THE C0LUjIB1ANANI DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA. COl NTY, PA. tttitfircti. S50CKWAV& EWELL,Ellters. MLOOM8BURQ, PA. F v id iy,. April Oth. 1878. " SPECIAL UFl-' Ten Tor Cent. Discount. There is scarcely uo profit on a newspaper nt S2.00 a year. It just about pays expenses, .lob work and advertising aro what supply the printers vrith bread and butter. As wo recetfo a fair Miaro of the, we liavcconclti iI mI to reJueo tho irica of subscription, ou vrtn'm condition), That times aro hard and inuncy fcarce, aro facta that aro icalizd by no one more than by newspaper men. There' fore, in order to furnish a paper at the lowest price, for tho benefit of our patron", and to secura new subscribers and payment in ml vanco for our own bcueut, wo will allow ct dit- i nut o10 per cat. to all subscribers, on con tlititm that the payinetit is mala in advance, making the prieoofthe paper in that way only $-1 SO V year. "Sanies of bjw subscribers mu: lie aceouiptmi'd with the cash. Old subscri- 1T3 will Im allowed tweuty days to renew at this lute, after tho year already paid for lias i Miircl. This special ollor does not change the price of subscription, and llio.-o who aro i'i arrears will tut be entitled to the ri-iluc-tion until they pay up what they now owe, A promi'e to pay in a few iltya will not square accounts, and we shall adhere rigidly to the abovo arragcnicnt, with tho privilege of returnius to our regular rates whenever tho money panic shall have ended. ti SBXATOKIAIi COXFEKESCK. 5y the proceedings ol the liitn Conferrnco for tbis Senatorial District, published in nn other 'column, it will be keen that David Tmvenberg of this county was duly nppom ed Senatorial Delegate to the Democratio State Convention of 22 of Jlny, and will go to tho Convention uninstriiclcxl. He is gentleman of sound judgment, and has ex nericoce by reason of scrvlco on former evasions, in Stato and National Conven . ii AJJic Conferees from J.y. coming ; l,eff unaMe to sei ,ehnl)oin,t. mentorjlr. Hart, their cnnilM' Kate, luliijr . accompa- i-y-nnjCoufcrees from Montour), leav ing their colleagues from the other counties to make an appointment; a duty which the latter proceeded to discharge. The appoint ment of Mr. Lnwenberg is therefore entirely regular, and will, no doubt, be sustained by the Convention against any possible objec tion. Stale Conventions. The Greenback-Labor Uinta Convention will !-f""i'fif(adelphlaonthe8th of May. A weekjater the, Republicans will assemble in liarrisburg, and the followimr week tl Democratic Convention will be lipid In litu. burg. The.first named had appointed the l5th,May. for their convention, but the Re publicans calling theirs for the same day, the Oreenbackers changed their date to the Sill, so as. to liave their ticket In IheTeld before both the other parties. The Kepub Jicans were determined to get ahead of th Democrats, who will meet on the 22d May, These early conventions indicate a lively campaign and, we believe, it would be to tho advantage of the Democrats In every county in tne Bute to put their county tickets I thf field as soon as possible. By so doing they will insure thorough local organization without which there can be no success. After this has been accomplished. they can- quietly wait until within n month of th election, when tho ball can be opened nn vigorously coutlnutd until the polls aro closed. i.arly county conventions will not only enable the Democrats to perfect the: organization, but much of the bitterness among candidates and their friends usually engenofrta oy a protracted struggle ft nominations will be happily avoided. J'erry JJemocrat. 'Number of Federal Oflicc-liohlers. Tho total numlier of federal office-holders of all kinds and degrees is 85.S80. This is about one in -ISO of the population, or one tore very u votes: 'i he vast number of of fico seekers ccatcs to excite surprisowhen these injures aro known, for if thero wero but fivo applicants for every placo this would mako ono ;iu every eighteen of the voting population a ledcral placo hunter. But when tho slate and local eiliccrs aro added to tho federal, the number of persons who aro paid anenuing 10 me business ot ruling tho icinainder Uoconios frightful to contemnlate. Counting school officers, constables and jus tices of tho peace with tho more important oiiccmen it is probable that tho ttatonnd local office holders aro at least as numerous as those in federal employment, and at that rato one man iii forty-fivo voters woald be draw ing his support from tho public purse, or, in other words, every collection of forty-fire vo ters throughout tho countiy is obliged to sup port one' man by their labor in order to main tain such government as wo have. Hut if we allow fivo place hunters for every stato and local place, as well as fir tho federal officers, tho result would show that every ninth voter in tho entiie republic is an office seeker. Gazette and Jlulldln, In discusslngTlie new phenomenon in poi: lies styled t lie 'National party' the New York Tribune says a good many democrats are very i ta, seriously considering 'whether the drum. cratic parly js long for this world." Quito likely. Slnco tho origin of the democratic party a good many weak and impatient peo ple ha e doubted concerning its high mission and growing weary have fallen by the tay Hide. But the great party has lived on and on in spito of their weak fears ami foolish forebodings. One organization after another has arUen to dhpula the political field but the democratio party has survived them all. und It will survive as the defender of const! tutional liberty and tho rights of the people when the very nanus of its rivals aro lost in oblivion. There need be no solicitude con cerning tin future of the democratic par ty. Patriot, We 'learn from the New York Tribune ol the 23rd that Hon. F. D. Collins, the mem ber of Congress from this District has Intro duced a bill In the Ifouse. It is the first act of that kind of which he has been guilty luring the present session. As he never seuds us any public documents we have no idea what his bill is about. The fight for tho Republican nomination for Governor Is between Hoyt aud Grow. 1'acli has all his forces at work, and the battle -waxelh hot, Whichever gains his point will receive only an empty honor. The peoplo of tho commonwealth propose to male a change in tho administration of our idfairs. KEMiY ' TIM ni'M." It may bo remembered that Kelly wa? ta ken from hero a few weeks ago to testify in tlio Sharpo murder trial. His evidence was as follows lie was sworn and then went on to sav that he met Sharp in Wilkos-llarro in ISM. They inow each other as lluck-shots. Ihcv had nxchnnged signs with each other, and had bcou in each other's company with their body master Irequontly. no tlion paid! "'I met l'at. Gallagher and Charley Sharpo in l'at. Currv's saloon. Wo sat down to have a so cial drink, and Gallagher began talking about old tunes, blmrposaiil, "it was n go'ul tiling 1 was thcro tho night Smith was shot. If I had not liccu too l Hz - mrl would liavo fued you.' Gallagher said that it was a good tiling Shame c cared out Soutli. or (her would hao sworn to tho very clothes on his back. Sharpo then said to mo that if ho had not been present it would not havo been n clean lob, aud only for his gotting on the stalls tiicy would nave iiad a nam time ot it. itus took: place in tne fail ot iboo, in Uur rv's saloon. In Wilkes-llarro." On cross-examination the "Bain" waveied verv Hindi from Ids diiect examination, lie could not letncmber what else was spoken of at too time, lie could uot tell now old no was when ho catno to this country. lie wont to Mahanoy City from Wilkcs-Iiarre, and while there "was induced to go to Ilostnn Kuu to kill a linii," but did not do it. He t raveled nbnut n while, and then went to Canada to fight with tho l'enians. Hccaino hack, uandcrul iibout the coal rceionsforn while, until ho stolen watch from Abel White and was sent to tho Schuvlkill county tnism for two years. After serving out his time he again tramped around until ho fell in with a man who had a bad character. the two were arro-ted. and Kiill'a comnanlon Fiiuealcd on linn, ami had tutu convicted ot breaking into n shoe store. For this lie was sent up for threo years. While serving out this term ho was pardoned, and acknowledged his guilt In tho murder of Ilea. He was in jail at Wilkes- Ilarre for rob'ung an old man ot some moii-i-v. Tho man thouiiht he had made a mis take and got tho "Hum" off, who, in telling of it, chuckled when ho said tho old man had mado a mistake, but it was not tho one ho thought he had made. Ho got into a dispute with a lady, and she sent him to jail for rape, but he denied tho charge. Tom Waldron, of l'ottsvillo had him put to jail for an assault and battery, but as Tom mid ho wero fellow members, ho paid tho costs and was released. Father llrulgeman thought tho "Hum" wa one of a party who broke in the windows of tlm (ill. Min Clmr.'li at Girardsvi le. hut a tin. limn attack was made he was in tho l'ottsvillo prison. IIo was in tho look-up and jail frequently. He was often in fighting (ration, tin Imat .Tnlm Chalu and Hugh Mc Donald at different times. He changed his nnriif. In Dun. Kellv in 1SG7. because lie was afraid the nolico would find him. He loft Will.-M-li.irrn after tho Ilea murder will Tullv and McUiigh, taking their clothes out boanj bill unpaid, llo'iielped "i'a'f" xlcsfcr sieai inree parrels ol whisky, and got sixty neipeu io umg a man in Willcs-Barrein or der tO rob him. Ho anil ChnrldV Slinrn wil.l,. ed a man or nttcmntpil to. nfn nnl-r Imnl- A discussion opened tho proceedings at tho afternoon session. Tho Court House was Ii led with people, a number of ladies from ivlauch Chunk, Wcissport and other places ""I V ,ufo. ni-..n IU3IUU U1U UJlf. -IYUI1 OU U- reci examination gave tho practices of the so ciety in regard to keeping the secrets of mem bers. On cross nxamin.itinn lm flnnirl noi-. tain beatings and oilier crimes of which ho was asisca. lie said he and Khnmn rnlili,., a man after thn nnnvpruittrtn lm,i i.c saiu onarpe onco struck him and then run away, and lio got uo chanco to strike urn., ne aou Miarpe were good friends, however, and Sharpe's friends wero at him hiura iie nau been in jail here not to squeal. Kelly saidtn Mifcn Rmnnlmll l..t i.. .1.1 lick, bharpo first chance he got. Campbell told him to do nothing about it, that Sharpo was the bct man at the mountain cud. iou are a reformer now? A. WpII yes, I lichevo so. I haye repented a good Ileal 5lmr I muiD wui. , Q. le whom did you repent? A. To the man above. ft -- .. I .V .. M- iou are Known as ivelly 1110 Bum, are you uot t A. 1 es, since the Shenau doah Herald cot hold of me. (About this timo Joe l'owcll resembled a pieco of highly colored flannel, and remarked iuuo roce, mat tne Hum was a perjurer anu a squealing liar), .uum dehed Ireland, Scotland and America to prove against him any crimes which he had committed and had not confessed. Ho said Sharpe in the jail irioiuoua siaiq nie names ot nalt a dozen parties who worn nrpsrnt nt tht Kmilli mnr. tier. This Was done in tlin nrMMicn nf Mr. Armbruster, tho undcr-kceper, and Sheriff jvauuenDusii s son, un ro-dircct, examina tion lie testified that ho had intlrf'iriil nnil saved men's lives. Un tpstifinil that Mm. l'at. Hester was jealous of Mrs. O'Brien, and she tent some men to cut ihn linir nff nnn mln Mrs. O'Brien's head. Mrs. H. offered wit ness $50 or $100 to cut off Mrs. OBripn's ears. Or throw her undpr thn Irnin n it Minn along. Ho did not do as Mrs. Hester want ed iniu to, but ho broke the windows in Mrs, U'iirien's house, iio was present at the burning 01 the engine bouse at Jliddleport The Stolen President. COX1'E6SIOXS OF HOW THE VOTE 01' FLOJU- BA WAS riUUDULENTLV 01 VEX TO II A YES. JA0K60MIU.E, April 23. Startling de velopments have come to light lately. Con fession obtained from S. B. JIcLIn, Secreta ry of State under ex-Gov. Steans, and ,'ex- Uicio President of the Returnlnc Board. and from L. G, Dennis, a prominent radical leader, disclose the means and methods by which tho vote of Honda, in 1870, was wrested irom .Tilden and given to Hayes- Dr. Cowgill, Stearns' Comptroller and the remaining .Republican members of the He- turning Board.aro heavily implicated in said contessious. J-.nough is known to prove tho greatest conspiracy of the nineteenth centu ry and awaken America to the full realiza tion of tho stupendous crime. Later McLin, Secretary of State under Gov. Stearns, and I.. G. Dennis, the little giant of Alachua county, havo made confes- ons in writing of frauds in 187C. by which Florida was carried for Mr. Hays. Dennis's confession covers tho Archer precinct frauds. He says that 2H names were nut on after the votlug.'s confession is said to cover all transactions before tho Slate Can- asaing Board. These confessions havo been rwarded to Washington. After Dennis made the confection, elev- ndictmenU against him fur fraud in Ala- 111a and Ivy counties wero nolle nrotted. McLin, It is said, was also rewarded, but In hat way was not known. Cost of State Legislation. The Pennsylvania legislature h as now been in session over one hundred day. In that time it has rasbfd but fourteen Mil and eleven resolutions. The expenses of the present legislature can be measured bv tboan of a similar body last year. The legislature of 1877 was in setsiou eighty days and cost HO,H0, or an average of $o,&00 per diem, (including Sundays.) The present body having already been in session for ono hun dred days, will cost ut least $550,000, with tho net results, as above given, of fourteen bills and eleven resolutions. The daily average expenses of tho body, based on those of 1877, also continue at tho rate of $5,000 per diem. If the session Is prolonged as desired by about ninety (out of the one hundred and nineteen) members of the Re publican house caucus, which melon Tues day evening, until the 24th of May, the cost to the state will be nearly a quarter of a million dollars in addition to the half mil lion already expended to this date. Try it I Try Jt ! When every thing has failed to euro your cough, try Dr. Coxe's Wld Cherry and Sencka which will euro your cough without fail. If neglected it may end iu Consumption. Price 25 and CO cents. I or : 3t- -as tj - WASHINGTON LETTER, WASlltNfiTO.V, D. 0., April 23, 1878. To day, In the House, the resolutions of tho Maryland Legislature concerning the Presidency will come up for referenco to the Cnmmltteo on the Judiciary. They look that referenco In tho Senate, and in the House thn bill In givo authority to tho Su re mo Court In the matter wmt to that Com- mltteo without objection. If Mr. Garfield or any other Representative renews to-day the attempt of a week ago tn prevent a re ference to tho appropriate committee of these rrspeittul resolution of a Stato Legldature. ho will be voted duwn with all tho haste that tho rules of the House permit. Ou Saturday the ways and nmans Com- mltteo reported In the House a bill reducing the tax on mmufactured tobacco from 21- to 18 cents per pound, and ou cigars from $C to $.i per thousand, and on cigarettes from 1.73 tn SI. 25 per thoii ind as an effect to the loss of revenue supposed to be caused by such reduction, an Income tax nf 2 per cent un all excess nf $2,000 per annum The estimated bus by reduction of tax on tobacco, Ac Is $3,000,0.10 greater than the amount expected Irom tin Incomo tax Thcso figures, howevr, are made by parties opposed to the Income, tax, and must bo taken with allowance. The gnat conttst of McGarralan,witli the Now Idria Mining Company, involving title to land of almost incalculable value, was closed, as tu testimony, before the Senate Committee un Public l..iud 011 Saturday last In three or four weeks the cominlttie will bo ready to report, and unless there should Lo msjiirity and minority reports this will prac tically bo the end of the struggle. W Inch ever party carries on tho light thereafter will do so ngalnst hope. It is generally conceded that MiG.irralian comes out nf the examin ation before the committee in better shape than when it commenced. But the commit tee will announce their conclu-dons soon, al ter careful examination of the voluminous evidence, and they will bo able to reach a far more satisfactory aud conclusive result than any ono now can. In connection with tho famous interview of Senator Conkling, lately published, in which he so fiercely assailed the Adminis tration, his brother Senators, and public men generally, it is proper to say that on Saturday tho Senator declined to make any further statement concerning the matter. So his denial is substantially this: That the wuicumiui, .;,,,, ,), ,,uljli.ho.l re- port was made nn were private, whathn eft((; he was not correctly reported. This leavei any of tho abused parties at liberty to con aider himselflnsulted or not, as he pleases, Mr. Hayes, it is said, will improve the oc casion 01 uonkllng's mistake by sending the Senate a new lot of nominations for im portant offices in New York. It Is supposed to be the belief that the eminence of the gentlemen to be named, among whom are mentioned ex-feenator l'enton and Gen.Joh . Uix, will, while Conkling's influence sulleriugin the Senato from his ill-timed utterances in private life, lead to an imme diate confirmation. This would at onco throw the incalculable influenco of the New lork Custom House against Conkling when it becomes lime to elect a Senator to succeed him, Seminole. liOOK .NOTICES. The May number of the Eclectic Maga zine presents an exceptional variety of sub jects, the table of contents enumerating no less than twenty-two articles (includinc the editorial departments.) The leading paper is an entertaining biographical sketch 0 "Lord Melbourne," by Lord Houghton ;'am thcro is also a brief but highly interestin sketch of "II Re Galantuomo" (King Vic tor Emmanuel). In science there is a very Buggestive article entitled "Can we Senerat Animals from Plants ?" and the first install ment of a series on "The Earth's Placo in Nature,'' by J. Norman Lockyer, the as tronomer. Of what may be called "timely" articles, there Is an instructive ono on "Tin Luropean Situation,"by M. John Lemoinne; "Modern Greece," by J. P. Mahaffy : "Pop ular Superstition of the Turks," and "Pope Leo XIII." Tho poetry includes Tennyson's "Ballad of the Fleet," the longest poem he has published for some time ; and a modern ized version of "Chaucer fo blsEwnty Purse.1 Other articles which should be mentioned are "German Universities," French Home Life : the Influence of Women," a neat essay un decay ot l-'ine Manners," a touching story ntit!fd "Only Jean," "Albatross Jot ," 1q.1l fair more chanters of Mr. Bli.ckV "Marlewl of Dare." A fine steel- en.-rivid i-oilraitof Sir John Lubbock, with bti..;rap!iical sketch, and four t-ditoral de partments filled with Interesting items com plete tiit- attraction of n number which sur- pa m, 1 1 en the customary high standard of this magazine. Terms, $5 per year ; 45 cents per iitimber; trial subscription for three iimntlis, nl, E. It. Pei.ton-, 25 Bund Sireet, New York. Publisher, Blackw-od's .Magazine for April (liepub llheU by the l.sonard Scott Publishing Co., -11 Barclay Street, New York) contaius an unusual amount of light reading, The serial ".Mine is Thine" is continued, and another, ealkd "John Caldigate," Is commene'd, and there is, besides, a short story or sketch. showiog how a Uirii of the wheel of fashion revives an old style and makes It new airaln. Several pages are devoted to Martin's Trans- latluns from Heine, and there is also a little poem by Austin Dobson, "To Ethel, who wishes she- had lived 'In teacup-times of hood and hoop, or while the patch was worn." l litre is a long and interesting review, with numerous quotations, of "The Moor and the Loch,' by John Colquhoiin, which describes salmon-fishing, and the shooting of all sorts of game, even seals aud eagles. Part XI, of "The Slorui in tho East" is a discussion of the events of tho war, which were recapitu lated hut month. The cloning article dia- ciismm the probability of the meeting of tho Uongress Tho periodicals reprinted by the The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. (-11 Barclay Street, N. Y.) are as follaws ; 'J'ie tendon Quarterly, hdmbury, Wtitmlnitttr, and Jlrit- tilt Quarterly Meviewt, aud Wachcood'tSIag- aune. Price, $-1 a year for any one, or only $15 for all, and the postage is piepaid by the rublishers. Harry White is industrious if nothing else. Congress appropriated over $7,000,000 ior navigation Improvements, aud Harry smuggled iuto the bill a handsome appro priation for two unknown trout streams (on tho Allghenies we are Informed) tailed Kis- kluiiuetas aud Conemaugh. Why didn't Representative Collins ropo in I'ishlug. creek f Everybody has heard of that. A conespondent of the Pittsburg LrauVr, rlting from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, desires tostatelointendlDirciiilirrants that ,., too late to go there with the expectation of geiiing places 10 woik: on the shares or even J lo rent, und advises none Income (unless they are able to buy farms) before next fall I winter. Trcfflbllnslln'the Scales. ? "f" 4 THE 'QUF.STIOn"of TRACE OB 'WAP. IN I EUROPE. liOtfnoN, April 21. Tho week closed with tho prospects 6f the Eastern difficulty nn brighter. The nomina tion of Sadyk Pacha as Grand Viz'er caused tho utmost consternation at the British For 0 gn Ollice. Ho, Hie Osiuau and Reouf Pa chas, favors a Iliis'so-'furkislrnlliance. Stat ed briefly, tho ehamrO in tho situation may be summed up in these words. : A new leaso of lifa for tho J)m'ln'n'il"inil -the alliance of thothrce Emperors-and the difni'itivo is olation of hmdaml. Tho 7!ties' Vienna rnrtc?iondent is evi dently unaware of tho hitch in the negotia tions for a Congress, but considers tho cliango of Miuistry in Turkey a now clement of dan- The situation 111 and around Constantino ple attracts much attention. Tho Timet' Vi enna dispatcli says : "Thu ministerial cricis is viewed with misgivings as capable of intra- lucing a disturbing element into the negitia- lions. Whatever may bo tho coursa of tho crisis and whatever may havo so suddeuly de termined Its filial issue, tho removal of Ahmed Vefyx Effendi is' sufficient to indicate tho character of the chiuge. If the decision of the slrmrglo between England and Kussia for influence iu Constantinople his thus appa rently, been postponed, the relativo position of the two can scatcely be said to remain un altered, slnco with Ahmed Vefyk Effendi as Premier, England had the key of influence in tho Cabinet, and was thuj, as it were, in pos session. Tho Pern correspondent of tho Tmim, wri ting on the military situation at tho Turkish capital, says : "Although many things war rant the "supposition that th3 Turks would fight to keep the Russians out of Constanti nople, they havo not distinctly mado up their miqds to do so. But admitting a theoretical determination on tho part of tho Turks to resist a Russian occupation, it does not ap pear that tho ninety thousand Ottaman sol diers around tho capital aro an insuperablo barrier to a surprise. The Russians know very well that if they wait to make a coup deviain until war is declared tho dunces against them will be much heavier than if fiey make it be forehand. They havo everything at their command force, moiioy,- diplomacy aud in trig.c. It docs not require a very lively im agination to conceive how, when Russia baa inado up her mind that it is necessary to come into Constantinople, she will secure her prize, TllO ICStlf-SStirrt- ill the HiimmIum nnm 1 r ttlC. whole camp is ono of a most irrepressible fretfuluoss Anything is better than to sit still rotting iu filth, dreaming vainly of homo, and watohiug deatli sowing and reaping; and according to reports tho peaceful spirit has fled from the camp, and the idea of war is again welcome. Tim .7.,,,... .1.. n.i... , ,. . . -..v .... c, ucuju Dcuevcs inatlho proposal for the simultaneous wilh.l the Russians and Enclish from the nprnldmr, hood of Constantinople is merely a Russian attempt to isolate England, who will probably reject uie proposal. j. leiegratu irom lierlm says it is stalei that "tho Emperor-William will abandon hi proposed journey to Wiesbaden in view of the possible meeting or tho congress at Berlin. Le tier frsm Mr. Tewksbnry. We recently nominated Mr. Tewksbury for we meant ro iliart-pu-t lo l.ini, hut were guided by the fact that Im had Ixeu an independent candidate for the same ihrce years ago, and that his views were mainly in accord with those of tl.H National. Of eoun-e he could have d dined I'm nomination in three lines, but the ti)l.TJj;ni .v h is nlwars U-eu liberal in giv ing space In imipeily written communications whether we iguo to the sentiments contained or not. 1 i money n lestion is not a narlv nun tion tin 1 1 .x ,ui hp made one any more than ii-. 11 1' have gret-nhick ll.'iuocrats ami Iniid money Denincrais, Inflation Demo crat" 1, ! uiiiln elion Democrats, but Democra cy 1 ot '.is"d upon the money ijuestlon, and eaMi 1 1 1 1. ii luuil hi. mm views and yet ad Iiiirc .u .un oigaiiUuiun. In dolnir this Mr It'wkshiiry acts ily. As lo private conver- sa ions with .Mr. Tjwkibury they are incor- r rtl.- h-i-mI, mid by nil usage have no place in a pi.bli.i.l.Miinal. Vte give Ins cuinuiuiilcjtlon howevtr, in full. C.itawissa, Pa. April 20tli, 1878. Jaws. Hiioccwav A Kmm.i. Sin: In our item of yesterday's Cor.UMm.iN-, in lecard to "ine aalioual licket,"you have associaled my name with the cilice of "Senate.'' I under- stand this of course to be "suggestive," anil had not ueen lor lie balance, or ast clause of the article should have il ronsidered a nun. but you say "this is an tijuitable division, because it not only gives each delegate an oniiorlunltv for office, but the place he wants." I Infer from that portion of your remarks that 1 have underscored, that you considered me a delegate 10 1 lie rinllonal Lor vention. I have seen two reports of that Convention, one In your own pa per, a paper I have taken and paid for, unless perhaiis I owe you a year's subscrintion. fur- nine years, and in the Republican, and my name was not mentioned either as a delegate or oeing present. I was not a delegate, was not present at the Convention, neither invited to be or did 1 know of the Convention, till I read of in your paper, and am not a member of the lireenhack or the so-called National narlv consider the remarks you made in ref erence to me in the ileni. uncalled for. ami a thrust 111 the house of my friends." You 'ry well know that last winter I wasapnroach ed on the street by the senior editor of the Co LuiiniAx. and solicited to be a candidate from ll.l, ..t .1 .. . . . . . nu fine ui me river ior commissioner, that l en told you that there were plenty of men ho hail all their lives been residents of the couiily while I had only been permanently here len years twenty-two fu all, and that I pre- rieii tno legislature to commissioner if the einocrals of Ihu county desired It. Yon then Id me that there were those, in llloonuLuri? mat eoiiiu give me lupporl that would not sup- .ori it ceriain outer gentleman, and so the mat ter dropped. Kline J have been Included by yuu In tho ;si0iial programme, nleaso In. form me where when and of whom vou .Jjnln eu iniorniaiioii mat warranted jou In so doing. 11 your Hem lelalliiL- lo nn. . ..,.. i 1...,., farmer, laboring man so f,lr us I am l,l and one who has all Ms life been a democrat. from being a candidate for the legUUture. all correct, I do not scare. J can not think you had any mercenary motives in the nutter and that you are laboring under a miI,hL-. my lHwItion. You know esneclallv ih nn. Ior edilor that I have always taken tho stump for the democrats in this county when invited to, and that In the llroikway Mercur cam. palgn Col. Frtiiie and myself were the onlv ones who held meetings for you that had no uiiu to he paid by yuu, I have but orce in enly one years voting to mr ikmIiIvb reml. lection, scratched a democratio lloket. though once or twice iu that time I may have given a complimentary vote to some personal friend. 1 vola for no man though he be on the state tick et, that says, "gold Ii the meanest metal Ood ever uiaue. fotwlli.landiug (he managers at llhini,..!.,,.- 1.... . ...1.. .. .. .. ..... .' . 1 0 rUJr 10 " ' ,7 T W "0U8 gt""e' , ""' ,ur wngresn. "Whatever may Le my aspirations, politically or my vitwi of lie success of parties this fall, I hold as Judge- Klwtll, hen nominated by tire grtt nbark and labor men not by you that 1 believe luere are no political grievances but that may be corrected in the democratic party, Gcnltemrn, I say to you as I said to some other gentlemen in Illoonisburg, once If I anl elected on your nomination, you must re member I am a democrat. I seek no office in the sense usually sought for but hold that if elected to an ollice, It Is the duty lo serve. One cur rency for all, be they bond-holders or plow holders. One STstem of bankinz and one kind of bank notes for all to be issued by the govern ment, be they greenbacks or graybacka is my motto. I hold as expressed by the late Judge Woodward, In the Constitutional Convention of 18.19, "I want the laboring men of this com monwealth, honcftly, promptly considerately paid tn a currency, that If they desire to wor ship God on o Sibbalh Is that Puritanic with their weeks earnings In their pockets, they can do so without fear of the bank breaking,'; and I will add If they desire on Monday to con- Vert It into inn, there should be provisions made by the government that they may thus do ilollar for dullar. I take It as no mark of dis respect when other parties than my own life long one name me for an office, but the contrary- Gentlemen, thinking to do me justice, you will please give this article as much publicity as you gave my name In yesterdays Colum bian. I am yours truly, E. M. TrwKsnciir. Qnilty of Murder. Mauch Chunk, April 20. Tho jury In the case of Chas. Sharpe, charged with compli city iu the murder of Geo. K. Smith, 011 November 10, 1803, returned a verdict this evening of murder in the first degree. This is tho same murder for which M'Donnell was convicted on the 16th Inst., the crime being 0110 of the first Mollle Magulro out rage recorded in this section. Thomas Durcin is now to bo tried for tho game of fensi, the three prisoners having originally elecled to be tried separately. "Sijgars, towbacko and ballony saw sig," is. a sign conspicuously displayed at Augus ta, Maine. A Wise Deacon. "Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family so well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have had the doc tors ruunlng to us so long." "Bro. Taylor, the nnswer is very easy. I used Hop Hitters in time and kept my family well and saved larjre doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of, it kept us all well and able tn wort' -)J me ti (.. a,i w warrant it as LttJt you mid most id theneighbors one tcjtwo hundred noitars apiece to keep sick the same time. 1 guess you 11 take my medi cino hercauer. See other column. MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMS11URO MARKET. Wheat per bushel itye - , Corn, new. oats, ' " now per nan-el s.oo i.iuvereeru ... Flaxseed . 1 nutter Kffgs 10 laiiow , , Potatoes Dried Apples UAms Sides Shoulders 1 , " Lard per pound Hay per ton 10' Beeswax TimomyBeeu tt) . .... vuui ATiunn roil coal. No. 4 on Wharf 8,00 per Ton No. 6" '..i'is.isi Blacksmith's Luton on Wharf 1 3,i " Bltaminous " 4 ui jauuiuaifjs; rOIt COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, M. W. NUSS, of Blootmburg. WILLIAM II. SNYDER, Orange towniMp, School Directors' Convention meets the 1st luesday in May. (The following persons have been proposed for uuuunauon oy me next Democratic county Conven tion to be held August 13th, 1S7S. Candidates an. nounced la this list are pledged to abide bythodo- visiuu ui me i.onveniion.j KOU BEQISTEIt AND KECOBDElt, GEORGE W. STERNER, Bloumsburij. JOHN S. MANN, CWiire towuhip. II. J. DIETTERICII, Centre towmhip. TOn PBOTlIONOTARY, DR. J. R. EVANS, Bloomtburg, I. K. MILLER, liloomtburg. J. II. MAIZE, Jildomiburg, FOB COMMISSIONER, MOSES SCIILIOHER, Beaver Towuhip, NATHAN DRIES I1ACII, Fithinycreek toicnthip. CHARLES HEICHART, Heaver townihip. FOB TBKABURRB, II. A. SWEPPENIIISER, Centre townihip, FREDERICK IIAGENliUCH, CtnOe townnhip, ISAIAH BOWER, Jicrwicl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JXECUTORS' NOTICE KSTATK Of D1NISI. UiOSNBCCU, BECXiSIll. Letters Tpcrnmfntnrv r.n .i.nA... !!.as,,i;"t'1-' WwnsiSrcSluinbUl!" . r , umcu, uavo ueeu gr.'inea by tno Iteirlster nf rid county to KrederlcE: Ilaceniiuih K ,fH! rranic 11. llagcnbucU. Ume Kldge, Eieeulors ui whom all persona Indebted iji niJ SISS .S 3SfSia lomak0J Payment, and those baving clalms or demands against tho said estate w 3 make them known to the said executors w ithout delay. KltKDKIlIUK HAdKNM'ClI, Espy FltANK II. 11AOKNUUCI1, LlmeVlJge, Exeeutors. aprll ii is swa Collins' Yoltaic Plaster Is Simply Wonderful. Kismroi, Mikk.,1 April so, 1071. ; 1 consider L'ou.isk' Voitsio rumK the best plaster I user saw, and am recom mending It to all. C, McMorkow, II en i, III, 1 April 18, 18TT. It has done my boy more eood than all other medi cines. He now (roen to school for the erst time la three earo. EuziJiNiPrmtu). COl.l.lNs,' TUI.TAIC 1'I.IKTHll I,ir.luri1 ialt,, lameness, .soreness, wtakness. UUDaliuesa. and lnrliiintiiiiiifin nf ii.. ii..- ..rT iieys,spleen, Isiwels, lladder, heart and muscles ts sSruUs a "W!r ' aact''" Bd acres Plll0U and I'ltlCB t3 CENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CWiC A . O Highest honors at allVTorlll UiVVTA n BihlDltlon. Utkst Cavil 0is and UniCPMss. with nrnr mjIi-s. reduced rlrt sail much Information sent rail. MASON A HAMI.IN oliUAN.CO., Boston, Now Tor or cm ciro. d aprll W, 1S-4W SWEET NAVY CMll Awtrdtd HiflUtf prlii tt CnUnfttit Xipftiltlon for Jt.f thtvrinf fuolilul SttS fmvtfrnM and loMtimf char Mrter if Nr.fnt at I flvorwg, Ths Sail lobtero r tnkU. At Bar blof strip trMnitrli Is clottl? IniitfttM on Ufsrlor t noSi, Ihftt Ja.l.n'l Jini la fintmrplflf. UftUbrftlldstlsA. S.ndfcrtsmfl. free. t C. A. Jicisss A Co., Mfti., lutibur, Vt- II. I'. WAItlll.i:, (leoorl At., Ihlladlpbta. aprll so, Ts 4w d OT-1 iiosK' TEMENT osKS SCItUCItElt, Overseer of Poor in account with neater township ror I tin year isri. ICDITOKS' RirORT. un. DR. To gross smt. of duplicate for year HIT. tn it To caso received from aeo. 1'atoa By exonerations allowed 5W expense of duplicate and bond 1 15 " maintenance of E. schellhammcr a pauper 62 TS " maintenance ot Mary Undermuth a pauper 1 61 " maintenance of Henry Btroolo a pauper 41 S3 " cash paid stato Hospital for keeping Jas. Harlor 176 10 " services and oxpensos of Oversfiera of roor and commission on duplicate.. 41 13 " expenses 0HI00. llaker lo 65 " expenses of conin, Ac., for Nancy Crcssy. 83 97 " expenses of Jon Wltllams a pauper 6 30 " expenses of JllssBojIe, a pauper.... 40o " cash paid Justice of Peace for orders. 1 00 " BU'lltlnu and publishing accounts.... 8 in Balance duo township .1st 80 75 00 $373 IS (373 76 Petxr KsxenT, ) .lonN lUrrtKsox, I- Auditors, .Hues t. Fox, ) ISAAC Ki.INOEKMAN and T'KTKll ECKKOTE. Su pervisors In account with Beaver township for ji-ui cumu( aiu r,u, 10,0. DIt. To am't of duplicate for 1877 t,iso " " due township from previous 3 ear. w (.'It. By exonerations allowed -lty labor on roads "teaming on roads " materlnt for roads "expense of duplicate and auditing account " paid order of Joseph Lelir " " ' Thos.J. Shuman Commission on 1151 69 , Services ot I. Kllnscrman, supervisor... 1 i'etr Hckrote Due township from Peter Eckroto " " " 1. KUngerman 1 853 46 61 IS 7S 37 7 84 74 14S !5 (1,419 PXTKB KNECIIT. ) JonN Patterson, JauisT. Fox, ) Auditors. April !0, 1878-3W T) RIDGE NOTICE. on Monday May 6, 1878, an election will be held ai mo nou se 01 j. 11. lusuer lautwissa, ior me elec tion of officers of tne CaUwlssa Brtdgo Co., for the ensuing year. QKO.S. GILBERT, Aprll 19 2w. secretary, "ORIDQE LETTING "Snoiien wooden i tiuro w rcefspan to bo uuiii. .iu Aunt, niiciuu ut i.iuiu risniHgcreex ai oy er's Qrovo, will be let at our omco on Thursday May vtn ibis, between 10 a. m. and a p. in. ltoadway is leet. Dtune woric 10 do according to plan and meas- .SILAS W. MCHENRY, ' i Com JOHN IIERNER, JOS. E. SANDR. Commissioners' offlce.Bloomsbui rs omce,Bloomsburg,Pa.,M April is. Attest: WM. KltlCKllAtjM, tflerk. apr, xo-nw OPERA HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY. Friday, April QGrh. TWO PERFORMANCES AFTERNOON AT 3, EVENINU at 8 o'clock. Doors open at .2 and 7 o'clock SYLVESTER BLEEKEK, - . Manager, 'mo ureat Original and Renowned GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, Together with the Infinitesimal MISS MINNIE WARREN. And the Skatorlal Phenomenon and Comic Genius MAJOR NEWELL, Will appear In a variety of NEW AND FASCINATING PERFORMANCES, Including the new and original Piece, entitled Everywhere received with"-" UPROARIOUS AND CONVULSIVB LAUGHTER, Jiliernoon Admiiisloii only 25 renin. Children under 10 years, 15 cents. Evininu Admission S3 and as cents. Children under 10 years, is cents. C. E. KEELE 11, Agent. LICENSE NOTICE. ,EJ-,co Is her?J?"''J Bvea that the following named persons havo Hied with the Clerk of thotourt of'8810"!3 1118 Peaceof Columbia cc?unty their petitions for license which win tu. nr.T....J nexL CCUrt n ",Vc,I't,s"lythe sth dayof May Jacob L. Glrton, Bloomsburg, Berwick Borough, Catawlssa two., Beaton, F ' Greenwood twp., John Leacock. Oeorgo W, Mauger, Jacob B. Klstler, Andrew T Ikeler, Robert Beagle, Humphrey Parker. Hiram Hess. Tavern Benton, hcott twp., John Eckrote, Johanna oconner. O. A. Jacoby, in,aLli' wronBh, L. Store Wesley Dtidlnn. Berwick borough, ;E. House W. II. nilmurn juBuiauu inp,, Bloomsburg, Catawlssa twp., Maine twp., Locust, Tavern E. House J. K. Hhawn. B. II. Yrtter. Isaiah Veager, Daniel Kehres. Tavern O.L.K.Ohti'nhititrif.i- nt nntninnA .T If i,TC"r Willi. "fi. I?' William fllffer. Bloomsburg, Berwick borough, 11 Bloomsburg, Madison twp., Montour twp , Centralla borough. 110 t ; Williams, J. II. Hovt. ' George 1. Miller, Daniel W. Hobblns, A.K.Smith, W. R. Tubbs, E. riOUSO I. bwre Tavern H. v. Brumbach, E. R. 1'riirlrpnmlllnr catawlssa twp., E. JIouso John L. Kline, Isaac Edwards. Daniel F. Curry, Aaron W. Hess, Conyngham twp., Tavern rcntralia borough, MUtun twp., vnvu 11. enuman. John W, Kile, c. 11. Deltterick, blmon Charlen. ttvp., Nuirarlofif tu Nugarloat twp.. Hemlock, Beaver twp., Scott, twp'. Centre twn . Georire v. E. House Tavern E. House Emandus Unangst, ......uu uMnei Thomas Ocrlty, "' "V.1 - Tavern E. House B. FRANK ZARR, Clerk q. 8, Clerk's Office, April 15, is. jVOTICE. Tho persons for and nn nhnu nv.,,.n ?ntnBr,RlS7.ti meri B""1 atBlcinbirg7lH tho S? , J ni'd1"1"?"1 on tbe "h day of Viareh A. nviir'n '.S .kS'i?r!aa' ,st. 18T8 at 1 r,.r.r.T. .: S.v. " UI Jun u. rreeze. attorney Icrmlne tho amount of tho capital stock thereof and issue certificates therdor? to Issue bSndS T and sS cure the same hv mniirrami r.w . .. . r .tilcto'1J'ollerbusln''l,a requisite or eknedleht to be done nurauant to ii.r nr-r Ut m. !! case made and provided. .u ouvu ISAAO EVER. Bloomsburg, Pa. April 6th, Sw Chairman. ieasurer's Sale of Unsent.-d Lands in Columbia County, Pa. BV Virtue Of SUnrirvnrra nt IK.n.H.-i . ..... of mo cuimiT,: ih v iavsrji.,s""y itrlS!, te'.ua. Mnteatid landTftho County of Uloonisbufg on tbocoSd ' " "" " lue lcwn , VTUAY F JUNE A. 1). 1878. land !iCl,,ft',15J r'W-WSaiiH nml"s!,Vheim5unf,0'uu' . yw4,'iuu,j t"e nsine irom uay to uay as the same may be found necessary. TKRMK !- s, w .as i,J1BiSn'r!i0?n'?.,.',e'l,na C0"8 rau bopildwhen ind i i?,r, vt "" KttlM may bo avoided ana tho property put up and resold. Un1K AwirrIanSSSor0' C0U'J,,,,A Tt, HIS. Aires, owners twd SiO AmesAbett Al.kM iia.v.; Taxes. lull 4 8S SO sat SSI vies tt 5 J'iWS IS BO ) lit 1 403 lis 3 SO 5 64 4 40 143 ItiS 013 a 40 13 IS 11 en S4II sei 4(13 43 IM 1 tl 1 3S lit ITS l et sit fib4 sw S3. Brockwayou . . nn a lots Beaver Jesso ........ do J. d. d0 Charles do 11 iln llnviiv'i. u 8 do llarnpR n if' , 3 do Butt a: ITnirer 1 soo Columbia coal t iron co do " do do do do -w iiu (to no 3so do do do "9. do do do lint Carrow Morris, 1 do do do - ado Charles Simon Jr...,,, iBuaurst vtu,,,,, Kryutsj w,, 1IA Vr rrick BP.., a lots Flanagan A 8 do Frv h w Sua draff John.... . a llln flnrt,nr, II, M a lioaujolm Br..'.".'.',:; do o Hauck Jonathan..,,,., do J Illnderllter Jacob (8, do a lloaist'hasi John,., do a lots Harner t Chester..!;',', do iiuutnmi jt do HunlK O.... ......... do lludly Jobeph ., (0 HarnerA Chester do Kesler Frank do Klein A do LarencaW K ,,. ao Lewis Krsnk do UngenbcrgerNath..,, flu Morris Haniel.,,.. oo Mann & mat,,,.., J. ., Ha STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CONTINUE THE! 11 OFFERINGS Oi' DRESS GOODS ! Tlio nilvnnttigcs secured by and direct imnortiitiona nro seen selling roliiiblc dry goods. AVe offer, in thii SILK DEPARTMENT, Kxlra Plain Color Ureas Mlk MC, S5c., II ai Jl-lnch tiros Grain "Ilk, tins stripe "Ilka. Colored and Il'aek, r.ix! stripe silks, mark and Whits, mc strlpo suns, mark ami trhlie. SV3 strlpo silks, strlpos and Checks eio stripe silks, stripes and Chcks, tsc stripe silks, NewOombinatlon sirlpes caecks, ma All-Silk DsmassA In Evening ShVes, 60c Extra Heavy Black Damasw, lormerly, to, now (I 83, i so IN THE HOSIERY DEl'AR r.M EXT, Ladles' Extra llalbrlggan lloso, wen wnrtn wic. Ladles' Strlned Hose. Full regular made, wnite ana urown nose, Double hurls and lors. mIm 1 Extra English UalMlose, l'ialn colored Halt-Hose, Striped UalMlose, r un remnar mane. In Misses' and Hoys' llosn wooITerthe best assort mcnt in Philadelphia, IN TIIK LAWN DEPARTMENT, Linen Lawns, is0 Linen iJtwns, bttor grades, a", sa, aoc Corded Jaconet Ijiwns, $u0 fixford Cheviot shirtings, so. 81, 8IKO Zephyr and Madras kress Olnghams. LAHins MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, Tlio most complcto stock rer shown la Philadel phia, comprising every variety of plain and hand somely trimmed under garments, ut ery moderate Pncc3, We have but one price for goods whether purchased at I ho coun ters or sent by mail or express. Distant consumers who do their shop ping through our Mail Order Department, fecuro their supplies at tho same low prices which characterize our house among Philadelphia residents. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, N. W. cor. Eighth aud Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. 1W 140 3 3 f 0 isoyrr tied Mingesser (leo I'rout Stephen I'llco Clarence Patterson .1 f ItutliiutT Sam Aiu .. " Samuel.,.. .1 Miller .Id do do do do du do do do do du do do do do do do do tlo du du do do tlu 21 70 11 31 1 22 4 40 4 03 3 21 1 2J 21 s; 210 114 13 23 14 83 18 20 tt 40 3 73 5 73 4 03 S3C9 2hO 94 2 42 1 C'i 2 70 0 4U 8 911 3 31 13331) 32 4 32 411 2 23 !1S7 2 42 10 SO 9 40 34 i) Stewart Wm shuman John .,, a lots smith I w 3 shlckJJ 6 " seutt Peter shuman S'L , Ttlson George . . U1H1U It II , 39 MX US MV SS60 400 4110 13 0 " 3 " HI 4S e III du du do do Y est Buck Mt c & I Co Wumeldorf LetevertCo Wetel n S Wuo.l Augustus .... Christ man tiu Pennington Jest,e It., Smith Hannah l lot Patks Amos ....Berwick ..BilarcreiK X0fsiwppiu 1-aul 38 S3 Bowman Brlttatn w.a J est.. Bryan Guy,.'. wayriiiiw.:... Freas Wm L.-.v .... Hcadlry h Pest.... Klsner Jotiu hunkle Johi , 1'arkersou John ; Pealersam.1 , lteecer A brum ....... sutler Samuel a stackhouso Joseph.., S10 soli UI S18 ISO coo a 21 tl 100 soo 100 100 321 900 I 11 22 3 KS 7 70 3 ss 1 03 5 30 14 73 90 2 91 64 10O " ., 13 ' ( 4 tracts Shaffer David " " " Catawlssa " " " " " " " " " ' 10 Stacklintike A- Hi-llir 14 M 11 is mo l o it C9 ma us 83 so 1 lot Shaffer John Brobst .Is Clswell Joseph " Jacob I'.'..!! Kramer Chrlitlanna. .. shuman lleuben........ Thomas ltuth Ann ... " Abel W eaver Ellas Crane Michael Centralla 7 70 1 iuue uwi-n 13 ' II " 1 " 1 ' 12 " 1 " 2 " 3 " Collins Peter K " Cleaver Wellington " Dougherty Michael " Foley Mary Ann " (laughen Martin " Howell Thomas Hamon Mlcliael tianley Jnoo lloagland WmM Holmes Thomas Hughes Jno J .i Kline Iirinbold Keller widow Keller Itlch J P & Alvsurrla'.' " Langon Pat Lehigh Mahanoy H n Co " Marks Uojd " jeo..,. Maehen Thomas McKlnney Oltas Mcllugh James t Moore John Mclireaily Mrs ' " Parks i, ((UlnnPat " " swet & tarry vanliuren Mrs s E " unllurtn h K ii Vlltiick Pied Adams Enos cent Allabach Sam.......... l"nre Conner John Y ' " Ieo ''' .1 PrltiWmest flood Jacob n Hoffman Wm est llagenbucb Wm Hcnrle Joseph ltambach Daniel nrn"i!SV."cob Conyngham 70 so 14 94 8 011 80 15 40 S09 681 2 20 4 60 1 S3 22 47 23 7H S09 9 01 15 OS 1861 4 29 754 B09 41 99 SO 8 03 7 4S 8 SO 12 73 A 61 S3 30 4 29 7 2d 99 1 39 2 00 79 39 341 1 40 48 911 2 79 5 23 12 " 1 " 22 S 14 21 7 3 34 IS 1 lot I 429 430 lieamjosnua Brovrn Nathaniel,., , Burt Andrew , Breslln Bernard Cook Catherine " David Calahaullan LunauiH, uutua t t DalsJnoK George Jerry Gallagher Prank Hubtou Jno Iionebach Kd , Jojce Peter JoneaKvanT Kline Jno Kline Jno L Kltngeiman Pred Kaehelrlea t.'eo Undermuth Geo D Mctiuiro Terence Morrison James Marrs Morris Marr IIS McMauamon Peter SMSS 49S 15 11 45 S 87 9 19 1 " 1 " 1 " 2 " 2 " , 1 " S3 48 1 1 112 Cll-0 1 71 4 19 2 79 160 8 24 2 79 10 SO 1 44 1S7I 124 ,89 91 23 45 2 90 2 16 2 23 2 23 1 1 1 400 231 1 2 1 1 1 a; t 2 1 1 1 1 0 Murphey Anthony HUhard " 'Ihcw Jordan llobt Tract. ... ., Porter Andiew Walker Lewis.., ,.. Huston Thos , .', ,7.7,'.'.'. . " Mary hUely Matthew Trelsbach Ijwh Trlen Jacob Yocum Prank,'.. Yuung John : . Hre&lierJuhn Duty PealerfiMswart. 2 2J 6.14 63 639 SI) 704 SO 2S3 mill 9 74 no 5 06 108 07 9 23 sso 1 2 IC9 66 49 3142 3 42 254 64 10O 401 so PUhingcrfek 160 4 87 716 2uo 10 34 200 2 19 920 23 00 1103 A llll 920 6 44 2 73 230 1 96 1656 si; sorcefiCraufnnt. . llM HldoJolin 200 Hoffman Vr.i WO Hulme Wm . 99 Harrison larlus 4 25.26 Kramer Win.. 200 KlndtJolinfiCo...,. iu U-mun Thomas si Mcllenry Ii s; u 11 63 Ed est w to ... 15 Prestfin Slforrt. . . . 850 Pealer fi Duly fi Stewart 60 pealer Doty , 67 neuter Welllnuton 60 Hower Moses.?.. ..;... 3 44 70S 19 99 85 65 27 00 9U6 210 40 80 1 20 1 90 25 0 21 4 98 7 47 2 49 660 1 93 4 9S a 14 814 436 620 3120 SSO lis U franklin Albcrtson A.c. fi Batlly... Greenwood Lss Berry James Est..,. do do do . iu.s "-ni,ieucurEe...,w, lOEveaParvIn Jr ..;""; in. diarjr ,t OMUfL-raiBMcKelrc tlo do do do do Htinlock do du do do du do do do do du Jackson do tio aa 11 lots lller Isaac....... T...'.'.'.' aiaatera t llllsln..,,m...., l'arker II A- vu.. 23 Barton Newton so CampbeU L K. .I.IT..'" usEmmlttA J..... 10 Evans a J "1" . 78 HarrlsJacobcst... .T I Itey William " - to Ntal fi Purtell.. .'" ' " 20 Purseli Isauo II 20 Syhestcr... a v. omnuer I'eu-r srM. J8 Whlteulght George r. . 60 Prick Geo a. .. ' " 1 " v... ....... ....m. lwiiets Benjaminr.... Exclusively Cash Purchases in tlio low prices ut which wc uro IN TIIR I) It ESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, "tjlHi ultings, 10 and 1!o lraca s, half-wool, tin -oft NVn-iH'asli'n' res, loo Fancy Saltings, ISands s: Botany VihiI suitings, extra value, sso .Mohair (ilace, no Mohair Melange (ex. qua! ) 810 British iiourcttcs and Ntlgeuse, S5, 81, 2tif and aoo All-vflrl lliirn, sso AII-wtVpI sttrlpo Bctgi, S2C French lio irrtt". and S'elgeus", CO, 5s. esv. I5c and iipivnrds Buntings and ucn nuattntrs lu eve y sh id-T and ii-ittllty 49-lnoh. Summer H'efgtit camel's Hair, , . M,vf, II, 1.M, f l.ST'tf Prusseis silk, too Ml-wool TilfTetns, 400 llegulnr prl 'o "C. Ml-w-nl sriiiTt. so lli-d i-e ' f vm slbc All.wool Mat I s.. Ilr-lg . jjic ltwiliuv.1 rrnm ,-iOC silk and Woni p mgi-o. 600 Ni'vi-r liWori sold f ir less I hsn tr.c 43-lnrit iiourelte Bunting (llk and wo I), tl. Cashin-r llcl, SI, , ti nnd 4S In. wide, In all similes a n q-ialltles. 3o 390 Ua snc sin HoC Iil.AfK' liKItNAVIE-' AND (iltEN D u-i SCH3Cltl allfntl nt tslnvl e 1 1 1 .ur -hi inirtnilon of theso gouds, compiling u l.iig i' i.'illful and exclusive st h-s uot toheiuu il i-tu. eln this country. Also, GOO PIECES 11LACK GRENADINES. Late ly pitrelusi"! for cish at far leas than coM,and among which win tie round manv bargains. Prices of tno latterlraniro Irom 'ijc. to f 23 Iz-wls Daniel ...m 4 Miller Chas W 238 Miner s Mojhard 2l 21 tle.ivcr Oeo .1 L Ullne..., 2isi Bllllngton Thomas so ewal George 40 Fisher John 93 Hughes Wright ill KWier Ilichard los Kline J LAO Hupp 4 U-van saMila 2uo Mjera Msry ion Huston Thomas 190 lieese Daniel 2(ki Kusion ary 200 Huston Charlotto 200 Kejnolds .Mhn . 20 Bi-ch el Jacob 800 Krtczc John o 60 Masters n W V4 Brock way & Ent I Wm. T. shuman 2innfiir itioo 230 D-walt Philip loo nos'er Jacob oo Mann n P 4 Masteller Joseph,..., 239 -human lleuben 4"3 -Hainan w t lie Vetti-r Panlel est list better Issac loo Slam z i 'nristlan .. 5 Ait-n Jolin .. (.9 lllltenbender Mary 61 creasy Henri 7 Dumbach Maml 07 Mess Prlscllla 75 Hess i. n , ;.,-iiKt,. ,i x ........... 1 Klkendall N 2'K) Keller .luhn 10 MensCh Kmnllnn do 79 do 94 do 21 69 do IS 70 Locust 1 61 111) 10 64 do 6 05 do 4 09 do 22 83 do 2 40 do 9 80 do I 01 do 8 06 do 4 4 do 8 06 do 8 00 du 8 OS du 8 06 Madison 30 do 20 o do 1 65 Main 4 73 do 66 do 1 .6 do 7 47 du 6 70 CO 3 20 tlo M do 9 S3 do 13 15 do it 6 do 3 28 du a rs Minim 7s tlO 4 87 do r. 69 do 2 7. 2 72 IIO 2 91 do 4 411 .. do 40 d) 7 so . do 92 do 7 so tlo 1 ss do 4 CK do 3 91 do a st do I 71 do 9 72 do ! 3 Montour 7 28 do 4 81 do 7 48 . do 6 311 do 3 90 do 9 . do 3 to Mt. pleasant 1 92 do 86 do 12 du 3 67 do 4 17 do 1 60 do 32 90 . do 90 Ornngo t do imi 00 6 01 do 6 40 do 4 511 tlo o oi do 4 07 do 2 5i do s 62 Pino 88 do 3 80 do 3 07 do :3 do 1919 ro a 85 do 10 tiB do 1 81 do 81 do 070 11 1 SI 81 do 10 7 ,. . "S Hoarlngcreek 2 w UO 161 do 6 21 do scs do i 73 do it io do 13 05 do 174 tlO 4 35 do 13 do s it do 6 9 do 1 78 do - 89 do 1 96 do sa do 4 85 do 1 31 do 1 74 do 2 61 do 2 94 do 917 do 1 74 do 43 Scott 2 92 do 22 do 60 Sugarloaf 8f 10 do 19 65 do 87 so do 8160 do IB 911 du 9 37 3 W. Iff, a 80 do 18 w do tVJi do 10 8U do 2 61 do 8 69 S3 3 sa 7 03 m 11 sa 3 94 9 S8 aim too Nungrsser Geo '5 I'onebt'cker & Myer., las Schwcppenhlser I K 8 SA SO "bo 8 4 Swank s il Horace...., 07 v. ohe Jacob est 15 Voh Henry "" 56 Clark Andrew... 37 .. 6 Clark Mary.. .' isdlgi r John est . 10 Grove Bros 'i Itlshel Jonathan sr 2s Itamsoy's ost 0-7 60 Beaglo John H Klslier Jacob... 6 Mason o SMcllckJohn coMellck Henry W.. 12 Miller Andrew II M Waller IU io Hlison Julia SfretelingKam .. 12 DUdlno Abram. " 2U Kvcret Moses . MKveret Gabriel 20 Kline sbram '8 Kllno a J 61 4 S9 DO 21 2 24 2 SS 3 84 4 40 IU 8S4 2 42 U84 C40 S4 fi IU 3SO 84 Itlnk J P... 84 Snyder wm. 80 coic Wm it ,0,' -"''amberlin Hannah."'.'.-"."."!! 1 lot Davis Thomas est " Doan George... 350 Prick Geo A est..."" ...'! 60 sunston Jno A-. iou Prick L.ggot co .::.. ....'.'." 16 (Jordner Henry sr . :'ot, ""'h syuesterp " loo Jacoby o a 60 Khno fi Patterson";;""""""" so Warner Margaret I' SI ?.0UI1B "am ".." ..' . 60 Barnes Thomas...... 40vj Brelsch Jacob '" 1(13 .. 80 Beaver Geo fi J iV 'kiin'o 18 Dllllpiane KzeMeL. . joe Prick & shumak ... ;;:z:"' 2M Heffrou Samuel. ..;"..... loo jiuston Joan part of.'.'.'.'"' 7 llolfstem Israel... " 41 Utile Hobert.! lJJMoiTLs fi Hushes... 'IT.".",'."' I .. loo Wellington WmS".""'."',"". 40liobhj Miller..."" oo . .1 " is skate Henry 60 Trlen Jacob " 42Yocum Ellla 24 " ii 2 Purseli John - 1 lotschug peter est...'.' "" " Turner.lohn 200BuckalewJame8est Mcolo Kzekiel .... 40o Dochler Chas.... "" 187 Gross Nathaniel..' 200 Gray Hubert .. ifl Martina.. 1 6S vf 119 ii . X Of 111 " " 1 23 , 75 Labacll S.m ltnl, 800 Montgomery Ilobt !. 15 Stephens um n, " " 6Vaple Henry , 18 ouug she , Treasuier's Sale of Seated Lands in Columbia county Also the following lots, pieces and parcels'! seat ed lands, returned by the tax collectors, aro tnbo sold at the same time, under tho provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled - An act relating to the sale of lands for taxes In Columbia county." approv cl March 6th, 160S. " "H"ov Acres. Warrantee or owner. 27 Crouse Stephen 1 shrlver Hnu-y '"' 27 Benjamin 8 J 7o ..;;;;" bo Conner Catharine .'..'.7"" 13 " Mathlaa. .,.. "" I lots MclHnry ius8el 15 Masters Panln llMcNeal Abram 33 Mulligan Susan . 16 Doty Pealer. 128 Hawk J v .. .., " 49 Hughes K W .Tl.JZ"" s Keener Maria ..... Hot Andrews Harriet 1.'. " Kline Susan........ M Prentis Nancy " s lota Purseli E B. .... ' ' I I t Thomas Jno "" 6 lots Waller Norman lacn-ArnotNoah 1 li.l James John 21tsPrt'asAnd'ewa est '.'" 1 aero Klkendall fi creasy '" 1 lotsBrennan Jacob... .. "" Tax. 1 89 1 20 314 8 53 too II 17 ISO 22 00 1 94 860 10 SS 1942 9-2-I 810 304 SSO 2 91 S3 24 8 S-i 17 Iff 300 2 50 45 7 810 61 40 140 210 1911 4U1 19 80 1146 19 41 C CO 1 sit 1 15 3 20 9 6 37 896 2 SS lf2 1140 6 81 tea 50 8 44 1 III ISO. Beaver do Benton do do do o do do do Brlarcreek do do do Blu IIQ do do' du do do ... Catawlssa Centralis Centre do Conyngham do do tlo do do do do tlo du do du Green it ood llemloi k it Jackson jnrguen l'eter...... Crane Hominlck- UvelloM M. ..,... Winn Dennis.... . KnltUe Jonatnan....r Burk John Mrs.. S.7.7 Culp Philip Mra.... Duvlaon Datld.....' Kreamer A Morgan William,,,..." Brown Pred ........ Hummel Jark- 6 acres r liner William...... ' 16 fallen Uaac eal., . 16 " Horn Wm.......... 1 lot Ellis WmA AlBdlSOU do Mliuin 20 acrea W Iniersteen John I lot lifer Wm Mt Pleasant Hldeley George."".""""'" Dawson llanuah ."""" 66 12 2S tirange I'lue du do Young David Gieeuly Ilichard estT". 28 " waits Jno W.. ""'""" 1 lt,t ttl-tta U II "'-- du W,.''JLtsi,"..-l:i" do" 1 89 to Kteler uill.?.lZ"i;y-'