THE COLUMBIAN AN1 DEMO0RAT,-BiLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Poetical. TIIK MAX WHO DID N'T KNOW-WIIKS T(l STIII'. iiY mat.y MArF-i nonnn, A ery fait singer was Mynheer Nchwop, llscept that ho never knew when to stop f 1(6 would line, and sing, and sin? nway, And sine hall tho night and all ot the my Tills 'pretty bit' and that 'sweet air,' TUI 'llllle thing from Tootovcre.' Ah t It wat tearful the number )io knew. And fearful Ills war ot slnglnc them through. At firs', the people would klndlysivt .h, sins; It again. Mi nheer, wo pray t rhlt "pretty bit.' or tint 'sweet air,' This '111110 thlmr from Tootoi ere.') They listened a whllo, but wearied soon, And, like the profousor. they ehanarod thcr tune. Vsln'y they conghed and n-hemmed and stirred; only tho hirder he imicd and slurred, Vntll In despair, and rather than rtIcto Tho willing professor, tliey took their leave, And left Sim singing thli 'sweet sir,' And that 'pretty bit from Tootovere ;' nd then tho hostess, In sorry plight, hlle J et he sing with all his in Ight, l"tdnwn tUo Winds, put out tho light, Willi Thanks, Myntuer I Go'vl-nlghtt good-night!' My m irjl, ili'ar -.Ingers, lies plainly nto" s le atn a) u obliging, and willing -to stop. The sain? will apply, my chlllren, to you i Whenoter you've any performing to do. Your trlen Is to rtlicrt (which Is qnite proper, too ) Jin tnabett that yol can and htop whenjou're tliruugh. St, Xicholas, Young Folks, From tlic Kanrliu to (he Can. Tho collectlnenntl assorting of the herds for tho ilrivo Northward, on the fenced ranches in the settled portions of the State, nro easily accomplished ; hut in tho grazing regions further west, where tho cattle roam without limit, this work is both difficult ami perilous. The cattle in theso remote re gions are mostly bought by a class of bold, daring men, of long experience on the fron tier, known as "out riders," who buy and collect the cattle from the stock-raiser, and sell thorn to the speculators from the north. The outrider fills Ills saddlo bags, and most likely a belt which he wears around his waist, with gold coin to the amount of tens of thousands ol dollars, for in the sec tion of country he ylsits there are no hanks; and, taking n few trusty companions, all well mounted and armed, tcts nut on his long journey, beet by constant danger from lurking Indians and white outlaws who in fest this wild country. The stock-grower who has lived remote from tho settlements, perhaps seeing no hu man being except the owner of n neighbor ing ranche for a year, looks upon the "out rider's" visit .is an event in his existence. He is a most hopitahle host, and for f ev eral days after his guest's arrival no busi ness is thought of, and a season of feasting riding and hunting is observed. When this is over they begin their negotiations. The herds are scanned over to get tome idea of their condition, but the cattle are not carefully counted and weighed as Jtock is in the North. The herds are simply sold "as they run." That is, the owner looks through his book to see how many cattle he has branded, and the "outrider" pays him so much for his brand, which entitles the buyer to all the cattle that ho. can find in scouring the prairies, which bear the pur chased mark. Thero is considerable sport and a great deal of hard, rough riding in getting the wild herds together nnd assorting thriu. It is in this work that the splendid horseman ship and wonderful skill with the lnso or lariat, of which so much has been writleu, are displayed by the Texas herder. In a few days everything is in readiness, and the herds are started on their long Northern march. A route is selected which afl'nrds the best pastureage, nnd is most convenient to the stTPams, as it is that the cattlo should reach the end of tlm drivo in prime condition for the market. Thero are few incidents to enliven the wearisome weeks that follow. The herds bronze leisurely along from six to ten miles n day, following tho winding coures of the creeks and rivers, the herders following la zily after to keep them in tho general di rectlon northward. For days and days human habitations are lost sight of, and the drovers and riders are alone in tho midst of the great, grassy ocean. Not quite alone, either I came near forget ting that bright and cheerful companion of the drove, the cow-bild, a brown little fel low about the tdze of the well-known chip ping sparrow, or "chippy," as the bovs cal him. Flitting ulong ou tho outskirts of the drove, one moment tilting gleefully ou a tall, swaying weed, tho next perchitig Kauci ly on the tip o a steer's horns, perhaps at night roosting complacently on his back, tho cow-bird goes through the long journey from the Texas plains In tho Kansas rail road station, whence tho cattle are shipped o the east. Whether the little fellows re turn to Texas to accompany tho next held, or die of grief nt separation from their long horned friends, I cannot say; but I think they must go hack, for their cheerful pres ence is never misted, nod their number nev er grows less. Although, as I have said, there are few incidents to interrupt the monotony of the drive, the cattle-men sometimes meet with thrilling experiences. In former years In dian attacks were not .infrequent, unj ma ny a brave band oi herders has been sur rounded and killed by the savages whose hunting-grounds were encroached upon by tho droves. There is always danger, too, of stampedes in tho herds, caused either by the terrific tbuuder storms and tornadoes which bur.t upou the great plains without warning, or by the "cattlo thieves," hands of white, Indians, or half-breed out-laws, who live by stealing stray cattle from the lie'rds, and sell them or kill them for their hides. Having in his early life encountered one or more of tho devastating prairie fires which sweep over tho great, dry pastures al most every fall,flio.8ighitfatraell of smoke or sight of flanies will pmng'e the steer into a panic or ulgut, ana this well-known cir cumstance is turned to advantage by tb cattle thieves in securing their plunder. Getting some dUtance to jvindward of a herd onra dark night, (ho rogues set fire to a bull'ulo robe, and tho pungent smoke of tho burning hair Is borne down upon the re posing cattle by tho wind, Tho first whllf gives the alarm, ten thousand pairs of horns ure reared aloft iu air, and ouo united snort of terror Is heard, Defore the herders can mount their horses and pheck the panic the herd is past control, and Ilia maddened aid terrified auiiunlslrampliug one another and whatever comes in their way under foot, dash frantically nil' In the darkness with a noise like the roll of distant thunder. They scatter beyond hope of recovery. In the confusion following upon 'the heels of the btauipcde the thieves succeed in driving oil' ncoresuuil suinetimes hundreds of .the strag glers. - Wide Alcaic. Miscellaneous. The Literature of Crime. Ameilc.1 presents a moil prolific field for the cheap I. p. ok1 grade literature: and as our boys and girts nro essentially ft read ing class, and the demand for this literature is large, the bookstores and news stands are stocked with it. An unnatural develop menl of sentiment, at the expente of judy menl, leads tho young of both sexes to pat rjnlze that species of sensations! romance, startling fiction or even coarse vulgarity, that is so unsparingly meted out to them in the novels and itory papers that havo at tained immense circulation in the land. They devour with avidity the account of imaginary adventures, and follow with all the interests ol absolute reality, through tho pages of these highly wrought literary pro ductions, the wavering fortunes of some fic titious hero or equally mythical heroine. And at tho i-amo irresistihlo penchant for these sensational romances that has enthrall ed the Intellects of much of our adult pop ulation, has become a kind of second na ture with our rising generation, it ha? he come woven with their very being, so that it would appear to he a necesary adjunct to their existence. Thry neglect the per formance of their ordinary occupations and shirk the responsibilities of position or duty to inilulgo their propensities for such read ing. It appears to carry with it a fa-cina tion, that imperceptibly steals over the sen ses of its votaries and chain) their intellect to It dominion. We ailviie parents to exclude from their homei the filthy story papers which consti tute "the literature ot crime," and we would warn them that when once a youth has yiel ded his undeveloped Intellect to the subtle and poisonous inlluence, ho endangers the safety of his intellectual aspirations. No more will he aspire to true nnd substantial literature; no mire will his ambition prompt him to covet intellectual study ; nor will he seek to make everything subservient to the increase of his intelligence and the prop er culture of his genius and talents; solid literature will no longer have any charms for hi in as his tastes become submerged in tho yawning gulf of debasement. Many a young man of tho brightest tal cnte, whoe career ct school was honorable and successful, has thwarted his high antic ipations by the habits of reading "the' liter ature of crime." It i, then, the solemn duty of parents and guardians to see that their sons and daughters do not read th's intellectual .poison which is daily poured from the press. School and Home. Tho Farmer's Home. The farmer's home in America has a broad er significance and a deeper inlluence thsn in any other country on the globi. These are not meaningless, fanciful expressions, for houses of the people in this country de rive their character from tho educational and social culture which pervades society. We find here that the progress of architec ture is closely interwoven with tho progress of learning, with tho acquirements of wealth and of knowledge of the finer arts. Igno rant communities have no ambition for any thing better thau the huts which keep out the storm and cold, l'overty which usual ly attends ignorance, cannot provide any thing beyond tho rudest shelter ; bo that iu those-countrics where both ignorance and poverty prevail the houses of those who lie by cultivating the soil are very rude, low and altogether destitulo of stylo nnd ta.'.lc, Kducation begets a perception of beauty and grandeur in external objects. Our domestic architecture is always nn exponent of our civilisation and our pro gress in wealth-getting. A man. learned and cultured, may not have tho means to give expression to his idea of what a home is or should bo; so with communities ; but there will appear, always, about the hum ble threshhold unmistakable indications of a higher intellectual anil moral character. While wo regard the larmer'a home as an exponent oi this culture of mind and heart ot himself and family, it is also a continual educator, and its inlluence extends to the entire community. When one, therefoie, builds a tasteful home he is not only benefited himself, but his neighbors also, llenco he is u public benefactor; he nwakeus in the minds of others a seut-o of beauty and litnets and a stronger lovo for home and its sym bols of purity and truth. This is essentially an agricultural coun try, and the farmers are the numerous class. The character of tho farm house therefore becomes a matter of the greatest importance. It should be truthful; it should bo stately; it should he tasteful. Ornamentation for the mere sake of display is as much out of place on a farm house as ruiiles on the bo som of a farmer's shirt. Wo aro anxious to bee tho homes of farmers built so as to rep resent that p!aln,substautial characterlwhich the farmer possess?!. What is tho true ideal of tho character of the farmer, then? What are the elements which make up the genuine farmer? They are firmness, truth fulness, franknesvincerity,honesty, straight forwardness, above all meanness, hospitali ty and in lependence. Cai these qualities t e expressed in a dwelling nnd appurtenances? Yes, and n farmhouse should not be built without expressing them. It should be broad enough ou the ground to express firm ness and endurance ; It should bo two full (.tones high, indicative of statelincss and strength and of a desire to rise above al. low, mean things ; its foundation nnd tim bers should le of the most substantial sort expressive of honesty, truthfulness and strength ; substantial brackets and braces should protect the wido projecting caves and porches as well as window lintels and caps, expressive of honesty ami franrness I uui what I am ; all tho parts should be of equal height, expressive of straightforward ness and uniformity of liie and character the same yesteiday, to-day and to-morrow. These are essential aids in representing the grand and substantial character of the farmer and his life, and should be planted with no sparing hand, as wo have frequen tly urged in these columns. Avoid the fre quent mistake, however, of plautlng trees close to tho home. Let the homo and all the rooms, if possible, have tho sunshine. We have thui Indicated some of the feat ures which'should bo given to the most im portant class of houses iu America, It is a matter of no trifling importance, we think. The purest elements of social and business life iu the new world are found iu tho coun try. To Its constantly overflowing foun tains tho cities and the avenues of trade look for their refreshing supplies. It is important that these fountains be kept pure by every means ; that our young men in the country should be reared under the Influence of tho purest and most substantial virtues, and imbued with good and loAy purposes, For llice purposes the country should he exalted until it shall reach the highest virtues and the noblest aspirations. Detroit IriLune, .Subsciilje for the Coi.usiiiian. DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES Are not athertlsed as'Tjire alK" but nio Preclflcs in tho diseases for which they nro lecoiuniended. n i. riiiiA L, si:i.i:;ti. Investigators of science luivo ilemnnsut ed be(ind controversy, thai throughout the animal kingdom the Hits survival of the attest" Is me oniy law mat toutussmi tnrirt and perpetuity. Does not the same print lple rovcm tho commTclal prosperity of man t An lnf-rlT cannot supersede & superior ai I Icle, ny reaiunof superior merit, nr. llerce's standard Medicines have, outrivaled nil oth ers. Their sule In tho t'nltert Htn-tesalnne enceeds ono million dollars p?r milium, wht'n the amount cai'iicu iu.ii. iim iu pu.riai iiuiiiin-u uiiiusuiiii unre Nobulness eouM ever prow lo such glgsnltc proportions and rest upon uny other basts than that of merit. DR. SAGE'S CataiTh Eemedy In llc:iniit lo linn. DR SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its Chit I'Nt' tnl fiver it period ol SO Vriirs. DR. SAGE'S. Catarrh Homedy lis- Mile (Jiiiistuiitly Ilicrcnscs. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh liemedy Cure li) Us inllil, Soothing t'fl'cct DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Keincdy Cures "Colli III DJcail," mill C'll- Oii'i'li, or ilzeu'iiii. AN OPEN LKTTER It Speak lor ?tMilf. Hoc kruiir, Ma-w April 2, 1STT. Mr. Kditoh Ifavlnir ro id In tour lwner rpnorts of the miiarkuMeutiic: of Cat urn. I am iiiducttt to U'll"wluti know about Citnith'nod lraocythe "snurr nnd Inliallnff-tiilio nukers (mero dollar praUUtTfe) would ti'jiUitr tun could cn.bUtzon a hlmllar euro In 1lie rMtxT-i. l-'orvirt .toard I Kurrert'd will, cat arm. 'ILttim&al judges Ivi uuie (.'oniplett; ly closed. 1 fnurr," "dust "aslus,""lnhalln(f-tuUcs" una "sucks, wouian i wotk, moujjn in nuemiis i would bnltr up U)o so-called catarrh satiir, until f became a valuable tester tor such medicines. 1 Kraduallv prow worse, and no one can knovhow much 1 suffered or what a miserable ttelne I was My head allied liver my et eft, I was confined to my bed ror many Miccessh e daj s, buffering the most in tense pain, which atone time iustcd contlunously Tor ift! hours. All sense of smell and taste (fuue. sight anil hearing impaired, body shrunken nud weakened, nervous system chattered, constitution broken, nnd I was hawking and Rpltttnjf Rcvcn eighths ot tho time. 1 t-rajed for death to relieve inuui uijr buuui ing a uituniuin iiuiiru iu .toui pa per ot lir. Hume's Catarrh lieinedy Induced me to purchase a package, and use It wlih Dr. Pieice's Na RullHMicm. whichappllestherenv-dyb) hydrostatic press tre, the only way compatible with common sense. Well, Mr. Editor It did not cine me tlirce fuurths ot a second, nor In one hour or moith, but In less than elifht minutes 1 was redeved and in three months entirety cured, and havo ruinnlned so for oterhUteeu months. W hlle using1 the Catarrh Item -dy, I used Dr. Ho ice's uoldeu Medical Discovery to puriry my blood and strenethen my stomach I nlno kept my liver active and bowels regular bv the use of ids l'leastiit Purgative Pellets. Ifmyexperl eniettlll Induce other Hiifferers to tcek the fame means oi reilei, this letter will have answered its purpose. luurs iruiy, L,D.ltKMICK. A CLOUD OP WITNESSES. The following named parties arc amone the thou- sands vho havo Wen cured ot Cutarrh by tho use ot Iir. S-ige'a Catarrh hemedy : A. F. Downs. New fieneva Ta- II. .1. llrown. St. .Joseph, Mo.: K. i:. U'wls, Uuttatiit, vt.; Ix;vl spring er, -uiu wihi, vmiu ; . uus. .uiirop, norm mes tirrield. e.; Mlltuu .lones crllm.N. y.; j. K..MH ler, under Matlou.H'yo ; J. v. .Merrlman, Logans puit, Ind.; M. .11. i-uit, I-OKiinsport, Hid.; J. w. Hail ejlTrvmimt, 1' ; II. !:. A) res, Ijil'urte.lnd.; Jessie M. Sears, It. nranch, Inn.: L. Williams, Canton, Mo.; W. A. Thiijer. imarga, lil.;H. I). Mchols, Jr., Ualves tou, Texas ; Jonas P KeH-ert, stonesvllie, I'a.; s.w. j.usk, .Mur iirmuu, m is.; jonnson Itllliams, lieimick, oblo ; SI. A. Currey, Trenton. Tenn.; J. o. Joslln, Kcene, N. II., A.J. Casper, Table Koulc, W. Va.;Lew. Is Anders, li.ijspoit, Ohio; u. II. Chase, Elkhart, Ind.; A'rs, Henry llalght, S'au Francisco, Cal.; sirs, i:. SI. liulliibli.i, LiwrencDYllle, N. V ( W. J. (Iraham, Adel, Iowa ; A. o. Sinltli, Newman, fia.; Clus. & Klce, Haltlmore, Sid ; Jesso SI. Wears, Carlisle, Ind.; Dan'!, li. sillier, Ft. Wtyne, Ind.; Sirs. Sllnnlo Ar nalsc, 21 D-l.incy street. New York ; II. w. Hall, llantlngs, SIIUl; win. f. siarston. Uracil, Mass.; I. w. Ito'H-rts Maricopa, Ariz.; Chas. s. Delaney. llarrlsbuig, I'a.; SI. C. Colo. 1 owell, .Mass.; sirs c. J. spurtln.cainden.Ala.; Chas. F. Kaw.Frederlcktown, Ohio; sirs. Lucy Hunter, Fannlngton, III.; capt. K. J. spauldlng, Camp stnmbuugu Wyo ; I. to. 'I r.iey, Steamboat NOCk.lown : Mrs. 1- W'alte. shushan.N.Y. .1. M. l'eck, Junction city, Moat; Henry EUe, II.ui- ni-s . in , ih i , iiiiiiihui;h, iiuiiiuui, hi.; r. j;..onesl Chiirli'stoii Four Corners, MY; Ueo. l- lla I, I'utb ln,Cul.: Uia. i:. liti trie. Merllnsr. I'a.: II. II. Ebon. IS Ccnn street, llttsbuiir. I'a: .f II. uel's Depot, Kv.j Henry Zolirlst, (leueva, N. Y.; Sllso llattlo l'arrolt, Montgomery, onto; I,. IubrooL-, .'Illinium, (ll.t ti li. .UVU). .Hblllk I l.UIIUJ : Y, W. Warner, North Jactfon, Mich.; Sllss JIary A Wlnne. D.irlcn. Wis.: John Zleirier. rnrlisle. p,. James 'romkUis, su Cloud, Minn,; Kuoch Duerr, Paw nee city, Sen.; JOM-ph '. Sillier, Xi nla, Ohio ; s. II. Nichols, dilicflon, 'lexas ; ll,L.Lulri, t'pper Alton, ... , ..uii , I..UM.I iHuiiv, una., juia. -iuiii) iirauaui. Forest Cove, oreg. Golden Medical Discovery Js Alterative, or Ulood-cleamiinj. Goldeii Medical Discovery It Pectoral, Golden Medical Discovery h a Cholaijogue, or JAeer Stimulant, Golden Medical Discovery ( Tonic. Goldon Medical Discovery lly reason of Its Ai.-i.tlru prnperitcs, cures Diseas es otthii iii.hjii ilU skin, us -i-utulaorhliic'sKUi: Ttlmors: llll-t-l'-l ir till) sm..; ItlnrrliMM l-lmnw: aud hrupiloLs. by Mi too i.f IU Pectoral proiwriles. it cures umiiehl il, ', aud l.uug AlUcttons; Incipient Consiiiiiplliin ; l.lm;erliig coughs ; and oiiromc i uryugim. us i-:ioi.i;iigu propi-rtles ren der Han miniuulcd le.n- ity fir hTniousuess ; 'Jorpld Liver, er ' I. er Coij.i..-iii ," a. u 113 l'olc proper ties! ii. ; i.illy in oiuin; Indigestion, huc lb supi isaliuw. aim covered wlihiiinti-h. f.,uu'., . lee, ur vuii-ie u t-ieniu scr ifulousswel- II.B-i'in, II. n lew Uilll.sot lloldori Slertl. o i uui i lieu t an cnilrH cure, liipuft-ci i, urn sy, Urbllliated, lavu willow tolorot skin. Lr iiuwlaii timuu mcUm tlm Ij(h i r l.tiv. nn. iU.-i i n -adaohe or duunits, b nl tit-le. Iu mouth, In ternal Ihmi on lillisiiltei niiii il wiin not Hushes, lnw si nits i.ud jjuomy foretioilln.'s IrreguLr appetlba and ii i, in ca nil d. j ou uio kurfnlUK licui Turptd l.ivei, or ''nil IniiMifss ' In nuiiiy ca?esi.f "Uier Complalut,"oniy pirr.i.f ihee symptoms areexpo rlei.i r il ii a remedy lor all sum c ishs. Dr. Pierce's (lohUii .MtiiUui Di&joiltv li-w noeiual, nslteflects IH-iieit eurui, leal Ing tho llur slivuatuenca and in-.tiiy. TH 12 PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. Dr It. V. Pibkcb Is tlin solo proprietor and inanu f.iciiiurofthe roiegotng ivin-dlcs, all of which are told b diugglits He is ulw I he Author cf tho Peo ple's Common seiifce -Medical AdMter. u work of neai ly ouo thousand pages, with two hundred and elshiy.tvto wood engravings and colored plats. He has already sold of mis popular work Over 100,000 Copies ! PRICK (j)ost i aid) Sl.fiO. Addreru ; li V. PIEROJO, . J)., AVorltl'n Dispensary, Buflitb.N.Y. fcb. 15, IS If .NOTICE f TO CONSUMERS fc, -F- The celebrity of our TIN TAC1 TOIIACCO has p caused many Imitations thereof to be placed on giho market, we therefore caution all Chowers o against purchulng such Imitations. S All dealers lui) log or selling otter plug tobacco g ImarlDg u hard or mcUlllc'Ubil.relider tnemseives enable to the penalty or tno law, and all lierbons vlulatlng our trado marks aro punUhsbte by tine "and Imprisonment. MKK ACT OF tOMJIIEbS V Al II. 1., IB.U, C The geuluo l.llltll.l..tltn TIN TAIJ T1 ttllAI cocanbo dlMlngulBhed byu TIN TAG on Spui-u luwpnnu lue woruiAJiciLUAUU stamped theroou. - over l.ftss tons tabaceo cold In ISTI, and nearly u?J,ooo persons employed In lactorlea. Taxes paid Oov'uui't In IMI about, and during tho pan U years, over 130,000,000. SThesu goods sold by all Jobbers at manujacturers march e,!7j-Dm Ilico Uran irako money faster at woik for us than at an) thing fri Capital noi required t we will start you. 111 (sir day at home made by the Illustrious, Men, woineo, bojs and girls wanted ever) where ti work for lis. Now Is the linit. Costly outuiand terms free. AddreuTat a kmh Augusta, Maine. Alarms, s-iy LAMK KOTirJ.wilh orwilhcueie 10' M Ik (MtOUUII 0B aplicu fTOBACCO $ -0! AT VKIVATG SALE, Willow Vale Estate I Tho A Valuable property, 1 Ing In Franklin township, Columbia county, l'cnnsjlinnln, on the east branch of Ituarlngcrecl:. It tonslttsof a beautiful farm of about ISO A-OItBS. on which nrn rrrctedn rominddlousanit (umforln blo Dwelling House, n largi' liatik llsre, llder Press, and a'l necesinry out-btiiutlngs. It hns growing upon It abiirdnnee of eseellml fruit, lias a well of water at both tho dnelllng tniiiio aiidbnrn,andls convenient of nceesshy publlo rends. AUSO. Adjoining and being n part of tho same, but will be sold separately It dclrrd, utiout live acies of the aboie luiids, ut.crtiin Hie eitcted alnrgo CUSTOM, (llllsT AND. Fffll'ltlNO MILL, with four run of st,one, a Dwelling House, a Saw Still, a Dry floods t-tiire and Dwelling House, and other Improvements, together with tho water-power and appurtenances thereto. The lVlllou vnlo I'onI Ofltco Is on the premises. It Is wllhlu easy reach ot C'ata Wlsa, t'cnl wlla, Athtolii), Mounl Carmcl and other mining tons for niatkct purposes. Tho property Is bounded by lands ot Slunson, and Artley, and Sheets, and t. llowr nrd others. The two described properties will bo sold separately or together to suit purchasers. For terras apply to Wins Mendenhnll, E. 11. Drlnkiror John O. Frecie, at Hloomsburg. fenn'a. fcti.8, 1-tf riAl "Pv (Ireat ehanretn iiinko money. Ifjou (It II 1 1 I na Ifel "IU r,,n 8"pl green- vfl yjiiVbicks. We need a person ncr where to lake sutM-cilutloos lo ll.e lalLrebt. chcanest and tiest lllunruled fumllv puMleutKiu lu tup world. Any one can heroin" a Miu-essriil nger.l. Thelnoht elegant works or nrt given fn e lo stiberlls rs The price Is so low thai almost ev o body subscribes, oneogent reports milking evi r$ roin a vuek. A lady acnt n-jiorts taking over 4ih) subseilbcrs In ten dais. All who engage make niomy NM. otlcan devote sll J our lime In the luslntis, or cnly jour eparo time. Y'ou need not be away Ironi home over nignt. ou can no 11 as weiiHs oiums. run partic ulars, directions and tern s trne Kleguntanuex nensuo oulllt free, if you want niolllable work send us your addiess atiine. it costs nothing lo try the business. No ono w ho engages falls to make f:reat pay. Address '"1 ho l'c pit's Journal," 1'oit and, Slalr.e. aug. li,7T-iy G-LENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, llEAUTIFIES THE CoMrLEXION, I'RCVENIS and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup. lions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Ulem ISHES arising from local impurities of the Wood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and w ind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOSIE 1IEAUT1FIER is far preferable to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL ntUR IIaths are insured by the use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Kheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHINO and LINEN and TREVENTS DISEASES COS1SIUNICATED BY CONTACT with the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald, ness, and retards grayness of the hair. I'hysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. K. Il The 50 cent cales are triple the tize of those at 9$ cents. "IIUUS HAIR AN1) WHISKEK DYE," Mark or lirowu, 30 Ceota. C. K. CUHESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av., 5.Y. December 14, lfcT7-ly MANUrAOTURIRB Of flNE, f-lGHT AND jlEAYY REPOSITORY, N, E. Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sts., Philad'a. t, -sirimno xriTLT iTltvniii to. also, cie- BUOIS TiKtS (is STI1KA0V iiini-ch l;iS7S Sin KEEP IN THE RIGHT LATITUDE Call on or address the underpinned for fun tnfnr. matlon. . w . N. a, ENfll.E, Agt., feb. e, ';s-3m bunbnry, I'a. Steel and Iron a?3?3pio flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Fatant Inilde Molt Tork and lflug.a Cap. 10 tUt COMPUTE WTTHOOI IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, NoS4 Bfalfaa Lne, NMrVUl&U. - IIWTOU. dec 7, H7I-ly T 4 IS f APal S K E PT OhLFJ LE 1 AT THE OFFICE Olf- mm 733 Samsom St., PHILADELPHIA, Who are our authorized aaeal., and will receive AdverlUcuieulM af our LOWEST OAJl KATE.S. pubucT saleThand bills Printed at this Office ON SHOBTEST NOTICE AND AT TlIE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, mm Sprimig Qmi 1 Bogs leave io inform his customers nnd the public thtit his stock is now rrpleto with till the Novelties for Spring and Suminer Wear, consisting of new nnd beautiful styles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS , . AT REDUCED PRICE S any of which ho is prepared to ninke up in tho lntcst style. Ilcady-madc cothing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all of the best make and at the lowest prices.' Just received n full line of all the latest styles iu color nnd quality of For Men, jfor Youths, for Boys Cheaper r than A FULL LINE . OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. BAYED) MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUKQ, FJ. Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre street, BLOOMSBURQ, JPA.., IS TUB I'LACH to oet the worth of your monky in the finest and freshest of Fancy Imported and Domestic.Staplo Groceries of Every Description, QacBQsware. Glassware, foil aid Willoiware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, OH NICE FRESH P110DU0E. .Inn 1, 1T. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, .. . .nud save one-Uilrd tho coat ot painting, and get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LONO AS ANY OTHER PAINT. Is DreDarcd ready for use in white or any color desired. Is on many thousands ol tho IlneatbniMinc. In tho country, many of which hae been palmed six years, and now lookaa well as when drat painted CIIKMICA1. TaINT has taken First PREMIUMS at twenty of tho Slate Fairs ot the Union. Sampiecard ni Color-sent rrce. AddreM N. Y. BN A M K I. PAINT OO., 118 Prince ttreet, N. Y..' or HENRY li HKR SOIi, ACCnu 3il,ittarneisireci,i uuaueipnia,x-. JUlJSlIT-ly n T T business you cai engage In. fs toso ULV I per day made by any worker of ett her QC.O I sex, right In their own localities. Par ticulars and Bample worth 5 free. Improve your sparu umu ai 11113 uuMuess. Auunua cimwwfcxv., Portland, Maine. march J, T8- y (1I.1D TIDINOS FOB THI Will, NERVOCS AND DE BILITATED. OUR 1 ATE8T IUTR0TED 8EIF-ACTINH GALVANIC Ar- 1'i.iances are a Bpcedy and Permanent cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Kidney, Liver and Femalo Complaints, Nervous Prostration. Weak Lungs, Hack and fplnal Irritation and kindred diseases. Prices, Watit Kelt noo; fcplnal Ueltfor Paralysis and Spinal AllmentR, (, utid upnaida. Armlets, AiikleLs, Head liands, Knee Caps. 12 no each, suspen. ders $5.ou. Illustrated Pamphlet hea. Address OALVANU.MKUICALSbOCIATIIIN, march 1, 2S78-ly 17 East Ninth St., New York. $66i a week In your own ton. ts Outfit free. nsK. itraaer u on wuui a uusiucnn which Dersons o( eltber bvx can make t' w jrri'ut puj- uu buu lime iucj wuu.niiw lur purtltulura to II. Uau.ktCo., 1'ortlana.Maliiu. marcn i, ( ly GLAZING AND PAPERING. TTTM. F. BODINE, Iron Street lielow sec VV ond, Hloomsburg, Pa., Is prepared to do al kinds ot TAINTING, GLAZING, and I'AI'KH HANGING. In tho beft styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. Parties having such work to do will save money calling on me. All work warranted to glvo satlifactlon. Orders solicited WM. F. BODINE. TRUTHS. HOP BITTEES, (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS HOPS, 1IUCIII', MA.XUItAKi;, DANDi:I,IO, AND TIIK lTllKST ASH HKT MFUlriL Ql'AL. II LI II f I, Til L't, llir.1 l,U ' THEY CUBE All Dueato of the Stomach, Jloutb, Jllood. Liter, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Airr tuiMnfM, SIcqltmneM, female Complaints and uniuunesa, SIOOO IN fiOI.II Will lie paid for n casc they will not cure or help, or lor ttnyuiiug impure or injurious found in them. Ask your driigists for Hop Hitlers nnd free books, and try tie Bitters bcfoio you sleep, l'liko no other. Tliv Hop llauick Cure aud l'nlu Hellcf Im the t'lieHlieitt, Nurril nnil firm, FOR SALE BT .IIOYItK II II OTI I Hill-. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of AOoldAto Vdtok dJ Jitiwt of iiisrrimc tul lh WMOljSS'rKK ft XUproduoffon ii4 i rtsuiux 2UI t-ti irk r-KiVMtl MCOICM-ADVISER! . Op UDlbtt,Ar.lpefKri.' r i.l-bituk t .-tit pOktMit (in n!pt l prlc t oml Ihrtt, aug.n,nMy HAG S26Q0 ATEAIt, ArBUwanlil, llotl-fii-M IrrltliuAle. 1'arUeuUrs frPA. A44PM.J WOaTttGO.,UILMU,Ufc tug . 11, ly MORRIS MICHEL, TVViXX. AND MirAZmilK, ULUUMSBUItO, i'i. FIIIST CLASS PIANOS AND 01IUANS FOIt SALE, bKCONU HAND PIANOS TAKEN IU EXCUANQK. OltbEltS UY MAIL ritOMPTLV EXECUTED, feb- II, fa-U OPIUM UUm IUUI .WlaW. Ml mmJBt klNUU. lift. C.M.IM, l wiiiihiii 1.1, lihhk LU. . 110 a ii, -n-ir Spring (Roodls! .Ever, j :iron lYIEIV SOLD ONLY BY CHEAP KANSAS LANDS ! ! Wo own and control the Jtallway lands of TTego vuui..,,iiwintw,Duuu,riuaiij uiiiuru ur mo ahq. sas Paclilo Hallway, which we are selling at an averuiro of 13 8S twr nrre nn pnsv r.rnia nr nuvmpnr Alternate sections of Government lands can be ta ken as homesteads by actual settlers. These lands He lu the Oreat Llmettone Belt of Cen- imi nuiiNu, me uesi. winter wiinat producing dis trict of the United Slates, yielding from !0 to so n.wirii ,rr Acre. Tho averages early rainfall In this county Is near- IV 33 Inches Der annum. nne.tlilrl rrrpntpr thnn !n the much-extolled Aikansas Valley, which has a 5 early rainfall of less than V3 Inches per annum In the same longitude Mock natulan and Wool (Irowlnr are verr Ittmiinfr. Hie. Te winters are short and mild, btock will live all the year on grass I Living streams and i-prlni's are numerous. Pure water Is found In wells from so to 60 feet deep. The llnlthlnt t'llmiteln the U or lil 1 No lever and guo there. No muddy or Impassable roads. Plenty of nne building ttne, Mine and sand. 1 hese lands are being ropldly settled uy the best class ot Northern aad iasLern people, and will so appreciate In value by the Improvements now being made us to make their purchase at pres ent prices one the very nest Investments that can lie made, aside from the fronts to be derived from ihetr cultivation. Members of our Drm reside In VH.Keeney. and will show lands at any time. A pamphlet, giving full Information In regard to sou, climate, water supply, 4c. will be sent free on rc- 4ui'&i. Auuress Warren Keeney&Co., 106 Dearborn St., Chicago, Or Wa-Kcency, Trego Co., Kansas, April U, TS.-im t Ninth Street Plttshurg, Dec 10, 18TI. Messrs. IHIKllKlt. HEA1T & CO. Gentlemen i Your patois have given entire. sat isfaction. I have used them on a good many diner, ent kinds of work, such as Iron, Tin. Wood. Urlck, Sc.. and never heard any complaints, on the con trary, the work stands w ell and for wear, will In my opinion, stand with any lead In the market. When In want of reference lu ihls city or vicinity jou are at liberty to use my name with pleasure, also to use this as you think best. KfSpectluUy Yours, JOHN T. GRAY, l'alnter and Dealer In Paints, oils, tc. BTItlCTLY TCIIE WHITE LEAD, AT THE LOWEST MAllfiBT RATES. MONTOUlt SLATE PAINTS, 8 CENTS. MONTOUIl METALLIU WHITE, 8 CENTS. MONTOUK METALLIC llliOWN, U CENTS. OFF COLOI1S AT THIS PWCB. PURE UNSEED OIL ut loiveNt market rates. charge"'6 C4ri3 and PrtC8 furnlAhed wKiout Ml25jJ2J,nana 'hfluWca by mall will recelia prompt nENRY 8. REAV, SrANUFAOTUREH, Monimos. . 4 Rr WHOLESALE AGEN.TB, IlLOOMKUUItO, Pa Alajt. H.-ly. pROTHONoYARY'S NtJTICE. "Totlce Is beret given that the following ac counta ha ve been Hlid In the cniee of the ProtEono. lary of Hie court of Common Pleaa ot ColumtU eouh'J'. WW be presented to the Court on the Ilh day of M ay neat and w 111 be confirmed afte "four days unless exceptions be Bled within that Ume. ' The account of Joseph Crawford. ICommtttPA r,t tw'nlhlpUU,,n ''tatsTSontlM ..I i? tc?1nt ' "S""1 a Enf' administrator of Oa car P. Ent, deceased, who was Committee Tot Thom asKrmalera unauolate a MjilTZTl?. 1U0BH PrUhoDotaryli Oflice, A)IU1,U1. U. MUiniL ZAHIL ITUthT, WOMAN. Ilv an Immcnie practlee, ememllnr thrnnh period of yei", havln within that time trenieil EiVilr tli"""'l oJ T.'VX'TMl mmi wonisn. I hate been enatiled to perfect a moil poten" iill agreeable medicine llisi meen the n Sleailoiii pre enied by that el of dlene. with iioiltlve certainty and eicten. To deilrt thU natural specific coiiiund, I halt nimed It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. mi own penon' oiervatlop. At a elate oh Krver, I have, while wimewlng u wiltl; ; iSlM? l'n tht fair tpeclal Incl, ent tc the leparaw omanlim ol woman, tinitled II onli M the rllmaK or erowiillAB . '!" medical career. On lu merits, at a poiltn, era" effcliil remedy for ihlt elii.S of ll. eateV, and one that will, at all time. ;! "' circnnnuncM, act kloiilr ami In li'rnony with the laws which govern the female y'fmi,im willlnr to stake mf reputation as a physirisn. Nkr even more, so conrf.lent am I that l will net intippolnt the most aangulno. expecuUont of a i?iWl invalid lady who use. It for any o I ll.e allmenti for which 'I reeommen. : It, .that I offer anil Mil It under A POSITIVE GIIAHAPJ TKE. If a beneficial effect li not experienced by the time two-third, of the contents of the bot tle ate ned, I will, on return of tho liottle, two thlrdi of the medicine having been taken accord ing to directions, and the caio being one for which I recommend It, promptly refund the money paid for IL Had I not the most perfect confidence In IU vlrttiet, I could not offer It a. I do under thee condition.! but havlmt wltnc.scd lt truly mlracu lout cura. In ihomandi of ca.ei, I feel war ranted and perfecllr aafe In rlakln bolh my reputation and my money ou IK merit.. The following are among rhnie dlaesie. In which my-orlle Preacrlptloii hat work. ed cure., a. If br mngle, anil with a certainly never before attained by any medic net l.en. corrhna, Kxres.lte Flowing, I'alaful JlonUilr cute., irrcKularlllei, Weak llack, rrolnptin, or Lining id ihe Uienu, Antever.lon and llclrover lion, lle.rlng lmwn fcen.atlont, Internal, Nervon. licnreulon, Dehllltv, Ilc.pondenev, ThrcatcneC illicarriagc. Chronic Congestion, In ffammiulon and Ulceration of tlic Uterus, Imo tency, llarrcnncss.or Sterility. Female Wcakncis, and very many other chronlo dlseasri incident to mtraan not mentioned here. In all affectlont ol this nature, my Favorite Prescription worki cures-tlio ninrvel ol the world. Hilt rocdlclno 1 do not cxhii at a cure-all. but II admlraMr fulfllls n aliiRlciicaa of par pate, Lcrng a most perfect .pernio In nil chronlo diseases of Hie sexual tyitcm of woman. It will not disappoint, nr will It do harm, In any slaw or condition. Those who deslro further Information on Iheso iiiblects ran obtain Itln Tun Pf.oi'I.k'sComuox sense Hkdicai. advisek. n book of mer noo pigct, sent, pn.t-p.llil, on receipt of I.M. It treats uilnulclr of tlm-o illteatci peculiar lo Females, and gives iniicli valuable n.hli'e In re gard to Hie inanngenient of llioso aflVctinH. lAVOltlTi: PKKSCKIl'TION SOLD UY AM. lllll'fitil.HTS. ' R.V. PIERCE, MsLPropT, 'i HUIWALO, X. y. 6cp. n T-tt Or SucrCoU4 Couceutratad, Hool and Ilorbal Jnlce. Antl-Blllona Granules. THE "IalTTLE OIANT" CWTll.wtTIC, or ranltam In Par to riiyalc. Tho noreltr of modern MedlCAl, Chemical, And I'liannaceuilcal bcieoce. No me of anr loarer taiinff the larte, repulilre. and nauieoua villa, omiioied of cheap, crude, and bulky incredfentt. when we can, br a careful application of chemUal icience, extract all the cathartic and other medi einal properties from the moit talaable roou and herbt, and concentrate them Into a minute Gran ule, ttcarcclr larger than a mallard aeed, that can be readllr swallowed by those ol the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Kach little PurarallTe Pellet represents, la a njoit concentrated form, as much cathartic power as Is embodied in anv of the large pills fouad for sate In drug'Shops. rrom their wonderful cathar tic ixiwer, in comparison to their size, people who have not tried them are apt to suppose that they are harsh or drastic. In effect: but such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which they ar composed being so harmonised and modified, one by the others, as to produce a moil aearcblua; and thoroagb. yet feiitlr and kindly operating, cat bar ic. 500 Reward is hereby offered by the pro prietor of these re 1 lets, to any chemist who, upon analysis, will find in them any calomel or other forms of mercury, mineral poison, er injurious drug. Be I us; entirely vegetable, no par titular eare is required while using them. They operate wlthotrt disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occupation, ror Jaundice, Headache Constipation, Impure Blood.'Palii lu the SliouldereTlKhtueaeof tlieCheet, lluliieaet Sour Eructatloue from the Momach, Bad taste lu the mouth, BIN loue attack, Patu In region of Kid neys, luterual I'ever, Bloated feellug about stomach Hush of Blood to Mead, High-colored Urine, fJuaoclav bllltr aud Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. Plerce'e Pleasant Purgative Pel lets In explanation ot the remedial power of my 1'urgatlve Pellets orer so great variety of diseases, X wish to say that their action upou the aulmal economy le ttulver eal, not a gland or tleaue escaping their sanative Impress. Age does not impair the properties of these relicts. They are sugar-coated and inclosed In glass bottles, their virtues being1 thereby preserved unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable. This li not the case with those pills which are put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes, llecollect that for alt diseases where a Laxative, Alterative, or Purgative, is indicated, the&e little 1'ellets will kivu the most perfect satisfaction to all who use them. They are sold br all Druggists at fi ceute i buttle B. Y. KEBCE, U. D Prop'r, BUYFALO, X. T. Sep. 29, '77-lf The Lightest Running, The Simplest, The Most Durablo, The Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It is caallf understood, makes tht double-thread loclc.tlleu, Au.aelf resulallog; len.lou. unit lake-up, anil ttiU do tht whole ranVe offamUu u.rst without eliasice. Tht Domestic is made In tht must duralt. muiiiitr, icii;. tonieat stetl hearings ami camptnsulinu Journal. Mroujriouf. ' PAPER FASHIONS. ntss popular I'ATTEIINS for ladle.', mtstts', and thildren's dress, r eul oh a arateni an per lor fa aim in use, and ean bo understood by any one, Full direclloui and lllu.irulloM. it eaeh envelops. Send rire Cents for illustrated Cata. logue of lOOt) latMoni. Sewing MacWna Co., New York. rCW HARTMAN, kzil "BBislic" Paier .Fashions '-v Bloomsbursj. Pcccmberll,l,U.Iy PATENTS. PElLETS.m WIMTAIl'.t IIAI.AJI 111' H'll.ll ( lll;itllV WISTAIIH 1IAI.1AM Of WIMI OIIllllV WIHTAIW IIAL1AM t)K Wll.ll OIIRltr WtHrAIlM HAMAM tU' Wjl.ll UIIKIIIir WISTAIIH IIM.HA.M tlf WILD DMIillllV WISTAIIH IIAUSAM OC WILD OIIKltltV Foil t'Ofdllt ANH COUH, Von t'orunt Ann foms, FOK t'OPIIHt ANII UOI.PS, For Cofiiin anp coi.nii, IISU WlMTAII'H IMU WISTAIIH llAlMAM IWB WIHTAlfS IltWAM VSH WIST.Ut'd lit 1.3 AM ok Wild CiiitHnr. Or Willi ClIIKHT, O IMtVunv Fo Sonii Throat FOKHORlTIIROtT For sohk Throat For bohi throat IIMH WINTAU'M HAI.SA.H USB WIN r A lt'S 1IAIJIAM USK WISTA1CS HAWAM USK WISTAII'S 1IAWAM Of Wild Cherry. Of wild flierry. Ot Wild I'tierry. fir Wild llh.r.. For HoarseneRS and Croup rur iiuHrHi'iiens unu i.roup Kor Hoarseness and croup For Hoarsenest ond Croup i wit is i?i-,ir's t'SK WISTAIIH 1IAWAM USK WISTAIIH HAI.AM VSit ISTAU'S 11ALSAM of Wild Cherry. ot wild Cherry. Ot Wild Cherry. lf Wild CliarM. For Whooplotr cough Kor Whooplni? Couifli Kor WhoODlliir I outrli For Whooptntf cough IKK Hit I'A ICS IIAIXAM USKWISTAIl'S IIAI.SAM INK WISTAII H IIAI.SAM USB WISTAIIH 1IAI.SAH Of Wild Cherry. Of W lid Cherry. Of Wild Cherry. , Of Wild Ch-rry. For Asthma nnd influenza, Kor Attliinannd Influenza, Kor ARthmaand Iniluenra, For Asthma nnd lnriuenza, USK v 1ST .It's HALS AM USKWISTAIl'S lMLSAM USK WISTAIIH I1AIJAM USK WISTAIIH I1A1JIAM Of Wild Cherry, ot wlldCherrv. of wild Cherry. , Of wild Cherry. For Ilronchllls and Consumption, For tironchltts and Consumption, For lironchltls and Consumption, For lironchltls anil Consumption, I'BE WISTAII'8 rsK WI1T1II M D1U111 I HK W'l-TJK'S 11AIM t'SK ITIsrAll'S UAIJIIU Of wild cherry, of nlld cherry, of wild cherry. fir u-n.t i.i.v For pain In the side and breast, ' Kor imln lu tho aide nml hiMi.r. For pnln In the sloo and breast, ,i.uu iu iui- fiiun unu uresnc, lK IVInTAR H BALAAM IH WIKTAR'H B1IAAM L'SR ISTAR'H RIIXAU t'SK WISTAIl'8 BALSAM Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. Of w lid cherry. Ill U-IM Mi.rn. For Piniculty ot nreathlnc iui .'IIHUIIJ Ul lUl'llllllLp, For Dimcully ot llrcati.lnif, Fit Dimculty of Ureaihlnif, ran WISTAII H BALBAM ISE WITrAll'S BALSAM l'S WISTAR'8 BAI.iAU t'SK WISTAR'S SAlilAM Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. of wild cherry. For Llier complaint, ot wild cherry. For I.lver Cumplulnt, For I.Uer complaint. For Llier L'omijlnlut, t'SK WISTAR'S BAtAM t'SG U ISTA R H BALSAM t'SKWISTARH BAUAM t'SK niUTAR'U BALSAM Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. For all D. cua of tho Ot wild cherry. Kur ull .'buusea of the Koran Diseases of the For all Ulseasej of t he Throat, Luncs and Chest, Throat Luugn and Chest, Throat, Lunirs and Chest, Throat, Lunirs nnd Chen, t'SK WISTAK'S BALSAM I'SRWISTAR'S BALBAX V8K WISTAR'B RAISAM t'SB WISTRR'S BAL8AM Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry. Of wild cherry, hoc. and 1 a. Kittle. Of wild cherry, roc. and si u bottle. SOc. and It a bottle, coc, and $1 a bottle. sold by all Drnirglsta. Hold by all Unionists, hold by nil liruiNtlstB. hold by all Druegists. Ur.A.G.OLIN'S 'ill, tM tU tMt aJt ptMunafs Irivt Mtva, rwvltlnt from ty abHMsi fiMlMll,nLMrMMrr. lMpaliv4 Hlaht, ;..Ur.i, JU...I ib. llU.drr, Kll;4 Ll.fn uia b.t Ilh lone tt)eriaDt. an,l rurtukmiil.M en' it. h a rmdu.w a( tlx lUfontwtJ JVhool. mm Do utur. hm Jnri prv-iitia tht U.S. ijmrsiMi.iri.. uki siiirsj lonsr aij rlltM m Dan OiliCra Ml. IU prlNt bow m1 bout, tall er wtllt. Etrv rftQvriiMnrti far -tin ptlls itvf IV,, itlprT I,, MARRIAGE GUIDE ESa&WsS iPiK.iilnil.UW..'.tli.fb..iHs., riUww .I.I,. Mtur..,1. tAift. .n.) .., ih. .ooumpl.Ui.. Jtiwmjr. Iltll..i,.'y h,.jryn II. murWd niwl Uun LiMjUhly.l.oulJt'rUI.I. Uuk. lyCdlcU. Itni. CXm, tMHllMl. ' nU(f. IT, 7I-Iy mo flAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADKIil'IIA AND liKADINO IIOAD AURANUEMJiNT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Jlaym, isto. TRAINS LKATK RUTERT AS I0LL0WS (SCKPAT EXCKFTK For New York, Philadelphia, Heading I'ottstlllo Tamaqua,4c.,ii,33a.m For Catawlssa, 11,33 u. in. 6,47 andT,36p in Kor WlUlamsport, e,ss e,si a. m. and t,o p. m. TRAINS FOR KUFBRT LKATB AS FOLLOWS, (8CNPAT X CBTTBO.) Lcavo New York, 8,45 a. ro. Leave Philadelphia, ,m a. m. .nfj.VOliead"lff' ,1,S)a' m" 'ovllle,u,isp.m andTamaqua,l,2Jp. m. v Leao (JataBlasu, c,20 d,ss a. m. nnd ,oo p. m. Leai e W llllamsport ,.2 ),l j,oo m. and 8,uu p m J,?Tn n bd from New York and 1'hUado Phla bo throusa n ithout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTKN, C o, HANCOCK, Ueueral Manader. Oeneral Ticket Acent, Jan.u, U76-U. RAILWAY SY NOIITHWAHD. Erie Mall a. m., arrive Klmlra , ,, " Canandalfua,,, sjs p. m Itochcstcr 5,15 M . Niagara. g . n Hthovo Williams it H.65 p. m. Uutralo Express 7.15 a. m. arrive Buffalo 80 m SOUTMWAKD. nuaalo Express tM a. m. arrive Ilarru,bur(r 4.50 a. m Hintra Von 1, " Baltimore Mo " HmlraMall 11.15 a.m., arrive Ilarrlsburei.wp.m " Wathington " " Haltlmore .su " Washington u.30 " oSMaUOn eM- "arrl, arrive Iialtlmoro a. ra Erie Mail is kr a asmcgton.lS Erie Mall 1 j.55 a. m. arrive IlarrUburg 3 05 a. mj AJttAiiiiiuru tt.40 ' I IAU dauy except sunday.Wa8lUl'st'"U0'M " D. M. BOYD, Jr., Oeneral linger Agen A. J.CASSATT, General Manage DEW'Al!NEfA,SAW ANE BLOOMSRURQ DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. M( TaVe, tBM u MONDAY, NOVEMUEK SJ U75. NnnTir STATIONS. p.m. p.m. a.m HArTTn a.m. p.m. 88 3 so soolist T 65 t 49 1 44 I 43 T 4(1 8 87 1 31 3 83 T 37 8 SI 7 H I 33 T 18 3 19 t 15 9 II T IS 8 II t 07 8 13 T 03 8 09 t 68 3 04 64 I HI l IU I 10 III 6 15 HI t 09 I SJ 01 1 19 6 65 1 18 6 63 3 10 6 13 8 16 6 40 1 68 6 84 1 63 6 38 1 48 IU 1M 5 XI 1 40 6 US 1 35 W 43 ss t 81 S3 9 Ull w..i.muuU)jH .....uenevue. ......Tajiorvll e.,,. 9 63 i si 5 Si : M 'to . " a si a 33 -.Wettlnuton.. 1011 8 45 l 63 68 15 ...... Wyommir.. 11 07 V 05 u. i.i... iu 1. 10 ll no 7 01 8 04 7 oa ..HWlH-UllCll. , .....Kingston'.!!"! -..rKlngston, ..I'lymouth June ...,1'ly mouth.,,,, 10 83 16 10 17 6 59 6 U 8 61 43 S41 B BO 0 87 I 17 M 0 83 3 W 7 85 JOBS 3 87 7 49 l IM 749 0 44 8 87 7 63 ? M .1 45 8 06 IK 4U1 8 S3 ..H...Afunaaie, ...... Nan tlooke..... Huuivva a 1 reek. ...8hlcksldriny. .lilck'a Ferry. ! ...beach llavtn.! ...... lierwlck ., "V.I.!f!ar -'rvek ,S lllow tirove... .-..Umeltldge 19 14 I OS 8 il t 68 T 64 I iS I l 4 Sa 11 at a. t v. 1 111 1 (6 11 48 4 46 7 so 61 4 63 i Z T 40 "7uioomauu'riC!! 7 36 T 30 I it T 11 104 1 0 11 AT Km TI iCatawlasa llrld Sio 0 Its 6 38 8 J5 I!! ' o IU 111 4 60 1 16 I 86 1 UO ' ,1'OUVIUO., Mini.. .....Cameron 13 a! lJorUumUirUn(l,li; JJ 6 40 pja. pjn, aja. 10 9 15 sijinututi u. I. it init.tuiLiu,