- TIIE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOOEAT. RLOOMSHTTRli. flOT JTMRT A POTTNTT V A THE COLUMBIAN. M.OOHSBUBO, F R I PA T( REM. 7, 1878 Ball Itoad Tims TaMe. LACKAWANNA I1LOOMS11UMJ HAIL HOAI) NOKTII. SOUTH. Accommodation Train, t.M A.M. b.wia. M. Mull Train 7.8S A. M 4.49 P. M gipress Train l.MlM. 11.45 A. M CATAWI8SA UAH, HOAD. NORTH. BOPTn Accommodation Train .ss A.M. :,M p. M. IteKtilar KxpreM 4.06 P.M. 11.4J A. M. Throngs cars on Ktprens t rain either to New York or rhtladclphta. Accommodation train runs between t'atiiwma and Wlltlamsport. 11 1'. Yannatla t our authorized collector ami 'ollcilor, lie Is vlaltlng neighboring vil lage now, and calling on rubcfibern who are In uriea'rs for a year or more. Uli receipts are binding on the proprietors. We hope our friends will be prepared lo settle when he calls. Subscriptions can be paid hero In produce. Our collector will take cash only. If The FalrbinltV manufacture over 60,000 sciles a year. Where do they all go? John Kintt of Jackson ha nuiBiaclio half an Inch long. a horso with a Hon. Geo. D. Jackson of Duhore was in I jwn on Wednesday, A large delegation from this town attended liar mini's show at Danville last week. Trade dollars, though taken at the banks for 00 cents, are worlh a dollar, and will be taken at the Columbian office for that. The Northumberland Itaplist Association is now in session at this place, and the different churches are well represented. Only fifty cents are required to pay your poll Ui, and the time when that duly can be per formed expires on Saturday, October 5, Mr. Wolf of the firm of Clark t Wolf Is In New York purchasing a fine stock of Fall goods which will arrive in a few days, Hon. A. H. Dill, our next governor, address ed n largo and enthusiastic meeting nt Muncy, last Monday evening. As we go to press we learn that George Long was found dead In Barton's fields on Tliursday morning, The cause of his death is not known but supposed to be from age and exhaustion. All that have once used It pronounce Dr Bull's Baby Syrup the best medicine known for the complaints of early childhood. 25 cents a bottle. " WANTKP.-Chlckens, potatoes, flour. n.i. any kind of farmers' produce taken on subscrlp "on at highest market prices. We make this oiler to take pay In produce for the accommoda lion of our subscribers. We prefer cash. tf Matlewood BnEEhiKa Avn , , TllAININO Pahm, ocjerson, u.t Dec. 17, 1877, ur, William Uius, 451 Sixth tmur, jVrto York ; Dear 8m l'lease send me two quart bolllcs of your Liniment Iodide -Immonio, (for horses). During Iho past two years I have used It In my stable to the exclusion of nil other liniments. It Is the best thing 1 have ever seen for either man or bca(. 1 rould not do without It. Unclosed, find draft for $3. Very truly yours, H.I'. Wade. The library of the Young Men's Christian Association has been rendered much more val uable and Interesting by contributions from Miss II. KharpUss, Mrs, Wm.Neal and Stuart Mitch ell, D. D., who will please accept the thanks of the Association, J. 8. Wilson, ) Publication K. II. Witman, K. H. Bowman, J Committee. The monthly meeting of the Gospel Temper ance Union of Bloomsburg, will be held on next Tuesday evening October 1st, in the Lutheran Church. Alem B. Tate editor of the ' Star of Hope," Wllllanisport, will address the meeting Lei all the old friends and acquaintances ol Mr. Tate come out and hear him on the great ques tion of temperance. Ab the County Fair will begin in a few weeks it is to tho interest of every business man to advertise in tho Coi.uuniAN. The people will then know )vhcre and, what to purchase. The Senior Class of the Normal School al ready numbers twenty-five ; the largest we be lieve, In the history of the school, at this sea son of the year. Yesterday I had such n bad cold that I could not speak I used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and to day I am as well as ever.' It only costs '25 cents. Gov. Ilartranft has commissioned Thomas Beaver, Esq., of Danville, a member of the Board of Public Charities, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. G. Dawson Cole 5kn- , Persons who have dyeing to do, will do well lo send their goods to William A. Davis, Lew isburg, Pa. Miss M. Derrickson is his agent for this place. Bead bis advertisement In other column. We have received n, copy of the Sunday Kdi tiou of the Times. The publishers state that they intend to furnish n First-Class Sunday Newspaper, complete in nil the departments of iH'ws, Literature, Politics, Onginnl Correspon dence, nnd Criticism on nil subjects of popu lar interest, nnd it will rigorously exclude from both its rending and rdvertising columns anything that could offend the family circle,nd we liavo no doubt they will enrry out their pur pose. o wish them abundant success. NOT A 11EVKHAOE. ''They are not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no iioisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated system, but build it up. One barrel contains more hops, that is, more real hop strength, than n barrel of ordinary beer. Kvery druggist in Rochester sells them, and the physicians prescribe them." Rochester Evening Express on Hop Bitters. Only Prayers," was what a sexton said standing at the door of a fashionable church In response to a passing lady, who asked what was going on Inside. It was one of the church es where a dally service is held, without per nion, and the sexton's answer, together with li manner of giving it, showed the limited esteem in which the service was held by people genrr ally. While it is hard to tell why such servi ces should not be numerously attended by those who have leisure hours to bestow on them, the fact is beyond controversy that the number of worshipers is generally painfully small. BEAUTIFUL NKW SONQ. Phantom Footsteps is the name of the latest successful Song and Chorus by Henry C. Work author of "Orand-father's-Clock," nnd other popular songs. Wc consider "Phantom Foot' steps," tho ileal song Work has written, and do not wonder at its immense popularity. It has n beautiful melody and tho chorus is unusually effective. If you want the prettiest song pub' lished in yeurs scud to nny music dealer for "Phantom Footsteps," or on receipt of 25 cents it will be mniled post-paid to any address, by tho publishers. S. Brainakd's Sons, Cleve land, O. J. II. James Esq., of Ashland appeared in the play of Hip Van Winkle as "Old Rip" in a performance given at that plsce on the 24tl; inL,for the benefit of the yellow fever suf ferers. The Hartford Oourant remarks : "They are quoting Scripture in Massachusetts now and this is the favorite passage: "He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, butclimbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber." The Moravian Female Seminary, at Bethle hem, is in its 129lh year of successful operation It has been under the charge of this Society the entire time, and is the most venerable institu tion of learning in this country. rUDLICATION OF TOWNB111P ACCOUNTS, A good deal of discussion Is irolnir on In rA gsrd to the publication of the accounts of bor oughs and townships. We have heretofore pub lished the several laws in relation to this ques tlon, snd therefore deem it unnecessary In do so again. The law plainly nqulres the AuJIlors of the several boroughs and townihlps to pub lish a statement of their accounts respectively at the close of each fiscal year, which previous lo 1870 was In June. We so stated In previous years, but there were persons, anil lawyers too, who had not given the subject a mlnute.s atten tion, who argued that the law did not require ny publicition other than a wrillen statement posted up in the borough or township. A case was tried in Northumberland county. Involving neglect of Auditors to publish In the papers, and after a thorough examination, the Court de- ued against the Auditors, and fined lhem$20 each. In Allegheny county a like case was tried, and with a like result. It was all along ear lo in lhat publication in tho papers was necessary. The reason why people thought a ublication by written or printed statement put up in the borough or township was a tufuclen compliance with the law, was became the act of 1874 so stated, but the proviso to the act says as follows i Nothing In this act shall be construed to In terfere with the present law, which requires an rial statements of the receipts and cxienditurcs ot the Borough Councils, Road Commissioners, Supervisors, Overseers of the Poor and School Directors to be advertised in the weekly paers of the county. From this it is clear that the written or prin ted statement to put up in the borough or town ship Is a publication in addition to the publi cation In the newspapers, for were it not so the act Itself would be practically af no effect, Sev crol laws have been passed bearing upon this subject since 1874, and the whole of them sum up thus: First The Auditors are required In eacl borough and township to settle accounts there of, and publish the same not only in newepa- pers, but also, by written or printed statements put up In the most public places in the boroughs and townships, as soon after the close of the fis cat year, which is on the first Monday In April as possible. Second If the borough or township is in debt has a funded or floating debt, it must be inclu ded in tho statement, together with the valua tion of property, Ac , and published in at least tw newspapers, and embraced in the written or printed statement also. It is nscessary that the auditors of the respec. tlvc boroughs and townships should go to work at once and settle the accounts as they are ii duty bound to do, and have them published aa the law directs. When the borough or town- ship has no indebtedness, neglect to publish in curs a fine of twenty dollars, but if the borough or township is in debt, the neglect incurs a fin of one thousand dollars. We would advise tho-ie who read this article to cut it out and preserve it, so that it nny bo had for reference, Sus'yW Aanna Hejtublican. KILL TUB FISH TOU OTCU. BEPORTBtl 1NTE11V1KWS. The reporter of the J'lain Dealer lias Inter viewed Major Hancock, Klwln Bhorli, Dr, Trimmer, and Harry Liycoek, on the political situation. Hancock Is "a lloyl man from stem to stern, because he represents the hone-t finan cial views of sound government the bjit prin- :ipels. He says the Democratic party lin not been honest for tho last fifteen years. We don't want inflation and a return to those days of bin ned depression. He don t take any stock in Col. Wright. Wouldn't vote for him for any- ilng.'' Bhorli thinks Trimmer will receive the nom- nation fur Congress in the Eleventh District ; says the Labor party In White Haven is not very strong ; believes that in certain contingeir ces, a combination wllh the Greenback-Labor :arty advisable; believes the endorsement of el. Wright would ben display of wisdom on the part of the Democracy ; is In favor of main AN ASTONlsniNO FACT. A largo proportion of tho American poopte Mo to-day dying from the effect" of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of theso diseas es upon tho masses of Intelligent and valuable people1 Is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of n pleasant existence of enjoy ment nnd usefulness as Ittughttobo. There is no good reason for thls,lf you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take tho advice of Druggists and your friends, and nnd try one bottle of Green's August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain Millions of bottles of this med Icino hnvo been given nwny to try Its virtues, with satisfactory lcsults In overy.casc. You can buyn snmplo bottle for ten cents to try. lhrco doses will relico the worst ense. Positively sold by nil druggists on tho Western Continent, nug. 30,'78-tf jl Avkr's Cathartic I'ius aro the best ot all purga tives tor family use. They aro the product of long, tabling distinctive county organization, and t.ot I laborious, and successful chemical InTestlgatlon.and abandon It because we happen to be temporarily lhc'r "'f1',?, UP' I!""" thf'r V""- 11 1 ' I Anil hv Ml rlvl ItM natinrm. nmtn thorn hn tt. nnrl in me imiiuiuj, mosteiTcctua. Mil that medical Bcietica can devise. irirumer lutnks he hai as good imow fur Con gress as any of 'em ; Klotz Is always a candi date; he has a fight on his hands at home, and may not secure his own delegates. (Doctor's prognostications are false, as Klotz has carried his county.) Ocvis Is a chronic oflice seeker nnd is not a strong man. Trimmer lias decided soft money views. Believes it easier to pay a debt without Interest, than to pay It with Inter est. (He ought to get out a patent on that. ) The Democracy are for hard money, and we don t hold that greenbacks should be Irredeem able. The rank and file of the Democracy are in favor of adopting Kearney for Register. He is a young man of fair ability and strong Dem ocratic antecedents. The probabilities are that straight nominations will be made for the bal ance of the ticket. The party should endorse Col. Wright also. The propect of Dill's elec tion are very fair. The Maine election has given Hoyt a black epe. He won't poll near the average of his vote In this county ; knows of many republicans who will not vote for him on personal grounds. Harry Laycock, of Wilkes-Ilarre, was inter viewed. He says the Republicans are going to elect Griffiths for Treasurer and Darte for Com missioner. The other fellows meaning the Democrats and Labor-Reformers can have the rest. That's Wilkes-Barre for you. We mere ly nolo it as a a lit for tho lower end lo crack. Uclng purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In Intrinsic value and curative, powers no oth er plus can bo compared with them, and every per son, knowing their virtues, will employ them when needed. They keep tho system In perfect order, and maintain In healthy ctlon the whole machin ery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs ot the digestive ap paratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, it timely taken. The)' arc the bi stand safest phjslo to employ for weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effectual cathartic is required. FOR 8AI.R UY ALL DXALSRS. no 4 BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Til Is SCHOOL, as at present constituted, ocers the very best facilities tor Professional and Classical learnlm lmnaings spacious, ln lung ana commodious ; completely Heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, am spring water. furnished with a bountiful supply ot purc,soft Discipline, Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses Marriages. Ill DL.KM AN AM KltM AN. At tho residence of the bride's parents In Montour county, Pa., on the 31th Inst., byltev.M.I. Smyser, V. Aug, llldleman, ot liloomsburg, l'a., and Miss Alverretta, daughter of lion, Jesse Amerman. CALHOUN-WILSON.-On the 17th ult.atthe res- Idenceof the bride's rarcntp.by Kev.j. Marsh, Mr. Stuart W. Calhoun, of Kearney, Nebraska, to Miss Jennie, Wilson ot areenwood, Columbia .county, l'a. fvntlnn honllliful. nn.i fnqv nf nvraq. Ttiftrlir.ra 0TrM.rlArirnr1. pftlMi.nt .nil aH?a In thnl. wn.l. moderate. Kitty cents n week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, lsooms reserved when desired uiursea or siuay prescriuca uy me suue t I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Coure in Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Tho Klementary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'ltOFKssIONAL. and Htudentji trraritmtnt? thprMn. mrM kmi nininm,. mnrnrriitn nirtfniinuin corresponding Degrees i Master ot the Elements: Master of rtho sciences; Master ot Ihe Classics. Graduates In the otner Courses recelvo Normal certincates uieir uiuuuuieuis,, Rignuu uv iui uiucern oi inu noaru oi i usict -. i no course or muu orescmieu oy uio maie is iiurrui, ana me- cienunc ana Classical courses are not Inferior to Ihoso ot our best Colleges. ThO Stati-reflUlresa Ulirher Order Ot CltlZCnShln. TUB times rteliandU. It IS Onn nf t.hH nrlmo nhWtJi nf tl,l Krbnnl In Imln In e..nitr.Tf furnHlilnr-lrttr.HI. gent, and efficient Teachers for her schools. Tothlseudlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and good purposes.-those who desire tolmproie their tlmo and their talents, as Mudenls. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for ell paid labor alter leuv Ing School. 1'or Catalogue. nddrrsA thu rrlnclnah 1 a HON. YVII.I.IA.ll KI.YVl'l.l Sept. 8, ..- l'rmlilent Hoard or Trustees SSIGNEE'S SALE UL' Ai.UAULtt Deaths. Charhs Hallock, editor of the Forest ami Stream, has a very humane and thoughtful ar ticle on this subject. Not only because it is hu mane, but lfecause it improves the quality and llavor of the fish, he urges upon all anglers the duty ol killing their fih as tley catch them. Many anglers do this habitually, but all do not. We subjoin an extract from Mr. Hallock's ar ticle: As boys, we were taught that fish had no feel ing, and we believed that what might be cruel ANOTIIEIt OUANI) VICTOltY. The White Sewing Machine was awarded the diploma for the best sewing machine at the Ringtown fair September 20, 1S78, over the Singer and Weed. Call and examine the White before purchasing. J, Sallzer, general agent ; office at J. K, Eyers store, Main street Blooms burg, P. Sept 27, '78-2w. According to law the tenant's personal prop erty is liable for the tnxes of the prenises up on which he may reside. His only remedy is to pay tho tax and deduct the nmount finm his rent, or sue tho landlord and recover it ns in ordinary debts. Kxclumge, WASUINUTON LETTEK. Washington, I). C, Sept. 24, 1878. HtlNTEH. At Stockton, Luzerne county. ra.,Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, v Ifo ot O, H. Hunter, formerly of this county, aged 33 years, 6 months, and 23 days. HOHHINs. Or. the 18th Inst., Amanda ltobbtns, aged !.i years, 8 months and 20 days. l'KALEK, On the 21st Inst., Mrs Mary Catharine Tealer, aged 23 seats, 2 months and IS days. PEA EH.-On tho 22d Inst., SavlIIa Pcaler, Bgod IS years, 8 months and 9 days. All three dtol of tho samo fover, and wero ot tho same family connection. Business Notices A Trade Dollar will still buy n dollar's worth ol Ulotlilng at U. Lowenoerg a. Parties w anting to get clear ol Trade Dol lars can get full value in clothing for them at I). Lowenberg's. WESTWARD HO I WESTWARD HO Parties going West will find it to their advantage to purchase uieir omnia oi dom ing, trunks, bags and satchels cheaper than ever at 1). Lowenberg s. Fall stvles of Worsted Coating-English baitings just received at 1). L.owerilerg s. The latest Novelty in Hats. Call and ee The Russian Hat just received at u. koweuberg a. REAL ESTATE ! Turaufltit to ftti order of tho Court ot Common I Pleas ot Columbia county will to soli on WEDNESDAY, OOTOUEU 1G, 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m.,byM.O Hughes, assignee In trust for tho btneflt of tho creditors of alio Brothers (Amos Hlltj nnd M Inner lllle).tue follow lnff described. rcai fmaie, taiuaie in mo Town oi uaiawissa, on South btreet, bounded as follows: on tho cast by landiof John () lifer, west by lands of Mrs. E. Clark, on tho north by mods of lr. J. Hobblns, and on tho south by south street, whereon la erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Tho said Dronerty is located In a very desirable- part of Catawlssa, tho houso Is laruo and convenient, 'rtiora o rn a rlutitrn anil nthnr rntironlnnfiiu nn ftiu lot, together with all neccaaary outbuildings. The buildlnc Is new. TKUM9 Of SALE. Ten tier cent, of one-fourth of I tho nurchaso money to bo paid at the striking down I of the ttronerty : tho one-fourth less tho ten ber cent at the confirmation oi sale, and the remaining inree ' fourths In oue 3 ear thereafter, with Interest from . confirmation nisi. Abdott & huawm, AaslgLeo of H lie liro3. PUBLIC SALE OC VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! MAllKETKEPOllTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel, (Jorn. new, Oats. ' Flour per barrel lovereeea Flaxseed nutter Kggl Tallow l'otatoes Dried Apples 11U1U3 Hides fi Shoulders Lard per pound ... Hay per ton lteeswax Timothy Seed 2.1 n ji;orATiossroii uoau No. on Vharl f j,oo per 1 01 l.u.u 1 Y.IO NO. 6 " " $ Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf............ 8,w uuuminous " M m I I ' " .'.'..V.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.!'."'. 'm I 9'. 1 arret 6.00 t.M ii JK .. .11 .1 .IS Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. SAVAGE, PI1LKK IX Silverware, Watches, Jewelry .Clocks, &c. FALL HATS iust received (or Hoys and Children at LowetibergV Men, Matalasc and Beaver Clotlis1.40 to $3.75 per yard at I. W, Hartmoti a. for 100 cents at The Rose of death. Do not wait until the hectic flush which indicates advanced consump tion, appears on the cheek. Check Iho hard ooui(h and heal the irritated lungs with Hale's lTmey of Ihreknmd and Tar, before Ihe crises comes, lie in lime. Sold by all Druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In 1 minute. Bills for subscription will be found in pspers for dlflerent offices as fast as we can make them out from now until October 1st. Do not mistake them for receipts. They mean that the person to whom addressed owes us that amount, and Ihe bill Is sent because ve want the money. The Mauch Chunk Democrat prints tle name of Robert M. Kiott as candidate for Congress in Carbon county, and then fills up large amount of space to show how unfit he is lor the office. According to the Democrat Klotz's nom ination Is by 110 means desired by Ihe Democ racy of Carbon. A horse belonging to J. A. Funston Esq., died suddenly on Friday last. Mr. Funston was out riding with his mother and when near the furnacu of Vm. Neal & Sons, the horse staggered. Mr, F. had time lo get out of Ihe carriage and take the horse by the head when It fell on him pinning his leg under it. o in jury was d one. The horse died instonlly. . Mahlon Chance In.. who addressed a Re publican meeting in the Opera House on Frl day last, was announced in the bills as a resl dent of New York, He placed his residence on the register at the Exchange Hotel as being Fremont, Ohio. Persons present fay that mucn of his address was in subUance the same as the speech of R. 11. Hayes published In last Friday s Philadelphia 3tme The following wo find floating around among our exebanecs : "When a man s license as liquor dealer erases ho must take down his aignifho had one up. A dealer in Mnuch Chunk, whu went out of business eighteen years nco, failed to do this, and has only receu Uy been arrested for the offense. The penalty both fine and imprisonment." FOUItTEEN VEAKS AFTER THE WAIl. Mr. II. R. Russell, who dwells near Ironton, Mo., ploughed up an unexploded percussion shell, and wishing to preserve it as a memen to ofwar,put it into a barrel of water and let it remain for about six weeks. On Thursday he tried to take out its contents, using for that purpo-e a hammer and a coldchixel. He held the shell between his knee, and after some strokes it exploded, scattering its fragments far and wide, some of them being heard whizzing through theair half a mile distant. Mr. RuBelI was wounded. The mis"ile was fired from one of Price's guns in September, 1804. The stay law, which has had a useless exis tence on the statute books since the 'JJil of March, 1877, expired on the 23d of the present month. The main object of this law was lo prevent tne sale 01 real or personal properly on execution, unless it brought two thirds of the appraised value, provided interest was paid and other reuuirementii were carried out. Like the generality of tinkering laws passed to meet pecial or exceptional casts, this ono afforded no benefit to debtors. The very few who took advantage of its provisions found that the re lief it gave them was more imaginary lhan real. and the unusual costs attending it were a direct loss to an honest creditor. Tun Republican Mass Meeting. On last Friday evening the Republicans had a "grand ally' at the Opera House. There was a fair udience, nnd Ihe speaker Hon. Jlahlon Chance was listened to attentively. He is a graceful speaker, but his arguments were stale anil thread bare. New issues have arisen of liich he did not seem cognizant. The late it should be remembered, ended U urteen ears sgo, and other living and vital issues are at stake, Ik other words 111 this campaign Ihe l.lnoilv shirt" wont wave woith a cent. The neaker was pleasant in manner, and was fair as a Radical Republican can be. ' A VAI.UiriLE HOOK, Wo have before us a small volume, nn Abridged Digest of the Election Laws of Pcnn svlvania, published by Messrs. Jones & Jl'Mur ray, nt Harrisburg, being nn extract from tho l'cnnsvlfania Statu Hook." now in courso ol publication, which embraces n concise digest of all the laws relative to the duties of officers of elections and tho requirements of voters arranged in a convenient form and easy of re ference. It also contains tho recent game law, n very valuable matter just now, nnd nllogeth er is such a work as should bo lounn 111 tn hands of every person interested in the prop er conduct of our elections, nnd especially those of election officers, and wo would suggest to our county commissioners tho wisdom and propriety of pluclng at least t no copy ol u book in ihe hands ol every election Hoard 1 tho county. It can bo procured by mail, by sending 25 cents to the publishers, Hnrrisburg, Pa. The fact that many non-partizan people are looking to Senator David Davis ns n fu ture leader, is an indication nf jjood sense on their part. It cannot be said that there is a "movement" in his favor, but in this city the better class of non-party men, fear ty to a dog was hsrmless pastime as respects ing H'o selection of somo more objectionable fish. belief an error, and we discover that contortions parties, are doing what they can to induce and gaspings are evidences of pain and distress, tho Senator to define his position. They though we assume lhat their nurvous system is I think it will give strength to the 'new party' comparatively ol a low order. That fishes have I inasmuch ns many are unwilling to train un intelligence and can be tatieht; that they have der Butler or any other leader yet named. I Hardware, Glass, Paints, &c, lower than memory, ihst they have discrimination and dis- It is to be hoped, for the Senators sake, that I evet at J. fccuuyler a con s cernment, and lhat they possess the five senses, ho will not. at the coming interview with eacli to a great or small degree j that they are Butler, give countenance to that crafty poll tician, unless Butler will give bonds (or fu lure good behavior. We know how much Butler needs the support of men of character like Davis, but disinterested people cannot see what Butler can do to pay for such sup The undcrslsned, appointed Assignee for tho ben efit of the creditors ot iVm. Schujlcr, will sell nt pub lic sale on the premises, on Saturday, October 19th, 1878, at to o'clock a. m., all that certain LOT OF GROUND situate In tho town ot Orangevllle, county of Colum bia, and State ot rennsjlvanla.bouuded on the north by lot of Low and Savage, south by D. K. Sloan, on the cast by Mill street, and on tho west by David Herring, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or loss, whereon Is erected a two story BRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and other out-butldlngs. There Is an excellent well to a limited extent sentient and reasoning emit res all these hate become evident. If it is rdained to us that we are lo derive s orl from the prolonged apprehensions of the fish while looked (not from'lus bodily pain, for the mete rick of the hook givis him little, and often none at all), then lit us handle him merciful A MONASTEKY IN PENNSYLVANIA. London, Sept., 17 A despatch to the Times from Pari says s The Superior of the Order o Trappists at Sept-Foncs, in tho Department oi AUUr, baa purchased lands in Pennsylvania for 200 monks from Sept-Fonds, Mt. Miliary, Ireland, nnd Mariastein, The monks will erect the monastery and other buildings themselves, The Columbia county Fair will be Octobe 0, 10, U and 12. The raansgera have mad the most complete arrangements and have pro vlded a very liberal premium lis'. They h Vimerous asurancea that this will be the most jcwrwful fair ever held In this coiinly, 1 1 Keyktone Tournament of Djnrllle will give one f their matchless exhibitions on Thursdsy and die programme for Friday and Saturday can not fail to please. M. W. Nuas, Secretary, If he is small, take him around the body and considerately rap the lip of his head upon a stone or the thwart of the boat ; if large, nip his ead with a heavy stick J or, wind is more gen teef and to Ihe oint, pierce the cervical column at the baie of Ihe lira i a with a sharp knife. This produces paralysis and ulinn-l immediate eath. It leaves the corpse in a shapely and seemly conditicn, Admiration of its imlialter- ed beauty is added to the pleasure of capture, and your fili remains a proper euhject fur the market or studio. Brother angltrsl learn to he humane. GItANf) LODGE OF OLD FELLOWS OI' U. S. The Right Worthy (irand Lodge, I. O. O, F:, f the United States, began its annual session in Baltimore on Monday morning. The annual report of Ihe Grand Stcretary shows that there re now under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United Stales 43 Grand, 0,877 sub ordinate and 090 Rebekuh Degree Lodges and 1,8.10 Encampments, 1 tie uiilialluns dunug Another fire-brand has made Ida appearance in Washington. Ono Cohen, for some time past a tramp, has been holding and ad dressing crowds of men of Ihe lowest class, adontlnrr Kearney's ftyle of language. Uo Tuesday Ihe man had the holdnesa and itupu deuce to rolUcl a force of R00 men, and, after parading Ihe streets in a noisy and lioisterous manner, Intrudtd himself upon Ihe offices of the various heads of departments, where his In science was almost unbearable, lie escaped notice until he pushed himself Into the presence of Commls-ioiier I Due, of Ihe Agricultural Department, where he was repulsed after he had made ue of profanity and low language, The Commissioner afterwards hail the soon drel aireded and Mgrd in jail, where he now rt mains. Il it to be lioptd Ihst Ihe Washing, ton aull oriltio will put IhU msn through course of lirBlmml which will be a warning all others of his claw. This Is but a result Ihe example which Kearney has been setting a oyer tin country, Jr. A lflrr-n rmnrtmont nf Pashmf-res And nth But autopsy and science have proved our 1 man by those dissatistied with the two old I er Dress Uoods with trimming silk and satin I " u" "."""v.. iu milieu Bl J.uit . uumii a. .... o c . lll.'l' u( Oflnn. l-iuij-u' nut. iv. w paid at iho striking down ot property s iwenty-me per cent, January 1st, 1S79, and the balance April 1st, is"9, when deed wlU bo delivered and possess Ion will bo given. W. II. SMITH, Assignee ot Win. Schuyler. Sept. 20, 7S-tS. Trade dollata taken W. C. McKinney's. You can ceteood dark Calicoes, fast col ors, at Lutz & Sloan's for 0 cents or the best in the market for 7 cents a yard. Boot headquarters at McKinney's. All wool Cashmere CO Hartmati's. cents at I, W. port, The Chairman of the Republican Con ner he is withdrawn from his native element. re(ujoriai Committee, Hon. Eugene Hule, n. . !. II I .1... 1.. .1.. lln . .. .. . . . has returned after his defeat in tho Fifth District of Maine. He will henceforth run it in the exclusively hard money growl. He says that was what killed him, but he be lieves the Radical party is safer that way than in attempting now to commence the campaign over again in auy other way. Call at McKinney's foShoes. DOllllIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained tho agency of this ClILEHKATKD SoAl" for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our hrst people as to its merits. "I have ued Dobbin's Electric Soap made by I. L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., lor washing about ten years, and tninic ii EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA. WM. DAVIS, Proprietor. Miss. M. Derrickson, Notion and Fancy store, Bloomsbur?, t gent. ALL KINDS OF RENTS OAKMKNTS CLEANED DYKI) AND I'ltKSSED WITHOUT HIITINU AND MADE TO LOOK ALMOST EIJUAL TO NKW, LADIES SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MESSES, SILKS 03 RIBBONS CLEANSED OS DYED AND FINISHED IN THE BEST MANNED kid iii.ori: ci.i:anm:i. Feathers Djed and Curled in a splendid manner. Special attention to wholessle goods. Prices reduced to suit tne times. Sept. 20, '7 j-2m. Secretary Sherman, after a great deal of superior to any other. Mrs. O. G. Barkley.' wavering, of late, seems to have considered "We have used Dobbiu'sElectricSoapand this the wisest policy, also, and ao fur as the nnd it superior to any other or all others, Republican managers here can cotitrot events, the Republican party will stand or fall, iu October aud November, upon the hardest of hard money platforms. Two views aro taken of the Maine elec tion, aa to its effect upon Grant's chances for the Republican nomination in 18S0. The New York Sun holds that the defeat of Blaine and his friends la practically tho de feat of Grant. This is not a safe way of dealing wl'h the subject. Blaine was not, until very lately, a 'Grant man;' aud became Ihe year numbered 30.0S7, making ihe ,oU bucii only uecause ue wisneu, in tne event, membership 447,180, and Ihe Encampment 01 uram 8 IHUUe-IO seuure ura"1 8 "B' members number 84,787, The revenue of the " i"i"iiiauiiB vuuvenuuu Lodges and hncampments during the year amounted lo $4,393,472, while the relief grunt. ed to members during the same period reached the sum of $1,CU9,7:,4. Since lb30, 1,059,802 members have been Initiated, 81G,15pi members and 100,90.1 widowed families have been re lieved, to whom $25,701,885 have been grant ed. During the year warrants have been isued for new lodges in Australasia, Deuuiaik, Neth. erlaiids, the Providence of tnehec, Canida, the Indian Territory, and various other oints In the United States. The Intercourse with the Order In foreign countries continues to lie lirely harmonious and friendly. POMPEII. Excavations at Pumped prove the city to Iliaine was not rebuked in Maine because rf anything ho had said In favor of Grant for the simple reason that he had declared himself for Grant only n frw days before election, and the people who voted against Repub licanism and Rlaiuism were In the rural districts and had not knowuof this new de parture. What ever else the Maine election may show, it does not show that Blaine was condemned for supporting Grant. The close attention given by the people everywhere, from Maine to California, to questions ol finance and to purely local questions, shows that they, in advance of their leaders, have determined to have no more sectionalism in their politics. The time for 'bloody shirt' campaigns is patt. Mrs. V. H. Jacoby, Mrs. B. II. Stohner. I desire all my friends and customers to Gti'e this Soap one Trial, so that they may know just how good the Best Soap in the United States is. .1. H. Maize, july 12, '78-ly Bloomsburg, Pa. . . -. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. Lutr. & Sloan aro selling all wool Black Cashmere yard wide for 48 cents a yard. Fall Goods coming in every day nt I. W Hartmati's. Onnfl AfiKNTS WANTIlli. Only those tUUVI who mean business and desire to make from to si." per day need apply, .send 1 cent slamp for particulars ill.) r. i . lilt it. Milton, Nortbumberland Co., Fa, nranintnn's Palm Soan is the best latin drv (.nan in this or anv other market. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. mav 18-3w McKinnevs Shoe Store below Court House. Yon can tret bleached or unbleached Mu lin yard wide at Lutz fc Sloan's for 0 cents a yard. Ladles', Gents' and Children's underwerr at I, w, Ilartman s. Trv it Palm Palm At Jacob H, Maize's- may 3-18w ItubbtTH at McKinney's. Buy it -Palm Soap at Jacob 11. Maize's, Lntz & Sloan have received their New The Republican Congressional Committee. Stock of Goods and are selling them cheap have hern one of the most fah!onsble and of which the Into Eugene Hale is Chairman I cr than ever. beautiful of Roman summer report-, and but for understands this, aud he says that all the the eruption it might have remained so to llii" speakers to be sent out by that Committee day. As with l'oiiinll, so with thousands or will speak on the financial question nwjple who have beauly of form and feature only, They might always be ad mi ml but for the eru- The sum of .'10,000 has been contributed linn, that makes the face undghtly, and betrays here fur the yellow fever mH'erers, nnd 1 lie the presence of Kcrofuln, virulent biood pois- entertainments and other means of raising money for tho present week promise a fur ther large amount. This is exclusive of contributions of provisions, Seminoi.i:. Crampton Brother's Palm wiap at Jacob II. Maize's, it is itie wti, try it. may 3-18w Admission free nt McKtnnev's. ons, or general debility. There is but one rem edy that onitlvely curts thene afialioiis, anil that remedy Is Dr, Pierces (loldeii Mtdical Discovery, It is the best known tonic, altera- live, and resolvent. It (eed!ly cures pimples, blotches, liver spots, and all diseases arising from Impoverished or impure blood. It also cures dyspepsia, und regulates the liver and bowels. Sold by all druggists. At Private Sale, A FAItM CONTAINING A1IOUT 1 O 9 -A CKES, mostly cleared, and whereon ore erected a LA ROE BUICK DWELLING HOUSE, V-....... tln.,L- II.M ,'nnr.n Lh.H a.,.. Ml,., (-..if- The remarkable monstrosity nt Lakeporl, I buildlnits-awrllof hVft water nt the house und one Ut llltl Uillll. Jlll'lll uir HIBUU I.IIKt- UUU.A'I VI l" DKMOCIIATIU MKETINI1H. The following announcements of democratic meetings and speakers are made by David Iiw. enberg, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. Buck horn, Tuesday evening October 1, iieakers, E, R. Ikeler and C, I), Brockway, Ruiiert, Monday evening September 30lh( speakers, I rene and Ilrrxkway, Mt. Pleasant, W ednesday evening October 2, upeakers, Freeze and ander.llee. Eyers drove, Thurtday evening Octobers- speakers, Ikeler and Little, Mslnvllle, Friday evening October 4, nak. ers, llrockway and Krickbaum, Light Slrtel, Saturday October 5, caker, W. J, Buckalew and l'retze. pie, Feiu.li and Cherry Trees and a good IHON-STONE STONE (JUAHKV, ALSO, A LOT OP GROUND at tho corner of Third and Centre) streets, being one a iu N, Y., is Georgo Albert Page, a boy of 13 years, with a big Ik ad on lilm. It was w heavy that ho could not walk until he was G years old, aud now, though he weighs but twenty-eight pounds, his head is twice as lurirt hm tlin fivprncA uii iiieukiirprt t wpntv. I hundred and Ihlrlv.two feet on Third street an, 7. , , , . , , , hundnd and fourteen aud one-half tut ou Centre. eigiir, mciies in circumierence, aim is sun t whereon are erected a growing. The boy's eyes are inverted to I.ni'KO llrlck llivulllliK lloilhc, that he can only look up. This has prevent ed him from learning his letters, but other wise he Is apt enough und is perfectly healthy. wllh Mmw IIhtimi AiTiKiTis, and In thorough repair, IliiWng a Well, Clsuiu, lie-liou.se, cooling House and ill tunvenlen&a. li uth Hluate ulibtu tlin limits of the Town ot llloouibburg, und oflcred to bu bold on eusy and reo- buuuoie it i his. JOHN O. KIIKKZi:, PUICMriil'l II, LINDSEY'S, BLOOD SEARCHER U !! .MIM lll4 IttMrdf "i IM Ml' . lid all HliMMldi-aa llfldtuUt woutl.l ful puwrri. Iuiv IIIimmI Ulba"KrBiir wihih. mm. - ,i iiim my ioy r-ai y I JT Jlrwoli, ynlNMMU. a -Il tti'4 i, mill Ol fcr,iiitt.".-n K lMlw,Ur .., rriciti. K.i'iLi.i.iriiiu, riob't, riiiiburifc. rt. Has ty Imtffiiu nJ Mr 1. NS-ly' aug, d, 19-Sin Pel h'i. Sure Reward, o ti:aiii to r.u t'Oit a i'arih. S4 TO 10 PER ACRE, tlcc-cli mitl Jin lo I.aiul In Allchl ftim In the kIIIHiiii Acre (-runt ol'tliL' (iiiiiil Itali1x mill In diana Ctallroail ( (inipuii), TITLE PERFECT. Strong noil sure :i opn iiient j of Ilmlicr-iio lt oiikIiI-iio clilucli Imikn nn hop pit"." RCNKIr.0 'TKBA11S t'CTR W'ATKH 1IKA1IV MAKKT hCIIOOLS PAll.UOAIi COMI-I KTIIi TIIKOCUU TUB CFNTltK OF TltSUHANT. Sflil lor pniiiplilH,H.7i77i or German AddlCM v. o. lirtiliAKT, Land comuissioneb, (1HAN!) KAI'1I)S,M1CII, nprll 1J, l'Ts sjvt d o,- KSCV UAItns with niimf. lie., Plain or Gold. ZO its) at) lee, AKt'souillt lue. Mull & Co., Hudson, N. V. d sept, 13, 'is 4W tftCuiiU wrfi-et beauties) with name, Mitli. !i i'CKNKK CAitt) (.o. shland, a hept. 13, 'S-4W .on ;! 1 iiuSA "Ear KMsei&ses I 1K. U, K. MlOKM AKhH'rt HunKON UE.U NKH-UUill DIS- f.aib n the Kak, aud their irui'tr lu-Qtin'-nt-ccpe-cUllv Kunuinif tar HOrv to nei itntuutiuta reflet from Mi 'imhmk -iitiK'ss uf tliti disease, and aper iut ii. r ilc n nii l ivi timn til cure. A book every fjialh An t li'l li iv"i). -eul Uv l-ul', A1dret4 br.U, E HIIOKM AKhlt, Aural hutKi'on, iwadiug. Fa. Bcpt I ,TS-tw d Mill I" Itemoi ed to thu I'obt Ollleu butldlne, tlrsT duir aboc the Kxhange Hotel. All kinds of Watches, clocks and Jewelry ieat ly repaired and warranted. maylT, Ss-tf ASK FOU THE Williampt MIMe Boots, MANUFACTURED 11 V . E. DAYTON & CO., N. B. All 'joods of their mnko are stamped on the bottom. Rept !, 1)-Sm Thomas I). Haktman. albsbt IlAlA TIIE RED FRONT, MOYEHS' BLOCK. HARTMAN BROS,, DSALGRS IN TEAS, CANNED FKU1T, CIOARS, TOBACCO aivurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices cf all kinds, Glass & Qnocnsware, FINE GROCERIES, Foroign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions 4tU door below Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa. tr Goods delivered to ali parts ot the town April ill, TT-tf I'firooitN I'm kiii I rill make New Hl-'.i UlOOd, nrnlwin ci'!nti''tiv cliiinife tin.-bto-jtl In tt-c enttr uth in Iu thr n mui.tus. Any turnou whu will take I'nlsl phoii nU'ht rroni l to i'i wct'ka may be restored ta in -uiii.a ii in, 11 Micu : by mull lorh Uttu slumps liaugor Me. Mi. It Mich a ihliig be nosbtble. hend i, n. JUH.SU 6s. J.t taiBssskfflToDacai bCpt. 13, 7!v-4W liAVY Awnrrtfd kx.jhat prut at Ontmuii Ei position for fine ekwsg jutdilvt ml tx''.le and latng for irter rwtttmmq mt finmne, T'.t t tobtcoo r rnivl. At out blur atrip I rude la uk ! clone ly tmitnifd on litfrrtor aotvli, Ihm J irJUon'i bttl u niiptaryplaf. Fsldby 11 JtnUn. t-n I tor ftinli, iTte, id C. A. Jicroi Si Co., Mfr., I eUnturg, - (J. 1', WAItm.i:, (icncriil AKt.t riillittU'lphtK, acpt. IS, T8 4W d 4)V ItlMIIV ! '111K OKAM) Achikvembnts of SIT A NT, RY By Hon. J, T, llBiDLBV, the Prince ot descriptive authors. A full History ot hl3 explorations In Africa and tuarvellou.H journey down the Congo. A now KxciTtNo book. Bkistino with wild aden- TCBKfl and TIIKILMNO fCKNb8 Of EAM(!KK, 18 prufUe- lyJUustnted ihe public kaukkly await U. it is HelllDfr wonderfully. P A TTTTf iMBfware ot ratshtatemenU of lnlerest vU lXVlitj parties, but wnd Tor piioofot tfen ulneness and full description of this work, ulso terms, IWSmS&AGliNTS WANTED full. ll bcpt. 13, '73 4W AND IOT1IBRS PIANOS lletall price l(MM onlyftSTA. ruriur riuii,, price jhu omy I'uper free. IhniU I 1. lti'iiti) Wiuhlnston, N. J. U farp. S7,4w WHY GO WEST? Send for Delaware. Kaioi Catalogue and Maps J, t AUncha, Dover, Del. d sep. 2T 7S-lw PltOVEHBS. W A" K. THE OHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY I GRAY'S SPE0JFI0 MEDICINE fRADI MARK Is I'sneclalUr n-com-TRADI luruui'u ua uu uit tulimir cure for wui Inal wt'akness.Kptr matorrlira, Impo. ttticy, and all atva M'd, bucliau I,(lb.S o,' memory, UnUi-riial )jivltuJp, l'atu In ttm luirk. Dlninetui Before TaHngotrVu.oan. -na- many other CHeases thatlead to Insantty.Consiimn tlonaiirla Premature liruif, all ot w hltU aa a rule arn itrat CJUkPd b iltlatlng Irum ttie y&lh ot uatur and uver ludulfenco. 'llio hpectllu Medicine Is thu resuliot a lite study and many jears ot e.rlencs In treatlnir ttieso iilal dloeruen. Pull parllcul.irfi In our pamplilctn.whlch c desire to wild trie Oy mall to every one. 'I lid KiKtlllc Medicine Is told 0y all DruccMs at f 1 ncrrnckise.orUx paiHures for U or Mill be bent Ly inall on ri'rilpt ot the money ty addresMnc Till! (IliAY.MKIIIl'lNKCO., No. 10, JHtclmnlc'H llluck, l'etrtlt, MUh. Kold In Hliin(.buri by V, A. Klelw, aijd t y all PruzitUtH enrjlierf. llairla KIHK, Wuoltfcalc ApMn, lllttbun,'. hept. f, ib-tt Important to Lawyers. Juslleisof tliu I'eace, 1'oiit.tablcs, Gxeculorv. Ad intiilstratoia, liuardlau, Township tmcers, aud busl tiess men generally. We have on hand a lame assortment of 1,-iml blanks fur the use of llor neys Ju-thes and Con stable's tilanks ut all kinds, Nolo aud Ueeelpt bjuks tor Admlulsirat'irs rrc, r-ltlt'K LIST. TTOHNEV'SIILANKS. I'reclpo for summons. " I I. la. " ' Hule to take Depositions, it chouse Arbliralors. 1 cents apiece, or f I.T5 ln-r hundred. retlllon for Appointment of Guardian. " rliallon Ituletotake lu-pnslllons. Nair In lull. lili Contesslon, Assumiu.lt. Metnanlra IJ.'U. 4 cents each or V3.&0 per hundred. 1'etlltoa lor kale of Ileal Estate s cents each. Jinuucn ii,r.in. "1 ho Itlche at mood, Sweetest Breatli and Fair. est bKin in nop tniiirs." " little Hop miters eates tlf doctor bills and "Tliat Invalid wife, mother, sister or child can bo made the picture ot health u lUi Hop Hitlers." ' When orn down and ready to take your bed Hop liltteiB is what you need." "Don't ph j sic and phytic, for It weakens and (In f.troj B, but lake Hop Hitters, that build up contin ually," "Physicians or all schools use and recommend Hop bitters. '1 est them." "Health li beauty andoy Hop Hitters gives heultn and beauty.'' "Thero are more cures made with Hop Hitters than all othei medium's." "When thebraln Is wearied, the nene4wstrung the muscles weak, use Hop Hitters." "That low, nervous fever, want of sleep and vi eakness, calls fur llcp Hitters," lll t'liiifiti Cure mill I'nln ltellef lilrasauli mire ami clienli. tOHSAtK nr uovkuuuoTimis. Hulipanas, butninons, Wariants, Kircutloiis, su to w ceni4 e IaseB each. 6 cents each lo " lo " vo for 11 M 3 ceuu each U " 1 this I'Arru is on mi.k wiih R DWELL L KtSMAN . Advertising Agents, TMOACHFTNUTHTS., fT.f.OUU, Mu E(1AL li LANKA OK ALL KINDS j ON HAND AT 1HK COLl'llUIAN UKFJCJE ' lilutt Iteds u l'urchmcut iH-edn, Aifrtftnt'tiU - orpltan'b Court salt CoUbtablu'H hult , MoriuuK0 aI,tl Dond.,.HH All kiiuUof Notes Itmlptfc, NttiH, K'houl t)iders, i'oor (trdtTs. Store OrtU iH, ueutiy louud. t'oubiuntl on baud, or wade to ordt r on short nutlcv. Wi'Mif prt'iuit'dlu Uotituttr Job work than an) other oniiu lu ilil cuunty. BUOi'KWY ELKLU Kdltoru and rroprh'tora Ut UlO t'OLl'MBUN, jilooiubbury, l'a B LAhK OTtb,lltL OfKiUiibcitmpMo, tor ua at Uu) U jickiia. offis. L ME BACK! tV-l Benson"8 Cam ' Iur larnencR' C back, Hlieumatl VINE l'OKOL'S 1'I.ASTKK s or weakness of the! m ana au local acuor t pains, tho best remedy known. It was Invent- Ml to overcomo tho slow action of tho ordinary Porous I'LisUTrt It rellecs ruin ut once, and cures urioiJtT piasters win not even relieve. iold ever where by Drulsis. l'rlco 23 cents. I bep. 'T, iw d CIDER Are kept sweet by PRESERVES PKESERVING FLUID W. ZISSSElt York. & Co., 17J William bttreet, New d sop. ill, s-lv Tte Antlieto to ALCOHOL ?izzi at Li3 . Tho Father Matthew Remedy Is a certain and speed cure for Intemperance. It dealroysall appellee for alt oliollc liquors aud builds up the nervous syrteia, Aller 11 ilebuiieh, or any luli'iiiiierale liiiliiluenre, a sisulk TEASI-ciOMrL williemcvr all mental and ph.v slcal deri ebston. U also cures -very kind nf Kkvi-a, DrtH'ErsiAandTOR riniTT ol the I.iVkK hold by all rirufTKlsts. iTlcevl per boltje. l'auihlet on Alcohol, us Effects, and Inteiiiperrtnce as a disease," senl rreoon wrltlnpto the I'ATHUI MATI1KW IkUI'EKASCE MasVo. Co., u bond btreet, , Y, d bep. ar, ts-iw DARK TO DAWN TriISfAPErISKEPT0N FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 Sinsom St,, PHILADELPHIA, Who are our uulhorUed nweut., and ttll receive AilvertUement. at our I.tlWlT CAMII 11AT1IS. AtiKNTS WA.1TKI) tor lilt MAttnrs m:vv iiikik : PTtO ryf In Hits nt w volume the l'opulur Author of Sioiit Kcbms iNTimliiaiii portrays with vivid and thrlll liiir force and eloituemo the eventsot s-acred Truiti, and adls t.esh testimony to the beauty, atlios and KUbllmtlyot the Mtnlesnf the lllble. Airents will find thl- Book wltli its spiirkiliiiitliouirhtn. clowta t)le, u-autltui Knirrav ln, and rich tundlnirs. the U'st In in- market. Takiii Liiukal cibcilaks FKkK. Adlrvsa, J. C. JUtTltllY. CO., bkiruiA, la d bep. SI. 1-iw SSIliNKE'S NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Liven that MlDner lllle anil Amos Hlleof Catawlssa, Culutnbla county, MaU, of 1'enn Hlvaila. formerly trading under the mm numeul lille x lirother, merchants, by ded ofvoluntary asslcnnunt have assigned all tho estate, real, ier sonal aud mixed of tliesald Hlte liruther to M. . Hughes lu trust for Ihe benent or;the creditors (un divided and parlnirshlp) ot the said Mlcner ard Amos idle. All persons tlierefoie Indebted to the said HPe rV llroiber win make pavinent to tho said Asslrme und all persons having claims or demands will make I lown the same without delay. M.O. Ht'OHKf, Assignee of lllle & Dro. Abbott & Hiiavvx, Attorneys tor AtsU-ntc. Aug, Hi, Iimiw PARIS. 1878 1 Two Hold Medals. ' Swodtn, 1078 Fhilada, 1876 antlago, '78 . Vienna, 1S731 Pat in, 1667 AT EVERY WO in D'S Exposition FOR .2 YEARS Highest Honors Have hrcu awarded tho JXICtriOliS' NOTICK. SSTATk OF UIOIK1K Mil. UK, WC't. letters testamtntary on Ihe estate of Crorse Miller, late '1 Minim lownslUp, Columbia Co., l'a., have Uen t run led by the lieKlster of Co lumbia county, to the undersigned hiecutors ot Main twp., lo whom all penon Indebted, are requesiedto make Immediate payment and those uuvlDtr claims or demands against the bald estate will make them known to the ULdeialgLed lliecu- lore wuuuui ueiaj i pt. , IS vv NATHAN MIM.KIt, 1M.MKL. Ml M.Kit. Kxecutora, llaln township. MASON & HAMLIN OAHINFr OKOANS. At Hie I'urU i:tiialiloii Hits vear Ihey are avvar ded Tll mil.ll Mi:iMl s, the highest lcculDienso at the dUtHisal ot the J'iry 1 bey liavo also recelv ed the llltMI 1,11111 MhltAL 111 U KDKN i MlltVVAY 1STN NoOTnrs AVIfcVlCAN f)"HAh iiavr fcVlfK ATlAlskll 11 U II I hT A WAS li AT ANY WOK! It's KX I'Osition uld lor cash or pavments by InviahmeiitH. Latest I'ATAUiUlKS with newist styles, triers, CC, in. M AMIS X HAM1.1MHIIIAN CO,, UOVniX, NKW YUIIK lilt CIIICAUO, Sep, 87, 'Ts-lw d IMPORTANT TO YOUNQ JSfTErr 9c WOMEN I The Bryant & Stratton Business College, Vo. 108 South 10th Str.tt, PUUl'a, OfTerH uiiHarpiiHHfi fiicllltieit for acqutrlni; U8ln".H cilti cution. NttiUuiitH fan fitter nt nny tlniv. Jin Tiicnlluuu. liluutruUHl circulars Irco. HUb'. .0. ',S A(iA' A A' 13 PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS l'riiited ut thw UfHto ! ON eilOHTEST NOTIOE AND AT TUB MOST UEASUNAULK TICllMS,