THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Pnli Kliitrr ami the I'oulos. 'Miranda,' fald Mr. K.ln?er, b nell-in-ilo widow of Long Jslam1,tn her married rlatigti. ter, ou the morning of the day she was to give a grand party, 'nil the Invitations are ent now, nml we must get rid ofDabney and theboya for a few hours.' Dabney was her aon, a lank boy fourteen years old, and the other boys were his friends Frank Harley and Kord Fos'cr, with the latter' s coudns Joe and Fuz Hart. , 'Send 'cm fiir some greens to rig the par lor with, suggested Hm,Mrs. Klnzer's son In-law ''let 'em take the nonies." "Do you think the ponies are safe to drive just now?'' Oh Dab can handle 'em. They're a trifle skittish, that's all. They need a little exer else.' Bo they did, but It was to be doubted if thi best way to secure It for them was to send them out In a light, two-seated wagon, with n load of five lively boys. "Now, don't you let one of the other boys touch the rein,' said Mrs. Kinzer. D.tb's promise to that effect was a hard one to keep, for Joe and Fuz almost tried to take the reins away from him before they bad driven two miles from the house. He was firm however, and they managed to reach the strip of woodland, some five miles Inland, where they were to gather their load ' vvithutit any dtia'ter j but it was evident to l)ib all the way, that his ponies were in un iHUally 'high' condition, lte took them out of the wagon while the rest began to gathe their very liberal harvest ol evergreens, am did not bring them near agaia until all whs ready for the start homeward. 'Now boy.,' ho said, 'you get in. Joo and Ford an! Fuz ou the back seat to hold tho green. Frank, get up there, for.v.iril.wliile I hitch the ponies. These fellows arc full of mlclilef.' Very full, certainly, nor did Dab Kinzer know exactly what the mitter wr, for minute or so nfttr he seized the reins and sprang up bs.lde Frank Harley. Then, in deed, us the ponies reared and kicked and plunged, it seemed to him lie saw something work out from under their collars and fall to tha ground. An ncorn-burr is just the thing to worry a restive horse, if put in such a place, but Joo and 1' uz had hardly expect' ed their 'little joke would bo so very sue cessful as it was. Tho ponies weie oft" now. 'Joe,' shouted, Fuz. 'lets jump I' , Don't let em, I'oril,' exclaimed D.ib. giving his wholn energies to the horses 'They'll break their necks if they do. Hold 'em In 1' (Ford, who was in the middle, promptly seized an arm of each of his pauic-m. cousins, while I' rank cumbered over the seat to help !iim. They were all down on the bottom now, s.'rving as a weight to hold the branches, as the light wagon bounced and rattled alorg over the level road. In vain Dab pulled and pulled at the no nles. Run they did, and all he could do was to keep them fairly in the road. Bracing strongly back, with the reins wound around his .tough hands, and with a look in his eyes that should have given courage even to the Hart boys, Dab strained at his task as bravely as he had stood at the tiller of the 'Swallow' in the storm. No such thiDg as stopping them. And now as they whirled along, even Dab's face paled a little. I must reach the bridge before be does. He's just stupid enough to keep right on.' And it was very stupid indeed for the dri ver of that one horse "truck wagon' to try and reach that narrow little unrailed bridge first. It was au old, used-up sort of a bridge, at best. Dab loosened the reins a littlebut could not use his whip. 'Why can't he stop 1' It was a moment of breathless anxiety, but Hieivarnner kept stolidly on. There twould be barely room to pass on the 'road Itself; none at all ou the narrow bridge. The ponies did it. They seemed to put on an extra touch of speed, on their own ac count just then. There was a rattle, a faint crash, and then, as the wheels of the two vehicles almost grazed one another in passing, Ford shout ed : 'The bridge is down 1' 'Such a narrow escape .' One of the rotten girders, never half strong enough.had given way under the sud den shock of thn hind wheels, and that truck wagon would have to find its path across the brook as best it could. There were more wagons to piss as they plunged forward, and rough places in the road, tor D.ibney to look out for, but even Joe and Fuz were now getting confidence in their driver. Before, long, too, the ponies themselves bfgan to feel that they had near ly enough of it. Then it was that Dab used his whlpaguin, and tho streets of the village were traveled at such a rate as to call for the disapprobation of all sober-minded peo ple. From 'Dabin Kimer,' Si. Nicholas for October. The Late Apple Crop. Hand picking should always be resorted to, especially with the winter apple, else the fruit will not keep long or present a salable appearance when laid down In the markets for sale. Some few varieties ripen irregu larly, and should be picked accordingly. In most cases the later varieties of apples should be left till late, so as to fully color up, when they should be carefully hand pickedjOtily the sound.unspecked ones being taken. A bag, with two of the extreme cor ners drawn neatly together, and slung over the right shoulder and hanging under the left arm is the most convenient thing to pick in, as it is readily used either on the tieo or when tho picker stands on a ladder. When the bag is full the apples are carefully emp tied into baskets conveniently near, and the bag filled again. When the fruit is pick convey It to the fruit room, which thould be a cool, dry and dark idace. where it should remain till the time arrives for pack ing. While picking, keep the apples in the shade after they are picked and before they are removed to the fruit rooni. While some p;rons, new to the business do not think it makes much diuerenco if the fruit is a little mixed, we have always fcund it the best to keep the varieties separate and to market them the same way, even though the Quan tity be small. And this is the why we have advocated, continually,, planting but few varieties, and thoee the best, for when the trees come into beariug you will have enough of each sort to make a fair market ing, which would not be the ca-e If many varieties, and but few trees of each variety, were planted. In packing apples they should not be barrelled until they are free from moisture or dampness on the outside, elee they will 60on decay, become damaged, and be unsalulle. The barrel should be filled rather more than even full, and the bead then preyed Into place, with a tcrew and appliance for the purpose. J!y ibis mean the applfs are pieventtd frim being bruised In bundling (he barrels in transportation. V '.. Jitani, Jr., in luctical Fanner, Historical. IIISTOKY OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. MtMTAtiY nEconn. Three Year's Service 80th Regiment, 7th Cavalry. In ISdl William II. Sipes of Philadelphia was authorized by Secretary of War Cam eron to recruit a regiment of cavalry. On the J 9 day of December of the same year It broke camp near Harrisburg Pa., for Lous Ilvi'le Ky., and upon arrival there reported to den. ltuell. It rcmatned In arduous and active service until the closo of the war, and was discharged August 23 1SC5. A part of Co. D. and a part of Co. II. were recruited in Montour connty, and I have endeavored to select from them the names of the Mon tour county men. If any are omitted I will be glad to have the names supplied to me, to be added. company n. Samuel Kobinalt, deserted Decembers, ISflt Michael llreckblll, mustered out with Regi ment. Samuel Sprout, mustered out with Compsny Newton L. Sayers, deserted December 25, John Dugan, dicharged on surgeou's certifi cate July 22, 1803. William C. McCay, dcsert! -T-uuary 12, 18Go. Joseph IUffler, died at Madison, Indiana, January 12, 1SG5. W. Forest. John T. Newcomer, mustered out October 31, 1SG4, expiration of term. T. J. Irumbower, died at Louisville, Ken tucky, February 13, 18G2 National Cemetery, section A, range 13, grave C. Martin Kieffer. Charles K. Wagner,mustcred out with Com' pany. Hiram Wertman. William H. Kietfer, mustered out with Com pany. Charles A. Dalliet, died at Limestonoville Pa., May 7, 1804. ' Daniel W. Hank, mustered out December 10, 1SC4, expiration of term. Opt. James Dryson, died at Louisville Ky., April 1, 1802. W. Caldwell. Jacob F. Iialliet, discharged surgeon's cer tificate, February 1803. Joseph D. Fulton, mustered out with Com pany, Carnathan. Alfred Roberts, mustered out with Com pany. Thomas H. Sanders, not on muster out roll. Wm. A. Fetter, mustered out October 3, 1804, expiration of time. Thomas Keisteller. Daniel O. Dildine, died at Bardstown Ky., Hebruary 22, 1802. Daniel F. Wagner, discharged on surgeon's certificate, November 10, 1802. COMPANY II. Capt. Samuel Ilibler, resigned February 10, 18G2. Thomas J. Wenck, mustered out with Com pany. Thomas Davis, prisoner from August 20, 1804, to April 36, 1805, discharged June 17, to date May 18. 1805. Malarial Diseases. The season is just beginning when malaria of every kind gains ground most rapidly. The decoinpoition of vegetable matter in the fall begets intermittent fevers, and the gold-mists of September, beloved of poets and painters, are, in fact, but heavy fogs from tho lowlands, which compress the at mosphere and make it a more solid vehicle to transmit contagion. Typhoid, as all our readers ought to know, is conveyed by ani mal poison. A single case, unless the clos ets, drains, etc., are thoroughly disinfected, is enough to poison a whole neighborhood. This fever has prevailed as an epidemic this summer in the city of Bristol, England. Search was made for the cause, and it has been discovered that a lady of Clifton, while convalescent of typhoid, was ordered to tho country ; she found board with a dairy far mer near Bristol ; tho well from which the water was taken to clean the milk vessels (and, perhaps, to water the milk) was but a few feet from the closet drain. Typhoid ap peared in nearly every family to which tho milk was served. We instance this case to show how subtle are the means of contagion, yet how easy the prevention. Americans are but just beginning to grasp this matter of disease in a practical way. In England when a case of virulent fever occurs, the family, no matter how high their Bocial po sition, are obliged to submit their premises to a thorough official process of disinfection ; the patient is isolated,and the disease check ed. In Scotland, when a case of tvtihoid fever is reported, the house in which it has occurred Is closed peremptorily, and the owner is not permitted to occupy or rent it until the cause of the disease has been dis covered and the disinfection is officially pro nounced complete. But who would dare or der a free born American 'out of his house, even to prevent the poisoning of a whole community ? in ueiauit 01 any olnelal means of preven tion, we recommend our readers before re turning from the cointry to look well to the drainage of their houses in town. Kpeud enough money on trap, waste-pipes, etc., II your floors go bare and you dine on potatoes and milk for the rent of the year. And if n cae ol typhoid fever occurs, have no thera pies of false pride or fetllng about submit ting the pal lent to a proper isolation and dlfciuftctiou for the good of others. There was divine as well as human wisdom ju the Jewish law whUli put the unclean person without the camp. It Is misfortune enough to be ill, without becoming the instrument of death to others. A', Y, Tribune. Au Klfectius Sentence. Judgo ,of the Judlcail Di.trict of Arkansas, had brought before him a cojvict ed felon to be sentenced, T ho opportunity to .'improve1' the occaaiou was not to be lost, and so after the umal demand for reason why sentence should uot bu pronounced,hI.,honor slowly and wim genulue feeling addressed .i r . int.. me (irisuner . iuy poor Icllow, ynu are about to go to the penitentiary. You are refpiired to give up for along term every ining wuicu uie great worm values; your family and lustead to take for your associ ales only felons like yourself; your liome- and to take lustead what never can have the semblance of a home ; your will and so be subject to order of men who have no symna thy with you. Even your ordinary clothing you will eichauge for here his honor hesi tated, and raising uis left arm, pointed to It with the Index finger of the right hand you witl exchange for striped clothes, the stripes not ruuulug lengthwise like these,but so round and ground like a coon's tall.' Lditor'i Vrawtr ip JIarper't Magazine for October. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Cure all Iahi In Man ami Hcnst TESTIMONIALS: rnotirsrs tfTKiu (Fall. tin of the Womb.) A Won derful cure. Mnp jours my wife suffered Jwlth this terrible complaint, Fhoiw intended by doctor af ter doctor, went to tho different hospitals where fe males nro treated: tried them all; wore bandares and pesmrles with only temporary relief. Her life was imiertiuie. e nppueu it. ui cb ununvau Her relief was lmraedtate. fbe Is now welt. 11. MCUERliOTT, 40 West nth street, New York, t tmdttwelrn fttrnlron nf rural Ma. Mv letr. arm and tongue were usi'lena ! was obliged to una a cath eter eury day. lhctor lilies liniment Iodide of Ammonia han cured ime. til answer any Inquiries so that all anilced may know or 1L luiin aitki., .(liiu nrtuiiuru. touu, l HUM UUt 111IU 1 lUtUt'l)JUIt f.ll l. W. M, niles, Kq Dear Mr 1 u-wd jour Iodide of Ammonia l.lnlrneiit on Klnra Ten.ple'H hind pastern joint. rhe tud been 'quite latnej the effect was wonderful; she wnks now quite well, very, re ppcctrully jours, A. WRICK. ) S. I nm now using It on Uttleton'drljfht tons lctf. a large ulioo boll on n valuable young horse was removed ny uues' umtntmi iouwe 01 Ammonia.. HiiEPiirnn KNirr, Carnets. H.islxtn ave.. New York. Astiimi Tho tenures and agonies I endured for six ear, none but thow who hate suffered with thU uri'Lt.: (iuprtsn ran know. M v llfrt was misera ble. Hi desperation I tried (Mies' Liniment lonide of Ammonia, n gave inn insitiQL reiiei. iku 11 in ternally us w ell uh externally, 1 1104. llKANIOAH, 127 west S7th street. Xew York, I was In a dreadful condition. Joints swollen. faln intense, injections of rnornhlne into my veins Ailed to relieve me. (Mies' Iodide of Ammonia took nwav the deprtsits from my Joints lwunteery one Mho suffers to know whut will cure them. KOKhYCK I-OTHKOr, North Hide Park. Lammollle co. vt. Another Sufferer cured. lilseliarired from tho Massachusetts General Hospital ns incurable, with lnll.i uiimtory rheumatism In in Miouldera, lingers and feet ; suffered fearfully for threw enrs, tried everyining ; 10-.1 au nope. vr. wiies- unimcui xou lde of Ammonia effected a complete cure. Eixrs hMtTii, No. 72 Irane btreeL Fall ltlver. Mass Sprains, splint, bruises, Lameness In horbes, tines uuimeiit iodide of Ammonia is a periect Mpe cine. No person who owns a horse should be with out It. M. I10DEN3, 5fi3 seventh avenue, New York. In my family, and for the b'ocK, I have used Gilo's Llntment lodldu of Ammonia. It Is unsurna.wcd. and 1 mn surprised at the many different maladies In which It la applicable. It ghea the utmofet satis- laeuon. John J. ('akter, fciupeilntcndeut Kastern I'ennsylvanU Kxperimen t.d Kami. ruc. find $t : and In (juaru at $, in which there 13 HKruai Hatiug. size 25 cents. Soi.i bt alt, UarnuisT?. N. J. HKMIHltMIIOTT, Agt. fur Illoommburtf. may 41, 'H- rpiIE GREAT POSITIVE CURE JL forU l)mrAiEH arising from 11 demnzed rondl. Honor th. II LOOK, 1.1V l.u, A'lUCVlt or IIIOEhTIVi: U1CUA.NN. Tha Best Family Uelictae on Eartb. 8I1K) 1 : ouliii to Mr psrton .ffllctedwllb that MGOMXB wlH ttot r.UT. or tons prOTlJlo. tho tswos or orcw. v. &t wutad DSTODd point of rtp.lT; Toole. Clh.rUe, Alt.r.tlT.. Diuretic .nd sudorific ItslmmMl.t. effcet norm th. dlnwttv., whether lmpnlred by due... or rxh.nited from .nT uuse, U to In. cretM Utelr power, of kailmkl.tlon .nd nutrition, it In. creMe. tb. appetite, .iilit. dlzsttlon, .nd Irtvce flrmneei .ndton. to the mncul.r .nd elrcnl.tlni iTetetn. It etlm. nute. the vital proceane. to reneweo. .cimiy, ..". cor. rcu tnd purUW tb fluid, tooua tbe crc&iu md rHiUb' llibea tbelr beallby funcUona. Wthe only true remedy for colds. F It li ubcIbm to cipUato upon the Tlrtuos of this GIlEAl KF.3LD.. .lfrou ire lufferlnff from Ml 101 8 ATTA(k( MrtlMU.op 'll.DM.miUS UllUMlTlsV.I.LMItiLIlt.. 1IILITY. (OSTirATI0, klDNKf r S HUH S DlSlUSH, cr any dlMnier artiloc from lilt lit. ItLooii, fr t bottli of u'oiil !K nd Uke m per dlrmtcrai npnn each bottle, Id EngUab, German, Cpmish and French. One bottle wll better conlnc you of 1U mcrtu tbaa TOlumei cxprciaed It tprA trtal ot one bottle lnsnm Hi adoption In eTCtr family for no Man, Woman or Child can take f IMIM.M. and rem all lODgilek. It flrat cleaniei tlie Titcm. thn repairs, thct buUdJup.tbmcurtngdlBeawaud eitabllihlag toaltbOQi SUFFERED 30 YEAUS. Jemey City, Eopln.ber id, 1 171. Mo tonme ran tell what I have ufi'ert.d for the pact u year from (3.naXt,!4 aud HUM) IlLlLUlMi rllJjt, at time! to bad that I conld D"t ttaod upon my fovt, I could uut walk half a mile wlthou ufferlog UiteDM ajcony blcb woo Id bring onaatere inueii. Aboat one year ago 1 aa Induced to try a bottle of Jour t.U.KMK and auifrtad to atatethat after taking our botyea I waa entiruly rami of both dlauawa and aoi now entojlng eicellfntbealth and atreninQ. I ad viae all alinilarlj afflicted to try M.OkkNfc. Ulia. (1. P. FEU Rid. 114 Boteex St. DON'T GO FOOLING A HOUND. At routing nvxllctne I can ennfldently rMorotntod IMHIKM. I have uawl U In my lamlly and know other who have tried It. and all pronounce U Rood and rvllable. It don't go fooling around and dlaappolnt yon by making no tga, but It attenda to builueaa and ao compllabva that wbcreunto It la at-nt. WM. A. DC V ALL, IUTerhead, L. I. OP YEARS STANDING. I need one bottle of Tir.ORFP and ran truthfully aay that It ha. curwl mo of Imt't.ltila and UILIIM oak, of yean .landing. ' 8. C, nDB, M.D , UUanon, N. 1. For Me at H. J. BRIia STOEE, Blooiiisburg, Pa. wlio It authorize 1 to iruaranlm YHiOHKNK in nrmn Jau.18, 78.-1JT. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. Qoneral Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oare and Dispatch. i am iireparea 10 male drawings, rians and Models In Wood, i:ru, lrju, or Hie aUno raaterUUs couiUcej us neeesiiary or Bridges, JJtsw, Erealerj, Ssllilngs, EnglBe., l'l'Ml'S, and all Linds ot marliliKrjr for us of caws at. court or for applications to seeuro ratcDla. 1'nlrni. hrrurrtl uiarcti ts.s. GLAZING AND PAPERING TTTM. P. BODINE, Iron Street Ilow see- .M ouu, uiooiosDurg, ra., la prepared to do all PAINTINQ, GLAZING, and PAPElt HANGING, to tbe best stylos, at lowest prices, and at abort rartli'fl banc if aucb work to do .111 tare money AU workvarranted to cite satisfaction. Orders Huiw:ibrKj WM. F. BODINE. Oct. 1, 18IS. I MllTll I I Ml Ml II chtaintdfor nfto tnrenttnnt.orfor improvemtnti on M onr t.or wrdiettl or othtr compound, tradt mnrU and Inttlt, Cttrtati. Attinnmmtn, Inter ftrtnett, Appeati, Fnttfor Infringtmrnh, and au catii artting unarr inc i rurni i.nirtprompf ly attmded fo. f nrfitlMH I hat ttner 6rrtl ttf atttnrttil tfl.- I WVMIMIM I tsaammi by the ratfntO Jlce may ttUl, in tnott eat. b patintrd by us, wing vvfmiiU the r, V. Patent J)epartmtnt,and tngaged in Patent lutinets et- eintltetif, ire cdi moke rioter tenrche. ana teeurt raltntt more promptly, and tetth hrnader etatmt, than Mojm iiin are rrmnfp fmm Washington, 3flS?Xl" or nketch 0 fUZa vour device: vt make ezitmi nations and advise as to vatentahttitu. frrenfeharfie'. All correspond en re ttrtctlu ran fdential. 1'rtrei t torn, and 3 CtlAJiGIJ UX- We refer in, Washington, to J ton. Postmaster General IK M. Key, Per, F, . Poorer, The Herman American t'atinnnl Unuk, to etfie lain in the If. ,S. Patent ViAce. and to ffnalorinnd Reurtsmtatlves in Confjresi and especially to tmr clients in etery VppoUte patent tjiee, Washington, I), 0. LAFFERTY'S PATENT Screw Porcelain-Lined Cylinder. heciivbd uionrsT AWAnu At Centonnlnl Exposition, l'lIILAUlXnilA, IMS. t vuoii pftJiiM In the market. I'l Un wrnul stc-cks also copper and porfuhim iiii' t. -mist ns hemowin a- inn om iujt pump, ami nets hut luiT th money. Uun'tbuyu pump iiiiUl you cullur wlle ua lur prices. REineir We Warrant Every One TO OIVB SATISr ACTION. Woliao alsott lino or cmin l'umpiat very low prlt'os. cut UtW out mid bnve lor relereute. J. SCUUYLCIl A BON, Bcp. 27. IS-lui I1LOOMSHUKO, l'A. Standard of THe World Over 300 Modifications. 70 THE REQUIREMENTS OF EVEHY BUSINESS S C A L E S. Iiide UU ilic I.nlrot nnil.Moht Valunb1 IinpriM rtiM'tilH. Two Grand nzes JL AT PAULS I XI'OSITION. Ilrcclvcil lllKliL'Nt MciIiiIm at Wdlll.llN KAIlt, LtlNIMIV, 1611 WdltUI'S l'll(, MSW YOUK, ISM WOHI.DM F lit, Pj. HIS. 1M17 MIIIILII'S KAIlt, VIKNNA, 173 WOM.lVi KAIlt, SANllAfiO, (I'lllll) 16T5 WOIII.I.N F.MII, I'lllI.AIIEI.l'HIA, IMS wor.Lli' kaik, syiisKV, (Ausiralto) ibtt WOIILD'S KAIlt. l'AHIS, lbTi FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia, Bcp. S7. TS-13 VT IMPORTANT TO YOUNG BrXElNT Se WOMEN1 The Bryant & Stratton Business College. Ho, 103 South 10th Btrwl, Phllad'a, OITen. iiiiHuriiisHl racllltles for ucfiiilrliiK p. f.iislncas clu. cation. HtPifenta can enter at any time. No vacations. Illustrated circulars l'rcc, aus. SO, ASS C. E. SAVAGE, UI1LEK IN Silverware, Watehes,Jowelt7,Clocks,&c. !" Homoved to the Tost omco butldtnj, rirsi door aluc Uio Eiliiuitx IIOU'I. All kinds of Woti iii R, t-ioriB and Jewelry neaU lauy H, in-lt ASS10N EK'S NOTICE. nullocla licri-hr plvpn Hint anrnnfl lnittia n Iufci tovutlilp, ( kliimthi ouut, I'a , I'V 'dof olunlurv RbHk'Mncm has uhlgurd all hi. r.uie to John', M.Miinct Ifxu.t tnii.hlplnlrustrortrie Unent bt crrdllois oi ihe 8nld Aaron H. KMlHe. All m rhOriH Ihcn fdrii lridvl.t,1 In II... luI.i nrr. u KliltUe. via li.uku iiajnmtlu l Lf tuld AbKlenre and all prrno.ia haMiiK claims or dnnaiid. Hill mole JOHN V, YOrfM, Asalgnee or Aaron B. Kulttli ABtOTt lllliHK, Att) B. lor Abi.lKl'1't). fcfpt. , -.i-C THISfAPERISKEPTON FILE i mi inc. urr iut. ur, m 733 Siisoh Sr.. PHILADELPHIA. tVha Me our Bulkriie4 aicnl ua Mill receive AavvrtlMMeeu Ht our MMWISHT VJLHU UATKtf. The Fai Goods I Bogs leave to inform his customers unci the public tlutt his stock is now replete with all tho Novelties for Fall unci Winter Wear, consisting of new ami beautiful styles of - ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT REDUCED PRICES any of which ho is prepared to make up in the latest style. Rciitly-madc cothing cheaper than over. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all of tho best make and at tho lowest prices. Just received it full lino of till tho latest styles in color and quality of nm mm mm, For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LIME OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. TLJLJ BATO lowmbem, MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBtTEG. Iff &Amtem I.IS THEE LAMGIBT HEWSPAPME AND HAS THE Mazge&t 0ircuJatiQm OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $1.50 a Year in Advance. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE DIFFERENT IN THIS PAPER ABB OUKTL-E- OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL All kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing done on at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE RLOOMSBURG, PA. "y-AINWMGHT A CO., 11UI.C.AAI.C UUUUHUn, l'lllLlDEIl'IIM, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFKEK, SfOAK, MOI.AS.Si:S, HICK, Sl'ICSS, BICiBB BODi, iC, AC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch Mrccta, lOrdcrs will receive rrompt attention. tf BL00MSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HERRING RESPECTFULLY announces to tlio public that ho has reoptned SNVUEIl'S TANNKHY, (old island) Hloonuburi;, I'a., at the Forks ot the Es py uuu i tutu eirtt i rwtus, Mieru un uim npiiiuisoi edilier will be made In ihe inoKt rulblnittlal and uorLiiiuiilIKH mauuer, and wld ut prltes lo rmlt the iii.a. lueuik'uebk iTlte lu iuu m ui un uuies w Id lor on KEN HIDES ot every dew rlpl Ion In the country, '1 he public pat ronage in resiietruily Mmcited. ..luoiiiAuuri;, l, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Ilealihand Happiness are priceless Wealth to their posscssoiH, and )et they uro within the rimh ol ev ery one ho w 111 use WKIUHT'S L1V12K PILLS, The only suio L'UIIE tor Torpid Liver, IiybpepMa, Utadaihe, hour siomacU, lonsllpatlun, ntbiuty, Naiwa, aint ull ltlllluus coinplalnisaud Maud dis orders jvone b'eniilue unless slirued 'W in. vv rlk'ht, fhllu." it jour IruKglsl will not bupi ly send is cents tor oho box toltmrlck. Holler & Co., in tutu St., 1'uiiu. Jan. 4, TS-ly nr lULOAf&BRO. IlLOOMfilll'lin, I'A. Manufacturen ot Carriages, Buggies, Fhaotons, Sleighs, I'Ul FOHH WAUON8, tC First-floss work always on band. KKl'AlllINO NEATLY DONE. rrtnsrodaeedtosult the Umos. Jan. J, IHt-U. km J Eml doods! a.3srr SOLD ONLY BY STYLES OF TYPE short notice and OF THE COURT HOUSE, (X ri a week In our own to. ii, $.1 Oiittlt tree. V No risk. Header If 5 ou want a business 111 M I t which peirons of elllier sex cim n ake J urent pos nllti.o tlnii' ihey work, w rile lor p.irtltulurs i0 II. imiiitio,, roitland.italue. march ti, 'ts ly HAPPY RELIEF To nil Mincrloi? fiom thronlo illreasesof all kinds, cnntldcntljl lonsultutlon lnlled personally or by mall. New in thotl of treatment. New and rellab e leincriles. lUMik and circulars sent free In sealed eneloi K. Address IIOWAllli ASSOCIATION, 410 hurih Ninth siriot, Philadelphia, I'a., an Institute haMnjr a hl?h reputallon or honorable conduct and professloiuitskUl. July 19, '7s-3m Jwtco ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee or the Espy Planing 31111, Is prepared to do all kinds ot mill work, Doors, Frames, Sash, BIMs, etc. made to order on short notice. satisfaction guar- anieca. riiiRi.Es unco, Ulocm&buri,', I'a. HONEY OF HOREHODHD AND TAR FOR THE CUKE OF tningtii, Cold i, Intheaia, Hoaritaen, Difficult Breathing, and all Affection! of the Throat, Bronchial Tnbei, aid Longi, leading to GoasBmptloB, This infallible remedy is composed of the HoVFV of the plant Ilorchound, in ihcmlcal union vtilh Tak-IIai.m, extracted from the l.lir. I'RlNCiri K of Ihe forest tree AhEls 1Ui-smk, or llalm of Gilcad, The Honey of lloreliound SOOTIIFS AND fCA n eks all irritations and inllainmallons, and the Tar-lialm ci.lanses ami heais the throat nml air passages Icadinp; to the lungs, Five additional ingredient, keep the organs cool, tnnist, ami in healthful action. Let no pre judice keen you from trying this great medi. cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives liy it in hi. large private practice. N. It, The Tar.Ilalm has no bau iaste or tmell. PRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 J-ER BOTTLE. Great saving (0 buy Utc size. "I'IUc'h Toiitlinclio Drops" Cure in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N, OROTENTON, Prop.. N.T. ANTI-FAT ALLAN'S ANTI-FAT Ii tlie prcnt rrmftly for Cnrpu loner, II l iturt'Iy li-pctnble an-l pcrftctly hnnnlvis. It ncli on the rK.lln tin tonituli. pint ntliiic Itirnn MrMmi liiln fit. 'Inkrn ncconllnK nil) rciluee u Tt iwrnn from I! loft poumU n wrfk. In t'laclnirtliU rcmcly Ik fire Hit public at n iot IWrcure ftirnMBlt), wfiloioknnwlunlta aMllty 1 curt, s nttmtH l liunOrnU nf HJtlmnnlait, of Mhlch tiu'rtUohiff rrom u IitiyinC'olimibus, O.iln, 1 a nauiMfi "(Jmllonifn: ourAnll-l-atwas0.tlr TiTlwl. I took It according lo dtrtcllona nml It rnliicfrl nif flte imun'lii. I a nclatfil mcr tho re mit Dial I Immcillattly Fent K Ackehman'h jlniff Horv for tin' sicoiKi bottlfV Alictliir, a Hij 6l liin, vrlilnir for i rat lent from rrovldinci', li. I., fajs "Four botilVB liaTo rcilurcl her wclirht from 1W tHimi'li to I9J iiound3,aii'l there Is n pi nvral lniprou tiunt In lienmi.'' A pfntlcnian wrliliifi from Mor ton, mjit " S Itliout cpcclal rhantcc or attilitlon to illi .two iKittlcn or Allan's Antl-Fnt rciiuritl niofoiir an I nm-utiirhr iMuinJO 'I lie will-known liole- FHld lHlipVtS,tMlTII, DOOtlTTI H A HMtni.Of llOS ton, Muss., rltc as fullowsi " Allan Antl-I al has rcim-i'l a lady In our city KVrn iminulB In tlirro wwkf." A trriitliiiiHii In hi. Lotili wrlUsi Allan's AiitlKat rriiucrtl mo twtho imuniis In lime wet ks anl altoirHliir 1 have lot twcntlltu rtnim-U Mure minim nclnir Its u." ilrr. VoWEthA I'liaiTftv, Wholpnate l)ni(f?lits, iT IIiiIIhIo, .N...rltcl "To THE PHOnilFTOltS OK Al LAN'S ANTM'ATI tillltlO nu n, 'llielcllowliijf rt port Is from the lad v who usi-d Allan's Anil-Fat. It llu Anll-FatUnd (hvilwlml i fleet, rctliiclntr tlie fat from two to the i-ouiulri a wi'fk until I hail lost tciitj-HTiMioinid. I l'io tftr to riKilnwhat t liaelost."f Anti-Fat I on unexcelled lilood-niulllfr. U promotes dlifi'Stlon. curlnir lysnipU, ami Is nlso a notoit rnucdy f.r rlieuniaHaiii. fold by drupfilsts. l'auiphltt ou OUs Ity writ on renlplnf etainn. . , UOl'AMC iLLDlCUNK CU.t PjlOl" llS, UutTalo, N.Y. WOMAN liy nn lminene rriftlre nt tlio "World's Ulsprn parr and Invalid' Hotel, ImTlntr truili-il n my tlimi fnii'l luacs ofthoBi' dlsenscs peculiar to voman, 1 lime bit n in.ibUd to inrftct u inoutl-otiut and posi tive rmiedy for tlwsodlrwa-is. , lodislffnate tills natural t)iiulc,I uave uamca It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, liowrnr, la but a ftriMe cxpreslon ot my hlirh appreciation of Its nliie, b.iecd uim pcr pnual ultcenatlon. 1 haw. while wltnenPlnK lb) pusl tUc results In tlie bpeclal ilW-aqfS liieldtnt lo the or.inlm of womni. slnplfl It out as the- f Ilmitx or tronnlnff Kim ol' my iiir.lliil turecr. Un IN I tit' 1 1 13, li4 a postihi, s.ili',aud ( lleiiual rnnelj' for lids class tifdhcaM'S, and vM Hint will, at nit llmi'S and under all tircunitiincifl,aet klmlly, 1 am wllllnp to ktake i iv KpuUtlon as a plijtkl in: ami so contldenlam 1 Hut It will not disappoint thn most saupiilnu ex pectations o! a sltiple ln illd l.idy ho usm itroruuy t,tUt3 aliment lor which I reroninu nd It. tint I oittr mi l Mil It under A lOiiriK liL'AltAM'KI- For ion IllloiH, see piimptih t wiapplntr bottli.i Hip following an amone ihune dKa-es In wnlcli my I'uiortte l'ri-cr!ptloii has wnrkinl cures, as If by 1 1 1 :lc. Mid wltli a ci rialnty inner htture attnliied by tun metllflnei I. ucorrlnra, Kxcessl.c Flow (tip, 1'aliifal .Monthly l'crlids Mntpn-cflous when from tninitural cames, IneptilatllUs, Weak Hack, l'ro tapsiH, or Fallhip ol lh Uunn. Antertrelnn and lti.iroiTfIon, Ii arlnp-Iown m itlons. Internal, Nirvom leprrslon, Uehlllty, l)eniondeney, 'Jhreatened Mlsrairlape, t'lironle Conpt stlon. In flammatlimaiid I'leerallimot tliel-'tiru, Iniimtency, llirunnes", or Merlllty, ainl Finnlo Sraknics. I do not (Xtl tlili medicine as a run-all," but It It liiilrsMv fuUIlU m alnglrncM or purr"-, Ulnp a most porfiCt i.H'rlUi In all clifonle dlsiases (tf Hit) teual Kjgtt in nf woman. It will not dHiippulnt, nor .lll It U liatm. In any Mat- or condition. 'iliodc who ilt iflrefurllwr Informitlon on lheo mh Jfcts run ohtalii It lo Tin; lM:ori K'd Common- hLSSB .MLPICAI. ADVI5ISH. a book ofotr ! pSL't-B. Htnt. post-nild, on mtlpt of It treats minutily of lliortu dlwasis tn-culUr to FtiinUs, and pli-s much wimble .hlcu In nparJ to the iuauapeii.tut ot tho' allei wh. Fnrorlt ,rcriptlm Mid liy IhiggUU, it. V, I'll'.u. K, l. 1 . I'rop'r, World's Disptuuiry w.i titvall lb llotil, lUffAlo, X. V. nug. 30, TS ITS' Tho Lightest Running, 'The Simplest, The Most Durablo, The Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. Jt Is cnwlly itiiilcrMtnod, makes the tloublc-tliread In It-at Itch, i'uelf reciilutlus trillions and take-iipf unit trill do the wliolo range of family work wltliotit chuiiso. Ttte DtiiiicUc is madetti the most dm able manner, with conical steel hvarluyn and compensating Journals throughout PAPER FASHIONS. Ticn iiiilnr 3A.TTI3IINS f" Imllr', nlf,) anil children's drett, tire cut vh it n)Htcnt mipcrlor lu ny In imc, nml enn be understood bu any olio. J'ull dlrcelloilNilMiI Illustrations on carh envelope. fiend J'li o Cents for Illustrated Cata. Icy no of lOOO J'miloiij. Sowing Machino Co., Hew York. I. W. HART MA"-, Apnt "Domestic" Farer Fas'aiois I$loonislmri'. Doccrabcr II, 1ii;-iy Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAF Pal.ul Iualde Holt Work aud lllueed Cap. 10 tin C0MPUTI WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER. No. 54 Slutileu Lune, NI WUIl4 It. loc. I, lWT-ly IIW T0U. r - "" bustncbs you can ent'ngc In. 15 to no Kr I f'riiu muds liy mo woilirot t-HUer UI.J I bfx, rlflit lutliHrowuloc-alltl.s. I'ar tlculars and siimrje. worth 5 trie, linnrotoiour fparotlmoat till. buklnew. Add cm (.tikmin St 'to.. l'urtland, Malnti. march 81, 18-iy Ucaninako money faBter lit wok tor us I nan at nuylUlnif else Capital nor unulrirt! wo will start Jim. lis ir day ot licmo niaije by tlie Industrious. Men, women, bojn and irlrla wanted e er where in work lor us. Mow i'uib tlmu. Costly outui and terms Irie. ArtdressTm K Co.,Aui:usta,'Walne. ilnrch, T8-ly JOU 1'HINTIMl-"" Neatly nii chesply executed at Uie Columbian Office. r4 n run Mrrci I'liiutirir. ifrc. in. ni. Mob i n r:t i:ir. iii:a v a- c Upiitlcmen our riiliita lmc tfivm cnllro mU iiu-iiuii. i iinvfl uni iih in vil ll kihki innny uiut'r rnt KtnDsor unrk, niicU us Iron, '1' u tuoil, tirlck, c, nml nfvr hi'iinl imy ciuiiplnliitc nn tlm con trnrv, tho work sliiuili cll nml tor enr, will In my opinion, stntiil wltli nny It'iiil In tlm nuukrt, Wlicn In wnnt ofit'tcrento In Mils city or Mrlnliy jou nro nt liberty to uo my nnmo with jileasnrt", ntso touw mi lis juu iiilUK UI'M. Ilcpectfully YnurM, JOHN T. OltAY. Painter nod Denier In mints, liiln, c. STltlCTt.Y 1'UIIK WIIITI8 1.RA1), AT TUB LOWEST MMtKIVr 11ATIX MONTOUlt HIJVTI! I'AtNTS, S CENTS. WOSTOflt JtUrAUlO WIIITfi. N CESTS. JIONTOIIlt MKTAI.UO llllOW.V, II CENTS. Ol'r" COI.U1IS AT T1IIH I JdlJK. PURS LINSEED OIL at !( iiiiuimi rnlcN. sainplo enids. and urtco list turnlsLed .without elmrire. f)rdernnd lnnnllleflliv mull will ri'ieltu rnnlr)t litteiillou. ITKNIty S. KEAY, iMAXUl-'ACTUUKlt, JiUl'ERT. l'A. MOYKK il:OS. VUOI.!A Liu AC1KNTS, l!i.ooMnur.(i, l'A Mays. nd.-y. ISSH The Four Quarterly Reviews A Nil Blackwood' Magazine Tr.o Loonara Sco:t Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., Now Vork. Contlnno thrlr authorl?e(l lteprlnlsot i in, nun i(i.ii'. i'wu,i I III! r.Vl'MINSTEIl IIHVIEW (llbi rnl), IIIIII.ONDUN tJUAUTEItl.V IthVIKW (Conscrva- tlll'). Till! llltlTISIl QUAHTEI.'LY llUVIEW (Evanrel- ii;iii;, AND in 1 ZrflUeno Iteprlnts nri i-ot Rlecttons ; theygtvo he orlirlniiM In lull, nml ut about onu-lhlrd ihemko of tho fiigilsh Killiloiis. 'Ihe l.itf-'t ndnneed nnildlieoerles In tlio arts nnd si'lenees, the recrni nddlttons to knowledge In eery i(-iuiiiiirui ui iiierainie, unii nn mo iiovi publica tions ils they Ssue from Ihenresi. nri fullv renorli-il nnd dlsciwsed In tho piiKOHot theso iwrludlculs, tu l.inu.iiro nt oneo elenr, forclblo and eompivliensUe. The an Icles are eojiinonly uioro condensed and tull or mutter than thoaerai;o books or tho period. I .'I'lllS HIT IN IIICIIKllll IMISllIKO l'iivnliln Slrlcllv In Ailvmieii. ror anyone neuew t-'ornny two Helpws Kornny three KeUews For all four l!elews l-'or ltliick(Hnl s .Magazine For lilackwoud ami one llclew For r.lackwuod u:ut two l:evies For ltlnckwood oud Ihree ltelews For lilaekwood and tour reviews W iki per annum : no lu eo is u 4 no " ' ; no 10 on " " 1310 " 15 00 ' " CJ.UUA dlstcunl (.1 twenty ) ir pi r cent, will be allowed o clubs or tour or mole l ei sons. 'I bus: foui cop es or lilaekwood or of ono l'.eMew will bo sent to one address for $12 so, lour copies ot the four llelows ana lilaekwood lorfl1. and so on. To clubs of ten ormoie, In nddltlon to tho abovo discount, a copy gratis will bo allowed to tho gcttter up ot the club, I'KKMIUMS. New subscribers (appljlnirenrh) for the onr 1S73 may hae, w lihout eharKv. Ihe numbers for the Inst quarter ot 1st; ot suUipuloulcnls as Ihey subscriber tor. or Instead, new subscribers to any two,, or four or the aboe periodicals, mav hao one of tho "Four lldHews"for 1STI ; subscribers to all live may hap toof tho "Four Reviews" or ono set of black wood's Majraylno for 1S7T. Neither jiemlums lo subseilbers nor discount to clubs can bo nlloncd, unless tho money Is rt mltted direct to the publishers. o piemlums given to clubs. 'lo secure premium? It will bo necessnry lo mnko early application, us Ihe stock available tor that pur pose Is limited. The Leonard Scott Publishing Oo., 11 HAKULAY ST., NEW YOUK, fch 1. WS. AAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piULADKia'HA AND ItKADINO KOAD AHKANGEMKNT OF 1'ASSENGElt TRAINS. Jlay 12, 18TS. ra.isa lkave hitfkt is 'Oi.i.ow8(80KniTKXCErTiD For New York, I'hlladelphla, Heading, 1'otUUIlc Tamaqua, ic, 11,45 u. in For L'aUiwlssa, 11,45 u. in. 7,2H and 7,tc p. m. .For Vllllamsport,c,i;s 0,04 a. in. nnd 4,o p. in. rililNSKOlI HCrKHT LKiVli AS FOLLOWS, (StNPT II CEfTKO.) Leave Now Vork, 8,45 a. ru, Leav e I'hlladelphla, 9,1s a. m. Leave lteadlug, ll,3ja, in., fottsvlllc, 12,16 p. ni and Tamaqua, 1,!j0 p. m. U'avet'atalssa,c,20 8,w)n.m. and 4,onp.m. Leave Wiillamspori.'j,,2,l5 p. m. and s,oo p. ro I'assengeis to a r.d f rom New Yoi k nnd 1'hilaiM. phla co thioug.i .. lthout change of cars. J. 13. WOOTTEN, C.O, HANCOCK. 'ic'heralilanager. (ieneral '1 lcket Agent, Jan. 14, lilc-u. N OHTJIKUN CKNTJtAL It A I LW AY On and after Noveinbt r sotli, 1S73, trains w til leav e sUNllUKY as follows i NOltTlIWAItD. Erie Stall 6.20 a. m., arm e Elmlra li . t " Canandalgua... 3.86 p. m Itochester 6,16 " Niagara o 40 " Itenovo accomraoaatloiill.iua.m.airivo Williams port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra Hall 4.15 a. m., urrlvo EUnlra 10.20 a. m. Uuffalo Expuss T.15 a. lu. arrlv 0 llufTalo S.60 a. u SOUTUWAHD. Uunalo Express 2.60 a. m. arrive Harrisburg a. " luitlmore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arilvo llnrrlsbuigl.wp. in " WosUlngton 10.30 " " llaltlmore C.So " " Washington 6.s " Harrisburg aecoiniuodatlon 6.40 p.m. arrive llanlt burg 10.60 p. m. arrlv 0 llaltlmoro 2.25 a. it. " Washington 6.13 " Erlo Mall 12.65 a. m. arrive Han Isburg 3 05 a. m, " llaltlmore 8.40 " . , ., " Washington 10.S5 " AU dally except Sunday. 1. M. novo, Jr., tleneral Passenger Ageit A.J, CASSATT, General Mannti r D ELAWA It E. LA CKA WANNA WEhTEliN ItAlLKOAII. ANt JlLOOMSItUItd DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo Ko. so, Takes etlcct at 4:So A. MONDAY, Jl'NE 10, 1878. NfiKTH bTATIONS. Scranton llellevun.,.,,,. lailorvlllc.... ...Lackawanna..., l'lttnon .. Wi st IHIslen. Wveming. ilallby IK-niiett .. ..Kingston Kingston ,.1'h mouth June. ...I'D mouth Avondale , Nantlcoke .llunluk'si rut. p.m. p.m. a.m. v eo o.m. p m. p.m 4 12 V 4C 0 37 0 30 0 C5 2 10 0 15 2 Id 11 211 0 45 8 2'i b 23 0 V3 17 11 os N 68 VlO A! 0 21 10 t II 0 68 h CI 2 SS 0 40 2 41 45 S U hill 11 10 07 2 49 12 41 12 II 8 r..i 8 to 8 13 S 10 6 Ml e is a to 7 in 1 63 q r.T 0 04 6 44 1111 18 B 15 10 S3 1 15 I 18 8 S3 3 SO 8 tf ft In T 18 10 SO 3 15 S VI 7 25 T t5 T 49 8 14 8 12 8 12 S 04 3 04 7 61 HI 7 fS 2 SO 7 U 2 f 4 7 ii 2 28 T 18 7 14 7 10 S 47 10 S4 8 V 8 S 8 VSi 8 17 8 12! .111 42 B btl . -Miicknimny..,. ... Ultk's Firry.,, .. .l:inih Haven.. 10 IB 8 611 8 25 8 45 11 07 4 03 11 13 I 10 8 t6 8 I'll .. rirwick 11 2 4 1 I llrlar 1'n.flr 0 06 I.. Illow flroe..!'i 420 ... ..l.lln. ltlilira 1 . v. 7 16 7 S3 7 SO 7 44 I 19 9 14 7 441 .SPJ'...... '11 SO 4 42 to 1 67 7 88,. .lilwni.Clllg..,. till 4S 4 40 II 10 1(1 7 TS1 llnrrt l.i'I : I? 7(2 8 f4 7 4I........ ...sry...." 11 SO 4 42 4 6 Bid s (Hi . r . , .....'tliulafkyinr.l 0 IB ...-.Comertn.... to 1 CO 6 46l,yorthuiiitrUijid 119 18 618 8 21 0 61 o SO ( 45 II 15 V to 18 45 p.m. r-m. a.m. r..