JJ 1 J THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRATLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA C0T YPA. (hose very nnlless he ; stand to let his The woman knew his I out 6e jogging along. You won't got 1 nroutnl here unlea you havo the cmli." "Aly dear woman," ho confidently began as ho drew nearer, "I am not hungry ; I just left the breakfast table, nfter the heartiest meal I ever ate. I was not looking at your beautiful meats, your lovely ckes, or your rich and juicy pies, but at yourself." "What arc you looking at rao for?" "I was wondering," ho said, "if you were any relation to Lady Clare of England? You havo tho same brown eyes, same beau tiful hair same sweet accent." "1 never know her," replied tho woman, as her face began to clear up, "Didn't, eh 1 NY ell, I never saw two faces nearer alike in their sweet expression. I wish I had your portrait paluted ou ivory I really wish Iliad." She handed him half a pie and a piece of meat, and as he sauntered ofl she began hunting around lor a piece of broken mirror, Detroit Free Preis. A OI014 Scliave. Herman Schuster, a respectable German or St. ImiIs woke the other morning to find himself idead. He saw a statement in the morning paper to the effect that be was de funct, and that all that was mortal of him rep vied iin tho Morgue. He immediately, upon the receipt of this information, re paired to that sombre institution, and there sure enough lay his body on a marble slab, with water trickling over It Every feature was life and natural tho nose, the hair, moustache, facial scars, clothinir, all the ox act counterpart .of his own. He was about to accept the Irrevocable decree of fate and retire, when a last faint hopo occurred. to him. He had not seen the eyes. 'Vot is de golor of dose eyes ?' excitedly demanded he of the attendant. The lids 'were Taisedri 'Mine Gott I' shouted the poor'felloWjdot peesh not mine body. Dose augin sind blau, und mine is plack. Gott in blmnill! vot a glose schavo does vosl' Washingeon Post, How to Milk. Some milkers seize the root of the teat between the thumb and forefinger, and then drag down until it slips out of their grasp. In this way the teat nud the udder are both often severely injured. The proper mode of milking is totake the teat in the entire hand, and after pressing it upward, so that it may be filled from the capacious milk res ervoir above, to compress it. first at the base between the thumb and forefinger, then suc cessively by each of the three succeeding fingersuntil completely emptied, The teat is at the samo time gently drawg upon, but any severe 'traction is altogether unnecessary and highly injurious.- The cow should al- ways be milked regularly, and the milk en- tireiy drawn off. If the mllklrijHsseasoilai' bly and properly done, 'there is"llttle danger of disease of the teats or udder. More cows aro ruined from faults of this kind, than from rll other causes. Sensible Weddings. A month ago a young girl in Boston, the daughter of one of the wealthiest men there, being about to marry, asked her father to let her wedding be as quiet as possible, and to give ber the mouey, which would have been spent for flowers, wine, etc. With this money she gave a certain sum to the poor of each city which she visited on ber wedding journey. She had the blessing of the hungry and naked strewed along her path instead of roses. The story without the names, crept Into the newspapers. Last week the wedding of one of tho great capitalists in New York was marked by as touching and as beautiful an Incident. One of the gilts to the bride was the sending of one hundred orphan boys to homes in the West, Proit,. l,.nr,ln l,.,oi,oi. . i, i i -.w.j (..uft ui. u ".uu ui oyster or peach cans, by removine one end. . . 0 and cutting them in strips one-third of an inch wide, leaving one-half of au inch at the bottom. Press it in the shape you de sire, and .clinch the ends at the top over a strong wire, beveral iuches larger in circum ference than at the bottom of the can. Taint it green, and when dry line it with green moss from the garden. Fill with good rich soil and plant therein Kenilworih ivy,straW' berry, geranium, or some other pretty trail no ,u muj nil,. ing vine: Suspend it at the window by a wire or tiny chain. This is ;iudetd a 'thing of beauty,' if kept in a thrifty condition. Jiang it over and in a pail of rain water'oc- casionally to water the moss. Emil Hoedehthe tinsmith from Leipsig, who attempted tho assassination of the Em peror William on May 11, in tbeaveuue Unter den Linden, as the emperor was re turning from a drive with his daughter, the grand duchess of Baden, has been executed. He was beheaded at Berlin on the 10th at ..v.. .I. mc LUUri, js.ru 01 menew prison. The imperial warrant decreeinz tbat justice should take iu course was sigued on the 8th or tho present month. Hoedel's 11 ra wo, uknol l,u.i. . . .1 , . 1 . age was about twenty-one. On the trial he l"""""' " uau "t intended to take the life of tho emperor, but sought to sacri- face his own life in a public manner, in nrilp, to create sympathy for the suffering people. - . iiut numerous witnesses testified that Hoe del leveled his weapon direct at the emper or. One day wo are here, the next where are we? Do uothlng to-day that you will repent of to-morrow. Very wealthy and very poor people live to a goqd old age. The late Professor Henry made twenty, two inventions, not one ol which he pat ented. A Dutchman repeated the adage, "Birds loit one feather goes niit demsolvea." She that hath a new bonuet Is more con sumed with a desire to go to church than seven pious people. "Are you trying to raise a moustache, my son V kindly inquired a heavily whiskered .1 .. . . lamer, me otner morulnir. observluc young man scraping his lace "In the place ...amu, grow, -xes.slr," mournfully replied the boy, "since you ailed it about all I can raise." Now tbat the phonograph makes it possl uie lor sounds to he canned the same as beef, milt, loUte rs, fruit, elc.mieslonary sermons can be bottled and tent to the South Sea Is lands ready for the table, instead of the mis sionary himself. . A Kanras tchool ma'am lias introduced new feature into ber f chool. Wheu one the girl misses a word, the boy who spells It gels permission lo kiss her. An a result fue girls are becoming very poor spellers, nuns tue uoj-a are improving, istorieal. 1IIST0IIY 01' COMMIIIA COUNTY. Mti.iTAnv nnconn. Three Years Service 43d licgimtnt. FITIST ARTILLERY. Hatttry F. Oolumhia and Montour, 11 Bruce Hlckelts mustr-rpii in Jtilv fl IRfit it. uruce mcneiis, mustered in July a, ihoi, promoieu 10 nrsi lieutenant August o, 1801, to captain May 8, 1863, to major December 1, 180-1, breveted colonel. John F. Campbell, mustered in July 8, 1881, promoted to second lieutenant May 120, 1604, to first lieutenant December 0, 1804, to captain April 17, 18G5, muster ed out with Battery June 0, 1SG3. Vet eran. Charles H. Brookway, mustered in July 8, ISO 1 , promoted to second lieutenant February 28, 1802, to first lieutenant March 10, 1803, commissioned captain Xovjnibcr 30, 1804, not mustered, bre vet captain March 13, 1805, discharged October 23, 1804, Veteran. Henry Wiremnn, mustered in July 8, 1S0I, promoted to first lieutenant December 0, 1S04, mustered out with battery June 0, 1805. Veteran. William II. Thurston, mustered in July 8, 1801, promoted to first lieutenant April 22, 1S05, mustered out with battery June 9, 1S05. Veteran. Francis H. Snyder, mustered in July 8, ' 1801, promoted to second lleutcnaut January 31, 1804, wounded at Mine Ruu. Virginia, discharged October 8, ' ' 1804, George W. Mowrer, mustered in nromotpd in sncnml Upnti.n-.iit April 22, 1805, mustered out with bat tery June 9, lSUTi, Veteran. Frank 1'. Brockway, mustered in Jauuary 1, 1802, promoted to second lieutenant December 21, 18G4, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran . MiYilliam H. Trump, mustered in July 8, ... lStil, nrst sergeant, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran. Stephen E. Ridgoway, mustered in Decern ber 30, 1801, quartermaster sergeant, out with battery June 9, 1805. mustered Veteran. William B. Melick, mustered in July G, ISpl, discharged on surgeon's certificate Jnly 18, 1802. Albert Herbein, mustered in August C, 1801, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran. irank-itn uouser, mustered, in January 27, ioro . i j . i. .. t ' 1 1802, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran. John H. Christian, mustered in July 8, 1801, .wounded at Gettysburg July 2, 18G3, mustered out August 8, 1804. Jacob S. Yordy, mustered in July 8, 1801, mustered out with battery Juno 9, 1S05. Veteran, Jacob M. Harraan, mustered in March 9, 1804, mustered out with battery June 9, tRfi.1 . Appleman, Cyrus B March 15. 18G4, i I . ' m , . . .. nuuuueu at, aoiopmoiny luay ai, io-i, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805, Fause, Thomas E., mustered in July 8, 1801, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran. Fox, Jacob, mustered in July 8, 1805, died October 10, 1802, at Washington, D. C. Gotscball, William, mustered in February 1 Bfti m,,.....i ... ...t.i. t. t.... j, auu-i. uiu.iucu uu, iriiu uitLLtri v uuut! i o 1 g(5 Garringer, Charles, mustered in February 21, 1804, died at Washington, D. 0., fentemhor 1 1 1 Rf!4 Haag, Jacob, mustered in July 8, 1801, mus tered out with battery June 9, I8G5. Veteran. Hughes, Mason B., mustered in February 27, 1804, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Hart, John A., mustered in July 8, 1804, mustered out atHipiration of term. ITurdnr. Priptlpv S mnoioFo.! In h.,r.U ' "1, 1801, mustered out January 23, 1805. 1 ' ' 1 Veteran XT 1 X .- ! . . I . T 1 o 1 r- . xiccu, i-tauci., mu.31.ereu in juiy 0, loui, discharged May 31, 1804-expiraon of ICIUl. Powell, William, mustered in July 8, 1801, discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb ruary 10, 1803. Rake, John G., mustered in January 1, 1804, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran. Roberta, Josiah K., mustered in February 10 18ci mustered out with battery June 9. I65- "aite, Isaac, mustered in July 1, 1801, trans- ferred to Battery G March 20, 1804, mustered out with battery June 29, 1805. Hemline, Francis, mustered in July C, 1801, not on muster roll. Shipman, Charles, mustered in July 8, 1801, mustered out with battery June 9, 1805. Veteran, Shoemaker, John, mustered in January 22 18U2, discharged on surgeon's ccrtifi cat. Savage, Charles N., mustered in January 1, 1802. deserted October 10, 1802. . . ' Thompson, Edward, mustered in December 20. 1801. k ed at Antietam Sentemher 1 17, Jbu2. wnr .t,,i, w m.,...i t t..i.. o ion, . ,, v,v., wWUU ., miuiiiiiu 11. u uiy o, lovi , on detached service as llcginiental JIo' pltal Steward. The above are all certainly ascertained to belong to Columbia or Montour. Battery F participated with distinguished gallantry i.n,1 rrtto- i.. .i.. ..ii. ...i - vcu ,u Ula luiiunriug eiiKagements, Yiii uiucuesier, oeconu iiuu Jlun, (..Ban til V. Antlptnin l"ri.,l(.r!rl-.l,,ir Pl,.nl. lorsville, Gettysburg, Bristoe Station, Mine Bun. WildernM r.ntlll A . . . , , na iolopotomy, Cold Harbor, I'eter.burg, aud Deep Bottom : a roll of battles ol which they may well be proud, as well as of the auuiuona wact that they remained in ll.e service till the war was over, always dolntr .i... 1. ., ... .. . '7. '.""' iucit nun morougniy ana taking It as with all of which notably Capt. Brockway uuu aiijuttiuiauce. A ewe aged ten years, the property of I the I ti, ,.. ni. in i.,i,.i..,i.. ' tj.r..j has In that period given birth to thlrtv-four lambs, all of which were well reared. The ewe brought four lambs each year for four successive year, and three lambs each of the - olh" e" Is a Krleiitltlc Itrmrdr, being the re t 'Ultof jears of mudy by a prominent . Physician, and hating been usedlnlils - ounpructicoa long wmw before Ulng r I n. fcM w iuvvuu". II lO liiD II fUL j glim to the public. HI: l-IIM'ltl.l. Itl.MKULK nud romuirxluii beuiillOrr. a Nothing like It baa ever beforo been of fered, it Hoi im wosi- im uuic aud Is 1'HKimi.y llianikbg-leavlng tho kik uu VtLVKT, and the cohi-luium iS CI X1K la CSTUTil. of SO eta. per bottle. bOU) 11Y ALL DHl'UOIs'lS. aug. 2, 1H fill umroii'H NOTICE. fh Uio mutter ot thorstato of Matthew McDowell, deceased. Ami now .tulv 1. 1 1TS. Whereas Peter Knt. Etecn- lor ot Mallhew McDowell, deceased, died October 8. 1876, and O. P. Rnl was appointed liU administrator and on the JSlhot .Itiljr a. II, Isu.nieda final sup plemental account ot Peter Knt.decensed, lato nctlng executor and trustee under tho will ot Matthew Mc Dowell, deceased No. 1 A Neptemtier Term 1877. That on tho 18th div ot Noember, IS77, 0. P. Knt died wiuioui naving paiuocrineiuniisor inecsiaiooi Matthew McDowell, deceased, andllaal II. Knt was appointed nilmlnlslrntor, do bonis lion to. or Peter Knt, deceased.and Itobcrl 8. Knt. administrator ot o. r. Knt, deceased. Now, therefore, on moium of Knorr, Attoiney nf Alice Mcliowcll Lcgatoo and by comentof Hon, C. It. Hurkstew, Attorney for the present reprrsenutho aoii'hnlder of Iho funds of Iho estate of said Matthew McDowell, deceased, t'. t narkley, itsq , is appulmwi Auditor to ascertain tne prnilts r 'telved since the nllng or the account by . p. Knt, deceased, and dlsttliiule the fund of Hit! es tate nf Matthew McDtwoll to nnd ninong tho parties entitled thereto. , , httiie uoritT. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Auditor appointed by tho foregoing order ot Court will tnoettho parties inipresvu tor i no penonnsinco oi ins iiuutn uimsui. nceln thuTown ot Uloomiburif on trldiy thessddoy 0tAugustls7sat ioo'clocka.m,.atwblchtlmonllpar. ties must appearand present their claims or bo do- uarrcu irom a snare or mo lunu. CIIAHI.KS tl. 1I.M1KLKV, Bloomsburg, July, 19, '"s-4w Auditor. The Seaside Library. Choice books no longer tor tho few only. Tho best standard nntels within tho reach ot every one. Honks usually sold from i to 13 Riven (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 und so cents. 1. East Ljnnc, Mrs llenrv Wool 2. John Halifax, Gent, by VI si Mulock 3. Juno Ejre, by chitriotto ltronto 4 A UoniHti lluter, by c. Heme ft. Tito Ituck Indh'H, by .Idles Verno 0. The Last 1'njnof I'ompvll. bv llulwcr 7 Adam liede, by Gcorgu lailolt 8. The Arutidut .Motto, i M c liny it. "id Mjil.Heton's Money, hy Mary I cell llay le, Tho uiinn In White, hy Wllklo Damns II, Tho Mill on tho l lois, by (Jen nilot .. U. The American (-enntor, by Trollopc 1.1. A ITlncens ut Thule, by w Ihlnm Itlack 14. Tho Dead Mecret, by wllklo Collins 15. llomoU, by tieorjfo mint III. Tho Kncllsh uttho North Polo and FlclJ ot Ice. by Ju'es ernn 17. Hidden PertN. by .Mar Cecil llay is. tmrbtra's History lit' A. It Kdwards ty. A Terrlt)lo Temptation, by 0 Ke.ulo mt. Old curiosity Miop. by Cuarles Dickens 21. Foul Piay, bv Charl. Ile.l lo 11. Man ,i 1 wife, by Wllklo Collins tt.l. Tho squlro's l.niracv, tty M. c nn S4. Never Too Lato to Mend lif chu lieado 5. Lady Adt mine's uatli, by Mrs H Vooil 2ii. uroraKlnjd, by Miss M K Itr.nMon aT. Victor and Vannulshed. bv M U Hay too luo 1IH3 1-C 1110 lee JIIO 'nc mc 100 2)10 200 200 mo loc 10U 1IHS M0 ll3 1"C 1IK3 20 W 2(tC IOC 200 10C lt'O IHO 20C 2. A Daughter of lleth, bv William IHack a, Nora's Ivo Tost, liy M O I lay TMIeri'aro'tPoc,by.Mis Mctaniler 81. Ix)ie Mo l.lttlo Love Me jmg, by (!n is ltoado 1"C R2. Tho (juccn of Hearts, by UIIkIu Colllnti, luo tti. nanuy uuj, vi iiinuet l.oier 20C 10C 200 200 100 20C 2ac 100 200 200 IOC 200 10C 2'KJ IOC IOC site 10C IOC Ht, Minpieton. uy cnartes jieaoo ?? ".. lel.'.Tlmliamcal. bv tteorgo Ullol SI, The Wooing o't, tty Mrs Alexander a7. The Mi dory, by Mrs Henry ood its, vMlVOUIIliL, IIV HklO V IMIIIIS 3D. Iwtiiiio, by Nlr Winter sootr 40. -i ho Heir to Ashley, by Mrs II. Wood 41. White Lies, by Charles Iteade 42. Hlde-nnd-Seek, by Wllklo Collins 41 Hector stervad ic, by Jules Verno 41. The Tower of Loudon, by w n Alnsnotth 45. a uio'9 secret. uy.Mrs Henry wood 40. Kcritag t of Langdale, by Mrs Alexander 47. InMUt Attire, by William lilack 4S. Mrango Adventures of a Phxton.hy William 49. oranvllle de Vlgne, by .'Onlda" 50. tinder tho Hreenwood Tree, by Thos Hardy 51. Kllmeny. by Win l'.lack 52, Tho Lost Idtnk Note, by Mrs Henry Wood 10C $.SS&5!& ftK''Evtai!1" 63. Monarch of Mincing Lane, by William Lla ck loc 20C loo Voc 57. A Voj age Hound tho World-South Atnorl ca, iiyauies verno 58. MUs Marner, by ileorgo KUot 59. Chandon, by "oulda" co.AVojago llouml tho World Australia, by Jules Verno 01. Itebee, by "Oulda" 62. Kolle-Farlne. by "Oulda ' 03. Deno Hollow, by Mrs Henry Wool 04. A Voyage Hound tho World-New Zealand, 10c ll'C 200 100 100 20C 20C ov juies verne. 5. Tho Nobliniin's Wlfo. tiv Mm. It U'nnrt 10C 10C !;or? u "0 .0,,e' yanmei cr 07. castle Wufer, and Henry Arkell, 200 by Mrs Henry Wood 10C 100 20C 20C 0. Klvo Weeks In a Halloon. hv Jules Verno 09. To tho Bitter End, by Miss M J liraddon 70. Mtddlcmarch, by (leorgo Idiot 71. Ariadne, by "oulda" 72. Merldlana, nud the Blockade Runners, by Jules Verue 7a Dessy Kane, by Mrs Henry Wood 74. Itupert Hull, by Mrs. Henry Wood 75. The Kur Couulry, by Jules Verne 70. 'I ho Now Magdalen, by Wllkle Collins 77. MIstioM and Maid, by Miss Mulo.k 7s. finmth (taunt by Charles Iteane 70. Malleoli Violet, by W1U1 im Mack- 80. Daniel Deronda. by (leorgo KUot 81, Christian Mistake, by Miss Mulock M. My Mother und I, by Miss .Mulock 100 100 200 100 IOC IOC 10O IOC 200 sue IOC IOC aa. enters rnae, Dy airs uenry wood 20C S4. 20,oiK) Leagues Under the seas, by Jules Verno loo b5- Malorle Bruce'a Lotet's, by Mary Patrick ine so. Put Yourself In Ills Place, by cnas Hondo 20c 87 A Journey to the Centro of tho Earth, by Jules Verne ss. Two Marriages, by Miss Mulock bo. Tho Lovcls ot Arden, by M B liraddon 90. JH sterlous Island-Dropped from tne Clouds, by Jules Verno 91. The Woman's Kingdom, by Miss Mulock 9. Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles, by Mrs Henry Wood 93. Mjsterlous Island the abandoned, hy Jules vienne 94. The Law and the Lady, by Wllkio Collins 10c 10c 20C 10c 20c 1C loc 100 10c 2I1C IOC Dead Men's shoes, by iuss M u, uraddon V- !ve's victory, by 11 L 1'arjeon us. iinrrv ijirrpiit pr. iivi'iinr t.u mie. 99. From the earth to lite moon.and around tho moon, bv Jules Verne loo. a Tale of Two CUIob, hy Charles Dickens I 11,1 .V l,Tn UFA I.U llu. l..lnnl. 102 Hard "innes'by Charles Dickens !!!? iL.iJ?y.. tut, rccuu i.u, uy .louu uamm 105. At the Sign ot the fcmer Flagon, hy II L 1(0. The master of the Orcylonds, by Mrs Henry wood 20 107. Dlade-o'-Orass by II L Furleon loc los. The sea King, by Captain "arrynt loc 109. Eleanor's Victory, by Miss M K liraddon 20c 110. Tho Olrls ot Feversham, bv Florence Marrjatioc in.rt iuui ui mo itunu 111 isagniy itas, by Jules Verne 112. Hard Cosh, by Charles Ileade lis. uolden (train, by II L Karjeon loc 20 ll'C 10C 21 C 10C IOC 20C IOC loc 21)0 IOC loc 20c 10c 10c loc 10c 1 11. iiarri-11 .narKiiam, uy Miss -M K liraddon 11 . within the Maze, by Mrs 11 Wood 110. Pauline. by L 11 B Walford 111 ,! Female Mtnstpr. tiv V. Ttf us. "reat Expectations, by c Dickens 110. I'ptrrmpl. l,v hlnrpm n u.rn., 120. ltomance of a Poor Young iian, by o Feu- - - " ' J H, , JUfc ,21. A Life for a Llfo. bv Miss Mi.Ioh, g:!jtoiarrjrat 124. tiiiulre T revlyn's Heir, by Mrs 11 Wood izj .uury uuriuu, uy Mm liaskell 120. Kreina ; or my Father's bin.by 11 D Black- more 127. My Lady Ludlow, by Mrs (laskell 12. Cousin Phillips, bv .Mrs Guskell 129. Tho Wanderlug Jew, (1st halt) by Eugene ue 20c 129. The Wandering Jew (2d halo by Eogeno Suo 200 130. Sermons out ot church, by Miss Mulock 100 loc 20c .ui, .i.iliiuci 011 vuuii. uv ,1 uifs iprnn 132. Jack lllnton, by Charles Lever 13J''j;ho Duchess of Rosemary Lane, by 11 L Far, .m. 1.1, luuiucr s no, oy Amelia 11 towards 100 13V Agatha's Husband, by Miss Mulock loc ISO. Katie Stewart, by .Mrs thlphant loo Is'; .1,leut.!n 11 cl0"d' bv Charles Uter 100 1 8. What 1 0 cost Her, by Jamis Pajno loc lsj. Loudon's Heart, by II L I'arjeon too 140. T ho Ijuly Lisle, by Miss M K liraddon loc !1',' '!iV?ru.'")-hv Captain Marryat luo 142. Tho Ileadof the Family, by .Miss Mulock 20c V.3.- ! 'u !.!aun'.,'.a Tower, Ly Mrs Henry Wood 20c Hi- l.hel t lieutenants, by Alexander Dumas loo 143. Half a million ot money, by Amelia U. Kd wards 200 140. Charles O'Malley. the Irish Draunon. bv Iver, (Trip'o No) ' " 147. Halt tu, tho Reefer, by Captain Marryat 14S, A Blue Mwklng, by Annlo Kdwards 149. Joshua Marvel, by 11 l Farjeon 160. Midshipman liasv, by Captain Marryat. 151. Tho Russian llypsy, by Alex Dumas 15. Arthur O'Leary, by Charles Lcu-r 153. Word ot Wife ? lvi. A Point of Houor. by Annie Edwards 30c loc loo 20C PC 100 20 1 C loc 40C 100 loo ie loc mc iTheK " TrTus, iki 'I'l.u, 155. The Count of Montc-Crlsto, Alex Dumas mugs uu, uy uapu .11:11 ry nl d atid (Hove, bv Amelia it. i.itwnnts ft fJiUhi unuio nun-, uj nuuiui'i iAJvr torn i-blp, by Captain Marryat : Tulip, by Alexander Dumas d Well Lost, K. Lynn Linton ! 7.."." world well Lo,t, K. Lynn sue mil loc 1 luf. nninev. unarioiio iirnniA 1 103. Frank Mlldmay, by captain Marri at i"5?iLYHWA,?"1?.' uowrn loc 1 i".". 11 muueru -.inisier 01. 1.1 C'hr,n.lv Vnpcl Irtrt Th, . I nut Alrlttit t... Vln.v.. , . 20C 100 107. The Ouei.'s Necklace, by lex, Dumas los. Con Oregon, by I harles fever K.9. fct. Patnek'a He, by Charles Lever loc soo loc 100 2I'C l,?;?, JJj' V,ieJa;' hi,. ..cwiuii juisiiT, uy i-npiaiu Marryat :c kj ruiiuur, uy miss iiraouon ler do Mal.on Itoiicp iiiiin. loc 173, Japhet In beurch of a Father by Captain Marryat sue 8I1C 174. kateij'Donoghuo, by Charles Lei er 175. The Pacha of Many Tales, captain Marryat 100 loc Henry I Wood S"0 loc iiKtt! ViSlaV&ViiXro !" &P?t!! V Wllkle Collfna 10O yoo loc 1110 200 . lolt ,Uei.uuuiessaounarny. Alex Dumas SafiMffir0 The l1.1!16 naoge, by Captain Marryat los i'S; i.'aTOpTO Thwiss PamiirRS loc loc f: 1.',''Drjr, i"iDal,i,u.v Miss Braddon liw. Memoirs ota Phi slclan, by Alex Dumaa 10C suo ire it l -he Three Cutters, by Captain Mnrrw loc soc 100 m. Ilt-art of Midlothian, sir u-mt.-r l&fflgiJSa,,. loc 20C 10C loa IM- r eltlers In Canada, by Caotaln Marryat if,,L.iui,u-iBniiu iue uearin, uy cnas. iteado Monk'lls 1,ialh - 1"- 0r UEOHQE MUNRO, Publisher, p. o. box w7, si, S3 and S3, Vandewater at,, N, Y, aug 8, "77-tm TrISfAPEIISKEPT0N FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 Siksom St, PHILADELPHIA, Hlia nr our nuthorlied menu, and wUl rccrive AdriTlUmicuia ut our can make money faster at work for us than a any thing olso Capital not required t we wll start you $11 per day at home made, by the Indnstrlous. Men. women.-, boys nnd elrla wanted everywhere to work for us. Now In tho time Costly out (Hand terms free. Address Tatia & Co., Augusta, Maine.) March 92, ts-ly GLAZING AND PAPERING. T7"M. F. IIODINE, Iron Street below sec . T t o nud, Bloomsburg, Pa., Is prepared to do hi kinds ot PAINTING, GIiA.INa, and I'Al'EU HANGING, In the best stylos, notice. at lowest prices, and at short Parties having such work to do will save money calling on me. All work warranted to give tutlBtaclton. solicited WM. F. BODINE. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases op the Skin, llEAUTlrlES THE CoMl'LEXIO.V, PREVENTS and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES 1ROM THE CoMrLEXlON ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the Mood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun ana wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME I1EAUTIF1ER is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL rilUR Haths arc insured BY the use op Glenn's Sulphur Soup, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and trevents diseases communicated by contact with the PERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald." ncss, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. Nt B. The 50 cent cakes are triple the sue of those o 2$ cents. 'HILIS KAIU AND WHISKER DYE," Ulack or Ilrown, HO Cents. C. N. CMTTEXTOJ, l'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.1. December II, 1-77-ly ANTI-FAT Tbo UHEAT BEMEUlT far OOHFPIiElVO 3D. ALLAX'S AXTI-FAT U riirplr Tcp-tabl( an'l prrfectly harmless. It ftcti ui 1011 the foo. J n thv ftomacli, irocntJntf lis lwin fnnrtt''l Into it), 'lakfn hi ncronluiire nllh nl riTtlnns, It will reduce fat ptrton tVoni two twflr nound per week ...... "(Vinmltnce Is not only a dlscnue ltBtlf, lut the harhlnmP of others." bo wrote HlppocmUs two thousand )carn ago, und what wus truu then la noue the lesa so to-lai. Holii hw ilrujtBlsts. or 6en hy express, upon re cclptorttu. Quarter-dozen $ LOO. Addri-aa, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., 2rovrtetora, Jiuffalo, X, 1. May 2 1, '7S.-3m I ht t ff Includlnss Shooting Outflt.U s W ll HJ UlioKUi, Moore ic Uruoki St. Louli z2 uUtf. II, 'IT-iy K A U PATENTS! obtain e (1 f 0 r meciiuLlcal ue- or other coin- pounrts, ornamental dfslsns, trudo marks, and la Ih'K Lfni8, Afnmt'nth, IiiterrtTenees, Appeals, suits ror lull tiitfeimits, and all cahea uiWlng under luo PATIINT lA . promptly attend lo, Inventions Tbat Havo Been Vl 1 Ij1rM.T by thepatent onicomay vliitJ VjVj I. Mil Jfertlllnmobt caeK. bo pat- nti'd fiv 114 Khiiil' ntii)uslTi t hn nntHtit. mil "p. n can make closer heurehes, and tecum patents more prompuy ami wiiu uruauer ciuiuia iuuii ihusohuu are reinuto rrom Wushlntrton. INVENTORS send us a model or fikctcli or jour deuce : wo make examinations Ireo ot cliargcand ud Use as to patent ability. All corretponaence ttrlclly connuentlal. rices low and NO CI1A110E UNLESS l'ATENT IS bEUUKKII, We liter to ofllclalsln the Patent Ofiico, toourcll enta In eery slate of tlie I'nlon, and lo jour sena tor and Ileprctcutatho In Congress, fcpcclal refer ences gl cn w hen desired, A ddrebs opposite l'atent onice, w aslilnglon, 1). C. i, 11-1 aprll r, Steel and Iron Triple Flauge FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; FaUnt Inaldc noil Work and JUlugtd Cap. 10 UI I COMPUTI WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TRWILL1GER, No. 04 Maiden Lane, lw WUllaa It. inr TOU. dec. 7, IbTT-ly M. C. SLOAli & BR0 it?. llI.OOMK.Utlu;, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs l'LATFOIUl WAGONS, to. first-class worklwayson band. liEl'AJJUNa NEATLY 1XJNE. J'rlcctt reduced to suit Uie times. Jim.e,lS7T-tf Ui Spriaig (Roods I i3ega leave to inform Jiis custoiners and the public tlmt his stock is now replete with all the Novelties for Spring and Summer Wear, consisting of new and beautiful styles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN ANDMESTIC. GOODS . Akr REDUCED PRICES any of which he in prepared to make up in the latest style. Ready-made cotliing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits,jfoT men, Cheap suits for Youths, lioys for Children. all of thojbest make and at the lowest prices. Just received a 'full line of all the latest styles iu color and quality of For Men, for Youths, for I5oys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBXJEG, OP A.. Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBUKG, PA., IS THE l'LACIS TO (JET THE WOItTII OF YOUIt MONEY IN THE FINEST AND FUESIIEST OF Fancy Imported and Domestic.Staple Groceries of Every Description, Qnsensrae, Glassware, Wool and. Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobaceo and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, 0K NICE FRESH PKOIiUCE. IS THE LAMM AND HAS THE OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin THE. DIFFERENT IN THIS PAPER -a.:r,:e oistl" OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL Iii itlae CoiiiiiiMlbiaiii Offi(6(Ba All kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing done on at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE BLOOMSBUKG, PA, "yyA1Nwl10I1T & co., IIULLBAI.i; UKUC'EKS, l'uii.inu.rmA, Dealers In TEAS, S 11U1VK, COFFEE, bl'OAK, MOLASSES, BICE, SrlVlS, S1CAB8 tOI'i, ic, Ac. N. K. ( omerHecooil anil Arch blreets, tfOrikrii will receive prompt fttteutlon. BLOOMSBUKG TANNERY. G. A. HERRING l) i:8l'K(TKUI.LY announces lo tlio i.ublic Xvll11! lie lias reopened SNYUKH'S TANNERY, (o'U bland) llloombburir, IU. at tUo Forks or the Es ny oud Uirlit street roods, where all descriptions ot leather Hill be made In the mimt blilihtanlliil ntnl workinaiillkn manner, and bold at prices lo suit the I""' iu mtiue&v pneu iu eutfu win ui iui inues vo ORE EN HIDES ot every description In the country, Tlie puullepat. Ulouuisburtf, ucu 1, ll76. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessors, and ot they are llhln the i each of ev er VUU WUU Will usu WIUOIIT'S UVBK PILLS, The only sure CUIIK lor Torpid Llier, Bysiiepkla, Headache, bour btouiach. t'onstlpatlon, liltlllly Nausea, and all llUUous eomplalntsand Llood dis orders ;one genuine unless signed nwm. WHirht fhiia." It jour 1 ruggUt win not supply send o . . , , j4ii., iiuiicr a. (.u., to jn.iiu oi., i una. jan. , in-if nr JOB HUNTINO 'of every desription EXECUTED PROM1TLY At thjs Ooldmbuw Ovria, Sprang Goods J FOB E SOLD ONLY BY LOWMBHW, STYLES OF TYPE short notice and OF THE COURT HOUSE, BEST llculars ana & pare llmu at l'ortland, Mali business you eun engnge In. fa to tan terilaj iNiKlebyani woikeror either sex, light Iu their own localities, l'ar- llculars ana somplei worth tBIrec. Improve jour spare llmu at Ihls business. Adduss hTissoH 4: Co.. rortland, Maine. march w, TS-iy T i r a v ei k In ) our o n to n. f 5 Outnt tree. l-l-1""1:1'. luactr It sou want a business J M I at which rerionsot tilher sex can make J iripi.t rnv nil till till,.. lhvun,b i. tor parillulurs loll, luuu i Co.,l'ortland.MaUic. MALLEABLE IE0N "00T A SHOE Sole Protector. For use In Holllnir Jluis, niass Umims, coal Mines and by aimers, ' V. v. bUIl'lilt, ratentec, sa talnst., Allegheny, 1-a. Call, ore (snaor circular. HAPPY RELIEF To nil biilft'ilmr frnm flironlo diepasps of all kinds. CoMldt'iitlalcuiihulLallun Invited personally or b intill, NtwhiH'tliul ol trentmi'iit. Kew and rellab e n'rm'dles. j:ook and circulars tent Jrceln seated rmilcijK'H, Ailaii.ss IIOWAHD ASSOCIATION, 419 IHilllI .XII HI M J I 1 1, I UllilUt 11'UlU, I U.i UU 1UB111UIC nuMiiy h ii luii leputuuou lur n lonorable conduct and J'JIJf IV, t&-om JwAco PltOVUIlllS. No ono can tto sick when the Btcmarh. blnod iherandkldueyB uiu healthy, and Hop Ultlen Tho ereateiiL nourlf-liintr tnnttv appetite r, i reiiKt hener and curatlt o on can uu 1101' uiiierB." It fs Impossible to remain lnni? rcv or nut. or Why do Hop lit tiers euro so much ?" Iiecauat they glvo Koud dly-eBllon, rich blood, and healtui action of ail the organs," 'No matter Vhat'xOlirfeellnti-d nr Allmnnt Id iiwp j- i l iu &4 niij uu jou boou, "licmemter. Hon lhttera netpr rtiwHtinrm tmi tnvul Lilumn n ...I 11 it ' "rurlfy tUO blOOd. Cleans thft htntnnrh nnd "(uict ncres and balmy bleep la Hop Hitters.1 "No health with In active liver and urlnarv n. imna wlll.mir linn lllttam tt Try Hop Ccu h Cure and Paia fieUct for sale by Mqtkb Hkotiuks. WOMAN. Iiynn Immenso practlre, ctteivtlntr thrmiKh a per (rnl nf years, hnflne within tliflt Unm tientcd ranttff tlirtmsnd rnnnfi nf tlinio dlflonxes necnllar In Woman, I bate been ennbtcd lo jtcrerl n mot toipnt nnd agrccnhla meillolne Hint meets ilio ln fllmtlnni presented by tlmt clnns of Ulaensea with positive certainty and esftctncis. To deilirnate this natural encclflo comitotiDd. I hate named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, howctcr, l Imt a fcelito expression ot my IiIrIi spprrclstlfin ot Us value, based upon mr own personal observation. As a close nlf server, I have, vrhllo wllnesslni! Us positive re fulls In the few special diseases Incident to ihe leparato orKflnism ol woman, siocled It out as lie cllninr or crdiviilusr Horn nf my meillcnl career. On lis merlin, ns a iiosllUe, sate, and eOcctual remedy tor this class ot ills c.iini nmt ono that will, at all limes ami iiiulcr all circumstances, act kindly and In harmony wlih the laws which Rovcm the female system, I am willing to stake my reputation as a physlri.in. Nav, even more, so conlfdcnt am 1 that It will not disappoint the most sangnlno expecuillons of a elnRlc Invalid lady who moa It for any of Ihe ailments for which I recommend It, that I offer and sell It under A I'OMl'll'i: niJAIIAN TEK, If a hciieflcl.'frenect Is not expcrlciu'ed by the time two-thirds of the contrails nf the bot llo arc U"ed, 1 will, on return of Hie boltle, two thirds of tho medicine having brcn taken accord Ins to directions, nnd the case being one for which I recommend It, promptly refund the money paid lor It. Had 1 not the most perfect conildcnee In Its virtues, I could not offer ft ns I do under these conditions; but havinK witnessed Its u uly miracu lous cures In thousands of cases, I fool war milled and iiorteetlr info III rlskliie bnlli in r rejmtallun aud my inoiioy nu Its merits. r C The following nro among fliose diseases In which my s avnrlto Vroscrlpllou has work ed cures, as If by mngic, and with a certainty novcr before attained by any mcdiclnet l.eu corrhica, Kvccssho Flowing, l'alnful Monthly Periods. Suppressions when from unnatural causes, irregularities, Weak Hack, l'rolapsus, or falling fyj Ihe Ulcrus, Anleverslon and Uctrnier siou, llcaring Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Noiotis lleiircssion, Debility, Despondency, Tlircatcncd Mlscanlage. Chronic Congestion, In flammation nnd Ulceration of Iho Ulorus, lmpo tency, llarrenncss, or Sterility. Femalo i eakncjs, and very many other chronic discuses incident to woman not mentioned here. In nil affections nt this nature, my Knvorilo rrcscripllnn works cures Ilio innrvcl of tlio world. This medicine I do not extol as n cuie-all. but It admlrablv fiillllls n IiikIoiiih of pur pose, bemg a most perfect specllic In all chronic diseases of the frctual system of woman. It will not disappoint, ner will It do harm, In any e(ato or condition, Thoso who deslro further Information on theso subjects can obtain It In TllK rEOVI.K'sCOMMii! &KNSK Mr.UlCAI. ADV1SEU, a book ol mcrDOO pages, 6ent, post-paid, on receipt of $l..10. It ttcats niinulcly of thoso diseases l'cculmr to Females, nnd gives much valuable advice In re gard to tiic management of those affections. FAVOKITi: I'ltr.SCItll'TIO.N SOf.D UV AM. IllttJUOISTS. R. V. FIERCE, H. D, Prop'r, JWITALO, A', r. pEims. Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrated, Root and llorbaj Jntcc, Autl-IIllluui Gru.ialeti. TI1K I.1TTIK IANT CATlIAltTIC. or ITlultum 111 larvo lMiyalc. The w city of modern WcdlcaU Cliemlcal, and I'Iihi inner.. Icarbclence. No use of any lonjrcr t.ilvins Uie i.irpc, repulsive, and nauseous jillls, ci)in)n)sed nf cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredients, when wc can, by a careful application of clicmiaat science, cxtiact all tho cathartic and other medi cinal properties from the most valuable roots ami herbs, and concentrate them into a minute Uran uie, scarcely larger than a mnatard ftred that can be rc;tHlv swallowed by those of tlio tno-it sensitive stomachs nnd fastidious tastes. Kach little I'lirKatlTe f'ellct represents, in a most conccnti.ttcd form, as much cathartic poncr an Is emluullcd In anv of tho larpe pills found for vsalo in drug shops, i'f-om their woinlerf ul cathar tic power, in comparison to their size, people who havo not tried them are apt toeupposo that thev aio h.u)i ordrastlc in effect: but such is not at all tlio r.ie, the (Uflerent active medicinal principle! of wliicii liicv ate comMied being to harmonized ami iiKtiliiled, ono bv tho others, as to produce n moNl Hcarrliliiff and thorough, yet ccntly and kindly onorattnif, catliar tic. Howard Is hereby offered by the pro pi ictor of them I'dlet. to any chemist who, upon analysis will llnd in them any calomel or other form, of mercury, mineral poison, or injurious druff. ff Iteinic entirely veeetable, no particular care i& ivUircd while lifting them. They operate without disturbance to the renBtltution, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice. Ilendaclio, Constipation. Impiiro lllood. l'aiu In I lie Mioiildeni,riKl-tiic" "I tlio ChOBt IlizzlnebM, sour 1. nictations from tho Momach. ICad tntto In the mouth, union- attacks, I'aln In region of Kid uu)m, Internal t'eicr, Hlotited foollni; about .stomach. Kiibh of Itlood lo Head, III L'li-rolorcd Urlno, lfnocln tillliv und ;iMimy 1'orobodliiRn, uke Ur, llerco' iloasaut l'urgatlvo lel lotn. In explanation of the remedial power of uy rurE-itivo Toilets ocr so erca variety of ducked, I wish to bay that tliolr anion upon tho animal economy U univer sal, nut a eland or Hume ebtupliy; their NanatHo lmprtii. AftQ docs not Impair the piopertics ot theso I'cllcts. They are fcUKiir-Cfuted and inclosed in glass bottles, their vlrtuej being- thcrebv preserved unimpaired for any length uf time, 'in any climate, bo that Ihcy arc always frcsb and reliable. This Is not the case with Uio.-e pllli which arc put up In cheap Muodcn or pastclmard boe3. liccnllect that for atl dl-oaes wheic a Ijaxattvc, Alterative, or l'uruall vc, is indicated, these UUle relicts Mill Che the most pcifect satisfaction to all who use tiit in. Thoy aro void by all DruggliiU at 25 cents a bottle. , S. V. PIZECE, U, D., rrcp'r, HUiTALO, N. Y 8Cp,23, 'TT-tf Tho Lightest Running, "Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. Jt i easily undcrntood. tnaUe$ the double-thread lork-ittltt-h, ha elf reuulatluff teimluiiM und take-up, (Did ttttt do the wholo range of family ttvarcwltliout change. The Ilomcatlc' it matte in the moat du table manner , with rantcat ff hearing and cotnpenating Journal throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. ThtHi popular XA.TTETlIsrH for failles', (', ami -il!drru' ilrc, are rut on ii syatem .uierlor to any in tiff, nnit ears be smiier.fuotl by nnj one, AH directions ami if lustration, mi each tuvrlope. Ktnd J'(r Criil. for fllu.traleit Calam logue of lOOO i'atMon: - Sowing Maehlno Co., New York, I. W. HARTMAN, Aisnt "Domestic" Parer Fashions Bloomsbur. December ll, ls77-ly ESPY PLANING HILL. Tlie underelguen KBSco ot tlieKspy rionlair Mill la preparwl to Uu all kinds of mill wore, mm, mines, m Bliifls, etc, toado to order on tlicrt nouce, BatlstacUon guar. UUIVOU, sop, as, 'iT-tr o o o pL AI.SSRT IUhimam, THE llED FRONT, ' MOYERS' BLOCK. HARTMAS BROS,, UEALEItS IN TKAS, CANNUI) FRUIT, OZOAR8, TOBACCO. szrorr, OONPEOTIONBRY. Spices of all kinds, Olass & Queensware, FINE GROCERIES. Foreign- and Domostio Fruits) AND OKNEHAL LINE OF Family Provisions 4lli floor lielow Market street, Hloomsbnr?, I'a. itf OooJs delivered to all parts of the town April il, 'TT-tf C3-IL E S' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. C'urcN all IMIu lii Ulan nntl Ilcngt TESTIMONIALS : riioi.Arsrs Utebi (Falllnu of tho Womb.) A Won derful cure. Mno jears iny wire suffered !wltb this terrlblocoinpliilnt. showai atwnded by flocwr af ter doctor, went lo the different hospitals where fe males are treated; tried them all! wore bandajres and pessaries with only temporary relief. Her life was (miserable. We applied Ur. (.'lies' UnlmenU Her relief was Immediate. Hho is now well. II. McDehmott, id West 13lh street, New Vorlr. Ihadttwelvo strokes of raraiysls. My leg, arm and tonguo wero useless ; was obliged to use a cath eter eiery day. Doctor lilies' Liniment iodide of Ammonia has cured inc. Will answer any Inquiries so that all anucied may know or IU Jons AriTL, North liranford. Conn. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, April it, t. W. M. Olles, Kmj jjear Mr I used your Iodide of Ammonia Liniment ou Flora Temple's hind pastern Joint. Hbethad bcen;qulto lame; tho effect was wonderful; suo wukg now nulto welL Very.re specttully yours, A. Witcn. 1". s. I am now using It on Littleton's right tore A large Bhoo boll on a valuable young horse was removed by uues' Liniment Iodide ot a inuionla. SnsriiEKD KKirr, Carpets, KssUth are.. New York. Asthma Tho tortures and agonies I endured for six years, none but those who have suffered with this lernblo disease can know. My life was misera ble. In desperation I tried Giles' Liniment Iodide ot Ammonia, it gara me instant relief. Used It In ternally nswell as externally. 1 U03. llHlMIOAlf, 1S7 west 27th street. New Vorlr. I was In a dreaarul condition. Joints swullen, fialn Intense. Injections ot morphine Into my Telns ailed to relieve me. Giles' Iodide of Ammonia took away tho deposits from my joints, t want every one who suffers to know what will cure them. F0BDTCK LOTlWOr'. Norlh Hjdn Park, LammoUlo co. Vt Another Sufferer cured. Discharged from the Massachusetts General Hospital as Incurable, with Inllammatory rheumatism lu m shoulders, fingers and feet ; suffered fearfully for three 5 ears, tried c erj thing ; lost all hope. Dr. Giles' Liniment Iod ide of Ammonia effected a complete euro. . Kllkn uith. No. it I'rane street. Fall Itlver, Mass Sprains, splints, bruises. Lameness In horses, Giles' Llnliucnt Iodide ot Ammonia Is a perfect toe cltlc. Noiwrson who owns a horso should be with out It. II. ItODKNS, Cfiil seventh avenue, New York. In my family, and for the stock, I have used GUe't Liniment lodldu of Ammonia. It Is uasurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different maladies In which It la applicable. It gltcs the utmost satis faction. JOUN J. L'lKTtB, Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Kjiiwrlmen. tal Farm. SO c. and tl : and In Quarts at VIM, In which tliero Is a groat saving. 4 Trial size ss cents . S01 11 nv it 1. Dbiooists. N. J. IIKMIIlltMIOTT, Agl. lur llloom.Uur. may 41, '19- RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pilILADKLI'JIA AND HEADING EOAD AKHANGEUENT OF TASSENGEIt THAINS. May 12, 1S7S. TBAl.NS LEAVE HCrEHT AS FOLLOWS (SrNDAT EXCEFTS For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsvUle Tomaqua, ic, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. in. T,20 and 7,S p. m. "For WHllamsport, 0,2s o,04 a. m. and 4,oa p. m. TKAINS F0K KUl'ERT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (StKDAT H CEITEI).) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,1c a. m. Leavo Heading, Il.sua. m., PotUvllle, 12,15 p. m andTamaqua, l.SOp. m. Loavo Catawlssa, c,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcaio WHllamsport ,0,45 a.m,2,15 p. m. ando,oo p. m Passengeis and from Now York and PhUade phla go throug.i w iihout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C.IC1, HANCOCK, . ueneral Manager. General Ticket Agent, Jan.u, uiotf. JOHTJIEUN CENTKAL KAIMVAY On and af tr November 20th, 1873. trains will leave 8UN11UHY as follows: NOKTIIWAHD. v Erlo Moll 5.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 ,r, " Canandalgaa,,, s.3sp. a Hochestcr n.is Niagara. 40 Itenovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. m. arrive William, rt 12.tB p. in. Elmlra Mall 4.1s a, m., arrive Klmlra 10.20 a. m. Uulfalo Exprusa 7.1s a. m. arrive lluffald 8.60 a. a bOUTHWAHU. liuffalo Express 2.M a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.M a. 11 Haltlmore 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a, m., arrive Harrlsburg im p. m n asuingion 10,30 1 11 Haltlmoru 6.&0 ' " Wasldngton 8.30 Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p.m. arrive Haltlmore 2.S5 a. m " Washington J.13 " Erie Mall U. a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m) " Haltlmore 8,40 ..... .. " .Washington 10.85 I All dally except Sunday. D. M, UOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, General Manage DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA WEUTEltN 11A1LHOAU. BLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. AND Ttme;Tablo No. 8,, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M , ;jn MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHTH D.m. n.rn. 1 STATIONS. .......Scran ton, . llellevue -....Tajjorvllle..,. ...Lael;awanna. Plttaum. ...... ,, WettPlttaton... Wyoming .........Maltby. .....llennetu.... Kingston....... .......Kingston. ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth,.,,, ....... Avondalo ...... Nan tlcoke .uunlock's creek, ...khlckshlnny. -..Hick's Ferry.... ....Heach Haven... Herwlck .... Briar Creek..... ..Willow Grove. ..Luno nidge.. spy......, -.llloomsburg,.,. sonrn L.m. a so 4 la 9 23 II 9 OS H 68 8 51 9 40 O 87 a.m. p.rn. p.ra 85 2 10 16 l 90 9 45 2 9J I9S , 8 80 38 9 SO' 9 91 9 19 14 61 8 41 a 40 8 45 a ii 9 44 45 11 41 12 10 a mi 10 07 9 49 50 2 63 65 8 83 9 04 8 44 8 13 10 10 la a Ik 1 m 10 83 3 16 1 18 8 21 8 20 8 65 .10 T 18 10 28 8 15 fas 8 12 8 19 8 04 8 Ul T 61 9 61 T IS 9 89 7 19 I 84 lit 111 7 18 T 14 7 lu 1 119 P4 t 1 67 60 1 61 4 1 45 6 27 17 5 15 CC0 1 00 S 47 S 89 8 28 8 17 8 12 8 (111 8 21 7 65 10 49 8 85 8 M 10 66 8 60 IB U 07 4 03 8 45 11 18 4 10 8 65 11 J 4 18 9 06 4 26 7 16" 4 99 J 23 it. - . T 44 T 88 7 83 7 29 T II '" " t44 11 11 in : . Ul 51 4 65 6 3i Catawlssa Hiidge, 111 61 6 00 3 6i n 1, D IS 6 II ...vuiuasKy..,,. 51 e 46 i-ameron ..Northumberland, 18 45 6 16 w TnOMIS II. HiKTMiK. CuiKLia Krq. uioct&iibunr, ra. bnpertLttn tnf, cilw; bU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers