THE COLUMBIAN, COIUMDU DIXOCIUT, ItK OF TU NORTn AKD COLOM BIA CO1S0LIDATSI1.) Issued weekly, orcry Krlday rooming, at IILOOMSIIUKII, (JOLUSIUIA COUNT? l'A. two dolum per year, payabio In advance, or tiling Uinyeur. Attrtho oxplratlonot thoiear .M) will bo charged. To sutmorltxTs out nt (ho Bounty the terms aro fl per ear, strictly In advance! -tl st If not paid In advance and f 3.0) II iiaymcnt ho delayed bi'Ynml I lie year, Nn paper discontinued, except at the option of tlm publtlsliers, until all airearagei aro paid, but loin; continued credits after tho oxplratlin of the llrat RATES OF ADVERTISING. rlci, nnntir4l Twolncliis . 'llireo Inches Kotir Inches , ouartrr Column... in. sx, . m. U.i" I"" . a.oo 4.IU . "' 4 .HI 4. Ml 7M tv. . rum T.en mx) ';" . e.uo s.oo H'.w '"' 1. 10 totiO VtoO to 1 Halt column. .10.0.1 HUM 16.00 one column SLOT . w.wi i'. Yearly advertisements Pn'unrtnly Jrt a alehliidreittscinehlalnullpnldforljctonlnsitii.Q except where parties bate accounts. Ipulndii rtl-cinenlatwodo 't,rlnf!;,i',V,r!,I Inn-rumis. Hint nt that rate forartillllonalliiscrtluin inIUioui icferencc lo If nglii. aiecntor',Ainlnl.trator' and Auditors notice" three Uollois. .Must be paid for when Inserted, Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alliio regular advertisement hnll rales. Cards In the "tluslncss Directory" column, oi.e dollar per year for each line, year will not bo Riven All:papen,si'iit( out of the Ntnl o or to distant post offices must bo bo paid tor In advance, unless a rcsnmi. slble person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho uhscrtntlon duo on demand. posTAim li no longer exacted from subsrrlberaln the county, job FS,i3sro?i3sra-. Tuo.Tobblr.if Deparlmentof thoCoit'MBiAHlsrery eoniplete, and our J li Printing will compare favora bly with that of the large cllles. All work done on demand, neatly and at moderate prices. 0. E, ELWELL, E1orf ana Proprietor. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY , APRIL 26. 1878. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XTI, NO. 1C UULUMl!IAUKMUUllATVULJlMlt ISU. t BLOOMSDUUO MKECTOUY. ORDERS, I C CHOOFi O neatly bound In small books, on hand lilnnk, just printed and ill hooks, on hnnrl ntirl or snio at mo Columbian umco. P tors LANK DEED, on Parchment and Linen Paper, common and for Admlnlsi ralore, Kxocu- ra and trustees, tor sale cheap at the Coi.lunux once. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES (imprinted andforsaloat theCoLUMsiAH (mice. Mlnls crjut the (lospl and Justices should supply them selves with theso necessary ni tick's. JUSTICES nnil Onmt.iMes' Fee-Hills for sale nt tho Columbian oniee. They contain t ho cor rected fees as established by the fast Act of the ituroupon the subject. Every JustlcoandCon s tablo ntiould have oue. yM. L. EYEELY, ATTU11NKY-AT-LAW, Catawlasa, Fa. collections nron.Dtlv tnada and rmttt,i nm onposlte Catawlssa Deposit Rank. Im-SS "VrENDUE NOTES jnt printed and for sale 1 cn cheap at tho Columbian otllcc. OI.OCKS,, AC. f E. SAVAGE. Dealer In Clocks Watches j , and Jewelry, Main at., Just below the Central Am. L, XAtB. JNO. K. ILYMIXR, CHAi. B. IDWABD3. WM. R. HAGENI1UCU,' WITH Kntilt, l i jinlrr Jt KiUvarl, (Successors to llenf diet Dorsevt p.inArt-rt street. importers and dealers In ;hina, glass and qukexswahe, P23 .Market Street, I-hlladelphla. onf tartly cn hard Orlrlnal and Assorted Packacrs junerj, -u-iy I'llOKESSIONAt, CAIIU Oi G. 11AUKLEY, Attornev-nt-Lnw, Ollicc lu Ilrower's building, 2uils:ory, Kiooh 4 & s. wH. WM. M. l!i:ilEl!,SurKeon and l'hvsi- clau. umco s. u. corner nock andJIaiket eueets. T H. EVANS, M. I)., Surgeon nnd I'hysi I . clan. (Onico and neildciico on Third btrcct, comer Jeff crton. T It. McKELVY, M. i)., Surgeon nnd 1'liv J . elclau, north sldo Jtaln street, tx-low .Market. J. ItOIllSON, Attoniey-at-Law. nn street. In llartman's building, Mali Offic P.BV.O. K. CANFIELD(A.MPrincipal. If j ou want to patronlio a FIHbT CLASS SCHOOL, WHEHU 11UA11I) AND TUITION AllE LOW, gtve us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY. Al'lUL 15, 1S7S For Information or cataloguo apply to THE I'HINCIPAI., July 27, 7"-1y OranBevUJe, l'a. H KOSENSTOCK, Photographer. , Clark e Wolf's Store, Main Hi eet. JIItCELIANEOUS. D AVID LOWENHEUO, Merchant Tailor Mam Nt., above central Hotel. S. KUHN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc. . Centrostiect, between Secondand Third. IiUSINEfeS CAltDS. E. WALLKH, Attorneyat-Law. Increa:e c Fcnsicn: dtalccd, Colleetlcns aacle. onicc, Second door from 1st National Bank. HLOOMSUUHQ, l'A. Jan. 11, 1378 kit. J. C. ItUTTEH, D1 VIiySICIAN K SUIiaEON, omcc, North Market street, Mar.!7,'74 llloomsburs, ra. s AMUEL KNOIin. A T T O P. N K Y-A T-L A W, ULOO.MSllUlta, PA. Ofllce, llartman's Wool:, corner Main and Market N T U. VUNK, Attoi noyat-Lnw, Incicato of l'cnsious Obtained, Collections Made. I1I.00MS11U110, PA. omce In Columbian Hell iuno. It. 1. L. KAMI, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposite rptacopal Church, Blooms. burtr. l'a. tf Teeth extracted without pain. qug84. '77-l. gltOCKWAY & ELWELL, A T TO 11 E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian lluii.oiNO.llloomsburc l'a. vemhern of tho United States Ijiw Association, collections mado In any part of America or EuroiK) c. 1 It. A W.J.HUCKALKW, ATTOHNKYS-AT-IAW, llloomsl'iirR, l'a. onico on Main btrcet, nrst doorbclowCourtllouso 0ATAW1SSA. YourNamo and Address and In return we will Ftnd ou Preo of Exptise Tostage paid, a copy of our 11EAUTIFUI. P.OOK OP POEMS, enlltled 'Moses, Tho Grettt Law Giver," a rnlleetlon of l'rcms lliuitratlnir Hie Mfe tf Moses belnir scleellons from Mrs. llemnns, t ullen Bry ant and othir Celebrated authors. L'eautltully Illus trated US 1IKCE1PT OF TWEN1Y-1IVK CENTS to pay expenses of mailing, Ac , wo w 111 send you a ClloICK PAIIlof Knurnvinw-s, otle r Ihoold Maatprs., Address NATIONAL lll lli:.M' OK KKtllt VIN(I, t.Vl I 'I no Mnel, l'hllAdelphlu. $45 auijp IT, PiitMiirw wtTPir ivii ririiY "lemlIllp.,'e, wHiicverrorilff. 6wt U Irto. J..t.U)llrU&(tott,ikRKo, 111. T-iy it fr u PATENTS! Oi'angiivillc Academy. obtain Prt for IliillU'rtl (!- luotllcal nr tithf r rnm. tiouiulp, (-rimiiK'iitul dsttrti, Irndo innrket(Hticl la bels. JHcnt, AnslcntiipniM. lnt ifprtniTs. Apiifixts, BUlt fur Infrtrnzi mnts, nnd all viu-v nttMnv unlcr thulMTl'.NT I.AWH. tiron.ptt nttrnttto, Inventions That ?tnvc Seen OIj1 I l?( rV? I 1 ' illt l'attnt (iRK-omay . J I'iW IIjV I 111 I ysillltn inuwt rnstP. Ik wit. I entetl nv U-. Htlntr opptHt' thnwitpno otti-v, we I can malcoclORe fearclien. nnrt rwiht jiatpnui mcro aro remote from Wfttliington. INVENTORS rrr rt ti8 n mrdrl or f-krtchof .our delcf i make pxtunlnatlur. irtr oi ctiti:c,aii(l mUlse nstn atciit- I'rlcrglowaDdNO CUAliUK VNLKsS l'.UKNT IS pj-l l nr it, W'p ietvr to crtlcLit In tlip I'alent onicc, toourcll ruts in ecry Hute (rilin I Lion, itrid tunur m im : tor nnd lippret tntntlve In Ccr.rns?. bptUul rcfer i eiiccs fflvtn itu tleblrtil, Afldnw aprll Z, T7-tt VEGETINE Will CtlllK ltllKUJIATlSJI. Mr. At.BKRT Chookeh. thft wpll-known druptrtst very uno truubk'it wltn Kheumatlstn totrvVeiro- Ucnri IIIN Mnl anient. tl HtriYlM.K, At. Oct. 12, 1876. Mr. H. If. HoTonM tli1 .r 1r -Klrlnon rr ntrn luit full T viq tnlrpn U-i uith rhumatlun hii1 was unable to move until th i et aprll, Krom "lnt tlmounlll threoyt-ars iiro this f iU I iifTcreil fvcrUhini wit liriir-nmatlsni. Hoiimtlm(ji thf rt) wonM ImwuKh at a Hint- that! P'liil noi siHp onortt'p Ih'so attacks wcroquto oft'ii. I Minvieil pver I hi n if a man could, over Wit 'o vntn hk) last spring I pnmmcntvtl taktnif Vttf tl"i ami ffillowcd it mp until Iliad hovcii Ixit tl(Mj iinve no rheumatism NlncMial time. I nlwuys ftflvtsn fVi rv oiin w lio Is (rouMpd wltu rlieumatlm To t--v Vt'jMti mnl not ru tT r for ,erirans I hne don" 'tins ! ilcmcnt Is umtultous as rar an .Mr. u U oun.'crncd. 1 ours, lc. AtltKHT CltnoKEH. , ImictflstH nnd Apotlirca- Mr. tl, K, SWENM tack of wliomvne I'ouuli.' was left in a foible utatp of l.tMlth. Ilcin advHcil liyatrlend Bhotrledthe vopctlnf, atid atir usln a few uottles waj luuy re storcil to llrMltll. I lme in-cn a preat RnfTt'rerrrom Ithcumatlsm. I liaVffilif 'nsireratliottlesof tlio V. upline for this I'omiujmiiUii'i hih nappv io my n. iiaspimrriv tureu nif. I lmo rt'comtnendod tho Vepettne tjj otheis wlthlhp ootl rcsutls. Hlsa (Treat Heanser .mo juirnicr "rincuioou; u lspieasaiu fill, i-iii'uiiuiiy rucumuit-'iiu it, HIGHEST AWARDS (Ynlrnntnl j:xlilbItlon. J, REYNOLDS & SON,, NORTHWEST COKNEK Thirteenth nnil Filbert StH. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTCKBKS OF TATINTIB WlOlM-IrOD Air-fiM HeatDTs With SliiiUlnir nml t'llnkrr-Cirlnillnfr (.mtrror It ii ml n k Aiilhrnrlti or Hiiuimi vnn loni CENTENNIAXj WR0UGET-1R0N HEATERS. FOIt BITUMINOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking: Ranges, Iiow-dewn Orates, Sic Ac. Descrlptlro circulars bknt mi to any address. EXAMINE I1EFORE SELECTING. AriU J, 17-ly a is Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. PIANOS AND OlUJANSrrEf,'?; UIIEAT IlKnroiION to close out ourrrchcnt Hork I Of T()0 Ni'ir nutl Scrotiil.Iluiid Instrument, Of FIVK HIIST-CLARS MAKKKt jni.Y WABKAVTV D fllld at prlcesthat IMII'V CO.ill'KTITIO.N ion Tititti.ARs I OF ISRTKt'MKNTS. AUKNT WANTIII) for WAT i:it' M'l'F.Kioit nr.M. oi;i; .s ami im AN(K 1 1.1 rftTKATKU CATALOGCIM MA1IKI). I lit IE ACX WATi:itS V M1W, 1M AhUA FACTt.'1'.tlU AND Dealehs, 40, Last 14th ftrcer. .New ork. Alto I lieueral amenta for Miouliiaer Li'lriiratrd I'rr- inluui Orimns. d man li 2P, ,7Mw M. C. SLOAN & BRO., Sure Rewardi ti viuaii 'I'O iV FOtt .1 E'VILIJ US' WO SIO MIL ACRE, itcech nnil i1liiilo I. anil In .Ulclil gan In llr Iilillluii Acrti (.rant ol'tlic ;iiinil ISiijiIiIn anil In diana Itallroiiil Cnnipany. TITLE PERFECT. Stroll pr Mill sure crops p'rnlyol tlmbcr-uo druiiKlit-im ehlncli bugs no hopiier"." RCMNIKU fcTKKAMS Pl'BH WATKR llr.AUT .AliliKCTS SCHOOLS J'AILKOAU CUll rl.ll 1 EU 11IHUIUU 111b CBNTRk or the Grant. Sciul lor pamiihliitjiHyiVi or German Addresa W. II. HlllllAltT, T.AND COMMISSIONEB, QHAND nAPlDS.MICll, aprll 1, 117S-2SW d TIT t TA Anollier Pallle on llinil Ann I M 'l A ( Iimiicks U'AHntih Monoi-.U Mil A IN nti.Turonruprt. see iteaitv's latf frt Newnai-rr for lull reply bknt mn. Peroro buying IMAM! or OKIiAN read ray latest circular, ne.mj-8 ceieur.; I ivrt IMannft nnrt Onram. twamuul Instrumelit I Chat I leotre comparison I iinala aio Jealous of my fuc cesst Most aucnssful house In America I lorn. mencca a low years ao " uiioui a mmm, iMin-n u.. Fiua i. .9 (inn nnil nnnlnillv Loivt st til ken ever, iriv- en, efecant KoscMood Pianos 13.i lcnopciiureli Wi I) urtraa, sua. ireuieuuuui ui- iv i i A It calna now reody. Ad.Ire.-B 1). A IV BEa'H v.VaahlDKton.New Jer-tey. lonuksaii-f- ; Ibat Miiilunl'H llii.llinl I are lor Catarrh win not InMantly relieve and ariredlly euie. KeicKuus, Hcnis Weils, If (p. flls, laito : i o., An ion, N, Y.I Mil, 1U.KU1, ti , Mc st hj r llfllton, uraui j.ou. .-i. (PC A TeallinonUls and mallse l.v ma I. IrSill I nice. ltUlinpioudlnlialerl so 1 tljrlV Vveriwlieic. 'wEKKsi 1'uHKlt, Proprietors, lioiton, Mass. aprll 12, 18IS-4W d ,'lrni of A, I'rooker A l'a HI'S. VEGETINE tint i:titlirl JJOTON, Oct., 1970. to take and JAMES MOUSE, 3C4 Athccl slrcet, lUiv ncitlsm In ii UlseaMcor tho IIKioil. Tho Mnoil. In tul disease, H found to contain nn of tlbtln. VcpHlnc wets by ronvcrtlnjf the 1 x)d from M dlseftM-d condition to a liealtliy tlrcu- lit Ion. VcffHIne refill tos tho bowels which Is very lmportnnt In this complaint. One bottle of Vecetlne will plve relief, but to effect a permanent cure It must no tnKpn repumny, ana may tiKe several int tl's, opeclallv In casns of long staiKlln?. Vecetlne 1h sold by all druueME. Try lr. and jour verdict 111 butliu samo as that of Ih-mvands befureyou, whosnv,'! never found ho much relief as from the use of Vegetluo," which U composed exclusively of barks, routs and herbs. VEG-BTINE ffl n POtfen rJimWan. "lia no riil nn Mood punner. Iieartnir nf (in many wii.i"ettuieirt il..n.rrM (Ilea had t ailed, I ,UillC'; ,n'i;crf; lory, tuid i-uiiilliced im wll ill its ieinlie men' It is prepared rrom onrMi, nium. mm ivrus. n i-. wh-eii i hMdv effective nn1 they are fomnouiided In aueh a manner as to produce asti alshing re sults." Poetical. THE MlVKIt'S C110ICK. BT HART AIKOI DI TIKI. "Mere arc ros.s, red and white.'' "Thanks, dear, no. Nature paints ttieni alt too bright." "Is It so? "Well, then, take this lll)'s face." 1 Chill It seems. From Its ealm and stalely praco Coldness gleams." ' Look Uuo violets, J ou said 1 hey wero sweet I" Ilcst their sneitness Bcemcth shed At our feet." "Heliotrope, the dearest flower on the earth I" "Nay, U fades before an hour, IJttle worth 1" "Ileart's-ease that youll surely keep I" "It )ou might Lay It on my spirit, deep Out of sight I" "So I cannot pleaso your sense ; You Implore One fair gift to carry hence, one no iriore t "Yet each choicest bud I bring, You refuse I" "Sweet, from out their blooming Let me choose. "Kneeling Ilk. love's humblest slave, Do not start I Can you guess which flower I crave Now, sweetheart t" VEGETINE xothiiiR i:i"i to it. Socth Sai-km, Mass., Nov. H, ISio. Hour .lrl lmn heen troubled W 1th MTOf Ulft, Call' kernml liver Complaint for threo jears. Ncthlag ... . .11.1 .nn .ni'im.l II 111 11 1 l-HIll llien(!lll USlDlT VOUT vrAir.I j nin now iti iiii'k uwhsii nniji.i Mill us.Inir the VKULTIMi. l conhiuir lucrum imni Init cipiallo It tor such complaints. Can heartily re commend It to cerj body V0UrSC'l-.ra.nM.PACKAKl.. No. 10 Laranffc St., south salem, VEGETINE la Trepared by J-1. 11. STEVENS, Boston. Vupetino is sold by all Druggists, .March WE COME AND 00. If you or I To day should die, The birds would bjng an sweet to-morrow ; Tho vernal Spring llerllowera would bring. And few would think of us with sorrow. "Yes he Is dead." Would then be said ; The corn would floss, the grass yield hay, The cattle low. And Hummer go, And raw would bird u. piun away. How soon we"pass 1 How few, alas 1 liemember those who turn to mold I Whose faces fade, With Autumn's shade. Beneath the sodded church yard cold I Yes, It Is so 1 We come, we go They hall our birth, they mourn us dead ; A day or more 1 1 ho vi Inter oe'r, Another taacs our place Instead. $50 The Great New Medicine ! X F. ,t J. M. CLAKK, ATT01tNEYS-AT-LAV Uloomsburg.Pa. omce m Ent s Hulling. IICOOMSBimG, PA, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATl'OHM.WAGONS, tc. First-class work.alwajs on hand. liKrAllIINO NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit tho times. Jan. 6, lStl-lf P. illl.LMEYEK, ATTOIiNT.Y AT LAW. mc-AdJ0.n,nS C. 11. A" Wlgg KOB'T. K. LITTLE, K. II. LITTI.K. H.AK.R.UTl'U:, .1 J ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburtr, l'a. . ,it u i.-itiiitnnieGttttendcd TTKHVKY K. SMITH, J-L ATTOUNKY-AT-I-AW, onico in A. J. Evan's New nciLDiM, HI.OoMilUll(l, l'A. Member of Commercial Law and luyk collection As- ATTOltNET-AT-LAW onice In Brower's building, second floor, room No. PENNSYLVANIA BAILKOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. WEDDING PRESENTS I In Solid Silver "Triple and Quadruple plate. ConsKtlng of Napkin llliiij. ,ir k1- cako'and Card natkets, Wuter-ntchers, etc. Bronzs Ornamemts for Clocks or Mantels In solid Ancient Bronze or French lirone. Ota Vabiktv orCAan Ba-kkts in mud Ekonzs is LAKOB AND VKKV IIANIWOUE. ll- -narnntee the oualltv of the cooda we tell. It not as reprebeutcd, v. Ill telund the money prompt!) . A. J. WJlill 'ILilNAJIV, 36 South Second St., Philadelphia, Select Story. THE MAN IN ARMOR. AN INTERESTING SKETCH OP LIPE IN THE WEST INDIES. eye as night in the tropics. The auddentiesa of nightfall; the instantaneous beaming forth of those wondrous Btais, eo apparently near ; the feeling that earth and moon and stars are floating together in a lambent ether all in new, wonderful and beautilul. Such were tny delicious emotions as I arrival, niter a wearisome voyage, in tho harbor of St. Thomas, West Indies. The town, with its many lights, always a welcome siirht to the traveler : the hill-top crowned with the liuecancer s tower ; too 'Meanwhile the father, whom I shall call Vickars, received from England Intelligence of this transaction, but no news of his boys. His distress can be better imagined than do- scribed. His wife, a Spanish woman, died under the Hgony of suspense. All that was Iclt to him was one daughter, Annunciata, n child of 12 years. He sent Eat and West for his lost children, but no tidings came of them, 'One other friend he had, who shared his watihings nnd his sorrows. This was the good Father l'cdro, Iho Catholic priest, who spent hl life in tho humble but unwearying care ol his church and his people, nnd who drnrly loved the wife of Vickars, one of hl most devout children. He was one day sitting at window which commanded the sea, talking to the afllicteil father, and offering to go himself In search of the lott boys, when in tho extreme distance ho decrihed n sail. 'A ship I' 'a ship 1' How nnxiouily was she watched 1 How Intently they had scanned every sail for months 1 How they sat witli suspended breath till she came nearer 1 'At length, after mauy weary hours, the ship reached the dock. On her deck stood one boy. Only one. Yes, it was he ; it was William. 'Even in this hour of inexpressible emo tion arose the cry. 'Where is thy broth er ?' 'William told, with many tears and sighs, a story of great length and great interest. They had escaped to Madeira j thence had started for home ; had been taken against tlioir will to Lisbon ; had been inhospplta bly put ashore, as their money was gone ; had retreated into the interior ; joined a party of robbers, or been taken up by them, and Philip, having offended the chief, had been murdered, or at least was dragged in sensible (rom his brother's sight, nnd Wil liam, tied and wounded, was carried in nn- other direction by the robber troop. 'Escaping at last, ho reached the sea; found a ship bound for the West lndii;s..Tlip S?.i:W10.jnotfilVOspiiaoi '" f'U. .-,.( ther. .... 01J Father Tedro was an attentive listen er to this story. He had never niteu vro. and he thought there were some discrepancies in this story. 'You say, my son that the robbere took you past the Convent of Santa Maria, about three leagues from Lisbon?' said Father l'cdro. 'William turned very pale, but that might be caused by painful recollections. Ym. pnod father, said lie.' r tnnw that country well, and was born not far from that conveut,' sain tuo oui mu, miittiiifiv. Tl,n pventa in the history of his family had been bo shocking that Vickars sank in to a state of incapacity. Although a man in the vigor of life two years before, he was now sunken and apparantly aged. 'His estate was large, and came very much aprll it, Iviiv CHEAP A Hoaltli-Giving Power! PURIFIES THE BLOOD, INVIGORATES THE LIVER, PROMOTES DIOE8TION, nnd STRENGTHENS THE NERVE8, Thus .milually eiirliiR (litem, of '? ever inline nr iinliire. It Is worthy or u trlul. IUU.IK1'' Buuruiiteeil. VIGOXIEKTE I. AUIIKKAHI-K lo lle'"',G1KA'":,i'i lo 111" .toiimcn, unit ncl. . Illcleiilly I-ATIIAIITIO, Al.TKllATIVrc mnl llKTIC. Ill net Ion U not allemle.l with proved himself an exellent man of business. His slaves worked more nours tnau any gang on the island, and his sugar and coffee brought high prices, lie led a llie oi un paralleled license and dissipation, ana seemed to fear neither God nor man. Yes, there was ono man who made him tremble, and that was Father Pedro, 'At length it occurred that this check should bo removed. Father Ttrdro had long since determined to go toSpaln, and to make search for the unfortunate Philip, but many light, graceful boats of negroes crowding things detained him. The Catholic priests mum! ilm sb tntlielr Bones ii tlie mcianciioiy are very uominant men on ,tu...u.-,.... em-.uuJ control -' "'?," , y " he ulili 11 MO are bi-uinfc i . Tim nt tent lend tlio traielllnir puMle Is resiiert ...7.5 i.?J to win i of the merits 'oft his great high- way.inlliecoutldent awjertlnn and belief other line can oner eiium through travel, in mil T1 . KANtAN, from M. i to two per acrn on ciuw leiii-s ii ij meiTi. T In e luni are i f llie . ry Li nt i.uall . 5rn l i-ate I m t lie 1 s inter w heal awl h ilt . row -?rrS 2 , d the UMtuI Mm. Allemale a. t-ilous : ; ! ran bu tuUl 11 1U hQUU klt'UU ituaiseiiieni. Mi'iiiten, of our llrin leslue ut Wii. orsu. whether Impaired, hy ;1 r riiiuuleil Irani uny euin. In lo Incremae l.oer. of n.IllilllaUnn and nulrl ilou.lhe aimelllH being lncr.ili 0''; llllnll of Ihu liver, us, Ulooinsburs, l'a. ;"irA7orr. W. II. Hiuw. A 11 15 0 TT & KIIAWN. Attornoys-nt-Law. CATAWISSA, PA. Pensions obtained. fle0 81i --HlBVJiit.L,"ATi l'.U USi "iioiv'eiiL, DENTIST. omce In llartman's Jlloclc, Becona floor, corner Main and Market Htrcets, BLOOMSDUIia, Pi. Mayttl-ly. M. DIUNKEU, GUN and LOCKSMITH. Construction and Equi Tne TFN'NSYLVANIA KA1LR0 . . j... Ao nr a tnnrlcan railways. ir. diplh. All bridges are of Iron or atone, and buht fcarao tune models of comfort and elegance. THE SAFETY APPLIANCES .. .. .. ,ha ftirjuiplni? and I In U0 OU UU3 line mil """"- ..rV.lSni-.rullli liberal policy oi ui... v" VVAmvement and not ;!smeLVtUhaiU&ntl'.0, nation of consideration. THE BLOCK SYSTE1I OF SAFETY SIGNALS, JAHNEY COUPLEE. BUFFES wd PUTFOElt, THE WHASTOU PATENT SWITCH, AND THE WESTINGHOUSE AHt-BHAEE, 111 Uiiut' innilS l.L U llllivr. inmi- iirlHi It'll IV li ill """I ' . . r&Wlw.iulflultrilou , "!- l':':?.!": ";r action butiplr,alu:au,si,'., v.w o nvi. , rup - i.i ------: .Tr.,,n,lr.. in AdJ'3' m. t- . Id..doVmel.ll .Inline... VlUOll- pmeilt " icercarccr'a St.Ch!caOl . , Zy. u .jo !. Or-Wtt-Mesey, iJtp" ' liuiipy, mrmii, in. Apr"3m. 1 .If: '.!'':. ',!?' 'dUVonle ItllKUMA- AD . .. .,.,iii.iiiih TlslMilllwoii ill.piarliy uerillKnt J I1UMA8 1... ' Ve-wln, Machines and Machinery of a., kinds H jiaucu, a iiuuob iuit"(i TVT yTIcestkh, MEKOHAXT TAILOK, over Maui's Stoiis, llloomaburir, l'a. aprll 19, tsts. RCt'lllfDU poballile. rullman Palace Cars are run on all Eipress Trains From New VorU, I'lilladellihla, llnlllinore unJ Wn.liiaalap, To t'lilcuao, ClurlniiBll, LouUvllIr, ldlanal"ll. lind M. I.uuU, Hazard of lire only. .... nniii - jiioueraioimesouiiie oe6tii...o ".vv.r..-. . Ml,a , tha tar vcnur andfiouth I 1 rj.kru vkiiiimi V lilifl 110NFI.TLY uuiubiru uuu nnrt lo all Driliviptu yu.uw, ,u . ... I .TTiV, Ao.V.miiiSrt i.v r umsTiAX r. Knai r, bpe- im, nut one chanife ol cl. connections are clal Airent and Adjuiter. H'comsburir, Penn . 'llie iituensot Columbia county thould patronize thoactney where losses, It any, sie adlusted and paid Cy one of Uielr own citizens. noT.10, TT-iy TjltlTlSH AMKHICA ASSUHACK CO. NATIONAL KIHK INSMIANCE COMl'ANV, The aifctts ot these old corporations oro aU In vested luM)UH mcUlUTIto andare Uabla toths REAB BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN CY, Kxchango Uotel, inoomsourj, n 4itna, Ins Co., of Hartford. Connecticut, Liverpool, London and Ulobe ltoyalof uverpool,..H ,, , lAncanBhlre tire Association, Philadelphia farmers Mutual ot Danville ..... DamlUe Mutual Home, New York. Capital. .. 6.6IMI.O00 , IS (00,0011 , 10,(HH1,'00 ,, ,. l,W,t)00 ,. 16,000 ... 8,000,000 ISH.G31.000 As the ajrencles aro direct, policies are w rltten for t ho Insured witnout any delay in tho onico at liioomv hurt;. March y 'y'ulou DewurSnd are W ill Important poinis. TUB SCENBHV OV THE PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE is admitted to b lunsutpassed In ithe worm tor Br.J. deur. beauty ana aricij..;i..". -rt i cllltles aro rrovtdea. tmpiojtva ".u,".'v.v,,';;r.; attentive, and It Is an ineiiiauie reun uv ..-r t the renusjiiiuiw - A Pleasing anl MemorsUe Experience. Ttekcta for sale at the low est rates at the Ticket I oniB ot the company la all Important cltlea and towns. HARTMAN BROS., DEALEIW IN 'teas, uaknhh FitniT, CIGARS, TOBACCO. snurr, GONFEOTION13KY. Spices cf all kinds, Glass & Quccnsw FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domcstio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions ltussell's Old Stand, ItUl'KIlT I!U)CK, Itu door below Market street, Hloomsburir, Pa. tr Goods dellveied to all paitsof the town April T,tI-U "J-or IUe cur. of Skin Bl.eo.e. nnd Ernp tlonl or III! kind., VIOOIllOK I. mo.t ' VIUoilKSK I. roiillio.txl of llie aellve uruut iilro lielliB taken by 11. Iliut llie Katlierl right .eoion or tin "im, ond tlmt tliey po..e. Ikelr nnlU T1I15 11I.OII". 1NVIOIIUATK tlio l.IVKli; ind STIMULATK 111- 1IHIKST. 1VK UUIIANK. I" Indl.pulubly nioven by lu l.o liiiTHSltfii II irlal anil littv. Iieen liwrmuneiilly eurrd. We do not u.k ou lo try u dozen botlle; ti rmlierleiire iefler,fore Ul.'AIlA.NTKIS ou Mill feel belter fioni tile llr.t rew 'riim I. ii.lnnl.litna llie Morld Willi ll cum, ond t. lliro Inu all oilier TONICS, Al.TKllTlVK ulid INVItlOK ANTS, lillo llie .liode. l'ut up In large liolllei, double Irrngtli. Ilequlre. small do.r., and I. plealttnt lo take. l'rlce, 81.00 per Ilottle. WALKER & BADGER MFG. CO., Prop's. M Jst St., Hi Tort, ul limy City, W. J. "THE OBJECT OF EATINO." a new book Ty one .hould read, mit free upon receipt of a one cent stiinp. minor key, tlio warm anil tranquil atmos nliere. nltocetlier carried mo away into the land of reverie and dreams, and pleaant languor and indistinctness tDok possesion of me. 'An encliantlnc picture,' said a voice be- behind me. It was my friend, tlio silent V.noltshmnn. as we called him on board. 'You are familiar with this part of the world V I suggested. 'Yes; there are romantic places. 1 have an estate on one of them. I come down to see it now and then. They give the estates very queer names : 'Diamond and Ruby' is one of them, 'Prosperity,' '.Mary's Hope,' etc. Mine is called the 'Man in Armor.' Ah 1 then yours has the queerest name yet.' 'Yes, and the queerest story a story of crime, ol misiortune, m rcniuuw. melodramatic story, for West Indian life is all melodrama.' In the hustle of landing I lost my friend nnd foreot him, his estate and his story, un til the next evening I met him pacing the piazza of the hotel ond smoking his cigar, We joined company ana smoteu wnetner. lazily watching the negresses poising their burdens on the head, and walking under them with the majesty nf dark Cleopatrns, chanting as they walked their wild, melan choly songs. 'Ry the way.' I remarked, 'you spoke nf your estate last night, nnd its history as if It were no secret. Might a stranger ask to hear it, or is it of a private nature ?' verv important, particularly in Hie spatusn islands, to the Government : so he must wait until some successor arrived lo take ins nlaca. At length, all diOiculties being smoothed away. Father Pedro departed si lently, not ronimunieating the purpose of M imirnnv to ntiv save one. nnd this was j j , old Santa, an African slave. 'An 'African slave' means one brought from Africa immediately, having still the original brand on the lorehead giving by the slaver. Of these tlie islands in uuua nnu Porto Rico are full, and a wild, fierce race they are. The gyves haye not yet entered their souls, and they seem to nave a super natural power about them, burning ever I iheir untamed eyes. 'Old S.inta was the commanding spirit nf the plantation. She had been very insub ordinate at first, and Father Pedro had in terfered to savo her many a cruel punish ment. She was now old, subdued and at tached to the family, and especially to Fath er Pedro. 'The family estates were three in number. firm 1 vine nn the seacost was called 'The l!av ." another more to the inlan 1, was call ed'The Sapphire,' fiom its commanding a view of the blue ocean ; a third, and by far After giving her a sound rebuke forloung- Ing nbout he sent her away, but her curiosi ty was aroused And she determined to watch him. 'About this time the island was very much agitated by tho report that Mr, Agayo was found dead In his bed. In these Islands the events aro so few that one such thing as this which does lint attract much notice In n larger place, fills tho minds nf' the wholo population, lie had been at a dinner tho night before, and had drunk freely, but had gone home perfectly well, nnd that was all that was kuowu, 'Ilefnre this event had ceased to be n top ic of conversation the dinner parties of the island were enlivened by a very different ru mor, which was that the lost heir of the 'Man in Armor' was allvo and coming to claim his own again, It at first was n ru mor, but oon became more the arrival of a letter from Father Pedro to William, which read thus : 'God bo with you, my son, nnd give you satisfaction in the tidings I bring. Your brother, whom you believed dead, is alive 1 I found him in the holy convent ot Santa Maria, injured in mind and body, but still, I hope, capable of Improvement. Tho holy brothers of the convent found him bruised nnd bleeding at the foot of a precipice. They took him up nnd tenderly cared for him. His memory is effected much, and ho may never quite recover it. He can recall noth log of the robber troop, of whom you havo so vivid a recollection, but remembers some thing of riding with you up a mountain pas, when his horse stumbled na.l ho fell. He cannot approach this place witnout emotions almost overpowering. Tho holy brothers tell mo that they see a change for the better in him iu tho last year, and I need not tell you that he knew me, and will accompany me back to that home from which a mystcriovsfate has so long withheld him. YoVfetr'tf-naTefM'VieTraeaa'r1-!'' C 'hiin1h"etiecTTTeaven, . ' 'I'fiDBO.' 'How William received thi Intelligence history does not inform us ; but before Fath er Pedro and Philip arrived, another sudden death startled the inhabitants, the old law- yer who drew up the will and witnessed the signature was thrown from his horse and killed ; and now suspicion uecamc rue, mr William had been seen in tils company not long before. 'Still iustlce. always tardy where the sus pected person is rich and powerful, took no notice of these things, tnougn privam vlilnnis were much ex:ited about them. 'In this state was the public wben i-atuer Pedro and Philip arrived; tne latter leeble nnd shattered, but still a reasonable man. 'As soon as decency would allow, alter tne arrival of Philip, Father Pedro suggested to William that it was proper lor liim to ie- .u. i, ...a ..-t- of tUo 'Halt in Armor' to its rightful owner, ns he had heard tho conditions of the will mentioned by many of the inhabitants. William coolly replied that lie believed it to be in posses sion of that person now, nnd produced a will lened by his lather, witnessed by thejlaw yer and Mr, Agayo, the features of which were these : 'That tho two largest estates were th propeity of William, the smaller being the property of Annunciata, no mention being made of Philip whatever, 'Many pesons on lho island had heard of the original will, many hud talked with the deceased gentleman nbout it, but still no one had any personal knowledge of it. 'Father Pedro was not so easily discour aged, and asked several influential men to go with him to tho 'Man in Armor,' confront William, tell him of their suspicions, ana ascertain what they could. William received them all in the most uudaunted manner, declared his determina tion lo maintain his rights and put all suspicions at defiance. ' 'How do you dare, gentlemen, because one man dies In dis bed and nuother falls from his horse, to say that I have murdered them, or caused them to bo murdered? Why do you believe that, because I inherit my father's estates he believing himself to have no other son that, therefore, I have forged 'In tho morning the dignitaries of the ! land arrived, the door of the room was open ed, but the prisoner was gone. 'Tho men who had guarded lho window had not left their post; lho door was se curely guarded ; there was no other opening to the room. It seemed as If ho mnt havi entered tbo solid wall. 'However, ho was gone, Tho search for him proved utterly unsuccessful, and vrai glteu up. Gradually ho censed to bo talked about.'Thsre were wild rumors ol his having been seen In a boit pulling for a ship; but nothing very definite was known. Perhaps n year after this sudden disap pearance Annunciata came back from Eng land. She was followed by an English tjcii tlemau to whom she had promised her hand, and finding her brother Philip much Im proved in mind and body, she determined tu celebrate her marriage at his house, and en deavor to break the chain of dreadful events which had followed one another under tho roof of the '.Man ill Armor,' 'The marriage day of Annunciata arrived. They deemed it proper to show their Kens.i of the neighborly kindness to their friends, and invite the to bo present. Although tho fato of William hung over them like n darL: cloud, yet their conviction of his crimes anil his harsh and unhrotherly conduct towards them had blotted out the Iovo of kindred, and they had got to look upon him as some thing mysterious aud dreadful, and to try tu forget him. 'The wedding was arranged witli great state, as became the wealth aud social posi tion ol the parties. The planter, iu theic beautiful equipages drew up lieforo the su perb entrance of the 'Man of Armor.' Tbn negroes, in holiday costume, filled thu grounds. Numbers of them from tho other estates, with their bright-colored drcsses and white turbans, came on in processlonsbring. ing flowers to throw before the bride, 'About 4 in the evening, as tho beautiful ""'i'" "",.V"-'TTTi ,mmeed the mar- . '. . ..hp iv,lrn nronounceu Returning to iutfTo"r --hmeiit were) served In the grounds. As the brio. ,( her immediate friends wero retiring to tlm grand saloon a rocket ascended from tbo re mote corner of the garden. The guests im- mediately hastened thither, thinking tnar. their hospitable eutertainers had provided ii new treat for them. Tho rockets urew inn attention of the bridal party in the saloon, and they all crowded to tho windows, foe they were as much surprised as their guests. They wero soon absorbed in something morn startling still the aound. oj groans, pro ceeding they knew not whence, ion.a,i clanking of metal and a heavy fall. 'Immediately a servant rushea in.seizeu Father Pedro's robe and drew him to thu outside of the house. There, detacned from the window, lay one of the 'Men In Armor, leaving a ghastly opening In the wall of thu house. A few, bolder than tne rest urow near and discovered the horriblo truth. Within tho 'Man in Armor' was tho body of William, stifled In his own ingenious con trivance. Toetie justice could not have de manded a more fitting termination to such it career. The fastenings of tho mouthpieoi ot the caque, made to fly open at a touch, had grown rusty with the dampness and had resisted all efforts to open them. 'The confession of a Spaniard, shortly af ter epprehended for some crime or other, supplied tho deficiencies In this story. Wil liam had designed this hiding place to ai ford him a refuge in that day when retribu tion should Cud him. It was a suit ot ar mor,painted;to match the stone effigies which ornamented tho house, and ingeniously fit ted to n small closet in the wall ot the house. He had used It successfully on tho night nl bis escape, romaiiilng quietly In It while his guards wero in tho house, nnd letting him self out when they bad all gone. It wna true that ho had escaped in a boat to one ot tie lesser islands, where he was not known, returning sometimes In the night, and nl ways determined to be revenged ou his broth er and Father Pedro. 'Tho wedding having como to his knowl edge, he determined to use his hiding place on that occasion, to issue from it nt night fall, to bury his murderous knife into his unoffending brother, nnd to escape the way Yill? Produce your proof, genlemen, of I he came. Tho rockets were of his invention, my guilt ; produco one connecting link be tween me and the death of these men, nnd I will abdicate In favor ol my brother, n feeble and broken man, who shall have the care and support he requires, but who never shall hold the position of power and proprietor ship which I hold.' 'A low, fiendish laugh was the only sound which broke the silence niter this speech of William's. Old Santa had stolen in ns he Oh 1 by no means. Everybody knows it. I Tn Us nwn Island it is the favorite after din- tr.r.Ifi nnd If van will take nassace with l0"9 i. ii. .1. ,.,i.ui, in.mnmii 'I have three estates me uu we nine -m.v ..i.n.i,,.,, fv mat i may sun nu.o m.rc tho finest, was called the 'Man in Armor,' spoke, and now stood behind father Pedro's from a fanciful decoration to the facade of chair uttering her bioken and almost unin- ihH house an eflizv of a man in full armor telllgible sounds. lvlnir beneath each window the proprietor I 'William sprang nt her, but an athletic liavinf? iiaid this tiibute to bis lovo of 'mer- man near him held him down in his chair rle England' in her feudal days. while the old woman spoke, braudishing a 'Vickars drew nigh to death and prepar- vial in her hand, ed to resign all these possessions. As the jj0 km him ! he kill Mr. Agayo! He body gave way the mind came back, and a,.ej j,jm t0 jui- tiie jay befure he died ; summoning his lawyers, he dictated as fol- and I pray to Hod and this same agent of his who revealed his story had charge of them. While the people were pone to the church he crept to the house nnd shut himself in hU hiding place. His horrible death from suf fonation had caused such convulsive strug gles that the 'Man In Armor' was torn from its fastenings and Ml with Its Btlll palpita ting inmate to the ground. It never was returned-, and a stone was plainly fitted iu plact ofit. 'Annunciata, her husband and brothot departed for Fngland. Tho house has lie? er been inhabited since. My fritnd paused and looked out upon th laml we were just approaching lu tho gra; dawn. 'I nin tho inheritor of this estate throug my relation to Annunciata' husband. The died I'hildlefs. Philip died young and ui night will take me over to the neighboring Sale at 1 J. DDIEVCra- STORE, ISlooiiisbiir, Fsi. an.19, 18 -ly. LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER, 4 tl'lllMl d'... ri.U ml. wou4l ' Be'' HAKTMAN I V. FAIfWEH. Gen'l Passenger Agent. ent Middle Plat, HEI'KUkNTSTUB ItlUOWINO AMKItlCAN IKf-UHAKCK COMPANIES! I Kimlngct lluniy liuofjUucla. Jiorth Aluerlcau ot lhlladelihla,l'a I I ah kiln, of " " 1 ennsliantaof 1 arinei of ork, l'a. Im nour or Niw York, lituih<until " omce cn Market btreet No. 0, lilountLurv, l'a, ou. w, IMy, WANK THOMPSON, Ucneial Manager, It k KiioFMAKEH. Pass. Agent Middle Plsu, ' h' blloE-,A1jf orlhThUiJMret.t,llarrUhurg,P. fehl.TS-iy JOB PKIKTINQ n -n -9 -r mt r ill OF EVERY UhSKiriiuK EXECUTED PROMPTLY I At tub Columbian urnor. UNDSEY m It U r1 KTttur, n .nJ.UItl.i (iiliiivri-ri. nl."-. im u. tttiiJ (( I M imiu, St. I m i (,.!.-, v mi g rya.Q. f r1":. TT, 1 1 .....,.,.. v.i. a. Smtit. i 00 W A CHANCE TO MAKE COME MONEY "fomill's lll.tny ct 1 ttniluarla." Kow ready Wrltu lor A niii j at i !, e. .unit, m ; i.i & iu. putllthirs, ttat-aumu nun. i nuaaen uuu Uiatim, "-e-iru )" B lJihK M''Jlr-nl " tUueiinjHoi fpr sale av l&o uoubjia vu island, I will tell it to you by the witching light of these stars.' I accepted with alacrity. fine estate called the 'Man in Armor,' I gave to my son Philip, if he be living ; and I give .... ll.tllt . F..w x,n m, . 11 tO HIV SHU I1I1U1II Hi fc" i . .". - ine I - ,f ..., i r ,i,, ,, Unnnnmhriit'o . """i'' """"-" ty years. If at the expiration of that time HeDuEWtS Ufor they tlo everything In the night in tl beeoinea the West Indies) we embarked on a very cr a y ' Qf jjy e8tttlc of .The ,,ay. I he put this in his cup 1 He killed de old married. All this happnned fifty years ap lawyer; he knock him off his horse under the I but I feel as if it wen yesterday when 1 si cottonwool! tiee, I watch him I Dcre is 1 the pUce,' more like dis in his dresstn' case, and some- I Alter landing we stepped into a carria thing else, too! I B,ul drove over one ol tne nnest nam roa The old woman watched him growing I I l""' seen for many yevrs, through the U livid under her words, and darted towards surpassed luxuriance of tho tropical verdi little schooner; nnd I almost repented, when I saw our crew, that a foolish idea to hear a story had caused me to intrust myself to a captain who seemed descended from some African Hecuba, and whose assistants were TTTCAT.TTT ANT) HAPPINESS! as black and weird as himself. However, I .1...J Anmn,l caftafla.l fltlil T tr.Pll tn llealtU and Harrlntss a priceless Wealth to tlielr iy uu buiw ery uuo v ho Vioifct-bbois, and jet tl.ey ojw wliUlulhereacuor c n iu u&o WIUUHT'S L1VEU TILLS, The only euro CUHE for Torpla Uier, pyspepjia, Iieaoaine, bour Moinaiu, Lousiiruiioii, I'lu.mj, nausea, ana an iiuuous eompiaiuisauu unwuni orders. Aone genuine unleui slgued "W m. Wright, I'uua." . eenls for St., l'nua. I be. give to my son William, My estate of 'Tho Sapphire' I give to my daughter Annuncia ta.' And other provisions loilswcii wuicu ao not affect this utory. This will was signed by Vickars In tho presence of Ills sou William, his lawyer and one Mr, Agayo, n Spanish gentleman wbo owned an adjoining estate, nnd, unnoticed 'You know,' my friend began, that these planters generally send their sons to Englaud . aU of th oW Sam wll0 wa buay lu .1 w T I, 1 -aa 1.- .1 .l nn.l a, mi I or tne unueu csiateaiu uc euumicu, nu juu Q r0om. havci probably Borne weat inuiau uoy in mw AnninMt ulinvmiili k.l Lren iuue L'euuiuu uiutbH Miruru "m. mh.ui, - , . , . .'JrJVX rV?ffii-Vnnfc;'SrVbN ?ih 'our memn'y wu0 lue .url,gaLU' 'ue,ue" withered by tho thee events, after paying tti,Wf w perado or your class at kuooi, i) tieiait ,ad offices of respect to the remalim of the true lype oi ungoverneu 0f her father, Uepatted for England lo the lea this islanu we are now npproacunig rt.lam whom ,il0 ha(1 never Ml1)( ll0pnK many years ago for England. They were (Q rece,ye Bomo allevIlltloil t0 the grief which placeu at scnooi, auu were eiiumeu iur mo con8utneJ j,er. sake or tbeir money, which was supposeu u. iMcanwj,ie )icr irothl;r employed himself t 1 a 11.1 1)1.11!.. aoou I ue inexnausuuu:. xuih iu "a altering ana renttlng hU boufea, rarUcuIar anmAwhnt ameuau o 10 law anu oruer aiier a i ur... t.. a i ir , u ..... ... , I - ' .... I IV lilt JltUll 111 lilUI . 11D PI. 1 1 L UWUV 11 1 1 SVYll I'S IA N N K ti. 1 . i uttiit ..... -Ill ' " ' H : ; -Z IU "me uul " """u'' ",0. JUU."K" ml Pertaining to it to 1,1s other plan lorksotthe Espy and Light Btreet i auiuoruy ai ucuu.ii.c, u . tatlons, and employed some Spaulards who '.".".T, V"' : nf naasion. stanueu one oi tuo uoys. i i.,i ..,i t.,,i ., ,i. ti 1 wtti ii . jeamei "111 oo limuo iu iud muo, I . - I nail nc,,j ni 1 1 1 (M um luv l.muu, SSKTOK 'Befo t"e JE murderer could be 'One day, as he was surveying the facade, wm at all times bo paid for I caught he and his brother had f flectually I )le muttered lo himself: 'Almost largo QUEEN iiIIibH I escaped, and the only trace of them was to enough for n man's body,' He started as of every description In the eounuy. Ihe tuUlcpat I a neighboring seaport, where they were iup 1 1,0 heard a step behind him, but felt rest' nosed to have embarked lor home, ' sured at lie saw only old Santa. him. ' 'You kill my daughter, too ; you say you lovo her; you beat her; you break her heart. I break your heart 1' The old crea ture fell on the. floor, littering wild shrieks. Like all her savage and imaginative race, she could be wily and quiet for a time ; but the terrible flood would come at last, and now It overwhelmed her. The gentlemen gathered around William. Father Pedro and one other wero dispatched for the dressing case, Iu it were discovered foveral vials of poison, and in a secret top the original will, the conteuts of which have been before stated. 'William recovered his coolness somewhat, After an hour we approached the 'Man Arinnr.' A noble gateway commanded l attention. My friend drovo in, Qrou) which might have adorned tho palace t Grand Duke opened to ray view. Arlifit rivers wound through the garden. Ti and flowers planted with much taste ada t d the lawn. Before mo arose a noble cade. The 'Man in Armor' was gildef the morulng tuu. Under tncli window I herved the characteristic efllgy, save Oue of the 'Men In Armor,' marshaled soino untimely resurrection, had left brothera-iu-arins awaiting their turn. As we took our coffee iu the onco g saloon, and wero waited upon by tho d old woman, who might have been bantu. BLOOMSBUUG TANNERY. O, A. MUimiNG 1 ) ESl'ECTFUI.LV announces lo the public XV inamonurcopcnca beggea oi me gentlemen to rememuer mat n.H, tin, m.Wlinll. ( ..v , 1 of every description tn the ecus ornageu ruapecuully eoUcttoa, the wordof a slave was not of value as testl mony, but surrendered himself n prisoner, aud desired that legal opinion should be ob tained at once, as he would then clear him self. 'lie walked into a small room near tbn hall door,lfrom which there was no egress except the window and the door, both ol which wete effectually guarded. 'Six men remained through the night; two walking up aud down before the window, two in front of the door, aud two rnoro threw themselves on tho couches in the hall, wait ing to relieve their comradti. cuco of the place, and did not wonder my friend had grown pale under the wi of such an inheritance, A very little boy had one day done w and ho was sent, after maternal cor re to ask in secret the forgiveness of his enly Father, His offense was passion, ious to hear what he would say, his i followed to the door of the room. In Ing accents she heard him nk to bo better; and then, with childlike aim lie added : "l.oid, make uiai temper too.".