The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 19, 1878, Image 3

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    tvu 1? nnT n it n i i -vt
1UJ2J UUiJU M )l A IN.
IIMtOJISnUIKI, lit I pay, jli.t in, is;s
Kail ltnail Tlmo Tnlilc
noutii, HOCTII.
Accommodation Train, do A.M. r.oiia. it.
Mall Train 7.M A. M 4.40 I'. M
Rxprcsi Train t.r,7 p. m. tl.ts A. u
Accnmmnrt.H Ion Train tw A, M. I,s 1'. M.
Ilosular Kxpres 4.oai'.M. 11,45 A.M.
Thronsh cars on Kxprcsi train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runsbctuccn
Catawissa and Wlltlamsport.
We nre oMIgtil to nppcnl once more to our
mWrllirn fur help. It U not riiite lliree years
alnro llio present owners look cliaruo of llio
Coi.UMMAN, anil yet in lliat tlmo there aro
Timr.K Thousand DoU.aiis of tinialil sub
scriptions on our liook, inul nearly an much
more rtanding out for nilvertlslnir and job work.
No farmer would bo willing to sell hi grain
on three year' or even one yew's credit, nor
could nny buidnepa man prosper by trusting no
long, and yet there aro hundreds In tho county
who appear to think that tho printer can nfloril
to wait until it is perfectly convenient for hli
debtors to fettle up. When you read this paper
plop and think whether you nre enjoying your
own property, or whether you are sponging on
in for your news. No man of honor would ex
pect his neighbor tn furni'h him with bread
mid butter for nothing, and yet It never seems
to occur to anybody that they aro eating our
bread and 'butter when they neglect lo pay for
the paper. The crops aro good this year and
there is not a farmer in Hie county who cannot
alTord to pay for his newspaper. Then, treat
us fairly, and pay for what you gel, in order
that we may pay others for what wc get.
See notice on second page.
Wc will send tho Coi.u.mman lo campaif.n
subscribers from August lt lo November 15th
for -10 cents. Now is tho time lo get up clubs.
The Democratic voters of the several districts
of Columbia county will meet at the usual place
of holding the general electtoiou Saturday the
10 day of August 1878 between tho hours of
three and seven o'clock in the afternoon and
elect delegates by ballot to represent the dis.
IricU In a County Convention to be held at tho
Opera House In Itloomsburg on Tuesday the
13th day of Angust 1878 at 11 o'clock a. in. lo
place in nomination one candidate for Congress,
one candidate for .State Senator, two candidates
lor Keprcsentalivcs, one enndidato for I'rothon
olary, one candidate for I!egiter and Kecouler,
one candidate for Trcnsuier, and two candidates
for Commissioners, and lo transact such other
business as the Interests of the Democratic par
ty may require.
Also nt the same lime and places and in the
same manner Ihc Democratic rhetors of each
district will elect one person to serve as a num
ber of the Coi'uty K'amling Committee which
will meet immediately upon the adjournment of
the Convention.
lly order of the County Committee.
Daviii LownNiirMio,
Apportionment op Dkleihths accokdisu io von:
fou Covhitsim is H75.
ivrshlng, liolegates.
Heaver 197 a
Ilcnton 101 3
llei-Hlek., so 2
ltloonibliunr 1! 210 4
V 113 t
Ilrlarcreek lift 'i
Catnwlssu 153 :i
Centre , ton 3
centralla no 2
CoiiynghiimN lus a
Conyngliam H 03 2
H-.lilnin.rcck 2HS 4
franklin 40 2
Ureenttood 1.VJ 3
Hemlock 152 3
.I.lOklsOIl Ill 2
Locust ; 211) 4
Main 101 2
Mnillson 177 a
MllIUll 170 3
Montour 75 2
. Mt. Pleasant li 2
orange 1:12 2
Pino w; 2
Itoarlngcreek to 2
SCOtt 142 2
rlugarloar len 3
3,157 70
lly rule the ratio it fixed at fit) votes for n
delegate, bpt no district lo have lews than two or
mora than four delegates, and allowance is to
be made within those limits for the largest frac
tion of a ratio.
llloomrburg July 19, 1S78.
Inter-Onan: "The lnofqtiito, like tharitji
begins lo hum."
.Ins. Ii. is spending his summer vaca
tion at home.
Hev. I. Xaliner held services at Jerseylown
last Sunday alternoon,
Mining has been resumed in Schuylkill coun
ty after a suspension of two weeks.
Francis Mcllick of Irondalo has lost two
children within tho last two weeks by scarlet
fovi r.
Hollins & Holmes hao tho contract fur heat
ing the residence of Col. Jnckson, llerwick,
with stenm,
A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for
sale at this otlice very cheap, (iood until De
cember 3Ut 1S78. tf
Mr. Hayes said at Wilkesbarro that their
reception at liloomsbuig was one of the pleas
antest they met with along the route.
l!ev. Mr. Iturrows of Willlanisport occupied
the pulpit attho I'rcsbylerian church on Sun
day last,
M. K. Kjcrly Ebij., now walks with iicrulih,
thu result of chopping wood. The nxu glanc
ed and struck between the toes of thu left foot,
making un ugly cut,
Tho Mtptntlent H'lfMy displayed Us patriot
ism by issuing a supplement containing an ac
count of tho doings In Milton on the 1th, print
ed In led and blue,
After Octolwr 1st 1878 all subscriber! who
uwe from October 1st 1875 will be struck otl'the
list, and the accounts collected by law at Ibe
rate of $1! 50 a year, tf.
A mare belonging lo Mr. James Kvts brought
forth twin colts in spring of 1877, and tho same
again in 1878, making four colls in two years.
Nona hot living however.
A meeting of tho Slate Teachers Association
will bo held In Heading on July "3rd and con
tinue two days. There will bu some interesting
A bube In Orangevllle while creeping on Ihc
second floor, last week, fell through a healer
nine hole lo tho floor below, a distance of 10
feet striking a chair. It appears unhurt. '
Tho furnace of William Neal & Sons chilled
last week Thursday and the works have stopped.
It was not a bad chill however and it is proba
bio that they will bo at work again In a short
The M. K. Sunday School in Ornnge town
ship will hold n Ice cream festival In the grove
r-ir Mr. Thomas Jlcllenrv's onftaiuruay even
. bJuIv "7li. The oluect being lo liny hooks
for their libraty. The public arc invlltel 10
patronize it.
Ton Hi:ntCiiwp. The first class office in
the C01.UMUUN llulldlng, heretofore oceupled
by N. IT. J'unk Kfj. It is rlly furnished.
Apply lo
June 6 3w,
Mrs. Kllcn Kvans, a subscriber at Madison
vlllc, l.uternc Co., writes us that among her
house plants sho has a csclus which has on It
i!01 buds just opening Into blossom. Who can
beat it.
After the services at the Episcopal church
lat Sunday night, Mr. Pierce Foulke and Miss
Hatlle Jatoby were united In Ihe bonds of mat
rimony (11 tho presence of a large congregation
Dr. Edward Jacobv. brother of the brid. was
groomsman, and Miss Mule Itlegel was brides-
malil. l'ror. Hodman furnished most excellent
music for the occasion.
There will be a nlesiiire excursion to Niacin
Falls and Watklns Glen on the 30th, oyer the
Pennsylvania railroad, from Willlamsport.
Tickets will be cooel for ten days, and will be
sold for the round trip from Northumberland
for $8 00. Excursion tickets will be sold from
Illoomsbiirg to Northumberland for the rx-r.
sion, good for ten days. Tickets should be pro
cured by the 27th,
Dan Marks of Danville seems to be fond of
noses, as a diet At the last term of court he
was tried for biting off a man's nose on the 25th
of March, and convicted of an assault and bat
tery. On the 4th in Danville he got into a
fight, and defended himself in his favorite man
ner by biting ofl'his opponent's nose. He was
arrested but while looking for bail he took leg
bail and lias not been seen Rince.
sure way to kill a town buy everything
you can nway from home, grind down those
with whom you deal to the last farthing, keep
those you owe out of their money as long as
possible, dropthe old established business men
for every a 1 venturer who comes along, and de
cry your places incessantly. In this you will
keep everybody from making a living, and soon
Irivo all life and enterprise out of the commu
nity. The recipe is warranted.
Hev. Samuel W. Ziegler has been appointed
missionary anil collecting agent of the Phila
delphia Sabbath Association, on the Pennsyl
vania Canal and its tributaries. His field of
labor extends from Wilkesbarro to Columbia
and from Northumberland to Lock Haven.
Any donations to aid tiie society in their benev
olent work will be thankfully acknowledged
and faithfully applied by him.
Wicked fou Clergymen. "I believe it to
bo all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or
oilier public men to be led into giving testimo
nials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called meil
icines, but when a really meritorious article is
made up of common valuable remedies known
to all, and that all physic'ans use and trust in
daily, we should freely commend it. I there
fore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Hit
ters fur the good they have elone me and my
friends, firmly believing they have no equal
for family use. I will not be without them."
Rev. , Washington, D. C.
July 19 2w.
F. W. Miller, a son of Daniel Miller of Main
township, was dro'-vned on the 0th of July in
Solomon river, Kansas. He was out gathering
wood, with his brother and cousin and af
ter dinner he went In bathing with his cousin,
the brother having gone home, and Mr. Miller
was seized witli cramp and sank before assis
tance could reach him. The Miller brothers
went west in March 1877, and bought a farm
which they had just got in fine condition. The
deceaseel was a graduate of the Wyoming Stml
uary, and attended the Normal School here two
years, He taught school in this county for three
years, and was in the employ of J. H. Make
for a lime. He was buried at Minneapolis,
Kansas at the age of 24 years, 2 months and 10
days. Mr. Miller was a young man of much
promise, and Ills death at this time when his
future was so bright is sad indeed. Our read
ers will remember several interesting letters
Irom him published in the Columbian. He
has many friends in this county who will mourn
bis loss.
On Tuesday of last week a fishing party
pitched tents on Clark's Island, time miles be
low Catawissa, where they remained several
days, enjoying themselves, fishing, bathing,
swinging on hammocks and employing their
timo in every imaginable way to make It pleas
ant lo Ihe whole party.
This sociable gathering was gotten up at the
instance of Capt. M. M. Ilrobst of Catawissa.
'i he gentlemen from abroad were Capt. D. O.
("liiengling, (i. O. Clausen and John T. Miller
of New York Cily; F. O. Guengling, K. P.'ier, J. M Clayton, J. P. Heck and J. W.
Howeu of l'ottsville. Capt. Hrobsl had his
Danville friends, as well as a number from his
own town present. Several gentlemen from
other places joined the party by invitation. All
the luxuries of the season were enjoyed hugely ;
bass fishing was probably the most pleasant
pastime, and quite a largo number was caught.
Frog catching was enjoyed by the boys, who
kept the party well supplied with saddles.
Clint Margerum and son with their patent stove
011 the ground were managing She kitchen and
viands. Clint is a capital man for that depart
ing it. Mr. Clayton and Casper Rhawn were
giving occasional exhibitions that very much
amused Ihe party. They were quite a circus
themselves. The farly broke up camp on
Thursday evening, and after visiting Danville
and Itloomsburg returned lo their respective
homes on Saturday, well pleaseel with their
trip and the hearty welcome received by their
newly made friends.
A Guest.
July 15, 1878.
Hoard met at the office of C. W. Miller. Pres
ent Ilrnwn, Graul, Jones, Knorr, Furman and
Rlngler. The following bills were presented
and ordereel paid, O, M. Vanderslice, John
l.eacock and II. 0, Harlman Auditors six dol
lars, Hrockway & dwell for publishing state
ment and notice lo teachers $32.00. James C.
Hrown publishing statement and notice to teach
ers $32.00. Geo. A. Clark for books, crayon
Ac, $3.99.
The salary of teachers was fixed as follaws
For Principal of Ihe building $70 per month,
Principal of room 2, 3 and 4, $40 each, assistant
teachers $35 per month.
The following teachers were selected from
among 39 applicants.
Room No. 1. Third street, Mr. I. E. Schoon
over, Principal i Mrs. I. E. Schoonover, Assis
tant. Room No. 2. Third street, Miss Amelia Arm
strong, Principal; Miss Emma Jones, Assis
tant. Room No. 3. Thhd street, Miss Martha E.
Graul, Principal ; Miss Sadie Vannitta, Assis
tant. Room No. 4. '.Third street, Mia R. Anna
Kestcr, Principal j Miss Mary M. Unaugst, As-
Room No. 1. Fifth street, Mr.F. P.Manhart,
Principal; E. H. Wltman, Assistant.
Room N. 2. Fifth street, Mr. T. B. Miller,
Principal; Miss Mary M. Thomas, Assistant.
Room No, 3, Fifth street, Mr. Joseph Gar
rison, Principal; Miss Florence Wirt, Assis
tant. Room No. 4. Miss C. II. Welliyer, Principal;
Miss Ina Faulds, Assistant. ,
Welsh Hill, Mr. Geo. W. 8terner.
The salary of janitors was fixed at $25 per
month, Richard Edwtrda was dtclsred janitor
for Third street.bullding and Evan 0, Jsnea
for Fifth street building.
On motion it '.was ordered that the safe In
Col, Kuorr'a office be purchased for use of the
district for $30.
On motion adjourned lo meet next Monday
Bomo of our enterprising citizens ImVo been
out looking for n water supply for tho town,
and it Is claimed that n cond sltn 1 ins benii
found on Hcaglo's farm about thrco mites and
a nan irom hero. We hope Iho search may re
sult in tho erection of water works.
Tho llrpubtican iicvoles an uniisunl amount
of spaco to tho town council nnd tho cows tills
week". Reason, n cow got Into tho garden of
tho senior editor ono night and destroyed all
his vegetables. An editor ought to know thnt
a garden is n luxury in which'ho has no busi
ness to indulge.
A train of cars on tho 1). L. AW. rnnd wn
thrown from the track lokt Monday morning
below Danville. Tho canal at that 1,01111
ought to be a good place to bathe, as part of
tno cargo eluinpeil into tho water consisted of
twenty boxes of soap consigned to I. W. Mc-
Intkrrstimu to Postmasters. Tim Post
master General has authorized the following
statement t The compensation of postmasters of
the fourth class is now based upon the value of
stamps cancelled at their offices, instead of as
before the amount sold, these now receive ns
compensation Bixly per cent, upon the first $100
worth of stamps cancelled In each quarter; fif
ty per cent on the next $200, and forty per
cent, upon all over $3000.
New Music The latest and best Song and
Choius Is entitled "ITumcltti iiml Alone To
yigltt." It is by Will h. Thompson, author ff
the famous songs, "(lathering ShtlUfiom Ihc .S'
Short," and "Drifting vith Ihe Tide."
Kept at all music stores, and sent to any ail
dress for 40 cents.
Published by
W. I.. Thompson & 08,
East Liverpool, Ohio.
Dr. H. F. Gardner was rumway with last
Friday by his four year old horse and consider
ably hurt. The horse frightened at the lower
end of Market street and nt once became un
manageable. Running into an alley back of
Mr. J. A. Funlon's it overturned tho buggy
and threw the Doctor out, putting his kne-u out
of joint and breaking two ribs. The horse was
badly cut about the legs.and ills iloiiblful wheth
er he will lie worth anything should he recover.
Dr. Gardner is able to get alwnt on crutches.
The Wyoming Seminary as a school for grad
uation to the professions and the practical bus
iness affairs of life, or as preparatory school fur
college and the higher universities of learning,
may fairly be said to take the lead of all insti
tutions of its class throughout the country; and
we unhesitatingly commend it to all our young
men and women aiming toward a high stand
ard eif edttcitinn. It is ree-oTiimenile'd by tin
presidents of Yale College, Princeton Culleg,-,
We'lyan Ihiiveisity, 1iyf.iyctte' Ccillegi' and
Syracuse University. The Commercial College
has most thorough courses eif stu,y lusiites
Its graduates rank high as clerks mill accoun
tants. Next term ope-s Augu-t "Sth. Prie'cs
reduced. Huoms fur 175 Iwanlers and 21 HI day
scholars. Send for a catalogue lo Hev. I).
Copeland, D. D, Kingston, P.i.
We have received a number of communica
tions giving reasons why certain candidate's
should be nominated for the offices to nhieh
they aspire. We cannot give them a place in
the paper for several reasons. First, as editors
printing a newspaper for the whole party, it
would not be right to espouse the cause of any
one candidate to the disadviintageof all others
for the same office. Second, if we should pub
lish one such communication, every candidate
would have the right to ask us tu print a simi
lar one in hit favor and we have not Ihe spacu
to spare. Third, such articles are of interest
only to those whom they personally afiect, and
not to the public. We are obliged therefore to
reject all sucli letters, unless they nre ordered
as advertisements and paid fur. Then no one
can find fault with us for advocating Ihe cause
of particular candidates, as our columns are
open I o all for advertising.
Catawiisa, Pa., July 15, 1S7S.
Eds. Columbian. Perhaps it will bo inter
esting to some of your many readers to hear
something of Ihc excursion given by lion. F.
H. Gowcn to his employees. I am not n rail
roader, hut through the kindness of a railroader
"cousin" I had the pleasure of enjoying the ex
cursion from Catawissa tu Philadelphia,
Wo starlet! from Catawissa about two o'e-Iock
Thursday morning, and about seven o'clock we
reached Reading and were provided with a
lunch, which was very acceptable, arrived at
the cily about 10 a. m , visited the .'lologieil
Garden until half past eleven, then came hack
to tho cars aim wero taken l Ihe Centennial
depot where a wholesome dinner was prepared
fur us. After doing ample justice to our din
ner, we next visited the Centennial Grounds
and tiie Main Huihliiig. Every thing was grand.
Of course you thai have been there need not he
told anything about it. Wo left Philadelphia
about 4 o'clock p. 111, arrival at Catawissa
about 10 o'clock, thus ended a very pleasant
and wc trust u profitable day. The employees
seemed to be very well pleased with thu excur
sion. I am sorry lo say a few oilier genllnneii
whoare;so very narrow minded nnd se-lli-h,
seemed to begrudge tho laboring men Ihe pleas
ure they enjoyeil. I for one believe that Hon.
F. H. Gowen is trying to do the very best for
Ins men that he can under Ihe circumstances.
There seems to be a better feeling pre vailing
between the employers and Ihc employees II11111
there has been I sincerely think thre is a day
not far distant when employers and employe-es
will have perfect confidence in each oilier, and
when the men will receive their dues in regu
lar monthly installments thereby enabling thtiu
to meet all their liabilities promptly.
Yours truly,
On Wednesday, Lawrence P, Shnll, of this
place, having nothing better to dei, concluded to
take a quiet fish In the mill dam ut Kemerer's
Mill, about two miles above Milton. Accorl
Ingly he armed himself with rod and line and
proceeded to Ihe objective point. He commenc
ed fishing early in Ihe morning and had contin
ued until ten o'clock, with indlflerent success,
when all al onco a huge monster rose partially
out of the water about fifteen feet in front of
him, displaying a head as large as that of a
horse and having a moulli at least a foot and a
half across. To say that Mr. Shutt was aston
ished but faintly expresses his emotion. He
was nearly paralysed for a moment, and during
that time the monster turned, and lashing the
water Into a foam for rotls around, darted into
the middle of the dam and dlsappeaud, Mr,
Shutt called loudly upon Mr. Irwin and Mr.
Hrucb, both of whom were near, but before they
could reach the spot the monster had disappear
ed, and all further search for him proved una
vailing Mr. Shutt Is a truthful man, and there is no
reason to doubt that the statement he makes Is
true In every particular. He Bays he knows Ihe
animal was there and he believes it Is still in
the dam, and, as poor as he Is, he avers that he
would glye five dollars toward capturing it, that
he might know whit It was that proved such an
aslonlsher to him and created such a commotion
In the ordinary peaceful waters of Kemmerer's
A party should be organised to hunt out the
animal, whatever It .HilHmian.
Somo one who seems lo know about the re
lation of n good newshaper lo the family writes
as follows 1
"The strong attachment of subscribers to well
conducted newspapers is fully confirmed by
publishers. ''Slop my paper," words of dread
lo beginners In business, lose their lerror after
a paper has been established for a term of years.
So long as a paper pursues a just, honorable
and Judicious course, meeting the wants of Its
customers in all respects, the ties of friendship
between the subscribers and Iho paper areas
bard to break by an outside llilrd party as the
link which binds old friends in business or so
cial life. Occasional defects nnd errors In a
newspaper are overlooked by .those who have
become altachcd to it, through its perusal, for
years. They sometimes become dissatisfied
with It em account of something which has slip
ped into its columns, and may stop laking it ;
but the absence tf the familiar sheet at their
homes and offices for a few weeks becomes an
insupportable privation, nnd they hasten to take
it again, and pjssibty appologize for having it
stopped. No friendship on earth Is more con
stant than that contracted by the reader foi a
journal which makes tin honest and earnest ef
fort to merit its continued support. Hence .1
couclenliou-ly conducted paper becomes a fs
vorite in the family.
The will of the lale William Cameron deceas
ed will be contested. Preliminary steps to this
end (an npppeal fioui the decision of the Reg
ister of Wills of Union county admitting said
will to probate) were taken on Saturday la-t by
the contestant, Mrs. Jane Harrison, wife of Dr.
Harrison and daughter of .Mr. Cameron, through
her Att'y in fact, Mr. Jos. W. Shrlner. We
understand that Mrs. Harrison has engaged
Jeremiah S. Mack, cx-Atty General I.inn and
Dill, Wm. Van., Charles S. Wolfe, and
Geo. A. Guy 1 r as lnr counsel The opposite
side (linn. J. II. Packer) will likely he repre
sented by Ge-nrge I'. Miller iS: Sons mid J.
1 omley of Danville. Tl is case will attract
great interest, ns the estate is valued at over
uno million e'ollais, Mijjliiihurg TJiyranh.
Thousands of men and women nre starving
themselves to death. They dare not rat or
drink ibis or that, fearing it will increase their
llesh. Life depends npon continuous self-denial.
The only safe and reliable remedy for this ter
rible condition is Allan's Anti-I'.it. It is whol
ly vegetable and peift-ctly harmless. Its n-e
insures n reduction of from two to five pounds
per wee-k.. Sold by all druggists.
liuJ'Kiio. A'. V., Jonr Oh, 1S7S.
To 1 m: I'lu't-'its. iik At i.w's An-F-r:
(?iiifewii'.--Th" Ml'iwiiig icpuit is In, m Un
holy who 11-esl Allan's Anti l'.il : ''It (the Anti
Fat) hail Ihc ihsiieii t lit ct, niliicirg the fat
from tMi lo five pounds a week, until I had
lost tv.-cnty-ljvc pounds. I hope never to re
train what I have lost."
Yours resp'v,
Wholesale Druggicts.
an thi'th.
You doeno to sutler, and if you. lead n mis-(-ruble,
unsatisfactory lifo in this beautiful w orld,
it is entirely your own fault and there is only
one excuse I'm-you, your iinri'n-onablo picju
elice and skepticism, which has killed thousands.
Personal knowledge and e-oiniunii sense iciisoii
ing will soon show you (hat Green's August
Flower will cure you of Lieer Complaint, or
Dyspepsia, with all its miserable i-H'octs such us
sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour
stomach, habitual costiveness, iliiucss of Un
bend, nervous prestation, low spirits, Ac. Its
sales now reach t-cry town on the Western
Continent and not a druggist hut will tell you
of its wonderful cures You can buy a sample
bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve
you. junoM-tfjl
The Persian Diver brings up no pearl from
Iho depths of ihe sea which can 'surpass in ra
diant purily a complexion beautified by Glenn's
Sulphur Soap. A stable accessory of the hath
and the toilet.
Heaiitifnl Shades of Mack or Hrown nre pro
duced by Hill's Hair Dye.
July 12 4w.
A Hunk FPavin o. a Vauiaiim: House.
Mistered, fired, rowelled, and did every thing
without any hem fit. A neighbor advised un
to try Giles' Liniment. 1 bought a quart bottle-.
To my intense sati-fictiou, the bony de
posit disappeared, also the lameness.
II. H. KmvAitiH, Park Hotel,
Oceanport, N. .1.
Send lo Dr. Giles, 151 Sixth Avenue, N. Y
for pamphlet containing full infjiiintion.
Trial bottles 25 cents.
llilils of Coroners.
Tho prevail lit notion Hint .i lustier, nt
the peace has concurrent nrmer tu inuuire
into tlio circumstances of a buddcti or vio
lent; death with the coioncr of a conn
ty, upon view of tho body, is without an
thority in the law. Tho statutn cinniiiiiiids
the coroner at once to go to tho place where
any one is slain or lias died suddenly, nnel
mako inquiry into (nets and circumstances,
attending the casualty. The coroner's ju
risdiction is n special one, nnil no one eho
can tak-o inquisition in tho matter prescril
ed. It is only when there is no coroner
holding office' in the county, or when he is
nnsent irom tho county, or is unable to nt-
lenu, or where liis, oflico is held more than
ten miles from the place where; the death oc
curred, or by pcnni.sioii of the coroner, that
n justice or the peace can hold inquests.
The coroner has tnirlvo nbond in ono-fourth
the iim of that given by tho Sheriff, and it
is 110 inoro 1 1 1 a 1 1 right that he shouM bo ac
corded nil the fees and t inolunients nnd
honors attached lo his ollico. All Iiiuuests
held In violation of llieso provisions are
void, which persons will do well to remein
ber. Altoona Tribune.
An Important HecMuii.
The case of Gllkyson vs. llucks county,
;ni Pi orris lleporls, decides that the county
is not liable for coals where tranim commit.
ted to jail by a Justice of tho Peace are not
allowed by thobberill" to depart when their
sentence expires without paying the cost.
They must come out like other criminals by
paying the costs or taking the benefit of the
Insolvent Act. This, where the flue, etc.,
does not exceed fifteen elollas, would require
them lo bo confined for thirty days
before their discharge Tiie oourt fur
ther says, that where tho commitments are
to accommodate, not to niinlsh tho veer runts.
the officers deserve no cost, and adds, "if
bucu things be done for charity, let it not bo
lor tho tiencliljof tho magistrate. The jail
is not an alms house, nor Juilors the admin
istrators of the poor funds," .
Tho Hcrlln Rational Gatttte says It has
been informed that the Austrian police have
dUcotered circumstances leading to the be
lief (hue Dr. Noblling's attempts 011 the Em
peror's life was conuecled with the Intrigues
of Russian Socialists.
Tims far 130 men anil 60 women have
been arrested In the Paris Exhibition charg
ed with pocket-picking, j
Two Kinds of Tramps;,
Glvo a man a had name and the dogs will
bark at him and society set Its (ace against
lilin as though ho had deserved it. Hence H
Is that there Is no ono who is as much Inte
rested in putting down the tramp proper as
those occasional honest, Industrious fellows
who, nt this lime of year, aro setting out
upon country roads in search of work.
There ought to bo no difficulty in distin
guishing one from the other ; yet tho terror
and suspicion and tho righteous indignation
which nil men nnd women instinctively feel
nt sight of tho idle nnd vicious professional
"tramp" may ho pardoned for showing it
self in close questions at the appearance of
any able-bodied fellow approaching the
liotiso uninvited, and generally nt meal
times. Shabby clothes are nof sure things to
judge by ; for there is many a good fellow
out nt elbows, and when a man has no
women folks to look after him, he Is apt to
start out on ills country rounds not very well
mended up in outward gear. II lie asks
earnestly for work, however, before ho seeks
to bo fed, it goes a good way In his favor,
and, onco in conversation, the farmer judges
of a man by the way he can look him In
thu face.
There Is no more cruel wrong that has
been done in later years than since the open
hospitality of tho old-time farm to allcom
ers ; tho bed in the barn, tho generous meal
to nny ono who asked it, has been convert
eel into bitterness and dread by the nbues
which tho "Irnmp" has committed against
property and life, and what is dearer thar.
life. And, yet, the inevitable tendency of
the man seeking work is to be thrown into
company with the very reprobates who are
his worst enemies, and stand most in his
w ay. They meet in the roads, and jog along
together ; thej sulkiness and idleness that
lives to prey on tlx pood nature and thrift
nf the ret of the world spread like leaven,
and too ollen the man who sets out with the
vngu purpose of dueling work is drawn into
reekle-s n-sociations before he is well sure
what he really thinks about it. It is cheap
and e-.i-y to prove to some minds thai the
barns and thu cattle, tho household goods
which the fanner has got together by work
ing lale nnd early, and stinting himself of
luxuries and enjoyments, ought to bo com
mon property for those who can settle down
on them like hawks in .1 chicken yard, and
11 few days of these eloctrincs nnd teachings
may sullies to convert the listener who has
failed, in his small way, to make a success in
whatever work he lias previously been in.
So tho very men whom the farmer needs,
and the very nun who have need of him, get
mi Ihe wrong track, mid it cannot be won
dicd al if tin- nppioach nf unv such meels
with close questions anil mil nlwnvs tho wel
come thnt n few years ago was a matter of
course. Tho very men whose work and wel
come at the larni hini-otho tramp cuts from
under them by the fuel of his existence,
might to be depended on surely to drive him
from his biding places by day and his depre
(latioiii by night. Tho mere presence of
honest seekers after work on the farms and
along the roads, should be made to work out
the deliverance of the country from the
prcseuce of the rascally tramps. Jut as
the tramps organize, and have their watch
words, their signs cut in trees nnd fences,
and their places of meeting, just so lar the
working men should make common cause
with the farmer against tills worst pcot that
ever appealed in tho fields. Everywhere
the crops are lino and the fields ready for
harvesting. All the regular hands are busy,
and yet there is ample room for new coiners.
It depends entirely upon their bearing and
address whrther they are made welcome or
told lo move off.
Fur tho tramp proper, the terror of women
and children, bringing outrage and itiin
whenever ho is allowed to get the upper
hand, it is time to throttle him ns an enemy
to all peace and order nnd every decent
home. The men who go out from the cities
to find work should tako no half measures
with this sort of fellow. They should give
him (lie other side of the road and unmis
takablc evidence that they are not of his
kind Heretofore) they have been too easy
to fall in with him, to tolerate his existence
as a good-for-nothing who cannot help him
self born tn lno-e and idle ways and rather
a comical figure than the Cain lie really is.
Hut when they find, as surely this summer.
that the brand on li i 111 makes the farmer
look twice in their fates before coming to
terms, it is well to show him that the world
is not wie'e enough, nt least this part ol it,
for their sort of man and his, nud to put a
eli-liinco between theiii in speech anil behav
ior that makes no uiMnke pos-lblo in tho
farm house. Natures factories do not close
tlii year, but am running 011 longer time,
fuller-handed than ever, with good wages
and snug quarters for the day's work. It
ought not to be in tin- power of professional
vagabonds and ruffians to make a lock-out
fir good men at this season of the year,
I'hila. l.t,bjer.
tli:.UtllAllT-STII.i;s'-.U llio Hifonntil parson.
nxu lu tli'iinsuMl!o on llio Jill 1 oil., Mr. Jaincs .M
i.i'iirluit or I'ainura lo .Mlvt Ida M. Stllesof As
bun .
I'M LKEJAt'OllY. On Sunday ncnlni; tbo Uth
.list. ,.u llio Hplicopul C'' llio K. I. ;.uli.
hit, 11. I'k'ixu I'oiilkolo 1ls llnttls II. Jacob), of
ASIli;i.Mi:.S'.-Neiir livnion on thos&t ult Mra.
Margaret A-lit'liurii, njred ! )i'ars, G months and 17
da s. .
IiKlll.lN.-in Itobitbiirir on tho lilli liiit., of chol
era Infinitum, llauuuu KlUabclb, tluuhU'rof J, k.
and Kettle A. Hcrlln, aged lu month!.
TOWNMJNK.-In IJght Mrcct on tlio 71b lust.,
Mattlo Townsend, nged 0 years, lo inonUisand s
Conferred upon lens of thousand! of eurre rem could
originate and maintain tho reputation which A) cm
KirsapaiilhU'iiJojs. Ill) compound of tho bent
U'L'ctablo all crnl lira, Willi tho Iodides of I'olosMum
and Iron, and In tlio most elTectual of all remedies
for Kcrofulous. uirrcurlal, or blood disorders. Uni
formly tuceesnf ul and certain In Its remedial etTects,
It producer rapid and complete cures of Scrofula,
bores, Polls, Humors, I'lmples, Kruptlons, fekln Dis
cuses and ulldNordem urUlni; from Impurity of the
blood, lly lis ImU'orullui' effwls It ul aj s relieves
midofton ernes Liter complaints, Kimaio weak
neHtesuul Irregularities, and lsnpotcnt reuetterot
Mlalliy, For purlfjlntr the blood It has po equal.
It tones up the s) stein, restores ant) preserves the
health, and Imparls Mk'or and energy. For farly
years t has been In extensive use, and Is to-day tho
mailable Medicine tor the buffering sick, .opytthere.
iOllblLK v ili PU1.MIK.
Wheat per bushel
Use "
Corn, new, 11
tints, " "
Flour per barrel ,
Cloterseed ...
Flaxseed m
Puller , ,,,,,
Tallow , , ,
rot aloes
lined Apples ., , ,
Mdes & Hnouldcrs , ,
lard per pound
liayiKTloa ..,.,..
Tlinothyfeeea ,
N- en Wharf i j,oo per Ton
No. fi . ' ..
no. ...........; :)
blocksraltli'sLuiupon Wbarf......... It.u "
" Ultuulnoua ............ to
Mvm$mlflM " ill
Bloomsburg, Columbia County,- Pennsylvania.
Rov. D. J. WALLER, Sr., A. M., Principal.
TIIISscil()Ol..natrri?suiit cimdttlulcit, orrsttinpry best raclHtlonfor I'mf. .menial nnrl ( tcumtn".
lmiMlnspaclous,lnUltinii(lcoiiimu(HoU3;compli;telj d l ,,iu.u,i. . :i v,-uiiat.-tl( lltflnvd lo tfas-undrurnlsUctl wltli a bountiful Ruunlv of mirBoft
Bnrlni? water.
iK'tmon ncniiMUi, ami cosy 01 acenns.
moderate nny cents u week deduct Inn to alt expirtmic to torn h. Mudeuw admitted at any lime, llooina
Courses of study pruscrlbed by tho htatc :
J. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Klemtnlary. IV, CI t-kal,
Adjunct Courne : 1. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Mn ic. IV. Cour-e in Art, V, Course hi Plivjdcal Culture.
Tho nicmentary. scientific and Course are l',tiKKiivV . 1 1 m ud'-nr midimtntr therein. rfvtvo statr ninlom'a. conferrtnir the followln
corrcsnondint' Oeirrces; Master of the hlemonts; M.wter ofrtlic i'I-ui.
their attainments., muiied m the omcerR of the Hoard
1 ne course oi Mini j nresirinen uy mi Mine iiin'rai, an uie H-r'niiuc wii i i
TlieJtatn renulre'U ni.'her order uf cltlzeiHhln. Tiie tltn-M d 'urn: It l I
pent and emcient Teachers ror nor scnoois. to inweuu
mid their talents, ns students. To all such it promises
iion. wii.ijaii!i,i,
President Itnnrd
fcept. H, 70.-
The Liver i the imperial arnu nCilie whole
iiiunn tyUm, in it controU the life, health and
appitif-s of linn, When it iiMlUlmlnd In ii
proper action, nil kind-1 of ailment aie th nat
ural rc-ult. The liijie-dion of fond, the move
ment of thu heait and blood, ihe action of the
brain nnd nervuU- f-y'ttm. nre all imnudiateiv
connected with the working of the I.ivii, It
ha betn Miccewfully provtd that linen's Aujr
ust Flower is umqU'illed in cuting all ferrous
alllicled with Dyppep-d.i or Liver Compliant
andStnmach. Simple hotlltH lo try, 10 cent
Positively sold in all towns on llio Wintero
Continent, Three doos will prove that it i
just what you want.
June 7 tf.
Business .Notices
All kiiuN of dolliing at a pro-it lti tluclioii
nt I, nt iihcrj;.
While Wit atco'l at l.utit nhorn'i.
1.000 j'anls of CViinfrp at vt prioe
at I). l,nfiihcrj;'.
Tor a Nice Shirt k lo I.D'u'libri'K'.
The cheiiptM anil lust fjhirt-i tiu
bought at LowMibtrV.
Canimeres 6hl by tho yard al lcs than
cost price at Low enberg's.
Call at McKinncy' lor Shoes.
1'. S. Uatot makes a specialty of repairing !
watchts, clocks, jewelry, silverware, or any
thing else in his line of business, lie al
ways insures a first-class job and is prompt
vtith his work.
i)oimil:iCTi!ic .-oai.
Having obtained the agency of this
Cr.ixiiitATr.n i-o.w
for Itloomsburg and vicinity, I append the
opinion of ?ouie of our be-t people as to its
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made
by I. L. Cragin & Co., riiiladclphi.i, l'a.,
for washing about ten years, and think it
superior to any other. Mrs. U. u. llarkley.
"We have used Dobbin's hleclricSiapawl
find it superior lo any other or alt othtrt.
Mrs. V. 11. .tacoby,
Mrs. Ii. 11. Slohnor.
I desire all my friends and customers to
Give this Suai ime Trial,
so thnt they may know just how good the '
Ilest Soap in the United State s is.
.1. 11. Maizi:.
july 12, '7S-ly Illoomsbiirg, l'a.
Hoots and Shoes (heap at McKiiii'.ct
Low prices Iho nile at I. W. HartnianV.
Shoemaker wantol. Apply at McKiu
uey's. The di-play of .lewelrv. Silverware,
watches, e at 1'. S. Hates' is Kiidbv all In
be Ihu ehoicist lo be seen in lllooni-burg.
Repairing is done by him in the best maimer
and at the lowest poihle rate-.
lioot heailiUiirUr.s at .McKinnoy's.
(into I. W.'s foirclinbli'ood-.
Cramiiton's I'nlin Soap i iho b,-t laun
dry soap in this or any oilier niaiket. V
safe by Jacob II. Maize. may IS-8iv
shoe Stiire below Court
Trv itliny it
I'.ilui 1 'id in 1 'al in Snap
At Jacob II. M aire's at Jacob 11. Maize's,
may ti-lStv
Kubbers at McKiunev's.
Craniplon llrolher'n I'.ilm snap nt Jacob
11. Jlaue's. It is me beat, iry II.
may 3-lSw
Admission free at Melvinney's.
View of Marriage I
IQi.tdoto Wrdioek m!
iiiUIUtlt n 'lr ftlUB un In
jutu t innr uuf tut Hi
.1.1 n ' 1 , t i ti l.irll tin' if.
.itta tu Jlcproductimi Miitl
j rf Women.
V- it ' t I-! .1-
'liidiiT ;i. iati, tilt,!
Om'lii urii(i-Gf J r.iui.J. ttui m . T i mB!f
Abu. Excc'rtt ' pei-rct Jii 'ti ii,t Un Ui
Um ilttoriiirr, ,.i , t iwrrf. Mill
ACLINICALLECTUHKii t'i ai (1 ri 1
thuitf ol tt'ii a hroot it 4 Luiigtj. CaWriU.llupiui o. Uj
Op' urn Ufibit.fcf .prli )Um.
J tthi r tiik tit potji ton rt'rWpt Mr'r oti'1 liire,
con'd.nirj nil mil . I tntilu r mi'it i r" ii.
AiMhii CXt. liUTTO, .No. li .N. 3,. LI. LOu.s, Uo.
i V V Apt'lltSMAiittMl, HiisN
I uosslcL'lttiiulc. rariltularifne,
PA44rcuJ WnHTmCO.BtL-mj.Vlii,
aug. 17, ly
Health and Happiness are priceless W1.1IH1 to their
liuaarBftu, r. Him j ta me) un' tiiuuu I ue iculu oi et
cry one v, ho win uso
The only sure C'l'HK for Torpid Liter, Djsiiep-la,
Headache, hour siomaih. coiisiliiuitjn. ikl.iiitt.
Nausea, unit all Illlllous eoinplaluisuul lilis-lilln-ortlers
None ei-un I tie unless signed "Vt m. S right,
I'hila." It jour Priiei'tsi will not mprly bend 96
lirui.liri uiiv UVA IU IJIU lit ItUlll T A llh, iD .4II!
St., I'hila. 4, ;-!) nr
l.tort'e Mcamnan and Fninwl Hiss Serrelaihis. !
pt rtisors lu account wlih sujrarltut tottiuhlp, lur
jearenuiiie Aprils, A, 1). ikfs.
Amount of duplicates for istl,
13 lil
Uy ortlers unci receipts
" Kxonerallous
lluiu as biiHTtlior, 8. Hess
" l. Mi-adman, iimti settled
' lu account by ollbei
' Work tlone on road
' Atlendlntr setllt-niciit
ct m
3 hi
tu Su
cm tn
l fsi
To order slten for Lulance
tn It
Tho follottliiff Is the Indebtedness or said tuttoshln.
lu orders uiiiuld lor jturui is7s mil ss '
uuru milium lur jear til IS.U Vs 4J
" orders unpaid for jear of Isil 6as u
" JUUC 8. 1S7S (lllSril
Ihti ubitelsacorrrttttattniinlas tho account
stands on Ihe tottu bool.,
Uy order or auditors.
Vy.NltV I. Iltss,
A.tes., AKBsswUvsu.?kA."
J' A.
oxncrlrii'd, fiHi l-iit, um1 ii'lvr to tlirlr work.
uf TdU'te
" 'muuuw. -
-i.mI eourses are not IntVrlor
'II Ul IM'I I) i ft) 1' t'tH ,T thl-t
it sonem ynm-j j-j--,,u-i
nt nd uhiltl"-iand i;ood purposes, -those who deslro to Improve their time
.uii, uud.D'uudant oppouuultles for well paid labor alter lcavlnff School. For
aid lo de duping ih.-ir i
of TrnMrrv
To Supply.
I'! tl ' ll
Silv:r.7ar:, 7a;:h-.:.j3V7il"y,01eck5.i
7?" Ift'iit-n- ( lu in, p,
aliote Hit l.vhittiwi' llol-
All 1,111,1- i t V il l
ly riiuiKi' .mil i. .. i , i
lua) I", ', i
I tilla-i' Milldlii),', llrsTdo-jr
'"ik. .ml Jettelry neal-
,1 !
tiilHil 1'ii 4.if ('nllltii-
. i. ul) No. s.i Mu)' 'ltiriii
ii.' 1 1 Ihe I'miit
' i' e.iab'ol llieabuu
. 1 nt Hie Mli-rlll, the
i ' i.r of put must,
i .it lil unieu in
' . Ill- ' ill till) of August
J.IUH-. i '
Tin-in 1
tonsrvn on
osuu'il '' 1
shvi iittt,
Hill M I I
Is I
ItlOulliv- J u
I '
11VM 111 I 1 1 I 't Ilh
Jill) 1 j. tl
'. w. MIL' Kit,
MrhM -. in. 11 . 1 - ' -
Lli. j . t v .1
Isfiti-Knn. 1 1 tn
rat Mn'N .1 1
iiml iii iii 1 c Him s..ik - - ii 1
I'I'll.tuti, st.Hi 1 I '1 li
In wiinl i.fii : . . ; iii tin- 11
ui tlhi M lu 'i li ' il., wv
tilh :ih A OU I Li ink fadfri.
I) CllIlK - .
, on ili it.
' ntur, t ill Hi ln
' 1' nmikt 1. hi
jr li'toH nil nf
jiU'uiure, iUmj tonsi
j:ci.'Ciiull Vaurs,
T, )UYY.
raliiti I .11. 1 jVuKrlD ralbtH, t'1i, ,u
hTMUTlV I I UK ill I'E UAU. AT TIIK .twi.T I
M.tUKSi1 UXtW. I
MON'1'01 It Ml.TAI.l.IU WHITE. S L'K.N'l'S,
.MUNTIll II MKI'AI.IU' lllltlUV. CBSTtl.
OKI' t l.l.ults AT T Ills I'ltlUK.
at lowest iiuti'licl talis.
Sswiilo osrds ud price
Usl furnllitI w'.tliout
Ortlt'ismul iDqulrlesby
I U1 rooelte rreinpt
IIY 8. UKAV-, '
nupiiiiT, j'a.
lli.minsui'nii, l't
U)6. '."S.-l).
OF FVliY iesriftion
IXU'l'UH 1'itOiIITLy
At till ('llimbian OFlWr.
Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Ex pen sea
reserved when desired
o in uic umur courses receive normal uonuic&iea
to those of our best Colleges.
Sl.lmlhill(.lnt.1u..niiMlf I.,. fnrr.l.Mrin Intalit.
1818.-18th yoar.
WiHt.much greater variety
Than ever
Witti ampler" facilities
Than' ever
With far. mora' customers
TJiaii ever
TTtf are heller prepared
Ab 'considerably lower prices
Than ever
Inn Men nnd liovH
of America
Superb Clothing
From tho Largest
Clothing Honao
"In America!
Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash,
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned.
Samples and prices mailed anywhere.
Orders by mall promptly executed.
Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia,
Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt's.
Sure Reward,
G4 to $io rsn. ACRE.
tl o t li :iii1 .lliiilo E.iiiitl In Mlclil
Ktni In tlio itllllloii Acre Grant
ot tin- i.iauil It'.ipiiU sunt In.
Il'.iiiii St:illi(iiil mii:iii3'.
title rzjnrncT.
silling Mill s re (- lips piriilj-of
tliiilx'r-iiii tlitiii'lil m cliincli
liiilis-no "liopiit'ri."
CkNVKK Of TIIK lilltsr.
heiDl lor vmiiVUlvtJ.iirlish or German
AaUiisa . (i. in (;ii.KT,
(.HAND ItAl'I l)S, MRU,
, nprll IS. l-ls :iv it
l'H tu ikes fortunes e
ti) inontli. liiiok sent live erp'ulnlne everytlitns.
Ai,lii "s II iXTUlt S.CO., lijtNEi;s, 17 Wall Rireet,
KtwVorl;. U Julyts, 18-4W
V XJV&X VuW OltflAl
sij.-i.i. Kii-if tni i pti,it I'ini -1 riw -cnly 155,
Nn v SiUo rptlhi M ii,,,, ) rutin- 33.
OiCUil- It btp i: llmii'li Oitttil.Ml6Ht0pH
I-rln- .t(t " I miia I 'iiiiii MT.. Mirror Toi
Ot'u-iiitf oul fit.. Kiivitm i' uDd wo mo at
linuuMl I urn lint a -. mi'il l. li. .''..repaid
lAtli wft ml I'i.ujo uninrtii iftwunee.Urjre iiist.
NewspaiH'i Willi iniuli iiiiuim tttun ubout cost of
I'Iiiiim-iA- (raTiis s.'iii fr't1 'Ifiiv fifMrci-g DAN-
1. ni.A 11 , nwmuL'iou,c. jersey.
. Sunford's
j Jamaica
I Ginger.
Jill? 'IS 4W
Tiio only combination of the
tiw .!:im.iK.i Mi.yvr with choico
Auunatte and Krt-ncli Hrandy tor
t hnli in. ( liiilt'ia itcrlius. cratDpa
uii'l Piiiii. Dl.urlUH'ii and Dy-en-utv,
lir-j-t pbla, Hiituk'ucy wane
i.r Toiic Hud Ar-mitv in iho Rtom-
I n'lt lid Ui'velBtandnoldlnc,ttit
d ifL-frsof Cbanco ft Vttler,Vood
nnd 1 innate1 Abk for
1 -amuuu h Jamaica (Unuku.
1 lutys, ';h iw
VAI.I till. I
ll lll Tll.
1 lt)oil nre sulli rlr Ii' ii
lti rn a btd if -11 l&
inKir hculili, or languish.
mko cheer, for
tt 111 Cure Vint
tin, 1 lllllrr.
If y.. 11 .
llsplr Hi
1 -1 p'rnlllnir
. ttlilioul eleur
t lou feel weak ami
y kuuulnf why,
llii, llliter.
ttlll Itf'tlte Vou.
If mi are a minister
si-uttl ih)oui piutoiuldu
out it ilh tare end work.
trid hare ti ertaxed rour.
len; or a mother, ,ttoru
1 1 lllllir. till'
lie. lure Vou.
1 1 vo u ore a man of Lus
miss, ueikl'iinl tiy thu
stiuln of your t'ttrjilii)
tecs, Ulllut; our joui
duiits; oru man of lei
luldLliihl work,
cirrus I lieu Vou.
Ion llltirrs mIIi
II y e n a iv )ounr, nne
ulTerlnjf from any Indls.
rusi, as fs ollen llio caso,
eiello uit'iirowii.tlw
lliii lllurri. nlll
Itcttet u Voti,
If v ou are In tlio voik
111 Ihe rmin, atlfce
lour )blein Leeds
i desk, U)tihtre,ond Itel
1 I'l.'ilti kli.L' 1 nr .1 1111.
vllhoul lutoil.
tlttlll s,
lli,. llllli r. I.
bat Vou Si ed.
pulse Is leeble,
Ucultlts wanlci,',
lf)Ouareold tmd)t,ui
nervos uinteudy,sd)oui
lu,i lllllir. ttlll
Try Hi y Ceci Cn c
cite )ou Net. Ltfo
and Fain Hellif.
Morit Imoiukss.
I -
I) VlblTINt. IAIU18,
li I li, 111; a us.
I'-tbTKHM, 40., tO
Nmily nml (Ltaply iinltil at the Coiv
lilAN OUite,
tit I1AM1 a'i 'j 111; lll.lJllJlA vmct