The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 31, 1878, Image 2

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    i ivra'
BU)OMSBUUG, PA. -PrianyTttvy
In, 18 78'.
roll (tovnrtNort,
op union county.
Mil StirffEMR COURT,
HEN'ltY 1'. noss,
ron LiEUTESksr novniwo'.:,
01" cuuvruHD COUNTY.
ron sncnKTUiv of iNPEimt. affaiiw,
Tlis Platform.
The foUnwini; is the platform adopted by
the Democratic Convention :
Tlio Democracy ot Pennsylvania unanlmosly do
clara I Tint tin) licpuWcan pirty Its misurcs nnd
Its men aro responstblo for tha distress,
tho mLsory ami want tint nov eulsts
It ha? had outrol ot tlio legislation ot ttio
country ami lias en veto laid perp-itutcln policy
that has cnrloliol tin raw and lmp,verlsli"d th?
many. Its system otnnancohubjenon') ot favors
to moneyed imnopdy, ot unequal taxation, ot ex
emption of classes, ot lilh'li rates of Interes t and of
remorseless contraction, which has il istruj ed every
enterprise that gavo employment to labor. Its pres.
entboldupon Kederalpjier was becurcd by fraud,
ptrjory and forgery, its lurs nro unjust andlta
practices are Immoral. They distress ttu pejp le
and destroy their subttinoe Tho only remedy for
tbew evils Is In an entire change of policy and tho
dethronement of 1 1030 In power: and wo
KasoLVK, Tint further contraction ot tho volume
of tho United States legal tenlcr notes Is unwise
and unnecessary. 1 hey should I e received for cus
toms, duties and relumed as fast as received. Gold,
stiver, and .United btatcs legal tender notes at par
therewith are a Just basis for paper circulation A
close connection ot the Federal Government with
the business Interests of the peoplo through nation
al banks tends to monopoly and centralization, but
In changing tho system, uniformity of notes, secu
rity of the notc-ho'.ders and protection of the capi
tal invested should bo prov Idea for. Treasury notes
Issued tn exchange for bonds bearing a low rate ot
Interest Is tho best form In which tho credit ot the
fovernmcnt can bo given to paper currency. Labor
and capital havo equal demands upon and-cqual re
sponsibilities to law. Commerco and manufactures
should bo encouraged sotliat steady employmest
and fair wages may bo 5 lelded to labor, whilst safe
ty ot Investment and moderate return for Its use be
long to capital. Violence or broaches of order in
support ot the real supposed rights of either should
ke promptly suppressed by tho strong arm of the
The Itepubllcsn party, by Its legislation In 1ST2,
which reduced the torirf upon bituminous coal from
one dollar and twenty-five tosevcnty-llvo cents per
In !if4, and to the Sojmour Convention InisW. In
Isci mi additional Judgeship was created In tho
Bucks and Montgomery districts, and lu was elect,
ed Jo tho position by an overwhelming majority. In
Istl.upontho.dccllnallon of Judge Chapman from
tho judicial Presidency of tho district, Judge Uas
succeeded lilm. Tho new Constitution created two
districts out of tho Seventh and Judge Host was
elected to preside In tho Montgomery county one.
He moved to Norrlstown, where he how resides, In
1974 ho was beforo thn Lcmocracyot tho itatonsa
candidate for thoposltlon forwhlch ho has Just been
n6trilailfJdTrlfiJdf Kat Uion waVcau&cd ly a combi
nation of all tho candidates ngatmt him. Tho fol
lowing year ho was a candidate oeforo tho Krle Con
tention, but was beaten by a sudden movo la favor
of-Judgo Pershing while a decisive ballot was being
Hon, John Fertlg, nominated for Lieutenant Gov
ernor, was born In Vcinngo county, this State
March, is, 1S3I Alter r.cetvlng on ordinary common
cliool education he, at the a?n ot eighteen cars be
gad lite as a sawyer In the lumbcrlngdlstrlcts ot tho
Musipiehanna, After a year or two at this work lie
tlught a district school, and took on academical
course. In 1SG0, when the oil fever broko out. ho be
gan operations by leasing a small tract ot ten Itory,
known as tho Mcllticnny farm In this enterrlso
Inwhlchho was associated with two other gentle
men, he Invested ever) cent ot his savlngs.nnd eked
out his rroportlon of the capital by working as a
day laborer. Tho enterprise was a failure, and ho
loat every penny ot his Investment. Alter ajear
spent In (Inking wells ho accumulated enough capi
tal to resumo operations on his abandoned tract and
eventually reaped great success. Mr. Firtig also
turned his attention to real estate speculations, and
he Is; reputed tube the heavlost owner la Tltus
vlllc. Ho U extremely popular with his neighbors,
and In 1973, although a Democrat, was elected May
or ot Tltusvllle, a llepubllcan city, by the largest
mijorltyevcr given a candidate for theoMco. In
1STI ho was re-elected. Mr. Fortlg Is not only one of
tho wealthiest, but also one ot the most liberal nnd
popular citizens of tho oil regions.
J. Simpson Atrln, who has boon nominated for
tho onieo ot secretary of the pres
ent Deputy Secretary and the real head of the ofllee.
He was born In tho town.ol Huntingdon and Is now
tn tho 40th year ot his ago. He Is descended from
Revolutionary stock through tho Simpsons, ot Ducks
anl Murrays of Lancaster. Ho was educated at the
Huntingdon Academy, and alter completing) his
studies there, he adopted tho profession of survejor
and civil engineer and has since then devoted his
entire time (except when engaged in public duties)
to his profession, and was llrst emplojedasa civil
engineer In tho locatl-not thellroad Top Railroad.
In 1S33 ho was elected County surveyor of Hunting
don county on tho Democrat lo ticket over tho nomi
nee of tho Whig pirty, and served until 1S5, He
served as oni ot tho clerks ot tho senate during tin
sessions ot ISM and ISS). In October, USD, ho was
elected to the Houso ot Iteprsentatlves from Hunt
ington over tho Republican nominee Ho was sev
eral limes elected llurgcss of his natlvo boroush nnd
Is Identified with the leading business enterprise
thero. In May, 1915, ho was appointed by General
McCandless, Deputy Secretary ot Internal Affairs,
and upon him fell the labor ot organizing tho hew
Department ot Internal Affairs created by tlio Con
stitution of IS73. since his appointment he has giv
en the onlco his undivided attention .
The lOoih Anniversary of tho Ilatllo nnd road passing through tho Valley, nnd for
their comfort and convenlonco while here.
The work necessary to the successful issue
of the event has been perlormcd by the sev
eral standing committees, the Chairmen of
which compose the following Executive
Commlttco controlling the entire affair.
Col, Charles Dormice, Chairman ; linn.
Ii. I). Shoemaker, Treasurer j Wesley John
son, Secretary ; IIn, O, Mi Hunting, Hon,
E. Ii. Dana, Dr. II. llnlllster, Hon. Steuben
Jenkins, I'hviih l'rtlelioiie, Oeorge Cory,
J, M. Courlrluht, 11 Henry II. Hoyt,
Hon. Ilenilrlrk II. V1l15l1t, James 1", Atiicr-
ton, 11. J. Wlsner, Calvin Parsons, 0. E,
These gentlen en nrn the lineal descend
ants of the bravu men whoso death they
seek to commemorate, ami Irom the lirst
meeting 011 the 31 nt July, 1877, they hare
heartily given their lime ami energies to
making the coming event an appropriate
tribute tn the memory or their fathers. They
Invite the descendants of tho Wyoming col
on'sts, wherever they may be, to return to
the homo of their ancestors and aid In com
memorating their gallant services and heroic
Mnssacro of Wyoming.
There Is a woman, widowed, gray and oh
Who tells you where tho foot .of battlo stepped
Upon their day of massacre. Sno told
Its tale, and pointed to the spot, and wept,
Whereon her father and nvo brothers slept
bhroudlcsj, tho btlght-drcatned slumbers ot the
W hen nil tho land a funeral mourning kept.
And there, wild laurels planted on tho grave
liy Natuio's band, In n r their palo red blossoms
Ahd on Uie margin of son orchard hill
Aro marks where tlmiMvurn ''attlements havo
And In vhe tall grass traces linger silll
I f "arrowy frh so nnd wedge 1 Jivelln."
nvo hundred ct her brave lint valley green
1 rod on (lei mom lu soldier spirit gay ;
But twent lived lolill Hi,' mon-hiy Bcene
And whre are now 111 1 twenty J Passed awny.
Has Death no tilunnph-liours tare on the battlo day;
I'ilz-Grcen Jlallcci.
The 31 of July, 1878, vvllf complete the
century since tho fearful battle and massa
cre of Wyoming desolated this fair valley.
Historian nnd poet have alike preserved the
picture of that .lurk and bloody scene In all llealhi alll t t10 llC(1(lU, f lho IallI Vyoln
Its lurid hadcs-t!ip stern reality of lacts
across which falls the glowing light of ro
mance making Wyoming's soil to be revered
as classic nnd sacred ground,
It is eminently fitting the.i,as tho hundred
years are roundtd up, that the descendants
of tho'o bravo men should appropriately
commemorate the day which saw their fathers
seal their devotion to the cause of freedom in
torture and death, and consecrate anew, with
eloquence and song, tlio ground on which
they were strewn in manly battle, or tortured
ami -lain In treacherous eurpri-i1
In consonance with this, the 31 nnd 4th
of July next will witness a -Memorial Ser
vice in honor of the day nnd the heroic dead,
lug extends ti cordial welcome on this day
which recalls her baptism In blood.
(Jhnirmnn Executive Committee.
Wkli:y Johnson,
Washington, I). 0., May 2S, 1878.
Western Wild;, nnd The Men who Redeem
Them, An Authentio Narrative, Embra
cing an Account of Seven Yeats Travel
and Adventure In the Far West by J. H.
lloadle, Author of "Mle In Utah West
ern correspondent Cincinnati Commercial,
etc., Illustrated. Jones Urothers & Co ,
Cincinnati, Chicago, Philadelphia. 1878.
Mr. lieadle may fairly be regarded ns the
writer nf somo of the most attractive litera
ture of the day. "Western Wilds" opens
with tho commencement of tho author's ro
ving life in 18U8, and accompanies him
through all his many, thousands of miles of
travel on foot, ou horseback, by canoe, dug
out and wagon train, and every means of
locomotion known to civilized and uncivili
zed man, among savago Indians and no less
savngo vvhlto men, upon tours of observation
in the wilds of mountain, plain and desert,
nnd through ndventures whose recital causes
the heart to throb, nnd tho blood to leap
with accelerated momentum, and brings the
record down to the death of Hrlgham Young,
and the precarious fortunes of his tottering
Intertwined with personal observations ol
men, things and localities, all of which are
attractively presented, the lights and shades
of incident and hazardous enterprise appear
to relievo the work of any suspicion of hea
viness, and at the same time ndd many of
its distinguishing charms. Some of the
noteworthy adventures aro In tho varied ex
perience of tho author, but more were gath
ered from the lips of scouts, hunters, ran
gers, and the men and women upon the
frontier with whom ho came in contn"t, and
they make up a series of haps and mishaps,
comic, tragic and dramatic, which will be
Dill's Speech.
Following is tho speech of Senator Dill,
made to tho convention nt the close ol' tho
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Con
vention: I come before you as an humble
member of your party 'to thank you for 'he
honor you have conferred in making me tho
ton, anduponpron, steel, wool, metals, paper, glass, candidate of the Democracy for the Oover-
leather and all manufactures of eaca of them, ten n0rshlp ot this creat State. I value the
par cent, struck a fatal blow at tho Industries and . ., , . 11 . , 1
tabor of Pennsjlvaota. nomination more highly because it has been
The public lands aro the common property of tho conferred without any personal solicitation
Kople, and they should not be sold to speculators on my part j not that such action by the
aret great party is not an
Hera. ' object worthy of tho highest and purest
Our public debt should bo held at homo and the ambition, but because I was unwilling to be"
5S!S!.ri?rSSS,XlLt 0,I?,lt to,1J?OIsnlU,enoml- come the judge of my own fitness for this
aatlons, in which tho savings of the misses may bo ,. , ,.. b . , , . , ,
lately invested. high position. I feel the great personal and
Thorough investigation Into tho electoral frauds nolitical resuonsibilitv of this nomination.
oiisiSBttouid bomade. Frauds should be exposed, r 1nnw l,t it will Into a!1 thnviimrnfn
We may bo sure now that the army will
cost about ns much for tho next year ns for rend nnl re-read by American firesides for
tne past. A lew salaries may ue cut tiown, many ycar3 t0 come jj Rlway9 with in
and possibly n lew useless oincers uroppeu, terest,
but a lorce ol o.UUU men will ue maintained "Western Wild," treats of thn. neculiar
worthy alike of tho brave Coloni-ts and their Un.l tho present proportion of officers one in.tit.iiwm, of thn Mnrmnn wtllpmnnu the
children, and the quiet vales of Wvoming to five or six men will be continued. habits aud customs of various Indian tribes;
ami me uu"y siretn 01 vv iiKes-iiarie win une amendment lo tne nrmy approprla- ii,n r:.i. .lnr ml aiiiniliin nr i.m..
re-ecuo wiin inerecuai 01 uie turiiiing stury tlon bill vvliicli deserves serious attention pectors ; mining life, with a glance at Its
by orator aud pott, with the thundersof was offered mi Saturday. It provides for the perilsp'rofits and disappointments ; exciting
artillery, with the tramp of thousand', and perl'ortimnco by tho War Department of tho adventures of well-knovvu scouts; tho Mor-
with the stirring music of martial melody. duties now su-po.-cd to bo performed by the monwnr; the Mountain Meadow" Massacre,
Over the plain where the battle commenc- Indian liureau ol tlio Interior Department. or which John D. Leo was tried, found
ed an historic Wlntermoot, ending at 'Queen I behove the chango would tavc a great deal gullty and shot; the life of General Custer ;
Esther's ISIoody Hock,' the procession will of money now stolen by contractors and ofh- ,10 jGaii rutlilet. with a sketch of his life
pas, listening to a descriptive address, while rials, and tend to prevent Indian outbreaks, an(1 mimerous heresies ; beside an array of
at tho latter the oration will be delivered it vvou'd thus bo beneficial to botli races, other facts, incidents and hinnenines. Thi
which tells of the surrender, the broken Wlitlc, one man has tne management ot 11113
faith of the treaty, the horrid butchery, and unwieldy machine knovvu as tho Interior Dc
the wild hurrying to and fro of the terror- partment, ho cannot d justice to any ouo of
stricken women and children and nged men, numerous Hurcaus tint mako it up. Tho
to escape the torturo of fire and the ruthless War Department has tho offioeM ready who
scalping knife, and their untold sufferings as 1 aro tiained men and familiar with tho habits
they buried themselves far ver thi moun-1 and ideas of the Indians. Ily all means the
talu in the "Shades of Death.'1 At the change should ha made
Monument, erected by the unselfish devotion In connection with this subject it is of in
lias never been known to fall In tho euro of weak
ness, attended with svmptoma, indisposition to e
ertlon.lossot memory, ainieulty of b.eatldng, gen
eral weakness, horror of tllscnee, wiak, nervous,
trembling, dreadful horror ot death, night sweats,
told teet, weakness, tllmnf as of vision, languor, uni
versal lassitude of the muscular sv stem, enormous
nppclllo.wlth dyspeptic stsletn,. hot hands, nush-
ing 01 ine oouy, (irjiirFs 01 uiu-fkiii. ihiiih tuui"
naneo nnd eruptlonson tho fae, purifying tho blood,
pain In lho back, havlness ot the eyelids, rrciuent
lilnfL- flilno' Imf.-irn thn et ps. with temporary
suifu-lon and loss of sight 1 want of attention, etc.
These sympioms nil nrin irom a weaKiies, mm iu
lemeily thnt uso R. I'. Kunkel's Hitter vvinoof Iron.
It never falls. Thousands are now enjoying health'
whohavomedlt. (let Ihn genuine, soldonlylnll
bottles. Tako only I! K. Kunkel's
ask ror KunKei s 1 uier vvinoor iron, i.nsiruiv
valunhlo tonlo has been so thoroughly tested by all
classes of tlio community that It Is now deemed In
dlspensablo os a Tonic medicine. It costs but lit'
tie, purines the blood, ond gives tone to tlio Mom
uch, renovates the srstcm and prolongs life.
I now only ask a trial ot this valuable tonic. Itlce
$'. per bottle. E P. Kunkel, o!e rrorrlftor, No. n''
Noith Mnth ftrect, lieiow Vine, Philadelphia, l'a.
Ask tor Kunkel's Hitler Wine of Iron and take no
other. A photograph of tho proprietor on each wrap
per, nil others are counterfeit.
1 ewareof enunterfi Is. Do not et Tour druggist
sell J mi any but Kunkel's, whl"h Isput up only as
aliovo represented. You can gut six bottles ,Ior 13.
ah 1 osk is one simple inm.
TnprWnnu Iteiuoved Alive.
Head and all completo in two hours. No fee until
Imad passes, scat, pin and stomach worms re
moved by Dr. Kunkel, 2C9 j.orlh NUith street, Ad
vloofreo. Fo fee until head and all passes In ont,
nnd nllve. Dr. Kunkel Is the only successful physl
clan In th country for the removal ot worms,
and his worm syrup fs pleasant and safe for children
or grow n persons, rend fur rlrcular or ask for a bot
tle of Kunkel's worm Bjrup. l'rlro It a bottlo
Get It of our druggist. It never falls. may
Mercantile Appraisement.
I hereby cprtlty that tho following list ef dealers
taken, returned and classified by mo In accordance
with the several acts ot Assembly, in and for the
county ot Columbia, for tho year 1879, is correct to
tho best ot my knowledro and belief.
diss. Amt.
ought to be enough to insure a pleasing va
Several well-known names are tasseled
lib the i-tigmii of unadulterated wickedness
by the simple relation of facts; occasionally
a hero is rescued from obscurity and set upon
a modest pedestal for the admiration of bis
countrymen ; but the narratives are simple
and progressive, convincing with their iuhe
nice, Abram, storo 1
-hum id, OA,; " 1
DreWbiCh. lieorgo I', store 14
Michael, Levi, general merchandise 1
J A Losee, agent, " " 1
11 Mcllenry & Sen, general merchandise 14
.1 .1 Mcllenry " is
llohr Mcllenry " " is
nowman Crispin, general merchandise 1
t i: II K newer " " J
It II Little, drugstore 14
P L Dlsteihurst, f urnituro store 14
(I A llucklngham, stoves and tinware 14
t! D Powler. agent, stoves and f urnituro 14
.lackson K VVoodln, manufacturing Co, 7
J v irey, general merchandise 13
II M llockman, confectionery and bakery 14
A lulttaln, drugstore 14
W 1" Hughes, general merchandise 13
Preas Brothers, general merchandlso 1
" lumber dealers 14
Adams & Son, general merchandlso 13
David dross, porter bottler 14
of the women of Wyoming, nearly half a terest to know that Secretary Schurz asks rent truth fuluess and total absence of egotism
century ago, other and fitting exercises will
bo held, which will closo the Memorial Ser
vice of the first day.
On the second day, which happily com
memorates the nation's birthday, tho scene I
will be transferred to the city of Wilkcs-Bar-
truth Tlndlcated.anl criminals punished, but we op-
jwae any attack upon tho Presidential title as dan
gerous to our Institutions nnd fruitless In Its ro
aalts. The Republican party, controlling tho legislation
ue btate, has refused to execute many of the re
strong man, and I know that lu its result it
means the political control of this great
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. When
you consider the unparalleled condition of
terms ot tho new Constllutlon;among other things It I tho people, their prosperity blighted, their
1 neglected and refused to compel the occeDtauce
of all lu provisions by tho corporations of tho Mate ;
to prevent undue and unreasonablu discrimination
tn charges for transportation of tresght and passen-
sjens, ana witnout ,abaienient or drawback to any;
to giro to all equal means lor transporting the raw
anaterial of tho State In such manner and to such
polalsas they may 1 refer, and to pulllih lu goal
faith monthly statements ot where tho money 01 the
people was kept.
fiThe Republican party creates new ofllces and adds
enormous requisites 10 others and nils them with
favorites whoso chief duty Is to manage Its political
Bent grows moie eipcnslv 0 each s car ot Its rule.
Legislation has beeudutctedby liepubllcan lobby
ists, who in turn manipulate and contiolthu nomi
nations ot the litpublhan party, and Its candidates
are the creallon of a Junta w hose decrees are accept
ed is tho urcvtrkiblo mandaleii of attoluto hcrlaita-
ry power,
business without remuneration, their labor
unemployed ; when you consider how its
commercial strength is shattered and how
lawlessness has threatened social revolution
and financial chaos, I want you to remember
that the political party which is responsible
for these calamities is intrenched in office,
having tho will and tho means to debauch
tho sentiment it cannot coerce. This is
the foe we aro to meet and wo can to-
Cousressfor important changes in tho laws anj affectation We have never examined
relating toi tho Indians. Ho asks that the a work upon the subjects treated by this, so
number ol reservations bo greally reduced, free f,.om technic ilities, so true to nature,
and tho number of Agents Irom 20 to 8. anj 8 Well calculated to fascinate the atten-
Capt. Ends whose work at tho matter of tjou of all classes of readers,
tho Mississippi has been 6.0 valuable will It is a royal octavo volume ot C24 pages.
re, then as now the important town of the probably c-iro tho chano he desires in his elegantly printed uud bound. Its illustra
Valley. Here the Memorial service will be contract. He wishes tho money paid faster, tions, of which thero are 127, are the finest
transposed into one of celebration and rc- I and 110 ono seems lo object, uow that tho sue- w-e ever saw in a work for popular sale, and
juicing, that out ot the sullering and afliic- cess ol tho plan is assured. they are remarkably effective in elucidatin
tion of that terrible day have come peace Speaker Kandall was in tho Chair on Satur- the text. "Western Wilds" will be eagerly
and prosperity, and out of its bitter defeat day. During his late absence Hon. Milton I purchased wherever the English language is
and cruel massacre, a deathless victory, luo Saylcr, performed the duties ot tho bpcaker-1 read,
istory of the Valley will be fitly and beau-1 ship in a very acceptable manner, especially
tifully illustrated in a moving pageant, tin- when vvoconsider the frequent and important
der tho command of Col. Stanley Woodward I rulings ho was called upon to make while the
as Chief Marshal, typifying the several im- army appropriation bill has been under dis-
portnnt epochs, commencing with the nbori-1 cussion,
ginal period when the Lenl Lcnapes held Mr. Wood gives up his tariff bill for the
possession of Wyoming, by native descend- I session, as there is a general desire for an
ants of that tribe. The introduction of catly adjournment, and he realizes the ini
Christianity by Zinzendorf will be portrayed possibility of getiinj his bill passed with-
by the historical tent of skins, within which out long discussion. The llouso Democrats 'f wclI,and fT:d large doctor bilk Three
will be seen the Moravian pioneer nnd the
legendary serpent, followed by groups rep
resenting the struggle known as the 1'enna-
mite War. In the Revolutionary period will
be given the "Battle and Massacre," which
Its admlmstratlouot tho Hate govtrn- Jay see something of tho battle that is bo-
mntn -Tip,,(.l. mini. . a..h .... ...i I "...
fore us. If wo are lo gain a victory it can
only be achieved by tho determined assault
of n united, a harmonious and enthusiastic
party. Ihe Republican party pleads foi a
continuance of power becau.-e its mission is
We denounce thcto methods, theso measures and not yet ended. For nearly twenty years it
ill receive an added emphasis from the I presiding ..flict r because ho didn't have
presence of a whole or a portion of thodolevirji iii.j ins own way at the Pittsburg
scendants of tho Six Nations, who come Cv.iivir.tiuii. All that needs he said is that
from their reservation in New York to par- what was his loss was some other good Dem
ticipate in the sham battle illustrative of the ocra' s iuiii. Hut 110 temporary defeat will
fierce struggle in which their fathers worked tv.r u.ike ihe Speaker less a favorite with
their cruel will a hundred years ago. The tLe uwi-n, who regard him as one of the
these men as unworthy tho support ot an honest and
a freo people, and w 0 Invito all of tv ery shade of po
litical opinion to unite w Uh us la lUllvtilng tho Com
monwealth irom their hatetulrule.
(Jar Nominees.
has had, with temporary exceptions, com
plete control of the destinies of the nation,
and has swayed to Us own uses its Executive
Judicial nnd Legislative Departments, and
what has it done ? With full power to in
crease the tariff it has lowered it. It found
this country with wealth generally diflused,
with few millionaires and no squalid poverty.
What do we now sec as the result of its
policy? At ono end of society the nabob,
at the other the tramp. If the mission of
the Republican party is not yet ended, it
Andrew II. Dill, the Democratic candl
data tor Coviincr, is ii jcars old, and lesldcsat
Lew Isburg, Union county. Le Is a Murylandtr and
the son of a Methodist preacher, Jiev. Henry (1.
Mil, who sent the boy to tho llethodlst .nchoo:s at
Carlisle, tung Dill cnteiedthe Dickinson Siinp
nary In 1S4, graduated In lsia, undihm went Into
Ue Junior class whence he graduated with honors
laisw. Ue taught fcebool right after leaving college ought to end, for now the mission ol the
J, 1 . . treacr,CK Qmny Maryland, and Democratic party begins, and this is a mis
S ii:;- I Relieve, that will lift the
hut became a practitioner In Colambia countv. this country out of its despair not by a vain
Mate. Aucfficewas opened In Cettj tburg, but tho search for a new principal of political econo.
AZ ,i,o , , 1SI'TU , . 6umuicrlr my.butby tho application of the homely
done before hint, wander about, 60 alter a tlx , , , ' , ,. ,
montts'stay ho Joined his uncle, Isaiah Dill, at principles of republican government by
lluouvuie, Alabama. jiiiAprll, ibeo, he came back the reduction of public expenditures, in or
tPfD.8.5lTaCla tt?df'""ea Iwlsbur Vnl0" der that a tax-burdened people may be re.
cy of iscssndiscs he saved as first Lieutenant of" 'wved J by an administration of the State
companyp, Tnemytlghih l ejimcnt, l'ennsjlva- Government conformablo to the Constitution;
nlaMUltla. in 1&70 he by the Dcmci by the practical solution of practical que
,.e7ctL3ccm forcing In State affairs tho
Seventeenth, a l.epubllcan district, lie was elected 1,31110 management that is now administered
andtt.okh!satJanuary,ls;o. lathe fallof is:o in our homes-a management of economy, a
The following persons havo been proposed for
nomination by tho next Democratic county Conven.
tlon to be held August 13th, lsis. Candidates an.
nounced In this list ore pledged to abide by tho Ue-
first agricultural epoch will bo followed by a truest exponents of National Democracy and "slon ot tho Convention.
tableau emblematic ot the War of 1812, and Us tl.o man of destiny that is never disturbed
this by one eminently appropriate to the dis- by the little vicissitudes resulting from a
covery and use ot anthracite coal, in which friendly rivalry us appears to exist among
ill be seen the li.-si grate ever used in the tho leaders of the Keystono Democracy
Valley, filled with burning coal, before The South, particularly, remembers him as
vvnicli the owner, Judge eli, shall bo seen lu0 mal, above all others who, by his match
persuading its combustion with a pair of I es leadership against and final defeat of
bellows, i hp cm ol the post rider and the ihc inlaiuous forco bill, rendered her euiau
old fashioned rtugu coach will form n strik- cipatlou possible from the Incubus of negro ,
ing feature of the pageant, the driver, Jefl scalawag and carpet-bag domination.
Sivainbank and his couch being the last to
transfer iiispngers and mails over the
mntiiiiaiiis prior.!., the coming of the 'iron
orst-.' Following this conies the second
ag i 'liltnriil period, aud that by the few mrvivors of tho Mexican War, in
whiih 1 pnch Wyoming has a peculiar inter
t, in that the alley tent lorth as her quota,
no cumpany - the Wyoming Artillerists
he was elected to- the Stnato from the tamo district
for three sears, and has slhco remained lu that
Senator Dill was oppesed byu very strongman
npon his entry lnlo tho pomical field. In the Sena
torlal contest ot IS70 ex-twualor Jthnson, ot L com
ing, ran against him, but he not enly overcame the
utpuuutan luajoilty, Lut was elected by nearly
retrenchment of expenses, a cutting off of
luxuries, I know of no other Btanoard of
duty for a public servant than fidelity to the
Constitution aud the law, and if the nomi
nation that Is now made shall be ratified by
lho people, I promise you that the Constltu
l.loo. At Hie expiration cthlsterailn HI3,hc was tlnn anil thn Inws nf this irreut fitnt uliall !.
ZZZaliZZXC'ZZ y K"'J" official conduct, and that from
.Jand.andDr. Wsgonteiitr.ot sovder, wasnoinlna- now until the electlcn I will devote to the
ttdby the Hci.uMUaiS. Notwithstanding tho pop- servlco' of my party all my abilities and
'u ...s county-inat gave .,ower. and If chosen bv the i.eonle I will
j-...., ... 1 - i
tdm nearly l.lvO majority 1111 was re-elected by
some thirty .'votes. In tho Ecnate lie ranktd second
only to Wallace as a parliamentary Icader,and w 1th
out ever afsurcliigtholtaderthlp, bo grav lilted to
the front rank of his parly In the Legislature ust as
water finds lu lovcl. At the closu of his second
term, In lsio. ha wlthfd to r tire, but was compell
ed 10 accept a thltd nomination. The district had
been changed by loUng I'trry from It, thus lncreas-
then devote to the service of the entire State
the same measure of fidelity and duty,
Dili at his Home.
Upon tho arrival of llon.A. II. Dill at his
home last Friday he was met at the depot
IngtheileDUbllcan mulortty over 100, andthetharn by an Immense throng of his fellow citizens.
party lints ot a Presidential contest made the battle I who, as he appeared upon the plattorm,gaye
apparently riore man aouurui. no accept tne expression to their joy and pride at his nom
competitor, -was t gain nominated; but, la tho fate 'nation for governor by cheer upon cheer,
ct thi lntcnslttedi.atlonalcoiilllct,he was elected by I The wildest enthusiasm prevailed, and amid
vtrloo majority, and has two vears vet to servo In I the hutzah of the multitude and the waving
the senate. AUo In debate, sagacious In council, of handkerchiefs from everv window he was
unobtruttvetoa fault andblamtlesaln repute. tho ""-uieH irom every window ne was
nomination of his party for the office, of United conveyed to his residence In a barouche,
(states senator, last March, was but a just trlbuto to drawn by four horses. In the first carriage
,u'1'l'"u,"rourepren- with Senator Dill sat Hon. Joseph 0. Uuch
at the election In tho two houseaMirth SI. 1SIT. Don eri llon' l Alle" and Hon, 8. It. I'eale,
Cameron lerdvcd 140 -votes and Senator Dili 3, 1 followed by distinguished citizens in other
Messrs. UeUter turner, A. o. Curtin ond John carriages. Flag were flying on every side
wacasuu rtiti.iug uue uto kmm. uiirtugiuu present I 1 , in.. , ,
session U tho Legislature Senator Dill has been tho a,,u wen, women and children with beaming
recognized itader of lho Democratic stdo In tflo faces rushed to bid him welcome as he
Senate, alighted In front of his home. His house
jruaaiiosa. had been festooned with wreaths, flags and
...r'?.", Uie Spyker Graham post 0
born lu Doylcstowu. December 19. lsss." liavlnir the Oraud Army of the Republic, No. 52,
graduaUdat rrlnuton College In issr, he read law ! lowers were strewn upon tne threshold and
with his father, the Don. 1 homas ltoss, aud was ad-
muted lo lho tur on lho twenty-third anniversary
u h Is birthday. In lsci he was elected District At
torney for tho county of Ducks by a largo Democrat
ic usjoilty. In iscv he ran egalust JudeTliajer
for Congress In the n!th district and had a majority
of the heme vote, being defeated by the soldier vole.
from the hands of an Impromptu committee
of lovely tnlssej.
The Senator received an armful of bou
queU, In a word the whole population
seemed lo have given themselves up to glad
in lies La wai scatn deieatidin Lho Fitih iiuiri,.i ness and stiontaneous welcome. Ihohena
cosgreulonsl ntLt, tLU time by Caleb K.Taylor tor was overpowered with emotion, but after
Kvtr active in pcuiies he rrequettiy re resented I inutio by the tiauu anu an introduction oy
le Ditnoersta ornis tcction in ilu ttate convention I tits Hlo-Iouif Irieuu. judge jiuclier. neap
wan a delegate from the fifth district to thoMcciel. I peared, aud, wjtb much feeling, addressed
.aanimvimuiujui.Mjiuiui.uc0uiiiuuri4fivehuon I tils mends.
A Wise Deacon.
"Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell mo
how you kept yourself and family so well tho
past season, when all tho rest of us have
been sick so much, and have had tho doctors
running to us so long."
"Hro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. I
used Hop Bitters in time and kept my fami
0 A Jacoby, grocery
Henry Klelm, grocery
(l)U J K Loekard, dealers In coal
.1 K lllttenbeniler. dealer In lumber
Hartman llrothers, grocery store
I. K unary, stoves and tinware
1 w McKelvy, drygoods and groceries
Clark & Wolt
Wagenseller & Co, notions faacy goods
oross Brother, clothing store
.1 II Meeker, Hour and teed
Isaiah llagennucn. stoves ana tinware
T W Conner, grocery store
I) A Creasy, general merchandise
llnilri Ktrnnn. "
Hoillns Holmes, gas niters and plumbers 14
A .1 K.vnn. p. nininir ruii-h ...
Illoomsburg Iron Co, general merchandise 8
C w Neal mother, dealers In coal
c c Narr, general mcrcuanaiso
Joseph Decker, confectionery 14
vvm Kreamer, grocery store
s II Miller Son, general merchandise 13
.1 Kchuyier & sou. hardware 13
I V Hartman, general merchandlso 11
II C Hartman, carpet store 14
C A Klelm, drug store , 14
.1 icon Keller, notions and fancy goods 1!
VV J corell Co, furniture room 1 1
W C McKlnncy, boots and sioes 14
Lutz Sloan, drygoods U
J II MaUo, grocery store ja
(leorgo Clark, books and stationery li
.1 11 i-cott, confectionery 14
David Lowenberg, merchant tailor 13
William llabb, grocery 1 1
I.OUIS Dernhard, Jewelry 14
.lames Cadinan, agent, furnlturo 14
I, liunyon Co, hardware " " is
n naies. lewoiry
.r K Kyer, dry goods and groceries 13
Josenii Hendershot. coal yard and irrocary
MoyerUros.. drug Etore. (corner Malnr U
hold n ' aiicm to morrow on tho subject of ad-
jouriiinuit, and will probably agrco to the
Scn.ue rt-u.iitiun uauiiug Juuo lUth.
Mr. H.iii, ruiurus to the Chair not
made n whit less courteous and affable ns a
dollars' worth of it kept us all well and able
to work all the time, and I'll warrant it has
cost you and most of tho neighbors ono to
two hundred dollars apiece, to keep sick at the
same time. I guess you 11 tako my medicine
hereafter." See other column.
eter Oross. porter bottler
Augustus Itabb, grocery
t: savage, jeweiry siore
K I. Ms ers. medtclncs
N .1 llendershott, drug and grocery store
r uaiaweu, coniecuonery
Thomas Webu, confectionery
J II Johnson, tobacco store
Jesse Coleman, Medicines
'eter uiumyer, uour ana reea
Jacob Itantz, general merchandise
hwank & orange, general merchandlso
S 11 Dlemer, general merchandise
.1 iv suarpit'ss sons, general uici umumao
Win Hartman. furniture room
Geo Manhart, boots and shoes
John & llaldy, general merchanllss
tnioeri & ivuue, general mercuauuiaa
A II Cleaver, stoves and tinware
11 1' torlner son, general mercniuuiso
K L stiuman. clothlnir store
John McCoy, confectionery
11 ;cesuouz, groceries anu prwusiuiw
of Moomiburg.
of Jiloomiburg,
I'a. j
St. Pkthhsburo, Clarion Co
.May 27th, 1878.
Editors or the Columiiiak Dear Sirs :
I desire to express to you my appreciation
of the two renlments furnished bv the State ' n,eI ,vho llllve 1,11,1 tllB ll0,,r " "T
The lute civil war will be nronerlv renresent- re8ent Columbia couuty iu our legislative
d, and the pageant will close with a tableau nans lor tne last two years.
lori-ielling the future of the Valley.
In addition to tiny, which will be a 11 v-
inn panorama of tho history of Wyoming,
hero will be in procession a vast multitude,
iinisliiig of thousands of military, the
Grand Army of the Republic from a hundred
l'osts,the Tire Departments of eastern Penn
sylvania, Societies of all degrees and Benev
olent and Trade Associations of all kinds in
It is not the
men who make uso of the most words that I
are the safest legislators, but ho who, with a I
clear insight into the merits or demerits of
measures is enabled to vote Intelligently and
with an honest purpose.
When I entered the House in 187 1 I met
Mr, Mcllenry, whoso two years of previous I
service had versed him in legislative prac
tice until ho had obtained au efficiency
of JBIoomiburg.
immense numbers. If all come w ho have wmcl1 ""' rcal 6e'Yca m a lE'i'ave uouy
Intimated their intention lo do so. 50.000 cau (iivo a u,a- Mr- 1!rown. like my8elf
' ' L.J .11
strangers will visit Wyoming on these two
of Bloonuburi).
ceiitemiary days.
The distinguished guests who have been
nvlted to honor the occasion by their pres.
enceaud have accepted, will Include the
'resident oi the United States, the Governors
of the original thirteen Stales, and many
had everything lo learn. I soon came to
know him as a quiet, conscientious, earnest
man. My association on committees with
him taught me that his opinions upon mat
ters before us were worthy of weighty con
sideration. I found that he had a mind of 1
his own and was fearless in expressing it,
others, great by their abilities and honored ttuJ tuat he "'""J" voted ellher ln commit-
of Sloomtburg.
John's.' mann,
Centre township,
Centre township.
by the country for their services.
Not among the least attractive features of
the Memorial Service will be the music,con-
sistiug of a choir of !!00 voices, and an
orchestra of sixty pieces, while on tho even
ings ol the two days, Theodore Thomas will
delight the people with his famous concerts
lu tho city of Wilkes-Ilarrc.
Tho battlefield and tho entire plain of
Wyoming will bo restored, so far as practical
ble, to its primeval condition
tee or in the nouse,upon his own judgment. I
If we had more such men as represent!
your couuty and n less number of political
tricksters iu our Legislature the people of I
this great Common wealth could obtain BUch
legislation as their necessities demand.
I remain very truly yours,
M. L. Lockwood.
Judge Black said before the electoral com
mission i "Walt a little while. The waters
Old Forty of truth will rise gradually, but slowly and
Fort has been rebuilt, the block house and Burely, and then look out for the overflowing
palllsades being an exact fac-smile of the scourge. The refuge of lies shall be swept
original in location nnd size, while dotting away, and the hiding place' of falsehood
the rjver bant will be seeu the log huts of shall be uncovered. This mighty and puis-
the Colonists as they appeared In the olden sant nation will yet raise herself up like a
time. I strong man after a sleep, and shake her in-
dd'ng greatly to the interest of the day vincible locks in a fashion you little think
at Wyoming will be the gratuitous display of now. Wait; retribution will come In
the largest In the country of historical due lime. Justice travels with a leaden
antiquities and Indian relics, which have all heel, but strikes with an iron hand, God's
been gathered in the Valley and preserved mill grinds slow, but dreadfully fine. Walt
with loving care by Hon, Steuben Jenkins till the flood-gate Is lifted, nnd a full head
and Dr. Holllster, I ot water comes rushing on, Walt and you
l'ollowing the great event, a detailed his-1 will see somo flue grinding then."
tory of Its proceedings, from the inception I
of the design to the closing hours of the One very sensible thing done by the Leg
centenuary service, will be published in sub-1 islature in its last momenta was to request
stantlul book form. I the next Legislature to repeal the act reoulr-
The most ample provision has been made I ing the publication of the .egitlatiee Jieeord.
for the coming of our guests by greatly re-1 It ought to be done by all means, as it is an
duccd rates of fare on all the lines ol rail-1 utterly useless expense to the Stale,
Centre township.
lishingcreei township.
Centre township,
Jleaver Township,
Mt. ieatant township.
I'Uhingcreelc township.
Beaver township,
of Centralia.
of Centre township,
Centre township.
(Urower's block) 14
7 1KI
7 co
7 00
13 50
7 00
40 no
12 50
12 50
7 00
in 00
7 no
is 00
10 00
7 uo
7 01)
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
30 00
7 0)
7 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
10 Ml
7 00
IS 50
11 SI
10 00
10 00
7 (X)
7 1)0
10 00
7 (10
lo no
7 00
12 10
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 110
7 00
Pursuant to an order ot tin Court of Common
Pleas ot Columbia county, Penns Ivauta.wlll be sold
on tho premises, ln ltoarlngcrcck ton nshlp, ln said
county, on
Sutimlny June 22d, 187J,
at 11 o'clock a. m., tlio following described real es
tate, usslfucd to Casper Ithawn by John 11. klluger
and wife In trust for the b-iient ot the creditors ot
said Johu 11. Kltngcr: Tract No. 1,
lna good state of cultivation, sltuatelln Roaring-
creek totvn 'itp, on the public road or old Heading
road leading nom Catawl.ssato lilngtown, about S
miles ;from Catavlssanud3 miles from Slabtown,
bounded by lands of Frank Yoaum, William Slshcr
and others. The laiprovements thereon are a good
a largo Iwo-Hory Iramo
a large barn, corn crib, wagon shed and other out
buildings, all of which Is cuuirnonly known as tho
'Five l'olnts Hotel stand."
TractJo. 2,
situate) and boauded as tract Ni. I, It being a part ot
said tract, except It Is divided from It by publlo
road leading from llalnvllioli) Nunildla.
Tkums oihamc. "leu per e-ent of one-fourth ot
tho pur liaso money to bo paid nt tho striking down
ot the property, the ono-fourtli less lho ten per cent
at conllrmatlon of sale, and the remaining three-
fourths ln one jenr thereafter with Interest from
conllrmatlon inlsl. The purchaser to bo ;at the ex
jpense 9! all necessary Instruments of wilting.
Abbott Hiiawx,
Attoruejs ror Assignee.
may 24, is-ts AsMgnce.
vv H eirango. dry goods and groceries
w u itinaru, gonerai meruuauuiso
T K Harder, furniture room
lotin Mensch, dealer ln coal
J M Nmlih, druggist and hardware
vv m doun, suitus aim iiuwuru
Kl) Utile, agent, coal
(1 vv Michael, grocery storo
u II Millard, general merchandise
O (1 Murphy, general merchandise
A U hortner, stoves nnd tinware
leo vv Davis, drug store
I) o lilack, groceries, Hour and feed
Mrs Edward Haffey, grocery store
lrvln llros. erocery store
John Moren, boots aud shoes
Jacob SponHer, general merchandise
ujw nro & v;o, general uicivuauuioc
L W Wooley, dealer In coal
Z T Fovv ler, dealer In grain and coal
inoinas urousi, grocery store
w httmlro & Irwin, general merchandise
JMAmmcrman, general merchandlso
.T V MMIanrv fr.ntml triiTrhnndlsa
.. ... -. -.,.. ..ntn- In
v ti aivers, mau uiutiuicr nuu utoiv-i u
a M Howell, gener al merchandise
13 Hosier Sons, g eneral merchandise 1
Dyer & Sro, general merchandlso
Wm Masters, dealer In merchandlso
Kins kvos a liro. general ueaier in uiusu
A 11 White, general dealer
vv ir ness, general uieruuuuuiou
1' 1) mack, merchandlso and fur nlturo
J K Welllver, general merchandise
A 11 Hartman, general merchandise
F y Harris, general mcivnauuiso
J 0 Christian, general merchandlso
Jacob Veager, general merchandise
I'etcr Vocuin, general merchandlso
Thomas heburu. general merchandlso
J 11 Vastlne, general merchandise
o Kreamer, general merchandlso
vvm eiingies, uiereuumiuu
j n nodlne, general merchandlso
U J Lanipocu, general wiereuauuiao
Creasy lirown, general mercnanaise
10 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
7 1)0
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 0
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 re
7 Ik)
itlftLWS FimiiE CL1IHIK1 ME,
1818.-18tli year.,
1 . 1 -1
With.viuch greater variety
iThan ever
JFitil. ampler facilities'
TJian ever
With far. more' customers'
We are better prepared
Than' ever
Af considerably lower prices
Than ever
To Snpply .
Tho Men and Boys
of Amerioa
' With Snperh Clothlnc; y
Frost the Largost
Clothlnc Honso
In America!
Only Ono Price. The Lowest. Terms Cash.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned.
Samples and prices mailed, anywhere.
Orders hy mall promptly executed.
Sixth & Market Sts., Philadelphia,
May 21, "s fni
riKAI.Kil in
Silverware, Watches, Jowolry,Clccks,&c,
Civ-nemovcdtoMio postonico building, flrsT dosr
abovo tho Kihange Hotel.
All kinds ot Watches, (nocks: and Jewelry neat
ly repaired and warranted. , .
may 17, '7S-tt
GTL 33 S
The following tracts of land w ere sold by David
Tjowcnberg. 'I reasurer of Columbia couuty to tho
Commissioners of said county onlh secondMonday
of June 1870, and met line ot redemption hav ng
passed by an Act approved March 13th,lS15 nni sup
plements thereto lho same will be sold on lho sec
ond Monday ot Juno 1S1S, at tlio Court Hotiso in
Illoomsburg , ,
Callahan James ono lot Centralia llorough unseated
Madden Thomas " " " "
MeehanJames " " " "
Nevln Michael " " "
ltellv " " "
Shcpperd 11 V ' " - " "
aiooro uracw .lira tu iuij,
Loveland II J one lot " " "
star John ' " " t ' "
James Edward " ' "
Kenstermaker J II M " "
Jones An nKT Mrs " " " "
Kllno Caroline " " " "
Murphy Thomas " " " '
Minium Mlshacl " " " , . "
Kllno John " " " "
Davis Henry ' " " "
Miller mias soo acres Heaver township "
Cearbarl William 100 acres Migarloit two. "
Casey John Lower two lots Conjugham twp. seated
Wynu Dennis one lot " " "
mm )
10 00
10 00
10 00
II W 1Inrt7p1. roni-ral mprchandlsti
Kieazer cuvveppenIlelse, geueiui iuum
J It Uetlei , general merchandlso
Mrs J T Farnaworth, grocery 14 7 00
Henry M lieuy, 011s aim urusuea . . w
l'axlon llarman. ireneral dealers 13 10 00
Augustus lilbby, grocery 14 TOO
J B Hands Eon, general merchandise 14 Too
.1 11 llarman, general merchandise 1 4
v w Ixiw x sou, general mirchandlse 13
M O Keller, dealer 14
F M lioutun, drug storo 14
1) K t-16an, general merchandise 13"
It W Lyon, general merchandise 14 T 00
O vv Chonlngton, general merchandise 14 7 00
o P Iielgbard, general merchandise 13 10 00
Mlas Young, general merehandtso 14 7 00
A ii White, general merchandise 14 7 00
It H Hnl, dealer In stoves and tlnwaro 14 7 eh)
(1 W Crevellng, general merchandise 14 TOO
W K Dlettertch, general merchandise 14 1 00
N Illehart, boots, shoos and notions 14 T 00.
H A wormau, general merchandise 14 T 00
J I) Werkhelser, general merchandise 14 T 00
T Crevellng tt Co, grocery store 13 1000
Henry Aul, dealer In coal and grain 14 TOO
E Colo & Eon, general merchandise 14 ' 00
All persons who may feel aggrieved by tho above
classltlcatlon can have an opportunity ot appealing
by meeting the undersigned
Saturtluy, Juno 22, 1878.
at which time an appeal will beheld at tho Court
House In Illoomsburg, commencing at 10 o'clock a.
in., and ending at 4 o'clock p, la,
may 31, It. Mercantile Appraiser,
Cures all I'a In In Man si nil Ilcast
Pholai'scs 7'tehi d'allln'' of the Womb.V A Won
derful euro. Mne years my wire sunered 'with this
lernuie eompiaiui. w uiu-nueu uy uuetur al
ter doctor, went to tho different hospitals w hero fe
males are treated; tried them all; wore bandages
and pessaries with only (emporary relief. Her life
was imlserablc. We applied Dr. dues' Ltntment.
Her relief was immediate, bho is now well.
. 40 West 13th street, Jvw York,
hadttwelvo strokes of rarausls. My leg. arm
and t jnguo were useless ; waa obliged to uso a cath
eter every day. Doctor eirrs' liniment Iodldeof
Ammonia Inis cured n e. VV hi answer any Inquiries
so that all arutced may know ot it.
John- Arm.. North Hranford, Conn.
Chestnut 11111. rhltadelphla, April ii, It.
W. M. Giles, K"ii Dear Mr f used jour Iodldeof
Ammonia Liniment on Kloia Temple's hind pastern
Joint, hhe lhad been qullo lame ; the client was
wonderful: sho vvviks now eiulto well. Very, re
spectfully ours,
A. Welch.
I. S. I am now using It on Littleton's right tore
A largo shoo boll on a valuable young horso was
removed by Olles' Llnlmtnt Iodide ot Ammonia.
Carpets, 175 sixth ave.. New York.
AsmviA The tortures and agcnlcs 1 endured for
six years, none but those who have suffered with
this terriblo disease cau know. My lire was misera
ble. In desperation i tried titles' Liniment Iodide ot
Ammonia. It gave me Instant leltef. Used It In
ternally as w ell as externally.
Inos. 11RANIOAN,
117 west 87th street. Kew York.
I was ln a drrtaiul condition. Joints swollen,
Jialn Intense. Injections ot morphine Into my veins
ailed to relievo me. flues' Iodide of Ammonia took
away the deposits from my Joints I want every
ono who sufftrs to know what will euro them.
KoanvcE IxiTiiiior,
North Hydo I'ark, ijiuuuoIUo to. Vt.
Another Buffercr cured. Discharged from tbo
Massachusetts (lencral Hospital ns Incurable, with
Intlammatory rheumatism In lu shoulders, Qngcrs
and feet; buffered fearfully tor three years, tried
ever)lhlng; lost all hope. Dr. lilies' Liniment Iod
ide of Ammonia effected a completo cure.
No. 71 I'rane street. Kali lllver, Mass.
Sprains, splints, bruises, ljiu.euess ln horses,
Olios' Liniment lodldd nf Ammonls Is a ierfect spe
cine. No person who owns a horo sh juld bo with
out It.
M. ltnoKs's.
fca seventh avenue, New York.
In my family, and for thostock, I havo used Gilo's
liniment looido of Ammonia. It Is unsurpassed,
and I am surprised at tbo many different maladies
Jn which It Is applicable. It gives the utmost satis
faction. Jouv J, Cahtes,
Superintendent Eastern Pennsylvania Kxpertuien
tal rami.
so c. nd 1 1 : and lu Quarts at, in which there
la a great saving.
' Trial slio 25 cents .
' - bOUIST All. DKt'OlilSTS.
N. J, lir.M)i:itIIHTT, Agl. lor Hl.ioiii.burK.
may 41,JIS-
JOHN lll'.llNIlIt,
Commissioners' Ofilce.liloomsburg.ra.,
mayio'os-ts Attest: tal. KltlCKllAUM, I
TOItY l'Oll Dlt. Ktll.K'H I1UEAT
The grandest telling took for tne Pennsylvania
Held. Liberal teiras to agents, send H.OO at
once for complete outfit, or 10 cents lor our en rage
BUUip't, aim uuuio iciiiiur wmueu, Auutcu i. i
OOODIIICH, rubllslier, llarrlsburg, I'a.
Don't fall tn say vv hat Mine r J ou saw this ln.
march 13, Sam Pur
iMillce Is hereby given that M.fl. Hughes of fata
wlssa has been appointed Assignee ot Wesley Perry
ot locust township for beneut ot creditors. All
persons, therefore indebted to the said Wesley Per
ry, will mako payment to the said assignee anel
those having claims or demands will mako known
the samj without delay.
M. O. IIUOnF.9,
Assignee ot Wevley Perry.
May, IT, 4w. cauwlssa.
"Cornell's History tf Pennsyluanla." Now ready.
Wrllo for Agency at once. JOHN SUI LY & Co.,
publishers, 725 ransom street, Philadelphia,
loach 11, '"b-lm Jwtco
"1 T can make money faster at work for us than nt
anytuiugeise capitui nor leeiuiri'd ; we win
biuiv iuu. (is ier uuy nt uuiuu mauo uy mo
tdustrlous. Men. women, bovs and erlrla
wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the
lmet. Costly outlltand terms free. AddrcssTitUK
Co., Augusta, Maine. Marth Kii, s-ly
A. J. NP.1.I.IH A I'll . Iir'r.
hfllll' Orlrlntl A VI slkrHs JlMitU Point
I Ths ciuly t IdsIs. dautlt or liw k'uika lUtt
cd b Mint, iota nr vnnvrlUMulUcoiulug
,,(.w. iu. iHiiiiiiiuui.
HIUM- . M THI U.I IMII.M ! lf rAMlM..
Tha tmmtmA S.l kk.ll lla.l.-ri.-
V Uari Iht tk.tM.lkaS dhi b.MtlMl .f ! ul
jwSla.r.aiMk, k44..m .
i. 1, a HUM 00, riittauta, ra.
,rtie"TealebtateaskIgned"tn M. fl Hughes by Wes
ley Perry lu trust for tiie bene nt ot creditors, will
be exposod to publlo sale at Kehro's Hotel In Nume
dla on
.SATURDAY, JUNE IStli, 1878,
at 11 a clock a. m., descrlbod as follows ;
bltuaio In LocusC township, Columbia couuty,
bounded as follows i On tho east by lands of Jonas
Ketterman, on tho west by lands of H. II. Johnson
north by land of I. Adams' estate, on the south
by lands of, Charles Fetteruian'a estate, containing
Ninety-two Acres,
whereon Is erected a
. H'ramc: jiitciiintr iiuiisic, Ilnru,
and other out-bulldlngs.
Also, at the same lime and place,
165 Acres of Wood Land,
Bltuate In Locutt township atorcsald.adjolnlng lands
of John' Ltctry, Joseph Thomas, fioorgo Btlne and
Daniel Stlne, containing good oak and chestnut tim
ber ln large quantities,
Tebus ok Baie. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of
the purchase money to be paid at the striking down
of the property, the one-fourth less the ten per
cent, at conllrmatlon absolute, and tha remaining
three-fourths In one ear thereafter with Interest
from confirmation hist. On payment of purchase
money deed to be delivered to tho purchaser at his
U.(j. IIL'01IK3,
Assignee of Wesley Perry.
Atty. for Assignee. mayw ,14
In pursuance of an order ot tho Court of Common
Pleas ot Columbia county there w 111 bu exposed to
publlo salo on the premises, on '
FHIDAY, JUNE 7th, 1878,
at 1 o'clock p. in., Uio following real estate, late ot
Thomas Itcecc.
Purpart No. 1. All that OHIST MILLvvlth water
power appurtenant and piece ot land situate ln
Greenwood township, bald cr.unty, buunded nnd de
scribed as follows s lleglnnlng at a stone by run ln
llnootlamh) of tho raid Jofcph Ilajmauj thencoby
same south 78jj degrees west lo a-io pcrchos to a
stone on bridge ln road leading from Orangeville to
Itohrsburg ; thence by lut ot Samuel Freas, being
tho tannery lot purchased of William Patterson and
John Patterson north fesj$ degrees w est 10 7-to perch
es to a Etouo ln Oreen Creek ; thenco by other land
ot the said Joseph Hnj man north 67 degrees east
10 es-io perches to a stono by tho said creek ; thenco
by tho samo north lajti degrees, west 7 5-10 perches
toaBtone; thenco by lho somebouth UH degrees
east 4 perches to tho place ot beginning, containing
strict measure.
Purpart No 2. All that certain tract of land situ
ate In said tow nshlp ot (iroenvv ood, bounded and de
scribed as fol'ows i lleglnnlng ata post on line of
land belooglng to Edward Mcllenry ; thence by the
samo south lo degrees west M s-io perches to a post;
thence north M degrees west 40 perches to a vvhlto
oak, now gono ; thcnci by laud ot Samuel Freas
norths degrees east so perches to a post; thence
north 73, degrees east 15 ti-lo perches to a rost ,
thence north is;; degrees west 4 perches ton post ;
thenco north 1tf Idcgreus east T 6-10 perches to u
post; thence south Ta degrees west sjs-io percl
estoapoit; Ihento south sij; degrees west 10 WO
perches t o a stone ; thence north uj degrees, west
T.MC perches to a post; thenco bylandsof James
Patterson north 113 degrees vvestfcoe-io perchea
to a post ; thenco by lands ot James Hayman south
83 degrees cast's s-10 perches ton stono i thenco
north M degrees easts, ptichesto tho ploco of be
ginning, containing
strict measure.
Purpart No. 8,-Also tho undivided one-half
tract of tlrnbef land, adjoining lands of John staler
Johnltanti, Matthew McHenry and others contain-
TKKM8 OK SAl..T.n . .
thepurehasomOneytobo ri4Ttii5!Sl"ffi
pt said premises. oue-Iourtli i,t thn T I J!..-.0.""
Bohrbburg, may IT, fs.