THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I THE COLUJLB1iVK iii.ooHHnuiKi, rnitiAT, jusk 21, ism Rail Kond Time Table. LACKAWANNA ft llWlOMSUUUd UAH, HOA!) NORTH. Accommodation Train, A.M. Mall Train i TJV) A.M. Express Train l.M r. M. CATAWISSA I1AII, I10AH. WOIlTIf. Accommodation Train e,!9 A.M. Itegular Express Through cars on Express train either lo New York or Philadelphia, Accommodation train rtitisbctwcon Catawlssa anil Willlamsport. A handsome fountain hu been placed on the ground of the Normal School ty th Senior CIam, assisted by contrlbutloni from friend of llio pcliool. We hare received from J, L. Dillon, our pop ulnr llorint, a banket of fine Bharpleae seedling Uranlierrles, for which he hu our thanks. They aro beautiful specimens of what he raises, and wo nro only sorry tho basket did not hold a, bnliel. Woofer a special discount of 10 per cent lo old and new suliscrilieM who pay In advance. $1.80 will pay for llio Coi.U.niiIAN for one Tear after this dale until further nollec. This docs not apply to nub-criptloti now duo. Our sub scribers will do in a favor by calling their neighbors attention to llio f.ict that tho MAX can bo had for $1.80 In advance SOUTH. 8.00A.M. 4.49 1'. M 11.45 A. M snrrn 7,s i. M. A. P. Young, J. II. Ikeler and Wesley Bow U'45 v' M mo" 'ave ,ecn "PPolnted delegate! from the Columbia County Agricultural Society to the an nual meeting of delegates to elect Trustees of feMed the ima of which they were convicted. tlie i-enn.vjvanli. blate College, to be held W ed- How he does this Is contained in the following, nesday June 20th. taken from his book, usee 149. ci. sct. Wo have only to say In regard to the question of TULLY'B CONFESSION. We hare before ui pamphlet entitled "A War of Classes, How to avert It, by Thomas Alng e Dtvyr." We do not know who Thomas AInge ftevyr Is, but from the contents of his book we judge him to be either a bad man whose object Is to Incite the laboring classes to riot and blood shed, or an escaped lunatic who ought to be looked after. He devotes consider able space to the Mollle Magulre trials and ex ecution! In this state and denounces the entire proceedings as 'judicial murders." In order to carry out his argument successfully It became necessary to show that none of these men con C. II. Hobb!n, a son of our townsman D. W veracity between the Herald reporter and Mr. uuu,,,-.grau uiin10nwmin.ryY'"0", Elwell, that the reporter had no knowledge N. onlhelSlhlnst. As. member of the Ben-1 hlltT(rofMr. Elwell's action, and because iur 1.1a, mr. ivoumns was sinaioua ana alien $200 paper In the comity making tho oiler. tlvo to duly. In Its account of the closing ex- the only erclscii the Ulica Morning Herald states that If. Adjourned Court on Monday duly 1st. W. 11. Kuons and family havo returned lo litoomsburg. The damage dono by llro lo the HlicrlU's resi dence In the old jail has been repaired. Tho gras on the Kulr groumU was sold last Saturday to Sylvester I'tirsel. Samuel Seybert of Orango has erected a new dwelling house on his farm. Moyer brothers have their places of business connected with a telephone. A building occupied by Mrs. lltillaln in Or nngeyille was discovered lo be on (ire a few nights ago. The ll'tnes were extinguished be fore much damage was done. A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for sale at this ollico very cheap, (lood until De cember 3lst 1878. If The best reform in domestic life Is without doubt the introduction of Dr. Hull's llaby Syr tip. Where It is known no more laudanum Is given to tho Babies. It sells for 25 cents. "M.-. ltobblns was one of the best speakers of the evening." It will be remembered that this IntItulion is under the professorship of Mr. I. O. Best formerly connected with the Blooms- burg State Jjermal School. George Gardner, son of E. K. and Maria L. Kollins, died on Thursday of last week, seed 9 years, 0 months and 20days. He had scarlet fe ver, but had so fr recovered as to be about the home, when dropsy set In and he was carried away suddenly. The remains were taken to Scrauton for Interment on Suturday. George wai nn unusually bright boy and In this bereave- he could get no 'Insormallon from Mr. Elwell until the publication of the confession in the Columbian the reporter purposely sought to cast a. doubt over the genuineness of the docu ment. In answer to the question, who wrote confession! we say it was written by counsel, in Tully'a cell, at his dictation, on Tuesday, March ISth, 1878, at nine o'clock at night, aRer th Board of Pardons had refu sed to interfere. Tho balance of the article Is so absurd as to need no comments. Here it is In full. CONTINUED ATROCITIES IN PENN SYLVANIA. "With not a friend to animate and tol', To others' ears that death became htm well : Around him roes to forgo tho ready lie, And blot life's latest sceno with calumny." I did not dwell upon the most foul judicial incnt the mournlne parents have the svmnathv of their many friends. It Is onlv a short time murder committed upon illcster, McIIugh and since they burled another child. i""Ti because it was simply a repetition of the crime committed on the ten victims in last sum An Authority on Black Eye. Harry mer, substituting for the murderer Kennedy Hill, the famous "Sport," is said to know more as perjured witness, that other murderer "Kelly about black eyes than the brightest brunette in the bum.' America. He has given and taken thousands But when I saw a confession Imputed to Till in his time, and he says that the only thing ly, I remembered the above lines, and deter which will remove them within twelve hours mined to make sharp inquiry in relation to this is Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr. Giles, 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. paraded "confession." The night before the execution the Herald re porter lets in this light : "Mr. Klwell has been trying to get Tully to confess, but so far has failed." Next day, and after the execution, tli I same renorter sav s Tullv did DUt a confession The Columbia county Medical Society held in M, Elwell's hands, and "there is no reason their annual meeting at the exchange Hotel in u. ,lnht hut It la Pennine." This remark raises The frequent rains have this place on Tuesday last. After transacting mT mjnii a mMt reasonable doubt. So I wrote was to Mr. Elwell who promptly and iiohtely thu Corn is backward. kept the ground too wet for it, and unless thcro t10 usual business an election of officers cornea a dry spell soon the crop will be small, ieu nn,i the following gentlemen were elected. I replied Wheat and rye promise nn abundant yield. Fob Sale. A stationery Steam Engine and boiler, twenty-fivo horse power. Will sell nt a sacriGce. Enquire of E. Jacoby, llloomsburg, or Dr. J. F. Chapin, Benton. june 14-1 w When your Baby Is restless whilo teething, get Dr Bull's Baby Syrup, a dose of it will re lieve tho llttlo sufferer at once. Only 25 cents a bottle. President, Drs. T. J. Swisher of Jerseytown . Vice Presidents, Dr. J. B. McKelvy of Blooms burg and J. K. Bobbins of Catawlssa; Treas urer, Dr. C. M. Harder of Bebrtburg; Secre tary, Dr. Li. u. Kline or Catawlssa. After a discussion of medical subjects participated in by llio different members, the society adjourn ed to meet again on the third Tuesday In Sep tember. It is rumored that tho present street com missioner is going to resign as soon as ho fin ishes tho work on Main street, llo cant get through too soon. Through the courtesy of Mr. B. F. Snyder we were shown the dlQerent departments of his art gallery, and found them fully equiped with everything necessary for producing fine work. Mr Snyder has had an ex erianee of upwards wouW b, lh, beUer oU mUo explanation. Did Patrick Tully did place In my hands a con fession for publication after his death. Tli New York Herald oontains a correct copy. Tl statement was read to Father Koch, of Shamo klu, In Tully'a presence, about an hour before ine execution, bo me priest can aiuriu us gen uineness. Hester and Mcllugli both aumitle their guilt the mght before the exreut on, all being informed that Tully had confessed. GEO. E. ELWELL. Now as the Herald reporter had sent on th Intelligence the night before that Mr. Elwell had not succeeded in gelling a confession, it nar rows very closely the question of veracity be tween them.. Besides, this phrase "did place in my hands" Death move! in a'mysterious wav. It knows neither friend nor foe. The hitrli. the low, Iho rich, tho poor, the strong tho weak nro nil made equal by tlio hand of tho Destroy. Wo nro painod to chronicle the severe loss that has just befallen Mr. and Mrs. .T. (1, freeze In tho dcalh of their onlv son Mid youngest child, Boyd.agcd 0 years and 1 1 days. Ho was a boy of unusual promiso. Though mall in stature for his years, ho wni far be yond them In Intellect.' Always bright nnd happy ho bad made many friends, and his nc- tlvo form and cheerful voico will bo missed In other places than his own heme, now mado so desolate. On Thursday of Inst week ho was Hacked with diphtheria In its worst form. Col. Freeze who was nwny from home was tel- egrnpneu to on Saturday, anil reached hero in tho evening. On Tuesday morning, thero np penred to ho a change for tho better, nnd tho family began to feci encouraged about his re corery, but in tho afternoon he suddenly grow worse, nnd in a fow moments breathed his hist The funcrnl took place on Thursday morning at St. Paul's Church, and tho remains of the little one who was tho pride of his father, tho comfort of his mother, and tho joy of tho household, were lnid to rest in Uoscmont Cemetery. This is tho second time that this family has lost an only son. Twelve yenrs ago a son nnd daughter, I lope and Helen, wcro bur led within n fuw weeks of each other, and now Boyd has joined them, A sympathising com mun'ity mingled their tears with those of the af flicted family over tho grave of their dead child. A number of ladles had strew n tho ernvo with flowers previous lo thn burial, nnd llio casket was lowered inlo n bed of rocs. AN EXCITING CHASE. The Sew Dor Law. Tho new dog law passed nt the last session of tho Pennsylvania legislature makes all dogs personal property j for whatever dam ago they do their owners shall be liable, even for tho costs nnd attorneys' lees, If the suits bo taken to court. An annual tax of fifty cents on malo nn 1 one dollar on female dogs, will bo levied, which will bo kept In n, separate account by tho county treasurer, Irom which owners of sheep shall be com pensated when dogs deplete their droves, provided that tho owners of tho dogs cannot bo ascertained. If discovered, the latter must mako good the loss. Assessors are re quired to tnko an account of dogs In their districts, with the name of tho owners. If at tho end of the year tho amount of money in tho hnnds of tho county treasurer from this source exceeds a given sum, tho surplus Is to bo divided among the school districts. The adoption of this law Is made optional In counties, A ballot shall be taken not oft cner thati once In two years, upon Its nc ceptanco or rejection, nnd It wll remain with tho voters to pronounce upon the mer its of tho measure. Our readers may remember the trial of the Com. vs. Mrs. Hanuan Bright, In which u pas tor's brotherly kiss led to a church row. The Sheriff and Deputy went to the seene of nctioii on Tuesday last to make a reirrct for nun pay ment of cost", In greenbacks or other Govern mentcurrency. It seems the lady in question was dining nut, and our modest Sheriff and his timid Deputy wero at once surrounded by a squadron of ladies. After a parley, iu which the ladies bad the advantage, the besieging host agreed lo retire on condition of a surren der of the culprit, after she had lime lo make some material repairs. They watched nnd waited. By the merest accident the Sheriff di covered his prisoner hurrying towards the wood, and she had a good start. He gave chase, "astern chase is a long chase," and tluough fields of wet rye, wheat, and tangled grass, svcr worm fences and dykes, the pursued and pursuer rambled. But the Sheriff outwinded her, and after capturing his prisoner, the party returned in good order to the jail at Blooms burg. The buggy is narrow scaled, but the posse eomitatux and Sheriff managed to succeed in (xecu'.ing their duty. .Since writing tho above Mrs. Bright has been released on giving a mortgage on her property to the Commissioners for all the costs that have accrued. of ten years in the leading galleries of this eoun Mr. P. V. Weaver of Hnzlcton, a graduate of I try, and he certainly turni out as fin wsrk In the Normal School has finished his law studies in Philadelphia, and been admitted to the Bar. Wo wish him success. artistie lighting, posing and fine photographic finish as we have seen in the larger cities. With his gentlemanly conduct toward his pat rons, nrlbtiu eye and desire to please, we pre dict for him a fine trade. He certainly de serves more than a passing glance, and we Owing to the absence of Col. Freeze attend ing the Supreme Court last week, tho copy for tho chapter of Columbia County War Itccord cheerfully recommend him to the public. was not furnished, and is therefore omilteU In this issue. 1 LIVEIt IS KINO. The Supreme Court on Monday affirmed the sentence of the Court below in llie case or the Commonweallh against Harman A. Kramer. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it Is disturbed In its When the opinion of the Court is received it proper action, all kinds of ailments are the ntt- sill lie published, if not too lengthy. Through the kindness of Mr. D. Lowenherg, sixteen different families wcro furnished with n nice mess of trout in tho early part of this week. Mr. L. spent a few days up the creek, , and returned with over six hundred trout, which ho generously distributed among his and Stnmacl ural result. The digestion of food, the move ments of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's Aug ust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, Sample bottles to try, 10 cents "WAHINO.AT TUG MVKIi." friends. SS Mr. Rulledge of Espy is building a steam boat for canal and river navigation, It will contain berths for twenty five passengers, nnd will draw only about sixteen Inches of water. The wheel is in the rear and is arranged mi that it can be elevated or lowered according to the cargo. Tho trial trip will be made to Wilkesbarro sometimo during the summer. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that It is just what you want. June 7 tf. ItESOLUTlONS OF CONDOLENCE. The following was adopted by Van Camp Lodge I. O. of O. P., at its regular meeting on the 15th inst : Tully writ it, and have it ready to "place" in Mr. Elwell's hands ? Or did counsel himself write it f When was the writing done? By whom f Who was present at this writing ? Per haps those things might admit of explanation, and perhaps they might not. At any rate,when Mr. Elwell proceeds to state, vaguely enough, that "Hester and McIIugh both admitted their guilt," and re ered me to Father Koch, I de termined to refer rather lo Fathers McGovern and Bchtutzer for such information as they might be warranted In affording. I wrote, al so, to Mr. Elwell, informing him that I had done so, and suggesting that he might hold conference with those gentlemen, and among them throw whatever additional light on the subject. To those last appeals I received no answer. Anxious to find out the truth, If possible, I wrote to Mr. Wolverton (of the victim's coun sel), who politely responded thus: The only confession that I know of to be a confession of Tully, that I know to bo genuine, is the one made to George E. Elwell, Eeq., one of his counsel, a copy of which I enclose. There appears by the papers to hay been, another statement signed by him, purporting to be made to Benjamin franklin and Ihomas Alderson, a copy of wbich I enclose. The first was pub lished In the paper printed by George E. El well, who was one of the counsel for Hester, and I have no doubt that it Is correct. Where there is stars it omits the names of parties men tioned in the original. This answer has been delsyed because of your letter having been directed to Blooms- As the Irishman stood waiting at the river for it to run by in order that he might cross over, so people wait when suffering with con stipation, forgetful that the cause Is torpid liter and dyspepsia, and that it neier cures itself, but must be overcome by some gentle yet positive cathartic. No medicine or combination of medicines yet discovered give such prompt and permanent relief as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur gative Pellets. riXEAPPLE, U'ileot Co., Ala. Dn. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y.: Pear Sir I was sickly from youlh "up, for seveu years life was a burden, iny food would not digest, and my liver was enlarged. I tried various remedies, but lo no purpose. Your Pellets have effected my entire cure. Inclosed please find $1.50 far a copy of the People's Common Sense Medical adviser. I regard it as the best book over published. I am trying to get others to use your medicines and read your book. Yours truly, JOHN E. LUXAX Newspapers aro so much lu llio habit of giving ndvtco to other pcoplo that they should bo ready to npprcciato any which may bo di rccted to tlieiu. And so they may Dud mat' tcr worthy of coiisidciation in a resolution adopttd by tho Presbyterian General Asseni Uy. Tint liidy iccogni.cs with satisfaction tho enterprise of the secular press in obtaining and publishing ccclc-iatical nnd religious new?, ami the ability with which it discusses and advocates nica-uies in promotion of edu cation, sound morals nnd good order. Thus much by tlio way of compliment. Hut then follows a warning which newspapers some times furgct. Tho Assembly therefore call their attention "to tho propriety and duty of giving les prominence to llio details of ciime, pccially of nil forms ot licentiou-ne, as their publication tends to destroy delicacy of Iccling, to coriupt tho public mind, uud to make that familiar and less repulsive which should always bo viewed with abhorrence." Indorsed by the Medical Fraternity, popular in every circle, found everywhere, Glenn's Sul phur Soap is undoubtedly the most popular purifier, remedy for skin diseases and injuries, and complexional beautiCer in America. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown 50c. May 17 4-w. Various C'nuaes Advancing years, core, slcVne&s,dlsappolntinent,and hereditary predisposition all opcrato to turn tlio hair! gray, and ot them inclines It toslied pre maturely. Ayek'h lUin Viooit will restore faded or gray, light and red lialr to a rich brown or deep black as may desired. It softens and cleanses tlio scalp, giving It a l.eallliy action, and removes and cures uandrurf and humors, lly lts.use falling hair Ischecked, and a new growth will be produced In all cases whero tho follicles aro not destrojed or glands decased. Its tKeets am beautifully shown brashy, weak or sickly hair, to which afew applica tions w 111 produco tho gloss and freshness of J ouiu. Harmless nnd sure lu Its operation, It Is Incompara ble as a dressing, uud Is especially valued for tlio soft lustre and richness of tono It Imparts. It con tains neither oil Lor dje, and will not soli or color white cambric; jet it lasts long on tho hair, and keeps It fresh and Igorous. 1011 SALE 11T 11 1. DEALERS. U0.3 BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TI11H SCHOOL, aa at prcHent constituted, oners tho very beat facilities for l'rofcshtonal and Classical loarnlni imuuinK spacious, mwiiug uuuuuiuuiuuiuua , cuiupiuLvif uuiui'u sicum, win vcniuaiea. uguica uy gas, am snrincf wuier, Loauiun nniuunui, ami tiwy ui iwwis. ruratsbca wltu a bountiful supply ot.purc.ftott Discipline, nrm but klud. uniform and thorough, Expensea Tasnlian nvnnslAnmirl nfTKilnnf n ,t n . Mini moderate, rif ty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, btudents admitted at any time. Uootns reBerved when desired. v;ourbesoi siuay pruaeiiuuu uy luusiulu; I. Moik-1 School. II. Preparatory. Ill, Elementary IV, Clawicnl. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic, II. Commercial. Ill, Course in Munc. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. Master of tuo Classics. Tho KUMiiontary, scientific and Classical Courses are PUQKRSHIUKAU and Students graduatnj therein, receive- state Diplomas, conferring tho followln uruuuaie in me ouur courses receive isufinai teruueawjs corresponding Degrees Master of the hleinents : faster ofrtho seleucesj Ul'Mr luuuimil'iiiNt BiKiiuu uv iuu ujiji-ci n ui iuu nu.ii nut iuinti-n, ' l he coui se of Mud y prescribed by thu state Is liberal, an tin' Sflentlilc and Classical courses are not inrerlor to those ot our best Colleges. Tho state roqulresa higher order of ctllzenthln. The times dem.ind it. It Is ono ot tho prime objects of this school to help to secure It, by furnishing Intelli gent and cniclrut Teachers for hfr Schools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, itiose who desire to improve their tlrao und their talents, as - indent. To all such It promises aid lu developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving school. For Catalogue, nddres tho Principal. HON. WII.M.V.W CLWl.l.L rrmlricut llonrd of Truster Mercantile. Appraisement. LISl' OF DCALDHS IU COlX.MIIIA COUNTY, I hereby certify that tho following list ct iWlcr taken, returned am! 1 valued bymo In nceord.ince with the several nits ct Assembly, In and lor the county ot ColuinW.i. tor tho year 1st?, Is correct to tho best ot my know ledjo and belief. Names Class, Amt. lowssmr. THOMAS JACOBY. Juno loth 1S79, by the Hot N. i-pear, Mr. I). It. Thomas ot Mount rieasaat ana Hiss I.lndy Jacoby ot tho same place. Whkhkas, Death lias again entered our I burg instead of Sunbury, Pennsylvania In all Classes of Society, Glenn's Sulphur Soap is tho ruling purifier. Ladies use it to re move defects of the complexion, nnd persons troubled with eruptions or other irritations of the skin are promptly cured by it. Sold by nil Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown, 50c. June 14 'liv. lodge and removed from among us our brother William Peacock and, whereas we deem it proper to place upon record some expression of our feelings upon this our sad bereavement, therefore be it Retailed, That in the removal of our late Verv respectfiillv, S. P. WOLVEKTOX. The above, it will be perceived, is a very4 loose way of dealing with "facts" that are doubted. 'That I know to bo genuine," says Mr. Wolverton. But he does not tell us how A man named If. Vnux, from Scrauton. has been astonUhing Harrit-burg with feats of walk ing. He walked, Fquaro heel and toe, n half mile in three minutes eleven and a rpiarter sec onds. He ollered lo make a wager ho could walk half a mile In quicker time than any horse in Harrifburg could trot a mile. His wager was not taken. This is the same H. Faux who a short time since astonished the Sherifl by the facility witli which lie walked on his hands nnd knees through the wall of llie old jail. It may bo amusement for thoso who engage in it, but fist driving through the streets of a town liko Bloomsburg is not safe There is danger of ft collision in turning corners, while it ia actually perilous to allow children to go upon tho streets at all. It has got to bo a cus tom for certnigentlemen who have fast hor ses to drivo around after supper and "ihow off." This not only is not smait, but it is positively forbidden by law, and the citizens of tho town who value their lives, demand llmt it shall bo prevented, Tho officers of tho law know their duty, and should perforin it. An arret or two might bo n good thing. brother we recognize the hand of "Him who is he knows it to be genuine, mightier than we of earth," and whilst we be- In short, Mr. Wolverton adds nothing lo our heve that our brother has been called to a life knowledge, save the fact that Ihere was another where sullering is no more, still we cannot re- . , . , , , strain a feeling of sadness when we miss his so-called "confession" of Tully, made to a kindly voice and his ever smiling face. Our couple of Iron policemen. In it I find tho fol- brother had been with us for many years : he lowinir : had ever proved a model member, honest in Quatisn. Did Kelly tell the truth about the an things, unseinsn ami aevoieu 10 me interest i circumstances or tho ilea murder? or the order, tie was ever prompt to me can Annstr. He swore to some lies, but mot he oi uuiy, ever reauy to lenu a neiping niu w a lM lrue N(.ilhcr neiiler nor Mclli-Kh in ui.irem mu wunuj to (J ie to do the deed. What I done w of for emulation. Pceolred, that we deeply sympathize with his bereaved widow and children in this thtir sad fllllietion. Heaolied, that the lodge room be draped In inniirniiiir for thirty davs. and that a certified copy of these resolutions be given to the family or our deceased urotner, It. H. Rinolxe, Wn. W. Baihutt, John Pexmak. SCHOOL BOAIID. The Normal School Commencement exercises U'jepl:enext week, Tuesday, June 25th. Lecturo by ltcv. Dr. Hopkins Wednesday, June Wtk, Final Announcement Class Kxercises Calliepian Bo-Union Thurmay, June iith. Commencement Kxercises 10 n. in. Alumni Ko-Union 2 j. m. Seniors' Beecption 8 p. m. All tho friends of the school, particularly 8 p. ni. 10 n. m. 4 p. ni. 8 p.m. A regular meeting of the School Board was !ieldat,(he office of C. W. Miller. All th, members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Mies Agnes BueMnghau was recommended for a State Normal Diploma. James Dennis and William Dennis, children of James Dennis were recommendtd for admission to the Soldiers Orphans School. The rate of tax was fixed at eight mills for school purposes and two mills for building pur poses. ' The compensation for collector was fixtd at two per cent. John K. Qrolt, M. C. Woodwsrd and New ton Boone were nominated for collector. M. C. Woodward was elected on second ballot. tar own accord. But Hester wan Bodymasler and McIIugh was County Delegate, ?and if they had ssid the thing shouldn't be done, they could have slopped it. It wasn't so much the Order (referring to the Ancient Order of Hi bernians) as it was whisky that led me into it. If I had followed my early teachings I never would have got into this trouble. (The abeve was contained in the confession given to Elwell and not in that given to Capt. Alderson as stated by the writer.) I'd. Here are two f acts worthy of especial note. One that Hester and McIIugh were men of not and influence, "Bodymaster" and "County Delegate." If sacrifice must be made to the Moloch of the coal mine, this was just the kind of men to sacrifice I The other fact goes strongly to prove what I never doubted, namely : That there never was a Molly Maguir organisation in Pennsylvania It was on the "Ancient Order of Hibernians" that the nickname was fixed. Little did the agrarian regulators of the county Cavan know th, murders that would te committed under the name they assumsd. The purpose of that organisation was made no secret, published in all the aewspspera of the day (1843), I have tks original mislaid among my papers, but kav its substance preserved in my memory, It runs tkus : The cruelties of landlords have called you to The treasurer's and collector's bonds were (xed in the sum of eighteen thousand dollars each, .,( to provide for the common defence, and the sureties offered by them were approved. I Ejectments must be resisted and punished till A bill of one dollar lor cleaning clock la fsvor I tw0 .ear's rent Is due. of.Itobert Cathead was approved and an order I Good landlords must be assisted to get their directed lo be drawn. nt. lnd treated with kindness. The school term was fixed at eight months to I Bad landlords and agents must be severely all tho exercises of llie week. institute. On.motlon adjourned. Joriner students aro cordially 'united to attend i)fgi flr,t Monday In September with a vacs,-1 dealt with for their crimes punished abduct' tion at the holidays of two weeks, the teachers I ed, but In no case most fatal violence be restor to be allowed the time tbey attend the teachers ed to. It would be cruel, and it would rouse public feeling against us. Higned. I now turn the whole "confessions" over to the consideration of those who believe In them, frankly admitting that I cannot believe either in Tally's Imputed "confession," or the other victim's "admission" of guilt. I believe, on In those Ikfamticidk A young girl named Kate Yeacer, while visiting her uncle Henry Yea- ger, near l'ottsville, about three weeks ago.gave I H jr. Risolee, birth to an illegitimate child, and desiring lo Secretary, conceal tier gum casi ine innocent oaue into a sink hole in the back yard, withdrew to the I Lost Seven Pounds iv Tiixik VTiiks house and retired lo bed complaining of feeling Allan's Anti-Fat ia a genuine medicine, and unwell. Upon recovering she announced her will reduce corpulency from two to five pounds I the contrary, that not a man engaged intention of returning to Scranton, whero she 1 per week. Purely vegetable and perfectly I judicial murders but will be put on trial for liad been living for some time previous. After harmless, acting entirely on the food in tk I their lives, If Uo4 Inspires the honest wirklng. she had left, the Infant was discovered, ami Mr, stomach, preventing the formation of fat. It is Yeager immediately informed the authorities, also a poiltlve remedy for dyspepsia ud rbea and a warrant was issued for her arrest. The uiatism, parents of the heartless mother reside In Shen- JIOSTOX, ilau., Feb. 11th, 1878. andoah. The young girl was arrested on rri-1 IloTANio Medicine Co,, Buflalo, N, Y, Jay "veiling lat, at Northumberland, and GcntlcinmTUe lady alluded to lost seven IIOUSH IIUHNED, A LITTI.K 011IL l'ErtlSIIEI) IN THU FLAMES. The frame dwelling of George .Moore in Fairniount township, about two miles from Fairmount Springs, caught lire from some un known cause about one o'clock Saturday morn ing and was rapidly consumed. Mr. Moore, his son, aged about 10 year", and it grand daughter were tlio onlv occupants of llie bolide. The young man succeeded in getting out lirt-t and the father taking tlio Utile girl in his arms ran down stairs lo the front door, which was locked. The flames and smoko by this time entirely enveloped llie building, and tlio heal was intense. To ellect an escnpe Mr. Moore was obliged to force open the door, nnd in so doing reliniiuisned his hold upon the child By the time he forced the door open he was so severely burned that he rushed out in a frenzy of iiain. entiielv forirclling his ward. The amount of fire nnd smoke he inhaled made him delirious and from hi s wild sltnies it was nip posed the child had gotten out and ran lo (lie woods for safety, A -eateli during the entire Sabbatli was instituted, which failed lo elicit any traces of her where abouts. As soon as ll cellar wall was sufficiently cool to admit of an investigation n small piece of charred bones was found, afterwards pronounced to be part of human skull. Xot until then were the sad friends convinced that the little girl peri'hed in the flames. Mr. Moore is in a critical condi lion, and it is not at all likely he will live, Th e largo hearted neighbors clubbed together to rebuild his house, which was a total loss as there was no insurance upon it. Tho work i going rapidly on, aud in it week or so the build ing will be completed. ICeho. Indiqestiox. Tho main cause of nervous. ness is indigestion, and that Is caused by weak, ness of the stomach. No one can have souni nerves and' good health without using Hop Ilk ters lo strengthen the stomach, purify the blood, and to keep the liver and kidneys active, to ca: ry oil all the poisonous and waste matter of the system, See other column. The Willlamsport Iionds. In Judgo McKennan's court at Williams port, on Tuesday the case of the Mechanics1 Savings Bank, of Providence, IUiode Island for tho recovery of interest overdue on the city bonds of Willlamsport, was heard. Tli suit was brought for tho interest on forty coupons of thirty dollars each, due March 11, 1870. The Court rejecUd allelefenseaa to the merits of tho bonds, holding that they were negotiable and intlieliumls of innocent holders. Thu question of the validity of the bonds was not raised. A verdict for thi amount of the coupons and Interest, th amount of the protest on each having been stricken off by the Court, was awarded, IIUCKLE. In Orange township, on tlio It tit of uno lets, .Martha widow of John liuckle deceased, aged td j e.ii s. 5 months and 24 days. LOVE. At the I'oor lloupe on Juno loth, ISts, Isa bella Loe, aged about TO j cars. LEII1Y. In Hemlock township, Juno jsth, ls;s, Ella May, daughter ot II. L. and Sado M. I-eldy, age years, 11 months and lSeUjs. Dear I.lltlo May slio Is gone, We' 11 si o be r lieiu no more ; i-Lo's gone to Join that happy tlitonf Upon ILo other shore, V c w ould not w Isle her back again To 1111 that ucnnt chair. Kor sho has ties auoo the skies,' She's gone to meet them there. men of the nation to hurl out (as I trust they will at the next election) the corrupt politicians now In power, and so purify the legislature and the courts, that justice may be lawfully done on those judicial assassins. lodged in the Pottsville jail. She acknowledges pounds lu three weeks, by the use of Allan's lier crime, and implicates a young man named Anti-Fat, Augustus Miller, of the Catawlssa Valley, as Yours truly, w ll'UDLIO BALKS. liavlng instigated her to commit the crime, and wants him arrested. Athlund Advocate. Casper Ithawn, assignee of John B. Klinger 111 sell real estate in lioaringcreek township SMITH, DOOLITTLE& BM1TH, on June 22d at It o'clock a, m. See adrertise- Wnolesale Druggists. I uut. The democrats of Northumberland made tho following nominations on Monday Cougress, M, J. Withington ; Senator, S. V Wolverton J Representatives, J. W. Scan Ion, 1). h, Sherwood ; Sheriff, W. M. Wea ver j Prothonotary, Wesley Auten Treasu rer, J, G. Smith j John T. Albright. Job Clark j auditors, K. L. Machen, Wellington Hummel j Coroner, Dr, II, L. Wright. H, M. Speer, chairman of the Democratic State committee, announces that the head quarters of the committee will be in liar risburg, until further notice. If there should be a change it will not take place foi two three months, and the only place mentioned beside lurrisburg Is Philadelphia, nice, Abram, stoio Miiinmi, ej A,' ' Drelsbach. (leorgo 1', sloro Michael. Levi, general uicrchanalso A l-oscc, agcui, " BENTON. It Mcltcnry & Sen, general merchandise I J Mcllenry UohrMcIlenry " BKRW1CK. lowman tz Crispin, general merchandise IS 11 it .toner " It II Utile, drug store y L Iilbteihurst, furniture storo O A r.ucklngham, stoven and tlnwaro C 1) Fowler, agent, stoves nnd furnlturo lUCKMIIl IV il ,'""""" J W 1'rey, general menu indl.-e II M llockman, confectionery and bakery A l.ilttaln, dnv store W 1' Hughes, general merchandise Freus lirothers, Keneral merchandise " lllinuer lieunrs Adams K Sou, general mercliandlso David dross, porter bottler IlLOOUSBCHU, o A Jacoby, grocery Henry Kl- lm, grocery o M tc .1 K Lockard, dealers In coal I K imtcnoerifier. uchkt hi iuiuwi llartlnlll llroilicrs, grocery ujiu I, E lurv, stoves anil tlnwaro I w McKelvy, drj goods and groceries t:iark & Wolf " " . " Wagenseller & Co, notions .t fancy goods dross K llrother, clothing storo .1 II Meeker, Hour and teed Isalali nageninicii. sieves uuu uuniuu Marriages. Deaths. Business Notices For a cummer Hat go to Lowenberg's. For a Nobby Summer Suit j;o to 1). LnwcnbergV For a nice Straw Hat go to I). Lowenberg's. For a Js'icn While Vest go to 1). Lowenberg's. Latent Stylo and Lowest pricts always I bo found at I). Lowenberg's. For a cheap Suit of Clothes go to 1). Lowenberg's, Call at JIcKiiiney's (or Shoes. u 14 14 u 14 14 13 13 la 12 14 14 14 14 13 14 It VI 11 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 C 11 13 14 IS THE TIME TO SECtlllETEItlllTO HIUY Vlllt 1)1!. Edl.r.S I1HEAT WOHK THE NEW ILLl'bTItATED isiolu Tie grnrdc-t scitli.g ttxik lor tho 1'ennsjlvanla Ibid. !,ltr:t' tetlns to iicents. send S2.00 at on e for con 1 1, t utnr, or m cents liT our ct page sump e, and ii.tni" terumri wanti-d, Address i. e.. i.uuuitii ii, i-iii ie ni r, iiiinTiimrg, ra. lion i iuu in say wuaciisper j on saw inisin. march II, ';s rn uur 1 5pD i. st,!i.i.t4 .i- fit . itrrH ftrtlta' Orlslnsl A W slkrt's J!nTaMi 1'ulot lielll'OIIN IIOIlsi: HAY t'llUKS. The ODly singls, double or )eir Turka that en be midt, sotD or cssowlthoutbecominK Haw lor inmngemrnt. Stub' mI Tm1 uI fHltin ..4 Ir. F.Mtl.f,. Th. r.a.a. ftnl Shrll liar I arri.r. T. U.rtt th. ch..p,l4 BH1 rr.etl..! y t. pnl I.eisar le A r b ttuk, .4drtii J A. I, M ELLIS CO., T W I 'nniii.r. i-rnCtTV StOrO u A c reasy, general tmicuuuuiau ltblllns K Holmes, gas litters and plumbers 14 a .1 :vnns. c ounnsr seoru liloomsburg Iron to, general merchandise t! v Neol it Urottier, dealers lu coal (! 0 Marr, general merchandise Joseph lie ker, confect'onery in wn allied jjiui.. j , s II V Itler .t ton, general mercliandlso J schuyl r & Mm. Iioidwnru I w llurtinan, general merchandise II u Hartman, earpet stoiu O A Klelm, drug storo Jacob Keller, uoilons and fancy goods W .1 Cored A" Co, furnlturo room W C McKlnnev, loots und skoes I.utz K Sloan, dr goodi .1 II .Male, grocery store George Clark, books and stationery .1 II scott, ronfee Howry Dull Lowenberg, inert hant tailor William Itabb. grocery I.OUU llernluird, Jeweiry James Cadman, agent, furnlturo I. liunjou Co, liajdwiite p s nates, Jewelry K rv.r ilrv irfimU nnd trrocertea Joseph Heiiderli'jt, coal yard and grocery 11 t.,i..r itrrw.. ilri'ir store, (corner Main) 111 (UlUllbl 1 ..lUt-lt, I - UOUIlLi: IIAKI'OOX HOUSE HAY FOHK. The best Fork In the market ; works equally well in long or short hay. For sale by J. SfllUYLEI! & Sox. l'eter dross, porter bottler Augustus Itabb, grocery c savage, Jewelry storo EI. Mjers, medicines N J llendershott, drug nnd grocery storo J K Caldwell, confectionery J O Menagli, Jewelry ebb. confectionery J 11 Johnson, tobacco stoio Jesse Coleman, Medicines l'eter lllllmyer, Hour and feed UHlAKCllkEk. Jacob Itantz, general mercliandlso ceTew'isse Swank k Orange, general mercliandlso s H Ulemer, general iiie-ch.mdlso J K Miai plcst .-ons, u't neral tuerchandl-ai tin llurtinan, lurnliuro room lieu Manhirt, boots mid shoes John .v. Il.ildv, gi m-raJ iiieMnnllso tillbi-ri .C Kline, gem ral tni-rchandlso A II Cleater, stoves and tinware 11 1' lortner .v; Son. mercliandlso V I. shiiinan, elutliliu More John Mce ov, conn ctionery 1 11 seeslioltz, groceries and proMslons V II iirangc. do goods and groceries s Ij I'lii'int, general Nieichandlso T E Harder, rurnttiiie room John Mensch, dt-iil, r in coal J M smith, druggl-i and liardwa Wm John, blou'-. and tinware E ll (lule, agent, mil t) l' Haider, manufacturer aud dealer centsali e, 0 W Michael, grocery storo tl 11 Millard, general nieieliandlso C fl Murphy, general iiii'iihandl-e , n runner, slot et iiiiu ttiu.uiu lion vv ll.ivU . rtrnr slum I) u Hlack, gioceilis. Hour and feed Mrs Edward llalfej , grocery stoic livlti I'.roB. grocery storo John voreu, boots aud shoes CENT UK. Jacob Sponger, general meichandlsc L.OW pro t CO, geuciui mciwiauuiou I, V Wooley, duller In coal r i ow icr. dealer in gruiu aim cow I'hrtm.tM llrr.likt. frm-.TV storo Whltnilio Irwin, general merchandlso FISIIIMICIIEEK. J M, general liierchandLso ,i r .Mcnenry, general nieiciuuiuiu 7 IRl 7 no 7 ui) 7 oo 700 low 10 IX) 12 50 lli 51 7110 700 7C0 7 00 4111)0 1111)11 7 i) 7 IN) 11 M 12 CO 7(H) 10 (M) 7 00 7() 7 U0 7 0 ' 7 UD 7 to CO 1 0 15 on ll) 00 TIM 71)1) TOO 7 Ot) ll)0l) 7 00 7 011 7 00 an oo 70 7 Oi) 7 0.) 70. ID I 0 111 DO 13 INI 7 00 7 no lion to i o TOO 12 UI 12 51 11100 7 00 in on 7 01) 7 oo 7 i) lo no -on loon 7 IM 12 o 7 oo 7oo 7 no Ton In oo 7H1 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 A SSKIXKIVS XOTICK. mays., rs-im SuUctIs hereby trlven that M. O. Hue he 3 cfOata- wiss.1 has teen u i.lntcil Asslcnco ot rslcy Perry ot l-oeuit township for btntilt ot cridltora. All jhtso.13, lucruiui u lutieuivu iu iuu sum csiejr rer- ry. will mako pajmcnt to the said assignee and those haMiiff clalu.s or demands will make known me &aind v. uuout uciay Assignee ot Wesley Perry. May, 17, 4w. Catawlssa, A CHANCE TO MAKE SOME MONEY GUHB. "Cornell's HK-torycf f'ennsyluanta." Now ready. Write for Agency ot once. JOHN SUI LY 4: CO., Publishers, "as siu.scm Mreet, I'hlladcl(ihla. niach 22, '"s-8m Jwlco O- 33. HE.M.EIt IX Silverware, Watchcs.Jowolrylockss, It- Ilr moved to Mie Tost Offlco building. flrsT door above tho Exhango Hotel. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neat- reiuueit uint warrantee, may 17, 'ts tf itubbers at McKinnoy's. The ili'plny til' Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, &c, at 1'. S. Hates' is said by all to bo the choiccft to bo seen in Illooniburg. itepairing is elemo by him ill the Lett man tier und at the lowest i-nwsible rales. iiooti anel Hiocs cheap at McKinney'. Oo to L. Ilcrtihartl's for Spectacles and Lye Ul.ises. CaJraan always keeps hi stock Picture Frames and Mouldings of all kinds, and is also piepareu to make picture lrauues ot any size. , - . Shoemaker wanted. Apply at Hctvin uey's, For crass or grain Scythes, Snaths. Hakes, I'otles and Hay Hopes at bottom prices call on J. Schuyler iv ou. Hoot headquarters nt McKinney's. Cratnpton'a l'alm Suuh is the best lauu dry soap in this or any other niatket. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w McKinneys House, Shoe Store below Cwurt Try it-Iluy It l'alm l'alm l'alm Soap At Jacob , .Maize's at Jacob ll. Maize's, may 3-lSw r, S. Bales makes a specialty of repairing atcncK, cirrus, jeweiry, silverware, or any thing else in Ids line' of business. Heal ways futures n first-claes job and Is prompt Willi ins work. 13 13 ii it 14 13 11 11 14 It 14 11 14 11 14 14 12 14 14 14 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 11 11 11 14 14 11 11 11 10 01) mtio 15 no 7 no 7 ml In no 1 1 00 7 INI 7 no Too 7 00 7 0 7u) 7 ti) 7 00 7 oi) 12 to 1 no T no 7 ll T on loo I TOO 7 en 7 00 7 oil 7 00 7 tu 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 OO T 00 THE RED FRONT, ( MOYERS' block:. HAETMAM BEOS,, DKALCUS IN TEAS, CANNED FHU1T, CICJAR.S, TOBACCO. SNUFF, CONFECTIONERY. Sokes of all kinds, Glass & Queonsware, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Doinestio Fruits, AND Gl'NF.HAL LINE OF Family Provisions lilt door Mow .Market street, llloornfiburs, ra. tr- Hood? delivered to all parts of tho town April JT. '77-tt CramptonJlrolher's l'alm boap at Jacob 11, iitaize s. Jt is me pest, Try It. may 3-lSw Admission free at McKinney's. Tins rmt is cue run with ROV ELL & .pKtSMAN . Advertising Aoen'8i THIDP A CHFSTNUl MS ST ',OUI, U, LANK Iul iJSjKith orwilhoaeiemptios J.J tO'ulaDU.o,ssuOKoo. 11 Jbers, manufacturer und dealer In medleliTt's 3 (Ulliuwcll KCiiernt merchandise 14 i nosier &ous, general uiei cuauuiau HtANkUN. Dy er .t Lro, general incrchmdl &e n IIKKENWt'tlll. Win Matters, dealer In merchandise VI Kills nvtn A nro, ireiicral dealer lu mdae la A ll w into, ceneiHl Ceuler v r iiefcs, coin nil nit rcnuuoiHo . 1' li muck, uieich.iiidi.M- and lurnlturo W k , ami ,.,..!, I,..lla.t 14 JJSWcluW, general merchandise 11 lieni.ucih. A 11 HartmaD, general mercliaadlso 14 K 1' Harris, general meiehandlso 1 1 jecksos, J C Christian, general merchandise 14 IjOCI'kT. Jacob Yeager, gent ral merchandise 14 l'eter Vocuin. tfeuernl merchandise 14 Thomas feburu. geuenil iiierthuudlso 14 J 11 VustUie, gcuiialiiierch.iudlso 11 XUDISON'. C Kreamer, general merchandise u ui U Ingles, mercuundlsu 13 MAIN. J I) llodlne, general mcrchandbo 14 U J Cainptiell, general moreluindlso 1 1 urn-UN. rreasy & Drown, general itierchandlso 13 e) W Ilartzel, general iiierchundiso 14 Blearer ichw eiipeuhelwr, generul mdaO 1 1 J 11 Uetlet, general merehaudlio 11 UOMOl'lt, Mrs .1 T I'aniswtirlh, grocery H Henry 11 Iteay, oils und hrtiblies 14 l'axton & Hai mull, gt m-rul dealers 13 Augustus HlliUy, grocery 11 HT. t'LUAsiNT, J G Bunds A Hon, gent ral merehandlso 11 OiAS'OE. J ll llorman. general mercliandlso 1 1 e) W Low A bon, general meichaudlsu 13 M u Keller, dcuirr 14 F M ltoutou, drug storo 14 D K Moan, geucrul merchandise 13 1-INE. It W Lyon, general merchandise 11 HOAHlsOCHKEK, U IV Churrlngton, gencial mercliandlso 11 SCOTT. el 1" Kelghard, general merehandlse U Mlas Voting, cvnerui inert haiidlsu 11 A II White, general let rclioiMlto 14 It K Ki.t, deu'er lu ttuees und tinware 11 11 w I'revellng, general nu rchandlsti U W U Dletteilch, general mcrcliandisti H N Itlehatt, lioots, bhceHniid liolloiis 11 HAW orumii, iciitrul mircliaiidle 11 .1 1) Wrrklulwr. general merchandise ll T C'ree ellng I'o, grocery kloi e 1 a lleury Aul, dealer In roul and grain 11 10 00 7 on 13 SO 1 T no VIM T 00 7 oo Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt's. Siire Rewards 5 VBAKS To;iAY FOU A FAR9I. $4 SO SIO EBB. ACRE, lieccli unit Mnplo I.anrt In Mlcbl gan In tlio Million Acre Grant oftlic ;r;iiul IlaplilM and In fllana It-.illroiKl Company. TITLE rSRFECI. Sti'onp; soil sure crops plenty of tiiiilii'i'-iio lroulit-iit clilncli lingN net "lioppcrN." HCNKISO TKVAMS ri'BE WATVR IlEADV MARKBTS bCU00I l'AILKOAl) COMFLKTKD TnKOCOnTUE Centre ok the Grant. Sent! lor pamphlet, i.'ii'iA or German Address W. II. llfdllAUT, l.ANn Commissioner. OltAND ItAl'IUS, MICH, arm u, 1S7S-22W d rTjri K "Vf C Highest honors at alUVorld's MyItA 1 n Exhibition. Latest cataioouih aud ClKCCLAt', wllh new Mylts, reduced iirtcen and mucn lntoriuatiou sent frke. juasupi k UAAlun uittiAM e;u., uoseon, ty.vr iotk or e;ui- cago. a may ji, 7s-tw Thomas IJ. Hartmas. ALBERT IIARTMAN. Ill t AT ft neautltul Concert Orand fur l vr " I A IN I llauos iirlce Jldoo only I nit A N Torperb tlrand Square rianos,prlciwwiTy 9833. Elegant Upright Manos.prlco tsoo only ijtno. new ittjie cprigut. rianos i iv.oti iimniiH p.ja. OrKntii 12 Stops f7i.SO. Church tlcitnni IS Btops prlco $350 onli I?I13. llleMtiut 1373 JIlrrorTop tlmnn, only nos. Iliier come and see me at homo If I am not as represented, K. H. Fare paid both wajs and Hauo or Organ given free.Largo 111st. ietvptticr twin luucit luioriuutioii nuuui. tua, ui I'lnnoi, ,V eimntiH sent free. Please address HAH IEL. 1'. HEAT1 v. Washlngton.New Jersey. may -.s-tiw , u AGENTS WASTED I Medals and Diplomas awarded PICTORIAL BIBLES for HOLMAN'S NEW 2,0o IliiiMrntlnna. Address for new circulars. A. J. holmax i; cu., 031) Arch street, l'hlia. June 7, s-itv. d S50 $50 I ur it cine tiT CJ TJi.T 'that Mint'ord'H Itnillrnt Cure for Catarrh will not Instantly relieve and sneedllv cure. Heferenccs. Henry WeUs, Esq., Wells, Fargo co Au rora, N. Y.: Ww, Dowen, Fsa , Mc- llatton. Orant & isowen. St. Wuls. Testimonials and treatise by mall. Trice, wllh improved Inhaler tl frolJ rroprictors, nosion, muss. Juno 7, 1S7S-1W d WANTED An Biergetlo man orwoman In every County to take tho agency for two ot tho most popular Publications, six of the Finest Chromos mounted and stretched (84x30 inches each) to every subscriber. The Best Combination ever Before Offered to Agents, and the m ost Liberal Inducements to f ubscrlbers. our Fine 1'ubUcattons. Elegant Premiums, and Large Com missions place tis ahead ot all Competitors. Illustra ted Circulars free. E. P. L I1E3TEIN, Publishers, North East Corner 7tu and Dickinson streets, Phila delphia, tl Juno 7, s-iw VGENTS! READ THIS! ! .We will pay agents a salary cf ri no rrR lioaTii, and excesses to ken our Inv s Wokdirici. isven Tinss. Address SI1EUMAN K CO., Marshall, Mich. June T. '7S-4W a ram 101 li tUt ECU 1'urp.niiH' I'nruiiiht' PIIU make NetvTtle!i lllooil, nndwlll completely chinge tho blood lntheeutlro sstfmln three months. Any pcron who will tako i nil! Much nli'ht. trout l to tn weeks mav be restor ed to found heHlih, It tucli a thltg be possible, sent I. s. JOH.NMIN c cu., S-4W bv matiror s kucr stamDS. I. tf. JOl I'.angor Me. d June 21, GILE S' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. SWEET PN AY Y flhnininnf ICIS-atS l -tVi I Inhinnn I Awtidrd h.yhut pru .t Cfatanuikt Expoaitiou for ehrunny qualiiui Bti'l tretllmce ana lat'lnj tkar attar ot iurbm.nd and itauurino. TliA lobuCri ir hind'.. At our tin. atrip lrkil,-in.rk t. clcvly imitti.a cn tui.rior K"oa, inn jwon - jx. i on fry tlog, Soldtjrnlld.Al.Jt. fsDitfortAmnU, tree, to C. A, JnCKnos A Co., Mfl... rct.nbutg, v. (i. I'. WAltlll.E, Ctncrul Ant., Philadelphia.. Juno 21. 13 4w d 1 WADS ftliSHK. MOAIIUHI', ECnlo ten, general meitlianilf!.o 11 Allpertoujwho mo) feel aggrieved hy the uloi clasMiiesiion can hut e mi opportunity ot appeal)! by meeting the miderslgned S'litunlay, Juno 22, 3878, at which time an upptul will tield at the court Heiusu In Uloomshurg, ci mmentlugat 10 o'clock a. in., and ending at 1 o'clock p, in. I'CTEll A. EVANS, may ll, ns, Slercaauie Appraiser, Cures all l'ntn In .11 an and Kuast TESTIMONIALS: Mum tMi-a l'TFiti TitlltnL- of tho Womb.) A Won- dertulc'uie.-Miie jtars my wirehUHeredfwithtuis terilblt' complullll. Miowmt atieuueu uy uuctoi ui ter doctor, went to fie different hospitals where fe males urn treated ; trltd them all ; wore bandages and rcirles wlthonly te mporary relief. Her life WHStiiilwrahle. We applied Hr,' Uulment, Her I ellef w as Immediate. Mio Is now w en. 11. MCllfcRMOlT, in West I3lh street, Nw York I haditwerto strokes ct Paraijsls. My leg. arm nntt u.m Uti-li'ftM l Itut OhllL-ed tO US6 li CStll- eter eery day. lioetor t.lies' llulmeut lodtdeo Ammonia has cured ire. 111 answer auy Inquiries so that all amoved may Know oi it. Jous Ari ti.. .North lirauford, I'oun. t'l.i-kinui mil. Philadelphia. ABrlUi. H. W. M. filh s. fcn.. Hear Mr I used j our Iodide of Ammnnt.-i l.tnimeiit on l'loru Temple's hind pastern joint. he lIihiI been tuilte lame j tho e-flect wps wonderful; bho w eikh now quite wen. cry re spcciiuny jours, A. Welch. P, s. I uiu now using It on Littleton's right tore A large shoe be 11 on a uluablo young horse was remotetl by tines uiiimeut iodide or Ammonia. mi Ki n tun KNirr. v ui jtip. i i.t sin in ncn i orb. AsTiittA Uio tortutes and agonies I endured for six jeaix, none but those who lime suHrmt wllh tills lerrthle disease cau know. My life was misera ble. In aeierutlon 1 tried lilies' Lliilmeut loolde of .Miiuiuuia. it gu,t, ino tiiniuu. reitri. e stuittti' ternaliy as well as externally. 1 lies, Bhanioan, 127 W est 271h street. Kelt ork I was In a dreaaiul conditlun. Joints swvllen, rialu lutense. Injections of inorpblDO Into my elns ailed to relieve me. tilles' Iodide of Ammonia took awuy tho iUHlls Hominy Joints. 1 ti unlet try cue who sunersio kuow wuat win euro tntiit. 1'OHIHCE I0T111.0P, North lit ilo Park. LaiuniollU) to. Vt. Anottirr UnlTeier etired. lilsehareed from the Miibuiehiu.eiini tienerul liosnllal as Incurable, wllh lulhtmuiulory rliHUiuulUui lu in; shoulders, lingers ami Irtfl . HUlltrtHI ivuumi) lui mire j ri a, u ivu everything; luft an nope. iir. tines' uunueue iou' Ide of Amutoiila clltsrteu a compete cure. Eu SN MllTU, Nei. 1J Prano street. Fall inter. Mass. Sprains, splints, biulscs. latmeLess lu horses, tllltw' Uulment Iodide of Ammonia Is a perfect pe. cine. No l sen who onus a horso should bei with UUt Ik. M. Hopkss, ya w'ttuth aeuue, New oik, lu my fiimll.i, and iur tin s'ock, I have used emu's l.lnlitient ltu.le if Mi luntila. It U tiiisuriussisl, untl 1 sue surpi Uctl ut the many different maluuits in twucu it it. uppucuoiv. je giica eui-utiuusi cutis fuetitit, . w John J. Casts r. Buperlnli'iMlent Kaslern J't'cnsjHuiiU EAperlmen. lal IVriu, wr. unUi i andlntjunilsat Hw, In whit h Hit ie In .i rcot sating. Tllal ,l.t fciu'litn. MUUbV All Vlll'CUISTS. N. J, III.MII.UMlll'IT, Ait. lor llluoiu.butg, may 11, 'I- Ity T. s. At-tliur, Is the most rowEHvet. and con vmeiso temiieriinco work eter written. Describes tho work of ilurpiiJVIleynolds, Inebriate Asylums, Prohibition, etc. 11 Is Jul tho book to warn tho nun, rt claim ine erring, t-nuguien eue people. r'ATUESS. MEKC1IAN1S, MANtTACTl KESSShOUltl btiy It forthelr young men, "1 believe It will be a power lu the right duecllon." Henry A, Iteyuolds. "It Is Just the boi'k for th. times." Hon. tv m. K. DJdge. l our aiiiintuu e "oi ft is uii ngtit. lion. eutLnjn, As I clou d tho book. 1 thanked nod and took cour- no." Mrs L. K Leavltr, Treas. W c. T l. Agents report 30 to too ewiss per week, sreu success rcuvu Its worth. Malo anil femala agents wanted. TkRtlS I.1BFUAL 11UUUA11U 11UUS.. 183. builSOIU street, Philadelphia. juuu xt, ts-ew u BUB1NESH OAKDH, V1SITINO CAKIiS, AUnt'eait ii&ALia, BILLHEADS, l'OSTSKS, tO tC. Neatly ami Cheaply printed at the Colu BIAN Office. SURE DEATH TO THU COLuKADO POTATO ltU. For thH powder weelalm three Important features which will rtfomirend Its use to em) gardcaer and farmer lu the country ; 1st. 'that It contains none ot Iho poisonous prop erties dangerous to human life, ot which many of tho insect powders now lu the market aro composed. Many deaths have occurred through Paris tlrcen and other poisonous preparations ot arsenlo which aro employed to destroy fusects on plants and vege tables, aud which absorb the poison and with the food Is Introduced Into the human sjsteiu. 2d. Tlutwhertt this Powder is sprinkled on Po tato Vines, plants, Vegetables, tc. It will dm e awuy tho Potato Bug, cut Worms, asd another Insects which are tho pests ot the neld snd gaiden, and It used early In the fprlng, will premit thedeeelop menl and growth of Inst ct life. It tan also be used with good effect t destroy caterpillars and worms lie trees, nowers and snrunnerv. ud. Parts ilieen. and other roitonousrempounds, In adtfttfou to being dangerous to human life, lm po'erlshftnd poison the soil on which thev ale uted. This Powder Is rich in rKorkKTiis which area liMlir to the land, snd Is au iximiNT im-lium aud will prove a Vill i mt aid to the growing plant IJix-ootionn i'oi Use. A can, with perforated top, ts furnished with each box, with which to sprinkle tho l'owdcr thoroughly uvtrr the plants aud oa the ground underneath. KU1PIK FIIEE. Prepared at the i:,trrUtt ('lifinleiil 'tik, lvAt.l.EVttKp, N. ,1. W A. LKC KLPII, S holesalo Agi nt. 4S Vescy t.N, V. June I, 'Is in MALLEABLE IRON iiuot ,v siioj: eSol Trolcclor. . r u n In f ni"n Mill' 'tais -ii, - lo t Mint slid by ' Winers, A t ihM IIP lateutee, s vialu st Alleghcii), lu. tail, or st nd It r tlieul.r. fill t
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