THE COLUMBIAN. f COLUMBIA DIHOCIUT, ITAR Or Tnl NOBT11 AMD COLUX UN CONSOLIDATED.) Issued weoklyi every Friday morning, at m.OOMSUUIirt. COLUMBIA COUNT?. l'A. two dollars i per yoar.ipftjribiii In syitonco, or nil. 11? thn Tear A flirt til MAlnamn at ,thn vene ; 11.BO will bo charged. To subscribers out (it the oounty.lbe lorms aro fl per year, strictly In odranco II. w It not paid In advance ana (3.0U It payment bo delayed beyond tlie yoat, No paper discontinued, esccpt at the option or tho publishers, until all arrearages are paid, but lone continued credits after tho expiration of tho flrst year will not be elvon,, AlUpapers sent out of tho State or to distant post offices must be paid for In adrance, unless a rcspon slbln person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription duo on demand. POST AOS la no longer exacted from subscribers In he counti JOB 3PB,I3SrTI3STG. Tho Jobbing Department of the CoMmsiiMtavcry complete, and our 4 b Printing win compare favonw My with that of the large cities. All work done on demand, neatly and at moderate prices. Columbia County Official Directory. President Judge William Elwell. Associate Juilges-1. K. Krlekbaum, P. L. Bhumnn. Prothonotary, Ac B. Frank zarr. Court stenographer H. N, Walker. Jterfstor A Kecorder Williamson II. Jacoby, District Attorney fiobert It. Little. Sheriff-John W. Hoffman. , vsurveyor Namuel Noyhard. ruuiurur ur, ji. , juuiiuyuuiua. O'lmmtsstonora John Hernor, s. W. Mcrienry, i Commissioners' cierk-iWlllIara Krlckbaum. I Auditors M, V, II, Kline, J. 11. Casey, E, B, llrown Jury-Commissioners all ltobblns, Thoodoro W. Uountv Runermtiindent William 11. Snvder. Bloom Poor District Directors II. 8. Knt, Scott, rriu. nruuitr, iiiuuuisuurtf uuu iuuiuu iicwv, dcott, Secretary. Bloomsbufg Official Directory. President of Town Councll-t. A. Herring. Clerk-Paul K. Wirt, chief of Police Jas. C. Sterner. President of Uas Company s. Knorr. Secretary C. w. Miller. "Bloomsburg Hanking company John A. Funston, President, II. II. drou, Cashier, John Peacock, Tel ler. Firs' Na'lonal Hank Charles H. Paxton, President J. P. Tustln, Cashier. Columbia County Mu'ual Having Fund and Loan Assootailon-E. 11. utile, President, C. W. JllUcr, secretary. nioomsburg Building and Raving Fund Assoclai Ion Wra. Peaoock, President, J. 1). ltoblson, Secretary. llloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association J. I. urowcr, Presldcni, C. (1. liarkloy, Secretary. CHURCH DIKECTOKY. SArrisT cnuncit. ReT. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday Services l"f a. m.' and dtf p. m. Sunday school a. m. Prayer Meetlng-Kvcry Wednesday evening at tx floats free. The public aro invited to attend. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHKKAN CHCKCn. Mlnlsier-Itev. o. D. S. Marclay. Sunday Servlccs-totf a. m. and 7)tf p. m. Sunday school 9 a.m. lTavor Mooting Kvery Wednesday evening at lyt clock. seats free. Nopcwsrented. All aro welcome. FHKSBYTKtltAN CnnHClI. Minister Itev. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday Services lOtf a. w. and W p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. Praver Meeting Kvery Wednesday ovenlng at Otf o'clock. Seals free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MKTiioDisT KpiBcorAi, ennuqn. Presiding Kldcr-ltov. W. Kians. Minister Itev. M. L. Smyser. Sunday services lux ttnd W r- m. Bundav school a p. m. , , , Blblo class Kvcrv Monday evening at ejf o'clock. 'Voung Men's Prayer Meeitng Every Tuesday 07enlng at 6 o'clock. ideneral Prayer Meetlng-Kvery Thursday evening T o'clock. 1 ' itEvotwKncncHcn. Corner of Third and Iron stroets. Pastor-ltev.jw. I Krebs. Hosldonco Central Hotel. . Sunday Services 10f a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. AU aro Invltod There Is always room. BT. PAUL'S CnURCH. Hector ncv L. zahner. .Sunday Services 10 a. m., Ttf p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. . First Sunday In tho month. Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on rriday evening before the at Sunday In each month. Pews rented; but over body wolcome. KTANOBL1CAI. CnURCH. Presiding Eldcr-ltev. A. L. lteeser. Minlter Itev. (Icorgo Hunter- Sunday Service 11 p. m., In tho Iron street Church. ITaver Meeting Kvery Sabbath at s p. m. AU aro Invited. All are welcome. tub cntucn ov cukist. 1 Meets In !'Uio llttlo Brick Church on the hill," known as the Welsh Baptist Church-on Itock Btrect east of Iron. , , ...... . i ' Itcgular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af temoonatsif oolocK. , .. .. seats troop and tho public aro cordially Invited to, attend BLOOMSBURG DIRECTORY. t iCJCHOOli ORDERS, blank, just printed andl u 3 neatly bound In small books, on hand and tor sale at Uio Columbian omce. i JLANK DEKDS. on Parchment and 'Linen1 1 l'aper. common ana ior Ammuw rowi n. s and trustees, for Bale cbeapat tho colcmbuk uiucu MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES jut printed ondforaalo at tho Coixmhian Offlcc. Mlnts-J v. , vl the (lonpel and Justlcos should supply Uioms solves With these necessary articles.- JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Wlls for sale attheConjaeiAH ofllce. They contain the cor') rcctcd fees as established byitho last Act of the Leg. Mature upon tho subjeot; Every Juatlco and con-) stablo should have one. ENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale encap at mu iuluhbl&ii ujucu, PIIOFESSIONAL CAItCS. CO. BARKLEY, Attorney-at. , in Brower's building, Snd Btory, Law. Office llooms ins HK. WM. JI. REB U clan, omco B. K. streets. REBER, Surgeon and Piiysi- curuur nouK auuiarikei r R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Physi , clan, (onico and Itcsldcnco on Third street, " 11. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and I'hy s slclan, north side Main street, below Market. " B. ROBISON, Attnrney-at-Law. Office In nartman's building, Malnstrcct. ROSENSTOCK, over Clark & Wolf's Store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor Main St., abovo Central Hotel. S. KUHN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.', Centre street, between Second and Third. BUSINESS CARDS. E. WALLER, Attorney-at-Law. Increase of Pensions obtained, Collections maie. omco. Second door from 1st National Bank. BLOOMSBUItO, PA. Jan. 11. 1378 R. J. C. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN & SOIICIEON, OOlce, North Market street, , Mar.SMl- ' Bloomsburg, Pa. s AMUEL' KNORR. ATTORKE v-a t-l a w, BLOOMSIinltO, PA. Office, nartman's Block, corner Main and Market Streets N FUNK, . , Attorn3-rvt;Lawt Increase of l'easious Obtained, Coll Collections Mudc. BLOOMSBUIiO, PA. Omco in Ent's Boilpino. lt. it; 't. RABB, rRAOTIOAL DENTiST, Main Street, opposite Episcopal ChurchJ'Blooms turg, Pa. Mr Teeth extracted without pain. , aug 84, 17-ly, jgROOKWAY & ELWELL, A TTOR N E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian Builoiko, Bloomsburg, Pa. Members ot the United States Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Europe c B.&W.J.BUCKALEW, ' ATTOIINEYB-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. omce on Main Street, first door below CourtHouse T F, it J, M, CLARK, ATTOKNKY8-AT-LAW Bloomsburg, Fa. Office In Ent's Building. P. BILLMEYER, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Ornci In Harmon's BuUmnMalntueeU . n.UTTIJI. HOST. l.UTTU. jT I II. & R. R. LITTLE, ATTOKNSYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. VBuslneas before the U.S. Pat at omco attended w.uace la in cotomiaan uuwusg, ,r JEKVEY E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-T, A W omco in A. J. Stan's Niw bciuims, . uiAoMSbuno, ta. socKtion0 Commerclal Uw " Unit Collection As- wua, 'IfU Q W. MILLER, ATTOItNEY.AT-LAW. omco In Brower's building, second floor, room No, Bloomsburg, Pa. ' : W. H. Abbott. w. IL Bhawk, ABBOTT & RIIAWN, Attornoys-at-Law. CATAW18SA, TA. Pensions obtained. dec II, 17-ly MISCELLANEOUS. 7- HOWELL, DENTIST. Office In nartman's Block, eccond floor, cornor Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBUItO, P&. May se-ly. M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. Se' owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. ursKA uocsk uulldlng, Bloomsburg, Ta, Y. K ESTER, MERCHANT TAILOR, over Maize's stoiis, Bloomsburg, Pa, nprll 19, lt.7. TRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO. NATIONAL FIltK INSUltANCE COMPANY. The abs'tts of these old cornoratlons an, all In. vested In SOLID SECUItlTIhS andare liable tothe unrnra m fire only. Moderate lines on tho beBt risks are atonA accented. losses l'Hou I'Ttr and noNKHTLr adjusted and paid as socn as determined by Christian F. Knaff, spe cial Agent and Adjuster, D'oomsburg, Pcnn'a. 'the citizens of Columbia county should patronize tho agency where losses, If any, are adjusted and jimu u unovi luurunu cuizeus. nov.10, ff-iy T7REAS BROWN'S IN8URANCE AGEN- j- cv, jsicnange uotei, uioomaonrg, pa. CanltAl. yietna, Ins Co., of nartford, Connecticut.., 0,000,000 Liverpool, London and Olobe . S0,uoo,ooo ituyaiui Liverpool is,ow,uuu Ijincnnshlro 10,000,' 00 Flro Association, Philadelphia 3,100,000 Farmers Mutual of Danville 1,000,000 Danville Mutual 7S.0OH Homo, New York, 8,000,000 ISO,&31,000 As tho atrencles aro direct, noltcles are writ ten for tho Insured without any delay in tho omco atBlooms burg. 1 Marcn so,'ii y , B, F. HARTMAN BEPKK8ENTS TBK rOlXOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES: Lycoming of Muncy Pennsylvania, North American of Philadelphia, pa h ranklln, of ' " Pennsylvania of Farmers of York, Pa. ' Hanover of New York. Manhattanot " omce on Market Street No. , Bloomsburg, Pa, oct. M, "77-ly. OATAWISSA. M. L. EYERLY, ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW, ' Catawlasa.Pa. Collections nron,ntly made and remitted. , omco onposlte Catawlssa Deposit Bank. sms 1 ACQ. u kacb. j no. k. fktuibh. cuas. 1. aawARcaj WM. R. HAGENBUCH, WITU 1 Kaiib, FrynilcrdlEdirardH, (Successors to Benedict Dorsey & sons. 183 Market street. - 1 1 mporie rs and dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, 923 Market Street, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand Original and Assorted Packages' June !9, 77-ly Orangevillo Academy. REV.C. K, CANriELD,A. M,,PrincipaL It you want to patronize a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL, WIIEHE BOA11D AND TUITION ARE LOW, glvo us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY, APB1L 15, 1878 For Information or catalogue apply to TIIE PRINCIPAL. J uly 27, '77-ly Orangevllle, Pa. CHEAP KANSAS LANDS ! ! Wo'own and control the Tlallwar lands of'Tree-o County, Kansas, about cmiallKdlvlded by the Kan sas Pacine Hallway, which we aro selling at an average ot 13 lis per acre on easy terms of payment. Alteruatoscctlousotoovernment lands can bo to ken as homesteads by actual Bettlers. menu isnas lie in mo ureal Limestone lienor cen tral Knnsas. the best winter wheat nroduclntr dis trict of tho United states, yielding from io to 33 iiiihiiriN icr Acre. Thn average searly rainfall In this county Is ncar 1V33 Inches jier annum, nne-tlilrd greater than 10 too much-extolled Arkimsus Valley, which has a euiiji ruiiuuu oi leas luau incut's per unnuui la he same lonirltuoo Stock IUMiik nntnvool Orowlnirare very Herniaer atle. To winters aro short and mild, stock mil live all the year on Si ass I Living streams and Sprltics aro numerous. I'ure water is foundln wells from no to on feet deep. Tho llrallhlnt Cllmtt In the World 1 No fever and ague there. No muddy or Impassable roads, plenty of nno building Bteno, lime und sand. These lands are being rapidly settled uy mu iieht uuu hi fturmeru auu Aasieru people, and will so appreciate tn value by the Improvements now beintr irade as to make their Durchase at Dres- eut prices one the very best investments that can uo niaae, abiuu jrom me pronis io ue aenvea irom their cultivation. Members of our Arm reside In Wa.Keeney. and will show lands at any time. A pamph'ct, giving full Information In regard to soil, climate, water supply, &c will bo Bent free on re quest, Address Warren Keeney A Co., 10S Ce&rlorn St,, Chicago, Or Wa-Hcenvy, Trego Co., XaOMti April , la.-im jP M. BOUTON, kxain Street, Oranfevllle, Pa. Dealer In DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Bruehe8,Oomba,tS:o, jrVuif Flavoring EitmtU, Virfvmiry and Faney Toiltt Arliclu in EnCUu VartVry, Also a Fine assortment of Dye Woods njaU Ujo WuWi, Smsilng &nl Ciowlng 0saU0,Cl9iri,SBtiff,fte. Physicians Proscriptions accurately compounded. A share of publlo patron age U solicited. July 6, is-sin" HAPPY RELIEF To all suffering from cbronlo diseases of all kinds. ContldenUal consultation Invited personally or by mall. New metiiud of ireatment. New bdu rellab e remedies. Book and circulars sent free In sealed enveloiies. Addrets lloWAPD AhsociATlON, 419 Norlh Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa., an Institute having a high leput at Ion for honorable conduct and profesktoral (kill. July 19, tn-tux Jwoo '.t ' ' 1 - - Oft LII FLATKD WATCH KB). CkupMt laths kaowa world. Saujl IraicaVM la UgU,TI-l ill Ik Purifies the blood, ren ovates and invigor ates the whole System. ITS MEDICAL PItOPEUTIES A11E Alterative, Tonic, Solvent Diuretic. and Vfgctlno Vegetltie Vegetlne Vegetine Vegetlne Vegetlno Vegetino Vegeline Vegetlno Vegetlno Vegetino Vegetlne Vegetlno Vegetine Vegetino Vegetlne Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegeline Vegetine Vegetlne Vejjetlne Reliable Evidence. Mb. 11. It. STKVEVfl. Dear Mr-. 1 will cheerfully odd ny testimony to tho treat number vnu I' Voalreftdr received In fnvr.r nfxnur g.eet ard good medicine, Vegeline, 'to- I do not think enough can bn Fold In Its pra- e; rnri wni irouweii over thirty years with tliotdrendluuilioesi'.t'otnrrh. aud had surli bad rouirhtng-vells that It wouia seem ns iioiig.i i never could tireatno any more. Bnd Neo-eilnn hn cured me ; anil I do feel to thank lod all the time that there Is so irooil a medlelnn ns Vegetlne, nrn I nlfo think ltonoof the best in'illcloes fnreoiifflis nnil wnnV. Unking 'eellngs at fie stomach, onil nd- vise even oony io inKo me veeeiiue. ror I en assure them It Is one ot tho best mcuicines mat ever was. Mil"). L. noni?. Cor. agii7lne r Wn'nut sts., uiuiiuiiuge, jiuss. BXIAZiTB, STRENGTH AINU ArriiTITE. Stv dauchterhas received crent. henn. nr. from tho uno ot Veirellne. Her rie- elinlng health was a source of great anx iety iu mi ner irr'n'is. a rew oouies or cireiinfl resroreu ner lieaiin, strength Insuraneo & Heal Estate Agent, JN. 1. 1 .1IKX. xyyj. tv puui 1 liilliuintr, Boston, Mais. CANNOT BB EXCE,LED. ' ClIAltlESTQWM. Mnsq. II. 71. HTKKN. noar sir Tf is s to rertlfv t hat T m n used your "Il'ond rn'piiratlon" In my rnmllv for wvpral yonrs nml think that, fnr Scrofula nr Cankerous lltnnnrs or Hhoumallc AfTectiotm. It, riinnot. ImnT- celld; and, asftbloorlpurltlprorsprlnfr iiii-un-mr, ii n iir- m", ininir I lav I'vor men, nna i iibo usoii almost everytliiuir i uuu uiiuuriuiLV rucuii incnu il ta onv UUU III Ut'l'll Ul Mil' J I IL Illl'UlClIlf. Yours roopeciiuuy, Jlrs.A. A.DTXSOIR No. 19 liiiRscl street IT IS A Valuable Kemedy. Borrir Hostov. Frli. 7. ISTil. Mu. Stevens: Dear Sir I uavo tnkpn spvernl nottlns of your vepf tine, and nm coninfpn It is a vamaoio remrny inr nyppcn-LKmnfy uompmiat, nuu gcneroi acouny 01 iuq I can heartily recommend it to nil suf fering from tho nboto complaints. Mrs. MUNROi: PATtKETI. 60 Athens fc-treet, VEGETINE Is reparcd by K JH. R. STEVJLNS. Boston. .Vcgetine is Sold by all Druggists. The Great New Medicine! A Health-Giving Power! PURIFIE8 THE BLOOD, INVIGORATES THE LIVER, PROMOTES DICESTION, nnd STRENGTHENS THE NERVES, Thin effectually curing ilUrase of wluif ver nume or iiutur. It 1. worthy or a trial. ItKI.lKF gunruiiteed, la AtilllCHAIlI.K to tlintatte, UllATKPUI. to thtt sfoinucli, .nil itctK olllcleutly um il CATIIA11T1C, Al.TKlt ATIVK mill 1)111. ItETIC. Ita action la not utlenilyil xillli any unpleaiunt reeling, neither In laii gour nor debility experienced, liulun tho contrary, refreafiiueut untl liirlgiiriillon. It. Immediate vnYct upon tliv Ulgpativo orff.iu, whether Impaired by ill.euiiu or exliau.tetl rrom any cuiiie, U to lurreaae. Ihelr power, or an. Initiation und nutri tion, the amietlte belli y lucrea.etl ut oure. To tho.e actil with an cugoiued con dition or the liver, a. l!lllouiie, char acterlzeft by a complexion, a coatcl tongue, u pa.ty, bad ta.le In tin, mouth, lu cuprlclou. uppetllu uiiil .luggl.h at lion of the bowel., with a .erne or Inline. 4 In the head ami of mental ilttllne.., VltiOll ENB prove, mint valuuble. It. vfTect upun tho klilneys I. no le.a haiipy, a turlilil, Inllittlng urine I. ifiiickly cleared up by It Inflammatory and Chronic ltllKUJlA T1SM will soon ill. appear by a per.Llent lie of VIUOItlONK. For the euro or Mklu Illsea.e. anil Kruii tlon. or ull klmla, VlaoltK.NK la moat certain. 1 VIUIIIIKVB I. rompo.eil of the oetlvo liropertleaor I1KH1IS, HOOTS, H1.MS ami UAllKH, that A'aturH aloiio ruiulahea, great care being taken by ua that they lure galherril at (lie right .eu.ou or the year, and that they poaae.. their unlive virtue.. Thul VICOItK.Vi: ha. the powerto l'UH IFV THE III.OOI), I.WUJOUATi: the LIVKlt, anil KT15H11.ATK the IlIUKhT. IVK OlttiANH, 1. Inillaiutalily proveu by tho.e who have given It u trial uiiil have been permanently curnl, W do not aak you to try a dozen bottle to cxpeilencv relief, for vie (itIAll A.VTKU you will feel better from the tlrat few do.ei. VKJOH1CNE I. a.toiil.hlna the world Willi It cure., and I. throwing nil other TUNICS, ALTK11AT1VKS and l. VI tH) 11 AltTTS, Into the ahude. Put up In larae bottle., double kirenKth. ltequlros amall doce., and 1. plea.ant to take, 1 Price, 81.00 per Ilottle, WALKER & BADGER MFG. CO., Prop's. , S3 Jrta St., w Tdk, l-.i Iiru; City, it, ;. "TDK OWEOT Or EAT1NQ," a new uooi ererr on .tioultl ttti, iat tree upoa receipt of out MuttUap. ,- at N. J. IDIRTTO- STORE, Blooiusbiirg:, Pa. jnn.19, 78.-15-. S. W. Douglass, Oivifed Mining Engineer, ASHLAND PA. General Surveying apd Engineering Business attended to with Oaro ' and Dispatch. I am prepared to maVo ilrUKlogs, I'laus and Models In Wood, lirass, Iron, or U10 above uuterlabi combined ui necetiarj- ot Bridges, Mines, Ercaltrs, Eulldlngs, Engines, Pl'lirg, ana all kinds et macLlnerjr lor use ot cases at Court or tor applications to secure patents. 1'aLuui Secured marcu 11.6- BLOOMSBURG, PA., Select Story. A TKHIUUIiK MISTAKE. Dora Gull J was tho daughter of an Indian General who died, covered with fame, and left her ntone and literally friendless la Bombay, where he breathed hla last. His dying words were : 'Qo home, my poor girl, to your Aunt Arlingford, nt IJtnsley, near London, nnd stay with her until you are married to Walter.' For General Guild and Colonel Gary had been friend, together and comrades In many a battle, and had long ago nflianced their motherless children toono another, the wed ding to take place as soon as the young man hail attained lit majority. . So tbero was tho orphan gtrl Hearing the end of her journey, and gazing wistfully at tho strange and unfamiliar land of her birth. There was ono clause In her dead father's will which had recurred to Dora's mind will: ever present pain since she had first heard it nnd that wa, should Bhe, upon making the acquaintance of Walter Cary, refuse to mar ry him tho bulk oi her fortune should be pascd over to her cousin, Penelope Arllng ford. That her dear father should think it nec cssary to coerco her into compliance had wrung from her many a tear. Wholly un versed in tho strong-minded ways of Borne Knglish maidens, she had never dreamed of disobeying him, orof choosing a mate for herself. The journey was over at last. Mis Guild lound herself in a quiet coun try house, surrounded by the most fervent insurances of welcome from her sole surviv ing relatives, who, of course' knew all about her affairs, nnd treated her with the most delicate consideration. Mr. Arlingford was a bluff and hearty gentleman farmer j Mrs. Arlingford a re served lady who, however, seemed kindness itself; while Penelope, thn only daughter, and Dora's possible rival for tho fortune,wns a gentle-faced, chestnut girl of twenty, who greeted Dora by winding her arms around her and laying her cheek to hcr's'without a word. In the course of the eveuingof Miss Guild's arrival, while alio was giving her aunt some account of her voyage 'from India, she ob served her cousin Penelope standing out on the lawn, talking earnestly with a gentle man. It was a brilliant night iu midsummer ; the moon, white and searching as a great time-light, shone on tho pair, and showed Miss Arlingford's companion to be not only young and handsome, but also a lover. Ilis hand held hers, nnd his stately head was often bent in unmistakable adoration closo to her tresses, while she leaned toward him in all tho loving confidence of returned oflection. Very soon they entered the parlor, and Walter Cnry was directly presented to Miss Guild. And tho lover of Penelope. Dimay, consternation full upon the heart of the orphan. Thero could be no mistake every look, evry action of tho two betray cd it. Sho win affianced to a man who loved an other, The cold touch of his hand on hers, tho distant salutation, as if sho were the mere' est strauger, proclaimed that he was resolved to ignore tho contract which was between them. Dora shrank into the darkest corner of tho room, nnd disappointment filled her soul. Very soon, however, tho conversation go in;: on around tho table nrrested her at tention. Walter Carv was telling Mr. Ar linfortland Penelope nn account of a strange murder which had lately occurred. 'The man,' said he, 'was rather a clever chemist, and accompli-hed his purpose in a manner savoring more of tho exploits of the 'Arabian Nights' epoch than those of our day. Ho got possesion of her journal, and impregnated its leaves wifh a sort of volatile poison, which she of courde inhaled tho firet time sho made a lecord in the hook, the result being a mysterious death which no ono could account for,' The eyes of Penelope Arlingford were fixed upon tho narrator with a pulsating engenies which urrestadthe attention of the orphau. 'What could it have been?' she almost whispered. 'Don't believo It,' remarked Mr. Arliug ford.sententiously. Tho lovers wero gazing nteuch other, and there was 11 half smilo on the features of each. Soon after this, Dora, being considerably weary by her railway journey, was conduct ed to her bed chamber by cousin, who. tigain embracing' her in a mute, clinirinir iiismoii, uopeUblio would rest well, and left her. .Nut nun word had been said about her bethrothal to tho young man in tho parlor Her claims had wholly been ignored. Her cousin was liuely not only lo rob her of her inheritance, but of her husband nNo. Tho young girl retired tn bed with a feel- us of deoolation nt her heart which may be easily imagined, and fell asleep weeping bit terly for her old, happy Indian life, when she was the idol of her father, and a darling 01 tier nyau. Sho woke or, rather, she struggled back to consciousness with these words running through her mind 'the result being a mysterious death, which no one could ac couut for.' It was a disagreeable remark to occur to onelin the middle of the. night, and It roused her to a preternatural wakefulness. She began to ponder over the events of the past evening, when suddenly something struck her ear which sent all the blood ting ling to her heart. It was like the trailing of a long muslin robe over tho thick carpet which covered the tloor and a cautious rustling of naper.the one sound following the other with the slow ant regular monotony of a machine. 1 lie nik-tit was at Its darkest aud the bed was In an alcove, so that a view of the room could not be had ; but Dora divined, with a choking of tho breath, the meaning of the strange sounds. Penelope Arlingford was In the room. Before the retired, Dora had read a chapter from the large Bible which lay on her table, She perfectly recollected placing it on the end of the fcofa near the' window when the had finished reading It, i FRIDAY, AUGUST Bho felt that her rival was on her kne before the bosk, IruDreenstlnr lu with the 'volatile poison' which Walter Gary had spoken of, and that as the finished each lear, and turned It slowly over, her long muslin sleevo swept the edge of the book, making tho stealthy sounds which had aroused her intended victim. Dora lay bound hand and foot by a feeling which almost stopped the beating of her heart. Uemcmber she had grown up amid scenes of passion nnd violence; sho had been among the helpless ones at Cawnpore, when the Sepoys massacred their victims In cold blood and death was not bo strange a weapon in the hands of a young girl, to her, as it would bo to us ; nay, it settned the one weapon by which Pcnclopo Arlingford would most like ly siriuo lor love and wealth. Motionless her eyes distended, thnrnhl dew of agony dripping from every limb, the orphan girl lay and listened to this evidence of treachery. All at once a board nt the side of the bed creaked, as though a weary foot was passing over it, aud the long swish of the garments lolloped. Then the door softly burst open as if with out hand, a How of air from tho passage rushed across the girl's rigid face, and she heard amid the suffocating throbblngs in her ears, tho first crow of some neighboring cuanucieer. Her terror ended in a swoon. When she came to herself it was broad daylight. Tho golden sunshine was lying across her pillow, and the perfumes of the red honey suckle came in through the open window and tilled the pretty chamber. All seemed innocence and peace around her, but tho soul of the orphan girl was lined with astonishment. She could scarcely arrange her thoughts at terrible was the ordeal through which she had passed ; but at length she saw that she must leave tho house immediately ; that she must relinquish both her affianced and her fortune, if she would feel her life safe. 'Oh, papa I my papa 1' wept poor Dora, 'you have made a terrible mistake I1 When she joined the family, in answer to the breakfast bell, she was in her traveling dress, and her trunks wero all repacked, 'Why, cousin Dora, what is the matter? Are you ill, dear?' exclaimed Penelope in a soft, cooing voice; which seemed habitual to her. Dora turned her back on her midnight visitor, and, striving to speak calmly, said to Mr. Arlingforu, 'I wish to go to London to' day, sir. Please allow some one to drive me to tho station.1 There was a pause of consternation, then they all with one accord began to plead with her to chango her mind, and none of the three were so urgent and tender about it as Penelope. 'Just try us, dear cousin I' she entreated, 'Of course you will be lonely at first every' thing is so different but who will make you happier than we can ? Has anybody offend' ed you; dear Dora ?' 'No,' answered Dora, shuddering ; 'but I shall prefer to live alone.' 'You ore so young, so ignorant of the ways of our towns,' said quiet Mrs. Arling' ford, here chiming in anxiously, 'it is a mad thing for you to thiukof, child.' 'I must go,'responded the orphan averting her pallid face that tho dark misery of it might not ho seen 'So when tho persuasions of himself and the pleadings and tears of his women availed not, Mr. Arlingford got offended, and cried, 'Let her please herself, Pensie. King and order Sam to bring the carriage around.' Dora swallowed a cup of tea and choked down a morsel of bread, and then she went back to her room to put on her hat. Locking tho trunk took hut a few mo luents. She Hung herself upon a chair, nnd wept silently, feeling herself lo be the most desolate nud friendless being on the face 0 the earth. What should sho do in London ? Go to father's lawyer aud tell him she did not wisli to marry Walter Cary, then live alone in such lodgings as the remnant of her fortune could afford her, Ah 1 it was indeed a terrible mistake, that clause in the will But into the midst of her musings stole a sound which thrilled her once more with awe. The swish of n carment, the rustlo of a paper, just as it uroused her last night. Dora gazed around her like one bereft of reason The largo old Bible lay quiet enough nud closed exactly where she had placed it 110 living thing was iu the room but her self. And then she saw the whole mystery. The window was partly opened, aud slight puff of wind had blown out the crisp white curtains in tile room ; theu receding, had sucked them outward through the aper ture, while tho imprisoned air, ruuuing up tho blind, had caused the tissue paper hiiug- jug at the top to rustle. There came another puff the trail of the curtain over the carpet, the rustle of the pa per haugiug. 1 Dora sat gazing at tho window, her face, in its astounding thankfulness, a study for an artist. At this moment Penelope came in. She had been weeping. 'The carriage Is ready, dear cousin;' sighed she, tremulously. Dora passed her hand over her forehead, then facing her rival, asked in a hurried tone. 'Were you up late last night anytimei Miss Arlingford?' 'ies,' answered Penelope, in turpilse, 'about 4 0 clock I rose andclosed my window, The wind was rising,' 'Did you hear a cock crow as you did BO?' 'Yes, I did, why do you ask, dear? Stayl I know why, You w ere frightened by hear ing a board creak beside your bed ; I should havo told you about that board j how stupid of me,' 'I heard a board creak," said Dora.scarce- ly belieylug her own ears, 'Yes, It ought to be fastened down. It runs the whole breadth of the house, and when I tread ou one end of It Iu my room the other end creaks la this. Listen 1' She ran across the passage, shutting the door after her, and in a moment the verita ble creaking commenced, accompanied by clicking of the latch of tho door, which had to petrified Dora, When the young lady returned, the ex pression of her ccussn't features was to mightily altered that the exclaimed J 9. 1878. 'Why, my darling girl. I do think vnu I wanted to leave us because you thought the house was haunted.' 'Per. perhaps yes faltered Dora. wl.l. fully gazing at her. 'You poor little darllmr.' mnrmnml p.. lope, in a voico of deep compassion, and she iook uora's unres st no- lmn.l In Why would you not tell me? Don't vmi know, Dora,' and a smile played on her lips, 'we ought lo lovo each other very dear- iy 1 ve are ootu going to marry a Walter Cary, nnd be the closest sort of cousins.' Are there two Walter Carvs ?' t laculated Dora. 'What !' cried Penelope, her countenanen Blowly crimsoning as the situation burst upon her: 'did you Imagine ' She never completed the sentence, but snatching up the poor, tired little orphan to her bosom, held her there, and kissed her tearrul, smiling faco with kisses which were fully returned. But Dora never revealed the whole of her terrible mistake. Dramatic Death. RCMARKAULK SUICIflC OP AN ADVEXTUR ER. Cai'RO.v, 111., July 24 On the 2d day of last Jlay there arrived at our village rather a distinguished looking young man, who gave his name ns George W. Burleigh, and who said he was prospecting for a location to open a tonsorml establishment. After looking our town over for a day or two Burleigh concluded to remain hero, and he accordingly rented a small rom Buitablo for his purpose in an upper story of one of our business buildings nnd fitted it up with some decidedly primitive and original tonsorial ap pointments and nppurtenances. Though well dressed, and having the appearance of a man who had known the luxuries of wealth and refinement, Burleigh seemed to be the possessor of a decidedly attenuated pocket book. During a ten weeks' acquaintance with him some of our most inquisitive towns men have elicited the following facts if facts they are of his history: He stated that he was born in Cincinnati in the year 1848 and that he resided in divers parts of Ohio until his 21st year. At that age he had acquired an excellent education, and an extensive fund of general knowledge. To use his own words, "From his fourteenth to his twenty-first year medical, metaphysical and scientific works were his food, and poe try and standard fictions were his drink." An acquaintance of two months' duration has given the Timet correspondent no reason to doubt the truth of his statement. In the spring of 1871 he left his native state for the far west, being possessed with an .uncontrol lable desire to explore and roam over thai vast and interesting region. For six years be followed the bent of his nomadic inclina tions, visiting during that time, California, Oregon, Utah, the Black Hills, Nebraska and Kansas, In the course of these ramb lings his occupations were various. He min ed, wrote for the newspapers, taught school practiced medicine, and examined crani- ums phrenologically, in consideration of fees. Ho seemed to have been one of those versatile and brilliant, but unstable, char acters one occasionally comes in contact with in this sublunary life. jDuring the brief Bpace of the Times correspondent's ac quaintance with him he has frequently re marked that "he was one of those rolling stones that gather no moss ;" that "the or gan of continuity in his cranium was repre sented by n cavity ; consequently, it was impossible for him to stick to one pursuit long enough to perfect himself in it and ac cumulate property by it." By reason of the limited extent nud population of our munic ipality Burleigh's revenues from his busi ness have not been on n Yanderbiltian scale. And he seems to have been very susceptible to depressing influences. He would walk the streets for hours logetiier.with his head bow ed, his hands clasped behind him, and appar ontly buried in gloomy meditation. Any in terruption of these deep self communings he would answer iu the crusticstmonosyllables. After his gloomy spell passed off he would be as unnaturally vivacious and effervescent ns be had been depressed and morose be fore. Siuce his advent into our somewhat fossilized village he has caused a decided furor among our marriageable young ladies and, as lie was a mau of uucommon person al beauty, gallantry, vivacity, wit and intel ligence, tills was but a natural sequence of his coming. It is hardly necessary to say that his success among the pretty girls did not tend to commend him very Btrougly to tho favor of a certain class of our young men, They looked upon him (as an interlo per whose rights of conquest should not be recognized, Burleigh's talent lordebate has been the means of stirring up our fossils of the medical and legal profession, and, also our chronic political controversialists; and he has frequently experienced the pleasure of vanquishing these various disputants. His untimely silf destruction last night has given rise to an unusual sentiment of one who cer tainly was a gifted young man; but the mail' ner in which ho accomplished his taking off Is what gives a peculiar interest to the occur rence. Last Saturday morning Burleigh went to tho proprietor of the only entertainment hall lu in our town and engaged the hall for tho following Tuesday evening, saying to the proprietor that he intended to give a dramatic entertainment on the evening named. Having completed this prellmlna ry, he returned to bis room, locked himself In, and was seen by no one for tho next forty-eight hours except two clerical gentle men. During Saturday a number of bis pat 1 patrons rapped on his door, wishing to gain mittance for tonsorial treatment, but tbey ire answered from within that "a work of eater importance would preclude the pos sibility of ills doing any tonsorial work that day," A's'tbe curtains were all drawn, no one of the disappointed applicants could dis cover what "work" it was that engrossed Burleigh's attention so entirely, aud many conjectures were indulged In by the patrons as to the nature of It, The sequel, however proves that Burleigh was far from being Idle during those long hours of seclusion, On Sunday morning the following startling no tice was fouud posted in various publio places of our hamlet, and also on the outer side of Burleigh's room door. To tub Worthy Citizkns jf Oapkok and Vjcijju v: Having, since' the treat sensation In Chicago the hanging of Sherry aud Counplly heard sundry citizen of Ca prou and vicinity express a strong desire to witness tome tuch tragedy, I have concluded to gratify their lust for the horrible by shoot- THE COLUMBIAN. VOL. XII, NO. 30 COLUMB1ADBMOOBAT.VOL.XHI, NO. M Ing myself through the forehead, on the evening of the 23d Init, at Thornton hall. The price of admission to this real tragedy will be VI, and the fund that may be realiz ed thus shall first be applied to my burial expenses, and, shall any surplus remain, It shall be invested in the workt of Darwin, Tyndall and Huxley, and the tame shall be presented to the town library In my name. My reason for thus putting a period to my life is that I have endured the manifold miseries of existence as long as I desire to, and my only wish now is to plunge Into the eternal, soundless, lifeless gulf of uncon sciousness. Tho death of the body is the annihilation of the man ; and annihilation is eternal peace. Before destroying myself, I shall read my auditors and death witnesses an original, lecture, In which I shall juitfy suicide. In all seriousness, G, W. Burleigh. It may be surmised that this remarkable notico awakened a degree of interest and ex citement in our town net often felt here. Soon It was the theme of every tongue, and ere nightfall every villager and every coun tryman, who had come to town to attend church, was informed of this amazing an nouncement. Many set the author of it down as a suddenly developed lunatic. Others believed it was merely his intention to create a sensation and perpetrato a joke on the community. But the few whose in sight into human nature was deeper enter tained but little doubt of the seriousness of the author of this strange and blood-curdling announcement. They had noticed the pecu liarity of the man his seasons of gloomy and morose meditation. They remembewd his arguments against the immortality of the soul his refutation of the idea ot a hereaf ter.and they shook their heads gravely. Not withstanding Burleigh's announcement of bis bloody Intentions upon himself, a determin ation was soon generally manifest aiuunit our citizens to prevent his crime. However a strong and very general de-ire prevailed tn see how far ho really would carry out his an nounced intention ; and our citizens con cluded to let him go so far as the reading of his lecture, and then, by a well art uu"-il stratagem, to gain control nt his person and endeavor to reason him out of his rash pur pose. But they had nut calculattd the coolness and streugth of Burleigh's determi nation to effect his end. All day Sunday isunelgb kept himself closely secluded in hl room and, with the exception of two of our local clergymen, he refused admission to any one on any pretext. At 2 p. m. he permit ted a brief admission to the Rev. Mr. Wil cox and the Itev. Mr. Burton. He aibmed these gentlemen to expostulate with him un til a quarter of three, and then dismissed them, courteously declining their offers of prayer in his behalf. They report that he listened to their arguments calmly, and an swered them as calmly, but that all their ef-l forts failed to weaken his resolution, Dur lug bis long seclusion, from, Saturday morn ing to Monday morning, Burleigh was doubt less engaged in writing his lecture on "The' Justification of Suicide." During Monday he walked the ttreets most of the time, refusing to enter into con versation with anybody. Almost the whole time ot his stay here he has kept bachelor's hall, and this circumstance has enabled him to make his seclusion complete when he chose to do so. He continued his self-im murement all day yesterday until 7 o'clock in the evening, when he came forth and walked briskly about town for half an hour, He then repaired to Thornton hall, to make the final preparations for his violent end, It was at that time clear that his audience would be a very large one. Early Tuesday evening vehicles began to arrive numerously from the rural dislricts. By '- ight o'clock fully one hundred and fifty persons had pur chased admission tickets to the scene of the interesting event, which mony thought would not happen, and some thought would happen. Burleigh himself acted as door keeper.and no children were allowed adtnis sion. The audiencce was composed of men and women tn the ratio of three of the for mer to one of the latter. At exactly ten minutes after eight Burleigh closed the door; walked forward with a firm, deliberate step to the platform, took his staud behind temporary dei-k he had erected, bowed grace fully to the audiencejnnd immediately becan .the delivery of his lecture. While Burleigh was attending to the duties of doorkeeper a couple of stout citizens had secreted them selves iu a small side room that opened near the speaker's stand. Their intention was to overpower Burleigh, who is a small man, at the close of his lecture. The failure of tbi plan proved that Burleigh had in some man ner gained a knowledge of its existence and that he had planned most effectually to ren der it futile. The delivery of the lecture oc cupied just one hour and ten minutes, and during that time the audience was held spelt-bound. The stage manners of the lec turer plainly indicated that he was no novice in public speaking. His voice was clear, distinct aud musical, bearing evidence oi his scholarship in elocution. His modula tion was simply perfect. The lecture was certainly a masterpiece of Infidel reasoning, aud its language was most powerful and fori cible. He bad studied to make it end iq such a mauner that its end, would be unsust pected. As soon as ho bad finished ho step ped quickly backward until he retched the middle of the stage, and with a lightning movement drew a Derringer from his hlji pocket, and while Messrs. Qibbs and Mor ton were rushing upon him, he placed thi pistol to his forehead and fired, falling into the arms of those who bad sought to save him. During this act women screamed and fainted, and strong men groaned aloud) The scene was such as will haunt one vividly to his dying day. It was the embodiment of the horrible and terrible. The large-sized, ball bad literally torn Burleigh's skull td atoms. His death was instantaneous. Since! tho consummation of this fearful tragedy t depression of horror has prevailed the com munity. The deepest Borrow prevails at this wanton destruction of so noble an intel lectual structure, Burleigh left a request In his room that his body be forwarded to his friends in Cincinnati, This will be done iin mediately. A German farmer insists upou the great valu) of twine as exterminators of field mice now to prevalentliu many parts of Oermanv Is -in n kreat measure due to the nresent ava teni of keening swine penned ui Instead of allowing inein tne range ot the nelds, as-was formerly the custom, He states that a care ful observer may often detect ules in the act of mapping up and devouring a good sized mouse i besides whioh ther have an extra. ordinary keen aceut for the nests, srrnMiIng them U11 in search of the voumr m',c whta!? . 1 - , . . a " w tucy eageriy uevour. RATES OF ADVERTISING. lln. 111. w. tW. tlf. IT. One Inch t.oo 11.M M.00 ti f n Twolncbe. , 1.00 no t.oa .oo Three Inctw: , 4.t JU 1.00 ll.w . ronrtnone.!.i.,.f v.m .iw zz": ounrtfr column..!,., t.oo k.oo 10.00 1.M M ililf eolnmn.. .....te.rxi tn.oo, l.oo .oo t una eolnmn 10.00 u.oo 10,00 co.oo 1M.M Tetrtr advertisements parable quarterly. Trtn stent adrertlMmenu mast be paid tor before interna eicept where partlet hare accounts.. Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for threo Insertion., ant at that rate for additional Insertion without reference to length. Kiecutor't, A minis tra tor's and Auditor's BOtlct three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline regular advertisements bait rates. Cards In the "Buslnmt 'Directory'' column, rat oouar per jear lor eaco imo. Poetical. MIDSUMMER. t ixoaaw 1. iixToM. Midway about the circle of the year There Is a single perfect day that lies Bunremely fair, before our careless eyes , After the spathes of floral hloam appear. Before is found tho nrst dead leaf and sere, It comes, precursor of tho Autumn skies, And crown of spring's endeavor. Till It diet We do not dream the flawless day Is here. And thus, as on the way ot lite we speed. Mindful but ot the Joys we nopo o see, We never think, "Tnese.'prcsent hours exceed AU that have been or that shall ever be ;" Yet somewhere on our Journey we shall slay Backward to gazo on our midsummer day, iota the Midiummer Holiday Scribner. THE CItUW THAT THE CROW CROWED. tr b. coiuxt rosrta. "Ho! hoi" Said the crow j "So I'm not s'posed to know Where the rje aud the wheat, And the corn kernels grow OU 1 no, llol hoi" "ilel he! Farmer Lee, When 1 fly from my tree, Just you see where the tops ot the corn-cars will be ; Watch me ! He. I he 1" Bwltch-swlrch, With a lurch, Hopped the bird (rom his perch, As he spread out his wlngf And ft't forth onlilsseaieh- Ills search Hw'.ieh sAlreti. Clink I bang-1 How It ran;, Ho tlia small bullet sunt' As It sped through the air And the crow wlih a pangr, Went, spin j CI11-D mm Tub Tun FsiTntus. Noir know. 1 to crow Otten brings cue U woe ; Which the Hues up above nave '-en put there to show, An 1 mi, Don't crow.1 SI. Xieholaifor Augjsl. UlLSUAZZAU. IT TUBlmtg yiUTIN. The midnight hour was drawing on ; uuaueii mto luit liy uabylon. All tare the royal palacd, where Was the din of revel and torches' turo. There high within his royal hall Bolshaitar, the klni-, held festival. Ills nobles arjund him In splendor shin a iid drain down goblets of sparkling wine The nobles shouo and the goblets rlnsr ; T'was sweet to tho heartot that stiff-necked king. The cb-eks of the king they Hushed with fire, Aud mill as he drank his conceit grew higher ; And, maddened wtiu pride his UpsletfaU wua words that blasphemed ths great Lord ot All. More.v&untlng he grew, and bis blasphemous sneers were nauea oy nis lordly rout with cheers. Proudly tho king has a mandate passed ; Away hie the slaves, and come back full tost. Many gold vessels they bring with them. The spoils ot Ood'a house In Jerusalem. With Impious hand the king caught up, FlUed to the bnm, a sacred cup ; And down to the bottom he drained It dry And aloud wtth his mouUi atoam did cry 'Jehovah! I scoff at thy greatness gono! lam the king of Babylon." The terrible words wero ringing st"l, When tne king at his heart felt a secret chill The laughter ceased, tho lords held their breath. And all through the hall It was stilt as death. And see, see there I on the white wall see. Come forth w hat seems a man's hand to be ! And It wrote and wrote In letters of name On the white wall then vanished the way It came. Tho king sat staring, he could not speak, lllslknees knocked together, death-pale was his cheek With cold fear creeping his lords sat round. They sat dumb-stricken, with never a sound. The Magtans came, but not ono of them all Could Interpret the writing upon the wall. That Belf-same nlght-hls soul Clod sain I tVas Belshazzar, the king by his nobles slain. From Heine. A Colored Skeptic. When schools were established in the South for the education of the negro, they were eagerly patronized by the colored folks of all ages. Coy maidens of thirty and bashful lads equally old gayly trudged to school with diminutive primers in their bands, while the small fry swarmed in the school-houses, and were enthsiastic on the education question. Of Pete, the subject of our anecdote, It might be truly written that ne'er did pencil trace a whiter eye or black er face.' His former master, Dr. II , had taken great pains with him, instructing him daily iu reading and writing. In the fait he was to go to school, aud anxiously looked forward to It. This was in 1SG9 when the sun was In total eclipse In August. There were all sorts of rumors among the colored people about calamities which hap peu at the time of this phenomenon. A few days before it occurred the following conver sation took place between I'eto and a friend;, 'Pete, did you know darwas gwine to be a 'clipso ob de tun next week V Yes,' said Pete, 'I heard do folks Ulkin 'bout it.' 'Pete, I hear dat awful things U'gwloe to happen when It comes. Dey say dat de world, Is gwine to come to an end.' Curling hit lip in acorn, and fixing hit big white eyes on him, Pete answered with con tenipt, 'Go 'way'nlggab. Don't you kuow dat school opens la September I How, den csii de world come to an end in Augutt f Editor' 1 Drawer, in Jarper'i Magazine or February. Lice tn Cattle. The best, as well at the surest remedy for lice on cattle webave ever used, is kerosene. It, is easily applied. First, saturate a tponge with water, thiu dip it In the oil, and go over the parts infested. We purpose trying oil iu the whitewash for the chicken boute this fall, and think It will prove a sure cure. It may make the place look a little streaky or smeared, aud if It does It will not hurt; but it will, we think, rid us of pests. When we told 'Dick' lo paint the roosts and the nests with it, aud put a little under the winga he thought our idea was tokill offhlt brood nt .I.-:. ...1.1 .... ,1., C..I, ( bushes ; now he, too, baa learned! its value.