THE COLUMBIAN .AND DEMOCRAT; BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA oWtWpa: Continued from tlpagt Lawrmcli Samuel, Aumt 30, I8fil, tlleil December 30, ISO J, burled In National Cemetery City Point Virginia, section 0, division 8, grave 33. Miller Henry, September.!, ISO 1, muttered out Aluy 31, 18C5. Mills Ja'mei 11, September 1, 1801, mustered out May 31, 18G3. Maury Daniel, August 31, 1S01, mustered out May 31, 1805. Manning Robert, September 2, 180J, mus tered out May 31, 1803. Marteeny Henry, September 1, 1801, died at City Point, Virginia, January 2:), 1805. McCommnns Peter, September 1, 1801, Blus tered out May 31, 1885. Mcllrlda William U, September 1, 1801, iftttcrd out May 31, 1805. Urmsby William .A, September 1, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1865. Pealer Jacob M, September 2, 1801, muster ed out May 31, 1805. Pealer Samuel J; Au;;tut 31, 1803, discharg ed by general order M.irch 12, 1805. Potter Oustavus A, September D, 1S01, mus tered out May 31, 1S05. I'arVs Andrew 11, September !), 18(51, mus tered out M.iy 31, 1S05. Peiler George, September J, 1831, mustered out May 31, 1S05. Palmer Uriah, September 2, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1805. Pursel Robert, September 9, IjOl, mustered out May 31, 1805. Rupert Mellaril, S-ptember 1, .ISO 1, mus tered out Miy 31, 1805. Itoyer William, August 31, 1S01, mustered out May 31, 1805. llobblns James 1, Auust2r, 1S01, mustered out May 31, 1805 R.intz Philip, September 2, 1801, died at City Point, Virginia, January 18, 1S05. Schuyler Lewis II, September 2, 1801, mut tered out May 31, 1S05. Stewart Edward, September 1, 1801, muster ed out May 31, 1805. Segar William, September 1, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1S05. Shutt Henry, September 0, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1805. Shaffer John, September 0, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1805. Sllfe Lepo, August 30, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1805. Sharp John, September 12, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1805. Stadden Joseph H, September 1, 1805, dis charged by special order April 3, 1805. Smith Loomis II, September 2, 1SG1, desert ed September?, 1801. Thomas William, September 9, 1801, died at Alexandria, Virginia, April 20, of wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Unangst William H, September 2, 1804, mustered out May 31, 1805. Unangst Abraham, September 2, 1801, wounded at Fort Steadman, Virginia, March 25, 1SG5, discharged by general order June 24, 1805. Vanover Samuel, September 9, 1864, mus tered out May 31, 1805.' Warner John B, September 9, 1804, mus tered out May 31, 1805. Wenner Thomas, September 9, 1804, wound ed at Fort Steadman, Virginia, Marcli 25, 1865, discharged by general order June 19, 1865. Whitmire Amos, September 9, 1804, mus tered out May 31, 1805. Weaver Samuel A, August 31, 1804, wound ed at Fort Steadman, Virginia, March 25, 1805, discharged by general order June 20, 1805. Yocum Miles S, September 9, 1801, mustered out May 31, 1865. Yinger George, September 1, 1S01, mustered out May 31, 1805. The Regiment was organized at Camp Curtln, September 10, 1801. It was then sent to the front and was engaged in fatigue and picket duty, seeing some service, how ever. On the 25th .March, 1865, occurred the battle at Fort Steadman, in which the regiment behaved very gallantly. On the 2nd April Fort Sedgwick- was captured niter a severe contest. Engaged thereafter in railway work, to Nottoway Court House, where it remained till April 20th. Thence to City Point, thence to Alexandria, where It went into camp, and ou May 31, 1805, was mustered out. Young Folks, Sam's Itlribilay. On the nineteenth of last month, Sam could and would have testified, from infor mation and belief, that he was "eighteen ycaha ol,' gwine on nine j" but on the morn ing of the twentieth, that interesting infant of color was informed by his mother that he was "nineyeahs ol', gwine on ten. "Iloo-e" he cried, "whut a pow'ful while I inus' ha' slep' I Or else I grovts wusa ah' datarJonu's gourd you tol' me 'bout, whut wuz only u teenchj leetlo simblin at night, and got big as de hen-house afore morniu early tun up. Uml hey I look heab, mammy, is I skipped any Christmuss esf" "'o, chile," replied hU mother; "you aint skipped nullin. DU U yo' buirday; de 'feels ob which I", dat it's Ues so many ycahs sence you wuz fust homed. I don't know how't '11 be, Sam, folks is sim'lar to de cocoa-grast, whut grows up mighty peart, tell 'long come somebody widn hoe to slosh it down, but ef you libs long enough, an' nutlin happen, you'll- keep ou habbin a buff-day cbry yeah wunst a yeah till you dies. An' cbry time ygu has one, bqu, you'll be one yeah older." "Fine way to get gray-headed," said Sam. At Ibis moment a mighty crash rebounded from the kitchen, down stairs, and Aunt PhiUis descended the steps with great pre cipitation. Then Sam beard her shouting, angrily: "You, Iiosel Oh, you bettab git, you mean ole no-'count rascal I I do 'cpUe a hun' dog!" Sam went on with his toilet, musing, the while, upon the probability of his ever get ting to be as old as Uncle "Afriklu Tom my," who was ih'e natilarch of tho t.lantn. lation, and iopularlv fcUlmoaetl tn lift "rliiM onto" two hundred yiars of age; aud who " won io aver mat when lie arrived in that part of the country, wheu ho was a boy, the tqulrrrls all had two tails apiece, '"o Jii.8ia.ippi juver was such a small stream that people bridged It. on oceanlnn. with a lencc-rail. Thus meditating upou me glorious possibilities of his future, Sam got ready for breakfast, anl went down. It was not unlil ho lad absorbed an enormous quantity oi frUd pickled-pork and hot com cakes, and dually with reluctance ceased to tt, that his mother told him what had cauted lLo noise a little while before, how old hue, the fox-hound, had with felonious Intent come into (he kltihen, and surrepti tiously ".upped up" tho chlikeu-fcoup that had been prepared for Sam's birthday break fast; aud further, how tho said delinquent had added insult to contemptuous ly smashing the bowl he bad tmplled. Sam, however, was too true a philosopher to cry Jong over sjiilt milk or soup, lie reflecled'lbat the breakfast ho bad Just tak en would prevented eating any soup, even If ho bad It. "I ln't Injyrubber," ntlil he to himself, with which beautiful and happy thought his frown win superseded by a smile, the smile developed Into his normal grin, ninl ho began to chant an appropriate stanza from one of his favorite lyrics "O-o o-old Undo John I A n-a-amit Sally Goodln I When you got onough enrn-bred It's dea as good as puddin'." The excellent Aunt Plilllis was much af fected by this na.lnt-.lte conduct on tho part of her son. Sho sighed! fearing that the boy wss too good to live. "NemmInd,Sam," said she; "you needn't tote no wood to-day, or fotch no water, or do nufTin. Go down to de quarter, and git Pumble to play vld you." Pilmblo was a boy who In age and taste corresponded closely Willi S.nn, as be did In complexion. His real name, at full length, was I'uinblechoolr, ho having been so christened at the itntance of M ibs'r Georgo in honor of the immortal corn-aud-seeds-man. OfT went Sam In search of his boy; and bo found him at the b.ick of the mater nal mansion, splitting up plna knots fur kindling, bam approached him with a very slow, dignified step, and a look of com miseration. "Hey, nigger!" said Sam, "d it's all you tit for, is to work. Why don't you bo a gemman like me, whut alnt-a-gwlno to do a licit o' wori dis whole day ?" "Done runned away, is you ?" answered Pumble. "'.Veil, I'll come round dis eben- in, when de ole oomau gibs you a dose ob hickory-tea." "D.U'lldo, boy;" ,a!d Sam. "I,et you tnow dii is my b'llTd.iy, an' I wont work for nobody, on my bulT-diy. Go ax yo' mamma kin you come up an' play wid me : tell her my mammy sunt word for you to come. Pumble dropped the hatchet, started ecs tatically, and ran in to obtain tho desired permission. It was granted, Then this dialogue occurred : "Iloagood chile I" "Yes 'm." "Don't forgit yo' manners !'' "Xomo." "'Member you's my son I" "Yes 'm." "Oou't you git into no mischuf I" "Nome." "Kf you dose, I'll w'ar you out, sab I Now go 'long!'' Tho boys trotted merrily away together. Cut they had not gone fifty rods beforo they heard Pumble's mother calling him. They stopped to listen. "Tale-leer ob yo'clo'sl" sho shout ed, and then went back into her house. Under a great pecan-tree, on the lawn bo fore the "big house," Sam and Pumble sat down to consider and consult, or, as they expressed it, "to study up whut us gwine to do." "Snlll I tell a story?" asked Pumble. "Does you know a good one ?" inquired Sam, "Dis story's gwine to be a new one," said Pumble, "beakase I'll make it up as I go 'long." "Tell ahead," said Sam. "Wunst upon a time "began Pumble. "What time?" interrupted Sara. "Shut up I Wunst upon a time. Dey wuz a man. An' dis heah man lighted up be pipe, an' started out ou tie big road. An' he went walkin' along. Right stret along. An' walkin' along, an' walkin' along, an' walkin along. An' imffiii' along. An' walkin' along, an walkin' alomr " "Dat man wuz gwine all de way, wuzn't no I interjecteU the listener. "IIo hadn't got no way, hardly, yit," said rumuie, "but ho kep' a walkin' along. An1 walkin' along, an' walkin' along, an' walk in' along, an' walkin' along, an' walkin' along ." 'Stop dat walkin' now.' sniil Rim .,i tell whuT he done wheu bo got froo walk- in-. "He come to do place he wuz a-gwine to,1 said Puuible, 'Did he, sho, enough ?' exclaimed Sam 'I wuz kinder skeered he wudn't nebber git uar at an. wnut did he do nex' !' 'Do nex' t'ing he done,' said Pumble. im preasively, 'wuz to turn right 'round an' go oacs: wuar ne come Irom. An' dat's all ' As was his invariable custom when deen ly Impressed, Sam began to sing, Pumble juiiung in : "Jay-bird a-settin On a swiugin' limb, He wink at Stephen, Stephen wink nt him ; Stephen pint de gun, Pull on de trigger, Off go tie load Au' down come de nigger !" SI, A'icholcu for May, Tearless Lunatics. One of tho most curious facta connected with madness is the utter absence of tears amid tho insane. Whatever the form of madness, tears are conspicious by their ab sence, 89 much in the depression of melan cholia, or the excitement of mania, as in the utter apathy of dementia. If a patient in a lunatic asylum be discovered in tear?, it will bo found that it is either a patient beginning to recover or an emotional out- break in an epileptic who is scarcely truly msiiuc, wuiie actually innane patients ap pear to havo lost tho power of weeping j it is only returning reason which can ocr0 more unloose tho fountain of their tears. .veil when a lunatic is tellln-r one In fervid language how she has been deprived of her children, or tho outraecs that have leen perpetrated ou herself, her eye is never even moist. Tho ready gush of tears which ac companies the plaint of the sano woman contrasts with the dry eyed appeal of the lunatic, it would indeed teem that tears give relief to feelings which, when pent up, lead to madness. It is one of the privileges of reason to be ablo to weep. Amid all the misery of the insauo they can find no relief In tears. Jlritith Medical Journal, A private letter from London says : 'Cap taiu Schenley died n few diys ago. He was, with the exception of 'Prelaw ney, who is still living the last survivor of the ptrty of friends, Including Lord Ilyrou and Leigh Hunt, who burned the body of Shelley ou a funeral pile after the ancient fashion, and ho was present when the poet's u-hes were deposited In the Protestant burial ground at Rome, near the grave of Keats. Captain Schenley was at Waterloo, and nearly forty years ago caused great excite ment in the vicinity of New York by his elopement with Miss Croghan, a noted heir ass, of Pittsburg, Pa., then at school on Stat- eu Island. He leaves an estate alucd nt from ,7,000,000 to 110,000,000, and a large family of daughters. VlLSi.LW.aiEARCHER titdiii'iuiMMi iii'...... .1-1.1 fill liflWfra. ln llliuulUih.iii...i.. Cfhtfftlth, HtMi ItivniMMiarirnir. mi child ef Err ., Mt. S. SmtUt0rt Uf Irwin. H. 1- fctLLLPJ 4 tU, THOMAfl II. 11 A HTM AN, ALBERT llARTHAN, TUB RED FRONT, MOYERS' BLOCK, HARTMAN BROS,, DKALKU3 IN TKAS, CANNED I'llUlT, CIOAXIS, TOBACCO. SKNTFF, CONFECTION EltY. Splcss of all kinds, Glass & Qu:cnswaro, FINE GROCERIES, foreign and Domcstio Fruits, AND Gi:.T.llAL I.INH OF Family Provisions 4th door tiflow Moikct street, rinotrwtranr, l'a. tr (loodi deUAcred to All parts ot the town April 'T. -71-lf ANTI-FAT Tho CHEAT KEMEDi- tar 0O3FL3PTJXji333Nra3n. ALLAX'S ANTI-FAT It pnrrly rcretaM ami perfectly harmless. It net! nrtlnns, U will rduec fat pervon from two to flr pound prr Ml'tk. "(,'orpitUitco Is not only a elites1 ttftlf, but the harblriKir of tlnri-M bo wrote Hippocrates two jears npo, and what was true llicn Is fioue tlifi less so to-Oaw !ol(l nv lrimMit, or cent, hy express, upon re cclpt of tlO. gnartcr-dozen $t00. Address, DOTANIC MEDICINE CO., ' Proprietor JSnfato, X. T- May 24, '7S.-3m PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE, The attention or the traiclllnir public 13 respect fully invited to sime of the nierfis ol this ereatlilgb way.ln the confident assertion nnd belief that no otuer lino can offer equal Inducements as a route of iuivuu uuit;,, ill Construction and Equipment THE PF'NSYLVANIA RAILKOAD stands confeywdl at the head ot Amerlcanrallwns-s, luo iracK is uouDiotlio entire lenstm of tho line, of sU'Ol rails laid on heavy oak lies, which are embed ded In a foundation ot rock ballast eighteen Inches In dptli. All brldfres are of Iron or btone, nnd bulit uuui, uiuil u(iprucu puns, its while eminently snfo nnd mhamni nasspncpr earn. istantlul, nro at the same time models ot coinlort and elegance, THE SAFETY APPLIANCES n iU-,0 on this lino well illustrate thofar-seclnL'snd ! i JJrX01'"?.!! 119 nanngemcnt.ln accordance llh which the utility only of nn linproiement and not Its cost has been tho nuesilon of consideration. THE BLOCK SYSTEM OP SAFETY SIGNALS, JANMEY COUPLES, 3U7FEE and PLATrOMI, THE WHAI1T0N PATENT SWITCH, AND THE V7ESTINOH0VSU AIE-SBAEE, formlhg lti conjunction with a perfect double track nr,",,! ivii iJ5 V u"lyuu . ' ""eirrarus against posslbie " 'euutitu iuvui luacucauyim Pullnian Palace Cars are run on all Express Tralus I'rom v Vorh, IMiilaIt lilitiit Jlnltlinorf nml UBIIIIIWIUII, To t'lilcugo, I'jiidiiiiuil, l.uiil.tlllr, and M, l.miU, ndliinnpollM WITIIOI'T CHANGE, and to nil principal points In Hie tar West and South Willi imi oi.e change of cur-, counectluns are made in I jiion Depots, i.nd aie assured to all Important TUB SCENES. V OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOUTE Is ai 'nil led lo Im tinsuipassed In llio world for gran ..I'i'm' U-Ly "I'd orleiy. Mikrrlor relieshmtnt fa Ulliles bib prov ided. Kinployecs ure courteous aud atti iilli e, nud It Is an Inctltablo risult that it trip by --(- d uuiwt4 1UUOI tut m A PIciciig ia . L'eacraUs Esperience. Tickets for SHl-nt the lowest rates nt the Ticket lovlns1 Company in all lmportunt tltlis and Fit INK TIKIMI'SON, lit in rat Manager. I. 1', KAHMEH, Cen'l 1'usseuger Agent, J. K. SliOEJIAKElt, Pass. Agent Middle lMst., febl 'IS-ly ''liNorlUTlilrdt,"'ctt "'"rlsburg, 1'. If you aiu a inaiioi busines, weslenedbyihottraln ,.,vu, uiiuiDi u.uiu Miuiiiuiuii, nun iuko 11 Ur UITT10KS. If you are a man of letttrs, tolling cvir jour bl.'ht woik, to testore Lraln ur.d it no wiute. mid. take l lift' fSlTTJiiiS. If ynu nro young, and sunerlns from my lnols cation or (llahljnllun.tuko HOP HITTERS. 3f )ou are marrleU or nliijr!o, tlrt r joiTujf, HufferliiE Qt blcklK-hH, WkQ HOP JiPlTEPS. Whoever j ou are, uhrrerer joiiare. wheneier sou feel that jour Bjstom needs cleantlng, toning orblluiumtlng, without intoxicating, luke HOP lilTTJSKS. HavoiidjsrTSla, kidney or urlnarr complaint, dlse iu of I tit Ktunacli, loweln, tiioul, lUer, or i.ei es v You will 1 o . ured If j ou take HOP BITTEKS. Ifjouuie Umily tlllrg, are weak and low spli. It'd, tri HI liuylt. Insist upon It. our druggists keeps it. HOP BITTERS. It may sate jour life. It has raved hundreds. V . , . S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. Genoral Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oare and Dispatch. I am prcfiued to make drawings, Plans and Modtls In Wood, Draw, iren. or the above msterUls combltej us necessary of, Mines, Ereairrr, Bulldingi, Engine:, M'Jirc, and all kinds ol machinery for use of cases al Court or for appacallonstotecure jateuta. 1'uirnts Hrruicil. marchW, UIS- BLANK 0'ir!.l.llL orlltoueiBptU) to'ioautttvounouMOMB. AT i'MVATK SALE, Willow Valo Estate The A Valuable property, Ijlng In Frankllh tonnshlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on the enst branch ot Itoarlnccrcck. ltconslstsot a btautltul farm ot about ISO .A. CRE9, on which nro erected a roinmodlous and eomforta- blo Dwelling House, a large Hank l.arn, Cider Tress, and a'l necestarj oul-biilldlngs. It lias growing upon It abundance. t,f c(ilki,t lrult, has a well of water nt both tho dwelling linuso Hint barn, and la conTenlent ot access by public roads. Adjoining and liclngn jmrt tf the miine.biitvlllbe sold wparniely If ileslrul, hliriit live ecus ol tho above land J, w ben on i;l e ( ft cU d a lurge utr.vro.M, hhist and fuifuiNo mill, with four run of stone, u liwclllug House, a saw Mill, a Dry Hoods f tore and Dwelling Ilouso. nnd other Improvements, log" with the water-power and appurtenances t hi n to. Tho Wllliiu vttlt- I'.ist Ofllco Is on thopicmties. Itlswlihln easy renchof t'nta wlssa, Cintralla, AUiIhu.I, siounl I'armilund other mining towns for market purioses. The property Is bounded by lauds of Miinson, and Artlej', nnd fchei ts, and li. llower and others. The twodescilbed properties will bo sold separately or together to suit punhisus. For terms apply to Kilns Mcnd.niliall, E. It. llilukeror John (l.riccze, nt Uloomsburg, I'cnn'u. Icb. 8, 7 tf fi r I l" nreatrnancG lo make money. If you l 1 1 I I 1 1 Clin Bet Kblil ou can gi t grccn J LJ YJ bucks. need a pcrsun i-vcry-where to take subscriptions to the laigest. ilieapcst and best Illustrated pulllculion lu lio world. Any one can become a sucimftil agent Tbemnst elegant works of urt given rreetosi.bseilbers. The price Is so low that almost everjoodysuiiHcrlbes. linopgcnt reports making Mir I'ru In n wrck. A lady ngent reports taking over Jon subM'i Iters In ten dnjs. All who engage make money toucan devote fill j'our lime lo the tuslncs, tr inly jour spare time. You need not 1 awav Irom homo over night. Youcundo ItusweUns othtis. Full partic ulars, dlrecilons nnd terns fin e Llegni.t and ex pensle omtlt Iree. if ou want prolltable work send us j our address rtince. It cofcts nothing to try tho business. No one w ho engages falls to mako great Addnss ''lho Pupil's .loutnsl," I'oit- laca, SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases op the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Blem ishes arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle marvelously clear, smooth and pliant, and being a wholesome beautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages of Sul phur Baths are insured by thf. use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and TREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayncss of the hair. Vhysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake ; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. B. The 50 cent cakes are triple the sue of those &1 35 cenu. "UUiVS HAIR AND WHISKER DYE," Black or Brown, 30 Cents. C. If. CMTTESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. EtccmljcrlJ,ni:-iy Q-IEWEGG- &c BOWS, MANUMOTURINS OP f jne, y IGHT AND ttEAVY REPOSITORY, N. E, Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sts., Philad'a. .B.-SiriISI0 M1TLT ATTKSDIO TO. BUCKS TillS OX SIOKIOS. manh l, lsis-sm $45 pntrwiriw vTrif nvnriiitv tttPin-wiiHlrr.l reti v, lthe trr order. Out Jlt Inti, J, II. (Jrtj lord i ( u., Uiimuo, 111, au'. lj, 'tT-ty it (J PATENTS-! obtain ed for namcai ue- IllPdlOOl tner coin- Sounds, ornnmciilal tlrsitriH, trade marks, and la els, caveatt-, AsfeUnmenls, InUTfrn-nct-a, Appeals, suits for lnfrlnj,i'mrjtti, cod oil cases ml slug under Inventions That Havo Seen T1 I Vi 'MMiMS b' tle patent olllcemay Svlau ILv'Xl!ljl-uillninoht pat en U'd bv us. lttinff epp-ifelte tiie patent oDl'e, we can make closer scarchej, and secure patenta more promptly, and with broader claims than thobo wlio are remoio rrom a.vlilnt'ton. INVENTORS tend us a mtdel cr bketchef our deUco ; ne make examinations trie ol inarce.uud udvlbe nsta patf nt ablllty. All iorriiK;i.cin e fclrlitly coniluentlal. Trices low nnd NO CI1AIK1E UNLESS l'ATKNT IS t-fcCUllKl), We refer to cniilalH In lho Patent Ofllce, lo ourcll cnts In eicry (tutu or tiie I'Uuu, nncl to jour Mna tor and HiprcficlolUe m ConirreM. bptclul refer ences (,'tvcn uhtn diblred, Audroba C. A. KNOW CO., Opposite TateLt Office, Vi ublilngton, V. C. aprll 5, 'Il'tf Steel and Iron OK Triple FlaXLgo FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Patnt In.ld Bait Work aud lllog.d Cap. 0 UFI COHPUTI WTTHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 84 Malaea Laae, Xwi WUliw H, doc I, l.jl-ljf IWTOab TljlSfAflSKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, H 733 Siisom St., PHILADELPHIA, Ulio ar our nutborlEed agento, and will receive AdvcrlUeuieiitii at our VOWKHT CASH 11ATKH. PUBLIC SALE" HAND BILLS Printed tit thin Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, s aino. a u. li . 'ii-iv Bega lenvo to inform his customers nnd tlic jniblio that liis stock is now rejileto with nil tho Novelties for Spring nnd Slimmer "Wear, consisting of new nnd beautiful styles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN (AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT REDUCED PRICES S any ot which ho is prepared to make up in tlic latest style. licady-mudo cothiii": clicapcr tluin cvrcr. Cheap Suits for men, 15oys lor nil of tho host mnko nml Just received n fulljino of nil tho wm, uva, mm, For Men, for Youths, for Koys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBBZVTEB PEARL (raff) SKIRT BAYIB LOWMBE1G, MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBTJKa, Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBTJRG, FA.., 18 TUB I'LAUE TO OET TUP. WOUTII OP VOUIt MONEY IN TIIE FINEST AND FKEMIE3T OF Fancy Imported and Domestic.Staple Groceries of Every Description, Qageusware. Glassware, Woid anft Willowware, Flour tmi Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, OU NICE F11ES1I PU0DUCE, Jan'7. Thou Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, SSluTanil save one-third tho cost of painting, and get a paint that is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AH LONO AS ANY OTIIEIl PAINT. Is prepared ready lorusoln white or anv color in luu uuuiiiiy. luuuv Ul ni CHEMICAL PAINT has tal Colnrs ent free. AddresH N. Y. EN A M K I. PAINT CO., us rnnco street, N. Y., or 1IENKY L. BEST business you caMeneaee In. tAtoti) ner day made bvanv worker or eliher bex, right In their own localities. Par ticulars and sample worth 5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Addiess bTiNRON Co., Portland, Maine. march si, 'is-'y (iLill TIDINGS KOK TUB W'EiK, NEKVOCS AND DE BILITATED. OCR 1 ATB8T IMPKOVID Sll.F-ACTlNO UALVANIC AP- n.UNCES are a, speedy and Pekmanri.t cure for ItheumallRm, Neuralgia. Kidney, Liver and Kemnlo Complaints, Nervous Prostration, Weak Lungs, Hack and Hplnal Irritation and kindred diseases. Prices, Waist licit 3.oo; t-plnol licit for Paralyse and Spinal Aliments, fio.oo, and unuards. Aiinlets, Anklets, Head Hands, Knee Caps,J2.0u each, husptn dersts.w). Illustrated Pamphlet Fee. Address (1AI.VANO-JIKDICAL ASSOCIATION, march 1, 2bT3-ij East Ninth bt., New York. a m cek In your own to n. $a Outfit free. .ik. Jiraaer 11 you waui a uusiuess hlch Derpons ot ellber tex can tnaVo lor partltulnrsto II, IIallf.t A: Co., I'ortUnd.katue. inarch 22, 'id ly GLAZING AND PAPERING. "Tiril. F. BODINE, Tron Street Iielow sec VV ond, Illoomsburg, Pa., Is prepared to do ul kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING. In tho best styles, at lowost prices, and at short notice. Parties having such work to do w 111 save money colling on me. All work warranted to glvo satisfaction. Orders solicited WM. F. BODINE. MarelKl' CHEAP KftNSJS, LANDS ! ! vv e own aud comrol the Hallway Luuds of THEOu COUNTY, KANSAS, about equally divided by the Kansas Paclllo Hallway, whkh wo are selling ut from tt.s 1 to 13.00 per acre, on easy terms of pay ment. These lands are of the my best quality, and ure located In the best wlnternheatandstbckgrow lng dlstiict of the United Males. Alternate Heel Ions of Oovernment land can be taken as houesteuds by actual settlers. Members of our firm reside at Wa keeney, and will show lands stall times. A pam phlet giving full Information of sou, climate, water supply, rainfall, &c., will be sent freo on request. Address, Warren, Keeney & Co., 106 Deariern St. Chicago, Or-Wa-Keener, Treso Co.. Kansas. April 11 3m. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! let'lW'J'e'tf VI '1 A Outdo 10 W.dfiUn ml unhdiiiiAal TnariM on in cUi-rhi unSi tor it t tlit ittu of iteproducilon iuJ mm uucaies or vooit. A Uitik tor I'rlvat. . romid f fhiVAlE MbDICAl. ADVISERI . CM ill d onfrrtul fcTr ivfttft I. at uro trom Bolt Abuaa, ExocH', or See ret Piceiaet, vmli U( A CMNIOAIj LECTuItEon Ih bImjt M tho. uf th Throat inil X unci, Culxrh,Hupluro. ll hrr tn til inM'nMidrtti ti rInf rl nr'Mi or all fVir. (1 pi aug,u,iT-ly It&O S2600 ATIIAII. Arcawuited.lluI. nr.. IrpttlniAte. Particular, free. Aidr..J YOBTU&CO.St Uui..Ha, til aug . ly T. AT4TP.Pt CMl ,t,!or EtecUnci, KccktlM, sc, XUXUUiO li..TAjiTAoi.ti,lor u.atbaalct. in ruuew or ch.nge the color of Uiulr Drcwia, tm, Woolih. or Lurryir, t nominal eo.t, luipartloj If.V? "Uf l7 the u.o ol our u aoio TihtJ. .iSi1' A.VOouji.nt for 11)0 1 Sdinrrentcolonfor zc. t-udlc,cump fyr aamplo and circular. Auo, Our Improvod Post Poison 11 4 un aura and cheap dutroyer of tUDATATA Dlir w n PorTtnt.'Wonn, aad ell Inaerti that I'my tin Vi vtutlou, W arrautud to kill XIVM llDua whtra Pari. Ilr.n trill. , , 0.TttltH..riTou.aadUnot nJorlouatoplaDta. CoUonlir23c.toa0cperacre. I-lb i.uud7,a.of uiUmZW' OurCabbagoWorm Dostroyor I O.TAO, gjjjj,, m .. Trc. i-.O. Poa 8139. OOce.i.ll'rtii.i'ftVS'Vora, may 3d, la-Sin Jico JOI1 PRINTING OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N executed promptly At tub Ooumbun Offiof. IflOMSSSStSS? AgH.-n-ir no Cheap suits for Youths, Children. nt t.lin lnwnsf. nrinns. lntcst styles in color nnd quality of FOB mm SOLD ONLY BY desired. Is on many thousand? ot the finest buildings CHEAP KANSAS LANDS ! ! We own and control tho Itallwav landq of Treo-o County, Kansas, about equally dlUded by the Kan- eua 1 umiu ,iuinvuy, nuiui we are selling ai an average or J3 25 per aero on easy terms of payment.' Alternate sections of Oovernment lands can be ta ken as homesteads by actual settlers. These laDdi lie in tho flreat Llmef tono Belt ef Cen tral Kansas, tho best winter wheat producing dis trict of tho United states, jleldlng from 20 to 85 jM.niir.s jut .irrr. Tho average 1 early rainfall In this eountv Is near IV 83 Inches Tier annum, nne-thfrri trenti-r tlifin ,!n the much-extolled Arkansas Valley, which lias a ji-auj jiuiuuu 01 jesa inuu m lncnes per annum in the same longitude !m urn imiMng ami 11001 iironinir are vpry Hummer. allie. T-0 WlLters are short jind mllrl. stiirlf will live all the sear on gross! Living streams and Spring"! are numerous, l'ure water Is found In wells from 20 to CO feet deep. Tho Ilrnllhlest Climate In tho W orld I No fet er and ague there. No muddy or linnossablo roads, l'lentv nr nnu hntuitm. u.n. Ilmeandsand. These landsarobelngrapldlysettlert and 111 so appreciate In value by tho Improvements now being mude as to make their purchase at pres ent prices one lho very best lnteslmems that can 1j nude, nsldo Irom tho pronts to bo derived from llitlr cultivation. Members of our firm reside In Wa-Keency. ond will show lands at any time. A pamphlet, ghlng full information In regard to soil, t Ilmate, water supply, ic, will bo sent Ireo on re quest. Address Warren Koeney & Co., 106 Dearborn St., Chicago, Or Wa-Kccney, Trego Co., Kamas, April 12, le.-lm WHOLESALE OROCEItS, I'uiLADiLrnii, Dealers tn teas, svnurs, COFFEE, SUOAIt, UOLASSES, BICE, SI'ICES, B1CASB SOPA, tC, iC N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch streeta, JfOrders will receive prompt attention. tf ,t4ln,h street nttsburg, Dec. 10, isti. Mcstrs. DIIF.HEIt. HEAT 4; CO. tienllemeu i-Your pnlnta hale given entire sat. ismctlon. I hate used them on a good manydlfler. ent kinds of work, such as Iron, Tin. Wood. Urlck. ic, and never heard any complaint, on the con. t rary, tho w ork stands w cil and lor wear, will in my opinion, stand with any lead In the maiket. When In want of reference luihls city or vicinity you are iiespecifully Tours, , , , , JOHN T. OltAV. rainier and Dealer In l'alnts, ciib, tc STIIICTLY l'UIIB WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST MAltKUT HATES. MONTOUIl 8LATB 1'AINTS. 8 CENTD. JIONTOUIiJIETALLIU WHITE, 8 CENTS. NOSTOUIt METALLIC linoWN, CENTS. OFF C'OLOKS AT THIS FHICE. PURE LINSEED OIL at lowcHt iiinrket rales. charge118 "" &n1 rr,co Uit '"""shed wlUiout atUnUon!nlln,UWes,,y maU wm rM"e l"0 HENRY S. REAV, MANUFACTURER, MOVER 11ROS. BwT,PA. WHOLESALE AGENTS, . IlLooiisBuco, Pa Tt.-ijr. WOMAN. Ilv an Iramenie practice, estendlnir thromh 1 period of years, having within that timo treated many thnuiand eauet of thn.e dlenic peculiar tn woman, I hate been enabled in perfect a moil potent and agreeable medlcino that meets the In dleatlons pre.ented by that class of diseases with posltlte ccruinty andeiactness. To designate; this natural specinc comiwund, I have named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, however, Is but a feelile c tpresslon ol my ltiK)i ii'iireolition of it value, IasccI upon my own personal obBertftllon. As a cloae ob server, I We, white witnesslnu lis imhiiIto re ulta In tho fetripcclal (tiseanes Inritent to the eparatc orrnnism of woman, sin ft Id I it out as tho climax or crowiilitsr gom of nir medical career. On Its merltB, as a positive, safe, ami cdcctual rcmerly for this class of dis eases, ami one that will, at all time nnd under nil Circumstances, act kindly and In harmony with the laws which govern (he female system, I ant wiltlnjr to stake my reputation as a iihyslrtan. Nay, even more, so confident am I that H will not disappoint the most sangufno expectations of a single Invalid lady who usoi It for any of lho ailments for which 1 recommend It, that I nirer nnd ell It under A FOMTIVl! mrAHAN TKH. If a beneficial effect ts not cviiertcnccd by the time two-thirds of tho contents ol the lit tle are ucd, I will, on return of the bottle, two thirds of the medicine having been Uikcn accord lng todiiections.and the case being one fur which I recommend It, promptly refund the money pild for 1L find I not tho most perfect confidence In Its virtues, I could not offer ft as I do under thew conditions; but having witnessed Its truly mlrncii lous cures In thousands ot cases, I fool war ranted nml perfectly aafo In rliklne butli mr rcputallon and my nioiioy on Its merlta. rt The following are among rhne iUmhc in which my Favorite Proscription has work ed cure, as If by magic, and with a certainty rcrcr before attained by any medicine! Iami co rr lima, Kxccsslve Flowing, 1'alnftit Monihlr I'crlnil, Suppressions when from unnatural causes, In egularlllcs, Weak Hack, Prolapsus, or falling o; tho Uterus, Antcvcrslon and Itctrmer sion, Hearing Down Scnrntlnns, Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Deipomlcncv, Threatened, Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, In flammation and Ulceration of the Uterus lmio tener, Ilarrcnncss, or Sterility. Female Wenknc, and Very many other chronlo licenses lnr.ldont to woman not mentioned here. In all affections of this natmc, mv Favorite Prescription works cures tho innrvcl of the ivorhl This medlcino I uo not extol a a cnrc-all. tmt It admirably fnlfllls a Aliigloness of pur none bemg n most perfect b peri He In alt clitonio dlyeacs of the sexual svatom of woman. It will not disappoint, ner will It do harm, In any state or condition. ThoM! who desire further Information on thco subjects can obtain It in TilK 1'koi-LK's Common i?K.NSK Medical Ahvisek, a book of over 900 pages, pent, poit-p.ild, on receipt ot $1.f0. It treats tolnutelv of thn dicn(M irnilinr to Female, and giro mnrh valnalilf muiro iti re gini to the m,i tin gum cut of tlioso nffcclloHi. r.ivoKiri: iiti;scHiiiio.N sold ijv aii DHi:n(;isxs. R. V. PIERCE, H, D., Prop'r, JlUl'lSALO, -V. r. Bop. 'TT-tf i -it -i i.uitl Cniicruii mi'd, lt(nl !ii 3:itrr. . n Lit I II out t . fin; "Mtsm; i,imi t . . ;t nc, ir .U ii 1 1 in. i lu I'urvo t j ii . wivif niivlprn Mclirat, flhrmlml, anil I i.M-ill'Ml trifiiCP. .No U-f uf UiW l"ttKiT i.u iL'puihL, nnd naii-CHin pilln, i vti i.I i In-crii-le, and kirikv Iulti l llent. 1 1. i u!r:m. :i cimmiiI itppticutiiu it m tent I'Mi'ict all tbi rath.'irtlo ;n'l oiher nifli i n... i'1'ii-i'Ulo- fi'iiii the in. n' nu an t lieiti- I ri.hri' iheiu ni' .i inhiuii lit ui iV -r:n'ctly tur-jvr lti.ui it iiintiiril tyi-i'd ill i'.hi be it'.t'hiv ftu.uiiiMrd In lh--cM.( li.t t --i .. .r i' fi'.m.n In nmi f i aidlmM Ui'i'-i. I Ii ii'iu rtirmiilu rt-llcl U'lHt-i'NtH, nta M" I VHir.iuM in in. a- tinn-u nil nib pou-r H I-i'ii. -Iil'iI in.ur of the i.nirf ill (miimiI for h.iUi in i nir-Mi"!!-. Kfciii i ben mohhm f.i: -; i hhit, iii rniiiparNut i tbetr tin: M'npk uho iijfi'i( iii'1 tin-in .nc apt to -iipt" v tlifv nn' i..n ii i.riii-U'h.' in iMlc.-ii luit p-nrh U not at nil tin' i',i-i, iite tliiii'ictit ncilo nii'ilit'iii'il print Ijik'S h m.ium r.ii'v'a i' i'Minii-i hcnirf -ii ii.itiin.ui7el lilt " tHilili-.). '' th tMlei-H. il-t ti I'l'mllHfl it iti.t .c;t r i hint: ami lltiintimli, ut K'Miilj and Uiiuli) upuiutiiiaf. .4iiiur tu . .(KI t' itrd It hi'i ! offrit'd hv 11 e )in pi ii mi- t I I'i' !' IVllfU, t'l lilt. I IH'llii-l Uho, lipmt ., l '.ml in llicm inn' i'i.Ktoit'1 r miicr ftiiniv-of iiii'iLiiry, iuiiicimI pommi, or injiii mu dinj. ' llclnr; rullrrly t I'scltiblc, no cue l ui.Mt'd uiii.u tiin llit'in. Thev opt'uilo wiu.init i lu itii i n Uiui..n, du'J. r ui-iMip ii Ion. r nr .1 mi ml lev, llrmlat hr, t'lMtollpIltliHI' iltlplllf ItliMMl. I. till III I In sliiHllitt'i t, l'ii:litltfH of tltr (' iiv I, lnzlin"-. tnr l.nii'iitiiiMt Itoui tiitt Mtituncli, Ittttl tiilo in llio niinitli. Itll luu- .ttiufUt, 1'iilti in .-t-uluii ol lilit-iii)-, lincriitil Iout, lliiuiir.l t fi-1 i it? n ho ill Mu III ill Ii Kit oil ttf ISIimmI In lli-titl, llluli-aiilori'l ('rim', I'lifii-!:! iilUM ai ii it (sjitKiit)' i iM'iuMliii:t, t.itt' Dr. kMi'Mc'w I'lca-itiit lu i cull l'cl- ljt-4. in I'xpiuti'tti m of in' m -n.l pov.t-r i f m Purjf.iTlic I'cluii otcr o grtMpit -.arictv of ih-i'.i i-t, I wlih pi sin' tint t!iilr m litm iiImiii Hit nnlitiiil rt'onoiiM i uiiUtr--:tl. li ii I it uluiitl or II -- i-i-:ipln tliclr -..tiuiti-to I in r--. Ai: d-i-a u-.i itiipiiir tlic prui-cnii's oi ihe-t' I't-Ili-i. Tno. uiu uirar-c-Msed and inclo-rd in jtLi-h Iml'lt'-, ilu-ir vtriniM bfing tncit'DV pM'Tiovi'ii luitnip nifi f"r .Uiv ItMiuili f tutit.'. in iinv uinu.i i' mi tbc arc iilu.r iren and rcti.iliU'. l'n i- not u.c c:ig Willi tlitiiC ptlit Mhicn ate fill nu m cm-ui uiiivivti or pi u'lMiard b.if-, f r all ilt i-f - 1 1 t'i e .i l.;t vati , lu i .it i or Ciirtfiitl ! n u' v.t im1 ,.t t W I 1--C tou UKi-'t pt'lffCt'llou t.lii li II l' tlH'Ill. 'j'lii'y lire (ilil by .ill Ilrii;; i iil a Iti'tilc. i ft- at i-j J I ill f . Va,a ill, i I I O. N, sep. 2. n-tf Tho Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durable, Tho Most Popular or SEWING MACHINES. It ca.llj- tinder.tooil, make the doublo-lliread locb-.tttcli, ha.aelr reiilatluc Irn.lun. anil take-up, and xcUl do the whole range of family irorfcwltlioiit chance. The " Domr.tlcK mail,ln the most durable iiiir, with tonUal ittel leartnoe and compentattng Jouriiul. throughout. ' PAPER FASHIONS. The$e popular IA-TT33IVNS for ludlei', mU$et, and children'! drett, are cut on a .j-.teni .upcrlar la liny in use, and can be understood by unf otic. J'mII dlreclluun una Illu.tralion. on eaeh envelope. Send Vive Cents for Illustrated Cata logue of lOOO i'o.Iilom. Sowing Machine Co., New York.. I. W. HARTMAN, Agent "Domestic" Farer FasMons Bloomslmrfi;. December H, IjlMy PATENTS. Si fL u,ore '"t face or the courta, promptly attcLdcd to. chareenuuie tCl."0"1 fort(reiir. WIHTAU'al IIAt.N.)I III' H'll.ll Cllliltltr WISTAlftt IIAlJiAM OK Wll.l) fllKIlltV WISTAIfS IIAI.SAM OK Wll.ll ClllihltV WIHTAll'H II A 1.1 AM OK WILU CllltllltY WINl'AHH IIAI.SAM OK WIL1I (JIIKItltr WISTAH'H IIAUSAM OK WILD OIlEltltV Koit ( Ol'lllH AND COMM. Yon Cncuii.t and I'oi ik, YOn t'Ol'QIII ANlt OOMIS, KOH CUVUIM AMI L'otjm, rull H'lNT.Ul'H IIAr.SA.1f usk wmr n iiai.sam VHK WIHTAlfH 1IALMAM USK WISTAICU UAldAM OV Wll.l) Chsbrt. ok Wild Uiiriirt. fl U ii ii nut ...... KO POBIl TlIIIOAT Yon foil It TllFutT Yon Hour tiikoat l'Ull SOHK'lllKiUT IWH WIMTAlt'S IlfK WIHI'Alt'.l HAUL, USK WIlTAIt'lt IIAIflAM USK WISTAH'.S IIALSAM t f Willi Cherry. Of Wild Cherry. Of Wild t hcrry. nr t ii., ... ...... For Ilonrscnesi nml Croup For llonrtieiii'H-tnnd Croup Kor'nu.mtnd croup For lln.inteintva nj croup IWK WISTAIfti ll.l,SM IIHI5 WIMTAH'H 1IAI.-AM VB WLSl-AlfS HAIJAM Of W ild CHorry. of W illi riwrry. of Wild Cherry , If U till I I....H. For Whooplnif Cousli ' ' For Wlijo ltif Couifit For Whooping i'oukIi For Wlioojilutf Coul'U cms'.i 1MUSAM J;2!5 W'-TAifd jiausam ITSK WISTAIi'rt IIALHAM USi: WISTAIfS UALSAM Of Wild Cht rry. Of WIM Chciry. or Wll.l Cherry. ror.Uthmaandlnnuenr.,, u' "IM Cherry For AHtluuitnnd ImltiebZA, lor Aslhiua uud Inilucnzn, For Asthma and Inllui'nzti, rsi: his r ties iiamam IISKWItrAU's HM.SA.M I'SrS WISTAItM IIALSAM Usti W IS'l'AK'S 1IALMAU.' Of Wild Cherry or Mllil cherry of wild Cherry. ForllrouehlllanniU'onsuirptlon, ' W1M VLl't!r- 1 or uroi.chltis nml Coiisumpiioii, lor Iironchltli aoil Consuniptfon, l or lirouchlih unci ( oiisumpilou. lK lVISTAH'H HAtilAU VbH nitTARH I1A1.SA1I l8K Wl.TAH'ri BAIJiAlt lK WlsrAlt's BALSAM Of wllil eherrr. I if lid cherry, orwilitciieiry. Of wild chtrry. For rnlu inlhoRldettiHlbrenst, . . ,ui ... nu: diuu UIIU UieiLhl, tor pain In tho slno nnd hrensl. tor pulii In the sldn and breisi. 1'MEW1STAK8 BJIJ1AM I'BR WISIAR'B BALS1U VSR WISTAII'H BlUiSI I'SS WISTAHB BAlJAU or wild cherry. Of wll.l cherry, or lid cherry, or wild cherry. ForDlfilcultyof Ilrealhlnff, . u. i.iiiii,iiiij it, ,ireauilDlf, For pinieuliyot HreatUnS, For Dirucully of Ureal Wag, rsR wisrAit'a nnjHM CSK WITrAIl'S BALSAM I'SH ISTAIl'8 BALSAM USE WISTAR'a BALSAM Of wild cherry, or wild cherry or wild chetry ForLlrer.-Complamt, of wild cherry For Lltrer.Ooinplatot, Kor Mver Complaint, For Llver.Compialnt, faK WISTlR'd BALSAM CBKWISTARa BALSAM I'SHWISTARS BALSAM CSW18TAR'S B1UAM Of wild cheriy. Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. ., Of wild cherry. For all I) teases of tho mmf For all Ill-eases of tho Forall Diseases of tho For all Diseases of tho Throat, Lunpi and Chest, Hiroat I.unirs and Chest, Throat, Lungs and Chen, Throat, Lungs and Chest, USE WIKTAR'K BALSAM USE WISTAH'S BALSAM CSB WISTAR'S BALSAM I'SE WISTOR'S BALSAM Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry, UK. and 11 a bottle, roc. and f 1 a bottle, wo. ana ll a bottle. Wc. and tl a bottle. vi mm cuerry. sold by all I)rug-gl3t. Sold by all IirugicIsU. Sold by all Drugglsta. Sold by all Druggists, Or.A,G,OLIN,SII.i k.rli..uor Oj. R.r.mnri Krhonl.lMM Bo RMnUTT. bM lb. i.i ma In lb. v. a. I.AU1ES BOoHo l,a Vr It ata bom. jnd bnuj, rail n rit.. Vrny enraounc f Vfmu s,n.l f.. of !iblr Hood. ...4 rlr- MARRIAGE GUIDE uliif aViiil inlil Hat Btmii t,r h..! k .... 1 1 iatata. i '- Vu i. . . ' r US. , i """ r",1' W"i.".iM 1.1 lho cUmplaUn. nawa. Hj la b" I -ill, .n.i U ,1, I,., In Ih. I aug. IT, T7-ly ii t c RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pHILADKU'lIA AND KEAD1NQ 110 AD AltJlANOKMENT OF rASSENOEll TKAINS. Jlayis, lsis. TRAINS LEAVE RCrERT AS J0L10W8 (SCKBAT HCLfTE For New .ork.Fhlladelphla, Heading, 1'ottMUla Tainaqua,ic.,ll,43a.m For Catawlasa, u,.5 u. m. 7,20 and J,80 p. m For WUllamsport, c.28 t,u a. m. and 1,00 p. m'. TRAINS TOn RUPERT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (8CNDAT BX CEPTED.) Leave New York, 8,.s a. ra. Leave I'hUadelphla, ,15 a. m. nIfJ.TeIieaU,lff' "'3Ja' m- fotuville.u.isp.m and Tamaqua, l,u p. m. Leave C'atawlssa, o,!0 8,bo a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave UUamsport.n,.! a.m,.,15 p. m. and 5.00 p m JiTT,? "'""omNewTorkana rhUao phla o througa ithout change of care. J. K. WOOTTEN, C O, HANCOCK, ueneral Wanagtr. General iicktt Agent. NORTHERN COlll'ANV. CENTHAL RAILWAY NOUTUWAIID. Erie Mail 6.20 a. m., arrlt e Elmlra n . , " Canandalgua. . , s.35 p. m Hochestcr 5.15 Niagara. 9 ,0 Htnovo aecommodallonll.ii)a.m.Ilrr,to UUUlIn8 rtl!.Mip. m. Buffalo Express T.15 a. m. arrh 0 Iiuflalo 8.M a. m SOUTilWAllD. Uuiralo Express ilu a. m. arrive IlarrUburg iM a. m -u,,.Mfcla,h,jxI;, " Washington ii iinm. ..uttiuiuro ' " WaiJUngton 8.30 narrtsburg accommodation e.40p.m.arrlta Harris nurgli).6op.m. "arris arrive llalllmoro !.ss a. m KrteMal,, a.m.armeaS:", " " llalllmoro s.40 I AU dally except Sunday. ttaM"et0' " D. M. 110 YD, Jr., General l'akwngcr Agen A. J. CASSATT, General Manage D Er A WA R E, LACKAW'A N M A ANB UMTKltN HAlLltOAD. IILOOMSHURQ DIVISION. Tlme-lablo No. , Takes effect at ..-so A. M MONDAY, NOVE.MUKH n Isle. KortTir. STATIONS. p.m. ii.m. a.m. fin TT TIT km. 11m. n.m. 0 uo 0 tm 8 01 IB IIS til 1(1 8 U T l B 87 T 83 8 ti HI 8 SI T SI 83 la Seranlon 43 9 M V 81 8 l 9 SO 83 9 90 IB 8 83 5 80 9 tS .11 a r.w .. iieuevue,,... .-.Tatlonuie,., Lackawanna... lu 111 111 4 IIIBIUU, .... . W'est lHUton. 10 M 8 48 ttf 9 1.. ... 'iwwiiw 10 11 9 51 Q 56 111 ir. a .a 9 7 18 8 18 11 VI) 8 04 7 M in . ... i iZ ; J iii m ......Hennoft, ... : 7 15 8 17 9 05 Klneuiin 5 8 17 9 15 .V." KlSSfSS" 1 I'J I 110 7 Id 15 7 (II 8 19 7 08 8 09 5 58 a 04 54 3 II US 111 8 59 8 65 B 51 8 4S 8 41 8 80 8 19 8 14 8 OS 8 18 7 58 7 54 7 4S .. . R UlKOWIl. ... JJM IM 7 86 10 85 9 91 7 40 0 40 8 89 7 49 ' 8 87 7 53 in ... ... MymoutlUtt.. AvondalQ .. Lii:,r.S""-.r 0.0 9 43 a in . ..I ""J , T"" Mi'iUDy,,.,, .. . I1ftta v i. " I . . H TV O tU 11 16 4 (III 8 sa 8 09 9 85 6 08 9 19 lU III 5 59 I 10 48 9 l 5 40 I 58 5 84 1 83 .. '" mil. ,.BiicU Haven.. lierwlck ,,. MT.1..'1ar l'wlc-. Willow drove.., Ume lUdge 11 in I 45 " 81 8 60 II 81 4 9 51 11 4 81 tJO 11 HQ ... . . . I. . B U 111 49 4 40 7 90 7 40 5 ifl !? o Vs 48 5 93 1 43 5 80 1 40 R in , uk 7 85 7 80 7 M I 11 7 04 laulaon I ) 4 V:' 7'i i i.vMAiao, ' iu O lit) S PU 4 50 I 19 .r i",.."' ?? 08 8 96 nu 1 IB 70. ... P.m. nm n , ljrillo.(.lihk;. Kcmln.l .ak.Mj.od"d3 mlMln LoMorMemorr, Jmpalml Matt. LoH Maabund .r;. Nrr.oa. llfbllUr, ti ;..u, il..'lll..d. hla.4'lKI; l.una A.ihm, Civrh, I1lw. .II (.ttrunlu 0.. inrt IllH KAAOF FtMAI.EM,7I.u u Ik a.uS,