THE COLUMBIAN. ni.ooiiHBUKii, rniPAT, junk 11, uss Rail Itdarl Time Table. LACKAWANNA HLOOMSIJUItd IlAILltOAII NORTH. Accommodation Train, a.4.i A.M. Mall TrivlD.., , 7.S9 A.M Bipross Train 1. M. V " .M r. M. CATAWISSA 11AIL 110AD. NORTH. Accommodation Train e,S9 A, M. Itcgular Knprcsi 4.M P.M. SOUTH. T.6J A.M. 4.111 V. N 11.61 A. M south :,so p. m. 11,43 A.M. Thron gh cars on Kiprcss train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. We offer a special discount of 10 per cent to old and new subscribers who pay In advance. $1.80 will pay for ttia CoLUNMAN for one year after this date until further notice. This docs not apply to subscription now due. Our sub scribers wilt do us a favor by calling their neighbors attention to the fact that the CoLUM MAM can bo had for $1.80 In advance, the only $200 paper In the county malting the offer. tf. Picnic reason Is approaching. The new jail will noon be ready for occupan cy- Candidates now aro on the wing, mer will bo a lively one. The sum- The case of Ilnrman A. Kramer was argued In the Supreme Court last Wednesday. Pine township reports only one Greenbacker, and lie is going to vole the Kepublican ticket. The Treasurer's sale of lauds for taxes on Monday was pretty largely attended. Jo'lma Fetterman's name is announced as n Republican candidate for eoiintv commissioner, A valuable mule belonging to tho lllonms burg Iron Company was killed oi their rail road on last "Wednesday. Simon 1 Wolvertnn is lo be nominated by the Democrats of Union county, to Bucceed Dill In the senate. A two story frame house in Willlamsport has just been moved a mile and u half on rol lers. The festival at Rupert was postponed on ac count of the weather until Saturday afternoon and night of this week. No impurities of the blood, no matter hnw long in the system, can resist the healing influ ences of Dr. Hull's Wood Mixture. A festival will be held at M. E. Church at lluckhorn Saturday afternoon and evening. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. John A. Smull has our thanks for a list of Villi. ....1 T?..t..:nn.. ......a.! l. I,a T Un!dlalllr.i during the session of 1878. Prof. Hoffman has accepted the position of organist at St. Paul's church, and presided at the organ on Sunday for the first time. Heavy rains fell on Saturday and Monday, and the temperature was so low that fires were almost a necessity. A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for sale at this otlico very cheap. Good until De cember 81st 1878. tf Fillmore Hedden, w ho has been the Reading It. It., agent at Catawlssa for several years pat has been transfered to Mabonoy Junction. A Festival. A Festival will be held to night (Friday) and to morrow night in Mrs. Knt's building for the benefit of the Reformed Church. For Sale A stationery Steam Engine an 1 boiler, twenty-five liorso power. Will sell at a sacrifice. Enquire of E. Jacoby, Woomsburg, or Dr. J. P. Chapin, Benton, june 14-lw Johnson H. Ikeler. Esq., of Greenwood, pur chased tho farm and mill property of Thomas Reece, near Rohrsburg at Assignee's Bale for $5,900. The survey of the North & West Branch rail road from Nanticoko to Calawisaa has been completed. J. C. Brown E. Jacoby and M. Shafter weio engaged on the corps. The grass on the fair ground will be sold next Saturday the 15th at live o'clock p. in. M. W. Nuss, Secretary. An appeal will be held at the Court House on Saturday, June 2!M at ten o'clock in the mornlog, to make coriectlons, If any to be made, In the Mercantile Appraisement, published la another column. Is it true that the street commissicner gives store orders on merchants who rent of him, to poor men for work on the roads, and then draws the money on their town orders, and applies it to rent? Michael Landy, the defaulting tax colleclor of Mahanoy City, and a leader of ttie Knights of Labor in Schuylkill county, who left his home early last week, was arrested In Phlladel )hla on Saturday night. The town Treasurer, T. J. Vanderslice, an, nounces that he Is ready to receive taxes. At the expiration of thirty days when the dupli cate Is put in tno collector's bands, an uddi ttonal five percent, will be charged. Tbero will be a grand opening of the Rupert Hotel, under the management of Reuben Rouch 'the new proprietor, on Thursday evening, June 20th. All are invited. Tickets to admit lady and gentleman? $1,75, can be procured of .the proprietor. A the perfection of entirety depends upon the perfection of minutiie, so no one can hope for robust health of the entire system, if the lileod should become, In the least Impure. Its standard of purity is beBt maintained by the use of Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. In looking for leaks along the gas pipes the searcher carelessly threw the loose sell back in to the holes, and the rain softened the earth so that a number of horses and wagons were caught in the traps. The ground should be packed solid when these holes are filled up. ,1'UUUU BALKS. M, a, Hughes, assignee of Wesley Perry will sell real estate In Locust township on June 15lh .at 11 o'clock a, m. Casper Rhawn, assignee of John II. Kllnger will sell real estate in Roarlngcreek township .on June 22d at 11 o'clock a. m. See advertise- orient. A ten year old son of O. K. Hughes met will: .quite a severe accident last week Thursday. He was playing with a scythe and In swinging It around struck his knee making an ugly gash, Dr, Rutter was called In, and found that an ar lery hail been severed. He dressed the wound assisted by Ins student D, W, Conner and th .child is now doing very well. The moral of this is, Boys, don't play with edged tout Cunt: for Crow. A uudlcal journal say croup can be cured In one minute, and the rem cdy Is simply alum and sugar, The way to ac- oouipllsh die deed Is to lake a knife or giutcr, and Hiavu oil In small particles about u teas- poonful of alum, then mix il with twice its quantity of sugar, to make It palatable, and ad' minister as quickly as possible. Almost in etantantvUi relief will follow. A Mrs, Qelstlicli and her two children, aged nine and eleven yearn, were found ddad Id their bed In Philadelphia last Saturday .with a strong smell of chloroform n the air. Tho aelghbors not seeing them for several days, brbke Into the house with the above result. As tUe father la missing It is supposed that he oorArattted the fearful deed, I Commitments. Amandua LaVii and John Martin were lodged In jsll on Monday on the cliargo of steillng flour from DaAlel Beybcrt, One bag Waring Seybert's name wjai found In a field and led to tracing the men to a piece of woods nheA seven barrels were found In a cave. On Friday of last week WlllianJ Fisher was committed to jail by Km. TJrower of placing obstructions on the CUawlssa rail road In Heaver township. Last Sunday being WhtUunilavj appropriate services were held In the Episcopal church. The chancel was decorated wltlk flowers. At the Methodist church unusual tltmonttrations were made. The church was beautifully trimm ed with flowers, boqueta In profusion, crosses, anchors and hanging baskets. The Sunday school children were dressed In hlte, and very pleasant services were held both morning and evening. A party consisting of one woman and two men were ntrestett on Sunday nlulit about elev en o'clock and put in the lockup. This party had been staying in a shell below town for sev eral days, and getting a little short of the nec essaries of life they became bold and made dc mands for supplies along the highway. Chief Sterner kept them over night anp on their pay ing coils, and promising to leiive the county they were liberated on Monday morning. During the summer monthi) instead of the weekly Temperance meetings A meeting is to bo held on tho first Tuesday of each month ; July in the Methodist church ; August in the llaptlst church and September in the Presbyte rian church, resuming weekly Meetings on the lirst Tuesd.iy of October in the Lutheran church, A Children's Temperance Me sling is proposed, fur the Fourth o July, and Temperance ser mons on Sabbath September 2. nd. l);nnis Donnelly was hangeii at Pottsville on Tuesday for the murder of Thlomas Sanger on September 1, 1875. Donnelly participate in (lie murder, but did not actually it was shown on the trial that he had planned i , because Ssnger ad discharged Irishmen and but Englishmen their lilaces. Donnellv mada no remarks. and ed from strangulation. It looks now as though Jack Kejioe convicted of murdier, now In Potts- lie jail would not be executeil, by the failure of the.Governor lo sign the death warrant. E. E. Orvis. the comine man for Congress in the 'lUth'dUtrict, among the Nationals, will vU- the townships In this county belonefne to his istrict'in a few weeks to orgsnite for the con ing campaign, Echo. That is somo of the milk In this cocoa-nut. Defeated men in other organizations, are seeking uunci up a new party lor uieir own aggran- lizement, and the leaders are! not recognized as men who have ever sacrificed anything for the goodjof "the dear people." But liryion mustjnow look to his laurels in Luzermi. Wallack'b Orchestra -f The orchestra of Wallack's Theatre, New York, ii famous for its extraordinary precision. This is dne entirely to Thomas Baker, an Englishman, who has conducted It for years. Mjr. Jlaker used to su cr terribly from rheumatism, but now is as supple arid nimble as a scliool boy. He as cribes his freedom, as lie ought, to Qile's Llnl ment Iodide Ammonia. ; Sold by all druggists. S.nd for pamphlet. ' Dr. Giles, 451 Slx,'tli Avenue, N. Y. Trial size 25 cents. According to the Quarterly Journal of Inebrie ty, statistics Indicate that most of the suicides following inebriety occur among beer .drinkers, t says that the ultimate effect of lager beer in many cases is melancholy, with a tendency to suicide. I', is held that beer baa a peculiar aycliological action, developing a low grade of depression in all cases. Hut Is not a man just as likely to commit suicide under the terrible epression following a whisky debauch as the uzzlii.g of loo mucli been? There can hardly he n doubt of it. In fact, he will generally reach destruction far morel rapidly by whisky lan by beer. If traveling thai way at all, bet ter go it very slowly as to either. Wilson Ager has sued his wife, Emma W. Agcr, for divorce. They were married in May, ISO!, and separated June 20, 1874. He alleges ist she kept a house of bad repute In Wa-li ington. She denies the charge, and accuses im of illicit relations in St. Louis. The case came up before Judge Lawrence on a motion by the njainliitlo issue a commission to take testi mony in Washington. Judge Lawrence inti mated that the commission asked for was too vague as to the persons to be examined, but re served his decision. 1'ribune. We had expected to receive an official account f the recent pic nic of the Grangers at Rupert. Whether it was 'through neglect, or because they did not desire publicity, we are unable to state. 1 here was a fair attendance, and a pleas ant social reunion. The renTarka of Elder Hot ton were plain, practical and Interesting. The essay of Miss Msry V, Bowman of Berwick bowed study and culture. It was delivered in a clear distinct voice, and won for the author ess golden opinions. We dn not know whether or not there were other exercises, u we were on the ground' but a short time. MASONIO RESOLUTION. At a recent session of the Grand Masonic lodge the following resolution was. adopted "JfcaoiW, Tnat we refuse to recognize as a Free mason any person initiated, passed or raised in a body where the existence of a Supreme Being is denied or Ignored." The resolution Is all right; but wo bad always supposed that to be Masonic doctrine, at least it has been in I'enn sylvanla. As a matter of fact we do not be lieve there is an atheist (in this Stata who be longs to the order. Its corner stone la the Bl ble. The street commissioners bill for part of April and all of May amounted to $855.04. Among the Items are the following; William Rabb, $29.20. M. C, Shire team, $42.00. Another team said to belong to a number of the council drew 13.C0. Jlaa this get any thing to do with the fact that the street pom mi sioner is obliged to pay two dollars a day foi horse and man. when the same could be obtain ed last year for a dollar and a half? We do not think two dollars too much, but it does not look well for councilmen to insist on the ad' yance for theirown benefit. FIItK. An alarm of fire was started last Tuesday morning about ten o'clock when a stream of smoke was discovered Issuing from the roof of the kitchen of the old jail. A large crewd soon gathered and took possession of the house. Beds, bed clothes, furniture, and every thing I the sheriffs bouse, were tumbled eut of thi windows, and then the fire was attacked with buckets of water, and In a short lime by hard work, was got under control. The fire started in the bake oven, set fire to the wood work around the chliuoey, gqt under the roof au followed the rafter up to the top. For a time It looked as though the Sheriff would move imp the new jail sooner than he had intended. Con elderabln dsmsge was done to the roof, and I h alU were saturated with water. TlfECOLUMBIAN AND The Muncy lAminarv of tho 7lh Inst snvs that Rev. Geo. O. Drako was stricken, recently with something like vertigo, ami fell over. Wo are glad to say that at present writing Mr. D, Is much better. Hev. Mr. Drako was formerly a nf Bloomsburg, and has many friends here. Indorsed by the Medical Fraternity, nonular In every circle, found everywhere, Glenn's Sul phur Soap Is undoubtedly the most popular purluer, remedy for tkln diseases and In urles. and complexions! beautlfier In America. Sold by all Druggists. HUl'a Hair & Whisker Dye, lllatk or Drown 60e. ' May 17 1-w. A.CtltCULAH TO SOI.UIKHS. A public meeting of Soldiers of this County ws recently called lo meet nt the Court House. n this place. In pursuance of said call n lariro number of the survivors of the laic war met here, and formed an organization. Among tho proceedings, heretofore published, np cars the following) The following committee was named with in structions to elect their own chairman, viz: Capt. W. J. Allen, Priy. O. W. lteifrnyder. Col. C. G. Jackson, Serg't G. W. Miars, Col. , B. Rickttls, Col. S. Knorr, Lt. W. II. Utt. On motion of C. 1). Brockway, seconded by Priv, John W. Kreamer, It was ordered that a committee of three be npio!ntcil to draft n cir cular stating more specifically tho object of the association, and the benefits lo lie obtained by The Chair aptminted C, II. Brockway, apu iu. m. jirouii, anu L,unt. 1!. rj. j;nt, as raidcommittee. In pursuance of said resolution the committ ee therein named desire to slate htiellv to their comrades the aim of the association, l'irtt. Business and social reunions to the nd that wo may help ench olhir in lime of netil, and keep alive the fast fading memories f the past. Second. To collect and preserve the name", residence and military of each soldier from our county and vicinity at some central point. Hard. In collect and preserve such milita ry and official records as may beaccissiblo.ion- slsting of morning reports, unrter rolls, official orders, &c. The importance of such an organization should be. recognized at once, Many of our comrades have gone to their last bivouac. Manv have become scattered and even their residences are unknown. Many, or their families, are en titled to Pensions, Bounties, Lands or Back 'ay, and do not know-wbom lo address for evi- ence, even if entitled lo aid. Increasing yearn Increase tho difficulties and even if nothing is ue at present it is well to picparu for the fu ture. For all these reasons we think there should be a thorough union o I our soldiers and sailois, complete record of the living ones and dead, nd a central collection of all military docu menu and records that are accessible. We may add that the association is neither political nor secret, nor are there cots except for postsge, record books, &c All who have been honorably discharged are rcqucstul,rlicth er they enlisted from this counly,or nro now resi dent therein to join the Assucisuofi, wliUlnhey can do in person or by letter to the Secretary (C. B. Brockway); and (be friends of deceased soldiers aforesaid arc requested to give us such information as they may pu.sscs..s about our dt- larted comrades. O. II. BiocUway, LKT US IIAVi: I.K1HT. Messrs Kiiitous: I observe that the Town Council propose (o light the streets of Bloomsburg. It Is a good thing It ought to be done The moon and the tars ought to have some little assistance, they dont need much, but what little they do need they ought to have. No doubt it is a waste of the raw material to help them nut with the brilliant gas now used for that purpose, and therefore the move in the direction of economy, to put in coal oil lamps with nice chimneys in place of gas. Now certainly we dont need any thing so expensive as coal oil, Would not a tallow dip, which could be got for a penny, be a great deal cheaper, and much more beautiful A picturesque, especially 111 a dark night than the glare of a gas light? B?ides all lint, f you see a young lady home, you cant tiivo lier a good night kiss at the gate, v. il hunt 1 liv ing every body on the street looking on, which is very disagreeable, and spoil the fleet. Wtierefore I say down with the gas and up illi the tallow dip. Of course 1 need lint lei' the Town Council, bow these gn light on every corner of the strtets, interfere wild (he freedom of street comer loafer, and tho Hill jokes of stealing chickens, breaking into nut houses &e. The general liberty of the citi.-n is not to bl Intel fered with in lids nay, In a fre country. Tallow dips will give all the light we want, and I hope ibis grcst iifonn of tlr great reform Town Council will bo carried out It l curious if nobodv is to have lib ity bid the cons let it be divided round, and they will have the thanks of A ltoviNU 1'i.aiii:. COMMUNISM IN HKKKS. COFFINS 1011 THE LDUOIH. On Thursday evening last the editor of this journal was the recipient of tho following cow ardly missive, per mail, from Heading, whit) we give to our readers, word for word, and without alteration of piiiutiiatiou as received and stlll'lu our possession; Keadind June, Gth 187S To the Editor of tho Birdsboro Trihuuo, JJear !ir ."ilr. Ilium I warn you to be careful fo.- I'litili-li. Ing an article In your paper in Biennis to the Communists You are a Dam i.iar und 1 warn you to be careful of you Life. Bkull, cross.. bones und 'otGu. Whether the above is the foolish urk of n sapient lunatic, or whether the work of r.n in' defattgable miscreant and ioltroon, weareuipi' ble to stale, but be It either, or luith, u the ei-e may be, we have only to ny to our cowardly Informant that we are not in the lea-t alarmed by hi unprincipled threats, and tint so lune tte remain at le helm of tho Yii'iuue ue shall never ulss an occasion for leading our feeble aid In scouting down an 1 uoi.ilrinning the actions of any men, regardless of pirty or persons, who shall trample ii-kui ami di-rcp. i t the laws of our country. Jlirdtboro IViiuif, A HALF-FINISIIEU WJiUUI.SO. The young people of Cincinnati are excited over a promised wedding that didn't take place The young man and ynuug woman bad kno-su each other from childhood, and were proiiil nent in society circles. 1 he wedding guests were assembled and the loving couple were on the floor. The minister propounded iLe ii-nul question to the bride as to whether she would take the man for her husband, etc,, when, much to the surprise of all present, she answered "Ko" Thinking he misunderstood her, the minister asked the question again, and squill she answered "No.'- This stopped tho cere mony, and the story came out, The young man, addicted to the use of Intoxicating liquors, had promised reform If the lady would consent to marry him, and had slgutd the pledge. He had beeu on trial lor mouth, but the bride bad turned to him as they stood side and side be fore the minister, she caught the odor of whisky on ids brealh, and delected signs of incipient Intoxication, bhe closed the extraordinary scene by stating that she could not (rust her future lo a man who bad broken a promise so wlcmnjy made. Kj'wUilalloiisund entreaties were all in vain, The wedding did not take Jdac DEMOCRAT, BLOOM AN UNDKNIAIlLU TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, And if you lead a mis crnlilcunsatisfnctorylifoln this beautiful world, it Is entirely your own fult and thero is only , , , ' lr u"ft'ona"1 l'"J tho adjutant general baa Issued an order dls .lico and skeptlcism.whlch has killed thousands, charging all unnocessary officera and reduc 1 crsonnl knowledge and common sense reason-1 n. . i r .u.i.i... t-.i ,.. ng,ll soon show you that Oreen'a August ! lower will euro 'you of I.iycr Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miscrnblo effects such as si. i ., r ., , in.m.nnv, iai HUlUOn 01 1110 HCaH, BOUT stomach, habitual convenes, dimness f the bead, nervous prostntion, low spirits, Ac. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a druggist but will tell you ofils wonderful cures. You can buy a samplo bottlo for 10 cents. -Three doses will relieve you. junu 14-if ji . . Im: flliY IIol'SF.Wll'K. The careful tidy hoo.ewlle, when she is gtving her house Its sprinj! cleaning shou d War In mind that the dear innate of her lmiLo aro more precious "- " mm uieir nyciFm need cleans- ing by purifying the blol, regulating the atom- iu h and bowels to prejent and cure the disea- res arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she should know that there Is nothing that ha periecny ami surely as nop Hit- tirs, the piire.l end best of all medicines. See other column. WHY IIOUUTJ A steamship compsny, knowing that success begits eonli Imce, may adveili-e that they have never lost a in-senger or met with serious de lay, and no one question the statement. But if il lliysicl.m, afler many yeais of investiga tion, announce the il scovery of a remedy that o-ilively cam certain forms of diseases, ond backs up his slaleuients by indisputable evi- deuce, his word is doubted, and his motives -questioned. Is not such prejudice unriasona- ble There aro those alllicted with cough, colds, consumption, liver complaint, or some !ific:lloii of the blood, that still refine lo use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disrovery, not- ttiuivi.iii.nrg u,ey lnve witnessed its ellicae, in ..ihus similarly sflectcd. They "have no con- Ii It-nce in advertised medicines." Does the guide Imard at the corners of a country road, w liiih ndvertis'M the way to go, sbakeyourcon- lidmce, and create distrust in the route? Do you refuse lo patronize railroad that advertise llieirliine tables? I hen why doubt the truths publisiiid concerning DrPiercu's Family Med Icinc? if debilitated A males fall lo receive the 'relief promised after using hi Favorite Pre scription, the money will be refunded. ' Full particulars given in the People's Common Sense Midical Adviser, a woik of over H00 page, price $1.50. Address the author, It. V. Pierce, M. 1)., World's Dispensary and invalids' llo- tel, Buffalo IS. V. Items. . A heavy earthquake at Tittnn, New Heb rides, l reported, Tho land roso twenty feet, seriously imparing the harbor. Application for a new trial in the case of Martin liergan, recently convicted at Potts ville of the murder of Patrick II. Burns.haa Ikiii refused.- He will be called up for euti'iice on Monday, June 21, The Kuiperor of Germany lias on four dif ferent occasions served a a target for would be assassins. Ho evidently realizes by this time ll.o triteiKM of the adage "uneasy lies the bend that wear n ciowu." The large.'t strawberry farm in the w-rld is piobibly that ot John 11. luuug, Jr., about two miles from Norfolk, Vn. He cul tivates ISO acres, arm the yield last beason was over 500,000 quarts. The long liiokrd-fnr Congress of tho Pow ers lias at lust been culled, und will assemble in Berlin on the 13th of June, where and when it is to be hoped the existing difficul- ties will be amicably settled und peace be assureii, At Itatclfonlciti, Fraserburg, South Afri- ca, where witter is precious, a wool washing nun i so nrrnngeu tnat tno water, alter pass- ..!,, ; , ., ... . e. . im through a lino wtro gauze screen and falling nver the water wheel of a com mill, gue to the land lying in Ibo valley, and thus is ucil for wind va.shiiig,corn grinding, immuring by carrying down the grease from the work, und irrigation. Bobert Wliittlaw and William Lewis, M.olliu .Maguiris, i-oiik'tid in Westmore land county of firing building and coal tippbs, were sentenced tin the Till atGreeu burg to six years iuiprisoiinient in the WW em Ptuitenti.iry. Frederic Proctor, cou- victed nf Hitting telegraph wires, was, tent to the wnrkhoiise fur eight months. Thn hanking house ni Samuel Donne & Son, nt Canton, Pa wn entered by thrco burglars on Tuesday of last week, I,.r, Doane, who slept in thn bank, was com pelled to open tho vault, and then gagged. Afler tho robber. had gut hold nf$25(J0in registered bunds they were driven of!" by neighbors, vh had beard the noise. of the rubbers wa severely wounded in the head with a club, but escaped with tbo others. The estimated yield of wheat for this year I 450,000,000 bushel. This i nn immense quantity, and means not only an era of pros perity, but also what appeals directly to the masses cheap bread. To propeily distribute thi large amount of grain will bring into action a large number of tallroads, nud although these wero already supposed to from him at the same rates as though pur be ten years beyond tho wants of the country, chased direct from the manufacturers, Tkis It Is estimated that not loss than two thou sand miles of new lines will be completed by Christinas, and will be taxed to their ut most to carry the tonnage. 1 ho force of hostile, Indians in the Lava Ileds I now reported at three hundred, It i also slated that seventy-five Yankton Acency Indians liavo gone north to the vi cinity of the Brule Agency where they have created trouDie among me Urtiles, which may necessitate the presence of an armed force. General Sheridan regards the news from the North as "very alarming," Troops will bo sent from Salt Lake and stations along the Pacific Railroad toco-operate with troops from General McDowell's command If necessary. Pope's villa, at Twickenham, near Lon don, wa put up at auction a few days ago, The poet purchased theproperty Iu 1715,and r..ul,1o,l II.apa ,n,ll l,tj .lontl. lS-rl, OM. - nronertv otfered Included thn wlml nf !, ' - w irriillml. Ivt niiroj 1,1 Avian, .t,l. 1.A .1... i .i i. ... nun inner vniuuuio growing timoer, together with tho celebrated grotto vyhich the poet Iiiriucil, anil which Is saw to remain Intact til tht lirAtfpnt. ilav. 'I'liAllrwl nllt,r m..l. u.n. 625 .00(1 which wa Immediately f'll-,l K an udvance of $5,000, and the property : ' " ;v. shortly Hood at f 1U.WU, when there was a, on which the auctioneer remarked wtt,-nt,. clocks, jewelry, allverware, or any that Jho cedars of Lebanon, planted long be- l fftfu fore the poet's time, and probably the oldest in I'.ngliiud; were with the rest of the timber on the estate, estimated to be worth 20,000, Ultimately the property was bought In at $70,000 ; but it was stated in the room that this sum wa nominal, and that the property will probably be puicbased privately at a less sum) 1 BURG, COLUMBIA. OOUNTY, HeorganlJallon of the National Quart. The Governor having signed the bill for tho reorganization of tho National Guard, obedience to the. rennlment. nf fb. w r,.ra ,., !,,. m . ,i n lucre aro eighteen olJlcera on the Gover- -.l. , , I! . , ,, t ? n"d 'J'.0. hJJuUd1 Wner. '. order , '"f r , f"ll0Wl"5 Oo'oneU D. Uc ar.Scranton ; Charlw J, Arms, I'ancas,er S Thomas M. Walker, trie ; Stan- hf Woodward, Wllkesbarre j F. I.acey GllJar, Rni A- Wilson Norris, Philadel- phla, Under the order all division and btl- gade organizations, as now prescribed, will cease In ilst. Until V. f,,m t. r.n..n.. ed relm,nt.l l,.ii.lnn ..a ...!., company commander will report direct to the departments. - - . , Senator Dill at an ovation given him at Mlffllnburg, Union county, not long aince, said among other things that ha was "reared In all parts of Pennsylvania; that he was a Methodist preacher's son, and as such was raised in spots." That he had lived in Mlf- llintown, Kellefonte, Huntingdon, Sunbury, Milton, Berwick and other places. He said that bo came among us in I860 as a taxpay er, yet came os n Pcnnsylvnnian, reared within the limits of the State. Patriot. For War. Tho Lock Haven Democrat, in alluding to tho question, says: "Senator Dill's res ignation of hi senatorial seat to accept the nomination for Governor, Is like a General burning bis bridge behind him. It means fight, and hla partv will rallv around such n leader in the spirit that be enters upou the contest, and when the bugle sound the charge he'll find n following that will make tl,0 ,ila and dales of the old Commonwealth ring with enthusiasm of raeu who mean to wjn " , m , Stanley Mntthews wants n Senate commit- teo to investigate him. By the time the Potter committee is through with him there will not be much left of Stanley to invest!- gate. Tho Senate committee had better hurry up. Patriot. Notiiino Short or Ukvistiiasli Bixinrt Conferred upon tens of thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain tho reputation which AVer's Sarsanarllla enlovs. ltls a 'compound of ths font. vegetablo alteratives, with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and Is tho most effectual of all remedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uni formly successful and certain In Its remedial effects, It produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Soros, Bolls, Humors, rimplcs, Kruptlons, skin Dis eases and all disorders ailslng from Impurity ot tao blood. Dy Its Invigorating effects lt always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weak ncssesand Irregularities, and Is a potent renewer of vitality. For purifying the blood it baa no equal, lt tones up the system, restores and preserves the health, and Imparts vltror and enerry. For fortv I years lt has been In extensive use, and I to-day the available medicine for the suffering alek, .anywhere. Koa Silk by iU. Daiuus. Marriages. HA(lKNBUClI-WAHR.On the ltth lnsu y Itsr, W. E. Krel, Mr. Hoy 1). llajenbueu to Miss Sarah A. Warr. both of BloousiS-.-z MOOKE-COX.-on the 11th lnsu oj her. W E Krcbs, sir. M arshal Moore ot this county, to Mlw Alvaretta Cox of Bloomsburg. Deaths. EVEHT.-ln Mt. Pleasant township oa Jnns 7ta 1S7S Gabriel Evert, aged t6 jears. inoatss aids days. A.RKET IIEPOIITS. BLOOMSBUBG MAKKET. Wheat per bushel I Hye 10 so .JO , 7.0(1 ffi,? EIHi!lam!l Flaxseed i,w i.ii .(is Si . e .it Butter Esrei Tallow Dried Apples'. I ll&IUS ......... Hides i shoulders AU Lard per pound .18 lo no nay per ion m'eswux v. TlmothyScea u. ' vuui atium run cual. No. 4 on Wharf t 3,00 per Ton No. 6 " " 8.J5 ' No. e " " I ,(i " Blacksmith's I.utup on Wharf f " " tlirnmtnous " ft " Busiuess Notices For a Summer Hat go to Lowenberg'a. Call at McKinncy's'lor Shoes. You can pet lace Window Curtains nt L,titz ft Sloan's, price Iti to (Jo cents. For a Nobby Summer Suit go to D. Lowenberg's. Itubbers at McKiuney's. The display of jewelry, Silverware Watches, Ac, at P. S. Bales' is said by all i oe ttie choicest to be seen in Jlloomsburg Kepalring is done by liitu in the best mau uer niul lit the lowest possible rates. Sole Leather, French Calf and Kid Skins at J, bcliuyler X Son, Shoemaker wanted, uey'a. Apply at Mcrtin For a nice Straw Hat go to D. Lowenberg'a. Go to Peler Billiaver's Centre street for the celebrated Hill Carter ACo'a flouMMen. denball's best. Wholesale and retail. 200 barrels will be iteeived Cist of next week. Vn,, or, !... t I .. ... ...... II ,!.!.. - "our "s "'Bh reputation here, and will be lu great demaud. May 7, -Jw, Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlocey's, Go to L. Bernbard's for Spectacle! and j-jyu uiusses. Cadman always keeps in atock Picture Frames and Mouldines of all kinds, and is also prepared to make picture frames of any size, For plain or figured Lawoi go to LuU Si Hoot headquarters at McKinney'a. For a Nice White Vest go to 1). Lowenbcrg's, Crampton's Palm Soap is the best laun dry soap in' thl or any other market. For sale uy Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w Lutest Stylo and Lowest price always to be found at I If. Lqwenberg's. ,TCJVInn" Shoe Store below Ceurt I JlOUScj, I fry It Buy it lslml'sl,nioim n. At Jacob II, Maiz' Jacob if. Maize's. I Ulu7 o-lbiv I .Lutz &. ?'oa" Aave a full line of Grass uiotus i and Dress Linens, P. S, Hates makes a specialty of repairing with his work- For a cheap Suit of Clothes go to D, Lowenberg'a, Cramptou " Brother's Palm noau at Jacob II, Maize's. It is the Lest. Try it, may3-18w Admission free at McKlnney's, TX?ES?t?te&,M I I I VrnTm Oil lAflWtHMWi BLOOM SB URG SIXTH NO Bloomsburg, Rev. D. J. THIS SCHOOL, as at cresent constituted. oRors thn liulldlnirs spacious, Inviting and commodious ; complete! sprlnif water. Location hPalttitul, ana easy of access. Toachers experlil moderate. Virty cents a week deduction to all expecting ll Ooursus ot study prescribed Dy the state s I I, Model School. II. Preparatory. Ill, ElemeJ Adjunct Courses : I Academic, II. Commercial The Elementary. Scientific and Classical Courses are I corresponding Degrees ; Master ot the klcments; Master cl lufir auuiameniK,, signed or me uiucers or ine noara or The course ot stud y Drescrlbcd uv the state Is liberal, a Tho stale requlresa Higher order ot citizenship. Tho rent and efficient Teachers tor her Schools. To this end and their talents, as "-tudents. To all such lt promises vuiuiuue, allures me I rinciimi, IIII.V. UII.I.1A.1I i:l.WI.I,I President llonril sept, s, "to.- Mercantile Appraisement. LIST OP DEALEIlS IN COI.VJMUIA COU.NTV. I hereby C'rllfy that tho following list of dealers taken, returned and classinod by me In accordance Ith tho several actB ot Assembly, In and for the county of Columbia, for the jear ls"8, Is correct to tho best of my knowledge and belief. Names Class. Amt. BEAVER TOWNSUlr. nice. Abram. store 11 Ton shuman, C A, ' 14 loo nreisDicn. ueorge r, store i ? uu Michael, Levi, general merchandise 14 l oo J A Losee, agent, ' " 14 J oo BENTON, Il Mcllenryt Son, general merchandise 14 loo JJMclIenry " " la 10 oo HohrMcIIenry " " 13 10 00 BEKWICE. nnwtnnn A Crisnln. reneral merchandise 12 H M It Hit Bower " " H 1S) II II Little, rtmir Btorfl 14 ,00 P L Dlsteihurst, furniture store 14 7 00 1 A Iiucklnirham. stoves and tlnwaro 14 7 to 0 1) Fowler, agent, stoves and furniture 14 7 no Jackson A Woodln. manufacturing Co, 7 4i) no .1 w s-rev. o-nnpral merchandise 13 10 00 II M Hockntm. confectionery and bakery 14 fee A llilttnln. drtlir store 14 TOO w r Hughes, general merchandise H la u Frcns Brothers, general merchandise H 1J 60 " lumber dealers 14 7 oo Adams Son, general merehandUo H 10 oo David dross, nortcr bottler 14 7 oo nujMsm-Ra. 0 A Jacoby, grocery 14 Henry Kl-lm, grocery 14 (1 M A' J K Lockard, dealers In coal 14 J K Iilttcntiender. dealer In lumber 14 Hartman Brothers, grocery store 14 1. R Hilary, stoves and tlnwaro 14 1 w McKelry, drygoods and groceries e Clark & tt'olt ". " ' Wagenscller fo, notions fancy goods 1 (Jross Brother, clothing store 14 J 11 steckcr, nour and feed 14 Isaiah llagsnhuch. stoves and tlnwaro 14 TV,' Conner, grocery store 14 D A Crsssy, geiitraf merchandise 13 David Stroup, ' " J4 Ho Has K Holmes, gas litters and plumbers 14 A 3 Evans, clothing storo 14 Bloomstmrg Iron Co, genral merchandise 8 I r.HUl 0. nroi uer, uraivio it, wot 14 14 14 V V Marr, gentrai mcrcpaooise Joseph Decker, contect'Onery m Knjsmer, I.Ti'wrj n'.i'a s II Miller Mn, gsneral merchandise J Schuyler bon. hardware I w Hartman, general merchandise It u Hartman, carpet store c A Klelm. drug store 14 IB 1J II 14 14 11 H 14 12 11 IS 14 13 II 14 14 13 14 13 .1 SCOO KClier, nouotis unu imitv buwm w .1 Corell & Co, furniture room W c McKlnnor. boots and sloes Lata A Sloan, drj goods J II Maize, grocery store (leorge Clark, books and stationery .1 n s-cott, confectionery 7 oo lo no TOO T 00 7 HO 10(10 700 looo 7 ll in to 7 00 7 00 700 7 60 10 00 710 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 HO 10 IHI ; oo David Lowenoeru, iiictliiuui. uuiui William Itabb, grocery I.ouls Bernhard. lewctry James Cadman, agent, furnlturo L Kun on & Co, hardware I"H Bates, tewelry .r k KT.r ,lrv poods and irroceries Joseph nenuersnoe, coai yani uuu kiw Moyer Bros., drug store, (corner Main) rocery il 9.1m n (lirowers block) 14 Piter dross, porter bottler Augustus Itabb. grocery c Navajo, Jewelry store a l, siyers, meuiciuen N J llendershott. rtruj and grocery store J Y Caldwell, confectionery J o Melia;n, joweiry TTiomas Webb, confectionery J II Johnson, tobacco store Jesse Coleman, Medicines Peter Ltllmyer, Hour and feed BKIAltCBKlK. Jacob Itaatz, general merchandise CATAW ISSA s-wank A' Orange, general merchandise 10 i s II Hlemer, general mi reuanaisH VI HI IF. IHI 7110 K f-hai Dtess .-oiis. general merchandise 1 1 Win rnrDtluro room 14 c,eu .M.ii.ll.irt. bouts and shoes 14 John & Baldy. general nwchandlso 13 Cllbert K Kline, general merchandise 11 , ISI 10 uu llOO A II Cleaver, Moves arid uuware n I! I' lorlner Son, merclundUo 11 Y L Slmmau, clothing; store 14 7 (s) 7 00 7 ISI 7 l ,iohu .Mccov. coiirectioncry I 11 M-eslioltz, groceries ai.dproMslon II W II mange (by und groceries 14 S li Klnsrd, general merchaLdlso 11 70 7 0s) 7 00 i r; naraer. lurnnuro rouui -John .Mensch. tleuU r In coal 14 7 OO 7 U) 11 to 7 u J M Mnltb, druggist and hardwa is Win John, aud tlnwaro ' K 11 Utile, agent, co il 14 7 00 ej t naruer, munuiaciurer auu utiu CENTHAI.IA. 7lJ 7H0 O V Jllchaii. grocery store 14 ti II Millard, inercband se 13 10 no 7 no u h .iiurpu.1, general uieiinuuui.'w A 11 hoitner, Moves and tluwaie 14 (leu ' Hails, drug suire 14 11 C Black, groci rl s, Hour and feed 14 .Mrs LMward llaltey, grocery bloro 14 Iriln llros. ltuhtv store 14 ;no 7 00 John Sioreu, boots aud shoos 14 CSTBE. Jacob Spousler, general lnerchardlso 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 LOW liro CO, geillTUI llttlliuuvw I. W Wooley, dealer In coal 14 Z T l'ow ler. dealer In grain and coal It Thomas Brobsl, grocery tlore 14 wtltmlre & lrw In, general merchandise 11 VISlllMlCKKS-k. J II Amrerman, general mercliandlso 14 J K llclleury, general merchandise 14 I! II Myers, manufacturer and dealer In meulclaes ,8 all uowell general merchandise 14 1 lltbler A; Sous, general merchandise 14 VIUNKLIN, Dj er A liro, general merchandt se 14 OKELNVMiOll. Win MsMers. dealer In merchandise 12 Kills hves a Hro, general dealer In mdso 12 A II w hlte, general dealer 14 w K Hess, general merchandise 14 1' H Black, merchandise and furniture 14 A J Derr, general merchandise 14 J K Wc-llUcr, general merchaudlse 14 UXULOCE. A II Hartmau, general merchauotse 14 F F Harris, general meicbaudlse 14 jecksos. 7 00 10 00 7 ll 7 00 12(0 12( 700 700 12 SO 7 00 J 00 7 00 700 J C Christian, general merchandise 14 too Jacob Yeagor, general merchandise 14 7 is) Peter Yoeuui. L'eneral merchandise 14 7 oo LCW. CST. Thomas Seburu general merchandise 11 J 11 Vustlne, general merchandise 14 MADlfeON, O Kreamer. general merchandise 13 10 eo Win (iliigles, merchandise is lo 114IN. J I) Bodlne. general merchandise 14 7 00 U J Campbell, general mcrcliiuabo 14 7 00 UIFH.IK. Creasy & Brown, general meivhanllso 13 10 oo U w Ilartiel, general merchandise 14 7 00 1 Kleaierhs:hweiiieuhelser.geheralmdso 14 70o J 11 llellei, general lueichaodlso 14 7 no WONTOCU. Mrs J T l'arnswortli, grocery 14 7 CO Henry S Iteay, oils and brushes 14 Ino 1'oxton A Harman. general dealers 13 111 no Augustus Dtbby, grocery 14 T 00 IT. I'LRASINT. J S Sands A Son, general merchandise 0S4KQK, J 11 Hsrman, general merchandise u too O W loiw Kin. geneial merchandise 13 loe-i VI O Keller dealer 14 7 00 r jl Houlon. drug store 14 71 1 K bloan, general merchandise li 10 uo It W U'oa, general mercLandlse 14 7 oo koshiscckiu, O W Chorilogton, general merchandise SCOTT. O V in Ighard, general men hamllso 13 looo MUs oung general merchaudlsu 14 7 no A H While, general mercbsLdlsu 14 7oo i( h km, dealer in stoies slid tinware 14 7 no (1 w Crevt ling, general merchandise 14 7 00 W E Pletteilcu, geeenil inerrliandUe 14 Too N Klchurt, Loots, t-boes and nolious 14 Tihi ti A Worumii, general merehai'dl'ie 14 7 oo J 1) Werkhit-tr, general merchandise 14 7 oo i i leveling a, id, gris-ei v store is 10 no Henry aui, UeuK r lu coul and grain 14 Too stdAHLOiy, E Cole A r-'i n, geqera) rneiehandlso All icrtons who inayfeel afgrleiedby theaboie ciassinojtion can have an opportunity of appealing by meeting the uudcrslgned Sutunltiy, Juno 22, 1878. at which time an spinal will beheld at the Court House la Hloumsburg, cimuenclug at 10 oflPck a. in., and (udlug at 4 o'llcck p. m, J'ETElt A. EVANS, loay 41, TI. MercsAitua Appraiser, veril J nil It I atul nfl -i A Sil itemoi ed to the Tost Ofllce bulldlnir. first dor above the Kxhange HoteL All kinds of Watches. Clocks! and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warranted. may 11, Thomas 15. IUktmak. ALBERT IIAHTHAH THE RED FR0iT, MOYEBS' block:. HARTMAN BROS., DKALEHS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, CZOAB.S, TOBACCO. siiurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Quscnswarc, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, AND OKXEKAL LINE OF Family Provisions 4tli door Klow Market street, Hloomsburg, Pa. rr (loods deiu ered to all parts of the town April il, TT-tf GIL ES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. Ciirvis Mil I'.ilii In .Han und Ilcast TnSTIMOSIALS: raoLAi-srs I'ikmi .Falllmr of the Womb.) A Won derful cure. Nine years my wile suffered !wtth this 1 lerriuit :i-uuipiuiui, i-iio us aim-uuvu uj uui,'. Al ter doctor. eut to the different Uosnltals where re- males are treated; tried them all j wore bandages I and pessaries wlthouly ttmporury relief. Her Me I wasimlserable. We applied Dr. (lies' Liniment. Her relief was Immediate, bhe la now w en. n. llcDnHiiOrr. 40 West 13th street, w York, I hadltweho strokes ot I'araissls. My leg, arm I and tongue were uselens j was obliged to use a cath- I eter eirv dav. Doctor lilies' Liniment lodl.leofl Auimohla has cured iru. Will ausner any Inquiries so tnat an amic-ea may know ui iu Jons Acrki.. Noith Itranford, Conn. Chestuut 11. rhiiuueinhu. Abru n. W. M. Giles, Em., Hear sir I uss-d ur Iodide of I Ammoula Ltulmt ut ou I'lnra Temple's hind pasleru I Joint, bhe had been 'quite lame; the effect wasl wonaenui ; sue wiiks now quite weu. ery, re- spcciiuiij luura, A. Wairn. 1". a. I am now uslnglt on Littleton's rliht lore leir. I A large shoo boll on a taHtable youog horse wasl resioeu vy uues Liuiutiui louioe ui auuuoqis. SUll'UKUU Khil'l'. c arpels, itnsisiu ae., now vorK. I AsTimt The tenures and agonies I endured fori six years, none but those who hatebulTered wlihl thla terrible iltsease can know. My life was ml -era-1 ble. in desperation 1 Hied lilies' Liniment loulde of I Aiiiiuouio. ii. ljuiu inn niMuufc reiici. cseaitiu-. terusny as wen as eieruauy. 1 I10S. llKANIOlN. 1I nest SHU stres l. kew 1 ork. I was In a dreaaiul condition. Joints swollen. nala Inleiise, Injections or morphine into my veins I fulled lo lelleve me. (Hies' Iodide of Aiuiiionla look I away tho deposits Horn my Joints 1 want c) cry I UUU y UU DUUCI9 VU KUUn Uttl III CUTC II1CU1. POK1I1 CK LOTIlKOf. Another hunerer cured. Iifschared from the I V-r.p,l. Mi.lallA.I. I n.....,.,lllu,n V. tlassachusetla (lenerul Hospital as lucurablu, with I lhilauiiiuitory iheiiiuJtlttiu lu m blioiUders,nhgeisl and leet : suffered leaifully lor thrtw years, ukdl rtrrj luiii)f ; luib ml llOK.' nr. Idles unimeill IOU-1 iuu ot Auiuwum euecieu u comp.ete cure. Ki.i.ln vuirn. No. It 1'rane street. Kali inter. Muss. Sprains. bDlluts. bruises. Lauieresa lu hrkes I (Hits' Llulmeiit lodld.- of Ainuwli Is a (vrfrit e-l si,,,-, nu jMsuu uuu uniu u tierbu snouiu ue Willi I M 1IOIIKMS 5J9 soenlli ateuue, .New uik. . In my family, and Cor the stock, I have used l,l!u't Lllllll.eut louldo Of AUUllOLlla. It Is Uiihiii-tuiuh,.,! J aud I am surpi Ised ut the mui.y onri reH nmlaul.-.l iu nunu il la nijuii.-uujc, Jt lVU IUO Ulinust bulls I lUbllUU. Jnnw .T. Oiht, u Superintendent Eastern rcnnulucM Eniwrlmenl tal Kami. I see. aiidfi i ODaiuiJuarlsotll.w, In which then is a kuh bu,uu. Trial size u cent!, SLIJ Br 41 L IlKl'liniNTtt. N. J, llUNHLKMIIlTT, ,tgl. lur Illooui.burs I may i, "is