!. ' . at. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA OOl NTY, PA. Miseelaneous, The Churrm Hell ami llio People. Tho ulliet of n'SmiXiy itiiirnlng win brok en liy the toD( of n Church ltoll. Over tho toyn (1 iiilcil in full, rluh inn ilc, and then c.imo luck ngain In ftlut ecb,ei. Tnu bull secmeil charged with a tncssngo to the people, which It wn telling with nil Iti might; find tho mciwigo i an tliu : "Come -rome." "Come come." "Conio come." Jljt fllthoti'i well till UntooJ it vim not heed til hi tnniy; nud thU Ii what the people saltl who did not heed h, mid what conscience ald to'them. liill "Cjiiip como." l'eople "Wo da not fiel very well to day." Coim-icncp "Isn't it rtrmije that there are so many sie.k people on SuiiiUy? Mntiy who are well enough on Saturday night are utiablo ti po out on Smithy ; nod thus) who nrc9 Buk on Sunday iccuvcr when Mututay morning come. It might seem as if dome Week'y epidemic viited the tnAti with n full supply (if headache, culd, fevers and other d order.," Ji II -"Oime emni"," l' iri -'The weather it loo unpleasant t; v 1 os i r. " "Ve, the weather o-i Sunday is nil wru',0 - too hot, too cold, Im et, lo ' clou i , I ,i w uiily. riuml.iy brats are m rx-butl-un" S 'in lay rains so peot-lraiio, Sun div lus b t piercing, that no oLe but the inn 'i r ami the sexton should go cut lo eliurc't 1M1- 'CVm -come." Jaile - We have eompauy," Cons ioui.e "In't there simethln-; hi Id about 'he r.u.ser wieliiu thy ga'es keeping llsS tbl'h Ijnlv;'' Hi II -"Come come." Pe"nl -'Oir garment! are not good cnourh." Ouii c nue- -'There are a great many til reciion in 1'ie li.blo about limv wo liould com bi fore ibe I.'inl.uut the iyl en. I ijitl. lty of mf 'j clothing is not mentioned. The chu ch in't a iiiillineiy pstablisliment or show room. In olden limes thp lieh ami the poor met together, for tho Iird is maker of them all." It'll 'Come come-," Teople ' Wo are better than some who go lo ciiurch." Oomci, uce ''It msv be much belli r linn fonip, but. are you sucWied with that ? Will U do to tell tho l.inl mj? There is ome thing in tee parable of the Pliai i-eei and Publican bearing upon this point." Call "Come com"." l'eople "'We haven't any seats in ciiurch. Comcience "Yes, there ara always seats tiere for all who come. There, need be no fur of intruding, for all are welcome, and there need bo no fear of wear ing out your welcome, for you are urged to cmie every Sunday. And so tho church bell keeps ringing out its message, ''Come come," and aomo heed ed the inesnge, came, thanked God for the privilege of coming, and resolved to come always. Others still refused, and conscience went to sleep, murmuring ere it slept: "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose bis owu soul." Kev. O. W'.Stmn, A Model Farm. Why should (arming Hot be scientific ? Because the manufacturer labors in n tci entific way, bis profits are greater and surer than tnoso of tho agriculturist who has nei ther machinery norsyi-lem ; but it is the uti leasonable cu-:om of many to sneer at Inno ssi'as, and to look at all methodic varia tions upon old tiiages as tho fancilul and uu profitable schemes ol visionaries with moro money than couimon-seu-e. It is tho peo ple who sneer that are usually most deficient in the iaiu-r quality, however; and h.ul.tuey a liitle mire of itthey mightso that careful book-keeping and the adoption of improved methods and implements are as uecen.iry in fanning as in any otner business. In a sule oollow of that hill from which Liiclifi' ,il hrsL uecame visible to us v-v ral very di ue i, oes can be oowined, tibd this i-nenis-s of the '-purple pleus" gave a tiu n. t Has larm. It is Klio Kami : urei v nj poetically suggestive name, "Jmli-Hl. w iich conjures up vi ions i,f loveli ness, and s.ets ohm to dreaming of intertniu inS vmes kan ting their pliant tendrils and bivcti sceiueil leaies through the hospitable poich nud open lattice ; tho checkered orch ard ot fruity abundance j the garrulous brook that never tires ol its own monody ; the re veiberam bi ls 'hut iiipwt-e lit ' turmoil with lntir cr.-y uii.lti a.un s ; I .ly barm mo y nidi a.;' ; and iliiirr.n iiillsdonu ill lb' t'CiUiun ol grasy In..! ns. Hut, alas I duar reader, model larming is not idji licorAr adian ; it is inrlsxibly titilitariau ; it keeps all its building in a mh e of repair; it euboruinaits the piciure-que if it ever re cogniz sit; it pulls down the old mill be-cau'-e lUat venerable is in tho nay of the rectangular new dairy ; it divtrts the brook from i s leruy course Into the most common plase of caulieii pipes; it tears away tho vines mat ob-curo the light, and it looks upon evcrytuiui' with a pair of tho most practical eyes set in a head, that weighs, measures, audits, and.analjzes with chemic al exactness. The proprietor of Echo Farm conducts it a a manufactory. A record is kept of the ml'k and butter produced by each cuw for each day, each month, each year; all the fetd is weighed, and the quan tity entereu upon i ook, both that puichas ed and that produced ; and a Kparale ac count is kept of the ield of each field. Noth ing is wasttd, nothing is done by guessing, and nothiug pas-es uniecorded. The im. plsments tie of the latest or most approved uiodt'l. Three sets or "horse" buy.forks ate in use, by which bay is unloaded at the rate bV'1 a ton In four foikluls uud iu four ml u- utcs, Including in t1)mw instance the carriage or the hay l-iO lect. The other machines id- socmbiily it, now I labor saving ptiuei- j p'ei. o iu..iinre or fertijizers are found ( li 'cessary, rserpt ll.e 1500 "loads made noun the farm, and a sort of muck, of which there are tevcral beds. The lit t ry of the farm is interetting, A geii'lemau .f iduratinn, intelligence and wea'h came to ,llcbfield some nine years ago in searb rf a summer lionie. IIo bad the most mpeififial knowledge nl fsnnieg. auden'er aioed no intention of entering that bualm a, Diil having purchased sixty-six acres aod cleared them, h purchased addi tional tracts, which bicaiue tho nucleus of J,ohu l arm, whose area is now about -100 acres, ills interest wai enll.ted in tbo rais ing of choice btcck, aud beginning with a beru i f five, be baa gradually increased tho number to 100, all the herd being pure Jer sev, with authentic and valuable prdignes The racky fields were cleanil, laid out, and Inc' ised ly mas-lve stone walls. Old and J -a' equate .buildings on consolidated laud were demolished, and new ones oflmproie l pai'eru crectiu. Ju J673a barn CG feet by S3 was built ; an addition 100 feet by -10 was watte the lollomlng year; and in 187fian other addition was made, of 1111 by .'15 feet. Tbcie three buildiiij.ni form (he three nidts of the b.irii-yard. They are built of pine tipou .native granite foundation, about two icci uiup,wnicu are inii ill cement. ju tbo wood work U p.ilnlod a coft drab color, even tho proprietor'. reldeiiee, and the tele graph poles IbaC line the roadway. A deslio for dinipllclty and durnbilily in preference to ornamentation or sbowlnes Is Isiblc ev erywhere ; there It no litter, and there aio no gaps In tbo .tencesor walls, which are from eighteen inches to twenty four In thickness, every crevice being filled like n mosaic with n stone that exactly fits. It. Ctre. thrift and Ingenuity have acted like three charm.. When the field, wero bein? cleared, such large quantities of ftones were gatlieifd that some perplexity aroso n, to where they should bo put. Many hundred, of load, were used In thefound.ition, of the building, in the ieoccs, and In filling r.ivlne,,but more lemained, nnd tbee were deposited upon sever.il nerilc hillocks of no value, where mases of snnmp pra-M were l iid over them and coveredi with n light drclng of soil. Gr.n,. ctd ns sown upon the soilj and did well, toon trainfuiliiins the birreti heap, to vetdint l:udN, whme bUde, arc remarkably liiudy. It win not so much for the sake of the land gained that the stone, were thus di,po"id of, but it win rather to prevent the formation of uurseric, for weed,, hrub., ami brambles which the heap, would lnvn (piii;ly becume. Tno ami n half acre, are 1'1'vilfil niih heel", whjcli aie the only root, fpil to the cattle, the cr.'p averti'm 1000 l)iiii('li an itcie, i'i,d more tluiii L'dOO ton, of hay are houjiil a year. - 11'. Jl. J'Meinq, hi larjitr'e Mtij'tiine for Oclob.r. A Tt'imlili'Miuc Mari'iaso Till nneednte i, estractetl almost vrrlmtim from Ihe nolo hook of u clergyman who ollb: ri.itod on the occioion, and i n, fillon, 'l'hi, ifli'ining I married a mariner named William I! to tijr.ih U , and I think I .hall never foiget it. The we lding patty consisted of four per-ions, there being present be,ide, Ihe bride and bridegroom an elder mailne'r and hi wife. A little conlu ,ion whs ncca-doii'd at fir,t, owing to the an cient mariner in answer to my quc,tion, rep relenting hinioelf to bo the bridegroom, hut thi, win s .'iu put right, and the real parties s:ood up liefire nio. All went on a, u-u.il up to the time when lliowmian had to say, 'I riarnh, lake thee, William,' when, upon my telling her to take hi, haul aud repeat afier me, she exclaimed, to uiy great amnz" msnl, 'I can't. Ye,, you can,' obierved the bridegroom. 'No, I can't say it,' repeated she. 't'oine,' t.id I, preserving my gravity which mrpri-td myself, 'cannot jou cay the wmds Rlter"me?' 'Oh no 1 I couldn't.' 'You can after bim.t-iemontruted William again. 'Oh, no I' And now thenttendant female mariner struck in iu u sweet IrUh broniie : 'Arrab I can't ye say it altber the jintleman, dear?'' with a stres, on the jantlenian which no'ilaiica can convey. No use at all either she couldn't or she wouldn't. The bridegroom thought it wa, real incapacity, and that he had divined the true reason of her refusal, for he now sug gested as a probable explanation, 'You see, tir, she can't neither read nor write; that's what it 'u.' There seemed at thi, point ome danger of the. conversation becoming general, so that I wa, obliged to renuei't si lence, and that 1 might be allowed to conduct the ceremony in my own way ; for the elder mariner thought it time to put in hi., osr, which he did by winking one eye the other was out and observing with a jerk of his thumb toward the bride, 'Say it.' However, say it she could not, anil a, she wa, trembling nil over, I began to think all might not le right ; so I made her sit down and question ed her apt! tho whole party as to whulur there existed any impediment to the mar riage. Having at length tali-tied myself t tint there did not, nnd that it wa, a pure, eaie of nervomnes,, I inqjired for salts or a smelling bottle, but nothing of the kind was at band only a large no-egay of doubtful Iresbness, which the female Iricnd cllicioiis ly tbnist under the bride's veil, apparenfli under the impre,ion that any smell would vork a cure. Finding her by this time rath er more coinpo-ed, I thought I would try a liltlo calm reaionlng, and .-kid her nbelbtr she really meant lo tako William for her hu,b.md, and on her agreeing that she did, I further suggested thai she might a, will ay so, and moreover, that nobody hut her self could say it, and that if she didn't slo never would have -him at all. Yielding at" last to these arguments, she expressed her readiness lo have another try, whereupon she itord up and managed to stumble through the necessary form of word,, and the ceremony was completed. Rut my diflbultie, were not quite over. When we got into the vc,try, tbo bridegroom signed hl name In the register without ma Viiij; any difficulty, but all the rest of the parly stoutly maintained that they could not write. I bad not much doubt that this wa, true wlib respect to the two females, but I strongly tuspected that my friend, the nucient mariner, with the one eye could write if he chose. 'Do you really mean to tell me,' I said, 'that you have never written your own name ?' 'Well, sir, be answered, 'I don't mean to bay for what I have wrote my name on a pieco o' paper but I shouldn't like to wentur in that 'er6 book,' Could I do otherwise than excuse a man who showed such respect foi my register, ? So I let them nllix their marks, and, thesignimr being completed, I observed to the bride that now she bad said the solemn ord, she must rtlind and keep what she bad said, which the bridegiooin capped by saying, quite gravely, not jocosely, 'Yes, you've put your foot in it. One last incident remain, to be told : When they had one and all filed rut of the vestry, I observed the ancient mariner standing at the door In a llnei ring sort of way, with Ins legs ralher wide fpsrl, and one hand stretched out toward me. Instant ly divining bi, wish, I advanced and shook hand, with him, whereupon they ull ruurii ed one by one, and shook hands with me." All Ihe I'nir JloutJ' 'S Thr, OrtMit Kidney Alrdli tim la Dot a uew i wupuuud t It baa been lf or lue public U) yer and uswl Ly ill olaa-eii. lUaftved from lintttriDif dlaeaao ami rteitli tiua. dreda vhn i.bvh tin to aw., j I II NT T'H IIKJIKDV rurra nil l)s- rosea of tlm HiLvif " V emuiinin ileop'orf iiV. an ill liriill -licnlliil iircdall romiilaltuit odnv rrlno.i I,u.b.".V.?.W"e.V'JK"i f l1.'"?8 ""T " Plx tiln ft, ..l.'.'.V. 8 itWIhllV I. nrrpiirrtl KX. J'iu:-bi.v fur tin- imiiaiA abme dl.ra.ca. ami UIInlT7D te.s.-nUsil o One trial will con- ttM W pampblet to REMEDY ,VTU. K. CLAltKR. l'aOTUaSCX.II.I, milf.v, 'l)t baliij DMINlbTltATOIfS XOTK'E. Iut-r. ot AiluilulMrailon on llio cbtuie el John w ISelnbil ie, l.ttf ol Kiinluvr i'k iwp.. ( ulumlilaco. I'tjuiiHxvrfiiu, ni-reud, nuio Utrii uraiiu'd liyiuo Ki'tl'I. riJlKilUc'iuiiiy ia il' uiidcislk'iHU Ailmlii. HtiuOrK. All rMjii liatlu lUiliui airulnit tlietfet .loot Hie ilcmlfiit fro iMiUfKiiilto present lllflllli.r m tilt incut una IU Iml. MrcltolhHt-a. lalo loinukH iiinii.t lo tho imiltitla-intl Atliululv HAIIAII K. lll:lIII.INIi, JihnjoSiin ; in; ., tuj.U),', f AduiinU tors. BUH lJ'Ytllao iui.j4.iHai' if tU" tie U UmvaJUa OOU. G-IXj 33 S ' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. ClII'ON Ul Pa lu In .11 an anil itcttNt TKSTIMONTaLS: rRni.Arpral'TKKTtPaUlna nf the Womb.) A Won del fill Cute Mne jt-aw my viro RUtlcn d with ll.W t rrlblo t omivlAl tit, Mwuiu mtfiick'tl In rtoctr af ter doctor, went lo tun (UITiTrnt husiltnii wht-ro fe nii.lisnro trcaltt tried 1 hem wure imtnliiires untlpeHnukH Hlili only tempuniry relief. Ucr llfrt was i nHcrrti.k'. v nnplkM Dr. J1 (8 Unluieiit. Her rilof wtu itnmedlatu. Mio li now voll, 1!. MclthKMO'T, 4i) Wo.st isth sircut, t?w York. I had twelve strokrs or ParauM. My Icp, arm nnd tjritfuu weiu U4 ; was obliged to twn u eith rtcr enry day. liottor liniment lodlrleof Aiiiinonl.i h ciired n e. Wlil answer any lmtulrlea bo th n ml nniie ed may know ot it, .Tons Aitki.. No th liranford, Conn. Ol.etn it lli:l, PhlladHphU, April , 'W. W. M. tJlloH, hil Dear Mr 1 umM jtiur ludldont Ammonl i I.tnlineitt oh rVrn Ten ple'ri html pastern Joint. Mm hid liven qutie lainnj the ilTitl vui wonderful; shij wiiks jjow iultu will. iy re fcptcttmiy j ours A. Wiicn. P. S. I au now usln? It on LlttUtou'arliUt tore lejr. a larjca Blioo bolt on a nlunblo younif hnnw Yas rcmuvud by nilerf' Llnlmvut luilldoof MiimouU, HllKIMlKltll KNATl't Carpets, iTnglUu avt.. Now iurk. Asritvn Tho torture and tfi-nk'3 I endured Tor six jeitr-, none but thon who h.no miHered with till.- u rrihlo UHa-ie euu know. My lir3 was misera ble, in fi(sper.it lAti I ti it-it tdieV Utilinent luditoof Amnitmia. It tfuve m lntaat reller. CsedHln teriidlly us well im eMerimlly. tltO-. TlKAMdlN. 127 est 97th street. New ork. T wapiti n. dreeniul cundiilnn. Jul uu swollen, fialn Intensi. InJ jell.MiHcr mornhlno Into my wIim ullt'd lJ tvil'e hi Ulles' loilld- vl Ainmoida tOjk aWiiv the clepoMii Horn m joints I wantevery una who hiuTuiiUo know what wiilo-irn tiiein. KOHltVCIi tiTUKOr, North ltMh Park. L.uutuoll!u to. vt. Anot'ier SurTeier r vd. -t-hehHred rrom tiie XasiiotiiistH (incnU Hospital an li.crrable, with liitU'u MiOorv rh'-um it Urn In m shouidsTH, lingers ant fent ; Miiri-rid rL-arliill tor thru- eais, Irlod terth!n,'i lor all hvo Hr. (llea' Ltultuent lu-l. Wo ul AmuionUelTccted a cuinp.ulo cure. KM KN "MIT1I, Nr. T2 PranoRlrcet. Pall Ulver, Muss sprains, t-pltut bruises. iJi.neness In hore. cities' u ni qi Lt lodlljnf Ammonl i H a pet feet pe cltie. vktcrbon whouwna hoi .lestnuld be with out It. M. HOPES), 5fli &eenth aenuo vv oik. In my f.ttnltv, raid fur th-JH'oOK, I bavo uaod (lllo'c Liniment luulUo vt Ammonia, it H unsurpiuseJ, and I am surpil-jd at tho many dhTerent maladies in which It Uupplicibie. It le.t tnu utmost b.UW faction. -John J. c art it, SuperlutenJint Eastern rcunlvauU Ktperlmen t.il Finu. ma. oii'U: : and la Quarts ulf 2.50, In which there U aui'tMt tala. trial tin Weenn. SOMt 11V At.!. DltCtiOISTS. N. .1. lIi;lli;i;H(TT, At. lar ItloiMiibiirff. may 41, falHE GHEAT rOSiTlVE CURE X. fjrall IlI-.lIA'.tiq njU'njfrtiiuatlorpnjrdcocill lion or the ltl.OOK, I.1VLI., i:it l-t, or liinnsTi vi; oi:u,v.h. The Best Family Medicine on Earth. BlOO IX GICMVn to anr pona affllcte'l with a ("Isonno that t IIOtlEXn will not relieve or cure, providing tho boiict or orsam aro cot la bc lent I tli alt j comtxmmteU I mm IUi On, Itnott, Iturks aud flumi round Id California and the V i-et lndle, nvnbitiLutf a Tonic, Cattwrtle, Alterative. tMantie and ftuiloriflc Its lmmoOiat effect upno the d&ruhe organs v-hothct Impaired by illeasa or exhausted from any caue, li ta la creas their powera of awslmllalloa anil ntitrltlrai. It la cress1 Ihe epprtUa, amletf dUoetlou and clc firmness and tono 10 tho muwoiar and circulating Tsicm. It ttlra tilates the vital procciea to rencwe'l aclvlty, a1 ten, cor. rtcta an I purlfl a the t'.ulrls, torn. XUq vraas au4 rixstab IlsheatbLlr healthy functions. hTIIE ONLY TRUE ETHEDY FOR COLDS, r It lsn stiseles toeiDatlatenponttievlrtncsor this f.niAl nF3HH. If too are suffering from till lot H A fT it kS Mhl'I l-Slt.or IIHMMIM, 1 Jl 11 11. H! II. t. l.IUTY. (ON-iTIlMTIUN. hlUXH nrMltllHsliM tsM, or any dlwmior arUin from I til I HV. Iilihiii, get ftbottle or 1 li.OIt I k and take It a tr dlmctlona upon cacli bottle In English, Gerraan, ipanlsU iin I fronch. One bottlo wtl better convince jou of lti tntrlti tlian volumes expressed li printers' Ink. ... I A trial of cne bottle injure i its adoption In every family for no Man, IV oman or t'liUd rau take IMZi M. and rcmalr tnn'klrk. It first cleanses tho ijslom, then repairs, titer hull, la tin. thna rtirin? rilscasu BD on i pvrmanent, aafa and cadurliig basis. L, 1'ut up lu lare botuus, ana la picaaant to lane. P hoLihj lrutr;Uutenpralljr. Vrirv, fl.UU Ix-r Itotlle, pValkcr to IJal?er 3Ifgr. Co., rrop'rs, 40JukaMrett, Jin WL. suFPKnnn 30 years. Jersey City, September 2d, l?Ts. No tonpie can tell what 1 havo nutfervd for the puit so years from tuilltMfrn'iaud PLIMi I't t HH(J litis, at times so had that I could mt stand upon my fift. I could not walk hdlf n mUo withou sutiertutf Intense aony wbleh would brlnou severe IllLeta. About one yearniro I o Induevd to try a bottlo of Jour If.nia f. and am plfld to state that alter taking uur bottles I a entirely cured of both dUcains and am now enjoying excellent health and strength. I ad TUe all similarly alUleted to try H uitfNK MBS. U. r. lEUItld, Hi 8uesex Et. IO.VT CO FOOMXG AROUND. At ft rfrulatlng medicine 1 can conndently recommend th.otOM'. 1 have used It In tuy family and know others who have tried It. aud all pronounce It rpM and reliable. It don't ro foollnu around and disappoint you by maklnit no nUn, but H attenda to bualneaa aud ac coinplUUfS that bert-unto It N wet. Wil. it. DC V ALL, niverhcad, L, I, OV Y 12 A IIS STANDING. I tiiied one bottle of TlfOIirMt and ran trnthfully say that it has rurad tne of liisi'tlli and IlltliH Un vt yuan standing. ' S. C. HOn, HP , Ltlanon, N. J. Far Sale at I J. rs.xra- STORE, wlio la luitliorlrel to guarantco VinoilENE to provo as itprcat'UteU. Mu.is, Tb.-iy. S. W." Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. Goneral Suivoying and Engiuoering Business attonded to with Care and Dispatch. I Bin preroied 10 innko draw lues, l'lmia nud Models la Wool, llrnM, Iron, or the atiovc imti-rlala Eridfjs:, YAtts, Ereaktrs, Enildlnjs, Snglnes, I'l'Ml'H, iiiidulUliinact mai Mmry tor uu ct caws at C .urt or for ni'piUutUms lo btruro f ntcLta. I'mt'iiU M rtitfil march n,s- GLAZING AND PAPERING. fM. JJOWNE, I101. Strret Ik)1ow i I .oc",, Bloonuburir, fa-.tarrcpartdtodo a1 1 kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, and TAPER HANGING. In the ben t)lea, at lowest prloea, ana at abort PHrtK hivg tacb work to do mil mve nioiiey ra'Jlnc on tuo, ' 11 ' 5'.rrntq to giro aitiofactlon. Urdeia VM. F. UODINE. mm vltalnritorrtPtn intmtinnit.rrfor impravmtnta tin tUonfit far w tdtcal or othtr com pnn mUitratlt fnnrin and lahrl. Viirrnt, Attlqnmtnt Inttr frrrncrt, Avpwl, fiutl'far Inrivgnnfnii, and allrattsaritinff untlrrthc I'atntt t. mm, prompt tunttrndnt tn.- In I'fH ' to tt thut titter hrm pattntm Vy vt. Jinny vpimsttt the t $, J'otent lrpartmrnt,antt tnnngtd in Patent lulnttt ctuattt ly, tee can m he cUttrr ctrrtir andt'eurt 1'aUvtt tnore promptly, and tctlh t muter claims, than thftM fth't nr riw' fnttn WattMnatnn, piake examinations and aiicl as (a patrntaKtlttif, fnrvffhnrtfr, AH vorrenpnnOenrf ttrtethi ron f dent tat Prim low, and O f U.lllUti L'.V- xx.v VATitT is si;cnti:iK U refer In, Wanhinoton, to Hon. Vottmn&ter General li. ,V Key, bJi. Power, The rierman Amrrtcnn Xat tonal Jiank, to ojictal in the P. .V. Patent tJ!tce, and to tmatnrfand Rfpwntalttee in Vnnnrm: nnd rpertnltp tn ovrrltent in every State tn the tW nndjn f'ottfda. Adt'rcki OppotiXe rattnt V$tce wifiinyton, D. f The Scusido Library. Cliotw books no lonirrr for tho few onlv. Tlio best stand.iril i-oiel.s wlihln tue reach ot every one. Hooks Hum V HoldlroniJ' lo 3 trlven OluchltitrL'd and minbi Ugod) for 10 and 20 ct'Uts. 1. liasl, I.tinp, Mrt Honrv oot 10c a. .I-ilin llailoix. unit, lv vhs Mulork K'o a. .Ian,' b'viv, lty ( h iriotto Hruntu loc 4 A Wu-nin iliiier, by I'. I!i,i lo 1 c . Tim Hoick Hull , iiv JhIl'1 Wrnn n c r..1hf!hiist I'a.tsut I'omprtl br liulwcr loc 7 Adan lfc'df, liv iioorir'' l-.'lloit vi'o . 'I ho Artndi'l Molin.liy.M o llnv inc li. (ml Mm Iklon's Muncr. by Marv rocll llav li K'.lho ulimi Iu Idle, hv llklti Onllln 1oc 11. Tile Mill ull tlli 1 lots by (i, ii Kll.jt li h: ix. i no American "M-nmor. uy rroiiotw 200 13. A I'rlnit ssor thulo, 1 y w 1111.011 lilnck hoc 14. 'lh liwiil si'cri't, by wnklo OoiIIips ina 15. IIoipoIii, by (li'oi'ifo liil'.t 10c 111. Hi" K1UU.-.I1 nt Hi NoitU ruld and fid 1 ot Icr. .Mi l's t-rin inn 1. lll.ldi 11 1'. nih. bv Mary cocll Hay luc s. iiarifiiiiFt OHior. Iiv .t. II Mbvard I't'o 10. A Ti n-li'lo Icmi'tntton. bv (' lie,!, 11 liii 20. old Curiosity .-h,ip.by u i.irk'i Dlckim lt-o 21. foul l'la, by l'bai4 iintut hm 21. Ma 1 n't 1 .V Ui'. bv rt'ilktd CollliH vo 21. 'lli.i -iplliv s l.lojii'y, by M, l' llav iMc 21. Ni'icr run Labi tj Msn.l tt th n Ilea lo boo 2.l.:olt Ad. 'at -i'"k "nlll, by lrn 11 l ood 100 2'1. Alniirt 1, .l. bv Mln M l: llr nl.l in 111.1 27. Vlcior hi,iI V iM'I'll.lK'd, In- M tj liny 10c a.. in., 1,1! i'-,i 11. 'ill, u, II nil Iin l acs ll'C I. .N'ir,l"3 I HV! T.Ht. bv M IJ llnv In,! 30. !0' l.l'.lll'.t I'O'I, ll. MlH IVv.liidlT 2l)C 31, 1.UU' Mr) 1.1111" I.HVH 'lo I tn,v, h Cnis Uo.ido l"0 32. 'I llC I.' li'Oll or I If. II 04. bv All (10 U,i H11 1(10 200 inc BK! voo 1110 20c 2'IU lllj 200 2110 Hie sue 110 'I'k) IvC 11)0 k! luc lw 31. Manny inh,b 'ii i.ulI 1,-jier 31. .1ninlel,,i. bj I'lij-!. ii-id.) 3i. 1'uUt libit. 111-1 lU'tlull, b '.0 HBO I'IIjL 3il. 'I'll.) HiKillei ul, li) Ml, Wvunl'T 3T. Tn'iMjaw ., b., Misllfnr.v louJ ii. ni'.niiit, i). iiiKldt'ii:ini 39. Ivatil.o. by Mr Waiter ii,tr, 40. 'i bo i.eir lo AHil.-y, b Mis II. Wood 41. Vi hlti) Met b Ull irliM Heinle 11. Illile-.lll I Se k. hv H I kli-1 n'llim n llei.lorHcrv.ul c. bvJni. xVeino 41. Tin' Tower rf IhiiIoii. by II lniiorth 41. A Uf-'n -it ci 1 1 by Mia lit lily lu.) I 4. llent'if ' t..i:rf UW, by mm Alexander 47, III - in Ai bv. In . :1 1.11,1 III .it 4S, iram;a lveu'ureul a I'liii'ion.by IVIlllain Iiiaek 41", lo.uiMll,. do Yi;m. h "Onl.lt" 50, 1 i.iU-r the i,iveiuv.io,l reo, by Thos Hardy 51, KII11.11). bj win mack 51. Hi," lint O.mk .Note, by Mri llenrv Wood luc 3.1. MwiaiLli uf Mint Ins l.ni" bv William 1,1 1 ck Ho .11. l n,i"r 1 HI l-llltf" UJ ' tllll.1.1" 5.1. A W'interi'l 1, bv 'Muiiit" 511. MrtiHim in , by mldi" 57, A V.jiiiLV bound 111.) World -.ullth Alnerl- t.li! 10c 100 IOC 2UO luc 1UC 2oe c.l, by J'Oim Vellio 5. 11 H turner, bv lleor-o Kllot M. Cbrtlid,), bj "iitil.l on aVojiuc l.'oaud the World Australia, by .Iii'im Venn (II. lieu, e. bv iinida" (12. KiiUo-l-'arliio. by "Onldi' (U. Ueiie In. Uu', bv .Mm Henry Wool C4. A Vojin;.. bum d the Wo M-Ncw Ztaland, bv .Iniei mo. wi. 'I lie .Nuniiii in's w ir.', bv Mr'. II Wood M. Hon1 O'.Moie, by Samuel l.mer 07. oastl" Hiitt-r, neii luniy Aikell, by Mrs lleno Wt.u 1 (W. rim ' oki Iu a lia loon, by Jul, s Verno to 'IM I hp Miter toil, by Ml,h M u llradJou 70 Ml-ldleliiiircn, h (leor'o 1 Hut 71. Allaillie.by ml 1.1" 72. .Meridian 1, and llio Illockado Uiiimers, by lules crnt; 71 Iie.sy iiaiie, by Mr Henry Wool 74. unpen iiail,by .mm ihnrvWood 73 The I'nr Country, bj Jules Verne 7d. 'I be .Now Mhfiljlni, by wllkln fo'llns 77. Mlsiicssaml Mai I, by Ml-s Mulo k vno 100 Im; 20c 10c 100 211c IU0 It 7i finnilliti.tiiiit by t'li.irles He.tne ir Maoeai; Mulet, In mi 11 mi lil.iek fc0. D-inlel Iiemuda. by Ceuriru l.ltui SI. Clill-IUliIs .MMuke, by .M,s .Mill.xk Si. My Moiheruiid I, by Ml-s Mulik M. NernerV I'rlde. bv .Mrs lliuuv it,l euifU"s lindei- i he Mas, by Jules Verno mc .... .'j...". 1. 1. 11.-0 i.ini-1 s, uy .nary I'.nrick M. i n; iiiuiwii In iin 1 hiec, bv inas beado 7 A ..luuriiey to Uu Cebllc or Iho Eallli.by Jules Vtnui ' J ss. Tn M.irrl.i"(., by MIssMuloik mi. Iho I.0H.IS11; stiieii, by M K liiadiMn no. Jltsb i luiis is! iiid-iirn.ped Ironi tno flo id, bi Julot enio ' WiiVl 11 tona " Jublcj, by Mrs lltnry 93.MtM"ii us l-laml-inoiioirdoiicl, by Ju'es It'llllO 91. lit- i a.v ,111 1 ihe 1.1,1, , by wilkte Collins 91. 1 1 I M; 1. . -l,oe, by M,s M - l.r 0U011 97. uv. 'sV birj, by 11 1. .',rj on V. IlU'lt U v iiler. bv Clutr.es leler 99.1 11 in eailhlu n.i luoju mi 1 aruiiiirl ll,,. litouii. b,v Juhs leriio 100. A Tati'iir I leu IIU l.,. T,.ui,,.i 101. A V I , I.ir.', 1,1 Miss Mllluok ICS Hold 'I lines by I b irles Dick, us 10.1. A r.r.ive l.tdy.bj Ml.s Mulock 101 I'll',), I II, y ,y lunn lloullll 10J. M III" K Ot ihO M1V.T ll.i'nn Iw II T Urjeen " ' ' " 10e 110 iu master ofthodiej lands, by Mrs Henry Wu,l 1 " rf o,. 1"7 H . ii'ii'.(iriwv i. it r (.'( ..." HIS. The t? 1 Kluir. bv C.l.ilHlii M.irnnt i,X iu"! tn "' ,r? M "',y' '" J,,'w 51 K "M'ldon 800 1 ' r1,' ''""r-liiiin b Horenee.M.iiryatloc lilies Verne "J B II . II oil LOj.Ii. by CUnrkM Kendo 11 .11 leu , I H 1 1, . In It I. I.-.,, I...... inc Vo 1 c 100 2 C 100 luc 200 IOC 100 sue 100 Hie 200 IOC 100 100 loe !!' w'l'if','',! X"lrl;!''"'"',l5' Nl" M i: lirnddon II . w Hi, In Hi.. Mii. b Mis II Wood llf. M.l 1 Iff, by L 11 Walton ' 117, Ibtl 'ciiLil.t .lte.l.li-r l.v t' I (no 1. luti reinai.t Aill'.bler, bv K lies !" .:".'ut ':i'ttailons, by o Ulekens 9. 1'tirmi-l, by Hiireneu Aluirjnt Ifi'iiiuUec ot a foor Vount' .iun, by o 1 119. 12". I J''- ;, ' Ifn fir a life, by MKs Mulock ti '.'"""ertiuau.uycanialn Marryat 2. . Irl-1 U'sends, by xaimiei m ')a,J Ul. j iulre lietljii's Heir, by Mis 11 Wood W J.Iary llarluu, byMra'daskdi mo'ro'1' "''''"""'''''in.byl! u mack. 127. Mv ljidy I.udloiv, by Mrs Claskell 12' COIIMl! I'hllllns. bv .Mra lli. .Eat ' l29.TiiouiiUerlui; Jew, (im half) by Eugene 129. Tho' Wanderlnsr Jew (2d half) by Knireno hun 20c , ,..,! ui Jules Verne Nw ""'"''ii, oy cu.ir es I ever anc 13J. The Uucne8 ol Uoeioarv Ijiuo. bv 11 1. u,. i w Jcon !?) ' liJOlber's Wife, by Amelia II Kdwards ?r rS'."'Js 1 "'UVt. ny Miss .Mulock 19T . ; . .'iratiupnaut 139. Uindou's Heart Ly 11 1. Ka eon 1 U ti' i'i'!,SM,r?,a".1.t,lu'.1'' l,v f.iplaln Mnrrsat 13 " ll mnl.V'.e "'""Xi h 3IISS MUloCk '.7 .l,!.u.'.lnV? ToHtr. bj' Mrs Henry Wood lis Half 11 iiiiiti..,, . hY AIeander Duini i,?;,i? ,u""" ct money, Ly Amelia 11. Kd. U-t2,cV?rrrip tbe Ir,s" D"s."y U?-Jm"V, Mn"'X 11 L Kal Jeoa 150. Mld-hlpiiian fasv, by Captain Mam at i o, "yi.V Alex liuiufi Sfc w'ml' ot'ltlreT " '"' ler sue Ilk) 100 1100 li c 111c ai luc i Ki 1 .?l 0I. "ohor, by Anulo Kdwards 100 too 1110 100 S"o luc 100 loo Ihe Klnif'sun, by Cupt. Marrtat S" ,lA."i,',i!"l..,iluu''.ljJ' Abiella II. Kdwards ! fc05,ure I roo. by Samuel Iiver 159. ihe f nan torn Nbln. bvcantnln xinrrvnt SV- 2 !" & Xlexai!5cr liSSS 101. Shirley, ciiarlotle r.i'on'tt ; i Z," '."!! " i. 1:. Li uu Linton mj. 1 milk .Mbdliiuy, bv Canluln Mam t A.loleru ' Inlso r (Vol. I.) L'lieNcly Novel ca. ,0 . 11st ,,iiui. bv iiforBoboud y 1 .. Iho Ijoe-i.'s Necklace, by Alex, Dumas r.s. Con cWun, by 1 harles fewr ira. M. I'aintk'a fc,e, by Charles Lever " N- V rslerby cn aib, JUrTTat li' tei'S." "i yif ' liruildon 100 luc vnc 100 1IIC i'lC 100 100 1 lie .... . ... ur ,,iu,.uii House, by nuiims Mairtit KaKl"" a Wuer'by "a uaptain x'm Marryat 100 1UO llenrv IT'S. i;art flnuti Luck, hv 1!. K 11 o ranelUlon luc L10 '!,'i.ur! ITluie. b VLlor lluiro iV h" J?t l'!' 1' "tilt) I llllO ruVJPP. br CatlfalirMarrv.t nI lall,u!.?,,,'Vil.ur,'..',,,l llhoiUl'roiutonliio ui Sii!,i. "j''l'',l'""'l'l'lil.eii'i sue i... nl '. ' i;' .,,W I I'llllia i". Ilmry luinbai, bv Mvt bind ion .M,''0'..' H l'"hlt'1 "i LJ Alex SV I ' '"" '''' i ' aplalii i IV.'. ' hti t'tli.l. r.iti,r l.l- .1... n.,.,..- , ; 1 w. I'diiiuy i: 11111M111 : Iluiuas iiarrvat ILu S?,"! ?"'IMM. Mr ttallir Vet, t r Inuiia !5,-Na,!ey'b?!:,UU'L i,.i. I1.' iy ',l"",a bruUKUion tX ! tr" ,u '-''"fJ". 'y I'ai'Uiln Marryat w !ih,'iio. ut"uiV'M";ir,1,'u.v lna Jn0,0. iy. M" 1,1?u--rs and Newsdealers, or sent potak'c pi tpuid, ou rtit-lpt ot price, ur OKUltciu MUNKO, pubUsber, V. O. Do i M3T, si , 83 and 85, Vandewater at., N. Y. aug i, nlm A1 SSIONKK'.S NOTICK. iSuttOelal lllTf-llV nU'ttn illtlt Anar.nL t' 1 a I Iui,t tow i,n,ip, ( kibi count. , I'a', by d id of ol'iiitary uasliruuiuit has ukslsntd all bU ektaieiii Kb It e. wlil male najufntio tbe fald Ahslune. t SStin fi TiSfJl -.'; .'"'. 01 " HI make JOHN C. YOniM. 'Assltnee of Aaron u.Knlttle. ewnTftJjruwN, Attf 's, lor AtblgnoeT uu"e- Fall Goods I IJcgs leave to inform his customers ttiul the mbtic tlmt liis stock isi now rt'iileto with till the Novelties for Full and Winter "Wear, consisting of new and beautiful styles of . ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS , , . AT REDUCED PRICKS any of winch he is itiepurcd to innko up in the latest style. itciidy-miido colhin cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits ibr Youths, Boys for Children. all of the best make and at the lowest prices. Just received a full line of all the latest styles in color and quality of w&mf mm mm For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL OWE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL ImM BAYED LiOWIIlBIK(& MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUBG, IS LAMHESf MEWBFUPIffi AND HAS TUB Largest (sixculatjQM OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA "COUNTY. Terms $1.50 a Year in Advance. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin THK2 DIFFERENT STYLES OP TYPES IN THIS PAPER OF TIIE INNUMRKABLE ND MATERIAL Inn tlw (Cdliuimlbiaiia iflke All Of PlS5DSB 80143 B'jjsicv jPriiiiiiig doioc mi at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE RLOOmSEURS, FA, y.uxwitiniiT & co., , t liUL.I.a.M,r, Ult' Ul,lt, rmi.ADKi.riiH, Dealers In TEAS, SYItUl'S, COKFKi:, bUdAK, JlOLAt-SES, hice, bricee, mciBB i-oha, Ac, Ac. N, K. ' orner Second and Arcb fctrceta, tfOrdere will reoelvo prompt atieutlon. BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HEUIUNG RKSl'KCTKUU.Y announces to llio public tliat be has rcoptned SNYUKU'S TANNEUY, (old bbind) Iiloomsbure, l'a at the Forks of the Es py aod Mailt blrett roads, where aU dehtrlpllonsof leatlitr will bo made tn tho most substantial anil workmanlike, mumier, and sold at prices to suit tbo 'id wr uiII'C!'t Price Iu cash will at all times be UK KEN HIDES of curjtleKrlptlon Inlbecountry. Tho public rat runiiirf It reRiwttully i-niiclU'd. Iilbuiutbunr. OeU 1, 1I5. UKAIni AND llAlTINESS, Iler.lih mill Happinetsare prletiess WeiUihtotbel IHiSMKhuik, and ti Ihey are wllhln tbeieuchof tv ery one who will use MltKillT'S MVKU ril-IiS The fill v huro MHIi: for Torpid Liter, Diepepla, lliudiitbe, hour MtnuuiU constipation, Htblllty, Nauseii, uii.l all PIUlouH itniiplaliiisaiid Iilmid dis orders .oue geuuliie unless slgnwl "Win. Hilt-bt, Pbllj." II jour I ruffW will not nipilysendwi unisfi.i one U,x to Uanlik, Holler l o , Jo N.4th vim i uu,t jau. . is-iy nr til. C. SLOAN & BRO. " " IILOOMSIUTIU., VA, Manufacturers of " Carnages, Bogies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATKOKM WAGONS, to. PtrtUcUus work always on hand. IIEI'AIUINU NEATLY DOME. . Prtis ledneed to suit the Umes. I V ."-7:jf "Ki U.I t 'Sit Alf , WW Fall Goods! FOE. -A.3srr SOLD ONLY BY .orfl iBoicc and OF THE COURT HOUSE, (T n a wctt In your own to n. S.i out nt free. l-,kNo risk. Keiteer If uu v ant a busluess M M I nt wlilcli 1 titons if tlll'c texenurrnke H' v v ureal paj all t 0 llinti tbey work, write im piirtmuiirs to 11, iuu.kT 4: Co., roitiana. Jiaiue. maicli vs. T8 ly HAPPY RELIEF To nil Mifft'jlpj; lioin cliroMo dbeafeesof nil kinds, foiitidciitlaicoiisultdllou lnIUd jHTt-oually or by mall. New in( thud or treatment. Hew and rellab e ri'u.edleK. itonk and ciirularn hent fre in walfd cnM lupi'8. AtMlCSi IIOWAHl) ASSOCIATION, 419 arth Ninth Mrtit, I'dlladtlnhla, I'a., an Institute laln ft lileli lerutatton or IiOLorable conduct and July iv, Ts-3m JwAco ESPY PLANING MILL. The undersigned lessee or the Espy rianlng Mill, Is prepared to do all kinds of milt wcrlc. floors, Frames, Saul, Bliufls, etc. made to order on short notice. Satisfaction guar. autecu. Ciiiiaits Kaca, lilocmsburg, Pa, HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Ooogtii, CoUi, InSuenia, Ilcantneil, DIE'cralt Uteatblag, and U Affecttoni of tie Tbroitr Bronchial Totei, aod Lwigi, leading to Coaiumptlon. TliU infalliUe remedy is composetl of the IIoNEY of the plant Iloreliounil, in clicmicat union with Tar.IIaim, extractetl from the 1.IFF. I'KIN'Cli'IF. of the furest tree AbEls llAiiMK, or Halm of Gilead. Tiie Honey of Iloreliounil soothes and sew n kks all irritations and inlianimations, awl the Tor-balm CI eassi s AND 1II.A1.S the throat ami air passages Icatlinp; to the lungs. KlVK nilititloual ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this, great medi. cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou i.nuls of lives by It in his large private practice, N. II. The Tar.llahn has no sad taste or smell, 1K1CES 50 CFNIS AND $1 MtR IIOTTLE. Great saving to buy Urge sixe. "FJUo'rt 'J'nolliiicliu Drops" Curo 4 In 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. ORITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. dec 15,11; llf lie crest and thorough blnnd-piirlfylriit proper- tkn, llr. l'lorce'e tlol.lui jnnirai iimeovtry time nil llitmor, rrj'm llie 'ior;! (Vrefiit. m a coiiimon JilotrS, I'latHr. or Urupllen. .Merclirlnl ease. nti.l t larormn liftiltli nn J a eniiml ri n-llliillon ih. or lieagh Hlm In Hiorl. Jill nUmi rairnt tl by lnfj I lno,l, ore conquered by this I t mil, purifying, and ''Y-'cVill'y'linOt mSnir-ted II. potency lit rnrln, Tflltr, lloio IIikIi. IWK rartanrlra, t",'Jr. hrrorulooe fmree anil Ktlllnr, hlle RirclllngN IJoltra or Tlilclt N k, and l:nlurard (llatiili. If von ft el tliill, itrotvrv, ilelillllaleil. bate mllotf rolnr f f rUIn, or jillowHIi-brotin fpols on fare or IkxIv, frninuit liemlatlio or illMlnem, bud laetc In m IM bill rnal beat tr tlillls.allfriinled Jtllli liot llielie., low Hilrlls, met ploomy fori boillnire, Irn pular tiniw lle. nn I loiiptto nileil. jou are lulTerlng bout Tornbl llrrr, or lll!1all.nf4., In ninny eawe t. Liter omplnlnl" only part of these r ruptotna are rxnrrliliriHl. As a retne'tyfor nil surli eases, llr, I'lin Ct (Ic.blen .Medical Illseovery baa no cqaal, as UttrectsH.rrei-tandMi!1fBlriirr9. In Ihe 1 1 lire of llronrhltla. "ero Coneb and Ilia tarlr Ptaees of Connumpllon, It lias nelolilaheil llnj moiMrnl family, and enilnrnt phyrlclans pronoiiiira It the irre.llept tiieillrnl ilUcovi ry of Ihe nire. w liltu It eui cs Ihe cerrreiit I'ough. it strengthens the S) sltlit iirnl I'oi.on-, nii-i t'li'V,",'-' ", ' nn I tiiirtllra too diooi. qoiu ny iiriiiiKiniB. and Invalids' Until, llutfulo, N. Y. M l.l 11.111 I.JI. I'., I IU,,, W,U. J 1 Dispensary 1 mIiaAC size of PEtUIS, OOO No uto of tailing llio large, KTOtslye, na ieo t j pllle, rorapo.cd of elunp, crii.ie, ami bulky 'nrfj"! Writ l'tllett nre atVrf rlr larger Ibnn ma.tnr.1 erJ. llelng entirely vegetable, no psrtlctilar ejni I re nulreJl n Idle ti'lng inem. They operate without ills lurEinee to the ronetltiiilon' flirt, or occunjllon. J'or Jonndlrr, Ilendorbe, Comtlpatleti, , ivnvvrf illoo.l, I'aln In the HiouIJer Tlghljeiia pf the M, lllutnewi, Rour Ijtictntlone from the Wpmftcb. Ilftd 'Joule In the Mouth, Illlloon attnrta, I'aln In region or Kldnrju. Interonl Icvrr, Moated feeling about Htemoob, ltush or Illoo to Head, take lr. I'lc roea l'iruiant l'urgatlve I'ellcl. In eipltnatlon of the rcmullal potur of llieso. Purgative I t lei" tnrr en great inniletyofillense,H ninylio fahl Ihat their su-tlon upon the animal eeonomy 1. unltereeL not a Cland or tbwue eaeunlng tbtlr eanBtlro tmpria. Airu noes not Impair the, properties of thi ec j'l'let". Thevnre suiriir-eoated und litilovtl In flats bottle, thilrUrtiiis being thereby i restrted unimpaired for nny lenglli of lime, In any t Ibu ile, an that they are nlatrrislinn,l rtllable. This It not Ihe rase with Pills put up In cheap ttooilen or paslelmaril imxte. l'or all dlH'asea whero a Lazutlve. Alterative, or l'urgntlie,ls Indicated, these Utile I't llels will give the most liorfect satisfaction, rlohl by dniaalnta. K. V. 1'lKltt'K.M. !., riioe'n. World's lilspensary audlutalias'llotil, liuiulo, . Y, CATARRH RVMITOMS. Frcnurnt heail aclio.dMchiirKt.' falling Into tliroaf. PVm4 somctlme9 irorut', wuterr, illicit r mucous, inmiltnt, otlcnsho, tic. In othrrfl, a (lrjTicsp, dry, wnirn. vrnk, or Innatuo-l Ijcs. Btonnlnff up. or oftBtrucllon. of Uio nasal pis Bapcs rlnptmr In curt, ilcaftifrm, ltawklnf? ami confrh Inir to ck-eir ihe throat, ulct rat lonn, ecabs from ulci ro. ioTcp alt rptf.na-al t anjf. oin-nElve hn-ath. Imjialn-l or total ilcprlvatlon of eunst- of smell ami taste, uu flncss, mental lfprr98lon, loss of anpttltc, In.Hires tlon, rnlareed tonills, tlckllnif coupli, ttc. Only a few of t tpe f)tnptom8 aro llktly to Lo present In nny raso at ono time. ' DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY produces ratltral cures of the worst cniM ofCatarrlt, no maiurof howloiifr Btan.llnir. The lluM remedy pin lw RnnfreiLor llter npplietl Jiy Uio uv nf lr. t'lEllCE'rf Douche. ThU I tlio only form of Instru ment Jet Invented with which tluM inc-llclnf can he rnrrleil mun ur and tkhfectly aitlied to all parla of the affected nas-il passapes, and the cham bers or cavities communlcatlnp thtrew 1th, In whleli lores and ulcers frequently cxlt, and from which llrad by .v ftw nnplloatlons. It la mild and pkas int toiiM.1. ntnlnlnff no strongor rnuwil drup or poisons. CnUTlt H-ntc-lynii'l I)oueho joM bj drug. rUt K. V. rir.urr, M. I'rop'r.Wnrld's Vt peosary and luvailJ' llotd, Uualo, , aup. 60. '18 Tho Lightest Running, 'Tho Simplest, The Moat Suiahlo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It ia easily nndoratood, make the double-. lirend lork-stltrli, hnn rlf rosulatliit: teiinlons and take-up, fiiiti trill do the wliolo range of family irrfcvl.Iiout cbaiifco. The Domestic" ie made in the mot t durable manner, with conical steel bearing and compensating: Journals throughout. ..MsTlafcHM PAPER FASHIONS. Ttrse 2o2utlar PATTKKNH for liulin', mite', and children's tfre.e, re nt( on a ayatent iiiierlop to any in use, nnd can be understood by any tine. J'i(lldlrei tlulluiii( llliielralloii. vn taeh ennlope, Hend J'lre Cents for illustrated Cata. logue of lOOO Tashlons. SowinK MacHns Co., Hew York. I. W. HARTMAIST, Apt'telic" Farer Mm Bloonisbur";. Uccembtrli, 1877 ly Steel and Iron Triple flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Pliant Irtelds lloll Work and lllug.d Cap. io urt com run withoot it i i W. H. TERWILLIGER, No, 64. Maiden Lane, Mettl WUllaaK. IIW10IX. dec, 7, IbTI-ly buklneas you can enfaeo In. Mto20 tier day inarty by unv worker or eiii,r.r bex, rlubt Iu their own loeallt lea. l'nr. tlculars and samples worth 15 Iree. lrnproiojour fpare tlino at this bueluess. Add ess bTikkoit 45 1 o., 1'urlloiitl, Malno. march sa, "78'y Ucan trako money foiter at work torus than at. aiiHhlnjf tlso Capital not required: we will start you. til lr day at homo mlde by Uio Industrious. Men, women, bo is and irlrla wanted eterywhere ti work tor us. Now lathe 'J1!1."' .Ct""y ouintwid terms tree. Addrtss'lacg & Co., Augusta,, alalne, March !, IS-ly JOB 1'HINTIJG Keatl antl cleailj executed at the OOMTM.iirf Office. am aaaa Ik' I aV a...-a-H. XJ'S'citV'X r,4 Vlnth street I'lttfbtire. Dec. 10. 1674, Jlpnsra. IillKllKIl, HKAV O tlentlemen t tinr riiltite bare trlvcn tbtlro fifit- lifnctlon. 1 baro used ilicm on apimd mnny ttllTrr ent kinds ot nnrk, mich s Iron, Tm. Wood. IirtcK, t'.. nnil nevi r beuril nny comiiloliils, on tbo con. trnry. the work Blnml. well nnil for weor, WJll In my uintilnn, ninriei with nr,y Irntl in tbo mmket. When In want of reference In this city or tleinliy jou nre nt llbettv to ti'o my bomo with rOoiutiiv, nlso touso tbla os you lliluk best. KCflii'ciiuiiy joiirn, JOHN T. OIIAV. rnlntcronil ficHlerln 1'nlnts, (ills, c 8T11ICTI.V rUIIK WHITE I.KAD, AT THE IX1WEST MaIIKET 11ATE3. MO.VTOUIl SLATE PAINTS, 8 CENTS. MONTOUliMETALLIU WHIT A. H CENTS. MONTOim METAI.L10 IIIIOWN, (I CENTS. OFF COI.OIIS AT 1 1114 Htlf H. PURE LINSEED OIL at ltmi'Nt itiaiUt l intcft. mmMo cards anil r.rlee list furnished without charge. orders and loaulrlcs by mall will rccelte rrombt ntlciitloii. HBNKV S. UEAY, , lANUFAOTUBKR, , ltUl'EKT, l'A, MOYIilt IJllOS. VI10LKSALE AGENTS, lil-OOMbBUlin, I'A Mays. 7ti.-ly. Tho Four Quartorlv Roviows AND Blackvvood'u Magazine Tno Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., Now York. Contlnuo their authorized ltcprlnla ot itiei r.iiiMit ittiii ite. ir.tv t itiir.j TIIK WIXI'.MINHTKU HhVIEW (l.llHTnl), THE LONI1UN OUAKTEHLY HbVIEW (Conserra lite). THE 1IU1TISU QUAKTEIiLY HEVIKW (Eranpel- leuii, ANI I. Cir" Tliesw Henrlntjt nro rot selection.. ! they irlvt the originals In full, nnd at about one.thIrd tboprlco oi tne riig'isii uuiuont. The lild-t HilMinces nnildloverlet In tho nrlsand lelencet, the recent additions to knowledge In every uepurinient ot iiitTittiirtMiiiii nuino new jiunnea tluns ni Ihey Issue from Urn press, aro fully reported jhtl tlibcttiMdln the paKt". of these renodleals. In l.iuguni?e at onco clear, forcible and compreU'-nslto, I'lio nrticles nro co.nmonly more condensed anil full of matter I ban I boa", erai,-!) books of tho period. Tfl'IIIN lex- ISIS InclllllillK poNllIKO 'ayabio binctiy in Adtauco. For any ono llevlew M imi per annum For any two llcilews For any three Ho lews For all four Itevlewa For Hlackwood's Mnuazlno For Itlackwood antl ono Uelcw For Itlackwood and two Heicv,s t no " 10 110 inn 4111 7 011 10 "II For lllackwood and threo Hot lews 13 to For Itlackwood and fourlterlews 1500 CLUBS. dlfccunt tf twentj jti i.t cent, w ill be allowed o clubs of four or inoio ifitions. llius: foui cop cr of lllackw otl or ot oiie l'.e lew w 111 be sent to ono address for 112 mi, four copies of tho four lie lows and lllackwood lor is, and so on. To clubs ot leu or more. In addition to the abovo discount, n copy gratis w 111 bo allow od to tho geltler up of the club. , PREMIUMS. New subscribers (iippli lug enrlj ) for Iho j ear 1878 may hae, without charm', the numbers for the last quarter of lt77 of such pel lodltals as they subscriber for. Or Instead, new subscribers to any two, th."e, or four ot the above periodical, tnav have one of the "Four KdInws''for 1S77 ; subscribers to all live may ha'to toot the "Four ltelews"or one bet of 1'Iac.k wood s Magazine for 1S77. Neither iiemlumsto subscribers nor discount to clubs can bo allots ed, ui.lcss the money Is rt milled direct to tho publisher!!. No piemlums gUen lo clubs. To secure premiums It will bo necessary to make early application, as tuo block at ullable lor that pur pose Is limited. Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Go,, 11 It A ItCLAY ST., NKW YORK, feb 1. IS78. rAIL ROAD TIME TABLES 1HI..ADEI.P1IA AND HEADING KOAD A ItUAXU EM ENT OP PASSENGEIt i TKAINS. May IK, 187S. TKAIKS LEAVE KlTKItT AS I0L1)WS(SCNPAT EXCEPT)!) For New York, rhlladelphla, Heading, I'oUsMlio ramaqun, &c, 11,45 a. in For Catuw Issa, 11,15 a. in. 7,20 and ,H . in. For wmiaiusport.c.is 9,04 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. rHAINSrOK KITHBT LEAVE AS KOLI.OVS S, (SI NDAY El cErrsii.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ro. Leae l'hlladclphla, 9,l&a. m. Leave Heading, ll.aja. m., rottsvlUe, lz.lo p. m and Tamaqua, 1,1.0 p. m. LeavoCatawlssa, C,2U 8,S0a.m. and 4,00 p.m. Leai e VVllllambpoi I ,,45 a.m,!,l5 p. m. and 5,M p. m Tasscbgers to a r.d from New York and l'hlladi I. pUla go througa it Ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Ueneral Manager. C.;G, HANCOCK, i.eniral '1 Ickct Agent. Jan.lt, laio tt, N JOHTHEHN CENT1.AL KAILWAY IVall'AM. On and after November !0th, 1S73, trains will leave bUNIIUKYasfbllows: NOKTHWAKD. Erie Mall 0.20 a. m arrive Elmlra' 11 ,t " Canandalgua... 8.3s p. m Itochcstcr B.15 " Niagara II 40 11 Uenovo accommodatlonll.liia.m.nrrUe Wllllains port li.65 p. in. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.10 a. m. Uuffalo Exprvss 7.15 a. rn. arrh 0 lluffalo s.M a. a SOUTHWAHU. Ilunalo Eipress J.to a. m. arrtvo Harrlsburg 4.60 a. " llaltlmore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrlie Harrlsburg l.M p. m " Washington 10.80 " " llaltlmore 0.S0 " " Washington 6.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. in. arrive Harris burg 10.50 p, in, arrlte Baltimore !.25a. m " Washington (US ' Erie Mall 12.55 a. 04, arrtto Harrlsburg a 05 a. in, " Haltlmoro 8.40 " Washington 10.3a" All dally eicept Sunday, D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ocncral rassenger Agcit A. J. CASSATT, General Manaftr D E LA WARE, LACKAWANNA WESTKUN ItAlLItOAD. ANB ULOOMSIIUKQ DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. aa, Takes effect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY', JUNE 10, 1878. NORTH STATIONS. SOUTtT. p.m. p.m, v 80 i it 9 23 a 17 o tut a.m. a 40 a.m. p m. n.m Kcranton 9 33 9 45 s iu 0 15 8 io e 20 8 23 8 23 llellevue Tailorvllle.,.. ,, .Lackawanna..... Illtston ..West intaton... ,., Wyoming.,., Maliby -Bennett. Kingston. Kingston ..riymouth June. ..,,1'lymouUi Avondale K'antlnia 9 87 9 80 9 91 9 19 14 8 68 8 61 8 40 3 M 8 40 8 41 11 41 11 II 3 SO 3 10 2 I 6 31 8 58 2 98 ( 40 0 43 6 6U 65 2 44 2 49 i 63 10 07 8 33 8 13 2 67 0 (V 8 16 7 10 9 04 8 44 10 18 10 83 8 15 8 10 IS 7 IS 7 18 1 V.I 8 21 3 80 8 55 10 20 8 13 8 04 7 61 7 ti T T 15 7 13 T 14 t 10 Y lis 3 19 8 04 9 61 3 89 9 84 3 28 a VI S 47 8 3D 8 28 8 II 8 12 8 (14 1 86 I.Uunloek's ' reek" HI 84 8 20 1 41 8 8.1 8(4 8 60 8 20 4 03 8 45 4 in a mi 10 42 10 66 11 07 .nnickiiinnyw. ...Hick's Ferry,,. -.Death Haven... -Berwick ,,,, ....Briar Creek..-. -Willow drove, -Uine llldge--. Kspy.-...-. .Bloomsburg... 11 13 111! 4 18 t CIS 4 V'6 7 IS 4 V t 23 11! I an re 1 RT T 44 T 88 U 89 4 41 7 44 141 4 49 8 II 6 IM an 11 67 6 01 8 6 11 18 6 18 8 21 6 66 60 1 61 46 1 40. 27 1 37 6 19 10 J 00 T 33 j ;,t-outnutna linage. T 11 Danville.." Chulasky, . .....Cameron I 45 .Northumberland, 61 1. Rlt Q ..K 13 43 6 15 to P.m. n.m. am. p.m. ,p.m. a.ni ALST li, Hunt !a