliil-l of I r,,l,i." irn. U Sm.lli , I u-1 inn. I' I nrt il. H. . m, I rofi'i. rlt.t,irih, 1 1. Suli tjr Xfpul on. upr 19. '7S-IV eo w 3 N'OTUIVd SllOKT OF llENElirS Conferred upon tens of thousands of uurerers could originate nnd maintain the reputation Mhtch Ajer's Suparllla enjojs. it Is a compound of tho beat U'Jmablo altcrallH's, Ulb tho Iodides of 1'olasMum and Iron, and Is (be most cuVetuQl of all remedies for Sciufulous, inrrcmlal, or blood disorders. Uni formly tuceesful and certain In Its remedial effects, It pioduce-s rapid and complete cures ot Scrofula, Sores, Polls, Humors, Pimples, Erup'lons, Skin Dis eases and all disorders arising nom impurity of the blood. Hy lis luvlgorntln e fleets It always relieves and otto n cures I-lier complaints, Female Weak- nessos;.uid Irregularities, and Isapotcnt reneueruf Mtallt). Kor purlfjlns the blood It lias no equal. It tones up the sj stem, itstores and preserves the heallh, nnd Imparts vigor and energy. Fur forty yi-urs It has been In extensive use, and Is to-day the available medicine fur tho buffering tick, any where. roKSAte hy ail Dealers. no 3, A milNISTKATOU'S XOTJCK. FtVTATB OK JOHN VT liFISHI.lNH, tCKAXI). l.ctitTHof Admliihtrntlun on the i-Mato of John W Ht'ishlliio. lata of n-iltluireriHic twn. roluinbtaca it'L'i-UT or sum touniy 10 ino unerMLrtit'U Atimin. Ntmtors. All utThons lmiln clalmn nirainst thy tht:i1oof thn Um-tlPiit Mt rt-qUfMnl to jirwent tute to liiltKo puMneut to tno tintlerMt'nrd AdiuJul tratora wilhout de-lay, HAltMl K M'HHUNF, IIKNJa.MIN (' MKss, ftUff, 80, 'l-uflw- .Mlrnlnlstr ion. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Wo will sell tho Very Best Tamily sowing; macmnc For Twenty-Five Dollars i., on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, with walnut top and drawer, and ni ceasary Attachments and deliver it at any Italiroad Depot In thu United e lives, Frco of Chiuge. These maehlneajare warranted in do the whole line ot Family hew Ing 1th more rapldlly.more easo of manage luent, and les lallgue to tno operator titan eny maehlne now In use. bend fur a circular, bvery luoehlne urrauled fur three J ears. Agents wanted in Uncccupiod Territory, Centennial Macliino Co., Liimtcd IS FILOEBT ST., rulUAKKU UIA, 1' Oct. 4, 7S-6U1. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE OR.BEMIUCK SENATORIAL COKFERBNCB. This liody concluded their labors at Dunvlll' on Tuesday night by nominating Peter ltordlc's nephew. As there were $2,000 flosUng stout, It was decided to vole by Secret ballot I Ltromlne we are assured did vote for Hendle, so Ihst ll vole must have come from Columbia Counly. Was fc!mlth old out, or did he well at any rale our Democratic Greenback friends have note the evidence that they are the rats-paws to draw out lata Cameron chestnuts, and ihey are call.-d upon to id IheRcpiibltrar.s In sending a life-long Cam- rnn Jtepiiblican to the senate to sicure Don Cameron's reelection I" the U, 8. Senate, It Is so remarkable how gleeful the Republicans are about Ihe result, and of course will endorse Her- T lit I r motto Is "Any thing to beat the Dem ocrats ', Deaths. HUTTOlJ.-ln Tralrlevllle, ill., on the lth"ult Elizabeth llutton, wife ot John Mutton toriiwlr of Beott township, Columbia eviuty, Pennsylvania, aged so j ears, months and as da) s. Business iSotices A Trade Dollar will still bur a dollar's worth of C.othlng at 1). Lowenberg's. Parties wanting to get clear ot Trade Dol lars can got full valuu In clothing for them at 1). Lowenberg's. WF.3TWARD HOI WF.STWARD 110 Parties cninir West will find it to their advantage to purchase their outfits of cloth- ing, trunks, bags anti satchels cheaper than ever at D. Lowenuerg s. Fall stvles of Worsted Coatlng-Knellsh cuttings just received at 1). Lowenberg s. Tho latest Novelty in Hats. Call and see Tun Russian Hat just received at I), lowcuuerg a. FALL HATS iust received for Jlen. Hoys aim Uhlluren at l.oweiiberg ' l'ockct books in lariro variety at Clark's Hook More. Tho disvlay of Jewelry. Silverware Watch es Clocks &c., at 1'. S. Hates' is said by all to he tho choicest to bo seen in Hlooinsbure.lle- pairing is done by him in tho best manner and at the lowest po&sible rates. Kine's Combination Specks are tho bestand can be had at Llark s liook store. At the request of many friends I have consen ted to allow ray name to be used as an independ ent candidate for County Cnninis'ioner, and I solicit the suffrages of my friends. Frances Lvans. Briarcrtek, October 1st, 1878. If voti have anv thine in tho shftio of. Tow- clry, Silverware. Clocks or Watches that needs renairine. urine it a one when you come to tho the Fair next week and cct it repaired by I . b. Hales, who does Mich work at tho low est rates, and insures it to give sattflaotion, Trade dollars taken for 100 cents at W. J. McKinnev's. Wall paper and Window Shades at O. A. Ulark s. 1'rices reduced. Good hleached or unbleached Muslin yard wido for C cents a yard and Coats' or Clark's Hnoal Cotton o cents a bpooi at i.uiz Sloan's. Pens. Pancr. Ink. Slates. Pencils, and every thine needed hv School children at Clark's JSook store. , The larecat stock of Pocket Books in the County at Clark s IJook btore. P. S.Ilates makes a Specialty of repairing Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silverware, or any thine else in his line of business. He always insures a firi-t class job, and is prompt witli Ins work. The French Crvi-tal Sni-ck for two dollars. Tho bcit Amciican Spcefc for ouo dollar, tlie Cheapest speck only twenty live cents all, lor tale at Clark s Speck's tor 2c.en.ts at Clark's. Lutz & Sloan aro selling a good Water- prool lor WJ cents a yard. School Bags and Straps, the cheapest made to tie had at mark s lioog atore. Lutz & Sloan sell children's Plaid Sash Ribbons for 8 cents a yard. Now in. 30 Ladies' Ileadv-madeCoats from $5.00 to $20.00 at Olark & Wolfs. A very lareo assortment ofScrap Pictures at Clark's Hook Store. Ladies and Gents' Underwear at Clark it Wolfs. Albums for Ferns and Autumn leaves at Claik's. Illnck and colored Cashmeres in, with a great variety of oilier Dress Goods at 7 cents ttnel upward at Clark & Wolf s. Quarter ream of cood note tiaDcr for thirty live cents at Clark s Iiook Store. DOBBIN'S fiLifcTUIC SOAP. Having obtained tlie agency of this ClXEIlRATEI) SoAI for Itloomsburc and viciuitv. I append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. "I have ued Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I. L. Cragin it Co., Philadelphia, Fa., tor wasliirit; about ten years, anil tlnnlc It superior to any other. Mrs. C. G. Barkley." "We have used Dobbin's ElectricBoau and find it superior to any other or alt others. Jiirs. w. u. Jacuoy, Mrs. 11. H. Stohner. I desire all my friends and customers to Give this Soap one Trial, bo that they may know ju-t how good tho lieslboap in the uuilcel states is. J. H. Maizh. july 12, 78-ly Bloomsburg, Fa. Boots and yhocs cheap at McKior.ey's. Cramiiton's 1'alm Soap is the best laun dry soap in this or any other market. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w McKintievs Shoe Btore below Court House, TryTt Buy it Palm Palm Palm Soap At Jacob II. Maize's at Jacob II. Maize's. may 3-18w Rubbers atMcKiunev's. CrainDtnn Brother's Palm koan at Jacob ll. lMiur.e s. it is the t,est. iry it. may 8-18w Admission free at McKinuey's. I.tit7. fi Sloan have a large line of corsets Irotu z: cents up. Cull at McKinuey's lor Shoes. Don't fall tn look ut Clark A. Wolfs stock floods. Boot hcadejuarters at McKlnney's. Yon can iret an ull Wool Shawl ladles' size at I.ulztV Sloau's for 11.35. ADMINISTRATOR' BALE OF VALUAIILB REAL ESTATE ! Tho undersigned Administrator of Preserve Con ner late ot Benton township, deceased, wUl expose to sale on tho premises the folnw Ing described rea tbtaUi tltuate In Uenton township, Columbia eoun ty on Saturday, October 19th, 1878, at to o'clock, a. m. t Hounded on the north by Unds of penntson cole, on the east by Emanuel Laubaeh, on the south by lands of Dr. I, K. Patterson and on the west by lands of Sabrlna Mcllenry and Mathtas Conner, containing riprv ACUE8 HBxaor HALS. Ten per cent of tho one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the continuation of sale ; and the re maining tbree-fourlus tn ono 5 ear thereafter, with tntcrsst from confirmation nlal. ELI JONKS, W, J. HUCKALKW, Administrator. Attorney for Estate. BLANK 'C'T j-r-.wltl, orwithtniMinptlai it" 4ie th oaitriiui otrm. A UDITOR8 NOTICE, matter of the eicentlrm tn ths tumunt bt ii. ueuer, jtxecuur oi ivnn Micuaci, ae ceasctl. The undersigned, appointed Auditor by thn Court onesceptlons to tie above arcounl wpl sit at his omen In Illoomsburg on Hstnrdit, November Ind, lsis at ten o'eloclc a. m , for thn purpose of his ap pointment, when and where all t ersons Interested inajr aiiena il mey aoe propr. I . IU1.UHI l rue, oet. 4, lw Auditor. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUAI1LK Real Estate! Tlie undersigned ptecutornf Inn estAte nf ( hrls. tlAn Wolf. IfltH of Mtmiln htwnsliln. e.'oltllnbla ennn. ty. rcnnslvanla, de-ceased, will exposo to public sum uii iiiu premises un Saturday, November 9, 1878, at ten o'clock a. m., the followliiff clAcrlbed r?M es- iftifl Miti run in prua lownsnin or Minim on wnicn a. ; cC'lfnt resided, bounded and rtfwrlbfd m folio wn : tmtheesva tho town of MimiDTllle. on tho Houth hy lftnd of Willi wn Drown, deceased and Maria Wolf, on i no weni ov lftna or Nana vvor ana h am Hrown, and en tho north hy the .Susquehanna I river, containing 7a A jtvAM fnA IRn PavNAa strict measure, raoro or loss, all Improved land, through wbl;h the North & West Branch Hal joad paswH wiin n if ui oi war, on wmcn are erected a Rrlck Dwelling Hoiitte, a Kramo Hank Barn, Wagon Shed and Carriage iiuii'M. wiin oilier ouir-uunuinri nnaoD wmcn in a neTcr-ianiDff wcu ox waur ano a uooo ArrLB ukch AHU. Also, one other niece or land In the same townshlo bounded on the north by land of lianlel A, Hess, on tho cast br William Itruwn and Maria Woif. and on me souin ana west dj stepnen uearnan, containing 50 Acres and 113 Perches, Btrtct measure.more or less, about 23 acres of whlcn is civarca and balance well timbered. There la never railing aprtng of water on this tract. 13.000 fntrfi rtfitil nn thn fttHV1nr down ot the property, ono Uitu of purchase money to be paid at the decease of the widow of decedent, Interest a her annually, and balance to be paid In t.iiiiu viuui uuuuu jiuj uivuto, uittrri'bi. iruin April l, TsT. 11. ntlKAKV. oct.S.l&TS Kxecuior, ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OK VA1.UAULE REAL ESTATE ! Andrew I.nubach and ItaelicI A. Ilcas, Administra tors. Ac., of Alexander Hess, lato of Suearloaf town ship, deceased, will exposo to publlo sale on the premises on Tuesday, October 22d, l.c78, at 2 o'clock p. m., tha followlne described property, to-wlt i No. 3. Tho undivided one-halt of a certain tract ot laDd sltuato tn Sugarloat township, Columbia county, rennsylvaula, bounded by lands ot Alexan der ani Joshua Hess andother lands ot decedent containing THIRTY-EIGHT ACHES and ono hundred and thlrty-eleht perches and al lowance of land, tho samo being unimproved land, So. 2. Tha undivided one-half of a certain tract of land, situate in Sugarloat township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, containing skve.v rv-Tiiiii;i: Acnr.s, described as folio ivs : Adjoining lands ot the betrs of Joshua savage on the south, land of tract No. 3, on tho east, Ian of John Kantz and Dirts on tho wcst, and lands of Cral : tc Illanchard on tho north, tho same being timber land. TKIIM3 0P SAI.K. Ten percent of one-fourtb ot the purchase money to bo paid at tha striking down of tho property, tho one-fourth loss tho ten pjr cent, at tho confirmation of sale, and tho romalnlng three fourths In one year thereafter with Interest jfrom confirmation ntst, ANIlItBWI.AtnUClT, RACHEL A. HESS,' oct. 1, Ts-ts Administrators, PUBLIC SALE OF Town F roperty ! The following described proporty sltuato on Iron Street tn the Town of Bloomsburg will bo exposed to public sale at one o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1878, Hounded on tho west by Iron street, on tho north by lot of John Hooper, on tho oast by an alley and on tho south by lot ot Mrs. Mary Clayton, on which are erected a two-story Frame Dwclllnp; House, on Iron street, and a dwelling house In tho rear on alley, Ihe samo being feet front and deep. Terms made known on day et sale. MARY BVANS. oct. , Ts-ta PUOVCKBS. PIIOVERBS. For Etnktmr snells. 5O0 will bo raid for tits, dizziness. Dalnlta- a ease mni iiup iiiiiers ilon and low spirits, re- win uot. cure or ueip. y un iiup 1111 eers.' Hop 'Hitters builds "Read of. rrocuro and un. strengthens and use of Hop Hitters, and cures continually from vou will bo strong,heal thy and happy," inc nrst aose." Fair skin rosv cheeks. Ladles, do you want and the sweetest breath in Hop Hitters." to bo btrong, health) ind beautiful ; Then ise Hop Hitters." "Kidney and Urinary omnlalnta ot all kinds 'The irreatest aDDetl, permanently cured by Hop Ultters." ler. stomach, blood and uver regulator -not Hitters." 'Sour stomach, stck headache and dizziness, "Clercymcn. lawyers, nop Ultters cures with Editors. Hankers aud 1 lew aoses. Ijulles.necd Hop llltterH laiiy; Take Hod Hitters 1 threo times a day audi k-mi wlllliaVHnn dnetor I "Hop mttera has re-! stored to sobriety and 01113 to pay." iliealth. perfect wrecks! from Intemperance." I OII 81I.S BV kfOTBK BUOTniKS. At Private Sale, A KAIiM CONTAINING ABOUT 109 ACBBS, mostly cleared, and whereon are erected a LARGE I1RICK DWELLING HOUSE, a Frame Bank Barn. Waeon Shed, and other out building a well of soft water at the house and ono at tho barn. 1 hero are also a large number of Ap ple, reach and cherry Trees and a good IKON-STONE STONE QUAItHV, ALSO, A LOT OP GROUND at tho corner of Third and Centre streets, betnsr ono hundred and thlrty.two feet on Third street and to hundred and fourteen and one-half feet on Centre, nuereun are ercciea a Large lirlck Dwelling Uoune, with Hts h hkatinq Afi'akatvs, and In thorough repair. HaMnga Well, Cistern, tee-house, Cuollng fluuse and all cumentence-s. Butli tltuato within tha limits of tho Town of Illoomsburg. and offered to be sold on easy and rea sonable terms. JOHN 0. KHEEZK, DlJJOMeBl'l.O, 1'enn'a. aug. 23d, '7S-sm UDITOR'S NOTICE. In tlie matter of tho assignment of Abraham Miller in trust iur mo uenent or ms creditors. Tho undersigned auditor, appointed by tho Court 'ti euujuiuu i ieuaui vuiuuium evuniy euuiairiuuiu the fund In the hands of tho assignee, will meet tho parties Interested ut the office, uf M. K. Jackson hon, lu llervtlck, on Thursday, October II, ISIS, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all persons Interested luc rriiue'bicu lu w Iireseuk u uiey tuiua proper. O. K. BUCKALBW. Sept 37, '18-1 w IAST KAY. Auditor. Came to tho prmlses of the undersigned in Mount Pleasant township, coumbla county on or about the Ulh djy of bepteiuber, 1STS, u red eow with white legs, white lace and white streak over Ihe back, frum 'u to 14 leurs old.loni; horns turnlnir back over the head, ilia owner la hereby nollhed t6 prove pruperty, pay charges and take the same away w llh In slity ilujs, or she will be disposed uf according to law sep. 20, "78-iw W. V. W1IITK. SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Bleas ot Columbia county, and to me directed, will bo exposed to pub Us sale or out-c ry, on SATURDAY, OCTOI1EU 26tli, 1878, at ono o'clock p, in., at tlie Court House In; Blooms- bur. All that certain lot of ground situate In Locust tewnshlp, Columbia county, i'tlinsjhaiila, bounded on the north by land of Itutb Ann liable and, SoL Lcvan, on the east by William Lee and Samuel Itelubuld, on the Bouth by Wesley Brass, on the west by publt.1 road, containing forty acres, on which are erected a dwelling house, barn and out-butldlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground sltuato tn Locust township, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the west by land ot it. tiorreu, on the south by Jon athan Beaver and George Bryer,on tho east by John Kline, on tho north by Joseph Beaver, Sr , adminis trator of William Bleber, deceased, containing ten acres. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Beac- iltle ltttodes against David Tyson and William Ty, son and to be sold as tho property of David Tyson and William Tjton. Asuorr i Uhawk, Attorneys. J A viuia uuu uu uu ui wio. JOHN W, UOFFMAN, sep. 97, ns-U (Sheriff, BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOltMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLERTjrTA. M., Principal. THIS SCHOOL, as at present constituted, ofte-rs the Terr best facilities for I-rofessional and Classical le,rnlotr. rS?SS ' "vlt"ir na commodious i completely Heated by steam, well ventilated, lljhted by jas, anS furnished wltli a bounUful supply ot pure.aort kS11,011 hijiV.,i'L,.-1ui't SSf' ,TolV;here experienced, cmclent, and altye to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thoroueli. Expense CoSaol TtuoT rTbed by the nilii ?! "P0"'" 10 Students admitted at any time. Uooms reserved when desired. looroulru- I. Model Bchool. II. l'retuirntory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct curses : 1 Acniemic. li.iximmercial. ill. Uourse in Music IV. Course In Art. The Elementary, Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'tiriffrwiiiiMit 0,e m... ., . (rent ana promLses Catalogue, address the the 1'rliiclpal. .11 l:l, Will. 1., I'renlile-nt ItlN. WII.I.IA llonrt! bept. S, . SSIONEE'S SALE KJf REAL ESTATE I Vurau&nt to an order of thn f!ourt of Con.mnn rican ot L'olutntta county will bo sold on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1878, at 10 o'clock ft. m.. br M. O Iluzhes. ftffltirnpfl In lni,t tor tho benefit of the creditor of lfllo Brothers ( mo9 into and M Inner I!ile).ttifj following deserlbetl rea. esinio, biiuaio in mo town cr ua!awiS8a,on Houth Rtreet, bounded as followni on the east by lands of John GtLfer, west by lands of Mm. K. Clark, on tho north br Iandi of Dr. J. Kobblni. and on tho aouth by bouth street, whereon la erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Tlie said property Is located In a very deslrablo art of t'atuwlnia, the house is large and convenient, 'hero nru a cistern and other conveniences on tho lot, together with all neceftsary outbuildings. The uuiiumi' in new. TKKMS OK SALK. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of thepurchaw money to bo paid at tho atrtktng down ot the property ; tho one-fourth leas the ten per cent at tho continuation of Bale, and tho remaining three fourths In ouo year thereafter, witu Interest from continuation nUl. M. O. HUGHES, Abbott & HnAwvt Afealgneo of Illlo Uros. Attorneys, Bept w, ts-u PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! The undorslgned, appointed Assignee for tho ben efit ot tho creditors ot tVm. Schuyler, will sell at pub lic sale on the premises, on Saturday, October 19th, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain LOT OF GROUND situate In the town of Oraagemle, county of Colum bia, and State ot rennsylTanla,bounded on tho north by lot ot Low and Savage, south by D. K. Sloan, on the east by Mill street, and on tho west by Darld Herring, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or loss, whereon Is erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and other out-bulldlngs. Thero Is an excellent won of water on the premises convenient to tho kitchen door. TKHMS OF SALE. Twenty-five per cent, to be paid at tho striking down of property! twenty-nvo per cent. January 1st, 1579, and tho balance April 1st, I8?v, when deed will be delivered and possess Ion will be given. W. II. SMITH, Asstgnco of Wra. Schuyler, Sept. ao, fs-ts. EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS LEWISBURGi PA. WJf. DAVIS, Proprietor. VLss. V. Derrlcksnn, Notion and Fancy btore, Bloomsburg, Agent. ALL KINDS OP OKNT8 OARMItNTS CLEAN BD DVBI1 ANI) I'KKSSBD WITHOUT HIl'I'INO AND MADE TO LOOK ALMOST KlUAL TO NEW, LADIES SHAWLS, CLOAKS, D1ESSES, SILES OS EIBBONS CLEANSED OB D7ED AUD FINISHED IK THE BEST HANNE2. Kill i LOVES CI.KANMII). Koatbers Dyed and Curled In a splendid manner. bfK-clal attei.tton to wholesale goods. Prices reduced to suit tho times. Sept. 20, 'JS-5m. 1 fl nnfi ahhnts wantkii. only those IviUUU who mean business and desire to make from S2 to 81.1 per day need apply. Hcndl cent stamp for particulars . fs. -i. in i it, Milton, Northumberland Co., 1'a, ASK FOR THE Williamsport Hand-Mafle Boots, MANUFACTURED BV J. E. DAYTON & CO., N. B. All coods of their innke arc stamped on the bottom. tsept, 2t, TS 3m THE GREAT ENGI.IrfH REMEDY I GRAY'S SPE0IFI0 MEDICINE fRADE MAHK laispcolally rt'Com-TRADE MARK. Ult'UUt'U U3 mi uu lalltnif cure furwm iLial weakue&a.hper matorrhea, Impo tt'Dcy, and all dla- K'3, BUCUaS lAfHH ot memnry, L'nUenal Iihitude, Pain Id Before After Takine. many other diseases that lead to InRanlty.Consumn tlouanda rrematuro time, ail of which ns a rule are first caused by deviating frum the path ot nature una uveT lllU'lige'iiee. iuo rmu cu.v.v .uv result or a life study and many jears ot experience In treating these su-clal dUeasea. KUIl pariicuiars in uur i,i.un.u.f.a,M.u "u tn iiti,! fr..j. hv mall to every one. The sm-cino Mectldne U sold by all Druggists at tl per pack ige, or six packages for an, or n ill be sent by matiou receipt ui ene muury huh hiuk THE OI1AT MEDICINE Cel., No. 10, Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold In Bloomsburg by c. A. Klilrr, and by all Druggists ever)Whtrii. Harris Elng, v holcsals Agents, lttuburg. aept. , Jt-u Imnortant to Lawyers. Justices of the Pence, Constables, Executors, Ad mlnbitralors, liuardian, Township onicers, and busl uess men generally. We hae nn hand a large assortment of legal blanks for the use of ttur neys, Justleca and Con stablo's blanks of all kinds, Nolo and Ilecelpt books ror Aominisirauirs c. 1'ItJOK LIST. TTOIINBY'S 'BLANKS. Ireclpe for Summons. " " Kl. t'a. " " Itulo to take Depositions. ' " ' chouse Arbitrators, t cents apiece, or (1.73 per hundred. retltlon for Appointment of (luardtan. " ' Citation lluleto take lienisitlons. Narr In Debt, 1th Cuntesslon, " " Assumpsit. Meeiuiulcs lien. 4 cents each or M.M per hundred. I'etlUoa for salei of Ileal Estate s cents each. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Subpccnas, bummons, Warrants, Kxccutlont, to fo Le'astts fi cents each lllu Deeds l'arclunent Deeds H, Agreements orphau's Court Sales Constable's sales Mortgage and Bond ....... All kinds of Notes -. 10 is " " 4 .1 to for 11 &0 s cents each is ' lteu'lpts. Notes, School Orders, loor Orders, Store Orders, neatly bound, constantly on band, or made tu uruirr uu suuri uuiiou. Weaie prepared lu do neater Job work than any UWvl UUll IU WU lAJaillT. B1IOCKWY J; K )III, Editors and IToprletors of the CoLi'asiAH, Bloomsburg, i T EOAL DLANKS OF ALL KINDS J ON HAND AT TUB COLUMBIAN OITiOl JGZMS 4 PA. aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leav Ing School, ror of Truster,,' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE REAL ESTATE! Tho undersigned Administrator of JohnBctshl ne, lato ot Benton township, deceased, wtUriposu to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, OOrOHEU 6th, 1878, at ten oo'loclc, a. m.,the following tT or OIIOUNt) In Benton townhtp bounded on ths aorth lands of Joseph Ash, farnuel Yost and Dan elghaltr,rn the oast by land-i of Wtlltam Iphor.on tho soutle by lands ot Jonas Doty, Hiram Depoe and John Karris, on the west by lands of Hussel Miultr., containing Ono Hundred an el Fo .r Acre moro or less, on which U erected a FRAME HOUdE, BAIIN and other out -buildings. HoldSubject to tho payment annually ot tho Interest 01 the dower to too wtdovr of John Detshllno and at her death to the payment to tho heirs. Tsnus or Sai.b. Ten pr cent of one-fourth nf tho purchaso money to bo paid at the striking flow n of tho proporty, tha one-fourth less th ten pr cent at confirmation of sale, and ths remaining three fourUis tn ono year thereafter wtta Interest from confirmation nisi. J M. BKISULINK. W. J. nrcKALsw, Administrator, Atfy. tor Eitato. aept, U, n ts. Q.ENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. I, JOHN W. FtOFFlf AN, High Shrt of Co lumbla county, do hereby maks knows aad proclaim to tho qualified electors of Columbia county that a general election will be held o TUHBDAT, THE FIFTH OF NOVKMBRlt, 1ST (being Ul. Tuet day next following the nrst lloaday t said montk at the Roveral districts within tha county, to wit : Beaver township, at the punllc house of Jusepk ll. Hhuman. Benton township, at the publle nouse of Ilium Hess, In the town of Denton. East Bloom, at tlie Court House, la Bloomsburg. West Bloom, at the Court Houso, In Bloomsburg. Borough of Berwick, at tho store of John McAnall, In the borough of Berwick. Borough ot Centralla, at tho public hoass of Wil liam l'elfcr. Brtarcreck township, at tun publle school koass near Evansvlllo. Catawtssa township, at the public houis of Samae Kostenbauder, In the town of Catawlssa. Centro township, at tho school bouse near Lafay ette Creasy's. North Conyngham District, at th school bouse near tho colliery of John Anderson & Co. South Conyngham District, at tho house of John Monroe. ilshlngcrcek township, at the school house near C. B. White's. Franklin township, at tho Lawrence school house. tlrecnwood township, at the houso of Joseph It. ration. Hemlock township, at the public housa of Chti. II. Dletterlch, In the town of Buck Horn. Jackson townsklp, at the bouse ot E2eklel Cole. Locust township, at the publls boast of Daniel Kehres, In Numedla. Jltmin township, at tho public house ot Aaron Hess, in the town ot Mlfllinvllle. Madison township, at tho public school houso In Jorseytown. Mt. pleasant township, at Uis house ot U. W. "Kelllck. Montour township, at tho pubUc houso of Keubom Itauch, at Kupert. Main townslilp, at the public house ot Jeremiah E Longenbcrger. I'oarlngcree'k township, at tho house r John B. Kllnger. Orange township, at the public bouts of II. C. Conner In Orangevllle. l'lne township, at tho Centre School House, lately fixed by a voto ot the citizens of said township. Sugarloat to nshlp, at tho house ot AUaas Cole. Wott township, at tho public kouse of Win. PetUt In Espy. . ai wuieu lime uiiu places uio quuiuiuu ciwwn win elect by ballot tho following stata and County ofllcers. vli : ono person for tiovernor ot iennsyivania, Ono pcrbon for Lieutenant Governor ot Pennsyl vania. ono person for Supreme Judge of Pennsylvania. One peison for Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania. Ono person for Member of Congress fcr the Elev enth District. Ono person for State Senator. Two persons for Representatives. Ono person for ITothonotary raid Oerk ot the Courts ot Columbia eouuty. Ono ierson for liegtsterand llecorder of Columbia connty. oue person tor Treasurer of Columbia county, Threo perbong for Commissioners of Columbia county. Three persons for county Auditors. It Is further directed that the election pulls ot tho scleral districts shall bo opened at seven o'clock In the forenoon, nnd shall contlnuo open without tut er ruptlou or adjournment until seven o'clock In the H-t enlng n hen tho poUs will be closed. NUT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That every person exceptlig Justles of U feaxia and Aldermen, Notaries PibUo and psrsaus la tlig mlUtla se rvice of ths Stabs, who shall hold or shall within two months have held aay rmmt or appoint ment of prullt or trust under the UHH4 SUU,or of this State, and city or corporated district, whstlmr a commissioned ofllcer or otkerwts, a takordliatt, otneer or agent who Is or shall be employed ssdrr the lA-gWaturo, Kxecutlvo or Judiciary Deparlinrat ot this state, or of any city or of any laaorporttsd district, and also, that every member of Congress and of tho Statu Legislature, and of Us select sr common council of any city, or rommlaslouri if any Incorporated elWtrlct, Is by law Incapabla of tolatir" or exercising at tho Bame tlma tin offlo r tppolnt- luent of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any elactlon o this Cummunwealth, and that no Inspector, Judgs or other ofllcer of such elxtloa shall be tilgtblato be then voted for. The luspivtors and Judg of the leeiioni shall meet at the respective places appolnttd for holding the election lit the dlstrlit to which tl.y re spcctlvoly belong, before beven o'cluek In the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint ons clerk, who shall ben n,ualltled voter of such district, Tho qualined tolers of the several districts In this county at all general, township thr ough and special elections, are hereby hereafter authorised and requires) to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and rartly written, sever ally classltte'd as follow s t Ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Judge's of Courts voted for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary j" one ticket shall em brace the names of all the state omrers voted for and to bo labelled "State;" one ticket shall embrace liio names of all county onicers voted for, Including tho onice of Senator, and Members of As sembly, If votes! for, and members of Congress, If voted for, and be labelled "Cuunty oae ticket shall embrace tho names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled "Township;" ono ticket shall era brace tho names of all borough ofllcers voted for, and bo labelled "Borough." And each class shall bo deposited In separate, bal lot boxes. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, ShertfTsOfflce, Bloomsburg, Sheriff, bept, ll, Wf BUSINESS OARDS, VISITING UAHD8, LBITKH IIKADB, BILL1IKA1W, POSTEKS, ta Keatly anil Cheaply printed at the Coltju. mm bun once. V. Course in Physical Culture. . . . .. by furnishing Intel!!- Dauchy & Oo's. Aclvt's. Sure Rcwardi 5 VKAItK TO PAY l (K A l'lRM. S4 to sio sua ACS.E. Iccclinnd ninple l.nnd In Mlchl Kun In 1 lie .Yllllliin Acre frnnt ol tlie ;riind ltitild nnd In dlnnn Ilnllrond i 0111 1 1111 y. TixiD rnarncr. Stronp noil ..r croiis-p'onlyol llntlxT-nu elrouclit-nu clilucli llllKS-IIO lOIlCT''1" I1CNKIVO TKBAM9 CRR NVATPK ltsetlT MAKir SCUOOLS ItAlLHOAII COUPI fTkO TllltUl'OU TaK LTNTKR OP THE tlHANT. Srnd lor )imnille'l,;'7i,'i or German AJlress w. 0. HUtBIAItT, LANO (Jomhissionkk, (1I1ND UAl'IDH, MICH, aprtl ll, bTs-ww el vltetall price rjtltKK) 0nlyS27S. rariur eirnans price 1.111 nmy iw. 1 npT irf. irnitiei v. m-niiy Wastilnglua, S. Jt d up. ,4w WHY GO WEST? Send fur Delaware. Farm Catalogue and Maps J. F. MiMcui, luiTer, D-l. d wp. 27 'T9-4w Riissinr circivR femora Ilastbr a - ii i'ji luiiivur'sn or TTtaKiicsa ui me uack, Knoaiaiiusin ana an local acbet 4 Dalns. the best remedr knoivn. It wa larent- to OTt?rc-me tho slow afiloa ot the ordinary jurfs n Tf otiir iiLJ-i'ifv m uottvpn rfiieTo wp. SI, is-ivr U PRESERVES i i ? i. i; I r I XT 11 ITI " llvrjOi'JlV inJ L UU JLJ T. ZiVsshri Tork. i;,j., d IT William sttreet, New sep. 27, 7S-4W Tot Antldott to ALCOHOL Fottd t Latt. Tha Tathcr Matthew Rcmody Is atertaln and sjterdj cure for lnlemrerancc. It destroy a'l appetl p for aleohnllc IWnors and builds sp the nervous sjMel. Allrr n rlr hnnrli, or aay Ulenipernle laitnUeHrp, a mniile lEASroONFUL will re ineve all mental and phj rlcal deprehloa. It also cuies Mcry kludot Fsvsie. livsrsrstAandToa rmnv otlhe I.ivbk r-old by all druLiet. l'rtceVl per butt;e. Pamphlet on Aleoho1, lis Knerts, and ItiteinpiTinct. as a,'' sent tieeen wrttingto ihe fvnifc'lt MVrilKW IgarEaascii k man Vs. Cu., Bond street. .i.Y, d sep. 3T, T&-4W AUKNT3 WANTED for nit IKAIICII'S DARK TO DAWN yr.w book : In this new volume Ihe Popular Author of NienT Scasrs is tub IUpi b portrajs Mill tlvtd and thrill ing force and eloquence the events ot Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony to the beauty, pathos and sublimity of the Nones of tho Bible. Agents wlil find this nook with Its sparkling thoughts, glowing style, beautiful Hngravlngs. and rich bindings, the best in the market. Tekms Liiirral. cihcclaks Kan. Address, J. C. McCUKDY, CO., I'HILA ciLrniA. pa. d sep. II, ";8-4w PARIS, 1878 AT EVERY WORLD'S Exposition FOR 12 YEARS Highest Honors Have be en awarded the Sweden, 1878 Fhilada, 1875 Santiago, '76 Vienna, 1873 Paris, 1607 MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. At the l'nrla i:ialtlon this year they are awar ded TUB eioLD MEDAL, the highest recompense at the disposal oi the Jury. They have also receiv ed the tlltAM) J01.II MKDAL OF SWEDEN St NDltWAY.ll.7S NOOTIIES AMSltlCAN OtUANS HATE VBH ATTAlNkO HIUIIEST AWAH1) AT ANV WOSLn'S EX POSITION sold fur cash or payments by Installments. Latest ttATAUifiL'ES, with newest styles, prices, tc., free. MASON HAMLIN OHI1AN CO,, HOsTl'N, NEW VOltK tilt CHICAGO. Sep, 87, '7S-4W d lnus a in Wall street mocks m lr tfoitunesev- OlU lU 31U1IU stocksm e tfoitunesev. r month. Iiook sent free explal ili,ireerrthlne, liook sent freo explal ili,geery thing. Address IIS XTKlt C0., Bankkhs, 17 Wall street, ,i.kks, ii nun sireee, d nug. so, fs-lw New York. fi," FANCY CAltDi with name. 10c., Plain or nold. isntilp4 AtTl'MnuinMlkv Itnll JC t'n . Ilndknn. N. Y., '78 AW I'nraoii.' I'urumlt e I'llla make New ltlch Blood, andAlll completely cbtngo the blood In the entire system In tlireei months. Any person who will take I rill each night from 1 to n weeks may be restored ed Ui sound health, It such a thlr g be pusslble. send by mall lor s letter sLsmiw. I.S.JOHNSON ., lengor Me, oct. II, "78-lw SWEET mtiA4 kiZKnt pmi at t'tntniilil iTMMittOB for tS4r wf raeot miyvsj irm jtejewmey, i (WOMCi-t er Ma4a. A for klu nf litvlevtaaik U ! ly hiiillrl to inhttcr rood, thul Jaektm'$ httt i icj plnjj. idfr, bni)(or(i.mtl, bt, la C. X, iitti A Co., Ufti 1 vltrituit;, H. K. WAUIII.i:, (.rnrrnl .Rt.f lUlladf Iflilu. oct. 11, T-w rt TUOMil B. llAKTtiAH, ALBtCHT J iKlhiW. 'I'll 15 RED FRONT, avno"rER.S' BLOCH. HARTMAN BROS., DRALEIIS IN TEAS, CANNED l'llUlT, TOSACCO snurr, G0NF13OTIONEHY. Spices of.'all tlndc, Qlacs & Quccnswaro FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and DomostioFruitSi AKD GKXEUAIa LINE OP Family Provisions lib doer below Market street, Bloomsburg, l'a. tr Hoods dcll ered to ail parts ot the tow n ArrUiCT.'iT-tf r NEW Rl Cfeewmr EBfiSji Totiacco I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers