The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 17, 1878, Image 1

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UltHCOXSOI.IDlTKD.) Issued weekly, every Krl'lay morning, at
,,r fuiuaiillml. ('il .ltMUIA COUNTY. lA.
tM, U. M,
. . J'J.OO u.w ts.oi
... .0O 4.'0 .M
... 4.10 .ro I CHI
n.oo I.Ofl oo
, ,, e.eo s.eo 10.00
... 10.01 1S.0O 1S.H0
...10.00 SS.llO 80.00
two bollard per Vear, payohia In i advance, of.
Lit tun year. After the expiration of .1 ho year
Three Inches. ..
Four Inches
quarter column..
It a If column
One column. ..
i.50 will bo cnanred.
To subecrlticrs mt of tlio
oo'untv the tornn nro i per year, trlcily in advance
f in atiTaoce
payment bu
-11 M ill not p Hi! in ndvanco uun j.uu u
"no Tpaper aiwnil.fai.'cxccpl at the option of tho
oubUlsliorJ, until nil arrearages ore paid, but loui;
OTntlnuid credits after tlio expiration of the llrst
yVpirntK!,u"of thoNtato or W distant post
ol"o? niiwt bo paid for In advance, uuIosb a rcspon.
Bllilrt person In Columbia county assumes to pay tbo
mibscrlntlon duo on demand.
"osTAi I K Is no louder exacted from subscribers In
tho county.
The Jnbblr.1? Department nf tho t!oi.i'Miimlstery
complete, and our .1 b l-ilnllng will compare faveirn
blr with that of iholnrue cities. All work done on
.imnnd.neatlv and at moderate prices.
i.o.mi loo.eo
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Trnfl
stent ndrertlKcments must be paid f or bcitd e inscn eu
except where parties hare accounts.
Ueal ndi ert lueirents two do'lnrs per Inch for threo
Insertions, an at that rate for additional interne nn
v. It hout reference to length.
Executor's, A mlnlitrotor's and Auditor's notice
three dollars. iusl tepaldfor whin Inserted
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alln
regular advertisements half rates.
Cards In the "Uuslness Directory" column, cn
dollar per year for each line.
JUJjUA1I11 A UiiiMUlJJtA i , VUIj. AL.ll, iU, tl
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Juilst William F.lwell.
Associate Judges -1. K Kilckbuum, F. L, Hhuman.
Vroihonotar . e. -It. Fraim Zarr.
Court stenographer . N. Walker,
lojuter iteuorder Williamson II, .tacobi
mulct Attorney toll n M, Clark.
Sheriff John W. lloflraan.
Survn or Isaac Dowltl.
Treasurer-lir II. W. Mclteynolds. .,...
U n nuslviors loan ilerner, H. v,. vetlenrv.
J neon sanl , , ,
Jo n nltsii i-r- 'lorK --iVIIllam KrlekiMUiii.
Ultors -M V II. idliie. I. II. rac. K It. liri.
coroner -i 'ii irlbs I. ilurph .
lurv Co nniuMmers- il HObblns. nieol'Jie '.
Oiiii'l -sun "-lubMi lent -Wl Ham II ""''l"! .
llUkjiii'nr mt-t'i -nlr.'. t int -It. Knt. eu t,
Vm. Kramer, MuoinsburK nnl I I "runs
too t, secretar ,
onice In A. J, Kr ait's Niw BitLBim,''
Member of Commercial Law and Dank Collectloa As
sociation. Oct. 14, TT-tl
omecin iirowir'sbulldlne;, second No.
i Hloomsbiirir, Ta.
A W N ,
Bloomsburg Official Directory
l'rosldafit of Town Couucll-I). Iflwenbcrtc
Clerk W. Wirt.
cuief of Poll -o-M. 0 A'oo i T ird
1'r "ildrtiit of lasComiiuy-.. n rr
HecrcUry-c. v. Miner
lli.iu usoiir ilankluif
fresiuen , u. u.tiru t,
Flr Sa lunk-ciurletit.
f. I', rustln, C.isliter. ......
Columbia Coun' Mu.ual x.ivlriii Kuu I am;
wl.i lon-K. II. Lit le, Preslden , c; w. Miller, i
S niSi'rSi'ari llulldlns nnd.nvln? Fund xwla'ton
-Win. l-eaoocl:,l'roil.lent,.I.Il. ItobHon. iecio'ar..
lllooimburi Mil u.1 s.ntnu Vund Atsnel.i Ion .1.
I iirnwcr, I'reslden , C. O. U.irklov, Secro nry.
BAPTHT CllllhCll.
Itev. .f. P. Tusiln, tfupptv.)
i.imLiy SerMces-1 v, u m. undnp. in
sund.i school 9 a. in. . , ...
I'r.iyer Mwtlng-trierv Wdnedi evening at il
Sail's free, riie jvitulo .relnvt id oa lend.
ST. MATtltUW'- l.ltTIIMUfCllUIH'll
Mlnnur-.tjv. i. i. M irclay.
Sun.l.iv Mijrvlces -l".''. a. in. and 7 p. m.
SSflSv Wedncsdae evening al W
Seats free. Nopews rcn'ed. All aro welcome.
l'llMBYTERlAW cnCllCH.
Mlnlsier-Itcv. Stuart MP-Jiell.
Hunday Services H n. iu. and 6, p. m.
Sunday Schonl-9 a. m. ,
l'raver llco.lns-Uvery Wednesday evening ai bj
VcalB'froe. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
METiiomsT Krucoi'Ai. cnuRcn.
Presiding Etder llcv. N. S. llucklnuham.
Mlnlsier-ltov. M. L. Smyser.
Sunday Services and l)i . m.
Ulblo ciasC,-Km. Monday evening a. OX o'clock
vnnff Men's l' JIon,lng-Every Tuesday
?J&UWlW Ibursday evening
corner of Third and Iron streots.
eastor-ltev. o. U. ourtey.
itesldence Centnl Hotel.
Sunday Sen lees 10 v a. in. and 7 p. m.
sundav school 9 a. in.
Prnvcr Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
AH are Invited There la always room.
Sector-Itev U Zahncr.
Sunda Services Vx a. m., Ttf p. m.
Flrt.t sur lay m tlio month, Holy ;?'nm"?1l02;1rtI1v
8rvlcei preparatory to Comniunlon on Friday
ivenlng before uiu m. Minuiiy m
Pews renUd: but, eve-vboif. welcome.
KVN(n:i.u:i. church.
Presiding Cliler -Lev. A. L. Itteser.
siinclly Senlc'-Vp. in., Inthe Iron Street Church.
ITu it aieeiius i.. - r-
All are Invited. Ulim; nelcuinr.
MeetHln the mile lUjck hurdi on the blll.''
ii,,i .I'eWh ILiptlit hur h-ou Kocl: street
C' neanl!.r'me. tln,? for worship, every lord's day af
"eat- tree and li.o public .ire cordially United to
Ait . o t r & r, ii
Allot m.-ys-iit-l .iwv
I'enl 'lisobtulned.
Select Story.
'lly .love, Dick, I'm nearly dotio up.'
'So nm I. Did any ono ever seo such n
ii i. w r. i, i..
Own WiirilN.
Baltimo K. Wd., Feb. 13, 177,
Mr. H. H. Ptcvens.
Hear Sir, since several years I halo (rotation) and
very nalnful foot. Ihadsomi pin vlct.un, but they
couldn't euro me. Now I hao heard of jourVeite-
became mi well from jnur yfgetlne, and 1 went and coiifjiltnled fnrMt, Hlmrley V
DOUgnimeon IHillIt OI t'Ktllllu, linu mm . .nm
used one bottle, the palm lett in, nrd It begun to
lienl.ntid then I bought one other bolHe, and so I
take It yet. I thank (tod for this remedy and our-
self; and wl'hlng every luirerer mj pay imeniion
to It. ItHnblcMnirMrln'ivltli.
Mrs. c. KKAI!i:,G8 West Iialtlmero t.trect.
ii. Ilnrimaii's Hloek, second (limr, rnrnri
Main and Market street",
ni.ooMsnunfi, px
Mm ?n-ty.
lowing .Mnclilneinnd Machine rj of all kinds ro
ared, orKRA lloi'sn Ilulldlug, Iilooribburg, Pa
nniirvM. ni!IiKI!S. Mnnk. iusl
ni,nv limd In s-uall books, on hand and
tor salo at tho Columbian ofllce.
LANK DEEDS, mi l'areliri.-nl anil Linen
ii-..,... Minninn an, I fur AlllIllllU lUtorS, IiVtCU-
tJfs inii trusU'es, for sale cheap at the Colombian
ei n co.
-, r tj 1? I r.V. firirriKK'ATr.R rut printed
lVI and for sale at the ooi.cmhian onice. Minis
?' the, ilnsrsl And .liMlces-diouM upplj them.
lelvei with tnene necessar j ui nuns.
-rrtCTIM'Sl nml t'.iiwl llll." Pit Hill- Ii.' "ill
I it the COL0HI1UV ortlei". The! enntilll. Il.e
rccl"il fees at.imuh1 h tic 1 - M'' "'
ii ire 'in in th.' "I'M'"" '
r Mai
npili lit, ls;t.
(er Maizb'iI siorb, r.ioomfeDiirg, l'a.
---'.,.,,,..,, i,tD tvcnnivni? mlipiwr
n A I lU.'.-ti, 1 nn ..low.wi.,. ww-.. .... .
Tim nckft. r.r iIisrm old romorBtlons are all In
vested In SOLID SECUltlTlKS and are liable to the
Inzard cf Hre only.
Aiodcriue lines on me oestntiisaro aiunu ntvep-u.
i r.tfif u ruriMPTi.v und noNcsTi.T sdlusied and Laid
nu Kri, 1. AS rleteiudned bv CHRISTIAN F. KNArr. epo-
clal Agent and Adjuster, D oombburg, renn'a,
Thiii iiizei.sof Columbia county kbould patronize
the agency where losses, if any, aro adjusted and
paid by one of their own citizens. nor. 10,
' nin not nWine e.lV, but hungrr, O.for
ti teat t.f mntwo, with a bottlo !' old reel
wine to n1i It nnwn 1'
'nhnrlcy, licwnre I Take enrp Imw you
ronjiir ii ncli x'hIoih in my mind. Iam
nlrciidy nenrly starving, mid if yon iticreiso
my nppi tito imicli morn It will go liard with
me if I dn'i't 1-nc nil' you. You nre young
In i7 'jour V. g'llne was recommended to mc.nn.l nd Hertlm says ynu'rii tctuler '
Mleurleil, slin meniif. Well, so am, if
Icving IV-rtliH lie nnv tir.iof nf it. Dn von
know, Dick, I Ii iveofleii 'Tundered tint you
lovn your siter so pai'niitp!y, were
unit Siiru
MH.H, It.fTErN9
in 1Q7.I mir V.
jleldlng to the pc.i'u-tous of u lrl-ii'l. t conseuinl
totij It At th" tune t was "iim rlng friun geneinl
i(t.i it v iin.i tii.rvn . iirusi rill nil . mi I 1 11 ijuuru n.v
overworK mid Irregiilir i uiills lis uoiuierinl
strfngtlii'iilngii'i I cir illve iiioik riles at enied ti nf-
H'Ct luy iK'Ol Ituieu "3 stem limn uie ursv wn i nun
under IH pi rsi lent me I r.uildiv reeovred. giiliilii';
I Iiuvh not hfitttui togle Nceilneu'n most mi- nut je.ilnin of her ntiai'liinent In me.'
ilUH'HIeil Indtiiwuieiii. in neing a s,im sure, nnu
lionerrul ng-'iit 1 1 promoting henltli and ii'Sicrlng
tlm waited sst'm n new life anil ie ry. Vege
tliie t lie only ijiedklne I Uku ; and at lung us lite
I neuToxivct to Ilud a better
Your (run. W. II, ( Mint,
120 .Montgomery str (t, Alieglii'nj, l'eiiu.
Hot prin .He t'ltm.
t 11 Mil LrtrilWN.
II. It "lexcni
lear sir. 'Hits tito certify I hat I hivr u-ed vuur
"Illooil ITi'iiaralion'Ma ni I indU f ' -en ml e.irs,
and Ihli k.thji or sernfulinr o.mken.iM lliiinuis nr
llheiMnatlcnlli-tllom Itriuiiiot heeMd'ed ! n 'd us
n blood purifier nndsprme mi'dlctno Ills the bot ll mi used almost ev
erything. 1 can cheerfully ricomiiiend It to any ono
In need of audi a medlcluo
yours respecuiiiiv.
Mrs. A. A. DISS ueiKK, Hi ltussel stieet.
CY, Exchange uotei, uicomsDurg, ra.
.Etna, Ins Co., of Ilartford, Connecticut..
Liverpool, Imoon anu uiouu
Koyalof Liverpool
Flro Association, Philadelphia
Farmers Mutual of Danville
Danville Mutual '.
Homo, Now York. .
At. tlr nancies Are direct, nollcles aro written for
tho Insured without any delay In tho offlco at Bloomsburg.
jlitrcn w, ii y
11 (00,000
10,009,' 00
Lycoming of Muncy Pennsylvania
North American of Philadelphia, Pa
ranklln, of "
t cnnslVRntaof "
armers of York, Pa.
anover of Now York.
Vantiattanof 44
umco on Market Street Ko. e, nioomthurg, Pa,
oct. 116. 77-ly.
Catawlua, Pa,
oolhctlons pton.ptly made and remitted. Office
onposlte catawlssa Deposit Dank. im-w
Itnub. I rjuilrr k Edwards,
-I reft
to Iienedlct Dorsey t: Fas, ! Market
lu, porters and dealers la
ln in
,t I hll-m I'M.
1 1, il i urliik'
lit lilY.
What In Xccdol.
I30JTOX, Feb. 13, 1ST I.
n. IL Stevens, Ksq.
'So I , my ilar fellow. it firjt fnri
nulv jcnlniH. Hut tlien I rellcted lint
Ilertlia mtut nued.iy or oilier miirry. and I
mut ln.c my yter; o I tliousrlilitli"tlpr that
ho should imrry my old college chum and
parly friend, Charles Cnstarre, than nny one
plp. So you eo there was a littlo selfislmcis
in my calculation, Charley.'
'Dick, wp were, friend at school and
friends at college, and I thought at both of
these places that untiling could shorten tha
link that bound us together, but I was mis
taken. Since my love for and engagement
to your sister, I feel as if you were fifty
limes the friend that you were before. Dick,
wo three will never part I"
'So he married the king's daughter, and
they all lived together as happy as the days
aro long,' shouted Dick, with a laugh, quot
ing from a nursery talc.
The foregoing is an extract nut of tho con
venation with which Dick Linton and my
tinnr sir About one vear since I found mvself In
ft tpphle condition from ceneral dcbllltv. Veirellno
was slronglv recommended to mo by a friend who
had oeen mucti oeociueu oy us uv. i inuuiiirti mu
article, and, after using several botl ley, i as ri'stored
tn ssnlth utirl rilfinnnl Inuert Its use. I feel (lUlto
conndent that there is no medicine supi rlor to it ?(!if endeavored to beguile tho way, as we
for thoso cainplatnts for whlcn It Is e?p daily pre- I , , . " , " ,,
pared, and would cneernmy reeommenn ii to inoso iranipen tiirougn one oi mo loresis in noriii
who reel that they need something to iestoie thein
to perfect health.
'., .......... ......... tt r r L'vi I T T
Frmots. M. Pt lteiiglll A- Co.,
No. in Mute kl,. Iloston.
All Have Obtained Hell el'.
South Berwick. Mb .Jan. 17, 1S72.
ii. K. Stevens, f sq.
em New York. Dick was an arttat and I
a sportsman, so when one fine autumn day
lie announced bis intention of going iuto
the woods for a week tj study nature, it
seemed to me an excellent opportunity to
exercise my legs and my trigger-finger at the
same time. Dick had some backwoods friend
who lived in a log hut on the shores of Eck
Dear sir. i navu naa aiHpepaiuiu iui wuibwuuu - , T , , ,. , . .:,! ,,!,
'..n v.nn nttr ii!tit ink't'it iKiiinrt'US ui I aj.av. itiiu lutto no ucitiuiincn iu
. . : . - - - i .
fnr tlin list. tin venrs. am! ha
dollars' wortn of medicines without obtaining any
relief, in September last I commenced taking tho
veTctine, since wnicn iimo my neuuu mis sieiuiuj
mproved. My food digests well, and I h,io gained
ii.l :en pounds of ties', There are several others In
this place taking Vcgetlne, and all have obtained re-
Yours truly, THOMAS H .MOOItE,
Overseer of Cird Uoom, Portsmouth Co.'s .Mills.
up our quarters. Dick, who said he knew
the furest thoroughly, was to be the guide,
and we accordingly, with our guns on our
shoulders, started on foot from Root's.
tavern known to tourists and situated on the
boundaries of Essex and Warren Counties,
It was a desperate walk, but we started at
daybreak, and bad great faith in our pedes
train qualtiea. We expected to reach the
nearest of the Eckford lakes by nightfall
Tl... 1. ... T.:l, .uo IfavqI nr.. n
, a - , , . I A MO lui can iuiuueu i ..u n u ..m i b.v uau
VCgetine 18 SOIU Dy 1U1 UnigglbW. ,1)e dense8t dcr,,ton. Overhead the
branches of spruce and pino shut out the
day, while beneath our feet lay a frightful
soil, composed principally of jagged shingle
i cunningly concealed by an almost impene
Is Prepared by
H. R. STEVENS. Boston.
The Great New Medicine!
n, ij m. ii.. ii
. clan, (OiUeo uuu lictlUi.e uii
ijui Lcr Jclfurttou,
f -sire-!.
II. McK KLVY. M. I).,Surg.i. .u.d 'xy
slchmtnorlh side Malu strt-ct, in-low Mnrki't.
Ii KO BISON, Attnim.v-H.-I '
m Ilftrtinair tmtMtiiK, Mahi -tr-''i
ltO.-KNSTlx.K, I' i mi-i
Clark Wolf'bMoro, J'ulii street
AVID LOWENBEUCi, .Merchant Tailor
i.taln St., aliove e'entiut Hotel.
S. KUIIN, dialei ii. .Meat, Tallow, tic,
, Centre street, etweeu Second and Third.
Incrcaso ef Pcnticiis cMt'.ned, CoJUiUear made,
uillce, second doorfiom 1st Naltunal Bunk.
Jan. 11, ISTs
t ,U-I l I.A.-SM UOOl.,
give us a trial
Next term begins
i ( r mfori nation or catalogue apply to
Jul) !7, 77-ly urangevllle, Pa.
The Seaside Library.
( liolcn l,eks no longer for the tew only. The best
ftniuUrd i.ovds wllhlu the reach of even one.
Hooks usimllj soldlroini tola given tunchuugid
nnl iiiini,iiiiieiii ror 10 und 2u cents.
l,v. I lie l ouill 01 .uonie-e nsio, .ie i-uwiao
15a. 'Iho Klng'soxn, by e'apt. jlarrjat
15,, llllllll anil i.ioie, uy AitiriiM i. cu.wu.
His. 'UeasuroTrove, by Samuel Lover
1.vj. Tho r-.iantom -hip, by Captain Marryat
1 no. 'I he Hlack Tulip, by Alexander Humas
lol. '1 he w orld en Lose, r ljwi uuwu
HI, Klilrhn rliitrltittn HrOIltil
lea. l-rnnk Mlldmny, by Captain Marrjat
. .mu,IIA'uhlnrv llnrrlet llowrn
If the hut was remarkable, Its proprietor
was still more so. He wan, I think, the
most villainous-looking man I ever beheld.
About six feet two inches in height, pro
portionately broad across the shoulders, and
with A hand large enough to pick up a
fifty-six pound shot, he seemed to be a com
btnation of extraordinary strength and
nglllty. His head was narrow and oblong
in shape. His straight, Indian like hair fell
smoothly oAer his low forehead, as if it had
been pl.istered with soap, and his black,
bead-liko eyes were set obliquely and slant
ed downwards towards his nose, giving him
a iiimulpd expression ol lerocily mm din
ing. As I examined his features attentive
ly, In which I thought I could trace almost
very bad iaion I confess I experienced a
certain feeling of apprehension and distrust
I could not shake nil'.
Whll" ho was gi ,'ng s the promised
food we tried, by questioning him, to draw
him into conversation, lie seemed very
taciturn and reserved, he said he lived en-
irely alone, and hud cleared the "pot he oc
cupied willi his own hands. Ho said his
nunc was duel J but when wo hinted that he
mut havo soino other name he pretended
not to hear lis, though I saw his brows knit
and his small black eyes fi.ish angrily
My su.ilcions nf this man were further
amused by observing a pair of shoes lying
in a corner of the hut. These shoes were at
least three sizes smaller than those that our
gigantic host wore, and yet he ad distinctly,
replied that ho lived entirely alone. If
those shoes were not his, whose were they ?
The more I reflected on this circumstance
the more uneasy I felt, and apprehensions
were still further aroused when Joel, as he
called himelf, took both our fowling-plecea
and, In order to have them out of the way,
as he said, hung them on crooks from the
wall, at a height that neither Dick nor I
could reach without getting on a stool
smiled inwardly, however, as I felt the
smooth barrel of my revolver, that was slutn
in the uoilow ot my back by its leathern
belt, and thought to myself, if this fellow
has bad designs, the more unprotected he
thinks us the more incautious he will be ; so
I made no effort to retain our guns. Dick
also had a revolver, and was one of thoso
men whom I knew would use it well when
the tinio came.
My suspicions of our host grew at last to
such a pitch that I determined to communi
cate them to Dick, Nothing would be
easier than for this villainous half-breed
for I felt convinced that ho had Indian blood
in him nothing would be easier than, with
the aid of an accomplice, to cut our throats
or shoot us while we were asleep, and so get
our guns, watches, and whatever money we
carried. Who in these lonely woods would
hear the shot, or hear our cries for help T
What emissary of the law, however sharp,
could point out our graves in thtss wild
woods, nr bring the murder home to those
who committed it? Linton at first laughed,
then grew serious, and gradually became a
convert to apprehensions. We hurriedly
the more I reflected on tho conduct of tho
half breed, th more assured I was that he
Intended to murder. Full of this idea I took
my revolver from Its sling and held it in ray
band ready to shoot him down at the first
movement that appeared at all dangerous.
A haze seemed now to pass across my eyes.
Fatigued with long watchfulness and ex
citement, I passed into that semi-conscious
state in which I seemed perfectly aware of
everything that passed, although objects
were dull and dim in outline, and did not
appear to sharply defined as In one's waking
moments. I was apparently aroused from
this state by a slight crackling sound, I
started, and raised myself on my elbow. My
heart ceased to heat at what I saw. The
half-breed had lit some species of dried herb,
which sent out a strong aromatic odor as it
burned. This herb he was holding directly
under Dick's nostrils, who, I now peceived
to my horror wis wrapped in a profound
slumber. Tlio smoke of the mysterious herb
appcaredjto deprive hiinnf all consciousness,
fur he rollel gently ofl'the pine log, and lay
stretched upon the floor. The half-breed
now stole to the door and opened it gently.
Three sinister heads peered in out of the
gloom. I saw the long barrels of rifles and
tho huge, brawny hands that clasped them.
The half breed pointed significantly to
where I lay with his long bony finper, then
drawing a large thirsty looking knife from
bis breast, moved toward me. The time was
come. Mv blood stopped my h art ceased
to beat. The half breed was within a foot
of my bed; the knife was raised ; another
instant it would have been burled in my
heart, when, with a hand as cold as steel, I
lifted my revolver, took deadly aim and
fired 1
A stunning report, n dull groan, a huge
cloud of smeke, curling around me, and I
found myself standing jupright with a dark
mass lying at my feet.
'Great God I what have you done, sir?'
cried the half-breed, rushing toward me.
You have killed him 1 He was just about
to wake you.'
I staggered against tho wall. My senses
until then immersed in sleep, sudden
ly recovered their activity. The frightful
truth buret upon me in a flash. I bad shot
Dick Linton white under tho influence of
a nightmare I Then everything seemed to
fade away and I remembered uo more.
There was a trial, I believe. The lawyers
were learned, and proved by physicians that
it was a case of what is sometimes called
somnolentia or sleep drunkcnness,but of tho
proceedings I took no heed. One form
haunted me lying black and heavy on the
hut floor; and one pale face was ever prcs
ent a face I saw once after the catastrophe,
and never saw again the wild, despairing
face of Bertha Linton, my promised bride I
It. J. 0. 11UTTEU,
Office, North Market sli ect,
Uloombburg, l'a.
A T T O Ii N II Y-A T-L A W,
omeo llurtmun's lilocR, corner iiaia ana juanei
jq- U. FUNK,
Atn. ru y-nt-I.nAV
(iK'H'nst- ' I'm ions 01 taincd, Collections
Offlco lu Coluuhuk liniiiii.(i.
1C4. A iiung wire'H story, Harriet llowrn
His. A Modern Minister Vol. 1.) Chevely Iovel
ion Tho I ast Aldlnt, be tleorge sand
K.7. 'I he (Juen's Mcklare, by a lex. Dumas
lesi. con cregan, by buries Lever
leu. St. Patrick's Lve. by Charles Lever
no. Newton fiorsier. oy uaputin murrjoi.
171, Hostage to fortune, by Miss uraddon
no f.,urnTi.,r rin Mal.nn ltotttre. bv Dumas
173-..lnphet in search of a Father, by captain
it, wit , .tl.itinr.liiin. liv Chflrles Lever
175. i ho Pacha uf Many Tales, captain iiarnai ;J
170. Perclvnl Keeno by Captain Murryat mc
117. ficorge cantcrburi's will, by Mra. Henry
178. Hare Sood Luck, by It. K. Francllllon lee
17'J. Tlio Hlsiory ot a crime, by Victor Hugo joe W llkle Collins b0
iai 'hH e'ountf bs ae cuarny. Alex uuuuw .w
I si. Juliets ( Mrs. Cameron
isa. Kenllworth, by sir
Velter Scott
-pvl?, I. I.. KAIlll,
Main street, opposite Episcopal CJiu'rcli, moon
burg, Pa.
ir Teeth extracted without pain.
HllgVJ, ll-IJ,
AT TO R N n Y S-A T-L aV,
e'uuniiuN iivii.iiiNo, liloorabburg, l'a.
Members of tint United States Law Association.
Collections in lulu In any pail tit Ainerteu or i:uru(j
185. 4,noprt-lie bwettheart," by Hhoda Brougton loo
lsa, David coppemeld, by Chares Dickens we
1ST. Nanon, uy Alexander iiuinoa
iss. 1 h swlss Family Itoblnson
lsii. Henry lumbal, by Miss Uraddon
1W. MemoliB of a FhyMcUn, by Alex Dumsa
nil. 'I he 1 hree Cutters, by C4ptln Marryat
1112. Tho Ccnsnlrators, by Alexander Duma
l:i. Heart ct Midlothian, Sir Walter Scott
1(4, No Intentions, by Florence Marryatt
1M. Habel of Havana, bv Alexander Dumas
Mi bourn Me kleby, by Charles Dickens
17. Nancy by Hhoda nruUghton ..
W. el' If re In Canada, by cactaln Marryat
Hid. Cloisters and the Hearth, by Chao, UsaM
., n,u fttnnlf hv UflllbAtf (V lJtWUI. M. P.
Fo9' silo 'b "all nookstllers and Newsdealers, or
sent postage prcpam, eiu miiiv ui p,,v
1 r (IBOIIGB MUNRO, Publisher,
p. 0. 1Wi tui. Jl, m and fa, Vanaewaler sr., N. Y,
aug 1. 17-w
It A W. J. liUCIIALEW, -
Uloomsburg, fa,
Offlco on Main Ht reot, first door below Courtllouse
T lf. A J. II. CLARK,
Uloomsburg, Pa.
onico lu Ent a Uulldlng.
orricK-Adjolnlns C. ll. Wj"
k. b. urrut. ,lu,,'T umJ1'
1 U. & R.R. LITTLE,
-J 4tTTs-i1trMEVH.AT.LAW.
UloomBbursr, Va
irnuBtnuiisberoro UioU.S.rateiili)moeatliled
uisoomsuifua, iu.
Manufacturers of
Carriage's, Buge Phaetons, Sleighs,
l'lrsUlai3 wprk always on band.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Jan. 6, 117-tt
. Advertising Atjents,
A Health-Giving Power!
Tlnn em-rluiill' rurlliK illseus" !
ilrr inline or llilllire 11 vvuriiiy ui u.
rinl, 1CKLIKF (-uitriinteed.
AGUKKA1II.K to (he lnle. C.11ATKKII1.
o tlie Blomaeli, unit hpIh elllt-lently ni. a
ItKTIC. It urlloii U not ullemleil
nnv uiipleiikiint fiellng, nelthei- Is lun
Kiiur nor ilelilllty exiterleneetl, bill nil llie
oiiiriiry, rri uiirni .,, .........
Il llllllirilliiie ttneii iiiuii inn iiinr.ii.
urKiin. liellier lliipiiii-eu i- uiiniif n-
'Illliunleil iioin uny .1. ... . ... , .-.
Iielr poveerM of imnfmiliitlult tuiil mitll
inn. Ilin nutlet It, belnir Ineremeil ul once.
To (lio ul1'eenl with mi eni;iiit;eil ion-
illtlon if tlia liver, nu IMIInnneM, cluir-
aclei Ueil uy n dunkycoiiip lei Kin, u cuiiirn
igne, n iimiy, mm limit. 111 1111-
rniiiiclnii. npiielllo nlnl mnKiaii it.iiun
of the liovveU, vt llli n neiie nf ttillnrif In
tlirliearinliiloriiieiilul iliilluetiii, n.tiie.
KhK irve in.ifct vuliitible.
It rffect upon the kidneys W lin less
lianiiy, a turiiin, irriiuiint; tirum
(inlckly tleared up liy It.
Iiinaimnalory anil Clirnnlr ItllKCJI A
T1M.1I will soon illuilieur by a persUtvut
For tile cure nfHklii DlHenNen mill Irrup
tions of all kliula, VieiOltKM: in miKt
c.rtulu, ......
VltiUl(IH.HIi. IB roiuunflcii in nit' mtiit
firopertlesof HKKItS, 1IIMITH, (il'MH anil
AUKS, that Natiirv alouo fin,
great cure lielng Inken by us lime lliey
ar callieriNl at tilt, right Beiiiou of dm
yrar, ami that the)- pu..r Hull nutlvu
virtue. ......
That VlUOltKKK nan the putter tn 11111
1KV Till: III.elOK, l VKitlltATF. tlm
LIVKll, anil STIMUI.ATK tlm DKll'.sl'.
1VF. OUOA.VS, la liiill.piilulil)' iiiiireu by
tlioae wlio liavttclveu It u trial mill have
beau imrmalleiil ly cured.
We ilu not ak run tn try a itnzen linttles
to experience relief, Tur vte tiCAIlAMTKK
you will feel better from the lirat few
VICIClllEKK la aitonlahlni; file world
Willi Ita curca, nnd la tlirnet inu nil other
AI.TH.11ATIVKM anil mniiini
trable bruih. As the day wore on our hopes agreed that while one slept the other should
of reaching our destination became fainter watch, and so take it in turns through the
and fainter, and I could almost fancy, from njjrht,
the anxious glances that Dick cast around Joel had surrendered' to us his couch of
him.lliat in spito nf his boasted knowledge deer-skins and his blanket; he, himself
nf the woods ho had lost his way. It was said he could sleep quite as well on the floor
not, however, until nnlit actually fell m ami i,ear the fire. As Hick and I were both very
that wp were both sinking from hunger and tired, we were anxious to get onrrest ns soon
exhaustion, that I could get bun to acknowl- ns poviiblo. So, after a hearty meal of deer
edge it. steak and tough cakes, washed down by a
'We'ro in a nice pickle, Master Hick,' good draught from our brandy flask.I, being
said I, rather mn-ly, lor an empty stomach the ynnnger, got tho first hour's sleep, and
ilne" imicli tn destroy a man's nimral iiinia- flung niyelf (in tlio couch of skins. A my
bilitv. 'Cimfimnd vnur nuiiruncu tint led eyes irrnilunlly closed I saw a dim picture of
von to -et up as cuide. Of all men, painters Dik seated sternly watching by the flre.and
are tho most conceited.' 1 tlm long shape nf t!in half breed stretching
'P,e fllfirlev1 .ni.eve.eil Dick. "Odd cut liko a hugo shadow upon the floor.
i ,.ii,. hi A, i liifi After what I could havn sworn to be only
Harder Clark, discharged on surgeon's cer
tificate January 21, 1803.
Hawkins George H, died October 4, burial
record October 10, of wounds received
at Antletam, Maryland, September 17,
1802, buried in National Cemetery,
Section 20, lot 11, grave 221.
John Henry I.
John William E.
Hretph Jeremiah S.
Kramer Edward.
Lashcll Ralph M.
Lewis Emanutl L.
Ludwig John,
Margerum James 1.
Marks William.
Mnrtr. Joseph,
Men?ch Adam R.
Meara Commodore V.
Malony Charles.
Mate1ler Mali W.
McGraw Patrick, died at Warrcnton, Vir
ginia, November 0,1802.
Ohl John
I'ayne Ervine C.
Parks William J D. died December 23 of
wounds received at Fredericksburg. Vir
ginia, December 13, 1802, buried in
Militiry Asylum Cemetery, DC.
Phillips David, killed at l'Yedericksburp,
Virginia, December 13, 1802.
Reinanl Tobias.
Reese Frederick.
Rider Llnvd I.
Itishel Elias C.wounded at Cliancellorsvllle.
Virginia, December 13, 1S62,
Robbins Henry J.
Rhondes Jeremiah, absent sick at muster
Rider Wesley, died at Ilclle Plain, Virgin
ia, December, 1802.
Richards Jnmes M, killed at Antletam Sep
tember 17, 1802.
Roup .Tosiah O, died of wounds received at
Antielam September 17, 1802.
Pchmick Renjamin 15.
Schmick Charles S
Snyder Jeremiah II, absent sick at muster
Stewart Clark B.
Stokes John H.
Shoemaker Jesse.
Sanks John M, discharged on special order
October 14, 1802.
Sterne George F, killed at Antletam Sep
tember 17, 1SG2.
Tho old farm rate hangs, eat'frln? down,
on rusty hinges, bent and brown!
Its bitch Is gone, and here and thero
It shows rude traces of repjlr.
The old farm gnte has seen, cneli rear,
The blossom bloom nnd disappear;
The bright green Icares of spring unfold.
And tuin to autumn's red and gold.
The children have upon it clung,
And In and out with rapture swung,
v. hen their young hearts were good and puro
When hope was fair and faith was sure.
P.estdo that gate) havo lovers truo
Told tho story, always new:
llato made, their promise ; dreamed ot bltsi,
And sealed each pronilso with a kiss.
The old farm gate has opened wldo
To wclcuno homo tho new mado bride,
When lilacs bloomed nnd locusts fair
With their street fragrance filled the air.
Tint gat1, with rusty weight nnd chain,
Has closed up n tho solemn train
'I hat bore her lifeless form away,
Upon a dreary autumn Uiy.
1 ha lichens gray and mosses green
Upon Its rotting posts nro seen ;
Initials, carved lth youthful skill,
Ixinj years ago, arc on It still.
Yet desr to me above all things,
lly reason ot the thoujutx It brtnas.
Is that old gate, now sigjlng down,
tin rusty binges, bent and brown.
ik i should uii: Tii-Nicnr.
if I should dlo to-night,
My f rlend3 would look upon my quiet taco
Before thoy laid It In Ita Haul resting place,
And deemed that death bad left It almost fair ;
And laj Ing snow-white, flowera against my hair,
Would smooth It down w llh tearful tenderness,
And fold my hands with lingering caress ;
Poor hands, so empty and so cold to-ulht.
If T should die to-night.
My trlcnds would call to mind, with loving thought,
boine kindly deed the l"y baud had wrought :
Some gentle words the frozen lips had said ;
Errands upon which the willing feet had sped ;
Tbo memory of my oelOshness and pride.
My hasty words would all be put aside.
And so I should be lovel and mourned to-night.
It I should dlo to-night,
Kren heart estranged would turn once more to mo,
Itecalllng other days remorsefully:
Small Christian, kllcd at Chanccliorsville, The eye that chilled me with averted glance,
Virginia May 3 1SC3 would loot upon me as ot yore, peronance,
' I And soften lu the old familiar way.
ineile lewls. For who could war with dumb, unconscious clay7
Thomas Samuel M, died at Falmouth, Vir- so I might rest forgiven ot all to-night.
ginia Januarys, 1803.
loudly. You'll bring the bears and pinthers
nn us if von do. Wo must make tho best
nl a job and sleep in a tree'.'
'It'srniy In tulk, my good fellow. I'm not
a luirtiidgc, nnd don't know how to ronit on
a tiniiL'li.'
'Well, you'll have tn learn, then ; fur If
you sleep on the ground, the chances are ten
tn one that von will have the wolves nibbling
at your tois btfnre daylight,'
'I am bunged if I dn eitber.'said I, desper
ately. 'I'm troing to walk nil night, and I'll
drop before I'll Uo down.'
'Cniiie, come, Charley, don't bo
Mine Months Service
132d Htgimtnl.
George W John, Captain, resigned Decem
ber 9, 1802.
Martin M Hrobst, Captain, promoted from
lit Lieutenant, December 9, 1802.
Juiiah W Willet, 1st Lieutenant, promoted
from lt riergeaut December 1), 1802.
Henry H Hoagland, 2d Lieutenant, died
December 1-1 of wounds recti veil at
Fredericksburg Virginia December 13,
P R Margerum, 2d Lieutenant, promoted
from Corporal December 10, 1802.
A II Sharpless, 1st Sergeant, promoted from
Corporal December Ifi, 1S02.
Samuel F Savery, Sergeant.
(Pcorgo Reedy, promoted to Corporal Jan
uary 22, 1803.
Hiram Jf Ilrowu, pronioteid to Corporal Jan
uary 22, 1803."
William McNeill, Scrueant.
ThendoH Kruigh
Rnlaiidus Id rln in
n three minutes' do.c, Dick woko me and
informed mo that my hour wm out, and
turning mo cut nf my warm nest, lay down
without mi y ('ereniiiny,nnd in a few minutes
was heavily snoring. I rubbed my eyes, felt
for my revolver, and seating myself on one
if the pine stumps, commenced my watch.
l'liei half breed appeared tn be buried in a
profound slumber, nnd in the half-weird
light cast bv tho wood. embers his enormous
figure seemed almost Titanic in its prnpnr
lions I ron fees I felt that in a struggle fur
lim be was more' than a match for Dick and Samuel J Frulericb
myself. 1 then looked at the fire, and be. Franci- V Tliouia-, wounded at Fredericks
gan a fuvnrilo amusement of mine shaping burg, Virginia, December 13, 1802.
forms in the embers. All sorts of figures John P Hoagland, promoted to Corporal
Troup John, died October 4. of wounds re
ceived a Antletam Septemember 17, 1802.
Waters Dennis.
Watkins Robert il.
Warne Monroe C.
Yeager Daniel L.
The "Catawlssa Guards" were Company
H, 132 Regiment, and were mustered into
service August 1-1, 1802, for nine months,
and mustered out May 21, 1S03. In all cas
es whero nothing is said of tho fate of the
soldier named, he was mustered out with
his company. On the 13th of September
the regiment by a forced march reached
South Mountain just as the fight closed for
the day. It joined in pursuit nf the enem-
my. Un tho lith it was in close quarters
in tho battle of Autietam, where several
men were killed. It was in the recount)!-
snce towards Leeaburg and Charleston.
It was in the assault on Marye's Heights at
rrederieksburg, whore Henry II. Hoagland
was killed while receiving the flag from tlm
hands of its dying bearer and after the battle
the regiment moyed to Falmouth, Virgin!",
in camp and picket duty. It was in the for
ward movement upon Chancellnnville, and
on the 3J of May was moved to the front and
held its position until the retreat commen
ced. The regiment earned and sustuiued a
first rale military record.
o friends, 1 pray to-night,
Keep not your kKses for my dead, cold brow.
i,Tho way Is lonely, let me feel them now,
Think gently of me ; lam travel-worn ;
My faltertng feet aro pierced with many a thorn ;
Forgive, O heart estranged ; f oiglve, 1 plead 1
When dreamless rest Is mine, 1 shall not need
The tenderness for which I long to-night.
How t.i Keep llojs at Hume.
Bell John.
'I was a fool only when I consented to let defined themselves before me. Rattles, Novembes 21, 1802.
you attune the role us ii guide.' tempests at sen. familiar faces, and above all Ephraini L. Kramer promoted to Corporal
'Well, Charley, if you are determined to Uhoue, ever returning, the dear features ol January 20, 1SC3,
go on, let it lie n, we'll go together. After Bertha Linton, my affianced bride, She D Hollingshead, promoted to Corporal Jan
all, it's only an adventure. peemed to me tn smilo at mo through a burn- uary 20, 1803.
'I sny Dick don't you see a light ?' haze, and I could almost fancy I heard her Theobald Fields, promoted to Corporal Jan
T.y Juve, ni there is I Come, you see say, "While yoii are watching in the lonely uary 20, 1803, wounded at Chancellors
Providence, Intervenes bftween in and tho forest, T am thinking of you and praying for vllle, Virginia May 3, 1803,
wnlve and hum-cr. That mint lie some your safety.' George Hnrder.
snii.itter's hut. A slltrht movement nn the nart nf the Rurton W Fortlier,
Ti.n li-.i,, tnnlit.di I slumberlm? half-breed here recalled me from I Rrumbach II H.
TiinL-'e ni,iioi, , verv f.ilnt. ii ml seemed these sweet dreams. Ho turned on his side.
tnbenboiit half a inllo distant. It elim- lifted himself slowly uponhiselbow.audgaz- Hurger William II, wounded at Chauccl
mrreil Ibroueh tlio dark branches of tho ed attentively at me. I did not stir. Still lorsville, May 3, 1SC3,
hemlock and snruee trees, and weak as tho retaining my stooping attitude, I half closed Heaver William
li-dit was. I hailed it as a mariner without a my eyes and remained motionless. Doubt- Hrumbach Joseph.
compass hails tho star by which he steers, less he thought I was asleep, for in n mo-
We instantly set out in the direction of our ment or two Iio arose noiselessly, and croep
beacon. In a moment it seemed us if all ing with a stealthy step across the floor, certificate January 31, 1803.
fatigue kail vanished, and we walked as if passed out the but, I listened O, how ea- JJates John, discharged on surgeon's cerlifi
our mu'cles wero as tense as iron and our gerly ! U seemed tome that through, tlio catu February 1803.
joints oily as u plston-khuft. Imperlectly joined crevices of tho long walls Hrumbach Win J, discharged February
We soon arrived at what in the dusk icomd plainly near voices whispering. I lgG3
1 1.1 1 - ,..!. . . 1 . I
seemed lo be ii dealing ol about live acres, """' ''" "" " -'-pi. ciewell Christian
but it mleht have been lamer, for the tall nearer to listen, nut i was leariui oi iiisturu
forest rising up around it mustliavo dlmin- '"K " lancieu security oi our nost, wuo i
ished its apparent slie.glving the appearance nw felt l;?r'R,l "liter designs upon us,
or a square pit rather than a iarm. Toward OT 1 pciium sun. aim wnw
one earner of the clearine we discerned the Perng suddenly ceased. The half-breed re
dusky outlipe t, a log lmt, through wkose entered the In, the same stealthy way in
i ,,.i i.,,i, rii ui,t,..m. I which he nultted It. and. alter ulvlnir a sent-
uii.i. ii. c r , i,.io,t ,,. tluUlne ulance at me. onoe mora . stretched Dium Morgan G
ii.t' .!, n,l tnnev-e.t. it was nnene.l l,n. kimself upon the floor and affected io sleep. Dyer William H, died at Belle Plain, Vir
i:-.i .i o .nn,.,i nn ii,. In a few moments I pretended to awake ginia, December 180-.
n,r,.i,ni,i We,r,ltn.dn, r rondltinn..,I yawned, looked at my watch, and finding Derr John, killed at Ffedericksburg.Virgin
lleadathe, hour ni.inach, luiisiipailou. inbliliy. ,, (1 ii,i , t ,i thatlmv hour had more than exnlrtsd.Droceed- . la December 1J, lsli-,
Nausea.and ail 1 nous - " , . . ' , .: .. . Krwlne Albert.dled at llella Plain. Virginia
nurse vea at home. Al OUr host SB tl lie w " imuao wit, n.iiiiiucu umiumui -- --.:".....
could offer us were cold Indian corn-cakes I ked, I whispered in his ear, 'Don't take eyes
Aniline your buys if ymi wish to keep them
nt linine. Play whist with them, 'What!'
I hear snmo nf ynu say, 'Why, I am a mem
ber of Dr. So-and-so's church.' Well let
him gn to tlio dogs for once; let your church
go to tho dogs.and save your b iv fnnn gnin
When I was a young man at cnllgo there
was a deacon's son thern nt the s.iin tim,
and he told me he learned tn play '..1.1
sledge' on tho hay-mow when his father was
reading commentaries. It, is a fact, ami nut
a matter of laughter, nnd that sainn young
man died a drunkard and a gambler. He
lived in the Connecticut Valley, and I could
give ynu his father's name if I was so dis
posed. 'Hob' told me more than a dozen
times if his father had only played some
Mrs Tillon's Confession.
A reporter of the Sun learned of n gen
tleman who, on Saturday last, had n
prolonged interview with Mrs. Eliza
beth R. Tilton. The reporter called upon
him, and received the following account of
the interview .-
"I have no objections to telling the sub
stance ol the interview, ll I cap do so mi
onymously. I called on Mrs, Tilton inconse
quence of a newspaper paragraph, which
ile-erlbed heron thu authority of n member
nf Plymouth Church, u being almost frant
ic with grii t' at what she had done. I found
her serene and happy, and she said that she
had not been ill. 1 asked her if she regret
ted what she had done. Sho said : 'Xo,
not one particle. It is the truth, and I resi
myself on that statement fur time and eter
nity. My con-cience is now unburdonel,
and I no lunger am forced to live a liar ' It
is a singular fact that Mr. lleecher is tlio di
rect cau-e. of this confession, Mrs Tilton
was urged repeatedly by the friends of Mr.
Deecher to attend Plymouth Plmrch. They
contended that as she was innocent slm
ought tn assert it by g dug luck tn her ( 1 1
church Mrs' Tilton vj reluctant to do so,
me night c ni'inted. S ie wm with snmo
In ly Iriends, nnd her presem-H m the church known In but few. Mr. I5"icher wm
ignorant nf it. II,. prciiciud bis powerful
"riiiiiii on thn confe-i .n nf Oilman, tlio
forger, and reiterated tlir.iiinbout that thei
only tnitiii 'or n gti'lty suit to do was to
cnnless. Tho serin, in eleclrified Mrs, Tilton
mid from that time she stemed to bt intent
on unburdening her conscience.. She at
tended various churches in this city, ami
every phco seemed filled with the samo nd-
ANTS, Into the almile. 1'iit up lu Inrui
liotliea, uduuip airi-HK" rnMiii..iHu,.
dpap a, and la pleuaant lu tukc.
f rlFPi Ul.oo per Jiotlle.
II Join St., Hi Tut, i:l Jtnoy City, V. I,
THE OBJECT OF EATING." a new booi oveFT
ona should read, teat rt upou receipt of a one
sent atuup,
For Sale at I J.
JSlooiiisbiirg, Pa.
jm.19. 'is,-ty.
monition to conf.-ss. find lui nt lm.lh mnm
kind of a game with him-'if he had only to a wiuclusion tn cea,e living a falsehood,
been human witli me, Deacon Murray, said Her confession, she says, came about in lb'a
he, 'I should have been a church member w. Her iiu,i,anii tlle.v ,lflti.i flf i, .
just as you are.' I want you to understand . Molll,ot, Vnew nothimr ofit : there wm
I was a deacon then. I think 'Hub' was ,ni,,uier hcl- ,wai, it ,un,nn,i
right. So I say play whist with your boys, MrHi Mnr,H lm(j bcen UMnfA 011 M tWrJf
Play dominoes or checkers-ln fact, ny but Mrs. Tilton savs that she had no influ.
ence nn her; in fact, Mrs. Morso called her
pleasant, healthy name. Head poetry witli
Barret Julius A, discharged on surgeon's them, for boys liko poetry ; if not, read bet
tor stories, Get him to read to voti ; and
here let mo say that this is one of the best
possiblo ways to keep the boys at koine, and
ono of tho most beneficial in its effects.
Cool Phineas, discharged on surgeon's cer
tificate Jauuary 1803.
Cool Hiram, discharged January 1803 for
crazy, and said that shn was wild to coma
forwaid at this tiino with a confession.
" What excuse, did she give for bo ardent-
, ly supporting Mr. lle-echer in tho years that
she was protesting their innocence?" askeil
the reporter.
"She said it was resolved by herself and
Health and Ilarpinrsa ore priceless Wraltli to their
possessors, snd )rt they are wllhln the luulicl ev.
ery one who
The only sure CUHJ; lor Torpid l.ner, lijfpepsl
Teach them to feel that you aro dependent I
upon them for company. So I say to you,
make vour lioinn haiiov in a wnv tlmt li.iv- I
like, and not in tho way that some churches b' Mr- to protect each other ami
ke. ovs are worth more than ehurch I t'liiceai ini'irguiu. nir, neejjner saminnr.
f,irnw rlisli,io4 nr. ,uf .,,J. It never must be told, aud she yielded III
...,,.J.. .lwl .1 AlUt.., M.,.. ' ""-"h ,, , , ., - ,
" '""""'I A""'' thevarj the seeds out of wh eh devils snrlnir I '"' .f mng as sue was unut r un luuu-
1 1 ci , l.l1U,1(l I -
Dillon John,
one genuine uuless signed in. Wright.
it (ur i mireisi. niu nut suiiriysenui
' one box to Imrilck. Keller S in.. In. N.4II
St., l'tilU. Jau. 4, Ts-ly nr
nil kllnf dried all of which oiT that fellow, Dick. He lift accomplice,
we weie heartily welcome. These viands outside bo careful Dick gave a meaning Fetternian William.
O. A. II II II It I N V.
KhSPECTFULLV announeti to the public
that hu has reoined
n....l,.. ir. iQ-.i 1....1..1 t.. flil....
"CIC'UUCI a, Ml.i "" fnuntalt, ofllvini. water which llmw frnm
Uemetcry U. U. the throne of God, If thero was a bit ol
sea. it should remind him of that sea of crvs.
ii our starving condition weroluxurles to us I glance, carelessly touched his revolver, ns feturinan uaniei. tal before tho throne of God. If there was
and we literally revelled in anticipation of much, m to say, 'Here's someimng to inter- reooer unrimao m. m crn,lty lcotl1 n s,onld remind him of the.
u full meal. Tho but Into which we had fere with hi. little arrangements,' and took Foitner Henry 1). temple of clay out ol which thespirlt has
so unceriiionlmisly entered was of the most his seat on tho pine stump, in such a posl- r ield Samuel A. departed. All things should be a Bervice to
poverty-stricken order. It consisted of but Hon as to command a view of the sleeping Plscher l.ioyd w ii. . Goet. The fields and the skies should be the
one room, with a rude brick lltenlaco at ono half-bieed aud tho doorway at tho same I'isclier Jacob u. church, and that boy should ke niadi a f..l
end. Some deer skins und old blaukeU wero I'iscuer jonn u, uiscuargcu on surgeon s lower of Christ In that way, because he is
Iff.feltthat mv boy would eat peanuts iu '"' B l,'",1K,'t ' "e did, nnd did as hii
fhurch.aud that ho would 'gn to sleep be- '''f"'!'' wished. Assoonassl?egotbeyondhiu
cause he was not interested, I bhnuld spend an1 M 'n,u ('$ rebounded, shn
one-halfof day under the hedges or by somo aaeu wc n,H blle conlesseU. .Mrs. TUtoti
running Bpring. I should preach to that aB lllat "er c"'eio' l to last utterane-n
boy in a way that would make him forget his 1 eTr expects to make ior the public.
peanuts and sleeping in church. The run- BUe ,m !,urKfcU. "'Slveti.and Islndeeel liap.
ning spring should remind him of that PX She leave,i "verythlng to God, nud say-i
mat sue iiiuiKs sue uas Ills lorglveness. It
seems tu ke her hope, as it is mine, that Mr.
ueecner win oonies, too. suo ilenied tlist
BWin.'ii'j n'lvvifiiv
told stand) liioomsbure, Pa., at'tho stretched out by way of n bed at the other
This time, though awfully tiled, I could
certificate, dato unknown
llile Scott,
leather iu be inaiio in the most ti'iits vislblo wero two sections of a largo on my chest, and every five minutes I would Hamilton John, absent sick at inuiter out
ninlr Irnnlr stood eli, In tlin fire, stnrt 111. tn sen If tllrl- ivn l-eenl,n. his I Harder Arthur.
nnPi.H 1,1 BU1L IHO LlIUCS. lllU U1LTUU..L iitiimi in UIUUI I I'll- - - - . - -- - I ------ .-- - - r .. r ,, n ,
place J. Hero was no vesllge oi a lauie, ami i wuicu luiiuiuiiy, aiv nerves were strung to i itaruer i nomas ix
Forks ui the Kspr and uviit htreet. I eiiieuiliv of tha unarlmeiit. and the only not sleen. A horrible load seemed nresslinr
yia.Im u-l,ni-.i nil ilr.urlr.llnn nt I " ' -1 -'
vi 111 at all 111003 bo paid for
the rest of the furiiituro was embodied in a n frightful pitch of lensilyj my htatl best Hampton Ethan,
if everydescrlrtinn In the country. The publlcpat I longTeuuttsee title t ti lit kuug close to tho I nt every sound, aud my head seemed tothrob I Uaitinan W II H, discharged on surgeon's
liuklurtvi-iuf. isle- Iroughwall. Until I thought my temples would burst. I certificate April 12, 18C3.
ke.t odapted to that kind of service. II'
. Murray ii the G'oifrii Jtule,
"Are tliesa eggs poached V Itqulred ac i-
touier of h culored restaurant keeper, at au
Albany slatlou. "i ts, sab," replied Sambo,
"dey is dat I', de chicken, wat laid
she had either written or caused to ke writ
ten a letter apologizing to Mr.iUeecher.l'
Mrs. Elirubelli Tilton and heSmotbcf,
Mrs, Joanna Morse, luiivt'd on Monduy froia
the frame house nt 22$ Maillicni slrcet,l(i ft
Ii tow n stoue house at 148 llewes street, bo-
tween Lee nnd Marcy avenues. Au endeav
or was made to krep tho new location n to-
crct. Mrs. Tillou leased tho houc frun
Mr, 11, F. O'llrlen, the owner, for ono year,
signing the leato herself. Her s' tis Cam 11
and llalpli are to rt'iuuin wait lit r Mr.
Tilton is to piovidu for Ins fuuiil) a uppoit,
and for that uf Mrs. Merse, Mrs n Is
ti speud the lUiuuitr in Waiuek