THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC RAT, BLOOMSBURGr, 'OLUMIAI JIA'.r Miscellaneous. Troubles of n I'oct. HY-MAX Aunt,'.'- Whllo Col. llmig tho editor of the Argui was Bitting In hli office one day a man whons brow was clothcil with thunder entered. Klerccly seizing a chnlr he slammed his lint on the tabic, hurling his umbrella on tho floor, nnd sat down. "Are you tho editor?'' ho rk "Yes." "Can you read writing ?" "Of course." "Rend that, then," said he, th.jstlngnt the Colonel nn envelope with an Inscription on it, "It ," said the Colonel, trying 10 spell It. ' r ' "That's not H ; Its nn S," said thn man. "61 Oh, yes, I see. Well, the word look n little like 'Salt for Dinner,' or 'SouU of sinners,' " said tho Colonel. "No, fir," replied tho man, "nothing of the kind." Tnat's my name, -Samuel H. Ilruuner. I know you cou'dn't read. J called to see you about that poem of mino you printed the other day ou tUa "Surcoaso of Sorrow.' " "I don't remember it," na'td tho Colonel. "Of courie you don't, because it went in to the paper under ' e title of 'Smear c- e To-morrow.' " "X stupid blunder of tho compositor's, I supp se." "Ves, ir; and th-tt's what I want to see you abo . Tho way In which that poem was mutilated was limply scandalors, 1 haven't alepi n night since. It espni" me to derision. People think I am au r Lei me show you." "Qo ahead," said tho colonel. "The fl nt line, when I wrote It read this way : "Lylnjrbj-awceplnj willow, underneath a go Hie slope." "That 's beautiful, poetic, aflecl'og. Now how did you- vile sheet present it to the pub lic? There it is I Look at it I Made "it Tjad t' 's way : Lying to a weeplog v ow, to Induce her -elope.' utir ' " i i . .-.-,". v eeping wiqow. mina you I A wiuow J O, thunder and lightning! Th's is too much? It s enough ti dnvo any person crazy." "I am very sorry, Bald the C oloncl, "but 'But look a hero at the fourth verse,"eaid the poet. "That's worse.Iyet. What I said was : , Cast your,peatl3 before "iesr me and lose thsm la tho flirt.' "I wrote hat'out.cle.uly.said( a plain .round hand. Now what does your compositor do? Does he catch the sense of that beautiful sentiment ? Does if sink Into his soul? Not sir J He "bets it up in Oil fashion Cast my pr. before the sunrise and lovs-theta " "Now isn't thata cold blooded outrage on a mah'a feellbga? I'll leave it to you,if it I'lT "It-is barti. that's a i ' said Colonel Bancs. r 'JloI- 'fijioa "And then tako theflT.blferse:' It? the original me iuscrTpHtkaId,rd8 plain as day Take away the j' 'gllng moneyrSt'TOnlysHttei ns dross. , .-r . . t , - "A' man with only' bno 'eye", and a'calaracJ over tbat'woM'dhVfoV'thV words 66r- rectly. But your pirate urst, do- you know"whatiie" did ? "He made it read : a fire sliofcflf wto;n6vers3 tuNufj in, ray me. "It was natural, too," said the Colonel. "There, for instance, waj the sixth verse. I'wrote : I am weary of the tossing- of the ocean as It beaves. "It is a lovely-line, too y but imagine my horror and the anguish of my family when Jtopened your paper.apd Baw the line trans formed into) I'm wear ng out my trousers t"l cy'rs open at . tne Knees I "That's a little too much I That seems to me like carrying the thing an inch or two too 'far, I think I Iir.vo a constitutional right to murder that compositor ; don't you?" "I think you havV "Let ine read you one more verje. I wrote : Iswe thou, eg echoes as fiey roam anions the 1--8.. Andlteel my soul awaken to tbe ecstasy "lit th. s "Now what do you s'poso your miserable outcast turned "-at into? Why, sir, Into this : I emeu the trying shoes as they roast along tbe bulls,' "And I peel my soul mistaken to tbe erertary that wr-'r V "Gibberish, sirl Awfi'l gibberish. I must Blay that man. Where is he?" "He is out just now," said the Colonel. "Come in to morrow." "I will," raid the poet j "and I will come armed." . Then he put on ' "s hat, shouldend his umbrella, and dtlf ed oil' down stall" A Diamond aud two Cigars. A story is going the rounds respecting a Soutu American gentleman, in Paris, who lost the other evening at tbe house of one of our countrymen a diamond valued at 12,000 francs (2,400). The next morning a groom found it In the court-yard and carried it back to Its owner. The personage sent for the honest groom Into his smoking room, and showed himself very much pleased at getting ;the jewel back again. He laid it tenderly in the drawer of his toilet table, and, then putting his hand in his pocket, ha pulled out two cigars, which he offered to the groom. Th ehonest fellow accepted them, outwent off somewhat discomfited. He told the story on getting home. His ir er heard it and sent for him, 'Have yo oioked tho two clgf i ?' said he. 'No monsieur,' 'TU give you 600 francs tor them." Will you indeed, Birr- lea; Here is toe sum. You are an honest lad, and I am glad to pay a premium for having you In my service. Now go back to tbe gentleman who owns the diamond and say to him, 'Monsieur, I told my master of your generosity, but be Is a'-.d you may deprive yourself of the pleasure of smoking to-day to make up for the two cigars you have given me. 'He told me, thereforo to bring them back again.' ' 'May I mentlsn tbe COO francs, sir V Certainly not.' The servant brought back to his master tbe following letter: 'My dear sir, I was very glad to get back my diamond. I have tlx alike, and intended to have them set for waistcoat buttons. That Is why I was bo sorry to lose one of them. As to the cigar. I can well afford to give two to your servant for i;bavo 6000 drying in my secretary, Yours, with great reard, X. Y,' The signer of this precious epistle is a bacbelor,und has aniucoinoof f-!0,000. The usual pay ot u Sepoy is about fourteen shillings per month, out of which he has to buy his own food. When on active service hit pay isfabout doubled. Miscellaneous. Travelln Jnu.ui. nmtNO ovun rtotmit hoahi on lions 1 SHOD WITH STItAW. A long rido on a Japanese pnek-horso Is an epoch In tho Wo of any traveller. As the animals, are shod with straw, and as the roads nro very rough, they never attempt anything beyond a walk even with tho most violent inducement. The traveller Is perch cd high up In a hard pillion, In a sort of n valley, the sides of which are composed of his luggage, spare hats, shoes, girth', and straps rolled into bundles; his legs are doub led up so that his knees touch his chin, and tho sensation Is like that of being on the back of a camel. Thus placed ho must per form his journey, or ns an alternative he may be driven to tho Kago, or litter. This may cither be a basket slung on n pole, or a regular box with doors and sliding shutters. The litters of men of rank, such rs onco wero frequent enough in tho streets of Yed-lo, butwhlch havo gono the way oT ho many rciiiuivils of old Japan, were ol'.en small rooms gorgeously decorated and palnteil,:iud requiring a score of coolies to carry them ; but tho litters which tho ordinary traveller must use are of tho basket type, and as pro vocants of suffering and misery aro cecond only to tho pacl'-horse. To the native, whose normal position when not standing o sleeping, is snuatl.iig on the heels of his feet, a confinement of several hour.! in a Kago, with sca'cely a chango of podtinu, is no hardship, but to the European tho aouy of sitting cramped up in thespace of an arm chair, with legs curled up, tucked in or hud dled together, for an Wdefinito period, must be actually suffered to be appreciated. Tem porary relief may be obtained by sitting with the legi hanging over the sides; but in this case they either graze the ground or come in contact with tho huge boulders with which tho road is littered ; by stretching them out in front, when they kick ngainst tho coolie; or by stopping altogether and walking, which means loss of time, but which is the only efficacious method of es caping tho pains of cramp. The Kago is however, much more rapid than the pack horse, and far more economical. The cool ies a'c well trained sure footed, stalwart fel lows as a rule; four to a litter covering eas ily their five or six miles an hour, and rest ing but rarely. Tho motion, however, is very unpleasant, and is apt, like that of a iwipr, to make the unaccustomed feel sick. Sword Swallowing. START' INCl FEATS OF A LONDON JHdaLElt, A servant brings a table on to the stage, aud iipon it'he places a box containing the various swords to be swallowed. He then retires and brings from belling tho seen-t a musket. Upon its summit is placed a for midable looking bayonet. All being ready, Mr. Benedetti appears with a very bright sword in h!s hand. Arriving at the front of the "stage, ho drives the point of the sword into the floor, and the! force of the ir ac- tfonof the Bword into the wood caus'i it to sway backward and forward. Mr. Bene 3elfithen goeato his box and products a sword made of a non lustrous metal. Hold ing it in the air between his two hands, ho opens his mouth and simply thrusts it down his throat in the same manner as cavalry soldiers would replace his sword in the sheath. That Is feat No. 1. Mr. Benedetti next takes up six or eight of these swords, and having put them one behind the other, he opens his mouth again, and, 'presto, down goes tho lot Into what is called by children 'io "red lane." These swords being well down Into his throat, he then plucks them out one by one and throws them" on the stage, where they fall with a clash that indicates to the commonest ob server that they really are metal. This done, lie rests a minute and tuen comes the musket and bayonet. He lifts up the musket and holds it with bayouet downward above his head, and then slightly steadyin; the weapon he allows the bayonet to gently glide down his throat. Just at the moment when it seems doubtful whether he h not going to swallow musket and all, it sudden ly stops, and then the bayonet is hidden all but the pai c near where it joins on to the musket itself. But this is not enough ; he leans forward, and holding the bayonet horizontally between his teeth, turns round and round, swinging the musket. He con cludes the performance by a very marvel ous feat. He goes directly to tho sword that is sti'1 vibrating in tho boards of the stage, and pulls it out with a jerk. One can not imagine what he is going to do with it, as it appears to the eye that the sword, from hilt to point, is longer than the man's body. He then proceeds to the middle of the stage; back goes his bead, and down his throat goes his sword. Several eminent medical men, among whom is Mr. Frank Buckland, vouch for tho fact that tbe sword swallowed measured thirty' inches in length and one and a half acro's. Mr, Benedetti has been swallowing swords for fourteen years ; the stomach M consequently accustomed to the reception. He is a singularly preposs' "sing man, rid h's manners are polished. Uood Whitewash. When oil paint cannot be afforded i . i . ,i for lences anu uui jiuuses, a gouu wunewasu wi" look well and durable. The following wash ' excellent : Take a clean barrel that will hold water. Put into It half a bushel of quicklime, aud slack it by pouring over it four or five inch es deep, and stirring it until slaked, When quite slaked, dissolve It in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc, which may be had at any druggists, and one of common Bait, wblcb lu a few days will cause the whitewash to harden on tho wood work. Add si'Hcieut water to bring It to tho con sistency of thick whitewash. To make tho above wash of a pleasant cream color, add three pounds yellow ochre. For fawn color add 4 pounds umber, 1 pound Indian red, 1 pound lamp black. For gray or stone color, add-1 pounds um ber and a pounds lampblack. The color may be put on with a common whitewash brush, and will bo found much more durable than common whitewash, Hints ouMarketlns Vegetables. It marketing vegetables remember that much depends on the attractiveness of their appearance. Don't bean them In a confused mass, hut arrange garden stuff so that their good quality shall be apparent. Oftentimes tho best selection carried to market by themselves will brln more tbsu the whole crop, good, bad an inditlerent, Indiscriminately thrown togetli er. A box of strawberries, each berry of nearly uniform size and appearance, will sell for more, and more readily, than a box which gives a confused look to the berries The good marketer studies how to please his customers, and doesn't grudge a little care lu sorting or washing, iu order that his wares shall show the best they are capable of. AUCKT HiKTMtN. THE RED FRONT, 3VCO"S"BK,S' BLOCK, HARTMAN BROS,, JVKAUniS IN TKA8, OANNKI) PKUIT, CIGARS, TOBACCO. OONPEOTIONJ3HY. Gpiccs of all kinds, Qlacs Si Quesnswaro, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domcstio Fruits, AND Gi.'VKUAL LINE OF Family Provisions 4th door llor Market stteet, liloomsbitrg, ra. ir- (locils (lell crccl to all parwot the town April at, 'TT-tr O- IL ES' JjINIMENT iodide ammonia. r- r.RADt: fyJAFIK Ciii'cm all 1'nln In .11 '.in mill IIciinI TESTIMONIAL'S : Parini'si'S llTnti (Fallloii ot tho Womb.) A Won derrul Cuic Mno jours my wire suffered ;wlth this terrible complaint, Mo wiu ui teuflert by doctor af ter doctor, went to tiie dineront tiuspltals whero fe males nro treated; tried them nil; wo.o bnndaires nnd pessaries with only temporary relief. Her llfo was .miserable. We npplled Dr. lilies' Liniment. Her relief was immediate. bh Is now we". It. McDMtuoir, 40 West 18th Blrect, New York, I hart Ilwelvo btrokes of l'aralj sis. ly leg, arm and t3D?uo were useless ; was obliged to uso n cath eter eu-ry day. Doctor ones' liniment Iodldeot Ammoiila his cred me. Will answer any Inquiries so that all afflicted may know ot It. Jons Aitm., No. Hi iiranford, Conn. Chestnut 11111, Philadelphia, April -.'. '70. W. 51. Giles, icq.. Dear Mr I iised yourlodldoof Ammonia Liniment on l-'lova Temple's hind pastern Joint, she .had been'qulte lame; the effect was wonderful; sho wuks now quite well. Very re spectfully J ours, A. Wki at. 1'. s, I am now using It on Littleton's rljht tore le. a largo shoo boll on a valuable joting horse was removed by Ullcs' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia. SHEPHERD KNAPr, Cnipets, IT.sslxtu ave.. New lork. Annul Tho tortui cs nnd agonies I endured for six years, nono but those who havo surrert-d with this u-rrlblo disease can know. My life was misera ble, in desperation 1 tried Giles' Liniment lonldc of Ammonia. It gave mo listant relief. Utd It In ternally as well as externally. 'J nOS. IIRANIOjIN, 127 west 27th street. Now Yoi k. I was In a drcaarul condition. Joints swollen, pain Intense, injections of morDutne into my veins tailed to relievo me. ones' Iodide or Ammonia took away tho deposits from my Joints lwantecry one who suffers to n w what i 111 cure them. Koiiptce Lo-rnito North 11 do rrk, Lammolllo to. vt. Another SufTerer cured. Discharged from tho Massachusetts General Hospital rs lncraole, wllh Inflammatory rhHi rualiani lu m shoulders, llnge-s and feet; surfered feanully tor thiee jeara, tiled everything ; lost all hope. Dr. Giles' Lln'mcnt Iod lue of Ammonia effected a completo cure. Ku en smith, No. 72 ITmc street. Fall Klrcr, Mass. Sprains, sp.luts, bruises. Lameness In horses, Giles' Liniment Iodide of Arrmonla Is a perfect spe cine. No person who owns a horse should be with out It. M. ItODENS, 59 beventh avenue. New York, In my family, and for tho stock, I bavo used Gile's Liniment Iodide ot Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed, and I am surprised at the many different malad'c m wuicu it is applicable, it, gncstno utmost satis faction. John J. Caihek, Supeiintendcnt Eastern Pennsylvania Experimen tal Farm. coc. end (I ; and In Quarts at 2.S0, in which there is iiKreai suxug. Trial slzu 25 cents .- Mold Br All. Dki-cmsts. N. .1. lli:Mll:i:.-ll(TT,.gl.lur lll,ioiMsbnrK, may 41, 'I?- PENNSYLVANIA --.XXjK,OA.ID. GREAT TRUNK LINE UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Tlio attention ct tho travelling public Is rcspccU fully Invited to some of the merits of ihls great high way. In tho coondent asseillon and belief that no umei- jmu can oner equal inducements as a route o. utiuuu uuvci. in Construction and Equipment I'FNNSYLVANIA IUILKOAD stands confessedly at the hcni or Ampi-i miiwrns Tho track Is double tho entire length of tho line, ot Bteei rails laid on heavy oak lies, which aio e nbed ded In a foundation ot rock ballast eighteen Inches In dpth. All bridges are of Iron or stone, olid built upoh tho most appro ed plans, 1 ts passenger curs, whllo eminently safe and substantial, aro at tho same nine uioueis or vomiort and elegance. TH3 SAFETY APPLIANCES In u o on this lino well lllustrato tho far.scclng and liberal policy of Its management, In occoidauco with which tho utility only ot an Improvement and not Its cost has been tho question ot consideration. Among many may be noticed THE SLOCK SYSTE1I OF SAFETY SICWAL3, JA1THE Y COUPLES, BUFFER and PLATFOEU THE WHARTON PATENT SWITCH, AND THE WESTINGKOUSi: AIS-BRAKE, forming In conjunction with a perfect double track andruad-bed a combination ot sategnards against accidents which have rendered them practically 1m Iiosslble. -r jj LllllMlcU! Palace Cars are run on all Express Trains From New York, I'kllmlrliililn, Ilnlllinorc nnd Vufeliuitfton, To t'lilriiiio, Cliirlnnnll, I.miMMIt', Indlnimuoll initl ht. I.oula, WITHOUT CI9.41V;i:, and to all principal points In tho tar West and SoutU with but uuo change ot connections aio made In Uulon Depots, and are assured to all Important THE SCENERY OK TIIU PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE Is admitted to be unsurpassed In tho world for gran, deur, U-uuty and variety. KUi1br refreshment fa- cllllles are pruvtded. attentive, and It Is a .1 lUnknM'H urn mm tonnu nnil attentive, and It Is an Inevitable result that a trip by the 1'enusylvanla hallroad must form A Pleasing aal JJemeratts Esjerienee. Tickets for sale at tho lowest rates at tho TtcLct onicesot the company In all Important cities and FltANK THOMPSON, Ueuerul Manager. L. FATlWErt. Gcn'l 1'assenger Agent. J. K. SHOEMAKER, I'ass. Agent Middle Dlst, feb I 18 ly M t""tU T btrt' "arrlsburg, V BL00MSBURG TANNERY. O. A, IIURIIIJVG "I) ESI'EOTFUMr announces to the public XV UiatLo has reopened SNYDEH'S TANNERY, (old stand) Uloomsburc, ra,, at the fUlHUlUJI ifl KsrtY ftnrl lAvht Mrmt rOttdii. WiiCru All dHWrTnl tnna r.t leather Will tu tnflA In thn inrml tubbtantlal and workmanllko manner, and Bold at price to ault tho Uinut. ' he Ul hwit prlco lu cu&h GKKEN HIDES ot every description In the country, Tbe rut 11c uit tllOOII'lUlir, iAi. I, 8!6- J01J 1'ltINTIftQ Neatly and cheaply executed at the COU'JJUIAN Office, Thomas 11. Hahtiun, feSCSs fey? .4. W "slV v AT PRIVATE BALK, The Willow Vale Estate A Valuablo property, lj ing in Franklin township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, en tho east branch ot Ilodrlngcrcek. Itconslstsot a beautiful tarm ot about ISO ACRES, on which nie creeled a commodious and comforta ble Dwelling House, a largo Hank liarn, Cider Tress, and all necessary out-bulldlngft. It has growing upon It abundance of excellent fruit, has n well of water at botlitl.c duelling house nnd barn, nnd Is convenient of access by public roads. ALSO. Adjoining and being a part of tho same, but will bo sold separately If desired, about five acres of tho above lands, whtrt-on uier u-ctid a largo CUSTOM, II1I1ST AND FMHTKINII MIU, with four run of stone, a DnelliDg House, a Saw Mill, a Dry noods Store and Dwelling House, nnd other Improvements, together with t ho water-power and appurtenances thereto. The Wllluwvalc VohI OKI ce Is on the premises. It Is within wy reach of Cata wlssa, Ccntralla, Ashland, Mount Cnrmtland other mining towns for market purposes. The property Is bounded by lands of Mini son, and Artley, and Micets, and D. llower and others. Tho two described piopcrllcs will bo Bold separately or together to suit purchasers. For terms apply to bllas ilcndenhall, I.'. It. In Inker or John (I, I'leczc, at Illoomsburg, l'cnn'a. feb. 8, '7Mf GOLD.e Great chance to make money. It you con gci roju nu enn (fei precn backst. a neeil a M-rsun every where to take RUliscrtnUons lo tho larenst. cheapest and best 11 1 list rated fumll.v publication lu tlie v,or'ti. Any ono can become a Ruccetfrul itgvnt. The most elegant works or art pnen free to subscrllMra The nrleo U so low thatnlmott cu-ilody subset IVes. unoapent reports inaUrigr OTtr Jiroln n uctc. A Ifltly ayent reports taking' over 40 1 htibscrlbcrs In ten dVi. Allwho entrnge make mono Ms, toucan tievoto all your time to tho tuslnc-B, or only jour spare time. You need not he away trom home over ntRht. You can do It as well an otht i h. rull pai (lc i"iirs. directions oiifltrrns tine J-.lecraiit and ex pensive onttlt tree, it you want projitable work sendusjour address at once. It km i.oth'itjto try the busiucas. No one ho Hinnes fails to moko irreat pay. Address "'ihe ropltu .luutnal." 1'oit land, Maloe. ftuc. U', f7-iy SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures IJiskases of the Sum, Beautiiies the CoJirLEXio.v, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Blem ishes arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, hut also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a wholesome beautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages ofSul tiiur Baths are insured BY the use of Glenn's Sittphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and TRE vints Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen nnd T-REVENTS diseases communicated by contact with the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; pet Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. B. The 50 cent calces are triple the lire of those al 25 cents. "UILIS ITAIR AND WHISKER DYE," Black or Brown, 50 Cents C. 5. CB1TTEST05, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. December l-i, 1477-ly ANTI-FAT The CHEAT HEM ED f for OORPULENOH. ALLAN'S ANTI-FAT U nurflf vegetable anl perfectly harmless It acti ukd Uie food In tho utomacli, jirevmtlng Iti llng converted Into fat. Tukrn In arcordamo wltli di rect Inns, It will rduos fwt pvrOD fruiu two to flv4 lounda per week. "Corpulence li not only a disease Itself, but the harbinger of other." bo wrote HlipocratfS two thousand ) ears ago, and what was Uuu ibn Is none the less to to-da). Hold by drupirUta. or sent, by express, upon re celptofjlU. Quarter-dozen Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., v Prtqirtctori, liujfalo, X, T May a, T8.-3m $45 priEMirTM WATnr in rrrifv- Lfltein-Hluiler.Frt'.t n(thf.virvnr.l.p. flul. 'at tree. J. II. Uatlurd it Co., Clilcaso. 111. aug.lT, "IT-ly HSC PATENTS-!; obtained for mechanical do .'ices, mer'cai or othor rnm. pounds, ornatnenta dc&las.trndo marks, and h bels. Caveats. Asslcnmcntb. lnterftToncps. Aiuwriii. suits for lufrlnptmiiUi, and all ca&;3 urls'it' I'nder iuu i i i' r. iiuuitn.v uucuu iu, Inventions That XXavo Been T?l? I l?frIM? h? thepatent omcomay IVlLd JLX J!jlJ&tllUnmoht cases, bo dqn eutjdbyua. Helny omwilte tho patent oMlce, wo can mko fiostT fci'iirutit's, una wcuro patents more promptly, and wlthbroader claims than tuobewno are remote Irora Washington. INVENTORS send us a mcdcl or tWetcli ol vour del lco : wo mp'io t-xamiDuiiuna ireo 01 cuaigc.anu aaibe auiepacerii atilllty. All correepondence utrlclly conildentlal. Prices low ana KO CI1ARQE UNLESS PATENT IS bi-.uuut.i), We reter to ofllclala In tbe ratent onice, to ocrcll ents In every ttate of tlio Union, and to your hena tor and Itemeseutatlvo li Concets. bneclal refer. cnceaglvenwhen deblred, A tid rets KJ. A. MSU1V & CU.! Oocoblte ratent omce. Waslilncton. U. c. arm e, n-ti , Steel and Iron Triple flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; In.ld. Bolt Work and Illng.d Cap. 10 lUt COMFUTI WITU0DT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILUGER, No. 04 Maldea Lane, , Xmi WUlUuaU. dec. 7, IMI-ly UW10U. TlllSfAPErISKEPT0N FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 SmoH St., PHILADELPHIA, Wli0 are our autburlxcd agent unU will rcceJro Adrtu-tUcwcuu al oar SMBJ ft llcga leave to inform his customers nntl (lie piibliq that liis .etock i,1 now replete with rU tlio Novelties for Spring nnd Summer Wciu consisting of new mid beautiful styles of 1 ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC- GOODS . AT 21SDUOED FKIGSSSS" " any of which ho i9 prepared to niaku ,up in tho latent atyJe.-1 . . i .. , ilciidy-madc cotliina; cheaper tlnm ever. Cheap Suits for men, lioys for all of tlio best make and Just received a full lino of all the 9$ JU.JfJK.JM.Kft MSi d'IJ) For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE GELEBHATtB PEARL IT MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUEG, PA. Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Contro otreetu, BLOOMSBUEG, J?J.-, 13 TUB l'LACU TO OUT T1IK WOltTII OP VOUIl MONEY IN TIIK FINEST AND J'ltKSIlEST OF Fancy Imported and DomesticiStaple Groceries of Every Description, Qneensware, Glassware, Wooi anfl Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOB GASH, 0K NICE FltESH PKOMIOK. Jan l. 1S7T. , , Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. , CHEMICAL PAINTj landsave one-third tlio cost of painting, and get a paint that Is much liandsotler, ah'd'wlil' ' LAST TWICE AS LONG AS ANYOTIIKU PAINT. ' ' ' ' Is prepared ready for uso In white or any color In tho country, many of which have hf-en painted UHUMIUAl. rAlMT uaa laucn r lrbl l' at twenty 01 me uur runs ui lit Colors sent free. Address N. Y. EN A M I! I, l'AINT UO., 118 1'ilucc htreet, DEIt SON,AcrenU lS2l,Marnct street, I'hUadelpUla, l"a. best; business you cam on trace In. th to 120 rer day made by anv w orkcr or cii her hex, right m their own localities. Far- tlculara and sample worth 3 free. Improve your fcparo time ut this business. Addiess Htinson & Co., l'ortlantt, Maine, march 22, '78-ly $66 gS? a week In your own town. $5 Outfit free. nsK. iteaacr 11 ou waui a uubint'ha wlilch nernons of either bex cau make irreat nav all tlie time thev work, write for pnrttuilars to II. IUllbt & Co., l'ortland. Maine, march 22, iay GLAZING AND PAPERING. TlirM. F. ISODINE, Iron Street Mow bec- V ond, Bloomsburtr, l'a., 13 prepared to do ol kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING. In tho best styles, at lowest prices, nnd nt short notice. Parties haying such work to do will sayo money calling on me. All work warranted to glyo satisfaction. Orders solicited wir. f. bodiJte. CHEAP KANSAS LANDS ! ! we own ana connoi the Kullwny Lauds of TltEOo COUNTY, KANSAS, about equally divided by tho Kansas Pacific Hallway, which we are selling ut from f2.Srt to fS.oo per acre, on eusv terms of pay ment. These lands are ot Ihe ery best quality, and are located In the best winter wheat and stock grow. Ing district of the United states. Alternate sections of (locrnment land can bo token as homesteads by actual settlers. Members of our ttrm reside at W'a keeney. and will show lands at all times. A pam phlet giving full Information of sou, climate, water supply, rainfall, ic., will b sent free on request. A duress, Warren, Keeney It Co,, 106 Dearborn St. Chicago, , . Or-Wa-Keeney, Trees Co., Kansas, April U 8m. ' A PHYSIOLOGICAL V iew of , Marriage ! AOuldoto Wdr5gk nl dutiet tit tnarriair nA th it m.JiJV" c1111 "i unt lor II t the ie -537 N ty3& iri of ltprodulon and A Look lor urivate. mnaiH. T A PHIVATE MtDIPAL AnUISFR! Oil til diforden ol ft f rlT,T Nturo tnnug Uom Bslf Abuao, zccitei, or Secret Dlieuei, wub. th Uit tt A CLINldAL LEOf aitE on the aoot d'Hiii nd tnou ot ih Throat todLunei, Catarrh. RuDtut.Ui Opium nbtt,ic..prlre)yct. nthrr nook nt poirpaldon net !pt ot prtcf i Of ill time. onfinlf. AW rgJ lM-utitully lliuitraied. lor IS cli. AddMi Eli. SUrTS. o. UN. bOi bU tU Lili. Ho, auff.n,i7-iy uao S2600 ATEAIU Apontawuited. lloil. neu leirltloiate. rarllcular. free. 1 Id., J.WOITU i CO , Si Uuli, OUff n, iy SO T. ATMT7G Ca Etocklngi, Kccttlcs, Ac, JJXklAXiO tusTANTAHKoviLT, lor le than I ct. Can renew or change tho color of their Vrewet, Bile. Woolen, or Cottov, at a nominal coit, imparting new and lovely cliades ty tlie use o( our Uaqio Tihth. ick ui AmT oouj nwor iuo.; s different colon tor bend tcatamn for aamDle and circui&r. Aun. Our Improved Pest Poison ! a un .are na c&up dutrayer of tin DrtTATA Ell w n m w www Cnmnt.Worm, tod .11 IniwU that ) rer on V.-geutlon, Wirrsuti-a to kill VlVll Itnila Ii.m lavla llwwn Irllla II,. ..I I . I . . . ... I . . , . l;ua4cDdVe7u.rlS;ll'l,i'1W uai ,n Our Cabbage Worm Destroyer U hot i-r itx roisootri,bnt turedeHh to tb worm, fc.mpl. or trui uat fro o. rrlit ol li nuu. l oTAoa stihi-. iccmih IdKount to tbo Trade. UKAlutGir UULMIUAl, WUIUib. V.O, Box S139. may Sd, is-sra wamb. ic u.r, Aecnt. Office, ut Curtl.ult BU, Sew York. Jwico lll'llllul:'u4'.'iw wiuki.b.ui.LUi I IVIfl 11 WM-llurtdBbi, LtkAii 11L. Au II, 1I-ly K 4 O Ucan ir ako money faster at work for ua than a nnythlugelso Capital nor required t we U MStt.11, v.. Pr day at homo made by tho ldustrlous. Men, women, bova and girls wanted eterywhere W work for us. ' Now lathe ."AJ1 .Co11y ""Jlf and terms free. AddreaaTacn & Co., Augfsta, Maine, March SS, H-ly MALLEABLE IRON HOOT (V H1I0K Solo Protector. For ui e In Kol"nglllU. mass jKo'ineni, Malui.t.,liegheny,l'o. Call, or iu.u id i tit'er! mm wiw Cheap suits lor Youths, Children. 1 ( at, tho lowest prices. Intent .styles in, color and quality of mm, mat, POB SOLD ONLY BY LOWMBEMI-, desired. Is on many thousands of tho llnest bundles six jears, nml now look as well as, when tlrst palult'd role '., or, iIiiNHY li. JulynVJT-ly ' Ol-TIBAl?-! t SAS LANDS"! ! Wo own and controTtlfe JnllrfnV lanrti of T'r'eflo County. Kausim. ulinul. pnunllv.riKUlpil, l)V..tlui Kh. sas 1'aclllo Hallway, which we mo selling at .ml a rriijju or n z i per uc re on cnFv u rms jui tiaymciil. Alternate sections, ot upu-mnjent (aiida.van bo ta ken as homesteads bv actual sutlers. 1 heso hiDdi Ua In llin llnionone licit of Cen tral Kansas, tho best winter wheat producing fll$ trlctor the United' males,- jlejdlng irora so to 35 IhiKlif-N iier Acre. 1 The nv erago 5 early rainfall in'tfils 'emihty Is nenr ly 83 Inches per Innniun, one-thtrdjgrenlcr than Hi tho much-extolled Aikansas Valley, which ha a yearly rainfall of less than sal Inches per annum In the samo longftudo , , Stork ltnMinr aiidonl (Irowlriir'nrp'irry Rennin'cr mho. -To wluteis mo tlicit und lulUl... htorj; w 111 live all tho year on grass 1 I.tvlng 'Hrenms and springs are numerous. Iiiro water la foundlu wells fioiiimtocorertileep. 'ihe Ili-.iltlilei.t t ilumie In tho World ! No feer nnd nguo Were. No mucWy or ImpasbaMo roads. PKiity of lino building Mei.e, lime and sand. Tl.ete liimUarouelngrapldlysettt.-d by the best class of Noithern aud haslern people, and will so appicclate In value by thelmpioveineiita now In Ing made ns to make their pmcluiso nt piee entpilces ono tho very bebt Investments that can bo made, aside from the rr .nis to he derived frcn their cultivation. Meinbeistf our llrm rebldoilu tl-Kecnev. and vtll show- l.mrlR nt. nnv limn. A pamphlet, - n Ing full lnfoimutlon In regard to sou,' v.i.iiukv, naui BUpiJ , ftu., lu UU fcCJlt.. lltO VU Ttf- quest. Address Warren Keeney li Co., 106 Dcartern St., Chicane, OrWa-Kccney, Trego Co., Kansas, April u, T8.-im yiAiNwitiGiiTAco., ' ' ; WIIOUJSALE GltOCEItS, ruitjiniLrniA, Dealers In TEAS, SYllUrS, COFFEE, UQAlt, MOLASSES, HICK, S1-1CL8, EICADB 60D1, KC, AC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch strocta, Unorders will recelro prompt attention. tt 54 Ninth Htrect I'lttsburg, Dec, 10, 1SI4. Messrs. DltEllKll. HKAr CO. ' ' Gentlemen : Vour paints have given entire eat Isfactlou. I havo used them on a good rnapy differ ent kinds of work, such us Iron, Tin, Vood.-IirleV, &, and never heard any compJalBU. on the con-, trary, tho work stands w ell anu lor wear, win in my opinion, bland with any lead In tho maikct.. When In want or reference Infills ctly or Mclnltj-you aro at liberty to uso my name with pleasure; also to uso thU as jou think best. . ,, , , . ltespectfully Yours, , , .JOI1N-T. OllAV. 1'alnter and Dt-aUr lu Paints, oils, 4C. STIUUTI.Y I'UUE WHITE LEAD, AT1HEIVOWEST MAltKHT.KATjy.' .- i . ..iif. MONTOUH fLATE I'AINTH. S' CENTS. ' Mo.NTquititi;TAjji yiiiTB, s centb. WONTOtllt HETA(.Lia.HltOWN,'ll CENTS. " OFF COLOKS AT TlIft lICE, 1 T-i 'run PURE LINSEED' OIL i -.,,.,. ut IohckI ninrUct iuIcn. ' (sample cards -and price list furnished without charge. Orders and Inquiries by mall will rccclio prompt attention, - - hi , ' HEljIWfB. it BAY, .MANUITAOTUJlhli, ' ltUl'UKT, I'a, MOYEItnnOS. WHOLESALE AGENTS, Dloousbuho, I'a Maya, 1.-1 J. sun l I II i IlVnri' ltifrnA pritctlce. ettendin thrmurh .pco-lo ol veal, having within licit time trrclml inaiiy thounand ce of thuo rilBcanes peculiar to noiitan, 1 havo beon enahleil In ticrfcrt a molt potent anil agrcrablo inedlclno that meeta tho In aicaiiom presented by that clnis of diseases with p9Slljto certainty anil exactness, To delcnato thu natural ipcclflc comiwund, 1 havo named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, Is ml a feeble ciptesslon of . mt hlth appreciation of Ua value, haicd upon my own personal observation. As a closo ob errf, 1 hate, while witnessing Its positive, re sults In tho fow special diseases Incident to tht 'frpnrnto orfranism bt woman, ainclcd it out -as tlio climax or .crovrnliin ircm ol mr ineillrnl rnro.r. On Its merits, as a posltli e, safe, and effectual remedy for this class of dis eases, and onc.lhat will, at all times and under all circumstances; act klnilly and In harmony ivllli . the laws which govern (he female system, I am willing to stake my reputation M a physician. Kay, even more, to con id lent am I that it will not iflsar-pntnt tlio most stingulno expectations of a slnale invalid 'lady who inei It lor any M the ailments for which I recommend It, that I oner and cell It llMcr A POS1TIVK CllIAIIAN I i;r. it a effect Is not experienced bv the time two-thirds ol tho contents of tho bot tle ate used, I will, on return ol tho bottle, two thirds of, the mcdlclno having been taken accord ing indirections, and tho case being ono for which 1 1 ccmnmend It, promptly refund tlio money paid for It. Had I not tho most perfect confidence In Its virtue, I oould not oiler it ns I do under these conditions! but havlnjt witnessed its truly mlrncu- "lons'eures In thousands nf cases, I Icol war. rnnlcil niul perfectly auto lit rUlcliiaj liutii my reputation nnd my inoiicy ou Its nicrlla. ' The following aro among rhoso dlscvscs In which my Fnvorlto I're.erlllon has work ed lires, as ,11 by inngie, ami Willi a certainty never bchro attained by any nicdlcinot corrluea, Kxcesslro Flowing, I'alnlul Jlontlily 1'crlods, bupnrcssions vhcn from unnatiitnl causes, Irregularities, Weak Hack, 1'iolapsiia, or falling tS tlio Ulcrns, Anleverslon and llettnier sion, llcarlnp Down feensaliniis, Internal Ileut, Nervous llcprtsslon, Debility, licspondanry, Thrcatcncii Miscarriage, Chronic CotiBCHlion, In rammalfon and Ulcerniion of tho Olerus, Im tener, liai renness, or feterlllty, Fenialo Weaknen, and very nianywtlicr chronic diseases incident to woinhil not mcntlone.1 here. In all affections ot this nature, my Fnvorilo Prescription works cures tlio iiinrvol of tlio vvorlil. Tills medicine 1 ito not extol ns a cure-all. but it admirably fulfills n aliiRlonea. of pur iiose, hemp a most pcilcct sperliio In all chronic diseases of tho soxual system of woman. Hwtll not illpappolnt, ner will it do harm, In any auto or condition. - Thoe who desire further Infnrmallon on theso subjects can obtain It in This l'Koi't,r.'H Commov Sense MnniCAt. Anvisnn, a book of over two pases, tent, poat-patd, on receipt of $l.w. It treats mlnulclv ,ot thoo dl-,c.iev j-ei-iiliu- lo Feimlcs, ahd pives much valnstilo ndvleo in re gaul to tho of lltuio affcelloHd. r.wonrri: iiti:sciciiTiu.v sold UK1 AI.Ii IIIiXGUlSTS. R, V. FIERCE, H. D,, Prop'r, sep. m, '77-tt PELLETS. ooo o o o Or Siignr-Coatcdt Conccntrteilf Kooli nnd Herbal Juice, Aiitl-Itlllona ' 'CranulCR. TIIX MTTIJ: GIANT" (lAI lIAKXIC, or lUultum lu ParTo lMi)nlr. Tlie noti'trof moil em MedlcalChemtcal, and. rh.irmacetmcal (science. So use of any longer! taking the Urge, repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bHky inured fents. nlicn ccant ty a careful application of chemical tclcncej extract'alt tbe cathartic and other medl . clnnl propertied from the most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them Into a minute Gran ule, Ncnrcely larger titan a muatard teed that can be readily swallowed by those ot the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Each little Vurcatlvo I'ellel represents, in a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power as is embodied la anv of the large pills found for sale In drug-shops. From their wonderful cathar tio power, in comparison to their aire, people who havo not' tried thorn are apt to suppose that thev aro harsh ordraqtiofn effect: but such is not at all the case, tho illfferentactive medicinal principles of which they aio composed being so harmonized ami tnniMtlcd, one bv the others, as to produce a moat ncnrclilng and thoroiiRli, yet gently and kliidly operating, cathar tic. d&OQ Howard Is hereby offered by the pro prietor of theac relicts, to any chemist who, upon annljblA, yri find In them any calomel or other forms of mercury, mineral poison, or injurious driiff. lie t ii fr entirely vccetnble, no particular care is igyutrcd while using them.i They operate 'Without disturbance 'to the constitution, diet, or occupation. , Jk'or Juundlco, Jleadaclie CotiHtlpatlon; Impure Illood. Ialn In tho MiouIderN, 'I'lKlitnoMH of tlioC'lieatv 7 lilzzltiCHit, hour Uruclntloiia from tbe stoiiiaeli, Had (auto lu tho mouth III I Ioum attnckN, lnln In' region of Kld no), Iiitemnl lover, lllonted feeling nluut Momach lliieh ol lllood to lload, lllchcofored Urine, Uuvocla btllt 'and 4ilooiuy ForobodtiiRsi, take llr l'iorce'a IMousaut lurKatlve I'd lets. In explanation ot the remedial power of my 1'iirgatlve 1'cllets over so great a variety ot diseases, I wish to say that their actlou upon tlio aiilmnl economy is unlver kuI, not n ulaud or tliauo enraptiiK their anuativo I in pre.. Ago docs nut impair tho properties of itieo I'cllcts. They are euparcoatcdlaud Inclosed in glass bottles, their virtues being'thcreby 'preserved unimpaired for any lenstft of time, m any climain, eo that they aro always frcslt' and reliable This Is not the case with those pills which arc put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. Itecnllcct that for all dUcaves where a Ijnxattve, Altrrnttre, nr IMirtf utl ve, fa indlcaied, these little Pellets will pio (he most perfect satisfaction to all who me them. They aro (.old by all Irui;gltiU at 25 ccnU a bottle .B. V. PIESCE, U. D Prop'r, liUFFALO, K. Y, J . Tho lightest Running, Tlio Simplest, Tho Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It Is rasllj- nnilerstood, mahe the dotlble-Ilirenil loek-alltc-li, lim sclf rcciilntluc tensions unit lake-uji, ml lelll lo (7io wholo raiijo of family teurfcivltliont cbanee. The Wonictlq" it uiaifeln the matt Humble manner, lelth conical etcel bearlny mid compeniattiia Journals SAroupiouf ' PAPER FASHIONS. 37,f juj.""''"!- 1'A.TT JSItNH for ladlci', i(e, cunt children's dreit, aro cut on a1 B)steiit superior fo any itt UMt anil can be uniterttood by any one, J ul! directions autl Illustration. on each cnvilope. Send J'ttt Ctnlt for illuttrated Cata. lonuo of lOOO I'anhlotu. tn I B'oTTing KaeUiis Co., New York, I.- W. HARTMAN, .pnt Domestic" Parer Fashions JSloomsbiirg;, Dccemlierli, isTT-ly PATENT S. F.A. Ulitnann, Bollcttor ot American and Foretim JWcnts, Wnsiilcgton, l).o. All business cennecteu witu rt4nts,;vlietter be'orouie I'atent onice or tho Courts, frompuy atuntl(fa to. Kothargo made li otesa a patent la bccotwL Bentl tor ctreular MsT,Mi-M bw ' IRON IN THE BLOOD A J'crrunnctit Tonic, WITIIOU'l1 ALCOHOL, Peruvian Syrup !' a rrotccted Protoxide ot Iron. Peruvian Syrup Contain? no Alcohol. Peruvian Syrup V II: II Vitalizes tho lllood. Peruvian Syrup To the Tones up Hie njstem. Peruvian Syrup r.uiiiit up the lirokenDoTi n. I'cruvian Syrup Makes tho Weak Mrontr. Wei Mro Peruvian Syrup Cure tho l'.fsr Peruvian Syrup Cures tho l'.-8peptlc. Intl tho Jira Peruvian Syrup Cur Ten Wei Invigorates tho Jiraln. Cures Female Weakness. Peruvian Syrup Cll Hp DC Cures Kprlnir Debility. Peruvian Syrup Is pleasant to Tako. CAUTION. Ho suro you get the 'TEItUVIAN 8 1 ItUIV Price $1.00 a Bottle. A 32.pago romplilet, eontalnlng a history of tho Fkkwian KVBi-r.a valuable paper on proureRsin medical science, a treatl.-io on Iron as a medical neent, tettluionlals Irom distinguished phjtlclans, clergj men and others, H III be sent Irco to any ad dress. FETO W.POWUE t f-ON-. Prortletors, sa Ilarrt son avenue, lioston. M 1 by tf r-uljrj generally. Or.A.G.OLIN'Slti Lll Dft,( Private Datura, raultfnff bom eirly Rbuars t infi-otton of tlthff Hrmlntil eal tirnitiVMJtiiiiic imiuiuiis, Mmointmori inpnirfd Mcbt. Lang M nn hood or lni potency, Srrvuua lt-bllllr, rrritiv tjently tUrli diwMMor tb ltluslder. kMitry. 1,1 rcr. Liinvo. Ailtima. IVvrh. til, all Llirnnln Hw. atid'lHrt Ar.NWf FKUAl.KH,ylM to bit trmtOinH., Dr,Ul U liaJ a 11f-loni ftriFi-lanM. inilnuHBniwsighM f.ll 1 a rrclual of Iha IltnMd Srhcinl, uata ro nwmirv. KM IKa lare.t pra tict in tba U. 8. LAIMI.H rtqotring treatnMtil with prltulc homioci board, rail or writ. tfnt mnwownra fat I-atlrnti Stnl fifty rati U ft tamplaof liulbw CoocJi and Hr rular of Imtvirtanl InfunnatVnt, by tyt. ML OI.l.N'8 l-finalo II Ik i Wf r. l,i....ultt1on fr. MAERTAGE GUIDE l&Wfi )anif and nil. I llu a.- I ui txxH Via u all dUMj of a frUat iMtnra, XatLUunMsDiLth n anj tlia ronUin.i.Ulinr jnamfa. II ito l liotlthv r .( m v ktif.y In I ho inarrUl ttla tlon, h titty body .bould kkt tltlt UwV IVica W wtlu, to any ad dnu,4alJ. ' aug. it, TT-ly It & O RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADKLriU AND READING KOAD AUIIANGEMENT OF PABSENGEK T11A1NS. MayH, 1678. .. - raiINSLBAVKBUrKKTi8,oTlO8 (krariv EX CEITK J" HwtsBa tt- W "no W p. m. or w miamspoi t, 0,5a v,u a. m. and 4,oo p. m. TRAINS FOR HCfSKT 1KATE AS KOUOWS, (StKBAT M CBPTKD.) Leave New Vork, 8,43 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Leave lteadlng, ll,3ja. m., I'ottsvIUe ISISd m andTamaqua,l,sop. m. l"'uo, n,i5 p. m Lcaocatawlssa,fl,!oe, and 4,00 n m Passengers and trom New York and Phiiadn phla go througa v, itnout chango ot cars. J. I!. WOOTTKN. CM, nANCOCK, cneral Manager. (leueral Ticket Agent. Jan.u, mio-tr. v"tvuu vrsrcrsotii,i8'3',r,iinswuii-e KOItTHWAItD. Erie Mall ts.ta a. m arrh e Elmlra ji ,6 " Canandalgua... s.ssp. m Itochester ftio Niagara Itenovo accommodatlonil.ioa.rn.armo Williams ft itM p. m. hmI miM a-m- ftrr"'e Etolra lo.!0 a. m. llutralo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive liufalo wo a. m BOUTlIWAltD. Buffalo Express S.W a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.w a.m Elmir. u.n " Baltimore 8.40 ' Elmlrallau 11.16 a. m., arrive UairUburg)xop.m " Washington 10.30 " llaltluiore " " Washington 8.80 " arrive Ualtimoro s.2a a. m Erio Malt lus a. m. arrive Harrtsburg a ot l m, " Baltimore 8.40 ' I IA11 daily except Sunday.1"8""1 ,0-85 " D. M. liOYO, Jr., General Taascnger Agcn A. J. CASSA'n, u neral Manage S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ashland;pat General Surveying and Engineering -uumueBB nuenaea to with Owe and Dispatohi X am nrenared in .v. .1 n. . . Models it warZ, , , r:""1"'- "a ,.,.,., "i" nuuie materials combined as necessary ot Erligcr, Mines, Erealfrs, Buildings, Engines, PUMPS, and all kinds or r,rt,in.. . - . . , j ,v, .u m cases at court or tor applications to secure patents. I'alnil, hecurett . manb ti t JOB PKINTXNQ OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N EXECUTED rilOMPTLY At thb OoLUMBrAw Offxok.