WIT i? n f. T n M D 1 A T ni,oosnun(i, mi bat, jilt s, is; Kali "load Time Table. LACKAWANNA BLOOMsnUIU) KAIL noAD NORTH. SOUTrl. Accommodation Train .t A.M. 8.00 A. M. Mall Train T.88 A. M 4.49 1 M Hi press Train 1.67 v. II. 11.43 A. M CATAWISSA HAIL I10AD. NORTIT. POtlTIt Accommodation Train o,2S A. M. T.8H r. M. IlCftular Kxprcss 4.WI 1', M. 11,43 A. M. Through cars on Kxprcss train either to New York or rtilladelpula. Accommodation train runs liotwcen Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. Many of our citizens attended th celebration I at YYilk-e.batro on the Foirtu. Tho trams en tho D. L. A W. It. R. wen crowded on Tuesday and Wodnesday with til Itors to tho Wyoming Centennial. The license of D. W. Bobbins which was contested at May court, was granted on Mon- ay, nil opposition having been withdrawn. t UrangoTilIc, advertises In this Issue. Mr. lioulon Is a rcliabls business man, and de- nerves a liberal patronage. Read lis card. Wo offer a special discount of 10 per cent to old and now subscribers who pay In advance. $1.80 will pay for the Columbian for one year, after this date until further notice. This, does not apply to subscription now clue. Our sub scribers will do us a favor by calling their neighbors attention to the fact that the Colum HUM can be had for $1.80 In advance, the only $200 popcr In the county making the offer. tf. l'rof. 0. E. Wilbur und wife will spend vaca tion at Wyoming Pa. Tho Convocation of Wllllamsport will meet at Bt. John's Episcopal church In Wllllams port on the Dili. On lat Friday morning Mrs. John Mordan of Ml. Pleasant slipped and broke her leg above the ankle. The Lutheran congregation will have a so- cinblo In the basement of tho church on Satur- ay evening. Ice cream, cake, Ac., will be f the Court House sieps, and a large number sejved up. The public is invited. Our firo department accepted an invitation to participate in the celebration at Danville on the Fourth, and went down in the morning on special train, iho liuck Horn Band accom panied tho Friendship, and the Drum Corps thirteen was appointed to welcome the Presl mauo music lor the ucscue (joys. They made I dent. Prof. S. C. Thompson lias resigned bis posi tion at the Slate Normal School, and will spend the summer at Brooklyn N. Y. The Commissioners are to be congratulated on their intention to rebuild the dilapidated fence on Court House alley. A railroad ticket (o Chicago and back for sale at this ollice very cheap. Good until De cember 31st 1878. If Miserable ess. The moat wonderful and marvelous success, In cases where persona are sick or pining away from a condition of miser ablenes, that no ono knows what ails them, (profitable patients for doctors,) Is obtained by the uso of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the first dose and keep It up until perfect health and strength is restored. Whoever Is alllicted In this way need not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters. 8ee "Truths" and "Prov erbs" in another column. July 6 2w. The Court has made an order reducing the pecial road tax in Conynghani township from twenty mills to thirteen mills, and the Poor District reducing tho special tax from ten mills to six mills, allowing a special levy of one ill in Centralm borough and fivo mills in Conynghnm township. James C. Brown of the lttpubliran, presided at the meeting of the Alumni Association of Dickinson Seminary at Willimisport last week, The eause of complaint for cool weather has been entirely removed. Old Sol has been do ing his level best for some days. The D. L. & W. It. It. Co., propose to put at once an elegant brick depot near the Cata wlssa bridge. This Is a mucii needed Improvement. tho door accompanied by tho first President of At the meeting or the Alumni Association of the United States who has ever appeared in e Normal School last week the following of Bloomsburg. There was much confusion and ficers were elected for the ensuing year. Presi- pushing in Iho effort made by every body to tret ilent, It. It. kittle, Recording secretary, Miss near enough to hear what was said. After th annie Searle, Corresponding Secretary, N. U. noise had somewhat subsided Mr. Buckalew unk, Treasurer, Q. A. Clark, Orator, .John M. I spoke as follows ! arman, Essayist, Miss E. C. Rogers. Electi ve Committee, Miss M. Edgai, Miss Allie miili, h. E. Waller, F. P. Billmyer and Rob- ert Buckingham. During the storm of last Thursday evening the lightning struck and killed two horses and two hogs belonging to Simon Carl of Locust Township. John Peacock has been elected Treasurer of the Agricultural Society to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his father, William Pea Fob Sale. A stationery Steam EnginS and boiler, twenty-five horse cower. Will sell at a sacrifice. Enquire of E. Jacoby, Bloomsburg, or Dr. J. F. Chapin, Benlon. june 14-lw The musical exe.-cl"es at the Commencement last week, were very good. The playing of the young ladies under the direction of Prof. Hoff man showed that they had been under the in struction of an excellent teacher. Iter. Mr. Hentzel, colored of tfils place en Monday last fell from a cherry tree and sustain ed considerable injury, inoraf: Nobody but women and children should climb cherry trees The former seldom fall, and the latter, if Ihey do, never get hurt. Mrs. Michael Casey was found dead In her bed last Friday morning. Her health had been poor some time, but her sudden death was en tirely unexpected. She leaves a husband ami several crown up children. The funeral look place on Sunday afternoon. As ice disappears under n July sun, so fat disappears under the use of Allan's Anti-Fat. Those having uselessly tried other remedies are readily reduced from two to five pounds per week by this great remedy for corpulence. Sold by all druggists. Foil Rent Cheap. The first class office in the Columbian Building, heretofore occupied by N. U. Funk K. It is partly furnished Apply to 0. B. BllOCKWAY. June 5 3w. BUCKALEW'8 BTEKCII. Mr. President, on behalf of the citizens of Bloomsburg and of Columbia county, I tendi you a sincere and hearty welcome, to Northern A number of our exchanges issue no paper I Pennsylvania. They are gratified to see you this week, in order that their compositors may amongst them, as the representative of the have au opportunity to celebrate the "Glorious I government of our common country. They are ourth." For the past three years the Colum- I gratified also that your visit is upon the occa WAN has Bent out fifty two numbers annually, sion of the great celebration In our neighboring and at the same time the employees have had I valley of Wyoming, and they sincerely wish fur me to enjoy the holidays. The paper has I you and your companions a pleasant visit, mid been prepared by extra night work, and gone safe return to Washington. out regularly. We go on the principle that I Fellow citizens I introduce to you the Pros ident of the United States. President Hayes bowed and the people gave him three hearty cheers. He then spoke substance as follows. THE PRESIDENT'S KPEECII. Mr. Buckalew and Fellow citizens. We meet this morning, not politically, but as citizens of one common country. I am glad of this op portuntty to stop tor a tew moments in your pleasant village while on the way up one of the most beautiful valleys of your State, to attend the Centennial of a great event Pennsylvania occupied a prominent place in the early strug gles of this country for an independent exis tence, and so, now she occupies a high position in the centennial celebration of some of the greatest events in the early history of this country. We are now on our way to attend our subscribers are entitled to receive what they pay for. Closing of the Shenandoah Bake. The people of Shenandoah were shocked on Jhe morning of the 26lh nil., when they learned that the Shenandoah Valley bank was closed not to opea again. The following notice was po'ted on the door : The directors have dec! ded to close this bank tor the present time. The steady withdrawal of deposits, as the result of the continued depression in business, and the ifliculty in collecting in its assets for the same reason, have prevented the bank frem accomo. dating th e publlo to only a limited extent for some past. It is believed that the bank is en tirely solvent and that all its creditors will be paid in full.' The bank was chartered in Feb- uay, 1870, with a capital slock of $50,000. Elmer, son of Peter 8. Brugler of this plare, while playing at his father's farm in Hemlock fell upon a board from which a nail projected and it ran some distance Into his side. No xe' nous resulls are anticipated. Parents cannot be too careful alrout leaving such things where persons may step or full on them. The tickets and necessary, papers for the Del egate election to be held August 10th, will lie printed on Ihe ISth of July. All candidates who desire their names on the tickets and pa' pers must give notice at Ibis office before that time, unless they propose lo have separate lick eta printed elsewhere. All names not specially ordered will be omitted. An Orangeyille correspondent says: "The season has more than its usual number of fes tlvals. The Sunday school at Jonestown held a successful one revenlly the proceeds of wliicl will replenish their library. Centre School House in Oreenwood followed. A church fes tival was held at Asbury last Saturday night, and there will be a Sunday school festival soon In Thos. Mcllenry's woods. A Boi.li BuiiQLAiiY. On Saturday afternoon a tramp or some other thief entered the dwel ling of Paul E. Wirt Esq., on Fifth street, and helped himself to a pair of shoes, suit of clothes and hat, and decamped, leaving his own hro gans, and taltered garments as a slight cerupen sation for the loss. There was no one at home, and the Ihief entered the cellar by removing the grating, and thence through the kitchen lo the upper part of the house. Mr. Wirt thinks It must have been done at about four o'clock, No clue has yet been discovered. The delegate from this county lo the State College for the election of Trustees report th institution In a flourishing condition. From the catalogue which will be mailed to any one who will address the President Dr. Calder Stale Col lege It will be seen that students may receiv a thorough collegiate education for a very small oullay of money. Those especially who desire preparing for scientific farming have an opitor- tunlty to learn both the theory anil practice Parties who have been at the college In years gone ly rerl marked improvement In Tvery ining connected therewith. The Ed son Phonograph was In town last 'luesday, on exhibition by W. J. Cbappelle, of New York, It is a truly wonderful apparatus, consisting of an Iron cylinder around which 1 wrapped a sheet of tin foil. Theoperator talks Into a raoutli piece which conveys the sound to a thin tympanum. The vibration of lhe tympanum moves a sharp pointed attachment which makes a dolled mark on tin foil as the crank is turned. The cylinder is then reversed and on turning it again the exact words spoken in Ihe mouth piece are clearly reproduced. Im provements are being made on this wonderful instrument, and ll will prove or grett utility lo business men and others. Before long we can Luy a novel on copper plate, Introduce it In tli phonograph, wind up the machine, and t; down and have the novel read to us. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PaT THE PRESIDENT'S VISIT. Itbelng understood last Tuesday that Presi dent Hayes and family and Member! of the Cabi net would pass this point on a special train on Wednesday morning en route for Ihe Centennial ceremonies at Wyoming and Ihe celebration of the Fourth of July at Wllkesbarre, a meeting of citizens was called at the Court House to Mr. F. M. Bouton, the enterprising druggist I make arrangements for welcoming the distin guished party to Ibis section of Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order by J. O. Browm who nominated Judge Elwell as chairman. D. A. Beckley and David Lowenberg were ap pointed a committee to Inform Judge Elwell of his election. The chairman occupied tiie lop ofcitlsens were present in the yard. J. B itoblson and J. C. Brown were elected secreta ries. The chairman staled Ihe object of Ihe meeting, and said that it was very proper that we should pay oar respects to the Chief Execu tive of the nation. On motion a committee of fine appearance. Hon. C. It. Buckalew was elected Chairman of the committee which consisted of the follow ing persons : D. Lowenberg, D. A. Beckley, J. B. Robison, Geo. E. Elwell, J. K. Qrot, C. G. Barklcy, A. C. Smith. Wm, Ncal. Samuel Knorrjj. N.Moyer, J. J.Brower, Geo. Correll and John Wolf. On motion Ihe Chairman of the meeting was added to the committee. Dennis McDonald, H, C. Bittenbender and W.B. Poust wero appoint ed n committee on Decoration. The Blooms burg Silver Cornet Band waa invited to bo pres ent at tho depot, and the meeting adjourned. On Wednesday morning before six n clock crowds of people began flocking to the D. L. & W, depot, and at about half past six the train appeared in sight. The locomotivo was gor geously decorated with flags. Tho train stopped so that the rear end of the last car stood across Market street. Mr. Buckalew and Judge El well boarded tho train and soon appeared nt COUIIT l'HOCKEDINOH, Pursuant to adjournment court was held on Monday July 1st at 9 o'clock. Hon. William Elwell, President Judge, anil Hons. F, L. Shu- man and I. K. Krlckbaum, Associates, on llio bench. The following business occupied the attention of the court. C. Kramer's administrator vs. O, W. Vannat- la, Judgment stricken off. Auditors report in estate of J, II. Vandcrsllcc deceased, confirmed nisi'. Citizens Building & Ixmn Association of Cen- tralla vs. J, P.Hoagland. Rule granted lo show cause why the Sheriff's sale shall not beset aside. On motion of C. R. Burkalewjsaac P. Hand, of Luzerne county was admitted lo practice law in Columbia county. . Hotel license granted to Boyd W.Williams of Berwick, at May Terra, transferred to Henry C. Williams. And now July 1, 1878, applica tion Is mndo for approval of transfer of satd license, to Levi Bredbender,wlilch after hearing is refused, same day on cause shown the said license is revoked by Iho Court. The argument lit was called over, and the following cases heard. A. E. Sillier vs. W. B. Koom with notice to etna Insurance Co , garnishee. Rule In show cause why .serylce of writ should not be set aside. Papers submitted. John Kline's use vs. Joseph Rhoads. Certi orari. Papers submitted. Levi Michael vs. E. L. Kramer. Rule to show cane why appeal should not be stilcken oil. Rule made absotu te. Commonwealth vs. Solomon Helwig. Rule o i B. F. D.illman lo show cause why he should not give security for costs. Rule made absolute. D. J, Waller vs Oeo. Weaver's executors. Rule to show cause why counsel fees should not be allowed garnishee. Rule made absolute. In the estate of Margaret Appleman deceas ed, Exception to Auditor's reorl, Exceptions suftained and report referred back to the Audi tor, July lt report confirmed. JocpU Oearhart vs. IS. II. Crevelin mid wife. Certiorari, judgment reversed. Cutli trine Butler vs. Reuben Rouch, Issue on demurrer. Papers submitted. In the estate of Mary (iorrell, partition awar ded. Return of sale in estate of Elisha Sliultz de ceased confirmed aim. License was granted D. W. Rotbins for a wholesale liquor store. T. J, Morris who fell twenty feet from a cher ry tree last week and broke his leg, Is improv ing. S-julro Morris weighs about three hun dred pounds, and his recovery was doubtful at first hut by skillful care he 'how expecls lo sur vive llio shock. The case of I). (1. Drlesbach ogalnst the Sec ond National bank of Scranlon, charging this Institution with Usury, was tried In the United Stales court at Wllliamsport, and a verdict ob tained In f.ivor of the hank. Under a decision o Judges Sttong and M'Kenna It is held that national Innks have a right to charge as high a rate of Interest ns state banks, It is pleasant to meet in this way. You have heard my voice and I have heard yours, and I will now introduce to you a gentleman con nected with the "government, Mr, John Sher man, Secretary of the Treasury. Sherman appeared and received three cheers. SHERKAX'a SrEECIf. Fellow citizens : I am pleased to meet you the ceremonies at the hundredth anniversary o Our Town Council nrofesa to be the friends of the Wyoming massacre. I need say no more. . the workingmen. Now is a good time to prove Our town sadly needs waler works. Now is Iho time to erect them. In the first place it would give employment to a large number of I aborers. Secondly, they can now be built at one half the ordinary cost, on account of the cheapness of labor and material. Aa to pay ment, Town bonds running for a long time at reasonable interest can be readily sold. We learn that the P. & R. R. R. Co., taking 1 and am glad to shake hands with my old friend advantage of the present situation of affairs are I Mr. Buckalew. I want to tell you a secret,nnd carrying water over seven miles, and are sup-1 that is that.whiie Republicans and Democrats plying about six miles of the Mabanoy Valley, I often oppose each other, they can also be the and all the mines from Mabanoy Planes to be-1 best of friends. I have not often voted witl yond Gilberlon. Now is the time to act, if I Mr. Buckalew,and yet we have frequently acted ever, and we believe the heavy tax payers will I in concert on important measures, and there is acquiesce. I no man for whom I have a greater respect than for your distinguished townsman. The President then introduced Attorney General Devens, who appeared in the car door The feast prepared at the Normal School last I just as the train started, and he had only time week Thursday for the Alumni Association was I to say "I am very happy to meet you all." greally enjoyed by those who participated. It I The crowd cheered, the band plajed, and the was gotten up under the superintendence of Mr, I Presidential party was gone Tho ucuinnstra Wells the steward, -and the menu was as fol-1 tion was n hearty one, ami was madu by all lows. Roast chicken, roast beef, lobster salad, I irrespective of creed, color, sex or politics. new potatoes, green peas, new tomatoes, cab- The President invited Mr. Ducknlew und liage, pickets, ice cream, cake bananas, oranges, Judge Elwell to join his party, but they hud nuts, raisins, lemonade, coffee and tea. The made different arrangements mid were unable company consisted of about sixty persons, made I to accept, up of Ihe Trustees and their wives, the Faculty and their families, and the graduates. The "Principal, Rev. D. J. Waller Jr., presided In a very acceptable manner. The teasla were as follows, "The Board of Trustees,'- responded PENNSYLVANIA TRAINING SCHOOL FOR FEE-ULE-M1NDED CIIILD1IEN. Media, June 1, 1S78. The Pennsylvania Training School for Fee blc'Mindcd Children is located In t lie County of Delaware, twelve miles from Philadelphia. Media is the postal town, ond Greenwood its railroad station, a short walk from the build ings. A Beneficiary Fund is created by n special act of the Legislature, on which indigent chil dren of feeble-minded, may be admitted from the various counties of this Commonwealth, The Institution cannot receive on this Stale Fund, children who are Epileptic, or seriously paralyzed, or profoundly idiotic. The State Fund is appropriated to the care of such children of poor parentage as cannot be educated and cared for in Ihe ordinary way, but who can by the special methods of Ihe Institu tion, in its School, gymnastic and industrial de partments, he trained to some degree of intelli gence, self-care and usefulness. The county of Columbia is at Ibis time enti tied to the admission of two feeble-minded chil dren, who will be admitted on suitable proof of their condition and dependence. For rejKirts, and full particulars as to howto proceed, address Isaac N. Keiilin, Sup't., Media, Pa Map of li.ickHwnuiin County. The new county commissioners, Messrs. David Summers, William Griffis and Mell aril II, SatinileM, liavo completed their re port and will file it to-day in the office of tho secretary of internal affairs at Harris burg. Tho map accompanying the report Is a very fine piece of workmanship, and was executed by Frank Leo Faries, from accur ate surveys of tho proposed new county, mado by Messrs. James Archibald and P. Bicwitt. Tho proposed new territory is shown in n clear and comprehensive manner. It contains 110 square miles, and tho popula tion according to the last census was 71,000 and is now estimated at 8.p,000. The dis tance from tho boundry line to tho county teat is ten miles und CIS feet. The report, which Is a complete and exhaustive docu ment as ta detail, concludes with recom mending; the establishment of the county of Lackawanna. krranlon Jlepitblican . It is very comforting to hear from General Howard. Pomo of his foice has attacked the Indians two hundred miles in ndvatico of whero Howard himself was at the time, and if Howard doesn't get over that two hundred miles soon cnnigli lo intetferc wo may reason ably expect to learn that tho Indians have been beaten. A courier has traveled tho wholo ilit.nieo to givo oward news of tho light, ami although tho light was t-till going on when ho loft, Howard b.-ltevus that the In dians 'liuvu met with a severe tcpub-e.' Not the Ir-a-t startling pnitionof Howard's eli paicn is mat in which no tells what no is go ing (o do what ho is going to do is ono of his peculiarities and probably if he can Ibnn a juuction fottici.liere with somebody we shall near of an important telegraphic victo ry in a few days. ALUMNI DINNER. THIS SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oners tho very best faculties for Professional and Classical learning. Ilulldlinra spacious. Invlllnu' and commodious : completely heated by steam, will v entllated. tiffined bv o-as. and furnished wllti a bountiful sunolv of nure.soft spring water. wx-auon nnntumii, ana easy oi access, roacners cxpenenueu, eiucu-ni, nnu auvo 10 meir woi k. Discipline, nrm but Kind, unuorm ana morougu. expenses moderate. Fifty cent a week deduction to all expecting to teaUi. Students admitted at any time. Itooms reserved when desired. iuurcs oi Bluuy prcbcuucu ujr luu muiu. I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. I , Classical, Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. 111. Course in .Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course'in Physical Culture. The Elementary sctentltlc and Classical Courses are PIMFHssionaL. and students trradnntntr thor-fin. iwoiw. stiin ntninmn. rnnfprrinarl.tin fnllnwin correspnnciini; lieffrees j Master of the Klerncnts t Master otrtlio sciences ! Master ot tho Classics. Uraduates In tuo other Courses receive Normal certtacatea Ult-ir luuuillllfllli,. milieu u, ui ,.iiieei-i ui iii'j iiu-iiuui luuau'--. 'I lie course ot siuuy nrescnueiioy m xww is uuerai. an me nrieniuir ana n.wirai courses are not Interior to Ihosoof our best Collcires. Thfi state remilresa rilirher order of elthenshln. The limes denl.mil lt It 1 ona ot tho nrlm-, nhlects nf this Seu ni tj. hoin tn uniirf tr. hv fnrnlshlnr-lnlelll. cent nnttcniclcnt Teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young pi-ioons of good anil. ties and cooa purposes, those who desire tolmprove their tlmo and their talents, as tudents. To all such It promises aid In dcvtilopln their po. vers, aud abundant opjortualtles for well paid labor at ter leaf Ing School. For iu. i i.i, i ah i:i.wi:i.i'., bepi. s, -tli.- LIVEIt IS KINO. When Mr, llillony went home and saw a handsomo boqtict reposing on one of the parlor chairs ho mentally observed that it was a sbanio to lot such beautiful flowers lie there to wither ; so he took them up tender iy, procured a b.i-in of water and placed them carcfullv therein, and the same instant his wife gave a piercing shriek and fainted dead away. But it was too late. Mrs. Bil loney's new spring bonnet was utterly ru ined. Norriiloim Herald, AN VSUIINIAOLC THUTH. You deserve to sutl er, and if you lead a mis crable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world it is entirely your own fault and thero is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable preju dice and skepticism,which hns killed thousands, Personal knowledge and common sense reason ing will soon show you that Oreen's August Flower will cure jou of Liver Complaint, o Dyspepsia, with all its mis-ernblo effects 6uch us sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sou stomach, habitual cotivencs, dizziness of the head, nervous prostation, low spirits, &c. Its sales now reach every town on tliu Western Continent and not u druggist but will tell you ot its wonderlul cures, l on can buy n sainpl bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will reliei you. junol-l-tfjl The Sweet Singer of Michigan Is a very sweet singer, but ihe Sweet Singer of Michigan netd not pride herself upon being Ihe only sweet sin ger that Ihe land contains, Roarim: creek d in to by Hon. Wm. ICIwell. Mr. F. P. Billmyer pro-I ,tes Ihe title with her, and liero is the proof posed "The School" to which the Principal re- of the luetic talent possessed by one of her ic - plied. Mr. Rote responded to the "Class of idenls. Sweet singers are multiplying. Tho 1878" and Mr. Oarman to "The Ladies" Mr Catawlssa (em publishes the followine noem. DMNKlNa ICE WATER. There is no more doubt that drinking ice wa ter arrests digestion than there is that a refrig erator would arrest perspiralion. It drives from the stomach its natural heat, suspends the How of gastric juice, and shocks and weakens the delicate organs with which it comes in con tact. An able writer on human diseases says, "Habitual ice water drinkers arc usually veiy Uabby about the region of llio stomach. They complain that ihe food lies heavy on the pa tient organ. They taste their dinner for hours alter it is bolted. They cultivate ihe use of stimulants to aid digestion. If they are intelli gent ihey read upon food and what the physiol ogist has to say about it how long it takes cab bage and pork and beef and potatoes and olher meals and esculents to go through ihe pioces-s of assimilation. They roar at new bread, hot cakes, fried meat, imagining these to have been the cause of their maladies. Hut the ice water goes down all the same, and finally friends are called in to take a farewell look at one whom a mysterious Providence has called to a clime where, as far as is known, ice water is not used. The number of imwuital beings who go hence, to return no more, on account of an injudicious use of ice water, can hardly be estimated. thnorc San. Marriages. ASII-SIClFltll). At Iho Methodist parsonage In OrangeWUo on June 29, by ltcv, 11. H. ilendenhlial), Mr. Ellas Ash of Flshlngcrecs to SItss Susan Slgtrld ot Benton. Deaths. JUNE. Now the year Is In lta prime, No cbUUnK blast, no faded leaf Doae In this Joyous pleasant time Come to show that life la brief, Summer displays her richest charms, Free from Autumn's aad alarms. behold the forest f resli and greeu I In all lta veadure dressed, And In the Melds It may be Been That Summer's relgo'a confessed. Nature net self now seems to rejoice, Aad little aontrslere pour out their voice. The nocks and herds are seen reclining In tu cool and shady dell. While the plowman may be dining, or drawing water from Ihe well. The first ripe fruits may now be found Growing by nature from tho ground. J, W. RoarUgereek, Pa., Jane t, 181s. The sentiments of Ihe above are truly touch- Andreas on behalf of the graduating class pre sented to the institution a large and handsome Bible, which waa accepted by Judge Elwell for the Trustees. The assemblage then arose and sang the Doxology, and the meeting adjourned. Much credit is due the Executive Committee of the Alumni for the excellent arrangements mado by them. UIIANOEVILLE ACADEMY. The closing exercises of Ihe Orangevllle I Academy took place on Friday last. The pro-1 gramme as arranged for the day was as follows: Reunion of friends, students and teachers at 10 I m,, anniversary addreases at 1, picnic din ner in Ihe grove on the giounda at 12, public I exercises by Ihe students at S p. m., and an ex hibition In the evening. This programme waa I fully and very successfully carried out. The I attendance waa very large, consisting of persons I from all parts of this county and a number from I lng particularly that graphic portion which Luzerne county and olher place. The anni- o.tIcallv alludes to the nln.m.n ..,! l.l. versary addresses were made in Ibe hall by pork and beans, or perchance turning the crank Rev. A. Brydie, of Scranlon, Mr. A.McLaurey, 0f the creaking windless while the "flocks and of Lafayette College, and others The dirner herds" recline in "the cool and shady de.ll." gave great satisfaction, two or three hundred Tl,e ouwllon arises whtther h. i. ,lrwl,. persons partaking of the many good things pro- ur to perform his ablutions before partaking of vmeii uy ii. e iwupit ui uraogeviuc. in me ai- ni, midday meal, or is he going to water the lernoou in exercises were oi a varieu ana very I cattle 7 interesting character. Among the many good uiii.gs we mui uicuuoii lue orauons oi Mr. Ji. Th. cense of the W ams Ifni.l In Tier, II. Belshllne and Mr. D. W. Kingsbury a. be- wlck was revoked by the court last Monday ,s cm,,,.,.UN( .., luavumyr, iuu i it W be remembered that there was a contest mat or Mr. Kingsbury q particular, entitled over this license at May court, and Ihe appllca. "Jvlucatlor ror farmers," presented many ex- Hon of Boyd y. Williams, was refused on the cedent ideas in a very attractive form, and Is ground that while It was In his name, the hotel worthy of a more than mere passing thought by wu undr the control of Willilam Williams, a mi. woo uearu uiem. ine muno oi me oay min Dn6l for ft landlord by reason of Intemper- ami evening was another very attractive feature ate habits. The license was granted to Boyd of the eutcrtalnmenU. Though all vocal, jet Williams finallr. on wmJItlnn ,l,.e n .i,,.t.l it was well rendered, and showed marked be transferred by him to aonie one not under the in i . . . 1 performer., ihe ex- control of William Williams, and with the un uiumuu .i ub evening wu also a great i uccess, derstandlng ihat if he remained there and uoui in me way or perrormance and of alien- became Intoxicated the license wonld be revok u.u,. ... pruLxcuiug. i uay reneci great td. Such transfer wa. made to Henry C, Wll , lr,t,,,a, ,T. Uf rv. uanneia and . On Monday in application was made to . . , ' l 'e peP" ' l"' transfer aga'n to Levi Bredbender, but It being .... . w,u apparent mat it was only an arrangement to one o 1 long and pleasantly remembered by run ,he house for William Williams the court .i. wi.u ncrc prwni, ami wen au they revoked the license. ucceeu. unuer me present principal Ihe tohool i.as oeen raiseu up irom the ground until It Is I MIs. Annie Beckley has nearly recovered now one of l ie most .uccesaful Institution, of from hef fall, ,nJ , able to walk about the the kind lo this section of the State. house. Tun LAimisiT Fa list in tub Woih.ii The largest farm in ihe world is 170 miles Hjuarc, and is situated in Ellis county, Kaiisai. Its proprietor is a wealthy Englishman irim-d (ieorge (irant, who named his estalc Victoria, in honor of his Suvereigu, Vast herds of cattle and a cavalry brigade of mounted stockmen roam over Ihe face of this great farm, on which the only remedy employed for bruises,inllainin-. tion and tho like, is Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Sold by all druggists. Send for pauiphlil. Dr. Oji.i, 151 Sixth Avenue, N'. Y. Trial size 23 cents. SIAIIK TWAIN ON l'HOFANITV, Iuu note to tho publishers of his justly cele brated Scrap Book, the famous humorist oh- Berves mat he Invenled and patented it, "not to make money out of il, hut lo tconomize Ihe profanity of this country." "For," he contin ues, "you know when Ihe average man wants lo find his scrap book he can't find his paste then he swears j or if he finds it, it is dried so hard that It Is only fit to eat then he swears j if he uses mucilage, it mingles with the ink, and next year he cannot read his scrap. The re sult is barrels and bjrreis ouprofanity." There is another circumstance In life under which Ihe average man Is liable lo Indulge In unlimited profanity. It Is when the family physician sends him a bill of one or two hundred dollars for treating his wife, whllo tho lady's face has become paler lhan ever, through the merciless persecution of caustics, and mechanical contri vance's. If be he does not impulsively send ihe Whole medical profession on a subterranean journey, It is because he Is a saint and deserves to he translated. The local treatment generally employed by physicians in this class nf diseases is not only barbarous but productive of almost Irreparable harm. Dr, Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, as a uterine tonic and restorative has won unqualified praise from Ihousauds of grate- lul women. In all Classes of Society, Glenn's Sulphur Soap is the ruling purifier. Ladies use it lo re move defects of the complexion, and erauns troubled with eruptions or olher Irritations of the sklu are promptly cured by It, Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Broun, 60c, June 14 4tf, I.ONd. In Llfht street, of rtlptherta. May luth, lss, Daisy Alvei da Low?, aged 5 j ears and "months I.ON'l. In I.lsht Mrect on Juno 23d, lsrs, Join Ecmote Lone, nsreda years and 11 days, children Harrison and Margaret Lcng. "Happy splilts, e aio lied Where no grief can entranco llnd ; Lultol to rest the nehlnir head ; r-ootbod the nnguUh of tho mind, Lu-ry tear ts wiped nwuy, Mghs no mote Mult hcaethc breast ; Mght is lost Jn endless day," Sorrow In eteinut lest." I.i:ili. In lleinloek twp.,.lnno an, 1-TS, Lottie, dau'htr of i:. 1). and Sade M. U-ldy, aged I yeais uod y months. Dealest Lottie liowwe'll mhs her, "o moro we 11 si o her roam She's jronu lo Jota her Utile bister Arouud that heau-nly throne. x' - " 1 V-t Z'-B i - BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania."JJ2 Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. President llonril of Trustees- . The l.ivtr is Iho imperial organ of the whole human system, its it coutiols the life, health and haiipinc-s of man, hen ll is dislurhid in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are ihe nai- ral result, The digestion of food, Ihe move minis of Ibe heart and blood, .he action of ihe brain end m noils ry.ti.ui, are. nil iminedialelv connected with tin- workings of the Liver, ll has been succesi-fully proved that Cineii's Aug ust Flower is iineiiualled in rutlng all persons alllicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint and Stum ch. Simple bottles lo try, 10 cents Positively sqM in all towns on the Wetem Continent. Three doi-es will prove that it is just what you want. June 7 tf. Business Notices For ii Summer lint go to Lnwenberg's. For a Nobby Summer Suit .'0 to 1). Lowpiiberg's. 'For a nice ritraw Hat go to 1). Lnwenberg's. For a Nice White Vest co to D. Lowenberg's. Latest Stylo and Lowest prices always to be futiud .it I). Lowenberg's. For a cheap Suit of Clothes go to 1). Lowenberg's, Call at JIcKinney's lor Shoes. HALL, 'Hejckuvosite cuouse,, 1818.-18th year.'. Pickled Ovsters. Cove Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters, and Sardines kept at Conner's. P. S. Dates makes a specialty of repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, or any thing else m lus line oi uusine-'s. iieiu wajs insures a llrst-clas.s job und is prompt with his work. Hoots and Shoes cheap at JIcKinney's. lor Sptctucks and Go to L. He rn hunt's Kye Glasses. Cullman always keeps in slock Picture Frames and Jlouldiims of all kinds, aud is also prepared to make picture frames of any size. Shoemaker uey's. wanted. Apply at Merlin. II) Ciiheri.:il treiiril, Ajeh's C'ATiiiimc I'll i.s are lliu ls-st ot all purga tives ror faintly u'o. Theyorolho pioduct of Ion.-, laborlo s, and successful chemical lineMlgatlou.and Ihelr extensive use, by plosUlansln their practice, and by all clWIIicd nations, pioie them tho best and most effectual pill thai medical science can devise. Itc-lnjr purcl. M't'ciaWit in haini can ailso from tin lr uso. In lulilndc vnlno and euratho poersiionlh. er pills can he coinrurcd wlih them, and eiery per son, knowlne their virtues, will i mploy them w In n needed. 'Ihey kup the syMom In perfect ordtr, and ninlntalii In I lallhy tctlon the whole machin ery ofltie. Mild, HOHi'ihtiii; nnd ilTectuul, Ihey ore special! adiptcilto tho needs of the digestive ap paratus, iterungemeiii.s of vvhUh they pievent and euro, If timely taken. 'Iheynio thoh standsaftst physic to employ for weakened constitutions, w here juitld, but cllccliial eulhutli! is I'dtulrcd. r'oii svi ii uv All, HEAIkUS. no I Hemember T. W. Conner is still .it corner of Main and Fast street. The dlsulav nf Jewelry. Silverware, watches, Ac, at I'. S. Hates' is said by all to be the choicest to be sieii lu llKJOiiisuurg. Hepairing is done by him in the best manner and at tliu lowest possible rates. Hoot headquarters at Mft-Cinney's. Cramptnn's Pal in Soap is the be-t hiun elrv snail lu tliisor any other niaikcl. For Mile by J in fill 11. Maize. may 18-Iliv McKinneys Shoo Store below Court House. Try il liny it Put in 1'iilm Palm Snap At Jncedi II. Maize's al Jacob 11. -Maize's, may U-lSvv Flavoring Conner's. extracts and Fruit Syrups al ltubbers at McKinney's. Jacob iM A RK K'IMlKI'OItTS. HLOO-MSIlUWi MAUKET, Wheat per bushel t l.sn Ityo " to Corn, new, " '. sit Hats, " ' so Klour per barrel 7. (hi Uloverseed Flaxseed l.Mi llutter U Kges it Tallow Us Potatoes so Dried Apples C Hams 11 sides & Hhoutders e-7 Lard per pound is llay per ton liu Iteeswax tt Timothy Heed if.it' yUOTATIONS FOH COAL. No. 4 on Wharf t s.no per Too NO.B " " S i.IS " No. e " " v.iio ' Ulacksmlth'H Lump on Wharf 3,oo " " Ultumtnotis " h to SELLERS' LIVER PILLSi i mtkt, nil all drrtnit uirnU of ih Lit tr. Kri Ll "tivllf n' Llrer Tilli auraJ tiitof Lliar raninlnut I W wblet ecjtatwllad iu toault work u'ni ladraaa I f lta!. i mora. ' 1 can rteomniin1 Halle rV Llr Pllla 1 I Tbaj bvfiveJ kwiJrtd of 4fUri4i'UrilUU.' 1 -lira, Auuii. ni ojt, uwriT rnet tm. . (bum pv an I'ruf iiLn-i attuuirj wr iiyri,l (burgh I'a. upriw, 'Ti-i- JOB FKIKTIKG OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PKOMFTLY AT THK OOLVMMAV OfFIOF, ITkaltii and Iiai'TtoessT Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth lo their eVTouThow?.l iso""''' ",u Wltl"a ot AVItKiHT'S LIYKlt PILLS, oruers 1'iuiu. May 21, "3 3m YithjnuchrcateKvariety JJitJl. ampler' facilities ' TJianlever ' With far jnor a' customer s Tliaiever We arc hotter prepared' 'Than'cvcr Afconsidcrablyloiver prices ,TJian'cvcr To Supply) 'The Men and Boys ' of America, (With Superb Clothing y From, tho largest Clothing House in Amerloat Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. , Samples and prices mailed anywhere. Orders by xn&U promptly executed. WANAMAKEE & BROWN Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia, , AGENTS! READ THIS! ! Wo will pavarentsa salary of tioo and kxpknsfs to sell our Nkvv & ondkioci. PER UOUTH, INTFS- Tio.ss. Address hllLIt.MAN & CO., Marshal, Mich. Juno 7, '73-4W d IS T11K TIME TO SECUHK TEItMTO TOUV FOU 1)11. EllLK'S elHKAT WOltlC T11U NEW ILI.l'STllATED Hlti'luliV of apt isi3sissrLVA.isrrv. The traidefl Kiting loek- lor Ihe I'ennlvanla held, l.llier .l li tms to ngenls. send V-MMl al oiue for compli te ouini. tr lo cents lor oureunaKe sample, and m.me territory wunted, Address ll. e'. c.ueiimic11 l'ulll.-her, llaiilsnuitr, pa. Pou'i full lo tay wlut put ryousuw this in. rn.mli IJ. "s to liar A psioN'Kirs xonci:. Crainpliiii Urotlicr'n I'.ilm soup at II. Maize's. It is the lest. Try it, nuiy ti-ISiv Ailmissimi free nt McKiutiev's, THIS l-ATFll 1 ON MM Willi Xx. Advertising V Agents, IMiaoA, CHFKTMJT STS S' '(HI'S , SURE DEATH to Tin: eoi.tiUAiio potato mm Vor tliNvwlt r wi' ! tliu i hu iMmjiori ant rt'iituics wlilolnvlU ivrnmnu'iiil its um tit rwry fc'artloiier atnl farmt'rinihetountrj ; isr. That It contains imnoor Wu poio)inus prop f ttlt'H tkuiL'tToiw t titthiiiii life, of wliU Ii inunv or tho lust ct iKAwttrs now lu (lit iiiiirMt nri fornroMtl. Matt) deaths hate o c until tUroiu;U I'uiti (irMn pinloliVr xil1 oitdiiH prepmilloinor itrht-iilo uhloli aw eiiiploK. to 'le.it ruy ln'etn un pl.uitH an-1 uv tatils. uinl uliUli uli-iorh the poison, at'it u It lit lie food U IntriHluivil Into tho human sutetn. 2d. That 'ttluTrt this row (Iit is hpiltikU'd on 'o tato Vim, riants.Vt'KPtablfs, Ac, it will lrlnawav tliu I'otuLo Km; tut Worms, a"d nllollr tns(ts uhlli uto tho lstsof t)w ttekl and cnnlen.und It usrdt-arl) Iti tliu spline will prcvint the riVelop nifiit nnd prowtli of Insect lire. It 'an. also be used wtlh j:ood I'fTt'Pt to destroy fate-'pt'l.irs and worms on fruit trees. Dowers and vhrubtvery. 3d. I'm Is tiret'ii, and otln r polKonotis c ompoundji, In. add It ron to tttluy daiiK' ioms to human life, Itn IKnerlsliaiid pol-sou tho MIIon which thev aio u'-od. This I'owder Is lticn is KomtTtTH vhlch are a bbskht to I he land, and Is an K.xrni i-st h-ktii izk and wlllproo a vuiulk aii to flu fiowlni; pUnt 3Jixootions I'ov Uso. A can, wlih performed top, Is lurnlslud wltlicach liot, with whleh to t-pilnUu tin? I'owder thonuighly oer the plants and on tho rround uuderncatU. SMI'I.K KUKK. Prepared at the 1'urelwi ( hf mli nl W'orl.-, Kaoi Kttnoh, N. .1, W A LKCKI.Elt, hyleialo Ajftut, i Vebt') bt.N. Y. Juno T, Ta-Iui IcMshcribvirheri that V. O. Huirhes cri'ata- wUs. li.vsbeen ao ihtul stlirueo uf esie IVirj ot Loeiit t iislilp ror Imitili o( ertdltors. All pettuii, tlx teruie tiidehted to the halt! Wesley l'er ry, will ltialtH pn incut to tho said ossliiee and those liaMni,' eluln.s ir demai.ds will malo Known the Mim without delay. AfeHlfuco vt Wo-it-y l'trry. May, 17, tn. L'atawtsba, A CHANC3 TO MAES SOME MONEY SUSS, "Conn h"n Itwm.v if I i-niij lunula." Nowre-ady, Writp for Aiifin-y al i niv. .lltllN tV LY C'u l'liuil&hi-is, "as i-unscin mi-rt, I'hlluile phhi. nme-h i-.', ,"-sia Jt-o C. 23. SAVAGE, ltEAt.t.,: IN Gilvorwars, Watchci.jow3lry,Cloeks,iS:c. Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. Sure Reward! 5 YEA US TO VAX FOR A FARM. 4 TO SIO TUB, ACRE. II eccli nml Miiplc Land In Mlclil (rnii In the. Irlllliun Aero Grant ol'llie i.rn ii ii ItaplilN anil In illana ItallruiKl oniiiany. tzsxiS ruEmcT. Strong Mill h v c:i lips iciilyoI IIiiiIm'I'-iio 'oiikIii-iio clillicli linss no lniicr." ltUNMMl lltKAiia PCKE WATkK ltRADV MAKKKTH hcnooiji iaii.koii tourunn TriKOl-GliTut CLNTItl. OK TUB tiUANT. .Send lor iianiilili'l,iii or German Address V. II. lll'lillMlT, T.ANO ClIMMISSIOKEK, eillANll nAT')IS..VICll. , nrrll 12. ISiS-saw U I mir A VO lllirl'-fsl honors at all Worm's IT f l i i: lllbll 1011. I ATEVT CATAIOOUKS nnd ClHe-rl All". Willi iirtv lli-i. irtluri'il lirie-m nnd much Information kf.nt ibke. MAM)N K 1UMI.1N OIIIIAN Cu Ilotton.Kew York or Chi cago, el may ai, Kivv AUENTS WANThlll SItdals and Diplomas awarded ,or,lol.MAN'.sp10T01)AL B1BL1S ' A..!. 1UH.MAN A. CO.", Ol AtCh Mreet, Tlilla. June T, Tt-4w d or. 'ATHMEXT. Cr. eicoriro ste'aninan unil Siiintu-I IIi-kh Se-cretaih-ti, 1. i visors In iicvuiiiil vMHi .--uitiirlo.it township, veur e-nililnr Alirll s. A. 1). Uiil. Dr. Amount of ilii4lcate8 ror 1STT, ;s an lo e-axli culletitt'U, IS tu Uy orders ai.d rett-i-lpta Kxone'rutluuii " Tlmo ni huiH'nlior, H. His fl, Meadmun, tliuu nvllleU " In account by ortwt Work donet on road " a tu-iiiimi- tiuii-UHiit To orde r Kli i n ror balunco Its o CI cj a en To HI I M ., aud all 111 noun e'ouiphiiuU aud lilooduijl it i"i.iii wahuiiv, nuue-r e uo 70 N. ' Ju. , fiy 111 77 Tho follow Inff Is tho Inde-htPdnctiS ot kald towuihlp. To orders unpaid fur ye-ar ot lull sol u " orde rs utiiald Inr t ar or Kn sm j " orders uuuld lor ) inir of lull 531 T4 "Juno 3. IMS i-uii 70 Tho ulovoUacoiTefttlattine-ulas tho account bltillUS Ull I nit IUWI1 UOOk, Uy i rde r or auditors. 1IIWHY C. 1IKS. AAltllN F1IIT., ... , , , ELIJAH I'lfl HUMAN AlteiU AMUtBtr Lavuich, Utrk. Jinn- U IL PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed nt Una Oilico on siioirncsT notice and At the MOST REASON A ULE TE11MS. y ltcinovi'ilto in l ix-t onicet huUdlof, flrsi do'jr abuve Ihe 1 xh.uik'i Hutu. All kind nf Wan tn . Cn oln and Jewelry heat- ly irpalie! nml vvairauUiL may it, , u ANNi.u, srTi:Mi-.XT or scorr M'lioul. UMItliT, lor )car cndlnit Juno S, ' Il.c. KKI.e UNUlt Treasurer. HECEU-TS. Halanro on hand Irom last year !Mn ai mi 1.M1 HJ l-'.ir iv rn. r CJ T-A-P I1H that. NniilurtCh Ititilii-til ('un lor f'ul ni i lv will Lot InM.mtiv rrlicveand Kiu'dlty rurtt. lieteiinee-i, Henry Wi'ls, l.stt., wells, Kar.v & o., Au- lor.i, , Y.; vn, 1 , i n, 1 m , Mr. 1 1 u tl on, I. lunl .'. i:ivv.n, tl louts. 1t-Hlrntt(il and liinlii-tt l.v ytnll. rrlee, with mi pii vi ii Inhaler 1 hotel t-virjwlierit. WFKKH I'OTTllt. riupiii'iuib, i-etMoii, labs. Juno 7, 1-7S-4W el AVATEl) An Knercetle luanorwoinau In every County lolaVo tho UKenby lor two or Iho mit popular rultllcallous. blxot ihe (Inest cluuinoa inuiinteil ami Mi-etehul e:ur,u Inches noeh) lu every huliseillier. 1 lie. lust CohiMiiatlon ever lleforo urfcretl lo Agents, and tho most UU-ial lMlue'cments to ?uuserlberrt. ourFlr.o PulillcatloiiH. Kleganl l'lemluinH. and largo Com missions plai-u us ahead of all Competitors. Illustra ted Cliculars tree. E, l. : 1, nr. si KIN, I'uMlsherH, North Kast Corner Wi aud Dlekliison btreets, Thlla delphla, d June, TSlvv From Mate antunpi latum. Amount of duplicate IlXI'ENMTUltKS. l'or leaeheiw' vatse " iuci " rcpalilnif houses.., ' honks ' Journals " i riiitinu lor iti : " sundry Mil duplicate , " icr, lurj's wiUry ' exonerations. . : " ceilliLtnis' romiulsllrii " coll.i-ilti Mutti ImiuiI ,. . , " 'lrhuuict's iointaUlon at V per e-enu " puuilnif and auditing this account Ualanco In hands of treasurer, tl,35 no Mm cj si a si T ui 11 S3 mi '.a mi si it it . 31 41 new 7t,7NC9 I 3lllt Approved Juno 10, lsis. ll. 11. IHllNllITII. HAMl'KI. A. WDUMAN, C, C, THE.Nt'11, i unft ii, isis - Celebrated Library KXTK.VSIOX LAMP 1 Adapted to any room high or low ccillutf. Lowe-re-d to tablet wheu la u-ciuid raised ! merely toucbtoir. 1'KltlkiTLV SAIK IKOM IALMKU. Us'hts without remov luir chimney, iiiliu as e-ouventeul as Lras, and al Diet e'xnsu. The ttamn exu-n i,m prliu u-1 - Is applied to all our e n iiidi-ln is not exe-et-dlnir 8 lights Hi adv.iul.iu'es are i llicrcuscd lU'it wi u suint' cuusmuiiiluii e,f oil. I'.v liiitinir tho llsiit where w iiuti d t suleiy, cannot bo knock- .fklfk ed o.i i- or Uisel. 'ihe extension r mat inner) la simple, aud i-anuot ' TWfOsltt'-sP-ly iilve way. Cutset Kxtec. ----ii i-tuip min euauueiier tr all I'lis fm nlsiuMl lite Wesellall lamps luvlnu lui-ilt. A.J. WEHJKN'Ell, Dealer lu LivraandULASswAaK, M H, beeund klreet, 1'ullada. l'nrsaus I'urunllie l'llls moke New Tilch lllrttd. and will completely chuuo the blood In tue enilrn ' system In three months. Any pcrfon vho will takei1 i fin cacn mem irom l to it weiks may be restor ed to sound health, If tuch a thli l- tie i",tflHe. hent by mall lor letter stsmps. I. S. johnmi.n a; Co., Uani.'or Mo. d June tl, Ts-aw NAVY SWEET nhfiwinnr Tnbrr.nl VliUiUUK. 1UUUUUU A Aai"1i'd kiyKttt jru4 at Cmioniiial tipoaitioii fur Ant $ktnnng 9 (lit (mi kLti txcttUtU atui Jajlwiff tkar t rr i"tvd, Aa cur vluo atrip tr1cmark u cluarly iiiuuttJ bntiirrior ctxtl,!- iti,t J(uiKM't hft u rur.erxi'1-j. foldbytt itW., htnj irMiuiit( fi', lu C A. JaCiuoit H o,, Ur I'vtviiburg, Ii. T. WAUIM.l', (.ruerul rblludrlpliln. June Si, 7A 4w a lit T. i. Aiilmr, Is Ihe mobt lowistci. and con lieserlbea Vlscisu Ulnivraucitweirl: evir urilln the work of Munihy. liejnold. Inebriate Anlums. Prohibition, elc 11 Isjuil Ihe l-e-ok to wain Iho youni!. n claim Iho errlrif, miiyhten the ieorle. KATiitus, MiscuAKin, MAM-iAniiisasthoulel buy It for their ouni: men. "1 lelievelt will boaitower inlho rlshi dutctliii.f-llenry A. Itijnolds. "It Is Juslihe tmk tor Ihe tlmeK." Hon, v m. K. PccKe Your aelmlrab e w-oik Is all rlirht." lion. Nealliow. "A 1 Hosed the bock 1 thanked Old and took? cour-avo."-Nrs. UK leavm.lieos. W C.T.I. Agents report MO to llio e-oi-irspcr week. hiciisucceK ll'olxs Us woilh. Male and femalesscei Is v anil d. Iskiis LUiKAi. Ht'llllAIlK llltos., isa, hausom btrerl, I hlladelphla. JillioSI,"s-.w d KPY PLANING MILL Theunili-rslgindlfskiuif the Kipy l unlnK UIU. la pivimred luiiuall i L.dsur mill w- rk. Uoors, Frames, Sash, Blictls, etc. njtt'Ie l(u order ou lmrt notice. HuiisLuilou suar- ( n a ni ts Kuo. llio hi-tbuit, I'a, LI-O AL 11I.AXKS Or MX KINDS ON HAMI AT THK CULl MlilAM IpVWX