THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM .SBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Historical. MSTOIIY UK CIIMJMIIIA COUNTY. siir.iTAtiY nnconn. Nine Month) Service. 132.1 Jlegiment. com pas v i:. "COr.UMDIA COUNTY OUAUDS." Tho following ii a lltt ot tho officers nml prlvntM nf tho "Colunilii.i County UnanN." Tlicy left Klnonuburi? nn the 8th of August, 1802; ami uiilesi othorwUe acconnteil foi nil tho men were mmter&l out with tho company, Jfny 24, 1SC3. Captain, Michael Whitmoyer, Itlooimbiirg. 1t Lieutenant, Andrew C. Meincli, " 2il Lieutenant, I. R. Melllclt, Light Street. Sergeant, Win. A. Hirtoii, K-py. " Win. II. Gllmort', Illitoimbtirg. '' Wm. J. lloim, Chestnut drove. Corporal, Oliarlea 1', Sloan, lllooiinlinrg, promoteil Serjeant 10 January 18G3 Corporal, I Newton Kline, Orannvilfc,pro tnoteil Sergeant 10 January lSli!!. C.irporal, J I'ierua ilvlliclr, Light Street, dial nt W-n'iinjlon, D. U., of wunniia received at Frederlcktburg, Virginia, December 13, 18G3., Win. C, Robiann, E-py, discharg ed on surgeon's certificate October 2(1, 18(52. Corpiral, Clark Krculer, Epy. " Kphraim M Kline, llenton. " Ilcury M .JohtHton, Jeneytown. Corporal, Clinton W Neal, promoted Quar ter Master August 22, 1S02. Fifcr, Azma V llower, llloomsburg, die charged on surgeon's certificate, Jam nry2!), 1S03. Drummer, John Staley, llohrsburg. Wagoner, Tilghinau Faux, K'py. rnivATES. .Tame S Boniboy, Bloomsburg. James W Cook, " James Cadman, " Henry D Croup, " dischargcil on surgeon's certificate October 8, 1SG2, C S M Fisher, Bloomsburg, wounded at An- tlctam, Maryland. September IS, 18G2. Henry 0 Hartman, llloomsburg. Gltnrlri M Hendcrshot, " Wm 0 Shaw, ltloomsburg, absent sick at muster out. II Clay Hartman, llloomsburg. Samuel Harder, " prisoner from December 13, 18G2 to May 22, 1SG3. Adam Heist, Bloomsburg. Samuel Harp, " discharged on surgeon's certificate July 13, 1SG3. Augustus M Kurtz, llloomsburg. Jonathan W Suyder, " Joseph Penrose, llloomsburg, missing in ac tion at Fredericdsburg, Virginia, De cember 13, 18G2. Oliver Palmer, Bloomsburg, Josiah Reedy, " wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December in, 18G2. John Rodarmel, Bloomsburg. Isaac Rodarmel, " Charles W Suyder, " Frederick M Staley, " Oeorgo Westerner, " Kdwanl C Greene " November 18G2. Ainasa Wiiitenight, " Antietain, Maryland, 1SG2. corporal 10 wounded at September 1 Samuel Wood, Orangeville, corporal 2. ruary 1SG3. David Ruckel, " Oeorgo W Howell, " Charles W Muflley, " Daniel Markle, " i Feb- Wm Lazarus, killed at Anlietam, Maryland, September 17, 1SG2. Joseph S Hayman, deserted August 30,1SG2. fcamuel R Johnson, Orangeville. Hiram F Kline, " jesse iu unwell, " died near Falmouth, Virginia, July 8, 1SC3, Elwood W Coleman, Orangeville. Levi II Priest, Benton. Josiah Stiles, " absent, sick at mils ter out. Thomas 0 Kline, Orangeville. Samuel Krickbaum, " Francis M Lntz, " F J R Treller, Lewisburg. Lemuel Mood, Light Stoeet. Lafayette Applegate, Sereno. W II Hunter, " Joseph Lawton, Pine. John Lawton, " ' Isaac M Lyons " Joseph W Lyons, " Leonard Beagle, Mordansville. Henry M Sands, " Hiram JI Broat, Jerseytown. Clark Price, Lime Ridge. James F Trump, Espy. Jacob W Bomboy, " Jsalali b Hartman, " died October IG, of wounds received at Antletam Md., September 17, 18G2. Jeremiah Reece, prisoner from May 3d to .May 22, 1SC3, Samuel JI Vanhoru, Greenwood, died at Washington February 1G, 18G3, buried in Harmony burial ground, D. C. Thomas Caruthers, Chestnut Grove, dis charged on surgeon's certificate Febru- nry 15, 18G3 Gaylord Wbilmoyer, Chestnut .Grove, dls- charged nn surgeon's certificate Febru ary 17, 18G3. Teter O Crist, Chestnut Grove, Philip Wutts, " V Samuel Young, Rohrsburg. ' Abel Dialy, Roarlngcrcek. Charles A Folk, " John Moore Eves, Mlllville. Amos Y' Kisner, " John FEck, Briarcreek. Gotlicb Wagner, Jackson. Geo M Kllue, Town Hill. Moses J Trench, Plymouth. James 11 Fortner. Mt Pleasant, promoted to corporal 1Q July I6C3. Ilobert 1' Gillespie, Buck Horn. John 1' ClulUs. " Christian O Hughes, Cambra. John N Hughes, Fowlersville, promoted to corporal 10 January 1803, The "Columbia County Guards" were Company K, 132J Regiment, and were mus tered into service August 13, 18C2. and mus tereil out at HarrUburg May 21, 1803. They were In the purtrlilt at the battle of South Mountain, Iu thoibaltle of AulietaKIn the tliick-oi the light at f reuerlcoijur. and at Chaucellcrsvllle. .The number of icn lost In battle shows tbo closeness of tho work, General Trench In an order Issued by him, says "Knowing the character of the one hundred and thlrly-Iecoud Pennsylvania Volunteers, which has fought under my eye in two of tho bloodiest engagements of the war, and which has (he highest encomiums from its brigade commander, General Kim- hall, who knows what brave men are," Ac, hnws tho high character of the whole com mand. Alllhenieu not otherwise account d for, aie to be considered as ha-lng lav Ing been mustend out hllh (he company. Miscellaneous. Kcnilins fur Hie Youn. Tho Influence excited upon our youth by their chocn companion', In fornilnir, their taste, opinions and character,can hardly be over estimated. It has come lobn so generally Appreciated that few thoughtful parents and guardians now leave wholly tn cbanco the quality of this Influence. Thero is, however another companionship, inoro silent and mi obstrusive, but none tho less influential in moulding our young men ami women, that of books. Indeed, In somO respects, this is tho moro potent iuilucnco of tho two, In the play ofconversatlon thcro Is somewhat more air stirring to blow away noxious va porsthe continual interchange, of sentl ment, thought and feeling always varying, and (i lie n conlUctlng, tends to dis-ipato much that is frivolous, exposo much that Is absurd, nnd throw doubt upon much that is contradictory. In reading there is no such friction, tho attitude Is mainly receptive, the suasion is alt on one ship, the reader i passive rather than active, hu Is impressed by tho author, and makes no reply. It Is not strango then tiiat rending, and especially solitary readlnjr, should ho so powerful nn ngent In fashioning the mind nnd heart anil building up the character,and it becomes a matter of the deepest moment to Inqulro how and for what ends is this power at work. Especially is this import ant, as the facilities fir reading have so mar vellously increased of late years that its in fluence is spread all over the land. Every man woman and child in ourcities may now have book after book put successively into their hands through our libraries, literally without money nnd without price, while actual cost is so small that thev can and do penetrate into the humblest cottages in the- most remote sections of tho country. What then is tho seed thus sown, and what is the harvest that is being reaped? Largely, wo believe, a good nnd wholesome one. Science is becoming popularized, art and philoso phy are brought within the reach of the average intellect.poetry is refining the mass, es the records of the great and good aro in spiring the young with noblo ambition, his tory and travel are broadening the mind and expanding tho sympathies. It seems strango that with such a rich stoie-house of knowl edge, so attractively presented in such tempt ing variety that every taste may find ap proprhle sustenance, thero should still be a demand for volumes that can omy corrupt, vitiato and degrade. It i, however, a lam entablo fact that there is a tainted stream of such literature flowing through 1 ho land, poisoning those who drink of it, destroying purity, stirring up passion, loosening tho bonds of honor and integrity, sullying in nocence, and paving the way, to destruction for young and unsuspecting feet. Surely It concerns every one to do something toward tho banishment of such a deadly and nox ious clement from our midst, No pains would bo thought too great, no measures too strong, to destroy n venomous serpent that was dealing out its poisonous sting among our children. Yet this impure liter ature carries with it a venom more deadly and rojro irradicable than that of tbo ser pent ; it poisons heart, character and life. There is another class of reading, less positively evil in its nature, yet that sheds a baneful influence over a still wider mental territory ; we allude to that large class of vapid or sensational stories which some peo ple dignify with tho name of light literature and endeavor to justify on the ground that, if they do no good, at least they do no spec ial harm. No intelligent person will con demn fictitious writing, as a elan; it is an important branch of literature, having every grade of power, influence, genius and talent represented in it. Where there is a solid substructure of education, where the best novels are selected, and where they aro read not for the senations they create, but for the thoughts they suggest, the ideals they hold up, the varieties of character they da Iineate, and the principles they unholdjheir effects will bo moit valuable. Yet this is, we fear, the exceptional method of using them. Too often they aro valued only for the excitement they produce, and -chosen according to their sensational power. Some do not even possess this questionable quali ty, but tame, lustreless and vapid, merely servo the purpose of amusing an idle mind, and saving it all trouble of thought; The pas slon for this kind of reading is somewhat allied to that for strong drink. It is tyr.m ical, overpowering, absorbing. It consumes the time, wastes the powers, fritters away the energies, and leaves tho victim feeble, exhausted, unfitted for any mental effort, and unable to cone with the realities of life. This evil will never bo remedied until more Intelligent care is exerted over the lit erary tastes and habits of children, It is usually in very early life that a bias Is form ed which virtually decides the nutter for tho future. Prom the, time when tho lit tle child first acquires tho power of amusing himself by reading, it should ,bo the aim of the parent and teaoher to cultivate and ele vate his taste by u wise selection of hooks for his perusal. Tho amount of juvenile literature is large and varied, and thero is enough of what is pure in thought, simple n style, high in principle, and sweet in spirit, to satisfy the needs of the most eag er little student. If all that is impure and exciting, and even simply trashy, be care fully excluded from our children s libraries j. If we form In them tho habit of reading and enjoying the best and most ennobling books suited to their age ; and if love for the pure the true and tho beautiful be developed in their hearts; tho surest blow will have been struct", against tho unwholesome influence of impure nnd frivolous literature. I'hilaJel- ph'ut fctlytr. Sowing Kloiver Seed. The first of May is quite early enouirh to iow annual ilowerseed. while bulbs should ue I'lantea by the middle or twentieth of "u -ninth. The soil for llowers should he as rich as possible with well rooted stable manure, aim purverUod .very finely. The 8eeJa 8uuld be very slightly covered with a smaii iron raite. ihcy should be carofullv -ended, and the soil watered when cetline - ry will water from a vessel that has 'been - "lauding In tho sun; keep clear of weeds. c Should the plants come up too thickly, -n"1 111 em WM trauiplant them. These should be protected against the midday sun lor coupie oi uays, until tney become cs tabllshed, It Is Impossible to obtain fine uowcrs unless the ground he well prepared and made very rich, A dollar's worth of 8e" will bo sufficient for a good slicd bord- Bulbs should he planted so that their crowns will be two Inches below the surface. The soil should be ricli and friable, and If one third sand so much the better. Many persons plant them In November, and they - no doubt produce better flowerc, but tho de - 1 structlon by mice is so frequent In certain - gardens as to make iilauting hazardous. J Uermuntown Tkgranh, i l'olali for lints. A writer to the "Rural New Yorker" says: My method uf ridding myself of rats In tho house, Is to tako a quantity of refined pot ash (I uo H.ihhltlV,) partially pulverize It molslcn it wllli water, so that It will form a sort of paste, and daub this about the bot toms of their holes and runway, so that they nre compelled tn step Into it in enter ing thn premUes. I havo practiced this method for scleral years with very satisfac tory results. If the first application is not sullicienl, I'. can of course, be repeated with but llttle'trouble or expense, and I am con lldent of faynr.ildo re-nlts. Such, at least lias uniformly been my experience since I first ndopted the method, many yeirs since The theory Is the rats step into the moisten ed potash while enterlmr. Its ciustlo nature produces n smarting sensation in the feet. He at once proceeds to lick his feet to al leviate the pun. Tho conseipience is a not very agreeable sensation in the mouth. Ho s compelled to renew the application in ;olng out result, he does not care to renew his 'isil, 'nd probably Imparts good coun sel to his associate, and llio rat nuisance is nt mice ended. I prtfc r this iiptlmd to the Use of phii'phoru', or any of ihu "rat poi sons" recommended, as it is not nhvayH safe to have the latter around, ami we havo no lea l rats left, in the walls or othtrout of the way places to iufuct the air with their olVen sive odors. DR. P1I5K STANDARD REMEDIES Are not adwrtlHod a cure nlN."but nre specifics In the dlSeasi! for allien they uto Kcommeuded. iTif it a i, m;ii;:tio. lnvetliratorc of tiitunif Kclenco hut a ilemnnstnt. cd beyond eontrowrHy, tint throughout iho nnlmiif kingdom tho 4,1 hi sunlval of thy lttt'St" ! intumiy mw m.ti vnticm-ueH innrt nnu periwtimy. I)ieanot the 8'ime pilndplo yovem tho comtn-nKil prosperity of man 7 An Inferior cannot Hiiperscdo a Miperlor article. Hy reason of Mipuilor inerlf, lr, rierce'tt st.and.inl Medicines havo outrivaled all ntli ers. Their salo In the L'nlted Mates alone exceeds onomllhon dullurs per annum, while the ninount uxporuu iuuls up iu Huvt'rui iiiuiumi iiiousann more Nobuslncsi coiild eer grow to such tfltf antic nrooortlonand rest uoon anv oUilt bjsla than that of merit. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Is Pleasant t Vsv.. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its fines i:lciul lUir a iiciiuil of 21 Ycni-N. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh llemedy lly Sale Constantly Xlicreasrs. DR. SAGE'S Catarrli Ecmedy Cures liy IIn mild, Soothing eiTcct DR. SAGE'S Catarrli llemedy Cures "Colli In lleail," and Ca tuirli, or O.eo'iia. AN OPEN L UTTER It Speaks for Itself. IIockpout, Mass., April 2, 1STT. JIk. Editok : Having- readlnour p.iper reporls or the remarkable cures oi Catarrli, I am imlnml to tell list I knowubout Catarrh." and irancythe .-suuIT" and miialloff-tube makers (mere uollar BrabberF) ..ould bet;iatlt they could cmblazuna similar euro hi tbo pders. Kor!S jcars I sutrered with catarrli. 'lUe nasal iiassaffesbfca-imtomplfte ly clDst'il. snuff," "dust,'' "akhuV'Inhallnir-iubes" und "sticks." wouldn't work, though at lnicrvuls I woulil bultl up tho so-called caturrh snuir, until I beramo a aPiable tester rjr such mcdklues. I Kradu.Ulv irro worse, and no one can know how much I siutered or what a liilM'rab.o Itelni;! was My head allied over my ei es. 1 was conlliteU to my bed for m inv successive davs. surrerliii? lh most in. tcuv- pain, whlcli atouo tiuio .u.ted coutlunotisly slglit and hearlnir Impaired, body shrunken ami weakened, nervous s stem shattered, constitution broken, and 1 was h.iwkimr and snltiluL- beven tlShlhsor llii' time. I prajed rordeain torillovt' urn of my sullei Inif. A r.iiurutilo noileo In join p.t iter of lir. a -o's Catarrh Uemeilv Induced inn tn purclubn a package, and uso It with nr. I'icicu's Nn. sau-oueue, wuicn applies me leui-ay Ui lodrostllllc press lie, tho only way compatible with common sense. Well, Jlr. Editor It did not cuio mothrcc fourlhs ot a second, nor In one hour or moi in, but In less than elirhc minutes I was le'icvcil nnd In tlueu months entirely cured, nnd h.un rcmalued so fit oM'rsUteen months. While uilng the c.iiarrh Hem idy. I used lr. I'lcrcc's (lolden Medical HHooriry to purify my blood and strencihen my stomach I also kept my ller active and huwels retrular by tho uso of nn l'lonsmt I'urgnilvo Pellets. I( my expel I cncewll! Induce oilier surterers to tcik tho miiiio incms ot relief, thli letter will havo answered Its purpose. Yours truly, I.. II. ui:.mich a nm n of witnkswks. The follow lui; named parties aie anion); tno thou sands who havo been cured of Catarrh by tho use of ur. sago's catarrh ltemedy : A. P. Downs. New Oenev.i. I'n.; II J. lirown, Ht. Joseph, Mo.: K. c. Irnh, Itulland. Vt.: Iit hnrlnir- er, Nellie Lake, nMoji has. -.oicrop, Noith Chcs trrield, Me.; Mllloii .loncs crlbu, N. v.: J. K. Mil ler, under MdliLii,ui J. i.. Merrlman, Loi;nhH. wn, mu.i i. ..I. i uii, iA)i;itupuii., inn.: ti, v, iiuil eylTremont, P.: II. li. Ajres, Lal-orte.Ind.jJcssloM. (.ears, n. Urauch, lii'i.: 1 imams. Canlon. Mo.: . A.Thajer. onarcu, III js. II. Nichols, .lr.. Halves. ion, lexns j jonas t' inn ei t, Moiusviue, ra.: s.w. I.usk, Mc"'.,rlainl, wis.! Johnson Williams, lirlmlrk, Ohio; M. A. cuney, 'Ireinon, 'I'cnii.: J. o. Joslln. Kcruu, v. a I. i'ihiht, Table Idick, W'. Va.;Leiv. m vuu'ts iijvip,in, oiiio ; li. chase, Elkhart, liiil.; Mrs Ih-Lri ILdglit, Mm Kianeln-o, Cnl.: Mrs. K u, i i.iIImsIis. I.dieiicc vlllc, N. v j v. J, liruham, lui..., .i, v.. ruiiin, .eivuitiu, f.a., I liai., r, ltlc.-, luillinor, Md i Jesso M. Kara, Carlisle, Jml.; Dan I, li Miller, Ft, vayne, Ind.; Mis. .Mtnnlo Ar naU1, s'ji II luncy street, Kcw York: II. W.. Hall, lla-ti i! Mich! vVm.K. Marslon. liinill, Maks.: I, W Ho iris .Mailcop.1, Ariz; (has. n. Dtlaney. ll.inl.DuiK. I'u.: ll.c.l'ulo I onell. Mass.: Mro..l. hpurlln.L'auiden.Ala.; Chas. 1". Kaw.t'i'edcrlcktown, Ohio; Mrt. I.ncy Ilunler, rarmlirgtou, 111.; capt. K. J. (luiiMlng, Camp Mambaii),-u W)o; I, w. Tracy, Kt. ainimat , ; Mrs. 1 Walte, Mmshun.N.Y. .i m. i'.'ck, juikuou uiiy, .iiont; iicnry j-.tn1, Han. I n, 1 d i I. i". Cuiiiiiitiij-", ltantoiil, 11 .; s. K. Jones, LiiaiicMon i our i orncis, oeo. I'. lis I, I'ueb- li.Cal; vvm.K. u.nrle, Mtrlinir, I'a.; H. ll.Klxin, 04S Pennstreei. Plltsbuiir, Pa: S II. tiers Herat, Kv.; Ilenrj .otulst, HeneMi, N. Y.; Hiss lUtllo I'arroit, Muutgomen, Ohio; U Uubrook, Chaliiam, III.: H 11. Mccoy. Nhhp..rt.Ohlo : w. W. Warner, Norlh Jacktou, Mich.; illas Mary A. .v'lune, liailcu. Wis.; John .Ugicr, ri.ili-.le, Pa.; wumua tvntMii?, nv.v.ii.uu, ..nun,; i-.uiAu iiutrr,raw nee city, Nen.; Joseph ''. Miller. Aenlu. Ohio : s. II. Mcholf, ()alvehlon, ; II. I.. Lulio, t'ppor Alton, '. . icowvi. Alii., .urs. . .duey virauaut, Uoluen MotUcul Discovery U Alterative, or lllotid-clcantiiuj, Goldon Medical Discovery 7j 1'tclorul, Golden Medical Discovery Jin CUiilaijni)iie. w I Ante Stlniilmit. Golden Medical Discovery It Tunic, Golden Medical Diseovflvv uy or us AiteHrive Dl-oner'lLH. nmw rii.i.flu. i-b ui inn nimm nuti, ri toitlta lir KUlf A KV11 and Kruptluns. Uy Mrtiie otlU Pu total pi owriles'. It cures Uronctilal, 'Ihruat. and l.unir Atrl ii,h, luclplent Coustiuiptloii ; llugeilng Couehs : nLd Chrunle taryn.'ltls. Us Cholaifujjtii! piop. utes ren der lv an ui.wp.aled remedy tor 111 llousness ; "J orpld ties make Iti ii'iullyellleaeio'usln curlntrlndliickllonl ljssot Appetite, and Ujsferna, W hem the sklu Is sallow, nnn envrisiilMltli 1.1....I, fs, and plini ku, or where thero are scrofulous awn. lings and uffuiiiou a few bottles of (lolden Mem. cul Ulaooviry will ttfu: t on entire cure. Ifjouteel orjcUowUk biowu spas on the faro or body, fro. (tuent headache or dlitni-iui. hmt ini in ,.,r.t,ii, in ternal heut or i hills llrnau-d with hot Hushes, low spirits and Jgloomy rprebodluirs. Irregular apiitlw and tongue coaled, jou aro surfeilng fiom Torpid IJvcr. or -nilllousi.T.kH m ,,,,,,.0 ..ri!. Couiplajut,"oiiiyiiarl)t tltewi Byiuptoins arooir rleneed. As a remedy for all such cases, nr. l'lerdi s .lumen aieuieai jftbeuvery nas noeuual, as it effects wriect cuies, leaviug mo liter blrengthcned and ueauuy, THE PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. Dr. It. V. ITcscs is tho solo nronrlftor and tnnnu. facturer otlhoforegolug remedies, all of which are lVL.',;r.lru-'-l'il1 " l" al "io Author of the Peo ple s lotnmon tense Medical Adviser, a work of Si iV0 H-bUSaal pages, with two hundred and elghtv.iwo ood rngravtegs aud colored plates, lie has ulieady sold ot this popular work Over 100,000 Copies PRICE (poat paid) 1.50. Address i It. Y. PIERCE, M. D, "World's Dispensary, 13uflulo,N.Y, AT 1MUYATK SALE, Willow Yale Estate Tho A Voluablo property, ljlngln Krankllh township, Columbia county, 1', on the east branch of Itoarlngcreek. It consists ot a beautiful farm ot about iso .a. a ib-e s, on ulilcli nre rrcclfd a roimnfMltf usaiitl toinforta tile nivtlUhff Hoiih.', aluiKi' I. urn, ( utcr Pies, a rul a I tecc-itrv out Miliums. It lias griming upon it tilmr n.iut'H i.r f xeilit.1 fruit. Imt n well of wntcrnt but It dm iitri illi-j; Ihhish nml l-nrn, nnd Is coiitPhlt'ht ot U(VfhHti litilli' loiuU, Aim AilJ'ilnliniiHult-flnjrfivait ut fln same, but will bo snM Hepnralt'ly If ilf&livil, about Ute ncrca of I bo iboe lmuli, .ljen on are ervitiil a larjfo CUSTOM, OIllHT A NO FLOl'lllNU MILL, with four rimtif stone, u lhulllntf IIoiim1, a Saw .Mill, a Dry (UiodsMnro anil Owclllnp Uouso. nnil other Improvement torther with tho wateppower unit appurtenances t lure to. The Wlllnwvalc 1"osl onico Is ou tho piTinKes. It is within t nsy reach of Cata wlsia, tViitralln, AMit.inrt, Mount Carmelunit other mining to ns for market purpose. The properly In bounded by land- cf Munion, nnd Artley, tind Miei ti, und 0. Mower ardothtrs, Tho two described prorlle-i will b sold nepurately or together to Milt ptircha-si'r.-. Tor Krras apply to Ml.ii Mendi'iihall, i;. K, DiluUrorJolm o.l'rceze, nt Uluomsbur, I'um'u. tcb.B, 7 -II GOLD.? tlrcaf ehinnt to Make money. If you run iret colli wttt can ip t erien- ImikH. We need n K-rsjn i very- hero In tnkn sutiscttnt lulls to the lartreM. eheapest and iK'St lllustrnli'd family ptitilloiitloii In ttiu world. Anv ono crtti lii'iome tt sticcifriil ogert. 'lite most elegant works ot nrl (rlveii ricti to nnlin-i lb ra The price Is so low that almost evervbnily KUbscrlbes. ononynt, reports innklng ovi r fo In n wtek, A tady agent reports taklntruvii'4'tit subset lbets In ten davs. Alt who engngo lttako money fast, toucan devote Rll jour tune to the l.usli.i, ( r ttily your spare time. You nied not tte tiwtiy irom home over night Yoiicuiid'j Itnswellns Uhns. Hill pnrtlc ulari. dirt ct Ions and tern tt Irne Kiegant and ex pensive ouillt. free. If on want protlloble work send us jour address utoiice. II cotls nolhlttg to trv the business, ts'o one l tin elriflL'es falls to make great P rest pay. Auunss-'itie iiii-.s ouinai, ioii- land, Maluo. nug. v, u-iy GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skw, Ueautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions ok the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erun tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES rROM THE COMPLEXION ALL llLEM I SUES nrisint- from local impurilies of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and TLIANT, and being a wholesome beautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL niUR IIaths are insured by ti; use of Glenn's Sulphur Soaj, which in addi tion to its purifying eflects, remedies and TRE vlnts Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and TREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ncss, and retards grayncss of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and-$1.20. N. B. The 50 cent cakes are triple the sue of those b1 25 cents. "UIIJS HAIR AND WHISKER DYE, II lack or lirown, 50 Centa. I'. S. CRITTESTOX, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. l.tcember 1J, lsn-ly a-lRIEO-a- & BOWB, HANUrAOTURIRS 0. JMNE, J-IGHT AND jrEAYY REPOSITORY, N. E. Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sts., Philad'a. r.B,-airiiia xiitlt ittikdcd to. ilso, c.b- UUUI3 THIN US SIOBiUH. unrclili,i878-sin $45 itt m-winder. Fret" u ithdverr order. Out fit Irtu On) lonl i Co., Chltayu, 111. biijr.17, Tlrly it A; 0 I r I I J I I kjvlct-i, lnuJIna Kounils. ornamental tlf-sltrnn, trade jnaiks, and la rls. LVneutfi. Afrslunmcnts. ltiUrftTtii(.vs. AuDpala. ButtaforinfrliiiremnLs, anil all cai-es arising uiider liiu r- 1 1.. i ti. r. i'i uiiiiiuv nut' n u n if Inventions That Havo Seen IVILm Vj i I III I 781111 In must rases, to ikiu entvcl hy us. J-lng cppiislte tho ralni otll'e, wts can mukHcioso- feurches, ana wieure patents more rronit'tly. ami Mlttitioader t la 1 ins than those who are reunite from Was hint' ton. INVENTORS trad II8D model or Klilcliorvburdivke: wo moke exiimluallons lro ot iluirKCQtiil advl.eHSUiratcnt ublltt)', All wirictrmi.uirnu nilitly (builder Hal. IHrmlowuudNO CI1AHOB UNLKVS I'.VIENT IS m.cuhkii. Wo rclor to crnrlalsln tlin ralcnt omcc, toourcll entslnvvcry Halt) of tno riilun, und to jour sena tor and Krproenlatlve In t'oDkrri-a. bptclol rtfer CDCfa iflven wheu Uiblred, Andri'ta u. a. ..uvv & ru., (lnro<o l'atciit ortlLe. WufeLlDcton. U. i aprll 5, 'TT-tr Steel and Iron Triple Slan-go FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; rtnl Inilda Halt MTork and I!lnKtl Cap. 10 LUI COMPLm WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. S4 Huldea Lne, Xw -rriUlta It , IIW TOUC duo, i, lill ly , TljlSfPEIISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Smsou St, PHILADELPHIA, U bo nrn our nutkorlzeil ugcula, und will rccclvv AdwriUriuvut- hi uur I.OVIi-)T VAHIl JtATllS. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Priuted ut this Offlco ON BUOUTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST REASONAULE TERMS. Spiiiing Croodls!! Begs Icuvo to inform his cusloinci-H and tho publio that his stotek is now roplt'to with nil the Novelties for Spring and Puininer Wear, consisting of new and beautiful styles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS . AT REDUCED PRICES any of which ho is pteparcd to niako up in tins latc3t stylo. Ready-made colliin; cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all of tho beat make and at the lowest prices. Just received u full lino of all tho latest styles iu color and quality of JFor Men, gfor Youths, for 35oys Cheaper thau k FULL LIME OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL HImT BAVY1DD) mwesbem. MERCHANT,: TAILOR, bxjOo:vi:sbxjk.C3-, pa. T. HI- MAIZE'S Mammoth Grocery, corner BLOOMSBUKG, 3? A.., IS THK 1'LAUIS TO (inr TUB WOIITII OP YOtlll MONEY IX TUG FINKST AND FHIiSIIKST OV Fancy Imported and Domestic.Staple Groceries of Every Description Oraara. Glassware, M and Willowware, Flour ami Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, I OU NICE FRESH PRODUCE. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, !iZ.,Tand8ui) one-third tho cobtof painting, and gcta paint that la much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LO.NO AS ANY OTIlKIt PAINT. la nrcnareil roadv for uso In whlto or anv color ,n n.n,.,..Ti,.. mt,,.vnf uiiii h linvn iitpn painted MX C1IKM1CM. rIN 1' has taken Urst 1'llE.Mlll.Ms at twenty ot the Male l'ulrs or tiro I'nlon. ruunpiuranl or Colof" sent free. Address .N. Y. K.N A M U I, I'AINT OO., Us 1'lllieo Uletl, N. Y.. nr llrviiv l. DEIl & SON, Agents 1321,.MarKelaireei,i uuaueipm.i,ni. juijtzi, 'jj-iy BEST; huslress von can enrasre In. $.1 Iota1' Derdnvinade tivanv vvolLerot cl'I'er kex, right in their ovv n locallll-s. I'ur- tlculars and sample vvorlU 5 free. Imnrovejour xparetlmeat this Ui.stnes3. AildtCHH bTisns t lo., Portland, Malno. march u, 'Js- y HUH TIDIM1S FOB THE WEAK, NEHV0C3 ASU DE BII.ITATED. OCK IATEST iMrKOVEB Sri r-ACTIMI OJI.VASIC Af- ri.iAJ.CES are a speedy and 1'kumaniint cure lor Itheumallsin, Neuralgia. Kidney, Liver nnd 1'einalo complaints, Ntrvous Probtratlon, Weak Lungs, Hack and hplnal Irritation and llnilied diseases. Prices, Waist licit j.oo spinal luitfor lMralisH and Spinal Ailments, flu I'O, und upwimH. Annlels, Anklets, Head Hands. Knee cops.ti W) euch. Misp iu dersf5.(io. Illustiated Pamphlet lee. Address OALVANO-.MKDICAI, SM)CIATIN, march 1, ss;8-ly l" Kast Ninth St., New York. a week in your own to v n. in Outtlt free. risK. jieaaer 11 vuu vvuni a uusiuras which nersons of either sex can mako irrent nay all ti'O time they vvoik, wilte for paruiul.ira to II. 1IAM.ET Co., Portland. Maine, march !, '7s ly i.i3srTi3sra-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. "TTTJI. F. ISODINE, Iron Street lielow sec T V ond, llloomsburg, Pa., Is prepared tu do ul kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, arid PAPEU HANGING, In the Best styles, at lowest price: notice. , and at short Parties havtne such work to do will save monoy calling on mo. All work warranted to clvo satisfaction. solicited WM. F. BODINE. CHEAP control the ltallwav Lands of Titnnu COUNTY, KANSAS, about enually divided by the Kansas l'aclrtc Hallway, which vie are selling at irom M.611 to 5.oo per acre, on easv terms of pay ment. These lands arc of the very best quality, and are located In the best winter wheat and stock grow ing district of the United Mates. Alternate seel Ions of Uoveruinent land can be taken as homesteads by actual settlers. Members of our firm reside at Wa keeney, and will show lands stall times. A pam. phlet giving full Information ot boll, climate, water sujirilyralnfall, Ac, will bo sent iree on request. Warren, Keeney & Co., 106 Eeartem St, Ch!:ars, , Or-'vVa.Keesey, Trsso Co.. Ean:as. April 11 3m. LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER It Itif frrtkttU lltuoti Jtvinrtl bl ib tft. Tltr, f-erc-fiilr., I let-ra, I toil. I'imulu, id All IIIuiMl (ll-tf fta Vlld loitl wnmUr. fuliowct. 111 re llloxllithtiufaiitfii ' "aim. niiiiL 11 curcu mi ton oi Horur my ihilJ tt rrj.(l, tit, i! SmUtr. Ut' '"'I, iv. iritt ii. it. 1- BkLLtf k IO , apr 19, 'TtJ-ly- A PHYGIOLOGIfiAl ra lAOuid.tA w-rHv . . i Inji.RO.lti.1,1 Irtia... i, in. Blidu. ul itinrrM.g. ,,,4 lh 0..UM.I1..I nt.AI tu. II i it,. ... am .ily Di.ja.t, er Women, I. I'. '"I., ruiiild. 1 Vrl. J"e M1'-J''.V'I" C5IHIOAIJ LFCTUnEoit 111. .!, r I . iia. -JUXT8, .No. u s. tu, t'Jtt iiX', v. uug.ll.'illy It to $2500 aug. jtjy ATI'.AIU AFentiwftnteiJ.IIuiL nm If vlllmnte. I'srllculara fre. iiina J. WOIITII CCJ ,Bi Uui., II. MORRIS MICHEL, ritACTZOAL FIAIvTO MAKER, TUZ9SB. AND XBPAIRBR, ULUUMSUUItU, l'A. KIIIST CLASS PIANOS AND 0110AN8 YOU SALE, 6ECONI1 HAND 1'IANOS TAKEN JU EXX'UANUE. OHI1EUH 11V NAIL l'llOMhTLY EXECUTED. feb-, ti-u " npi 11 MiS' Ag 11, ii-ir 11 0 SprfMg (Groodls I! Ever. IPOIR SOLD ONLY BY of Main and Centre streets, desired, lsonmany thoiisiindsoIthonnostbulIdlnK 1 ears, and now luokus vvcIiiuh vvhennrbt minUii OHEAP KANSAS LANDS ! 1 Wit own nnd control tho Nnllurtv Innds or Tirpo uouni.i. Kansas, auotiL cii)iiiiy aiuutu uy uv Ktin huh I'liL-iiic I.'.iIHmiJ', ulilcli ue mn t-fUint,' nr an iivTi,'o urf,T w ju'rucrt' on cnny terms or pujmfiit, Alttniaiot.t'(iloiisor;oMinint'nt Ifliids cou bo to lifii as liOincstcuiJ.s tiv fettlf-in. 'Iheso lards Jlo In Hit (Jreat JJnutono licit cf Ccr- irni Minsas, urn t-ftst winter wiicnt jncduclnir dir trlctor th Unlffd htules, jleldtn-r rrom 2u to 3i '1 ho at'ruo jcnrly rntnfall In this county Is near ly S3 Inches per minimi, oiie-thtnl t'renter than Jr. Itio mncli-iixtolled Arliiinsas Valley, vhicli 1ms c enily ratntaiioriesstlidi. y:t Inches per annum In (tic r-uiui' juny iLimt' Murk ItnMiik' niiHoo1 (iroultiir nro urr Itciiiiiinpr utlic. T. o liitiis aio t-hoit and mild. Mock Mill lHo oil the enr on yrassl J.uinff btteiims and !-l)rlnj.'saro mnncrous. ruie water It round In wdls iroiuiw 10 ui leuLdeei.. ' io m I h M C IIiidi i- n tho World! No rer and nuo thcip. To muddy or iiiiinifauii! rieniy oi nuo uuiiuin fciwie, Unieundfennil. 'ibvto lands atolielnfc' rapidly set tied by the best class cr Northern and Knstern people, and will to appteclato In nlin' by tho Implements now belne inado as to inaku their purchtiMJ at pres ent prices one tho very lust lntMmenis that tan bo made, nMde from tho prints to lo derived from their cultivation. Membeis of our ilrm rebKJo in Wa-Kccney, und will show lands ut any time. A pamphlet, clvlnc lull Information In rejfunl to toll, til mate, water supply, c will bo bent Ireo on rt tiuebt. Addtess Warren Zccnujl: Co., 106 Dsartorn St., Chicago, Or Wa-Uccncy, Trego Co., Kansas, April VI, Tt.'-4m "yAiNwmaiiT tt co.( WIIOLESALU OltOCKHS, l'UILAPELrilU, Dealers In TEAS,sYHurs,coFrj:i:, sucuit, mousses, KICK, hl'ICE?, UICABB 80IU, AC., AC N. E, Corner Becond and Arch btrects, reorders will recelvo prompt attention. u Ninth hired I'ltitljurff, Dec. 10, JS71, Mc8rn.I)IIKIIKI!. ItiiAVC CO. ' (irnlleinin: uurpalnlHliavi'Blviiifnllrofat liractlon. I havn used them oil m-uoil muny UIIIi'i. Hit kinds oi work, hiuh an lion, 'im, Wooil. liuck, Ac. nut never liturd uny eoiiiiilalnts, ou the eon. Irary.tlie work 6tnnd won nnd lor weur, will In my opinion, biunil wllli uny lead In llio maiket. When In wuntolri ierenio In this illy or vicinity you nru nt iiu rtv to uk! my nuiim with pleasure, also lo uo this ua jou think bt-fct. lleupcctlully You, .... . J0I1N 1'. ""AY. fainter anil Dealer In I'ulnM, ulls, tc. BTHIOTLY l'UHE WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST MAliKET HATES. MONTOUlt HLATK J'AINTS, S CUNTr). t" MONTOUlt METALUU WHITE, S CENTS, JIONTOUI; M ETA LLIQI 111(0 W, II CENTS. OFlf COLOHS AT THIS rUICB. PURE LINSEED OIL ut low cut iiini lioi rnfcN. Sample cards and price charge. list (urnlshoa without orders and Inquiries hy inall wm roceHo prompt IIENHY S. IlEAY, JIANUKAOl'UUKn, ItUJ'EET, l'A, WIIOLKSAI.K AQKNTS, IlLOOMSIlUBO, l'A. )Jjs. H.-iy, Thit Cul llliTilriltllh. Minn.riif Ul j lilt. lUlfiUOlD'H Fountain Natal Injector, llll DOUCHE, This In-tmmcnt li eipeclally designed for the perfect uppllcation of DR, SAGE'S OATARIUI EEMEDY. It Is the only form of Irntrnment yet lnvenled wllhwhlch fluid medicine can bo carried Moliun and vtrfecllu applied to nil pnn of tho affected nam. iMiaEc, and the cham hers or cavities com municating therewith, In which ore and lilccw ftcoucntly exist, and from which the catarrhal ilicharrc generally proceeds. The want of suc cess In treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen largely from the Impossibility of applying lcra edics to these cavities and chambers by any of ua ordinary methods. This obstaclo In the way of effecting cures Is entirely overcome by tho Inven tion ol tho Douche. Its uso is pleasant nnd 8J Blmnlclnatachlld can understand it. run nnd cxiillcll .Ilrcetloii. accompany each Insiru ment. When used with this Instrument, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hcmedr cures recent attacks of 1V.T B'llll.dlKIIIO. ATARRH a v ir i.'l' nn Vrrnusnt he.i.l.ichc, illschargo' falling Into iliroat, somc- t incs proiue, wrji ,u '""V"T' r " r,: offensive, etc. In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or Inll.imcd eyes, Mopping up, or obslruc tlou, of nasal passages, ringing ln cars, . deaf ness, hawking and coughing 10 c car tliroat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or loul deprivation ol sense of smell nnd taste, d iilness, mental depression, loss of appetite, Indigestion, enlarged lonslls. tickling cough, etc. Only n few of tlieo symptoms are likely to bo present in any case nt one time. lir. Mieo'N Cnfnrrh Itcincdy, when used with lir. I'lorco'-i Muni Iloiiehc, and ac companied w llh Ihe con.llliltional ticntnient which Is recommended in the pamphlet that vvr.ips each bottle of the llemedy. Is a perfect specific for his lo.uhsomo disease. It Is mild and plcsant to use. containing no strong or caustic drugs or poison.. The Catarrh is sold nt 60 cents, boucho at Ol cents, by all UniBKlt. a. r. 1'iEiwr., li. j., i'roj.'r, lWFiWI.O, N. Y. f,ep. 2', 'TT-tt JU.T.ZXT.OK. CHRIS DISEASES tTTHC- - THROAT. LUNGS.UVER & BLOOD, In tho wonderful mciliclno lo which the afflicted aro above (Uiected for icllcf, tho discoverer Ijo lieicft lie has combined inhtmnony moro of Kn lure' sovereign curntlve properties, which Goi has Instilled Into tho vegetable kingdom for heal lag tho Blck.than wcro over lieforo combined In ono medicine. Tho evidence ol this f Act is found in tho great i arlety of most obstinate diseases which it has been found to conquer. In tho euro of llrunclilllHt iovcro Cuuglia, nnd tho early stapes ot CoiiKumptlnu, It has astonlslicd tbo medical faculty, and eminent physicians pro nounce It tho greatest medical discovery of the nge. Whiio it cuica tlio severest Coughs. It ftiensthens tho system nnd purlf lew tho bluod Uy ila great and thorough l)looUpurlfy Ing piopcrtles, it cures all Hmnom, from tho wont Srrufula to a common Itlntcli, I'lin- Flo,nr IJrupIloii. Mercurial disease, itinera, oiboiis, and their effects, aro eradicated, and vigorous health nnd a sound constitution estab lished. I)r) Hlpolnw, SnlIrlioiim. I'ovor Sores, Scaly or Hough Sit In, in short, all tlio numerous diseases cuc-ed by bad blood, aro conquered by this powerful, purifyini;, nnd in lgutatlng medicine. ; If you feel dull, diowBv. tlebilltateil, havo sallow rolor of eUn, or yellowish biowiiBpotson faco or body, frequent hendnchu or djz7iiiotr., bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot Uuslu'3, low .spirits, and gloomy forebodings, Ir regular appetite, and t'mguo coated, von aro sulhring from Torpid lit vcr. or IEIIIoum In m.iny caso of lJvt,r Coin ilaiutf only pait of ihe-o tvuiinj am cv-i-eiieiu'Cit. As a rented v for all euch cases, Dr. Tierce's tiolden Medical DUcnterv no equal, as it elects peiicct cuies, le;.jng thu IHer strengthened ami healthy, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT'Sl Pt TJTIU. Pruparfd bv K. V. l!i:ie'i:t .11, i. Solo Proprietor, at tho Wuiu.u's Jiii'K.NbAltY,, N, Y. sep.m tt Tho Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. Jf rnlly linilrrfttootl, 11 the Uouble-tlirciifl lot k-llt li, hn fcclf rcuitlafln tPimluiiH and lulu-up, and tcltt I7f ivhuln rtttiu of futility work u ltliout titmice. Tha u Ilumevtlu it tnadetn Ihe tnnnt durable manner, tvtth conical tteel bvttrlnu and comjicnuutlni JournaU throuyttout. ' PAPER FASHIONS, These pomlitr 3 ,A-,X"X,33I INH for Itidfej,', rlfiljveif', nff ehlttlreH' (fre, nre rut vn u ayi.eiii biii'orliir fo mil in ute, ami can be ifnifer.foixt by miy uiic. Villi clIrectluiiM fimi i 1 1 uttral Ion on tilth eiirrfojie, A'eitil JVt0 Cent for Uluttratcd Cata logue of lOOO J'fi.fifoiu. Bowlntr MaeMne Co., Now York, I. W. HARTMAN, Apt'lmesiic'-Paier Fashions Bloomsburg. cecember 11, HTT-ly PATENT S. F.A. LehmanD, Solicitor ot American aa4 Fore'irn l'atents, Wdnhlrirtoii, 1). 0. All bunlnesa coauecud with j'atentB, wLottier before tbo J'atent omce or the Couru, rromptly attendod to. Nochari-e made unless a patent U hoc urvo. ueud tor it circular, Ma)',H-U bftw tit. hll'l mm, r xvixt.ui'h ihi.mi.1I in' wn.n ciii:I(iiv WISTAItH IIAIJtAM Ol' WIMI t'll C1tl(. WIST.Mt'H 1IAI-MAM 111' WII.U t'llllnlH WIHTAH'M 11AI.SAM til' WIMI I'llKltllV W1MTAI1M IIAI.MOI Ol' WIMI I'llKllllY WISI'AlfM II.M.MAM III' Wll.ll OIIKIIItV Kcm cnniiH anii Com,?, IV. ii nuiim avii fni.iw, Ton coi'inn ami Cni.n, Kim t'orniH AMI t'OI.IH, IWI! 'VIMT-lil'M IHU WliTMl'M II.MJ1AM 1ISI1 WIHI'AirS 1IAI.1AM UMK WISl'Alt'H IIAI.SA.M ok Wan CiiRnnr. of Wild uiibkhv. O Willi I'llKKKY. I'OK SonK 'IIIKOtT FlIHfMlllBTllllOAT Full NURK '1 INIIIAT FORSOHD'HIKflAT i;.-i; i.i.ii('. iiAi..-...i ll.H tVIrll'Air.1 IIAI.-..HI I'MH WliTAlri IIM.MAM UNK M.SI AIf.-l llMAAM Of Wild Cherry. of tvilil riicrry. of Wllil cherry. Of WllilClierrr. IYr llonrseneM nml Croup l'i,r llnMi new ami Croup j:ur lliinrsencHinnil croup For lloirsf i"i nml croup - i;.-i; i. r.ic'M 11.11,-4.1.11 IHU WIl'I'AlfM I1AI.SAM IN11 WISI'AlfM 1IAOAU USH WHTAIt'S 1IAI.SAM ' of WIM cherry; of wiiii cherry. , of WIM Cherry. Of Willi Cherrv. . . Kor Whooplni, O0113I1 p ur . IlUOll NJi 1 ouif u tt Kor Wheo plnif 1 auirli 1 I'or Whooplnj-Coui-li . 1 -.i-. i.r.iK.i 11 i.-ia-i , , llSKWISTAK'HlltLHtM OH! W ISPAU S 1IA1.SAM USB WIMl'All'H 1IAI.SIAM of Wild Cherry. or W llil Cherry. or Wild Cherry. ot Wild Ch-rry, I'or AMIimmiitl Inilurnzi, l-'or A-iMiiiiii nni! Ihlluetizj, lor Asthma nml liilliicnn, Kur Asthma nnd Inihieu-n. iwii w Is p It's 11.tI.SAM t'lri WISI'.tlfM MM.MA.M C-lli WlSTAIt'S IIAI.SAM Udl! WISTAli'd UALSASI Of WIM Cherry of wild Cherry ot wild Cherry, ot wild Cherry. I'or Ilronchltli and Consutnpllon, l-'or Hrunchlll-i nnd t'oiisumptlou, I'or Kionehllls ond Cunnumptfon, Kor llrotichltlH ahd CoiiHiinipilou, I'SK WI.STAU'H HAIilAM fSK WI3TAIIH IIAUIM ISKUI.-TAU'ri IIAI.SAM ISB WISTAK'R IU1.AM Of wild eherry. (if wild cherry. , 1 it wild cherry. ....... ot wild cherry.. I or rnln In Iho side nml breast, Tor p.iln In iho side and urtMt, I'or p.1111 in tho slno nnd brensl, for jutu In tho sldH nnd bic ist, LVR WISTAIt H HAU1IM I'SR WISTAR'H nAI4M t'SK W fsTAK'fl IIAIAAU I'SK WISTAll'8 IIA1JIASI of wild cherry, or wild cherry. . ot wild cherry, of wild cherry. I'or Mfllculty of lircathlntr, For imilcully nt llrenlhlriL', I'or Dinieuliyof nrenll.inn-, Fi-r Dllilcully of llre.iililni,', TSK WISTAIl'H EAlilAM U9K WITrAH'd 1IAUAM lui! WISTAIl'n BAI.KAM CSK WI.-TAIl'H 11AI.HI1I Of w ild cherry. Of wild cherry of wiidcheiry ,, ,, , ot wild cherry Kor Liter Complaint, I'or I Iver CoiniilaliH, Kor Liver complaint. I'or Llier Complaint, il t'SE WISTAIt'J HAI-IAM t en W13TARS IIAIJIA1I IHRWHTAKR BA1.HM V8K WISTAll'8 nilJiAJI of wild cherry, of wild cherry. Ot wild cherry. . . ot wild cherry. For nil l)i cas sot tho I'm .ill I'I'LMV H vt Iho Tor iill Dlwutca of iho Kor all"-) ot Iho 'I hront, l.uni- nnd Chest, 'Ihroat I.UDKiuiid Chekt, 'I hi oat, l.utin nnd Chest, Thiout, LiiUKS nnd Chet, l'KK W UTAH'S IIAUSAM I'WK WHTAH'-l HAIJIAM ran whtaii's raixau fllK WISTUK'H HAUSAU or wild cherry, of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. tav. nnd II nhotlle. 'or. and f I n bom,.. Vie. and II 11 boulf. full', nnd fl 11 bollle. vi wimcnerry. Hold hy nil Prut-gHts. Sold by all DniK'alslfl. Hold hy nil Hriurgl!t. Hold by nil iiniKclsta. i)r.A.G,BLiN'SIIS I'rttute fifctrn-f, rwulllnj from curly ubtur 1 inl-alitiia, lorAIiiiiarT, Impaired Maht Imi (I HI 1 I'll Aiimora f tiw ltu -h I'll,- .1 M-ntiVcurvli il.VtMtif th ltlnJ.loP. UlA.,.J l i... I.iiiiitt, Auhin, (ktirrh, all iliiubltt aJbtatu. ami DIM Un irmjtiftloor lha Iui'iniH;J Ri htxil, lux nn nn-rvurr, liu th liwit-.lti .Win the U.S. I.AIHfriiulrln( Imniiirniwiiti l-rtt u(o iKinw ni bovJ, mil w wrti. htiv roar ruwan t liLnti Vti,t (inyioU foi ijmi.l-) vt UubU U auJ rlr rilw nf I-M,,Ut.t Infi-tmubin tv. Hit. OL1.VH It .0,1,111 . t;,.r li,,, r.m ultttlm! Itm. MARIitAGE OtUIDE ElaELTrtf f 1. , .11 dlMM f . !r.l. I j.l Hi... tuitt.nipl.liue I i ..) 1 1 Ohi iniyrirl ml. ' 1 1 . .1 cub, I. .ujr-4 drat,i.ul..J, nut,-. 17, 17-ly RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES p!III.AIi:ifl'llA ANDltUADINOKOAD AliltANCIC.MICXT OK J'ASSEXOKR TJtAJNS. May m, isto. TIIAIN3 I.EAVK KDl'KKT Ad JOIlOWR (KPNIIAY EICII'TX I'or New Vork, Philadelphia, Iteadlnj-, PotUrtlllo Tiunnriua, Ac, 11,33 a. m For Cntaw Issa, 1 1,33 u. in. c,,T nnd 7,80 p. m. For Williams port, c,2S c, 11 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. TRAINS FOIl UCrSllT tEAVK AS rOI.WWP, (SCKPAV IX CKITEU.) Ixavo Now Vork, 8,45 a. in. Leave rhttadclplila, 9,1D a. m. . . Lcavo Heading, 11,3 la. m., Pottsrllle, ,n p. ra andTamaqua, l,sp, ut. Leavo Cataw Issn, c,si) c,25 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. m. Leave Willi.itiit.port, as 1,lii,M m. and 6,(10 p. m Passengers a r.d from New York nnd rhllade plila go throug.i w uiiout change ot cars. J. 11. WOOTTEN, C. 0, HANCOCK, ienerauianager. t.enerul '1 lekel Agent. Jan. 11, loic-tf. N JOIOTIKKN CKNTItAI. KAIMVAY cuaipamv. On and after November 211111. mis irnina win .. SL'NUIJltV as follows: NOHTIIWAHD. Crlo Mall cio a. in., arrive Eltnlra 11 ,6 " Cunuiidnlgua. . . 3.B5 p. ra ltochebler c.15 Niagara.,..,,,., 1140 lleriovo accorainodallonll.lua.m.anlvu Williams rtl'j.o p. in.- Ulmlra.MulH.15 a.m., arrive KUnlra 10.s0a.rn. Uutfalo Ei pi ,a 7.15 a. 111. arrive liutlalo a. m SOUTIIWAKI). Ilurtalu Kxpreua a. m. urrltu Ilarrlsburg a.m iiaiumoro Clmlrallall 11.15 a. m., anlvu Ilaiilsburgl.Hip.m " Washington " " Ilaltlmoioo.3o " " tVaMiliicton 8.30 " Han liburg aecommodatloii 8.4o p. m.arrUo Hnrrla wui iv.bU i, in, arrive Iialllmoro .S3a. m . Wflwhlrflftn 1. II lSrloMallls.t.1 a. in. an ho llairlbUurgaesa.'m, M IiultlraorcMO 11 11. 11. 1, , . naouingion 10.30" i I All dally oioi'pt Sunday. J). M. 11OVI), Jr., (Jeneral passenger Agcn A. J. OAhHA'lT, tleneralNaiiago Dkw&,l:uvanna ANE llLOOMSIlUiia DIVISION. TlineTaWoNo. 3'j, mm etfect at 4:30 A. M MONIIAV, NtlVEMIimt via 1875. HOllTII. KTATIONH. ....j-Kcrantou, ..-CUellcvue .....'laylonllle.,.. ..Lackawanna.,.. Plttfctou. ...... . West l'litun... WjOllllllg hOUTII. p.m. p.m. a.m n.m. nm. .ml am im s 111 1 a si Its 111 1 411 II 41 7 41 0 87 7 El 8 Si 7 It a .7 7 tt 23 7 18 3 111 7 15 8 17 7 15 3 17 7 07 3 IV 7 II I 3 09 IS 04 mm a 111 8 4S V OA II ui, 43 8 38 II 31 0 15 8 48 8 Vi 0 80 Kl 8 31 H HS 111 III 3 8. a A lu na 8 40 a Mi lo 11 15 V II 8 117 111 a 55 10 10 VI 8(1 10 VI 8 M 7 01 8 IM 7 08 .......Ilcnnm! 0 05 8 17 7 11 ..-.itingbton I.'l7.t.t. !lll 87 S 10 7 15 8 15 8 60 8 50 8 61 S 44 8 41 8 CO 8 18 8 14 8 OS 8 3 7 th 7 51 ..IMvinouUiJiinc.'. 10 87 8 17 7 8S 7 85 IU 88 8 .1 ...1 lyinouiu,,.. ....Aondalo .... K'nntlr.L'a 10 35 i 87 7 40 110 40 B 88 7 48 0 45 54 llll 1 41 a is ni .Uunlock'at reek" 10 44 8 87 7 63 10 63 3 43 8 liS 11 I K A Ik, a ..rMiuKKiuniiy-,,. ..lllck'aFerry,.. ..llearh 1 1 men.. ... .lierwlck ,. . ...briar creek Willow drove.... ...IJmo nidge liBpy....., Uloomsbiirg..', t Ut 8 Ut 5 55 5 C'j ! 17 4 15 6 45 Y5 t ill I 13 9 10 t u 4 81 8 65 8 ' 4 a 8 0S 11 BA 1 ut. ... H li II 1 65. 5 44 lie 6 40 I 58 5 14 1 1.3 5 (8 J 48 5 S3 1 43 5 til 1 411 0 14 1 S3 1 M 1 111 7 40 7 40 7 SA II 3 4 40 t 80 161 4 63 7 08 11 67 6 18 7 41) 13 3 6 08 7 45 19 OT K .7. 7 All Cataw lssa llrliim .. IIUIK-I I 7 Mil uiark'a Hwlteru. llanlll. . 18 10 S 80 8 u 7 11 7 04 ....CUulaa y.,i'.' mm B 88 8 so 13 114 K a Tit .'S iff, lKwaSS2aivv!!H Hi I 4 50 1 15 7 t ... . " -' o tu, ii. .0 o n 8 P.BV. .-m-l"""""""""-iu.'l8 01 1 18 , ,j a.m '