THE COLUMBIAN AMD T9E3TOCRAT3IX)0MSBUK&, COLUMBIA COl NTYf VNJ Miscelaneous. lireaklng dp of n Silling lien. The city man who gcci Into the couttry to pemltheimrtinier mutt wake tip hi mind to learn nomethluff of the routine of rural ...... ... .. I lite. A iSevf lork manwuo tsspeuuingino i I.r.t,.l1,.r.f..nn with . f.mltv nn Plnn I street, was asked by the lady of the house if" ho would take a hen off the nest, m It winl- nmi .hBii nVt want tin. 'Certainly,' said he, and Immediately larfAd niir in inn nn rn wnnrn nana wrn i ' kept, to crush, out the maternal Prospects of this cartlcular one. He went straight to the nest to lift her off no neiu iiraijuv w urn uc iu nib uer and reached out his band for that purpose, but Immediately diew It back again and tucked It up under the other arm, and squeezed It a little, while) he drew up his lips as if about to say something. Then he stood there and stared at the hen, and sue lifted up her head and stared back at him winking her eyes with singular velocity. 'Uet oil, won't you? said ho, alter a pause, She made no response. Ho drew out his hand and looked at a rod spot on one of tho knuckles, and then put the knuckle In his mouth to cool It, looking all the while at the hen, and wondering how on earth she moved so quickly. The longer he eyed her, the loss inclined he felt to tbuch her, and Anally ho climbed up n post to a beam which ran over the nest, and working his way out tilt ho got just above the hen, took off his bat anil shook it at her and advised her to get off. But she only looked up at him, one eye at a time, and clucked ominously. He told her if she didn't leave he'd come down there and kick her through the barn, but imrae dlately gave up the bloodthirsty design when he reflected thas it was a dumb nnimal and couldnt reason like a human being, then ho happened to thiuk ot his pantaloons which were white linen, and rubbed bis fingers on the beam to find them full of black dust, which led him to work his tody' around to look at his pantaloons, and while making this natural move be fuddenly limwul mri a n'limirB tn rni.w M rinlrl.,rt (nr holn 41 lnnrl aimln .anrl horr I camadoMnon tonofthe'hen an'd'.the'ncsO smashing them both .to the floor, upsetting a i i i ninK t.,.. c.ji.. r barrel, and filling the. air with, .dus'feath; era, hen noises, and shrieks. ; When the fam ily reached tbe barn tbo'unfcrjunate mau, InnV.niv enmpthini. lilrn fl rirrit nnatAr nn i...t nn 1.; fokt .J i,i.nUil "- """ft around and ruDoing nis nean tn an abstract' ed manner, and every time he turned an om elet on a white linen base calhe to, view,. while tho hen stood up In the farthest corner on one leg, with a look of mingltd astonish ment and reproach on her After five minutes or industrious application with a chin th gentleman was escorted into the bouse where ma bead, iriS'M, wjtfl- spirits and his comfort generally attended to. Danbury Mewt. ABrldVs'CowXitingr The Toledo Blade says.- Yesterday occftrj ow unt" "te next alternoon, when it ,1 k.t,.nn. .inrnri.rijf..jivl..'. Ishould be put in large cocks and stand one . -. .r." ' - - . . waiting ontbe part ot a ladyf who, was. onc the fairest ot the fait daughters of Tnledo. h 'iVmtnlif1!!. . , ber parent's COhseHt.'ttflFVdune man of fine, hnt'sHthont what U rnnsirWd the most deslrable'of tSw to ject her to the tsjals is that poverty enUils. hnhadfl her farewell s va wist tn wilr bl fnrtnnn. Sh harl lettr fmm him full nf l.Zt.4 .ii -i j. ffilCrCaiff J?.TC horii'and eheer'fol AiranVlo'tflmi1lTirr2Tr7.,l.w,hb' cut clover hay have muslin covers made t Omaha, when thv sudd'o'nW ThT days wore Into weeks,, a'ndi the' weeki' Into months, and then into years, but still no word from the absent one to the expectant girl, who waited and1 watched all in vain, His friends gave him.up for dead, but she, with a woman's persistency refiisedto think ioi and declared her belief that' he would some time return to claim 'his bride. Suit- ors'came and went, the light of her eyes be 'came dim from weepbg, the roses faded from her cheek, and gradually withdrawing from the scenes she had graced with her presence, her very existence was almost forgotten, by society.' 1 wo weeks since, while sitting alone in ber quiet parlor, the bell rang, and in a mo- ment more the door opened, and a gentle man entered the room. The bronzed and bearded man had little' resemblance to the slender youth to whom she had plighted her troth so many long years before, but tbe eye of love could not be deceived, and in p moment more sne was clasped in the arms of him for whom she had so long watched and waited. His story was soon told. Leav- ing Omaha with an emigrant train for the Pacific coast, It was attacked by the Indians and he was taken prisoner and carried away Into tbe far interior. Every effort to escape was futile, and be wiu passed from one tribe to anotner, going rartner and farther away irom civilization- hs tne months rolled on. At last, by a fortunate chance, he managed to deceive nis jailers, and, after Incredible hardship,reached San Francisco three years trom tne time ne lelt Umaba. Here he en- countered and om acquaintance from Tole- do. who in answer tn hl Inniilrioa .U,i .1.. 1 .uu dear ones there, told him that his betrothed . ., ,.w w. Muw.Mi.,, u,uuucu auu ucait- broken, he made no attempt to communicate with any one bere, and was not undeceived until a tew weeks ago, when on a visit to can t-rancisco irom bis inland home, he bad again received tidings from an old neighbor that sent him homeward as fast ins the cars could bring him hither, Tbe denouement was what might be ex pected, and the happy pair started for their Ohio home. The Slain of Strong Drink. "At the entrance of one of our college ... . O , chapels lies a nameless grave-that gravel ?ol?1;ennfnMt a ''""r' nrt1 rmlr, f A lumbla county. Beginning at a post ontheBOuth ortal remains o one of the most Uldeof thebuteroadleadlngtromCatawissatoMun- covers the mortal promising fellows ruined through drink. I received not long ago a letter from an old Kru..l fn . -u.. ,, -a.. , .v..w,., a v.v.kjujuu, mv MtkC, labor, was in want of clothes and almost of food, I enquired the cause: it was drink i fa- - -t . ... w uio iii uejuuiouio uiiiseiy, wuu uau urag- ged down his family with him Into ruin. tin... v. . i i i i. !... .1 t-.-!i tiTi.i, .u.i vtiuuiiuuutui mo iuuiv (uuiia. Ine scholars when a vouth veara ncn. died in a London hosnital oj.dellrium tremens. - f through drlnki. When I was at King's Col. lege, I used to sit next to a handsome youth who grew up to be a brilliant writer. lie died In tbo prime of life, a victim of drink, And why Is it that these tragedies are dally happening; It is through tbe fatal faclna. tlons, the seductive sorcery ot drink, against which scripture so often warns. It is be cause drink Is nne of (he surest of 'the dev ils ways to man, and of a man's ways to the devil." Temperance Herald. The hoof ol horses are round and flat ; In tbe ass they are oval and hollow, and in tbe zebra Ibey are oval at tbe toe and square ,, - ,i -. v yivi i un uiKiuurm less me attbebeel, by the spreading of that part per cent, at the confirmation ot sale ( and the wnicu is termed tne Itog. Tills causes tne limb to stand morevertlcally upon the pos tern, and gives a sharp, firm tread upon de divines, ) The Most Sncmsfni Farmer. The most successful farmer H tho one who knows how to mo Rnd wisely npply every. 'blng about his premises In tho shape ot manure. Alter imvlnp, exhausted every re- source of hU oWn, the farmer can look .l r... ,t,,i A, l, .muci.ii :......., .. 8&.0UIU lieetl tliem. Jn the HrSl ttlaCO BOO thatWrythlng possible Is savedln thohoree I like to have this stable nice and clean, i nave a tignt noor oi oaK tuani ju.t jU.ttie .loping, i rVSffJSJ&SSm tmiv nuiiir ui nn w uui auu t v uvi i Uttered with It. All liquids are absorbed in sawuust, ana oeing mixeu wun me otner increments,. It becomes a very vaiuaoie ma- a .'... ... . Inure. It. Will beat aUlCKV and UeCOmOIire fantrnV If nllnworl m nronmnlntn Inn lnnir ft laugea u nuoweci to accumulate too long a i t me. Mv n an. has been to haul and spread i it almost as fast as made on whatever field I was pasturing or Intended to plough for some' crop. My method with cattlo Is differ ent. In winter I keep them all stabled and have a constant supplyjof litter! under them sufficient to keep them clean and.dry. When ever tho accumulation of manure gets too large, L haul it away, spreading it immedi ately. In the day time I let the cattle run to a straw stack In the barn yard, which Is small In compass and supplied with a pump for watering; In the spring I pile all tho accumulations of the farmyard in a compact heap and let it remain until after harvest, by which time it will be thoroughly fermented and decay- ed. If there should be any dry straw re- matnlng In the stack, I see that It is. thor oughly mlbgled with the debris of the heap, so that it may become decomposed, I tisn ally have a mowing field in which I intend to put corn the next season. As soon as this is mowed, I spread all the manuro from the barn yard; I then pasture the field, and con tinue hauling manure on it during the fall and winter until it is covered. I havo a trough which conducts all the waste water from the kltchenjjand wash bouse to a recep- tacle prepared to receive it immediately be hind the privy. Here I have a large heap of sawdust, leaves, muck, etc. Each day the contents of this receptacle are poured , ii , ,, , ,, over nils neap Willi n lone uanoiea uipner. Settled in the ground under the privy is a tight box ; every few days the waste water is tnrnii intn t.nia. nmi thpn thnenntentu nnnr- i" ., ' lL 1 ...... , ed over the compost heap. A thick layer of sawdust is spread in tbo ken house,from time to time, thus keeping it neat, and also dilu- tinirtthe drnnnini-snf tho nntiltrv until it be- ' , III. " comes a most, valuable manure, and is easy tn nr,l nU hnHI ( Clover Hay. When cured all right it is tho most valua au t(nds 0f hay. ut that is the dif- ficuity. Oneday's sun will not cure it, and if it WOuld sfiich a1 curing would nearly ruin i. ,lt will ni'v to do it rieht. But it takes worfc anj bare-and wisdom: If cut in the forenoon, It should be, raked into windrows ,o)bi(fbte the leaves begin to break. If the weather be lair and settled, it can remain in j j ti.. r...: .li. t :. .1tf-rV,uu U'B'- "U,,US s 1 "rough a partial sweat. Ihen spread it u to air and keep it moving so that no part ,... , , , . , "win .get tooary., men nam to ooru or stack and it wiil'not heat or blacken. I But therel.iio safety in cutting or curing i when in cock. After the clover is partially no .matter whether in swath; windrow Or COCK, It ram comes It IS ruined Wltnout cavers. A' Urge number of careful farmers Kr.ntvlnr hv ha muslin enver, mnrfe of 'four yards of muslin a yard wide, making 'Uhe coverltwo yards square. They aie hemmed all around with a strong cord in it, an kutcs In each corner for sticks to pass through and stick In the hay to bold the covers. Twenty-five covers would be enough for four ton of bay at a time- Ana 0De ton ?f clover hay would Pa for the C0Te"i and lf taken care of they wlu last twenty year9- But when once' procured for the clover the farmer will find their convenience and profit for his timothy as well. Muslin is cheap 1 .1 L. 1 i t !l IP ,1 . . .. -T ..... . organ is not in me way. v ery mile Clover hay is saved in Iowa in la good condition. Much of it is worthless. If we could be as sured of as clear weather as they have in California In the summer, there would be no demand for hay caps ; but with our fickle weather much timothy, and nearly all clo ver is spoiled, much of which could be obvi ated with a few caps. iotea Register. Drink for a Family Coir. A writer in the Southern Farmer says His cow gives all the milk that is wanted in a family of eight and that from It after taking all that is required for other purposes 260 lbs. of butter were made this year. This is in part his"treatment of tbe cow : If you desire to get a large yield of rich milk, give your cow every day water slightly warm and slightly salted, in which bran has been stirr ed at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. You will find if you have not tried this dally practice, that your cow will give twenty-five per cent more milk immediately tinder the effects of it, and she will become n allnnrio,! tn tlio l!ot na in !.. n ,l.!t, 1 .... w ,b..v w clear water unless very thirsty. But this tuuso ouv mn uiilk ttiiuusb anytime, nnu I ask for more. The amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary water pail at a time morning, noon and night, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! By virtue or an order of the Orptans- Court'ot Co- iuiuuu. vuuuLy, uiu uuuenugnea Aummisirainx or D. A. Watson, deceased, wm expose to public sale .lnnn ,h ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1878, I t eleven o'cloclc la tho forenoon the following de I iu.riha.1 Mat aetata Dl,iia,.l. 1. i btate road leading from Catawissa to Mun- cy, a corner of John Swisher's, thence by land of said Swisher south forty.nlno nnd a half degrees v mxiy-mree pcrcnesana one-ientnto. a stone, 1 I hpnM hv l.nn nf a.m. Miith I east seventeen perches and two-tenths to a post) 1 n u 'ofty-nlna degrees east nrty.four perches and ' six-tenths (by land surveyed for David rhUUpsltoa post at a lot of Hugh JlcCollum, thente by same i norm lorty.Ove degecs west three perchosto a post I "fce north forty-two degrees east nine perches t i ""m,m:uuw mine aioresaia biaieroaa. tnencft i uervues ana eignt-tenths to the place of beginning, I containing SIX ACUE3 and seventeen rwrehes strict e"ur.8 .""same more or lesa,on which are erect- I CU H BHC-BWry Frame Dwell,..- im... ii..r K..,. ' ALSO, a certain messuage and tOT OF LAND, situate In said township of Madison, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt I Beginning at a post on the south tl4e of the road leading to White Hall, thenre by land of John Swliher south forty-nva and a half degrees west twenty perches and ttve-tenths to a post, thence by lan of Allen Wataoa north forty degrees east twenty perches and four-tenths ra a posr, corner oi said Watson, thence north forty, nve degrees west two perches to tho nlaca of becrin. nlng coutalng TWENTY J'KncilES and one-tenth of a perch strict measure be tbe same more or less. Tunas or EtLX. Ten per cent, of tho one-fourth oi uio purcua) money to be paid at the striking down of tne property i the one-fourth less the Un malnlnif three-fourths In one year therearter, with Interest from conQrmatlon nlsL MARV A, WATUOn! Adulnistratrlx. guJyl, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 10 matter ot tho cstato ot Matthew McDowell, ueccaseu. Ami now .lulr 1. ism. Whereas Peter Knt. Execu tor of Matthew McDowell, deceased, died octobe , 1S7S, and o. 1'. tint was nppo ntcd hh administrator and on tho J'thof July a. ll7l,flle(i a final sup plemental account ot refer rnt.deccnwd, 'alo acting executor and IrrMeo "ndo4 tho will of Ma.thew Mc Dowell, deeeaied No. 1 J, KrptemberTo Tn 1871, That on tho IMh day ot Novrmbcr. 1U7, 0. P. Knt died without having pnianvrrineiuM'iui uiuesnuuui Matthew Mcliowill, deceased, rtidllsnl II, Knt was appointed ndui'MMrntor, do Ikvi's non tc. of I'cler j;' aeceaseu,nna itouerv n. iviii. ii'imnrwiTiior ui .tieceasea. row, ineriore, on mono i via Attorney of AUco Menowell Legato nndhy consent ot lion. O.K. Huekalew, Attorney tor tho present representative andpioldcr ot the funds or tho uniuiH ri'civcu niui'u liiu iiiiiiu ui mu itwuni uj v tito'ot Matthew McDowell to una among tbe parties w. Notice lsnereny given par. tne Auaiior appoinicu hv tho rorct-o ni order of Court w 111 meet tho parties 1nf0ntt0rtfnrthAtiortormnncnnf lilsrllltlcaaf.hl9or- nc01n thoTown ot llloomsburg on Friday too 23d day 0Auguls78at I0oclcicka.m,.atwnlclitlmenllrar- iesmu a ppearanu present tncir i-uiunurwuo' CIIAKLKS U. UAKKL.H.1. Bloomsburg, July, 19, '"8-4W Auditor. Tho Seaside Library. rhnled books no loneer for tho few only. The best stnnii.ird nnvnu within the reach ot every ono, Books usually sold from l tots given (unchanged ana unaunugeu) ior iu unu v) ccnui. 1. East I.J nne, Mrs llcnrv Wood S.John Halifax, Oent, by Miss Mutock S. Jane Kyre, by Chnriotto Pronto 4, A Woman Hate", by ('. Ilcade c. The llloc'5 Indies, by Ju'es Vernn loo IOC 100 PC 10c loo 3 LnsE'unys oi rompeii. nv immer urn liede. liv (looreo Elliott !0C '(10 a Tim Artimlpl Mntlii. hv M f llav o. Old Middlcton's Money, by Mary Cecil Hay 1(10 loo 20O w 200 100 U', Tho omau In White, by Wllklo oollln J II. Tho Mill on the Klos, by (leo Eliot 1. Vlirt American Senator, bv Trollooc tn A I.Mru'nhti nf Tliiiln. liv Ullllnm lllftek u. The Head .secre., by Wllklo CuiiIds 1A. ltumolii. bv ( leoru-u Eliot loo 10. The English nt tint North iMo and Field of ice. oy .i uies o -u i 17, Hidden Pel Us. by Mary CeCll Hay is, narbarn's History bv A. II. Edwurda 10C 100 sue 19. A Ternoio Temptation, ny nenuu 100 2i; Did Curiosity shop, by dial led Dickens 100 21. r out nay, uy unarn ueajo loo 20 2W 200 J. -Man mid Wife, by WUkli Collins 2.1. Tbo squire's Lmracy, by M, o Hay 24. NcerToo Lata to Mend bf Chas Hondo 25. utuy Aueianesu.iut, ") -Mrs ii voou 20. Aurora Floyd, by Miss M E lir.tddon 100 too 100 21. t leiur nnu ampuium, uy .m i; nay 2S. A Daughter ot lleth, by William Dlack 20. Nora's Love Test, by M O ll.ty nil. Iter i,Pnrest l-oe. bvMrs Ale.vander luo I0J 20C SI. Jxive Mo Mltle le Me Long, by Cnas Kendo loc 82. me i'ieen ut Hearts, uy iikio uouins, 3S. Handy Andy, by Samuel Ijer 31, Almpeton. by Charles Iieado si. reux noit, ine itauieit, uy t.eorge biioi H. Thu Wooing o t, by Mrs Alexander 87. The Mystery, by Mrs Henry Wood as. Antomna, bv Ullkle Collins 80. Ivantio, by sir Walter Scott 40. ' bo Heir to Ashley, by Mrs II. Wood 40. -'no iietr to Asniey, oy Mrsii. 41. WhlU) Lies, bv Charles lieade nlXyjSnvS ti ffiJXNivSK" 40. ueriuuraoi Lansraa e. ovirs Mexana Mexander 47. In i-llk Attire, by William Ulack 4s. strange Adventuresot a Wl 1111am Ulack 49. firanvllle do Vlgno. by "Onlda" ) K;?0D?m bjrTu03 ll"i!f S2. The Lost Uank'ote. by Mrs Henry Wood m. Monarch ot Mincing Lane, by Wllfiamlilaclt Joe u, under Two Hags uy oufcU" w!!ter city, Dy"OUldi" 200 '.oo 60. strathmore. bv ''Oulda" 200 IOC OT. A Voyage Iiourd tho World-South Ameri ca, by Jules Ve-ne SS. Silas Marner, by ueorgo Eliot 1 ov. uuauuu'-, uy "uutua oo. A Voyage ltound tho Wcrld-Australla, by Jules Verne Cl. llebee, by "Oulda" si. Kollo-Fnrlne. by "Oulda S3. Bene Hollow, by Mrs Henry Wool 64, A Voyage Hoi-ad tho World New Zealand, by Jules Verne. CS. The Noblman's Wife, by Mrs. II Wood wj. nuiy u.nuie, uy oainuei l.ovcr 07. casllo Water, and Henry Arkcll, by Mrs Henry wood os. yivo Weeks In allalloon, by Jules Vcrno no. To tho Bitter End, by Miss M ti Uraddon tu. inuuivuian;ii, uy ueurgo .Knot Jl. Ariadne, by "Oulda" 72. Merldl.ina, and tl o Blockade liunners, by Jules Verne "3 Bessy Hane, by Mrs Henry Wood 74. ltupert Hall, by Mrs. Henry Wood iro 200 loa 100, 73. Tnoturcounirj-, by Jules Verne -o.'iheKcwMagdaien.bywillioComns 10 100 loc; vod 200 TOO so. Daniel ueionda, oy oeorge si. Christiar-s Mistake, by Miss Mulock It viYAWX ?J JS'JSL, 100 200 SSlSAm9Sta &7effitA&Wiftina.aim "'"-roppeu rom ine i 3 Clouds, 01. The Woman's Kingdom, by Miss Mulock Haldburton-s Troubles, by Mrs Henry Wood Hll'"ms '"and-the abandoned, hy Jules Venne 94. Tbe Law and the Lady, by Wllklo Collins 93. Dead Men's shoes, by Miss M E, Braddoa 97. Lore's Vlcto-y, by Ii L Karteon ' ' . 95. -Harry Lontquer, by Charles Lever 99. From the earth to the moon. and c round the moon, by Jules verne 100. a Tale of Two rules, by-Charles Dickens 101. ANrblo Lire. bTMIss Jluloek 102. Hard Times by Charles Dickens 103. A Brave Lady, by Miss Mulock 104. l'eep O' Day, by John Banlm loa. Aitno eign or mo suver nagon, by u L Farleon ICO. The master of the Oreylands, by Mrs Henry Wood 107. Blade-o -flrass b- n I. Farleon 103, The sea King, by Captain "arryot 0- ffi1" SiZrf.SS ?SS I ,1, . TV...... ... .....-. .Vr k v I Jules Verne loc 20 ll'C 10c 210 10c 10c sue luc loc 200 10c 10c 200 10c 100 10c loc 112. Hard Cash, by Charles Iteade lis. (lolden oraln, by U L Farleon 114. Darren JIarkham, by Miss Jl E Uraddon 11 , uuiu me .naze, uy airs Jl v00d 110. IT aline, bv L B Waftnrd ill. The Female Minster, by K Lies 118. (Ireat Exoectatlons, by C Dickens iiv. i-eiivnei, uy riorenee jiarryat m fmm ot a Poor Youn8 an- 0 Feu' 121. A Life for a Life, bv Visa Mnlni-l- 1W. The I'rlvateersraen, by Captain Marryat 123. Iilsh Legends, by Samuel Lover m. i-qulre '1 revlyn's He'r, by Mrs H Wood 125 Xlarv Hartnu. hy Mrs (Inst on 12c. Krema ; or my Father's It D Black- 127, My Lady Ludlow, by Mrs naskell Ui. cousin Phillip, by Mm Haskell 129. The Wandering Jew, (1st half) by Eugene rue joe 129. The Wandering Jew I2d half) by Eugene Sue 200 130. Sermons out of Church, by M 153 Muiock 100 131, Michael fetrogoff, by Jules Verna is?. .iacK tuniun, oy cuanes Lever 133. Tho Duchess of Itosemary Lane, by B L Far eon 134. ,ly lijotlier's Wife, by Amelia n Edwards 13'. Agatha's Husband, by Miss .Mulock 1W. Katie Stewart, bv .Mrs oiinhnnr. 1ST. A ltent in a Cloud, by Charles Lever 1 s. w nui jie cost iier, ny .mines rai ne 139. London's Heart, by B I. Farli-on 140. The Ledy Lisle, by Miss M E Uraddon 41, .Masterman Heady, bv Captain .Marryat 14i.Tho Head or tho Family, bv Miss .Muloct 143. The Ilannted Tower, bv Mr lipnrv wnnH irs U5-W,a,i'i3 m""00 ct a0M' b' Amelia b. Ed ,.. jiio iniu uemeiuuiB, ov Aiexnnuer Dumas 10c . Charles o'.Malley, uio Irish Dragoon, by ut. liatt In, the iteefer, by captain Marryat A l.llu0 ?tKlilng. by Annie Edwards BOc 100 IOC 200 I'O JOC 20 100 loo joc ioc ioc Wo IOC 10O 20o 201 ioc 10C 20C ioc IOC 20C 1W IOC too 1 uy. .insnua sianei, oyn l Farjeon !?,'; MiasijiptnanBnsv.byCspuinMsrryat 152. Arthur O'Learv. bv Charles Ivpr 153. Ward of Wlfet 1H. a rant or Honor, by Annie Edwards 150. The ( aunt or .Monio-cnsco, Alex 1'umas 150. The King's Own, by Capt, Marrvat ".ut "uu u,ur, uy Antrim ii. cawarns ls. Treasure Trove, by Samuel Lover 159. The Pnantom hln, by Captain Marryat 160. Tho Black Tulip, by Alexander Dumas 101, Tho World Well Lost, E. Lynn Linton 162. Hhlrley. Charlotte IlronH 13. Frank Mlldmay, by Captain Marrvat 104. A Young Wife's btory, Harriet llowrn ins. A Modern Minister (vol, 1.) Chovely Novel . SSS !&r? Ski!'.i!x-Dumaa I nu rainejt H, uy cuanes lver Newton Eorster, by Captain Marryat !" losta?? to. Fortune, by Miss Braddoi 112. Chevalier de Malton lioujre. by Dumas IOC 200 200 Its. Japhet In bearch of a Father, by captain Marryat in, Kate O'Donoghuc, by Charles Lever 178. The fichaof Many Tales, captain Marryat in.tieorue Canterbury, will, by wood ' 100 10a Mrs. Henry 200 1 J9, Hare flood Luck, by II, E. Frnncllllnn 10c , 10c V0C uy. .no iiisiurv oi u crime, ny vicwr Hugo W llkle Collins '' i no i-uunitos no iwny, Alex Dumas loo 200 1M. Julleta lluardlan, by Mrs. Cameron 13. Kenllworth. bv Mr waiter M-ntt. iw. inn 1.11110 envuge, uy uantain Marrvat 103 1S3. 'uood-Hye btteftheurt.'' bv llhcula lirouuton 10o 1M, David coppertleld, by Charles Dickens 20o 1ST. Nanon, by Alexandr-r Dumas ioo js. i ne pwia ramuy iiobinson ioo Ibt. Henry Dunbai, by Mla uraddon ioo loo. Memoirs of a rhyMclnn, by Alex Dumas 30o 191, The Three Cutters, by Captain Mam at Uo iin, ine ronsniraiors, by Alexander Dumas ioo .... ucni.ui juuiuuiiaii, Dir w alter Hcoit 2WS lw. No Intentions, by Florence Marryatt ioo 15, laabelof Uavarta, bv Alexander Dumas loo 16. Nicholas Mckleby, by diaries Dlckena 2o 1V7. Nancy, by Ithoda llroughton ioo 108. hetllers In Can ad a.-by Captain Marryat 100 ' H01 V"'hulV,"iIUj. CuM- lteae 'o (MonkLewjst. ' ' Jm For bale by all UoolcseUers and VAWRiifniAt v,r seat poauge prepaid, on receipt of price. r (JEOIIQE MUNRO, publlalier. P. O. llox usi. . 83 ana S3, YandewaUr St. N Y. auir,,n-n Dr. A. G. DUN'S IVfKU llaplul. UI llh tm ftl ft lri rate Katun, rauldn fmo Mriy ttbuM- AluHkuwd or ImpwIriifjF, Nrrtoua llrbllltj, (wrn. Mbliy curwl I dlMa of tlx Ulurftlrr, Kldwijv, Llvfr, l.uns, AttkiiM. CLuyfc, Hk all iLruub. Uwaw, mJ KIN uiiMiiuriwi iifiy(, auu tUfMuM.MMn Wl, IU b a iradtiat of Ui lufunnuj tv'xxJ.UM iw uxrvtur, I'M lb Uttllltl tU U.S. LAlMF.MrMuWni tnatnMDt itt lrlvt hwiM aad UmA, rail or mriu. Kvary coiitcM (W liaau. faaaJ fifty cnu fu aatnfiU ef lutW UouJa u4 elf rular of lniniuit lihjtwitlloR byiiMw. 11L ULI!S'al MAKKIAQE GUIDE CtKSL Hu I rwc.' ( .u .r.i..u iMlun. ValMbli a.Uii 1 h Mrta4 m4 MtaMlalU( nantan, I taw ! U kwUlhjr a4 n y tt.y N W Uwri4 nl autf.K.TMy M0 can mnko money faster ot work tor us than a nnytlilng elso Capital not required t we wll piart 0U, fix jwr uay at iiuinu mauu uy ine Industrious. Men. women." tiova and trlrln wantod ovrrywhero ti work for us. Now Is the tlino. Costly out lit and terms free. AddrcssTito 4 Co., Augusta, Malno. March SJ, "J8-ly GLAZING AND PAPERING., "Virjl, V. I10D1NH, Iron Hired below sec YY oud, llloomahurg, l'tt., Is prepared to do al kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, aud l'Al'EU HANGING. In tho best stylos, at lowest prices, and at Bhort notice. 1'artles having such worn to do ill Bave money calling on mo. All worlc warranted to give s&tisfactton. Orders solicited, WM. F. BODINE. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, Ueautifies the CoMrLEXioM, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIkais Sores and Abrasions of Tlin CuIicle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, bores and Injuries or the bkin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES nrisintr from local imnurttics of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan nnd freckles. It, renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, nnd being a wholesome BEAUTIFIER is far prelcrable to any cosmetic , All the remedial advantages of Sul phur Hatiis are insured BY the use of Glenn's Bulnhnv Soan. which m addi tion to its inirifjinc effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen nnd trevents diseases communicated by contact with the person. It' dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness oi the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Gents per Cake: per box quakes), Mc. andisl.2U. N. B. The 50 cent calcei are triple the size of those at 33 cenu. "HUJ7S HAIR AXl) WHISKER WYE," Dlack or Brown, 50 Centa CL-K. CiUTTEXTON, l'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,N.Y. December 14, 1S7T-Iy ANTI-FAT The OIIEAT KESfEUlT tat OOHPULEKTC33. ALTJAWS ANTI-FAT " U rinrelf vogrUii? an-1 perfects harmless. It acti uixiii the ftp! In tlie Flotuacli, jirerfntiiij? its ttlnK cunvtrtfl Intn ft. Tnkrn in iicrontaine Willi ! rrctlnn. tt will rvJur fut prnon Oon two to fir 4 pound prr wrck. "CoritiU-nco is not only n dlteane llwlf, but the lidrljiner of otlur." bo wrnte Illppocratea two thoinmul years ago, and v. hat m as truu tltea la none the to tc-ln). (jiilJ hv (imjijHsts, or cent, hy express, upon re ceipt of ilM Quartered ou-n H.0U. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., JYoprlctors, Jluffalot X, V- falHB4H nlnnlnrflnir Qhnnlnr run KSSM.VI&iEvoryGun Wnrrantod.1 Moore lirooki fct, IaiU au?. IT, IT-ly PATENTS obtain od for mcetianlcal do. vces, mt'dloal vi UlULT UUIU" Eouno, ornamental upsisrns.trndo marks, nnd la eh. Cjiveais, Aselernmenta, Interferences, Appeals, suits for lnfriiieinnts, and all cases arising under the l'ATi:.NT I (AW!, promptly attend to. inventions xnat nave Been T1? 1 lril IT 1 ly tuepatent ofllcemay Iv Vjfl lliY Pj Lstnilnmoht cases, bo ont- entedtiyiH. Htlng opposite tho patHiii onice, we can mate closer hoarcnes, ana Becuro patenw more promptly, and vrltu broader claims than tLo&e wlio are remote from Washington. INVENTORS send us n model or sketch of your device : we mako examinations tree ol chartre.and adl&e as to patent ability. All correspondence ttrlctly conndeotlal. 1'rlces low and XO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS fctXUHKll. Wtt refer to nfllclalx In tlie Patent nnlpp. tn nnrrll. ents In every state of the tnlon, nnd to j our tna tor and Hepresentatlo In t'uneress. bpeclal refer ences eleu when desired, .vdaress islte ratent onice. nblno-ton. 1). c. aprll 5, i-fX Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Fatant Inalda noil Work and UlUKtd Cap. io tut coMrim wnHorr it i i W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 54 Maiden Lane, . aw WUlla. It. dec. T, U77-1y inr ton. BLOOiMSBURG TAMIM -SSL G. A. HEHHING D KSl'ECTI''UIJ.Y announces to tho jmbllo X Vtl'.tt lie has reopened SNYDEU'S -TANNUUV, (old stand) Ulooinsbunr, l'a., at the Forks of the Es py aud UghtDtreel rtuds, whero all descrlptlnnsot leatlitr w ni be made In the most eubstahllal and workmanlike manner, and told at prices to suit the mes. 'I ho hlk'hesl, price In uuUi will al ol) times be aid lor OHKEN HIDES of every deiirlptlon In the country, Tho publlcpaU Uloomsburg, Oct, 1, 1S79. BDBINESS OAKDH, VUITIUG OAHUS, fJfllHH IIBAfis, HILL HEADS, , , 1'USTKKl), tO., C, Ntatly anil Clieaply printed at the Colu BUN Office. Ui 'Bet's leave to inform liis customers . . 1 . ..i ,1 .1 -XT i.. now repieio wun an mo jxovemes ior opring una omniuur wum-, consisting of now and beautiful Btyles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND'DOMESTIC GOODS' AT REDUCED PRICES any of which ho is prepared to mako up in the latC3t style. ltcadv-mado cotlnna; cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for all of the best make and Jiisi received a full lino of all tho For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. k FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. BAYIDD) MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUBG, JPJ. CT. EC. MAIZE'S Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets,, BLOOMSBUKG, 3? -A.-, I IS THE PLACE TO GET THE WOllTII OP YOUll MONEY IN THE FINEST AND FRESHEST OP Fancy Imported and DomesticlStaple Groceries of Every Description, Qaeensware, Glassware, fold ami Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco .and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR GlSH, 0K NICE FKES1I PKODUCE. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO. CHEMICAL PAINT, iBTTahil save one-third tho cost of painting, nnd get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LA&T TWICE AS LONG AS ANYOT1IEH I'AIN'T, . Is prepared rcadv foruseln white or any color desired. Is on many thousands of the finest b In the country, many of which hate been painted six ears, and now look as well as when first painted CHEMICAL' TAINT has taken First rilEMIlIMS at twenty of tho Mate Fairs of tho Union, sample card'ot Colors sent freo. Address N. Y. EN AMKI. l'AINT UO., 17a l'rlnco ttrcet,. N. .. or llENUY L. DEIt fiSON.Acents I3al, Market street, Philadelphia, ra. July 21, 'ir-iy JK-'feiA lift, .11). Illfcl t IS THE ILAECrlBT lEWBPAPIl AND HAS THE MargeM Qii:cul.atiQm OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHEDJN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE DIFFEREIUT IN THIS ABE OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL Ie ithe Co!mimM (Office. All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing done on at low rales. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBUR6, PA, Celebrated library L A M Y EXTENSION Adapted to any room hltrb or low celling. Lowered to table w hen In use.and raised by merely touching, I'CKr'KCTLY Silk f'KOU KALMNU. IJglils without remoMng chimney. (June as convenient as gas, and at ' tho expense. Tha same exten sion principle Is applied to all our chandeliers not exceeding (I lights. 'I he advantages uio: Increased light with same consumption ot oil, by hating tha Unlit whero wunted 1 safety, cannot be knock ed or unset. The extension machinery Is simple, and cannot possibly give way, Cutsof Exten sion lamp, and chandeliers r all tt les furnished free. We sell all laiuns havlm? merit. A.J. WEIPENEH, Dealer In LivrsandOLisswinE, a b, Kecond sirtti, I'hllada, ESPY PLANING MILL. 1 he undersigned lessee, of Lhelispy i'lanlngillll. Is prepared to do all kinds of mill work. Frames, Sasli, Blinds, etc. made to order on short notice, Batlsfactlon guar. ttUKCU, CniBLka Kni'o. Ulocmsburg, ra. "VyAlNVr'ItlOHT & CO., WHOLESALE OltOCEItS, I'ulUDlLruu, Dealers In TKAS, 8YIILT!, COFPEE, 8UOAII, MOLAbSES, kick, sncr.1, ici som, ic, 4c. N. E. Corner Second and ArUi strccU, tOrderawlll reoeiva prompt attention, nmi tho public thai Itiai stock 'is n -,. .... 1 ty ' nr. Children. at the lowest prices. latestjBtyles in color and quitlity'of FOB, mm SOLD ONLY BY 1 4-4- '(r4?4i STYLES OP TYPE PAPER OaSTXi - 5T short notice and business you can engage In. tu to$a) per day made by any worker of et her sex, right In their own localities. Par. tlculars and samplei worth vs free. Improve-your sparuUraeat this business. Addicts bnssoM A: Co.. rortland. Maine. march a, li-iy ' Ptk In i our own ton n. tfi Outfit tren. rl.-k. Jteadfr U ou vantabuMitfcs wiilch rcrfon8 ot eltDer hex can make (cr partliulars to 11, Uallkt & co l'ortlund,ilalne. MALLEABLE IRON JlUUi 6C SHUN Solo Protector. Por use In KolIlniCMlUs, Glass HouM-s, coal Mines and by Farmers, . f. bcllUHlv rateuteo, 8 'Call, ore; fsndur circular. Unl KILLS all the FLIES la room la TWO HOURS. V ioc. worth will kill more fiie than I0 worth of rir rp, No dirt, no troublt, Soldby )Bi;octm EV..V- VHMI, Botanic Julyllt-tw Jl Mediclns Co., Buffalo.N, Y. MfSMAN. llran Imtnenw practice, etcnillnit llirmifh a perWI n,jenr, havlnc wuhlnthat time trentcd inanv thoAWl enrs of thmo tllcnoi i pee till" to wnnian, I.havo been enable! to pcrfecl a mjit potent Mil agreeable meillclne thntrnects tlio in dlr.ulonf presenttd by that clas of nun poltle certainty and exactness. To dMlsnate this natural speclllo coiniwund, I have named It Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription.- Tlio term, however, Is 'lmt n feeble expression of mv high appreciation of His value, baled upon ray own personal observation. As a close ob server, I nave, whllo witnessing Is .fosltlvo le' suits In the few special diseases Incident, to tlio Icnarato organism of woman, singled It out as the climax or crawnlni tjoirt of my mod lent career. On lis merits, as i positive, sale, and effectual remedy for this class of ills cases, and one that will, at all times and under all circumstances, act kindly and In harmony with the laws which govern the femalo system, I inn willing to' stniermy reputation as a phyi 1 rtuti. Nav, even more, so confident am I that It will not dls'op.iMnt the mostrsnngtilne cxvcctatlons of a Ingle invalid lady who. ih it for any of the aliments for which I recommend It, that I oner Htid etlblt under'A.' POMTIVn OUA1IAN TKK. ,H ailieneflclal cflcct Is not cxncrlcnceil by the time twd-lihlf ds bf Uio contcnls of the hot tit are used, I wlU, nn return of tlio bollle, two. thirds of tho medicine having been taken accord. ,lng todlrocttons, nnd the easo being ono for wlilrh I recommend It, promptly refund the money p ild tor It. "ad I not the most perfect conBdcnop In Its virtues, I could not offer It as I do under these, conditions; but havlirgwitncscd IU truly miracu lous ernes in thousands yf cases, I fool war. rnntcd niul perfectly nafo In rinkllig both my rcputntloii nnd my nlouoy on in moriu. ip 0 The following are among thnso diseases In wlilcli my Favorite Prescription has work ed curei. as, II by magic, and with a certainty never before attained bv any medicine! corrhma, Kxccsslvo Flowing, Painful Monthly l'crlods, buppressions when from unnatural cansos, Irregularities, Weak Hack, I'rolapsus, or falling oj tho Ulcrus, Anlcversion and Itctrover slon, llcarlng Down Bcnsntlons, Infernal, Norvotii Depression, .Doblllty, Despondency, TlircntcncC Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, In flammotlon nnd Ulceration of the Utcrns, Impo. loncv, Barrenness, or Slcrlllty. ! emalc VV etlo',. and very many other eltroiilo diseases Incident to woman not mentioned here. In all affections ot tills nature, my Favoiilo Prescription works cures-tho litnrvel of the world. This medicine 1 un not extol as a cure-all. but It admirably fulfills n' aliiglcneaa of pur nose, bemg a most perfect speeiiio In all clironla of the sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, ner will lido barm, in any slalo or condition. Those who desire further Information on these subjects riu obtain It In TH l'Koi'MS'sCiviMox bKSSlt MKUlCAt. A11VISKK, a book of over WO pages, 'cnt, post-paid, on receipt ol t l.'f. It treats uiinulclv of llinso dlsea-cs peculiar to Females, and gives nini'li valnablo ndvlre In to gard lo the management of those nfreclloHj, FAVOKITi: I'ltllSCUU'TION SOLD IIV AI.I- llKVOCilSTS. Pi. V. PIERCE, M. D, Prop'r, BUFFALO, A". X. ,sep. a, '77rtf iiv-w? eets 0.0 o 000 Or s,itg:ir-Coated, Conccntrntod, Itool nnd 'Herbal Jnlce, Aiitl.Illlloua (iri..iicH, the ,i.irn,n tiiANT" C.VTIl.VliriC, or .Uulliliu ill l'arvo I'liVHlr, The ii, 1 v 1 !tv o'f moilern Medical, Chemical, and I'luriiuiri nfcnl beience. No use of -any longer taking tliu large,, repulsive, and ninscous pins, comiMi-Pd nf cheap, crude, and btrlky lngrcdients wheu vvc cat) by a careful application of cliemiaal Ki.i,m-i. pvtfiirt all the cathartic and OlhCr mctli dual priipci Ues Irom the most valuable roots and hcrha, mid concentrate tiem into a minute tiran iilo. :.reeW lai-aror tlian a nlufttnrd ued. oan be readllv swallowed by those ol the mot sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Uncli liulctl'ursiatlvo t'ellel represents, in a mo.t coticciitralcd form, as much cathartic power aJHi in4iMlcd In anv of the large pills found for sale in tit ug'Sliops, From their wondortul cathnr tnl iioW er, lit'ehmparison to their size, people who liuvo.ii'H.luclill'i'ni arc apt tosiipiioso that ttey !irn li.irli ,,r ,1 rnstlrt In FflVct: but such is not at all lliu e i.e. tho illflcrent active medicinal prluclples (r u-lui'h iio.v am comiioseil bclnir so harmonized nihiiMxlUled, vpp bv the others, as to produce u must Nonrcliliig and thorough, vet genii) unu iiiiiuiy uDrainif, vmiiar lie. Slrt'llownrd Is hereby offered by the pro pririor.uf ilieso Pallets, to any chemist vvho, ution, will, find In llieui any calomel or other 'forms of 'luerctiryf mineral poison, cr Injurious iH'eiifiBt , tt Ilelug entirely vegetable, no particular 'care U retinireilvhile using them. They operate without. duturlmnce lo the cemtltutlon, diet, or 'occupation; For Jaundice, Headache, flonslipalioil, impure itioiiu, m-tiiii in flu. Slitiiil.lrrfl. 'I'lirlitncsH of tlio (llicst. Dizzliicsa, Nour Ilruciatlons from tho Momauii, ssati iuhiu in inu iiiuiiti., i.ii I..,,. nttnpUB. Inl,t ln'rirloil of Kid ioyi,.Iiiicriial Fever, Illumed feeling nbont Moinach, Itnsli of Jllood to flB.,n.l.i lllirli.roforutl Urine. IJnsocla tilllty nnd Ulooiny Forebodings, uke Ilr. l'lereo's l'leusullt k'urgullvo l"el lets. In explanation of the remedial power of tn v Purgative Pellets over so greasa variety of illumes. I wish; .to say that tliolr anion uixiii tlio nillninl economy Is iiiilver- iiiJ not iv f.irtit.1 or tlsunoi escaDliifi: their suiiutlve Impress. .Age does not Impair tlio properties of these Pellets, ihey ure iigarrcoateil aud Inclosed in glass ibottlcs, their virtues being llierebv preserved unimpaired for nnv lentrth of time, In any climate, so that tliey .tri fresh and reliable. This is not tlie case with' those pills which' are put up In cheap wooiten or pastcooaru uoxes. i.ecoiiect niai iur all 1w.a-p. utieio a Laxative. Altorntlvc. or l'lirgiillve, is Imllcated, the.e lltilo Potlcis will give tlio most perfect satisfaction loall who use mem. They arc sold by all Druggists at 25 contM a bottlu. UUFFAl.O, .V. Y sep.S3,':T-tf ' Tho Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular OT SEWING MACHINES. Jt if caillf underatooil, make the double-thread lovk-ittUi'li, ha rcculatlut; tenilons and take-up, and will teih9XvUolo range of family tcorfc without cliaiie ' Tte mfttto n is made in the mot t durable manner, with conical eteet btarl'ntfa and compensating Journal throughout, PAPER FASHIONS, TfiMeiioii'rfisrA-TTiaillVB for 'failles ',:tfilejf, and eiffdreri' dress, ore euf en it system Nuperlor to any fit tie, amf. ran be understood by any one. .JuIf dlrccfloiieutiiiiffiisfrotle'ne on each rnvtlope. 'fiend- J'fpe1 Cent" for UU,trated Catam logue of lOOO J'u7iloil, Bowina JJaclilng Oo Now York. I. W. HARTMAN, ApfDoistic" Paier Fashions BlQbmsburs;. December II, HU-ly ' PATENTS. P. A. Uhmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, V. O, All business connected with Patents," hetlier Uf ore tte Patent Office or the courts, prompuy uttcndedto. KocMrge made unless a patent la socurod, bend tor a circular. Mayi)'n-bu w TbW IlJniliTJiJi. i j sirlUktiiJiJ, MOVERS' BLOCK. HARTMAN BROS.. DKAI.EUS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, OIOAJlg, TOBACCO, szrurr, O0NPJ3OTIONERY. 1. A. Spices of all kinds, Glass lo Qneehswaro, FINE GROCERIES, 1 , " Foreign and ,Domestio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OP Family Provisions tU door below Market street, Uloomsburg, ra. ft"" floods dellverwl to nil parts ot the town Aprll v.7, 'It-tf GILES' ,INIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Cures all Pnlu In .linn and Bcnit TESTIMONIALS : PBor.Arsrs Utkri f Falliitir nf tho Wnmh.v A Won. dcrlul cure. Nine jeare my wife suffered Jwlth tills lerrlblo complaint, Miowas nttended by doctor af ter doctor, went to the dirtereut hospitals whero fe males are trcalejl; tried them all; woro bandages iiuu pussarie's wununiy temporary reucr. ner lite was .miserable. We applied Dr. dues' Liniment. ner relief was lmmcdlauj, Bho Is now well. 11, J1CDKHM0TT, 40 West 13th street, New YorW. I had twelve strokes of Paraivsls. Mv leir. arm and tongua vv cro useless ; was obliged to use a cath eter every day. Doctor ones' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia has cured me. Will answer any Inquiries so that all anilcted may know ot 1L ioun a ri el, iNonu urauioru, onn. Chestnut 11111, Philadelphia, April 22, t. W. 11. Oiles. Kni.. Dear Mr I used vour Iodide of Ammonia Liniment on Flora Temple's hind pastern Joint. Mietliad been:tiulte lamo; tho effect was wonderful! sbo vvvlks now qulto well. Very. re spectfully yours, A. Witcn. P. 8. I am now urtlnir It. on T.lttlAton'Hritrhr. torn leg. A large shoo boll on a valuable young horse was removed by Giles' Liniment lodldo of ammonia. oHErniHD KNirr, Carpets, usslxtu ave.. New York, Asritit Tho tortures and agonies I endured for six years, none but those who have suffered with this tcrnblo dlseaso can know. My life was misera ble, in desperation 1 tried Olios' Liniment Toalde ot Ammonia. It, gave me lnsuuit relief., Used It In ternally as well as externally. 1 noaj BiuNiniisjw ' 197 west 27th street, NewYorlc. I was In a dreaomi condition. Joints swollen, Tmtn intense. Injections of morphine Into my veins failed to relieve me. ones' Iodide of Ammonia took avvav the deposits fronvmy Joints. I want every ono who Buffers to knowwbat will cure them. FOHDYCS LOTUROF . A Northlljdorarlr.Lammolllaco. Vt. Another Surfcrer cured. Discharged from the Massachusetts General Hospital as Incurable, with Inilammatory rheumatism In my shoulders, ringers and feet ; suffered fearfully for three years, tried everything; lost all hope. Dr. nUesVUnlmentylod ldo of Ammonia effected a complete cure. KLt.Bg P1IITO, No, 78 Prane street. Fall lilvcr, Mass. Sprains, Bplluts, bruises, Lameness In horses, Ulles' Liniment Iodlds of Ammonia Is a perfect spo clnc. No person who owns a horso should be with out It. MHontNS, f M seventh avenue; New York. In my family, and for the stock, I have used Olio's Liniment, loaldo of Ammonia. H'ls unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different maladies In which It is applicable. It gives th utmost satis faction. loitx J, Caktsr, Superintendent Kastern.rennsylvanla Kspcrlmen Lai Furrn, toosndti I and In Quarts al $2.&, In which there Is a great saving. Trial size 23 cents, solu bv AU.Dsi'oaism N. J. lll:Mll.'ltMIOTT, Agl. lor lllooin.burg. mayll.'is- R.AIL ROAD TIME TABLES pHILADELPIIA AND READING KOAD ARUANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 12, 1878. TU1INS LE1VS KCrKKT i8 FOLLOWS (SCHDAY KXCirTC For Now York, Philadelphia, Reading, Pottsvllle Tomaqua, 4C 11,45 a. m For Catawissa, 11,45 u. m. 7,20 and T,S6 p. m. "For Wllllamsport, o,2 ,04 a. m. and tjot p, m. TK1INS rOB KCFIRT LB1VS IB T0U.0WS, (8CKD1T II timii,) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a, m. Leave Beading, 11,80 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,15 p. m and Tomaqua, 1, SO p. m. Leave Catavvlbsa, ,20 8,50 a. m. and 1,00 p. m. Leave Wimanisport,9,43 a.m,2,15 p. m, and 0,00 p. ra Passengers audfromNew Yorkand Phllade phla go througa vv ithout change of cars. J. S. WOOTTKN, O.IO, HANCOCK, ueneral Manager. Oeneral Ticket Agent. Jan, 14, ls70-tl. N1 'OKTIIEIUf CENTRAL RAILWAY VUJir AT 1 on and after November soth, 1873, trains will leave SU.NBUItY as follows : NOUTIIWAIUJ. Erlo Mall o.!0 a. in., arrive lilmlra n , , " Canandalgua... 3.8sp.ra Hochester...!,, ti,i5 Niagara, u Itenovo accomtnodatlon 11.1,0 a. to. arrive MUUuns rt 12.65 p. m. Elmlra MalN.lo a. m., arrive JSlmlra 10.20 a. m. Uunalo Kiprt ss 7.15 a. m. arrive Buffalo M a.'m S0U,T1IWAHD. Buffalo Express S.w a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.60 a. ra " Baltimore 8.40 ' Llmlr&Mall 11.15a.m., arrive Harrlsburg 1.60 p. ra " Washington 10.80 " " Baltimore 5.30 " Washington 8.30 " narrlsburgaccommod'atjon 8.40 p, m. arrive Harris burg jo) p. ra. 1 arrive Baltimore 2.25 a. tn ' 'Washington 5.11 fine Mall 12.65 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg s 08 a. mj " Baltimore 8.40, 1 111 daily except Sunday.Waibl,'St0a t0'Sa " D. M, BOyD, Jr., Oeneral Passenger Agen A. j; CASSATT. General Manage BLOOMSBHQ DIVISION. Tl'me-Table No: 39;.Wes effect, at :S0 A. 11 MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1818. ' NOHTn, STATIONS. 1 ...8cran ton. ...... pjn. run. a.m. BODTIT. ,fttn. p.m. p.m 45 . V S3 ww m tv O 1Q le so 9 45 9 2 8 93 9 17 -M..-ueiAevue.w.w ......Taylomile.,,. , ..Lackawanna,.. ....... lltts ton...... ..West Pituton... .-...Wyoming Maltby",,, " .......Bennett Kingston.-.,.. ......Kingston....:., ..Pb mouth June. Plymouth,,,,. - Avcndale...-. ..... Nantlcoke...... .Uunlock's rreefc, ...siuckshinny . -..Hick's Ferry., ....Beach Haven.,. Berwick ,,,, Hrln. 9 87 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 14 9 03 8 68 8 61 8 40 8 61 8 40 8 4 IS 41 111 A 9 tt t 40 10 07 8 83 80 8 13 8 10 9 04 i 44 UT .a III) 18 9 16. 7 10 III T 18 8 23 8 20 8 66 B 1ft V 1 8 12 8 19 8 04 3 04 J 61 2 61 T 88 9 89 7 IS S 14 7 25 9 28 7 18 7 14 7 10 hi 9 rt U 111 60 1 61 S 46 1 40 SI J 21 0 18 0 CO 1 00 47 8 89 S 28 8 17 8 12 8 00 111 in l so T 41. 10 1 10 (5 3 60 8 96 4 nq a ah 11 07 11 It 4 10 8 65 11 90 4 18 9 06 ...Willow orove','!" '. 7 IS ll 111 T44 I 33 7 83 T 29 711 ...urns itldge, Espy...."'" 11 39 4 49 7 44 ......... llupert.... Catawissa Bridge, 11 u IO I , 111 51 UI Oi U 67 6 00 8 6 ,,.Chulaaky.ZL l 18 6 18 8 91 ..... cazneron.,,,. .IiOituumUerluiL 9 61 t. So a 6 46 U 48 S 46 9 tO pan. wn. p.m, nrn I 0 I tjuug ju,