THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA" COOfI I5A. THE OJHajmBUN. ni,oonnunn, minii, nit si. ts Bull Koad Time TMile. LACKAWANNA BLOOM SIIUHH itAlLllOAD NORTH. SOOTH, Accommodation Train,,... .. Mil A.M. 1. SI A.M. Mall Train 1.5' A. M 4.49 r. N Express Train 1M 1'. M. 11.61 A. Jt " two r. M. CATAWISSA ItAlt, HO AD. xonm. Accommodation Train 6,28 A. M. iteiular ExnrCss 4cit r.M. Throngh cnra on Kxpress train cither I o New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Uatawlsaa ana Wllllamsport. porrn , T,n p.m. 11.41 A. M: FACTonv Facts. Close confinement, cart ful attention to nil factory work, give the oper atives paliil faces, poor appetite, languid, mia crnljto feelings, poor blood, Inactive, lirer, Wltln c-js'nriTl urinary troublis, nnil all tho phy sician's ami medicine In tho world cannot help lliem unless tliey get out dcors or uso Hop Hitters, mado of tho purest and best of reme dies nnd especially for such cases, having nhun dnneo of health, sunshino and rosy cheeks In them. Nono need siifftr If they will uso them freely, "hoy cost but a trifle" Sco another coltitntil - '"' in We offer a special discount of 10 per cent In old and new subscribers who piy In advance. $1.80 will pay for tho Cor.UNWAN for ono year after this dale until further notice. This does not apply to subscription now due Our sub scribers will do in a favor by calling their neighbors attention to tho fact that the Cot.UM lUAN can bo had for S1.S0 in advance, tho only $200 paper In tho counly making tho offer. There will bo an adjourned Court on July 1st, Jmlzo Klwcll held euiirt In Danville litis week. Tks Yeatm op Honnintr. Toutcrk. Jr. Sarah Ifanlnn, of Ktt 83.1 street, Kew York, fur ten yean horo as patiently as she could, the a,?ony of a Ifg swollen to four limes its natur al she, which was red snd raw, and from which conlantly oozed a blistering secretion. Ono week's application of Giles' I.lnlment Iodide Ammonia restored the hideous member tn complete ( limine. Hold by all druggists.. Send for pamphlet. Dr., 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Trial slio 25 cents. ItOAWNHCIlEEK ITEMS. Look out for tho. candidates. No snow or hall lut now, Financial shortness Is thu principal drawback among some of our best business men here. Our merchant Mr. Mr. F. M. Hates has been appointed superin- ... , . .t t-,.. 1.!.. lcm,tnl 01 common scnonn o, piininoKiii. .u,t (mm (,)e ci(y R Tl.ormMln.rlinnlHwtil elnc on Ih o Gtli of f'lll slock of d ry cool-, groceries kr. SeV' June, jjfc Subscribe for the Ool.ll.MiilAN at $1.80 n year In advanc". The county of Columbia was quite compli mented by the late State Democratlo Conven tion. Hon. Charles Itr Ihickalew was made permanent 1'resldent. Cot. John O'. Fren was put upon tho committee nn resolution', and when, after Its organization by electing Senator Wallace Chairman, ho placed Col, l'VetMm the sub committee of seven! ami ho wiis nlsA placed upon (ha commllleo of five to nftllfy (ho candidate of their nomination,' by llie convention. Wanted A first-class candy linker and cake baker by J. F. Caldwell. The reputation of V. C. MeKinney'a shoe Is sp-eading. He recently received orders from five different parties in I'lymuulh, in one day. Percy h. infant son of J. H. llannan of Hn pcrt, was burled in lto"einont Cemetery hart Monday afternoon. 81 Willi our new lypo we nro littler prepared than ever to do plain and fancy job work, and ul very low rales. Tho ladles of the Kpiscopal church had a strawberry festival in Cndiiiati's hall on Tues. day and Wednesday evenings. A railroad ticket lo Chicago and back for sale at this ollico very cheap. Gooil until De cember 31st 1878. If Dr. Hull's Blood Mixture by Its wotulirlii' restorative influence purifies and enriches llie blood and induces good htaltli. The WilUamsport Sun quot-s a Bection from l'urdon's Digest of 1031. That must be a late edition. cral of our best horses left this place by being bought by one of the Kuropean agents calling here. Mr. Folk the wheelwright (former ly of ltloomsburg) Is doing a lively business at present, considering the times. A grand ball will take place at the hall of the Locust villo Cornet Hand on Saturday evening next. Weddings have been quite numerous in Ihis vicinity during the last few months. Who II he the next to "follow suit?" The teuesls to Prof, llenslnger's entertainment on the evening of the 18 inst., were highly delight ed with the perform ince as there was quite nn appreciative audience present. Souio of our scientific young men have put up several telephone which work remarkably well. Some of our neighboring towns are becoming liUral- ly tielled witli then. so to speak. Wil liam Hughes after a short illness ended his eerthly career on the 20 ull., aged 09 years. He was much re-pecled by liis circle of anpiain- tauce. The grain has a better appearance "in this valley than it has bad for several years with the exception of the wheat which is being Injured tn a small extent by the fly. The cool weather doting the greater part of the present monlh has considerably detained the growth of vegetation. The hail and frosts -o-iie two we-ks since have almost entirely de stroyed the grape crop ithile the apples were also (.lightly damaged. Max. SODDEN DEATH. "', Jn Saturday .afternoon, the 25th In'if,, (ho Town Council was sitting as a board of appeals. Mr. Wesley Wirt, the Hecrelarr. was nresenl. and appeared to bo In good fiealth and spirits., At a little before tlireo o clock Iip sal down In Ills chair but no one noticed anything peculiar In his actions. A few moments afterward, n member of the council made n remark lo htm lo which he made no answer. A second ques tion failed tn elicit a reply, nnd on ewuitinthiu It was found t.tat ho was unable fo speak. 'Dr. Iteber was Immediately summoned, and Mr. Wirt was placed on a sofa Cut ho was beyond medical nsslltncc. He soon became uncon scious and was removed to his home, whom he rapidly sank", and at'f? o'clock bfea'lhed his' last. .The. cause of his death wasn. stroke of paralysis, Hits being the third allack. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, from his late residence, and this remains were followed to the grave by tho members of llio Bar and a large concourse nl 'people. Wesley Wirt was lorn In Espy, this county on the Cth of August 1820, and was 67 years, 0 months and 19 days old. Ho lived with his father who was a farmer, until the age of fif teen, liy his own efforts ho obtained a -good english education, taught fchool in New .lers.y fur a time, anil established u seltct Fctteiol In New Columbus, Luzerne county, which subse (iiientlv became n nourishing Ae.iJeiuy. Iu 1811 -Mr. Wirt entered Ihe ollice oftlie lion. John Cotper as a law student. Ho completed his law studies under Hon. C, U. Hiukalewand was admitteel to the I!ir of Columbia counly it 1850. He served nine months iu the early part of the war and was an emergency mm tn 1863. Tor several vcirs tnst bis health lias prevented him from devoting himself actively to his profession, but he has b'enjrripiently ap pointed by the Court as auditor in important,n .ml lit.. ,'ll,a!fl. .VPN, V( tlPf!! lT COr reel. ' In 1873 he was elected ,ScreUrynLtliopJ ' ''" "l,,t 1 e 1,1 10 M J011 llie '"1"1'' Town Council, to which notion he was rcgn- ""' " ' liavo-comiiieucesi, larly re-elected annually up to ihe present year. His nlace will be hard to fill, as he devoted himself earnestly and nlmott constantly In tin! duties of his, office,- He. wai eiunp-in ion an upright citizen and ihe "immunity will miss him. lUOMUUNICATION. I'lslllKnemEKK, Mav 25. 1878. Hon: ('. II. llootKWAV, Dear Sh. Finding luvsclf unable in atle nd the call of a meeting of lhcoMiers)f Columbia and "ndjicent ountles Ui meet at your place today, I tiust the ob- jcttsTdf your mfrllngt!I be' accomplished,"' and full record of Columbia county soldiers gotten together nnd preserved, with alt papers that, are yet In existence In the hands of Individuals, fhere n- also m iny Interesting reminiscences thai might ytt lie procured. It is tli i generit Impression abroad that the townships up l'ishingereek furnished l,ut few nun to tlie Ihilou Army; this belief Is unjust lo iirtiiin at least of this put of tbe county In tin scln nl district iu which I result (Junes .No. t l Fi-hingcre'ek townsldp) 1 can enumer ate iiiiHii 10 m.'ii who si mil Iu dillorent organ- r.ui'tos 1'iniii tho 1'eiiusylv.iui i Heserves up to lliH'JUlli Itrglmeiit, 1 wo ild suggest the ap prdntmetit of a committee of one. each tnwn-liip nnd li'innuh tn gather information and n port to yoiirjs.'cretiry, they again might lii i into school ili'lru-ts, mid get suitable ptrs te intere.te'd Tn eich illstrlct, iu this way :i full and iTO'lTpleti' record may be had. The ureit miss nf llie Columbia county men served in some20 'dillerent regiments, while probably do i hi e that number of regiments con- tallied each a ftw ofour men. Prohibition State Ticket. Ai.toona, Ta., May 29. Tho state con vention' nf tho prohibitionists assembled here at 10 o'clock this morning. After ef fecting a temporary organisation they ad' joutnod ttntll 2 o'clock p. m. At the after noon session the following ticket was nomi nated ,' Governor, General J''. H. Lane, of Huntingdon ; Lieutenant Govctnor, John Shallcros, of Philadelphia, j Secretary of Internal Affilrs, C.ilyln l'.irsunsil Luzerne-; Judge of Supremo Court, Daniel Agnew, of Philadelphia. " It was General Grant who vetoed the Hill to Increase (ho legal tender currency to $11 000,000, alter that nmonnt had been retired by tho Secretary of tho Treasury. At tho adjournment oftlie Legislature tho members of tho Houo presented Speaker Myer with a.sllver tea service. What for? A pretty picture Is a healthy looking and well cared for Ilaby. Hy the use of Dr. Hull's Haby Syrup you can keep the health of your Haby In a splendid condition. Price 25 cents a bottle. Indorsed by the Medical Fraternity, popular In every circle, found everyevhere, Glenn's Sul phur Soap is undoubtedly tho most popular purifier, remedy for rkin diseases nnd Injuries, and complexional hcautificr In America. Sold hy all Dpii-gist. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown 50c. May 17 4-w. death ot'Jvji'iLiiY.wnii i:-'tj. l'rtot'KKtusos of Tin: hah. Uespeclfiilly Yours, JlllIX M, HlXKAI.EW. The above si'g'4etiori is" an excellent one, 1 1 w tVii-t each Township and H irouli will 1. sign iu' one than 'at least to cooperata with Hi? iref.e'rtl'nrginiziliim. Lt thu muster ba eviinjilel" mid thorough. C. 11. B. With this issue is concluded the article on the money question that has been running for seyeral weeks past. We shall publish no more lengthy communications on this ktilject. The jail yard premises are being put in a neat condition. It is a pity though that a few dollars could not bj diverted to mow the sour grass iu the Court House yard. Although our cMemiioraries were requested to publish the call for the late "Soldiers Con vention" we regret that only the Calanuia Item paid attention to it. Otherwise there might have been a larger attendance, Our Band. Our citizens have for a number of years generously conn ibuted to the support of a band at this place. They should retipio- cale by occasionally giving the public a "tunc" without charging an extortionate price lor it. Ladies, don't fail to see Ihe large lot of goods received this week nt at the Boston Shoe Bazar Danville, consisting of Button Boots, Waiting Shoes anel Slippers. Prices lower than ever and every pair guaranteed !o have solid leather bottoms. McAlarney vs. Wolverlon In Equity The Court met by neljournment on Friday evening last, tn hear argument on Keport of Knorr, Master in the above case. Exceptions had been filed by Freeze and Hughes for Wolver lon, hy Iticketts for McAlarney, and by Bark ley for Stewart. The argument was opened by Col. Freeze for Mr. Wolverton, and continued by Barkley for Stewait, and by Iticketts for Mrs. McAlarney, and concluded by Mr. Hughes for Wolverton. The last two on Saturday morning. The controversy crows out of the celebrateu case of Longenhf rger vs. McReynolds, which lias been several tunes tried, and is likely to be tried several times more. CATTLE ORDINANCE. James Dennis, a respectable! colored man was buried in the cemetery on Sunday last Ho was a epiiet, unobtrusive man whom all liked, Ho wasa member of tho Town Council me years nco, and gavo general satisfaction. We believe he the first coloreel man elected to nn office in Pennsylvania. On laf-t Tuesday evening the Trustees of the , Normal School met nt the office of the Princi pal and reelected Hon. Win, Elwell as President of the Hoard, F. P. Billmyer Secreta ry, and IJ. F. Hartmarf Treasurer. The other business was of a routine character. Ordinance No. 20 has not been repealed and is Us follows : Bo it ordained and enacted by tbe Town Council of the Town of ltloomsburg, and It is hereby ordained nnd enacted by the same: That It shall not be lawful fur any cow or cattle to run at largo within the said limits at any lime durinu the hours of nir-ht between eight o' clock p. m. and six o'clock a. m., and any animal so found running at large, contrary to the icgiilations herein made, shall be imme diately seized hy the Town Constable and tak-e-i to the pound nnd therein confined, Passed May .Id, 1870. Tho usual fine can he charged for cattle tak' en up under Ihis ordinance. Constable Thom as is enforcing the law. l'ltACTICAI. WISDOM. Mr. John Kcssler of Pine township Colum bia county, was iu Bloomsliurg a few days ngo as a witness in a e'ai-e on trial ; and iu answer to a question by Col. Freeze, faid that he was 92 years old. He Is quite spry. Walks up and down stairs unaf-shted, nnd is a man of great vigor for his time of life, which is un doubted. M. E. Jackson, ., from M. C. Sloan & Brother, ltloomsburg, one of the finest and inoH substantial carriages that has come to this place fur a lonj; time. This linn is noted for their proficiency in the nianii facturo of first-class work, llerieick Independent, The Fourteenth Annual Convention of Ihe Pennsylvania State Sabbath-school Association will bo held in the Pine street, Mc-thudi'l church, In Williaiiisporl, Pa., opening prompt; ly at 3:30 o'clock, p, in., Tuesday, anil contin uing throughout Wednesday and Thiitsuav, June 11, 12 and 13, 1878. An ancient adage says, ''In Ihe lime of peace prepare for war." Is it not equally wise to prepare for sickness in time of health? When anticipating a journey, Kiiide books and maps are studiously examined, and all possible in formation of (he route and country obtained Yet many make the "journey of life" and throughout the entire trip remain almost slran gers to themselves, in profound ignorance of their abilities, and have no knowledge of the physiological laws that govern mind and mat ter. To such, lifn Is like a boy handling an ,1 engine, ho may have ascertained how lo start has iust mirehased anu " U1K e Knows nl now lo KeeP 11 - I r . i rt-1 t. l i i". iii riiiuiinK uruer. xiie xeopiea lajiuiuou Sense .Medical Adviser, an Illustrated work of over 900 pages, is de.-igned by its author, as a popular hand-book of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, medicine and the moat common ells. eisesto which all are liable, and with which many are alllicled. The work is replete with sound, practical suggestions. Price, $1 60, Address the author, H. V. Pierce, M. D., Buf falo, N. Y. On last Saturday -eve ning the-nicmbxrs J'f the liar nt ltloomsburg met at thu l.-iw li brary in the Court House to tiko notion relative lo the death of Wetley Wirt, E.-11J Hon. C. H, lluckal.w was called lo the Clnir, and II. F. Z err and C. B. Brockway were ai pointed Secretaries. On motion it was resolved that a committee be apprunled to shaft and sub mit apprmu'ute Resolutions, 'llie C li n 1 r 111 :i 11 named the following comiuilttc: Hon. .lohu (i Freeze. Hon. At C. Smith, anil 11. 1.. r.lwell Ei-q. A motion of Col. S. Knorr was adopted thill when the members of the liar ndjoiirn, it be to meet at the Law Library on Ti'csday at 2 o' clock p. in.' to rece ivo the report of the colli' mittec on Itesolutions, nnu to Iraii-'aCfPlilh other business as tfiight be pertinent (o the oc casinn. Ihe Chairman then stkcieit in itc lowing gentlemen as pall beircr's. F. P. Bit myet, II. E. Smith, I.. E. Waller,-',. K. Ikelc C. B. Brockway and W. J. Iiuckalew. On motion, adjourned lo Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. 111. Tuesday, May 23th The members met pursuant to adjournment Ihe followinc additional pall hearers wen; se lected, viz- C. W. Miller, A. L. Fritz, N. I' Funk, II. C. Blltenbender, J. M. Clark nnd U. It. Little. The Committee on Resolution reported tho following : Whereas the Supreme Judge of the whole earth and alt that dwell therein, has seen lit in His infinite wisdom to summon from e-iithlv tribunals our esteemed friend and brother, Wes ley Wirt, by sudden death, therefore hy the Members of the Bar of Columbia county be it Iletolvtd, That in this visitation we recoEirze the hand of the Great Chancellor of Heaven whose judgments are irreversible and whose ways are past finding out, That in the death of our deceased broth er we have sustained a severe loss. A lawyer he enjoyed the confidence of tho B-nch and Bar ; as a citizen he commanded the re spect 01 the enure community. Having li en chosen Secretary of the Town Council of lno Town of Blooinsburg for years in siicee-sion which position he oocupie 1 at the timo of his death : as a man ho was a tru-ty frion 1 and genial gentleman. 1 hat the sympathy of thi llir he u- tended to the nlilicted family, and tint a copy of these resolutions be presented to theiu nnd published in the town papers. John (1,, n:iclttdel. ' ;nir;.jiii,r.Y IIUK51IU.. II' no could turn all tho legal tender notes tttd all tho hilvor into gold coin, and include :ilf thu gold coin already in the country; cacli person would have only 14. 33, while Germa ny has !?17 87, Great Iiritain 21.31, and Franco has -11,02, to each individual ; this is taken IVotn'the' Hitrcau of Statistics for 1874 ; we luvo --t 11 lossat prc-cnt tinder the contrae tioti policy, while -wo leqtiirc tnoro than all tluejo of t)ie largest European nations, com bined, we arc more progressive, and in pos- K'Miitiuf vat traeta of land and mines undo- velopcd. It is e-tiiuated that tho working ineu, who Invo been obliged to lie idle since Contraction commenced, would have earned -wages s-ullieicnt if kept at work at $2 per day, Hy I'nle i-rsnl Irronl, A YEn's CATiiiaTic Pit ue eere tho best of all purga- incs ror ramuyuse. Hiey nro the product cflonir. Uborlo s, and successful chemical Investlgatlon.and their extensive use, by ptii alclacs tn their practice, ana dj- all civilized nations, prove them tho best and most effectual pill that medical science can devise. ISelns purely vegetable in harm can ailse from their uso. In Intrinsic value and curative powers no oth er pills can be comrnrcd with them, and every per son, knowlne their trtucs. will employ them when needed. They keep tho system In perfect order. and mAlntatn In LealthyLCtlon the whole mactdn eryofllte. .Mild, nearchlng and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of tho digestive ap paratus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely talen. They nro the b stand safest physic to employ for weakened .constitutions, nhero a mild, but effectual cathartic Is required. Foil 3AI.E BY ALL DEALKKH, not Marriages. 'llTVEli.EU-TVA(-At tha Keformed parked age, CatAwlssa by Itev. tj. II, Dechant, Mr. Amos LHwrller to Jltss Mary K. Lavan, both of Columbia county. JIESCH 1IOUCK At tho Itcformed parsonage, Calawlsea by ltev. (1. II. Dechant, .Mr. Win. Ileury Menchto MLis .Mary E. llouck, both of Columbia county. 'I 1 111 i iiii rr. fs,e B L 0 ft iVt SB U H G STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TiIISKCIIOOU fHfit-prpvnt cnnMltiileit, olcrs the very bost farllltleifor J'rofpsMonftl and OlnsMcal learning, m BtitMiii' vtui-iuiiR. tnUtlmr tun! commoilious : iomWttviy lioatea by sivam. well vcntllatea. Uirlita by iras.ana turnUhcd with a bountiful supply ol puw,o eprlntf wnlir, . . m . . .. ijciuiun noiinitrm, aiiii mv oi nfve, i ti.xrncrseTiMTifnrc'i, eiuricnit anfi aura 10 meir wors. uiHCipune, nrm dui Kinu. uniiorai anu luoruusus a.r. mn(iersiU. Kiriv i-cntj u w.'ck a iucMm tu ml oxpuctlo tu touch, .students admitted at anytime. Hootns referred when desired. uouret" or studj proscriw'd by iu wnu t I. Mulfl .ScIkm)!. Jl, l'repar.itgry. III. Ktfmciitary. IV, Clanttcftl. Adjunct Coure : I Acnlemtc. II. Commercial. III. Course in Miimc IV. Course In Art. V. Cource In Physical Culture. Tho Klemontnrv SdMitl!o and clasMcal Courses are Pit JFrc-HloVAI. and students eraduatnir therein, recrlvo Mato Dlnlomas. conferring the follow! correspnnlini;l"frof'H j Ma ter (t thu Klement'i; Master ofrttm 'iclencesi .Mater of the Ulashtes. Uraduates lu tho other Courses receive Normal Certificates The course of Mtuiv nn"icrH"d by Mm Male Is llwral, nn thf sehntlnc and Classical courses are not inferior to those of our best Collepps. The State reuulrenti fiiirli-T ordT nf cltlzenhln. Tun times it. it U ono of the nrline oblects of this sekoal to helo to secure It, byfurnlshlnfflnteul- srent and eniRleuneiienfrs fur her .hools. Tothlseuiltt solicits yourii? persons nf good abilities and jfood punxiis, those who desire to improve their tlm aim meir iaifnis,aa niiieuLM. 10 an such i pronuaes am iu u.-veiopuiir uieir powers, aaaauunoant opponuniues ior wen paiu taoor aiier icihiuspvuwi. LUtUIUUIIVi llll'lll ll 1 1IU 1 I I lis 1 1 'lilt iio.n. wii.i.iA.u i:iavi;m. Sept. P, Trt.- I'rrwldciit Itoitrd nf TrnMerv Treasurer's Fale of Unseated ' Lands in Columbia County, Pa. Hy MrUie of .uiri v acts of the General Assembly of th Ctlnluoiiwe tltU of I'u.litvaTiIa, rcli.tlny to the E-ale (f tv. U a ntid i n-cutid lunl.sln the County of Col tun t l.i t4- fur -iim-s itt.o nnd un aid, I wl.l offer at t i.t-llf ai.-nMln C'utirt ilutwe lmhu 'lon ot liloomsbuiK 11 thi rci nn MUMAY ( 'I' Jl'NlC A 1. 1878. At lo u'cu t k a. 1 1 . th f' 11' wlttff Hi H-rlUd pU'ceRCf land, it nnu i ,ut Uteru.f us niy l- ineffhurvtu mtlslj the niiiuni t or t c di.e itml unpaid fttfalnm the baiue ui.u i nilniJi th s ihe ft oin Uuy to da m thu same inn be tuun l wonvsarj. T UMS iV S tAl Thenmnnntof taxesind etta must liepaldwhtn the land tsMiiKk rr, or tho sale may. buaoiaed and the pioputj put upond resold. . MAKKE'IVRKrORTS. BLOOJIS1IUHO JiAKKKT. Wlicat per bushel., Ityo " . ., " ., Oata. ' " .. Flour per barrel .. uiorcrsoea Flaxseed nutter Tullovr until-tlia H'cnt time, to have iaid half of Dried Apple's .'i I1UIUH Sides Shoulders . Lard per pound f 1..T, .70 , -W T.M 1.W1 .it .in .IS1 ?0 . s .11 III t' Ill IS' V.1 , 'ill' Hay per ton lieesnax Timothy Seed VUUlAllll.a UK IUAL. No. 4 on Wiarf j 3,00 pit 1 uu No. 5 " " s .T No. " " 7 f i.isj " HlacHsmttli'sLiitupon Wharf I 8,011 " " Httumlnous " H so " Business JSTfltices "The Dollarof otu DaililieV or the pnen hack will htiy the best Heady-made Ololh lug at Lowenberp'a. That 12 cents Drs GooJs at Clark & Wolf's is going oil' fatt. Call soon lor it. Call al McKinncysJor 8hoes. V hite Goods and Hamburg Edpings in great variety cneaji at uiaric w.oII'b. Jiernard keens nil kinds nf wnti lms jewelry and silverware. His watches range 111 inca-truiii unwaru Hoot headquarters' at McKimiey's. I. W. Hartman's store Is the cheapest. Admission free at ilcICinney's. A. O. Smith. nx; J Committee S.cj's 'tl), K: lh.tvn.1. On motion, lliey were uiiaiiinuiiisly mlnntcd, X lie menibers of the liir then nmilieil in .1 body to the house of the dtceatil, and ft 11111 there to the grave C. It. Buck C.'li iirm in It. V. .Ana, C. It. JtllOt'KWAV The bill providing for the creation of Middle Penitentiary Di.tritt finally paol llie lower houfe of llie le,ilaturc before adjourn' menl, and will undoubtedly icctive the signa ture oftlie governor. It unbraces twuily-i;lit counties, as follows: MiKenn, roller, rioirii, ltradford, Sullivan, Lycoming, Xoriliumlier- land, Columbia, Montour, I'lillnn, Itidtord, Cuinherland, Franklin, Adiniis, Ciiui ron, .Snui ersel, lllair, Cambria, lliiutingilon, Union, Snyder, Dauphin, l'errv, Juuiala, Milllin,('l."ir- Ifir'iiant to a public call a largenumher of field, Clinton and Centre, and provides for the tbOLMEltS' CONVKNTIOK. The ltloomsburg Sentinel, heretofore a linn crallc journal, Is now llie organ of the rising National parly in Columbia county, Charlie is making it hot for his di carded love 7iVio. Wrong, Brother Tubbs I He triul the new llie soldiers of tire lale war, met at the Court llousu ojijSoliirday.lasU . Them etlig organized by electing Capt. I. II. Keesholu President, Capt. W. Ult Vice President, and C. It, Brockway Secretary. The departure for I wo or three weeks, hut got sitjt Injects of the meeting were then stated by of it, and is now knocking at the door tn be readmitted to the Democratic ranks. I.lst of letters remaining in the post-ofiice Oraugevllle, Columbia county Pa. Mr. Nalhsn Fell, Mrs. Sophrena Fell, Mr. J.Mandal, Mr, Charles Fullmer, Mr, Jlion'lli anTruesdell, Mrs. Eliza I.arney, Mr. K. II. Fressleman Fq, Mr. Otorgo Trunkey, Mr, Jackson Evens Esq. Please say advertised, C. W. Low, P, ,I." appointment of seven loiniuls.lnntrs, hy tbe governor, to select a site of not hss than Ihii teen acres. These commissioner nru In he He. lected outside of the dUltitt. One luuidrul thousand dollars Is appropriated for the tree tlon of the building. For riasons which have heretofore given, no bitter itv iniild he selected than near Itloomshurg. As District Atlurney Hurt did not cnntist the seat of Mr, Lowecberg, after his arrival it Pittsburg, as was originally ilmniiiiicd on, it Is supposed that he was cither bullduztd 1 II, or a treaty of peace was made between thu belli gerents of Columbia and Lycoming ciniuti When the contest for the senatorial noiuiu ttlon comes oft" we will know the Irulh. Gaulle .t lluttetin. We have none but Ihe kindliest fielingsto wards .Messrs, jieiguarn anil Hurl; tut the) were misiasen in supposing uuy coutii run things here lo suit themselves. It may h. the style In Lycoming however. II was undiuui tied, to say Ihe least, to angrily siceile from a rai.iilnrltf nriTH,il7,l r..tirr,a limine., ll...,. e I to find one window out mid some clothes asid Uular stating more specifically tho objects of , . , . t, , ,, ., ,. , provisions lounu outtiue, WHICH UU to the sup- me association, aim me ucneuu hi oa ooiaineu , j j caim at Jillfc)Ur,. .1,1 ,l.,l.l I I ... .... 1 1 .,, n,l... ,st.t !,.! n 1 T, I I I pusi.iuu iiiai 11 uau iieeu rniereu ny tiueves anu I oy it. xue v,uair a'iuiuici t ijuvk.wb7, robbed of its much valuable (fleets, and then Capt. M, M. Brobat, and Lieut. Ji. fi. Ent, set on fire. .No insurance as we learn, Jnde-'l said committee. pendent. I On motion of Col. STKnorr, lhe next meet' Ing was-to he-held at a time and place to be Dr. It. F. (larilner of Bloomtburg asslsltd by I designated by the President and the Committee Dra. Megargell and Atumerman of this place, .on. Constitution jyid By-Laws. Slgnalurn ampulaled the right leg of Jacob II. Coleman I were then requested and all present signed, den of Oraugevllle. Amputation four Inches above Ignatlng their rank, Company, Itegiment, and the knee. At Ihis wrillng Ihe path nt . was. IVO. address. There was much Inforraaircoo doing very well. versatlon as lo what should bo done to perfect Mr. Coleman 1(1 years ago while Isiitlng at the organization, and much interest and enthu Itochesler, New Yotk, got his knee caught he- slastn was manifested. All who were not pres. tween (he canal boat and lock, from the effects ent and desire to join were requested to send In of which he was confined three yeais. The In- their names lo the Secretary for enrollment. Jury resulted In a necrosis or decay of .Ihe There are no fees. On motion adjourned to bones, At the lluio of the Injury lie was In llie meet at-alh employ of William Coleman formerly of I. II. Skesiioltz, Bloomsburg. C, B, HucuKWAy, President Oraiiteville,May29,1878. Secretary, The house belonging In Mrs. Elizabeth Guyc, and occupied by James 1 layman, tax-collector of Centre township, this county, was burned to the ground last Monday night. Mr, llaymnn and family being absent at the time, but return- Capt, Brockway, after which It was unanimous' ly re"0lved to proceed to form an association for the purposes specified. On motion of Capt, J. II. Johnson, seconded by Private O, A. Poller, it was resolved to name the association "The Soldiers' Union of Columbia County." On motion of Priv. It, T, Leacock seconded by Lieut, It, S, Ent, the following committee were appointed on Constitution and By-Laws, to report at the next called meeting. The following committee was named with in- Btructlons to" elecTilielf own Chalrmi", viz Capt. W. J. Allen, Priv. O. W. Relfsnyder, Col. C. u, Jackson, Berg t U. W. Mears, Col, It. B. Iticketts, Col. S. Knorr, Lt. W. II. Utt, On motion of C. It. Brockway, seconded by Priv. John W. Kreamer, it was ordered that a committee of three be appointed to draft a cir- thu national debt. Ouly sixty-four millions is tho annual production of our mines iu gold, lifly-tlivco millions of this is exported, ind we me from ten to twelve millions each year fur manufacturing purposes,. and as each year a larger demand is made, wo shall have much less gold ten years hence, with a larger population To prove that a specio basis 13 no help o'.' prevention from financial distress, the reader is requested to look at Great Urit- lin ; she is only second to ourselves in tho number 11!' bankruptcies and general business piostratiou; licrgohl or specie basis is a rope of and ; s-ho and wo need moro currency tor the wants of tho peoplo to insure enterprise and viguions life. Every man who offers abund ant security has a tight to receive and demand what money be icquircs. Before closing an answer is required that fcliall close the mouths of , tbo'-e who shall falsely or iguorautly assert that the currency has been expanded instead of conti acted since tho panic of 1873, or in deed since ISC.i. Hy quoting from 'Spauld- !....'.. 1.' ill . nn, , I r. -t . A ..- ma 1. riiiuucuxii-uiry, pago.ui, wu uuu uiu 1 1-ora Milt ot Ulothcs made tin in citv amount. 01 curiency 1 n 1110 .usini nctoiicr, isiym gu u i.imeuuerg s. lStj.'i to.lic Sl.bUS.goO.OOO, while the United Stales Auditor's icnort sl'iows'tliat tho amount of government n'nd national bank credits twd as money in 1860. was over $2, lO(),Oin),0f)fl, iu lblfi the amount of Govern ment cu'dits, greenback and national bank notes in citculatioti, wcro les-, than f700,0u0, 000, and conduction lias been steadily canied I'oiwaid since 1S05, by every secretary of the Tiea-tiry, to meet the demands of Ihe bond holders to thesaciilko of tho people's inter1 et, except iu 11 single instance when a pan of the reseive was thrown out as u sop to satis fy th urgent necessity for more currency in the deathly pritiation of all busincsi cauod by the panic. Illicit JkCulloch, Secretary of tho treasu ry, commchcid hit pet policy of contraction agaiu-t the earnest protests ul" prominent statesmen. Will not the unconscious curse of the hundreds of thousand whom his policy of contraction hurled liom ofllucnco to poverty cnshioud his name with ignominy forever. Contraction of our currency, means stagnation and btagnatiou n only another word for putrefaction. Tho sivoid of compulsion was buspended over the nation by Senator Sherman's forced resump tion measure passed January 15th, 187f, an Act for resuming specio payments in 187'J, adding insult to injury ; tho results have al ready proved its impossibility. Gieedy cormorants lending luoucy call or shoit tituo loans, aio tho only onos who prift-' IIOI I llltV nro UVUlInf, t hn irnml .!,.. ........... , ... - . - ...... ,..f. .,.u .in,., ,,,uu uu.ttlllK , . . , - , , ill,', n. .i-nra ...... i... ..-ii .i uaumaii riwovr keeps Oil UllllU ' 1 , H'"-i"' -"--i wu u.ey of picTUUE FHAMES, can hwuop uown on tno loutideioil wrecks, and fatten themselves from the dismantled hulk. They are tho vultures now shouting specie basis, uational contraction hovering around, watching until financial misery and .leatli prepare tho feast. Another step forward, by a two-thirds vote of thu nation, will onianeipato.tho working peoplo and producing classes fiom tho Loud- anu of usury, interest or rent, usually paid lor money borrowed. Hy the will of tho people, sccuro 'flio enactment of laws that shall make greenbacks l do s do 3 do 4UU 400 4KI 30 4IHI 1 lot. 1 do o do 150 91 no 1 wp. oser.... .. do .... .. do .... .. do .. do .... .. do .... do .... do do do do do do do do . no do ito do Taxes, l.V, 77 4 :n H'i so RM a til w ;' a us ti t is n no 711 1 4S 41 4 IU It 32 3 so Ul!4 4 40 UNSEATKll l.ANIIS Ul' CULUJtllU COUNTY, 1S7S, No. Wurrartee or Acres. ( tiers 340 m-s..t'i'tt X Usee S3 ineicKwny (' II 3 lots IieaMr .!e.ce 1 do do Ch.irloa I.oxr T , llallics C It Unit & I'lucr Colillnljl.ieo.i!.v tlon eo do do do ilo do do do do do do is, no do do do enrrow Merits. .. no do ctiftilestliiion Ir lmis I "line i st but I iv (ten nick n r 3 lots M.lliiipui A f. . 3 do l iy s W 2ti'j itialT .lotin 3 lots in iiilienit, u to fsl - - ltsut!!isi-ht'.-..r .1..- is) llntu-k .loi,atiiiiii U Hindi l liter ,lwoh v. r-l a elms .t John... 100- .-r.f 3 lots limners ciicstiT 5 " 1 loll it mi b i 3 ' Hunt b (I a " iiujiv ,io-s'i,!i 3 " llarntTA t li, ster 3 ' Kcsler 1'iai.k 1 " KlilnA 3 " 1 m i-iiet- vv. K ti " Lewis l'mnk lu LoiiL'i nln rirer Nath. ... Mollis 1 lul let Marilt A I'oat Nojer lieo Nun-re-w r fieo Trout teplu n I'll I If Knee ratteison .I . ltitllii-uiT..ini A (o .... UllOKl 70 10.1 lll'l 140 3 KatlU .1 .Miller,. '-tertart Win., siiiiniiiu John 3 lots Malt li I w do do do ilo do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do (to do do do do do "i do 3 MiK k .t .1 do 5 " seoti ivn r to 214 Shlllilull KL do 19 " do " " ....... do 3 lllson (ieori do ti ' Vast Ine Ull do HI Viit,dlK-eli Clll.un.lll.Veo do 7 " ' ' do Us " " " do Mlf " " " di ilisl West r.urk Ml c lc 1 Co ilo 40i ouieldo; 1 1 cfevi r.tco do. 400 " ' do 75 " no 6 " Wetreli'se ......r.-. Wood All,'ltslus ... Clt!Utlt,.ltl AMI.... I'rnidiiKion .lesse L Soillttl Itlllltlllll I'lilkS AIIIO-, .t'.OJ Apple Paul, ,l,-S-I, Summer Hats I Summer Hats I Jii't reci ived A full stock nf Straw Goods foT Men and Boys at I.owtnberg's. Full Hmo of Prints and Domestics nt Clark & Wolf's. WhTteTVests, White Vests, Linen Vests, Dusters, Ulsters an'd Aliaca1:oats just re ceived at Lowenberg's. Irimmincs. Notions. Lare Pnllnrs nn,1 Cuffs, Ties, Bows, and Fancy Goods in great variety .. Plnrl- A U'nll Best and cheitptst Parasols at I, V", Hart man's, 210 301 31 J1S 1SO (1 100 M Hsl 100 321 200 54 100 21 From the Jleruitk Independent wo learn that last week James Chamberllu and Will J'rautz were arrested at Berwlik by the iCspytnwn constable for a'vlolatlon of the tlli law fi ll ing wliTi nets. They contend they dId not fish within the limits nf Columbia .county, hut in Luzerne, and thus gave bail for I heir Hppear' ance. Mr. IL Owen and Mr. A. S. Phillips becoming their hallnun. risli Warden McCollum Is evldinlly dolrg Ida duty, and should be aided hy all good clt Izens, There is no more reason, fur violating he l'li law than any oilier law. At eoiuld erable expense the Stale Is slocking our streams for the benefit of the whole jieople, ami to ijlye theui cheap and nutritious food, No ono there' fore should be permitted to violate Ihe law, which is designed to protect and Increase our game tUh, "When you want a Nice Suit For Summer wear go lo Lowcnberg's - Rubbers at Mckiiniey'sT : Ihn display of Jewelry, Silverware Watches, Ac, at P. S. Bates' is said by all ....... . ... uu me cnoicest to ue seen in liioomsimrg Repairing is done by him in the best man ner and at the lowest posiblo rates. I. W. Hartman's store is the cheapest. Cadman savs ue soils lie sells Furniture at tho lowest rates, nnd has a largo assort mem always on iiaiiu. Linen Dresses and Linen Goods to make up at Clftrk- oV Wolfs. all kinds Boots and'Slioes cheap at's. Crnmpton'a Palm Soap is the best latin dry soap in thisor any other nintket. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w Crampton Brother's Palm soap at Jacol It. -Maize's, it is the best. Try It. may 3-1 8 w McKinneys Shoe Store below Court House). Caldwell is getting the run on ice cream now. Try It Uuy it Tn t m 1 1 n 1 ti i I 'ii 1 m fin a r tno legal tender ; not only for all debts, dues At Jacob II. Maize's at Jacob 11. .Maize's and ttixos but legal tender for all customs of ulav J-Iqw tno uovtriimcut, imports included. Allgold Great bargains in Dress Goods at Clark ami silver regarded as merchandise, not legal woii's.- money. Leljcvery person who wants money obtain it from tho Government, by offering sutlicicut fccurtiy Iu real estate, that tho amount shall be returned in a definite time, without interest. Only tho cost of each loan and expenses of collecting, lo "bo doduct od, aud as efficiently as tho post offiee money order system. Let every post office bo u bank of deposit and every iost master ho the Government's bauker, for the loan of money ; each postmaster to givo the necossa .Always reliable Goods that niim from W, Hartman's, P. S. Bales tiifileaii Vpeeialty of repairing ""'i minks, jrweiry, silverware, or any thine else. in his lino nf business. ii ,.t WRjlnflurgs arst-ejlass. job aud is prompt nuu Ills lYUlk, A UDlTOIt'B NOTlCIi h e underslgne.1 Auditor appointed on exceptions to nnar uecoui.t Mil. v. VandelslUe.Adinloliilstia torof J. If. andt-rsllrp.,1 win, ,.i.uur .UH.u u,a'.,,'uiiu,,,iii uut'iiu io uie uuiiesor ins may it, 1S7S-4W . DlLI.MKYHt. Auditor, BUSINESS OAKIW, vwitini CAitrw. LETTS K HEADS, lilLLIIUAllS, 1VSTKK8, n., 0., Neatly anil Clitaply printed at the Coi.M UlAN Otlice, do -uo llouill.tll , lllltt.dll S A .1 1st..., l.ry.n im c no w n t ite lsity .V tval-r Win I lleuill, y h l'cnt Klsner.Iol'ii , KiinklHJolm ...... v.. lvri.ers'ii John rtuL'rsam.l II, i eer A brum Mill, r --ni.iin I s. stackltouso Joseph 5 73 t 40 12 15 uu r,72 a 40 2 67 4 01 2 44 2 ill 1 i! 1 22 1 40 r, 7a 1 erc 2 111 r, mi 4 r,o 21 70 II 31 t 22 4 40 4 II. 1 3 27 1 22 21 S7 2 70 7 111 13 2.1 14 S3 III 20 rsii 5 7.1 ti 73 4 113 33 00 2 SO 111 2 42 1 e,i 2 in 5 40 S 2i! a 5 1SS30 '.'2 4 1 32 40 2 25 u r 2 42 10 SO V 40 54 55 3 Ml 7 1.3 210 M IJ 2 30 II S2 3 til !l ss ODD s ar, Ml 111 3 S. 7 ill 3 s 101 5 Ml 14 7.1 Franklin do do do do do do do do Hemlock do do do do do do do do do do Jackson do do do do do do do do Locust do do do do do do do do do do do do do Madison do do Main do stractsShafr.T n.ivld. " Mac knouse ,1 st tier MiutTi i John , " , I.rob-t .Is. C'atnuUs.1 ( I uiU.loi' li " 03 Dlcstjj to.... If, Preston Utord 3fsi Pi-tiler & Doty & Stewart 50 Pooler Poty 57 cli mcr Wellington o1, nowtr .oost's fit Albortsoa A c. K Ilallly... Urcenwood... i".' i.irry.i.iiDts . slots liengloi.iork'e In l.ves t anln Jr 1 101 - .uur if r, Mnsk'rso Mctiehy 12 Ii ts nicrl.-iiHC 1 wil'lam 1 l'niki r II A Liter 21 Fin ton Newton 3iiCiiiiiMsll l. N 2S l.tiiiiiltt A J In hums a .1 7S hnrils.locouest.. 7 Iey Uhltiim roNenlA: mrsell 211 1'uisell lssno 11 20 sj Hester 5 Wcrkhlser I eti r sr 7swl,lt.iitahttieoige)r 5o Irlck tun A Bim " 1110 lie's I' t) Kester John Jr 20 Kieler loliti It .. 1 23 l.i ls Daniel s Miller Chas W .... 21s .Millers e)li.ini sin " 21 Denier flen J 1. Kllno 20 niutnirtoii Tlioinas mi 1 1'wsl' i.eotire so 1'Mier John ui lliik'lies Uilslit 1,4 Ki licr Itidi.ird Ins Kline J I. K (I Hupp 4 1.1'Miti snMila 200 Mji'is Mnry psi Huston Thomas mo lieiso lijiiti't 2 42 , 2011 Huston varv 42 43 2110 Itu-ton Charlotte ... 2'i0 le.inoWs Jotin 2J lttchiel Jni'ot) - 3ihi Kri-e7o John el 50 .Masters 11 a: w ,. .. . 4 lirockwav X Lnt 7 Win. Y. tshuman 2it'onr.dr ,t ltlco 230 Dewnlt Philip .. 1"0 Hosier Jse-oU , ....... MKi Mann (' I' 4 .Masteller Josi-ph. 2."!'.i sluiiuan lteuuen 4i3 siiutnau v T I'O Yitu-r tmnle est in.! letter Isinc lisisliiiit.i-irlUan . r, Aten .10011 i.'j lilttenbender Jtiiry 51 creasy lii-nrv.... I Dumb icli .Mnml 07 Hess 1 rlsrllla 13 Hess L 11 7oJaeoliyO A.. 12 Klkeml.dl N 2iHi Keller John .. 10 Mensch l.uiellno 1110 Nunircssor (leo 1.1 1'oneutcker A: Mjer 121 seliweppenhlatT 1 K 23 " Abe... ...t... 3' " Horace...... 4 Swank S ii r.7 loho Jaeoh est 15 0I10 llenrv M Clark Andrew.. , C7 " M Clark .Vary- Is c.ttn r Jehu est 10 tirovo Hios ..... 2Vj Itlshel Joiiathnnsr 2S Itiimsi'.v'sestet-? tsi iiein-lo John s Klshr J.icoti ... 6 Mason IJ s .Mellck John fo Mellck Henry W - .... 12 M liter Andrew II fsi Waller iu 10 wllson Julia M'll'U'lllgMim 12 Dililluo 21 lAOIt't M'-M'S . m KM-ivr n.ii't-ifi Herwlck 51 20 uiino Oir,.,o ..D.luiciiek 3sii 5Kliii3.J 51 - S4 ittnk .1 r 81 snsd.r win (IICUX win u e. Clinmbi-illu Hannah 1 lot li., Is l 1i,iiihs est " Coolie 850 Trek lieo A (St a) i tliistou .Inn A ruck 1., Bint co 1ft e.oidiicr 1,1 nr.i sr I lot llc.itu "-ilvc-ter I" 1ISI JiiCdliv 11 A 60 Mm,. . Patteisoii so w urner Margaret V 2 ' Ymiiii; s.nn , fs) Itnits Thomas 4o& IlrilsLh JaeoU 10.1 So Denier rirn & j 1. Kline.... i' Plane I-zikli-l 400 rrlrk .t liiiian .. 1 Iklln.u Samuel. ... 2 30 1 06 1(150 344 7 en 19 02 35 63 27 00 2(S 1110 411 30 1 20 1 90 25 1121 4 OS AllMINISTItATOlt'S KOT1CE rSTATS OF JOnM KVELASB, CKCEAStD Lettersot administration on UieeststeotJotin Eve land.late ot FIshlntrcreeK townshlp.Cnl. eo.,deceaaeeL hate been granted by tho licklsler of said county to the undersigned whom all person; Indebted are requested to make Immediate payment a'ld those haling claims or demands a&alnsttno es tni will make theui kiowntothe administrator without delay. t. A. AMMRRMAN, Administrator, may 3d, U7S-CW Forks, Pa. I'M A SSIONKITS NOTICE. 6 i'si STniii-p in hprrbv pivpn that Mores Ilower haa been 1 11 . appointed asshrnee ot David s. llowcr ot Catawlsaa tor tho benefit ot creditors, Arc. All persons there fore, Indebted to the said David S. Ilower, will make caymenl to the tald assignee and thote having pialms or demands will make known the same with out delry. MOSES I10WKR, W. L, Kterlt, Asslrnee, Att'y. for Assignee, may 8, 1876-4W 4s a u 8 14 70 4 36 6 20 37 20 W 411 12S 4 34 do do do 110 do do do do do do Jlimtn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Montour do do do do do do 04 21 59 18 70 111 inns 31,5 4 O'J 22 S3 2 40 U SO 1 01 son 4 4 800 8 0S. SOI 8 (Ml 2a 1(55 4 1 re 7 47 r, 711 8 20 0 S5 '.3 13 ttt 8 2S 3 is 7S 4 87 5 59 27, 2 72 2 91 4 40 4S JXl:oloRs notice EBTiTB Or Pi. V1IU. UiOEMSCCn, DICI1SID. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Daniel Ilaireno" ch. lato ot Cent'e urn nfhlp. Columbia Co. pe , deceased, have been gr ntcd by the Iteglstorof Aid county u Kreacrick iiagenoucn, jsapy, ana Frank II. llairenbuch. Lime Hldse. Eievutors, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make pajment, and those banner IBl. Luo Bum caiM, nu. said executors without lelay. FIIKDEIIICK llAOEMlIICH. E8TJV. FKANK 11. HAUtNBL'CII, Lime Ridge, aprll2'78w' Executors. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF B TOBACCO :o-0:- The celebrity of our TIN TAO TOBACCO haa 'caused many Imitations thereof to be placed oa a tho market, we therefore caution all Chewera 1 against purchasing such Imitations. All dealers buvtnir or selllntr otner Dhur tobacco hearing a hard or metallic label.render tnemselvea uaDio 10 ine rnauy 01 ine law, sua mi perwiu vlolatlnir our trade marks are puntsbablo by fine "and Imprisonment, MKK ACT OF C0NQ1LK88 -.Alio. 14. 1870. ll Ace ii can be dlstlneulsbed by a TIN TAO on h eacn lump wiin uie woru jajiu l.uahl' suunpva a uvt'r i.irv, iuhb uiumu nuiu iu ie,t, wu uwy 0-uv,.a no OI flnv'mn In 1fiYT nhftl,, IS ROO MO. BlWl lit M.....I ,01 C ' I""- ".- - , , . do 36 HriHHnir Ihn nnilllvAom nvn? tsjo.nofl.000. w 1 ZZ " ' " ' ' Ill) do do do do Ornngo do do do do do do do do l'lnu do do do do 10 do do do du do do do ItoarlPgcreek do 7n) 02 7 Ml 1 SS 4 68 2 91 8 31 I 71 2 72 1 fs 7 2S 4 St 7 is 6 80 3 90 9 3 00 92 36 12 These goods sold by all Jobbers at manufacturers. ' t- raies. 1 em march 6, H78-sm W 1 rsi 2 .'SI 6 111 1! 40 4 .Ml 6 01 4 117 Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. ry hondsfor the amount of money leouired in appo'pmientathucmeoinihotowuotiiioomsburi,' , . , ,.. . . ' 4 . on r-aturday, June S2.IS7. at ten o'oiisk a.111. n, r, Ills locaniy. 1 Ills tytteui under jiroper laws I and where nil persons haling elalms are reqiie sled and regulation will ho wit-supporting, and 0ar,o7i luiiywcurn tno governiucntlrotu any loss 111 its loans, Interest nnd usury laws will fall to the ground iiutanlly lor tho waut of support. To niako greenbacks a true reprcseutavo of property, all who borrow fiom auy iiost of ficii Lank should secure) llio loan by giving morfgagos on productive real estate at half selling value) or prico to securo tho payment of tho loau. A QitAuanu. S3: lS!tt? ,',AT1I1L, W'ATUM M,Cli.rt tlnlhj known urtd. Sauipli Walcktm 10 1-ilinu. iadrtJii. A. OouLTia & Co., Calcuo. 1T, 11-ljr I lot 1 " 12 ' 1 lot 2 " 429 450 I " 1 " 1 " 2 " 2 " 2 " 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 112 1 " 1 " 400 1 " 2 1 " 1 1 " 82 " 1 .i. 2 " 1 ' 1 1 1 " ;o N no 1 " i 1UI 1W V) .T..ei'1j Kruir.ia-.t'iui-IUX'U-i MkUIllllh IN'UlHUI 'I l.Mius iiuU' -'nn A.iel. .".!"" Wei r niiw t'laiu Mii-hat'l VMi' lt 11 cuUti.1 ivt r k cii'ir willluut'in imij;Utilv Mil I 1 .... 1'nlt y Mnr Mm i.iiUlit u 'aiiiii HOW 1 11 '1 tiutuua Mainnii Mlch-til Illlllti-) .ItlO it lUuKlaiul u M nlti S'l Hnhi.U lliili' s -Juo .1 , KUiiu X U-mUj!tl K11IKT Willow hlllr I' ltlt ll J 1' A. AijMltlTl.l IjiiiHiin U IWxh .V .alminy Ii It Cu M.ilKri l.Jo tl i'V'i Miu-hi'ii 'I lu'imis Ml iJllttt MclUili -iJir.iM Muoro .UUi , .McHrPnify Mi-h..... l'ulkh tjulun rut swt'ft v Vitr Vanriin n Mis s K Viitillun 11 s 1 - , lti!ik Kittl Ailiiii.s KlU'h Ail.iUit It Miia .loliii V (JlHJ nu 7. umchi lillDil.lHL'Ol) lioltnuin UaJht , llaui hl'iM-'li v 10 lliiirlo JiMtaiil) l.'uiul iifii l).iiiU I AhlltOIi .Iticuli lttimu N in llciiiii .Uwtiua lirnMi MiUi.ui'.i 1 .. , . Hurt wxln m HrdillalU'i!i.uil Cook r.iih iiM pa ui CaUhuu li.iu IluimlUH1 loiirltUi liatHlm K ( if 01 iff 't-i r UillUullcT I l llik lIUMi li lilt I'UIIt'VlI'Lll Jllvtfc I't UT .7 1 lu h I Kllnu J nn KUIii'.llit' 1 KUliui-IIiuiU KitU Kuififlilt-H tito,,..,.,,. 1 Imli rmuttUitH) I).,.,. Mrfiuir. Trriihrt) Munition J&iiifH Muri tV Muiru Man ll s , McMuiidinou ivu-r , " 'Hum .1 .Ulan llubt 'Iraet Potter ALihew Walker Ij'WIs ltuslon Thus . Hilviiy Matthew""!!!' 'liilbUu'h Isiwli Trlt'li Jiienh Y .'itm 1 rank . , . MUji ,luhu I'le.h. r Ji'hJ. lmi I', ale-r s Mowurt .H's IV lVceUnuJoid.. j-d lthloJuhll visi tnatinan 1 il.,s . 2ui iiuiiiie w 111 W llaitnsm ..on a 122H krulm r . n foo hlnul J01 u a, e 0 1W Leinoii 'ihoma-,. , ao UcUenry uu 11. 2 m as 4S'J 80 21 221 2 3s " 3 M " 4 40 " I4 Ss4 " 2 42 " 3kl " l! 40 " S s4 " 3 :'j t'enltalll 7 70 " 8 so " 7(1 wl ' 14 Ul S HI " SO ' 15 40 " ft Irj 1 It SI 2 20 " 4 ill. 1 SS " 22 41 " i.t 70 " s ini " ll 67 '.' 1.1HS " IS I! " 4 2'J ' IH " bli'J " 41 li'l ., " SO " s mi " "4S " K S' " 12 73 " S 61 " S3 .. " 4 20 .. rent 10 7 26 " us .. " 139 2IUI " 711 ' 111 " 341 ' 1411 ,. " 4s " II, I'lmjiigham 27a 3 23 ' V4 SO " 4'JS 13 " 1141 Ss7 S3 4s 2 " 1 " 1 OS " I so i va ' 64 PO ' 1 " 4 111 j " 1 CO 21 " 2 7S " 16 Ml " I 44 1S7 " 1 21 .' w 41 2l 2 13 " 2 23 " 2 23 " 2S rsij a " 69 SO " 7114 S6 '1 ! 74 " 43 lal " ll(i7 " 2 24 " 7 OH " 6.1 a " 31 4 " 42 " -2.-i4 ftohlnjjerwK jl iu 4.4 '.' 2 06 86 list Huston .loon part ot.. , no i-n 111 i.raei 41 Utile It, belt Mertls .': Iluirhes.... la 41 " " II " mo Wellington. Wm , ji-, ., 40HoU).l Miner 1.0 . Is Skate Henry .. fs '1 ilea .Ixroh 1 01 uui Kit 1 1 21 " ' 2 l'ur-i 11 .10 in .. 1 lotsehi'g l'eiir est '.nn sot) inn k.ncw James est si e-o 0 '71 Kit' 4im llueliler I'luis is, (.TOSS .NatllrtLU'l usi (inn Iti.beit la 1 In rl rriu 11! 123 CMiltiiirS A 'n ei ua 11, ss weiey..... i.-orii'i or 11a litlllK ll 1111.VS KlU'lT.. fiio Montitoni.'rv ltobt ,3 Mepneiis w 111 jt n loioc ncnn Is muni; Mu tueio 11 11)1 to 0 44 III do do do (10 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do seott do do bugarloat do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2 62 3 80 3 07 ,"3 19 19 3 33 10 I 1 SI 6 70 24 34 167 OS 2 96 2 61 5 22 Sisi 1 7.1 17 HI 13 05 74 4 33 13 3 1 6 9 I 7s S9 19.1 sa 4 3.1 1 31 74 2 CI 2 94 2 17 174 43 2 92 22 CO S3 10 19 1.1 87 Wl SI Ul IS 9.1 2 37 IS UO 63 cuo 12 60 9 43 41) Ml 10 60 I 2 61 3 IV I Sure Rcwardi Yr.iltS TO PAY FOIl A FARM. S4 TO $10 IEK ACB.B. Ilrrcli nn el .Maple I .a 11 el In Mlcbl- 1:11 11 In lliei 1 1 1 1 o Aero tyrant - ul I In- . ru ml KuplelH a nil lu ll In 1111 Itnllieiail t oninnr. title rEnrscT. SlroiiK xoll si ur; cruim p'only ot llitilie'i-iiei elreiiitnil-no clilacu llllKN Illl "IIIIIHitTH." llCNSlMl STK1!1S l'CRK WJ.TKH Hbibv Mmni S-CUOOLS K4ILK0&D COUetkTED TUKOCOH TUS CSNTI1K OK T11K UUANT. Senel fur iiuniiililvt,ne;isAe)r German Address w. o. iu:e;ii.UT, Land Cohuissioneb, tut and HAribs. Mien. aprll 12, ls7-22w d s-A Diamond btar, Egg, Hose and Floral Cards 18c., i)U wltli name, beccombe & Co., Klnderhoolc, N. Y. UlUJ 1U, B-SW U 9 I or it nr of C3J TAT3 jRIX 'lhat lllll(rlPs Hmliriil Cure lor Catarrh will not Instantly relievo and stx-edlly cure, ltelerences. llenrv Wo Is, Esq., n'ells, Kargo 1 0., Au- rora, 1.; in, now en, r so , aic llatton. Orant ISowtn. bt. Louts. "testimonials and treatise) by mall. rilee, with improved Inhaler 1 Mold eerw ui-re. r.civaa: i-umtH, l'roniletors. lloston. Mass. may 10,is7f-iw d $50' JVoasuicr'sFiile of Seated Lands in Columbia county. Also the following lets, pieces and parcels t f seat- eel lands, returne-ilby the ta collectors, are lobe sold at the same time, under tho protlsiouscf an Aetef Assembly, e-utltled, "An act relating to tho aale nf lauds tor taxes In Columbia county," approv ed .Match &lh, ls6. Celebrated KXTKNSION library LAMP ! Adapted to any room high or low celling. Lowered to table when In use.and raised by merely touching. l'KRFKCTl.Y BATH rHOU FALUNtf. Lights without removing chimney, tjultoascouvenlent as gas, and at J, the ex(nsa. The samo exten sion prlnclplo Is applletl 10 all our chandeliers not exceeding a Ughu. Ihn odrantaiees are: Increased light with same consumption of ull, by hailng tho light where) wanted: safety, cannot be knock ed or upset. The extension umi-jmicrj is simple, una cannot ,isslbly give way. Cutsof Kxteo slon lamp anil chandeliers tf all st) lea furnished free We sell all lamps havluir merit. A.J. WK1DENER, Dealer In Lawps andOusswAs: may 10, 7S-4w ti a. beeond street, tl una. hliaela. A.'res, U arrante-e or oh ner. 27 cioiise steplien I Mulur Hi nrj 27 lieejauilu H J M Conner Cnthiiriiio!!!!!' !!!""!'.!" 41 " .Mulhlss i lots Mellenl Itussel , 5 Ma.ti rs I'.mlu 12 McNeill AlTalil .i Miilllinin Mi-. n !5 llotl A IVlllcr 1VS HllHk.1 w 49 lllll! Ill's l; Y s Ko-ln r Malta 1 lot snon-fts Harriet luli.e silvan I'ri'MIs Nancy slots I'urselli: ll , 1 1 t I nomas Juo .,.. 3 lots alter Norman....... laer Aruui.Miau I0T.I.1 toe's John . lots Freas Aiiil'CHti est .... iaere Klkendall Si Creasy- 4 1,,1m ltr!... .ln..r.l, " Megheii Peter M eTaiio liotntnlck: ' UulloM M " Winn Penuls " Untitle JonutiianH nurk .ioiiii .mis ... Beaver do lien ton do do do , o do do . do Tax. 1 K9 1 20 314 n3 24 00 HI) A'C Illgheat honors at all WorMI IlUA 1 11 KxtilblttOD. LatkktCat.iaii,, and Cmci i.aks. Ktib new siylrs. rrduerd irlM and mneh Inforniallon sknt raxK. UAhUN 4e llAMI.l.N UltliAN Cu., llutlocew York or Chl cago. d may ji, is-ew 1.1V lil I VA I'eautlful Concert Gland Ann 1 HI 2 so J!A'' viAUW P"CB ""only UHWAN llrlaieifek do do do Bio-. in ilo do do do da Catan Usa , Centralla . Centre . do .. Conyngham uo 22 00 s itf.v mm erh urand Square Planos,prlwTUi)o!iiy I 94 v-'j.! Heganll prlihtr1aneB,prlcejsiioonlyl6S. .,,-. ,.,,,7 1 iJiihu, riauua iiraans vaa. elru.ins 12 stops $7.Wl. t'liurrb (I, nuns lo stops prlee .v, iinlyMis. llletiuiit 1376 .lllrrorTa llruiuis, only tto3. Huyeia com aud hen meat homo If 1 urn not as represented. It. II. Kara paid both wajs nd llano or Organ glientree.Large lUsu ''"'I'-i'i miu uiucu iniormaiion about coat ot iJr'iS'Vi' '.!.',,,i"1.'!.lDr HeasaaddreisllAJi IKh V. HKati V. Washlngton.Sew Jersey, I'ulplhlltp Mrs... Da' DullMill DallJ... tf " hriumer w 1 " -Morgan Wllliaiu....... I " Hi own Srt-el 1 " lliimuiet Jack it acres Ibner WUllaui 15 " culleu Isaac est Id ' Horn Mm 1 lot I Ills tt 111 a 20 i.i it-H vv I1111 iMeen Johu.H I lot I'lhr v 111 .. ......, a acre s Woth r I) J H " JilJeJey fieorgo J.!l s - iMseoi iiani,ah.M 12 " loutigliaild . W ''ill i.tihard est." JJ " atu Jno W . !. 1 lot lies' s II .... 4V, aemslutunh rgJose-p'ti!!!!.'"" aiiucr Sugarloat 1 8s mi;ieKiriuL,iJ3, 1 do ilo do do do do do do do do Ureenwood Hemlock do Jackson Madison do klllllln Ml Pleasant eiraugu , lino do do do Scott no 8 Ml 10 Ss 19 42 s ill 3 01 6 80 2 2S S3 24 SS' 27 97 800 2 .Ml 45 7 Slo 61 40 1411 210 19 21 60 19 SO 12 46 19 41 6 60 2 Ml 1 ti 3 30 9 181 2S.S 122 1140 S7 2IS1 8 44 1 X 1 SO IBS treasurer. U l.Alih. tini'b.wilboriillioitiemi.iloi 1 J to. ilo at tM Ootcnauil oaav. ' HEW 1HI00D1 1'HrkAUH I'lirttnt Ittn I'l lla ninl-a Vuu, lilal. itn4 S!'?,W.U1, """'P'eltly Ch.uge the. blood In the entire! ; Any person who win takei 1 Pill each night trom 1 to i weeks may b restor. eel tu kound health, U such a thli B be jiosslble. hent by mail lor s letter atampa. I, s. joinson i ce?.. """i"1 a uiav 21. 7s.w SWEET HAYY wiuHi u, ,1 ininail tiunlism lor ,fcw Auf .uMilm sad lijiw, I '7-.?'"'.", A""!- Ull l.kH v nvn.l.. A, out blur imp IraJ.-muk u '" lulfllor 2o,li, i,. thai Jd.l,', hfit u nil rmt vli j. (.014 kj .'I J..l.i.. rua l"i .11111.1? tun, In t. A, Jicnio. i u li., 1 .Lutiin.N,: O.V. WAltlll.i:, lieurral AhI.i I'MIikIi India, may 4, 7-4w a PUBUC SALE HAND BILLS - Printed ut tluH Oflico ON 8UOUTEST NOTIOK AND AT TUB MOST KEABONAULE TEUMS.