The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 12, 1878, Image 3

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II I. O 0 M S II II It (I, I' II t II A Y, JULY
IUII Kosiil Time Tnlilc.
Accommodation Train fl.10 A.M. B.miA.Itl.
Mull Train 7.31 A. M 4.19 1', Jl
Express Train 1.M T. M. 11.41 A.',.U
Accommodation Train 11,11a A. M. 7,r !. Jl.
Ko-rular Express 4.o 1 it. 11,45 A.M.
Tlirongh earn on Express train cither lo New York
or Philadelphia. Accommortat Ion train runs between
Catawlsia nml Wllllamsport.
Wo are olillgeil In appeal once moro to our
suliscriliera for help. It is not cftiilc lliree years
since tlio present owner look charRO of llie
Coi.umiiian, ami yet in llial limo tlicro nro
Tjiiikk Thousand Dollars of unpaid eub
scripttons on our book, anil nearly ns inueli
more rtaniling out for ailvertislne anil joli work.
No farmer would be willing to sell Ms grain
on tlireo year's or even ono yeir's credit, nor
could any bulness man prosper by trusting so
long, and yet tbcre arc liunilruU in tlie.county
who appear to think that the printers cm aflbrd
to wait until it is pt.'fectly convenient for Ills
debtors to nettle up. When you read llila paper
flop and think whether you ro enjoying your
own property, or whether you are sponging on
in for your news. No man of honor would ex
pect li'n neighbor to furnUli him with hre.ul
mid butler for nothing, and yet it never seem
to occur to anybody that they are eating our
bread and butter when they neglect lo pay for
the paper. The crops are good this year and
there is not a fanner in the county who cannot
nll'oril lo pay for li'u newspaper. Then, treat
in fairly, nml pay for what you get, In order
that wo may piy others for what we get.
See notice on second page.
Mr. C. Unangit and wife nro spending the
summer at home.
U P. Applomnn K-q., is visiting lii-i parents.
The lllooimbnrg It.inking Company ilcclai-
nl n semi annual dividend of three per cent 011
An Intekestino Cade. Two young men
named Appleraan and Altlricli have been ar
reted and bound over lo Court for vloUllon of
llie fish laws, The decision of this question by
tho Courtis a matter of considerable lotcrwtto
nil our readers, and when
given In full.
Monday evening July 3d, Council met and
adjourned until Friday evening July 6lh.
Fridav evpntnt. flnnnril mpt titlrstlstit In nit
endeicd will be Journment. President and all the members
were present, Minutes of lat meeting read
At n llleettinff of the HlnnniRtmro'
1 look and Ladder Co. No. 2 on the eveninir of u 1 mMoa 01 Mewre. ltabU anil Sharpies, it
I In- fiili Inst II WM ' "ii' gas post be put at the corn'
' I - .tt 1 1 . . ,r, , I .
;.W,f,-.; Tl.i ll.-. ,,m.. .,l m.mU.. r 01 oevenui ami iron streets, ine lTeniuni
llie llesn.o ll-vd- .n,l T.-.,U, (Vmn.n. Vn 9 UflnK " Pn for a report In the matter ol
of l!ln.,mlir, unit. In .-.i.n-lin-, n,.l, ih.nV. "urlng lower rates for gas for the Town, pre
lo tho (loodwlll Hose Company No. 4 of Dan- ""' " Bremen! "' ' Company
vlll-. f,.r il, l.n.nli.l.1. .. , r '' " accepted by the council, on motion
In which Ihe'y were treated during their visit to of Itabb ind Bhrpleiw. This was a contract
Danville on the 4th Inst. May the Goodwill " '"" umu ...mmgtu
Co.. ever Dour s i. Dnv lie natters tilease " .num.. lKr
' r t
Secretary II. II. A L. Co. No. 2.
A Lesson foii Pahents. It Ii a powerful
The Street Commissioner presented his report
for June, and on motion of Klwell and Holmes It
was referred back for correction by inserting
the number of days' work done by each person
and for Itemized bills for materials furuihcd
It Is with fueling of sincere sorrow that wo
chronicle this week the death of ono of our
most vencrabc and honored citizens. The flev.
Geo. 0, Drake, for nluitnl lliltly years a resident
f tins llorough, deiiarted this life at his rcsi
lencoouTliursday,.Iunc27thln thcscvcnly-thlrJ
year of his age. Mr. Drake had been In feeble
lienllh for some time before his death. A few
uuilays since he was stricken duwn with ver
tigo, and from this attack he never tallied. He
gradually grew weaker until .last Thursday af-
riidon, when at about 5 o'clock, he expired
HU death was painless and very peaceful. With
arcily a struggle ho fell asleep. We have no
words of fnlsomo praise of the deceased to write
this lime, but we know that our readers will
thank in for a brief sketch of his life and ser-
argument for parents to heed, In the report ef for "reels, and when so correcleil to be submit
ll. p Kutern ncn tent t for ih .... H..t thr i io llie rreaiuent, ami il approveu by 111
ulve a summarv of nrlson statistics since 1834. lhe Secretary shall draw orders for same.
and o , the 8.8U0 prisoners received, enlr C89 un motion 01 Messrs. unnKcr anu anarpicss
had trades when committed. Of those received wu ordered that Town Treasurer he instruct.
during the year, nearly one-half were belween cd to llolI lhe tax roll, for the year 1878 thirty
18 and 25 vcars. and onlv 95 had a trade. An UJ lnK " July lutli IS, 8 beluro impo
idle man's brabi is the devil's workshon. and '"2 5 Per cenL additional on thoo who fill to
n man with a trade is much less liable to be- PV before ,liat time. "ml ll"' tl,u Treasurer ha
come it criminal than one without a trade. Ed
ucate your boys lu useful employments, learn
them trades for which they have an aptitude,
and you will best serve them, yourselves and
the State. CUarjitfd llepulilican.
A Tr.itmni.E .Suicide. We were pained to
required to advertise lhe same as required by
law, at his own expense. '
A ietltton from residents of Fifth street ask
lug for the grading and repairing ot said stnet
from Market to East street was presented. On
motion of Klwell and Holmes it was ordered
that Fifth street be graded and repaired, as re
hear a report from Jit. Larrael on luesday qussted. Mr. Rabb moved to amend by m.ik
morning that H. D. Kolhermel, a prominent jng the motion to repair where nccessary.whicli
The heat of the livt week has been intense
Showers came, but did not cool llie atmosphere Sanbury Gazette
citizen of that place, ami cashier of the Mt
Cnrniel 11, mk, had committed suicide by shoot
ing himself in the head. He went to the bank
at 5 o'clock in llie morning, ard after the bank
openid he seemed to bt in his usual condition.
He was making an entry in a customer's book
mil stood at the desk with his pen in his hand.
While lhe man was looking at him he seized a
pi-tot and shot himself. We have no further
p.ii'iirulars, and no reason is assigned for the
lerrilile act. The deceased was about forty
years of age, and leaves a wife and children.
He was a man of excellent character, and had
the reputation of being a faithful bank officer.
A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for
sale at tills otlice very cheap, (lood until De
cember 31st 1878. If
A Moiun. 1'aiim. Among all the sights at
Wyoming on the .Id of July, few had a much
intcrei-t as the model farm of Frank Lee, Esq
e have not the time and apace to givo a spec
ial description of its admirable 'arrangements,
After October 1st 1878 all subscribers who Mmi (.,nnnnt refrain from alluding lo his magnif-
owe from October 1st 1875 will be struck-oil the iP;1( P.,llion "Marplot" sired by "Lemington"
list, and tho accounts collected by law at the I ,,nd "l.idy Thorne" for dam. He was the ad
rate of $2 60 a year. miration of all visitors. There were also some
iinpoi ted Ayrshire cattle hich cost $500,00
was lost. On motion of Klwell anil Bharpless
It was ordered that the street commissioner or
some one for him be instructed to go through
the streets and alleys of the town to remove all
filth, garbage, or other otl'ensive matter found
in the public hiehwavs, and to report to the
President If any such matter be found on pri
vate property.
V. Heiidershuot requested n cro-sing on lion
street, ordered lo be entered.
Messrs. Klwell and Kabh moved that II
Chief of Police be instructed to repiir the fence
of the pound. Klwell and Uabb were appoint
ed a committee tosecurc'rooms for the Cre com
Mr. Klwell gave notice that he would present
a Health ordinance at next meeting.
The following bills wero ordered paid.
C. G. Barkley legal services $22.31
Gas Company 85.!
J. 8. Evans, hammer handles Ac , 8,10
J C. Sterner 0.00
C. M. Vanderslice, printing 2.1.00
Jas. Thomas, Constable !).2
Hloomsburg Iron Co., cast steel 10 01
O, A, Jacoby, cobble htone 1 1 1
I Secretary for one month
N. U. Funk Esq., has moeil Ins law omce H we , firt cia, Aldernevs. Among 0 , cu-.V.. a i
i... n..y l.l .i. I..,i1.i:.r i 1l. mum in ., ... . , ,, ,.,.,.. . 0"ul"1 u. u...
jrum wiu wi.niiuu.Lii, - i ine swine were some iuii oiooueu uerKsiurcs,
tho Ent building next iloor to u i.. v . '. iie nro of which cost $1000. The farm, th
Iluckalew. buildings, the stock, and the general arrange- Two IlEnots. There is nothing finer in he-
inents are in every way complete. Gov. Hart-1 role nualitv than to simnlv stick to one's post
Owners of pigs should not allow them to run rallf, ) Cameron, and other distinguished in the face of danger or of coitain deiilh, if the
in the streets. ArrangemeniH iiac nn yisilors made a thorough inspection of the I safety of others is assured by it, or even brougl;
by the council to fasten up all porKcrs ami Keep fll( i mor(J ncar whcn ft mal holJs n (rust wiu
his life, there is no need In look for other deti-
Last M eunesuay night ououl IU o clOCK.Mrs. ,,;.iohnfii hero, whatever the trust may I
Joseph Uirnelison who lives in ono ena ot Kt wi,h ,ho chances of travel thcie
uou. i'. i,. nnuman s uuuaing, corner ooconu ,:n j.,,,1,,1. ,i., i, ,., . ir, ir,,-l-a
them securely tinlll the line is paid.
The farmers through the county are nearly
done witli their harvesting and the barns are
groaning with a heavier and richer yield than
boa been known for some time.
and Pine streets, saw a bright light shining
through the front window of the clothing store
in the same building. Upon going to the window
The will of the late William Cameron ol ami looking in she saw a blaze ot lire issuing
Iwisbtirg is lo ho contested. The case lias Iroin u spit-box Idled with sawdust. She im-
been certified lo this county anil Juuge i.iweu i mediately liuorinetl Mr. ohuman who exper-
will hear an argument in Lewisburg on August ivneed no truoble inputting out the fire as it was
13tl, confined exclusively to the box and contents
which wero burned to ashes. The theory as to
The Fourth passed oft very quietly in niooins- the oi can bo easily guessed a cigar stump
burg. The fire companies went to Danville, ),.i iJ(.en thrown into tho box before lhe fire had
and made a fine nppcarance on their way to llie cft Great care should ;bo exercised regard-
depot. The picnic in Col. I'lewea "rove w.i i tho prevention of fires. Had tho window
largely attended, and enjoyed by every lwdy.
The Montour American s.iys: Mr. Frank 1
Thornton is expected back in a short time- frcin
Ida visit to California. Tho climate wo leiuir
does not nuree with him. ns he bus been sick
nearly nil tho time since ho left here.
Hon. C. H. Iluckalew and family, Judge El-
"well and family, C. W. Miller and wife, C. and the enormous army of drunkards buried
curtain been put down when the store was clos
ed, the light could not have been seen from the
outside until the fire had obtained such headway
as to have destroyed that and many other build
ings adjoining. Oatawissa Item,
Temperance Orators who have been in the
habit of seeking to make converts by telling of
the va-,tness of the liquor traffic of this countryi
Sloan and wife, C. IJ. Urockway, I). J. Waller
and wife and many other citizens attended the
celebration at Wilkcsbarre last week.
each year, while the ranks are being filled with
fresh recruits, have been furnished with some
"fixed ammunition" by Hon, Edward Young,
Chief of the Iiureau of .Statistics. They can
Foil Kent Cheap. The first class office in ,ulntitute f.ict for fancy now, and declare that
the Columbian Building, heretofore occupied there wtre j this country, In 1877, one hundred
by N. U. Funk Esq. It is partly rurnwieil. him) sixty-six thousand liquor dealers licensed
Apply to
C. ). HltOCKWAY.
June 5 !,
Hiram Troop, of Intercourse, I.ancnsli
county, mid bis father wero making a. grain
stack, and when his father went don n ho left
n fork on tho top of the stack. When tho boy
jumped down, tho fork slid after and struck
him on tho right shoulder, penetrating to the
lung, killing him almost instantly.
are laid and trains run, to prove the stull' that
engineers arc made of, but when villainy take
the form of obstructing tiacks, or pulling up
rails, with tho fiendish intention ol putting
hundreds of lives in peril, it is well to tell
along with the story what two men did to save
a train. Vory likely George Itabo and his son
the engineer and fireman of the wrecked train
on the Philadelphia, Wilmington ami lialli
more road on Saturday night, saw n3 good
chance for their lives, after the engine left the
track, ns it rnu along six hundred feet or so,
as many a man who has jumped and saved
himself, leaving the passengers to their fato
Hut as tho old-fashioned honor makes tho ca
tain the last to leave the sinking ship, so this
father and son stood at their posts und were
killed. There is no need to take account o
probabilities, nor what might have come nbou
had they saved themselves ; the lives entrust
ed to them were all saved, and they died at
their duty. The officer wh leads n forlorn
hope and falls in front of his men is no great
hero than the railway engineer, lircinaii
brakesman who stands by bis train in wreck t
the death. Ledger,
The New York lloaid of Health publish
the following for guidance in treating cases uf
sunstroke :
IlEii.Tit Diuunniuvr, I
No. 301 Mott street New York, j
Sunstroke is caused by excessive heat, and es'
pecially if the weather is "iimggy." It is moro
apt to occur on the second, third or fourth d
by the United Strtes Government. According
to the estimates of the Chief of lhe Iiureau of
Statistics, the amount of money annually ex
pended fur liquor in the United Statos by coil'
sinners is six hundred millions of dollars, or,
lo be more exact, five hundred and ninety-sii
millions. This is lhe cost in dollars to the con
sumers only, io one lias yet esmnaieu wnai i 0 a heated term than on the. urt. i.g-s
it co-ts to the non-consumer who helps to build I sleep, worry, excitement, clo-e sleeping is more
The lleimlltcan dated July -lib winds up an
article on the Normal School by predicting for
il a very "successful failure." What sort ofu
thing is that? We presume the writer used the
word futuie instead uf failure, but on such all De
cision perhaps llie public will overlook it if
our contemporary over the way gets things mix
The llevMican has the cheek lo say that it
is the only paper In town that prints the pro
ceedings of the Town Council. If its editor
will look over the files they will find that the
Coi.umiiiax contalnul full report for two years
befi re they weco wide awake enough to Ihlnk
of it. They lire now only imitating the en
terprise of the Columhian.
Our thanks aro due Mnj. Evuns, of Wyoming
comity, for courtesies shown at the Wyoming
Centennial, and especially for the breezy ridu
behind his famous "Dolly Varden." The Mnjor,
we understand, will boa candidate for lhe Leg
islature In Wyoming county. Dels thorough
ly competent for the position, and If nominated
would undoubtedly be elected.
and support the almshouse, prisons and peni
tentiaries, mainly used as storehouses for the I
fruits of the liquor traffic.
Furmers are now at work harvesting the I
fruits of their labor, Numldia has quite a I
typographer who does lhe printing for that sec
tion, The Catawissa Arus Item has a I
weekly or bi-weekly corresiiondent from this I
place. Mr.Chas. Krugof Bloomsbuig will
build the two new school houses to. be erected
in Ihis township. lhe funeial procession I
of Solomon Felterinan of Catawissa passed I
through here on its way to the Numidia ceme- I
tery on last Monday lorenoon. -The Luth
eran Ui'foriiud Sunday school of this place will
hold a picnic on the 20th for the benefit of Its
librniy. Several of the young folks of this
apt lo attack llio-e working in the sun, and
pecially between the hours of 11 o'clock in ll;
morning and four uYlock in the afternoon. O
hot days wear thin clothing, Hive us eool
sleeping rooms as possible. Avoid loss iifsle
and all unnecessary fsligue, If wuikiiig i
doors, and where there is arlifiiin! heal lai
dries etc, see (hut the roooi Is well ventilated
If working in the sun, wear a light hat (lit.
black, as it absorbs heat,') struw, tic, and pu
inside of it, on the head, a wet cloth on a luigo
green leaf; frequently lift the bat from
bead anil see that the cloth is wet. io ii
check preapiralion, but drink what water
need lo keep it up, as perspiration prevents ll
body from being overheated, Have, wliencv
possible, an additional shade, as a thin undue
la, when wulking, a canvass or bond ov
when working in the sun. hen much l.iliguei
place were highly delighted with 111 eir trip to I do not go to work, but lie excused from w or
Wyoming on the 3d and lib. The pupils I especially after 11 o ch ck in the moinlng
of the Kernvillc school have become quite I very hot days, If the work is in the sun. If
journalistic by editing a bi-weekly school jour-I feeling of fatigue, dizziness, headathe ot
mil. The school ended two weeks ago. I haustlon occurs, cease work 'luiiiediately.
Mr. Ueicliard brought to our notice a stalk of I down In a shady and cool place; apply
wheat which measured five feet and eleven I cloths to and ur cold water over head ai
-The bee-keepers have not been an-
Lackawanna County. On lust Monday
ho (lovernor, secretary of tho coinuiouueulll
neck. If any one Is overcome by the heat sci
immediately for the nearest good physieiai
While walling for the physician give the per
son cool drinks of water or cold Iluck tea,
In sneaking of the picnics and festivals on the I cold coffee, If able lo swallow. If the skin
noyed much by the sting of the bee In hlveing
them as there have been very few young swarms I
yet, some uullelpate a good honey crop.-
nnd secretary of internal nilairs, approved the fourth Inst., there were three or four In this hot and dry sponge with or K,ur cold writ.
report of the commissioners appointed to in
quire into and tiiiiko u report concerning tho
erection of tho new county of Laeknwuiina.nnd
the governor forthwith issued hi proclamation
ordering uu clcctiun to be. held August 13th,
on tho question of tho erection ol said county.
township on that day, lhe Alciyre appoint-1 over the body and limbs, aim upply lo lhe htm
mint of Catawissa township being the centre of I pounded lea wrapped in a towel or other clolli
attraction in the evening, The festival at I If there Is no Ice at hand kep a cold clolli on
the brick church In Hoarlngcreek township on I the head, and pour cold water on It us well
the 15th ult., was sparsely attended during the I on the body.
Wo do not object to furnishing local news
for tho soerul papers of the county through
the columns of tho Coli'muiax, but such nut'
tcrs as court proceedings we would like to hnvu
credit for, when they nro copied rcrlufiii iioin
us. It is n job of not less than half a day to
preparu them for publication, mid wo know of
no reason why wu should do this work for
nearly nil tho other papers without receiving
proper credit. If would prepare them oc
casionally so wo could would be another
thing, but now His all one sided.
day. however in the evening there were more
present. Addresses were made by Itev, Gould-
in, Guss and u few remarks were made la regard
to the grange movement by h. M. Tewksbury.
S. It. Carl was very unfortunate during
the ibuuder ihuwer of the 27th ult., by having
two horses killed by lightning whilst the third
horse standing between those two was left un
injured. Two hogs which were near tie barn
at llie time were also killed, It being a cold
stroke the burn ws very slightly dsmiged.
If the person is pale, very faint and pul
feeble, let hlin Inhale ammonia for a few se
ends, or give him a teasioonful of aromatic
spirits of ammonia in two tablespooufuls of :
er with a little sugar. Ky order f the board
O. F. Ciiandlkii, President,
Kuuons CiJtnK, Secretary.
You deserve to suffer, und if you leud a mis-
home thieves entered lhe shoe-shop of enable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful wurl
Wm. Yost uu the night of the 23 ult., by bay-
ing keys and unlocking the door; after thoy left
the shop Mr, Yost was minus one pair calf
boots, to pair shoes, one pvlr slippers and
about fifty cents iu money, ihe entire lot being
The ltev. George C Drake was born at WIU
esturre on the 2Cth of May, 1800. He was
educated at the old Wilkcsbarre Academy. Af
ter leaving school ho read law, was admitted
to the bar and followed his profession for some
lime. At length he determine! to consecrate
his life to preaching the Word of Life, and
soon begun acting as a lay-reader at St. Paul's
Chinch, Iiluotnsburg. He was admitted to the
Deaeonate of the Episcopal Church in 1833,and
rihiiiicd priest iu a year or two. After his or-
liniition he was called to the llectorshlp at St.
Paul's, where his lay ministration had been
greatly appreciated by lhe people. rrom
lllooinsburg he went to Schuylkill Haven.
Eveiywhere he preached at several missions in
hlitlon to his regular parochial services. In
18 1!) he received a call to St. James' Church
Money, and assumed charge of the pari-h in
Mtrch of that year. His rectorship extended
ver more than eight years, during which time
many good works were begun. It was during
his icctorshtp that the old brick Church was
im down, and the Chapel built. The Hcclo-
ry was also erected under him, and a subscrip-
ion paper started for the erection of i new
lunch, in 1S57 Mr. Drake resigned bischarge
nil, bti g in delicate health, retired from act-
ve service, lie, however, aliviy himself
i reiiilintss to pel form any good work that
tme under his notice, mid a long as he was
able, never failed to visit llie sick and the af-
leted. His life during all these thirty years
f his residence in Muncy was very consistent
witli his profession. He never forgot that he
was a disciple of Jesus Christ.
The funeral, which was held on Monday af
ternoon, was attended by large numbers of our
citizens who thus showed their appreciation of
the character of deceased. The services were
held at St. James Cliurcli,which was most beau-
ifully decorated with flowers The ltev. J,
Milton Peck, of Danville, officiated, and the
ltev. .1. II. Hopkins, S. T. 1)., of Williamsport
lelivered the address. The ltev. Messrs. E. N.
Ligb'.ncr, of Muncy, and Wm. Morrall,of Mon
toursville, were also prestnt in the Chancel.
At the grave, in addition to the services by the
clergy, a brief portion of the buiial service of
tho Masonic Order was also read. This was
most appropriate, for Mr, Drake was for very
many years u faithful n. ember of that fraternity,
many members of which attended the funeral in
a body.
In closing this brief and imperfect memorial,
we would oiler a lew words ol sympathy to the
bereaved one in this hour of their atlliction.
But words seem very weak at a time like this,
ml the most loving tribute can bring but little
comfort to sorrowing hearts. After all, no words
of ours can convey half so much comfort
these glorious words a part of which The Church
ilirects to be read over the open grave of Her
Children :
"Blessed arc lhe dead which die in the Lord
Kven so sailli the Spirit, for lliey rest from their
labors, nml their works do follow them. Jlun
ty I.iniiinary.
Settllnff the Indians.
A dispatch received nt tho army headquar
ters from General Howard, dated at "The
head of Birch Creek, July 8," says ho found
tho Indians In forcoon the 8th, near th
head of Butler creek. Ho advanced two col
umns, ono tinder General Throckmorton,
consisting of two companies of artillery, one
of infantry nml a few volunteers, and the
other under Colonel Bernard, consisting of
seven companies of cavalry ami twenty of
Bobbins' scouls, General Howard accompa
nying tho laltcr column. Bernard's scouts
notified him of the vicinity of the hostlles,
when the cavalry moved forward at a
trot over three foot hills over a mile In as
cent. Tho Indians were Btronly posted on a
rocky crest. One compauy were left with
tho pack train. I The other deployed and ad
vanced handsomely.
The ascent Is described as steeper than
that of Missionary Itldgc, but no man broke
ranks, though several saddles were emptied
and ns many horses killed. The enemy was
driven from its position to another heigat
in the rear of tho greater elevation, and
crowned with a natural defense of lava beds.
In twenty minutes this position was also
stormed from dltTerent sides at once, and a
lapld pursuit commenced uf the flying In
dians, who abandoned their horses, provis
ions, ammunition and camp material. The
hostile. made for a thick timber crowning
Bltio Kldge und made another stand, but
were a$nin dislodged and pushed four or
five miles further into tho mountains. Tho
rough country and the great exhaustion of
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev, D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
TH Ifl scuoou tu at present conRtltulcd, oners tho very tost facilities for
Tofnfislonftl and ClimstPBttpArnlnif.
hcutuU by steam, well entUatcd. iitfhtea by has, and furnished witli a bountiful supply of pure.sote
Catalogue, address tho l'rlnclDal.
iii.i u iiini.i.Ti LiiilMiii) i rrsMiiriii imnni ui riiur("4
. I frif find nir1iirii TiinMmna rnr iuf Tn In cnrl It cn-tltnttu ennx,. .. ,..,.. .. .n ,..." j , . . . r . : . -t : ".L 1
the men and horses caused a cessation of Ka.rtaieuasMuaents: ;roau7uch-.t
ine pursuit ior tue uay.
in this ptipaKeraent five enlisted men were -?cr '
wounded aud about twenty horses killed. It
is impossible to state the loss of the enemy.
Their women niul children and best horses
wero moved before thefmht began, appa
rently in the direction of Grand llonuo, and
the hostlles lied in that direction.
Ilulldlnes SDacluus. Invlllnir anil commodious : comnleteli
sprlnir water.
isx'uiion neaiuiiiu, aim easy oi access. Tsacners experienced, emcictit, anil alive to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Eirenses
moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all cipectlm; to teach, htudeiita admitted at any time. Rooms reserved when desired.
courses of study prescribed uy tho state :
I. Model School, II, Preparatory, HI, Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. 1 1. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture.
Tho Elementary. Hclentttlc and Classical Courses are IMlOKI-NslnVAr.. nn,i sr.nrint frrn.inntnr. thnrnin ..iraut.,ni,ini..n.. nnnf..,u
cprrrspondlnx Degrees i Master ot the Elements: Master 'Of rthe sciences ; .Master ot tlio CI isMcs. Graduates In the other Courses receive .Normal CertUUatcs
lueir aiuiinmenis,, signctl uv iup uincers m ine nuara oi luusiees.
i-.l..'"' .' j "'""" uj uio nisnu: iiisjii, u mi; ncieuuuc unu eiassieai courses arc noiiniarior to Ihosc of our host t o lecc
The state reqiilresahliflier order of cltlicnsuip The times demand It. It Is oneot the prim" objects of this Sruool to hln tosecuro It.
A Hunkvolknt WoiiK. The Methodist
Church ufXtw York is constantly engaged In
providing for the increase of its borders. To a
sep.irate organization bus been committed the
work of extending the influence of the church.
Itev. Win. P. Corbitt, the famous revivalist, is
chairman oi this committee of extension and
he used to be a martyr of neuralgia. His cure
he ascribes lo Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammo
Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet.
Dr. Giles,
151 Sixth Avenue, N. Y.
Trial size 25 cents.
The I.iver is Ihe imperial organ of the whole
human system, as it controls the. life, health slid
happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its
proper action, all kinds of ailments are the nat
ural result. The digestion of food, the move
ments of the heart and blood, the action of the
brain and nervous system, aro all Immediately
connected with the workings of the I.iver. Il
has been successfully proved that Green's Aug
ust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons
afflicted with Dyspepsia or I.iver Complaint
and Stomach. Simple bottles to try, 10 cents
Positively sold In all towns on the Western
Continent. Three doses will prove that it is
just what you want.
June 7 tf.
1'at Pkoi'I.r Corpulent people can be re
duced fJoui two to five tKHinds ier week with
out starvation, by using Allan s Anti-rat,
purely vegetable and perfectly harmless reme
dy. It acts on the food in the stomach, neu
tralizing all saccharine and oleaginous matter.
3S3 Washington Street, BOSTON, -Vans. May
2UM878. , .
Botanh) Mei'ucink Co., Huilslo, N. Y.:
Gentlemen. Without special change of diet,
two bottles of Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me four
and one-half pounds.
Yours respectfully,
m. a. bush.
Hundreds of letters similar to the above have
been received by the Botanic Medicine Co.
Anti-Fat sold by all druggists.
Business Notices
For a Summer Hat go to
For a Nobby Summer Suit
go to l). l,owenDerg s.
For a nice Straw Hat go to
l). iiwenuerg s.
For a Nice White Vest go to
IJ. ljowenberg s.
Latest Style and Lowest prices always to
be found at 1). Lowenberg's.
For a cheap Suit of Clothes go to
IJ. iiowenbergs,
Faiasol's low at I. V. Ilartman's.
1818.-18U1 year.'
White Goods. Linens, Hamburg Edgings.
and a full line of Trimming at Clark t
Call at McKinney's for Shoes.
Ml8KKAHi.KX. The most wonderful and
marvelous success, in cases where persons are I WqjjJj j,q -Jjlnitg fifteen dollars,
.Irk or niniiiK away from a condition ol miser
..hleness. lliat no one knows what alls them,
(nrotilablo palienls for doctors,) is obtuliusl by
V . ., . ll!,. TI...U I.e. In Ii. .nr.,
it is entirely your own fault and thera is only
oue excuse for you, -your unreasonable preju
dice aud skepticism, which has killed thousands,
Personal knowledge and common sen&u reason
ing will soon bhow you that (ircen's August
Flower will cure you of l.iur Lumpluiut, or
Dyspepsia, with all jts miserable ell'ccU such as
About midnight preceding the fourth th
air was disturbed by the noise of the ring'
ing of bells and the firing of cannons and
smiller artillery. This latter was kept up
until about fivo o'clock.whon the bells again
pealed forth and rang on incessantly until
tlio noiso was almost unbearable and slee
impossible. Young America was surely let
loose and was determined to make himself
In the morning tho following organizations
arrived to take part in the celebration. Th
Friendship and Independent Fire Companies
of Shainnkin. Catnwi-.a li.uul, FiieiuMii
Fire Co., No. 1. and ltescuo Hook and Lid
der Co., No. 2, of llloomsliurg, with Buck
Horn Band, and Drum Corps.
Tlio parade was formed on Market Square
about 10 o'clock and moved over lhe follow.
ing route : Dmvii Ferry to Front, up Front
to Honeymoon, nut Honeymoon tn Mniket,
dmvii Market to Church, out Church to
Bloom, up Bloom tn Ali,mit Ash tn Centre,
down Centre to'Ferry, nut Ferry to Spruce,
down Spruce to Mill, up Mill to Mahoning,
down Mahoning, In Chestnut, nut Chestnut
to Market, up Market, to tlio Square.
The Judges it ltd Stall' took their positions
in tlio centre of the S-'ipiarc, and the column
passed in review, The Bands, Soldiers and
Civic societies wero marched in tho rear of
the stall' and were dismissed, llie Firemen
wero counter-marched and inspected and
then di-iuised,
The parade was two hours in passing over
tho route. It was a very creditable one and
re Heeled much honor upon the committee of
arrangement, who were untiring in their
efforts to make it a tuccess.
TliojudL'Ps appointed to telect the best
equipped lire company, fulled to agreo in
their (election nml thereforo that prize was
not awarded. We understand it lay between
tho Washington and (iood Will Firo Com
panies, Tho contest between tho dillerent compa
nies us to which could run three hundred
yaids, unreel three hundred feet of hose and
throw a stream of water in the shortest time,
created much excitement, The following is
the record given each company by the
M, 8.
Friendship No. 1 of Danville 1 321
Washington No, 2 of Danvlllo 1 01 j
Friendship, Hloomsburg 2 fjj
Friendship, Sbamokin 2 1C
Continental No, ,'l, of Danvlllo No time
Good Will No, 4, of Danville " "
Cataract Juniors No. 0, of Danville 1 !!
The visiting companies labored under the
disadvantage of being unacquainted with
tho plugs, which caused them to lose some
lime. Our Friendship boys say that by
some foul play the water was not allowed to
run through their hose until eleven seconds
alter they were ready for it, and claim that
It was a set up job to keep the prize money
In Danville, During the run four of the
Friendship boys were greatly atlccled by the
heat, viz : George Thomas, Johu Yost, Ed
ward i ust und Bum llagenbuch. The first
prize was awarded to the Friendship and
tlio tccoiul to the Washington cnmpany,bnth
of Danville. Altogether tho celebratlou
was a success.
Scene 1st. Two lovers by moonlight alone,
He: "'ou ought to know I love you darling,"
She luoks down, blushes and snuffs. He
"Don't you love me just the least little bit?"
She: ''Ycs(snull), 1 love you ever so much
(snull'l; I could die for you," (Suuff and
kisses uii infinitum.)
Scene ?d. One year after marriage. He
P. S. Bates makes a specially of repairing
vatches. clocks, iewelry, silverware, or auy-
thing else in his line of business. He al
ways insures a first-class job and is prompt
with bis work.
Haviug obtained the agency of this
CKLKniiATKf) Soap
for Bloomsburir and vicinitv. I anoend the
i- , ;. r . t. - 1. 11 .. - " . . .
-uiniuunii a i wish you woum urc. juurstm i opinion ol some ol our best people as to us
of that disgusting habit of snuUing." She lite-1 merits,
preciatingly) : "I can't help it, Charlie, Pvs
had the catarrh four or five years." He: "For
give me, dear, 1 didn't mean to be cross, but in
the name of Cupid, get some of Dr. Sage's Cat
arrh Kemedy. They say il is a sure care. You
know I'A. Brown, they said he was incurable,
and it cured him completely." She: "I'll do
any thing to please you, Charlie." (Interesting
The Persian Diver brings up no pearl from 8ick hluche, pulpltatiou of the heart, sour
tit... uliird 'l li..v Ijpi.i ii ta i-iirn l ine lie hub oi ine sea wineli can surnass in ra. I - ' '
t id 11, 0 Ol IIUI' ,..... j o-" i - .
from llie first dose and keep it up until perftct nani puruy a complexion beauliuoa byuieun's
health and ttrenglh is rcstutcd. Whoever is Huipnur nosp. A stable accessory or the bath
iilllicted In lids wuy need not sutler, v. lien iney n i"ii".
..-I I (on llillers. b'ee "Truths" and "Prov- Beautiful Shades of Black or Brown lie pro-
- b" - r
,,. July 6 2w. July iS4.
head, nervous prestation, low tplriU, Ac. Its
tales now reach every town oil lliu Western
Continent aud not a druggist but will tell jou
of Its wonderful cures You can buy a tamplu
bottle for 10 cents. Tlireo doses will relieve
you. junen-tfjl
m 1 -
T. lur. H, it! in. 1 lr . II, lis. 1'luil.ln
, J tli Itl.MMl Jl ,-enlM.I.I I'JIln wuulr
I i j fn. III llluuillntlivgllnriiilM
i m nn, il irvn mv los vi mrrwi-I.UM-
J. K. Mr ,11, uK..lll, O. "II t.r.4
i, in! J ,1 1 r.iiw at. nr.. K. amaiunr, ir
1 't't, 1'ill.ti' tf h, I'l. Svt'j U lttwil ssli
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap made
by I, L. Crag in & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,
for washing about ten years, and think it
superior to any other. Mrs. C. G. Barkley."
"We have used Dobbin's ElectricSoap and
find it superior t o any other or all othere. v. ii, Jacuuy,
Mrs. B. H. Stohner.
I desire all my friends and customers to
(live this SJi one Trial,
so that they may know just how good the
Best boap In the United states is.
J. II. Maize,
july 12, '7S-ly Bloomsburg, Pa.
No orcDuraliou has ever performed such mar
vellous cures, nr lniiinlained so wide a reputa
tion, ns A; era Cherry Pectoral, which is rec
ognized us tlio world s remedy lor all diseases
of tho throat and luncs. Its' loig continued
suths of wonderful cures iu nil climates has
Hindi) it uiiler:illv known as a safe and relia
ble agent to employ. Against ordinary colds,
which nru the lineruuncrs ot more serious disorder-,
it ads speedily and surely, always re
lieviiur sutlerim:. and olleu saving life. The
protection it nll'ords, by its timely use ir. the Oadmun always keeps in slock Picture
throat and iiug disorders of children, make it i.'ram)?a and Mouldings of all kinds, and is
uu invaluable remedy to bo kept always on i . ,eared to make picture frames of
i .. l v.. .,,...... nnv.p.i I.. i
II, lliu III u.i-iy iiuiiii-. .u iiuauit .
Great variety of Ladies' and Children's
Hose from IU cents to il.00 a pair at Clark
& Wolf's.
The Best Groceries at I. W. Ilartman's.
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
. Ts 3m
fVith jtiuch greater jiaridy
Thau' ever
'ith .ampler f cilUics
Tlian ever
With farjnora customers
Than. ever
We. are better prepared
'TJian ever
Mcoitsidcrahly'loiver prices
,Than ever
To Snpply )
" Th Hen and Boys
of America
(.With Snpsrb Clothing v
From tlio Largest
" Clothing Honso
in America:
Onty One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned.
Baxnples and prices mailed anywhere.
Orders by mall promptly executed.
Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia,
or rpEisrisrs'Yiv.A.isrT.A..
The grandest setting book for the Pennsylvania
neld. Liberal terms to agents, s-end 'M0 ut
once for complete outfit, or 10 cenls for our w page
suuinit-, uuu name territory wanieu, Aauress li.
tiiioimiril. I'ubllslitr, IlarrUhurg, rn,
Pont fall to say what pa pi rjou saw- this tn.
march 15, Ts ni llur
O. B.
Silverware, Watches, Jswelry, Clocks , &c,
bo without it, and those who have once used it
never wi . ! nun their kium ledge oi Its com
position and ehVts, Physicians use the Cherry
Pectoial extensively in their practice, and
Clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely cer
tain ill its remedial effects, and will always
cure where cures are possible.
Ton Sai.u dy all Dealeus.
jl no 1.
auy size.
Parasols, Kans, Ties, Hushes, Linen Col
lars and Culls and Lace Collars and Culls at
QiarK cc wou s.
Shoemaker wanted. Apply at .Mch.iu-
uey s.
Jewelry, Silverware,
watches, Ac, at P. S. Bates' is said by all to
The display of
r.IIl!l.'imt-lti'lT. On the 4th Inst, at Nume-
dl.i. I'olunibl i county, by Peter Swank, Ksi., Mr,
IteuDcn l-'iilirlnger and Miss Kllzabetu ltupp, all of
Loucust township.
KlthldU-WANIt K.-On tUe4tblnst.,by the Tier.
L 11. 1-elsenilng, Mr. (leurge Kielg-hto Miss Haltle
WanlcV, both of Cataullsa, l'a.
Wheat per bushel.,
llye " ..
Corn, new, " .,
Oats, " "
Flour per barrel ..
be the choicest to be seen in Bloomsburg
Repairing is done by hi at in the best mauuer
aud at the lowest possible rates.
Hoot headquarters at McKinney's.
Cramnton's Palm Soap is the best lauu
drv soan ill thisor any other market. For
sale by Jacob 11. Maize. may 18-3w
McKlnneys Shoe Store below Ceurt
TryliBuy It
Palm Palm Palm Soan
At Jacob H. Maire's at Jacob ll. Maize's.
may 8-18w KlhluiiiH and Hiblions iu all widths
I and Collars with a great variety in novelty
at Clark & Wolf.
IS 1
Dried ADnles
Hams in;
sides Hhoulders Oi
I.ard Der DOUlid if
Hay per ton It.uu
Timothy Seed Xuu
No. 4 on Whart s per Ton
lU.D ..(((.... ., f 1.IO
No. e " " .eo
.locksmith's Lttt up on Wharf............ 1 1,00
bituminous ............ 4 ee
Dry Goods always at the lownt prices at
. w. liartmau s.
Rubbers at McKinney's.
Cramnton Brother's Palm boap at Jacob
11. Maize's. It is the txssl. iry it.
may 3-1 8 w
Admission free at McKinney's.
iirorgo Steaoinan and Samuel Hess Secretaries. Hu-
rvtsora lu account lib suKirloa! township, lor I
eur ending Atiru s. A. v. ls.s.
Amount of duplicates for 1STT, 7M so
To easti collected, IS M
Uy orders und receipts
" 'I lino as bupervlior, 8. Ileus
14 (I, Meadiniiu, time settled
In account by onset
Work dune on roud
' Attending sett lenient
To order glen for balance is 1
View of Marriage ! Wedlock n4
u eg
U4 M
1 w
Til IT
114 IT
Tho fulluMiii; ts tho Indebtedness of said township. I
iUUllllUUMUtlUI jr.l VK lOtiJ W
' oiilers unpaid lor jeur of IsM ssl 4T
" orders unjuild for )car ut ln ess 14
" June 3. 1s:s tlois is
Tho ubuu Is a correct statement as the account
biunus ou me iuhii uook,
liyiidcr or uudluus,
Aiiebu AM'ii.w 1.AVVAC11, iierK,
June 14 tf.
.Diifiiiiii. all IrsratiM tiu
Juli ot utrrlk tiid lb
iAUteatliat until tar It i lh
(iii uf AproduileQ n4
,tli Pi ft WotutsV.
A Ufk lor ("tU', rDii4o
aMrvitd.uf aJUlijtl, llUt
On til d oriJroi TriTt Kftluro rittujf irum 811
Abut. Eipes), orBert Diitriati, vtilt tl Ul
kHuiit oft ur, T.i .uTt Lff. prttr Wit.
A Cr.miCAL LECrURK on the ttov dlwtMi tr.4
thoiout ih Throat and Luosi,Curib,Kulurt.Lb
Op urn, rtn htu.
L'thrr bufk inl poii pi itl on trtVpt ( prltti Of til thrM,
ftttinlt'f !Vrr. brtutifullv ll uMraivtl, lur ti cli.
AdU;M fcli. UOTTfl, .No. It Si. HUi bu bU Lul, U.
ATKAB. ArenUwtntcd.Uul.
lieu lerllliute rrllcuixt (re.
Printed at this Office
UealiUnua nappiucMiary piloclewi WealtU to tlitir
po.sbfbMirH. uuu jt-i im-j uru wimiu iuo iyucu ev
ery uuu nuun m use
The only sure Cl'IIK for Torpid lim, Dyspepsia,
lleaduehe, Suur stuinuili. I'onstlputluu, IH-billt)',
Nausea, and all llllllous eomplalnisaud blood dis
orders riouei:eiiutne unless sunied Wm. H'rlffht,
Phils." II our l-mttlst v.111 not tuprlr send sa
cents tur one box to barum, nouerc to., to
si., I'uux jan. t, 'is-ij- nr
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
Sure Reward.
II re th nml 3Itiilo l.aml In Illlclil
Kiin In tlie ;t1 I It lo i Acrv Cirant
ol (lie (.rami Uniilds anil In.
iliansi Itiillt iiiiil iiiiimi)'.
MroiiK Mill h rt c i oiis pi'iity ol
tinilit-r-iio lroiiln-ii(! cIiIiil'Ii
lutprm no lio!t,er."
bcuooiii li Aii.voAii t'om-i TFn,Tintoroii tue
LkSTKIi tf Ultl.KASr.
Snul lor laiiiplll:t,iiijiKior German
Addiess . (. Ill (IIIAItT,
(,1'AND HAl'llJS, MICH,
aprll 12, 1?T5 WW ll
Par.i.ii.' I'liraiillii- 1'ilN lu ,k."ew lllcS Blood'
andulli eoinplele eh -nyo t le litood lutheentlr
sjstriu In tin in ii -inths. Any iarsonubovlllialu
l pill eneh nlu-ht iromitoiii ve-ki rcny lie restor
oii io soutd he ipli, It -ui-li a tub t i.e pi -.slbte. sent
by mill lor letter si.iinps. 1. s. joif.ViON nco.,
I'lingur .Vio. d ),iiu :1, TS-iw
rt- llelnoed to the l'ust ofllco butldlni:. flrsTdoor
above tho Kxhunffu Hotel,
All kinds ef Wati-hes. I'lii-ts and Jewelrv neat
ly repaired and w tumuli it.
may 11, ,s-u
r.4 N I i.i It Mmi I tiubuit;, H.c. lu, ls;i.
Messi. HIIKlll.l!. llt.A, i u.
(ieiitliini i tuur l iiinis but e t'lten entire sat
tsfaetlun. I a iiM-d Hit-in on a u-uod many differ,
entklndsoi Mi-Ik. nub nun. T ii Wond, Urlek,
Arc, and neti i-t-ettiii i.nt u'liiplaluts, tin lhe eon.
trury, the tturk sbiiul- well anil lor wear, Mill In lny
opinion, stand with mi) lead In lhe inaiket. When
in want of n-ii-ii tue In ililsilit or tlclnlty iou aro
at liberty to u-e my nume Mill pleasure, also to use
this as jou thluk best,
ltests-ctfully Voura.
Painter and Dealer In Points, Oils, ie.
OFF 1'Ol.Olts AT THIS fHlua.
Alt luwcNt inni'Ut'l rats.
AwnidM IihViiI Drue t CnntdntiiAl xta.ltlon for
fin tlituiHff qvaliiui tlid (JYC'lou-. anj ImlvkQ c.dr.
vtltr 0 ulmn0 anil flaTOrini. TS bull tobacu
?tr nmdd. Atourtlu. ittip tred, -mirlc licl-al
lnillt-l on inf.rlor Kood., tlitt JaAtn't Jiftt U
en .rvry plus, bold ty tlid.Aln b,-iid lot .MnjiV,
fi.r, to c. A. Jackioi A Co., Mft.., r.i.tibtirg, .
(J. !'. WAIIIH.i:, CeiieralAitt., I'l.lludtllihlit.
June si. 'Ts 4w d
llv T. n. .iiliut, Is the uiost i-otvcitiii, and cok
msiisu teuipersiiui work ettr ttitttrn. Describes
the vurk ot Siurrhy, lteiuolds lnebrhrte Asjlums,
Prohibition, etc. It Is just the bouk lu tain tho
sounii, 1 1 claim the cirlp;, tiillfht'-n the iople.
lor llnlr jounu men. "1 Ulletott Mill boapottei
lu thu right dueetlou." Henry A. HijlioWs. "It is
Just the book forth limes. lion. t in. E. IHkI-jo
Vour admlrub u work Is all rlsUt." Hon. Neat How,
A8 I closed tho Look. 1 thunked ood and took euur
u.'o.' wis. L. it. ixiatltt, ireas, w. u, 1 . 1". A tenia
report 110 to too eoeiss per week. Seen success
rcovui lis worth. Male and femnln a -cents wanted.
Tsaus l.ln.iiAL HUUUAKU 11HOS., US, biuisom
street, Philadelphia,
June SI, TS-4W d
Olf TH Clftin invested lu Wall Stree
VlVI I J OLUIIU stocks makes fortunes ev.
ery month. Hook sent freo explalnlnir everyihlaff.
Address II AXTEK ic'O., uassihis, 17 Wall slit-el,
New York. d Julys, 'Is-iw
VjT 1 Vr beautiful Concert (Irand Ann 1 T
1 1 A S 1 1 I'liuos pileo licuo only I IHliA
bample cards and prlio
list furnished without
Mi.i. Mii-tib rami sipiaro I ianos,pnee f I uunuly
iA.. nsri"l ipris'iu rianos,iiicuSOoiuyi&&.
.setv st)le l prUht I l.iuos rl 12.30 lli viu,.
Oritltu U stops fTS.IIU. t'liurrh Oikuhn ISfclotis
pllie i.'t" nnlj Mli Cli-tiuiil IJTJ .UlrriirTun
Orttiiii.. only I05. Iliit-r come undst-omoui
home II I am nut us represented It. It. Kurt) pal I
Imlh was s mid l'lauo cr Ors-an Klieu free.Lar-jo HlsL
Newspsier with much lnlormallou about cost of
Pimm A- otHuti sent free, Hieaso add rets HAN
lEL F. HEAT ev, Waahlngtou.New Jersey,
July 5, 'T-lw a
Orders and Inquiries by mall wm ncelvo prompt
ltUFEUT, l'A,
IlLOOMS'bt'ltd, l'A
VS)5.'li. I.
Julys, TS4w
Tho only combination or tho
tiuoJauiutca Clnvrer with cholco
Aii maiiu and French Hrandy fur
i'holtra. llioleia Morlms Clumps
and I'ulns, UUiihoen und lly
tery. HiUH-nsla. I lanilenoy Wi
ot Tune and Aim It. In I lie Mem-
mr I
dsnirerHof CLuneeif Wuler.Fuod
aud Cllmule- sk lur
MMWU'll jAtlAll A GlNUEIl.
3 rfJlOU Ait-tlN'E ifii-yiicit-iiL'iAi iiSii
'i llYLllSlOWIltfWA0 a?,5 !,?A
l i, ,s- tv d
ON UANll AT 1I.K ttll MLI AN tlUCit