THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 'in 1 1? n n i n .t ri a vt Lll III UUUU M 1)1 A IN. it i, (i o a s li ir u , k it i n a t, .u i.T so, is:-; Hall Komi Time Tulile. LACKAWANNA K llt.OO.MSIIfim ItAlI, ltOAJ) N0IITII. ROUTIl. .Vcommcdatlon Train G.tO A.M. 8.ll., M. Mall Train .M A, M 4.3 1. M Hrpres Train .., 1.M V. M. 1I.15A. M I'ATAWISSA HAH, ll(IAI). NORTH. FWIlTlt Accommodation Train r.,M A. M, :,rtl p. M. llcjtulnr Express 4.1 U 1'. JI. 11,4.1 A. M. Tltrun-fli rara on I rain either to New York orl'hlhdclplila. Accommodation train runs between Citttwiasa ami Wllllamsport. CAMI'AKIN COI.UMIIIAN. Wo wilt rriul llio Ctil.UMiiiAN to cunpatrn fiinVrribiM from August lt lo November l&tli for 10 cents. Now Is the lime In get tli clubs. DEMOCRATIC COl'NTV CONVENTION. Tho Dotuoeiiilic voters of the districts of Ooliimhla comity will meet at tho mini placo of holding llio jreneril ilt-ction.oti Silmilay the lOitayof August 1S78 between the Iioiim of tin to anil stve n o'clock in the afternoon unit elect ilde-gate by billot to rriireTtit tbo ills triets in a County Convention lo lie held nt tlm ()iera Utilise ill Itloninsburp; on Tuesday the Ililh ilay of Ai-nn-t 1878 nt 11 o'eb-ek n. in. lo place In nomination one c.nlMiibite for (Jointress, one ciniliilale for Ktnte Kinalnr, two oainllil lies lor liircfeiitatlvej, i tie eamllii lie fur I'rntlinn otnry, one c.mdlitnle for Ite'pbleT anil Utcoriler, one enndinate for Trensiiter, aihl two e'linilidatHs for Commissioners, anil to transact hiicIi other business as the intercela of llio Ik'tnocrnlic par ty may injnlri'. ANo at the panic time anil place anil in the same manner the IUmocralic electors of eaih district will elect one pir-on tuNtrvo as a mem ber of the Coeiity Hlni.diii"; ( eintuiittee which will meet immeiiiattly upon the ailjoiirnment of the Convention. lly orilcr of the County Coinmillec. Davhi InvKSMinm, Cliaiiman. AlTOItTIONJIUST OK llr.l.K.1! ITRS ACCOlthlNU TO OTK I'Oll liOYKIt.sOII IS s"a. rer.shln'.r. The Directors of Green woo) township will havoftuchool house letting at llolmburg, on .Saturday August 3d, at 2 o'clock p. m. tfon, A. II. Dill Is expected hero next Tues day as counsel In a case In Keiully now being heard before a Master. 0. M, Low has erected n handsome new storo hiilldinK In Orangevllle, and A. H, Stewart lias one In course of construction. A dispatch from Kail Klver, Mass., says that Minnie Warren, the well known dwarf, died In that city on the Hflrd. Ktlci Sami-lw. Nlcliolas Kindt of Green wood brought to lowrt three eggs which weigh ed ten ounces. The largest measured 7 Inches 1' 01. The freiglit house at Hupcrt was broken into on Monday night, A box of stioes was opened mid scattered over the floor, three pair only do ing taken. No arresls, III). 11. Coll'inan caught a mammoth eel in the canal on Tuesday night. It measured 0 inches in circumference, S feet In lesgth, and weighed 7 pound. ho can beat that? Death at Ashland. Dr. J. J. Yocutn, one of Ashland's mint respected citizens, died on Monday, .lune 21, 1878, after a lingering illness. (iiiumption was the fatal disease that carried him oil' and from which he had suffered for wmie year. I lie ileceasiel was liked by all who knew him for his many good qualities. He was able in hi profess'on, a true frlind and a wm thy and respected citizen. Daily Minet't Juttruul. Diver Itenlon. Iii'iwkk llUiuiu.sliiirg E.... Hi larc reck e-alawtssii e'enlio t'eiitrnll.i cony ('Dii.liitflmm S,... rishlnirc't'ock franklin ilree-imood llcinleiek .lackson Locilht .Main Jlinllson Jlimtii .Montour .ML I'lca.saiil (iriingo I'luo Iluailngereek. ... Kol I s-uirnrloaf ...1117 1111 st I SUP 11.1 lir, ixi lu)..., 11SI 1...S KI Ill '.'.'.'.'.'.'.l'r.L'."'." ill.... liin 1111.... 177.... 17'J V.i-2.... VII.... r.ii Hi.... liin ...3 ...2 ...I I 11 '1 a ...ii" a i 4 1! a 3 t li tl i 2 3,757 70 I!y rule the ratio ii fixed at 00 votes for a delegate, but no district to have les.s than two or more tiun four delegate, and allowance is to be made within those limits for the largest frac tion of n ratio. Illoomsburg July 1J, 1Sn7S. The llerwick Jnthemknl printing office is of fered for sale. Our street markets are well attended and al' kinds of produce are ottered fur sale. .1. 1C. rilteiili.'nder'.slioiMi) isprogressingrap idly. It is about leady for the pla-tererf. llonds for S.-hool Treasurers, and Warrants for School Tax Collectors just printed and for sale at this ollice. Tho reunion of the I'enna. Ileservo Corps will lake place nt llellcfontc. Centre iMiinty, on the 17th of September. A railroad ticket lo Chicago and back for sale nt this ollice very cheap. Good until De cember 31st 1873. 'tf When you can save filly cents iiy paying fur the Cui.umiiiak in advance, why do you let it run on at $2.00 a year ? Ilis economy to pay in advance. What n splendid majority tho Democracy of Columbia county would score if the corps of 35 indiihtcs now in the Held would work as dill ginlly for the success of the ticket as they do for their nominations. Unfortunately, after the Convention the wrk and expense of the cam. paign fall upon a few leaders who aro not per sonally inlere-led in tho isue. The men who vorl; for patty success, if competent, should al ways be preferred. A NEW LAW. County commissioners will henceforth he re- quired, before entering upon their official du ties, lo given liond with sureties lo bo approved by ihe court of quarter cessions In S2 000 each for the faithful discharge of nil duties enjoined upon tlicm by law,and for the faithful and legal appropriation of all counly and other moneys which the said commissioners have nny author ity lo draw out of the county treasury upon checks or orders given by them, or over which they have control. George lltewitk will soon put on the road n new omnibus which Is a model of neatness, and strength. It Is smaller than tho ones now in use, the driver's seal being down in front In stead of on the top. It will carry len passen gers with The wool work was done by Will M. Sloan, mid the Iron work.p.tinting and trimming by M C. Sloan & l!ro. It is hand, somely finished, nnd Is n very creditable job. There Is no necessity of going away from homo to get first class wagons while ihu Sloans ale in the business. A desperate attempt is being made lo open Up n national organiz ition In Monroe, and to Ihts end several cripples) polilleians Iroin oth r localities have recently been Irving to "stump the county," but without much succe-s. A printing ejslalliliini'iit has alo recently bi'cn purchased ai.d a naliotnl paper is to be estab lish ed nt Strntid'hurg, As Monroe Is almost unanimously democratic, of cotire the objeel is to reduce Its majority. That the money lor the sihi-uii's nre conceived nnd prosecuted by llie republican leaders there can be no doubt. 'i Iriol, A projut is vaiil lo be under e'onsideralion for cxletiiling Ihe Catawisa and Williamaport br.ineh of the Hi ailing Ilailroad into the ISilu mil. oils eoal fields of Centre and Cli'arfield coun ties. Under the pledge of certain aid to be given lb" pmjiTl i' is understood that the Head ing Iliilroad Ompiny is willing lo undertake the extension of their line as proposed. l'lie hardware store of L Knnyon it Co., was i ule rid by burglars on Saturday night. En trance was efhetc by taking out a pane if glass at tin- rear end of the store. Some revolvers and other articles were taken hut it is itnpossi- u to tell ju-t what is gone out of so largo a stock. Tho thieve have not been caught. There were two hardlooking umbrella men in town during the day, and as they could not be found next day it is supposed they were the guilty parties. , The llerwick Iiuhpaulenl says that 'She-rill Hoffman has mnve-d into the mw j-iil." The Sheriff is not aware of the fact. Ho will move some time In August. DiscoNTlNL'rn, An Etchungt says: The proper and honorable way to discontinue ti newspaper is to examine your account with it, send by a letter what you owe (with a stamp for the return of a receipt) and order it discontin ued, The simple refusal to lake it from the po-t ollie-e without paying arrearages, eloes not release you in law, while it is unfair and dis honorable, because the support of a newspaper comes in small dribs of $1, S'2 and $3 from each of many widely scattered subscribers, whose wishes Ihe editor can only learn directly from themselves, and whose arrearages though small in each case, Ihe newspaper cannot nflbrd to lew, while the subscriber can pay them without dilllculty. A disgraceful row occurred on Saturday night A parly of fellows from the valley and some from Iiuck Horn came to town too have a harv ust jnbiie-e-, and m-iiiy of them jnbileed to much A banjo belonging lo a traveling minstrel was smashed up and this started a general fight, nnd the noie was kept up until after midnight. Soinu one shot off a large fire cracker which broke on the night air like a cannon, but the ofR-nder was not discovered. On Monday morn ing fouur young men were arrested for lisorderly conduct on tho street on Saturday night and were each fined S3.50. Such rows ought lo bu suppres-ed. They have not been of frequent recurrence for some years, anil ought not to be allowed to occur now. Whkn to Mat l'ltvtT. The Spttiish pr, v erb has it : "l-'rnit is golden in the morning, silver nt noon, but lead at night." Americans do not seem to h ive heanl of this proverb, nor to have made one from tl.eir own eTpeiinnc Mostly they e-at fruil at night, nnd hence have not the sovereign idea of it that they would if thi'y had ealcn it at more prnpi-r limes. Tin y cat it as a desert at dinner. That may tie llio most prnpi-r lime to drie-d fruits, but il I not the right lime to eat the juicy one-. The Spanish people learned their proeerb from eat ing the very juicy fruits, Jiko oranges. Those should be eaten in the morning, a little before breakfast not later than noon. Karly in the .lay they will, if eaten, prove to be ihe lust po--dblo medicine for the bilious. Good New I-'iiom IIuit.uji. We are glad to learn that the gigantic experiment, Dr. I! V Pierce's Invalids' and Tourists' JIote-1, which many of our readers will remember as occupy ing a conspicious position In ftryur's W'ttUi Stijtjtlmiait of .lune la-l, has proved a moste-oin-plete success ; all of which I emii.cls us licit it" founder, Ihe distinguished State Senator fiom the Krie District, is siice'e-s-ful in the hotil bus iness as well as being a telebrale-d phwiiuo and an efficient legislator, .lodge Ililiou m iy well envy him. Those who have enjoyed llie elegant comforts of the Hotel, speak of it in ihe most enthusiastic terms. Dr. 1'ierce's Family Kemedies have occupied prominent spaces in our columns for several years, and have been use-el epiite extensively and with the utmost sat isfaction by the peopleof this vicinity. Items; tittle blister lemon, Lltllo chunks of Ice; Mtllo walcr'n sugar Makes n man feet nice. , Tho Inst Ueptibllcnti ih)y paper In Miss issippi has suspended jiublication. I'disoii's latest Invention is n pocket re Irigerntor. H may not ba generally known that tho staltio of Washington In Union Sqtiaro shrinks l'i net weather t Kuril for every time ". rAlns It becomes a stntuc-wet. A South Carolina ncgrn says of Wado Hampton! " IV tie Iiwd I but cbery time dat ninn opens his inoiif I feels dat I nm lurnln' whiter an' gittln' tie kinks out'n my hair I" An edition of the Lord's Prayer in 1200 languages and dialects is In course of prep aration by n Paris publishing house. Lightning struck the hmic of Mr. Guild, ot Chicago, the other day, and turned the long golden hair of Lis four year old daugh ter to tin inky black. The color wont wash out, mid the hair isn't nt all Injured. The annoimcen cnt that the California ag itator. Hi tinis Kearney, is on his way I'.it ward for the purpose nt stirring up the Com-niunlsiU- liPart on the Atlantic slope-, lias not had tho effect of creating nny very great excitement. Mr. Kearney's Influence Itcru lias been largely di-coiintcel. .The l'rcnch Government has seized cr r tiln property of the cx-Hnipfcss Kugeule as seciirily fot the restitution of considerable sums of money which llio llnnup.irtes said tn one Prance. A comniitlco of investigation b'a irpi.rtcd that Napoleon III owes llie na tion ills allow aiie-e for September, 1S7II, w liieh he ilii-w in advance; also that ihe regular civil li-t win habitually exciedctl by !!0,ll(l0,000 francs, nnd finally, that lie alien ated a large1 extent of crow n heads. The total production if pig iron in the United Mutes during 1S77 was 2,"l",oSj tons of two thousand pounds to the ton, against 2,O0."i,2;!ll Ions in lS7fi. This showing how n-r, falls far short of the country's be-t uchievnient, for in 1S70 there was produced the grand total of 2,S.r 1,03s tons. In the year of Ihe panic, therefor, was the1 greatest quantity raised, since when il has fallen oil', hut is now on the- increase again. l'lip iSmViV nf lhrfo coiiti ibulfc the follow ing to thocampaigu : 1'rom Villon's laeezy mountains To Craw feud's western shore, helo Fertlg's oily tountatns Pour forth their golden storo : fiom Alrlc's home hj the rlier 'l'o Montgomery's rerllle plain, Uiey call us to tlelUcr The state from Came ron's chain ! . LINDSEY'SBLOOD SEARCHER j i 'ic irpiirai iiitHiti tirinrsiF ) ill tTn ,.t Tt i't Uli.t tlii'. I'lmt.i, lihhlllotMl'ti ' if -tlcldt' it w.ri-ti.r- ill t t IHmtlitiH tunfmiii i ' i II Uil 1 rt4mr nn if tsWnr. W Win F Hr U, Wn'itW, O. "Il i in I. r nr i. I'lrMi Tiai. - Mr, k. flstmit, I if. i ti i' i , t n tig innggitt nn-i zt.w.u-iniirr?nmrr.-ai upr in, is-iy e- o w 2 My wtfe sutUred with prolapsus uteri llnor nihil', C' inpln i nt wiili other f. male troubles. Her life was inl-i table. Ilcv. Guy S, Pr.irey, of llio Mclho list Chnrili, advised inn In try Giles' l.iirimi-i.t Iodide Ammonia, he Ulllng hip cf Ihe w-oiiihis had performed on his wife, who was a m irtt r lo sin h trouble's, and 1 now well, 1 ejhlaimil the t.inilue-nt, and my wife is cured, ClIAIil.iss II. Jovi.s, IMitor fVisyrier, Charlotte, N, C. Wrile lo Dr. Giles, lot Sixth Avenue, N". Y, who will cure without eliatg.-. Sold by all druggists. Trial bottles 'Jo ot nts. ANT1-VAT I'lll-.MIUAI.I.Y KXAMINEI). The analyzed chemist, W. P.. Drake-, of Buf falo, N.Y, recently analytical Allan's Anil Pat, and gavethe following: (KIlTtt'll-AlIl. I have subjected All m's Ami l-'.it to chemical analysis, ex-imine-d the process of its ture, nnd can truly s-iy that the ingtediints of hich it is composed. are entirely vegetable, Hid cannot hilt net fivnrnbty upon the system, and is w.-ll iiileiil-itiil lo allain the obj-ct for hich it is int. ml d. bl by till druggist', W. 11. Dl'AKK, Ci'mt'sf. The I.ivrr is llie Imperi il organ of the whole system, as it eonlrols the- lifejie-alth nnd appine-s of man. When il is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of nilmeiils arc the nat ion! n-ult The ingestion of food, the movement--if tin hc-i"! .mil blood, ,1k action of the ruin oid nervous system, are all immediately eontueted with lln Workipgs of the l.iver. Il b-m -ue'eessttilly piove-d that Green's .uir- t Kiower is uoiij'iiind in cuiing all persons tilllictul with Dvspepsl.i or I.lver Couiphiint andrfoinich Simple buttle- to trv, 10 cpnts isitiei-lv s lid hi all towns on the Westell! Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what j on want. June 7 tf. After October 1st 1878 all subscribi-rs who owe from October 1st 1S7-T will be struck ofl'lhe list, and tho accounts collected by law at tho r.ite of S2 60 n year. tf. The National iVco.-e, purporting to be pub lished simultaneously at Dmville and flSlooms bmg occisloiially has a little Columbia county news lu il, but not often. Farmers complain th it now when the crops are good, they e-.inuol get good prices for them. That is tho natural law of the thing. As the 8iippiy"inereascs the eletnand decreases. W, 11, Smith and J. Klliot Koss of Milton made us a call on Kiiday last Brother Sinllh reports Ihe ImleieiuUnt in a flourishing condition, " He deserves suece-ss, ntllAKS 01' I.IWITXIKU. During llie tliiinder showers last week, a number of buildings were struck with the elec tric Ili-iid, and more or less elamage deine. The house of C. llillenbender on Xorlli Main street had some of tiie weather boards torn off, and the- Inmates received slight shocks. At tho same lime the house of V. ilidlenun was struck but no damage done. Mrs. C. V. Knapp, residing next door was stunned by tho shock, but soon recovered. On Saturday night the roof of C. Fornwahl's house was considerably damaged, and a piece of plaster was torn oil' tho wall in the beelioom where himself and wife weresleep- iog. Strange to say ihey were not afl'ectetl by the shock. Some elamage was al-o done to 1,. Cue's house. Several shingles were torn oil' the i oof of J', W. Pulton's house at Kupert. 00 cents a bushel will be! paid for wheal, -10 cents a bii-hel fur new potatoes on subscription at this office. Wanted also, spring chickens, butter and cgg, on stib-cripliou nt Maiket prices. The water work question i being actively aeit.ile-d We ought to have them by nil lueans. Watering trough coul 1 then bo placed along the streets for tho thirsty caltle that bronze along tho pavements in the ikk ii day sun. We were fivorcd willi a serenade by the new quartette recently. Thee club consists of Ge orge Wilso , Thomas Smith, l.eouc Hicks and liar ry Christie. They sing well, and many of our citizens have enjoyed their music. Lome again, boys. Pun lti:NT CiiKAl". The first clas olliee in Ihe Columbian Building, heretofore occupied by N. U. Punk Ksq. it is partly furnished Apply to C. It. IlltOCKWAV. Juno 0 3w. Tho Blooinsbiirg (hliimblan has followed the example of ihe Mcho In reducing in sub-crip lion to $1.60 per year. The tUumiom is tin ably coudiieU'd newspaper and tills action only sho-vs the liberality of lis editors, Messrs. Brock way & Ulwell. Ivho. A tremendous shower fell on Sunday morn Ing, accompanied by hail. The water felt in torrents, and in a few intuuen! Ihe gutters were not distinguishable from tho loul and sidewalks, all being covered witli a sheet of water. Since Ihe hail storm the weather has been much coul- er. The Lutheran .Sunday School had a picnic at Knorr's Grove, Itupert lat Wednesday, which was largely attended, They went down on a canal boat, the Illoomsburg Cornet Bind ac companying them. The weather was charming and all enjoyed themselves hugely. We) re gret our inability to accept a kind invitation to attend. Isol quite a year slnco llie .Murphy temper- I ante wavu struck Ilhuca. About seven-teiilhs UofthoBU who were cirrle-d awuy by excitement are to-ela" blowing froth oil' lager as lu (heohl- J en lime, is Ihe rico.'d of the temperance wurk In Ithaca, accuidlng to Ihe Juurnul, The same might be said of Towanda. llivdfont Anjul, And also of Uloouiiburif. The Wyoming Seminary and Coniuiiiei-il College has a regularly organized Normil De partment for (he iustiuetiou of tenohrrs. IVr tificates of Scholarship given at the end of i-ach year, and a Diploma at tin- end of the ootiise. Student prepared for College. Music and Painting by superior teachers The young la dies aod L't-nlleiui ii of Ihe his gitidiialiug i la acquitted themselves in -i hililv e red liable, manner, showing that the diplomas awaidid them nt the hands of Dr. Cope land and Prof Sprague were meritori ut'ly earin-d and worthi ly bestowed, Keioms for 17-'i boarders. The Commercial College has graduate's in positions of trust in nearly eveiy State and Territory in tho Union. Next term opens August iiSth. For a Catalogue telling all about the School, send to Rev. D. Copcland, I). 1)., King-ton, Pa. In nil: Don Diys. The sir weeks reign of tho elog elays commenced on Saturday week. Tho e is derived from "Si rim," or the dog star. I hey are also styleel canicular elays, irom the Latin word e-nnts, signifying elog. During the reign of these days "Sirius," Ihe dog star, rises nnd sets willi llie sun. The ancients im agined that the rising and selling of the dog star with tin- sun occasioned the sultry weather usually experienced in the latter part of the sinnmer, and hence they call this season of the year the dog days, Thero are those who in- lulgo lu the superstition! idea that during the log days it is very unhealthy for any one. to go into Ihe waier, saying that bolls and other erup tions of the skin will Immediately follow, but whether thcie is any truth in this idea we have been unable to discover, and shall therefore leave it to our readers to determine Its truth illness. AN OLD LAND MAKK OONK, The brick store building, that has long stood unoccupied on the canal opposite the tlepot, is undergoing the process of demolition, anil lu place 1 to be given up to Ihe uses of the wharf age. The hrlek and oilier material have been carefully handled and placed on cars, with the view of removal lo Catawlssa for uae In a new depot to be built at that place. During the war Ihu large mercantile trade of Jackson & ood in was transacted In this building, and it was one of the prominent places of resort for our town people. It took the place of a dwelling, which stood there for a number of years before, the remaining space on the wharf being then occupied by a tannery, which extended up to the old bridge house, still standing. It Is not often that btiilntss Is o entirely dlveited from Ihe locality of a railroad depot as In this in stsnoi it srcui to be, and Ihe tearing down of this storehouse is of interest lu iHat it makes a tendency here that Is at once as universal as compliance with lis liclie-.ts is Inevitable, What will the next change be lu what direction will things tend during Ihe next decade. IlirvUi Jndqienilait, The Persian Diver bring up no pearl from the de'pths of the sea whlih can surpass in ra diant purity a complexion beuiiliuril by Glenn's Hulphilr Soap. A stable accessory of the bath and the toilet, Beautiful Shades of Black or Brown ate pro dined by Hill's Hair Dye. July 12 4 w. CHA7.KD IIY THE 1B OP AllsHMC. About ii year or so ago, says a S icraininlo paper, a young lady of sunny tentpt-raiui-nt and pleasant features, be-gm to tl'c to excess prepa rations for bleaching her hair to tin- fi-hn lia ble golden tinge, and at the s nne tinii' lueime n slnve to that beautitier of the i-otnplexion and the form Ihe ihcepiive poi-ou nr-inic. Her fealqres before, though not hfuiililul, wen- at lea-t good. Peeq lemon leuiarki-d her ed appearance for tho heller. lL-r complexion was rosy and blooming ; her hair soft, silky ai.d of a beautiful tinge; her form plumper lliintt had been, and her skin smooth mid white. Hut her self congratulation did ni-l I i-t long. Head ache soon followed, growing mute violin! (very lay ; but still she ki pt on u-ing the nbiuuiiri- bin stuff, which had hern lb.- t ill ll ol so lilinv Of late her suffering have been almost intoler able. The blessings of shop eve re- not hers. Her head was a very hell of torture, night and diy. Her mind grnv fei b'cr and fe. bhr, hit- thoughts wande'id, her iiilelleel was lol, and to day, a girl of 30 years, she is conllne-l lu a cell in tint prison of tho living dead Stockton a maniac. A WAI.KIST. Since Harry Faux, walked out nfoitr jiil, ho has become a professional w-tlker, The liar rishurg Patriot alludes lo him a follows: "A disciple of Weston named II. Faux, ar rived here from Scranlon, Siturd iv, and a'iin islied the people who take an interest in sin h matter bv performing some fast time on loot at the elrivlng lurk. Ho made din distance twice over the half mile truck in -1.05 with ap parent ease. Tn the evening nt (i 10 o'clock at the West Harrisburg market another fe-tl was performed by Faux, who walked half a mile in 2.01. The walki-t went cleir around the mark et space from Third lo Fulton stree-., in ro-s liolh Iron! anu ii.ick in sinning p-uoi. w-iieii i considered bv competi nt judges n lie strm g half tulle. Later in the evening. 7::'l'i'e-loek ho performeel another feat which was witiits-ed by a crowd, on east State street walking from the corner of Fourth street lo the bridge and le turn doubling the distance, making the half mile in 3.03 At both Ihe exhibitions of the walklsi's skill in Ihe city, a collteiioo wis taken up. He wore a suit much alter the f i-hion of professional base ballists, and hap a hehatoiind Ilia waist inscribed, "My name i Walker." lu the evening he gave anulhr exhibition at Na tional hull, the result of which wed'ul not leai i. He I pronounced an extraordinary walker by some, while olhers avrr Mr. Faux' style Is more of a "loper" than a bona fide walkist, Wickkh fou Cleikiymkx. "I believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to be led into giving testimo nial to quack doe-tots or vile stud's calle-d med icines, but when a really iiicritniious article is made up of common valuable rrmcdie-s known to all, and that all physic' ans use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it, I there fore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bit trrs for the good they have elone me and my friend, (irmly believing Ihey have no equal for family use, I will not be without llie in," Key, ' - , Washington, I). O. July l!)2w. lllieusi'd llui'loi't. Mr. V. W. Hughes has failed in politics and Mr, Peter Ilerellc has failed in business, No iv they have both set up as political docs tors Jic, Hughes wauti to go to tho senate and Mr, llcrdic to tho house. It is asad Tale that brings lawyers and lum bermen in the decline id' life to such utraits as. this, J'Mladrtihia littvnl. Delegate Kloctiou, August 10th. i - - U "0.1 A vjryrr If BLOOM SB UHG STATE NORMAL SCH00 SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County,' Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tllt M'litHii, nsat presi-nt cnnstlluteil, oCerstlcrvbC'tti'nf'lIIMestiir I'rot.-sMonal anil Classical learning. liiillir.nitsspiii-lnus, liiMUng iiiiileoiniiioillous i e onipletely he-.ileel hj sn iitn, will ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.soft spi-lnif water. Isicailou tiealthfiil, ati-H-ase ot nee. s. T-aeli'-rs cviierli-neeit, enh I nt, and allro to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expense! inoilciiiie. Kin j ei-nt-s a wei-k .1 -ilii.-i lin lo all expecting to teach, -students admitted alany time, Itooms reserved when desired. Cour-es or Htudy presi-iiued hi ttie s-Uiic I. Modi I .School. II. l'reparatorv. Ill, Klementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : l.tvni! IS KINtl. IL l'reparalory. I Aci-lemic. ll.Uitninerclal. 1 1 1. Course in .Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. The lll.-m.-tit.iry S(li-nllili-andi',lenl I'nursi-i are pit iKllsspiv i ,m -si tt.l.-nti gr.vliutng th-retn. recclvn state ntnloinas, conferring the followln corre-spondiin; la-gn-es ; Master or tin-1 lenient; Master ofrllie lelene.-s ; M.e.ier of iliel'i esslcs. ilraduates In Ihe otlnr courses receive Normal Ucrttncates their all. tlninelils., slgneil 0 the ullieeiMir die ll-l ltd or I'ditstees. Tliee-o us,- of iuil v nrese-rila-d by Hie siui,. is liberal, an He- f.-i.-nntii and I'l.issical courses aro not Inferior to Ihoso of our best Colleires The si ni. reipiln-,.! nl'ii-r ur-l.-i-of eiu.ensiiii. Tne ilms dein.iu In n i, oie- ot He- prlin-inbJ-.-cts ot (tils senoil lolu'lntos-eiirn It, by t lrnlshlng Intelli gent .in 1 i-illeli-iu I'l-aein-rs fur lu-r vn-sils. l'o this end It solleits inn.' . , . i-or goml'sand good purposes, -those evho desire tolnnroo their time and liu-ir latent, as students. To all such It promises aid lu den loph In !r powers, iin-l abundant opportunities for well paid labjr alter leatlmr .school. Kor Latnlottue. aihll-es-Ihe frlnelniil. 1 HON'. W1I.I.IA.1I t:t.Vi:i,I I'ee.hlent llonril nf Trnslren' lAiiKi'yniHPoiiTs. r.Ldil.MSIifUt, i.KKKT. lira! pi I Mlshel., tut Torn, m v. I'.ll-, " " Kuan p--r ' ii-rcl . f r fil Ml . 'I G.ISJ Tun LAitonnT l'l.ow is Tin: Woiti.n. The large-st plow ever built has been con structcil by tho Chicago, Milwaukee" and St. l'aiil ltailroai! Company, tn use in ditch ing Cur railway construction in Iowa, to be d i nt n neither by horses, ox or mule-, but by ii loconiotivi'. The dimensions of this steam pulled ditcher aro given as follows: The share weigh HS'J pounds, the nioldboard 1n2 pounds, ihe beam !KH pounds, the coul tor nrd clasp Su pounds, thu clevis liu I-. minis. J the stanelard 1111 pounds, The beam is llij Jet long, Kl inches wide and 17 inches thick ; the niould-bonrd 8 feet by 'Jti inches; hhare 51 feet bp 12 inches. It will cutn furrow 37 inches wide. Lver since work was stopped on the Wash ington Monument a scoro of years ago, stout rope lias hung down tho shaft inside from the derrick at the top, and on Monday it htcame n question how to reach the to and make a good connection for hoi-ting up the lie cesscry tackle. At'ier testing the old and weatherworn rope a rigger volunteered to climb up, carrying a new one up witli In id. Up ho went, and reaching thu top in salcty wave-el his hat iiinl cut tho old rope down. The sitrpri-e of those on the" ground can bo imagined, when the old rope, on strik ing llio ground fe ll into a thon-aud piece- It was found to bo completely rotted ihroiigl: and crumbled to small pieces on being hand led. the minder is thai it sustained itsown weight, much less that of the venturesome r ggorand his load of rope. I'Aiit'ioi s YiK.i.n or -i in: Boxanis Credible authority estimates the total yield of precious metals in l'eru from HWOto IMI-'I at 1,2:12,000,0110 of which three mines the LVrrei de Fa-en, I liialgayoc, and lliiantta z.iya yii-lde-d in round figures f s.'iO.nlKI.DtlO, Nearly two tilths of this enormous sum wtis tho product of the Uerrn tie l'tiseo mine. Hut the i'J 10,000,000 yielded by this histor ical Inine was the aggregate for a period ol 17J! ears. Between 1,1 15 and 17MI tho total yield of I'olosi was $1,000,000,000. The present yield of the 1,000 or more mines in tho eli-trict is less than 2,500,000 annually. Compared witli thepioiluct of the bonanza, these mine-, which placed .Spain in the front rank of the nations of tho earth, and through which only her great military and naval achievement were possible the-e talcs of almost fabulous wealth pale into in significance. Of tho $27.ri,OoO,000 which tho Com-tock lodo has yieldeiUince its discovery twenty years ago, $100,000,000 hns been taken alone frilin the Consolidated Virginia anil Calilnriiia mines'. Nearly every dollar ol this vast amount has been taken out hiuce 187!!. A floon Fu:i.ii roil Mrni'iiY. A dozen years ago the liquor trallic was farmed out by tho Russian (ioveriiment to speculators, who abused their monopoly to sell vodki at exorbitant rates. Policemen and Boldiers were sent into the disaffected districts and llio tctotallers were llogged into drinking; Mime who doggedly held out had Ihpior poured into their mouths through funnels, anil wero aflerwards liauled olfto prisons ns rebels j at tho same time, the clergy were or dered to preach in their churches against the new form of sedition, and the press cen sorship Iheneefrnni laid its veto upon all publications in which the immorality ol the liiiior trallic was denounced. These things sound lucre tliblc, but they are true. In 18C5 the people fancied thut because they wero no longer K-rfs, they coul 1 not bo treate d so un ceremoniously as ol yore, but they foundout their mistake. They were simply dealt with as insurgents, and though not beaten they wero fined, bullied and preached at till the-io was no spirit of resistance left lu them. However, this new rising led to theubolitloii of tho monopolies. An excise was stibstitii. led, the price of Vodki fell by competition, mid the lower onh rs of Itussia are now drunker than ever. The llipior duties ie Id an annual revenuo of t'S2,o0O,000. At pre'sent you are ,iot fenced to drink, but foi your own good you must not advo cate temperance principles. Kvcry bargiiln Is oinsiiinniated by vodki j the numerous, halms' day oiler other occasions, and the clergy recommend stimulants as a protection against the cold climate. The "National Gret nback-Labar" party .Schuylkill county is convulsed by the claims of ,ival apirants for the congression al nomination. The struggle seem.s to be between ILL. Cake of l'.im upt.1, Owen Kee-nau of l'-iti-viUo and Charles t llrown of MinersMllc. It is ge-uerally supposed that t'ake has tin- m-id track on account ol his wealth. It w ill lie n spectacle lor gods and men il" a convention of workingintn hould nominate tt'.i ancient political hack like Cake who t- of no virthly ciinscipieuee in politics e-xeept through the influence of his money. His iiouiiiiatiou would bo the unmistakable bailgeofcoriuption and would prove the "Nationals" anything else than reformers. Willi the corporation attorney, Mason, to head tin-ticket and such money lords as Cake aijthe tail the new parly cannot expect to hold lln- working classes within its ranks. J'ntrinl. ''I i H-e-l , .r, unit- r ir, I '.'ITS lu 1 allow ,, , is Potatoes. .''. ......,.,'. Ii- nned ppiuB c II. ins siiteRA shoulders i , hard per pound tii llaj is-rton , sis ncevwax 'tnnoUij seed a, e.'l'OTATlONS Hilt COAL. No. s on Wiuirr t ,'! per Toi- NO. 5 " " l.ts No. a " f j.isi Hlacl;sinlth'sttittipon W'hsrf fa.iei " " WliimlTin.oi - 4 Ml Deaths. umtoh's Mnn:. In tho hviU'T 'if tliu piii'c nr MiiMhow McDowell, Anil rmv .itiM i, isTs u ii.'reas Prter V.ut. Vjtuon- ' tir nl M.'ttiK'U Mi'S'owHI (I. ('.'used, ritcrt tcfnUr , 1 ?. in'i ' i l nnn !, KjJntol hi- rjior . ami mi n c 1 r .T'il , ,hT? filwl n Aral Mir-' llrimiit,u unviiiiirnrr.-l'T i nt,'wi-ittrtl. Ijitr iictlhc t't'lMtor ilTttl tpi'-tCC 'llUlfT tlH- Will ftj MtllH'W Mp- Howell l(i'i'ii((l no. i . pt.-inl'iT lirmiSTT. 'Il'i on the i.ith da vt rinler itT, (t. I Kht illl without li.ivlni,' riiMmrt therumNU thiMMntir Mfttth" Mrt'ii ell, rV en-c.J rtti'i l"ttl H Hi mis nppoiiiirn iininmi-irnnn', ne nonm rifih tit I'ttcr :m,(ir'(t it ari,.itifi i.tiUen s vMt ini'niuNtr.uor of (. l.llt, lit reapeit. Nm, tin r fnie. fjli Infii It'll IT Knrtrr, ltonif nf Alice Mel nwell b'siitee nnil hy consent ot linn r l( lliirlcilew, .1ton.ey tor ihe F'lil n'nieH'htiithe hih nmi. t of lh funiU t f thi estato of s.ihl M.i1tliert Mehn.vpll. ! eoA'-O't. ('. H .rkv, r.q , h upi1 iiitii imitir to nH't-rtiiln ihe protlts r t flvet I -since the tlllnj nf the ncfuutit by u. h'lt net m .(-. iiinl il sMUmtp t if fiitid of t u es tate of Matthew MiMMvell toaiitl iimouir the Turtles entitled thficto. llVTHKf'01-HT. Notice Ulierby trlven tint the Aiiilltnr uniHilnted 1 the Tinenlmr order uf I'otirt will mei-t the p.irtles liit'r',fctd tor thi' jicrtormnnee or his unties at hltur tlceln I lie Tim n nf Hloimi'-Stiirir on Hid v Ihe :tdd;n of iiirust .it Hio'cioek i m,.id hlchtlinenllpr iHmiht npne.iriind rr-sent their eblmi ur bo d atieu iiuiii a biiiire m me inini. ciiMiiJcs (i, ni(Kt.r.v, rdoohidinr, .Inly, V.i, "s 4w Auditor. HALE mlftmi imm cloihins' house, I818.-18th year.' IIAiii;NI'-l urunKi-ellluon Ihel.'.tli Inst , Isaac; a'ed m -.ear . and s uicrillis. Uusiiu'ss Notices IMPORTANT NUlTCi:. Alt kinds of Clotliint; at a L'rcat liedtiction at l.owcnucrg s. White Vests at cost at l.owenbcrg's. l,00tl yards 'if CVsimero nt cos-t prico at I), Loneuberu's. l-'or a Nice .Shirt po to LowenbcrK's. Tho clieiiic.-t and best Shirts can be bought at l.ortenb' r's. Cassj meres sold by the yard at less than cost price at l.-iwcnbcr's Call at McKinniy's lor tiliocs. I'. S. Kilos makes a specially of re-pairing watches. e-h Ls. ii-we-liv. silverwaie, or any thins e-l-i- in Ins Inn- of lui-ine-ss. Ileal was iii-uri s a fir-l class j.ib and Is prompt w itli Ins work. douuis's !:i.i:cn:ic so.r. llavinj; nblaiiieil Ihei agency of this Ci:i i:iii:ati:ii i-uAi' lor Illoomsburg and vicinity'l append the opinion ol Mime- of our be-l ptuplo lis to its merits. "I !vo ii-id Dobbin's T'lcctrie Soap mad bv Ir I.. Cumin .V Co.. riiiladclpliia, I 'a, lor waslnii'' iibmit ten years, anil think it superior tunny other. Mr-. C (1. llaikley.' "W o have lleil Dobbin' hlect-ii'Miiipani hud it superior to nil other o art other. . .rs. . II. .Inioby, Mrs. 1.. 11 .loline-r. I dt-sirc all mv liiotuls and ciistoiiicrs to CYi'ir lUi iSuiiii one Trial, so that they may know ju-t hniv good the lie.-1 boap in thu Uiillcil btates is, J, II, JlAIZII, July ll!, 78-lv lllnoiui-hurg, I'a. Hoots and bhocs cheap at McKinuey's. Tho display of Jewelry, Silverware, wati-l-o-, Ac , tit I'. S. Hates' is i-aidliy all to be llio choicest to be seen in lllooiiisbiirs. Hepairinc is done by Inuiintho hist luanner ami at the lowest possible rates. Ii nit headipi.irlcrs at McKinuey's. Crampli-n's I'alni Soap is the best laiin elry nuip in lliisi-r any olhcr maiket. l-'or sale In .Incnb II. Maize. may IS-.lw ll RBLIKK To nil tiiTi linr fitiin th1 1 hie dlTtisemf all kinds. Cnniulcidl i i idisidt itiuu limited per"-ou.illv or l Hl.dl. Nt 111 1 li-i t nt ti tt ?ht til'. rtv ttlKt I ( ll II) I re tied 1 Hunk itli'l i Pe tinrs Mi.t lieu III seal'' I tiM li-P"-,. dtie il(Kl AIH'IATIUN. 4.V Nn-tli Muth iirt ei, ii Ha I Iphl.i. I'a , ;m luMit tie havtirra luti lepui.iiloa Vv huLur.ibJt- cunduct aud pii.ttl nnil sKiii, juo ' J, aiu jwto CIIEA P (ANSAS AMDS I I Withjnuch greater variety Than ever Witli ampler facilities ' Tlian ever With far, mora customers' Than ever Wo arc belter prepared Than ever At considerably lower prices Than ever To Suppl yN The Men and Boys of America 1 With Superb Clothing From the largest Clothing Bouse in America! Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. Samples and prices mailed anywhere. Orders by mail promptly executed. WANAMAKER & BROWN Sixth & Market St&, Philadelphia, ti C. ZE. SAVAGE, nKei.hit in Silvorwaro, V7atc.Ds,Jowelry,Clocks,eS;c. VS'h own uli-l ' nnti-nl tin- ir.'itliv.iv tuills nt Tl'tvo t'liiuitj , Kmis.ts, U ( .pmlh illel'lul n the Kun i-iiiui'- i:it:Mi, wiiMi un- M-ttiii- nt no neriiiy.- hi i p- r :i'-r - on i- is I no- of p.ijment. licrii.iie M'i i ems ir ruiiii-iii iniins e.iu ue- 1.1- k- n as hoiu. sIi-hUm in si-lileis. I lies.. 1 imis ll-- iii tin- iiM-ut I inn" lone iielt er evn- tril l.illisns. Ilu- Is st wlhlir i-isil'llir ell lllrtnr tin- I Ill's el Sl.ili-s, .lelllllk' from ml 10 .16 11-islit Is pt-r Ai-i e. 'I In- nM'iiu'i' muiI r.ili f ill In Uilm-nimt Is ne'iir b n:i Ini'i'. s st Hiinuui, one-tlilnl i.ri'i-ulir Uian Ui till- lulK'll-.-M il. il Alk.ili-HS Viillej, Mhlrll Ibis n i"iil. i.ilnlali ir Ii'sh itiiin tin Ine-lieM pn tuuuuii In tlu'Siiiiu' liniyliinii- s.iin'k i:.iltiu .i'i'l IVniil llnoiliiL- nri- it lliiiniuiT iitlei'. . i sl li i h are slim! mill inllil. slesk utll live nil tlie i nr mi iiraH ! I.ivlinr stli-iilils mil Jsprtlnrs .ire lilllui r.ills. run- eilti I Is inuuiltu Hells finni i loin net I 't'.. I'h - ll.' illnuii-ln IheWuil'l! o i--i r anil iik'tii it'eri'. No or lllpilsHJl-!l' 1-HHtlil. l'n-ni if Itlli- llllllilllii; hlHie-, lliii" iiiUmihiI 'lliest- ainlHaieli ti-if jupl.ilyst-iHi .1 i5 Hi-- lu st i hiss i r Noriiiim iiinl msi in p.-i-pl.-, nno l!l sua, po i-iati- In e.i in-1 ill-- Inipr-o 'iiients iioh li. hi iii.nli' s in make lln-lr t ii Ii -s- m pres ent pile i -I'lii-lli'- i-ij UM llie e-t lile-li a Hut e-ltli be lu nh . iishl.. from Itip r nts to Is ili'lleul lieui tht'lr ruli le .ill' n. ii'iiiii.-ih uf our llnu r.htiie in v i Ki rlli ,1 . i I'll Hill sl.iov hltlilK ill uny llnu. s piiiiiilili-i, e;tlMe lull liif-iini'it on in ri'ifunl lo soil, i tluuiti- uuti r Kuni'i.i , jee.. will in- tent free on r. ejtlebl AUill'i'M. VsrrcKecsej'i: C:., 105 Eeartcrn St., Chicas, Or Wa-JIccm y, Ti ego Co., JEunsas, McKiiiueys House Klioo Store below Court Trv it liny it I'alni l'alin I'lilm Poap At .Inceli II. Miiize'n nt Jacob II. Jlalze's. may 3-1 Siv Go to I. V. HnrJinan'H for Queermivare. Itubliers nt Me-Kliiiiev''. Cruiiiitiiii llriilbcr'B l'alin t-nnp at Jacob II. .M'lize'ii, It h (lie beet. Try it. may S-lSw Admission free at .McKiiiiii-y'. The IilsI irint in sbort lengths I ami o cents u r nr l in I. W lliiriiiianV KnsnMCcnFxsctsK3zKCs Viiiioiii. CunseM Ailvunelns year", enre, HcViie'ss.etlsaspolnlment and heiedltury iieUlsposition all opiulo to turn the hulr; tliij, nnd i-lllier of llieni Inclluta It toUu-.l rre inutuiel). Atkie'H luiti n.on lll h store ruUed or k'l av. Unlit nnil nd hair to a rich hi own orleep blaikai m.iy deS'liesl. ll biJlena aud eieaiiM-a llio healp, kHIui; It a Jieuliliy anion, und ri-uioies oud cuiv huiM'i". II) Its use falllin-h.ilr leelieeke.l, and new grow Hi will bopresliiccdlu Kit case's where Ihe loll ch h ule not ele,tieed or k'h'i.iln iltoa)ed, lite elTi'i-t-e .ne- U-auilfii'ly bhowu on;.', wi'iik or ulrkl) n m, in w i.l li a few iipplli'a. IIoch will produce iim tli-wi uiul irct-linoMof outa IMrnilxM and un- In Un os-iulloii. it Is liii-oiuiMra-Me tun eliesin, and Is 1'spes.lully laliuu fur llie seilt liislru and richn, mof tunc It liusnls. Uee.ii. lulus in liin rill lir iiji-, un .1 will not lull or color wiill-' ; i t i UsIm Ions on tliu liulr, uinl keeps It flcbh Ulld vlnroui, aewii t by iii. I'm nan. no 3 Till l'l'HI IS eiv HI! Mllll ROVELL & fhiWMi . Aelverlisinrj f oenls, IHIHOiCHtHTNUT STS ST '.HUI, V. April 12, "S -tin A P;iYCi0L0GICAL l"'3iy of M&'i'ri&go I i x it t rr wetnpn. AU i" t , i '' il . , n'AI r HIT'S" T Tf T Ont e. -i .Tr.vut';. ui u .i-miBe'f . - f ' -i. o-Beeptt B f"'K, wuii U4 Ut Im i . -i p ., j V i CTUi' !n hi n HHVI flit I tVi t hicniiit i tinca.cVtarrtii&ptura.u Op tun 11 i l ,t' -I- ty.,. J i i I k - iitpi-i). 1 1 i i rc'pt fif p'rr of il! (hrPPi AJi Dtt.Lui J'ui'ko.'ijN.bla. bU LtVu.'.lTe. Dauchy &Co'b. Advt's. :r itemme-ilin tin- post iinie-e Uullelliif, IlrsTdoor iiLiOM- the, KNiiaime lloti-l. All kinds if Wiif.-ii. ii, cic, and Jewelry neat l.e n lijilic-l all, I wailaotnl. ina i;, 'Ts u Sure Reward. 5 YK 4 Its TO I4Y I'Olt A FARM. $4 TO SIO rBR ACRE. 31 ' Ii ii in! Inplc l.iiml Iii Michi gan In llio iTlillioti Acri' l.iant ul'ltif . r:t mi IsttpliN ii nil ln illaiiii Itiillreinel mil pan'. title rnnrEcT. Mi'Biii; (ill rr 'i op I'oiitj'ol tlnilit-i'-iio eli iiiit:lii-in. sT'lilticli lines) ! Iieii,-r." ItCNNINel Tlll-Ails Il'IIK All K ltEAIIV MARKETS SC1100US llAM COelie OMI-1 1 TI II TllKOl'GII TIIK eiMiiK ot TiiKi.iasr. Si'iiel lor pamplili'l.wiif'iVi or German AddieM . o. Ill lillAKT, I ANU t'OMUssIONr.K, flltAND UAI'ID.s. MR'II, . aprll 12, ls-s-ajw d Inee'bied In Wall Stree. M.H-ksui.iki-s fortunes ev- $10 TOS1000 ere liiontli. New York. Itunk sent rree everythloff d lulj 6, TS-4W nr. .Mlilress 11 XTEIt 4. CO., lUNkKii-s, 17 Wall hlreef, iii e vn neiiiiiirui coin ii AUr A M l I'DITOK'S XnTli i:. I II A l t llanos prli-i' u."o only HKIiH IM -i , ... .. s. -'.,. suiH-ib rnrel s,piiiri' ri .nos.pilc-ti lesionTy .sies Mllwi-U ) iii i 1,,-ion nioml'leasofi'ohuii-i sari.-.. Eh-t-mt 1 pnr! 1 1 lanus.nil,-, (ssiculyeiiis.. , v,, . . V'-'tllifl No. Ml May Term New Me In I'piUIlt '1.ri, s M (-..r,o llrtnns (!3S. .lame's iijku J s. ii. i iirmiiis li Mopn i'l '.e lln iih iliuiiimlbeiop8 The unili-ivliiiied ild, .Int.d l,v (ho rnuit . !'rt''0 "' '"If!!" I'linniH 5 .lllrrorTop lo osi-ert.'ln H e -1 1 1. un Ui.-1, ui i-siiit.. r iin ninTvn ir"""s. on i) ii). iuii-rs come- 1111Q hee roe at inime 'l .iVlu-,,l,u,t i- nnil. ,l l, Id l,v ihe "wrm U,e , !""' 1 '".n '.''...'" -J.n".'.? .""'. Intt ,1 Iiy the Coutt , s.'w-rtii aniKiinis ii en nt. .ii ii tii.-i rasror paeineni,' will ii.e-it Ihe pan,-s Inii-res isl at Ids ofllco In itloeunmn rk'. I a e i. HI ;. tliel-lUduy of AusUat nc.t id ten u clock In llie (onmuon. C. W. .MIL' Kit, July 111, "-w Auditor. 't i,leM'ifi7? ..'' ll.,tl tsJX with uiui'li iLloiniDtton at-out cost of l-iiuiosA liiuuiiss'ur rr e. lease address DAN IKI. V. HEa'ITV, Viaslilnctou,New Jersey. July 5, s-4iv d Sanfords mm n-tt 'Itlnmtc. rjitlfulitefrte, ?uc. IT, l HKAI.TII AsXO 1IAIMMNKSS, Ili-nlih nnil ll.ippmi' un piltilt'KH WiiiiUi tollu'lr IHI!M".S01H. ti(ft t I I In) t" Wlllllll Uit' It ill h l! cs tij out' who will iw MHH.IIT'.S I.IVKU TILLS, Tho ouh Min till; fur Titi M I lvr, lp,')'tfl ItCUll.tflH', lilll -l 1 1 lit ll t til slljn (it'll, IH tl'll, NflllSt'J. tlllt .ill lHII' 'Is 1 111 I i ill ' K 111 ti UltHtl III unlcrs Mini' ti'tiulhi null iyi " ii 'Vin. rlirlit, ' lilla." ll mr initkiM win w-i miis l M-ntl ib ci'ttln fnr ol.f box tu 1 nut' k, l.ullcr A 1 u.. To N.-ith .t 1'tau Jn. 4, "s ly ur If El 111! iirt)ii1 I'liriiiilit v 1'ilU luaki N' Mf !l Illtxvl. amlvMl, i niihi'ii iv rh.iip tin huml In ii.c tmli. hjhtlllllll ll.- r ,i Jill.- M t'li(i w lit i ill tut, i ' pl'l ii i.llil ii.-in 1 i-i t i i ir'i In- rehl.tiv ol to lu ! li i it u Hi! ''i' p-U'li. M'Utl in null ii'i i iu i i,i iiiia. . n, iiiUNhos' r tt jmi lt 'I- -tw i aitt'ur t. Diiriiiii p:vi , .1 li I t n,.t I al In u 1 1 I1 I IT vr i ' :! .Jftt t4,j) lift li,griie. 1 hi t . in w, At nr llti. ir ii it muk t ( . . iv ii., i .!..t iii inlfiur l U, - Ih-ti l,'.-lt, h' . i it i i . t. ti i in i-i.! t l.t ill Ii .1 4.. b l. r -iu. I . ..,!, I A ,li imi s iV I o. Milt, I vlvialiui t, l ti l W UMI I , ( Kt,, riilliitlrliilihi, jui iii, 'a iw a Jamaica Ginger. Tim only combination of th IrueJaumlcn i.lnger with cholco Aromatic and Kiench llrandy tor l lioleia, Iholera ycibus cramps anrtl'alns, liluirhesa and l)yen lerv. Iivsnenbla. Klaluleney. want i of Touo awl Activity In theStom I uch ai.d F'.oweli,, tend aeoleilne tbes i danrerbof Chanue of Vater,Vocet and Cllraate- Ask for ' bAM'OKll'a JAIIAICA GlKOEK. d 61 Mnili Mi-eet I'ltlslairu', Dec. lO.lSTt. sr. llltl-.llhlf, Itl- I .v I'll. Ot'liUeint ii :- Tour piiinis haee j;li u entire 6ar Kfictiuii. it.,., us, ii in, I., on a t'oesl man dlrrer cut MliHB ,t ueirk. sin h shun, i u Wood, liilek, o.. and nevi r Ue-i.iil .ii,e e'oiiiphiliit. on the con tiar. Ilif tt'iik klands w, ll .in, I u,r wear, will lu nil eptnlou, Kiane with uii 1,-n.l In in,- nniiket. When lll w-alit of lefi-ie-nie lu )ilH eli ur Meinlly jou are at Ilbeite lo uu ni name with pte-abure, also louse I Wilis jou think lesi. itesspe-cifully Yours, joiin t. nnAY. rnliitcraml Jieole-riu l'alnta, ells, ic. ST11ICTI.Y l'UHK WlllTK I.KAD, AT TIIK LOWEST MAllKET ltATEH. MOSTOUK SMTJ. TAINTS, s CKNTM. MO.NTOl'll MUTAI.UO WlllTii. S CENTS. MllSTIH'U MKTAI.I.U' 1IIIIIWN, 11 CENTS. OKI' cuLlllls AT THIS MllCK. PUEB LINSEED OIL H lowest niiiiiu't rntcN. hainplu caul kLU nice cliurifi. IUI fuicbhed without ffl? LIVER QpjS . M r.UHat xrcaNT VSfSt t:M'f-THtw3 " arnRnistAitoF 4?.ej5 n f 'H2""lsrii cmousniss. i iei n eTlAMAn 1 'si . W , A O ' R H K H L R I Julys. 7s iw d N.Vl.t Alll.TiTltl Ills.. It you are aimerlni; ffii f pfs-r lirallli, or langtalir t Ing i n a Le d of Hekue-ss Miiki- cheer, for lleip IIIIle-riEeiill ( ure- uu It you aiM H , pi) alliDs' dispirited, wlllioul il, -ir I f eon feel ucak and E y kuunlnk' why, Hup Itlll, l.flll Ill-till, Vu. If juii air u uuiiIMi-r Sand liaie ci ei taxed your-ki-ltwlih.oiirp.isiiirnlou ptlesi era mother, worn out w Ilk care and work. , Hup llllli-rs t il'j ttelure Vuu. If t mi are a man of boa inesH, weakened by tne si rain if jour e-Hrjclaj.UutHk; era man vt hl Irrs, lolllug oer jouiFmiilLttht wcik, tup lllllrts ll;Fsr, iitlhi ii Vuu. orders aoid lueiuhie Iff wall will recede prompt atleidleMi, I1BNKY S. UKAY, MANUl'ACTUlir.K, llUl'EUT, I'A, MOYIil! UKOiJ. WIIDLMSAJ.K AOKNTS, l!l.lHJHl'ltli, I'A M 11 . 'Is.-I, j on Kl'l(J OF If sou a in oui'k' line ere tlon.oraietrowlni; tes lint, lllili r mII If Toil are- In I In- wrrk eieak, aii)Hhere,and 1ee ete auvllik'.li'Ml-l; or etllu caltnk', linn lllneis I, If )ou me old Phil M in nervea tittiie-ad),niid)i'iii lll,, lllttl IS 1,111, un.; 1 un its, h I-1 -uncilnir (rem any tndls. tufet, as isouen the ca&e. Ite-lti-tl- sen. hrp, in llie farm, at the" that jour n'ktem ueeda luiullii;, wlihout lutoil- lull eiu Nee'el, pi.lse I' f.-eble, faculiless wanluif, jour flee ),ii e-ss lcui. (tlinta liaoiiikK'. .If.- I AK i l s no , tar it (us ejoevv sua umew. ItfA-ptl.). tVHvY DKSUIPTION I- XlCt'l '1 i;l) J'HO.MI'1'i.Y TUL OOLUMUIAN OfflOF. I I Ult.N'ls. CAHIfr, I) VlklTIM.l AIU, tssi'l 'M IlkAIM-, I'll l.llfc'AUN l Hmsi, ,f .V, ail anil t Lei pl iililin Hltletot r UIAN Ctliie. IEOAh UI-A.NKS OK ALL KINDS J VH 1IAMJ AT 1 111.' CiFICX