The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 04, 1878, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every Friday morning, at
iJ ??!AAH1 f10' 'oar 60 co nM discount alliweil
v!0',.l,),'U?,.?l,raI08' After thocxptrallonot the
year U.M will bo chnrircrt. To subscribers out of tho
tiounty the Wnu nru u per jcnr.strlctly In ndvnncc,
1 " i uii."iiiiiiiiuii. i)L iil ine iiniinit fir i nil
l n
publllsuers, until all arrearages nro paid, but Ion;
continued credits after tho expiration of tho llrst
yjar will not huirlten.
All papers sent out of thoHtato or to distant post
ori'.ces must lw paid for In advanco, unless a respon
slblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho
subscription duo on demand.
l'OSTAtmis no longer exacted from Bubscrlbersln
the county.
job iPiRinsrTitisrQ-.
Tno.tobblr.ff Department of tho Columbian Is very
cnmnlete. and our .1 b rrlnttni; will compare favora
ble with Ihatot tholarire ntles. All work done on
demand, neatly and at moderate prices.
0. E. ELWELL' Eiltorc and Proprietors.
BL00MSBTJ11G, PA.,FRIDA1, 0CT0EE114. 1878.
Columbia County Official Directory.
I'rosldent Judee-Wllllam Elwcll.
ssocl.ito Judge I, K Krlckbaum, V. L. Hliumnn.
l'roilionotnry. KC II. Vrank Znrr.
Court stenographer M. N. Walker.
Heirlstcr iieeui'der Williamson II. Jacoby.
District Attorney Hobert It, Little.
SherllT lohn W. HolTman.
Hurvovor nmuel N'eylnril.
Treasurer I)r. II. W. Mcltoynolds.
Oj nmtsstoncra lolin llurncr, 8. W. Mcllcnry,
.losoph Hands.
Commissioners' Clerk- William Krlckbaum.
Audltors-M. V. II. Kline, .1. 1!. Casey, K. II. Ilrown.
Coroner lsilah Vcflger.
inrv Cotnirilsiloners-r.ll llobblns, Tbeodoro Vt.
ujiiiitv Superlntendent-Wllllam II. Snyder.
Ulooinl'oor lilstrtct-lilrectors-lt. s. Knt, Scott,
Win. Kramer liloomsburg and Thomas Itcece,
too. t. Secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Councll-O. A. Herring.
Clerk-ratil Ii. Wirt.
Chief of I'ollco .las. C. sterner.
President of (las Company. Khorr.
Secretary-C. W. miller. .,.,.,
Wnimnuuri; ll.inkliiit company -fobn .Vunston,
President, II. II. lirolz, Cashier, .lohn rcacock, Tel
'"irs' fa lonalllank-Cliarleslt. falon,''rcsldcnt
.1. I'.TusI In, Cashier. .,,.,
Culunilila county Mu' Saving Fund and Loan
Assnetiilon-K. II. Little, President, C. W.. Miller,
Uoomsn'uri' llnlldlns anil Saving fund Association
-Win. Peacock, President,.!. 15. Itublson, Secretary.
Itloomsbiirg Mutual Saving runil lon-J.
J llrmver, l'rcsulcni.I'. K. Wlrl, Secretary.
nov. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.)
sun 1 iv servlces-l"X u. in. and rx P-
tunil.i School n. m. ,,,.
Prayer Mectlng-Lvery Wednesday evening at Ctf
H.'a s'frco. Tho public nro Invited to attend.
Mlnts'cr-llev.o. l. S. .Marelny.
Hitnil.iv Services 10)1 a. m. and Tjf p. in.
Siind.iv school 9 a. m. , ...
Waver .Mce, ln-Kvery Wednesday evening at la
seals free. Nopetvs rented. All are welcome.
Minister ltev, Stuart MUchell.
Sunday Services ioys a. to. and cjtf p. in.
Sunday school 0 a. in. i,i.i
Prater Mceilng-Licry Wednesday evening a' cx
'se"iiB'treo. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
Presiding Klder ltev. W. Evans.
Minuter Iter. .vt. L. Smywr,
Sunday Services lt) nnd G p. m.
Illblo Class-i:vefv Monday evening al OXo'cloek.
voting Mens rrnier .Menuus
T o'clock.
HEFOiiMfn crimen.
Corner of Third nnd Iron streets.
I'nstor llcv. W. K. Krelm.
itestilencc-Corncr 4 th and Catharine streets.
Sunday Scrilco3-I0 a. in. and I p. ni.
Sundav School'.) a, m.
l'rnycr Mecttnir-sattirilay, 7 p. m.
AU are luvltcd There Is always room.
Hector ltev L. Zahner.
Sunday servKcs-liitf a. m 7tf p. m.
Sundav school 9 a. in. ,
Klrst Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion
Services preparatory to Communion on Irlday
Bvo'ilng before tho st Sunday in each month.
Pews rented ; but every bodv welcome.
Presiding Elder-ltev. A. L. lleeser.
Prat er Mectlng-liiery 'sabbath at 2 p. in.
AUarulnvltcd. Allnro welcome.
...... intin iiripi- rhiire i on Iho hill."
known as tho Welsh llaptlst Church-on Itock street
cast oi iron.
Two Inches
Three Inches
Kour inches
Ounrter column.
nan column m.ftii
unc column
In. m. ex. It, i.5o fa.oo fsti t.ra
(.IS) 4.111 r..ll R.IKI 11.10
4.1 II 4 Ml 7.00 MM
n.rin is.nn Miev
. .2t).oo M.oo no. to
Nearly adverllsemcnts payable quarterly. Trn
Blent advertisements must be paid for before Inserted
cieept whero parties bave accounu.
Insertions, nn4 at that rate for uddltlonal Inscrtloui
without reference to length.
Kiecutor's.Amlnlttrator's and Auditor's notlc
three dollars. Must be paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a Use
regular adi ertlsemenU half rates.
Cards In tho "liuslness Directory" column, one
dollar rcr year for each line.
onlec In A. J. Kvan's Nr.w licit pimo,
HLOoMsllltun, PA.
Member of Commercial Uw nnd Hank Collection As
sociation. Oct, 14, 'JMf
Ofllccln l'.rower's building, second floor, room No.
I. . llloomsburg, l'n.
The Seaside Libmry.
onico In Harlman's Hlock, second iloor, corner
Main nnd Market streets,
nt.ooMsnuito, r.
May M ly.
Choice books no longer for Iho few only. Tho best
r-tntidtitil hovels wllhlu tho reach of every one.
Hooks usually sold from f i to (3 given (unchanged
iinii iiiiiiuriugi'ii; lur ji' una zii cuuih.
101. A N ble Lite, by Miss Muloek
in. Hard Times by Charles nickens
lo.i. A Hrnio ijidy, liy Miss Mulock
mi. i n p ii w.iy. ny loun nailllil
1U3. At tho Sign of the Mlvir Hogon, by H L
lit). 'I he master of the (lrcylands, by Mrs Henry
IP7, Hlade-o'-Orass by 11 L Tarpon
In.'l ho sea King, by Car-tln vtairjat
ii v. i.ieai or s v 11 lory, v .in.s m r; iiraoonn
llo. 'Hie (ilrls of reversham. In I'lorcneo Murryatino
in. a iiiuror lue Monu in i.iguiy najs, uy
.lines v erne
11?. Hard Cash, bv Chnrles lteado
lis, (lolden (train, by II 1. 1'nrleon
114. Iiarrell Mnrkham, by Miss M II llraddon
II . w it hlii tlin Mare, by Mrs II Wood
11(1. 1'nulltie, by L II Wnlford
1 IT. The KiiiRK' Minster, by K I les
1 M. DltlN'KKU, aUNnml LOCKSMITH, lis "real Lxi ctatlons,by c nickens
1 ' im. I'llnuiil, by noieme MntrMit
Velng Machlnesand Machinery of all kinds re- w- ijomancuui n 1'oor Voung .vmn, by o r
paired, IM'eka llot'SK Hulldlng, Hloomsburg, l'a.
over MAizr.'s Moim, Hlooinsbitrg, l'a.
aprll m, ls;s.
'I lie esi-tts ft these old eoriratlt.ns are nil In
icstidln Mil.lli srcritl'UbN ai.duie llablo totbe
hnntil or I Irn unl.
Model ale lines t ii the 1 est risks r,te nlonontcepted.
Losses t itoMt ti v and riosrui v adjust i d ut.u paid
assotiu.s ileli'iiiiliitd b ( iikishan Ksaii', fcpe
ilal Airi ht iuul Ai.tuUr. rrooiusbt.iL'. renn'a.
aijeiltlrei.snl idiiiiublaiuuiity should pntronle
the agency wpitelosn-s, Ifunj, aie hdjusted and
pnia uy one ti nit irown cituens. liov.n., ' i i -1 y
UY, Kxchange Hotel, Hlooinsburg, l'a.
.Htna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. . o.MMyioo
Liierpool, Uitidun and Olobe 'Jii.iHio.ihO
Itojulot l.lurpool 1.i5iw,isio
Liincaiishlie Hi.iKHi, no
I'lre Association, t'hlladelnhla 3,100,1.00
farmers Mutual of lunilllo i,0ii,ti
Danville .Mutual J5,noo
Home, New York.
As the neeneles ore direct, policies are v 1 Itten fur
tho Insured It hotit any delaj In tho onice at lllooms-
.viarcn vc, ji y
121. A life for a 1 Ife, by Miss Mulock 21111
izj 1 lie 1 rnnit-iTsiusii, uy i iipiain Mnrriai inc
123. liKh Legends, tiy Samuel Lover inc
124. squire 'I rcvljn's Heir, by Mis II Wood 2110
12i Mury liaitun, by .Mrs (i.tskell 1nc
i2'j. i.rcma ; or my 1 ainc- s u I) mack-
morti ine
127. Mv Uidy Ludlow, by Mrs (laskell 1nc
12 fnuslli rhllllps, by Mtsllnskell 10c
r.u. me Hnnueiing .lew, (isi nan) b uugeiio
sue 2(10
1 211. 'I he nndcrlng .tew (2d half) by Hugeno sue 2'e
l:i". seinioiisout 01 t'huuli, liy Ml.s Muiuck 11U
1:11. Mli huel strugotT, bv .lines Verne 1nc
132. .luck Itlnloti, bj Charles Levi r sue
ij. uiKiicta or lwseuiary uinc. by 11 1, rnr-
Jcon mc
1.11. .Mj n.ioiners "tro, oy Amelia 11 HdWards 111c
131. Agatha's Husband, b) Mls Mulock Inc
iro. ivutte Mcnuri, by .Mrs "llpbatit
137. A Lent In a Cloud, by Charles Iver
1 s. bat lie 1 fist Her. liv .Inmes l'liiim
13'.i. 1 umionK Heart, by H I, I'arlooti
140. -i hu Lady I.Me, by Miss M K llraddon
,41, Masterman Heady, bv Captain Mnrnat
142. 1 he Head of the l'midly, bv Miss Mulock
I43. The Haunted Towtr, 1 y .frs Henry Wuort
111. iho Twin Lli'Uieiiants, by Alexander liumas 100
nan a minion ci money, uy ,'
wards 20c
Amelia 1). Ed-
I.Vf filnllu. fif XltlLnl' I'.'tlTIVVlt nilA.
brth American of I'hlUdclphU, ra
1 iniikun, or
1 ennsjlvnnla of "
1 nrniers of Y'ork, I'ft.
Iianoierof New York.
Manhattan of "
onico on Market Street No. 0, Hlooinsburg, l'a.
oct. 20, '77-ly.
yM.Ii. EYEltLY,
A 1 iUilPl U 1 - AT-L.A W ,
liXSi.iaVmeetlnir for worship, every lord's day at- . yJhLl"..4 remitted, onico
iuiiuyu.-fl - v.:;: . .,r.ltilv tnvlteil In
seals ireo; uuu mu i,uuuum,u
OCHOOI, OUnKHS. lilanl;, lust pritileil anil
neatly bound In small books, on hand and
tor s llo at tho coi cmiiian onicc.
RLAK DUKDS, on I'arelir.K'tit ntul I.111111
i,,r., r,mmon unit for Admlnlsirators, i:ecu-
t,,A and trustees, for sale cheap at the coixmuun
- r irnn ir:v. nr.UTIKIOATKS ink! nrinteil
ISI amlforsalo at thoCot.uMi:iAN lihlce. Mlnls-.-ri
of tho (lospel nud .lusllces should supply Ihelii-
Bolves with lliesc ueceb.iiy ann-.v-o,
TUSTICKS anil Con-taliles' Kee-llills for sale
.1 r,m,.,. Thev enntaln the eor-
recU'd tecs as established by I ho last Act. of Hie Leg
Vat uro upon the subject. Lvery Justlco nnd Con
stable should Uave one.
EXDUK NOTES jnt printeil and for sale
cheap at 1110 Columbian onice,
1 (). I'.AKKI.EY, Office
Till. VM. M. ItEIlEIi. Surgeon nml I'livsi-
I clan. Olllco s. H. corner Hock and .Market
iV. II. Abbott. W. II. Hiiawn.
Attorney s-at-Ltiw.
1'enslons obtained.
ace 21, '77-iy
A I'll. I hAVB. JS'O. K. H"YMint. C1IA8. B. EPWAKPS.
tittuli, I'rj niter & KtlwartlN,
(sureessors to Heneillct Horsey S Sous, 023 Market
i reti.
importers ana ueaiers in
92J Mnrki t Slrei I, l'hlladclplila.
Constartlj on band I. rlglnalur.dAssortcd Packages
lane 29, '77-ly
14C. Charles (I'Malley, tho Irish Dragoon, by
l'll l, (111)1 f .U
147. Ilati In. Iho lieerer, by Cnptaln Mnrnat
lis. liluo stoiklng, by Annie l.dwarda
149. .lo-lma Mnru I, by Ii I, t'arleon
ISO. .MIiHhlpmau Knst, by Captain Marrjal.
I.M. Tho ltusl in li nsv.liv a lex IllllUAS
152. Aithtiru'Lear), by Charles Lever
153. Ward of Wile?
151. A Point of Honor, by Annlu Ldwarda
l.v,. 'Iho count or .Monle-cilsto, Alex liumas
Hut. The King's o n, by ('apt. Mnrrvnt
1.17. Hand and (iloie, by Abulia II. lidwards
no. neuMiru il(e. ny s.uiliiei Lover
159. 'I he ruanlnm -hlii, b.i Captain Mnrrynt
Inn. The Itlack Tulip, bv Ale.sandir liutnaa
101. 1 Iij World W il Ijj-t, i:. L nn I lnton
ic.2. Shirley rii.nlotle Hiimi-
ni.t. Trunk Ml:duiu b inptiitu Mnrrat
Ii4. a iii'ing Wlre'sMim. Harriet llowrn
Kin. Mi dm ii inisti r ( ul. 1.) Chevely Novel
Kiii. 1 ho i ast Aldlnl, bv (Jtorgu '
1(17. Hie (Jue 'i.'a Necklace, by lex Dutnaa
k., ion i regan, uy i nancK i ever
ll.'J. St. I'ltlr k's He. bv Clmiliw Lever
tin. Newt ii Rnrstcr, by Captain Mnrnat
171. Ilosln ;e Ici Inituiie, b Mt,s llraddon
ii2, ( iievhin-r oo .vim. on houge, by Dumas
173..laphit 111 search of n Futlu r by captain
.vnirjat 2,ic
174. Kate li'DniiOiTliun. bv I'linrloa T nvpi- ii,
175. 'Uiu 1' icha i.f Many 'rales Caplaln Slarryat loo
1,111 I in 'J J V..IJ.M.1I1 .,11111. .III. iuu
i or'.'c uanurourys villi, by Mrs. llenrv
ITS hare (lood Luck, by H. H. rrnncllllon inc
179. 'Iho History of a Crime, bv Victor Hugo mc
isn., by ii llkle Collins 211c
isi. i no i uuiuess no i narny, Alex Iiumaa ino
tS2 .lllltl tH lilliirittntl liv Mm r'n.m.i.r.,, 1nn
ls3. Kenllworlli, by Mr Wolterscotr -sic
is4. ine i.uiio etivage. uy i:npiain .vtsrryat lnj
iss. "nood-ive snii Ihenrt." by llhoda lnougton inc
U. EVANS. M. IL. Surgeon and 1'liysi.
clan, (Olllco and Hesfdeuce on Third streit.
llVirHWn CP AMitfC f ATT. l?nnrrp 224. rl he licer Mayer, by. I
""""' """" iiwwijji 2..r,.Twii lleslliiles, Iij ii llkb- Cullhn
isa. llavld Coiuierlleld. bv Charles Dickens
1s7. Nanon, by AlevnndiT Dumas
iss -ino mi iss 1'nnuiy itoninsou
1S9. Henry Hunbat. bv Miss Hrndlon
mo. Memoirs of a rhysleiin, bvAlev Dumas
191. Th" 1 luce cutteis. by cnptnln Mnrrv-at
192. 1 he conspirators, by Aenndcr Dumas
191. Heart of .Midlothian, Mr Waltir Scott
uii. u inu'iiiioiiH, ov rioicnco warrvatt
191. Isabel of K.ivnrla, bv Alexander 'Humus
19il. Miholas Mcklehv. bvi'hai'.esntctei.s
197. Nancy bv Ithoda r.ruiiuliton
19. settlers In Cunada, by cautatn Marryat
199. Cloisters and the Health, by elm ileodo
200. Tho Monk, by Matthew (1. Lewis, .M. 1'.
201. Catharine Ilium, bv Alex Dumas
W! Mr. UIHll's I eve shut by (lenrgp Kilot
2ra. Cliil-ti r nnd Ihe HuitCi. by i has. made
2iH. The Young l.luni'io. w. n. (I. Kingston
nut. The in) stories of I'atls, (lit halt) by Lugeno
.--ue .iic
205. 'ihe mjfcteilesct I'ailsCM hall) by Hugeno
sue vile
ymi ri isfin oi .isps. ny I'loreeco iiarryar. loc
207. Hie ctilldieu of tho .eiv l' by .Cant.
Mariyat me
sin. Norlh and South, by Mrs. (iaslull 2ne
2UJ. A .leudiif niilrl inc
2ui, i uung ivu-graie, ov urs iMinnanc
lit 1. Itiihdillpll l.urilutl. by "Oulill1,
212. iinganer i-r.-i. ik k. bv Ltekuunn-Chatrlan inu
213. luriinliv liudge, by chas, Dickens 2no
214 iilntoiie, by Mrs. U'llh Aihims inc
215, H rds of l'rey, by mish HraJdon 'jnc
2Hi. U'Lreiniai I ine I IKK Mii i i. Iil'.lrmesr rant Ui
217. Tne sad Kortuti"Sif He, Amos Harton. bv
2ls. Iiomney and son, by Charles Dickens vim
219 Jiyuim I'luui, uy ncreiie .Marryut lu
2211,1. icigu lamerourj s vw;i, ny .Mrs. nenry
221. Poor Zeph, by r, IV. HcLlnson
222 I.asrof tho itohtcins. bv.I. V. Cooper
223.'llieMnrilageVeidlct by Duinns
i . i -oopcr
1!. McKELVY. M. 1).. Surgeon an.l 1'liy
slelan, north sldo Main street, below Market,
11. ltOIUSON, Attoriiey-at-Law. Office
In llartmau's bulldlng.Malu street.
AMUEL KNOKH. Allorneyal Law.Ofllco
lu llartmau's nuiiuiug, .viainaireei.
UOSENSTOCK, Pliotosrapher,
, dark & Wolt'sstore.Malnslrect.
AVID I.OWENI1EUO, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above central Hotel.
S. KUIIN, tlealer it. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
. cenirn sireci, eeiween M'conu auu i uiru.
Increase ef Pessicns ebtaitei, Collections iwtie.
onice, Second door from 1st National Hank.
Jan. 11, 1S79
OfUce, North Market street, Uloomsburg.ra.
J U. l'UNK,
A ttox nev-nt-Lnw,
Iiicicaso of I'ciiainns Obtaiuctl, Collections
onico In Knt's Hcit.niNa.
I. L. 15AI1I!,
Main street, opposlto Ejilscopal Church, Blooms-
uurg, l'a.
Iir Teeth exlroctcd ullhout rain,
nug 24, "77-ly.
Cowmbiak IlciuiiKn, Hlooinsburg,
Members of Iho Vnlted Males Law Association,
Collections made lu any jmrt of Aluiilea or Kuropo
Hip attention of tho travelllnir nubile Is rcsneet-
fully Invited to s"ine of Ihe merits of this great high
way. In tho eontldent nssertlon and bellet Ihat no
other lino can oiler equal Inducements as a route of
inrougn travel, in
Construction and Equipment
stands confessed! v nt the head of American railways.
'i no trncK is (iouuiorno entire length or mo line, 01
steel rallslald onheavy oak lies, which are embed
ded lu n found illon of rock ballast eighteen Inches
It. depth, ah bridges nru of Iron or stone, and bunt
upon ine most aprroieu pians. 11s pnsaentrer cms.
whllo eminently safo and substantial, nro at the
sauiu 111110 luoui'is vi euuuori ami eiegauce.
In uoon thin line veil Illustrate thofar-BcclDi;orifl
lihiTal nollpvof Its inai.airement.lij arcordancn with
umcii mo uimty owy oi an iinprnt'ineni. anaiKJi
us cohi imi ut'en ino nui'suon (ji coiibiacraiiun.
Among many may no notlcea
Itormllifr In conjunction with a perfect double track
und road-bed a combination of Batecnards utralnst
nceineius w men nave rcnacrca in em nruciicaiiy im
Pullman Palace Cars
nro run on all Express Trains
I'Voin New York, Pldliule!ihlii, llnlttiiiore mid
T C'lilnitfU) t'lncliiniilli I.niilxtllle, Jridlatinpollii
ri, j.oiiiM,
I nnd in nil nrlnrlnjil nfitnta In tho far West and South
with but one chance of curs, connections nro made
in union iJcpois, auu are uaaureu iu uu uuunuuv
of Tin:
u nitmltteil tn Im utisurnassed In tho world for gran.
deur, beauty and variety. Kuperlor refreshment fa-
CllllleH are proviueu. Mnpin,ieis are
nttenllve, and It Is an inevitable result that atrlpby
the l'enns)ivauia ltaiiroaii musi lorin
11. 'I he Path finder, by K, .1. fuurer
Ti" lliitinah, bv Miss Mulock
ti. 'I ho Ki get.t s Iiauirhl.'r, uy Murnis
Ti'. Tho l'lonetrs. bv .1. reiilmoie I'loiht
2ao. Little (irund nnd the .Mnrchluiic-s,
2H, The 1'iatrle, by ,1. reiilrnore Ci oper
I'ark Night's Work, by .Mrs. tasked
a 1. 1 nu r 01. uy .1. reniinoie uooiht
SJ4. Hi" 'IVuder Keeolliilicns oi Iivno Maoglll.
2tR, n upon Verdict, by Ml-s Uratdon
Ti. sucpneruH an anil inanuns euir, uy Walter
l'.esaiit mid .lames itico
V37, Wat.di'rliig Heir, by Clurles lteado
as. iieattice, oy ,11111a iiavanngn
2:111 Nn'lhoiouglif.ire, byrhailos Dickens and
Wl'.klo Collins
2411. The I aiirel IJtish. by Miss Mulock
'.41. Tncotrlii. bv ulda"
24'i. 'I he 1 in en Feithers, by M Ilium lllack
24:1. linlsv Ijidy hardy
244. The T hreo tiuiirdsiiien. by 1'
24V, .lack Manlv. byilamestirant
mu. reg iM.inngioii, ny i naries iieaue
247. Martin 1 liuzleiilt. bv lilckeus
24s, Lie iU and 1'l.eebO nud Kisses, by 1), L. Far
2l'.i. I'eell 1 nftlemiilne's (iasre. liv "Dulda"
2Vi. No Name, by Mikie I'ulllns
2M. uidy .lu 'lej's secret, by MliB M. I;, llraddon me
n iuiiiiu 1 .corgi 11111a .1. iruiK
253. A 'Hue Man, bv M (' Mining
231, Hie octoroon, bv Mis Ilraddun
2M. Lbtlialr. by night lion. 11 blsrai II
2M. 1 ord lukbuin'd li.iugliti i.s, ty .Mrs. Henry
237. '1 hat Hoy of Ncrcott'b, by Lu er
w. ru.i ins 1 ne nuciie
' 100
2111. Viilentlnu Vox, (1st hall) by Henry Cocklon
r.u. valentine vox, (211 null) bv Henry t
JllsS JI. K.
' ArroiiNuys-vr-iAW,
liloomsburg, ra.
(mice on Slain Street, llrst doorbelowC'ourtllouso
P. .1- J, M. (JI-AItK,
Uloomsbur g, l'a.
Onice In Ent's building.
Tlek-els for sale nt tlielourst rates at tho Tlckel
Olllcesof the t'umpiuiy In u!l luijioitarit illlea and
Ilencral MantigiT. ue i rosserger jigem,
.T : siinlrvt AKKIt. t'nss. Aeent Middle Dlst..
12 riuriu 1 iiiiu rireei, iiuniauui, 1 a.
reu, 1, is-iy.
p M. 110UTON,
main atrcci, wrangcviuc, a,
I'ealer In
Fiuo Toilet Soaps. Brushes.Oonibs.&c,
iimif I'hnorlng lUlructa. Pt rume ry (inii i'unfy
TuiUl AUida in Jiudltu Vuritly.
Also a 1'lno assortment of
I))'t) IVoiiiIn tllMl 1)U MllH'tf,
Sjcllng and Chewing Tob&cccs.CIb'irs.Eauff,!::.
PliysioimiP Prosoripiions
accurately rompouniJed. A thare of publlo patron-
1 ae u boueiieu.
'ion. I'luirlelle's lUieiltanee, by
iiriiuiii'ii nee
2(11. 1 es Mlserables niiltne. bv I ueo 100
202. rx's viiserauies I'osette, i-y Hugo uic
2ti3. lx'8 Miserable Marlu.s, bj Huaro
2(4. ixm -M tseraoies si nennis, i.y innro luo
2ii3, Les Mlsemt les .leal. Valleun, by Hugo mo
xmi. jucui) 1 1111111T11, uj 1 itiiiaui .iiaiijai ine
2fiT. 'ine i.nsi ur tne iiiuiiiuns, nv .Mrs. eumau 11
2W, Forty-tlo by liutnns 2110
inn. bed as a lloso Is she, by llhoda liroughton luo
270. 'iho Jilt, by rims Heade toe
271. Tho Diary ur a nosician, list half) by sajiucl
Wmien 20c
271. 1 ho mury or a rn si.ian (2d hall) by Samuel
2.2. 1 lie 1.1 ivkt 1 on uio lie arm, uy I'uaucs DICK-
ens 1
273. Miailuyimv, byl'apt.Marrsat wo
III, 1111 ) iiiiusuiiu u 1 I'm ,1 1 iiiiiij uj ruuiei
Miirren xue
274. Ten 'thousand aiear (2d hail) by samutl
arren 20n
2i3. a Minuow on tne'i nresnoiii. oy .viary leeu
nay . . juc
2T0.ThuraL'u oriuouuKo Alex
277, lliuther J.vob, bylleorge Eliot u
278. Mi Years Lnler. uy Alex, nuuiius
2711. I eaf lu Ihn Morm, by "Ould 1" 1
lso Uio Wreck of tho "(Irosienor" 100
2sl, uidy Marabout's Troubles, by "uuida ' 100
22. Poor Jack, by I'aptaln Marriat 100
2-3.Tuinty Years Alter, bv Huiuas 2110
2si. (11 er Tw st. bv I'har es 11 ekius 100
2ss, I'umeth Up as a rioner, by llhoda llroughtonluo
2su. Alter iiarK uy 11 usio 1.0111ns 1
2s7. 1 (Ighton (irango
2s", Thi'lhaiinlngs, by llrs llerry Wocd 21
2sa. A l'liillmasC'arol,b f. Dickens 1110
lorn, iiick iiiHiiiev, uv ,mmesiiliiui ine
2'Jl. Ollie, by Miss .Mulock io
2112. "'lie ionic 11 .vot. sue Mir ." by Annio
i nomas ino
23. loin t' Hniuur 1 Imer ino
x-.'i. ine (iguiits, uy .hiss .iiiioiK 21S!
2iit. Uist nu Love, uy Miss iirauuon
2i'0. Tom 11111 ke oi Wiurs," (1st halt) by Charles
Ij'i er vuo
2uo, Tom nurko of "ours," (2d half) by Charles
297. Thd Haunted Man. bv Chnrles Dickens :uo
21H. Carital'l Paul, liv Alex. Dumas lue
21(9. liy I'tosy, by Jiitnes rain Itc
3.0, ny i-ciias Aruur, ty jamis ucsani onu ai-
icr iiicii sis.
For sale by all Hookbcllors and Newsdealers, or
sent postage prepaid, uu receipt of price.
(1EOU015 MUNHO, Publisher,
21, 23 and 23, Vandewater St., N, Y,
Tlleso tlioitgltls sliiivly come bnck lo-nlclit "And von lovo inn?" liniiiipt!nneil !T,,f '
ns I Bit iilbne tho first cvenlm? I liad spent daro you, then, give) your kisses to that nth.
KtlUon's Newest Marvel,
nr vita. r. t. coHtmrr.
nlk right In tho slttln'.room, Deacon! It's all lun
muddle, you see,
Hut I hadn't no heart to right I've ost let every
thine lw.
Uesldes, I'm a-goln' to-morror I catklato toBtart
Willi the dawn
And the house won't seem so home-like If It's all ur-
sot nnd forlorn
cent oft tho children this mornlti'i they both on
'em begged to stay,
Hut I thought 'twould bo ensler, inobbe, It 1 lias
nlono ttsdaj'.
or lids was tho very day, IHncon, Jest twenty J cars
That Caleb nnd mc moled In , ss 1 couldn't forget It,
you know.
We was so busy and happy I-we'd been married a
month In fore
And Caleb would clear the lable ond brush up tho
kitchen iloor.
c sali 1 was tired, nnd he'd help me; but, law I
that wasalwaishls ivuy
Always handy and helpful, and kind, to the very
last day.
Don't yon remember, L'eacon, that winter 1 broko
my arm ?
Why, Caleb tkursely left me, notcien to Tend to Ihe
There night nnd momln' 1 aiw him, n-slttln' so close
to my bed,
And I knew him In splto of Iho fever that made mo
so wild In my head.
lie never did nothln' to grlevo me, until ho kit me
'es, 1 know, there's no use In talkln', but somehow
It eases my mind.
nd he sot such storo by jou, Deacon, 1 needn't tell
ou now,
Hut unless ho had your Jedgment, ho never would
buy a cow.
Well, our cows Is gone, nnd tho horso too-poor
cmeb was fond of Jack,
And 1 cried like n fool this moroln' when I looked nt
the empty rack.
hope he'll be kindly treated; 'twould worry poor
Caleb so
It them Joneses should w lilp the crctur but I s'pose
he ain't like to know.
'to ben thlnkln' it over lately, tint when Mary sick.
ened nnd died,
Her fathcr'H sperrlt was broken, for 6ho was alius
his pride.
llo wusn't nevir so cherry; he'd sml'c, but the smile
wa n t in Hht.
nd ho dl In't care for the cattle, though onco the 'd
ben Ills delight.
'ho neighbors all said ho was allln, nnd they tried
to hint It to ine ;
'hey talked of a church-yard cough; bur, oh I the
blind are th030 who won't see,
never believed ho was goln' till I paw him .i-lajln'
here dead.
here, there I don't bo anxious. Deacon; 1 haven't no
tears to shed.
'10 tried to keep things together I'vo ben slailn'
early and late
Hut I couldn't pay tho lut'rest,nor git tho farm-woik
So of course I've gono behindhand, and If tho farm
should sell
'or enough to pay tho mortgage, I s'poso ,tw ill bo
doln' well.
ve pra j cd ng'lns t all hard f nelln's, and to walk as a
Christian ought,
Hut It's hard to sec Caleb's children turned out of
Ihe placo he bought;
And readln' that text In tho Illblo 'bout widows nnd
orphins, youkno.
em't think tho folks will prosper who are vtllllu' to
see us go.
Hut there 1 I'm n-kecpln' j ou, Deacon, and It's nigh
jour lime forte 1.
Won't 1 como over ?" No, thank you ; I feel bctte
mono, ou see,
lesldes, I couldn't eat nothln'; whenever I've tried It
. to-day
There's soniethln' hero that chokes inc. I'm narious
1 s'poso jou'U saj.
"I'io worked too hard?" No, I haven't. Why, it
work that keeps me strung ;
It I sot hero thlnkln', I'm saitlu my heart wout
break before long.
Not that 1 care about llvln'. I'd rather bu laid
In tho placo I've marked beside Caleb, to rest till tho
Hut there's tho children to think of-that makes my
dooty clear,
And I'll try to toller It, Deacon, though I'm tired of
this earihly sneer.
(lood-by, then. I fha'n't forget you, nor all tho
kindness you've showed ;
Twill help to cheer ino to-morrer,as I go on my lono"
ly road,
For What nro you bajln,' Deacon? I needn't 1
n cdn't ro?
Vou'ie bought the mortgage, and I can stay? stopj
say It over slow,
Jest wait now Jest wait a inlnutc-lll tako It In
That I can stay. Why, Deacon, I don't know it hat
makes mo cry I
I hat eu't no words to thank you. L"t Caleb was only
He'd sech 11 head tor speaklu', ho'd mako my feolln's
There's a plcter In our old Blblo of an angel from
tho skies,
And though ho hasn't no great-coat, nnd no specta
cles on his eyes,
He looks Jest like you, Deacon, with jour emtio m
good and trew.
And whenever I see that plcter.'ttvell make me think
of you.
Tho children it'll bo bo happy! Why, Dcbby will
'most go wild ;
sho fretted so much nt leavln' her gardlng behind,
poor child I
And, law 1 I'm us glad as Debby, ef only for Jest ono
Now I can tend tho posies I planted there last
On Caleb s grai e ; he lot ed the flow em, and it seems
as ef he'll know
They'io a-bloomln' all around him while ho's sleepln
thcro below.
Jlarjier'n Mayazhie,
Select Story.
OniCE-In Ilnrmnn'H Hulldlng, Main Href t,
liloomsburg, l'a.
l'.O. Ilox Mil.
aug s, ll-tuu
II. UTTI K. R0BT. . UTTt l.
llloomsburg, l'a,
I fliuHlnefs before the V. H. Patent omco attended
o omen in ths Columbian Hulldlng. -88
letters testnmmtnty on the estote of (leorgo
Miller, lale tt Mllllln township, Columbia 10.,
l'n., halo been granted by Iho llegbler of Co
lumbia county, o the undersigned Kxecutors
uf Main lw p., to whom all persons Indehted, are
reuuested 10 make Immediate payment and those
huilngclalmsor demands against thu said estate
will make them known llo the untcisltcta Dxtcu
tors without delay, .
tpt, , ns-ow" NMn vownshlp.
Do people often wonder at their own hat
phiewi? Certainly I was wonderiiip at initio
m I sal alone in my pretty drawing room,
resting back in my chair allowing my I!er
lln work to fall unheeded on my lap, while
my eyes wandered here and there, surveying
with fond pride my possessions.
Many ol tho pictures on the wall, tho
lironzes on the mantel, tho clock, a chair
here nnd there had been by bridal presents ;
and as only oat short year had passed since
I came to my kingdom, I had no time to get
A year ago, I had then thought myself a
happy girl. I had yet to learn tho full liap
pine which comes to every loved and lov
lug wile ; but I had especial cause for gratl
tude in u fact which might present pain.
ISefore I met Will, my husband, I had
been engaged to n young man, by n very
few years my senior, when bouio one Uia
covered that his fattier and grand falter be
lore him had died inmates of n RtDtttic
asylum "y
My parents immediately broke oil tho en
gagement, and I was ton sensible not to how
to their decree. Por a tlmo I was very nil
erable,but soon after I met Wlll.and learned
that Into his keeping had passed the one
true love ol my life, and he had it so tenderly
so sacredly, that soon there was uot even a
bear to mark the old wound.
Hut tears came freely to my eyen, nor did
Will reproach me with them ihen,some six
months alter my marriage, I learned In the
full lluh of my hapjilnesii, that Victor
Struthers's snd fate had overtaken him, and
that he, too, had followed in the steps of
those gone before; that never again the light
of reasou would shine within Ilia eyes or the
words of love he no well knew how to utter
fall from his lips.
alone slnco my marriage; but Will had been
called atvay by Important binlnes, and
would not be hack until late, perhaps not
until to morrow.
Once moro the tears caino within my eyes
as I contrasted my lot with Victor's or sund
ered nt the fnto which would have been
mine, hud I followed my first mad Impulso
to be his at any cost.
Yet, had not the loss of tho girl ho loved
hastened his doom ? The physicians said
not ; but their verdict would not satisfy my
nervous dread, I sighed a long, tremulous
igh at this latter thought
And surely was it imagination ? some,
where within the room tho sigh was re
We had in tlio month of roses two long
I'rench ivlndiitvs,dr.iped with blue satin nnd
lucoupenid on a veranda, which, as the
evening was cool, were closed and fastened ;
but as I glanced round, with a strange, mis
giving rt my heart, I saw tho folds of one
The window must then he open ; yet I
felt no air.
With this thought I nroo from my seat,
stepping f irtvard to ascertain the cause, hut
had barely taken a slnglestep when I stopped
my blood frozen, unable to make another
movement, or even part my lips to scream
for help.
On the blue surface was a man's hand
no rullian's hand, hut while and hand
ring gleamed on ono of the fingers, and
on its lustre my eyes rested, fascinated as the
dove by tho serpent. Whero hnd I seen that
ring before 1 Somewhere, surely, wliere,my
tortured mind cnuld not reason.
Then summoning all my strength and
courage, with desperate effort I turned lo
leave the room. Once put a closed door be
tween myself and that white hand, whose
invisible owner might at any moment step
from his concealment, I might know what
he-t cnuld be done.
Now I was blind with terror, and could
scarcely see, though the room winbrllllaull)
lighted, to grope my way to tho door.
At hist I approached it and reached out
my arm to open the way lo freedom, when
five white fingers, one bearing tho ghaining
ring, were laid on mine, and slowly drew me
back into the room
"Look at me I" said a voice. ''It is your
workyou need tint fear."
Then I realized the truth ; and glanceing
up, saw Victor Struthcrs btanding before
Jly first sensation was of relief. His eyes
peering into mine, were lit by the old soft
nes"; around his mouth was the old smile
and, though his woids were hitler, his baud
some face was only kind.
Could he he mad ?
Or had recovery como to him, spite of the
physician's hopeless decree ?
I laughed a nervous laugh as I answered
"How could you so staitlc, mc, Victor
What a strange way to pay mo a visit
Surely you cnuld not doubt your it el
come ?"
"I have not yet received it," lie repliei
"though I have walked out) hundred mill
that you might give it to me. I take no it el
come but the old one, P.lsuv
And he stooped as if to kiss ine, but
rew back shuddering.
"What? no greeting?" ho exclaimed
and slowly there crept into his eyes a look
ad never seen thero belore a look of cun
iiing and of moral diead.
He glanced round the room
"I have, waited so long waited to fiud you
alone. Wo are going on a journey to-night
ou and I. Elsie. Hut you will not fear i
011 aro with me, even if death be the boat
man to row us across. Listen, Lisie. lam
tired of life, liut one thing only has madi
me cling to it so long, and that is, the gates
of heaven would not open to receive me un
ess you were by my side, so I have como fo
lu that moment I knew the the truth
knew that this man by my side, quiet as he
was, was indeed mad, ready at any inomeii
to throw oil' even this mask of sanity, and
seize me in his powerful grasp
Once moro I glanced around my pretty
My husband'f eyes looked into mine fron
Ills portrait on the wall, as if to say, "For
my sake, darling, keep calm. All rests with
you. Da not let me return to iinu a uesoi.u
home, with your blood staining the tine
"Victor," I said suddenly, "heforo we go
011 this journey, tell mo of yourself of all
you have been been doing.
"Of myself? What is there to tell ?" he
questioned, with rising passion in his voice
"Of what I havo been doing I shall indeed
tell you I Working for this hour, slavirg
for it, enduring lor it with but one ambition
in the wretched struggle they call lifo to
meet you face to face, to look into your eyes
as they rested on your work, to tell you of
tho burning brain which could find no relief
in tears, the weight of iron breaking tho
heart on which your hand had placed it.
Ah lit is a little hand white and fair"
clasping it within his own "even to lift so
monstrous a weight j yet you placed it well,
not missing a single nerve slender, pretty
fingers, but oh, so cruel I Elsie, have you
no remorse?
"Victor, you aro tho cruel one; you do
mo injustice unworthy of yourself 1"
"Ay, Injustice I You sit here in your heau-
tiful home and let Hit world go by unheeded
and iincared for, What memory had you
for tho man you had doomed, whoso strug
gles, whose agonies you could watch as the
cat plajs tilth the mouse? I saw him kiss
you last night, the man you call your bus.
band, forgetting my right to Iho title fop
getting, iu the sight of heaven, that you are
my wile; you rested on his nrnn, you laid
your head upon his shoulder, looking with
adoring eyes into his faco. You whisper
ed words of love in Ids car, but for the last
time I I would havo killed him, but Iiat I
wanted yuu alouo iu that other world to
which we are going, Elsie, darling, you do
not fear mo?" his voice suddenly sinking
from frouzled anger to Its old tenderness,
At any moment he might draw the con.
cealed weapon from his pocket--at any mo
ment plunge the dagger lulu my heart.
A scream, a struggle, would but make sure
my fate.
What was to bo done ?
"Victor," I said, with cunning matching
his own, "let us not die, but live. Iu death
all Is uncertainty ; iu life 110 have each oth
er and love"
Ha glanced with keen suspicion iuto my
cr-the kisses which belonged to me? Lis- 8nN,"x" -'llLAP LItlllT lir.AT AND I'OWnn
ten I We have no time to snare. Alreadv "Y llLlX'i niciTY-II.LU.MINATlNa (IAS
they arc on mv track. To.nlnlit t saw the,,, T" M' stll'EncKiillD
lint their n, fn oil Ir. fl.,.l ... TI. -.11
-.--. '('17 wn Mp P, ,, l.. j 1
1110 mail. VOt 1 OUtwIt them. Nnr lln 1 find oo .D unvumiisi
It such a difficult task. Yet, if once they
how to make electricity a cheap aud practl-
seize mo they will beat me back to the place .U' ""me Ior gas. .Many
trnni wnicn 1 have iled, but not nlivnl See, . , .
slHl" thrniv nir lmelr 1. 1- ,.,.1,1 u,l . . ..,,,., uu. in.iu sueocss. n
sine the long, narrow. 1? lenmimr bl,l l, 1"'"'" Heclric light was the result of
. 1 " " ""11 1 .. .1 .... I I..- .ft.
had concealed there. "First your heart.and reruncm, ma mu prouiem 01 us
then mine You grow na c: 1011 tremble. '"""' "'
It will soon bo over. A moment's pang;
eternal happiness--"
Ills arm is thrown light around me. I
am powerless even to struggle in his iron
clap. His words fall hl-slng, one by one,
on the still air. Darkiics is gathering
around me tne darl'tiess ol despair.
1 he little flock on the mantel chimes
even, and I remember, with a thrill of hor
ror, 11 is the last lime I shall ever hear It
strike, when outside sounds a cheery whistle
ainl a step I recognize as my husband's up
on tlio pavement.
Its linn, manly tread la unmistakable, I
can l.mcy his glancing up ut the lighted
indows shilling forth Iheir welcome for
1m. Another moment his latch key will
uo in tho door,
'Victor," I exclaimen, "I hear him coni
ng. He, tlio spy, is on your track. Con
ceal yourself where you were before. I will
misieaii 111m nnu return to you. For mv
ike, be quick,"
At theso last words his hold relaxes. The
old cunning leaps to his eyes.
"l or your sake," he whispers.
With a sudden spring he is again hidden
behind the folds of the curtain, and in that
, ... I.....1 1 .1 .1 ... .
" . J . ' , , ' RUU scientific skill.
riisiim ui me sueuer ui ins arms.
.tiy tiariiug, ivuai is 111 will you ex
I.iin? What has happened? I found these
men watching the houe, and they insist a
madman intrusted to their care has entered
lere. I, of course, have given them pcrniis.
sion lo search '
I try to Rjieak, but ran not.
Tho words dye in my throat as I point,
tremblingly, lo the curtain, where I can d'n-
zlcr. It has been reserved for Mr. Edison
to solve the problem desired. This he says
he has done recently.
While on a visit to William Wallace, Ihe
electrical machine manufacturer, in Anso-
nia, Conn., lie was shown tho lately perfect
ed dynamo-electric machine fur transmitting
power by electricity. When power is ap
plied to Ibis machine it will not only re
produce it, but will turn It Into light.
Edison on returning homo after his visit
to Ansonia, studied and experimented with
electric lights. On Friday last his efforts
were crowned with success, and the project
that has filled the minds of many scientific
men for years was developed.
I havo it now I he said, while vigorously
turning the hatidlo of a Uitchie inductive
coil in hi) labratory at Menlo Park, 'and
singularly enough,! have obtained it through
an entirely diiferent process thau that from
which scientific men have ever sought to
secure it. They have all been working in
the samo grove, and when it is known how I
havo accomplished my object, overybody
will wouder why they have never thought of
it, it is so simple. When ten lights have
been produced by a single electric machine,
it has been thought to be a great tiiutnph of
Witli the process I have
just discovered, I can produce a thousand-
aye, ten thousand from one machine. In
deed, the number may be said to be iudifii-
nitc. When the brilliancy and cheapness
of the lights are made known tj the public
which will belli a I". w weeks, or just as
soon as I can thoroughly protect the pro-
lllutnliiniinii by carbureted hy
drogen gas will b With In
teen or twenty ol these dynamo-electric ma-
tern, pein.iK imougn, victors B'''B machilic, recently perfected by Mr. Wal
lnr.11 1 rnn lurht tliAAiitira li.ivor itit tf Vum
I-..!. ,TI.. ., !.!. !!.. j '"""'- s tv - I
.iruiiicssi j. 11 oil ill nun cachwiii ; auu
as the men sprang forward, there followed a
dull fall
Poor fellow I He had taken his sad jour
ney alone
In his frenzy bo has plunged tho steal
through his own Heart.
For weeks I, too, hovered on the grave's
brink, but my husband's tender love and
care won me back to lifo ; and together we
often visit one solitary mound in the church.
yard, where we ever place fresh llotvers,with
the prayer that he who sleeps al last found
the journey, even as ho thought, "but one
step to ternal happiness."
She Can "tit llilil.
York city, using a 000 horse power engine,
I purpose to establish one of these light cen
tres in Xassau street, whence wires cm he
run up town as far as the Cooper Institute
down to the battery and across to both Tit
ers. These wires must be insulated, and laid
iu tne grntiml in the same manner as gas
pipes. I also prnpine. to utilize the gas
burners and chandeliers now in use. In
each house I can place a light meter, whence
these wires will pass through the house tap
ping small metallic contrivances that may
bo placed over each burner. Then house
keepers may turn off their gas and send
their meters back to the companies whence
they came. Whenever it is desired to light
a jet, it will only be necesnary to touch a lit
tlo spring near it. No matches are required.
Hut it is the slory of Ursula's courtship, 'Agaiu, the same vire that brings the
as she herself once told it to a teasing and light to you,' Mr. LUison continued, 'will
favorite child, that the reader shall have as also bring power and heat With the power
that of another "woman who dared." you can run an elevator, a sewing machine
It happened in this wise. Matthew Oris- or any other mechanical contrivance that re
wold, tall, shy and awkward, but scholarly quires a motor, nud by means of tho heat
and kind, early in his life wooed a lady in a you may cook your food. To utilizo the heat
listant town, who bad another string to her it will only be necessary to have tho ovens
bow iu the person of a village doctor. For or stoves properly arranged for its reception.
a long time she had kept her Lvme lover in This can be done at trilling cost. The dyua
a state of uncertainty, in the hopo that she mo-electric machine, called a telcmachon,
might draw out a proposal from his profess- and which has already been described in the
ed rival. After some months of delay Mr. Sun, may he run by water or steam power
Gristvold determin;d to have tlie matter set- at a distance. When u-ed in a large city
tied, and so one day rude to the town, en- the machine would of necessity be run by
tend her house and once more tendered water or slenni power. I have computed
heart and baud. "ie relative cot 01 the light power aud heat
"Oh, Mr. Griswold, you must giyc me generated by the electricity transmitted to
moro time, said the lady. mo leiemscnoii 10 oe out a iracuou wnero
"I give you your life-time, Miss," was the obtained 111 the ordinary way. ny a lultery
indignant reply ; where at the youth botv- or steam power it is forty-six times cheaper,
ed himself out, Hung himself into tne saddle and by water power probably 03 percent.
and cultured aivav forever, leaving the maid- cheaper,
en, wlio maiden was forevormore, and her It has been computed that by Edisons
bird in the bush never was caught. process tne same amount 0: ngut mar, is
To Matthew, disconsolate at his beautiful given by 1,000 cubic teet ol the carhureted
homo amid the magnificent grove of elms hydrogen gas now used In this city, and for
that still shelter the old Ciriswold homestead which from $l! SO lo $3.00 is paid, may he
at Illackhall. on the shore of tho Sound, just obtained: for from twelve to fifteen cents.
cast of Connecticut river, appeared soon af- Ivdison will soon give a public exniDition 01
ter bis eiiiisin Ursula, a little his senior in this new invention. New York Sun.
irniN lint Inlnnrilimr tli Leautl' ltriilft mill
' ft" ' I ., f ..... t.l.l-.'u Cn! l'n-lj
ready wit of her grandmother Martha. uut "' .- n
iho 'came, saw, conquered; but warned .Somp time airo.' said the drummer. 'I
by past experience, -Matthew was slow to had occa,iot, , vj.jt the city of 1) , in
peak, thougli His loots and actions betrayed .... ,,. ()f i)Pl ,wart.. an,l concluded to
his feelings toward his pretty cousin. Things Lt01, at tt)0 ijtue tjell Hotel, where Iliad
for boarders without knowing It. Then very
likely they'll tax both ends of the hotel and
take money out of my pocket. They'ro al
most griiidlng a poor man so's he can hard
ly get along. Costs like thunder, you know,
to run a hotel liko this, that requires so much
to keep up a respectable appearance. I dun
no what I'll do 11 she breaks out on the
other side of the enrtli and then;slln through
the hole. I can't carry on a hotel lloating
oui into cuiereal r aco you know.'
I have some hopes that mav-be. before
she sinks morc'n a mile or two.she'll stiike
a volcanic vein or something and get a shove
up ; conic all the way out for all I know.
nnd stand on tlio ground. II sho docs you
como round nnd see mc, and I'll lake you
up and show you the view. I'll bet you
cau see Peru and Oshkosh and Nova
bla uinlTuckertou and all thco places reg
ular blrdseyo view ; you come down Into
tho cellar.'
I said I would and then hunted un a sa
fer hotel. The Illue Hen is too original, too
eccentric fur comfort.
It. IiOtliron !i Co "s I'tilillcalt-ns.
The atrumn and holiday list of I). Loth-
rop & Co., is piculiaijly valuable and fat
traclive, tint only for the oharacter of the
publications it represents, but for the varie
ty ol subj.-cts it covers, and for the decant style in which the books it
includes are brought out. The catalogue of
tho put and present wotks i-sued by this
bouao numbers more than 701 titles, and It
Is a remarkable fact that nearly all of them
fulfil some fpeci.i1 want of tho public, aud
meet ivilh 11 steady sale. Of the more itn
pnrlaut bnoksin the present list aro new edi
tions of standard work", among them, 'Bun
van's Holy War,' In char largo type, on
heavy paper ami with a large number of
illustrations, of one of the finest editions ev
er bsued in this country ; 'Dr. Adams at
Eventide ; Dr. D ircliester's vnlume.Conces
sionsofLibeialists, which has met with un-
exa tipl'il sin'ees ; a new and elegant edi
tion ul 'l'llrim's l'lugress,' uniform in style
with tho Gulden Tr?astiry ser'es, with gilt
elites ami con' iiniiiif seventeen full page 11-
lllstialioils. netel.ll w t- l7 '.p-nmlnant
authors are in preparation which will bedu
ly announced,
In the line of bn iks for young people the
list of this firm is especially rich. No other
American hmise furnishes a catalogue more
atirai tiv", or draws a sharper Hue between
what is good and what is bad in literature.
A'nong the bonks now iu active preparation
.mil w'lie.'i nil In issued are 'Miss Young's
serif nt V-ninir Folk's Histories, one volume
ran 011 this way for a space, until one stormy
day, near the close of her visit, Ursula, do
scendiug the dark, old oaken staircase, sud
denly encountered her cousin ascending
Meeting him moro than half way, she stop
ping suddenly, said sweetly
"What did you say, cousin Motlhciv?
"Oh, I didn't speak ; I didn't Bay any.
"High time you did, cousin ; high time
you did
The fulure governor was not slow to take
pent one night during a previous visit
When I reached the spot where the hotel
used to be, I was suprised to see that the tall
buildiug had given place to a low structure
with a single row ol windows, and a roof
close to the ground. However, I recognized
the keeper of the hotel sitting ou a chair in
front of tho windows, and I asked him where
his establishment was.1
'There she is, sir. I've enlarged her since
you wero hero last.'
'Indeed I Eularged ? I don't exactly un
the hint, and spcedly found his tongue ; and derstand,1
tilis is how Ursula Wolcolt became Ursula 'Oh I I know she looks smaller ; but
Griswold, and for twenty-live years always Granger, I tell yen that I've added four sto-
had a near relative in the governors chair ries to this hotel since January 75,
in old Connecticut. ftleury F. Cloddard, 'What has become of them ?'
in Sunday Afternoon. 'I'll explaiu. After the hotel had been
built a year or two she suddenly began to
I'uiuilnr .Names, sink. I dunno what tho reason is. A quick.
and under her, I reckon. Anyhow, she
Popular names for distinguished persons I jC.,i going down and down, until the first
originate usually in accident. The Duke f story passed underground. Then I moved
elllngtoii is styled the Iron Dune, and a i)le ijar room up stairs, put another story
natural presiimplion is tliat the term.descrbes ou t,., uml began business again, l'retty
his characteristics. Hut it issaid that ti lieu B001l 8Ue auk to another Iloor, and w
iron stentuboSIs were a novelty an iron boat moVed up a second time aud added another
was built aud called the Dalceol i elllngtoii, torv. It's been nothing unusual in thl
Tom llotvlliie shortened thenamo tothe Iron 10ll0 t gl) to bed in the second story ant:
Duke, and Irnui tliesliip the name wa trans- WJie up iu the morning to find yourself 1
ferred tn the man. Vessel for which ho was tUt, cellar. The milkman has regular iu
sponsor becamo sponsor for him. Other pop- truction lo pour the milk dowu tho chini
ular by-uords are boruof chance. Iu the can- Iiev i cas0 ),e comes some morning early
vas which preceded the etectlou of Uenetal allli cau. j , out a window'. Last month
Harrison, 11 Washington correspondent ol overslept myself for forty-eight hours because
the news papers writing a letter discussing ti,0 r0oin remained dark, and when I did get
tho probabilities after mentioning the other ., ,ia rauf lvas :u,( even with the street.
aspirants come to HarrUon, "fJivo him," he xhl part of the house that you see now
said, "a log cablu and a barrel of hard cider j built on early last week. The property
aud Ho will Le content.' liistaulty tho man- became too valuable to lease, there aro six
agers took their cue, and the log cabin cam- teel) btorirs to the lllue Hen now, and I've
palgn sealed the old Oencral in tho I'resl- KOt to add auothcr before the woik Is nut,
deutial chair to die nt his post in a month. If this hotel was spread out sideways she'd
Tho correspondent referred to used to relate h,0 about three hundreds yard long. Event-
that alter he had mailed his letter, as he ualy I expect shell be six or seven hundred
walktd home (lie was opposed to Harrison) stories high and it 11 take you a week to get
ho felt lie had done mischief, He wrut hack Into the cellar. I s'pose If I keep on, this
to reclaim the letter but It was too late. An bere hotel will reach clean through from
amusing book might be made of such curious J'jelawato to China. The lower rnd will
beginning of thlugs, the origin of which tho COme bursting out iuto Hong Kong or
world soon forgets. Shanghai, and may-be I'll take Chinam;n
which mil b- issued monthly. Tho first
volume will bi: upon he followed
by others upon liivtce, England, France and
Home. They will be brought out in band-
line style, in clear lype, on line white pa
er, beautifully hound and illustrated. A
bonk nl special interest which will nnnear
entitled 'Amy and Martini's voyage around
the world.' H i from the pen of a daugh
ter of the Kev N'jheuiiab Ad inis ,tvho, with
er sister relly made the j itirney about
tiiu globe, 111 company with their brother
apt. Adam. Ii will be fully illustrated
Iroin original photographs. 'Hoyal Lowrie,'
story for the older boys, by Charles 11.
Talbot, will create a decided sensation among
hose for whom it is specially Intended. It
is one ol the most fascinating books pub
lished for the last half dozen, and is
as pure iu tone us it is lively in incident.
l'ansy(.Mrs. Alden) aud Faye Huntington,
two of the best writers of religious literature
n the country appear as joint authors of a
story for girls, called 'From Different Stand
points.' Two other volumes, 'That lloy of
Ncwkirk'd and Carrie Ellsworth, 'also appear
11 the list, together with a new book of po
ms for home and school. iew editions in
quarto lorm of 'Young Uick Cooking Club
of Tu-Whil Hollow, '(iood-for-Nothing Pol
ly,' aud 'Xun, tho Now-Fashioned Girl, all
popular and rapidly selling books, are an
nounced lor early issue.
The house has lu preparation an elegantly
llustialed work which is intended as a re
ligious gift book for the holidays. It is
called 'Out of Darkness into Light.' The
The designs are from tho pencil of Mary A.
Lathbury, whoso talent lor illustration is
well known. It is intended to make it the
most popular presentation book of the sea-
on, not only lu btyle and character, but in
Fashioxabli: PitEACiuxa. As he was
a-ceudlug the pulpit steps, 0110 of the ciders,
button-holed him to whisper an additional
'The liquor dealer has just come into the
church, and he gives us a lift sometimes. I
wish you would be particular uot to allude
to the whisky business or the temperance
The youug minister, getting fairly IngH-
tened to see the moral ground thus steadily
narrowing before him, inquired:
Whom or what shall I preach against,
then ?
The cider's reply came like an air of tri
"Preach against the Mormons; they hav
en't got a friend In town 1"
Traiuing Colts.
The best trainer of colts I ever knew nev
er allowed the whip or spur to be ued,whlle
the horses he trained never needed the whip.
Their spirits iere unbroken by severity,and
they obeyed Ihe slightest impulse of the
voice or reiu with Ihe most promptitude.
This horseman always claimed that it was
with horses as with children, if accustomed
to beating they will not obey without it, but
if managed with untiring gentleness, uuited
with consistent and equal ilrmiitfc-s, the vic
tory once gained over them was gaiiied forever.
luinorlaut to
, llread linkers An (lid Law
An old law pascd in 1707, by the Leg
islature of Pennsylvania, has been revived
in NorrUtonu, Andrew Hargel, a German
baker, residing in that borough, was brought
before 11 magistrate recently, charged with
selling bread by the loaf. Two prosecutors
had bought bread of him and he tad sold It
as all bakers Bell, uot deeming that there
was upon the the statute book a law which
mado Ills act an Indictable oll'tnie. The law
referred to proiidts among other things,that
each aud every loaf uf bread made for sale
shall be sold by the pound avoidupois, aud
provisions for carrying out the law.ltilllctiug
a penalty of $10 for every vlolatiou of the
law. The defendant was held for trial at