THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. ntooHNU uiin, 8.00 A. Mi 4.49 1 M 11.49 A.'.M fntrrn T.fiO I'. M. 11,43 A.M. Charles Krug Is lame nail. COMMKNCJMEvT WSU. The exercUc of the closing week it the Nor- rill l A I, JUHE !9. 187J mal School began on Toendaj ereulng with a lecture by the Key. Dr. Hopklnt of Williams- port. Ilia subject iru tha "Dignity and re sponsibility of the teachers work" and It was listened to by a large audience. Dr. Hopkins Is a fluent speaker and he handled his subject in a very entertaining and Instructive manner. On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock the class day oxerciiei were attended on the campus by many patrons and friends of the school. The programme was as follows. Music, By the Class. History of Class, . Mr. W. U-Sanders. Oration, . . . Mr. W. M. Chrlstman. k"najr, Mlsa Mary L. Simons. Music By the Class. Statistic, . . . Mr. I. II. Strauss. Declamation, . . Mr. W. II. Bote. Poem, . . . Miss Ella C. Rogers, l'rophecy, . . Mr. P. A. Melxell. Procession to the Trees. Class Song. The several parts were well executed, and all were marked by the good quality of brevity. In the evening the Callieplan Society had a reun ion in their hall where an appropriate pro gramme was carried out. The Bloomsburg Cornet Baud attended and furnished music UIUDDATINCJ. On Thursday morning at ten o'clock the commencement exercises began. The follow ing was the order of the day. PltAYETt. Rail ltoad Time Table. LACKAWANNA & IlLOOMSHUllO UAH. ItOAT) NoiiTii. aocm Accommodation Train,.,.,., .r A.M. Mall Train,,, A, M Express Train 1.67 1'. M. CATAWIS.HA UAH, HOAD. NORTH. Accommodation Train A. M. Ilcgular Express 1'. M. Tlirongh cars on Express train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between (Jatawlssa and Willi amsport. We offer a special discount of 10 per cent to old and now subscribers who pay In advance. $1.80 will pay for the Colunman for one year after this date until further notice. This docs not apply to subscription now due. Our sub scribers will do us a favor by calling their neighbors attention to the fact that the Colum bian can be had for $1.80 in ndvance, the only $200 paper in the county malting the offer. If. Danville will celebrate the coming -llli, What is Bloomsburg to do about It ? from stepping on n, W, F. Iiodine has entirely recovered from his lato Illness, and Is nltcndlng to business. The Sherifl will mnvo into the new jiil some time during the summer. The quartette of young men who sing down street In the evening, makes very good music. Milton Charles has removed to Plymouth, and will take the I'arrisli Home at that place. A meeting of the Society of Friends was held in the Methodist church Iat Friday night. Perry John and wife both spoke. A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for sale at this ollice very cheap. Good until De cember 31st 1878. tf Charles Kmc, lessee of the Epy Plaining Mill is prepared to do all kinds of mill work. Ohation, See his advertisement In another column. Casper Ithawn lost a valuable horse in Cat.v kssAY, wissa last Tuesday night. It died suddenly af ter being driven a short distance. Music. Chorus. Vacation Song. JUNIOIl CLASS. SsAi.UTATOitY & Essay, Elevated Ideals ELLA ltCXJKRS. Titles. 1'. A. ME1XELL. Uencfitg of Cloud'. EMMA A. CASE. Piano Solo, Grand Fantasia, ANNIE SLOAN. Force. EMMA JONES. The 3Ien for the Times. I. II. STRAUSS. Talents, KLMA EDO Alt. Music, Vocal Trio, OltATION, Essay, Music, Essay, Geo. W. Miller from Malnvllle and Geo. W, Frey from MlfflinTllle Pa., who went to Kansas last spring hare located In the vicinity where the Miller Brothers are who went out one year ago last March. They are both very much pleased with the new country they have found, and say that they never would with themselves back In Pa., to stay anymore. They think loo much of Kansas to leave It and go hack. They also say, young men come west. A reunion of the old soldiers of all organiza tions from Montour, Columbia and Northum berland counties will take place at Danville on the 4th of July. They will assemble on Mar ket street between the Canal and Court House and will form In line at 9 o'clock n. m., to take part In the general parade. A large number of officers and members are expected. Come one and all. C. G. Yonxs, Committee. John A. Opp. Esq., of Plymouth, Luzerne County, son of Thomas Opp, Muncy Creek township, has been appointed Judge Advocate, with rank of Major, on the staff of Maj. Gen. E. S. Osborn, commanding the Third Division, National Guard of Pennsylvania. Since the appointment, all the Major Generals of the National Guard have been mustered out of ser vice, In compliance with the new law, but how Major Opp is affected we are not advised.- -luminary. A Dark red cow broke Into the enclosure of E. R, Drinker and J. K. Edgar, and was there tijwn taken in custody by them, and advertised to be redeemed on payment of damages, and costs of advertising, which together amount to several dollars. Would It not have been clienp- er to keep that cow shut tip ? If everybody will pursue the same course as these gentlemen it will not be long before cow owners will prefer to pay fifty cents to get their cattle out of the lock up rather than pay several dollars ilarn.v ges, and costs. now whiskey rAY. The people of Asbury will hold an ice cream MISSES MAY IlROWElt, TURNBACU &TOWNSKND festival in the church Saturday afternoon and evening (29th.) The Co-operative Iron and Steel Mill, at Danville, is running steadily, with a most cheer ful promise for the future. The Methodist bunday school had a picnic at Knorr'a grove on Monday. They went down on a canal boat, and all enjoyed themselves. As we go to press we learn that T. J, Morris Esq., fell out of a cherry tree this (Thursday) morning, and broke his leg. No particulars ha ve reached us. Okation, Formation of Character. L. W. EVANS. Essay, The Sphere of the Normal School. MAKY J. SIMONS. Oration, - - Statesmen. W. H. SANDEKS. Music, Piano Solo, Grand Fantasia. L1LLIE WOLF. Some years ago we had in our employ a man, who, several times a day ran out of the ollice to Iruy n drink of whiskey. Every lime he went out the cashier was Instructed to drop ten cents into a draw$er to our credit. At the end of seventeen months the man who had gone out so often bad drank himself out of a good situation; and the drawer, when opened, was found to contain four hundred and nine dollars, which we loaned to a young mechanic at seven per Angels' Serenade, cent Interest. He used it to purchase a set of unners ioois. UDineiom oi reururay, ioiu he returned it with interest, Baying in his letter that he has now a wife, two children, and prop erty worth. $5000. The other fellow is a dead beat and adrift hunting food. Pameroy s Democrat. Harry Faux, tho pedestrian, has written a letter to tho Philadelphia Timet. It shows that Harry Is ready to go Into the walking business to any extent, The letter is ss follows, lb Me Editor of The Timet! Dear Sirs 1 want ynu to know that i never trano a day of my life 1 can brat seven iiilnels aney lime aney man from your City Comes to See mo third of july 1 will bo nt yoming mass cycree witch hapen one hundred years ago I walk one mile last summer nt blnghamton new york 1 sen you these rcckhard so yon ,Can' See wat I havo done. HAnnv Faux Sckantox. 1 will match nney loan in the State for aney amount of money. ItAniiY Faux. lewisburg pa Juno mondiy may 10 1878, FAIR TLAY. If a few doses of a proprietary medicine fails to cure a malady for which it isadvertised,some seek a physician, and contentedly take his rou tine prescriptions for months, even though they receive no benefit. Is this fnir? Suppose the traveler on a strange and dangerous road in quires the route to a town some twenty miles distant, and, after going one or two miles, con cludes to abandon the road, becauso ho cannot nee the town. If lost, could any one be blamed but himself? The Family Medicines manufac tured by It. V. Fierce, M. D., of BiilTiio, N. Y, arc n safe and certain cure for the various dis eases for which they arc recommended. Ills Golden Medical Discovery has long been the standard remedy for the cure of scrofula, bron chitis, consumption, dyspepsia, liver complaint, skin diseases, and all impurities of the blood, while Dr. Sige's Catarrh Remedy, if used in connection with the DUcovery, tflicts a speedy and perfect cure of the most aggravated catarrh al afl'ection. For many years the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women were regarded us incurable The knife and caustic were freely used with but exceptional benefit. The Hieciss attending the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription induced the Doctor to sell it under a positive guarantee to cure this cl iss of ill-eases. If alllirted, do not delny or hesitate to try it. See Pierce's Memorandum Hooks, given away by all clruggi-K A Bawl tkom Si:com Bam; llarrv Shafer the second base of the Bi-tou Club, fell and dislocated his knee-cip a little while ago. lie says that he owes his almost Immediate recov ery to Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr. Gilks, 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. DirnTnsniA. Items. Dr. LcMoyne, cremntioiiisl.has given $20, 000 ton colored school In Tennessee. Tho petition nf Jacob Ilitnlzlngcr, tho do faulting president or tho Pottsvllle Miners' bank, wns refused by tho supremo court. Tho farmers throughout Ohio nro receiv ing notices signed "Worklngmcti's Bread or Blood Committee," warning them ngalusl purchasing labor saving machinery, Tho Russians nro sending Turkish mili tary prisoners to Siberia. A dispatch from Moscow says tho Russian Poles aro exten sively singing a petition to tho congress at Berlin. Madrid, Juno 24, Queen Mercedes is dying. Her majesty received Iho Inst sacra ments uf tho church nt five o'clock this morning, in the presence of tho King, mem bers of tho royal and Montpensler families and the ministers. Tho Italian Government has decided to hold an Exposition at Komo In 1881, begin ning I-cbruary 1, and ending Juno 30. French papers think that tho late date ol closing will afford Grangers excellent oppor tunities for catching malarial (ever. One thousand three hundred and seventy- eight pieces of skin, tnken from the nrms of friends, have been engrailed on the head of Mrs. Jonas Hay of Jamestown, who lost her scalp by her hair catching in the mill ma chinery in which kIiu was working. Mrs, Hay is rapidly recovering, nnd is now able to ride out. Essay, FRANCES ItAlKB. For Sale. A stationery Steam Engine and Oration, boner, twenty-live borse power, win sell at a sacrifice. Enquire of E. Jaeoby, Bloomsburg, or Dr. J. F. Chopin, Benton. june 14-4w Kelly the "Bum" left here for Philadelphia where he said he could get work. Since then he has not been heard from directly but It Is reported that ho has enlisted in the navy. Do not forget the Ordinance prohibiting the use of fire works of any kind within the limits of the Town. If you want to shoot crack ers and rockets on the 4th, go out in tho coun try. This is the season of College Commencements, and thousands of young men aro being turned loose upon the world in a finished condition, it will not take them many years to find out that there is something left for them to learn yet, The Anniversary of the Orangevlllo Acade my will be held to-day (Fridav). An exhibi tion consisting of dialogues, farces, music, Ac, will be given in the evening, the proceeds of which will go towards painting the academy. Music, Essay, Essay, This terrible disease is still raging in the town, and seems to have become an epidemic among the children New cases are reported dallv. and the little ones are dylne in numbers. f The Old Kay House, or t order to prevent the spread of this scourge The Priestly Mansion. eretJ precaution should be taken and we would suggest one or two things that should be gener ally observed. Da not go to a house where the disease is, unless it is absolutely necessary. If called in, sec that you do not go from there to houses where others may infected. If you have children keep them at home as much as possi ble, and scatter lime about the premises as a disinfectant. The time has come when every precaution must be taken to check the Bpread of this fatal malady. In all Classes of Society, Glenn's Sulphur Soap is the ruling purifier. Ladies use it to re move delects of the complexion, and persons troubled with eruptions or other irritations of the skin are promptly cured by it. Sold by nil Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown, COc. June 14 4w. Amusements. C I). ANDREAS. Vocal Solo, ANNIE MILLER. IDA K1STLER. Baby Mine. Milestones. ("Cut Your Coat According (, to Jfour Uloth. DORA A. STILES. this Music, Piano Duette, Grand Waltz. MISS ALICE KUUN AND PROF. IIOFFMAN. Okation, w. CnitlSMAN, Essay, Vai J Opportunities of Doing Good I not Uoniiiicil to the Kicli. FANNIE E. SEAItLE. n ED1CTORY, W. H. ROTE. The Sunbury Daily American puts it way. Don't Wait to be Begged Fon It, If yon take a paper pay for it. Don't let it hang on rVip Iwn nr three rears and then trv and cheat in , i ' - iiioomsuurg. I tue printer. Your editor, and compositors can live on wind, or good wishes. It takes dollars for food and labor. If you want your paper to lire and push forward, give you plenty of read ing matter, money is necessary to do it with Don't criticise their old type, while yourBub scription la unpaid. Turn in and help the good cause along by friendly counsel and sym Oration, Gov. Hartranft, Hon. Charles R. Buckalew, Hon. Wayne McVeigh, Gen. Geo. B. McClel- hr.d, Hon.-Alexander K. McClure, and others will deliver addresses at Wyoming Centenn ial. f l .... 1 Z -1. .. I I ..a I, anil l. rtr-nmnt nv. Tnv. however. Is c ,w 1 -nii.iiuuy ui uiu ueuiugiui j r 1 - i j DUhNTIHC 1 ...iri. nr ! . .... I ik. I,,.-, .ill, hrv,A n,l bnlfer in s .uiu inu ,ius;wi; acuuuat. I ""- "" r. ., ( of the Creation. sufficient quantities, it will not trouble any in W. M. CLEAVER. I telligent person to find compsnionship. The I rra nM.l I'mneriltvA want nf tLn Tvnl n.-mprn I r i t- u c .t. tii nr I s 1 .I'lUSH, UUill xsill-llt.', CUU 111U 1 UIU iUUUll. Stephen Gearhart from Mainville Pa,, was visiting the Miller Bros., at Bennington, Ki a few months ago. He was seeking a place to locate and was very much pleased with the country. He was accompanied by his brother- in-law Mr. Smith from Lewisburg Pa. Tho grounds at the Normal School are look Ing beautifully, and are very ceditable to those having them In charge. The new fountain lends an additional charm to the campus, and we doubt whether any school premises in the state are more attractive than those of this dis trict. The case of Hill against the Pennsylvania Canal Company which was tried In this Court and decided In favor of the plaintiff, was re moved by appeal to tho Supreme Court. On last Monday the Court sustained Judge El well's rulings. This will have an important bearing on kindredlqtiestions. MISSES MAY BROWEIl 4: TURNBACH. The Degree of Bachelor in the Elements was then conferred on the class by Judge Elwell, President of the Board of Trustees. Music, Chorus, Happy Arc We To-day. senior class. Hknkkiction. On the stage sat the Board of Trustees, Mem bers of the Faculty, clergy, reporters, and invi ted guests. The ladies of the graduating class were dressed in white, and the gentlemen in dark suits. The exercises went ofl satisfactorily At two o'clock in the afternoon the Alumni Association met in the Chapel, when an address was delivered by Geo. E. Elwell Esq. The essayist of tho occasion was not present. After alter ding to some business,the Alumni adjourn ed to the dining hall, where an excellent din ner was prepared, and to which all did ample justice. At this point we went to press. is to be promptly sustained by cash subscri lions. Will their friends see that they have it? The people should demand from the candi dates for County positions that the public offi ces should be kept open during business hours, whether its occupant is a candidate or not. Il is too bad for a nun to come a long distance to transact business, and be compelled to wait a day or so, or else return home. Annie, daughter of I). A. Becklcy, walked out of a second story window u her sleep on Tuesday night, and was considerably bruised and cut. She is doing well at present writing, (Thursday). Where she fen she might have been very seriously Injured, or even killed. Il was a narrow escape- SEMI-ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE PENN SYLVANIA MILLERS' STATE ASSOCIATION. president's office, iratM-Ztorre, Va., June 20th, 1878, The First Semi-Annual Meeting of the "Pennsylvania Millers' State Association." will be held at the Keystone House, Beading, Pa., on Tuesday, July 9th prox., at two o'clock P. M. All Manufacturers of Flour and Feed In the State, as well as those directly Interested in the Milling Industry, are most cordially invited to be present, and unite thernselves with the As sociatlon. The Meeting will, beyond doubt, be an Inter esting one, as matters of the greatest Importance to the fraternity will be brought before it for consideration and action, liudolph Yeager of Locust township, was dieted for selling liquor without a special tax The case came up on Wednesday of last week The defendant had no counsel, and the court appointed Hon, H, B. Payne and A. B. Brim dage, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, and another attor ney, whose name escaped the reimrter, to defen the accused, A heir client was an aged man blind and very poor, and all three of these gen tlemen entered into the work before them wit! as much earnestness as if they were to receive a very large fee. The able manner In which they cross-questioned witnesses for the prosecu tlon brought out the fact that the old man was not guilty, and to this effect Judge Kelcham charged the jury. He said there was no evi dence of the defendant having violated the law, and that it was a rase which should not hav been brought to court. The jury, without leav ing the box, gave a verdUt of not guilty. Tl old man was without means to take him back to his home in Columbia county,and his friend the lawyers that defended hi in, opened thei wallets and presented him with money enoui 1 to help him through in good shape, Gazttle it HMtin. Indigestion. Tho main cause of nervous ness is indigestion, and that is caused by weak- ness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bit ters to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood, and to keep the liver and kidneys active, to car ry oil all the poisonous and waste matter of the system. Sec other column. Standard British Poets, Comprising In all I G Volumes Largo lCmo' printed on fine tinted paper, attractively bound in guilt and black, uniform stylo. The list is as follows : Burns, Cowper, Goldsmith, Milton, Pope, Byron, Coleridge, Mrs. Hcnians, Moore, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Campbell, Crabec, Thos. Hood, Ossian, Scott. Cloth, plain edges, SI .00; gilt edges, $1.25. Or put up in sets in a neat box, 10 vols.: plain, $10. Gilt edge, $20. Hie extremely low price of this edition and tho popular style of binding render them suit able for school, college and private libraries, prizes, &c. and present an opportunity to ob tain a choice collection of standard poets in durable form at a very small outlay. For salo byall booksellers, or scut freo upon receipt of price. Just published, favorite poems, lOmo, tinted paper, gilt and black stamp, 450 pa ces. Plain edge, $1.00 : gilt edge. $1.23. In uniform stylo with our series of British po ets. This collection comprises a large number of tho favorito poems of tho English language, giving choice selections lrotu tno writings oi Chaucer, Spencer, and others of earlier times, as well as most of the popular writers of the present day, including aNo a few transla tions from the French and German, and will be found a valuable addition to our series of tho BritUh poets. Also, nearly ready, "Shakespeare," 1 vol 1C mo, Thomas Y. Crowell, Publisher,. 744 Broad way, New York. A QOOD LAW THE BETTER PROTECTION OF CHILDREN. The finest lot of hogs we have ever seen, are in Hssession of Brown of the "Exchange." They are of the breed furnished by E. J. Mc- Henry. Their site for their age, their cleanli ness, and other desirable qualities, entitle them to class as the premium collection in the Coun ty, if not in the State. A chlldrens' Temperance Picnio will be held In Col. I-recie s grove on the 4th of July be ginning at ten o'clock a. m. Families will pro- Vide their own refreshments. Platform exer cises will take place during the day, and will consist of patrlotlo songs, addresses, Ac. A general Invitation is extended to all interested In the proper observance of the occasion, and in the cause of Temperance. Let there be a large turnout. Proper arrangements will be made in due time. The followlog abstract of a bill, passed by the Legislature, has become a law : Section 1 provides that if a person shall ill treat, abuse or Inflict unnecessarily cruel cor poral punishment upon any infant or minor child, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemean or and upon conviction snail be uned by any justice, magistrate, or court 'of record not less The important subjects of Transportation, I than $10, nor more than $50 for each eOence. Irsurance and Patents, will receive special at-1 Sic. 2. No person having the care or custody tention. I of any minor child under the age of fifteen Every progressive Miller in the State cannot I years shall sell, apprentice, or otherwise give but appreciate the vital necessity of prompt I away such minor ; or any person who shall re action, and earnest tflectual organisation and 1 celve or employ such minor for rope or wire- co-operation to further and protect bis Inttretts, walking, or dancing, or as an acrobat or gym which have been so seriously assailed, I uast, begging, or any obscene, indecent, or ille- Millers' Associations are no longer an exper-1 gal exhibition or vocation, or dangerous, to iment ; their usefulness and success have been I health, or for prostitution, or who shall harbor fully demonstrated. A, Z. Scnocit, Secretary, Sellntgrove, Pa. Cius. A. MniKB, President, I or employ any such minor In any assignation house or brothel, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor. Fine not less than $50, nor more than (100 for each offence. Sec. 3. The employment of a child under twelve years in any underground work or mine Is declared a misdemeanor. Fine not less than $10 nor more than $60. A law somewhat cognate to the foregoing was I also passed, prohibiting the employment of waiter girls in saloons, places of amusement, The examinations of the Senior class at the Normal School were held last week, the com mittee consisting of Deputy State Superinten dent Ilouck, John II. French, Principal of 5th District Normal School, A. B. Burrows Super- James L. Barclay, Esq., of Jersey Shore I Intendent Union county and W. II. Snyder of I 4c, Borough, Is announced elsewhere to-day, in this I Columbia county, The whole slaw passed, Journal, for a seat In the Legislature. We I They are as follows, Ella Rogers, Emma Case, I Wnr Lonoku Remain Fit 7 Obesity was liare known Mr. ilarclay, lnllmstely, from his I l-.moia Jones, tims tugir, Alary J. Himons, considered br the ancients as ev dence of coarse- early youth, as he Is the Grand-son of the late I r ranees Katlce, Ida Klitler, Dora A, btiles, I DeH, Even yet the slim forms of the Grecian Justice jddings uarclay, ana a son or Jolin U, pannier, eearie, vr.iurisman, w. Ji. iioie, i goddesses are regarded as models of female beau ilurcluy, Esq., and brother to Chas. u. Barclay, W, M. Cleaver, V. A, Melxell, I. II. Strauss, ty. Corpulence la now held to be a dlsease.and Iuq.,of Bloomsburg all of whom are and were ex- L, W, Jivans, V, II, Banders, 0. 1). Andreas. I Allan's Anti-Fat has fullr demonstrated it to ..... ..... ..i i cellent gentlemen and wormy Jiemocrals, good be curable. The Anti-Fat chemically neutral! stock as Is generally all the Columbia county 1 be formal opening the Rupert Hotel on I IM the stomach all glucose, saccharine, and Democracy, enouiu air, iiarciay be elected, iai inuruy ingut w ukiun suotxu so oleaginous substances, thus preventing the for- anu ne uas strung Claims upon me Democratic I iar as nuiuuem r roownwu, j.ue uance 1Q I matlon of fat. Ill use insures loss of froi party oi ycemlng county, tney would secure a tue grove was conuucieu in me Deal oi order. I w0 to five pounds r week. It is purely veg- laiiuiui anu intelligent uepresemauye iu tue I air, ntoen oi uanvme lurnisueu me music, anu I etbe aud perfectly harmless. Bold by uraviM niuiui;, miiuiimVI UM I awvwk i.,..v,mi.-m.wwW, I ftnUEglSlS. 0 Hr a.j4&, a BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. THIS SCHOOL, asatprevnt constituted, ofTers the very best f,ir-inn--srnr Professional and Classical learning. IlulMtnsfH spacious, liivlltng and commodious , completely Heated b steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished wltli a bountiful sunnly of pure.sott spilnir water. Location healthful, anu cosy ot access. Tmrhers cxporlcneert, enletent, and alive to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expoctlng to teach. tHtulents admitted at any time. Itooms reserved when desired. Courses ot study prescribed by tho Mtute I I. Model School. II. Preparatory, III, Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Toure in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Tho Elementary Scientific anil Classical courses an I'P.-il'KssloN t and Students graduatng therein, receive Slate Diplomas, contemns the followla cm-responding Defrrees s Muster ot iho Moments ; Master otrlhi- seU-uei-s i Uit"r ot tho Classics, tlraduutes In the other Courses receive Normal certificates their attainments., Hjrned li the omi-ersof the lloirdof Tdtistees. The course of study prescribed by the state Is llu-ral, an the selenntlc on'K'Usslcal couresaro not Inferior to those of our best Colle"e3. The state reii'itrcsa nurtier order of citizenship. The tlmei d-ui.ui 1't If K -me ot th" prim-; ubji-cta of this Sehool to help to secure It, by furnlshlnj Intelli gent and efficient Teachers for her schools. To this end It sottelts . -tin,' n -i-ous or good abilities and (rood purposes,-tliose who deslro to Improve their time unit their talents, as students. To all such It promises utd In dev.-ljpl.i their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leal Ing School. 1'or nils. tiii.iA ii i:i.T.i.i' sept. I'reslilent Ilimnl of Trustees The first pinno manufactured in the United Slates is believed to havo been made by lolin Iielmont ol Philadelphia, in 177o. dickering was eslnbli-hed here in 1823, and Steinwiiy's house dates from 1S53, Up to 1S20 must pianofortes in New York bore on their pliiksthc names of J. J. A-tor, having been imported by tho original John Jacob from lirondwood or Clement! of Knglaiid. Some of them aro yet in old houses. Pastor John Jasper, of Richmond, who in sists that "de sun do movs," boasts of being able to Immerse more people in a given time than anybody eUe can. Sunday before last ho immersed three hundred and fifty-eight colored converts ill the baptistery in his church. The pool is not largo and before the services came to a conclusion the water was of an unpleasantly dusky hue. These con verts nre a part of the recent great revival, the power of which has not yet died out- Jasper has quit lecturing. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole uinin system, ns it lonlroi.s the lite, health and appinc-s of man. When it is disturbed in its riper action, nil kirds of ailments are the nat- ral K'-nlt. The d'nre-dion of food, the lunvt.- nunts of the heart and blood, the scllun of ll o rain mid nervutis ajMem. nre alt immediately -uiini e'ed Willi I Uf workings ol the l.tvir. II a- been sticeefiilly proved that (Ireen's Ang t Flower is ituiquallcil in curing ult persons lllicted with Dyspetwia or l.Wer Cnuipl.iint and ritnnnch. Simple hittles lo try, 10 cents usitively sold in all towns on the Weidtrn Continent. Thrie do'es will pruve that it is ut what you want. June 7 tf. The difficulty of providing horses with forage in war has set tho ingenious to work in endeavoring to compound a condensed horso biscuit, and Col. Itavelli, an Italian officer, Beems to havo been very successful in this respect, liy direction of the Minister of War, very careful experiments have lately been made with cavalry horses, and a com mission report that not only when the bis cuit is administered with proper care is i consumed with appetite and easily digested but that the lior-e fed upon it actually in creacd in vigor. There is really nothing new in this, for three centuries ago horfces in England were often fed in the same way. Paris is doing very well with her Exposd tion. Iho best day of tho hrench Exhibi tion of 1SC7, when there were 172,000 visi tors, has been beaten by the attendance on Whit-Monday, 1S7S, when there were IS: 219 paying visitors. That is still a long way behind "Pennsylvania Day" at the Centen nial.when there were 257,109 paying visitors but it is a larger number of paying visitors than gathered at the Centennial exhibition on any other day. General Sherman. Alons the fields where llerce and strong 1 ho blast of w nr s ept by. Now w aving grain and lid How ers glance In beauty to nrd the tky. The bugle's stirring note no more Alarms tho solitudes. And peace her bededlctlon breathes Upon the val es and w oods. llut ho who seaward marrlicd and fought Still keeps a stock of dlo, And boic-s a helpless pcoplo with 1 be music of hlsihln. A". 1". Sun. i.ivnii IS KINO, Business .Notices For a Summer Hat go to I.owenbcrg's. OJOCHAXX WIUWW FMITC CL0IBINO0S5E,, 1818.-18tU your.' For a Nobby Summer Suit po to D.-Lowenbcrcj's. For a nice Straw Hat po to 1). Eowenbcrg's. For a Nico White Vest co to 1). Eowenberg's. Latest Stylo and Lowest prices always to bo found at 1). Eowenberg's. For a cheap Suit of Clothes go to 1). Lowenberg's, Call at Melvinnc-y's for Shoes. DOUBLE UAItPOOX HORSE HAY .FORK. The best Fork in the market ; works equally well in long or short hay. For sale by J. SciiuYi.r.u it Son. Rubbers at McKinney's. tl Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. Go to E. Uernhard'a lor Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Cadman always keeps in stock Picture Frames and Mouldings of all kinds, aud is also prepared to make picture frames of any size. Shoemaker wanted, ney's. Apply at Merlin- For crass nr grain Scythes, Snaths, Rakes, Forks and Hay Ropes iu bottom prices cali on J. bclmykr iV Son. Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. The "strike"Riots iu Quebec and at Black burn, England, ran the course that all euch violet disorders take first, a natural enough dispute about wages between worlitigmen and employers then excited intetings then the gathering of tumultuous mobs of luwle men, having but little to do with the labor dispute then riot and destruction while the authorities aro hesitating and temporizing with tho mobs then sevcro measures of suppression with sacrifice of life then a quick end to tho mobs and then back to work under great disadvantage, with no re sults but loss of time aud wages to the stri kers, loss of property to tho employers, and loss of life to tho victims. Yet there aro people who insist upon the efficacy of this mode of treating tho labor question. Ledger. Mrs, Williamson, who was murdered in Cayuga county herhusbatid,was only seventeen, and had been married two years. Her mother at the time of tho marriage told Williamson that the girl was too young to choose n husband, and that she would be sure to fall in love with some other man. This naming did not Induce him to wait, but it made him jealous and watchful of his wife. His determination to kill her was made deliberately.and after he had good reason to believo that her mother's predic tion had been verified. After shooting her once and inflicting u slight wound he said : "That's too bad I meant you shouldu't suf fer," Then he took a more carelul aim and killed her. Ills suicide followed. Ex-Governor Curtin will deliver the -1th of July address at Phllllpsburg, AN UNDKNIABLK TItUTII. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead n mis erable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your owu fault and there is only ono excuse for you, your unreasonable preju dice and skepticisui,which has killed thousands. Persoual knowledge and common sense reason ing will toon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liter Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects such as sick headache, palpitation of tho heart, sour stomach, habitual costhcuess, dizziness of tho head, nervous probation, low spirits, Ac, Its sales now reach every town on tho Western Continent and not a druggist but will tell you of its wonderful euros. You can buy a suidplo bottle for 10 cents. Threo doses will relieve you. june l-Mf jl Secretary Sherman has said that he thinks when Congress re-ascmb!es it will find that resiimptiuii of specio payments will have been accomplished. The only serious obsta cle in the way of resumption is the law pro viding lor tho rei-sue of greenbacks as fast as redeemed. Resumption, under such cir. cunistaricf, will be equivalent to an expan. sion of the currency to the extent of $130, 000,000, or rather to the extent of gold iu the Treasury at the time resumption occurs. Jleconl. Indorsed by Iho Medical Fraternity, popular iu every ciicle, found everywhere, Glenn's Sul phur Suup is undoubtedly the most popular purifier, rnuedy for skin diseases and injuries, nnd complexional beautifier in America. Sold by all Drujjgista. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown 60c. May 17 4-w. It) Icronl, A vea's CitniBTic I'tus aro the best of all purga tives for family use. They nre tho product of long, laborlo s, and successful chemical InTcstlgatlon.and their extensive use, by physicians In their practice. and by all civilized nations, provo them the best and most effectual pill that medical science can devise, llelng purely vegetable no hai m can arise from their use. In Intrinsic value and curative powers co oth er pills can bo compared with them, and every per son, knowing their virtues, will employ them when needed. They keep tbo system In perfect order, and maintain In healthy action the wbolemacbtn eryofllfe. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the ulgestho ap paratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They aro the b stand safest ph) sle to employ for weakened constitutions, where a mud, uut cnectuai cainortic is required. l'OU SULK UV 11 1, lltJLlKS. not Deaths. In Orangevlllo suddenly April 13, Mrs. Louisa 1)11 dine, aged 50 yeirs, 3 months and !3 days. At Mlllvllle on tbo mh Inst, Mr. William It. Eves, aged SI j c ars and II months. MAliKETJtEPOltTS. I1LOOMSI1URG MARKET, I l.!0 Ml SO ;.oo Wneatpcr bushel lte ' , Corn, new, " oats, " " I'lour per barrel (Hou-rsced ... Flaxseed .' , Butter , Kk-k-3 Tallow Potatoes , Dried Apples , ... Hams , ,, sides & Shoulders , Lord per pound llayot-rloa ,, ... beeswax Timothy seed No. s on Whart i 5,01) r-er Ton NO.6 " , r NO.S , I K.W M Ulacksmlth's Lutup on Wharf ......,", $ " " bituminous ' ,., H on " Crampton's Palm Soap is tho best laun dry son n in thisor any other iiiniket. ror sale by Jacob 11. Maize. may 18-3iv McKinneys House. Shoe Store below Court Try it Buy it Palm Palm Palm Soap At Jacob II. ilaize's at Jacob H. Maize's may 3-1 Sw Crampton Brother's Palm soap at Jacob 11. .Maize's. It Is the best, iry it. may 3-lSw Admission free at McKinney's. this I'ap-fk is os- iif.r. wim Rowell & spsm . Advertising V- Agents, tHiDfiiie.iirkTiiut'.rti S' inns w, SURE DEATH TO T1IM COLuKAIKI POTATO M'(i l-'orthl p wdtr we eliiin ihreeiiiipoittint features whkh win leeoiumenii its use toeury gauieser a r.irmer In the eounf : 1st. That It none o' the poisonous rrop. erttes dangerous to human life, ot uh'elunanvof t le insect ixiwilers now In the tua.ktt nre comro-sM, Many deaths have o curied throuirh Paris ilreen ond other pol-onuus preparations or arsenic w men nre emnloved to ileitrov lnsi i ts oil 1 lanfs and eeo- tabl-s,aad which ab-orb the poison, and wlthlho loou is uuroaueeu nuo ine unman s.iMem. Vd. Th. t wher this Powder Is sprinkled on Po tato wnes ri.miK,et;eia ues, ae.. it win urm-awu: the Potato lluir rut Merum. ad all ottie' Insist: whteli nro tbo pests ot the neld and garden, and If useui-arivin me snr nir. win nreveuf. me develop ment and growth ot Insect lite. It enii also be used with good effect to destroy itterptilars and worms on iruu trees, uowers iui suriiu.w y. 3d. I'm Is tin eii. and othe poisonous eomnnjnds, inautiiiiou iu is ing uitugeiuug id niuniiu uie, im poverish and poison tho soli on which thev nie u-ed This Powder Is men iv i-koi-kktifs which area heskmt ti) the land, and Is nn rxci f i-st iFKTiiizkit and will prove a vit.i-ii.LK nu to the growing plant IJireotioiir-! for Uro. A can, with perforated top. Is lurnlshed with each nov, wun wuicii lospriuiiit, ino ruwuer luorougiuy over tue piooiia uuu uu ine gruunii uuucriicuu. rHMI'I.K FliKE. Prepared at the llurehu ('lu-iuienl Work,,, Kiumvocp, N.J. W A. LECKI.F.It, Wholesale Agent, IS Vcsey st.N June 7, ts-lm gTATEMENT. tr, Ueorge So? adman and Pamuel Hess Secretaries, pervlsors In account with hugarloaf township vear endlnc Arjrtl s. A. 1). liTs. Dr. Amount of duplicates for ls"T, 734 so To cash collected, ID IS lly orders and r-tclpts " Eionerul'on " Tune as Supcrvlior, S. Hess " (1. Mcadniun, time settled " In account by offset " Work dure on I o: d " Attending sett'einent To order given lor balance IS SI C4 I'll il si 70 60 Ml M 1 50 May 2 1. '7S I'm Withjnuchveatcr'jjarictij "JVitll.amplcrlfaciliticsy TJian'cver 'With farjnore:customei's' TJiarfevci' Wolaro letter prepared AicoTisiderablijlowcr prices tI7ianever To SnpplrV The Hen and Beys . y of Axnerioa (With. Superb ClotMng From the largest Clothing House in Americai i 'Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. , Samples and prices mailed anywhere. Orders by mall promptly executed. WANAMAKER & BROWN Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia, iVGENTS ! READ THIS! ! Wo will rayoErcrilsa snlarvof J100 plr homto. ami expenses to sell our New a, WosPEitm. inven tions. Address SUKKMAN CO., Marshall, Mlli, IS T11K TIME TO SECURE TEItKITO TOUV l'OU IJIC. ECILES (1HEAT WOKK THE NEW ILLUSTKATEl) Ills'! u!U Tlic grafidett wlllii, lool; for tlto rennf-jlvanla Held. Mitt rat terms to apents. send, s-i.oo at otko for compw U outnt, or 10 cents for our C4 papo sample, nnd name territory wanted. Address i). C, liUMjJiui ii, j'uuiiiiit, imrnouurtr, i a. pun i full to tuj wliatrrtr3oii8.iwtuisln. match 'is m Dur A SSItiNKE'S XOTICK. Itlce Is lierebv lMw-n tbat t. O. llutrbcs or Cata- wlss.i liusU-en .i,t i luted Ahsljrneo of w esley 1'erry or Locust lounslilp ror benult of crtdltora. All persons, tneietore Indebted to tno talu Wesley Ter ry, will i.iake rninent to tbo said assignee and tlio&u baling clntnt& or demands will mako known tlw tain nitbout delay. ii. in uiu;s, Dauchy.& Oo's. Advt's. Sure Reward. ft YUAIIS TO PAY FOlt A FARM. 4 TO SIO PER ACRE, leccli nnd Mnple Land Iu Mlchl In Uie Million Aero Grnnt ortlic Grand Ilaid and In diana Ilallroad C'nninanj'. TITLE rERrECT. Stroiij? Miil-i ir crops pipntyof tlinbci-iio droiiKlit-m clilucli Ihirx no "hopi'iT"!." Hcnnim) Streams Vvhk WaterHeady Markets nmiools a!i.kou roMPi etko jiiroi-oh tub Centbe oe the (Hunt. . Send lor pamphlet, ioiVj or German Address IV. o. Ill'CHAltT, LASH fOMMISSlOKER, CIltANI) IlAl'l l)!S, MICH, nprll 12, 1STS-22W d Assignee o' Wc-ley reny. a ato Ille-liest honorsat all World's I l n Exhibition. Latest Cataiooues 1 and Ciucri-Alts. Willi new llc, reduced inlcet and inncb Information pe!t hifk. M-isoN HML1N okuan uu., uosiou, .-en iorK or uu- i cago. d ma si, la-iw May, 17, 4u Catawusa. A CHANC3 TO HAKE SOME HONEY , SUR3. '(on.ell'b Ill-tnrj it I inni-jluonla." Now ready. , i)r I Tf Heautltul Concert nrand fill ft IH Write for AKenc ui on.e. JU1IN M" LY & CO., I I A l I l'lanos pilce ficoo only 1 1 Hurt IX 1-nblMii re, 7r sant-un M i iet t. 1'bllade pbla. , mmmgm. r'.inos.rrlceti.iuoouly maun, -iu jnaco Klegantl 1'rHbt flanos.rlcu fsioily S 155. New Mle rpiiKW H.iuosx2.500riiai- 35. O. -E S.A- S .A-GKE, (Irmiiis 12 stops I.2.W) Cbau-li Otuiiiin 111 It V i pi Ice f3W oiilyfllS i:i-Ki"it t;r AllrrorTep in Orinuis. only tm. Hum-in come and see meat 1r.,..n,r I ... --., nu k, m..,ntn.l It ll tftl-,, SilvirTiri. Wat;H0).J37jlr7. CICwk3, &3. ' botn waj s nd llano orcrgan uu. n fn e Large Hist. 1 ,.n..v,vivvl.i Newsparer wlfh mi'eli lniorm.,t'"n cost of I'lillMts v IllKXHs srni irte. i .i-t-ltutue iAis- I IEI F. HE , ma 21, 1'iv. u,Llii.'lon,Nett Jltscj. ;--w d AtlENT.s WANTK1J! Medals nuM Dlpi maaaarded ,or..,U,ANS1)l0TOHl vIj J'jJJlg ii.Olio IhutimiltitiN. Atidn"-s fur ih'w eircutars. A.J HOIMAN A CL.,UjO tcli falrect, I'lllla. June T, 7s-4w. U 174 77 IT! 77 The following Is tbe Indebtedness ot said township. ,u uiueia uupnei lor j i-ur Ol isio rjl 03 " orders unpaid for joar or 7 2s' 47 " orders uniuild lor ear ol 177 KJ 74 " JlTO 3, H78 finis 70 Tun above Is a correct stalcme-it as tbo account btands on tbe toun tiook. Hy crder ot nudiiors. IIEN'ItV p. III'.KS, A AllOS 11111 ... . . l.'I.IJ.Ml WflKKMAN. Attest i Axiikew Laibacii, Llerk. June 11 tf. u . jRTi-lli-r. e ., 1 .i II FL, 1'1U11 - m . JZriKi I III I s yit-Mt lun i ! ,11 flfl ' 1 r ' liii'rltl(Mttiilti(iiur iHtfk ,'7 in ", R--4 ' nr m -i iH-rur. ,IH kula." J. Mi ., ran,.u a ti in iu, V.ii fl - -t i. A' fmtltie' I nl us tW r. I' ' R L btL Lf All.. XA LEGAL, I1LANKS OK MA, KINDS O.N HAND AT lllK tOLlMlllAN OWICK tr liemoved to tbe lust Ofllco building, first doir aboi e tbe ts A.uigo Hole'. All kinds ef Watelu s. 1 1, rki and Jewelry beat, ly 1'ep.ilre t nnd wurr inul. may 17, '7s tt NNU.VI, srTJ'.MI-:NT 01-' SCOTT M' Old. DlhTl hit, tor jear ending June 3. ls's. II, c. KELi UNElt Treasurer. HEl'EU'TS. Halance on band from loAt )ear 17-0.123 From Male approprl.ulon 85 H) Amount bt duplicate 1,21127 1 1,133 0 L'XI'll.NlUTUltES. ror teaclierii' wages 11,323(0 " luel V4 72 " impairing boUM-H CJ 22 ' books u S2 14 Journals 7 on printing for ls77 : quo " sundry bills .. Il M uupi'eaie 6 83 M Ms'tetari'ssalary asoti ' exeiierallons . : isi 12 " eolleetors' i'oiniul8ttoii ni collecilng btalo liond yo " TrvMuier ooniintslon at 2 per cent, St 47 ' priming and auditing tbls account.... 200 1,7U)UI nutauw in uauus oi treasurer, usi ui tt,ia so Approved June te, isls. K. I. lUONllt'ClI, bAMl'KL A. WOllMAN, C. V. T1IE.NC1I, Juno 14, lsis - HEALTH ANi) iTaPPINKSS, Ileultliand Uappinewiaro prleelets Weallli lolbelr ihum-smii-n, nu jei iui-j ure ii uuin mo renin ti ev ery one liu 111 umi v AVltltillT'S MVKlt PILLS, Tho o!v buro CTIU: for Torrid Ucr, l3ueu-ia, lleadiulie, hour hiniaUi t'ontllftatluii, iHtftlty, NuuM-a, au t uli itiiiious i'oinjilalmand liUMKldlb oraiTB None indue- unit h-4 blgmd 4, in, M rlubt, finla" 1( jour tiui-,! v ill not mprly wad & $50 s I'nr a ense nl' OS TA.V UU Hint Siiiilr,t'n ltiitlieiil Pure for Pafanb mil iiotlnsiiinti.i nlleveand sreedllv tuie. liefeleneefe. Henry Weils, Kwj., iVi lis, Farg a. eo Au rora. N. Y.: Wui. iumin. 1-sa . Mc llalton, ('.rant i; lioiifn, M I.uuls. Testimonials and trea'lso bv mall, l'llec, v-llli improidl Inbaler Jl tic-Id eierywbere. WEKKS A- ruTTEIl. rrupueiors, notion, Jiass. June 7, l7s-4w d AYANTE1) An Energetic man or noman In every County to take t no agency for two or tbe most popular Publications. fix of tbo Finest CbromoH mounted nnd streuueu (24X30 IncUes eacb) to every subseiltxr. Tbo Best Coaillnatlon eier Before Offered to Agents, and tbe m ost Liberal Induecmenta to Subscribers, our Fine Publications. Wegant Premiums, and Large Com missions place us obead of all Competitors. Illustra ted Circulars free. K. P. L HEs'TEIN, imbllshers. North East Corner 7th and Dickinson streets, Phila delphia, d Juno 7, "7S-4W NEWRICHBLOODI 1'nn.iiiiift riiruiiilif IMlU mako New Hlch Blood. and will eompk'lely cbwu tl.etlool mtbnentlre sRtemlu tline inoclhs. Any pen-ou wUowmtako i rill each nlnht from J to is weeks iray b rehtor- by malt fort leiur bthinps, I. s, JOHNSON CCO., SWEET CliBwiil NAVY Awtudrd K.gtwt vnt n( Out' or il Eipoiiieo for aeUr ttf umIi7 an-( Jtarotintf, Ttim Wat lobkcco vt n4. At oof tIu lrip trid-uitrk it clMcly hi., I'l.lU, juu, 4, 'la-iy nr PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Priutod ut this Ollice OX S1IOKTJ&ST NOTICJJ AND ATTJJK MOST 11EAKONAULE TEilMS. '. F. M'.lltl'l.i:, lienernl AH., I' ll-lila. JUH0tl,Tli-4W d II) T, n. Ariliur, Is ihe most riinikm and com visiiMi temrsraueii work ever wrllteu. Iieacrlbes Hie ol Muii'liy, I.e., colds, Imbilute Afjluuis, 1'rebtbUlon, ele. a isjiim lie ti-ok'tu noiii tbe uutik. reilalm tbe t-iileg. enligbten tbe iieople. IA II! I'll Minn,' MAM'IAITI ttfcl,h lildLliyJt Ml li . ll- li ui ., Ii. ii. "1 beltevo ll wl'( tapowrer lUll l!j.hlil t ' 11. I ' b,iu-los. "ItU lusiili- 1,-ki-r1 HmiB ll- in- iu notice, lorn ' ii, I;, all r ,.!.'. L -n.N allHm, i I . i mi ii ,, 1 ILiiUkeu I., a i lid " -ikcour-a u ln.1 I. - 'IU '1U-QK.W I i I Acuta - ti an i, mo loiiAHisr vii-i-k siTiisuutss ri , i ss Its v,-1 " ' d, and feninie agei,uv anted. TASK I INAkA' Iil'libAltU linos., ...J, bonsuu sin i I blladelpLla, June 21, 1-4w u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers