THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Historical. HISTORY (IK CIII.U.MIIIA COUNTY. Mii.irAiiY 'nEt-ono. One llnndrcil Day's Scrvlco 103J Itegiment. Company 11. The Company win from Muiitmir ronnty, wim muatereil Into the service July 17, 1804, nml uiutfernl out November 5, 1SG4 Un llio tiny of tlio orgftnlzalion of tho reg iment it movi'il for ll.iltimore, ami went Into camp them at MauUti's wowls. About Sep tember 1st it mtivtil to Camp Carroll, a milo notilh-we! of the city on the line of tho Hal timnre nnd Ohio railroad Detachments of the regiment were tueil (or provost duty, es cort, and oilier elmllar fervlce; but were lint in nny battle or nklrmUli. Unless otlienvlfo marltil, nil the men wsro regular ly inuteretl out with the company. John A Winuer, captain. James Eo-ter, 1st lieutenant. Isaac 1). Crenitl, 21 lieutenant. l).iv'ul K. flint', lt sergeant. John Kelm, wrgftint. .Iiicob D ioknilller, sergeant. Jam's M. r.lllelt, scTiri'tint. ferny Kneililer, certreunt. llirnm Ei-heil, corpora). W.llll.ini llordner, corporal. Djvid A ten, corporal. Charles S. ll.iker, corporal, Mellvlllo H. Ditt, corporal. lbvid 1,'nln nthnler, corporal. Jame UulUninre, corporal. James U. Wild', corporal, Augustus Woods, musician, Samuel Morgan, musician, Asht'in, Alexander, private. ' Alexand' r. Part. ' Urent, William. llrlght, Kdttard II. lljokiuillei, John. RredbttiuVr, W. M. lSucknlew, V., deserted July 20, ISO 1. Cook, I!f rjiunin. Crossley, John jr. Cummings, l!u.scll. Carroll, Patrick. Consor, Aa A. Dorati, Joseph A. Dimmick, Eirtauuel. Davis, John. Davis, James W. Kveland, Hiram. Evans, John M. Evans, George D, Fluck, Lewis A. Fitzgerald, Thomas, Oearhart, Alexander 31. Guntner, Cyrus S. Qibbs, Sheldon T., promoted to commissary sergeant July 24, 1 804. Hale, John. , r, Hale, Joseph. N if f Hinckley, Charles 11. Hilkert, John. Horner, William L. Housel, Jacob P. Harding, Terrence. Heddings William 31. Jones, Caleb. Johnson, Henry W. Jones, Stephen A. , Jones, Francis W. Jones, Henry C, deserted July 20, 1804. Klase, Jesse. Larafer, William. Lloyd, William II. Learny, illlam. Learny, Dennis, deserted October 12, 1SG4. Martin, John. SItGrath, James. Newberry, Josiah. Faugh, Robert. Purcell, Charles P. Rake, John, Reninger, William. Rhoad. George, Ttobins. Abratn V. Runyan, Jesse. Kobenbach, Joseph II. Snyder, Henry. Snyder Jacob J. Stadler, Aaron W. Scott, Robert. riterlck, David L. Sampsol, John G. Suit, Alonzo J. Strawhecker, D. II. Taj lor, John H. Taylor, William K. Thomas, James. Woodside. Cliarlcc Walker, Harvey V. Weaver, ISenjamiu. A Town in Two States. Although Bristol, Teun., is a small and unimportant town it has two mayors, two municipal governments, two bodies of pollco .u ... Cannes, ji is in iennes- 7 . . , ",.?' 1 e cemre 01 mRln "fft ( nuc, ant Its peculiar po- V , : . , V comusion ana many ...Humus. luuug coupies eiope in Virginia, and, by crossing the street, enter ietiuessee and are married without liiu- dratice. A man coiuiuiis a crime in Tennes- see, Hies to the opposite sidewalk in Virgin- i ""u ueues tue tiucers ol Ihe former state. He needs to be very guarded In his m0ve- ineuts, however, lest be cross the boundary uuu occome amenable lo the laws of the commonwealth he has fled or stepped away Irom, t ugitives are olten pulled across the street by oujeers armed with a warrant and so legally arrested. "ot long since a fel'ow who had stolen a horse in Teunessee crossed the boundary by walking twenty feet and seating litmself on u pile of dry goods boxes Ik laughed u pursuing policemen to scorn. v mie so occupuu n, law abiding allien pushed over the pile of boxes uud the thiel fell within the coufiuts of Tennessee aud in - to the arms ofu wailing and watching iniulon of the law, omen who prefer to have their children borne Id One Or the Other sillies riflen live on one side of Main street and cross over lust before the comimr event. Tl,erB r sereral instances in which expectant mothers have ueeii u little too late, and thus children de- sijued lor Virginian nativity have been boru on Teniitssee soil, while predestined iennetteatis havo clearly missed their des tiny by being enrolled in the ceneus ( Vir ginia. A number of mature UrlslullUs are still uncertain of their place of birth, hav. Ing vainly spent time and tuotiey trying to uiecoser bejond doubt whether they are Vir giuiaus or leuucsseuns, A counliy giil, on biiug ojj if i knew what u lui-hjonsble ncentioii was. re jdled "It is a gutlifrliig of the kxcs where women go.ip wiih womtiiouiheUltst la.h lon.auU wiih men on the latot scaudal," A V. , t ..i.l r. .11 , . , v. atiti un oil, 01 u rocking clialr uud ruiuvtd Injuries from which alio dkd in two hour, whertLiDii t e I!u lington Jtawltyt moiullzts: "Voung girls should not sit in rocking chairs units there Is i a roug jouug man iu It to hold them lu. How Iilfkslilnglc Presorted Ills Umbrella. " Len' mo yer umbrella a mlnitl " I Such was tho exclamation of Jones a lie pushed Into the dillro of Squire Llckshlnglo nceutly. "Certainly, certainly," said the Squire, laying down the newspaper, and taking n fresh chew of fino cut "glad to accommo date you," and ho opened n drawer in his desk and began rummaging through his le gal forms and blanks, Jones darted Into the cornor, seized the green gingham relic, aud was preparing to fly with It. "Stop, stop, stop I " iiald tho Squire rais ing his hand majestically; not too fast, young man, Walt till I make out the nec essary papers." Junes dropped the umbrella on his corn ol course. After pumping his lame foot up aud down and lying a hard knot In his coun tenance, and undoing it again ho echoed : ' The necessary papers," and he contin ued his search among the blanks. The tight one found, he tilled It out in a jill'y and handed It to Jons to "iizn. A Jones read the piper his knees knocked together. It was a mortgage on his houe and lot ni sicurltv that he would return the umbrella, in good order within iilteeti min utes. He fiiullered " Wh-wliy, Sipiire, I only want to borrow jour umbrella tj run across the street with, I'll fetch in tno second-." The Squiro shoved lils sptctacles up owr bis bald spot until they formed two sky lights in bis Intellectual roof, and looking oue full In the lac, nid : "Vou only want to inn across tho street. Yiiti'll return it In a few minutes. Ynut'g nun, that's bat they all say; I tako no stock In it Man wints but little here be low, Imt, by tl'tf good S.unnritan, when he wants his umbrella ho wants it. I have known people in my time who liavo listened to tho song of the siren, who came to borrow umbrellas, until she lias transformed them into people without an umbrella between them and the pelting storms. I nm not one of thut kind. I have lived n long time. I have accumulated u lortune. WliyV 1-or tho simple reason that I have not spent my ubstanco in buying umbrellas. That um brella which you hoi J in your hand is cer tainly not of uncommon beauty, nor is it of great value. It is simply a gingham um brella. A green one at that, lint it answers tho purpose, for which, &K. I have had it since I was a hoy. Why ? Ilecause no mail, neither the son of man, has ever taken it beyond the ramie of my vision without firt signing over his estate that he would return it in good condition. I may not seem neighborly, but it's business. Here is the mortgage; there,-is the umbrella; without beats the rain of heaven. You have your choice," and the old man resumed his news paper. Jones thought of his wife and labics and the pleiisantfhonio that was all his own. Then he looked at the rain that was pouud- iug at the doors and windows, as if to get in out of the wet. A glance at his new over coat, and JoneB waa'decided. 'I'll risk it," ho said, and stopping to the desk with measured tread and slow, he clapped bis name to the mortgage, nnd was oil with the umbrella. Unc of Life's Shadows. At eight o'clock the other morning a Sec ond street wifo followed her husband down to the gate as he was starting for down town and kindly said to him : 'William, you know how sadly I need a blue bunting'dress.' 'Yes dear,' he remarked, 'but you know- how hard up I am. As soon as I can see my way clear you shall have the dress, anJ a new hat to boot, lie patient, be good, and your reward shall be great.' I'orty minutes after that ho emerged from a restaurant with ti big basket nnd a fish-pole bound up tho river. In the basket was a chickeu, pickles, cake, fruit, pie, aud a bot tle of liquid of a rich color, and ho was just lighting a twenty cent cigar when his wife came along. 'What! you here ?' ho exclaimed. 'Yes, I was going to the market. Where are you going?-what's in that basket ?' 'I was going to carry Ibis fish-pole around to a friend on Jefferson avenue,' he molestly answered. 'And that basket?' 'This basket well, I was going to take it to the Orphan Asylum us a present to tho children. It is a donation from six leading citizens.' William,! don't believoitl' 'Sh 1 Don't talk so loud !' 'William, I shall talk louder yet I' she exclaimed. 'I'll let you are goiug fish ing !' 'Mary, have I ever deceived you ?' lie plaintivelyy asked. 'I never have, As proof of my sincerity you can take this basket to the asylum yourself.' And i ll do it I she promptly replied ns 8he relievod him of it, 'Mary, hadn't you-?1 'Xo, sir, I hadn't. You'd better hurry in wit, tuat li5h.ple, a the man may want it Rrui bo careful how you stand around in the Uotsun 1 She left him there. Ho watched her lake the car (or home, and then he returned the fish-polo and crossed the street and said to an acquaintance : 'Tom, I'm sulfering with neuralgia and the excursion is o(V till next week. Too bad but we can never tell what a day may bring Mrtli.' I There wcio chickens and pickeli and oth er Rondlci on the table at dinner,but be nev ersmilid, Kven when his wife wishtd she was un orphan, if that was the way they were fid, he never betrayed the gloom in hi liturr. It was only when she linuded him the bottle he had so carefully tucked In t0 ,,1 basket and ho saw it labled, 'Good '" i.ttlle tJlilldren,' that lie said : 'Mary, it U an awlul thiug for a wife to 1 Ket ihu inipresslou that her husband is a I colli-' loislnl liar l 1 'It must be,' she replied, ns he took Ihe I olu,:r chicken leg. - Ptlroit Frte J'rm, I A IU,,,i W ''farlii! some one remark that "otl,lu6 Wtta "'u tI.ouel,t, said ; ' k"0v. "omelhlng that is .piicker than thought." "What Is It, Jonny ?" asked hi pa. "Whl.tllng," said Johnny. "When was in school jenterday, I whistled before thought, and got licked for it, too." HUNT'S The flreal KUnsy AI'tlltliiH la not a uttvr (oniaund t It baa bten tcfurfi tlia public alyrara bnd uai-d ty all classes. ririNT'is liKiitn V W B Boa Bsma liaa saved from llnitt ring ar MS mm m m aja uwcasi, auu uratu nun W r WWW 1111 tlreds wba l.sie Wen ItalBll nlaf ill. ea tip by I'liyslclsua to die.. llll.NT'H IIK.IIKIIV rurra nil Ills, rasea of Hie Kldue)-, llladjer, and I rluary llraans. Ilriina.. Slrasl. Illal,(v. uni netiiiiliiriire and Krlrullun uf Itrlue. 1 (' N fst It K1I Kll V cucounutes sleen. rreatea an appetite, braces uu tits system, and reuewed liealtU tsflinreault. lltf.NT'h UK.1IEIIV rurrs I'aln In Ilia Mde, Hark, or Loins, Urnrrul JlrLII 111. I'eiiiule JIUeasea. Jlislurbetl rsleep, laisa) public, and tUv utriK.nt rrlitQce mar if ilartj la it. 'IMNT'H HKMKIIV U' prrpurril KX- II la prepurril K.x- HUNT'S i iirnBii iur nit fibuto diatratrut aud ia uever bcou JaillUttll iu iaii One trial con Jbtiid tat pampUet toM aj mm mm ru-ti,i.nfcMtlJl lie) aalid all Colonial nta of (ha Trlno-irnFlul Oriiana. IIIV-'M KKJ1KIIV Is purely viKe. taltle.aiidmeLtaa want nver lfnre furnished In tlia O-IXj B S' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Ctnx-N nil l'alu In illnn nml Itonst TKITlMONIilSI Vnoi.Arscs UtsM (Falling of tho Womb.) A Won. dertul euro. Mnr ears my wire Buttered 2llh tins terrible complaint, she was niliniietUiv doctur f. ter doctnr, wenltn the dUTerrnt liusiiltals whero t- males uro treated tried lliein all J wore bandages and lH'ss irlos with only temporary relit f. Her lire was miserable. We implied lir. (U is' IJnlintut. Her relief was Immediate.. Mit Is now ell. II. MCDkKMOIT. 40 West 13tli street, New York. I had twrlte strokes ot I'nnmMs. My teg, arm and t iiiguu were useless ; was obliged to mo u e ttli etcr ivr day. Dnttor tilts' liniment loubtuot Aiii'nonU lus cured i e, Mill atiwir any lu(tilrlcs bo that all utlllc ed may know of It louv An ri., An th liranford, Conn, rhcstniit Hill. I'hlludelphls, spill it, '7fl. W. M. (illts. fci DeHr .-lr-liiaeu jour Iodide ot Ammonia Mnltifnt on Kl .ralcu pie's lilnd pasieru Joint Mie 1ml bi-en quite lame : the UTect was vohtb'iliil i she wuLs nuiv uulti) .e!l. Very re sptetruil; jours, A, Which. P. s.-lnmiioH iisIiil- It on 1.1 ttti lon's right lore leir. A lariro sh'io boll on a valuable ynunjr liorso was remwed by (dies' Mnluitiul lodldo id iiiinoula. MIKl'IIKKD KNAIT. t'arnets. I7r.swin av.. Now Vork. ASTHMA The tortures flint tiL-otiles t enilnretl for sn ieurs, iioiiu but those, who li'tt? surreretl wun mis itinnie ulsease eun know, viy Hie was inlnTa bie. in tiesueratl'in 1 trb-d dllcs' t.mlmeni lo dde of .iniiioii a. it irme ni" irisiu ii leoet. useaiLin lei ualij us welt us external ly. . I OOS. 10AH!U!, HI west mill stieet. ew ork. 1 was In a tlieau ill cuiiuillon. .Iclnts SA-Mlen, puln Intense. Injuellons or morphine. Into my veins t died to rellavu me. lUlts' Iodide, ot Ammonia took auav me aeposlts Horn my Joints Iwantoery ono w ho fcUtH-rs to know hat 1:1 cure them. 1'OKIIMI, LoTiiuor, N'orlh ItMli Park, btimnollluu). Vt. Alltther hitllertr curoil. liUoliarifetl Hum the .Mas.n.nuv Ms tleneral Hospital us incurable, wiih lidla Minator rle'iun tlbm In m shoiudeih, lingers una ieei ; sum nil reunion ror three jeais, inuu I'sci) tliinx : lo-t. nil hopo Dr. Idles' Uiiliucnt lod Ule ur Ainmonlacrtieted a eompa-te cure. ElJ.hN SUITU, No. "2 1'rane street. Pall Ituer, Mass sprains, splints, bruises. Lameness In horses, tll't-s' Liniment ludldjut Ammonia Is a perftct spe ellle. No person whoownsa hoiso sluuid be with out It. M. Uoiievs, rcjseenth avenue.. New oik. In mv family, nnd tor thes'ook, t have used tHle'c I.lnlment iodle t.f Alumunla. It It utistirpassed, nnd I iiiiLsurpilstd at Ihe many dlllerent inalaales In whlUi'lt Isuppllcuble. 11 glies tnu utmost satls tactlou. JollV J. (lAUTFH, r?upertntendcnt Ilistern PeniHylvanta Kxpertmen tal term. Mc.siidJ ! nt.d In (, In which there Uiwrealsailus. trial blzo 25 tents . Sot.llBV AT 1. DltCfifilSTS. .N. .1. lli:Mli:i:.-lllirT, Afl. o.r lllounibnrn. may 41, 'is- ryillli (JltEAT rOSlTIVE CUltE Jk faroll IISIT.Vsi;S BrtdicrlronindcranTi'ilt' ndl iionortM ni.oini. i.ivi:i.', xi:u us, ui!)."..Ti v.i: uun.v.Mn. The Best Family Medicine ca Earth. U anr pornon afflicted vltli a dtapi.r. that lir011EE will not rtllVe or cur, iirorMlnt: tl lwne or rt'atia aro hut vastiid bovontl point or repair la BCtuoUUcaliy runi'iouiiaiHl Itoiu itrb, l.uot. imfHt aai ciuma found lo talir rnl i and ihe W'tut IndlP. cnUnlnj a Tonic, Cathartic, AltenuWe, Murttlc ami ftudorluc. lit lronirfJltue efToi tupnn te illirwt,e orjjnnnftnc? laipttlro4 by iltneasa or extmuntod hora auy cause, U ta In crtuso tholr power of amtirullatron nal imtrlttoo. H la crcaat'fl tha appullt, nuilRia d .settlor., and plvcsCrtcncsi anil tons to tlio niuitcnUr nod clreulntlnir vitt?m. It illra ulatoa tho Tital procoMo t renewi. actlTlU, altera, cor. rccts and purtljVH tim tluMi, tuuca lLo orgau ibd to-caub-llshoa tbelr he.Utby fnuctlucs. I THE ONLY TRUE REMEDY FOR COLDS. i It Is useleaa to expatiate tinna tno Tlxtuoa of tbh (-IU t ri-MUM. If you are aufftrln,' from ltd IUI H A rt UI.S, SPI 1-hM, r 'lIHulMli. inillUlTHfl. U.lir. lilLITV, USTIl'tllO, klUn Br.NMtliHJI.stllHS, cr any disorder arlrilnir from nil ltK lilwm.EPt a bottU tf K.oiitM- atvl tako It i vir dlroctlcna upon cac'i botUe i t. 'n s.n..hiiii nn 1 iVjupS linn holt in trll U'tterconTlnco jou oi in Ln.rltj tlian olunc cx?rtBd U ,rA trUI il i-ne ncttto Intirc its adoption In erory family for no M an, Womau or Child i an Ut.o li-OI I (. and ruinair lonHlck. It flrt ilcaniita tlio afblfm, thfn rcpulra. tlitr biilldaup.ttiuacurlujdlaoaseand esUULUblc Isvalluoai iMrmunint, walo and rndurln,; tasU. u. lut up In larce bottlua, and la nk'aaant to tako. a M l by lruulti tMrally. Vrltc, fl.UU r Itultt. nValkcr A: llndr Mfg. Co., rrop'rs, 4UJoLa htrrtt, Nw)rk. StIPPEIlF.U .10 YE Alls. Jcraoj City, September Id, lm. No Umffne rn (ell what 1 l.v tuOtmo for tho imbi so yetn (rum ttlsl n t Mss anJ r-IIMI I'l ml Ml I lias, t tliupi 10 bu.1 tliat I couM nnt maj upon my fwt. I conla Dot wiilk h4lr a mild wlthuti utTerlu,; luleMO Uliony whirl) woulil brln on rt-ro lllncm. About ons Tear lo 1 . lnduivd to try bottlo ot your . ima nmcUl lo statu thitt stu-r taklDic lour bottles 1 was rntlrely runsl (rboth (lliwsiwfl snil sin now enjoying eicolknt hoitlth sna strtntrtli. 1 d Iso all sloillarl) sDUrted to try t K.nlt.M. Man. U. l Finals, 111 Sussox St. BOX'T CIO FOOI.lXa AHOt'M). Ass rrinilailDir mctllclnolrsn conflilrnlly rrrr.mmtid lt.iill r 1 listo usfed It In toy utility snd kuow othrrs w bo bare trltsl It, snd all prontninre It irod and rt UablM. It ilon't tto (nollnu armini and dl.appolnt you by insklnR no sli:n, but It nltends to buslm-.s aud ac Cotuullsiits tbat a lieri-nnto It Is s. nt. M. It. Ul'VALl, KlrrrUad, h. I. or vnAiTs stamiivo. I uhnIouo bottle or (I( ORIM'and ran truthfully ssy that It Las rnrad me ot lOsi'LlM t sua Jilldiil SAkas ot xars sluudlua. ' S. C. HOE. II. D , Lebanon, N. J For Sale at 1 J. X5R.TJC3- STOBB, ho is n'-.tliouu I to rjuarantAC VH'.oitKNE to provo 111 It piiai-uieti., ts-ly. S. W. Douglass, Oivil iintl Mining Engiiieor, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch. I am vrcfuri'd to make drawing, Maris and .Models in Wood, liraa, Iron, or tho above materials coiubtcod as necessary ot Bridges, Hires, Ereaicr:, Buildings, Engines, UMl'S, and all kinds ot mar hint ry (or wei ot cotes at Court or for applications u tecure atctts. I'iiiiiiIs Mruriil march i,s. GLAZING AND PAPERING 7"sM, V. UODINK, Iron Street lielow i oua. moouisuurL'. Iu.. is nrenaretl tn tin nil PAINTING, GIsA.INO, anil PAI'nit HANGING tntlie Dot stylos, at lowest prices, aud at abort wtrktodo ail aatooioue) All worljwarranted to.'lvo Bittstactlon, orders a 'ui stou WM. F. UO DINE. tluvtiiK 1 cltatnedor new in vent ton 9, or for improvemtnti on olt ont forrrtitteal or otntr i ovtpou nf, trade mnrli ami tahtlti, (Vrfti. -iiMtgninrnt, Inter fereneet. Appeal, Ruttinr Infringement, nnj all cant arininoumhr the Vtttt nt .fttr,irnintt It attend f tt tit- I n "' I Mm Unit Itnro hrn mm ly the PatfntOf' fr tnnyitilt, in mnnt enaen. bt pntrntm by . inng ottuait th V, .V. rntent Deportment, and engaged in J'utcnt luninett ex citttireiy, c$ van mate cwter cnrrhf, ami ecvr Valtntt mure promptly, and with broader claim, than thnte irh at rt not frntn Wuitfttnatnn, il or lctch o Vonr derl?'! tra t.taviintittaiiM nn,i adutMttiM tit nntmtnhiHtu. rirofrhartrt All i.nrrepnnSnrf ttrtetlu con jldentlal. Prion low, nnd Alt t Il.tllOV t.V- j,i:ss pati:xt ss Mwvnvn. W'erefet in, Wonhtnntnn, Co Hon, rontmaster General 1). if Kry, W-r. F, H. puftr. The (icrmnn Amrrlcan A'attannt J'.nnh, tn njlvtat t the tf, .V. Patent VJJlee, and to t'.enatnrtnnd Pfprenmtaltvn in ('antjrtii,' and rpe 'tity tn uvrclUntitn vctey Mate iu the Vnu, i rd t-t ritnft'(i, j -tnt Opposite J ut- ht V4 tec, I, vkhtnytan, D, (A Tlio kScasido Library. Choleo bonks no lonuor tor Ill's few only. The best Maml.iril novtls llliln the rt'acii ot cutj one. Hooks inunllj- MiUlfpinil toll kIU'D, (unvlunired uutt uiiituutifcu; iur iu itnu su vt'uui. 1. Hast Lj line, Mrs llcnrv Von t inc 'I, J-hn llniliHX, dfur, by Us Mnlook loo R. .Iniit' Kjif, liy t li.iriotif lirtintu inc 4 A Wo nm liillcr, bv I'. Ilrn li' 1 c 5. 'I ho liuck Hull 'i, Iiv.IiiIl-i Veni lie 6. 'ITie Lust bioot I'oinptll hv lnitncr luc . Ail.i'n Hell.', u iit'orire h'liott vnc s.'lho Artiti.t.-l V llnv . did Mjil lklon's .Monty, by Mary i tell Hay luc 10. Tlio uin.ui In hllf, by iiMo oolllm wo 11. Tim Mill un tho Hsi, bydi'o Kllot 2 w 12. Tlio Aincrldin si.nuti.r, by 'ITollopo 21M I. 1. A I'l'srt or limit', by t lliiniii liiuck 20c II. 'llio licwl sptrei, by llklo Collins wc ts. llun. 01. 1, by (loorjto i:ilot luc 16. llio Mulsh at I 10 Norm role and I lei J ot Ice. by -Miles ern- inc IT. llM.icn IMILs. Ii. .Mary Cecil llnv Inc IS, llJIb.ttll'S HlsldlJ bv A. II Kilts. mis 2HO 1 ill. A 'Itnli'lo leiniiUillnli. b) I' lie. id, I Hie so. (lid bi u nirles Ulckens tno 21. 1'oul I'luv, In i.' He ih !. mc Ji. Mil 1 nn I v ire, tn Wilkin Collins vn Tim stntire s l.iu.n't. l.y M, c llnv 2io 24. Neser i'icj Uite to Mfiul liy I h is llenite 2eo a. Lailj An. Inl t'M iitiih, liy Mrs II i ootl we 2ii. -inorn H-.V'I, l Miss K itr.ullin vnc 21. Vleinr nm! viinriMi,"l, bv M I' liny inc A li.nuh'er i.t llelh, by Ul llHin II uck lie I SO. Nun's I live '!' st, bt M I) I lav UU 1 cr i."llf-t to", bi Mis Alevnniler 21m I wile Mn l.ltilo ltto vie 1 uinf, bj finis Ktaue Ino 1 no t li e 11 in iit.nis, uv it lisle CO nils. l"0 lllllllll Mull', bi s t .oi, 1 l,OH'r 2110 sitnjiifttjn. i,y chtrl-s liet'lo li'C I'i'IK ilolt.'ih' lu.ilcil, b.'t.eirt'e Kllot 2110 Th.' MiHiiiiir n'l, bj Mrs Alev.iiiiitr 211c TI11 M)atr, by Mrs 1I1 nrj Wood luc AIllOlllllll. b llktol'til!llis 2IIC '. It iinho. by Mr u.ter s. .tr. inc iiit r'eir 10 Asniey. 11 Mrs 11, wood 1 in; Wblif Lies bt en irles Heinle m 2nc lllde.nn l st.,.;, i,y w 1 up 1 iiis w me llnelor.srvad e, bv .iiik-Veiiio inc The lower i't t.'in. inn l.y vv u insuortli 211c A l.ire'j stent lee iinii-i',' or 1.11 111; nm'. ny virs iuinler sue In UK Attire, b.v Hit lain lilick Ijc MritiiLti v jviiniuresotii rh W r 1111 lll.lCs too 1:1, umile ile Vitrn... by "Oni i.r ano tldei ln i.'ie.' re. b. Tlus Hardy ino Ml '1' liJ. by w 111 illnek- 1 H! 1 In Lust ll.ll.k Mrs llenrv Wood 1110 Monarch or Mint lnt; by l.ltck 110 t'nder 1'vv ti r's' bi oiilil.t" 2.10 A V lIlt'TCl'l, Ol 'SllMt" 111 - -iri'iiin ir , by ini.ii" A Viiviil'.' I.i.iin l the World-.-iouth Auieri- ca, by Jules Verne 10c ll s, b. Ileiirijo be Ch nidus, by "mil 1 1" 211c avojiilto no mil iho ur;d Australl.i. by lU'esVerne luc lleneo. uv "1111111.1' llio Kolle.l-'lllllio. bv "llllld.l' 2IK llene llullo.1, by Mrs llenrv Wool 2n A ov aire HnnnU iho Wo M-.Nlw Kea'and, bv Jules Vtiio. loc . '1 he .vwliiMu's 'ir, bv Mr'. II Wood . Itorv ll'.Mtire. bv s.nmtii-1 !..,n.r luc 'Ji IC IOC loc 2110 . t'nslKt vv ittt-r, ,. j Henry Aikell, by Mrs ut niy it to 1 Kite w.ek-s In n li.i'lonn. by .Inlts Verne Tolllf I .It It r KtlL In MlAs M i 11,'juI l.,n 1. Ml liilt'iuaa-ti, byoeoivo fHut 2DO "illC inc jtriatine, u " mi 1 1" .Meridian 1, ami Ihu lilookade Uuiincrs, by inits eruo Iie-sv Kane, liy Mrs Henry Wood import llitll, by mis ih nrv Wood ' Jules Vernu 'I lltl NOW MilOtl.tlfMl- l.v Vt IILIm I V.llll.u 2i u inc mc Ino . Mistress and Malil. bv mi.h Mnii, l- loo T8. (Iriflllll (biunt by Charles lle.tile lis- . Mndeap lulel , by w I II , iu lliack 2UO 2UO 11 nut 1 iieiouaa. by (iecrtre Lllnt Cllllslblli's Mistake, bv MUs Mul.M'L- ll'C I. MV .Mother anil 1. bv Ml.u Mnlr.L- mc yon i. Vi ruer's I'rlde, by Mis Heiny Wood 2ll.Mhl I taL.'US t'IKlei' tile Shu 4. be.lnltV. rn. list i. Mulorlo llrucc'n Loui s, by Marj Citllt'li lie , ,.M,in(-,, .t ,,la i utf.( u tmus iteitne 20c i ..luurnej to tno ueiiiro or iho KurUt. by ii les erne in, i. 1 wo Marrlj.'i s. by .Miss luc '. Jl'O lAivelsn' ArUett, by M 1: liraddon 200 i.vfK-iioiis tsi tim-iiroinieu irom tn cio'ids. .. .. . luc 1 lie IttllllllllK Kint'tlm. til- llba t,,lrolr lit.. V- 1 rouoies, uy Mrs lltnry Mvmil ,11s IUnd-tlie abandoned, liy Jules el lie 'I lie LltW lltl J ttlH I.fitli li UIIlflM fVilllna ys. ifi,, mmh m,wn by its m k, l;r.i..iun y7. IjiVc'h I- tut , tv It l. Furl on i. ll.ii ry i.uiiui'u-i. ti-( Iliii.-s it,.r 1 i-jn lli-i i'auli In tliit mouii...ti,i unnitul thu liiUDii. bvJiil.-s 'i riui 1un ltX. A 'I'lllt. 11 1 Wll 11 If J. liV IM.-litoe ntvlniiti 11)1. A N b i Ut), by .Mlsn .MulOt-K IJairii I liut-8 hy ciiark's Dickens Uu. A Htao Uul), by iit.-vs .Mulcck UK: IllC 10c 2110 1UC .y-t nm' tuy.ity iuiiii imrum m. n Ih- mu ut Iho Mlvcr Hagon, ty 11 L Kiirjeun IOC C la- iuuster Of tho (iii'vlund-i. liv Mr iif.tirv I u itif-r.nri. tn- it I, KtrJin 1 liy Sua Kltif, by i'ujttaln Mamat (vciIim, W. tui. Ii, AIUh S k rwufliloii ll'C 100 IllC 1 LU It tllS t f Km IT, hum li L'lnra.i.s.. l fist.. Jules Verno 10tl . 1 uah. bj I'linrles lleailn 80 ll'C 10c 2"C "Men i.raln, by II I, Knrjei.n 1!'.! , "rb.ini, l.y Ml.v, M k iiraitdon .V.Y " .'"'!'" 1 -rs 11 wood 1C. famine, by L U Walton! IOC IOC 200 loc ,. mv rviiiutu .vilIlbllT, Oy K I.ICS (.lent r.iis' O liickena . rciionel, by ilnieneti Mamat ItnmaucB ot a l'oor Vuunir Aian, by O 1'eu- 10c liVi.' :!,r " Uft' by Mulock 12.1. lrlsli Upends, by ullUlel ler 121. Niulre 'ireiljn's Heir, by Mrs II Wood 123 Mary liarton, by .Mrs (laskell 12U. Kreuu j or my Father's It u Hlack more 127. Mv Ijuly Ludlow, by Mrs (laskell 12. cousin I'hliiips. by Mrs (iaskell 20c 10c H0 20c 100 100 10c 10c '",. "auuerinK Jew, (1st half) by Eugeno q, . , 1, . .., . ," ., V '11,3 MlUIUh 1WJ it. iii.iimei i?iruLrt)ii. iiv.iiii.iu v n ..... !?"!' :!slc'ltIl"".UJU b Charlca Iver 20c Jeou "ue'"ary Lauo, Dy 11 u trur- 151' A.Ji,",J?fhMI"8" "I- Amulli 11 i:'lards 13V Apulia's Husband, by .Miss Muloek IS?1 "i!10"' "y Jlrs tillphant 1 'L' V.11?1, ""tlojitl. by Charles lvcr 10c 100 10c 10c 10c 10c 20c 10c 10c 0.TliuWi:iseVMHsM 51'.' ,M"sr"'.nn IK'ttUy. bv Captain Murryut 'r !S S?,?!"f ',? "a"illy, by Miss MuliVl ii -n .',!" i"",1'.'1 rov"T. by rs Henry woe k 2UC ood 2IIC ii' iiiV.i ""',V"-'"1l'nll"ts. by Alexuuder Dumas loc iVr it? ul money, uy Amelia 11. Ed- i?!'arIli "'''""V. tho Irish Dragoon, by i;i. viiiji'tt iU) lis a"i1ii, .1.'Vl,1")i'l'e'e.r- byCaP'Hn .Murryat ),.?' inl 'm MPft' bf A"lu Edwards lis. Jpshua Maritl, by li 1, Karleon 80c 10c luc 20c nc 10c 2U Inc ? Vrfi Pm,un J,ft!,v' bi' fapwlu .Marryai, 1SI. IllC KUsSlail tlVOHvllV A l..v 1,.,r,i 151. Arthur o'Leary, by Charles Lever Iri' A J )nt ' """or, by Annie Edwards ! If l-?11".' 01 "i'e-lrlsto, Alex Dumas loc oc 10c l(ic 2uc loc i.l 'r. ..T... ... t.uj Amelia 11. uuwarus ;5S' .f.feu.uro 1 rve, by Samuel Ixiver 1511. Tho loo. 'Iho Z'; Z itt 11 I n 1 . 1 ' bycuptaln Marryat !Si ! I't ilK '.."i'T". 'y Alexander Dumas V ;r; ? " ).ul."i; Wile's Mury. Harriet iiovvrn 10c ".iu - iiuait' i (Vol. DChevelyNovel 20c loc loc 2UC 100 10c Xlul.nn II,..,,.,. i f. i7... SIK lT3.Jui.hKtu M-auhof a Ruir hi Taotaln loc jnurrvuL - liiiu.',1i.";li"".',,l'.ue' Y ' liarles Iver !& it . ?c' Mi"i.y.rales, capialn Marryat !OC 20c 100 10c . "eeno uy uabtuin Mairjat Wood canterbury's win, by ilrs. Henry 1 i il.Jfiiin!?lL".lc' by. " 1:- Kniuclillon IIS iho llliory of ul'r me. bv vi. tr m.n 10c IM), W ilkl.,, J " 10c 200 '' Tli" CounUhs do Charny. Alex Ilumu si .lullets "iri C'ameroT inc isj" '1 1 i 1 ,.1 "' uy "r ""'ter heott 200 at loo rouston 100 !? i:..: 'ul "I'l'c'hfid, by Charles Dickens '""anon. bj Alexander Dumas 200 ino ..' 1. ' ruiuiiy lltiiiinson luc 100 300 iro 100 200 loc lyraniy bv HhiNiu lir.uihion 11st III- VI! V.": I".4.'".,:'"1'':J Uiln .Marryat llS ii... a,',:, "t !":'!". by than lleado Wai (Monk Uvvi'sr, a, nV.",10 ,,y 011 "''"ki llers mid NcwsUealers, or f ut joatoie pit-i ant, 011 rttilpt of nrice. ' UKOUOK MUNKO, 1'ublUhcr, r, o, Hoi t3T, ni, 93 and 2.1, Vandewater St., N. V. au a. 71- m 4 .SSiUNKK'S NOTICE. Nuilcnlii herebT slven that Aaron d. Knit tie of cim lowiifchip, ctiuinbttt rciumt, fa Wil'inturv &Hsiiiiim iir im nisi-.n..i by i"et d of i'IJ.iVvV.S'.'fl.?' !?V,."'t '!l''piniru;t forth" 1, i H . ; ,""i" ''t baa ntsicni d all Ids Testate n, ... ... .. ........,,, aatu ASIUU B, IVIllltle. A 1 Krr.":' tlienloro Iniltl.ted to tho said Anrt.n i ivnuiie.wi i make iiiivamr in him L..IH ,...r.r.r and all persons Inn liiir c'alms or dt maud iT in mile JOHN n. vnriTu a. Knittie. itiii. 1 no 1 list s o n 1, 1117 l'l. n.,L- .rV..i' .'.'.' fa"". ;!:cby.harle,;e7,UUmM -n V'J.a,lr'!'.K " .bvil,y Charles U'ver U?" m"?.1. ? '.'or'!,.eri "y L'aptalu Jlarryat U. ri.L'Valifr fin , IHI.Illlkill Ul rUriUIIM. UV l NlU llp.ilrln iar.' i. " ''""o'". "v rviias iirnddon 5 1- "hi"-, r? !hJ tM-" by Alex Dumas !?.,'n!,e "Tie Cutlers, by Captain Marrvat ! :'i!".'!r."'".. by Aieiantltr imK II' v.. i'.'. 1 "''ioiniaii, Mr v alii r Scott iSl' J" '"'fi'tluim, bv 1'loit nee .Marryatt Fail GMs 3 Ucgs leave to inform liia customers nnd tlio juibliu tlint liia stock ia now replete with nil the Novelties for Fall nnd Winter Wear, consisting of new nnd beautiful styles of . ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT REDUCED PRICES any of which ho is prepared to make up in the latest stylo. Ready -made; dumper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all of tho best make and Just received a full line of all the mm wm For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FUlt LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL HIST BAYED L'OW ESIBIBH, MERCHANT TAILOR. BLOOMSBURQ, J?J. 15ST Mi IS THE LAMEST 1UWSPAEEE AND HAS THE Largest izQulaMQm OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $1.50 a Tear in Advance. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin THE DIFFERENT IN THIS PAPER OP THE INNUMERABLE Variety f I iOttoia mND material Iru line Colemlblaira OfflB9 All kinds of Print ins done on at low rsitcs. OFFICE NORTH SIDE BLOOMSBURG, PA, "yyAINWHIGHT A CO., uui.t.HLK (ii(uur;u, riUHllELl'UIt, Dealers In TEAS, BVltUl'S, COFFEE, BUC1AII, JIOLAbHRS, men, si'icis, Biciiii) pons, tu., Ac. N. U. ( ornerHccond and Arch streets, lsTOrdera will receive prompt attention, tf BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HERRING R?:SI'KCTKUIJ.Y announces to tho public that he has reopened SNYDKIVS TANNEHY, I (Old atand) Hloomsburtr. I'a.. at the Vnrka of the Ka, py and Llxht btreet reads, where all descriptions of leather will be made In the most substantia! anil woikunilillko manner, and Hold nt nrkes In Kult the una. j no jutruesi. priCA; in casu win at an times no Id lor O KEEN HIDES of every description In the country, Tho public pat romge Is respectfully solicited. iiioouisourtr, net. 1, isro. 1115ALTII AND HAPPINESS, Health nnd Happiness arc priceless Wealth to their POSsessoiH. and let tbev are within the 11 iu b nf uv. cry oho who will uso WIUUHT'S L1VKR PILLS, ML loc TUo only uro CUHK lor Torpid Uer, Dyspenvia, t'i nuui niuumtu V Ullf 1 1 I'll i UtUUJiy, NaiLstu, und all Uillloua I'oniplaliitBuiid lilooddls ordTH oue Ktuulue uuIcsh Kleiied 'Win. Wrlcbt. riilla." II jour HruKPut Will not bUprly wud Wi (t liU iur Olio box to l.arrlik. liollcr & Co.. in N.Jih t.. Tlilla. Jan, 4. Ttuir ur M. C. SLOAN & BRO. ltI.IU.-)l8IIIIt(.t VA, Uanufactureni of Carnages, Elegies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATlDltM WAGONS, tc. rirst-claas work always on nana. HKl'AlHINO NEATLY DONE, l'rlres tn s.nlr ii.a timno Jail. 5,1HT-U. Fa! Goods! at the lowest prices. latest styles in color and quality of FOR SOLD ONLY BY STYLES OF TYPB Plain and Fancy sliorl notice and OF -THE COURT HOUSE (h fi fi a week In jour own ton. fl Outrl NIK0' lfearerltou antabu Di M I at which persons of eltrip' M'jt car H' " v Breat pas all tie tlmo tbeywork, Outnttree business can make write tui en 1 1 ulnars lull, 11AI.I.KT & 1,0., 1 oriianu. niaieli i's'Ts ly HAPPY RELIEF 'ortland. Maine, To nil MUTeiiriLr frum chrrmic iliicuses of all kinds, CohtliliiitlaltoiiKuHatlon tnviu-d personally or by innli, New method of treatment. New and rellab e H-int'dlea. Honk olid cliculnrs fcent Ire In healed (I.h-Iorh. Addn-Ks lloWAltl) ASNOCIATIOS, 419 Nirili Mrilh biret t, rniladelnlda, l'a an lofatltute litmus n inpn rrpuiuuun lor uuuorwuiu uonuuti, uuu lirufi'bfalonal Pklll. IV, "(-OUi jWttCO ESPY PLANING MILL The undersigned lessee cr tho Espy riantng MU Is prepared to do all kinds of mill work, Doors, Frames, M, Blinfls, etc. mane to order on short notice, miteed. Eatlsfactlon guar. CniKtES Knco, lUocuisburf, l'a. M A IA n MY OF HOREHOUHD AMD TAR VOIi THE CURE OF iCoogbr., Coldi, Infloeoia, Hoarieoeil, Difficult lireitlilni;, aud all Affsctlonl of the Throat, Bronchial ToUi, and lungi, ItadlDg to CoDiompttoa, Tliis infallililc remctly is coiniosctl of tlie HoNr.V of (lie plant llnielinuntl, in chemical union with TtK.IUl.M, extracted from the l.H B l'RiNclllK nf the foreu tree Aueis JIU-vwik v, or ll.ilm nf C.ilent). The 1 1 unc of llorthiuinil simiTMF.S AND i:ATii't:tis ail irritations anil innmiimations, aotl lie U'nr-lialm ri rwsu AND III'aus Ihe throat an1 mr .passage Icatlini; to tlic lungs. I'lVK aiMitimial ingretlieiils htci Ihe organs cool. ni'iiA, nml in healthful action. no pre. jinlice heeii you fiisu D)iug this great inetli nut., of a famous tinilor who has saved thou samN nf lives hv it in hit large private practice, N. II. The Tar-Halm has no UAD IAS it; or nieil. 1RIC1S 50 CI NTS AND $1 I'FR BOTTI-K, tlrcat savinz lo buy Isr&e fciic "IMIvc'h Toot ItiU'lio J)niin" Cure lu 1 .'Mliiiitc. Soli) hy all Druggists. 0. N. ORITTENTON, Proa, N.Y. ' V"' ANTI-FAT AM. AM 'A AT!Vat Is the great rcmeilr for Corpu Icnci. 11 1 imrely m (tcUIjIb ami perftotiT lu.rmlfPR. It irlion the food in the itomatli, rtT( ntioir tli ron Tcr.)n in in t.U Tnl,rn atcorflliiif lo (UrjTtlon,M Will reduce fat penon from 8 to ft pound wfiu IntiUclnpr ihl rcmcly bf fore the tmiillc aj i ptwi lire cure for nlirslt j , wo do so knowlnff III iMHtjr to nirc. nttotcd by liunJrcdi of testimonial, of which tlic rollowinu: fr&ru a lady In t'oltimbua, Ohio, i a pamplci Oinliciucni otir Antl-f at wai duly rchicfil mc fl pounds. 1 waio Mated oer the re tult that 1 Immediately lent to Ac Herman 8 ;lru tnt-i. rr ti.n tcponii bottle.' A not if r. a rlirtlclan. wrlilnif for a pntlentfrora rroTldencr, R. U "Kour iKitth-a hare icduccd her might from 1W tvoun-U to lpnund, and there liagomTal luiproTe inent In li(al!h," A gcntlrman trltlntf from Ho- urn. mj si llliout special rlinnge or attentloii to (llll.IWn IIOIIU H III AIIHn B aT.llllr ttl rf'i and oiie-iU!irter iKmndO 'the wtll-ki L redurnl me four 1 t.knnwn WliolP Pale 1 nililtitfa bMlTH, IKIOLITTLK & SMITH, nf .109 ton. Mum;, write hi follown Allan's Anti-Fat liU irdtirtd n lady In our ilty wren potimla In three WLiki." A genth-man In Ht, Lnnls wrltfil "AUan'i Alill-rat retiuci me twine poumia in uireo wihub. and altogplher 1 iiare Imt twentyflvo noiin'1 ulnce rnmim nclng Its uw." Slcsflrs. Powell A I'i.imptwm, Vholale TtnigglBts. rf IlulTslo. N. V., wrltet "TO THE I'KOrillETOKS Or ALLAN S ASTI'l" ATI Urmie- inen, 1 he tniinwimr report 13 from hip laay wno tuea Allan's Antl-KaL Mt (lh Anll-Fatl had thedetlred tffeel, rediiclnif the fat from two to live pound a week until 1 had lost twentjfl?e pomi-ls. 1 hup never to r gain what 1 hMelost."f Antl-FatH an unexct lied lilood-purlfler. It promotes dlgeiilon, curing iheptpsla, and I also a notint remedy for rlieumattsui. bold by druggists, l'amphlet on Obes ity -nt on rm Ipt of Mump. JJOTANIO MEDICINE CO., PKOriiS, Buffalo, N.T WOMAN Ily an Immense practice at th ATorld's Dispell nary and Imaltd' Ilqttl, luvlng trtated many thou sand rases of those diseases pi-cullar to woman, I liare betn enabled to iertVct a moitpoti.nt andKi8l tlte remedy Tor these diseases. To (IcslfTcate this natural epcclflc, I bate named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The term, lioeer, I but o ft-eble cxprcaelon ol my high npnrecUtlon of Its value, basud uton per sonal otist rrat Ion. 1 ha r. while w lUicssIng Its posl tlre results lu the speclnl dl-tanes Incident to the organism of woman, tlngh-d It nut as the rllmaz r rrownlns grm of my medleal career. Un Its merits, ns a poitthe. Bafe.and ilU-elual remeily for tills class of diseases, and one that will, at nil times and under all circumMitnu s, net kindly, 1 am willing to stake toy reputation ns n phjslci in; ami so conndtntam I that It will not disappoint the most sanguine ex l'Ctatlms ola single Invalid lady who uses Itfiirany f the ailments for whirl, I rrrmnnieml It. that 1 offer nnd selt It under A 1'OStTIVK UL'AIIANTEE. (For conditions see pamphlet wrapplug bottle.) Ihe following arc among those diseases In which iny Fnvortte I'rraerlptlon has worked cures, as If by magic, ami with n vt rtalnty nevi r lefore attained by nn medicine. Lencorrhoia, Excessive How Ing, 1'aluful Monthly l'i rlods, tMippreslon9 when from, tinnutural caues. Irregularities. Weak, liack, 1'ro lapsus, or Falling of the I'lerus. Ante version and ltetroversion, jt'arlng-Ion Sensations, Internal Ileal, Nervous lKpression, DcblJlty. Despondency, 'ilircatcned Mlsrarrlape, Chronic I'ongtstlon, In IHmmitlonaud IMcerallonof th I'tt rm, Ini,otencyi Jl.irrcunefls, or Htcrlllty, and Kemalw Wenkness. I do not extol this niedUlne as a "cure-alt," but It ndralrablT fulfills sligrleiicKi of purpose, lelng a moat iterfect ttx-clfle In ail chronic diseases of the bcxtial system ut woman. It will not disappoint, nor w 111 U do harm, In nny state or condition. 1 hnan tflm ,11. rj further .tifrtmint ion on these Btlb- Jerts ean obtain U In The Peoi-le'S Colmom bENSE JIedical ADVUEH. a book or over law pairin, sent, post-raid, on receipt of fl.sVi. It treats mlnuUly of It ..,. a-, . , 1 .. tn Caamalaiai anil irll'ria niMh valuable i. Ivlcu tn regard to the 'management of K. V. IMKUCE, M. I., rrop'r, World's UltVcuuTf wad Invalids' llotl, UuSalo, 7t. V The Lightest Running, 'Tho Simplest. The Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular SEWINa MACHINES. It i eanllf nnderttooil, maket the double-thread lockatltcli, Anaselr reculatlui; tenalonsj and tak-upt ami will do the whole range of family work without chance. The ' Domestic" I madein the mott durable manner, with conical eteel heart a and compcniatlnu Journals throughout PAPER FASHIONS. The popular PA-TTKHNH for Indies', mints', and children's &reu, are, cut on a itatem nuperlor lo any in use, and ean be understood by any uo. Vutl dlrrrllona anil (Hu(ralloii on each envelope4 Send i'lre Cents for illustrated Cata. logue of lOOO 1'uilloni. - t3owinK MaeUns Co., Hew York. I. W. HARTMAN, Anent "Domestic" Paper Fashions Bloomsbui'ii;. December 11, 18t7-ly Steel and Iron a7xile Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; raUnt Inalde noil Work antt Illug.d Cttp, 10 UII COMPUTI W1TH0DT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 04 Maldea Ijiiie, mj iriUUaa U, dec. I, isil-u MW TOtX, nr( T bul'nii on can cnirairu In. 13 to t'M KhS I Ir dayinailu by any woikerot either UL J I s. rlnht Inthelrownlocalllles, I'ar. tlculars unj sainiles worth is tree. I murine lour snare tlmo at thla business. Add ess bTiKwiN i o 1'urtlaud, llalnti, march m, ts-'y Ucan mavo money faster at wtikforuslhanat auythlna'Clso Capital not rcnulrtd; we will lI"lu',llou.i, Mt'B' women, boia und Blrls wanted eerywhtre to work for us,' Now lathe lime. Costly outnt and terms free. AddressTitui :Co.,Auuuta,'iilaliie, ilarchws-iy JOU 1'UINTIaQ Neitlj and tlieaply ezecultd at the COLOMIIaVM OHkn. C4 Nlnlh Klrect Ilttfiburir. Dec. 10. 1874, Messrs. DIIKIIKK. 1IKAY O (lenliemon I our ruin' linre Riven enllre sat isfaction. I liave used lliem on a gtioil many differ. ent Kinds ot work. iicn ks Iron, Tin. Mood. Duck, Ac, nnl nf tit ticnnl nny complaint, on the con. Irary, tlw work stands well and for wear, wlllln my oplnlnn, aland ultu any lead In tlio inaikct. When In want of lefeieiito lii this cliyor Mcliilty you are at liberty to uo my namo with pleasure, also touso IUU as you think best. ite'ltiiiuuy itMim, JOHN T. OHAY. i Painter nnd Dealer In faints, idis, ac. , STHK.TI.Y rUHK WHITE LEAD, AT T11KI.OWKST MAltKKT HATKS. MONTOUI1 SLATE 1-A1NTS. 8 CENTS. MONTOUItMKTALUO W11IT4. 8 CENTS. MONTOtllt MKTAM.IC III10WN, CENTS. (JIT COLOltS AT THIS THICK. PURE LINSEED OIL lit lOWCNl lllllrllCl I'lltfH. famnlo cards and iirlco Hat tumlsLcd without charge. urders and Inquiries by mall will recti! o prompt .ittentluii. IIKXUY S. REAY, "jtANUFACTUUER, Kupert, Pa. MOYEK I1UOS. WHOLlCdAI.E AOKNT8, Ui.ooMsnomi, I'a Mays. 'K.-ly. StH The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood' m Magazine The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., Now York. Continue their authorized lteprlnU ot tin. ituiTtiumiiii itcvicw tui,, TUB Wl:STMlN.HTEli IIKVIRW (UberaH. Till: LONDON OUAUTEHLY HltVlKW (Conserva tive), Till: HIIITISII liUAKTEIILY IIEVIKW (ETanrel- ICUil, AND 111 Sisf Tlios Kenrlnta nn not selections : thev i?Ivb the orlglnaW In full, aud nt about one-1 bird tlie prlca uf tho tuifiLsh KUltlons. Th lat?t advaiipes nnd discoveries In the artsand scleuceH, the recent additions to knowledgo in every depaitment of HUTuture, und all the new publica tions as they Issue trora thepri'M, are fully reported and discussed In the patfeHof these jterlodlcals. In ihuuuku ut vuvv tit ur, lurfiuiu uuu uumpruiiriiBive. l he articles are co aim only more condeawd and lull or matter than the average books of the period. T i-iiiM titv Iticludliig poNlagC l'avable Strlctlv In Advance. rur lujy unu iiutiew For any two Uevlcws For ahy three HcMevss For allfour ltevlewa For 1 (lack wood's Mnpa2lno For Mack wood and one itevlew For I Hack wood and two Kewens For Hlaekvrood and three ltevlews For Ulackwood and four l'e lens $4 oo per annum 7 00 ' " 10 00 law " 4 00 " 7 00 10 00 " " 13 10 " H 15 00 " " CLUBS. discount of twenty ir per cent, will bo allowed o clubs of four or mere perbona. Ihua: foui cop es of Ulackw iod or of one l'.evlew will be bent to one address for tvz n( four copies of the tour ltevlewa and HUckwood forf-is, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, lu addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will bo allow ed to tho eel Iter upot the club. PREMIUMS. New subscribe (appljlug earl) ) for tho year 1878 may have, without churuc, the numbers for tho last quarter or 1S77 or buth periodicals as they subbcrtber for. Or Instead, new subscribers to any two, tn.-ee, or four ot the above periodicals, iuav have one. or tho "Four ltdv lews' for 1877 ; subscribers to all nveroay have two of the "Four ItcMews"or one sot or lilack w nod's Mapazlne tor 1S77. Neither pemlumsto subscilbers nor discount to clubs can be allowed, utile&s the money Is remitted direct to tho publishers. No premiums Klvcn to clubs. Tobecuro premiums it will bo neccssnry to make early application, as the stock avallublo tor that pur pose ts limited. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 RAUCLAY ST., NEW YOUK, fell 1. ls.B. AAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pUILAUELrilA AND JJEAD1NO KOAD ARRANOEMENT OF l'ASSENGEIl Tit A INS. May ill, 1SJ8. IKAINB LEAVE Hl'l KKT A3 F0I-L0WU(SVMDAT IICIrTsD For New York, 1'lilladelphlti, Iieadlnf, lottmUle Tuinaiiua, c, 11,45 a. m For Catuwlasa, ll,u u. in. 7,) and 7,88 p, in. For WlllUunsport, c,ia 0,04 a. in. and ,(h1 p. m. VIlAlNSrOK Bl'rKKT LSAVI 19 FOLLOWS, (BCKOAY ts CKei'itn.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave l'blladelphla, B,ls a. m. Leave Iieadlni;, 11,3.. a. m., PotUvllle, 1!,IS p. m andTamaqua, l,S0p. m. Leave CaUwl&sa, 6,20 s,M a, m. and 4, 00 p, m, Leave Wmiamsport ,0,45 a.m,s,15 p. ra. andn.oo p. rn l'aasensers to a nd Irom New York and HiUadi I pnta no turouga a itnout cuanso or care. J. E. WOOTTEN, CLIO. HANCOCK, "enera. Manager. ueneral Ticket Agent. Jan, 14, 176 tl. N OUTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and alter November soth, 1673, trains will leave SUNIJUHYaa follows: NOllTIIWAItD. Erie Mall 8.S0 a. m., arrive Elmlra n ,p ' Canandalgua.,, J.ssp. ta llockester 0.16 " Niagara ta ltcnovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. m. arrive LUIams port 12.68 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.16 a. m., arrive Elmlra 10.S0 a. m. nuffalo Eipress 7,15 a. ra. arrive Uuffalo e.M a. ts SOUTHWAltD. Buffalo Eipress s.60 a. m. arrive Harrtslmrg 4jio a. " Baltimore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.18 a. m., arrhe Ilarrl8ourgl.60p,m " Wasnington 10.SO " Baltimore .30 " Washington 6.30 " Ilarrtsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m.arrUo Harris burg 10.60 p. in. arrive Baltimore S.S5 a. m " Washington .1S ' Erie Mall u.68 a. m, arrive Ilarrtsburg i 05 a. ta, " Baltlmorob.40 ..., " Washington 10.S5 ' , AH dally except Sunday. D. M, BOYD, Jr., Ueneral ra&sengcr Ageit A. J. CAbSATT, General Managi r D iELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANK WK3TKKN ItAlUtOAU. liLOOMSBURO DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 9, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOKTII STATIONS. Scran ton llellevue ......Taslorvllle,,.. . ..Lackawanna Huston .. W est I'lttstoa,., .. Joming... ........Maltby, Bennett Kingston.-..., Kingston...... ,.1'hmouUiJuna. ....l'ly mourn Avondale , Nautlcoke illunloek's reek, ..Milcksnlnny.,.,. ,. Hick's Kerry... ....lieacli Haven. -Berwick .... llrlar creek HOUTII. p.m. p.m. 11 so 4 1. a S3 s 11 11 in 8 5U 3 tl 8 61 8 40 8 40 3 4 11 41 It It 8 33 3 SO 8 13 3 10 a.m. a.m. 49 0 ST SO 81 9 19 9 14 p m. p.m 9 S3 9 10 t IS I II A Oil 9 45 3 SI H S3 B fin t 31 a an 9 68 9 SI 9 44 t 45 10 07 8 49 t 50 2 63 68 1 67 t (9 8 16 7 10 8 15 7 18 a In v ,q 9 04 8 44 10 18 110 S3 8 S3 8 SO 8 68 10 80 3 15 7 SS 8 19 8 04 t 61 7 38 3 13 3 04 i Kl 8 47 8 19 8 VH 8 11: 8 It 8 Ut 3 VI 7 85 II) Si s ut lit 10 41 8 5.1 8 14 10 tt 3 60 11 07 4 03 S9 I 14 8 S8 7 8 is 11 13 7 S5 S S8 4 10 8 66 4 18 9 (It 4 'A ,7 15 I tt l 111 S 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 1)1 9 f4 60 1 67 60 I 61 48 1 41 0 SI 1 87 t It t CO 1 00 L.Unio ltldge.!!." 7 44 7 S3 7 S3 4 as 7 30 Japy,.....H. .Bioomsburg 11 S9 11143 II 6 II 67 4 4 7 44 i$ 8I' 4 6.) 8 H 6 00 8 6 6 18 a 91 7 9 Catawliwa Bridge! I 11 .,,.('UU.UltJ 19 18 ,,,ium&gKy...... 9 61 b 30 9 65 13 45 6 48 9 to 6 48 I jWuiui&bcrUuitL' p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. am Bupertntetdent, oaSo, fclrt'io."!.