4Mb- WWW- tW l-Jl THE COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT, BlioOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA OOWNTY, PA. iff SitlimtBiatt. BMCKWAY ELWELUEiltor.. IJLOiiURG, PA. 1-' rida y. . A prlTlO th. 1878 HUN'. J. HOWARD, 11BAC11; full: n with sincere plcamro tli.it wo learn thatthn Democracy of Wnyna county have instrnetcj tlitir delegates to support Mr. tho purpoo of suppressing nn illegal practice, Ueaeh In tho comlug Stato Convention fur saidtohayo long prevailed among tho super Heeretary of Internal affairs. Ho served Till' wif.T .1 '-".i"'! .:il.c'r with credit in tho Ugi-ilaturos of 1872-?., aud materially aided in the legislation cilllng tho I Constitutional Convention Into existence, bo- 1 ..... .... 1. Mues .ways voting nga ns J0U, am, nogs. His personal character IS beyoml reproach, as was evidenced by his unauimous election lo tlio Legislature. Ho is both honest and iapnl'10. tt t 1 1 1 I . 11 1 I ivoinvo noinecnin 1110 naun 01 cuaoi- ploning tho causa of any can lidato previous I in tho assembling of tho Convention, but ih this caso wo cannot refrain from endorsing tho action of our Wayna cmuty friends. Cor- tamly north eastern remnylvanla is entitled to rccopntion, especially wheu sho prescuts rj exevplionaMe a man a .T. Howard Ucach, a tilfil buiiiesstinn uihl papular tlirouyh out the Stato. THC liANKKlUT LAW. Last Tuesday the United States Senate I repealed the liankrupt law. This law passed in March, 1807, lias always been the cause of wido diwitUfaction nnd although efforts tere mnJo In 1868, 1S70 and 187" to amend it so as to remove the objectionable feature", none bnvo proved sufficiently effectual. At pWnent tho pressure for its repeal Is very ulroug. Us objectionable le.uuresare many, i nresent merchant or trader is liable to have bis cs- tat, thrown into bankruptcy, his pecuniary creditand reputation ruined nnd his property subjected to losses nnd sacrillt.es in cases I where in n legal sense ho is perlectly solvent, where most of his creditors might be averse to any such measure, where if reasonable time were given ho might pay his debts and I have a surplus left, aud when no act of fraud either of omission or commission is . .1 nharffed on him. It m onlv necetwary tuat a 1 man'H commercial paper bo unpaid for four- teen days ty make his estate liable to bank ruptcy. Bankrupt estates under this law I are generally eateu up by charges nnd ex- iieuses. In.New Orleans out of 1,800 cases, in only one, was any dividend realized. Its workings in New York and other large cities are uearly the same. If the house will pa-s this repeal act, within tho next month.it will meet the hearty thanks of many business I men all parts of tho country. 11UITEIU . It mav seem odd that an editor can escape .1 from political questions, aud come down to very day subjects. We are interested In "butter," nnd bnvo been ever since pan cakes were invented. In fact, wo occasion ally use the article. But we cannot under stand why Columbia County should not aland nreemlnent as a butter riroducinc I County. Our sqil is of tho best, our market better than Bradford or Susquehanna, and ... , . .. 1 . 1f yet mere is not oniy a ueuciency in tue sup-1 ,ply but the average quality is nnominauie. r In reply to a question as to bow beet to .manufacture, pack and ship butter, a valued frln,l Hon. Shntluck of Chenango sent us a communication riom which we condense I tha following : - In regard to the manufacture. I would re- commend the necuriuir of good cows, and I ceding them plenty ot good wholesome lood anu proyiuiug pure water. Hi vour ml k Zm"fn coolet 3" , the Jiovse if you ute email nana : if larce pans vare used, with water around the milk.it does I km verv much in favor of l.rro ana. so the milk is mixed iroin the time it is strain- ed until the cream i churned. I am of the opinion that the cream will rise better and " " ".'"rrrj l"ura"6 luuu WUCn Bet in email IIIcdHco. I The cream hould be removed from the "milk in from 3G to 48 hours ; should never bo allowed to stand longer than 48 hours, at auiraraui iu.. In warm weather the milk will whey and I .lpimv .l, m.m -id in mid Mthr, th cream is likclv to become bitter, and couse- quently spoil it lor making a good article of tu i- i or even becoming thick before the cream is , removed, if there is no symptoms of whey. Churn as often as you have sufficient cream for churning. I do not think i'. is best to keep it so long if hard enough to churn. When it U necessary to keep more than one day's cream forachurniri?,it should be well stirred every time you skim any new cream Into your pall, that it may be thoroughly mixed, 'Ibis I regard as very important. When you have cream enough lor a churn ing, in warm weather, cool your cream to 08 degrees and give your churn a motion that ...ill ! ..,.7.- i.. . A.-... ..!... nut jciiu jiiui uuuci iu iiuiii luny iu sijlit ..v. ......' 7. ' buttermilk, washing it iu two or three waters or until the water is clear; then salt with one ounce of salt to a pound of butter, and let t stand a ftw hours: then work it alitlle ; 'ei MS. Jrtrt" "'f your butler is ready to patk to keep, o ship to market us vou think best. Jn manufacturing winter nutter, 1 would warm the cream to CO or 02 decrees, aud in ..I.I ...... 1,1 I. ..r,.,ll, a nf ,..,.,.,,.. I of salt to one nounil of butter, with salt- peter one ounce to 100 pound, and one pound granulated sugar to 100 pounds butter, .reML?! think carrots impart a good flavor to the butter. Work tho ame as iu Summer, tak- ing care to keep where it will not get too hard, until it is ready to pack aud then keep ilow to met.' Ufo t uch nackaces as the market lor like hut. our common Sorimr and Fall fifty round tubs are cood, T nan Annnniwl an linma f Vnll iVllA ( n maklmr winter' Lulter and (endlmr it Ui market in one pound prints : lor packages use good nice cheese hoops, holding 60 pounus aua costing iu cenis racu. 1 1117 uic thn f-heanfRt tiackBcea I have over seen. There is a firm in Philadelphia, that is making a patent package with Ice chambers for sending rJIs in hot weather, but these ars very heavy and cost high. I think tbe express charges would be verv high on theio anu wouiunoniiiuK iiuvnauioiu uo irui . , ., , . .. ,1 1 . ....1. unless me uuuer coum uo soiu uigu euuugu ..i,. i ..... In regard lo'thiniiinir. I am of the onlnion that it is best, as n general thing, to sell at home ;but In ruse yon send on commissioii send to a good rcrpouslble house that will give you quirk returns, and you will be bet ter sathfitil than with some slow concern that gives you a better price. In cunclutiun I would answer your ques tion iu a few words ; Make the lust butter you can. 1'iuk in tho List packages you t ill.tr I'v sVllii ir ot homo or sending lo some lenjMt, r.r.ti j:ei ine um price you i-u Ita ntiaralKin, nrp much imnpripd hv nnr pri'flt I In wort it mt. hv PIVlni? imtlllC notice Ot the I lnnphnn nr vahm nr usmiilrmss wlifinv,.r. I ......... .i i,.mm ... ,n. time and ulaco oflabor. This book must be Uu.. ti, ,ct t..in.:.. letter was made publio and his w fe.y unjust, . fact testified to by a large SJS Z niusanationalreprcsenta.ivoofvalue: ft ..,!..,!. r II, a American nrnn g llinir I... t... .1- ..-!... 1 : I-!. - 1 not VIllllo ilsplf. but !t tlllnv IMftl. n n'lilhnt In i,C" '""" ICICgrapilOU Ilim a nJ ..,aa..f 1, ijfin ll.n tnlnln linnt- xnv I lionou nomllu fnr rnfoQitiw its ins.wtinn It rpnrospnt nnd mnuiim robin, nnd is a nnMin 01 1,18 ll!ller at a laic UOUr lO-Illglll IU. "lu, ' " " " ."w ......... w j . I -J " ' ' . ,v . . -- wuien your uuuer is intenueu 1 it.-ui uiuiin u cau ou mauo iu uu ijorougli a;rcgular horde of law hrcakers.whoso For Summer packages, I think criminal cases. The house docs not appear .l.j.f oi,!.., fiecmed to bo to mako tho dav ro- timnsas cood as any. ior( i,n. ,,ri,rJ .i, :.v. . ,1,.. . . . . . . The Township ltoad Tax ((acstlon. A question of importance to the supervisors of roads, nnd to every owner of a farm throughout tho country, hai bfeu decided by tbu court in equity, In which tlio right of par ties rated with road tftx to work out tho same has been defined. It wan a test case, and anno ' up" iu n bill for 'an injunction. Ovid 1'. Jolinion, c.i , repreentod tho party ask ing for the injunction, and David Mumma, Son., represented tho supervisor, defendant. The following is tlio copy of tho opinion iu John Smith vs. Jnsenh Saul, smiorvisnr. No. 38. Knuitr docket, annlicalinn for nno- cisl injunctlou granted. !-- i fPI . . II . iym in(n nr,,i( ,, . ,.,,,,,. tniniy not give it any encouragement hut fur iumiv. il la pain ui IK ik ic-i it The bill show that tho supervisor of Sumuchanna townshin had the road taxes of said township assessed lato in the fall of 1877 lor said year, j ho complainant had calle.l on tlio officer several titnos thro'izh tho vcar. aski flr an 01,.)0rtutlity work -. thj road tax on tho firm nn which ho lived n a tenant. Ho was permitted to work toani't. of ;. " Ucsirctl to work out tho wholo tax, nnrerhn, tlin nnnnrtnnitv. nm'l .rl'ln 1R7R " ... - - ' I .1.,, SUncrv sor il .trniniul nn.l w.i n i.iut lo wll bis property for tho 'rosiduo of tho tax. is said to 00 tlio gcucral practico in this '' "l"" l'"W.m"r&V:ut:etU not excliaug?able for coin or redeemed f.11 -n,:, U nlrar'lr illeml. When undone it is clearly impossible for tho supervisor to comply Willi 1 10 law, or tlio citizen to know tinru l uesuay ot reoruirv,o')n.aiterentering upuu 111c tiuiius hi iin uiiiur. m ufuti iuu ta. fpr the year. Ho is governed by tho valua- !!?" 'iR-"nd.,'f.,h."!?!f.1; rn.i.l renuire it. mav call to liia.itnnco tho assessor of la-t year a tax, and levy his for the I coming year, but generally it may be more prudent to await tho settlement of tho tax on each pieco of property for the thren years, lif ter the appeals nro over, and immediately lay tho road tax, not oxceeding ono percent., on tho county valuation. This tax must imme diately be entered in a book, to which each poison owing road tax can liavo free ao:ess to sco tho amount of his taxes, and tho super visor mut allow each person an opportunity is very clear that this assessment and boot fejfLLt.1! ""'i,11':! OTPr J It has been dccidwl by the supremo court that it is illegal for a supervisor to enter into t'nZ'A , h! tnT TiniMinr. briilJes on a biohwav by tho township is madoan exception. Where a road tax was assessed and the taxpayer re- iueu iuo oppuriuuuy iu woik ii oui, mo su- norvicnr wna rfsminp(l hv nn inlnnrtinn frnm I ,1 Ifc ' m.J ... r working out tho-rnx U a right clearly con ferrcd by act of assembly, Miller vs. Simons x i)..,. n inn ur. .1 , clearly of tho opinion that; it was the duty I of the supervisor in tho present case and in every case to assess tho road tax early in the season, and give tho citizen of the township a lull opportunity to work it out most controlling influence of all earthly pow HTt TtAlfltWtt. ers ; it determines the rate per cent that shall nervisor. If he neelects. after such notice, and the officer is obliced to biro men to nor- form tho duty, this tax can bo collected in ujuuev. It is said that the practico of assessing has irrown un in this countv under no ide.i that the tax could not bo fixed until after the road expenses of 'the year are i fully known. This is a init3lri.. 1 hn Riinprrianp. Iilrn pnnntv pnni. I nuircd. It is also said that tho amount of tax and tho wages of labor are directed by tho township auditors. Thoy have nothing I to do with either, but can see that there is no uuu&c ui uimtuuvu, luiiiruiicr acts, uiuuuesi i . ;. .. .. I conduct, or wasto of publio money by the su nervisors. The injunction must bo continued m this caso until tho coming of tho answer. Joun J, Pearson. President Judge. Patriot v.tm t -1. !)..,.- . it . ir : .,uu a c-.,ui. Filz John Porter having annealed to Mr. Hayes for a review of his case, the following has been received from the war department : "Iu J 'at the President may bo fully informed of tho facts in the caso of Fitz John Porter, late major general of volunteers, and be enabled to act advisedly upon Ins apphca-1 "ef in such case, a board is hereby convened by order of the President to exam- ine, in connection with the record of the trial by court maitial of General Poitcr, such new evl.deDC0 rcIa,.lT. to. tLo mcrlts of 'tw cat0 as 18 now ou fil 10 tne war department, together with such other evidence as may be presented to said board, and to report with tho reasons for their conclusion, what action, tn ji I ii " anv m tuelr opinion justice requires should bo taken on said application by tho 1'rcsi- dent. .Detail lor tho board : .Major Uencr- al J. .M. cchotield, Brigadier Uencral A, 11. n, ri. .in w n.,.,.. ti,:..i a..:iu, aerry, Colonel G. W. Getty, Third Artillery. 3Ijor Asa B. Gardner. Tho board will con veno at West Point, New York, on the EOth day of June, 1878, and is authorized toad journ from time to time, and to sit in such placo as may bo deemed expedient. By com mand of General Sherman." Jack Kelioe Hopeful. Potuville. Pa.. Anril 12. Jack Kehoe. who was to have been hung iu PotUville on the lstli ot April, was thisalternoon intorm ed of the governor's action in withdrawing his death warrant for tbe present. He has had hones all alone that the board of 1 i ti.'it r t , nardons mii-ht pive bis case a favorable con- deration and was overcome with joy when informed of the news, remarking : "Well, thank God perhaps thev will do some- . . nlo .,, Hb rnnfi,,fint thfl , hi. ;i.n. will b. r.nmmtP,l nnd that in the course of time his innocence of the crime will become apparent and ultimately lead 10 a ,u" Paraon' 1 no bill to enable defendants in all cnmi. 1 nal cases to testify as witnesses, and when two or more defendants aro jointly indicted, " tavo the right to demand separate trials, IlttEd third reading in tho house. The bill extends tho right to testify to persons accused of felonious homicide. Under tho law it is discretionary with tho court to grant separate ,m'3 Pt ' f bomieido. IJy tho w ould encourago perjury on the part of per- 1 1 sons .accused of willul uiutdcr, Wheu the Vt ill was on final passage Mr. Spang of Bed- ford made an able and effective speech iu its I support. ti, .,rmm.,l narivtnolinimllv known as "Nationals" for tho timo bcing.-bascs its demand for popular recognition on the fact ,1 t .. . ..( hnvo sunerior method ol 1 . ...... ... ,, finance It is a littlo singular that the puta live fathers of this bastard, who talk so glibly about how tho government should manage its fiPancc. aio men who have never been ablo to successfully wanago their own affairs. Our economic legislators at Harrisburg have appropropriated for au investigation to look after a SlO.OOO fee, which everybody knew was at all cveuls Icchmcally legal, and could not lo itw ercd. Adjourn gentlemen. 1 . 1 ,11 . . . . 1, . ... .....v.u.6, '"u "" mcmbeicd lor drunnenness, not and ue- mcnt 01 mo uiiuuucuis 01 ibis uui mat 11 THE MONEY QUESTION. JIainvii.li:, Columbia county, r. Meisiw. IIrockway & Etvwr.M, Sin : Scelnig anumbcr of articles by dlflcrcnt wri ters on the financial iiucstion In nearly all tlio city nnd country ji.ipcrf, and about in many different views nnd idcai tn proro that they nro the truo aud only ones to solvo this great question. As it in ly not lu out of plaoi to givff sonio of the fuct-i m I have collected them from dif ferent reliable sour.ios on tlio money question; although I may dilfir from a great many, es pecially tlio money king, all I aV is to real it, and ifauyliavo anything belief, let 114 liavo it in print ; we want all tlio light on the money iiue'tinn we nn get. The first question then 'u, what is money ? 1st. Money U any pleea of metal stamped .,... ,.. ' ,li,tlon.llmi"loruj aui1 seu as mo circuu- ting medium of commerce. :i1. .iltiney 14 any piecoot pipcr.issueu by publio authority as I) ink notes or bills of credit, and exchange 1M0 for coin or redeema ble iu fmccic. 3d. Money is legal currency aud tho con- volitional uieasuro of value, ttio couiiuou me- diumjof CXcluilgO ill civilized Countries by ... . . . . wlilc 1 tho valnus 0 commodities aro ostiuia ted as our lawful nion?v, tho national green ij4u!!j ,)r tl(J pa.1(,r mmoy t,a un:t(,j In spo-ie : they hive a leaal valuo tho same as coin in tho cancellation of debts and re (lc?moii a other intes of tlio same kind, but nTcr iu ciin Then nnny is the instrument . pv. UAW",,S"S hiiiuil" ur uujrcui in tirMivt :iisj n Maui-iru uy wliicti values are tnc wired. Kvery arliclo has two values, veal value iu use, and exchange lue, or what others aro willing to give to obtain it. That tin value of money d"iondi upon the material of which it is mido is false aud erroneous. Miconeeption of the nature ofmonoyisof long Htanding. Money cannot bo used as an article of actual value, liko food ur clothing, it a in in bo loit on tha open sea, no kind of money can supply his hunger or conlributo ton single want. Society is al ways necessary beforo money can possess any iicn on au tij0 property In the nation, and a legal tender in payment of all debts that none can successfully refuse. Wheat, land or cat tie aro values, not money or legal tender, for tho payment of debts and dues. Money is a a contrivance, a convenience, a ma c,uno to llc,P and hasten tho transaction of business, and tho exchango of articles. Money is nstcapital.it only represents tho valuo of capital. Tucro would to no use for ... ..... I huoncv unless capital first existed. Where capital exists, money is as necessary to lep- resent and exchange itj value, as it is to fur- 1 . . , , .. ., ,' ,. .. . .. "change wheat; tho greater tho capital the more money required to rocasuro and ex change it. Money is the greatest, and the be paid for the uso of all property. A nation's moncv intimately affects each individual. anJ should bo well undcrstoad in all its bear- ;a ,i rii;., ti, r. .. "--""" "-"i '". " " less well understood and regulated, instead of serving our needs as an angel of mercy, it be- ItikJ, 1. kAJ- comes tho most powerful engine of evil and . . .n. ... seated. Tho subject may "eeni dry and uninteresting, but it must bo mastered and learned, unless slavery, igno ranee and poverty be sweeter than libcrt knowledfio and equality. Hard i . , 1 1 i mnnnu muln f mm mnlolj a .mid nml money made trom metals as silver, must be limited by reason of their scarcity ot production from the mines, which cannot furnish a sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of any civilized nation. It is estimated that if all tho gold now on hand was coined into one dollar pieces, it would . . . . ' ..... proyo insufficicnt tQ furnisll cach inhabitaut with a dollar. What answered the require mcnts of heathen nations or feudal times can not supply tho needs of civilization and tho progressive ago of art and science. Agaimmoney made from metals proving in' adequate to the demands and needs of pro- grcsfeivo nations a resort to credit was the next step towards reform. Banks were cs tablished and paper money minted and issued promising to redeem tho same in coin, when I ever presented by the holders at tho bank of Bankers (luding it unnecessary to keep eoin constantly hoarded uji in their vaults, 6u(Bcicnt to redeem cach dollar of paper cir culating among the people, contracted tho aui0unt of metal monty and increased the is- . . . 8U0 rf juper money, and thus obtained lnter- cst or rent on money that was not represented ),(- nn-tnl i,(ncy ; and thocuUoiuerswliobor ro-vi-d limn tlio banks lolt sate and secure, wh'Io the banks held enough metal money to redeo'n what pa rcr money might be prcsent- d The hanks snon issued one hundred dol lars iu notes, with only fitly dollars coin to rcpiesent them. In our own country belbre the Lite war, a bank with one hundred thou sand dollars in coin issued five hundred thou sand dollars iu paper money, receiving iutercj-t on lic dollars in paper for every one dillarof metal money. Thus paper mou- e- represented by coin commanded fivo times thu amount of rent or intcrc.-t of the metal money. If paper money be rcprcbcntcd by I bpecie a silver or gold dollar must stand I behind every paper dollar in circulation. One mctul dollar iu tho lnink cannot represent ten Ir dollars iu circulation ; for any man holding ono paper dollar can take it, and tho ot'"-'r ,lm0 laier dollars aro destituto of a specio basis, and must re.it on credit Gov crDiucuU have falsely ..turned that the valuo of mone' consists iu tho inherent worth of tho metals of which it has been coined ; tho laws of nations prove it fahe, i'or every civilized I government has authorized paper money iciting on Ftocks, bonds, &c. To le continued, A Much Needed llefgrm. Iroin all wo can learn tho hanging ot tie I trio of Jlollio ilaguirei at Illoomsburg, re cently, brought to that penerally peaceful bauchcry. It was a sad . and demoralizing sight which tho citizens of that place pray never to sea 'again. And what took placo at Illoomsburg is repeated at nearly every place where executions occur. And the dcmorali zation is not alone what proceeds trom a drunkeu ignorant mob. Tho social attnoa- Io contaminated wltu tliu sensationa ?nd wiagmativo rcortf, tho work ot lured arao icinui, nw iuiwu iuiuu6u . , . 1 , tho press, wherein every faying and action the culprit is recorded, touched up and ex aggerated, until ho is made to appear as a martyr or hero. Tho effect is to warp tho yo ung mind and lead it to coudouo the crime of the , offender, and placo society iu the act of committing a flagrant act of inhumanity and wrong. There u but ono way to work a reform, Let executions be, us the law contemplates, piivatc. Allow no one to Lo present tut the jury ot witnc&eg, sheriff una aftttUnU. Or, . probably what tn'e Phila. TXmei advocates, might be adopted. In lieu of tho present system of strangulation, It proposes tho fol lowing : "When tho sentence of death is pronounced lot tho door forever shut on the malefactor. After giving him every chance to mako prc- nration for another world, let tlio officer' of I law, accompanied by skillful Fcicntifio help, unoitcnlatlously and unknown to tho outsido world, turn into tlio cell onoof tho many gas es known to bo fatal to human life, Tho vic tim of tho l.iw'K fcrutt-uio dies without n struggle. Thero is no opportunity for a dis play of thu heroic; in chanjo to 'dio game.' The law is satisfied, nnd tho thing is dono de cently." Danville Intelligencer. The lleechrr Sonnilal KevllfJ. MRS TII.TON CONFr.SSM TO TUB CII.VRUES -ViAtlF. IIV 11EK HUSIIANI). New YonK.April 15. Tho following from Mrs. Tilton will appear in tho morning pa pers to-morrow : Mn. Ira H. Wiif.ci.er M3 Dear Sir : A few weeks since, alter long months of mental nnguish, I told, as you know a few friends, whom I hail bitterly deceived, that tho charge brought by my husband of adul tery between myself and the llcv. Henry Ward llecclicr was truo and that the lie I have lived so well the last f.iur years had be' come intolerable to 1110. That statement I now solemnly reaffirm and leave the truth with God to whom I also commit mytclf, my children 'and all who must suffer I know full well tho explanations tliat will bo sought by many for this acknowledgment of a dcslro I to return to uiy husband insanity malice, everything save tho truo and only one, my quickened conscience and the senso of what is due tho cause of truth and justice. During all tho complications of theso years you have been my confidential friend, and thereforo I address this letter to you, authorizing nnd re questing you to secure its publication. (Signed) EnzAnirrit 11. Tilton. llnooKi.v.v, April 15, 1S7S. HENRY WARD DENIES THE SOFT IM- 1'EACtlMENT. Nrw Yomc, April ir. Mr. needier was out of the city to-night when Mrs. Tilton's hereabouts The copy and rc' ceived tho following in reply from Mr. lleech-1 I Waveri.y. N. Y.. Anril 15. m-Totlie Editor of the -Veic York Tribune : I con1 front Mrs. Tilton's confession with an cxplic it and absolutodeni.il, The testimony to her own innocence and to mine, which for four vpnra sbn but mniln tn linnilrnls in nrivntn years sno nau mauo to nunurcus in private and, . ,uTUjc' before, a court a " n.., ,-nA ;n n.,-nii:A:nn np ,nFn-m I u " UirtUO u ""-" w u,uli T 1un1varylnKT f a'cme,Bts . mauu 4 u""w ua"" x "'-"- lu UD niwanl iL nun noccnt of tho great transgression. (Sigued) Henry Ward Bueciier. Another Mollic Murderer Convicted. Mauch Chunk, Pa.. Anril 15. In tho case I of the Mollie, James M'Dnnnell, charged with tho murder of George K. Smith in this county, in 18G2, tho jury to-day returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first de- grce after four uou deliberation . ... , Durkln and Sharp, two other men charged with .. . .. . .. . ... . P'""? 1Q lllc 84rae crime, will now be I DUlOD trial. William SI. Tweed died last Friday in the Ludlow Btreet Jail New York City, He held many responsible positions in tho city nnd State. For his dishonesty and fraud ho got into U jiib'.c and after living iu splendor for many vpt on his peculations he died a miserablu n-nu, in a prison cell. Why don't you stop that cough ? Its tho Bimpl d iliin in the world, and can be dor hv u.u Ur. Coxa'a Wild Cherry and IS.., L ,. I. I.'.il i. o,l.,,nl Set, I Poverty anil Suffering, 1 vs-diaggt-il down with debt, poverty an in " i lor year, caused by a slcz li i I lurkie liilU for doctoring, which du .luiu ui L'-od. I was coinuletely dis- ciiurngpd.unti1 one year ago by thendvice of u 1 I'a-t'ir, J pmciiied lloii Uitters and com. niiiced their ihc, and in one month we iH wi-11, ami none of us have seen a ck day idnee, and 1 want to, say to all puur men, ymi can keep your iamil.es wen a year wim hod Hitters lor less than ono doctor's visit will cost I know It. A Workingman.' Candidates. FOR CODSTY SUPERINTK-N'llEST, M. W. NUS3, of Moomibury. WILLIAM II. SNYDER, Orange townthip. School Directors' Convention meets the 1st Tuesday in May. (All names inserted in this column as candi dates for nomination at the Democratic Coun ty Convention must bo paid for in advnnce. And it is hereby agreed that all persons whose names appear here will bo governed by tho rules and regulations of the Democratic party of Columbia county.) FOR REalSTF.tt AND HECXIRIIF.R, GEORGE W. STEHNEK, Jifoomour7. JOHN B. JIANil, Centre toteiuhip, FOR PROTHONOTARY, DR. J. R. EVANS, 13toomtburg. I. K. MILLER, llfoomtburg, J. II. MAIZE, , . , Moomtlurij. - FOR COMMISSIONER, M03E3SCHLICHER, Heaver Tmhip. nathandu1esh.vch, Ftihiwjcreek toienthip, FOR Tnl'.ASURElt, FREDERICK IIAQENDUOII, Centre tnwnihip. ISAIAH 110WER, Jlcrtviel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, T RIDGE NOTICE. r I un s.onday May 0 ib,s, an tiecuon viu ue neia of at me bouse oij. ij. KlalerCaumissa, toruioeiec- un V.onday Vay 0 Ib.S.an ileclton v 111 bo held lion u cnicersottnecatiwlssa bridge Co., for the euu,uSJer. ArrUlw. secretary, .SELLERS' LIVER PILLSi I b... ,u hr ao r.ar. Ui B.Mdw Imni hr u I I (, U imipMiu ... u..r. MH ( i.iMr. 1.1, n. i.uim Biu,.r tM.itiai. 1 .bit! mmM mI.hII.hI-.Vm Ara.l F ' I ..a maauu S.llr.' Ll.M PI1U 1 kt.m. .ub.. bi. ...... .u...... . I n m. a ... soi tU Drvitlrt. aa4 i.lr. Sun l.ara. Pa. pr w, H-ly DOW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE JLOOMSBURG. POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY. Frkliiv, April 80th. TWO PEKPOBMANOES I AKTE11N00N AT S.SVKNINO lit 8 o'ClWk. Doors open at .! and T o'clock SVI.VLSTKIt 1U.EKKEK, . . Manager, Tlio (Ircat Original and ltcnowncd GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, Togeiuer nun 1110 jnnniicsimai MtsSS MINNIE WAWKKN, And I ho SkatorUl rhenomenon and Comle Ucnlus MAJOR NEWELL, w 111 appear In a variety ot NEW AND VAbCINTI.N(l PBIIFOIIMANCKS, Including tho new and original l'lere, entitled THU .IIISCIIIKVOIM .1I(.NKi:V! Every whero received with uriumttous anu uonvulsivk lauiuitbu. .rirrnoon Arinillon nnly 25 crnta. Clilldren under lo join, II cents. Xvenino Aduis3iom S3 and 85 cents. Children under 10 years, 15 cents. C. E. KKBIKK, Agent. yy Y. KESTEIi, JIBllUIUSl TAlliUK, over Maizs'8 Stori. llloomsburtr. To. nprll 10, 1STS. LIOENSENOT1CE.: Notlco li hereby given that tho following wimctl persons liavo Uled with the Clerk ot tho Court or Quarter Missions of tho l'eaco of Columbia county their petitions for license which will bi pre.sunieta lo me bhiu coun on cuncsadj mo einuaym nay next. Jacob L. (llrton, liioorasburg, lierwick liorough, Catawlssa twp., Beaton, (ireenwood twp , Bonton, Hcott twp.. John LeaowK. (icorffo W. Maujer, AoarewT iKcier, iiumphri-y rarker. johiitekruie. .lohanna O'Conner, L. store ii. a .mcouy, 11. Be rger, Bloomsburir. Berwick borough, Madison tivp, Bloomsbunr. Catawlssa twp., Mdinti twp , Locust, E. llou'o Tavern K. House W esley liitdlne, V. 11. Ollmuro. .1. K. Iihanu, II. It. Yetter. lnalan Yrnij'T, Daniel Kfhres. (l.I..K09tcnuauder& Co Catawlssa. J. K. l)ngonlKTger, Mam, Hloumsbtirg, Berwick borough, lioyd w. Williams, J. 11 . Unit. (leorgo V. sillier, Daniel IV. Bobbins, E. Homo L. store Tat era Bloorasburff, xiadlsontwp., Montour twp, ccntralla borough, cntawlssa twp., Conyngham twp., rentrillaboroush, Mimin twp., lleaer twp., Htigiirloat twp., Hemlock, Beaver twp., Scott twp., Centro twp.. A. K. Hmllll, W. It. Tubl)., U'm. PclITer. II. V. llrumbseh, K. 8. Trnckenmlllar, JohnU Kiln-, Isaao Kdnards, E. House Tavern Daniel K. eu1 ry, Aaron W. lless. Joseph 11. Hhunun, John '. Kile, c. II. lieltterlct, Mlmoii Charlf-t. E. llouso Tateru ocorgf V lU't Umaudui Unanst, itlourntburff. E. House Wellington K. Weld.nsaiu, cvutraua bor, Thomas i.prlty, " " Tavern E. llouso n. FRANK ZARIt. Clerk's onice. April n, clerk j.s. Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands in Columbia County, Pa itv vlrttm nf sundry acts i,f Ihe (leneral Assembly Of Hie ComlnoriHCJlth Ot IVnnsylvanlO, relatlngto ,,, . .HU..,,, m.a unM.ti.d lands in tho county ?,ftMooUurt '" 42 n i7S iMUrS L)A 1 Ur J U IU A. U. 100, At 111 ovictck a. m . tiw follow inL'descrtbcrt nieces of tSSSSS!& u,o me una cout nne i.e sm,e irom oay to uay Uie Biine may uo loand iitoemiary. The amount or taxes pud costs must bo paid when the land Is struck on, or the sale may bo avoided and the property put up and resold. UNSEATED LANDS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, 18TS, no. warranrae or Ac.res. . owners ..twp- Taxes. 161 TI aio AmesAbctt4Losec....Bcner.. S3 lirockway C ii do 4 32 I VI so 3K4 3 lots Heaver Jesso ao .. 1 ao ao cnaries ao ... 3 do lioyer tb ao names Git do .. S do 3 do a 24 liuttfi linger do .. 400 400 coiumoia coal c iron co ao 2-193 '11 M Tl 93 do do do do do do do do do do do 400 m do IS ao 400 do do do do 20 79 1 lot Carrow Morris do 1 411 41 4 03 11 82 3 80 B(U 4 4U 2 41 42 43 6 73 6 40 12 IS J It S72 6 411 1 do do do do S do Charles Simon Jr do 150 Davis Isaac est bal do 91 Fry Geo w ao 11)0 Krlck BP do 3 lota Flanagan A ao a ao fry n vv uu !09 (Iran John do 3 lota uearneart w.m ao 60 lloatsJobn sr do CO Hauck Jonathan do IS Hlnderllter Jacob H.. do K3 UoataCbass Jonn... do do do do do loo " " ' 8 lots liarners l nosier 2 67 4 0J 2 42 2 94 1 22 1 22 1 4(1 6 76 1 62 2 10 tW 4 03 21 70 1134 1 21 4 40 4 0J 3 27 1 21 21 S7 2 70 7 60 13 23 14 S3 15 Sl A 40 6 75 5 75 4 03 33 69 2 SO 91 2 42 1 62 2 70 5 40 8 2U lionman a v 3 s 3 3 IiuniK Ii. lludly Joseph do Harner Chester do Hosier Frank.. do 1 Klein A Larencs W K Lewis Frank Lonsrenuerg-er Nath, , Morris Daniel Mann & Koat Noyer Geo Nuneesser Gto ITout Stephen ..... Price Clarence Patterson J C Huthruff Sam co . . Hamuel.... ltaub J MUler do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du au da do do 3 2 40 -0 100 100 110 .3 3 49 12'J !37 273 200 Stewart Wm..,, Hhumau John . 60 3 lots Smith I W... 3 s Kblck J J,., Scott Peter ... bhumau FL.. 224 19 9 3 ' ' " ............ do Tllson Georgo do VasUnoKll do Vanducen CllIamanco do do .. ,, i ao S9 us 64V 2600 400 do 361 West Buck Mt O I Co Ho 133 so v omt-iaori ixreierico do 82 411 do 32 40 do 225 do ur; do 2 42 Uenton loso 9 40 400 75 5 3 1 WeUelCS Wood Augustus Christmas Ann Pennington Jesse It., 60 a hmtth Hannah C4 t,!i 3 so T C3 2 38 S 13 2 39 II S2 5 111 DM 0 99 8 2S 30 111 22 3 KS tit 3 SS 103 6 80 1413 90 2 91 38 4H) 36 21 224 1 lot I'arkB Amos.. ....Ilerwlck .llrlarcrctk w ot 100 Apple I'aul as llowman Jesse a lirlttaln w A J est.,., Iiryan Uuy citm WUTHev , I )ot j realer Kreas Wm L lleadley S Fest 210 2S 21s ISO COO 9 Klsner John Kunklo Jonn Varkersou John 1'ealcr Sam J... ., lteecer Abram Miller Hamuel s btackhouse Joseph 27 0 100 200 100 100 324 64 " " 100 " " j3 i .1 4 tracts Shatrer David le stackhouse k betler " 14 M Shaffer John " IirobstJH Catawlssa cljwell Joseph j " Jacob.. ..'.'.'.'."!!. " Kramer Chrlstlaana " Hbuman lleuben... " Thomas lluth Ann " 11 18 2 3S Ssl 4 40 mo 10 12 " 4 ' 8S4 t' 2 42 " 8 S4 , C40 " S84 105 ITS hi 90 " Abet Weaver Ellas Crane Mlcnael Cane Owen Collins Feter P CIeaer Wclllncton .... 1 li 1 1 Ccntralla 110 8 so leso " 14 94 8 00 " SO " 15 40 8 09 12 2 2 Douenerty Aiicnuei . Foley Mary Ann Oaugnen Martin Howell Thomas llamon Michael nanleyJnoll Uoaeland Wm M Holmes Thomas Hughes Jno J. ...... ......... Kline & Iteinbold Keller widow w Keller ltlch J Y S Alysurrla Laneon Fat Uhhjb k Hahanoy It It Co Marks I.lojd..., M ueo ,,,,..., Machen Thomas McKlnney Unas Mcllucb James Moore John McBrearly Mrs ''arks-..., ,.,.. (julnn Fat svtet k '1-orry.,.. VanliureaMrsS K., VanUurenhK ,,, , WRtlck- Fled Adams Enos AlUbacb tfam , Conner Joan V , - (loo ,, Fritz Wu est oood Jacob , , Hotlman Wm est llaeenbueh Wm llenrla Josenh " bll " 2 20 4 CO " 1 " 22 4T " SST8 8 09 9 61 15 08 18SI " 4 29 ' T54 Sk9 41 12 ' 99 SO 2 2 " 2 ' 1 " 3 2 " T48 SM) 1913 an 83 30 4 29 128 22 Centre S 14 " 1 21 , , " 2 00 " 19 ,. " 89 7 S tl 10 S 0 1 lot " 841 " 144 " 4S Itainbach lianlel... Asbton Jacob lirown Wm lieam Joshua brown Iatbanlel,,, Hurt Andrew lireslhi hcrnard , . . . , Cuok Catherine. .,, David Calaban Dan lionaboe CurneUus , Ilavls JliS K (leoi-go Jerry, , (lallut-htT Frank.,. HubtonJno Houebach Ed Joyce K-ier Jones Evan T Kune Jno Kline Jno L Klibjeiinan Fred,. Karbehles Geo,.,, UndcnnuUi Qo 1. " 90 Conyncham 2 T9 623 1 s 4W 2 " " iS4s " 49S 13 " 11 45 " SST . 1f " 83 4S " 2 25 " 2 91 " 1 6S " 1 SO 1 23 112 (4 90 " 114 " 419 " 819 1 CO 400 232 1 2 1 824 219 liso 1 44 s a- " lsit .11 M M9J 93 41 " ,lo " 1 15 ' uJ23 " Wi 23 " 2 23 " Ml 63 " ii3so ' (H IIS " 9 74 " 43 tn " 101 07 " 2 23 " 709 " CO 42 " 61 42 ' 8 42 " SS4 64 Flshlngcreok 4R7 " lo 84 " 9 00 " 2 19 " 9 90 " 23 00 " 1163 " 1 01 " 9 20 " 0 44 " 8 73 " 2 80 " 1 90 " 16 66 " 8 44 Franklin 7 oi 19 92 cnwood. 83 63 do 27 oo do 9 (Hi do 2 10 do 4i) do 811 do 1 yo do 1 1D do vis Hemlock 0 21 do 4 l'S do 7 47 (10 2 41 do 6 CO do 1 2J do 4 91 (10 8 14 do 8 14 do 70 do 4 80 Jackson c 20 do 87 2d do H 40 do 1 21 do 4 31 do 79 du 91 llO St 69 do is 70 Locust 1 61 (1(1 10 cs do 6 m do 4 OJ do 21 Kl do 2 411 do 9 SO do 1 01 do S oil do 4 (4 do s oil do s oo do s o do s ml Madison 30 do 20 ( o do 1 03 Main 4 71 do M do 1 ro do 7 47 do 0 70 do 73 2D do tl do 9 K3 do 18 15 do 0 60 do 3 21 do 8 2S Mimin 7S do 4 37 do 6 69 do 2 7 do 2 79 do 2 91 do 4 41) do 40 do 7 so do 91 do 7 so do 1 81 do 4 6S do 2 91 do a 51 do I 11 do 2 72 do 1 31 Montour 7 21 do 4 SI do 7i do 0 311 do 3 90 do 39 do a no Mt, Pleasant 1 92 do 80 do 12 do 3 67 do 4 77 do 1 CO 1 ' 1 " tl JJ n l 1 ' 1 " s:a ss.1 80.1 a no 8S0 1 " 1 " loo 100 Mcoulrn TorcnCe...... Morrison James ...n. .. .Mnrrc Morris , MarrllH McManaraon lr Murphcy Anthony ... niios ,. .tontan Itobt Tract.,., l'orlcr Andrew Wnlktr Lcnls Huston Th os ,1.,,, Mnrv Hilvrljr Matthew Trelsbarli Iwli..,, Trlen Jacob Yocum frank Young John Urcslirr John, Doty Pcnler Mewart. 401 80 IN) 200 Korco CranJord.. HldnJolm IloITman & Irrcas . llulme Wm 115-S SCO llarrlion .inrlus ... 4 SVSS Kramer Wm. son Kindt John Co no Umon Thomas Mciunry n.c on " Edc.-tx to.... Trenton Hlord I Valer & Doty Stewart Pealer Doty C!cacr Wellington llower Moses o 63 is 60 67 l.9 Kerry J intes tst slots health" ncoriro lo Kvcs t'arMii Jr Hot" Mary 11 a Mii?rae mckcivv islots Mlllcrlsaac 1 " Mailers William 1 " Parker II k Hater 23 ltarton Kenton BO Camptii-ll I, N 2S r.mmltt A J in Kvnns a .1 7S HnrrlsJacob cst 7 1cy William KONpal k I'ursell M 2i Pursell Isiao G 8-1 ' H.vlu'stcr 6 Workhlsi-r Peter sr...... 7S Wlill eiiUht George Jr sil'rlck Geo A sno ' " ...- mil Hens Ilcnlamln r, Kesier .loan jr... 20 Kceler lotin It w. I 23 Isv, Is Daniel 4 Miller Chaa W - 231 Miller ejhard 210 " ' 21 Heaer GenjLKllne 2ii llllllnirton Thomas sj rewnit uoorge M 40 Klslier John ..u 91 Hughes Wrljht fl4 Keller llichard..... 104 Kline J I, A O Kupp 4 Ivan Savlila 2iio Mers Mary tno lluslon Thomas 190 lierso Daniel 2'W Huston Mary 2(iii Huston cnarioile 20(1 Ki3 nolds John 2o Itechlel Jacob 3(H) Frieze John (I til Masters 1) W 24 lirockway & Ent 7 Wm. T. Miuman 20ContalrA-. Idea 2.-.0 Dewalt Philip lot) Hosier Jacob 3O0 Mann C F .. 4 MasU'llcr Joseph 239 8iiuman Hcuuen 403 Khuman W T IV) Yctter Daniel est loo Yctter Isaac . 100 Bhultz Christian..-. . SAtcn John HM .. 69 imienbcnder Mary . 61 Creasy Henry-.... S7 Dumbach Maml 67 Hess lTlscllla . 75 Hess L D . 70JacobyO A 19 Klkcndall N 200 Keller John .. 10 Mensch Rmellne loo Nuncesscr Geo 15 Poncbeckcr k Myer 123 schweppenhlser I K 23 " Abe........ 30 " Horace... 4 Swank S n 67 Yohe Jacob cst... 15 Yohe Henry M Clark Andrew 87 " ... 60 Clark Mary lSGIger John est 10 (Irovo Hros IX Klshel Jonathan sr 21 Kamscy'sest6-7 Co Iieagle John .... SKIsher Jacob 6 Mason c 8 Mcllck John CO Mellck Henry W..... 12 .Miller Andrew 11 60 Waller 1)J . 10 Wilson Julia sPrevellngSam 12 Dlldiue Abram 20 Kveret Moses 18 Kveret Gabriel 20 icilno Abram t5 Kline A J . 51 ' BlllinkJ F 31 snjder Wm ao cox wm It .. CI Chamberlln Hannati do do Orange do do do do do do do do 1-lno do do do do do do do do do do do do Iloartnircrwk 82 98 90 1 88 8 01 0 40 450 5 01 4 07 2 M 1 82 K9 3 30 3 07 S3 1 lot Dai is Thomas est Doan George 350 Frlck Geo A cst . 60 vunston Jno A. loo Frlck Li ggot k Co 15 Gordner lleury sr I lot Heath Sylvester P loo Jacoby o A 60 Kllno Patterson so Warner Margaret P 2'i Young Sam CO llarnes Thomas. low llrtlsch Jacob.. 1U3 ' . so Ileal er Geo k J I. Kline 1919 8 33 10 05 181 81 6 70 24 34 10 71 08 Ifo' do 298 2 01 5 22 ao do do do do do do do do no do do do do do do do do do do do Scott do do 2 tJt is ll tniane Eeklel 1 400 Frlck shuman ............. 17 40 13 05 174 251 HelTron Samuel.. loo Huston John part of 435 i uunsiein ibrat'l , 41 Little Ht.bert 13 5 IT 112 Morris k Hughes: .. T " " 4li " " 1(H) Wellington Wm 01, joiiobbj Jiuier co . . 18 Skato Itenry W Trlen Jacob 42 Yocum hja 5H " " i I'ursell John t lot Hchujr l'eter est " TurnerJohn 200 Ituckatew James est Hugurloar us io 4 uoio lzeblel do 19 85 400 Iloebler chas do do do do do do do do do do do ao do 37 SO 31 50 isi uross Natnanlel , 2110 (irayltobcrt 1S90 2 37 IS 911 lv llartman .lessn 123 crevellntf S 4; Co j,- of usiiess Wesley 113' OI IIV - " USO 12 CO 01 iiv . Mwt 5 lAbach Em k s nower 9 45 40 50 10 SO 860 Montgomery Hobt ,. o niepnens wm 31... o lauio iienrv. 2 81 lbouuf Abe. ...., 3 69 Treasurer's Sale of Seated Lands in Columbia county. Also tho following lots, nieces and parcels of seat ed lands, returned by the tax collectors, arc to bo sold at the same time, under the provisions ot an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An act relating- to tho saio or lanas for taxes In Columbia county," approv cuMarcn5tn,iscs. Acres. Warrantee or owner. Tax. lleavcr lui do 1 20 Benton a i 4 do 8 53 ao 24 on do ti it ro 2 80 do 22 00 do 1 94 do 8 CO Brlarcreek 16 ss do 19 42 do 9 20 dO 8 141 Illooin 3 04 do 8 30 do 2 28 do S3 24 do 3 8.) do 27 97 ,. Catawlssa 3 oo Centralis a 60 Centre 45 do T9 Conyngham 8 10 du cu do 40 do 1 40 do 1 10 do 19 21 do 8 80 du 19 so do 12 48 do 19 41 do o CO do 2 so Greenwood 1 T5 Hemlock s 20 do 91 Jackson 6 8T Madison 8 98 do 2S8 Mifflin 1 22 2T Crouso Stephen 1 HhrHer Henry 27 llenjamhi s J 70 " 50 Conner Catharlno 45 " Mathlaa 2 lots Mcllenry Kussel :o Masters i-arvin 12McNral Abram 83 Mulligan busan 15 Iiotv & I'ealer 12s Hawk J v 49 irugnes r. w 8 Kocher Maria Hot Andrews Harriet........ , Kune hiisan.....M...... " Frentla Nancy Slots I'urseUK U .... 1 lot Tbomas .ino.......H 5 lots Waller Norman......w . lacrn ArnatNoan 1 lotJamesJobn 2 lots Freas Andiews est ,... 1 aero KlkendaU & Creasy... iuis iirenusu uucuu,, H " Meghen l'eter .. " Crano Uomlnlck ' LeielleM M " Winn Di'ncls... " KbltUo JonatnanHa. " Iiurk John Mrs " culp Fhlllp Mrs " Ilavlstm Iiavlil 0 " KreamerA W 1 " Morgan William 1 " Iirown Fred 1 " Hummel .lai-lf acres Ebner William 15 canen Isaac est 16 Horn Wm 1 lot Ellis Wm A 20 acres Wlnterstotn John 1 lot lifer w in ' . ,." 01 acres Waller I) J 33 " Hldeley (leorge ...... 66 " Dawson Hannahs Mt 1'leasant Grange 1'lne do da do Scott da 1140 6 81 2 CO 50 8 44 1 19 1 SO 1 S iss 12 M Yountr David 28 " (Heeiily llichard est Watts Jno w i lot jtess n ii 4 acres Itlttenb"rg Joseph.... Ifotllartmaa Miner ,T..i.. Sugarloaf II. W. McItEYNOLDS, Treasurer. M"OTICE. Tne persons for and on whose account tho rillrnid Droiwnvana iranenises m inn iianvi i. nay pinn and Wllkesbarre Itallroad Company were purchased at u sale of tbe same, made at Illoomsburg. In tho euuDiy ui l oiumuia ru on mo wnu aay oi Aiarcu A. D. 1878. will meet on Wednesday Mav it. ls7s utc o'clock a. in. at tho offlco of John G. Fresze, attcrney at law In the Town of Uloomsburg, In said county of Columbia, J'a., to organize a new corporation by electing a President aud Hoard ot Directors, to adoDt u, cornorato name and common seal t in da. lermlno the amount of the capiui suxk Uiereor and Issuo certlhcatcs therefori lo Issue bonds and se cure the same by mortgage or mortg4 ges, and to transact any other business requisite or expedient to be done pursuant to tho act of assembly, In such VUSU IUUUU OJIU IMUIiUVU. ISAAC EYElt. Chairman. luoomsuurg, j-a. April bin, sw P UI1LIO NOTICfi Notice la Lerubyifhen that I Durcbaw tl of L'. jVrt'OJi in S-UhliiL' Crcvlc iowdiUId. on Wednesday. April 8, 1S7H the ollowlm; pertwn ul iirurvcrty i l bar Lorutj. 1 borrel coJL l red caur. 1 red Lclfer s khrmtti 1 truck Wtttou, l ouoliortwi Rled, 1 buckbuard, 1 hlda hill plow, l cultivator. 8 teas and bedding. 5fi yeCn ui iuj,ci, ibcw ui miure, t rwjtiDic lUiUf, i pureuu, 1 dlnliiir table 1 cuDboard. 1 cookuiif sto.e. s usta ui harcfcM And 1 bave loaned tne same to tbe tald 0. II. Freas d,urioir my Pleasure and hereby cauUoii STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Hcklre to keep before the people thn great advantages w hie h thoy nro able to offvr to purchase rs otorry description of Dry Goods. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS EXCLUSIVELYACASH PURCHASES. Enable ui to secure ntl our supplies nltho lowest possible rates, and 11 Is wifo to say at least 23 per cent, loner than anv house whoso badness Is transacted on tho credit system, A largo business arid inodcinto expenses permit ury imali profits, nnd having all Iheso advantages, thero can bo no doubt that wu dlstrlbuto goods to consuuurs at much lower prices than nro usual, and at least as low as the samo goods nro BilJ at nliolosale, H Is Impossible to name but a few Items of out our Immense stock, but samples of every description of v goods cheerfully forwarded on application by mail. 12J CENTS. POPLIN LUSTRES 12 i cts. ono-IIalf wool and desirable snades, SPRING CASHMERES One-Half wool AT 1G CENTS. Fancy Mohairs 12i,Iitccu Ccssts. MANCHESTER AND PACIFIC PANOV MOHAIRS '20 OTS. STYLISH NOVELTY SUITINGS GO CENTS. FLEURI COSTUME CLOTH, A Novelty, AT 31 GENTS. Striped all Wool Beige, tit 22 coats, worth 37 i cents. MO IT UR I3EIGE, 20 cents. GAINSBORO' MOHAIR GLAOES 25 OENTS. Talavera Mohair Mixtures 31 conts. The tno last named lots are 23 per cent low cr than samo qualities havo cvcrjbefoiobeen sold at. 4S-I3STCI3: CAMEL'S HAIR 62 l.S CTS, Plain all-wool Do lieges, 25 cents. Plain all-wool Do Reges, heat quality, !35 cents. Cashmere Beiges, 24, oti, 46, 4S inches wide. And In all Qualities. Cashmere Beige Neigeuse, all Silk and Wool, 37i cents, Beautiful silk-mixed Novelties. At .W, GO, CO, C2J, 75 cents ami upwards. BUItfTXItfi&S ITS ALL COLORS AND IN KVEltY WIDTH. Lace Tho ioot complete lino of shades Consumers nil over the country are invited to business, which tho mall order department now STRAWMEE rV. W. cor. Eighth PHILADELPHIA. "ITriDOWS" 1' I'll A ISKM KNTrf. rY -rut in rullnwlnir annralseinents of real and personal property set npart to w Idows of decedonts ao iK'en men in inu omee oi 1110 iu-kisut ui v.ui- umuta count .under tho miles or Court, ana Mill tie iiresenteu lui lusoimo connnnation 10 1110 urpnans Court to bo In 1 In liloomvhurjr.ln and for saldconn- -, on .Monday, tlio ctn u.iy or -May, iw?, at 2 'cloek n. 111.. of said dav unless exceptions to such confirmation aro pieMuusly llled, of which all jier sons Interested In said estates wlil lako notice: widow of Henry Trembly, lato ot fccott townsnip, docousod. . . 2. Widow ot William Hughes, late ot Heaver town- Rhlp, UOCCalStMl. i. Widm iwot Uo'lfrev Melllck. UI3 ot Mt. Pleasant loivnsuip, ueoim-n Widow ur AlKai.lfr Hess, lato of Pug-arlotif township, (1.m-4',h('i1. Wldmi)r ClirUtl.iu Wolf, lito of Minilu town- Rhlp, cit'ct'tHeii. Widow of J.icoD Kline, Ut cif Iawu'j t township, deceased. lietrlstcr'sunipp. ) w II .M''ollV llloomsburir, opr. I. isTjf r HwUUsr 1) KCMSTKirS NOTICKS. I) Notice Is hereby ifheu lo nil lofratcos, credl-Cor-4 and oilier ,Tsons iuteristod In the estates of thu respt'clle (iwtHlv'nu and minors, th.it the fol lowln'MiaintnlHtrattonand guardian accounts hate been .Tied In the oillcu of tho itvgNter of L'olumbla county, and will Ikj presented for cunilnnatlon and allowance in ma unmans utmii iu vv nem m liloomsburff. on Monday, the cth day of May. ISTh. at i o'clock, p, in. on tald Uaj : 1, The Hocond and tlnal account ot Ilenrv A'. Van-1 aerance, Adininmrautr ur Junn u. vnnaer&uce, Ute of Mt. l'leaant tuwnshio. deceased. 2. The flrat and tlnal account of 1'. U. Wadaworth, uuarman or niiuo. a. apie, minor ciuiaor Al exander Yaple, late of iifahlncreek township,, deceased, j 3. The tlrst and final accrtunt of llichard .1. Kves, Eecutorot KdltUKu'S.lato of Ua-euwood town ship, deceased. i 4. Tbe account of William Loo and Lew U tee I.x rcutora of John Lee, latu ot Locust township, Uecen-sed. 5. 'I ho llrht and final nccount of Henry W. Mellck, aurvllu? Executor of Andrew Mellck, lato of Mt, i'leattant township, Utcea.td. 6. The account of Isnc K. 1)1 Id Ine, Administrator of Ljdla Zlmu.eruiaii, late of Centre township, deceased. 7 The Iln-t and final account of Nathan Martz, Ad mtiiUtrator ot Zacharljh T.Mait7,late of ltrl nrcreek township, deceased. 8. The tlsal account of Marshall (3. Kinney. (luar dlan of Alice McDowell, a inlnnr child of Theo dore McDowell, or Mott township. 9, The final account of K.W. Coleman, Administra tor of Asa Kterttt, late of Oi ungo township, de c eased. 10. Theilrst ontlilnal account of lildecn Nuss.nnd .ion n licnninger. km tutors of Dome, uenninx er, lateof litater tuwnsLlp, deteut-td. 11, The final atcount of Jacob M. llarn on.riuaidliin or i.aia iianurKr, minor cniui oi tiicie nay hurst, late or Catawlsa township, deteiiicd. 12. The account of Herman I'ahrhu'trnnd Jfcaleh j lower, Aaminibirnioroi jteiiLenf anunger, late or locusi towntnip, utceottu. 13. The account of II. V. it. Kline. Admli.lstrator of i.itzaueth uisnei, laio ot jiomour townsmn, ue- CfHRt'd. 14, The second and final account of Ifoac K. Kilck- liaum, Kxecutor or John Kline, laieof uenton tow nsliln. drcenived. 15. 'Jho final account of Isaac Ileaccck and Iiuiii ruirinan, j:xecuior oi tanu r airman, nue oi (ireenwood township, deceased. 10. The account of tusawa aplc, Administratrix or Hurtou w.wapita,uteoi won lown&mp, ae ceosed. 17. The third and partial account of James McAlar- ney, cue oi me jixeeuiors oi ieurj;e iuuKeuwr per, late of Sluln township, ritceased ihenccountoi t-amuel Keihard, Administrator of iteirtna Worman, late of tcclt township, de- efdsed. 19, The account of Henry P. Iteay, John MUnes and Susanna Mimes, jiecutorn or wiiuam Jinncs, Ute of hcott townsblp.det eased. 20. Tho ut count of Wilson M. hes, Executor of Charlea lirumstetltr, lato of tinenwood town shn. deceased. 1, Theilrstand final account ofd. W. Hrelsbath, Administrator ff JOios irowicr, late ot unarcreeK township, deceased. 22. 'Jho tlrst and tlnal account of John Hunslnirer, Administrator of cldcon llunslnger, late ot Jiea er townnhln. deceased 23. TLo nccount of Maty a. Watson, Administratrix oi j). a, wuuon, laie oi jiaaison lownsmp, ue ceased, iteirlstr's onice. 1 W. II. JACOUV. ploomsburi;, apr, 6, 1S7H. ltetrlstcr. COURT PROCLAMATION. WJIKUKAS, the Hon. AViLLTAM Elwkll l 'reM-lent Judtre of t bo Court ofOier und Terminer and ueneral Jail IK'Hrer)-, court of Quar ter M'SMons oi i no i triii. o uuu iuo i uuri ui tuiiimuu l'lt'oaand Orphans' court In the sutli JuUlcl-U Dis trict, composed of the count If a of CoIiunhU niul iontour, and the Hons. 1. K. KrleKbuum and V. U Hhu man, Associate Judaea of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing date tho Itilhuay of Feb., Id ihe j ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and soenty-ejljt, and to me directed for holdlnif a court ofoer and 'terminer and (ieneral Quarter iSesMoiia of the 1'eace, Couit of Coinmon l'leas und Orphans Court, In lllootusbun,'. In the county nf Columbia, ou the tlrst Monday, U'lngtuo Cth day of May next, to continue two weeks. Notice H beriby elveu to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tho l'ence, and the constables of tho bald county of Columbia, that, they bu then and thervlu their nrorwr Derson at 10 ociotK c In the forenoon of Bald 6th day of May, nltli their recoids, luqut- bltlons and other remembiances, lodo those tiling which to (heir offices appertain to be dune. And thovi that are bound by recognizance to prosecute airalnst the prisoners that are or may be lit tho Jail of the said county ot Columbia, to Ui then acd thero to prosecute them as shall be lu-t, J mors are re quested to be punctual In their attendance, UL'reeably ,i oi Apnn in inu ytar or our jLuru one L.8. thouuiiu eight bundled and seventy-eight 'l und In the one bundled und m-tonUiear of tie e Independence ot the I'nlttd Mutes of America. h in mi's omce, juu.N. v. uort-MAN illoomsburg, Apru &-ui bhellrr. T 1ST OK CAUSES I'OK TJtlAL AT 1 1 MAV IKllil, M Groer-a Admi's s Charles II Wolf. Daniel Fowler's admr's s. Wm. Klneston M Grov er'a admr's vs. Margart I llagenhuch. John II Goodman vs. John banger. George Itucklo vs. M Grover'a aumr'a. Henry ('. Conner vs, Lmanutl Conner's adm'r. Alary ti Vanderstlee vs. Abraham n)dtr. lirockway and Ents.E(Uelhhulu. Daniel Lelliy vs. Henry Kuapp et ul. Mel Lruiheu h. conjnghuiu ana CciitraJla I'oor Hiftrlct. I' John li bcott vs. Iiernhard fitohncr. (leorge A Iiarclay ta. Joseph Al rreck. u li lirockway ts. Klrst National hank of Berwick WltlUm Krlckbaum's use vs. I.T bnarpteas et al, I'ermella Koons s. Lellzer & SlUltr. Conrad bwanlc vs Daniel Hwonk. l.ucinda Uuntzlnger vs. John P Creasy, M II llogers vs Jonas Doty ft aL Gomer 'lbbmass. Morris MltcheL Elllah Lemonu is. J 11 hi addon. Ullam Kingston . Monigomery Cox, 1'uirkk lijintsia. t'onjuthaia and Centraha I'oor DUtrlct. Illram lit-es vs. W K Bterner et ux. Wm Kingston vs. Monigomery Cox ct al. John be hell la. John Hlnderlller et al. I salah W McKclvrs uj,e l a. u llllau bhaffer tt al, John Jacobs vs. U o Moodwiird tl id. first National Hank of illoomsburg vs. John Urubcr's adm'r. Ilugli W Mclteycolda vs. frtinon PCase. Wm btruthera tl ui vs Margaret (Julnn. Urangevllle Mutual Having yund uiid Ixan Absocla- llun v a. bamuel II White et ux. Morris iiltcliel vs. Gomer Thomas. Allen Mann vs. John bhumau's exT. lleiijamln Uvea' Aumr'a vs. 1 hbtuu Stackhouso Jr, K Abflnkva.WuiAlille. Buntings. nnd styles to lio found Philadelphia. shim I ho advantages of our system of dolus renders so easy. & CLOTHE and Market Sis., S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer, ' ASHLAND. PA. General Surveying and Engineering Business attended to with Oare and Dispatch, I am prepared to make drawings, nans and Models In Wood, llrast, Iron, orthenhoto materials combined as necessary ot Bridges, Mines, Breakers, Buildings, Engines, TUMI'S, and all kinds of machinery for use of cases at Court or for app. leal Ions to secure patents. I'litriitn Srrnrnt. march . J, 1STS-. DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICK. ESTATE OF CHALKS B. KLINE, DECEASED. letters of Administration on tho estate of Charles II. Kline, lato of (ireenwood township, colurnlla co deceased, have been rranted by the lie cister or said county to Jos. C. Krcsof same township. All persons havlutr claims apalnst tho estate are requested to present them for settlement and those Indebted to maKo payment w iiuout ueiay. JOSEPH C. EVK1, mar. so, 'Ts-Cw1 Admlnlstralor. Greenwood township. DMINISTIUTOK'S XOTICE. ESTATE OF ANNIE K. KLINE, DEO'P. Letters of administration on the estate of Annie It. Kllne.latoof ureenwoodtownshlp.Columhla coun ty, ra., have been itranted hythe HeKlster of colum bla county to Joseph c. Eves, Administrator, to whom all pcrbous Indebted arn rciuesied to mako lmmedlatH pav ment, and those havlnir claims or de mands against the said estate will make them known to tho undersigned Administrator without delay, JOSEPH C. EVES, Administrator. march !,'I8-ow" Greenwood township. Thomas is: Haiitxa.v. ALUtKT IIAUTMAM, HABTMAN BROS,, DEALEHS IN TEAS, CANNED FKMT, CIOAH.S, TOBACCO. sisrirrr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & ducensw FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OK Family Provisions ltusscll's Old Stand, IlUIr.HT 1.L.OCK, 4th door below Market btreet, liloom&burg, ra. ir Goods delivered to nil parts of Urn town April , ll-tf Tho Seaside Library. Choice books no longer lor tho few only. The best standard novels within the reach of even one. llouks usually sold from fi tola given (unchanged and unabridged) lor 10 and so cents. 155. 'I ho Count of alonte-crlsto, Alex Dumas l&6.1ho King's own, by Capu Marnat 151. Hand and Glote, by Amelia 11. Kdwards 15S. Treasure Trove, by Pauiuel lxiver lsu. The r-nantom ship, by Captain Marryat 60. 'i he Hlack Tulip, uy Alexander Duuias 101, The World Will Lot, K. LjtuLlnlou lit, f lilrley. t'harlotlo lironw 103. Frank JIMdnuy, by Captain Marryat 1W. A Young Wife's ttory, Harriet Ilow rn 13. A Modern M Inlsli r (Vol. I.) Chevely Novel Id The I ast Aldlnt, bv Georgo fraud lfiT. Tho Oue-!,'s Nicklace, by lex. Dumas ins. Con Cregan, by i baric, hcyer J!?' Ji'1'"1 Kurster.by Captain Marryat 111. llostago to Fortune, by Miss liraddon lis. Chevalier de Mul.ou Houge, by Dumas ITS, Japhet In biarch of a Father, by Ca Father, by Captain lamat . enn 111. Kato O'Donoghue, by Charles Lev er oo 175. T ho I'acha of Many Tales, Capialn Marryat loo 116. 1'ercival Keeno by Captain Marryat Iuo Woo?8 Cantll'ur'B wl11' W "f8- ileatf 1T8. Hare Good Luck, by It. K. Vronelltlon iuo Iin. Tho lllsiory of a crime, by victor Hugo iuo ISO, a rinalade, by wukle colhna mo Ml. The CounUss do Charny, Alex Duinaa loo 1SJ. Juliets Guardian, by Mrs. Caiuerou loo lsll. Kenllnorlh, by tlr Walterbcott wo 184. Tho hlttlo tavage, by Captain Marryat 1( 1S5. "GOOd'hlO bUft-thenrt. ' hv ltl.nn I.rn.mtnn llal HI, Nanun, hv Alexander Humas us. 1 he hwiss Faintly lloblnson HV. Henry liunbai. b Miss liraddon m. Memoirs of a I'bjkKI-n, by Alex Dumas S'.'Jr"' Ihneculleii:. by Caplalu Marnat It.. "I ho Ctii.nlraion., by Alexander Duuias 1J. Heart of Mldloililau, Mr ttulter bcott IM. Nu Intentloiis, bv Florence Marnatt 1U5. Ualel of Uavarla, bt- Alexander liuiuaa IM. Mcholaa Mckli bv. byCbarlesDtckvna IU. Nancy, by hhoda liruUghlon m. rutlere In Canada, by Cactaln Marnat m.c outers end the Ilesrlb, by Chas ileade MO. The Monk, by Matthew 0. Lewis, M. I' taiunx wia. For sale by at. Booksellers and Newsdmlers. or sent JH!KUb prepaid, on receipt of price. ' n .... . "SO""!- MuNIlO, 1'ubllalier. .110 11M 10O 200 IUO KKl SOO Ida 1110 WO 1CH1 10O SUO 10O Iuo WO sue 1IK 100 WO U0 1.0 1(10 loo loo IUO 10a Koo 0tU tommiuiou house, 1 7Vc,