mm THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Wit mmMm. ULOOMSBUKQ, PA. Friday, Out.. 10, 1878. WHY IS THIS THUS? The Domocratic Slate Central committee if nd llirce '"eminent" nakrrto the villaRO rf Sliickolilmiy but nut one to Columbia 0N TO'TiCTORY ! Tlm PpocndanHql flnnrrrfisa Snttlnrl I r" f. -r, . in rrtviu ui uiu uomuuiiius. U.nnn TVfcMnriRATrn MA.Tn'RTTV IN INDIANA, G.UN3 IN DEMOCRATIC C0NGS3SS- MEN. WKST VIH8INI.V SOLID. Thj Indiana Lsgishturo D:nsrafc on Join'. Bal.ot, Insuring tin Election of U. S. Senator. Tb'KSllAY'S E1XCT10XS As we go to press nothing certain id known, except that the Nationals, who expected to sweep umo, me crau c 01 urceiiiiacswii.intve r1.l . .1 p. 1 , I r lot on their vote, the Kopublican members 011110 organization, wo always preaiciea, i going back to their parly, leaving enough f Democrats in it to throw I he State to the llo publicans. The Timo gives trie fWlotfiug Bummaiy, which shows considerable Demo cratic gains: The elections yesterday app"ar to havt re- suited in a victory lor the llcnublicaus m Ohio. The latest returns indicato that the Itepubhcans have overcimo last jear s Demo cratic plurality of 22.50U aud elected their. Htate ticket by a sinall plurality,nnd 10 of the 30 Congressmen. The Labor element that revolutionized Cincinnati, Clevelaud, Toledo and other o-ntres of p mulatiou in 1877, has practically euded its mission by falling back into the old party lines, and the Greenback I element has drawn'ils increased strengtli , largo- ly irom the Democrats, win o the Heputihcaus . ....... . . .... I nave lieid their lines witli unexpected hrw I ncss. Cincinnati, where the distinctivoWork- msmen's ticket polled over 9.000 votes last I year, thus giving the Democrats nearly 3.0W0 plurality, has been rec-ivercd by the Itepubli- I cans : certainly electinr- finvcrnnr Ynuo over uu;e, iu bueceeu jaooim:,. ana aiso ueieaiioiz Saylcr. I jnuiana is reported uemocratio on the state tlpt'nf iiv nil ? ,nfiinri,v wi,li ifn I Vin I cressuieu nrobalilv wrettd from the Henubli- j cans by the uuited efforts of the Democrat I and Nationals, nnd the Jlegislaturo in djubt. I u uuuw 1.1 us iu wiiruier uiu ivrpuuucaua the otner couulies in wnicti mere arc no con will have a majority ou joi-it ballot or whether tests.comprising the 11th Congressional Dis theOreenback men will hold the baiauco of lrjct of Pennsylvania, in order to secure bar ,UMXni. nn.l nmlnll ,lia AUttnn n' 1 1- I t. Iona is Itepublieau by probably half the majority of ait year, and the delegation to UUUL-rCfS will IirCllV CCrta UIV SianU as nOW I all Keiiublican. ... West Virginia seems to have maintained Democratic tuprcmacy in the threo Congres- sional districts, as Was irenerally Conceded by all parties. J At tills wntine (2.30 a m. edncsday) the result of yesterday may be fuiuuiod upas giv- iuj; iuu jitjmuotsius ino gam ui umu, uuu , thrco Congresf-mcn in Ohio aud two in India iiiu u'jjuMi,i'u iuu .aiu ui OTit uuu pruuiiui na, x ho returns are inoro lmlsnRito than usual, owing to the largo number of candi dates voted for in Ohio and Indiana, and the necessary delay in countinz the vote. But half the State of Ohio is repotted at this! iiour, ana inc caret ui estimates 01 tne itcpun licaus reported by Chairman Ilobinson aiid tive claim of thu State: but the Renubli can gains arc so uniform that there does uot appear to bo any rcanabto prospect ot re versing the current in the unreported districts sufficiently to .give- the victory to the Deuin cruts. I, AT EST. The election returns still como in slowly, but from the Associated Press ditpatches re ceived up to 2 a. in., Thursday wo judge that the great strugglo for tho (political ascendancy in tha next congress which will in a great mea sure infWiico aud control the Presidential election, ha been won by the democracy. The democrats have gained at least four and probably ceven members iu Ohio and Indiana. Tliis settles tlie fate the republican party. Later Tho democrats have also secured a majority of tho Indiana legislature on joint ballot insuriug the election of a United States Senator, Huzza for the gallant Hoosicr utato which defijs republican gerrymandjrs. THE CUXuT.ESSIUiAI, CUNFKUKNCZ. Capt, Brockway did not know cetaiuly wheu tho Conference was to meet, until Sunday evening, when a telegram directed him to bo at stroudsburg on Tuesday. Dr bwluber, one ot me Uoniereea, lived at Jersey town.and could not be reached by tele gram or mail.and Mr. ISrcckway had no power of substitution He sent a special messenger, however, but tha notice was not received until C o'clock Monday evening. Dr. Swish er rode all night to notify his patieuts.and arrived at Hloomsburg at day-light, on Tues dty moruing.when the delegation started for Stroudsuurg on the earliest possible train Ou arriving at Stroudeburg statiun, they were met by the delegation coinirg from Car bo u andHazletou,aud proceeded together in tbe street cars to West Stroudsburg. On reaching their hotels, to tbur surprise they found that thirty minutes before tbe known arrival ol the trains, an organization was claimed to have been effected by the Conferees 'of Montour and Pike, and the alleged con' ferees of Lackawanna ,and Whltes-Havenhad been admitted I Monroe refused to eauctlo the outrage, and kept out. It is a llltl singular that those conferees, If they were such, should bo In Stroudsburg tbe day Ufore tbe time named, and did not wait twenty minutes for the arrival of the train, thus ex eluding from preliminary action tbe Import' ant counties of Columbia, Carbon, Luzerne and Mouroe. Tbe subsequent proceedings we give be low. The conferees of Carbon, Columbia, Mon roe and Luzerne counties, assembled at Iu dian Queen Hotel, Stroud.burg, Oct. lit., at U o deck , in, Dr. beem, of Monroe, Job Ilofl'maii, of Columbia, aud J, U. Murray, o Cntbon.waltccl upon the conferees anomblcd the ndjilnlng rcnm ntiil renuetol their rewncoto effect a Uinjinrary organization, which thpv respectfully declined. On' motion of David Iwenberr, of Co Intuitu, Hon. A. 0. llroadliead, of Carbon county, wm elected temporary clialrman,and on montlon of Dr. Seem, or Monroe county, Dr. J. U. Bcbull, of Monroe, ad Dr. T. J Swisher, ef Columbia couuty were wade Secretaries. Mr. Andrew Sebrlnp, of Mrnroe, ido a motion that the conferees from the Eleventh Congressional District, be requested to pre sent their credentlal,and that they be called u alphabetical order. Columbia David Iitventmrfr, Dr. T. J. 8wther, John Ir.ffman. Carbon Hon. A. 0. Hroadhead, l'aul Ivrelger, Clias. J. Murray. Monroe Dr. .T. l. Sclitill, Andrew Sebrln?, Dr. A. II, Seem. Pike eminty called no response, Montour county called no response. Luierno-S. 11. Price, John A. Gorm.r.i, J. 11 Hutchinson, On motion of Dr. A. H. Seem of Monroe, the following resolution was adored : WnCREAS. There appears to be some dis pute as to who are. the proper conferees from Luzerne county, heretofore comprisinir a part of this Congressional District. Therefore belt Jlctolved, That n committee of three be nnnoltiteit to investigate, the siH'il dlsitme.and make n report to the meetinir. who are the proper persons to represent said portion of J.uzerno county iu the conlerence. The chairman then appointed the follow ing committee on credentials-!). A. Lowco berg, J. H. Schull, and C. J. Murray. Word was sent into the Conference that Mr. Ilrandon had stated that be had not been informed of their inteution of going into n Conference, and the chalrmau was appointed a commltte to wait upon Mr. Urandon, and request the attendance of bis conferees. The chairman did so. and re turned with the statement that he so invited Mr. Brandon.wbo admitted that a delegation had waited upon the delegates from Montour and Pike counties nnd invited them to c conference to nominate a candidate for Con' gress, but he said it was too late now to as sent to their request. On motion of David Lowenbercr. of Co .hn chairman was rcniiested to an noitlt . committee of four ou permanent organization. The cnairman appointed-J. W. Hoffman pJU, Kreiger, Dr. T. J. Swisher and Dr. J nciiuii On motion of Dr. Seem, the Conference adjourned to meet in the sitting room of the hotel in the evening at 7 o cloct, EVENING SESSION. The Conference met afjiiln at 7 o'clock in pursuanco of the resolution of adjourn meat. The committed on permanent organization report j,re ,. . rted as follows : resident, Hon. A. G. llroadliead, Vice ''resident, ur. A. n. seem ; secretaires, ut Schull, and Dr. Swisher. fin mritim, thn rpnnrt was neeentel. and the Conference adjourned until Wednesday ;.,,, u mnonini. ot H nfrtfh- Wednesday morninc session. The chairman of the Conference comDOfd 0, tlie conferee8 (rom Columbia, Carbon and ,r ,, , , . , , - Monroe, called the Conference to order at 0 v.v... Mr. Schull, of monroe county submitted ,i, rvll,,u,tnv nrnnnaiiinn SrROUDsnuRa, October 2, 1878. uTe the Conferees from Columbia. Carbon aD(i Monroe counties, respectfully submit to M t is a question whether Luzerne and Lackawanna counties, are each entitled to an mm niMHI nn with thnothnr r-nimliro aud also which ot the two sets of conferees from Luzerne county are entitled to seats in the conference, that the conferees from Co- (V.lil..,Kio flnrhnn Mnnrnp Mnntnnr and Pike, meet in Convention, to utn.-t. i coramittee ou contests and representation, aU(j proceed to business David Lowenburg, Dr. T. J.Swisher, Jobu W. Hoffman. Conferees from Columbia county. Hon. A. O. llroadliead, Paul Kreiger, Ohas. J. Murray. Conferees from Ca-bon county. Dr. J. II. Sshull, jinurew oeuring, i j IJr. A. II, beem. Conferees from Monroe county. On motion of Davjd Ljwenberg, of Co lumbia county,Dr. Schull, of Monroe county was appointed a committee to wait ipon the conferees of Montour and Fikj counties, and present to them the proposition of this meet- ngas embodied in the above resolutions. On motion the Conference adjourned, to meet at l o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Conference again assembled as per re solution of adjournment. Mr. Schull, of Monroe, who had been ap pointed a committee to present a proposition to the conferees, from Moutnur and Pike, made a report that he had read the resolution adopted at the forenoon session to each of the" conferees from Mouroe and Pik", with oue exception, and n quested u reply cm or before o'clok. The Conference remained in sesion (or soma time wailing fir a reply from tV uju ferees, but mine being rec.'ivwl, it was sug csted that the secretary Dr. Schull, see ous of th'isi c inferces R'ld leave th pn'ipiUlon with him for co'isi lerati m. A m ilio.i to adjourn until 4 o'clock was a tie, when the hair decidl by his volo in the aihrinilivc Adjourned uutll -lj o'clock. WEDNESDAY KVr.NINn Sl'Si-ION, The Conference compoord el' delegates from Monroe, (j ilumbia and Carbon, as sembled at 4 o'clock as per resolution of ad journiueut, Tho chairman stated that it wouM b In order to hear the coLniuittee on contested seats Col. Iewls, of Pike county, appeared be. fore the Conference, and asked the privilege of being luard, which was giauted, II stated that he appeared befurethat body con' testing the right of the llowlaud conferees to a seat iu tbeOjnfvrenc-i. He c'aimed that bis (Lewis) conferees rec-dve-l a clear ma majority of the legal voters of Pike county. and aserted that intimidation had been used at the polls, all of which be was prepared to prove before the committee on credent lal The committee on contests having heard the case of the conferees from Luzerne couuty, said they were prepared tn report In the! case, and submitted substantially the follow ing: "The committee having heard from the con ferecs from Luzerne county, Anally conclud cd that there was no change in the relatlo of (he Eleventh Congressional District, by the erection of Lackawanna county. They therefore recommend that the conferees from Luzerne, namely Messrs. J, A, Gorman, S. Il Price aud James il. J!iitcbisoii,be empower cd to select the conferees from that portion of Luzerne and Ltckawanna countle", in the Eleventh Congressional District J that they select thren conferee, two to represent Lu zerne, and one to represent Lackawanna In this Conference. On motion the report was adopted, and thecottmlMee discharged from the further aomlderation of this case. Uhe following communication having been received by the chairman, it was hnndel to the Secretary to le read for the Information f the Conference ! to the Omfcrta of the Cottnliet of Columbia, Cttrbon una Monrot Obstlemkn. The conferees from the counties of Montour ntid Pike, respectfully acknowledge the receipt ot your lavnr bear- lne even date herewith, aid respectfully de cline to suhmlt to the arbitration of the fire counties named in your cmntiiinicatlim whatever differences may at present exist In the affairs of the Eleventh Congressional District. If you will add the county nf Lickawanna, on which there is no cnnliet to your list, making six counties before whom these iiili-rencM are to be ajmteil, we enter tain a vcrv reasonable hope that all que" tions tending to separate the different dele nations will vunUli. We are at a very .treat loss to determine liv vour conferees nrrojate to themselves the right to sit In judgmentcn the status of Lackawanna county, In lucent theuctsupon which representation In the district has nb ways been fixed, and for the further fact that no coutwt is pending in that county, with any more shadow of authority, than they pwnulu concede to Investigate the county ol Uaruon, or any other county within the dis trlct. " e are, gentlemen, Respectfully yourobedient servants (Sinned.) II. S. SlMO.NTON, W.J. Dr.r.x, Z. Vouoiit, Conferees from Montourcounty, ' HoitAo E. Kiri', J, Ki.Ain, Jxo, W. Frazicr. Conferees from Pike county STKOunsisurtn, October 2, 1878. HIE BEAMISH-TRIM M EH COXClRnSSlONAI. CONFERENCE, Stroudsburo, Oct., 1, 1S78. The Demo cratic Congressional Conferees irom Lacka wanna, Pike and Montour counties, and th Trimmer-delegation from Luzerno county arrived last evening. This morning at 11:30 o'clock they de termined to go into a temporary organiza tion, nnd Invited tho conferees from Monroe county to join them the conferees from Carbon, Columbia and Luzerne counties not yet having arrived. This the conferees from 'IConroe refused to do, stating ttiat they should await the arrival of the other con ferees, before going into even a temporary organization. The Iteamish-Trimmer conlerees refused to wait the arrival of the others and at once proceeded to effect a temporary organization as follows: President, Edwin Shortz, of Lu zerne; Secretaries, Dr. B. S. Simonton, of Montour, ami J. A. Kipp, of Pike. The reception of the credentials of the con fern-a being the next business in order, the following were banded in : ' Lackawanna Frank Beamish, P. Daly, John Kosen. Luzerne Edwin Shortz, P. Dienan, B. McManus. Montour R. S. Simonton, W. A. Deen, Z Vought. Pike Jobu Frszier, Jacob.Klair, J. A. Kipp. X ) conferees appeared for Carbon, Co lumbia and Monroe counties. After which on motion.tho conference ad journed until 2 o'clock p. in. aiternoon region. Conference re-asscmbledit 2 o'clock, as per resolution of adjournment. A committee from Monroe, Carbon and Columbia counties, appeared before them and invited the conferees of Montour and Pike counties, tojiin them iu Ooncrcs-doual Conference, fur thepurpose of etfecting a temporary organization, which they respect fully declined. The Conference proceeded to make nomi nation f ir Congres when the names of Ma jor K ibtrt Klotz, of O.irb in ; Ciptaiu C. 1!. Brock ay, of Columbia; Hank, of Lacka wanna; S V. Trimmer, ot Luzeni" ; A. W. Brand in, of Mjntotir, and GeoriM P. It iw- land,of Pike county .were suggested a prop er pencils to receive the nomination. A resolution was adopted which required msjirily of all the votes to which tho Con ference was entitled to nominate, namely, 1. On motion the Conference proceeded to ballot. The first ballot resulted us follows : Rank, 2; Klotz, 1 ; Trimmer, 3 ; Brandon, R iwland, 3. R isen of Scranton, voted for Klutz. Five ballots were taken without a risult. On motion adjournel until 7 o'clock in tbe evening. EVENING SESSION. An evening session was held in pursuance of the resolution of adjournment, and five more ballots was had without any result, the ballots not dilU'rin' materially from those cast at tbe afternoon session, A motion to aljourn until 'J o'clock Wednesday morning prevailed, and the Conference adjourned WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. The Conference reassembled at I) o'clock, according to resolution, and tho ballots for Congress continued, until some twenty bal lots were cast without any defi uite result, A motion to adjourn until 2 o'clock prevail fd. AFTERNOON SESSION, The Conferenco again re.membled whtu the balloting was renewed. After the lst ballot was cast without reult, Mr. Frank lleamis'i, of Scranton, aktd the privilege of preeuting the name of Hon, Cbarlt-s R, lluckalew, nf Columbia, which nns granted On the 221 ballot lluckalew received votes j lirandon, 2 ; Rowland, 2 j Trimmer 1, The 23d ballot resulted as follows: Iluck alew, 8; Rowland, 3; Trimmer, 1. At this point a communication from the conferees from Columbia, Carbon and Mon tour addresed to the conferees from Mon tour and Pike was received and laid on tb table. The balloting was resumed, the 24th re suited as follows : lluckalew, 8 ; Rowland 2; Ilrandon, 1 ; Trimmer l.' The 25th ballot stood, lluckalew, 8 ; Row land, 2; Klotz, 1 ; Trimmer, 1. Tbe2(ith ballot resulted, lluckalew, Rowland, 2 ; Ilrandon, 1, Tbe Conference adjourned until 7 o'clock iu tbe evenlog. The announcement of tbe name of Hon Chas, R. lluckalew was not a surprise, but the fact that Mr. lluckalew had previously given it as his opinion, that Lackawanna couuty had no status iu tbe convention, was not generally known, and when his name was announced the general query went abroad, how coulj Mr, lluckalew consistent1 ly accept a nomination from a RumpConven tlon which recognized Lackawauna county as entitled to scperate and distinct repieseu tation, when ho held views which were to the very reverse. This action, howover, we learned after wards was a mere blind to Mr. Iluckalow had positively declined to allow tho uso or -his name for tho congressional nomination. Wo have thus endeavored to sketch In n brief and comprehensive manner all the facts as they officially transpired In both political bodle, pretending to represent the Eleventh Congressional District nf the Slate of Penn sylvania, up to six o'clock Wcdiusday even ing, what traiHplred alter that time, will ap pear In future issues, as we best gather them until lli4 ii'imlii.itio'i is in llo. I.AIEtt, The propnili')ii nas iiihiIj t tbe Hegulnr Convention to admit Cd A, L Iewls' del egation Irom Pike hut after hearing Ids claim, it win decided to lay bis application on the table, II proved s um serio is ir regularities lit the delegate election, but not enough, In the opinion of thn committee, to admit his conferee, nlthough Pike was not represented. It was In sharp contrast to the action of the II?amlh Convention, Thursday morning did not develop any thing material, nnd finally tho Convention adjiuin-d luihas'il wn think to meet at Ilaz'etou on fiie-div, tho 15th iu-t , and the lleamUh Convention adjourned to Scran ton, tlu l lth.N'o one can fiirsee the result, but uiilesss theie Is harmony n Republican will be elected. We llellcve That if every one would use Hop Bitters freely, there would bn much less sickness and mNery In tho world ; and people nre finding till out, whole families keeping, well at a trifling cost by its me. We ad vise all to try it. U. C- .1. Kochetter,X. Y. The Monroe l)ennrrat of the 4th Inst, explains the dispute in the D-mocratlc Congressional wn lerence of the clevuit'i d-itric1, charges the whole dilliciilly Umhi Mr. Frank lleimish, of Lickawanua, who liuprovied three conferee from hi new county, and thus unbslnnced tiling. It charge, ulo that Mr. HiMinish in iliattd llu ! riiiuiz ition by gfttint; up a con ference In fore tlie ariivid of the Cirlon and Columbia confer nee, and adiuiting the Licka wanua delegillnn nnd an irregular delegation from Luzerne. The othsr corferenee that was organiz-sl tini lii iIim conferee had arrived, had Judge li'-'xlheail iw ehiiirniin, who doesn't make himself a funt'b.i 1 for fictionist, and af ter the examination, the rrgntar Luzerne dele gates wire a bniitcd, and lite L-wis Pike county claimants i j rti-d. It is evident the claim of the llodhead confert'iire to rcuLiity and fair ness can hi- nitiih littler sustained llrui the like claim of the Ilsnil!! conlerence. TYmcs. lu spile of fl ini'el, eotiKhs and colds will make a lodi;imti! in the Hylem. Hill they are not tctmtt t h'iII. Yon can diioess them with Hale' lfoney "J Horehnuiul anil Tar iu lesjj ,t . .t. it . ... I. ... . :.-S lime linn il i ir,c a riieiui iu ial-cuiuu "III Sold by all drnirui-ts Pike's tpotlisilie ilrop cure in one minute II WES' Tirut. However v iriid may be the opinions conj cerning the validity of Hayes's title to tlie Pres idency, there Is not a q ostiou in the minds of either Democrats or Repnhlii an upon one im portant point, viz: the iiiii uxtiunable right of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines to tin- tide of the Standard Remedies of the age. I.ixtrii to the voice of the sovereign people. NEW ORLEANS, June 10A, 1878, Dr. It, V. Pieice, li'iffilu, N. Y. : Dear Sir Your Pieaam Purgative Pellets seem to he purtici'larly adapted to the wants of the people in this irariu climate, irhere bilious aflectons are pirticjlnrly prevalent, I regard them as the licit cmhsrtic I have O'er tried. Yours truly, JOIINC. II1HLS0N. BOSTON, JAms HlA.1878 Dr. R. V. Pieice, IlnlWu, N. Y. : Dear Sir Yuiir (iol.deii Meilical Di-covery lias cored my boy of a Fever .SorenftMo years' standing. Please accept our gratitude. Yo'irs trulv HENRY W11IIINO. CO.W.MPTKlX CUHKU. An old physician, retired from praclire, hav ing hail pinctd In Ids hand by an K;i-t India misdonary the foriuul.iuf a simple vegetehle remetly, I'tr the )Kimiiiient ami spetdy cure for coniiinption, hroncliitis, calarih, a-lhma, and all lliri'at and lot g iilfcctions, cilso a )h sitive ami radical cure for i.ervous debility and nil nervous complaints, after having teUd its uon derful curative piwcrs in thousands of cases,has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffer ing fellow. Actuated by this motive, anil a desire fo relieve human suffering fellows, 1 ill send fiee of ibirge, lo all who ilet e it, this recipe, with lull directions Tor preparing and using, in (lerman, French, or English. Sent by mail by aldressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, HO Powers' Il'ock, Rochester, New lork. Oct. 11, 4w AN ASTONISHING FACT. A largo proportion of tho American people are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseaS' es upon the masses of intelligent and valuable icople is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoy ment and usefulness as it (light to be. There is no good reason for this,if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice f Druggists and your friends, nnd nnd try one bottloof Green's August Mower, lour speedy relief its certain Millions of bottles of this med icine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfjetory results In overy case. You can buya sample bottle for ten cents to try. Ihrco doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all druggists on tho Western Continent aug. 30,'78-tf jl UIINT'C Ttot&m jsxst k Wm coniDouud i It hai been ; wlB W bf(oretIierubllc3.iyer J and lifted hj til cluaei, ft Il UVPH ltKMKOV 5. mm mm m m Hllll-iuMTea irom iiogf nog O mm Mm CI If dltf uso and deatu hua r Www r II dreda who have been HI KaU Blven up IT l'DTlr!na to die. I11JNT M IIEJIKIIV cure nil 1U um of ihc KUncfi. It ladder, and trlnarv trgant Drupavi. Gravel, llUbetei. anil Ipfontlnenrn and, ItelrnlloD of frloe. 11 UN PlH ItKMKI. V encouraaei alcen. ereatea an apDetlte, brace i up the yitem, and renewed bealtti .hereault. IIIJNT'H Inihe Hide, llarbi or l.oini, iimr KIIV curra 1'aln I'emH.o JMrteaira, JMsiurbed leriil Debll- f Appetlle, Igbt'a i)lenaf. iieyaa&qai , atri Ccmtplalnja of tho UrTno-4Jeullnl mana. IIIINT'H UKMKIIY It purely tcw. f , and meets a want nerer before t mulshed tn t bo pabile, and tbe ntmnat reliance may dc placed In It. 'IIIINT'H UEAltllY la prepared KX rer tteiore xurnlBbea in tm lance may dc placed In It i' la prepared KX' HUNT'S (iibrmiii iur in koie diaeaaeas and i a no Tor Dei sen Known io fail uno trial will con bead tor pamphlet to REMEDY- .WM, V. CLARKE, l'OTiDrcx,ILI UDlTOIVsS KOTICK. In llie matter of the entala of Jacob Fverlatfl of jiuuiiauu ujwH&iui', Luiuuiuu i"ounvy acceoavu, The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orpli ui'i Court or said county to umkH distribution ol tho fundi In h hand-i of h. H. Miller, Adinlnl trator. c wtilattend to ILtnlutUa of hli appoint ment at the ofil(' ot Freeze Kit-rly in the town of juooinHuurif uu Miiuruay, iuu tn aiv ot Novemoer, 'M ut tu o'ewk a. m . when and wherxi all tier bons luvluif clalnm are re'tuuistedto prebentthe rmuiH ut'iure iiw Aiimur or uu uuoarea irom com- lug iu lor u niLiro ol tuua fund. JUilN O. FliKRZK, ocHTMv Auditor. the C'dluMLuii II rid if e Coinuuny will boiuildlotbe A Utviuvuu oi mx per win, on inn c ipiu-i mix- buxkh'jljr-isof that t'onuuny ou and alter October ut. at lutjonu'u oi iuu treasurer oct, U. Ti-3ff Tint ftrta la vn riii. wiia "Dowell sl rmmn JL X. Advertising Agents, VHIHP4 CMESTMUT ITS.. ST.f.OUIt, M, t t can ir ate moiiev faster at v crV for ua t han I I an tiling else CaDila! nof renulred: wti wi Uturt yuu. $11 r day at bome made by tlie Industrious. Men, wumea, boys and iclrU wanted everywhere to work for ua. Now lattie time Cecily ouuitaod terms free. AddriasTauK co.,AUtfUta,'.nauie.) iiartu in, 78-ijr POLITICAL. UTATB TICKET. KOIt (lOVKHNOIt, ANDIIEW II, DILL, of union euUN-ry. F'llt Sttl'ItKMK COURT, HKNUY P. ROSS, OF MONTOOMEltY CO.iNTV. rott UEurits nt novKitNJit, joiin FKiino, OF CRAWFORD COUNTY. for sKcumrutY of inti-unai. affairs, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, OF IIUNTINdllOS COUNTY. ootjnty tich:i;t. TOR CONGRESS, C. 11. HROCKWAY, OF IlLOOMSIlUItO. Subject to decision ot Congrasslonal conferees. FOR STATE SENATOR, fi. J MCHKNKY, OF FIMIIINOCHUKIC TOWNSHIP. Suliject to decision ot sent torial Conferees. FOR REPRI.'SENTATlVr.'', T. .J. VANDKItSLIOE, OF IlIXJOMSIUfltO. J03KPII 11. KN1TTLE, OF CAfAWiSSI. FOR l'ROTIIONOTARY, WILLIAM 1CR1CICI1AUM, OF BLOOMSDUIia. TOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, WILLIAMSON II. JACOUY, of iiLooMsnuim. TOR TREASURER, H. A. SWKPPF.NHISF.R, OF CKNTRK TOWNSHIP. foil COMMISSIONr.RS, STKPHEN POHF, OF CENTRE TOWNSHIP. aiIAULF-S REICH ART, OF REWKR TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, SAMUEL E. SMITH, OF URIARCHEEK TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM L. MANNING. UP JACK 'ON TOWN! HIP. Democratic Standing Committee. Beaver Jes"-o ltltteiihouso, Mountain Orovc, Lu zerne couniv. Ilenton John S. Kline, Eenton. ltenvlck llor. Win. T. snyiler, Ilerwtck. ltloomsmirg Fast I). Iiwenberi?, Hloomsburg. llloomsburn West 0. 8. Kurnian. Hloomsburg. Iirlarcreek .Toseph I Anion, PenMck. Cilawlssa Mahton Hamlin, Cutaulssa. centralla lloro'ijli-oweu Cain, Ceutralla. Centrn losenli Weiss, Unio Hllge. Conynpham Noitli Uernard Uovlo, Ashland. l onyuuuam souin innn r. liiuion, asuisnu. FlsblDg'reek J M. Howell. Van camp Franklin Peter (1 Cumnbril. Cataulssa. Greenwood I. A. DeWltt. lfolirsburp. lienuocK r. niouic, imilk iiuru. Jackson Frank nerr. iionrsiiurff. Ixicust Dintcl Morris, N'UDtedla Madison.!. M. s-mlth, Jersey town. .Main I. W. shuman Matnvllle. Slintin-D. II. Ioiitii)mery, MttlllnvUIe. our uenneviiio miotics. Kiipert. Mt. Pleasant. Josepb It. lkeler, Canby. orange M. 11. Patterson, orangcvllle. nne jonn r, r ower, i-ine puoimit, Hoarlngcrek .1. II. Klliiirer, lioirlngcreek. Scott .lacob Terwllllcer. Usbt street. Sutrarlocf J. O, Laubacb, cole's creek. ;l. LOWESHERO, Chairman. Democratic Platform. The democracy of Pennsylvania unanimously de clare : That the republican party. Us measures and Its men, are responsible for the financial distress, the misery anu mo waui. mat now exist : it lias had coDtrol of the leErlslatlon of the country. nnd has enacted and perpetuated a policy that has enriched the few una impoverished uio many ; Its system of llnanco has been one of favor to moncred mononolv. of unenual taxation, of oxeinn- tlon of classes, of high rates of Interest, and or re morseless contraction, which has desrroyed eiery enterprise that cave employment to labor. Its nresent hold upon federal iwwer wa byfraid, perjury and forgery. Its laws are unjust and It practices Immoral ; they distress the peo ple and destroy their substance. ino oniy rurat-uy iur nn-fu uvna is an entire han go of policy and the dethronement of those In power. And we resolve that further contraction of the volume of United states legal tender notes ts unwise and unnecessary. They should be received for cus toms duties and reissued as fatt as receded. (iold Ml. er and united states lesril tender notes at par therewith, are Just basis for pper circula tion. A close connection of the federal government with the business Interests of the neoDle. throuirh nation. ol banks, tends to monopoly and centrallutlon, but, In changing the system, uniformity of notes, securi ty tothe note holder, and proteetlon of the capital Invested, should bo proMd'd for. Treasury In exchange forlonds,bear Ing a low rate ot interest, Is the best form In which ineereuiLci uie government, can uognen 10 a paper currency. uiuor anu capiuii muo equal uemanus upon ana resDonKlbllltles to law. Commerce and manufuc. tures should be encouraged, so that steady work and fair wages m.iy bo yielded to labor, whilst safety of Investment and moderate returns for lus use belong uj tuiniui. t luifuctt ur urcafu m urutT in huppon 01 the real or supposed rights of either MjouIiJ be promt ly suppressed by the strong arm of tho law. Tho Itt-publlnan partv, by Its legislation in 1672, which reduced thetarin on bituminous coal from wit to 75 tents iter ton. nnd unon Iron, stech wool. rnetu's. paper Kliss. leather, and nil manufactures of each of them ten pr cent., Mruck a fatal blow at the industries and labor ot Pennsylvania,. tnu puuuu lulus are me common proiieriy onne eonlo. and they should not be sold to snerul-itors nor grunted to rullroad orolhfr corporations, itut should bo resened for homesteads for actual set tlers. Our nubile debt should bo held at home, and the bonds representing It should bnof small denomina tions, in which the savings of the masses may bo safely Invested, 1 uuruujfu in.esiiifauon inio ine electoral irauua of ls70 should be made, fraud should be exposed, truth Mndlcated and crlmtmls punished; but we oppose any attack upon thn Presidential title as dan gerous to our Institutions and fruitless tu lis re sults. The repuU can party, controlilngtueiegMatton ot the state, has refused to execute many of there forms of the new constitution ; and among other things, It has neglected nnd refused. iu cumj'i 1110 acceptance ui uu ita provisions uy the corporations of the Male : To prevent undue and unreasonable discrimina tion in chertres lor trantnoruitlon of freight and passengers, end without abatement or drawback to unv ; TO lrivo to niieoual means for transnortlntrraw material of the Mate In such manner and to &ucli points as they nuy prefer ; and iu puuusn 111 goou ihuu inoiuuiy siaLeincuui ui where the money of the people wo-s kept. The republican party creates new ofllces and enor mous pcrnulMtes to others, and nils them wlthra- vontes, whobe chief duty Is to manage Its xjlltlcal machinery. lis administration or the state coverntnent crows more expensive ultheaihjearnt Its rule. Legislation has been directed bv republican lobby ists, who In turn manipulate and control the nomi nations of the republican party ,and Us candidates are the creation or a Junta w boso decrees are accepted as the Irreversible mandates of absolute hereditary puwer. We denounce these methods, these measures, and thete men. as unworihv tm sunnurt of an honest and free pea pie, and wo lnvlt all of eery shade of political epinton, to unite w lth us In dellt erlng tho uinuiunweaun irom ineir naieiui ruie. E, r. KUNKEL'S HITTEIt WINE OE IKON. This truly aluablo tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes ot tho community tdat It U now deemd Indispensable as a Tonic medlctce. It costs but Utile, purities the. blood and gives tone to tho stomach, rt novates the sjstem aud prolongs life. Everybody should have It, Kor the cure ot weak stomachs, general debility, Indigestion, diseases ot til ! stonnch, and for all cases requiring a tonic. This wine Includes tho most agreeable and enick'Lt salt ot Iron wo possens-Cllrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined wlihllH most energetic ot egetible tonics lellow ivrmlan pirl;, Do o i want something to strengthen you ? I)o you want a goo I appetlle ? Do o i want to get rll ot nervousness i llo j o.i want energy t Do you want to sleep well t Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do'you want to feel well Do you w int u brisk and vigorous feeling 7 It ) nu do try Kuukel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. 1 only ask a trial nt this ra'uahlo tonic. llewareof counterfeits, as Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron Is tho only sure and efficient remedy In the knoun world fjr the permanent minor liypepsl and Debility and as there area num erof inuatlons offered to tho public, I would caution tho communi ty to pucharu none but tho genuine article, manu facture! hy E. V Kunkel, and having hti stamp on the cotk ot every bottle. Tho very fact that oth ers are ai tempting to Imitate this valuable remedy proves Us worth and speaks volumes In Its favor Bold only In II bottles or six bottles for 15. Try this valuable medicine and bo convinced ot Its merits, Bold by dr ugglsU and dealers ei er where. rapu Worm Kciuuvvd Alive. Head and all complete, In two hours, No fee till head passes. Beat, Tin and Btomoeu worms re moved by Dr. Kunkel, tin NorthNlnth street, l'hlla- delphla. Pa. bead for a circular with a treatise on all kinds of worms, advice free. Ask your druggist for a bottlo of Uunkil's Worm syrup, which will do the work, l'rlce f t.oo. It never falls to remove alt kinds, from children or grown persons. Directions with It. JOI3;i'RINTINa" OF EVERY DESRIPTION KXECUTED PUOMITLV TH f f-OLUMWlAN OPCtOF At PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at thus Office OH BIIORTKST NOTICE AND AT THE M03T REASONABLE TERM 8. NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. EXECUTORS' SALE orValuablo ItKAL ESTATE! lly vlrtno of an order Issued out of tlie orilmni' Court of Columbia county, Uio undtrdgiKd cecu. tursot tlie estate ot William .Million, Into ot t-cou lonnnlilp, &)lumbladoiint),ccceaaed, wlllcxposo to iiiblla Bitlu in TUK8DAY AM) WKDNKSIiAY, November lOtli mid 20th, 1878, the follow Irifr described protrtjr, to wit ! No. s.-All ttint cerfaln lot ot frouml situate In Espy. Hcott township, bounded and described as follows, to-nlll (in the south elde ot .Main street, on the wist by land of Mrs. Jano Case, on the soulh by lands otJosei'hMlckney and tho l'cnnsjlvniila L'n- nil Company, on tho west by lands of s.Ud htlck. ney and Caual Company, and on tho north by Main street whereon are creeled a thrco story From Flout ing ?iill, With HOOD STUM rOWBH AND iUri.K MACHiT,K00d and I'aiiiiiinilioiis TIirr, a ono story Frame UDlcc, Weigh Kales, a two story l'rinp t'ooprr Miop, amladooit Frame Stable, containing about ONh AUHHOF I.A.ND. Thonbovo described property win be sold on tho premises at one o'clo k p. in., on Nov. 19th. No. a. All that cerlafn lot of gound situate In Es py, bcott township, bounded nnd described as fol lows, to wit i Public road leading to lllooimburg on the north, lot of Hantaan on tho east, an alley on the iouth, lot of .lacoby on the wcst.conuiln- Ing in front about 100 feetand In depth about two hundred feet, n hereon nre erected a large TWO STORY ri.ANK HOUSE, dutcli weatheMHiarded, wllh a good attle, erandas, n lnre lr im Mnble, carriage houe, Ac. Thenbovo described property will bo sold on the premises ut ono o'clock p m , Nov. 19th. No. C IlclDg a LIMB STONE QUARRY acquired by the Kxccutorsof saldtestato stncohls death In order to save said estate from loss having pin chased tho same nt Sheriff's sale, to nit: All that certain lot ot ground Ml'mo In Scott towntfilp bounded on tho eat by quarry lot ot Wnplc and l'ur pel, on the north ;by lands of Aaron lloon, on the west by another quany ut otJcsso 1). ltlco known asttio (Jrcen Quarry lot, sjuth by lands of Aaron Hoonc nnd other lands ot Jesso I). Hlce, on which are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, Stables, OfUce, Hay f-cales and SIX LIME KILNS. The above described property will bo sold on the premises at ten o'clock a. tn., Nov. 19th. o. 4. All thit ccrtnlti piece ot ground situate In Montour township, bounded nnd described aa fol lows, to wit: On tho eabt by public road, on the south by land of Uod Paxton, on the west by the Philadelphia A Heading Kill Itoadandon the north by land of Lloyd Paxton, containing about one-half acre whereon are erected a Lsuge Iwo-story frame Kiilhllng tiscdas a J?.HvTT MILL and containing nil tho machinery necessary for the manufacturing of Paints with Strain Engine, uollers,c.,.SheddlQg, b tabling and onice, and known as the Montour Paint Works. Theaboto descilbed property will be sold on tho premises at ten o'clock a. m,. Nov. 20th. TSUMS OP SA LK. Ten per cent, of one fourth of the purcha&e money to be paid at tho btrlklng down of the property, the one-fourth leas the ten per cent at tho confirmation of sale, and tho remaining three fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi. IIKNItV S. HE AY. MJdANNA MILN'ES, Executors. oct. n. "tS-ts DMIXISTUATOIVS NOTICE ESTATE OF JOHN CitN. DECEASED, Letters of Administration on the estate ofJolm Caln.l.Uoof Centre townshln. Columbia co.. dee'd. h.o been granted by the KcKl-ster of said county to the undersigned whom all persons lndetted are requested to make immediate payment iuu inutu imviiig claims or aemanus airainsnuo ua late will mako them kcowntothe administrator wuuout ueiay WILLIAM SHAFFER, Administrator, C. W, Mill br, Centre township. Attorney. oct. U, is:s-iw DMINISTKATOIIS' NOTICE. ; ESTATE OP MARY E. IIETLER, DECEASED. Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Vp , deceased, hae be-en gr nted by tho Jteglstcr oi Fd-id county to the undersigned Administrator to whom all persons indebted to Bald ctnte are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make them known to the said administrator without aelay. WILLIAM IIAHTZEL, Mlfilln township, C. V Ml 1.1. Kit, Administrator. Attorney. oct. 11,18 jw A UDITOR'S NOTICE. John V. Ivun? vs. No. 223 February Term j, u. Mini n, Notice Is hereby irlven that tho bnlanc i ot the fund remalnlnt; In the hinds of the sheriff, to wit ; $159 sa arUlng from tho sale ot the real phtate or .Jeremiah u. hmith, will bo (list rlbutcd to and amongst tho lieu creditors entitled thereto by tho undrhlued, who has been i)pilrted an Uidltor for that purpose, Tho Aiuliror will Bit at tho onico ot John n. Freeze, K miii 1 iv, in lllooiniburon Miturdat the oth day of Noeml'r, 17-4, at ono o'clock In tne AfU-rnoun. Ml perton,halnir claims upn said fund aro required to make ttuMrclilms known U fore mild Auditor, or bo debarred rrom coinlntr in on kiui innd. CUAKLl J, .1 UKS(1N, oct. II, 78-4w Auditor. A, UUITOR'S NOTICE. ;io matter ot the estato ot Daniel Ycttcr. de- cca'd. The undersigned, Auditor nppolntedhy tho Orphans' i;iuriia uiuuiuiu ui i.uumjr luiiimiiuuio iiiuus III hands of tho administrators ot bald dm-dent among helm and parlies enlltloj thereto, will attend to the duties or his appointment nt Iheonice or Charles (I, lurklev In lllooinshurg, on Saturday, tho nth dav of November, A. !., ls.n, at ten o'eloclc a, m., at which time and place uu parties interested may at. tend If they think proper. rAUL E. WHIT. Auditor. Hloomsburg, oct. 11, 7S 4w. Estate of Rebecca Smith, deceased. NOTICE IN 1'AltTITION. Coliwibin County, m. In the orphans' Court of Columbia County, in tho inuiuToi iuu p 'trillion anu valuation oi me es tate of llcbrccu smith, (widow of John Bmlth), late ot Mails n township, deceased : To the heirs and Icujl representatives of Hatd lte. licca smith, deceased, uwlt : A. K. smith of Mad- lso iiown mo. .lames wuson anu Misan uis w re or Diiiivllie, Montour connty, reunsjlvanla, Charles Dodsou and l'alniela hlswlfootsald Madison town ship, Alexander 11. smith, (residence unknown)John Mnlth, (residence unknown), Samuel H, smith, of ureenwonii lownsnip, saiu county or uniumbia, Alt na M. smith of liauvllle, aforesaid, II. k. liattln, (luardlan of Kosa smith and urant Smith, mlnorf resident In (Ireenwood twp. afort'sald,.lucob lxmy.of rine township, saiu uouniy oi coiuinuta. .Marina joou of said Maoi-son township, i antel l.onL'. Jack. sonvllle, Ifhlgh couKy, l'eniislvaiila. Jesse W ilso and ,M aunu i uis wne. oi tire n"ia. saiu ixnign coun. tv. Kdwln Itabenoldana'MatllilahtswUoof said Ore. Held. Henry Dotterv and Hannah his Mfc. of (lulli station, said hrhlirh county. John Klotz, and Kmellno his wife of Columbus Junction. Iiulsa county, Iowa. I'eUrr lla.ii and Amanda his wife ot Allentown. said I ehlch county Milton ott and Abigail his wife, of said AllentDwn Jeob Iibach and Isabeiu hU wife of Irontowu said Ihtgh county, (George itichara ana susan ins wire, nf naM Allentown.lleiiry 11. Werl'-y.Hos.u.I. Werley and Alice v. weney, a minor anil Hainan ivruin, guardian of wild Allco V, N erley, all of said Allen tow n. Take notice that an Inquest will lie held at tho late dneliliu house if said KelMTCa smith, deceased, In tli township of Maillrton Columbia county, on Bat- urdlV mo Sll-euill my oi oieinuer, iis neiweu iiiiihuuiaotlio'clock a in . anil 4 n. in of said day. f r IhH piiriKise of iimktDgpartlllon of the real estate t f (aid asc't. 1 1 and among her children and lo ltiiI renieseiitatlves. If the same can be donewlthout lii'J'iil'ie to or s-pn'llng of the whole, ol nerw Iso lo .ilunand apirilse the same accorillrig v ijii'h time and place jou may attend lfOU lhluk lirop-r. 1 JOHN W. HOFFMAN, Sheriff's Office, nets, -4w thtrlll. KETORT OE THE CONDITION OF Tll First National Bank cf BlocrasBurg, At Hloomsburg In the State of l'ennsjlvanla. at the Close OI liusinepR on me 1st. uny oi uvuiuer, ibis, BESODHOES. Iiann and dlicounts .. 13T.3I6 01 ovtrdraft' 1.1 1 V.J r. s. itonnsiosccuro circulation t'. H. lionds en hind other stocks, bonds nnd mortgages 60,00 i.OO vo 31, 18,1. W IS.fllSS '.',334 a li.IK.0S l.TU.DJ !3J i Jl 00 4"l.00 lui from apt roved reiervo agents line irom oiner ruiiuii&i iimiisb.....h.... DuHfrnm state banks and bankers ., current expenses and taxeapald checks and other cash Items ... Hills of other banks - Specie h Igal tender notes - ltedemptlon fund with V. B. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 0.1S4.HO SpSM.O, Total. caplt af stock paid In 233,818.31 0,0 0.00 lUMVOIIO (113.13 isnrpnis r unu rnoii tded profits w National Hank notes outstanding.......,.,., 1 nun UI mil iKpii.lla subject to check ... . 44.ROO.O Duo to other National Hanks 4,M1.: V,110.! Duo to btate banks and bankers..... uo, Total, fits bis STAT Or rtNSBVlViNU.COt'Sir CfCOLl UtlU. I. J. I. Tustln. Cashier of the above named bank. do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to me nest Ol uiy gnuwieuge ano neitei. J. I'.TUsilK.Caahler, Subscribed nnd to before mo this 4th day oi uciooer, isis. floury 1'ubllc, I. W. MCKKI.VY. I m. u. UUOHKH,' y Directors, ritAD. . UllinKEU,! STRAWBRffli & CLOTHIER Invite tlm people of Columbia county to tin examination of their JSTEW FALL STOCK:, which is now complete in every department. We are showing a stock of DBESS TEXTURES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, which cannot be surpassed in this Wa name below a lew itcnw only out ot tlm immense stock : FKfcNCII CASIIMKHKS AM) MIMtlNOS, In all (ho new tlndoi nnd In ii'ii.ltlei gmrant'-oil AM. WOOL l ASII.MKlti:-! 0o AT.I, WOOIi MUIUN'OS, VOUK1S OASHMKHKS AND .MKIlINOd. Kxcellcnt ijlitie-, 40 in. wiile nt C2J, ", 80, S7Jc, nml SI 00, 1 1ST BLACK GOODS wo have Inm iruc Uaos of Itr,ACK CaSIIMKUKS a no merixoks, namiKTli? tln'mu liot pl?o), which will bo distributed, nt vcrj- saill alvanccs on Importation C03t llt.A:K (M SUM HlltH KltOW Wo. til" 1ILAUK IIOUIILB TWIU.KI) MHItlNOl AT 45 AND &K-. run YUtl). SILK Wflltf HENUtKrrA OI.DT1I1, (lOOtl )UAL vr, AT We. MEDIUM & L0W-PRI01CD DRESS TEXTURES. ONE CASE ALL WOOL TARTANS, SOc N'eicr m)!d lie nre for losi th in illM . ONE CSE N'OVKLI'IES, H71c I'art sIK mi 1 very Hf.llsh, ONE CASE C.I EL'S HAIR NOVELTIES, 37jc '"-ctra villi i an I pun ilir ONE CASK .'.i'i-I.N' LUSH MERES !!7jc In s.''e 'U'leiilirluca. ONE LOT CLAN l'LAIDS, STJc Thoj'i irijods aro 2T Inilies wile. ONE CASE llRADl'OHU MOHAIRS, 37jc In nil tho new slndos. ONE LOT SILK-MIXED NOVELTIES, 31c New thN 8asnn. an 1 re ill worth 3IiC. ONE CASE KOULE IIEIHH, 31c U luetic 111 wldMl. ONE CASE EAN'UV SA I'l.N'EES, 20c Ixjss thn cist or linpor&atlua. ONE LOI' CLAN I'LAIDS, 25c In alt the new coiii)lnatl i ns. Oonil lllwiclieil Muslin liir lluny (nliin Elnntii'l fur Heavy White Wnul Klunnel fur Extra Qualilv Wi.ol riannrl for Scarlft TwIIIhI Kl.iniiel fur Our Mail Ohiikii Deimhtmi'nt bellevi .1 to be tho most thoroughly organized In the country, gives tho. . opportunity t the most distant inniuincr m avail ot our low prices, whtcli aro In every Instanen h low similar gnoas can uu soul iu Aine.-ica may need. If jou cannot STBAWBBIDGE N. W. Cor. Eighth PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 80,'TS-tl Estate of Ann Winner, deceased. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Columbia County, m. tho Orphans' iourt of Columbli county. Intlio malli-rotihoiiurllilinand viliiatlou of thuos l.ito of .Mm Wluncr, lateof Hemlock Ion nshlp, di-ceascd. To the lietis and leirnl ienre4ent.itlv.M of nl I nn Winner, deceased, to-wlt : lurid winner, of tho Town of llloomstmrg. Kail Colillnbt.l enUlity, John A Winner, of tin) liorou'li of Dinvllii;, Moiuoiir county, I'eip silv.inl.i, Isaac iVinnerof Kali Hrook, lioga eoiiiuy, i flinty n .till t, .ioiiii Lyme uu i .ni'i 1111 wife of tnoTownot ItUiomsbiirg. uforesai.l .lotiiiii. iseMusunu unuira nu wire oi .m.uimihi lowiiup, Columbia coii'iiy. Take n.iiico that an iniiueat win no ueiu ai in taio dwelling house or .aid nn winner d.vas.'d. In tie towhihtpof lleinlock, coliiuibla comity, on r'tldiy, iuu lllieenui uay oi .oveuuiei, oiiwecniiio hours of y o'clock a. in. and 4 p. in of said ilav.for ine piiro-e oi tunning piiriui"ii oi in" ie.ii .'simeoi said d.'eease.l, (o and among htr chllilreli nnd legal repiesi-niatlies, It too sauio can t dune Willi mt prejudleo lo r spoltliig oftlH vmioH, .itlieiM 14 1 to VHiuti uno iippruio iuu rmuiu lu-ouiuui; i.j iui, ui. which tune and place jou may attend If oiiihlnk proiier. iuii? i. in ir r .11., sheiirr. tlierlff'a Office, Hloomsburg, Oct. 6';8-)w. A D M I N I ST R ATO K'd HA LE OF VALUAHLE REAL ESTATE ! In nursuancuofanorderof the Oniliaiiv 'ourtof Co lumbla county the 1111 lersntned .viiiilnlsttnior e., of Montgomery Colo lain of sugarllKl lnw.i-hlp In said county decease t, will expose to public sale on tho pro on Saturday, November Kith, 1878, commencing at ten u'clot k u. in. ot said d.iy all that certain m s-.iuge und tr.o t ot 1 md sit ja'o In Kucar- loal lutl II-IUIJ III Hll'l etniiiij, iijiii.."i v , ' Alltias cote on tha north, lilil" of Joih'U ilrlnk and James Lunger on Uio uu', luids ol Ifobcrl Minrtnoui on tho sout.i and r ulilngcreek on the west, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES moro or less, aliout seventy acres of w hlch Is cleated laud, whereon Iserecledu two story Frame Dwelling House, a bank barn, woo 1 shed, wagm shu I, pi,' siyo to Also, a ono anu uno iuu siory pi uik owning nouso 'rim utHive nrnoert, lo-wii: the farm laud contain ing seventy iicies or thereabout w ill he sold subject to t.'asu iiriwtii said .Miiiitiuuerv Cul and -loscph 1. Cole wiiieu leriiuu iis ami ocuues in, nrit nay of Apill 1st.;, orin ot leao ..loseph i. lololo pay one-iulrdof all the glalu. Mitato-s, hav and (od der, and 1 1 haul throe hiindii'il bu-helsoi lltno when u by said MuuigoniTy coio TEltMi OF -Al.H en per lent, of onc-tourthof the tuiiehuio liiian'.i to li paid ut thu striking .tow'u of the pi opei ty. Hi-' ine fourth less Hie ten iur eo t. at the Uu or sale, und llw remaining tltree foitrihs In ono tear tuereaf er with interest Hum conllruialioii nl-1. JUSKI'll n. CIII.K, Admliisiruli.r. Colo's Crc k, ct. 1 1-"3 Is. auAiinrAN's sale OF VALUIILE REAL ESTATE! Inruruircof an older (-( fie orr-liant fourtof C'rtluinLU fiitinly, Uh iiii-li'rHltrncd (iuamian iI tho jwrsou ui.ii I'-iuui it j-.snua wiuna rumor, win ex posy to p'lUlC bale uu tlu i iul-c uu Saturday October SOtli, 1878, commeuctnir at i o'cl'Wkr. in. of said diy, tho fol- ionium "t MiutHi ieui tiMiiuj iu Hit; All IUhI crlUlu trauufJ tml tltiiulo in iiv?iio d t')uii.tiiitit o iiiiui. Lm cuuuty, (Niundi'ii una ucriitM as follow h to-wii: lu-glniiliiy at. n vUie u-tk Uui Ui u public roid thtiice by H.ild niilphu road honlli wven Ui-vn-es west oi e hundred and t'leven an ItlvtMenth kti'Iuh to a pobt, tiienoti b) laud of Ik tier north dr'tfrt i b i ast forty and two (emir pirchfi lo a potst, the by l i nd nt Andrew lkeler Ujrlh on deifreo eafat mu hundrfd and nlutieeu und tltflit-tenth i en .iu: iuu w hilu tuk bt uni., 1 heuce by 1 n.d of John hhoeiuakerboutheluiy-lhierU'irriHiH est twenty niuuuitu nveieniuii iK'reueK luubionu mputtllo roud aforesaid tliue b' Hald nubile ruud houiu beventv. 1 1 lit degrees uokt twenty-tk)eu und nvctenui IH-riufs 10 un vnK uubu in imuuie or tuia public road tho r Uco of U-fluului;, coutalnlnt THIRTY-FIVE ACRES and opep'hes strict measure, whereon are erected a iok un ciuuir uuuso weuiuer uuarueu. a goou nam, loir aiiple orcliard aud good water. ey to bo paid ou tho first da) of April A. 1). Ism and -i a.iiMn vir sAi.ii,-uue-iuird oi ine purchase mon. two-thirds lu two) ears thereafter wlilulnterest pay able annually from the 1st day uf April a, Ii.islv. li9 one-third of tho purchase money is paid. dUlin A, J1 U.NSlflN, Uiuudlan. OcUl, J8 -U. JOB l'KINTIQ Neatly anil cheaply executed at the Columbian Office, country. C0o COUItTLAUD'S CUAI'Ej, AND CltAPK VEILS, I1LACK JIANTKI.AS3L?, AND AMUItES, In nrw and Cholco styles. oxu cask so it twills. In all the latest rulorlmra. OXK CASE CAMEL'S HAIR HEIOE, Extra nullity, ONE CASE ARMURES, Cloth weight. ONE CASE ENGLISH MATELASSE, This season'a new delgna. ONE LOT ENOLIKH NOVELTIES, In handsome effects. ONE CASE CASHMERES, Extra w-tght. ONE CASE I'Ol'LINS, Very low for such quality. ONE CASE i'lNE TWILLS, New In colorings. ONE CASE LUSTRES, Thes are halt wool. ONE CASE ARMURES. Extra width. 6 els. CJ cts. lBctn. 20 cts. 20 cts. 26c 2oc 25c 22c 20c 20c 16c 15c 12Jc 12Jc visit us In person Bend for samples of whatever you & CLOTHIER, .and . arkct Sts. A.MI SSIGNEE'S SALE. OF VAI.UAIILE REAL ESTATE ! In pursuanco of an order of tho Court of Common pleas "I Columbia county, thero will bo exposed to public s ill! at Kehrls' Hotel In Nuiuedla, Columbia county 1'a. on Saturday, October 5, 1878, at ino'clo'k.a. in., thofollowlng described valuablo real estate, u-sslgned to John c. Yocum by Aaron 8. Knlltle, In trust (or Uu beuellt of creditors of said K mi tie. All that certain mcssuairo and terement and trace of land stttulu lu Uieusl tow nslilp,ColumbJa county, statu of I'enns) 11 aula, beginning at the comer on tho puhllo road marked bj i sumo south elght-ono degrees, west one hundroo and eight aud Ilie-tenths Ki.-n.iicn uj laiiuqui jicnrj iiauie, 10 a posi, ineni'U y land ot the satno south eleven and one half de gree, east twenty and live-tenths perches to a rost, thence by land ot l'etcr Mowery south elgbt-twu and ono-uali degrees, west thtrty-threo and eight tenths perches to a white oak tree, thence by land of the same north eleven nnd one-half degrees west tUvo nnd live-tenths perch's to a white oak tree, thence by land of the satno southelgttty-oneand one halt degrees wist slt seven and one-halt perches to n chestnut tree, thence by land of tho same north nine degiees west nttv perches to a mute oak lire, tneiiuo uvland of Daniel Mine north eighty degrees, viiXt tree, iheuce by l.uul ur th Maine north nine Uo- grees west tlie and llve-tntlis nvrchefl tn a pun.r tlience bv laud of fenry Knapp north eighty-one de grees east tw o hundred and tnlm-two perches to a stone, thence by land of Henry Knapp along said public road south nineteen aud three-fourths de glees west iwenly-slx and two-tenths perches to a stone, thence by iho same south thirty-one degrees west thirty-three and seieu-tenths perches to a stone, tho place of beginning, containing. 1M Acres and 38 Perches strict measure, hereon Is erected a Good Frame Dwelling, Earn ind other out-bulldlngs. A well of good water near the house. Tho property is accessible, to Catawlssa and the coal region markets. TEBMSiNnCoxniTiossoi'SiLK. Ten ner cent, ct the one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at the striking down ot tho property. Tho one-fourth less ten per cent, at confirmation of sale, and the re maining three-fourths one jear thereafter with In terest from confirmation nlst. Kor further particulars apply to, or address JOIINO VOCUVt, Assignee ot Airon 8, Knlttlc, or I'-lysburg, North'd county, I'o., AI1II0TT& Hiuwn, Atty's for Assignee, Cataw Issa, 1'a, September 13, s-ts JXKCUTOK'S NOTICE KSTiTSOKJOSHl't BK1NK, PEC'D. iiH.i,Jel?,i'Ii''',,,'u,irn,.,rjr.0n lh tMa'e of Joshua v Li?,, ;' '"-'"tohtoynshlp. Columbia coin, ty, i a., liaiobeen uruntid hi th lteelster i f coliun. bla county to -lie undersign cd Exrcntorl to whom all isons Unlet ted ar' le itiesud to laak? luiin.dlat i a iiiei.t.tud tlm-ehai Ing claims It, det uiands ..galuH Ihe sdi estate A II m i? ih2m snuau to ,he m.dtr Igned Executo' 'SlthoM ic,V,'.K' K,tI 'KIUUM, NMLLIill IIIUMi, ' lleuto' ,oct.ll,'H-ilw Liecutors, ASSIGNEE'S SALK OF VALUULB REAL ESTATE ! The un terslgned, Assignee of David H, uower.wm epOso at public BalJ on the premises ou Kutunluy, October 12th, 1878, at ten o'clock a. m., the (nlhw ing Tract of Land. situate partly In CuUwlssa aud part y in Locust to wnship, Columbia county. I'eunsj iianla i l"und- 17 ACRES AM 14 PERTHES, wheroonU erected a (icon HAW MILL, I'ltAMi: ijwi:i..ixq jiousi: and other out-butldlnga. I hums vv bALE.-Tmnr r.n.l. ...-TTi ItlM ,.l,t.l.nU . . ' .-..,i.lMlll)C .T.r. ,r 10 w ,aw M uo Mrlking trrt F.r.F.Cr,?:-,h0 ""'outm less the ten , .. uluioiiuu 01 sale, and the remalnlnir hreo-fourths mono ,tar ther alter wti totereit fromo onnrmatlon nut. furchaserto pay ,o? deed r, , MOSKil 110WEI1, Att'y. lor Estate. P. r, ts-tg I
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