o THE COLUMBIAN. COIPMBU DEMOCRAT, UTAH or TI1K KORID AND COLBH BIAN COV90L1DATBD.) Issued weekly, ovoiy Friday morning, at llLOOtfallOltU, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A. J V?!'!'?". por mt! ..M ! n account allowed JlP.?M,i?lMi'.nc A"0'tl' expiration or thn year M.M will be Cbargod, To suui.crluor out of tlio 0,wl!ty.i!12 t7ln, f .ro " Per J"car- 1 1" advance. Nopap'.T dlscontlnai'd.uxcoptutlho option or the conllniMil credits nfler the expiration or; the llrat year will not be gttcn. All Ipaporn dent nut, of thoMMto or to distant post omces must bo paid tor In advanro, nnlcsH n respon sible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho subscription dno on demand. FOSTMiK Is no longer exacted from subscribers In tho county, i job miKTTiisro. Tlio .Tobblcif nerJarlmenti bf 'tho rdt.cuM an Is very cmnblcto, andnur .1 U Printing will Compare favora bly with that of the largo cities. All work done on domand, neatly and at moderate prices ' I (mi Ml ci fcuo SS.00 MOO . CT , " " RATES OF ADVERTISING. JM, 0M Ok !.. .'."A, tVi'n fSi tim .to sTZTW I HI ix m! I ! . I HI i. iv rv c. . I .k.:." ' "n ,,n Vm A.00 ll mi ikiy n ll iiw i mm mm mtm m&m hsese 1 1H 1HI I HI I HI I HI S1 HI I Hi I I HI I HI IHI I HI I HI I HI I HI I HI I HI I HI I HI VB I HI I HI I rtiw ..... mm mm mod S.0fl . Will Hill IHI III I Hi H H I i IHIHin xT low col.mn J.oo ' ' I HHISI 1 HPI I I I HH I HHI HH1 1 HHMI I HTJ I I HH I I HH I I HH I 1 I HH I Hi I HH I I HH I I HH I I HH 1 I HH I I HH I h I HB I I HH I HH I w i i hi , imv y w lf in in in in in in in, m in ibi. CJ' W hJ AL-J AW AW BMW Air WMf 11A - - ' V V XT' X7 X7 XJ X Xj X- I WJW JW M IWaiMWIH VIJJI BMW B HIIIW UJUglHMBMHHHjHjHHMQHHjBH I U ' . ... . BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1878. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XII, NO. 35 S,'t)0 0.0O 60.00 100.W Tearlr advertisements payable quarterly. Tran alent advertisements must or paid for before inseruu except where parties hate accounts. Iual adterttsempnla two dollars per men rorinreo Insertions, an at that rate lor addltlonalinscmon without reference to length. Kxecutort.Amlnlstrator's and Auditor's notice three dollars. Must bo paid for when inserted. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alias regular adrertlsementi half rates. Cards In tlin "lluslness Directory" column, one I doWar per year tor each line. Columbia County Official Directory. I'resldent Judge .William Itlwoll. Associate .ludges-l. K Krlckbaiim, P, L. Nhuman. l'rothonotarv, o. U. Frank Zarr. Court Monographer M, N. Walker, tfetwer Uocorder Williamson If. Jacotoy. District Attorney-llobert It. I.lltlc. siicrirr-John w. Itorrman. Murrevor 4amuel Nevlisrd. Treasurer Dr. II. W. Mclteynolds. Oimmlsslonors John Horner, s, W. Mcnenry, JoiepU sands. Cointnlssloners'Clork-"VllllamKr1ckbaum. Audltors-M. V. ll. Kllno, J, u. Casey, K. u. Brown. Coroner tsalah Yeoger. .lurv Commissioners Ml ltobblns, Thoodoro V. Bmlih. county superintendent William It. Snyder. nioom Poor District IMroctors It. B. Knt, Scott, Wm. Kramer, liloomsburg and Thomas Hcccc, sooit. Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. President of Town Cbuncll O. A. nerrlng. Clerk-l'aul K. WlrU Chief of roilco .las. c. sterner. I'resldent of tlas Company S, Knorr. HecreUiry O. w. Miller. mooinsourg Hanking company .Tohn A.. Tunslon, Prosldent, 11, H..uroii, Cashier, John I'eacock, Tcl- Klrs' Na'lonal Hank-Charlcsli. Paxton,rresldent J. 1". Ttislin, uasuicr. Columbia county Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Assoclatlon-K. II. Utile, rresldenl, C. W. Miller, becretary. ' . . nioomsburg Ilulldlng andsavlng Fund Association Wm. I'eacock, 'resident, .t. 1). Itoblson, secretary. Illoomsburg Mutual Saving l'und Association J. 1 Urowcr.l'rasldeni.r. K. Wirt, secretary. CHURCH DIKECTOKY. BAPTIST CnCKCU. nov. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday Seirlces lux n. ml and tys p. m. Uiimloii UAtinnl Q A m. l'rnycr Meetlng-Erery Wednesday evening at X Haats'frco. Tho public are Invltod to attend. ST. MATTITBW'M tUTUKHAN CIIUKCII. Mlnlster-llev. o. I). 8. Marclay. Sunday Sorvlcos-ioji a. mi and TjfP- m. braver Mceilng Kvery Wednesday evening at 1)4 Seats' free, No pews rented. All aro welcome. " rHBSBYTEaiAN CHURCH. Mlnlstcr-Itcv. Stuart Ml'OheU. Sunday Services I oys a. m. and tx p. m. L.iml...lb1iniill, ,n l'raver Mooting Every Wednesday evening at OX Heats'froo. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. i URTnonisT KriscopAt. cnDRcn. Presiding Elder ltov. W. Evans. Minister ltev. M. L. smjscr. Sunday Scnlces-lutf and ox.P-.m- Iilblo ciass-Everv Monday evening at e o clock. Voting Men's Prater Meeilng-Evcry Tuesday Oenoral l'raver Mcetlngt-Every Thursday evening 7 o'clock. nkFOHMtsn cutntcn. Corner ot Third and Iron streots. 1-astor-ltev. W. K.. Krebs. ilosldence Corner 4th and Catharine sircets. Sunday Services 10 a. m. and J p. m. Sunday school-9 a. m. iTayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are lnv ltcd There is always room. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Sector ltev L. Zahner. Sunday Services-lux a. m., 7i p. m. WK. Kh.-.9a- 'a. ,,,. rnmmunlon. Service? preparatory to Communion on Friday evening oeioro uiu t. ouuuaj u j'ows rented i but evorj bodv welcome EVANOELICAI. ClIU'RCH. rre'sldlng F.lder-ltev. A. L. Ileeser. Minister ltev. (icorgo Hunter. Sunday service s p. m., in the Iron street church. ) W vr Meeting Every Sabbath at 1 p. m. All are Invited. Allaro wclcomo. . THOHBRCUpECnRI8T. ,..,,,, ,n .).n uttin ttpiitr rtiiirch on tho hill. known as tho Wclsh Baptlst church-on liock street Hegular meeting for worship, every J-ord's day at . sSrrcoTandthe public aro cordially Invited to JJEItVEY E, SMITH, Anuiiwiir-AT-UAW, OOlco In A. J. Evan's Kkw Duiuhno, llMMMHUIIim. Member of Commercial I.aw and Bank Collection As- nutiuuun. UCt.ll, "77-tI BLOOMSBURG, DIRECTORY. dCHOOIi ORDERS, blank, uk Printed anJ nentlv bound In small books, on hand and for sale ftt tho Columbian omco. BLANK DEEDS, on Parchment anil I.inen Paper, common and for Admlnlsi raters. Execu tors andtrustacs, for sale cheap at the. Columbian TVTA'RRlAtJE'CERTIFICATES .iut printed ITi andiorsaioat me uoi.vjiDin uiiiic. erfut the oospol and Justices should supply them. solves wun vueso nwai u, vi& JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale at tho Columbian omco. They contain tho cor rected fees as established by tho last Act ot the leg ti,o oiihicct. Kvnrv Justice and Con- staoio Bnouia uavo uuo. "rENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale y cheap at, mo Columbian omco. PltOFESSIONAL CAltDS. Ci G; BABKLEY Attorney-at-Li , tu llrower's building, !nd story, K iaw. OHice Itooms 4 II. WM. M. RERER. Sureeon and Phvsi umce d. is. corner hock anaAiarKet If clan. 6UCCtS. clan, (Ofilce and Hesldence on Tnlrd street, Select Stqfy. Q W.MILLER, Al iUltHJSV-AT-LAW oniceln Drower's building, second floor, room No. Bloomsburir. Pa. W. II. ABBOTT. W. II. RHAWN. ABBOTT ci RHAWN, Attorney s-at-Law. CATAWISSA, PA. Pensions obtained. dec 91, 17-ly MISCELLANEOUS. II 0 W E L L, DENTIST. omco In Ilartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBUHO, P&. May so ly. M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. ?ew owing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re paired. Otera House Building, Bloomsburg, Pa, "y Y. K ESTER, TAILOR, over Maize's Store, Bloomsburg, Pa. aprll id, ISIS. TJRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO- jSAljUtsnu rum jiouiiAii'Si uitu Arts, The assets of tlirso old cornoratlons arc all In vested In SOLID SECUHITIiS andarc liable to the hazard of Fire only. Losses rKowrTLT and honestly adiuslrd and nnld as scmjII as aeierminea oy ciirisiian r. knait, npc. ciai Ag( nt ana Aajusier, u oomsuurg, l'enn a, tuot 1 he citizens ot Columbia county paid by one ot their own citizens. ould patronize nor.io, 77-ly thoniency where losses, If any, arc adjusted and uy tE C i.I Koyal of Uverpool F REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. Capital. Ctna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... 0,500,000 Uverpool. London and uiobo Klro Association, Philadelphia.... Farmers Mutual of Danville Danville Mutual Home, New York , ,. 20,1100,000 is ouu.uuu 10,000, 00 8.100,000 1,000,000 70,0110 6,600,000 fV),G31,0M prltten for t he Insured without any delay in the onice at Blooms- March so,'T7 y As the agencies aro direct, policies are written for burg, Jg F. IIARTMAN REPRESENTS TnE rOLLOWINQ AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES: Dooming ot Muncy Pennsylvania. North American of Philadelphia, Pa ranklln, of " " Pennsylvania of " farmers of York, Pa. lanoverof New York. Manhattan of 14 'Office on Mnrket Street No. 6, Bloomsburg, Pa. oct, lie, 17-ly. CATAWISSA. T)M. L. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa,Pa. collections promptly made and remitted. Office opposite Catawlssa Deposit Bank. 6m-S3 AtO. L. EACH. JNO. X. FETMIEK. CHAS. B. ISWAXSS. WM. K. HAGENBUOH, wito Kaubj Fryiiilcr fc JEd ward, (Successors to Benedict Horsey & Sons, 923 Market street. Importers and dealers In CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, 923 Market Street, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand Original and Assorted Packages June !9, "77-ly PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. T B. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon J , 6lclan,nortUsldoMaln street,, belo and Phy- bclow Market. B. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law. ,iuain6 In Ilartman's building,1 a street. Office JIOSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark & Woll's suirt, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. AVID LOWENBERG, Mercliont Tailor Main St., above central uotel. S. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc, . Centre stri ct, between Second and Third. BUSINE&S CARDS. E. WALLER, f , . Attorey-at-LtrXY. Increase cf Pensions cHslsed, Collections male, Office, second door from 1st National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Jan. Jl, 1373 R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN SURGEON, Office, North Market Btreet, Mar.lA Bloomsburg, Pa, OAMUEL KNORR. ATTORN E Y-A T-L A W, BLOOMSBURG, PA, Office, Ilartman's Block, corner Main and Market streets U. FUNK, Attoi noy-ntvLow, IncrcaM of Pensions Obtained, Collections Made. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office In Ent's Buiijiino. pvR. I. L. RABB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa. ir Teeth extracted without pain, aug 84, n-ly, gROCKWAY & ELWELL, A T TO R N E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian BciuiiNQ, Bloomsburg, Pa, Members ot the United States Law Association, Collections made In any part ot America or Europe Thft Attention of tlie travelling nubile Is resnect- fully invited to some of the merits ot this great high way, In tho contldent assertion and belief that no other Hue can otter equal Inducements as a route ot lurougu travel, in Construction and Equipment TUB PFNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD stands confessedlv at the head of American railways. Tbo track Is double the entire length of tho line, ot steel rails laid on heavy oak lies, which are embed ded In a foundation ot rock ballast eighteen Inches In dopth. All bridges are of Iron or stone, and bunt upon the most approved plans, its passenger care, while eminently sate and substantial, aro at the same nine muaeis ui cumiun, uuu cieKuui-t THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In use on this lino well Illustrate tho far-seeing and mrnl nnllcv nr Ite manacement.ln accordance wlttk wuicu iuq uiuivy vmy ui uu iiupiutcuicub BUUUV, us cost nas wen me nuesi Among many may bo noticed THE BLOCK SYSTEM OP SAFETY SIONALS, JA1INEY COUPLER, BUFFER ani PLATFOEM THE WHABTMT PATENT SWITCH, AND THE WESTmOHOUSE AIE-BEAEE, forralhg In conjunction with a perfect doublo track and road-bed u combination of safeguards against accidents vt mcu nave rcnaerea tnem praciicauy iut- pussioie. Pullman Pcalacc Cars are run on all Express Trains From New Yorkt PliUfidflpbta, llaltlinore and Tu Chlrngui t'tnttnnall, J.oulTtllei ladlanapoll nod Pti. jouit WITHOUT CHANCE, ana to all principal points In the far West and South In llulon Depots, and are assured to all Important poinis. van SCENERY , OK TUB PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE u idmlttpd to be unsurpassed In tho world for trran- ueur, Deauiy anu vunety. nupenur rcirrBiiuitrut clllilea are provided. Employees are courteous and aiienme, ana n is an ineYiutuiv rrsuu iiiai mitiiuj c U'&W.J.DUCKALEW,' ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Blbomsburg, Pa. Office on Main street, first door below Court llomo TJ F. & J. M. CLARK, ATTOltNETS-AT-LAW Illoomsburg, Pa. Office In Ent'a Building. If V. BILLMEYEK, ATTOI1NEV AT LAW. 0rici-ln Ilarman'ellulldlng.Matnetrcjt, IlKwrnsburg, Pa. X. U, LITTLH. II, A 11. B. LITTLE, HOST, X. UTTLI, E.1 ATTOllNEYB-AT-LAW, " illoomsburg, Pa. rirliusliea before the U. 8. Patent Office attended ui.onieo la tue coiumoiaii ijiuuuuk A I'LEASINO AND JIEMORADLE EX. rEIUKNCK. Ttrbt a for sale ftt the lowest rats at the Ticket Offices of Lha Company In all Important cities and uwus. I'ltANK THOMPSON. General Manager. I. P. FAIlMEIt Gel Passenger Agent, j. K. unnKMAKElt. Pass. Acent Middle Dlst. 1 North Third Mreet,:ilarruburg, Pa. ieb. 1, Ts-iy, M. BOUTON, fclain Street. Orangevllle, 7a, Pealer la DRUGS, MEDICINES, CUEMIOAI, Fine Toilet Soaps, BruBlies.Oombsc, Vtiif Hamring EttracU, JWuinrry and Fancy Tumi Arnatt in f.naitrg yanay. Also a Pine assortment of Sxolicg t&i Chewing TeU;cc,Cig;rt,Snff,tc PiiyeioianB Pi-dporjptioriB accurately compounded, A ahare o( publlo patron-, age t solIclUd. MAJOIt HAMMONU'S U1NU. Wlmt'n tills?' cried MIm IlnmmonJ, breaking open a letter just liandetl to tier by a servant, 'You read It, Mnggle j yrur eyes nre'bettcr tban mltio.' Small wonder nt that Indeed, seeing that Maggie Is aged about 18, nnd tho other C5 nt the very least, a pleasant looking, well pre served spinster, with a brown resolute ftico and sausage curls over tho forehead. Mag gie, n lmndsome modern girl, sits down nnd reads : Madam The parishioners of St. Crispin, Glggleshnm, In vestry nwmlled,hn.ve deter mined to rebuild their pnr'nh church, pro nounced Unsafa'by the surveyor. Contrlbii' lions nre earnestly requested, The altera tions will necessitate the removal of many vaults nnd graves j among others, thnt of the Hammond family. It is the wish of the church wardens to respect the wihes of sur vivors and others In tho disposal of the re mains. Any directions you may have to give, you will be good enough to communl cato to the undersigned. Your most humble nnd obedient servants, Thomas Trcscott, WlI.MAM RONKER, Churchwardens, Tho two Mioses Hammond (Margaret nnd Ellen) nre joint proprietors of the coinforta' hie cstnte of Wcstbury, near Glggleshnm nnd of the handsome mansion thereto belong ing. Mnggic, the young girl, is n distant cousin although she calls them 'aunt'and lives with them. There is nlio n young man Ralph Grant, tomewhere about tho place, oi which more nnon. Old Tom Hammond, tho father of the two maiden sisters, wns born in the yenr ,17-10, and might have seen the bends over Temple liar nfler the rising of 17-15. He lived till 1S30. He had married late in life, nnd left only these two daughters. Thus two genera tions bridged over a space of time generally occupied by many successive lives; in in t he caso of another branch of the family, the founder of which, Major Richard Hammond (the undo of the two old ladies,) who had been nl the capture of Quebec when Gener al Wolfe was killed, being tho great-grand father ol Mnggle Lauderdale nnd Ralph Grant. Major Hammond wns the elder of the two brothers, nnd should have inherited the Wcstbury estate ; but he olfended his father General John Hammond, by what was called a low marriagejnnd wns disinherit ed in consequence. Tom Hammond had done his best to rem edy his ills father's injustice as far ns he could without injuring himself and his own, by making a settlement of the estate, in fall ure of his own issue, upon the lawful de scendants of Major Hammond, his brother providing that the issuo of his eldertbrother should fail, the estate should. go tu the issue of a younger brother Henry, who by thq way, had been well provided for by the small estate of Eastbury. This brother Henry was now represented through the female line by a Mr. Boodles of Boodle Court, who now al so held the Eastbury estate. The descendants of Major Hammond are now contineu to tnese two young people Maggie and Ralph. They are both orphans and without means, their fore-fathers having been mostly in the soldiery and oflicial lines. Ralph is a lieutenant in the artillery and his battery is now in India ; but he is at home on sick leave ; and ho has taken advantage of his furlough to win the nffrctinns of his fair cousin. As tho Wcstbury estate would come to be eventually divided between them, it was considered n most fortunnto thing the young people had come to an understanding. Ralph wns to leave the service when he mar ied, and take the home-farm. By-and-by ho would fall naturally into his position as country npure ; and it was arranged that eventually he should assume tho name of Hammond ; hoping to continue the old line. This preamble being necessary, let us now return to the comfortable, old-fahioncd drawing-room at Wetbury. What do you think of thai, Ellen ?' cried Miss Hammond, having read over onee more the circular to herself with subdued empha sis. Miss 11 len was sitting looking into tho fire, her great wooden knitting pins and bright-colored wools lying idly on her lan.as she ttboctk her head while talking gently to herself. 'Do you bear, Ellen V cried Miss Ham moud more sharply, 'What do you think of that letter from Truscott ?' 'I don't like the idea at all, Margaret. No, not nt nil. Why can't they leave our an' cesters alone? And I nm sure I always look ed forward to being buried there my-self." 'La! don't talk about that, Ellen, and you hve years tlie younger r said Miss Ham mond, briskly ; 'and as we can't prevent its being dono, we mutt mnko the hcht of it. Ralph had better go nnd sen to it,' 'Very well, sister; a you like,' said Ellen Presently she, reuineil : 'Sifter, I've boon thinking that this would ho a good chance to try and get back Uncle Richard Hum mnnd's ring,' Uncle Hammnnd.s ring !' repented tho emer sister, 'i (tou t umierstiuiil.' You must have beard our father talk about it, Inn mmlly ring that ought to have gone with tho estates a ruby and tup pujre that Ueucral Uniuiuoud brought home irom ueylon.' 'I ought to know all about It, Ellen, I daresay ; but you were so much more with my poor father, and had more pntlenco with his stories, 'My father often tried to get the ring, nnd had offered to give Major Hammond a large sum for It, But he was so vexed with lath er for supplanting him, that ho vowed be never should have it j and they say, sisteiil that rather than it should ever fall into his brother's hands, he had it buried with him upon bis finger. Our father always Bald that if he had a chance he would have tho colliu open to see.' 'Maggie, who bad retreated to a sofa, and burled her head in ft novel, roused up at thli and Joined In : 'I hope you will, auntie, do hope you will have It looked for.' 'I dou't know, my dear.' said Miss Ham mond. 'I don't approve of violating the sanctity of the tomb.' With the elder Miss Hammond, a phrase was everything ; she dellghtedto bring a thing within the compass of a well rounded phrase, upon which she would then make & stand Invincible, So Maggie threw up her head In & kind of drspalr,and ran oft to look for Ralph, who, when last beard of, was smoking a cigar on tue terrace, 'Rtlph 1' said Maggie, ns soon as sho had found him, lynl had submitted to n very smoky kls.s they were In tho heyday of their young loves, when kisses wero appre ciated, even when flavored with tobacco 'Ralph 1 anntlo Is going to give you a com mission tu go and see about a vault nt St, Crispin's, where omq of our ancestors lie.' 'I know,' said Ralph ; 'they nre going to pull tho old place down. All right ; I'll do it.' Then Maggie went on to tell him about tho ring, nnd how Miss Hammond would not have it searched for. 'But It Is n very valuable ring a family one too. It would bo n grent pity to miss it, if it's really there.' Ralph agreed. 'Well, thni, mind you look for it, sir; only don't say a word to auntie, or she'll put a stop to it. 'I'm fly,' said Ralph,with a knowing wink and attempted n renewal of the osculatory process ; but Magglo escaped him this time, and came lleeiug in at tho dining-room window panting into the presence of her aunts. Since sho first left tho room a visitor had appeared Mr, Boodles, n distant relative. who had inherited somo of tho family prop erty, ns before explnined, n tnll grim-look ing man, with thin iron gray hair, carefully brushed olf his temples. The aunts wero looking rather serious, not to say frightened, nnd both started guiltily when they saw Jl aggie. 'Leavo us, my dear, please.' said Miss Hammond gently. Maggio had just caught the words, 'No marriage at all,' from Mr. Boodles, who seemed to be speaking loudly and excitedly; and she went out wondering what it all meant. Somo piece of scandal, no doubt, for Boodles was the quintessence of spiteful Hess. It 14 very dreadful very,' said Mi?s Hammond. 'I never had much (.pinion of Uncle Richard, you know ; but for the sake f the young people, I hope you'll let it be ept a profound secret.' 'Sako of the young people 1' screamed Boodles nt the top of his harsh voice. 'And what for the sake of old Boodles? I'm the next heir, you'll remember, please, throueh my maternal grandfather, Henry Ham mond.' Mr. Boodles had como to Westbury to an nounce an importnnt discovery that he had recently made. In turning over some of his grandfather's papers he had come ncross some letters irom General Ilammonn, in .which it was firmly asserted that his son Major Hammond had never been legally married to the woman known as his wife. 'What end do you propose to serve, Mr. Roodles, by bringing this ancient scandal to light ?' asked Miss Hammond, with agitated voice. End 1' cried Boodles. 'This is only the beginning of it. I am going to a court of law to have myself declared heir to the West bury estates under the settlement.' 'In that 'case,' said Miss Hammond, rising with dignity, 'you cannot bo received on friendly terms in my house.' 'Oh, very well,' cried Boodles, snatching up his bat and whip, and sweeping out of the room without further ceremony. As soon ns the door wan shut upon him the sisters looked at each other in blank consternation. I always feared there would be a diffi cnlty,' said Ellen, tremulously ; 'but oh, to think of Boodles having discovered it 'We must send for Smith at once; the car- riageshall go in nnd fetch him,' said Mifi Hammond, ringing the bell. Mr. Smith, ofGigglesham, was the family solicitor, and the carriage was sent oil to bring him up ntonce for a consultation. But Smith brought little encouragement. He had heard from his father there were curious circumstances attending Major Hammond's marring?, nnd if Boodles had put his finger ou the flaw Smith shrugged his shoulders for want of words to express the awkward' n ess of the case. But search must bo made everywhere ; the evidence of the marriage must be found; the children must not suffer, poor things, anil always brought up to look upon the property as their own 1 Why, they could never marry,' cried Miss Ellen ; 'they could never live on Ralph's pay.' 'It's altogether dreadful ; nud not getting married is the lightest pait of the calamity, said Mifs Hammond, Smith undertook that every possible search should be made, nnd wont away, promising to bet to work nt once. But ills inquiries had nojresult. Ho bad traced out the family of the reputed wife, who had been tho daughter of a small farmer living at Milton in Kent but they had now fallen to tho rank of labor ers, and had no papers belonging to them hardly any family traditions. He had search ed all tho registries of the neighboring par ishey ; no record of such n marriago could be discovered. He had issued advertisements offering a reward for the production of evi dence ; all of no avail. What moro could he do ? To be sure there was a presumption in favor of the. marriage; hut then If Boo dies hail documents rebutting such a pre' sumption Again Mr. Smith shrugged his shoulders in hopelessness of finding fitting words, to represent the gravityof the crisis, 'And,' he wentjon tp say, 'that the very fact Boodles Is spending money over the case shows that bo thinks he has astrongouo.' Boodles did not let tho giass grow under his feet ; be instituted proceedings at once, and cited all interested to appear. The thing could no longer bo kept n secret ; and Maggie and Ralph were told of the cloud that hung over tbeit fortunes. 'I don't care If the property does go away,1 said Maggie, bravely. 'It will make 110 dif ference. I shall go to India with Ralph, that's all, I will be a soldier's wife, and ride on the baggage wagons. jtaipn snoot nis lieau. lie bad never been able to manage on his pay when there was only himself, and there were ever so many lieutenants on the list before him, so that he could not hope to bo a Jcaptain for many years. There was no use in sitting brooding over coming misfortunes; nnd Ralph toolrthedog cart and drove over to Gigglesham to see about the family vault at St. Crispin's. It was an occupation that agreed well with his temper ; the weather too seemed ail lu keep Ing a (lull drizzling day, 'Don't fgrget the ring,' JIaggie had said to him at parting; 'that Is ours, you know, Ralph, 11 we find It ; and perhaps It may bo. worth, a lot ot money Ralph shook his head Incredulously, And yet it was possible. The ring might bo there, aud it might prove of great value. In misfortunes the mind grasps at tho Btnallest alleviations, and Ralph consoled himself In hisdeprcssion by picturing ,lho finding of a of n splendid ruby worth say 10,000. No moro artillery work then no more India. Gigglesham boasts of several churche". and St. Crispin's lies in a hollow by the riv er, closo by tho bridge. A low squat tower and plain ugly knave. But In its nook there tho dark river ilowlng by, the sail of a barge showing now aud then, the tall piles of deals in tho timber yard beyond, tho cas tle keeps frowning from the heights, and the big watermlll with its weirs nnd rapids, the noise of which and of the great churning wheel sounded elumbrously all day long allied with these things the old church bnd something homely nnd pleasant nbout It. hnrdly to be replaced by the finest modern Qothic. at last, It was Ills father's nractlcn In nut his private mark upon all the jewelry he He could do it In those days when his sold. Workmen were swarming nbout it now. The roof was nearly off. There were great piles of sand and mortar in the graveyard. Mr, Martin, the plumber and glazier who took the most lively interest In tho under ground work, even to the neglect of more profitable business, was on the lookout for Lieutenant Grant, and greeted him cheerily. 'We ve got 'em all laid out in the vestry, Cap'n Grant all the whole family ; and now the question is, what nre tyou going to have done with them ? Would you like 'em put in tlio vaults below, where they'll all be done up in lime, nnd plaster? or would you like cm moved somewhere else mora In in the open air like ?' 'Tho least expensive way, I should say,' replied Ralph, grimly. Somehow or other his appreciation of his ancestors was dead ened by this last stroke ot fate in cutting him adrift from his succession. 'But look here, Martin,' he went on, taking tho plumb er asido ; there is one of tho coffins, Major Hammonds, I should like to have opened. It can be done? 'Easy enough, sir,' cried Martin, who to say the truth, was delighted at the prospect of a little charnel house work. 'He's a lead un ho is. I'll have the top off in n time.' Ralph looked gravely down at the last re' mains of the Hammonds. The wife, if she had been a wife, on whom their inheritance hunj, was not there; she had died in India But there was the Major's coffin, tho wood work decayed, but the leaden envelope as sound as ever, Martin was quickly at work with his tools, The Jcover was stripped o(f. nnd for a mo ment the Major s features were to be seen much as they had been in life; then all dis solved into dust. There was no ruby ring that must have been a fable : but there was something gilt tering among tho remains, and on taking it out it proved to be a plain gold hoop. 'Well, that's worth a pound, that is,' cried the practical Martin, carefully polishing u the treasure trove. It bad probably been hung around the neck of the departed tall bony man for the ring was a small one and thero were traces of a black ribbon attachd to it. It was a disappointment, no doubt ; and yet somehow the sight of the ring had given Ralph a little hope. It wns tho wedding ring he said to himself, his great grand mother's wedding, ring. Tho Major must have been fond of her to have bad her ring always about him; audit had been buried with him. That bad given rise to the story about the ruby. He drove home, after giV' ing direction nbout the disposal of the cof fins, feeling less sore at heart. He was now convinced that they had right on their side. and there was some comfort in that, When ho reached home he showed the ring to Maggie, who agreed with his conclu' s 1 0 1 1 But there is something inside somo let ters, I think,' she cried. 'It is only tho Hall-mark,' said Ralph, having looked in his turn. 'But stop. That tells us something; it will give us a date.' 'How can that bo ?' asked Maggie. 'Because there is a different mark every year. Seel lou can make out with a mag nifying glass. King George in a pig tail.' The silversmith at Gigglesmith turned up his tabulnted list of Hall-marks, and told them at once tho date of the ring 17C0, 'tut it might have been made a long time before it was used,' suggested Maggie. 'True ; but it could not have been used before it was made,' replied Ralph. 'It gives us a dateapproximatply, at all events. At first the knowledge of this date did not seem likely to be of much use to them, Rut it gave them the heart to go on and make further inquiries. Ralph threw himself into the task with fervor. He obtained leavo to search the records of the Horse Guards ; and'ascertalned all nst where had been sta tioned the regiment that Richard Hammond then belonged to in in that same year. It was nt Canteibury, as it hnppened ; and that seemed significant, for it was not so far from there to his sweetheart's home at Milton. Ralph went over to Canterbury, and with tho help of a clerk of Mr. Smith's, searched all the parish registers between the two places, but found nothing. The trial was coming on iu a few weeks, and, not a scrap of evidence could they get of the marriage of Major Hammond, The other side wero lull of confidence, and well they lniht be, Ralph had made up his mind to return home, and was walking dis consolately down the High street of Canter bury one day when he saw over a Bhop win dow the sign, 'Pilgrim, Goldsmith ; estab lished 1715.' 'I wonder,' he said to himself, 'if my great-grandfather bought a wedding ring there ?' A sudden impulse sent him into the shop, A nice looking old gentleman, with long white hair, was sitting-behind the counter, peering into the works of a watch though an elongated eyeglass, Ralph brought out his ring, "Do you think this ring was bought at your shop ?' he asked, 'Uow long ago?' asked Mr, Pilgrim, tak ing up the ring and looking at it all around, 'About tho year 17G0, 'Ah-b 1 I can't remember 10 long ago as that. It was. la my father's time; but tor all that, perhaps I can tell you,' lie took up the magnifying glass, and ex amined the rlbg carefully once more, 'Yes,' be said, looking up, a mysterious expression on his face, 'that ring was bought from my father, I have no doubt. Ralph questioned him ns to the source of stock was small nnd all his own. In these times of changing fashions, when much of a Jeweler's stock Is on npproval, this would bo impossible. Ralph listened to these explanations with breathless impatience. Had Mr. Pilgrim any books belonging to his father which might povdbly show the sale ? The old gen tleman admitted that ho had a lot of his fa ther's old account books up In a garret J but it would be very troublesome to get at them ; and what would bo the nsn? 'Why,' said Ralph, 'you might possibly make the happiness of two young people who otherwise may be sundered all their lives.' Ho explained enough of the circum stances to show the old gentleman that It was not an affair of mere.idle curinstty ; nnd afler that he entered into the quest with nr- lor. rilgrim, his father had kent each vear sort or rough day book, in which he en tered transactions as they occurred, with OC' casional short annotations. And nt last, af ter a long, troublesome Bearch, they found the book for tho year 1700 and 1701. Noth ng was to be made of the first ; but in the Becond they had the delight of finding tho following entry : '25 March, sold rlng,young Master Hammond, two guineas saw yo wed ding afterwards at St. Mary's, Faversham. Thatnlghtall the church bells ofGiggles ham were set a-ringing, for the news oozed out that Ralph Grant had come home with full proofs of the marriage that would make good his title to Westbury. For the young people were liked by everybody, while Boo dies was generally execrated. Indeed, tho case never came on for trial, ns Boodles withdrew the record when he found that there was full evidence to refute his claim. Ralph and Maggie were married soon after wards ; nnd tho bride wore as n keeper over her golden circle, her own special dower.the long-buried but happily recovered treasure, Major Hammond's ring Historical. HISTORY op COLUMBIA COUNTY. Flogging in Virginia. Poetical. The public whipping of a white girl by a negro constable at Mill Creek village, near Old Point, a few weeks ago, has naturally excited much comment in tho press, and the people of Virginia have come in for lib eral abuse in the radical press. The Pott has taken Jpains Jto learn tho facts in the case from residents of the place and eye wit nesses of the punishment. It is true that a young white girl was stripped to the waist and publicly flogged by a burly negro con stable while the sheriff of the county stood by and told him to 'lay on harder,' but the white people of the Old Dominion have no responsibility for the shameful transaction The justice who tried the girl, and, convict ing ou slight evidence, sentenced her to the lash is, is a carpet bagger named Larrabee, from Dover, Maine. Tho sheriff is a fresh arrival from somo other state, and the con stable an ignorant and brutal negro under the control of the other officers. The coun. ty is republican, although the white radical in the county number less than twenty per sons. These few whites from other states manipulate the colored vote, elect themselves to office, and run the affairs of the county to suit themselves, regardless of the wishes 0 the ram who pay the taxes. The democrats have a monopoly of brains and property, but tho republicans monopo lize the offices. This shameful public tlogg' ing of a youug girl stripped to the waist be fore a brutal crowd of negroes and their managers is a fair sample of the degradation that such political conditions bring upon any community so unfortunate as to be thus situated. The down east justice of tho peace could have sent the girl to jail, imposed light fine, or acquitted her as he deemed justj but he and his associates w.tutel to witness tho spectacle of her publio beating in a state of semi-nudity. We understand there is in tense indignation among all the respectable people of Elizabeth City county, and that "Judge".Larrabee aud bis negro constable are in receipt of maoy evidences of the de testation in which their bestiality is held. Tho good people of New England who have 'ndulged so freely in unflattering comments on Virginia and her people in connection with this affair have now an opportunity to bestow their wrath where it belongs on a product of their own peculiar institutions. Wiahington J'tt, The Marquis of Lome. The Marquis of Lome, who has just been made Governor-General of Canada, is the eldest son and heir of tho Duke of Argyll, and was married in 1S71 to Princess Louise, the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria, it being the first iustance of the marriage of a subject to the daughter of a reigning sover eign, The Marquis has been in public life for 12 years past, for in 1SGS, when only 23, he was returned to parliament as member from Argyllshire, When Ids father, in 1808, went into office under the Gladstone administration as secretary of state for In dia, his son acted as his private secretary, The Duke of Argyll, whoso titles descend to ills eldest son, is the most powerful of the Scottish noblemen, He is hereditary master of the queen's household In Scotlund, cban cellor of the university of St, Andrews, a trustee of the British Museum, and heredi tary sheriff and lord-lieutenant of Argyll shire, liis political service has been long and active, and ho has also written an elab orate book entitled "Tho Reign of Law." His son is also an author, and published several years ago a volume of poems, Winter Oats. A correspondent in the Cbuntry Gentleman writes : Noticing au inquiry from a corres pondent in your paper of July 18th, as to winter oats, where good seed could be pur chased, aud the time of sowing, I would say that tho seeding of winter oats Is very com mon with us, September Is the month in which most of the seeding is done iu this locality, though many seed later and somo even earlier, say the middle of August, It is desirable to have the oats make a good growth before Jthe bitiug 'frosts come, but it must not get into the joiut state before winter, as that would be fatal to it. The yield of winter oats ou even thin land is far superior to spring seeding and much more certain ; It stands tbe winters here as well as wheat. I bavo more trouble from tbo cold snaps iu the spring of the year thau from the excessive cold spells of mid winter. I hare seen it very successfully raised In Ibe mountain districts of this State, aud it is growing popular wherever tried. It makes a good growth hi the, fall and covers the IU knowledge; and Mr, Pilgrim told him Igrouud very well. j MIMTAIlY IlECOttt). Nine Months Service 132d Regiment. Company A, This company was from Montour county and was mustered Into the service August IS 1862. In the subsequent arrangement of this history the Regiments will be placed In order, and a sketch of the battles added. The Regiment was at South Mountain, An tietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsvllle. Its war record Is first rate. When not other wise accounted for tbe men were mustered out with the Company, May 24, 1803, Clinton W. Neal, of Bloomsburg, was Quar tcrmoster of the Regiment. Joseph E. Sbreve, captain, promoted to ma jor September 18, 1802. Charles E. Norrls, captain. G. W. Vangllder. 1st lieutenant, discharged on surgeon's certificate October 20, 18G2. Thomas Maxwell, 1st lieutenant. Charles A. Meylert, 2d lieutenant, missing since February 23, 18G3. Edward W. Roderick, 2d lieutenant. David Shutt, 1st sergeant. M. Hassenplug, 1st sergeant, killed at Antietam, September 17, 1802. John S. Ware, sergeant. Isaac D. Crewett, sergeant. Michael Kessler, sergeant, wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1802. George Lovett, sergeant. Jacob II. Miller, sergeant, discharged Jan uary 30, 18G3, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1802. Joseph H, Nevins, sergeant, discharged on Burgeon's certificate March C, 18G3. Daniel Vanrnnk, sergeant, killed at Antie tam September 17, 1802. Jacob Redfield, corporal, wounded at Chan cellorsvllle, Virginia, May 3, 1803. James Williams, corporal. Conrad S. Aten, corporal. George Snyder, corporal, absent, sick, at muster out. Alexander Huntingdon, corporal. Samuel Stall, corporal. Henry Vincent, corporal. John Harig, corporal. . Charles Flick, corporal, discharged Decem ber G, 1802, for wounds received at An tietam September 17, 1862. Nathan F. Lightner, corporal, discharged on surgeon's certificate 8 December, 1862. William O. McCnrmick, corporal, discharged March 1, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862. Henry L. Schick, muc. Appleman, Amos, private. Arnwine, Sylvester W., wounded at Antie tam. J Adams, Henry, died September 22 of wounds received at Antietam September 17, 18G2. Beaver, Arthur W. Bookmiller, Jacob, wounded at Chancellors- ville May 3, 1863. Rlee, Franklin G. Black, Jeremiah. Carroll, William, wounded at Chancellors vllle Mav 3, 1863. Cooper, Samuel E., deserted October 22, 1862. Devine, Franklin. Davis, William. Dye, Samuel V,, discharged on surgeon'B certificate April 8, 1803. Earp, U illiam jr., wounded at Chancellors' ville. l'KAY FOU OUU LOVED ONES. nr AVNADRti MORRIS. They were standing on tho sea-shore. On the bright silvery sands ; lie was looking down so fondly While ho held those IttUo hands. "Win you miss me, lltUo swect-hcart. When tho summer days aro pasty Things wo prize are first to leave us,. And this sweet dream cannot last, "Will j ou think when evening zephjTfl Gently sigh along tbe shore, Ot the one who. though far from thee, tsttll wiu lova thee ever moro 7" Two bright cj es wero raised In answer, Sparkling through a mist of tears ; "I will not forget thee darling Though our parting bo for j ears. "Though I cannot be beside thee, Nor thy lonely wanderings share, I can bear thy cares to Heaven on the sacred wings ot prajcr. "When the twilight shadows gather, And the birds have ceased their Bong, I will leave the gay and cnrelr-ss, Leave tho busy thuughtless throng. I will seek that lone sweet boner. Where j ou taurht my heart to love, There I'll kneel whllo evening breezes Watt my prajcr to Ileatcn aboe. "Urlght winged angels guide thy footsteps Kar from danger's r ocky shoal ; Richest blessings strew thy pathway 1 0 a bright and pcacef ut goal." When our loved ones leave our fireside For the crooked paths of lite, Leavo the heart that f Un would shelter Kroin all sorrow, pain or strife when our hearts aro wrung with anguish For our dear ones far away, M e have still one blessed refuge, We can for our darlings pray. Eastoa, James ri. Eggert, Hiram. Feidel, Joseph. Flickinger, Samuel. Foin, John B. A. Foster, James. Fitzs'unmons, C. W. Fields, John L. Francis, George, discharged on surgeon'i certificate November 15, 1862. Goodall, Thomas. Gulicks, Samuel. Gibson, John, killed at Antietam. Hale, Joseph. Hunt, George E. Hornberger, Adam. Hendrickson, D. Hillner, Samuel, killed at Antietam. Hummel, Hiram, killed at Antietam. Jones, Thomas. James, Thomas. Jones, James W., killed at Fredericksburg, Klase, W. J. W. Klase, Daniel J. P., killed at Antietam. Lech thaler, Conrad, discharged, date un known, Langer, Samuel, Leichow, John, discharged October 28 for wounds received at Antietam September 17, 1862. Long, Jacob, killed at Antietam. Morgan, Watkin, Miller, Levi M. Moyer, Jacob W. Mayer, Leonard. Moyer, Cornelius C. Morris, John, wounded at Antietam. McCoy, John. McKee, James, deserted August 16, 1862. Neese, William It,, wounded at Antietam discharged, date unknown. Phillips, James M. Reaser, John P. Reidy, Simon. Rantz, Isaac. Rank, David II., discharged on surgeon' certificate January 29, 1863. Ringler, William A., discharged May 1S63, for wounds received at Antietam September 17, 18G2. Rice, Jonathan, killed at Fredericksburg, Virginia. Stewart, William. Smith, Edward D. ' Sunday, William. Schreiver, August. Stlne, John, Smith, Edwin L. Swltzer, Oliver B. Snyder, Sharps M, Sechler, Aaron. Vandling, Archibald, discharged on sur geon's certificate November 28, 1862. Wright, Angus. Waugh, Andrew. Wallace, John, discharged, date unknown. Wate, Samuel. Wright, Matthew R., killed at Fredericks burg. Wray, James D., deserted September 19, 1862. About Fall Plowing. Fall plowing, says the Country Gentleman, has become s 1 universal that it hardly seems nevYM iry to d v.iie sp ice to it in these col umns, yet the time and manner of doing it acts an important part in the results of the future crop. If done early iu the fall, weeds are destroyed before the seeds mature and the decomposition of the vegetation turned down, becomes more complete before tho time for planting tbe next crop. If tbe stub ble plowed under is nut well decomposed and the land is planted to cultivated crops, it gels raked upon the surface, and in case the season turns out very dry, the crops suf fer from 'firing.' Rut it is better to plow late tliau to d no fall plowing at all. Fall lowing generally requires leis prepa ration fur a crop in the spring than that un-' plowed, unless much rain falls, on the first going out of the frust, to run the ground to gether and leave it in a baked condition. If the plowing is dune when tho ground is dry and hard, the land is less liable to run to gether and become baked, than when plowed n a mellow state, lot a crop of small grain fall plowing gives the best assurance for a rofitable yield, tho opportunity of early seeding being made possible, is much in it8 favor. It is unfortunate for the wheat In terests that without early sowing a good crop is seldom realized. The frost leaves the ground earlier in the spring, where the plowing has been done tho previous sea son, and is thus permitted to receive tho crops earlier than tbe land requiring more preparation. Deep plowing should as a rale be done in the fall, as it is questionable whether It ever pays upon our western prai rie soils. With plenty of manure and thor ough cultivation a foot in depth may proba ably be done with profit, otherwise it Is questionable. A farmer who fails to per form all the fall plowing he cau with prompt ness, is .liable to neglect other important work in Its season, and thus fails to keep up with tbe times and to realize the best-possi ble income. To do everything properly and promptly just at the right time upon the farm, is sure to bring abundant reward to the laborer. Fall plowing comes at a time when there is little other work, which thus enables tbe farmer.to make use of all other portions of the year to his advantage. To Can Peaches. Procure the largest, finest tud ripest fruit. Use granulated sugar, in proportion of half a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Make tbe syrup of half a teacupful of water to a half pound of sugar. Let it come to a boil and skim. Have your peaches pared with a silver-plated fruit knife, and throw theint 1 to clear cold water, in a wooden or carthe vessel. Boil tbe fruit in the syrup until it is so tender that you can put a broom straw in it, then skim from the syrup with a skim mer and place in the cans until they are quite full. Fill up with the boiling syrup and Immediately screw on the tops as tight ly as possible. You will find you have to screw them on again and agaiu. Look at every jar fur two or three days after cann ing to see if It is air-tight. Ifyourstoro closet is not quite dark wrap your can around with brown wrapping paper. Light injures fruit it must be kept cool also. Aunt AilJie in Country Gentleman. Horses Calling. If drivers will see that their horses' shoul ders are carefully sponged or washed with cold water every time, aud as soon as taken from hard work to the stable, they need not have any more horses with galled shoul ders. It takes little time, and the bard worked horse will feel and be much better for it. Of course the collar should fit com fortable, and there should (with this care) be no paddiug between it and tbe shoulder, producing heat where there is none requir ed. The sweat and dirt should be rubbed off tbe nndersido of the collar, which should never be washed. On the'day that Rums trotted at Hartford at least five swindles were allowed on tbe grounds, the pool box, tbe wheel of fortune, sweat boards, the pill box trick,and tbe sell ing of lager beer at 10 cents a glass, Seve eral venturers lost over 100 apiece at tbe wheel in less than an hour, Tbe board was remarkably well patronized by the unsophis ticated, and the gamblers bad all they could do Belling silver to bet with, for bills, of which they had at the close of the day a big box full. The pill box men would show three or four empty boxes, and, ostensibly putting a 120 bill in one, offer to sell the boxes for ? the spectator seeing a corner of the supposed $20 bill tticking outside. On opeulng the box the dupe would find a dol lar bill. A lager man said that their being forced to buy off the association obliged them to charge 10 ctuta per gloss.