THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE 00LUMB1AM. ,1 ,'n O Jl S II U It II, F 11 I D A T, 31 IV n. is vovm ritocERUiNos. Itnll rime Tultle. lackX wanna iiLooMsnuim hail hoad NOHTII. . 8.43 A.M. SOCTII. T.52 A. M. 4.49 P. M 11.61 A. M Accommodation Train,,... Mull Train 7.3s A.M tvpress Train 1.M P, t. " " Ul', M. UATAWlPSA HAIL IIOAl). NOHTH. Accommodation Train ews A.M. Hegular Express , 4.00 P.M. Thrown cars on Kxpress train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Uatawtssa and Wllllamsport. socrrt T,t P. M. 11,45 A. M We lite nt the bottom of an ocean of air,and nf t.ftAna-ll.. I 1 1. . 1 f . , t or .,!.,,.. - .i ti .'. .e. i Way i (li. In the case of the Commonwealth icr iinisonous germs constantly floating through . ' , . , . . . . ... . Ii T ............. t c .! .? ! T.Jeepli Miller, defendant p eails guilty of tt. lo proven! such from assort ng their pre . ,. . , ' , ,. , , ,. !,ij.' m, , ., ,, . ',,, asMiilt and hallcry. After lioer tig witnesses judicial effect upon tho system, Ur. Bull's , , , , , . , , im...i mi... . i it, i i. m i tne court sentenced elefnilanl to Iny a fine of -iw. imAuui! Biiuiuu uc uscu as us ciucncy is n in i . .s ..,,. I ...i..f.i uvc dollars and cots of prosecution. We oflVr n siieclal discount of 10 per cent to old and new subscribers who ny In advance. $1.80 will pay for Ilia Columbian for one year after this dale until further notice. This does not apply to subscription now duo Our sub scribers will do us a favor by calling thtlr neighbors attention to the f ict that the Colum bian can be had for $1.80 in advance, the only $2 00 paper in tho coiiuly making the offer. tf. Dr. S. Y. Thompson of Dinvlltc Is the He. publican Senatorial delegate frdin this (list ict. The factory of II ilf penny k Co. at S.inbury was destroyed by fire lut week. Tho frost of tho last few mornings has some what d imaged vcgctntlou. Tho keg factory of I. S. Monroo and Son at Itupert boa resumed operation. Tho Town Council bavo fived the 2." tli of May at 2 o'clock p. m. ns tlio timo for appeals Hnrtman llrothcrs lmvo n flno assortment of groceries, fruit Ac . just nvclved. Do our people propo-e looliservo Decoration Day? If so they should go about It now. C. E. Savage has opened a new jewelry More in the post oflice. See card in another column. A valuable cow belonging lo .1 II. ITnrmnn was killed nt Itupert last Sunday by a train on the L. & B. It. It. Mystkmous Suicide in LtwisBuno. On last Sunday morning Owen Shurty, of Lewis burg, commllttd suicide by bunging htmself In his static. Deceased was about fifty years old and leaves a wife and tbren children. No cause can be assigned for the rash act, he being in tolerably good circumstances. I) A. lieckley received a telegram on Tues day from the Luzerne delegation to the Repub lican Slate Convention, lo have the Columbia county crowd Join them at the ltloom.burg sta tion on I he noon train. After considerable dif ficulty litckley succeided tn gathering the clan and marshaling lliem In line. The procession consisted of J. C Drown, delegate, no brass band escorted lliem. Tun Tidy Hovsewike. The careful tidy housewile, when sho is giving her house Its spring cleaning, should bear in mind that the Inmates of her lioue are more precious than houses, and that tliei systems need cleans- ng by (unifying ibe blood, regulating the stum aih and buwels to prevent and cure the disea ses arising from spring malaria and miasma, mid she should knuw that there is nothing that will do It so perfectly and surely as Hop Hit ters, the purest and best of all medicines. See other column. Michael Ilnuch bus leased the Itupert Hotel, and Mr. n. It" I ubbs has retired front I business. A change In the weather occurred on Friday last. It grew cold, and on Saturday and Sun day, fires and overcoats were necessities. A railroad ticket to Chicago and back for sale at till" ollice very cheap. (lood until De cember 3 1 t 1878. tf S. P. Wolvertnn lvii., was engaged In court thia week in the trial of (he case of Vanderslice against Sdydcr. The Post Oflice has heen adorned by the ro nmvnl therein of C K Savage's watch maker's stsi'ili liinent, ami his jewelry and silverware. Pudiie.v Dkatii John Gulliver of Frosty Vallcv died "Uildenly on last Saturday night of "heart t!i"iase. He worked hard during the day ate a li.-arly supper, and died s mhlcnly. Ph. U'li'iu National Bank of Lewishurg lias sihc tilled for the present. No particulars are m ule public, hut it is thought the depositors will be paid in full. It seems (bat the Kxposition nt Paris is cramped for room. The Sllfer Walls, and Slirincr Mlg. Co., of I-ewisburg, sent over, for xbibillon, a beautiful and expensive hay-rake. They recently were informed that, to accommo- late it with room, the spindles had lo be sawed nlT. It appears by this that the department to V. S. is very limited, or else Uncle Sam has an enormous number of his Yankee notions on ex hibition. Welcome. Our friend, O. E. Myers of Cntnwin, has commenced the publication of n weekly newspaper called the "(htawhsa Xcus Item." The first number on our tablo is ex cellent, and tho editorial is original. It be longs tn no party, but its leading editorial is headed "( ommtinism." Nevertheless we nro glad that the Cntawissians have at last got a newspaper, a good one at that, and why not struggle for the county scat? Indorsed by the Medical Fraternity, popular in every circle, found everywhere, Glenn's Sul phur Soap is undoubtedly the most popular purifier, remedy for skin diseases and injuries, and complexional beautifier in America. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, Black or Brown GOc. May 17 4-w. The Iiqmblican asserts that the National movement Is only a "blind to catch republi cans." In the same issue it calls particular attention to the fact that the National nominee for governor is a Democrat. It is a notorious fact that the convention rejected William H. Armstrong for governor because he was an old republican (and to save Iloyt's scalp) and put in nomination a man who was formerly a Dem ocrat. This looks very like n Cameron trick to catch democrats. A. C. Smith, in aspvcli mule in the Conven tion, at Pliiladelphi i designated the platform oi (he iveuonai wreenback iibor i arty as a "farrago of nunnense fit only for a mob." Wi a-ree with the delegate fioin Columbia. An engineer corps is at work on Ibe Nnrlh & West Branch railrond making surveys, Tliii looks like biMiie?,and there is now a fair pro pectfor the completion of the road. Judge Rochafeller has ordered the Jury Com mhiioneraln draw 108 jurymen for the murder trials that will come (.11' In June, In Sunb irv Criminals and nttorr eys will have some trouble in exl.auting this panel. Parents cannot be too careful in guarding the health of their Babies. Only a good ami re liable medicine should bo given to them. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is known not to contain anything injurious. A New S100 Cou.ntliifkit. In the course of businer- at the treasury Friday u counterfeit 5100 on the Second National bank of Wilkes barre, P.i,, was discovered. The counterfeit is well executed and will easily deceive an ordi nary expert. We have not received any yet. Tho name of the phonograph in Gernuu is unsergeliausnekeiligeiirernsleluuphfleiclitaiinsg e-spreecher. The instruments manufactured for Germans are made of iiiiuually tough material Made of coinuiw materiel the thing would lly into match sticks at the sound of its own name . f proeciifV Commonwealth vs. 1,. J. Adatu, violating fish law. A true bill. Nol pros, cnlrred on payment of costs. Commonwealth v. Wellington Yeager. Sel ling liquor on Suidiv. Not a true I III. Pros fculor E. H. Bolick lo pay tho costs. This bill was referred again to the Grand Jury, wlih the same result. May 8th. John T. Shuman vs D. II. A W. It. It. Sherlfi" allowed to amend bis return. Commonwealth vs. Nathan Creasy, Fa1c Pretense. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Abraham McCnlluui, Alln Shellhnmmer and Amos McIIenry. Iirccny. Not a true bill. Commonweal Ih vs. Abraham McCollum. Larceny. Not a true bill, Case of Commonwealth vs. Nathan Creasy was called, and jury i mpannclled. Jury ren dered verdict of not guilty but defendant lo pay the costs, . Commonwealth vs. Harry Faux. Forgery and fatso pretense. A true bill. Continued ot the instance of the District Attorney, and ball reduced tn $200. Andrew L Frill nn report of committee, and on motion of J. G. Frec.e F.-n., was admitted lo practice law In the several courts of Coltim bia county. Frederick Kambach admitted and sworn as a citlr.en of the United Hlntcs. Monday was fixed for reading the return of She slictlfl of the sale of real cMate of John Sey bert. Commonwealth vs, Itobert Stewart. Larceny A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Francis Engle, Larceny. was the prosecution for stealing I lie ring of Patrick Hester after be was executed. No witnesses appearins on the part of tho Common' wealth, the recognizance of Cadiarinn Hitler the prosecnlrlx was forfeilid on til Jlion of the District Attorney. May 9. II. W. Mclteynolds vs. S. P. Case. Amended declaration filed by leave nf court. An odjourned Court was otdend to be btld on the 1st dy of July 1878. May 13. In the nutter of 'the estate of John Michael deceased, amended' account filed, and time for filing exceptions extended until June 1st. Order of sale continued in tho estate of Pe ter Ent deceased. Sheriff's return of sale of real estate of John Scybcrt read in cpen court. Michael Graver's administrators vs. Charles II- Wolf. Jiiy called and sworn, May 11, Jury find in favor of the defendant. David Fowler's administrators vs. William Kingston. Caso tried. EiMiitnblo ejectment. Defendant given until May I I, 1879 to pay balance iluc on property. lteport of sale of real estate of W. A. Kline deceased, confirmed nisi Samuel Nejhard, William Shaficr. and J. F. Conner w( re nppeinted viewers of a road Briarcreck township. lteport of viewers of it road in Centre town ship confirmed nisi, May 15. Sheriff acknowledged deeds in open court. On motion of W. H. Abbott Ksn:, Lloyd P. Applcman was admitted to practice in the scv cral courts of Columbia county. Mary G. Vanderslice vs. Abrnm Snyder. On trial. MKW (IAMR AND FISH LAW. The amending and eon'otidallng the game and fish laws ofthls Stale, which has finally passed the Senate, and Is now furnishing food for huuioroili members of the lower brat ch nf tho Legislature, make Important ilung-s, which are here briefly referred lo. The first section provides that Ibe deer bunt ing season rliall bo firm October I tn Decem ber 15. Under the old law it was from Uclo-' bir 1 lo January 1. The second reel ton provides lint sipiiiifl bunting shall conimenco nn September 1 and close January 1. The old law prescribes from July 1 lo Januaiy 1. The third section authorizes rabbit limiting from Oct. her 15 to January 1. At present, Oc tober 15 In December 15 Is the limit. The sixth section ptohlblls the killing of nny tfiWoni between April lu and September 1. Under former laws no protection was afford 1 lo cither wild pigeons, wild ducks, or wild geese. The I. mill mid tenth sections fix quail and pbea.ant hunting seasons from October 15 to January 1. lu relation to trout li-hing the new law pro vides tl ut the season h ill open on April 1 and continue until Aiigirt 1, The present act closts the catching sen-ou nn August 15 Ba' fishing can b' indulged in between June 1 and January 1, in-tiail of fioui July 1 to Match 1. If the bill Incomes a law, it will be seen bis lifliing will he allowed after June lt. from (hit side of the river was notified by letter that his little daughter about four yer.4 of ago was lying ill with It. Mr, Brown came home Immediately and on Saturday night Ihn child died. The remains vtrre taken tn Mifflin on tho following Mon day and Interred In the cemetery nt that place. ery appropriate remarks for Iho occasion were made by the Uev. E. II. Lei senrlng of Catawlssi. Mr. Brown Informed us I ait night that his youngest child was complaining with n sore throat ; also the sickness and death In Mr. Brown s family has detained him from attending tho ses sions nt Harrisburg for a few days but ho In tends returning to-morrow If his child Is not too bad. The telephone excitement Is rag ing In this place also. Bodine and Longen berger have a good one which affords consid ernlile amusement for tho old as well at tho young. Jimuf.l. Worklnsmcn. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system iiecels cleansing and strengthening to pre vent an attatk of Ague, Billious or Spring 1'ever, or some other Spring sickness that will unfit you for a season's work. You will save time, much sickness and great expense if you will tiso one bottle of Hop Bitters In your family this mouth. Don't wait. See oilier column. A Nntv Judicial District. Northern Pennsylvania has long felt Ike need of a Feder al Judicial district, embracing tiie counties of j Cameron, McKeair, Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Wayne, Lycoming, Northumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, Wyo ming, Carbon, Pike, Monroe, Centra ami Clin ton. Iteprescntative Collins last week intro duced a bill creating these counties into a new Judical elistrict, ami providing for tho appoint ment of a District Judge and United States Mandial and United Slates Attorney. CONTESTED LICENSES. Tho following properties wero sold by Slier- Infiinan at the Court House on Saturday, av Hill Joseph Tinsley sold to James Bower for $45. Augustus Strauser to Abbott tt lthawn for SI00. J. W Eck to Si rah A. Eck for $5000. A bra m Krei-lier to Citizens B. ti L. Asso ciation of Cenlralia for $5. J, C. Smith one tract to M. E. Jackson for $11,00 Chas. Bachman to Bloomsbur M. S. F. & Association for $1000. Danvili.i: Cii'onisTEiis, This celebrated troup, under the leadership of Gorner Thomas, will ing at Iho Opera House to night (Friday). They have a well earned reputation, and we have no doubt will receive a merited rexeptinu by our music loving community. The annual meeting of the Col. Co., Agri cultural Suciety for the election of officers will be held in Ibe Opera House at Bloom'burg, on Saturday the 18lh of May, at 1 o'clock p. m. T. J, Vandeksuck, Secretary. May 10 2-w Lost, Stiiayeii on Stolen. A German set ter pup about one year old, whito with orango spots on back, disappeared on or about April 11th. Any information left at this oflice lead ing to recovery of tho Bamo will bo liberally rewarded. A CALL. All soldiers of the late, or any previous war fiem Columbia county or vicinity nro request ed to meet in Convention at Bloomsburg on Saturday, May 25tb,at 10 o'clock u. m. to per fect an organization The object is to pre serve records which moy be useful hereafter, mid to maintain a fraternal feeling among thosu who risked their lives to save theiricoun- try. R. B. Rickets. S. Kxoim. C. G. Jackson. G. W. Utt. C, B. Bbockway and others. Columbia county papers please copy. The following bids wero made at the Com tnissionor's office last week Thursday for the Ejer's Grovo Briilgo : M. Shaffer $321, C. W Eves $221. II. F. Edgar $257,50, P. Miller $209, Wm.L. Manning $257,50, '1 homos Gor ey S2G0 and B. Itedlin $250. Tho contract was awarded to U. W Eves The place for Sunday Schools or individuals to buy libraries or singlo books, is at the storu of G. A Chirk, our enterprising stationer and bookseller His rates are very rcasonable,and ho can furnish any book published in tho conn try. His orders have always been catisfactori ly filled. Tho licenso for tho old "Nicely" house at Berwick was transferred by tho Court on Thursday lust to Henry O, Williams, u nephew ol the present owner of tho premises, In grant ing tbu transfer Iho Court gave notico that if Wm, Williams was found intoxicated upon tho i premises it would bo presumptive and conclu sivo evidence that tho landlord bwl sold liquor to a person of known intemperate habits. A GOOD WEEK TOIl ACCIDENTS, Main On Monday of last week Manet M Shuman masbcel his thumb. On Tuesday U J, Campbell was caught in a corn cutter, and badly mangled two fiugera of the right hand On Wednesday while Win. II. Fiehcr and bis hired help were wrestling, the former" fell am: broke his leg jiiHl above his ankle. On Thurs day Nathan .Miller fell from an apple tree und broke hu leg ut the ankle. On l'rulay Wm Erwlne while cutting wooel struck his foot with glance of the axe and split Ids foot nearly from toe to heel. MijJIin.On Saturday lasl a man named Sny der fell and broke an arm in two places. And Il ls h not "Fall" weather either. SIIKHIFF'S PALEj. The accident that happened to little Claude Zarr, son of the Prothonolary of this county, terminated fatally on Tuesday morning at two 'clock, lock jaw having set in. After his fall from the rocks be seemed to be rapidly recur ring, was supiKMeel to bo entirely out of danger and was able lo lake his meals at the table. On Sunday night however, symptoms of lock jaw appeared, and be rapidly grew worse until death ended his sufferings. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, court adjourning for Ibe occasion. This Is u severe aflUclion to the bereaved family, and they have the sympathy of the entire comoiunl- Claude wan a bright little fellow, and the km Is the ranro keenly felt from the fact that he teemed Improving bo rapidly when suddenly snalcbeel away. FIItE. On Sunday morning, at about one o'clock Milton Charles and family who live in the Ex change Block were awakened by the smell of smoke. At first they paid but little attention to it, supjioslng thu smoke to come from Scott's Bakery next door, but on investigation it was found that llieru was lire lu the building. Mr. Charles ran out and gave the alarm. The fire was in Webb's Tobacco store. The door was broken lu, and after soou trouble the fUmea which bad got considerable headway, were subdued. The fire started on the right band aldoif th? store, as you enter. It may have arisen from a match being carelessly thrown down, and smoldering until a flame arose. Or it may have been the work of an incendiary, as the back cellar eloor was found openeel, through which a ersoii from outside could get to the sKl whence the fire slarted. This Is the more probable theory, as Mr. Webb missed a ijuantlly of lohacoe) which it is supiuseil was stolen before Ibe fire broke out. If the smoke bad nol awakened Mr, Charles when It did, It is probable that the Exchange Block, and many adjoining buildings would hvo been destroyed, while Charles anil family would have peiished, the fire being Immediately under Ibe only stair way Out leads (o their rooms on the third floor. It was a wondtriul cipe. Last Saturday morning tho Cou.t opened 9 o'clock, and after hearing miscellaneous ino lions, took up Ibe cases in which remonstrance had been filed to the granting of license". The first case called was that of Bovil W. William of Berwick. Mr. Stewart presented lo the court a petition signed by 138 citizens of Berwick, asking that the license be granted, and ii'ked permi-sion to file tho petition which was grant el. The remonstrance set forth Ihat Boyil Wil Hams evas a mere figure head, that the business was done by William Williams, who is an in temperate man, and unlit to keen a hotel. J, M. Lilly, station agent at Berwick was the fir witness called, and testified tint goods came to the staiion within the last year for W. Williams Ic Co. He did not know much of W. Williams, Had seen him when be thought him intoxii'a ted. Never saw Iiovd Williams drink, nor un der Ibe influence of liquor. C. G. Jackson said that all t lie business he had with Ibe hotel was in the name of William Williams, who is an intemperate man. Buyel Williams had representee! tn witness that bis father was running the hotel. II. M. Hnckmau said that he sold truck &c lo the hotel, and made out bills in name of Wi Ham Williams who paid him. Nobody direct ed him to make out bills In that way. W Williams is an ii temperate man, intoxicated most of the lime. Has the reputation nf aim ing iiimales of the hou-e when iulnxicalei Levi Breilbender said In' bad tende'd birat lbs hotel iluriiig the- u inter. Was einplujesl first lime by Boyd Willi s, next lime by Wil Ham. B"vd Paid him both time p. Willi im gels tight once in a while. Dr. II. L. Freas, Bev. J. II. MiG.irrih, Itt-v James Dixon, Rev. W. Cattell, O. R. Wondin James Jacoby,ainl eithers werealso heard as lolhe renutati in of W. Williams for M.briety. tniin sel for Boyd W. Williams called a number witnesses to prove tho good reputation nf the bouse for good order. Ced. I' re ere and l Slew art addressee! the Ceiurt in favor nf Ibe appli cant, and Col. S. Knnrr replied for the reiuern slrants. The decision of llio case was re'erver until Tuesday morning, when the application was refused on the ground that W. Williams was the real proprietor, and lie is n man mint keep a hotel. The Court in granting a license two years ago said that ill doirg hi, it was with the understanding ihat Ibe lief rise would be re voked on the first eomplalnt nf Intemperate In dulgence on the part ofW. Williams, Tbeev lelcnce now is thai be Is inloiii iiieil most i f the line, and believing that Iho application Is made by the run merely as a cover, the Court cannot consistently grant Ibe license, Mr. Stewart Hltd Ihat ibe matter bo delayed a few ilajs, as the hotel was a necessity le the traveling pub lic, and Ihat Mr. Williams would endeavor to get renie prope r person lu lake llie hotel, and the license cejiild then be granted and transferr ed. The Court had no objection lo this. The petition of Geo W.Miller for a restau rant in Berwick was ('(eed on the ground Ihat ihere was no necetslly for n i.ew saloon there. C. D. Fowler and several others lliousbt the public convenience required another eating bouse. Several more thought there wae necessity for It. On Tuesday morning the Court refused the license, on Ibe ground Ihat Berwick did not need another place of that kind. In the case of Milton Charles, the evidence that was submitted at February Icim, was con sblereil as being before tho Court, and the ap plication and remonstrance were allowed to rest on that. This case was also continued uu til Tuesday, when Ibe Court stated that it was with considerable difficulty Ihat they hud con eluded to grant the licecse. It was an old eland and there was but one violation proved again he applicant. If n tingle complaint was made the license will be revoked. The bearing of Ibe case of 1). W. Robbtna was continued until July 1st. The remonstrance agaiiitt the lice use of Wil 11am Uiger was withdrawn, as euiiiiiel for re- iiiouilranls said they were unable to find wil ineasea who would testify to what counsel be lie Vic! lo be Ibe tiulb. 'ILe wai ibcre fore granted, llicio beii g no tljeellcn to It, and the hout-e being an old aland. In pjrsumce of a cell by Messrs. Sharpies, Evans and ttabb, members eif the Town Conn ed!, a special mectlr g nf Council was held on Me.tidjy evening M.y IS, b. Tliewbject of the meeting was lo tike further action on the repeal of Ihc cattle ordinance and t i provide for the collection of the Town tax. Tho President and all the members were pre-cnt. Mr. Kabb band ed a pa1 er to the Secretary and requested him lo read it. It w as the clrall of an ordinance to repeal ordinance No. 21. Mr. Rabb moved the ordinance be passcil, Mr. Elwtll raiseel the point thai to notice hail been given tint such an emlinacce would be presented at this meet ing, ami nl-u that an ordinance shnuld be pars ed at a tegular meeting. The vote was laken and resulted as usual lu nvcr of the ordinance, lto3. Mr Sliarpless moved that the notice re quired by laev lw given, and the ordinance pub- lied in the Sintlntl. Mr. Elwell moved to amend ny sub-tuuting I lie Jiepubiican. inc riicndment was lost by n vote of 4 to 3. Janica Thomas and M. C. Woodw.uel evere nominated lor Tax cullector. Thomas was elected by a vole of 4 to 3. His bonel already signed by imselfand sureties was presented and the sure ties approved bv the council. On motion the meeting Jadjourueel. CRUELTY TO ANIMUS. The. following bill is before the Legislature : House bill 112, a supplement to an act entitled An act for the prevention of cruelly to animals in this comuinnweallh," approved March 29, ISO!). It provides, substantially, that nny per son who shall cause tn be cruelly ill-trcaleil, ovcr-Ioaueel, over driven, beat or otherwise abuse a-y animal, or fill to supply the same wit h sufficient food and water at least twice ich elav, or shall cause eeiws lo be kept in poor v ventilated pens anil fed on slop or food not adapted lo produce milk, or confine any animal wbeie it cannot lie down for rest, or shall kilt for sale in the market, any maimed, sick or ilis, eased animal, or shall train or cause to be train ed for the purpose of bailing or fighting, any bull-doer, cock or other animal, or shall know- ly permit the same on any place owned and under bis control, shall beguilty of misdemean Tin- word animal shall be held to include every living creature other lhan the human race. The sheriff or constable eif any county, or policeman of any city, or agent or member of iny society for the prevention of cruelly to an inials, mav lawfully interfere to prevent the act of cruelly In animals, also enter nny building if any of the provisions nf lliis act are being or about to lie violated, make arrests and bring the ollendirs before any alderman or mag'lS' Irale. M ARK ETRE PORTS. BLOOMSBURG MA RK ET. Wheat rer bushel 11.35 live " In Corn, new, " ,i Oats, " " si l'lour per barrel 7.M eloverseca rinxseed l.M liulier in Eggs is Tallow s Potatoes Si) Dried Annies n Miles K Shoulders mi Lard per pound i Hay per ton 10. U' Heeswax na Timothy Seen 'icei euueAiius run coal. No. 4 on Wharf t S.oo per Ton No. a " " t .is NO. G " ,"! Hlacksmltli'sLutap on Wharf IS.cs) " miieminous w i OOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOIUIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. ?cv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tills SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oners tho verv best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. , ,,.- Handings spacious, Hulling and commodious s completely heated by steam, well U'Dtllated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.son snilnir water. iK!aiioti npnuiiT u. alio easy or access, laac lers ovnor moderate, fifty cents a week eb'duellon to all expecting to teach. Toachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform ana tnorougn. nipcnses '. Ilooins rcscn ca wuen uusireu. courses of study prescribed by the Male I btudeiits admitted at any time. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. I Academic. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. For I. Model School. Adiunct Courses : Tho Blcmentary, - Sclentinc and Classical Courses are Ptt'lFKs IION'AL, and students graduatng therein, receive Stato Diplomas, conferring I no roiiowin correspondlnit Degrees : .Master ot the Moments ; Master ofrthe sciences i Mater of tuo Classics, elraduates In tho other Courses receive ormai ceninaees their attainments,, signed bv Ibe twicers of tho Itn erd of Tdustees. The course of Mud y nrescrlts-d by I lie slate is liberal, an the scientific and Classical courses are not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. ..., The Mate reipilresa higher order ef citizenship. The tlms deniind It. It Is one of the prime ohli'cls of this MUool to help to secure It. by rurnlsninginieui erent and emelent Teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons nf euo't abilities and itovl purposes, those who eleslre to 'Improve, their unio uud their talents, as students. Toallsucblt promises aid In dee eloplug their powers, aud abundant opportunities for well pultl labor alter leavinnocuooi. Calaloifue, address the I'llnelpal. (IN. WII.I.I.UI l;l,Vi:i,l., President Hoard nt Trustees- sept. 8, Tel.- Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lauds in Columbia. County, Pa. Iiv virtue of sundry acts ot tho tlcneral Assembly of the Coiiihiohweidth ot Peiiiisyleaida, relulltigto thu sale ot tcalcd ana umcate d leii.eJs In Urn county or Columbia e to. ror laxes due and unpaid, 1 wil offer at public f ale at the Court House lu the Town or isiooni&nurg ui ino ,eeonu JHIMIAV Ul' JUS KA. I). JS78. At 10 o'clock a. m , the following described pieces cf lano. er sueli rail iliereoi os may e-o necessary isj the same ui.d ecntluuo the sime from nay to day Business Notices Summer Hats I Summer Hats I Just received full stock of Straw Goods for Men and lioys at LowenberR'a. iVmileton "A" Muslin 74 cents a vard bv the bolt at Lutz & Sloan's. A new lot of Sprinir Dress Goods iust re ceived at 12 cents and up, the cheapest ev o'OlTered in this market at Clark & Wolf's. Ham still kept at Conner's. tails!)- the amount of taxi's duo and unpaid airaine,t me sau.e iu.u cimiiiue me seme ir tho same may be fuund nece fcsary. Ti:ims or si.i: The amount of taxes end costs must be paid when the land Is btruck ou, or the saiu may no avoiueu aud Iho property put up and resold. J, F. Caldwell is still havlni; old fashion- ed Bread that can't be beat. C. E. Savace has opened his Jewelry Store in tho Post Ollice where he is prepired to repair all kinds ot complicated clocks and watches. For a Suit of Clothes made up in city style go to Lowenberg's. Jloot headquarters at McKinney's. "The Oullarof out Daddies" or the green back will buy tho best Iteady-madc Cloth ing at Liowenuerg s. Admission Iree at McKinney's. 1C nieces of Dress Plaids at 7 ce nls per yard the greatest lots of tho season at Clark iX woll s. Another lot of 0 Sloan's. ceut Calico at Lutz k Whito Vests, White Vests, Liucu Vests, Dusters, Ulsters and Alpaca coats just re' ceived lit L.owenuerg'8. Prido of the North' Cigar can be had at Conner e. A SAILOHS FORUTIIOL'OIIT. The experienced mariner, before risking the perils of the t-ca, skillfully adjusts his cargo, and makes provision for every possible coutuiKeti' cy, well knowing Ihat evhen Ibe storm comes. his ability will le taxed to the utmost in saving his vesel and crew. Yet the mariner on the sea of life makes no preparation to cope with the storms (disease) to which all are liable, Xu studious e fliirt to keep the many organs in order, or reKiilatc their functions. If the liver be sluggi-h, bowels rotixtipaled, head dizzy dull, or aehts, be "rjucm it will wear oil' in day or i-o," ui.d deies nothing lo eibtain relief, though knowing Ih it one or two elo-es eif Or. Pierce's Plea-ant Purgative Pellets will effect a radical cure, and that a lollle or Iwo eif his Ocilden Medical Discovery will eflectually evaid oil all future attacks, by mricliil g and purify ing the blond, Suppose a captain upon eliscov erii'g Unit his vesl was teui heavy eui one side, should "eiieas il would rieht Itself in a elav or so," and do nothing, eonld any one lie blameil but himself, if in a storm bis vessel foundered and nil peri-hed? Sei people who carelessly and foolishly neghet the premonitory symptoms of tliseese can blame no one but themselves if an early death Is the resiill, Header, if yuii wih to "kiwic IhyKtlf," and the hidden reefs and etau gerous coasts upon which thousands have been shipwrecked, while navigating life's ocean, pio cure a copy of Ibe People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, an illuxtrntcd work of nearly one ihuusand pages. Over one hundred thousand copies already sold, Price post-paid, $1.50. Address the author, It, V. Pierce, M. D., llufla- o, X. V. SWEET POTATO PLANTS at Dillon's Green House. 00 cents per 100 jM ner 1000 : S18 ner C000. Plants packed aim delivered at tne express onice at me above prices, or sent by mail when 10 cents per 1U0 extra is sent to pay postage, ah dress J. L. Dillon, Florist, Dloonisburg, Pa mayly-.w This morning we receivtd our 2d lot of Parasols for this Sprlug, cheap at Clark eSt Wolfs. When you want a Nice Suit For Summer wear go to Lowenberg's. You can get quite a smoke for the small sum nf 1 ceut at Conner's. UNSEATED LANDS OF COLUMIIIA COUNTY, 1ST?. No. Warrantee or Acres. owners Twp. 840 AmesAbett & Losco.. ..Beaver., S3 Krockway c n uo 3 lots Heaver .lefse do 1 do do Charles elo J do llojtrTN elo . 8 do luirnescu do . 3 do Hutt c L'ntrer do . 400 Columbia coal A. Iron co do . 400 uo do no do . 400 do do do elo . 3$o elo do do do . 4t)0 do do uo oo . 1 lot canow Jiorris oo . 1 do do do do . R rti flmrlpR Blmon Ir do . 150 Davis Isaac est ba) do H " 91 t ry Geo w oo jwi to Kricfc III" do seu 8 lots Flanagan A 3 do Krys v 209 Graff John..v 3 lots lieariicaii w:m so IloatsJolin Mr cu llauck Jonathan 75 lllnderllter Jacob & s as HoalsClms Jotm.. loo " " ... 3 lots Harrier .V Chester.... s " Hoffman E I- UuntE ei 3 40 70 100 100 140 3 3 5 e 3 SOT 49 129 S3I JT3 t0 50 do do do do do do do do do do do liesler Frank do Klein A do Larence W K do Iwls Frank elo Taxes. . 1MTI 4 32 '2 42 WI 3M 3 21 '. 22 0.- . 22 Uj . 22 1).'. . IS SO . 20 T9 1 40 41 4 113 4 4'l 2 42 42 45 5 To 541 12 15 9 11 5T2 5 40 Hudlv Joseph. , IlarncrA Chester.. LoDt'enberper ath., juorris uauiei Mann & boat Nojer eieo Nunjresser Ceo 1'rout Stephen Price Clc renco Patterson. I e- Huthrulf 5am & co . Samuel... Raub J. Miller Stewart Wm.. shuman John . 3 lotssmllh 1 W 3 5 224 19 9 3 ' 2 " V) T US 64 Vf 25tW 400 400 T5 6 " S " 50 4.1 e 1 lot shick.i.!... Seott Peter .... Shuman FL..., Tllson Oeorsro Vaslliie Kit Vuuduccn cillaiuanco West Buck Mt C Jt I Co Womeldorf LefereriCo Wetzel C S Wood Ausustus. ChrMnian Ann I'eiinliifftou Jew-e U... smith liamiab I'aiks Auios do elo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do elo do elo elo do (In elo do du d) do do do do elo oo X of2U0 Apple Paul., The cheBieit Lutz ii Sloan's. lot of Fans ever offered ut Hoys mid (rents Cassimeres cheap at Clark & Wolf's. Picture frames of all kinds and sizes al ways nn hand at Cadman'a. Call at McKiuneys lor Shoes. Itubbers at McKinney's. The display of "jewelry, Silverware, Watches, etc., at P. S. Hates' is said by all lu be the choicest to be seen in Iiloomshurg. Repairing is done by him in the best man ner nnel at the lowest possible rates. Cadman says he sells ho sells Furnllure at the lowest rates, aud has a largo! assort Hunt always ou hand. ltownian Jese llrllt.Un W A J est.., Itryan eleiy Ciem W 1) T Itev Duty & l'euler rreus Wm L lleadley W Fcst.... Klsner John hunkleJohn l'arkerscie John Peuler Sam .1 lleeeer Abram sutler sainu"! N btackhouse Joseph., .... Berwick .Briarcreck 3S 25 210 2S 300 50 21S INI 500 5 21 0 100 2e0 100 100 321 200 54 100 23 4tracissnauer naviu 10 14 54 11 18 1U0 1 0 12 CO 105 IIS S 30 siackhouse & seller.... ShatTer John , lirobst .Is Clswell Joseph " Jacob Krarrer Chil-llaiina.... shuman lecuben Thomas KuthAnu Weaver Kllas . Abel.... JIAINVILLK ITEMS. "Large line of Ladies' Silk and Lace IJows, aud Ties, Collars in Lace and Linen and a large line of Ladies' Faucy Goods at Clark i W oil's. It will do all uood to examine Sugar and Syrups at Conner a belore buying. Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. Cramnton's Palm Soap is tho best laun dry soul) in this or any other market. For sale by Jacob II. Maize. may 18-3w Craimitou llrotbcr's Palm boap at Jacob 1 11. Jlalze's. it is tiie best, iry it. may 3-law 1 lot Crane .Michael Centralis 4 0.1 2 42 2 91 1 22 1 22 1 40 5 7.1 1 C2 2 10 5 GO 4 50 21 70 It 34 1 22 4 40 4 03 3 27 1 22 21 S7 2 711 7 rsi 13 2J 14 S3 10 20 Ti 40 5 75 5 75 4 03 33 09 2 SO 94 2 42 1 02 2 70 5 40 Bill 351 131 SO 82 41 32 40 2 25 9 67 2 42 10 SO 9 40 54 55 3 SO 7 t,J 2 ro S13 2 89 11 S2 6 IH '.I ss 0 99 bS5 50 1 II 22 3 Ss 7 70 3 ss 1 03 5 80 14 75 90 2 91 Ss 4 1-9 SO 21 2 24 2 3- 3 si 4 40 04 3s4 2 42 3M e. so SS4 53 " most): to.... la Preston 1.1 lord tew l'euler s Doty & stow art 50 Dealer I'otv 57 OiiverWelltn&ton oo Uower Moses en Albertson A c. s Ilallly... (in 1.9 neiry .lames s lots l.eulei.eoriee u r.vts i iimn ir lot ' Mar II 0 .Mufirraeo McKe'w 12 lots s tiler Isreno l " .Masters wipiam 1 ' Pinker II Ester 21 Barton Ncwlcr IiaCanipbett I. N 2s hmu lit A .1 lo hvans a J 7S llanls Jacob est 7 1eey WMlam .'. toNel& Puisell 20 1'UlSell Issac (1 20 " sjUoster 5 Winkhlser Peter sr 7S hltenlght decree Ir 6., Frlck lieoA W " liiollcss Benjamin ft Kesier John Jr 20 Keeler ioIiu It .. i 25 1'Wls Daniel 4 Miller Chas W 23S51lllera, eehard 210 " 22 Ileovcr fienfc.7 1. Kline 2'H I'.llltnKlon Thomas so I ewtip George 40 Klsher John 9" lluthcs Wright 04 Ke Her Diehard Ms Kline J LSIlltupp 4 U-an sae ... 2ii Mjers Mniy list Huston Thomas 190 l.'eeso Daniel . 2'i nusion tery 2i'0 KiMon Charlotte 2i) ueynoids juim 20 Be duel .lai'ub 3(H) Kreezo John G to Masters n A- W 24 Brockwav A Ent 7 Wm. T. shiunan iMCODMIr nice 230 Dewalt Philip lisi Hosier Jacob . is) Mann c F .. 4 Masteller Jo-eph 239 shuman lletibeu 4'i:i shiunan W T 150 Yeller Daniel est loi) belter Is i uc 1(ii)shull.i'hrhtlsu .lAteii.lolm , e.9 Dltienuender Itory , 61 e'reasy Ilenrv 67 Diunbaeli Mamt 07 Ileal I rlscllla 75 lless 1. I 70 Joeoby () A 12 Klkendall N 2w Keller John lo Mensch Kuiellno , loo NunKesser eieo 15 Ponebecker K .M)er 123 Schweppenhlser 1 K oo ... .. " 2 r.o ' 1 90 " 10 611 341 Franklin 7 us t9 92 mwood... afiwi do 27 is) do 2 ed do 2 to do 4o do no do 1 20 do 1 no do 25 Hemlock C2I elo 4 9s I DMINISTKA'IOK'S NOTICE ESTATE of jnnf EVEIA Ml. peck esep Lcttcrsof (linlnl.-lrailcnoutl.eeslHlecIJOhn Eve Isiid.lsicof FMiingireek lownhlp.cnl. oo.,deceoea, hate-been eranleu b) the l.e kl-nr of mid county to thuiindersiKi.ed wl email peisons Uiileblid nio re que sled to moke Immediate pujment aid tboso hating claims or demands avalnst the es tate will make them kiowntolbe numinlttrator without delay. j,. A. AJlMEItMAK. ' .oiniulstiator, may 8d, 1573 cw t oiks. Pa. Horace 3u " 4 Swank S ii . 07 v. ohe Jacob est 15 YoIih Henry M Clark Andrew 17 Ml Clark Mary Is Gljri r John est 10 lllovo Urns 2m Iflshel Jonathan sr , 2s ltamse)'sestc-7 co Heai-io John .... s Fisher Jacob 5 Mason c 9 Mcllck.lshn co Mellck lie nry W 12 Miller Andiew 11 fsi Walter D.I 10 VtiNim Julia si'reeellcirsam 12 Dlldlnn ebraiii 20 Eteret Motes It Keeret Gabriel 20 Kllno Miram '6 Kline a A 51 84 lilnk .1 r 31 sn)der l m 10 Cox w in It ci Chanibeilln Hannah 1 lot Davis 'I homos eat Duan GcGik'o 3-.0 Prick Geo A est 10 i uiiston .Ino A lew Filvk I.ipi-ut.s Co . .. 1ft eioidner Henry sr 1 lot Heath Sylvester 1' us) Jaeeipy e a 50 Kllno & Patterson so arner Margaret P 2 1 Youu Sam 00 ll.irucs Thomas 4ikj lire lull Jacob HU " so Beaver Geo .V. .1 L Kline... Is Dilllnl.ine Feklel 400 Frlek .c shuui.iu 2vi Heiircu sanuel ,0 ' lis) Huston Join part of i ini'iMfii! iraei 41 Little lie Ult 112 .Monla 4. HUjjhes iy .... do do do do do elo do do do Jackson elo do do do elo do do do Locust do elo do do do do do do elo do do do elo Madison do do Main do do do do e'o do do elo elo (lo do Mtniln do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Jlontour do do no do do do Mt. Pleasant do elo do elo do do do Oranso do do do do do do do do l'lro do elo do do Ou do do do do Till do do , Iloarlngereek 7 47 1 4 KSIOXEE'S NOTICE. r. .jt -V. ... , . .. ... ,1... elm,, tlmrnr hnn Irfpn oprolntediisslBieo cf David s. Hover tr cntowlfsn, for the hem fit of creditors, c. All persons there fore, indebted in ILe mid David H. llower, will niaWo cuvmeiit lo Ibe said assignee and llioee having p.alms or demands will make known the same wliu- UUldClrJ'- MOESHOWE1!, W. I, r.vEBi.v. Assignee, Alt'y. for Assignee, may 3, 1S7S-4W 5 (SI 1 2.1 4 OS 3 14 8 14 4 Sll 0 20 37 20 9 40 1 2s 4 74 ',9 91 ti 5'J 1S70 1M 10 OS 5 C5 4 I'J i 22 S3 2 40 9 k.l I Id Sill) 4 4 se.o s oo N OS SIS) 11(1 20 0 1 03 4 ;s e'.it 1 Ml 7 47 r, 7o "3 '.HI M 9 si 73 15 el .s) 2S 3 is 7s 4 37 S. W. Douglass, Civil iiiid Mining Engineer, ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Care and Dispatch. I am prerared io make drawings. Plans and Models In Wooel, Bras.", Iron, or tho abovo materials combined as necessary ct Bridge:, Kir::, Ercaitr:, Buildings, Sagises, I'L'MPM, and all kinds of machinery for ueo cf cases at Court or tcr app.lcatlons lo secure rotents. I'uleuls Seeiire d. march?, 1S78- lw "I? XIXUTOKS XOTICK KSTATK OK IIAN'IET. UAGENBCCU, DECEASEO. letters Testamentary on the estoto of Daniel Hagenoi'Ch, late of Cenvo township, Columbia Co. l'e . deceased, have been gr nted by tlio HcRlster of aid county to Frederick llaerenbucri, Ipy. and Frank 11. llagenbueh. Lime Itldre. Eseeuuirs, tee whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re eiuesied to make piejment, and those bavlne? claims or demonds oiralnst tho said estate will make them known to the said executors without, dtUy. FliF.Dr.BICK 1IAOEM1CCII. r.spy. FllANlv 11. HAObNUL'CU, Une leiago, Ciecutois. aprll 2r."7sw 92 1 ss 4 i.s 2 91 3 51 1 71 272 1 SS "24, 4 SI 7 i 6 30 8 90 t'J sie 191 30 12 J? 1 00 S2 90 90 S0 2MI .1 lit 0 40 4 :-i 5 01 4 li7 2 5l 2 fit SS 3 30 3 07 .'3 19 19 S35 111 OS 33or,ii'i,.vTi:s watohks. chespeit tothi known world. HatnpU Watch fret to Agent, Addre, A. Co ult t a & Ca, Chicago. Collins' Voltaic Plaster Is Simply Wonderful. KlKOFTOK, MlN'N., April 20, 1S7I, I consider e'oinss Volthc 1'i.astki: Iho best plaster I ever saw. and ru recom mending it to all. C. MCMOKKOW. Ilunr. Ill, ) Apillls. 1677. I It lias done n y bwy rrxro guotl thou all other medi cines, lie now goes to school for the lirsi time lu three jears. LIJZA .USE DlFEllLU, COI.I.ireS'. Vdl.TAIC I'LAnTUR Mainvilu:, Tn., May M, 1878. Henri. JCJilort nf the Culumbian .-Tlio last few days lmvo been of more than oreli nary note In this vicinity. On Wedueselay, the 8tli Inst., Mr. Win, II. Fisher, a farmer near tho new Kmanuel's Church in this township, while in playful tussle with his hlreel boy, had the misfortune to break his letr, I hellevo lu two places. It happened in the evening while they were doing tho chores at tho barn. Dr. JIoutp;otnery, of .MillHii, was Immediately summoned, hut could not get there before the aMct morning', when he found the leg to bo so badly swol leu that it was impossible to set the broken bones before yesterday. Mr. Fisher has suffered much more pain than is usual with u broken bone, anil it is feared that he Is otherwise Injured. Ilia speedy recovery is hoped for, and he has the sympathy of the community. Ou tho day followiup, the ninth Inst, 5Ir. Nathan Miller, of the same place and a near neighbor of Mr, Fisher, fell from an apple tree, while in the act of elestroylug the cat erplllars, and fractured his leg. It was first thought to le broken also, but upon exam Ination by Dr. Montgomery it was found that the bone was jpllt or cracked, Mr, Miller is doing as well us can be expected, On the following day, thee lentil Inst , Sir, Win, Krvlue, an employee ou Mr, Ociger's farm, cut his foot very Luilly withannxp, lie was scoring a slick of timber, when tbn axe glanced with the above result. Dr. Drown, cf Millliii, was called and sewed up the wound. That terrible disease Dyplherla lias reach ed our vicinity aod on Thursday the ninth iust, Hon. D, S. Jirown our representative Dress Goods cheaper than ever at Clark tt;Yolt's. McKlnneys House, Shoe Store below Court 1 Large assortment of new l'arasols this week at Lutz & Sloan's, TrylT-Iluy it Palm Palm Palm Soan At Jacob II. Maize's at Jacob 11. Maize's. may 3-18w 1', S. Hates makes a specially of repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, silveiware, or any thing else in his line of business. lie al ways Insures a first-class job aud is prompt wuu uis work. Ladles' Spring Skirls at Clark e& Wolfs. Various Cauers-. Adranclnr years, core, sIcHhss, disappointment and hereditary predlsposltlou-all operate to turn the hair; gray, and either of them Inclines It to shed pro- maturely. Avtii siuni viooa win restore rauea or Cray, llelit and red hair to a rich brown or deep black as may desired. It soitens ana cieanws uie scalp, elvloe It a healthy action, and removes and cures aandrutf and humors, lly Its uso falling btlr Is checked, and a new growth will be produced In Ml cases where the follicles are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown brashy, weak or sickly hair, lo which afew applica tions will produce (he gloss and freshness of youtu Harmless and sure In Its operation. It is incompara' ble as a dressing, and Is especially valued (or the soft lustre and richness ot tone It Imparts. It con tains neither ell Dor -djc, end will not soil or color white carabrlo j yet It lasts long on the ualr, and keeps It fresh and vigorous. COK SALE BV ALL MALEKS. 110 1 II 2 ' 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 S 2 2 1 " 3 (' 2 " 12 " I 22 5 11 21 7 3 34 111 5 11 1 lot 2 " 429 450 1 1 4 ( 2 ' 1 " 1 4 1 11 112 1 1 " 1 " 400 23J u tt 1 " SJ i. I i 270 SlU N 170 Sso 1 2 ' 100 loo cane Owen,. Collins l'eler K Cleaver Wellington Dougherty Jllclucl Foley Mary Ann t.aughen .vlartlu. Howell Thomas llauion Michael iiaiileyJnoil HouKland Wr.v M Holmes '1 nomas Hughes JnoJ Kline Dfiubold Keller widow Keller ltlcliJ I' s Aljsunla. Lanerun Pat Uhlgh A- Mauanoy It H Co Marks Lloyd " eieo, Maehen '1 nomas McKlnney Chas Mcllugh James Moore John Mclirearly Mrs Parks ejutunl'at sweet & 'lorry Vaniluien Mrs ti K Vaullurefi Ml Wllllck Kml Adams Knos Allabueh sum Coune r John K (leo Frit! Wm est eiooei Jacob Hon man m list HSKenbucli v. in llenrle Josenh Hauibuch Daniel Ashion Jacob Draw n Wm Deam Joshua Druwn ietbantel Hurt Andrew ltresllu Dcruard Cook Culheilno ' David Calaliau Dan Donaboe Cornelius Davis Jno K deorgo .liny liallagher Frank lltislun Jno lionebach Kd Jojco Peter Join 8 F.voii T Kllue Jno , Kline Jno L , Kllngeiinan Fred Kachelrles (ieo Lludermuth (leo U Wcilulre Terence, ... ... Morrison James Marr A Morris Marr 11 s MeMauamou 1'cter SM) 70 -si 14 91 sis) 00 15 40 SII9 OSI 2 20 4 OO 1 s 52 47 23 70 beat 9 07 15 IIS ls 4 29 754 b(9 41 99 (Ml SOS 7 4S S Ml 12 73 SCI S3 30 4 29 7 20 W 1 B9 ieo Wellington Wm a" - - soilobbj Miller . is) .- " is skaio Penrv 50 T rlco .I.eon 12 v.oe um Kllla 21 2 l'ursel John 1 lot (-chug l'eler est , " Turner John 2'io Puckiilew Jainescst si l-o h KeK e 4ii Doc bier Chas 1--7 (.rots Natliau'el 2i) eiras Itobert 19 uartman 'esse 125 L'revellntrs a: co or no ness vveMey of 119 " ' of 119 " . 75 Ijibaeh Km t Power Fi'.o MoulL-oinery Debt aMepnenswin .vi , 5onio Ilenrv Uouug Abe 341 I 40 ConvncUam 2 79 6 2.1 " V4 Ml " 4'JS " 11 S ' 9 S3 " 2 23 " 2 91 1 " 1 SO " 1 " 1 1 95 S9 4 35 1 31 1 74 2 01 2 94 2 I 1 74 4J 2 2( I'sl 35 10 19 e,o S7 SO si to 1S9'( 2 37 Is 91 (13 II 30 12 (Si 9 45 40 5l lllMI 2 CI 3(9 Ticasui er's fc-'alo of t-'cated Lands in Columbia county. Also tlio'followlng lets, pieces and parcels e t wat. ed lauds, returned by tlio tax collectors, are lobe sold at the same time, under tho provisions of nn Actcf Assembly, entitlod, '"An act relallni; tothe solo of lauds lor taxes In Columbia county," u prov ed Jiarcu oih, isos, nirerc do do do do do oo elo do elo do elo do do do (lo do elo do do do (lo do do Scott elo elo Sugai loot do do do (to do do du do du do do do do do no I for local pairs, lameness, soreness, weakness. nutibmss. unci liillauin ailon ot the luncrs, liver, kid neys, spleen, luvvels, Haider, heart coil muesclesls equal Ui an sruiy ot docicrs and acres cf plants and shrubs., PI1ICE 23 Cr.NTS. sold by nil Drupflfts and by V. ELKS rOTTKK, 1'rcprletois Itosicn, Mats. mull 2". is;s-iw d If you are a innn o' business, weakened by tliottraln u ,,uui uiiiii-s, ueuui i-i idi'iiunis anil LtlkQ 11 OF If ni nre a rn-in cf letttrR. totllnc over jour mld nJyht wotlc. lo restore jfHln rmi ucivowubtu, lake HOP 21 31 10 7 0 210 2 CI 5 21 2 11 I 7.' 17 -0 13 05 1 74 4 35 13 6 r 0 9 1 7s S9 BITTERS. BITTERS. Hy mare joung, rind fcutT. itng from ony Indls- llt-IIUM 11 HlWll UIK 'II, I.IKP BOP BBTTERS. m are iranledorMup'o. old rrjourc. Ruffe: Horn I'Oor bealth it lanjfUlshlDccu ubcU ot falckncj", tko HOP JUTTEES. Whoever sou are. wherever ouare. whenever you feel Hut jour svbtetn needs cleansing, tonlne trMlinuinilbg, without Intoilcatun.', toko 15 OP BITTERS. Havo v ou dj bpepsla, kidney or urinary eomplalnt, '' ui lur riviii'aii.", I'lUUU, liver. Of You win 1 e HOP ured If von takei BITTERS. If jouare slmplv slllrg sro weak and low tplr. tied, try it t Du It. Insist upon it. our elmsi-tsts keens it HOP Bfl TERS. It may save j our life. It lias raved hundreds. . NOTICE ; TO CONSUMERS -OF- Heaver do He men ua do do . (i do do Murpbey Anthony , Itlchird..., " 'I hew Jordan Kobt. Tract. l'orter Andiew Walker Lewis Huston Thos ' Mary Hdiely Matthew.., TrelkbueU 1U... 'iileu Jacob....,., .SELLERS' LIVER PILLS iltriN 4Lr ivMyttiMu, (,. sit iu4i- F lUlUMara. I tt rooiniii t llfi Uxr I!1L vUM llUlil. aeif KHSBIr rri 4WB - ' tmo 1 401 c m x sV lfl 'm too m H6-0 200 4J- Sis) apris, 'l'J oo wl Voeum Fiank,,,,, ,,,,,,, enuig J(hn Dieshi r John Dot) l'euler SI eiw art. V nee & Crawford Hide John , Hoffman & I reas ..... Huliue W la llaulbon .1 alius 4.SS.24 Kramer M m . . .. 2'1 KluUt John A; Co. . lie) U-iaou Thomas UclUnry U it O II 2 79 1 " 8 SI " a 79 .. 0 " 1 44 " 17I " 121 " S'J VI " U 45 " 2 90 " 2 15 2 241 " 2 2J " 2 241 " (Vll 58 " K)S0 " 704 1-0 " 9 71 ' (5 del " UN 07 " 2 23 " 709 " Csl 42 " 61 4 'I U 42 " 2:4 54 Flsblngcimk 4 s7 T 75 " io n " 2 (si " 2 19 " V n " 1U14I " )l ea " ol " 20 " S44 Tux no 1 -.0 314 Nli 24 CI II I 2 SO 22 (hi 1 "1 a is) 111 h 19 42 9 2" b I) 3IU S3H 2i SM24 3 b" SI 91 3 IS) 2 M 41 79 b Id Acres. Warrantee or ow ner. 27 Crouso Hi pheu 1 shrlver lb lu-y 27 r.i'ujjuilu S J 60 Conner Cniharino".'..!..!.'..'.'.!!"'. 45 ' .Miitl.laa 2 lots Melleiuy missel....... :a Miesie rs rarvin M 12 Abram saMulllkan susmi ... m 15 lk.iy l'euler 12S llawk.1 W 49 lluphes KV s KeK'ber Mieela I lot Andrews Harriet KHlo siiweu ,w " lliHiilsaucr "lolsl'urbelli: II... ., I I t 'I'liuma. Jno 5 Ion Walter Norumu lucr-'AriiUiNouu 1 lolJaines Jubn 1 lots I'rcas And ews est ...., aero KlleniUUJC e.re5y. i Ms lu, iiiibii Jacob I Meghen l'eler ,.,., 1 " crime Don lulck 2 1 virile) M M 1 " Winn Dennis 2 " Kim i !o Joiulnuu .... " Hurk John. Mrs s ' fulp Philip Mrs 1 " Davison Duvld .. ., a " KrramerA V l " Morrmi William 1 " Diowu Fred 1 " Hummel Juik..., el acres 1 bne r William 13 cuiieu Isaac iilI 10 ' Horn Win 1 lot nils W in A so eiries VWuicredei'U John 1 lot Piter Wm .. .. O'tieres Waller 1 J ss " III leley (leeirge. ... M. . tn " IhiwK n llaiii.ah 12 v,uung David s (i (JiceCly likhaiet tit..... 24 " WullS Jno W 1 lot Hess 8 11 i aeicsllltlenb' rgJoUTU..!, 1 Int. llitrlno.,, (Il..rr II. W. McltEYNOLDii.lreasurer i Tin- llrlareicek no do elo llio ua do do do do uo . CatawUsa Ce ntralu Ce nlru do Couj nirhara do do do do elo do do do do do do (iree ii wood Hemlock elo Jackson Madison no Minim . Ml 1'llulbUbt 11 40 , eiruiiku om 1'iliu 2 I'sl eue 5(i do 3 41 (I'J 1 12 tcolt j ho do 1 b surfarloaf I os brltvef our TIN TAti TOIIACCO has e. n i-, anv imitations lliireof to bo placed on g.oe maiket, we thereforo caution all Chewers eagslnn purchasing sucli imitations. All dealers buvlnirf r ReUlni? rihre ninr- tnhntn gbe'iirlng u haid or u.eUlllc Uliel.rinder tnenibtiveH r liable lolhe penalty ot tne law. slid all la'reons violating our trade marks are punbliable by nun and imprlbouuieut. bi;K ACT OF (.OMIltLSH ,,a.'i- ,w nir u' (lie III' f violating our trade marks are ftCU, 1, IFIV, P 'llio geuloe I.eillll.l.AIII) TIN TMi T- e ii can oo uisunguialied bv a TIN TAO on Kit. 40 1 40 2 III 19 21 010 19 SO 12 40 19 41 elfS) 2kU 1 75 320 9 5 31 aim 2 ss 1 92 Bl .AlS h OJ t?.iti, orillionttwp lot ro..OeattsiwuoaWB. (UCll lumo Willi Hie UOrdLUItlLLAlell klnmr.,, thereon. ovirl.nsstonstabaceo sold lu lsi7, and Lcarly S.oes) leitous empluj id In laclortes. i ; Tas paid Gov'mn't In 1M7 about 13 CW,(0. and during tho yait ears, over t20,ooo,oi)0. gTlieiso goods sold by all Jobbers at mauuiacturcrs marcn s, 7S7s-sm. Ilico ; she re by given lli-t ipurttserel tt Mired l lieuton lowihlp, nt ee nueilie mie enril 1120,187b. the luiloveli,k- ,.i,,i uc eiiy TskTOTlCK. oeiiirn is lie re I'V itauitol Uenti uij,ipillS..l.iMU lullOVelliL- I. in in i iiukiiv 1 Leller, 1 lull, b' i s, 1 . 1 1 ii i in. i led u ei ea-uiiiiig. ; Mui,. sacus rt grain n tie niiiid, all ol vebleb I have lost rrt toll .inn u 1 1. , t. iiro unu i l.e v liy vvein all p i i,r In p. u. ntllBor luteilerlng with tho 1.1,11 ed in "ij BUBUN'IZFB CAltDS, VlSITlNHi'AHIl-i, XJETTEK IIE DS. 111LL MkM'N J vi 1 f je Ncally nnil CI (111 iy 1 r.i it, n lilAN Ollice;. f 1 C Ll