The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 09, 1878, Image 3

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BL00KSB0B6. r B I A T, AlOCST V, 1878
Rail Road Time Table.
Accommodation Train,.... ..e.w A.M. 8.00A.M.
Mall Train T.S9A.M 4.49 r.M
Kiprcsi Train UJ 1'. M. 11.43 A. M
north, south
Accommodation Train ...... ,ts A.M. T,s p.m.
Regular Karros 4.M r. M. 11,45 A. M.
Tnrongn can on Express train either to New Tork
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train rant between
Catawlssa and Wllllamsport,
Wo will send the Columbian to campalrn
subscribers from Atiguai 1st to November lGtli
for 40 cents. Mow Is the time to get up clubs.
The Democratic roters of the several districts
of Columbia county will meet at the usual place
of holding the general electlon.on Saturday the
10 day of August 187S between the hours of
three and seven o'clock In the afternoon and
elect delegates by ballot to represent the dis
tricts In a County Convention to be held at the
Opera House In Bloomsburg on Tueaday the
13th day of Angust 1878 at 11 o'clock a. m. to
place In nomination one candidate for Congress,
one candidate for State Senator, two candidates
lor Representatives, one candidate for I'rothon
otary, one candidate for Register and Recorder,
one candidate for Treasurer, and two candidates
for Commissioners, and to transact such oilier
business as the Interests of the Democratic par
ty may require.
Also at the same time .and places and In the
same manner the Democratic elictors of each
district will elect one person te serve as ft mem
ber of the County Standing Committee which
will meet Immediately upon the adjournment of
tho Convention.
By order of the County Committee.
Davih Iowenbeihi,
. Pershing. Delegates.
1 louver 11 3
lienton 14 3
licrwlck so s
Illoomsburg R lis 4
v 113 J
IMarcreek.. Us
CatAwlssa 153
Centre tso
Centralis 1111
L'onjnghamN: 1M.
uonyngnam n
Franklin 4
dreenwood 16
Hemlock 152
Jackson in
Locust'. mo 4
Main 104 2
Madison......... ITT 3
Mifflin ITS ...3
Montour ., 75 s
Mt, Pleasant to
ornngo las !
line M s
Koarlngcrcek n J
Scott, 141 'I
Bugarloat loo 3
5,157 70
By rule the ratio li fixed at CO votes for a
delegate, but no district to have less titan two or
mora than four delegates, and allowance Is to
be undo within those limits for the largest frac
tion of ratio.
Bloomsburg July 19, 1878.
The trout fishing season has closed
The Omngevillo Academy will open
A number of our people are' at the Moun1
tain Grove camp meeting.
W. H. Snyder County Superintendent, has
entered his name as a student at law in the of
6cofEjR. Ikeler Esq.
The residence of Samuel Turnbach on East
street has been greatly Improved in appear
John Kelchner of Centre townshlo showed
us a specimen of his oat stalks the other dar.
One stalk measured sis feel seven inches from
llto root lo the top. If any body can beat that.
bilng It on.
It Is reported that Hon. John B. Packer his
employed Ben. Butler, of Massahuiette, to as
sist In defending him as executor of the will of
the late Wm. Cameron of Lewlsburg,
A train on the h. A B. R. R. last week Tues
day night, ran Into a wagon that vaa crossing
the track a mile north of Danville. The wag
on was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schultt
of (he above named place, who were thrown
out and the latter quite severely hurt. It la
thought Mrs. Schulla a injuries may prove fa
The Hoard of Examiners in their last report,
say of Wyoming Seminary ! "ItatTords
satisfaction alio to make mention of the disci
pllne and morale of the school. Although the
past year has been noted for disgraceful lutings
and disorders In many of the chief schools of
the land, the government of Wyoming Semina
ry has commanded such respect from the large
number of students In attendance that the
standing as to the deportment In neatly every
cano reached the maximum number of 100
First class teachers are employed In all the de
partments. Normal and College preparation
courses complete. The total expense in Semi
nary, for Fall term, $54. For a four months'
course In Book Keeping and business, $103.
Next term open Aug. 2Slh. Send to Rev. D.
Copeland, D. D fur a Catalogue, Kingston, 1'a.
Personal Notices. A large number of our
exchanges contain weekly, long lists of personals
concerning the doings and whereabouts of every
body and their friends. We have not adopted
tho practice because much of the matter thus
published is not of general Interest. Below is n
sample of what we might print In accordance
with the prevailing fashion :
Miss Q. has just returned from Buck Horn.
The blue wart on her nose has perceptibly di
Mr. X., of Port Noble, spent a few days In
town l.vt week." (In jail.)
Tho accomplished lady Mrs, Soapmils called
on n number of friends on Wednesday, but did
not find them in. (Washwoman with bill.)
Mr. Z. and family are slopping for the pres
ent in Mt. Pleasant, (at the Poor House), and
so forth.
Don't you see how interesting it is 7
The case of the young man who hired a hone
in Palcrson on Easter Monday to drive four
miles to Little Falls, but drove ten or twelve
miles further to the great Injury of the animal,
has attracted considerable attention on account
of the supposed novelty of the decision that this
was an unlawful conversion of the horse to the
hirer's own use. This is said to be a new doc
trine in the Courts of New Jersey, but it has
been distinctly asserted In at least one Instance
within our knowledge, by the Supreme Judicial
Cort of McmachmotH. In 137-3 tliit trio lml
decided (Perham vs. Coney, 117 Mass. Kep.,102)
that a person hiring a horse to go to a place
agreed upon, but driving him beyond it, was
guilty of conversion, and was liable for any sub
sequent diminution In the value of the animal,
even though It proceeded from some Infirmity
of the horse himself. It would be well for peo
ple who hire horses to keep these decisions In
mind. N. Y. Sun.
Auoit 7th. The regular monthly meeting
ofth. Town Council was held In the Council
Chtjber. Alt the members present. Min
utes of last meeting read and snrroved.
Building permit was grsnted John S. Sterner
to erect a building on the corner of Third and
West streets.
,A petition of the Bloomsburg Gas Company
king to be exonerated from town tax on the
ground that their properly Is not by law laia-
bio was presented and referred to the Solicitor.
Committee on engine house reported that the
present room could be had for $25 a year. Ive.
port was accepted and the committee discharg
Bill of Jas. Thomas, Constable, was present
ed, amounting to $12.23, ordered paid.
Hill of E. Mctidenhall fur lumber amounting
$7,98, ordered paid.
Bill of A. C. Habb for coal oil for street
lamp ori Third street 88 cents, ordered paid.
Qas bill for July for 31 posts, $14.04, ordered
Bill of Ilarman ic Uassert for lock iih keys
$3 15, ordered paid.
Bill of Stephen Knorr for smithing from
May lltli to date $4.43, ordered paid when bill
Is Itemized.
Bill of S. A. Petrlken for rent of pound, bal
ance due to Sept. 8th 1878 $9, ordered paid.
Bill of Jos. Sharpless & Son for balance on
one lamp post $7.50, ordered paid.
Resignation of Street Commissioner Simon
Shive was presented. Messrs. Holmes and Ki
el I moved that it be not accepted. Messrs.
Rabb and Sharpless moved to amend by strik
ing out the word not. Amendment carried.
Street Commissioner's report to data was pre
sented, amounting to $549.65.
One item was J27.60 for Simon Sliivc's team.
Another Item was $1.70 for Simon Sliivc's team.
nother item was $47.25 for Simon bhlve's ser
M. W. Nuss fur the Agricultural Society com
plained that water was turned on their grounds
by the town. Referred to the President.
A committee of Friendship Kiro Company
aked that their rent far the last six mouths he
paid. A committee was apK)lnted to secure
rooms fur the Fire department.
Jas. Thomas presented a new bond as Town
collector and his old one was cancelled
Mr. Elwell called attention to the fact that
the night cattle ordinance is not enforced. The
resident said it was the duty of the Town Con
stable to look after the mailer.
Tho Chief of Police and Constable were au
thorized to call out members of the police force
hen necessary to quell disturbances, and it
was directed that such officers shall be paid for
services as rendered.
It was ordered that new bonds to the amount
of $700 be issued, to pay bonds due August 1st
1878 ; said bond to mature August 1st 1SSS.
W. Girtnn, Newton Boone, Humid Shatter
Jr. and John Penman were nominated for
street commissioner to fill the vacancy caused
by S. Slave's resignation, Drinker, Evans,
Sharpless and Herring voteil for Shatter ; Rabb
and Elwell for Boone, and Holmes for Pen
man. Shaffer was therefore elected. On mo
tion adjourned.
John W. Byon Esq., received the Democrat
ic nomination for Congress at the convention
last Monday at Poltsvllle.
The Bloom furnaco started up on Tuesday1.
Extensive repairs have been made,and the work
was done in an unusually short time.
It is not an unusual thing to see lanterns on
the streets at night now, since tho economical
gas contract went into effect.
A new ticket office lias been erected on I he
Fair grounds, and the fence has been rebuilt.
The grounds are now In good condition.
The water works question la lively. Persons
having the matter In hand are sanguine of success.
Thomas Chalfant, the senior editor of the
Danville Intelligencer is writingsome very Inter
esting letters from Europe to that paper
A picnic was held in Knorr's drove nt Ru
pert yesterday (Thursday) which was largely
attendcd,and generally enjoyed. The party went
down on a canal boat
E. II. Little Esq., coughed up a shot on
Wednesday night which has been in his lungs
for 31 years. This makes the seventeenth that
has como out in a similar manner.
The date of the sale of personal properly
of J. McDowell, deceased, at Llghtatreet,
la Saturday, AuguBt 17th, instead of Wednes
day, August 17th, as published last week.
The carpenter work on I. W. McKelvy's new
building on Market street la completed, and W
F. Bodine will have the painting done In a
short time. He Is doing some excellent work,
The Buck Horn Band passed through town
on Thursday morning, in Kciswick'u Band
Wagou on their way to J.ightstrect Lo attend
the Harvest homo. They made a fine appear
ance and good music.
Bloomsburg is one of the pleasantest towns in
mi. ri&ia to visit caurinp ino summer, uiiv neo-
pie can find excellent hotels, good liveries, fine
driving, fishing and boating, charming scenery
and agreeable company. With proper manage
ment our (own could be made a popular Sum
mer resort.
The following is the Meteorological Sum,
mafy at Catawlssa, for the month of July 1878.
compiled from observations by W. O. Yetter.
Barometic pressure Highest reading on the
12th, 30.27 inches ; lowest reading on the 76th,
29.C5 Inches; monthly mean 30.02 inches;
monthly range 0,62 of an inch.
Temperature of the air Highest reading on
"the 18th, 95 degrees ; lowest reading on the
24th 55 degrees ; monthly mean 76 degrees
monthly range 40 degrees; greatest daily range
on the 7th,29 degrees ; least dally range on the
2th, 6 degrees.
Moisture Mean relative humidity 73 per
cent ; number of days on which rain fell 12
amount of rain fall 3.92 inches.
Wind The prevailing wind was from tbi
west and the highest hour velocity during the
montli was 45 miles from the northwest on the
ill Inst.
Thunder storms occurred on the 4th, 8th, 9th
10th, 12th, 18th and 21st, the latter were ac
companied by hail and strong wind.
If there lias been more nightly lawlessness on
the streets than ever before during former ad
ministrutions, the police force ought not to bo
blamed for it. Heretofore the Chief of Police
has had authority to call cut the police force
whenever it was necessary to maintain peace
and order, and when this was done the officers
were paid for their services. Now we have
new order of things. The Chief lias been in
formed by the President of the Council that no
pay will be allowed for night service unless the
officers are specially ordered on duty by th
President, the result is that when a row oc
curs at night while the President Is asleep, the
police are at home in bed and the Chief has no
author! ty to call them out. If they stay u
half Ihe night of their own accord to preserve
ijuiet the town authorities will not pay them
Under these circumstances, when the slumber
of citizens is disturbed by midnight drunken
ness and fighting let the blame be put where it
belongs .
Since the above was put In type the Town
Council has authorized the Chief of Police and
Town Constable to call out the police when nec
essary, and directed that they shall bo paid for
their services.
For Rent Cheap. The first class office In
the Colombian Building, heretofore occupied
It N. U. Funk Esq. It la partly furnished.
Apply to
C. B. Bkockway.
June 5 3w.
Joseph Townsend, .trustee of the estate of
John Townsend deceased, will expose to pub
tic sale on (be premises on Saturday, August
17th 1878 at 2 o'clock p. m. two tracts of land
In Madison Townblfyone containing 01 acres,
all improved whereon s erected a frame dwel
ling home, barn Ac, the other containing 12
acres. The terms of sale are the usual terms of
the Orphan's Court.
Last Sunday. Rev. D. J. Waller Sr.
preached la Ihe Presbyterian church In the
ever log.
Iter. J. H. McGarrali.of Berwick,occup!ed the
Methodist pulpit morning and evening.
Rev. Mr. Fesseuden, of Catawlssa,beld services
at Ihe Episcopal ihurcli In the evening.
Sir. U N. Moyer, of Moyer Bros., Introduced
us to the laboratory where Dr. BIckley a medi
cines are made, lait week. They are prepared
to do an extensive business in this line, twenty
gallons of one I reparation being nearly ready
A. 1..., n ln.,Uw wa u..r. tnf.i-niMl llmt
a keg of ten-penny nails were not Intended for
the manufacture of BIckley'a Wine of Iron,
Simon Shive !he,socalled street commissioner
has resigned, and there is not a baker's doien
of voters In Ibe town who will regret it. Whit
he held the office his main object was to put
money in his own pocket. He refused to allow
many tax payers lo work out their taxes with
their teams will Ihe excuse that he had not
rk for them, and then did the labor with his
own team, and drew the money for it, He em
ployed men on the roads who would take the!
pay In store orders on merchants who rent of
him, and then take up their town orders hi
self and pocket Ihe cash. He quarrelled with
the men under his control,. and also with those
who appointed him, which latter led to his res
Ignatlon. He Is an ill tempered man, and an
incompetent officer. But he was not to blame
for accepting the position. The majority of the
Town Council who appointed him, knew him
as well then as now, and his election was not
on account of competency, but fo.- the same
reason that most of the appointments were made
vlxt service at the polls at the spring election
They discovered their mistake soon after they
made it, but had not the courage to acknowl
edge it by discharging him long ago. Hav'ng
made so many blunders In their administration
they were ashamed to admit this one, and wait'
ed in hope that one of the minority who voted
against bhlve would move for bis discharge
But in this they were disappointed. Those
who put him In must get htm out. A diiputi
with ihe I'reaidentJIed to Simon's resignation and
relieved them from their embarrassment.
Samuel Shaffer Jr., has been ippoirted to fill
the vacancy, and we have no doubt will maki
a very acceptable officer,
Had thu Arkansas "doctor" that "lapped
the fat man, Ihlnklug he had dropsy, but find
Ing no water pronounced it "dry droiwy," lived
to-day, be would, like Olbello, find "his occu
pation gone," for Allan's Anti-Fat, a purely
vegetable remedy, safely, but positively, reduces
corpulency at from three to six pounds per
week. Sold by druggists.
Iltrnt..,- , r ir lt. - i...n i .
two week. ago. It was found ft few day. .Inco A ovm . " "L-I ha. long Ue
In an ore pit.. Hew., so weak from the want "" " V?1?" 1B? P?rU ". hf, aMa
of food and water that ho wa, unable lo walk, T ,ro1ke of , '
but regained sufficient strength to bo able U, J ,, h t r W M trf John
foot it homo next day. It is not known how , . . ' Cnn-' hti
long ho was in the pit. lw'1"' ana w"n '" lo-d"Jr 'lron' 'f?'ous
i man? The phenomenon Is ascribed by Mr,
Drunken 8tufp. How manv children and APPel to constant application of Giles' Lin-
women are slowly and surely drinir. or rather lmfnl I(de Ammonia.
bing killed by excessive doctorlmr.or the dallv So'(' l11 druggists. Send for pamphlet.
451 Sixth Avenue. N. Y.
Trial stte 25 cents.
use of some drug or drunken stuff called med
icine, that no one knows what It is made of.who
can enslly be cund and ssvtd ty Hop Bitters,
made of Hups, Bnchti, Msndrake, Dandelion,
&it , whleh Is so pure, simple and harmless that
...upv iinn wuman, wenKesi invalid or small- i "e iiver is i ne imperial organ ol the whole
est child can trust In them. Will yuu be saved human system, as it controls the life, health and
by them 7 bee other column. happinc-a of man. When It Is disturbed In Its
proper action, all kinds of ailments are the nat
ural result. The digestion of food, the move
ments of the heart and blood, the action of the
brain and nervous system, are all immediately I
connected with the workings of the Liver. It
hftS hpn atirwufnlltr hmymI (tiat fl.un'- A I
n . . " ' ,uB-
vi.i ....riiuuii .s recently auracteu nv an I iui F nr i. .,-,, ,l ln .,.t .n
....y.-vuew. omnorr paper w me "Amen- amlctcd with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint
can housekeepers' " Scale, and the tilretntlu lou n,l
pnre m.iuce.1 us to send for one to use in our Posltlvelv Bold in all towns m, th WMt.r
own kitchen. rnilnn. ti. iii .i... i. i-
e Unit the scale the most amtenicnl and just what you want.
mlunble houtehold article tie have I It is worth fire June 7 tf.
time Its rfists. In fpdlinir nrw,,.1 ,.. I
O -uknu.nh 1 TVT n-TTW nrtrilVE, IllaKAliv nn .,M..n..,H
,'.,.. (.i.-ii iw, waiting L-ilKf, CIC. n.l
II. Jhomiwon & Co., ho. 235 WaslitnEton No nrenara'ion has ever ticrformed such
street. Boston. Mass.. are tho msniifsrtnrpr. mil I vcllous cures, or maintained so wide a renutn-
they have the most complimentary Testimonials tlon.' a Ay?,r 8 Uic,r,7 1 ccto,ra,l w ' ' "c-
nf iho ..ii,i. , i . .! ti i ognued ns tho world's remedy for all diseases
of tho Scale possible to be written. They have of the throat and lungs. lU lot g continued
as yet no General Agent for tills County; and seriis of wonderful cures in all climates has
as the .Vales arc sold exclusively by canvassers "'"lo it universally known na a sale nnu rclm-
to families, we cheerfully recommend the article b'c.",Kcnl to, "'"P'ov. Against ordinary colds,
" ... -
I . r
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
Till SCHOOL, as at present constituted, odtrs tho very best facilities for Professional ana Classical learning.
Uulldtnessnaclous. Invltlnir one; commodious icomDletely healed by steam, w el! ventilated, tlirhted bv irss. and furnished wiin hnnntifnt stinnivnf ntire.soft
sprlnir water.
Location healthful, anu easy of access. Teachers experienced, efficient, and nllro to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses
moderate, fifty cents a week nil expecting to teach. Muilcnts admitted at any time. Rooms reserved when desired.
courses oi siuay prescriueu uy uiu Maio i
I. Model School. II, Preparatory. III. Elementary, IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art, V. Course In Physical Culture.
Tho Elementary Scientific and Classical Courses are IMtOKKHIONAU and Students crraduatnir therein, racelr stat-n nininmis. rMinrprrim. ihe fnllowla
corresponding Iieirrees s Master of the Elements j Master ofrthe Sciences s Master of the Classics, Uraduates In tho other Courses receive Normal Certlflcatea
meir attainments,, signed nv uiu fimciTs or inn noiiru oi musters.
i nocoursu oi mini j rrescriueu oy me nuiio is iiter,u, an uie rcieuimo nuu Classical courses are nounrenor to those of our bnst Coheres.
The State rcipilresa blgher order of cltlcnshln. 1 ho times demand 1U It Is ono of the prlnw objects of this Scuool Uj help to secure It, by furnishing lntelll-
which aro tho forerunners of more serious dis
orders, it nets speedily nnd surely, always re-
liMvint, D,rr.trl,. n.1 nOn,, lirn TL.
protection it affords, bv its timely usn ir. thn
throat nnd lung disorders of children, make it
an invaluable remedy to ho kent always on
l,n,l !.. n 1 I V " n .1 . .
i.t.i.u ,,. uiiiiiL-.. iu ;il-.iiiii Lull UUUrtl 1U
bo without it, anil thnso who havo once used it
never will, rrom their knowledge of its com-
for the benefit of our numerous lady readers.
and parties wanting honorable employment.
o would say that Ihe "Church Journal,"
?i. ., "Christian Union," N. Y., "Frank Is
lies Hint tr.iteil Newspaper," New York,
"Church Union," . Y., Boston -Traveller,"
"Herald." and "Post." ai.d hundreds nf r,ll,.p
...pors, of speak in ihe highest praise of the Vrf.S
I ,',..v-,., .nu I I,,, N.
Clergymen rei ominenu it. 11 is absolutely cer- Hour per nnrrei
tain in its remedial ellects, and will always
luiu wueri cures art pussiuie.
Jl no 1.
cent and efficient Teachers for her Schools. Totutsendlt solicits youmr persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire, to Improve their tlroo
auainciriaicnis.aHrcwienis. to an sucn promises uu in developing ineir powers, anduDiinoant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School, ror
catalogue, address thn 1'rlnclnal.
HON. WII.I.IA.ll lvl.UT.1.1., I're.I.lent llonril of Tni-tt-r.
fepi. s,
Wheat per bushel..
Scale, its low price, and convenience lo hou'i-
Weighs up to 21 pounds, and.costs $1,50 pre
paidor about one half that of any other Plat
form Scale in the United States.
Where is the man who wants the erduiie
Cloverseed .
nutter ....
Charles E. Penny and wife of Bradford
i . oo
0. (10
1. N
very profitable business ?
control of our County, and thereby secure a courjty( ar0 ; pri,on (or the inhuman tieat
tnent of a little girl in their employ. The
child fcayn they tied a ropo around her body,
stuffed her inoutli lull of rags, and threw her
several tunes into tho Clicuiung river, keep
ing her thcro until sh was nearly drowned.
It Is quite possible that some of the many
readers of the Columbian, have 'never visited
the beautiful village of Orangeville. In the
romantic situation that it occupies at the south
western termination of Knob Mountain, some
miles distant from the nearest railroad depot, it
is not on the route usually taken by the men i f
business ; and the tourist searching for pleasure
naturally selects those resorts, which the fash
ion of the day and the vote of the multitude,
made popular. But although comparatively mi
known, this little village, nestling among the
hills, is a delightlul resting place for any one
desiring a rjuiet and retired life for a few weeks,
after the hard work of a busy year.
The scenery along the Fishlngcreek valley is
fine ; and the smooth well kept roads present
unusual attractions lo those fond of drives, while
for miles around glens anil woods afford plenty
of scope to the active pedestrian. The inhabi
tants of this cozy retreat are characterized for
their genial, social hoi-pitalily, to which they
unite a spirit of enterprising industry, which
dospite the hard times manifests itself in var
ious ways.
Improvements arc being made, which, when
finished, will add much lo the appearanco of
the town as well as to the comfort of the citizens.
Thanks to the friends of the Academy, a nice
broad walk has been laid on Pine street, Mr.
A, B. Stewart is putting up a roomy store ami
large dwelling house on Main nlrcct ; anil Mr.
Silas Conner, with commendable generosity, ha
greatly beautified the cemetery by filling up, at
his own expense, an elegant gate and fence,
lint one of the bet features of Orangeville life,
is the dec! ded interest which the people take in
educational matters. They have an Academy
iiuder the pririipah-hlp of Prof. (J. K. Caulield
an active earnest worker, who is rapidly build
ing up here one of the most t (linen t practical
schools in Ibis part of the stale. At Ibis iiili
tutioii, students nre thoroughly prepared for
College or businei-s life. During vacation the
Trustees have been making netded repairs in
the study and recitation rooms, which grenlly
improve theui,, Harrison
A, M., ban been nddtd to t lie Family, which
presents a very able iorM t f Inciters. Orange
ville Academy certainly never opened up un
der more favorable auspices than it does this
coming term beginning August 12lh, and the
citizens may will be proud of this nourishing
What Will Cure the Tramp.
In one respect tho world lives itself over
again. iV few years ago it was only in ro
uianco and history that tho travellers trem
bled before tho foot-pad who took a purso,
or stopped the stage coach to relieve frighten
ed women of their jewels. It was comforta-
lilo to realir.o that this statu of things was
doim and over, and that except in tho pages
of Scott and Bulwcr and tho historians, bands
of pilgrims were no longer set upon by tho
robber trains. In England the outlaws who
burned tlio farmers' ricks and the steam ma
chincry of the mills, wero supposed to be fol
lowed by a generation that knew not Chart
is in or the Corn laws; and tho security of
pfe and property for tho poorest and weakest
Scarcity of Water in Schuylkill County.
Pottsville, Pa., August C. Reports re
ceived this evening from several districts
north of Pottsvillo represent that there is a
scarcity of water, many of the streams be
ing nearly dried up from the long drought
and much trouble is caused in working the
mines. In the Bear ridge collieries at
Mahanoy Plane there was not enough water
to work the engines- and consequently 400
men and boys are idle.
Dried Apples
sides ft Shoulders ;
Lard per pound IB
nay per uiu s
Timothy need 41
vuui Aiiuisa run cu.iu
No. t on Wharf t per Ton
N0.B " " S.I5 '
No. " ' I t,ou "
uiacicemitn'sLutupon whan is.ui
uimminoiis w n
The Marquis of Lome, Queen Victoria1!
member of society was counted as a mark and I son-in-law, has been selected as Governor
General of Canada. The appointment
balled with satisfaction by the Canadians,
who feel elated that they will hereafter have
a member of the Royal family in their
SIEGFRIED COIXM AN. At tho Episcopal Hec-
tory, Illoomsburg, on the JIth ult., Mr. Milton D
Siegfried to saran A. Coleman, a 1' of Denton,
distinction of tho nineteenth century. But
tho last fivo years bavo seen a change. In
stead of stopping the mail-coach, the treasure
train, or travelling merchants with their wares,
it is tho railway trains that aro boarded by
armed ruffians, who mako way with pack
ages of money and bonds, or riflo a postal car
with equal speed. When this occurs on the
plains in tho far west, it still reads like a ro
uiauco to folks in our own legion, but when it
happens m Connecticut it comes nearer home.
When the tramps burn up mowers and reap
ers and threshing machines out in tho West
it is timo for the Grangers to take the matter
Ul and to adont measures of -ir.nrnte.inn. NEYIIAItD. In MlllvlIIeon the SOthof July Wll-
i . i . X I UamlT., Infant son of Isaac w. and narrletC.Nej
mill 1. hanmna n CA.n.(a n.,nc,.A. f V. nil mnn I -
- v., u. ..uuo .juvoi.uu .ui an ujcu narlli aged 1 year, 3 months and JS day
ana women, too, wnat will cure society ot tho
tramp. It is a'ood deal easier to say what
has brought tho tramp among us. but in
knowing tho origin of a disease sometimes, its
euro is suggested. Professor Brewer, who
goes into the historical side of tho tramp busi
ness, claims that he n the outcome of too leni
cut laws ; that the human garden is just like
any other garden if tho weeds aro suffered to
grow and aro not thinned out. Human weeds
aro cultivated in two ways by injudicious
Business Notices
All kinds of Clothing at a great Reduction
at Liowenberg s,
White Vests at cost at Lowenberg's.
1.000 vsrds of Cassimere at cost prico
at D, Lowenberg's.
All trustworthy hyglenisls and luedicul au
thorities are unanimous in r.rommtiiding fruits
and vegetables as the best and appropriate food
for th's season, and that the laling of iiiiirh
meat, rich gravies, Ac, are carefully In beab-
slained from , And yet llieie is not one ierMu
in ten who carefully and intelligently follows
this advice. In the holds ami boarding
people gorge themselves wilh meats, gravies
and putry, and wonder how it is possible, after
such a strengthening meal, thai ihey feel so
weak and shaky and out of soru! Wilh nothing
but good bread and butler and a saucer of fruit
for dinner tie next day, the same pcr.nn would
have marvelled sllll more how in the world
such a slim meal gave him such strength and
elasticity of spirits and improved health) Im
pend upon It, a very large proportion of the
physical ills of life comes from too much eating,
there is a little danger of not eating enough.
The trouble wilh nine-tenths of ailing and
chronically complaining cily people Is .injudic
ious and Intemperate eating. Leave of) eating
so much meat and greasy compounds and rich
pastry, aud try a simpler diet for a time, and
our word for it, you will soon experience a
great and marvelous change that will comeovtr
the spirit of your dream.
The Persian Diver brings up no pearl from
the depths of the sea which can 'surpass In ra
diant purity a complexion beautified by Glenn's
Sulphur Soap, A stable accessory of the balli
and the toilet.
Beautiful Shades of Black or Brown nie pro
duced by Hill's Hair Dye.
July 12 4w.
After October lit 1878 all subscribers whu
owe from October Jul 1875 will be struck oil' lite
list, and the accounts collected by law at the
tate of $2.1.0 a year. If.
A railroad ticket to Chicago aud back for
sale at this office very chtai. Good until De
cember 81st 1878. tf
charities, public and private, and by an easy
going popular sentiment, that pardons orcon-
doucs crimes aud offences, and pushes the
criminal along from district to district to prey
on succeeding communities seriatim. As
late as 1 819, in England, there were 223 of
fences punished by death. Tho question Pro
fessor Brewer a.ks is, have wo not gone to the
opposite extreme in a mawkish sentiment nnd
a weak nbusoof the pardoning power, which
perpetuates tho evil-disposed aud tho vaga
bond to tho third aud fourth generation? The
vigorous exortion of the old, vindictive laws
kept down the evil growth by capital exctu
tions, but tho spirit of these laws mado crimi
uals almost as Pu-t by its inquisitions and
multiplication of capital offences.
There is ono family that points a moral un
der American law. What is known as tho
Jukes family has been traced on tho criminal
records for ono hundred and fifty years. If
tho original pair of ancestors had met their
deserts then, cither in punithmeiUor in bring
reclaimed from autriim, tho two methods
of escapo wo should not havo had then eight
hundred' and thirty descendants in a direct
liuu of thieves, bad women, muiderers, sui
cides, and ruffians of all grades. Reports of
fatato charities and 'prison records show the
descent of crimes from geuoration to genera
tion, so that in weakly pardoning tho crimi
nal and suffering him to rear up children like
unto lumselt, society fosters for itself tho
growth of tramps nnd scoundrels that aro bo
giuuiug to show themselves as witnesses to the
mistaken benevolence of ono or another pat
tern in charities or in law. Tho remedies for
tho present tramp, tho outlaw, for whom child
hood has no sanctity, hospitality no safeguards,
and property no rights, the dealings with him
should bo short, sharp, and decisive. Aeainst
tho spread and growth of his kind, society
must look to its protection for the future.
Evidently it does not do to catch him and
feed lutn m county prisons, houses of correo
lion and poor houses, over the winter, and lot
him go in tho spring to repeat a former ca
reer. Even tho woik that ho is enforced Jo
uo in tne snort interval Is ot little value, be
cause of its short apprenticeship and its irren-
ular performance. There should bo no short
terms nor light sentences for the recognized
titiu. ii ta uu ucuuumy jor any uuytjiowc
ship or Stato to pass him along to its neigh
bor when all tho citios and counties and
States are doing tho samo thing.
The last year's report of Dr. Moyt, Secre
tary of tho New Yolk State Board of Chari
ties has a hearing on this aubject. Uo visjt
cd sixty-four poor houses in the Stato, con
taining ueraly 13,000 publio paupers. Loss
than ouu-fourth of this vast number were of
American parentage. Iu fifty-fivo cases in
vestigated tho pauperism extended to the
third generation on the father's sido, in uino-ty-two
cases oil tho mother's sido to the third
generation 307 had pauper fathers; 12C1
had pauper mothers, und so on. "Wherever,"
says Professor Brewer, this line- of investiga
tion is pursued wo havo tho samo evidence of
u tribe well established amoug us, and perpetu
ating its instincts iu its descendants. l'MU.
dctjihia Ledger,
For a Nice Shirt go to Lowenberg's.
The cheapest and best Shirts can be
bought at Lowenberg's.
Cassiraeres sold by the yard at less than
cost price at Lowenberg s.
Call tit McKinncy's for Shoes.
Closing out our Prints at 0 cents per yard I
at UlatK iV v en s.
P. S. Ball's makes a specialty of repairing
watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, or any
thing el.-o iu his line of business. He al
ways insures a first-class job and is prompt
wan his work-.
The attention of the traelllnt? nubile Is respect
fully invited to some of the merlu of this great high
way, ln tho confident assertion and beller that no
other line can offer equal inducements as a route of
inruugu travel, in
Construction aud Equipment
stands confessedli at the head of American railways.
The track Is double the entire length ot the line, ot
steel rails laid on heavy oak lies, which are embed
ded In a foundation ot rock ballast eighteen inches
ln depth. All bridges are of Iron or stone, and bultt
upon uio ui'i&t upyrineu tuuiiH, na pubaeiiKer tans
while eminently sate and suhstantial. are at the
same time models of comfort and elegance.
In ue on this line well lllustrato thofar-foelngnnd
liberal policy or Its n.uafft'ment,in accordance with
IU cost has been the nueniloii of consideration.
Amonif many may be noticed
formlbff In conjunction with a perfect double track
aoaroua-Deu a coaiuinauuu ui Baiejjimraa ajjainsi
aceldenta which havo rendered them practically Irn
1 possible.
Pullman Palace Cars
aro run on all Expreus Trains
From New York, lMiUiult'lplihi, Hnltimore nnd
Tu t'hlfBKO, Ciuriiimitlt Iinulullle lntllnniipoMit
II II (I iM, I.OIIIst,
without cii i;i;.
and to all principal points In the tar West and south
with but one change of curs. Connections are made
In Uulon Depots, and are assured to all Important
Is admit ted to bo unsurpassed In the world for gran
deur, beauty nnd variety. tunerlor refreshment fa-
cuius are primueu. rmpiojetK are cutmeous ana
hiii'iiux., uuu it, ii an me. tiauie reuu mai ainpuy
mo i ciiiioj iituita ituuiuuti ihubi iut ill
Having obtained the agency of this
Cki.ebiiatkii Soai-
for Illoomsburg and vicinity, I append the
opinion ot some oi our best people as to Its
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made
by I. Ij. Cracin & Co.. Philadelnh a. Pa..
for washing about ten years, and think It
uupcriur iu uny oiuer. Aire, u, u, xiarKiey,
"We have used Dobbin's ElectricBoap and
unu h supen or to any oilier or all othert. W. 11. Jacoby,
Airs. li. tl, btouner,
I desire all my friends and customers to
uire thit Soap one Irial,
so that they may know juet how good the
uesi coap in tno unucu states is,
J, H. Maize.
july 12, 78-ly Illoomsburg, Pa.
i m i i
Withjnuch grcator varicly
Tlian ever
WitJl ampler ' facilities'1
Tlian ever
With farjnora customers1
Tlian ever
Wo, are bctter prepared
Tlian ever
Ai considerably ' lower prices
Tlian ever
r m '
Th Kb ud Bays
of America
ay !4, ni
With Buy! CloUnc
Trem Ht XstrgMt
Clothing Honsa
in America
Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned.
Samples and prices mailed anywhere. '
Orders hj mall promptly executed,
Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia,
C. 33. S-AJV-A-GKE,
SUverwarc, Watches.Jawelry.Clocks.&c,
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
Sure Reward.
leech anil Maple Land In BIlcIil
gun In tlte ulllilon Acrr Grant
oftlic -anti Rilil anil In
diana Railroad i ompuny.
title rxmrxscx.
Strang Mill n r crop plenty of
tluibei'-no drouKln-no chinch
bug no hoppcrx."
KCKNisn "thumb PrsK Watkr llainr MlUlt
Send lor pamphlet, iinWi or German
Address ' V. O. HL'lill.tUT,
aprll 1!, lS's-fttw d
W UcmoAprl lo the Post onico nulldlnp;, flrsTdoor
aboc the KxlMiigc Hotel.
All klnils rr Wiitclm, 1'ldol.s ami Jewelry neat
ly reralrt-i nn'l warranted.
may 17, it it
Di'lOlfS N'OTKK.
Tickets for sale at the lowest ratrs at the Ticket
Offlces ot the Company In all Important cities and
MCS A' MllH C-lt
James Uj he.
In the Comiiiurn I'lt-ai of colnm
l In couiuyVfso. M May Term
tleneral Manager.
I- P. FAltMEli,
Oo'l l'assenger Atrent.
1. K, snoEMAKKIt, I'aRS. Agent Middle Mst.
12 North Third r:trLH.'tl.llarrU)ljurfrl l'a.
feu. 1, IS-ly.
I-IUrs of on Uiu extant of Ann
Doughert),lahof conjiinhani tup.., deed
havo Ut'ii grunted by Die liculMu of wild county to
the undersigned AUinlnlslrator.lo uhom all poisons
indebted are rru,ucsted to make Immediate na) ment
and those having claims or demands against the es
tate Mill make them kionntotiie administrator
without delay,
July M, IsIS-ew Ctntralia Pa.
New Illaclr Cashmeres at Clark & WolfV
Boots and Shoes, cheap at McKioney's.
The display of
watches, Ac, at P. S. Hates Is said by all to
be the choicest to be seen In Bloomsburg,
Repairing is done by him In the beat manner
1 -4 , l. I . . '.I, ,
kuu luc lunrai ubsiuio rmcua.
Hoot headquarters at McKlnney'i.
Crampton's Palm Soap is the bes't laun
dry soap Iu Ihiaor any other market. For
sale by Jacob II, llaiie. may 18-3w
Shoe Store below Court
Trv It-Buy it
Palm Palm Palm Soap
At Jamb II, Maize's at Jacob Ii, Maize's,
may 3-18v
Dutches and Itialant Locos in great variety
at Clark & Wolfs.
Go to I, V. Ilartman'a for Queeiuware.
Rubbers at McKinney's,
Cramptnn Brother's Palm soap at Jacob
II. Maize's. It la the best. Try it.
may 8-1 8w
Admission free at McKinney's.
The best prints in short lengths -1 and Ii
cents per yard at I, W. llariiujn's,
, , iwruKS, AC, o.,
Neatly ami Cheaply printed at the Colo
wan Offioe.
Kotloo Is hereby given that tho undersigned udl
I or appointed In Ihe malU-rof eiceptlrms tollien
nal account of James McAlameyono of lh execu
tors of (leorgo Lougenberger, deceased, will meet
the parties lnlcrcbtecj at IiIm onteo In lrooiusburg,
on Friday, August vtn, ISIS at 10 o'clock a. to..,
for tho purpose ot bis appointment.
Julyll,is-Jw Auditor.
Letters Testamentary on the estate ofOabrlel
Evert, late of MU Pleasant township. Columbia Co.
r . deceawd, huvo been gr nted b ttie Hegtsier of
Aid county too. II. mert. Kunitnr, Orungollle,
In whom all persons Indebted to std e-tale are it
quested to make pa) ment, and those havloe
claims or demands agulnst thn aald estate will
make them known to Ihe said eiecutor without
0. 11. KVEltT,
July 5,18 w Orangeville, Pa.
The underslgued Auditor apiiolnlcd ti (Ls
trlbule balancu In hands of lsaao lleacock and
Hugh l-'alriuuu, Kxtcult-ia of 1-olih l-'utriicuu wilt
attend to the duties of hU appointment al the of
tloe oi C. It. x W, J. Iiuck'law In lUo town of Illooms
burg on 'I hursclav August ttcl, ST-. at U n o'c ock ii
in , when and where all icersous having claims uie
requested to nreseni Iho some to-fore Ihe Auditor
or be debArvd from coming Iu lor u share of said
July It, 14-lw
Neatly anil cheaply executed at the
CoLI'MSIAN ()0ii
At thb Oni.iiMKiAN Ofkkh,
The undc-rslgiifil Auditor aprolnteil bytheCouit
lo fl'rerlaln Hue lten on ilmrvnl piale of tlieahove
named dereud ant rtturnfcl sold bj Iho sheriff. H1"
several iimounls Ihon or, und ilinordT of pavment."
will rnctt Ihi- patties Intcres'ed at hid onico ln
llloomi-lcurg. Tu. in HMii, Ihf Mhday of August
next at ten o'clock in Uie forenoon.
C. W. MIL' Eft,
July la, n-w Auditor,
Viev7 of Marriage !
ttW3&WZf?FV1 A Oulda to W.dcSck ml
Mil El!
I'nr-iii' I'urtiiiihio lllU in.iKe New lllc Blood,
and will completely Ui -ut'o thu blood in the entire
ajstnaln Hiivh Uincitbs. Any iHon who will take
I pill each niirlit from llo'H weeks may he restore
eii tu wjund lieallli, ir tucli a thif ( bo milble. hend
iy inaUforsielUT bttmii8. 1. j(iHNM).N' &co.t
hnnti-orMo. a July 19,
riilv ill;
lidtkuiiBtl 7 rot let ou ta
Iutlt.1 ol tiiarrisifci bci ihc ui.rlt hir 111 ltlct
iivtbt He prod uen mi n4
l ! jJiacktes ti women.
A bcuuk Itir urlviL. ronaU).
it ct a.
aPrivatu Jsnuru siritHi iiom Stir
a km t ! , ."tccrci uieie. iu bit uti
it lif liri-j . 4 p' 'Utis.
AC ti iriAJJ J'lHmitl bo d iriiri inr
1h'sj(.i 'i,. Ihrotmill n rpi. CAUXdIiuptur, lb
Dp uiu Ilrtbil.ii p 'it IUu.
Ll'hirt- k 1 1 i ji ti(fn rT'ptrtfprtiorillthrtci,
con ( tnitirt. tuf "i tl.
AdJivM iE, LU iti. U ,N bt. X-su. ilft.
auff.u.iuy li0
Awtrdrd ktykttt rut ot CVtiianiilut LipMittcn for
rUt tAtMiing qualUus ud ucxllenct and luttng tkar
utter uf u4ttentAp un.i flurormg, TU VbI tubacco
tr niavj. Ai our Hue (trip trAtiunrk i cloly
luuUifil ou Inferior Buoda, tht Jaelo'$ hut U
f'U Urtj plufs bold ty tlldsTftUal., ben J lortftiupU,
(rttj, tit C A. Jacvioh X Co., UU., lnUtnijurr,
ti, V, WAUDIsl
July 19, TS-4W
r licntrul Aitl.a l'litladelplita
The Four Quarterly Reviews
Blackwood' Magazine
Tho Leonard Sco.t Publishing Co.
41 Barclay St., New York.
Continue their authorized Kenrtnta ot
nib r.i miiNsi r.i( iim c
WfcJUWjld.JWOStHCO.S.U,llfc I Ti'V&,ITlll .v,n.
- ull 44111, , ilblll.ll t i. 1 slUjrBi-
BlaclwooQ's ifiriii Maaazine.
nuf. u, ly
Vo one ran tcoslcl; when the stomach, blood
liver and kldnejs uiu healthy, and Hop Iililertl
beep uit-ui so.
'The ereatet nourlFhlnir tonle. annetlrer.
itrenirttient-r and mrutlvo on earth llopl
"It Is Impossible in remain lone sick oroutol
aeaiiuuuKiu nop umersare usra "
Why do Hon Hitters pure so much T" Becausel
iney irue anresiion. ricu oiood. ana ncaitni
ucic-u vi ail cw Olb'aua.
No matter what your feeltnirs or aliment 111
nop niiiesr win oojou pco i,"
I'cin- nirir. Ilc-n ll.llt-'s nevir aoes barm. bull
500a, aiwa)8 onuioniinuaiiy "
Purify tho blood, rleanso the stomach and
swieien iiio nitaiii wnn nop uiners."
'Ju et nerves ana balm) sleep In Hop timers,''
"No liesllb with Inactive, llversnd urlnaryor
gaus without IloiilUlteis "
Try Hep Ccu h Cere trd Ft'.n Eellef,
Kor bale by Mm kk Iikoiiilks.
la Tho lleprlnta sro pot selections; theyglva
the ortiftnals In lull, snd at about one-third the prlca
ol the kngtlah Kdltlona.
The late-it advances and dlcoi erics In the arts and
sciences, the recent additions lo knonledgu In every
department of llierature, and all tho new publica
tions as they Issue from Ihe press, aro fully reported
and discussed In the W(tes ot these periodicals, la
language at once clear, forclblo and comprehensive.
The articles aro cojiinonly mora condeosed and full
of matter than Ihe aterugu books of Uie period.
T- i'Iiin Iui- IN7N liiclmlliip; iuntage
For buy one Lev tew
For any two Heilewa
r"or any three Keileua
Kor ail four Kevlews
Kor Uidcknood's slagailne
For ilakwoodandooe hi-Mew
Kor HUCkwoodand two hevieua
Kor Uluckwoodand three llevtews
toriHuckwoodaad fourltcvlews
Woo per annum
t uo
10 00
lino cu
4 00 .. ..
7 00
Ill eo "
is 0 "
19 On ' "
733 Sihsoh St., PHILADELPHIA,
Who mv our auihvrUrtl ycruu, and will
rit-rhu .dvcrlUuiriiu at our
r.owKsr ;asii uatrs.
discount of t wenty per per rent, w ill be allowed
10 clubs 01 lour or uu rn persons. 'Ihuss foui cop
ies of Hhickwood or utonu I'evl-w win tieseut tooiia
address for ill u. four copies ot tho four lievlewa
unu Hlnckwood lorl.s. and bo ou.
Toclubaot ten or mom, In uddlllon to the above
discount, a copy grutU Ul bo ttlluw od to the geltltr
up of the club.
New8Ubscrlbers(sppl)ingearl.v)for IheyearlHU
may have, without chaik-o, iho numlrs for the last
qjiarler of ISII of nuih pcaloulculs aa they submrlber
Or Instead, new mbscilu rsio any two,, or
four U the above peilodicaK ioki havo unooftba
Four lluvlews'firisllt submlU-utoallnvrniay
havo i oof the' Four llileb"oronottn Huik.
wood a Mgali.e Ii-r 17.
Mlibir iieinluinsto kutcilhcr nor discount to
ilub. can Uc ulluwt-d, u less Ihe money u remitted
clubs I'UblU-htrs. o ircmlums given u
Ipbecuro rremlums It will bo Litessun- to maka
eirly ar lillcalluu, us me sIolW avallubio lor tliat pur
ib Ulliulled. "
Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Oo,,