The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1878, Image 2
t THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Jnlttiiifiiiia. BUOOKWAt It ELWELL.Edltort. 13LOOM3BURG, PA. Friday, Juno 14. 18 78. fcJTATE TIOilKT. FOn (10VKU.S0R, ANDREW It. lUtiL, OP UNION COUNTY. F Ml 8UPHEMK COUKT, HENRY P. 1103, OF MOSTOOMKKY COjNTY. for LiKUTKSANr r.ovp.nson, JOUK KERTIO, OF CHAWFOltD COUNTY. FOR SKCItETUtY OF INTEimt. AFFAIUS, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, OF IIUNTINUDON COUNTY. A MENDACIOUS STATEMENT. Our readers may remember the virulence with which tlio Republican attackeJ Mr. Uuckalew In the Gubernatorial campaign of 1872 It not only mailo charges that wcro utterly falso but tlio writer knew them to be no. Tho present cinipalirii, it seems, U to be conducted on tbe same principle. The Republican of the Cth inst., coiitalued the following : Because Dill is the son of a Methodist preacher, n few preaeheis are trvii.g to make capital 1'or him. Ffyi.inger's i9 among thune that ore playing upon lliit "harp of n thousand string." Rev Mr. Dill Is a rep utable gentleman, lie is a good Republi can but uulbrtunatcly as often occurs lie lias two sons who nro fake to his teaching". The one served faithfully in the rebel army in the South during the rebellion and tho other In fhe Democratic party in tho north. Tho latter is the nominee ot the Democratic par ty for Governor. During the rebellion the loyal father would not recognize his rebel rod and it will bo all he can do now to vote for the other boy who was at least couuted on the rebel side. N. B. Dill himself is no Methodist by a loug shot. Some of these statements ws know to be untrue, and tho senior editor of the Republi can, coming Irom Xiewisburg, having been a Methodist minister, knew tho above state ment to bo false. We sent the slip to Gov. Dill, and from him received the following letter which completely refutes the slanders of the Re publican : Lewisbut.q, Pa., June 11, 1878. Dear Bkockway : The facts to which allusion is made in the slip you enclosed are that my brother Ed. a printer, who learned his trade in Williamsport and to which he added the art of phonography, was long a resident of Washington in the pursuit of his profession. Ue went South for the same Surpose before the war and was married in 'ew Orleans to a grand daughter of Dr. Ashabel Green a former President of Prince ton College. lie remained in the South dur ing the war. It be were engaged in the military service I have no knowledge of it, know however that at thecollapso of the rebellion his father, instead of disowning him, contributed along with his brothers to the pressing necessities of himself and fam ly and did so more than once, until he was able to return the loan. I was a member of the Democratic uarty during the 'war' but bow far that will justify the denunciation of 'rebel' as applied to me, is a mattcr of opin ion. Of one thing I am certain, it did uot cost me tbe confidence, respect and affection of my father and of many other good people in whose eight I lived during that trying time. If any Methodist ministers are supporting me in the manner and for the reasons stated, I am not aware of it. While no citizen should seek public favor by reason of his re ligious opinions neither should he be con demned on account of them In a State whose constitution, in its declaration ot rights de clares that 'no person who acknowledge the being of a God and a future state ot rewards and punishments shall on account of his re ligious sentiments be disqualified to hold any olBce or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth.' The differences of religious beliefs and the private relations of lauiilies in my judg ment, are not legitimate subjects of political controversy. Yours truly, A. .U. Dill, (JIVE UsYilESf. The Republican says : "Our country wants rest. Our business men want rest, labor wants rest, but the eternal agitation that Democracy is keeping up is killing capital, killing labor; and prostrating every enter prise." And then it talks about "original rebels" reenactlng "on a bloodier scale the scenes of 1801." The people of Columbia county havo grown so used to reading this kind of stulTinthe pages of ourcotemporary lhat it has no effect upon them. They know what it means. It is that somebody is after the party of fraud, tho party that steals any thing from a mule up to tho White House, and the knavery of that party is about to be abown up. John Sherman, Stanley Mat thews and others are being gradually drawn into the meshes that will expose all their chicanery, and possibly lead to their im peachment, certainly to their degredatlon in the eyes of tbe nation, the Republican party sees the House of Representatives out of their grasp, and then they "want a rest." Custom Houses and Post Offices will glide from their finers after another Presidential election, and they must stay tbe tide that sweeps tbem from power. The tlood gates are opened, anil the torrent is rushing over this party of corruption and fraud, and in three years more the Republican will have its full share ot rest, for its party will be so effectually shelved that another decade will know of it only in history. Then give us a rest, the sooner the better. William Cullen Bryant, the celebrated po et and editor died at his residence in New York on Wednesday morning. He was born In 1704. His last public effort was a speech at the unveiling of the bust of Mazzlnl, (he Italian patriot, in Central Park, New York on decoration day, which seemed to exhaust him, and on his return to the house of a lrieud he fell backwards with bis head ou stone step, causing injuries from which he did not recover. He was recognlztd as one of the greatest American poets. OilECOS ELECTION. Tbe latest returns from Oregon show that tbe Republican state ticket has beeu elected, but the Democrats have elected the Con gressmau and a majority of the Legislature ao that they will elect a United States Sena' tor. The Democrats will have a majority of ten on joint ballot. O, F. Bullard, the Delaware county ex member of the Legislature, who was taken from the county jail by the house of Repre. tentatiyes and afterwards escaped from the sergeant-at-armf, has been convicted on the charge of inakiug fraudulent entries as sec' retary of a building association. The jury recommended hiui to the mercy of the court probably because tho affairs of tbe associa tion had beeu bo loosely conducted by the directors as to eucourago tho secretary to withhold money and Uae it iu private speculations. Louisiana l'nrot ling l'ollttrs. t Ouo nf the Irattires of the Louisiana inves tigation that forces itself on public notice Is tho rollicking humor with which statesmen ot tho Louisiana carpet bag stripe rfgard tho enormities of Louisiana politics. That vil lainies of all kinds had been committed on n formidable scale at the election there It did not need nny new Investigation to prove, for every material fact thus far brought out was known a year and a half ago, and tho history of Louisiana ejections Is foul and black wild them for the last ten years ; but that men bearing at Ieat the external signs of decency should publicly exhibit their nameless lack of all conscience aiul common honesty In their contemplation of such crimes against tho nation and talk of them wild ribald jocularity, ns If they wcro so many acts in a stago farce, U a new revela tion. Reading the evidence nf such men and taking them ns examples ot tbe school of Louisiana hiss politicians, thero can bo no escapo Jfroin the conclusion that they looked upon tho bargain and silo nf the de cisive vote at an election for President of tho Hulled States, not ouly as a matter nf course proceeding In political merchandising, but asa jolly line joko. '1 hey talk about their part iu it in an easy, oil' hau l, Itlppaut man ner, as gamblers might tell, over their drinks of the trick by which n hoiso-race was Jockeyed, so ns to ilecce the greenhorns out of their money. The brazen effrontery of "these people is marrelou, and is calcula ted to make other folks believe that after nil thero may be truth in what has been re garded ns a slander upon a high carpet Las of South Carolina, who was charged a couple of years ago, with saying that, not withstanding the exposure of tho terrific plundering in that State, thero were "three good yeirs of stealing in South Carolina yet." It Is humiliating to think that these fellows and their fellows of the same class, wern the sort of men whose appeals to Wash ington led to tho use of the military forces of the United States to uphold them when their own villainous proceedings were sink ing them under a load of public odium. It is not without reason that the airy and flippant tone of these fellows is pointed nut for public reprobation. To read what they say under oath,'and pass it by as something smart' in its way, or to givo it tolerance by falling to brand it with tbe infamy it de serves, would be a fatal mistake. Nothing would suit such unscrupulous scoundrels better than to infect the popular mind with their jolly way of looking at tho forgeries, the perjuries and other villainies they were so ready to use "for the sake of the party," nnd to put 'themselves in a position to bo 'provided for.' That is tho way in which the popular mind is too often made familiar with the idea that public elections may bo gambled away. It Is in that way that the popular sense of tho sanctity of elections is blunted and demoralized, and that public opinion Is debauched to the ruin of nations nnd peoples. The point to bo deeply impressed on pub" lie opinion in this Louisiana business, ns made clear by the tone of the testimony, is that the monstrous crimes committed against the people of the whole country, at the elec tion in that State, was carried on by men in public office, who plied their infamous trade, as a matter of course, with as little scruple as common'rascals exhibit in a horse trade, or a corher in stocks and that they talk of their successes and their failures with shame less flippancy as if it all were a huge joke,1 although their crime was designed to nullify the will of the nation, threatened to plunge the country into' anarchy, and kept a'l pat riotic people in a condition of painful anx iety for three memorable months. This is the condition into which tho public affairs of this country have been brought, by tbe tol erance of politic! and politicians ot tbe Lou isiana carpet-bag breed, of which Feliciana Anderson, his companions, employers, aid ers and abettors are types. Phila. Ledger. "A Good Platform." The "nationals" down in Berks county seem to havo for their leaders some meu of pretty good sound sense In which respect they do uot very closely resemble the "na tionals" of Schuylkill county. At a meeting held in Reading on the 31st ult., Mi. John Amreiu made an earnest speech, in which he sail "tho democrats at Pittsburg adopted a splendid platform, and then be reproved the republicans and declared that, disguise it as they inoy, the republican party throughout the west was for tree trade. Mr. Thomas King said "he believed that the democratic platform was a very good one." Of course both these gentlemen advocated tbe election of the greenback ticket, but this fact gives additional emphasis to their dec laration that the democratic platform was a good one. The democratic platform is not only a good one, but it is entirely consistent with the policy pursued by the democratic party since it obtained control of one of the coordinate branches of the government. If the democratic platform is such a good one in the eyes ot the "nationalist" leaders, and if the democratic party has conformed it s policy to such a platform, we don't exactl y see what use there is for a third party. With its possible control of two branches of the government the democratic party will be able to do more for the interests of the la boring people than half a dozen greenback parties. roltsville'.ChronicU. The administration is taking care that there shall be uo more untoward revelations as to the Louisiana frauds. The appoint ment of Morris Marks as Collector of In ternal Revenue for the First district of Lou isiana accomplishes at one stroke tbe re ward of the man who enticed Anderson in to Secretary Shermau's office with a view to getting the Supervisor of East Feliciana parish into the power of the Secretary of the Treasury, and closes the mouths of three witnesses who were relied on to sustain An derson's testimony, tbe understanding being that Marks is to provide for them, Marks is a great rascal, and is one of tbe political prostitutes who were called Hayes electors in Louisiana. In that State it would be hard to find anybody who would trust him with a dollar or believe him on oath. The President Is standing by John Sherman with a vengeance. Time: Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, rendered a decision tbe other day which is of consider able Interest to farmers everywhere. He de cided that supervisors are by law compelled to assess the usual road taxes immediately upon entering upon their duties, and that llie Looks In which the aesessmeuts are made shall be open to the Inspection of the taxpayers, aud that every man who chooses to do so may work out his road tax instead of paying it in money, No supervisor can exact cash for tax in coso tho assessed patty chooses to pay it iu labor. Only a Relation ly Murriage. "Don," told the veteran Simon, with i troubled air, after reading Sherman's ex planatiou about that letter to Weber aud Anderson, "perhaps you'd belter stop calling him JJniJo John ; he's only a relation by marriage, anyhow," JV, i'. Sun. A illg' Lrtwsnlt. -. , i i-: TltK COMPLICATE!) CA8R (WOWN OUT OF A. CKNTIULIA COAL MINK OPERATION. The great partnership cae of Freck ngalnt lllacklston was up again on Thursday of last week hi fore JudpcVYcrke and Finlctter for argument. Mr. A. IV Shearer appeared for the plaintiff, Mr. J. M. Freck, and Richard 0, McMurhle fur the defendant. The suit, commenced in 18CS, jtrew nut of n partner, ship formed by thn parties Iu l!6 worlcfng the CVntralla colliery in "Oolnmnla county. In 18113 nM out to K reck-nil Ills interest in Hip cntlrry and Iu "nil-the mater ial, prnperlyi fixture, machinery, tools and engines thereto belonging, nnd all property, real nnd personal, Therewith connected." In 188 Freck filed a bill in rqu ty against his former partner, praying for an account to be exhibited by him of certain items in the partnership transactions, lllacklston In his answer pleaded that the account had been settled except as tntivo items, of which he claimed Freck 1ui'ill make an arciunt to III in 'me of $SU0 received by 'Freck from the Supervisors nf Columbia omtnty In repayment nf a, and the other nf HO, 000 il.imiges paid to Kre by the Lehigh Valley Htllroad Company after the dissolu tion of thn firm for an injury done to tho collery while It was partnership property. The Court of Nisi Prlu, upon the report of the master, sustained the claim of lllacklston tonn account of these (no item,.aud the claim of Freck to cerlnln other Itemr, and both putlcs appealed to the Supreme Court, which, in M ircli. 187(1. decided to reverse the there nf Xil l'rim, n l remltled tho record to Common Pleis No. It for further proceedings, 'fhe decision nf the lower court sustaining 1lncklton's right tn an ac count for the two items was, however, af firmed. On wruln reacliinii the Common Pleas the cac was ent back to the master, who charced the plaintiff, Freck with inter est upon the 810,000, amounting to about $1,500. Exceptions were tiled by tho latter to this report, and lit this f-liapo the matter came before the court yesterday. In opposi tion to the master's report it was argUfd that the Court had up jurisdiction, becauso the record had neverbeen properly remitted from the Supremo Court, as- dlncted, and also that interest should only he allowed ton upon the $10,000 from the time of the decree in his fayor by thn Siipreuie Court. No decision was made. Times'. The distressed workingmen looked in vain among tho various remarks in the republican ' platform for bomo cvidenco that the party now in powcrintended to do something' to re' lievo their condition. Their -nxiolis eyes were mot by somo unmeaning generalities, tho purport of which was that (ho country ought to bo prosperous and tho laboring class-' cs employed. This rcmarkablo piece 'of vol untary information is all that is vouchsafed. But what better could bo expected from the parfy which by its misapplication of the 6on stitution, its favoritism to corporations and its unequal taxation has 'brdnrit the country to this state. The community rifcver'places' any reliance on promises of reformation from a' thief who' lias been a score of times 'convicted. For tho'saule reas'6n the pcbple cannot places' confidence in tho weak protestations' of a par ty which by a long continued and often do- moustrated corrupt 'control of the government has becomo thoroughly unprincipled in all 'its actions. It is evidently 'not' from this source that the workingmen must look for aid. Nei ther can anything bo hoped for from this new ly born political babe, tho Ndtional party. It is wrong from tho start, resting upon theories which novcr fan receive the sanction of the people. It cannot now be expected to bo of importanco in tho campaign, qo matter how bright its propncts'of becsming tho balance of power might onco have been. Its short life reminds the political philosopher of a baby that has expired from too much crying or wind colic or something of t liatbort. Desert ed by its leaders and unable to persuade men to accept its nominations, the national party is a nonentity in Pennsylvania politics. The power to which the people must turn in this criis is the democratic party. In tho able mauifusto which tho Pittsburg convention sets beforo the peoplo is found the true cause and remedy of all tho poverty and distress un der which the country is now lying. Tho great labor quest ion is met and tho laborer 's demand answered. Corporations must bo forced to conform to tho laws, bloated monopolieswhich feed on the government revenues must bo pricked with the keen sword of economy, money must bo p'acud in circulation and pros perity will follow. Honest administration of tho govermcnt is tho preventive of all strikes and the means by which to overcome this communistic Impbear. ValrM. Ke.iiful Accident in England. O.i Friday last a fearful colliery explosion oorurrtil in Jvvan s Wood Pit collierv. at llHjilnck, rix miles south of Wigan, Lan cashire. Tho number of men in the pit at the time is variously estimated at from' 200 to 2.r)0 Many of them have b'en brought up bad ly injured. The larger part are believed to be killed, but it is impossible to explore the mine in const ijtienio of fire-damp. The explosion In the coal pit shook the earth for miles around. The first explorer descended tbe shaft five minutes after the explosion, and others followed. Ten meu were retcued alive and were sent to fbeBur- face, when one died almost immediately ,and the other suffered much from after damp. Light other men are alive and have taken refuge in a working of the mine. Two hun dred and Ihlrty-tnu men are dead. The ex plnrers state that they found bodies decapita ted, reduced to shapeless masses and some of tbem blown to pieces. It Is expected that the corpses will be brought up by mid-night, A large crowd of men, women and children surrounded the mouth of the pit. The cause of the explosion is unknown, as blasting with naked lights Is prohibited. Iloyt as an Aristocrat. Iloyt is a full blooded aristocrat, Ue has never been, nor is ho to-day, in sympathy witn the masses who have neither fame nor fortune to commend tbem, Ho has always associated with men of wealth, and, as a lawyer, he has fur years been retained by the richest corporations, He has been iden llfied, professionally and politically, with the mouey monarchs of the day, whose mot to is rule or ruin, Willes-Rarrc Leader, Two Mere Idiots. William A. and A. Walter Anderson, brothers, left Ronton, Friday, for Havre, France, in the Nautilus, the smallest vessel that ever attempted to cross tbe ocean, Tho boat has water and provisions for sixty days. although tbe brothers expect to make Havre In about forty-five days, Tbe craft Is thir teen feet two Inches long and six feet four Inches beam. Tbe President has signed the bill repeal Ing the Bankrupt law. John 0. Fremont has been appointed Gov ernor of Arizona. ; . WASillNOTON' LETTER. A iWasliligton, D. C, Juno 11, 187$. ' Thero wm real progress made, on Saturday in legislation. Speaker Randall said yester day he thought it would b3 possible to fin ish up all Important Ini-lncss sons to adjourn on the day originally fixed, the 17th. Oth ers anticipate delays In the agreement of tho Conference l!niiii1ttee, and tl'ilnk tho 21th Inst., will bu ns 's Ki'i ns the two Houses will beresdv for adjournment. Tho House on' Hinirdiy agreed, to a Con ference report on a form nf government for this D strict. The S.MHte will doiibtles agree. U.nder this form ilia hlgber,Distrjct officials will bo appointed by tlu President. .None will ba elected, nor will wo h.ivo n leg Mature o a dehsgate In Congress, The Gen eral Government pyn half our cxpeuses. The Senate passed the Army Appropria tion Bill, with an amendment referring to a Commission the subject of a tr.msfer of the Indian Uureau to the War Department. The two principal points of disagreeuint between tbe two Houses on this bill is the Indian Bu reau transfer and the Senate provision In creasing the Army to 2.5,000 men. The Senate also passed a hill appropria ting five and a half million dtllars to pay the fishery Award. This the Home will agree to, Tho Senate, with hardly a dissenting vote, passed the bill advancing $300,000 to Captain Kids on his jlty contract. A cinimllteo nf senators has been ap pointed to Investigate the conduct of Sanator Stanley Matthews In connection with Lou isiana frauds. The Seimtnr declines to ap pear before tho l'ntterCoinmittee, though summoned, and hero will come n very Inte resting question. General Butler and the other Republican members pi'the Committee agree that the House, to which the case will be submitted to-day, has the power to com pel attendance. A bill to relieve Mrs. Ex Senator Spr.igue, daughter of the late Chief Justice Chaso, ot the payment of taxes ou an jestato in tills District left her by her father, has esciped the attt ntlon it deserves because of the inure, startling and seusation al, topics supplied us. by Congress since it met lint Oct ber. It was smug led through the Senate in a semi-clandestiue way, seem ingly, pr jit leat without, provoking much discussion or comment, as though that body had determined to do something that it was ashamed of and, hoped the public wouldn't hear of if. The sime or another bill of like purport is now pending in the House. When it is remembered, that members of Congress have stood resignedly by and Rten two-fifths of the private property of tho citizens nf this Ustrict cniihscated to pay the many millions of dplljrs.crimially wasted,,or stolen by its agents, their, anguish, .over Mrs. Sprague's hardship in having tn pay her share of taxes on properly worth mauv thousands of dollars is extraordinary, especially as every dollar abated from hei assessments must enme out of fhe other lax-payers, many of whom find it exceedingly dilficult to. provide the neces saries of life for themselves am) those de pending on them,det alone any, of the iluxu ries.which.Mts. Spr.iguo, appears able to ,in- It plso seems, funny to hear 're- formers! in. Congress who talk in Hit. most lugubrious etralasof the wrongs heaped ou the poor, uet.up, in -their seats and urge, the. measure beciusg.Mr;, Sprague is the, daugh ter uf Chjefi JiWice Chase-a man, by the way,manyof them wero never tired of abusing when in political life' and while on the bench. There nro hundreds -of tax-payer in this District l lost t r ivery chivalrous sentiment and no tinctured with communism ns to protest against the proposed abatement of taxes at their expense. They appear un able to comprehend the justice of any such discriminations in favor of those who live as though r. nply nble to pay their propor tional part 'i lua public burdens. Some of them are descendants of au ancestry noted for its services' to the Government and to hunianiiyT aiis they are so unreasonable as to'VJeuiund' that this kind of class legisla tion 'unking flesh of one aud fish of anoth er tease' and receive no further en-dui.-LM.t nt under tills Republican Govern -nitnl, paiticuiurly from emiueut reformers. Seminole. 'I lie Agitutiou in Germany. BiJiiLlN, June 11 The subject of the approaching Congresa of the Powers in this city attracts, relatively, less public attention than the internal crisis, which Iskcpt.prom incntly in view by the activity of the police aud the partisan preparations for tho ap proaching elections. The leaders of the National Liberty party are hero for consultation, aud to determine on a course ot action. 1 hey believe that llismarck had determined upon the dissolu tion of the Reichstag even before Nobeliug's attempt to kill tbe Emperor, or that he would at least have convened the Reichrtag, and ascertained the disposition of that body. Their war cry will be like that of the French Republicans in the contest with the De Broglie Ministry tbe return of the present Liberal members. Prince Frederick William, replying to an address of the municipality of Berlin, declar ed that his faith in the loyalty ot an over whelming majority of the nation was un shaken. The condition of Dr. Nobeling is much improved and it is thought likely be will re cover. The recovery of the hmperor is pro gressing wonderfully. To-day ho celebrates the forty-ninth anniversary of his marriage. Arrests for treasonable utterances among the classes infested with socialism continue to be very frequent. The Federal Council, it is expected, will certainly consent to tbe dissolution pf the Reichstag to-day. The elections will be appointed for the second half of July. A bulletin Istiied at 10:30 a. m., says: 'The F.mperor continues to improve. His wounds have all healed. The right arm is still swollen, but is less susceptible.'' Loshon, June 9. A letter to a prominent German house'in this city-gives a summary of what purports to he the report made by tbe chief of tho secret police to Prince His marck, summing up tho results of all tbe discoveries that had been made concerning the Nobeling diuplricy. The ficls as thus related bear out the statements already made as to the widespread nature of the plot. The condition of Nobeling has never been wi dangerous as was reported, and he will live to meet his f ite at tbe hands of tbe executioner. The state of the publio feel ing, howevtr, begius to show evidence of a reaction from the fervid loyalty that marked everything last week, and the police either really fear, or pretend tn fear, that further trouble is at bund. Extraordinary precau tious are everywhere taken, the army Is care fully kept in hand, am) arrests continue to be made. On the brink nf "rUl Mountain at n attitude of about ft.00) feet above tide, an observatory has just been completed, Tbe structure stands fifty feet high, and the top Is reached by steps. At the bottom Is house 10x1(1 for storm-bound tourists, The structure cost Mr, lilcketts, the proprietor of the hotel $176. With a glass the entire valley and towus CO miles distant may be seen. Review, (lame and Fish. feYXorsis or tiiu consolipatiso acts. to Governor llaitranft signed tho act to amend and consolidate tho several nets relat ing to gauio and fish. Tho following is a syn opsis of its provisions: Tho firtt tection provide, that no person shall kill or tursuc, iu uny part of tho state, any elk or wild deer fcavo only from the first day of October in any year to the sixteenth day of December following; nor shall any ono liaWiirpo'scssiou, or fiffer for' sale, arly deer, elk or nntclnpe, or fresh venison, from tho fust day of October to tho sixteenth of De cember next following; nor shall any person pursue nny elk or doer with dogs Any per son offending against tho provisions of. this section shall bo deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and shall bo liable uu-lcrn penalty of fifty dollars for each elk, deer or fawn so killed or pursued. Tho remaining pectinns of tho act cmbraco the following prohibitions Tho killing of squirrels is prohibited bo twcim tho first day of January and tho first day of SoptomW under a penalty of fivo dollars for cuh and cory squirrel killed, ex posed tor sale or had in possession. Rabbits nro not tube killed between tho 1st of January ami the 15th of October, under a tion.iltv nt'hvn dollars lor each and every hare or rabbit t-o killed, or exposed fur talc, or had in possession; and im pcr.-on shall limit rabbits with ferrets under a penalty of ton dollars Wild duck or shall not bo killed be tween tho fifteenth day or May aud the lirst day of September, with nny device or iustiu ment known as n swivel or punt gun, or with any gun other than such guns as habitually aro taiscd at arms' length and fired from the shoulder, under a penalty of ten dollars. The killing of wild turkeys is prohibited between the first day of January aud tho fif teenth day of October under n penalty of ten lol ars tor each bird so kiiiou, cxpo-eu lor sale or had iu possession. Upland or ura-vs plover shall not bo killed or exposed for wile between the lir.-t day of January and the fifteenth day nf July, under a penalty often dollars tor each bird. Ruffled crousc. pheasant or pinnated crouo commonly called prairie chicken, ate uot to bo killed between tue nrst uay oi January anu the first day of October, uuder n penalty of ten dollars for each bird. No nerson shall kill or expose lor sale, or havo in his or her possession after the same lixs been killed, any woodcock, between the first day o ' Jauuarv and tho fourth day of July in any year, under a penalty often dol lars for each bird so killed, exposed for sale or had in poess-iou. IXo perr-on shall kill or expose lor sale or have in his or her possesion , after the same lias beeu killed, any quail or Virginia part ridge, between tho first day of January and the fifteenth day of October, in any year, under a ncnahvoftcn dollars for each bird so killed. exposed for sale or had in possession. JNo person shall ki'l, or expose lor salo or have in his or her possession, after the same has been killed, any rail biid or rood bird, ex cept in the mouths of September, October and November, under u penalty of five dollars for each anil every rail or reed bird so killed, exposed tor sale, or had in possession! Niehthawk. whiimoorwill, sparrow, thrush. lark, finch, marteu, chimney swallows, barn swallows, woodpecker, nieuer, room, oriole, red or cardinal bird, cedar bird, tanagcr, cat bird, blue bird, or uny iu5cctiverous bird shall not be' killed, napped or exposed for sale un der a penalty of live, dollars for each bird. This shall not apply to any person who shall kill any ol these birds lor the purpose ot sci entific investigation. No person shall rob or destroy tho eggs or nests of any wild birds,- only those of such predatory birds as aro destructive ot came and insectivorous birds under n penalty often dollars for each. This shall not annly to any person that collect such eggs for scientific purposes. ,No person shall kill, catch or discbarge fire arms at any wild pigeons while on its nesting f rounds or in any manner disturb it, or tho lirds therein under a penally of twenty dol lars. Wild turkevs. rufllcd erouse. nhcasant.part- ridge, or woodcock, or rail or reed bird, or pinnated grouse, shall not be taken within the limits of this state, with net. trap, snare. or torchlight, nor bo exposed for sale under a penalty often dollars for each bird. No speckled trout shall bo caught, nt any timo with any device, save a rod, hook and lino, except for the purpose of propogation, under a penalty ot twenty-nye dollars tor each offense. No sea ralinon or speckled trout shall bo caught or exposed for sale pavo only during the months ot April, Ji ay, June and July, under a penalty of ten dollars for each ; but this shall not prevent any person from catch ing trout with nets in waters owned by him self to stock other waters. . Any person trespassing on any lands for the purpose of taking fish from private ponds or streams, after public notice ou the part of the owner or occupant tlicrcot, shall be deemed guilty ot tresspass, and shall be liable in addi tion to damages, in tho penalty nf one hun dred dollars for every such offense. Yrovideil, however, iliis section shall apply only to such ponds, streams and springs as shall bo used or improved for tho propagation offish or game fish. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to place any fish basket, gill nets, pond nets, eel weirs, kiddles, brush or facine nets or any other permanent set means of taking iimi iu uuy oi iiiu wuiers 01 nils common- of this (section shall bo liable to a penalty of twenty-live dollars lor each and every oltcnse. Provided. That this production shall not no- ply to tho fishing with (fill nets in the river j)clawaro below 'Irenton Falls. It shall not be lawful at anv time to catch fish by drawing seines in any of tho waters of this state, under a penalty ot twenty-live dollars. Vrovided. That this section shall not extend to shad fishing ; and li-orided aleo, that tho mcsiics or seines uscu snail nor ue less man three inches. And provided further. That no seine shall bo drawn withiu one-fourth of a mile of any dam across any river of this com monwealth, under a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offense. It shall bo lawful to fish with fyke or hoop nets in any oi inc Btrcams oi mis common wealth uninhabited by brook or speckled trout. duriDg tho months of March, April, May, September, October and November of each year. Vrovided, That the meslies of the nets shall not be less than ono lncu in size, and not placed at tho confluence of anv wine walls. And provided further. That any salmon, bass, specified trout, pike, pickerel, or every kind of fish introduced into any of tho waters of this commonwcaltti lor the puposeol stocking the same shall, if caught, be returned to the waters alive under tho penalty of twenty-five dollars tor each ouciisc. No black bass, green bass, yellow bass, wil low bass, rock bass. Lake Erie or creen bass. nike or Pickerel or wall-eyed pike, commonly known as Susquehanna salmon, shall bo caught botwecn tho first day of January and tho first day of Juuc, nor snail nny such'stio cics of fish bo caught at any other timo du ring tho year, save only with a hook or line, scroll or spear, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. No speckled trout, yellow bass, green bass, willow bass or black bass, Lake Erie or green bass.-or other fish shall be caueht by shuttinir or drawing off of said waters or by dragging small pets or seines when ue waters shall be drawn off, except by tho order of tho stato fishery commission, and it shall not bo lawful to place quicklime, poisonous bait or any tor- pcuo or rxpiustvu mm iuivul in uucu ur mil any usn, unuer ino penalty oi nny uouars. 1 he board of lish commissioners shall, on the application of ten or more citizens, appoint ono or more fish wardens, whoso duty it shall bo to cnlorco all laws ot the cotnmouwcaltli now in force providing for tho protection and propagation of fish. Nothing in this act prevents any person in tho state from catchinc speckled trout or black bass with neb, in waters owned by himself for tho puriioso of stocking oilier waters. Nor is any person prohibited from taking fish from privuta ponds or streams owned by him and used for cultivating fish. The catching of bait by means of hand ucis ur casi ucis is uui prouiuueu. I.ako bass, rock bass, or bluo sun fish, spe cies recently Introduced by the fish commis sioners, shall not bo caught for three years. from January 1, 1878, under penalty of five dollars for each offense. lllaek, yellow or green lass of lets si no than six Inches shall not bo caught, but should they le, it shall bo the duty of those taking them to return tnem immediately to tho water, un der a Penally of ten dollars for each offense. The sale of pheasants, partridges and wood cock, is allowed for a period of fifteen days af ter the timo limited for killing tho samo has. expired. To carry out the object of the law tho fol lowing provision lifivo been enacted ! In all caes of arrests made for tho violations of any of the sections of this act, tho possess s ion ef the fish, gnmc, birds, animals, fowls, net", or other il6viees, shall he prima facie evidence nf tho violation of said net. Vrovided that nothiiur in this act. shall prevent any per son from killing nny wild animal or hint, when found destroying grain, ft ult or other vegeta bles on their premises. Anv iustico nf tho peaco or alderman, upon complaint made by affidavit, shall be author ized to issue n warrant to cauo tho arrest of persons, and on hearing shall, it they aro con victed of offenses charged, (sentence them to pav the fines nnd penalties prescribed, one half of which shall go to the informer and tho remaining half tn tho treasurer of the county, in which the offense was committed, which shall Iks distributed to tho various school dis tricts in proportion. Tho defendant on refus ing to pay tho penalty shall be committed to tho county jiil for a period of not less than nno day for each dollar of penalty Imposed unless seruritv shall bo entered to answer tho charco of misdemeanor beforo tho court of quarter sessions of tho oiunty in which the, ollenso n as committed ; the court on convic tion of the defeudaut and his failure to pay the penalty .imposed, shall commit him to tho county jail for a period of not less than one day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Judges of the court or justices of the pence shall, on proof by affidavit, that any provision nf this act has been violated by anv person be ing temporarily within his jurisdiction, shall Nuo his warrant for their arrrcst to answer therefor, and pn proof of tho concealment of any game during the period prohibited, shall issue a warrant and cauo search to bo mado in any house or place whero gntno may be presumed to be concealed. During tlio periods severally prohibited, by this act, mayors nnd burgesses of tho city, town, etc . shall require her polico force, as a!n it is tlio duty ol the clerks of markets, to dillicently search and arrest for misdemeanor nil persons haying nny gaino or fish mention ed, unlawfully in their possession, who shall be taken before the mayor ot other magistrate and subjected, on couviction to the penalties proscribed There shall bo no huntinz or shootiiu, or fishing on the first day of tho week called Sunday, and any person so offending shall be liable to a fin'o of twenty-five dollars. Bishop McCoskry. THE SCANDAL THAT 1IA3 FOIICEI) A BISHOr OUT OF TIin'CHDllCII. Detroit, Juno 7. The scandal in which Bishop SIcCoskry's name was involved a few weeks ago has been followed by his relin quishment of the office of bishop. It will be remembered that Bishop McCoskry denied his guilt, and that Fannio Richards asked him to clear her name ; but the investiga tion of the case, which was begun after he had reached New York on bis way1 to Eu rope, brought out some documents that did not admit of satisfactory explanation. The report in tho McCoskry affair that was yes terday submitted to the Michigan, Diocesan Convention, in session here, contains a doc ument that had been received from him ii these terms : Detroit. Mav 18.-1878. As mv resignation of mv jurisdiction of the Diocese of Michigan was withdrawn at your request, and notice filed for a meeting ot tbe ilouse ot liishops to consider -it, 1 now present ray resignation of my office as nil .. r .l l : c . . i - t UlSUUU Ul IMC JJlUCCStl ui luicuigau. J. uuu I shall be utterly unable to discharge the duties connected with that office, ana I do not wish to be a burden to the diocese. - If I recover I can still try to do some good In ...1 -rt. . .... , . a inc suuuruinaie unices 01 me ministry. Sasiuel A. McCoskry, This letter of Bishop McCoskry was un satisfactory to the standing committee of the diocese, and so another letter of the same date was sent to tbe presiding bishop, in these words : Detroit. Mav 18. 1878. Havinc heretofore presented my resigna tion of jurisdiction of and over the diocese Michigan, and subseouentlv withdrawn'the same, I now desire and do hereby resign my jurisdiction over the same, and do further resign and relinquish my ouice as bishop In the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, and desire that the House of lilsuops may meet at the earliest convenient season to consider and act upon this resigna tion, upon such length and manner of notice as shall be thought best by tho presiding oisnop. Sasiuel A. McCoskry, This resignation has been accepted. Con strued under the church laws, it involves not only the resignation of the bishopric,but of tbe ministry also, and is of the most com plete kind. The convention has voted to pay the resigned bishop an annuity of $1500, subject to revision by future conventions. Rioters' Depredations. Quebec, June 12. The laborers on strike have been plundering Renaud's flour store on St. Paul street, stopping traffic on tbe street and forcing truckmen to assist them in carrying off their plunder. B battery and the police are now engaged in dispersing the mob. Later. The riot is on the increase. The Btrikera now number about 1,000. B battery has been forced to retreat, the riot act not having been read ou tho ground. Captain Provost, the adjutant, and some of the meu are badly cut with stones:. The mob took from Renaud's store nearly 00 barrels of flour. Tbe military are marching up and down St. Paul street. 2:30 p. m- The military are attempting to disperse tbo crowd, but without avail. Lai i: it. The riot act has just been read, Firing has commenced and one mau is re ported killed and several wounded. Several rioters nnd spectators are wounded. Cap tains Short and Provost are badly 'cut with stones, and some bullets are also believed to have taken effect- in their arms and legs Two or three of tho mob have received sabro cuts from the cavalry. Everything is now quiet. Tbe rioters have dispersed and B battery Is guarding the parliament house. Employment for Ladles anil (lentlemen at Home. Our attention has been called to somd new and labor-saving cooking utensjils recently invented. One of which, the Universal Weight and Measuring Utensil, for weighing sxigar, flour, butter, nnd measuring molasses, milk and all kinds of liquids used in cooking, entirely superceding cxpensiyo scales. Tho Patent Centennial Cake Pan, the best and most convenient Cako Pan ever made, and which every housekeeper will have when they sco its ndvantoges over all others. Also, tho Kitchen Gem, a plated wire boiler to hang in sidoofon ordinary pot, for boilin? all kinds of vegetables, eggs, eta, which when done, can bo removed at onco perfbotly dry without lifting the heavy sooty pot off the stove, Theso goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and offer a splendid oppor tunity to somo rclia.Ho lady or gentleman can vasser of this county to securo tho agency for a very profitable business. For terms, terri tory, etc., writo to L. E. Brown & Co., No. 212, Kim street, Cincinnati, O, Juno 14-w3 WorHingmen. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthening to pre vent an attack ot Ague, Bllllous or Spring Fever, or some other spring sickness that will unfit you for a season's work, You will save time, much sickness and great ex pense if you will use ene bottle of Hop Bit ters in your family this month. Don't wait. See auotber column. Spring .1878.. ma IMS To Supply (With May 24, '73 Pin Candidates. The following persons taaTO been proposed for nomtnAttnn hv lli YiMt. nomnrrfltln ,viintv rnnv.n. Hon to lie held August 13tli, 1878. Candidates an nounced. In thlH liar, urn nlnrtirrwl n nlilrla Itv thn Hr- clsloa ot tUo Convention. 1 i VOB CO.VUItESH, O. II. UltOCKWAY, ' of Wooimburg, ' 4 FOR llKl'ltiailNTATIVU, f DAVID S. 11HOWN, Main townnhip. B. FHANK ZAUH, . of Jlloomsburg. . . jqSEl'I b'knittle, T. .1. VANDEKSMCB, p Uhomtburg. . Fori I'RorilONOrAllY, WILLIAM KKICKUAUM, of Illooiiuburg. DR,.J, It. EVANS, . , j-u. n Rloomsburij. -v. JESSE COLEMAN of Rloomsburg, JAM IS B. HAU.MAN, 1 Oranghille. ( I. K. MILLER, "'"' Uloonuburg. J. II. MAIZE, Jlloomeburg. TOR lIKUIbTEIl AND IUXORDEK, GEORGE W. STERNER, Rloomsburg. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBY, of Rloomsburg. MICHAEL F. EYERLY, nf Rloomsburg. JOHN S. MANN, Centre toienship. H. J. DIETTERICH, Centre township. TOH TIUtASURKIt, H. A. SWEl'PENH ISER, Centre township. DAVID YOST, Jishingcrce: township. FREDERICK IIAGENBUCH, CWifre tnmxthip, ISAIAH BOWER, Rerwick. TOR COMMISSIONER, JOSEPH HAUTZEL, of Main townchip. MOSES SCHLICHER, Reaver Township, TETER UHTENSTEEL, Mt. Pleasant township, NATHAN DRIESBACH, ' i'isllingc'reek township, S. W. McIIENllY, of Jaelson. CHARLES KEICHAKT, , ,Reaver township, x THOMAS' GERAGHTY, '" of Ctntralia, .JEREMIAH IIAGENBUCH, of Centre township, STEPHEN l'OHE Centre township. E.F.Kuiikcl'N Bitter Wliie of Iron rhesreat success anddelLlitor the peopla. In fact, nolhlug ot the Wind his Uvn onun d to the American i-ooplo which lias so iiuickly luuad its iuw uicir kuuu mvur unu uuaxiy approval as K. P. Kuolcel'sliltter Wine or iron, hum all u nro. poses, ana inus gives universal satisfaction. It u fruaranuea to cure the worst case ol dytpcpaia or naiff ostlon, kidney or liver disease, weakliest, ner vousness, constipation, acidity p the Momadi tc. Get tho Bt-nutre. Ouly In SI bottles. Depot d or- Hunkers and Ukv bo other, Bold tiy aUdruiflsu. DYSPEPSIA. DYSl'EPSIA.nySPEWlA. Kunkcl's lilttcr Wlnl ot Iron. Is a sure curl tor this disease. It has been prescribed dally for iliinr years In the practice ot eminent physlclausVlui unparallelled success.Sruiptoms aro loss or aprttlte wind and rlt-lnir ol tood, dryness In mouth, heatfiche dizziness,, sleeplessness, and low spirits, (leiute Kenulne; Mot told m bulk, only In it bottles, fold by all drufft-lsta. Ask tor XC V. Hunkers bluer Wre ot Iron and take no other. ll.W pel bottle, or i bottles ;tor 15. All 1 a&k la a simple trial or this v liablo medicine. A trial wtu convince you at onco. ,yrqrmK. Worm. Worm), B. V. KunkeVs Worm Byrun never falls to remote .ii .iuiii numia, erui, im uua stomach worn readily removed by Kunkcl's worm sirup. Dr. Kul kel U the only successful physician la ihts counti that can remnvH tnt. unrm in fmrn tu... n hours. He baa no Ite till head and all passes and and In UUa bdoco of time, ivimmnn ,ur..t,u If tarsi worm can be rt-mnw-ri. nil i.ihM. unr.u J readily be destroyed, Ask jour druirjlst tor a botu of Hunt el's worm Hvrun. 1-ricn i ni-hr.itnr June ...--.. u,.L0te. T BOAT. M.ATCKH OP AIT. vivno Ji 0 JlANp A? TJI COLUMBIAN oVhCbJ OAK-HALL m.nmi mm cloim.ho.5s,, 1818.-18th7ea.', xWithjmichJrcater variety 'JVitti.amplerlfacilitics Than'fevcr With jar jnorc' customers' Thancvcr We. aro letter prepared sThan'cvei McoiisidcraMy lower prices Than ever Tlio Meu and Boy of America Superb Clothine From tlio Largest Clothing Homo in American f Only One Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned. . Samples and prices mailed anywhere. Orders by mall promptly executed. WAKAMAXER & BROWN Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8" TATEMENT. Ueortre Ktcadman and Samuel Hess Secretaries, Su pervisors In account with suuarloaf township, for vear endlncr Anrll 8. A. 1. 1S7S. Dr. Cr. Amount or duplicates for 1S7T, To cash collected, "31 so 18 64 uy oruers ana receipts Kxoneratlons " lime as hupcrvlior, S. Hess " O. MCQdman, time settled ' In account by onset " Work dono on road ' Attending settlement 4 CO a it lo so cm tn 1 CO To order Elven for balance !S 91 tu JI 771 77 Tho following Is the Indebtedness of said township. To orders unpaid lor year of 1S7S SOI 65 ' orders unpaid ror jear of 1S7S 2S1 47 " orders unpaid for year of 1817 63J 74 ' June s, 197S $1018 70 The above Is a correct statement as the account stands on tho town book, lly crder of auditors. HENitv c. nuss, A A HON FIIITZ, KI.IJAIl 1'ISTKllMAN. Attest: Andhsw LACDicii, Clerk, June 14 tt. NNUAL STATEMENT OF SCOTT scnool, DlHTItlOT, for year ending Juno , IS'8. II, C. KIILCIINKII Treasurer. ItECKIlTS. Balance on hand from last ear $ 605 is From htdte appropriation , . ass 80 Amount of dupllcute,.,, 1.271 SI 1,133 30 i:XrENIIITUltE.S. For teachers' wages 11,385 00 " fuel 04 78 " repairing houses CD 12 books 9SS "journals , 700 " printing forls7T : too " sundry bills 11 83 " duplicate B85 " r-ccretary's salary as 00 " exonerations, ... : sals " collectors' commission 69x0 collecting Mate bond w " Treasurer's commission at S per cert, 81 47 " printing and auditing this account.... 0J Ilolanco In hands of treasurer, $1,760(9 3S4 It $9,133 so Approved Juno 10, 1678. It. D. HUlNIlircit, HAMUKL A. W011MAN, O. C. THKNCII, Juno 14, 1878- ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE ! The real estate assigned to M. a Hughes by Wes ley l'errylu trust;for the bene tit ot creditors, nut bo exposed to pubuc salo at Kchro's Hotel In Nume dlaoa ISATURDAY, JUNE 15th, 1878, at 11 o'clock 0, in., described s follows : bltuato In Locust township, Columbia county, bounded ns follows : On tho east by lands ot Jonas l'ettefman, on tho west byUndsot 8. 11. Johnson north by land ot L. Adams' estate, on tho south by lanJs otjCharles Fctterman's cstato, containing Ninety-two Acres, whereon Is erected a Frame lMvclllii House, Darn, and other out-bulldlngs. Also, at tho same time nnd place, 165 Acres of Wood Land, situate In Locutt township aloresald.ndjolnlng lands of John Llcby, Joseph Thomas, Oeorgo Stlnoand Daniel stlne, containing good oak and chestnut tim ber In largo quantities. Tekms or Bi E.-Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the property, the one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at continuation abtoiuto, and thn remaining three-fourths In one j ear thereafter with Interest from confirmation nisi: On pajment of purchase money deed to bo delivered to tho purchaser at his expense, M. O. HUOIIES, Asslgneo ot Wesley Perry. ABBOTT Jtltiuwx. Attys. for Assignee. may sj, a-ta ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! Pursuant to an order ot the Court ot Coaman I leas of Columbia county, Pennsj lvanla,wlll be sold on the premises. In iinrir..i, . .. . . . . county, on vuimP, m saia Saturday Juno 22d, 1878 tati'.'f.00"?-111""10 '0ll0'S described real es. late. ftSStellM In na. im. ... a ,d J 'he'?,trj.:.!bl.te-flt "edltonfo" SIXTEEN Annua ru t .vn In a trood kidia ... rrpoi, f..r '", situate in Itoartng. Jold iearC P,n lhVm road or old Heading mlles-fr. ,Cm.Cat,lW'Sal0 "'"Ktown, about 8 and other. ' .ou ? W1U"" Wber two-story -f.o.euienia tuereon aro a good FHAME STOKE HOUSE, a large two-story framo a large barn, corn crib, wagon shed another out- Tract No. , rood leading from Moluio loNumldV' Tkkvs or Hiii . thopurc.iasomonVldsrSwn o the property, the one-fourth less theien w Vnt ro'uT T "I" .. rematng connrmatlor 7,V, "i. " wun """ Tom nenar. 1 v H'Tcuaser to be ;at the ex- az??, r'ssar' """"""n -iiuiuejs ior Assignee. may W, is., "PB IIUIWH. Asilgneu. Rtihs una ON mit WITH DWELL & pKtSMAH tul.ndver,ls,n0 Agents, JTMIRO CHE1TNUT STS.. ST. f.OUIS. M, TtlTHtWC-Q r, ...... J- V'TCSyicAiuSs. Neatly ..actes'ira'artleCoi.n WAN Office. TOR I'WNTIM """" U Neatly and cheaply c.eculed ut tlus COLUJJBUN Office.