THE COLUMBIAN, coltmtil navocaiT, stih or tu xortu and COLOM BIAN CONSOUDATKD.) Issued weekly, ovory frlday morning, fit HLUUMHOUHO, COUIMnU t'OUNl'f , 1A. two dollars per year, payaino In advance, or attiiff thnyear. Atlertbs expiration o the year 1.60 will bo charged. To subscribers out ot Uia county the tonus are $1 per year, strictly In advanco ii at It not paid in advanco and M.oj It payment bo delayed beyond tho year. No paper discontinued, except at tho option ot too publllshcrs, until all arrearages are paid, but lonn oonttnued credits atlcr tbo expiration ot tho ilrst year will not bo given. AUSapcrasentoutof the Mate or to distant post o moos must be paid tor In advance, unless a re9iion. sllilo person tn Columbia oounty assumes to pay tho subscription duo on demand. . 1'OSTAtlK Is no longor exacted from subscribers In the county, job FR.insr'riasro. Tbe .lobbing Department of tho Coi.I'mdian Is very oompleto, anil our .1 b lnntlng will compare favora bly with tbatot tho largo clues. All work donoon demand, neatly And at moderate prices. Columbia CoUnty Official Directory. I'rosldcnt Judge William Klwell. Associate Judges I. K Krlckbaum, P. L. Khuman. Vrolbonotary, SC. II. Frank Zarr. court stenographer s. N. Walker. Iteglster llecorder Williamson II. Jacoby. District Attorney John M.Clark, aherifr John w. llotiman. Hurvofor Isaac Datvttt. Treasurer I)r II, W. Mcttoynolds. U?nuilsslonors John Hcracr, ti. W. Mcltcnry, Joseph Hands. Commissioners' Clerk William Krlckbaum. Audltors-M, V. 11. Kline. J. 11. Casey, I:. 11. llrown. Coroner Charles (1. Murphv. jury commissioners km Itobblns, Theodora W. Smith, countv sunerlntendent William II. Snvder. lllooui Poor DIstrlct-IMrcctors It. H. Ent, Scott, Wm. Kramer, Itloomsburg and Thomas Itccee, dcoit, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. President ot Town Council 1). Lowenbcrg. Clerk-W. Wirt. Chief ot Police M. C. Woodward President of Has Company S. Knorr. Secretary O. W. .Miller. lllooiustrarg Hanking company John A. Funslon, President 11. 11. (iro z, Cashier. Kirs Na tonal Hank Charles It. Paxton, resident 1. 1", Tuslln, cashier. Columbia Coumv Mu'ual Having Vund and Loan Assoeia lon-B. II. Utile, President, C. W. -Miller, Secretary. llloomsnurg Bulldlnor and Saving fund Association Win Peacock, President, J, II. Uoblsnn, Secretary. llloomsburg Muiiial Having Fund Association J J Drower, President C. o, liarkloy, Secretary. cnunrir oiniXTOUY. baptist church. Hev. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) SumUv Services -l s n. m. ando; p. m. Huiida School o a. m. Prayer .Meeting Every Wednesday evening at 6j Saais'froe. The-publlc are Invlled In attend. ST. MATTHEW'S I.UTHKIIAN t'lIl'HCll. Minister Hev. O. I). S. .Mtrclay. Sunday Servlces-lOif n. m. and 7f p. tn. .Sunday school o n. tn. l'ravcr Mooting Every Wednesday evening at 7,f Beats free. Konown rented. All are welcome. rilKSnVTKItlANClll'KCll. Minister Ttey. Stuart Ml'-.hcll. Sunday Services ID a. in. and ey p. m. Sunday school-9 a. m. l'raver Meeting Every Wednesday evening a S o'clock. scats free. No pews rented. St rangers welcome. UBTttoniST EPISCOPAL CIICKCH. Presiding Klder Itev. N. H. llucklniiham. Minister Itev. M. I,, sinvsor. Sunday Services 1 )f and ox p. m. Sundav school I p. in. Hlble Class Everv Monday evening at 6Jtf o'cloc k. Voting Men's l'raver Men lng livery Tuesday e7cnlng at syi o'clock. Oeneral Prayer Meeting Every Thursday evening 7 o'clock. KEFOKMKD CMClU'n. Corner of Third and Iron streets. Pastor Itev. (1. 1), (lurley. itesldonce Central Hotel. Sunday services 10tf n. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All are invited There is always room. st. Paul's enencn. Hector Ilev L. Zahner. Sunday Services Wx a. m., 7)f p. m. Sunday School 9 a. m. First Sunday In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Friday svenlng before tho st Sunday In each month. Tows rented; butoveryhoiW welcome. RVANOSLIOAI. CHCKCH. Presiding Elder-Hev. A. L. Iteeser. Minuter ltcv. J. A. Irvine. Sunday Scrvlco 3 p. m., In tho Iron street Church. I'rav er Meeting Every Sabbath at 2 p. in. AU are Invited. All ure welcome. THK CHCltCIt OF rilKIBT. Meets In "tho little llrlck Church on tho hill," known as tho Welsh Ilaptlst Church-on Hock street east of Iron. .... Itegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af ternoon at 8$ o'clock. seats free; and tho public aro cordially Invited to attend. JJLOOMSUUKG DIUECTOKY. SCHOOL ORDERS, blank, just prlnleil and neatly bound In small books, on hand and for sale at (to Colombian unice. BLANK DEJiDS.on l'.irclini.Mitaiul Linen Paper, common and for Admlnlsi rators, Kxccu tors and trusU-es, for salu cheap at the Columbian orace. TAHHlAaKCEUTinCATKS.iuitiirintetl ItL and for sale at the Columbian onice. Mlnls ersuf the Gospel and Justices should supply them selves with theso necessary articles. JUSTICES and Conchies' Fee-Hills for wile at tho Columbian omce. They contain the cor rected fees as established by tho last Act of tho ature upon tho subject. Every Justice and Con stable should have one. VENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale cheap at the Columbian omce. PHOFESSIONAI. CAHDS. O. IUKICLEY. Attorney-at-Law. Office In Brow er's building, 2nd story, ltooms 4 s 6 DK. WJI.M. KUIlEIt, Surgeon and Physi cian, onicu S. E. corner Jtock uud.Maiket streets. Til. EVANS, SI. D., SurBeon and I'hysi- clan, (ortlco undKebldenco on Third street, corner Jetrerson. Jl!. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and l'liy . slclan.uorthsldoMaln Btreet, below Market. " I!. KOHISON, Attorney-at-Law. . In Ilartnian's building. Main street. Office fl, KOSENSTOCK, Photographer, Clark & Wolt'B btore, Main stieet. MISCELLANEOUS. D ,VVID LOWKNHEIia. .Merchant Tailor Main St., above central Hotel. S. KUHN, dealer h, Meat, Tallow, etc., Centre street, belvv ten Second and Third. BUSINESS GAUDS. E. WALLER, Attornoy-at-Iaw Increase ef f ensiens chaired, Coiletticns nadc. Office, second door from lstMttlunal Hak. BLOOMSHUlttJ, PA. Jan. 11, 1S7S Jll. J. C. KUTTEK, PHYSICIAN 4 KUECIUON, Office, North Market street, Mar.J7,'74- Dloomsburg, Pa. s AMUEL KNOKU. A T TOItN E Y-A T-h A W, BLOOMSlll'KG, PA. omce, Hartman's Block, corner Main and Market Streets N J U. l'UNK, Attoi neyat-l hav, Iocrcafu ul lVtions Obluiucd, C'olIcttluiM JIade. llLOOMbllUUC), PA, OniCO In COLUMBIAN Ht'lLDlNO. D K. I. L. HABB, PKACTICAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Ulocms burg, 1'a. r I'" Teeth extracted without rain, aug4, 17-ly, JJltOCKWAY & ELWKLL, A T TO U N E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian Buiujinci, Bloomsburg, Pa, Members of the United stales Law Association. Collections made In ony part of America or Europe Q-H.& W.J. BUCKALEW, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. omce on Main Street, first door below Court House F. it J. M, CLAItIC, ATTOItN E V8-AT-LAW Bloomsburg, I'a, omce in Ect'.3uiwing. in P. BILLMEYEIt, ATTOKNKy AT LAW. Orrtct-ln Ilarmaa'a Building, Mala meet, Bloomsburg, pa. It. U. L4TTLK. XOBT. . UTTU, 1 II, A R. It. LITTLE, ATTOKNKVS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, I'a, lo.Omoa in the ooluutun Buuiisg, as :iELwiT'Utor,,. JJERVEY E. SMITH, ATTOUN E Y-A T-LAW. onico In A. J. Evan's Niw Bsilin, 1lt.r)OMfitt1Tlin hi Meintier ot Commercial Uw and Bank Collection As- vv.....u,.. ucl it. ' Q W. MILLER, ATTOKNKT-AT-LAW onico In Browcr'sbulldlnr.ieooai Saor.roem Mn. BloomsbBrir. Pa. V. 11. Abbott. W. II. Hrawh, AH110TT & 1UIAWN, Attornoys-at-Law. CATAWISSA, pa. Pensions obtained. deomr-Iy JIISCELLANEOUS. yy HOWELL, DENTIST. onlec in Hartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOM8BURO, PA, May 2-ly. G 1 M. DRINKER, OUN and LOCKSMITH. selng Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re paired. oi'HttA iiousk Building, Bloomsburg, Pa, "y Y. K ESTER, ilKHUHAST TAlLOIt, over Maizk's store, Bloomsburg, Pa. apt II 19, 181s. ;RITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO. NATIONAL FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY. Hio ast-ets of these old cornoratlons am all In. rrtedln solid SECUItlTItb and are liable tothe uatini oi l ire only. 1 1 fcs M.oMni.Y and iiomi-tly adjusted and paid as m n as determined br curistian p. khipp. ftw. .-.iiHii'rute inirn cm cue eesL nKsare aiene arepmi. tint Agent nnd Adjutter, ll'oomBburg, Penn'a, '1 be eltl?er.s of Columbia county Khmilfl nntrnnt7A the agency where losses. If any, are adjusted and I'uiu uj uuuui lueiruwn citizens. 'l-iy T?ItKAS BROWN'S INSUKANCE ADEN- JL (Ji, jexcuange uotei, uioomursr, Pa. .Kinn, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut., I.Ht.1 I'VUt. lllflJUlIU (U1U UIUUV.MIHXMMH.I W.OfV.UtlU Hnjwlof UvtTpOOl U.00,000 l.uncannliiro lo.OM, oo Klrt- AHHoriatlon, Hilladelphla 1,100,000 Kurmors Mutual of Danville 1,000,000 Danville Mutual T6,Of Home, New York. 5,K,000 Ah t lie nccnrlpfl nrn iilrrr. rnHrIH nr vrttrM fnr tlio lli&ureil wltnout nnviiPU In tiin offlr fttKInnniL. burp. B, F. IIARTMAN REPRESENTS TDK rOLLOWlHO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES: Lscrtnlne of MuncvI'ennsvlvanlA. .orlh American ot Philadelphia, Pa uihklln, of " i ennslvanlaof c armcrs ot York, Pa. nnoveror New YorK. Manhattan of " onice on Market street No. , Bloomiburr, Tn, oct. so, 'JT-ly. CATAWISSA. M. L. EYERLY, ATl-OKHBY-AT-UlW, CaUwlAsa, Pa. Collections nromotly made and remlttad. Offlea onposlle Cntawlssa Deposit Bank. tm-U Al'O. I.. KAUB. JNO. X. FFVUItR. CUAR. 1. RSWARCS. WM. K. HAGENBUCH, with Kaub, Frymler&Ednardi, (Successors to Benedict Dorser t sots, m Market street. Importers and dealers la CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWABE, DM Market Street, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand Original and Assorted rackage June 29, 'Jr-ly Oraugevillc Academy. EEV.C. Z. CANFIELD,A.M.,Principal. If jou want to patronize a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL, W1IK1IE UOAHD AND TUITION ARK LOW, give us a trial. Nest term begins MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1S7S For Information or catalogue apply to TUB PBINCIPAL. J uly 87, '77-1 y Orangevllle, I'a. The Seaside Library. Choice books no loticer for tho few onlr. The best standard novels ulthtn the reach of every one. Hooks usually sold from t' to3 given (unchanged and unabi1dLred for 10 and so cents. i.v. i ne i ouni ot jvionie-LTisto, Alex jiumu ISrt. The King's own, by Capt. Mam'at 197. Hand and Clove, by Amelia II. Kdwarda It. H easure Trove, by Samuel Lover 1S9. 1 he r-nantom "hip, by Captain Marryat loo. Tho Black Tulip, by Alexander Dumaa 101, 1 he World Well Lost, K. Lynn Linton id. Shirley Charlotte llronw ioj. riaiiK jiiiuiuuy, vy cupimu marryab im. A citing lfc's storj', Harriet Bowrn IDS. A Modern w Inisier (Vol. 1.) Chevely Novel i.Ht I no um Aluiui, u iirurgv eiuiu i'.7 'I he Oue-i'a Necklace, by lex Dumas cj. con crecan. by harlea I ever 1y. st. Patrick's Kve, by Charles Lever lie. New ti n Captain Marryat 171. Hostage to Fortune, by Miss Braddon t72. Chealler de Mat, on Kouire. bv Dumaa I73..liinliet In Search of a Kither br Caotaln 174, Kate n'lioncghue, by Charles Iver 179. I ho Podia c f Many 1 ales, Capialn Marryat 17tl. lVrclvnl Keene bv CaDtaln Alarrvat 100 IOC 117. Oeorco Canterbury' VN111, by Mrs. Uenrt Wood rc IOC IOC we 100 IDC I7i. I.nre tieod Luck, by V. K. FranclUlon I7tt 'Iho Illsiorv of a Crime, bv Victor Hugo P-o. Armalade, by llkln Collins isi, i iih i ounce ba ue cuuruy, Alex jjuinaa Is .Iiillets i.tiarillan, by Mrs. Cameron ltJ. Ki nllworl h, by sir alter scott isj!". ond-lije SvceitLeart " b Kboda BrougUa lc IOC iNi, i'uviu copiierueio, oy cOKnea Llicxta 1ST. Sunon. b AlexandcrLumaa us. 1 Iih wlss Family ItoblD&on kv. Hi nry -mnbai, b Mlis Bradt'on me. Memolisof u I'll) slot n, by Alex Duma IOC loe 10C 10 ire loc we IOC loe 00 10 Its un i ue i iiree i ciners. oy apisia aiaxryat 1V2. t he t cut't4rtitorh, by lexacner Duma 11)3. Heart tf Midlothian. Mr W alter Mott IV4. No 1 hi t ntlons, be Florence Mum att 11. Imbed ot Umarla, b Aleitntlrr Ituua I r. Ic liolas lekleb) , by Charlf blctun 17. Nancy by Khocia iruugbion ins. rt'leis luCuaada. by Catilaln Marryat , ICS. C'lolhlt rh and the HearLb. bv Chaa. AtaaAa ' oc Vixi.'llio Monk, by Matthew O. Lewis,. T. (MOI.K lHISl. 1 IOC For sale br all Bookseller and Hewadeahn. or Bent postage prepaid, or receipt of price. UKOHOK MUNRO, rubUrtW. P. o. Box M3T. vl, S3 an 13, Vaadewater C, N. T. aug . ii-b M. C. SLOAN & BR0 liXOOMSllimG, PA, Manufacturtn ot Carriages, Buggies, Phtttonij iUlghs, PLATFOltM.WAOONS, Ac, Flrst-clas work.alwa) on hand. HEPAIltlNO NEATLY DONK, Prices reduced to suit the times. Jan. 6, !STT-tf Till PAfXK 1 O nl.E WITB ROWELL k OitSMAN . Advertitlng AgtHtt, tHmn cmmthut trt.. T. (.mm.. VEGETINE. An Excellent Mt'tllciiii'. BrKivarm n, O., Oct. 1a, 1S7C. This Is to certify that I hao used Vegctltip, man ufactured by II, If. Hoc ens, Boston, Maw, for liheu mallsm ana General Prostration of the irrn!is ss tem, with good success. I rrcommend Vegetlnu as an excellent medlclno for such complaints. Yours very truly, Mr. aadegrlft, of the nrm ot Vanrtegritt: Hurr man, Is n well-known buMness man In this place, having one of tho ltrgcsl btoies In "prlngmhl, o. Our IUIiiInici'n Wile. IortsviLLE, Kv Feb. 10, 1S77. Mr. It. It. ftevens. Dearsir, Tlneo jearstgol wasMifreilnglenliily with Influminntojy PhetnintlMii. our ministers wife adclsert meto toko Vegetlne. Alii r Inklngonn bottle I wasentlrely reileeil. 'IhHjinr, feeing ft return ef the dl-ense, I ng.iln eominenced taking It, and am being Ik nelllled greatly. 11 also great Ij Im proves my digestion. .. ltestiectfully, Mas, A, It.M.I.Alttt. loll West JeHcrtiOu Btreet. Sale ami sui'c Mr. II, It. Rtf.vkns. In 1S7S jour Vegetlne wnsreroiiiiiiendeil tonie.and yielding to tho pcrsuaMons of trli ml, I eonnenteil lu cijic. st cno uinu i was suiieiing from gen-inl debility and nervous prostration, sup ilncliiceil l,v overwork and Irtegiifar liablls Its nnnderliil strengthening nnd curntlce ptoiic rtles seemed to af fect my debilitated sjstem ficnn Hie (list dose ; and under Its persl tent uso I rapidly reemeieil, gaining more than usual health ai.d gcimlfei lint'. Mnee then 1 hnuuiot hesitated toglce ve"eilne lit) most un qualified lndorseiiieni, us ticlng n s.ire sure, ami powerful agent, In piotnotlug health and icsii'ilng the wasted sjhlemto new life ami in rg . Vec-e-tine u the only medicine 1 imp; nnd as Icngnslllte I never expect to nnd u better, Yours truly, v. II. CI, MtK, 120 Montgomery street, Aheglienj, p.Miti. VEGETINR The following letter from Hev O v. ManMl'M formerly pastor ol tho MellioJM Kplscopul ( hur.'h Hide Park, and nt present Kelt led lu Ijiwll, mint, convince every one who reads tils lerter, of the won derful curative qualities r t of Vegttlna as a tliorotuli cleanser and purltlcr of the lilcs mi. Htiib l'AKK, .Mass., Feb, 13, -Tel. Mr. II. H. Stevens Dearhlr.-About ten years ngi my lioilth failed through tho denlellnir effects oi iIimkmisi nenrivn jear later I, was allocked by tjphulj foer In Us "uri, iucm. ic &ecueu in mv oaCK, sun took Hie form of a larcro deeli-seated nh.eei.R. whl ti teen months in gatlierlng. I hail two surgical nie- ,i,bii,ua me ui-ci, FKiu in cue sLaie, uiu, received no Dermanent cure. I sutTereii imin t iiina and was constantly weakened by a pi'ifim du charge. I Alas lost small pieces of bone nt dirterent times. Matters ran on thus about soien jeus, IU1 Mnv, 1874. when a frtend reeofnrnendpfl iniHiiinin, r omce, and talk with you or the clrtue of i eilnc I uiu ow, nun nj juui iviiiuiit"", pa-M'll IlirUll.ll VO'll' manufsctorv. nutlDLT the Increilletits. ai l,v whlili your remedy Is proiluced nj wine i saw uuciuearu i gained some cuniM.-aee In vegetlne. urinn nfN.r l,t fdlr irm. t from Its eitertsi still 1 persevered, and soon felt It was betienttlng mo In other ie.j-een. Yi 1 1 did no see the results 1 desired till Iliad lul.eiilt filth fully for a little more than ajear, win n the iiinieul ty In the back was cured ; nnd for nine months I have enjoyed the best ot health. Ihacelu that time gamed twenty-tlco pounds of flesh, being heuWcr than eer betoinln mv lire, intl I was never more able to pet form labor than now. Dtlrtnir the bast few werkH I Itnd n oeri.rnlnlw welling as largo as my fist gather on another part I took Vecrstlne falthfullv. mill it. l-emnve,! It. t.'Cl with tho surface In a month. I think I should hao been Cured Of HIV main troutile Kruiner ir t li ,1 inken larger doses, after having become accustomed to Us effects. Let VOUr natrons troubled Willi aernrntT nrlrMn...' dlseaseunderstand that It takes tlmo to cure chronic diseases; and If they will pallently tako Vegetlne, i. nu, in uij juuijiiieui, curu cuem. vviui great oougauons I nm Yours very truly, 0. W MANSFIF.I.D, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. VEGETINE Is Prepared by H. K. STEVENS. Boston. Vegetine ib sold by till Druggists. The Great New Medicine! .,A Health-Giving Power! PURIFIES THE BLOOD, INVIGORATES THE LIVER, PROMOTES DIGESTION, nnd STRENGTHENS THE NERVES, Tliua eflVrttiuIly ccirliicr ilUeimo of uluit. ver name or iinliue. II it oilliy of u trial. lllLIKl'1 guuiuiitecri. Ii AOllKKAItlaK o I hi) lH-te, (JHATfJKUIi to flit wtuuiacli, mitl net ellliitnlly iim a CATHARTIC, ALTKUATI VH iimL IHU 11KTIC. 1U iictlun In not fit(tilfi! l1h mny titiiileuiant fVttlliiK, iu'HIht It liin gour nor ililllt eipt-i iciic fit, lint on Hut contrary, refrealinif-itt ami Int ltnutifin. Its lntntiMllHtH tllVct upon tlit tllitlit orRam, whether impulicil by tlhtt'u or rxhauMtrti fiom uny cuiin. It to liii'itiio their iiOMtrw ttf uuxlmlliitioit anil nutil t Ion, Iho iimiftlto IjcIiir Int'it'iisiMl at oih-4-. To those nffWt-l with an eiif;ni;fd con tlltlon of the liver, tin Itllloiiftitfhw, ilioi actttrlstHl by u tluaky toinplct Ion. a t onlr, I tongue, a iiaity. bail tintH In tin- mouth. u caprlcloun apiietlte anil uliiUli uittoii of the bowel, with a seim of IuIIiicnh In thrheaduiiiloriiienlal (Inline, V1UOH KXK provey inot Tiilualilc It effect upon the kidneys In no lea- happy, u turblil, In I tut inj; tu I lie J qufrkly cleared up by It, Inflammatory anil Cluoiilt- JtllKlTJlA TIH3I will hooii (lltiiiiiieitr by u lU'iaUHnt lieof VIOOUIVMO. For the cure of Nkln l)Uee niul Krun tlom or ull kliuls, VItJtUHM: U iuot certain ' VltlOHKNK U rnmiioietl of the nrttvo properties of IIKItltH, JtOO T.s, (ill.Ms and 11 A KICK, that JVatiuo nloue lui uUhea, great care belni; taken by uti that they are gathered ul tho right mm mm of tho year, unil that they poieii their native virtues. That VI(1(HIKM3 ha thepowertoimu IKV THK IlMUin, INVKIOUATK the MVKH. and bTIMULATK the DltUSsT. IVK UKOAlVs, is IndUputubly jiroven by those who have given It a trial and liuw been peruiaiiently curtd AVe do not ask you to try u dozen bottle to ciperlenrtt relief, for ue t.I'Alt A,NTi;il you will feel better from the 11 rt lew doses VIOOUKNI3 Is astoiiUhliiu the world with Its cures, aud Is t hi on Inn a 1 1 other TONIC8, AITKllATlVi:s und t.NVH.Utt JfTS, luto the shude I'it up In lmge bottles, double strength. Heiulre stuull doses, and Is pleasant to tukr. Price, 91.00 per lloltle. WALKER &. BADGER MFQ. CO.. Prop's. ' 83 ;ohi fit., Ucv Terk, nt Jerisy City, IT. 7, .THE OBJECT OF EATING." ft pew book ertry as should read, sent frea upou receipt of one Mat itiunp. For Sale at N. J. 3DDRTJC3- STOEE, ItltKHIISlHBB , Jin.18. n.-ly. HEALTH AND IIAl'IMNliSS. IlealiUand Harriets nre juice less U'oalili 10 ilic lr rosMabom. end jet Ibcy uiu vtlililti UiuicocliK cv. ery one who Mil Hie WKIUHT'S LJVKH Tte only sure CVWjfor Torpid l.lcr, liytncp-la, Ileadactie, Hour stoiltaih, t oust liiatlon, lulliliy, Nauwa, and all IIIIUouh roniplaliiltand lilinal dis orders. A'one genuine unlet Hgncd "Win. ilgiu, Plilla." If jour lirurelit UI not f uprly m nd so conn for one box to IJarrlck, lioller Co., To N.illi U, MUla. Jan. 4, 7d-ly nr ' BLOOMSBURG TANNEliV. G. A. II v n na.v Efll'KCTFUIXY aimouiuiictotlie iublli; (old stand) Uloombburtr, I'a.. at the n: IV Furkaol Uio Espy und Mirhi biieot roads, VihvTu ull tiuBcrlptlona ol leather will bo madelu thu laobi substantial and orkinamiki nuuru r, and sold ul prices to suit the times, 1 he hU'hi-bt I'rtce In cash GREEN HI DUB of every description In tlic country, llifufcllcp&t"i,tj(.t,l, int- mm BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY , JUNE 7. Select Story. JACK'S CHItlSTMAH; BY EMMA K.l'Anr.lSlI. .lack ImJ juat heard of ChrlatmiM for the first time I Ten yenn old nnd never knew nluiiit OhrWinas before I Jack's mother was 11 wenry, nverworknl woman, nnd had no lii ait lo loll the cliiMri'ii nbnut merry times ami litnutlful things in which they could haii Lu rhare. I IN parents weru very poor. When I tell you that they lived in n log houso you might think so, although some people live very comfortably in log homes, llut when I ay that the diiow dritti'd through tho cracks in the roof until the chamber lloor was fit to go kleighlng on, and that it was o cold down stairs that the gravy froze on the children's plates while they were eating breakfast, and that the little pirl had 110 shoes but cloth ones, which their mother sewed to their stockings, you will see that they were poor indeed. Mrs. lioyd, Jack's mother, gener ally went about her work with a shawl tied around her, and n comlortcr over her ears.on uccuuiit of the earache ; and on the coldest days she kept Jack's little sisters wrapped up from head to foot and perched on chairs near tho stove, so they wouldn't freeze. No ; alio didn't feel much like telling them about Cliriatinai, when she didn't know but they would freeze U death, or, may be Btarve, be foro that time. But Jack found out. lie was going, to school that winter, nnd ono learns so much at school I He came home out) night brimful of the news that Christ mas would bo there in three weeks, and that Santa Claus would come down the chimneys aim my, "i wish you .Merry Christmas I" and then put lots of nice thincs in all'the stockings. Jin. liojd heard him talking, and was giail tho children were enjoying themselves, tint Hoped Irom her heart that they wouldu't expect anything only to be bitterly disap pointed. For a week Jack wondered and mused within himself how he could get something fur ChmtmiH presents for his little sisters. Ho couldn't make anything at home witbout their seeing it, nor at school without the teacher's seeing it.or else the big boys plagu- ing Uim about it. Besides, he would rather buy something pretty, such as they had nev er seen before china dolls in pink dresses, or something of that kind. One morning however, Jack discovered seme quail track in tho snow near the Btraw stack, and he no longer wondered about ways and means, but 11 a moment was awake to the importance of this discovery. That very evening he made wooden trap, and the next morninir early set it near the stack, and laid an inviting train ot wheat quite up to it, and scattered a littlo mside. He told his sbters, Mary and J any, about the trap, but not about what he meant to do with the quails when he caught them. That afternoon Jack went to his trap aud to his unbounded joy found an impris oned quail, frozen quito stiff. He quickly et Iho trap again, and ran to the house with I"-, bird. All that evening he worked at quail traps and made three more. It was so much warmer that their mother kt the children stay up n little later than iiaual ; and Mary ventured to bring out her playthings and Janey's. 'Does Santa Claus bring dolls?' asked Mary, suddenly, of Jack. 'Oh, yea j dolls with pretty dresses on; and littlo buiiiiits and pink shoes : and little cubbards to keep their clothes in, and chairs and everything," said Jack, enthusiastical ly. 'Oh, my I' sighed Mary, as she looked dolefully at their poor littlo heap of toys. lleadrr, their dolls were cobs, with square p t ees ot calico tied around them for dresses: und alter hearing what Jack said, it wasn't so much 1 11 11 playing, and the little girls soon went to bed. After they were asleep. .Mrs. Ilojd said, reproachfully : 'Jack, I ftUh you wouldn't say anything mere about OhrislnniH to the children.' 'Why, is it bad ?' aked Jack, no astouish- ctl that ho stopped whittling. 'No, of course not; but you're getting their heads full of notions about fine things they never can have.' Jack's eyes twinkled. 'Oh, but you don't understand, mother,' said he; "may be Santa Claus will come this year.' His mother shook her head. 'You know I caught one quail to-day?' whispered Jack. Well, I'm going to save 'em ull the week, and Saturday take 'em to the meat man in the ullage. I guess he'll buy 'em, I heard that quails were fetching two cents apiece anil I'm going to get enough money to buy the girls something nice,and you must make cm him up their stockings, mother, and then we'll put tho things in after they get asleep, ' ills mother smiled cheerfully. 'Well,' said she, 'do the best you can.' llie-ir father was away that evening. He was generally away eveulncs, became most of tho neighbors had cosier firesides than his, besides apple, aud sometimes older 1 tud so he passed many a pleasant hour lu gossip and farm talk, while his own little family shivered gloomily at home. lly Saturday morning Jack had ten quails. Tho four traps had not been ns fruitful as they ought to have been, perhaps, but this was doing very well, and ha trudged joyfully (o town, with bin game hanging on a stick over ids shoulder. The meat man did in deed give two cents apiece for quails, and he Invited Jack to bring as many more a lie could get, The next Saturday was only two day be fore Christmas, and how beautiful wefo al the stores on the village street Even the groceries had Christmas toys and Christmas trees, A good many boys and girls stood around the storo window pointing out the things they most admired, and wondering what Santa Claus would bring them. Jack had iMeen quails, which brought him thirty rents j so be was now tbe owner of half a dollar, which was more money than he had eer possessed in ull his life before. But when two dulls were bought,and they weren't very fine dolls either, there were only twenty cents left. Jack did mean to buy something fur his mother, too, but he had to (jive that lip, and after looking over the bright colored toy books lu the show-case, he selected two little primers, one with a pink cover and one w ith a blue one, and with a big ache In bla throat, patted frith bit l&tt Unct&Ufor it Ullllflll candy. How Tery, very little he wm buying after all, and not one thing for hi dear mother who tat up till two o'clock the night before, mending his ragged clothe for him. Jack' heart was very heavy ai he walked out of the gay store with such a little pack ago, but It ank still lower when hi father' tall form loomed up suddenly before him right in front of the door. 'What are you doiug here!' he aiked, sternly. 'Been buying a lew things,' said Jack. 'Let me see 'em,' said his father. Jack trembling opened his package. 'Where'd you get tho money?' 'With quails,' said Jack, meekly. His father fumbled over the thingi with his big' mlttened hand, and said, quite gent ly, 'Kor the girls, I B'pnse.' 'Yes, sir,' answered Jack, beginning to feel relieved, 'Well, run along home.' Jack was only too happy to do so. There wan't much sympathy between him and his father and any of the family that Is, there didn't seem to be ; but I guess tbe stream was frozen over, and only needed a few gleams of sunshine to make It bnbble on laughing and gurgling as in tho best of hearts. Jack related his adventures to his mother in whispers, and hid the Christmas articles in the wash-boiler until inch time a they Bhould be wanted for certain small stockings. He told his mother how sorry he was not to have a present for her, and that little speech went a long way toward making her happy. That night she sat up I wouldn't dare toll you how late making cookies something that hadn't been in the house before that winter. She cut them out in all manner of shapes that feminine ingenuity and a case knife could compass, not forgetting a bird forJaney, with a remarkably plump bill, and a little girl for Mary, with tbe toes turned out. She also made some balls of brown supar (the Boyds never thought of such a luxury ns white sugar), to make be lieve candy, for sho didn't know Jack had bought any candy. Now I am going to tell what Mr.Boyd did after ho met Jack by the toy store. He had gone to the village to have a good time. That didn't mean, as it doe with tome men to get tipsy ; but It meant he was going to Munger's grocery, where he could meet peo. pie, and talk and joke, aud keep warm. Mr. Boyd had been chopping wood for a farmer, and had received his pay ; but in stead of going dutifully home and consulting bis wife about what he should buy, he was going to look around and see what Munger bad. He was touched at the sight of Jack' poor little package of gifts ; but I doubt if it would have made much impresaion en hi mind if somebody hadn t walked into Mun ger's and asked, in a brisk, loud voice, "Got any Brazil nuts, Hunger?" The man with the brisk volen hnuirlit'T don't know how many quarta of Brazil nuts, and walnuts, and filberts, and almonds with all the loungers looking on, very much in terested in the spectacle. Then he bought raisins, and candy and oranees. Mr. Munirer growing more smiling every minute. 'Uoing to keep Christmas,! guess,' said he, ubbing his bands together, 'That I am : 'Christmas come but onca a year,' and there are littlo folk up at our house who've been looking for it with all their eyes for a fo'tnlght.' Then he buuirht a bushel of annles. and filling n peck measure with them, nassed them around nmong the men who sat and stood before the stove. 'Take 'em home to vour little fulks if vou don't wau't 'em,' he said, when any one hes itated. There were three or four aniecp. and Mr. Boyd put all in his nocket with a alicrhr feeling of Christmas warmth beginning to thaw his heart. After this cheery purchaser had gone, some one asked : 'Who is that chap ?' 'He's the new superintendent of the Or phan Asylum,' answered Mr. Munger rub bing his hands again, 'and a mighty nice man he is, too. Pays for all them things out of his own pocket. Verv fond of children. Always likes to see 'era happy. There were two or three men around that stove who hung their heads, and Mr. Boyd was one of them. He hung his the lowest, perhaps because he had tbo longest neck. I don't know what the other men did some thing good and pleasant, I hope but Mr. Boyd thought and thought. First he thought how the 'orphans' were goiug to have a brighter and merrier Cbrurtmas than his own children, who had both father and mother. Then he thought about tweet, pa tient little Janey, and quiet Mary and gen erous Jack, who bad taken so much paina to give pleasure to his sisters, and a great rush or shaiuo tlllod his heart. Now, when Mr. Boyd was once thoroughly aroused, be was alive through thewboloof hi long frame. Ue thumped his knee with hi fist, than arose and walked to tbe counter, where he dealt out rapid orders to the astonished gro cer for nuts, candies and oranges ; not In such large quantities, to be sure, as tho 'or phans,' friend bad don,but generous enough for three children. And he bought a calico dre for hi wife, a pair ot shoe, for each of the littlo girl and a cap for Jack. The tore contalued everything from grindstone to slate pencils, and from whale oil to pep permint drops. These purchases together with some ueedful groceries, took all Mr, Boyd money, except a few pennies, but a Christmas, don't-care feeling pervaded hit whole being, and he borrowed a bag into which he stowed his good and set out for home. It was a pretty heavy bagful, but It heav- inesi only made Mr. Hoyd'a heart the light er. When he reached home, he stood tbe bag up n one corner, as If It held turnip, aud said, 'Don't meddle with that children." Then he went out and spent the (( of the aay in chopping wood, which wa very cheering to his wife. So meny Suodavi bad dawned with just wood enough to cook breakfast, that Mrs, Boyd began to dread that dy particularly, for ber .hutband wat almost aure to go right away after breakfatt, ami spend tbe whole day at tbe neighbors' houses, while hi own family shivered arouud a half-empty stove. Mr, Boyd said never a word about the bag, and the unsuspecting household thought It contained corn or some oth;r unlntereat lng vegetable, and paid little attention to It. It also stood there all the next day, aad the children grew quite used to the sight of It. Sunday went by quietly, and, to the aur prise of all, Mr. Boyd stayed at home, tuak ing It hit especial butlnew lo hold Janey on bit lap and kteptLe Hot well filled with 1878 wood. Jancr waan't fllnn .ll ik.i J.- and hit unusual attention to her made the family feel very kindly disposed toward their lather, whom of late they had come to regard almost as an alien. Jack, whose boe were not yet worn out, went to Sunday echool, and after hli return the day wa' toon eone. Then l. i...., .. fidget, and wat very deslrou that hit moth er thould put the little girls to bed j while ttrange to tay his father was desirous that the whole family thould go to bed, except himself. In course of tlmo the littlo girls were asleep in their trundle bed, with their little red stockings hanging behind the door. Mr. Boyd sat with his back to the door, to Jack slipped in his present without hit father seeing him, nnd went to his cold bed upstairs. 'Ain't you going to hangup yourstnekinc mother?' asked Mr. Boyd after Jack had gone. Mrs Boyd looked startled. Why, no, she answered, hesitatingly, not knowing whether the question wasasked in Irony or In earnest. 'You better,' said Mr. Boyd, going to the bag in tho corner, and beginning to untie the strings. He laid out package after package on the floor. His wife knelt down by them in n maze of astonishment. Then, with a great deal of enjoyment, Mr. Boyd untied them one by one, showing candies, nuts, oranges, shoes, and all the rest, except the calico dreta which he kept out of tight. Aladdin felt very fine when he found the cave full of precious stones, but I don't be lieve he was much happier than Mrs. Boyd Her eyes were to full of tears that there seemed to be eight pairs of shoes, ten bags and half a dozen Mr. Boyds; but she man aged to lay bands on tbe real one, and him the embraced fervently. Then she brought out the cookies and sugar balls sho had made, andBaidtoher husband, in a very shame faced way : 'See my poor presentsl I didn't know the poor children would have anything nice and I made these. I guess I wou't put 'era in their stockings though, now.' But Mr. Boyd insisted on thtir going in with the other things, and I think they were prized by tbe children a little more dearly If tucb a thing could be possible, than those which they called their 'boughten' pres ent. Now, I can't begin to describe the joy ful time they had the n)xt morning, and particularly, the utter astonishment of Jack who didn't expect a thing, and hadn't even hung upa stocking. When that devoted boy recognized one of his own gray tocks cramm ed full of knobs and bunches, with a beauti full plush cap on top, he wa almost out of hi wits, ijixewise, Mrs. Itoyds surprise a-rext at the discovery nf her nur i1ra,i The little girlt were too happy that day to ao much else but count and arrange and re arrange tbeir delightful Christmas presents. Mr. Boyd killed a chicken, and lack con tributed four quails, which he bad caught aince market day, and the festival or Christ mas wat kept with much hilarity by the Boyd family. The neiehbort one bv one. were aurnriaeil th itt Mr. Boyd hadn't dronned in. as he usu. ally did on Sunday and hnlidpys. But Mr. Bovd was encased elsewhere. And this was only tbe beginning of good days for that family, for, somehow, the Christmas feelinj seemed to last through all the year with Mr. Boyd, and through many other years; and the little ball set rnllini' (it witli liiu quail traps grew to be a mighty globe of hap piness tor tuo wnoie family. HISTORY OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. MILITARY RECORD. Nine Months Service 171st Jlegiment. Drafted Militia. Wesley Wirt, Commissary Sergeant, mus tered into service October 23, lSG2,miis tered out with regiment August 8, ISti 1 Henry S Arthur, company A, 1st Serjeant November 2, 1852, mustered nut with company August S, 18G3. Thomas J Barton, 'Company A, Sergeanti November 1, 1802, mustered out with company August 8, 1SGS. Leonard 11 Bomboy, compaud A, musician, November 2, 18U2, mustered cut with company August 8, 18G3. Henry S Bodine, company A, private, No vember 2, 1862, mustered out with com pany August 8, 18G3. 0 A Eilenberger, company A, private, No- vember 3, 1862, mustered out with com pany August 8, 18G3. Uriah Colder, company A, private, Novem ber 2, 18G2, mustered out with company August 8, 1863. Richard Hfsi, company B, private, Novem ber 2, 18C2, mustered out with company August 7, 18G3. Lewis Hess, company B, private, November 2, 1862, mustered out with company August 7, 1863, Samuel Y Hess, company II, private, No vember 2, 18G2. mustered out with com. pany August 7, 1803 George W Hittle, compauy II, private, No vember 2, 1862, mustered out with com pany August 7, 1803. John Ueighmiller, company B, private, No vember 2, 1862, mustered out with com pany August 7, 18G3. Enoch Ikeler, company B, private, Novem ber 2, 1802, mustered out with compa ny August 7, 1863, The regiment left Camp Curtln on Noven . ber 27, and proceeded by Washington aud Norfolk toSuflblk, Virginia. December 28, It proceeded to Newbern, Ninth Oarolina, and went Into winter quarter. In March they repulsed Gen. Hill who had appeared before Newbern. Hill moved towards Wash ington, and erected works at Hill's point, The 171st was detailed to storm them, but were withdrawn. Subsequently it was in a demottration Inwards Hichmnud, lu favor ol Meade at Gettysburg, and then took a imsi tlon in a pass in the South Mountain which it held until the rebel retreat, It then march ed to Frederick, thence to Harrlsbiirg,where It was mustered out. There may be other Columbia county men iu this regiment, but I cannot distineuish them, and must rely upon those given lor information as to name omitted. If they are furnished this record will become more aba more perfect. THK COLUMDIAN, VOr,. XII, NO. 12 COLUMBIA UKMOCRAT, VOL,XLtt, NO, M Hell's Telephone. What is n telephone? "An Instrument to convey sounds by means of electricity," That give one a general Idea of it; but, after all, that an swer is not the right one. The telephone does not convey sound. "What docs Its name mean, then?" do you ask ? Simply, that It Is n far sounder; but that does not necessarily Imply that it carn'c founds afar. Strictly speaking, the tele phone only changes sound-waves into waves of electricity and back again. Tho most of you probably know that sound Is produced by rapid motion. Put your finger on a piano wire that is sound Ing, and you will feel tho motion, or touch your front tooth with a tuning fork that is singing; in the last caso vou will foul verv distinctly the raps made by the vibrating fork. Now. n soundlnir bodv will nntnl jar another body which touches it. but it will also give its motion to tho air that touches it; and when tho air-motions or air waves strike the sensitive drums of our ears, these vibrate, and we hoar the sound. lhus, irom our every-day experience wo have proof of two important (acts, first, ounu is caused by rapid motion ; second. sound-waves give rise to corresponding mo tion, uoth these facts nro involved in the speaking telephone, which performs a two- lold otlice, that of the air on the one hand. that of our vocal organs on the other. lo serve as an ear, the telephone must be able to take up quickly and nicely tbe sound waves of tho air. A tightened drum-head will do that; or better, a strip of Eoldbeat- ers'-skin drawn tightly over a ring or the end of a tube. But Professor Bell wanted an ear that would translate the waves of sound into waves of electricity. Just when Mr. Hell was thinkine about this, some one experimenting with a mag net having a coil of silk covered wire around it, found that when a pieco of iron was mov ed in front of the magnet and close to it without touching, the motion would give rise to electric waves in the coil of wire, which waves could be sent creat distance along wires. This was just what Mr. Bell wanted. He aid to himself, 'The sound of my voice will give motion to a thin plate of iron as well as to a sheet of goldbeaters'-skin ; and if I bring this vibrating plate of iron close to a magnet, the motion will set up in it wave of electricity answering exactly to the sound waves which move tho iron plate." Jlut the instrument must not onlv trans late sound-waves into electric impulses; it must nlso change these back again into sound-waves; it must not only hear, but also tpeak I You remember our first fact iu reeard to sound : it is caused bv motion. All iW i. needed to make anytbiug speak is to cause it to move so as to give rise to just Buch air waves ns tho voice makes. Mr. Bell's idea was to make the iron plate of his sound ro. ceiver speak. He reasoned In this way; From the na ture of the magnet it follows that when waves of electricity are passed through the wire coil around the magnet, the strength of the magnet must vary with the force of the electric impulses. Its pull on the plate of iron near it must vary iu the same manner. Tho varying pull on the plate must make it move, and this movement must se' in mo tion the air near the plate in sound waves corresponding exactly with the motion set ting up the electric waves in the first place ; n other words, the sound motion in one telephone must be exactly reproduced us siund-waves in a similar instrument joined to it by wire. Experiment proved the reasoning correct: and thus the speaking-telephone was invent ed. Tbe receiving and sending instruments are precisely alike, each answer fnr buth purposes ; but there must be two.since one mu.t always bo hearing while the other s speaking. When you speak into the mouth-niece of uell a telephone, the sountl of your voice enu-es tho "diuphrugin" to vibrate in front f the magnet. Tho vibrations cause the maguet'a pull upon the diaphragm to vary 11 torce, which variation is answered by waves in the coll and over the wires connected with it. At the other end if the wire the pull of the magnet ot the speaking tele hone is varied exactly iu pro portion to the streiigtir'ol the electric! im pulses that come over the wire ; the varying pun 01 toe magnet sets the diaphragm iu motion, and that sots the air in motion waves piteisely like those of the distant voice. When those waves strike the list ner's ear, ho seems lo hear the speaker's exact tones, and so, substantially, he does hear them. kt. Aicholaifor June. Kiipujcd and Married. ' They were very pretty, and there was ap parently five or six years' difference in their ages. As the train pulled up, the youngest girl blushed, flattened her nose nervously against the window, and diew back in joy- us smiles as a young mau came dashine in to the carriage, shook hands tenderlv und cordially, insisted on carrying her valise, magazine, little paper bundle.and would probably havo carried her bad she permitted him. Tbe passengers smiled as she left, and the murmur went rippling through tho car nage : 'lhey're engaged.' The other irirl sat looking nervously out of the window, aud once or twice gathered her parcels together m though she would leave, yet seemed to b expecting some ouo. At last be cume. bulged into the door lll; lu,,,.. .... ii, looked along the seats until his uuuly gaze' ten upon uer upturned, expectant Uce, roar ed, "cjonie on 1 l'v l,i, u-uiii,,.. ..,,,1,.. piatiorm lor you for fifteen minutes!' seized her basket, aud strode out of the carriage, wuue sue loiiowed with a little valise uand-tiox, u psper bag full of lunch, a bird cage, a glass jar of jelly preserves, and an extra shawl. And a crusty-lookiinr old bachelor iu the further end of tho carriage croaked out, Hi unlslon with the indignant iooks 01 me passengers : "They're marriedl1 Mnce hdlson Invented the telephone aud phonograph lie has more orders fur new ventioiis than he can attend to. One party Hiiuisuimio invent a lonele shad; an other uks him to give hi attention to u ga meter that wou't ulway lie iu favor of ih, company j u third desires a pocketbook that will ulways contain a dollar or tyo an wuue ne is iiDoui ue might a well iutuse some of his Inventive geuius Into a tlliflit 0 stair that won't citak like all possessed ...l.nn .. ....... ... .!.. )... ,L. I. - . nufn it man iuium tucu IUC OOU0 At UigUt, RATES OF ADVERTISING MCI. 1 V. IH. 8H, SH. IT. Onelncb t.m ?.co .oi fsoo ti.u'' Twolucixi 1.00 .' it. Three Incbeii. , 4.m i.m Too Fourlnobe , t.oo 7,c t.oo !tM uiiarwr column t.vo a.oo 111.00 in.00 Ml1' Half column 11.00 It.nO ta.011 MO" ODoeolnron., .,,.,,.10.00 tt.oo so.oo co.00 Yearly advertlarment payable quarterly. Trnii alent acfrertmenent moat br paid for beforelnairlea except wbert parties Hare (ocounte. Ural admtlsrtnenl two dollara per Inch fortbree InwrUona, aa( at mat rate for addltlonallnsf rlloaa without reference to letflti. Nieeutor', AmloWtrator1 and Auditor's notice! three dollars, Mist tie paid tor wlicu Insetted. Transient or Local nollcea, twenty cenlB aline regular adTertltement half rates. Cams In Hie "liualness Directory" column, one dollar par year for each lute. Poetical. AFTER THE bt at, a. x. 1. rurr. Hush, my pretty one. Not yet. Walt a little enlr wait. Other bluo Mowers are as w et As your eyes, outslda tho gate Ho has shut forever. nut Is the gate forever shut J Just a young man In tjio rain Saying (the last ttms?) "good-night 1" f-hould ho nover come again Would tho world bo ended cjulto ? Where would all theso rose-buds go? All theso robins ? Do you know ? But-ho wilt not como f Why, thon, Is no other within call ? There are men and men, and men And theso men are brothers all 1 Kach sweet fault ot his youll And Jost as sweet In all his kind. None with eyes llks his ? Oh-oh ! In dinner ones did I Look, perhaps, an hour ago. Whose ? Indeed (you roust not cry) Those I thought of-aro not freo To laugh down your team, you seo. Voice like ht was never heard 7 No, but better ones, I vow j Did you eter hear a bird ? Listen, ono Is singing now ! And his gloves J Ills gloves ? Ah, well, There aro glovtsllkc his to bell. At tho play to-night youH see, In mock.vttvet clocks, inock carls With mock-Jew led swords-that ho Were a clown by 1 Now, those curls Are tho barber's pride, I say j Do ot cry for them, I pray. If not ono should love you ? Why, You can love some other still : 1'hlllp Sidney, Shakespere, ay, Good King Arthur, It ou will j Itaphael he was handsomo too. Love them, one and all. I do. Scribncr. A Urn who saw a Mulo Die. "Ain't it a curious thing that nobody er sees a mule die?" remarl-ed an old teamster in Gumbert & Webber's saloon. No man livine ever saw n mulo dip. T pose I" Thus remarked Mr. Daniels, lightineon fresh cigar. "In 1850 I was minine on the South Fork of the Yuba, nnd it came my turn to cook for my gang. Wo took turns each week, you know Woll, I was going to show how economical I could run tho commissary. I went and bought a peck: of dried apples; they were all ttuck togeth er in a lump, but I got 'em jam'd into tho pot poured in some water and started the re. Presently a few of 'em beean to riso p to the top of the pot, and bo I skimmed em off and put 'em iu a pan. Tretty soon tome more bulged up, and I skimmed 'em off and put 'em in the pan. The first thing knew after I had skimmed that blasted pot awhile, I had to get another pan, and then another, and by the time I'd got four pant heaped up full, dang my skin if there asn't more applet in the pans than there wat in the pot. That is, I thought so at the time. I kept getting more pans, and buckets, and lard cans, and all the time umb frightened to death for fear some of the boys would come in and see how extrav agant I was, for I had been blowin' how cheap I could run the mes. The blasted pples still kept a comin' out of the pot. I put Borne apples on the floor and covered em with fruit, and, by Jove, the place look ed like a Santo Clara fruit drying establish ment, and the pot was still billin' lull." "What has that got to do with a mule dyin' ?" "Wait a minute. I'm comin' to the mule. Finally I got desperate and dumped over twelve bushel of the apples back of thecab- n behind a tree. In about an hour I heard deuce of a noise and ran out. What do you suppose I fouud? Why a four hundred nllar ruul kicked in tho agonies of death. The apples were all gone; the mule neurly lie was swelled up like a balloon, and the first thing I knew lie busted Pledge my word, gentlemen, exploded like a giant powder blast, and brought the hole camp to the place. I kent still : thev rmili! not find the mule, and it cont 'em 10 to adver tise a reward fur him ill the Saeramentn Union. About a couple of weeks afterwards they caught two Greasers hanginc around. and they put it up that they stolo the mulo so they huug 'em. I was theie, but did not say a word for fear the boys would find out how Pxtruvanant I run the cnmmlamrv. Let's have something." Virginia Chronicle. While Hair. "Is it possible for a person's hair to turn within a short time!'' There are bo mauy instances on record that there ought to lo no longer any doubt upon tbe subject. In the late Arctic expedition nearly every man's hair became grayer, aud iu some ca ses white, but assumed its natural color when the men returned to lower latitudes. In inuiiy cises the human hair Is said to mv turned gray from grief, extreme care, or su.ldm fright. During un outward pas sage to Australia (sayj a correspondent) the ship I was in suffered greatly in tho British Channel ; twice we were nearly wrecked, liavlug I'M three aticbors und two cables. flie pilot who bud charge was constantly on watch, only snatching a few minute's sleep here and there, as opportunity afford ed On Hie whole, he had a Verv anxious time indetil, nnd wheu he eventually left the ship 1 li the Isle of Wight he certainly looked leuty year older. I thought bis hair had decidely turned grayer; this may however, have been ouly imagination, and therefore ought rather to be considered as au impression thau actual (act. WltLiu thu last few mouths a fresh case of the possi bility of tbe color of hair changing has come under my notice. An old gentleman, aged eighty-nine, residing in my Immediate neighborhood, lately died. Fur many years his hair has been perfectly white, but a few day before his death some of his hair bo- came black, plviug the appearance of hi haviug dark brown or black hair. Here It is interesting to note that in his younger days bis hair was light. Alter the death of this gentlenun the tips of hit hair for about an Inch assumed the original color, became whlto again, I havo lienrl nf an other instance where- alter death thu hair turned from white to black 1) a m rt be affected with regaid lu their hair lu like manuer as human b-iings. I lately read of a case where a black Newfoundland dog bo cin gray In a few weeks, and the wrlr declares that the only cause for this sudden cuuveriiou was griet 1 1