THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. To Aicerlain the Weight of Live Cattle It Is often Important for those who are not experienced judges by the eye, to hare some means beside the scales of ascertaining the weight of cattle while litlng, and by following these approved directions this can be done within a mere trifle. Take a string, pat it around the breast, stand square, Just behind the shoulder blade; measure on a foot rule the feet and inches the animal la in circumference ; this Is call ed the girth : then with the string measure from the bone of the tall which plumbs the line with the hinder part of the buttock ; direct the line along the) back to the for. part of the shoulder-blade ; take the dlmen slons on the foot rule as. before, "which is the length, and work the figures In the fol lowing msnner: Girth of tbe bullock, say six feet 1 Inches, length, five feet three inch es, which multiplied together makes thirty one superficial feet ; and that multiplied by twenty-three (this number of pounds Is al lowed to each superficial foot of cattle meas uring lcui than seven and more than ffro feet In clrlb.) make 713 pounds. Where the animal measures less than nine feet and mure than seven In girth, thirty-one is the number of pounds to each superficial foot, again, suppote a pig or any small beast should measure two feet In glrtb, and two along the back which multiplied together make four square feet, that multiplied by eleven, the number of pounds allowed each square feet In tho girth, make forty-four pounds. Again, suppose a calf, a sheep, etc., should measure four feet six inches in girth, and three feet nine Inches in length, which multiplied together, make 15, square feet, then multiply by sixteen, tbe number of pounds allowed to cattle measuring lets than five feet and mora than three in girth, make 265 pounds. Tbe dimensions of the girth and ieigth of back o! catlle,sheep,calvei or hogs, may bo exactly taken this way as it is at all necessary for any computation or any valnation of stock, and will, answer ex actly to the four quarters, singing the offal, a sum which every man wh can get even a bit of chalk can easily figure. Sural A'tw 1'erXrr. PhntiDC Potatoes Early. The spring, which we may now say is here, promises to be remarkable for earliness. At least it will be remembered for the chance given to all to get work forward a month earlier than usual. It is now the month of March, and all around us, where- ever. we look, we see farmers busy at work hauling out manure, and in many other ways getting their spring work well in hand. There Is now no frost in the ground, and as the water in consequence soon drains' awaf, hauling is easy, and thus it Is we see the men and' horses busy so early: In this 're spect,' everything being so propitious, 'there should be very little difficulty for any one to secure a good crop of early potatoes. There are many who always did favor an early planting of this essential crop.but now that the Colorado beetle has made its inju rious work so manifest, it becomes the in terest of every one to put in their potatoes at the earliest possible moment, if they wish J '.1. . i-i. wi.u .ui . Ml M,gHQHUqiTn I1UUUIQ, IT 1H1 UIV WW tlnuance of the present-fine weather the 'ground will be in good working order soon, and there will be but little difficulty, on land, which la not low, in getting a large lot of the plantlng-dono in the first week in 'April.- The experience of the past year or two will have shown all observers that pota toes planted early are well up .and growing before the common enemy, the beetle, ap pears. Then, too, as it is not the winged in sects, but their .larva;, that do the main damage, the potatoes still can grow whilst tbe egg from the beetles are hatching. These delays, before the larva) get so numerous to be very troublesome, give the early potatoes an excellent chance, as they are so far for ward that but little attention need be given them compared to what the later crops will require. Last year it was tbe experience of those around us who planted early that two dustings of Paris green weresufficient,whilst later planted ones required a great deal more attention. There can be no doubt that all will save time and money by planting early. Let the aim be to have tbe tubers ripened just as soun as possible. There Is no better early kind, well known, than the "Early Rose," and for the first crop this will be the best. Phila. Preii. Roles fee Teachers. Be early at school, that' your pupils may have a good example. Be prompt In brglnnbg and in dismiss Ing. Be slow to promise, but quick to per form. Let the one rule of your school be "Do right" Speak kindly, but always firmly. Always be ready to commend good work and good deportment Don't give your pupils long lectures on morality. Short sermons are best appre ciated. Practice Is better than precept Never undertake to teach what you do not understand. Look carefully alter the health of your pupils, tall attention to the dangers of slt ting with wet feet, or damp clothing. In- struct pupils with weak eyw to guard them moat carefully. Most certainly change the air In the school room several tines dai ly. Be a strict disciplinarian. Teach self. government; It is the best government for intelligent people. Teach Ideas and not mere words. Never permit a day to pass without be ing sure that at least one point has been made. Arouse within your students a love for their work. lite it Sprikg. As soon as Spring opens, our bees should all be examined by lifting the frames of each hire, and if the stocks are weak, the bees are abut to one side of the hive by means a dWblon board, so as to keep up tbe nec essary beat for blood-rearing on as many combs as they can cover, As soon as the queen baa filled tbese combs with eggs wa spread them apart, Inserting an empty comb between those occupied with brood, and In a few days' time the queen will fill this one also ; and to we keep on until every availa ble cell is occupied with brood. Thus It will be teen that instead of tbe queen lay. Ing ber eggs on tbe outside of the cluster, sbe lays them in tbe centre of brood-nest wbere they should be. After tbe blve is full of brood and bees, it does not make so much difference, as tbe weather Is warm and bees are plenty, so that tbe queen can deposit ber eggs anywhere In tbe blve. At soon as tbe strongest stocks are full, take a frame of brood just gnawing out, aud place i. i..... v on, .(.in li,. n tiniitv comb for tbe nueen to fill attain. and ao keep on until all are full. HISTORY Of COLUMBIA COUNT T. MIMTATtY RECORD. Drarted Mllltla-Klne Xtath Bertie. 178th Regiment, COMPANY O. This company was from Monteur county, eicept a few names,and was mustered into service mainly November 4, 18C2, and mus teredout July 27, 18G3, and unless other wise accounted for, the men were mustered out with the company. William Y Young Captain, mustered out July 27, 1863. Thomas Butler, lit Lieutenant. SM OVansan t 2d tenant, Charles D Levao, 1st Sergeant. John H Letdy, Sergeant, John 8 Mahan " Phlneaa Haldren " James S Ueddlngs " James W Lowry, Corporal. Thomas 1 Perry " Henry D Gelger " George Haldron " Thomas M Vansant " Daniel M Adams " Jacob J Bardole " Auten Peter V, Private. Ande Thomas H " Albeck Jacob, deserted November 20, 1862. Butler John S, Private. Burch Peter jr " Bombay Daniel " Beers David " Biddle James R,dlscharged on surgeon's ccr tlficate November 22, 1862. Bechtel Jacob.discharged on surgeon's cert ificate November 22, 1862, Hechtel Daniel S. discharged on surgeon's certificate, November 14.48C2, Barber Silas W, discharged, date unknown Barber Nicholas, deserted November 21 '62. Cooper Abraham, Private. Confer William " Cox William J Confer Phlllp.died at Yorktown, Virginia, February 7, 1863 Carr Alexander, discharged on surgeon's certificate November 14, 1862. Cox'Amos, discharged November 15, 1862. Carr Andrew jr, deserted November 4, 186: Cotner Daniel, absent without leave at mus ter out Conway Jesse, desorted November 16, 1862. Dry Adam, Private. Derr Thomas " Derr Hiram " Degreen Augustus " Dyer Jacob " Eyer John " Evans David, deserted date unknown, Oinder Jacob, Private. OordonErnst " Grim John B, deserted November 18, 1862, Huttenstine J Private. Uerner John " Harries John " Helner William, discharged on surgeon's certificate November 22, 1862. Hllkert Samuel deserted November 22, 1862 Hartman Lewis, deserted November 21 1862. Irvin Wm Private. Kelly John " Kester Jeremiah " Kersteller Leonard " KJlne Isaac Kitchen John H, discharged on Burgeon'i certificate November 22, 1862, Clrkner Leonard, deserted November 21 1862. Lashell WmS Private. Madden James " ilagonig&l Thomas " Murray Joseph K " Murtz John " More George " Miller Wm B ' Manning Wm L " Myers 'James D, discharged on surgeon' certificate November 22, 1862. Morris Edward M, deserted November 13, 1862. McCracken James, Private. McMahan James jr, discharged on surgeon certificate November 22, 1862. Richard Hiram, Private. Ruse Cornelius " Roads Mahlon " Stineman Frederlch " Starr John D " Smith Alexander " Sweitxer John " Shiros Bowman D " SweiUer Wm W " Strouse Wm " Shock Emanuel, discharged November 21 1862. Shires Wm, discharged November 17, 186: Stecker Moses L, discharged November 17 1862. Shultz Robert M, deserted November 9, '62, Swisher Surges, deserted November 20, '62, Smith David, deserted November 6,4862. Thomas Benj F Private. Taylor Cyrus " Thomas John " Tindall Andrew, discharged surgeon's certl Coate May 2,1 863, Tanner Henry, jr, deserted November 15, 1862. Vanslckle John A, Private. Weisner Wm " Wykoff Wm V " Wellever Andrew J " Wanich Amos " Warner Christian, died at Newport News, Virginia, December 16, 1862. Weisner Augustus, discharged on surgeon's certificate, November 22, 1862. Wertman Henry u, oisenargeu on surgeon's certificate November 13, 18C3. Young Gearge W deserted November 25, '62. Caise of Lamp Eiplosloni. It Is not the oil that explodes, bu( the vapor or gas that is generated from the oil. Tbe vapor, when confined, or under pres sure, is as explosive as gunpowder. A lamp may be standing on a table or mantel, and a slight pun of air from an open window or door may cause an explosion. A lamp may be taken up quickly from a table or mantel, and quickly exploded. The lamp is taken out Into the entry where there Is a draft, or out of doors, and of AQ explosion ensues. A lighted lamp is taken up a flight ef stairs, or raised quickly to place It on the mantel, .resulting in an explosion. In tbese cases the mischief is done by tbe air more' ment either by suddenly checking the draft, or forcing air down the chimney against tbe flame: Blowing down tbe chimney to extinguish a lamp Is a frequent cause of explosion. Lamp explosions have been caused by using a chimney broken oft at the top, or one that has a piece broken out, whereby tbe draft is variable and the flame un steady. Sometimes a thoughtless person puts a small wick into a large burner, thus leaving considerable space along the edges of the wick. An old burner, with Its air-drift clogged up, which rightfully should be ""0WD continued In use I aud tbe result is an explosion. DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD Are not advertised as "cure alls," but arc specifics In trie diseases tor Tthlch they nre recommended. m ATI) It A L. SELECTION. Investigators or natural sclencn have tlcmonstat- ed beyond controversy, thnl throughout the animal kingdom ttao'Mhn survival ot tho fittest" Is the only law that vouclmfcs thrift and perpetuity. Does not uie same principle irovern i no commercial prosperity of man? An Interior cannot supersede a superior article, fly reason ot superior merit, Dr. Pierce's standard Medicines have, outrivaled all oth ers. Their sale In Hie I'nlted States alono exceeds ono million dollars per annum, while tho amount exported foots up to net era! hundred thousand more No business could ever urow such gigantic proportions and rest upon any oihcPsasls than that of merit. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Im lMcUNnnt to i'nc. DR SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy tin Cure Kxti'lHl over u jut I ml of !iO Ycni-N. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh llomedy If Sale Constantly Ihereasrs. DR SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy CurcN by lift mllil, Soothing effect DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy CurcN "Cold lu IIpiki," ami Cn- tnrrh, or Ozeti'na. AN OPEN L UTTER It Spunks for Itself. ItoctroKT, Mass., April 2, 1ST7. 5tn. Editor : Ilavlnc reail In jour purer reports of tbe remarkable cures of CntHrrh, 1 am induced to tell "what I know about Catarrh,' nod I fancy tlio "snuff" nnd Waiiailng-tube makera (mere dollar crabbere) would trial If they could embln7ona tdmllar cure Intlie papers. Korsa jenM 1 RUlTervd with catarrh. Tkouaaol passages bevutmi complete ly closed. HnufT," "dust," ,flsbt,'ttnuallng-tubes' una sucks. wuuiuubHurK uiuuku luicrviiiH would bnlfr un tbe so-called caturrn snuff, until I became, a valuable tester tor such medicines. 1 gradually grew worse, and no one can know how iqudu 1 BUUC1CU ur nuuK uiiscimsic itciuk ft nm. My head a'hed over my eyes, I was confined to my bed for manv successive dars. suffer Ine the most In- I tense pain, which at one time tasted contlunously for 168 hours. All sense of smell and taste gone, sight and hearing Impaired, body shrunken and weakened, nervous sjstem shattered, constitution broken, and I was hawking and spitting seven Mtrhthsof the time. 1 craved for death to relieve me- oi my sunenug. a lavuruuiu uuuxo iu juui (.ui per of lir. sage's Catarrh Itemedy induced me to purchase a package, and use It with Ur. Tierce's Na sal Douche, which applies the remedy by hydrostatic pressure, ino uaiv wuv coinoauuitj w ui cuiuinuu i sense. Well, Mr. Editor It did not cure me three fourths of a second, nor in one hour or tnoLtb, but in 1 less man eigne minutes i was relieved, ana in lurxe i UJUUUUS CUIU CiJ tui cu iuju unui i tiuaiucu ou iui I over sl i teen months, while using the Catarrh item- I edy, I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery j to purify my blood and strengthen my stomach I I also kept my liver active and bowels regular ty the use ot nls neasant rurgattve relicts, it my experi ence will induce other sufferers to seek the same means ot relief, this, letter will havo answered Its purpose. . L. D. RKMICK. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. Tbe following named parties are among tho thou sands who have been cured ot Catarrh by tho use ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy : A.. F. Downs. New Geneva. r&.: D. J. Drown, St. Josipn, Mo.; K. u. Lewis, Kutland, vt.; Levi spring er, Nettle Lake, Ohio ; Unas. Norcrop, North dies- UrUUlU, alV.i fllMWU IIUUC9, c UIUU, 11. , U. Bit A'kti lcr, under station, Wyo.; J. C. Merrlmao, Logani- , ina.; u. m. vobi, Loganspoix, ina.; w. hoii rrcmont. r.: II. 11. Ayrcs. Larorte,Ind.: Jessie M. sears, Ft. itranch, lnd.; L. Williams, Canton, Mo.; w. A. inuyer, umtrgu, iu.; u. ntuuuis, ,ir., ton, Texas ; Jonas V Kelncrt, btonesvllle, l'a.: S.W. Luslc, Mcrsrland, Wis.; Johnson Williams, llclmlcK, oiilo ; M. A. currey. Trenton, Tenn.; J. u. Joslln, Keene, N. II., A. J. Casper, Table Itoclt, W. Va.; Lew-Is-Anders, Uaysport, Ohio ; C. II. Chase. Klkhart, lnd.: Mrs. Henry llalcht. San Francisco. Cal.: Mrs. E. M. (loUusha, Lawrencevtlle, N. Y ; W: J. Graham, I Aaei. lowa ; a,u, Dnmu, rtewmoa, ua.; tiwH. ltlce, Ilaltlmore, Md ; Jesse M. fiears, Carlisle, lnd.; Dan'l. u. Miller. Ft. warne. Ind.: Mrs. Minnie Ar- nalse, !90 Ueloncy Btrect, New York ; 11. W. Hall, I iiasungs, Mien.; nr. Marston, Loweii, moss.; i. W. Itooerts Maricopa, Ariz.; (.'has. 8. Delaney. Harrlsburg, l'a.; M.C. cole, Lowell, Mass.; Mrs V. 3. 8ourtln.Camden.Ala.: Chas. F. Kaw.Fredeiicktown. Ohio ; Mrs. Lucy Hunter, Farmlngton, 111.: Cant. K. I J. Spauldlng, Camp 8tambaugn. Wyo.; I, w. Tracy, I Hlcamboat Kock.Iowa ; Mrs. L. WalU', bhushan.N.Y. I J. M. 1 ecK, i unction uiiy, Mont.; lienry jtoc, uan tas, Cal.; L. I'. Cummlngs, Itantoul, 111.; 8. E. Jones, Charleston Four Corners, N: Y.; Geo. F. Hail, I'ueb lo. Cal.; WnuK. liartrle. Sterling, l'a.; II. H. Ebon, 4S Ieun street, I'lttsburg, i street. I'lttsbure. l'a: J 1L llackman.Nam- uel's Depot, Ky.; Henry Zobrlst, Geneva. N. v.; Miss llaltle J'arrolt, Montgomery, Ohio; L. Idbrook, Chatham. III.: 8. 11. McCoy. Masnn.rt.Oblo: I W. w. Warner, North Jackpon, Mich.; Miss Mary A. I winne. uanen. wis.; iiuuu irgiur, u-anisie, i u.-, James Tomklns, St. Cloud, Minn,; Knocn Uuerr,Paw nee city, Neo.; Joseph 'c. Miller, Xenia, Ohio ; 8. II. Nichols, Uilvcslon, Texas; 11. L. Laird, tipper Alton, 111.; JohnDavls.lTescott, Ariz.; Mra-Noucy Graham, Forest Cove, Oreg. Golden Medical Discovery It Alterative, or J3lood-cleaning. Golden Medical Discovery h Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery It a Cholagogue, or Liver Stimulant. Golden Medical Discovery It Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery By reason ot Its Alterative Dronerlles. cures Diseas es ot the lllood and k!n, &h scrofula or King's Evil ; Tumors; Ulcers. or old fin's; Mlotches, llmples; and Eruptions. Hy l In no U its Pectoral properties, it cures llroncl.Ui. ', aiid Lung Affections; Incipient Consumption ; Lingering coughs ; and Chronic Laryngitis. Its Cholagogue properties ren der it an unequaled remedy tor Itnilousness ; Torpid Liver, or "Ller, Complaint ;' audits Tonic proper ties make it t uuatly enicucious In curing Indigestion, VI ItlO, UI1U I'J SpUl',14. Win i o the sklu la tnllou , and covered w 1th blotch es, auu plint leu, urwtiere tlein Hie scrofulous swel lloKsmiii i.uiTUt.11.. u lew LottU'Sot GolJeuMedl- cal Ulxcui.i, Hill fleet uu entire cure. If J ou fuel I UUll, ,11 MM, UlUUIUtLCU, UU hUUUW UUlUr HI BKIO, I orilluMtsli blown spots mi the face cr budy, (ro-1 uuo t headache or dizziness, bad tist In mouth, in. I UTia.i neat or ihllla sltrrnnud with hot Hushes, low Bplrlts and glomuy forebodings Irregular appetite and to g'li iiutt'u, sou nre suttrring from Torpid LUvr, or "t'll'lousni'Ks ' In many cacesi'f "Ller Cuipiaiiit'oniy partpit these swnpuims aroexpo rli'iioa. abu rt uiedy tor ail such ctses. Dr. Pierce's Gold u Medical Discui ery has no qual, as It effects perfect ( uas, hating tho liver strengthened and lll'U tuj, THE PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. lr. It. V, I'iKUCK U the solu ironrletor and manu- facturtTof tho rorecoln'' remtMlles, all of which are mM by druirt'tst! ile 1 alto tUQ Author 01 tlio 1'eo ylt'a iVuiuiuQ he use Mfxllcal Adviser, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred and tlntitV'iwo wood cLiyruviLiB and coOrtd plates. Ile has already boia ot una popular worn Over 100,000 Conies ! PRICE (post paid) 1.50. Jre'.s ; R. V. PIERCE, M. D., World's Dispensary, Bufliilo.N.Y. it'D. J&i l-U OTICE TO CONSUMERS i -OF- jT01ACC0 g :u: The celebrity ot our TIN TAO TOHALX'O has S caused many Imitations thereof to be placed on gitie market, we therefore caution all Cliewcrs airalnst purchasing such Imitations. All dealers buying or selling oUier plug tobacco o bearing a bard or metallic label.rendcr tnemselves liable to tlio penalty ot tno law, and all tjerfcona f violating our trade marks are punUbablu by tine is ami linprlnoninent. HUB Atl OF C0.NU11ESS fi The geutue I.Oltll.I-AKIl TIN TAIl TO. ullACC'Tcanbe distinguished by a TIN TAO on Mcacb lump with the word LOllfLLAHU stamped JAIhpraon. S over l.oss tons tabocco sold In 1817, ana nearly 2 persons employed In factories. Taxes paid Gov'mn't In 1ST? about 3,60o,ooo, and gdurlng the past It years, over t20,ooo,ooo. These goods sold by all Jobbers at manufacturers H raws, march 9, ISJS-Siu llico Ucan make money faster at work for us than at any thing else Capital not required ; we will start you. SIS per day at borne made by the Iduatrlous. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere ti work for us. Now U the lmrt, Cohtly outflt and terms free. Address Tsus Co Augusta, Maine. muku n, i-iy V Vis Iks kaw varKL.AuwU IfalcaW U iftlAfMll. aUAjms. A. Coci-m 4 1 Cifcsaw. ajrlT, Tf-V PUBLIC SALE OF VALUADLR REAL ESTATE ! Tlio nndcrelgncd, Administrator c, ot Henry Frltr., late ot hugsrloat townSMp, Columbia county, deceased In pursuanco of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia count), will cxposo to publlo sale on the premises on SATURDAY, AHtir. intlt, 1S78, commencing nt l 'u'clo k ft. ni,, otsitLI dity, all the right, title and Interest of add llinry PrlU,duc3as ed, In the following de-tcilix'd Lotur V I B 0 K O V li A N n containing IT ACItm m ro pr ess, sltnatA In Sugar loaf townshln, Countj ot I olumbla adjoining lands ot Samuel tlesn !dou the nurth. l.inJt ot Jacobs. Hess O'l tho cast, lands ot olidrow and I'hlllp llcss on tho south and a publlo road running to Mary I'e tcrman'snnl WUUm 0. retermsns on the vest, whereon are crectod a LOO DWKIjLING housk, one ar.d a half stories high a Frame Darn, a Good Small Applo Orchard cm tho prcmlses-also a good Spring of water. Tho landi will bo sold for payment ot debts and sold subject ro thtsumof unpaid purchase money duo Samuel V. lies) May s?, 1S7. TKHM8 OF KA1.K. Ten percent ot one-fourth of tho purchafo money to bo paid at tho Hrllilng down ot Bald premises, une-fourtu of tho purchaso money less tho ten per cent, to bo paid at tho conllrmatlon of tho sale, and tho balance ot said purchaso money to bo paid In ono car from Uie cOhnrmAtlon of said sale, with Interest on said balance from the confir mation nisi ot said salo. JOSI.MI 1". FI1ITZ. Administrator. Central 1". 0 Columbia co., I'a.-mnr(li23, ists-ts GOLDJ Great chancp to make money. If you can get iroiu x ou can gtt green- ihnrlr&. Un nrml a iwrson evcrr. where to take sutcrlpllons to tho largest, iheapest and best Illustrated family publication in tho world. Any one can btcoine a Kuccest-ful agent. The most elegant works of ortgli en free to subscribers. Tho 8rlco Is so low that almost eicnbody subscribes, no agent reports making ottrfitoinaitrek. A lady agent reports taking over too subscribers In ten days. All who engage make money fast, Youcan devote all your time to tho businifMr only your spare time. You need not bo awoy trom homo over night. You con do It as well as others. Full partic ulars, directions and terms frrce Elegant ana ex pensive outnt free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try tho business. No ono who ensages falls to make great pay. Address "llie rctplt's Joutnairrort fand, Slalne. aug. li , T7-iy GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sokes and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contacion. This Standard External Remedy for Erun. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLV CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a wholesome UEAUTIFIER is Tar preferable to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL PHUR Baths are insured sy the use of Glenn's Sulplmr Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre vents Rheumatism and Gout, It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN nnd PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ncss, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per . Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N IiThc 30 cent calces are triple the fixe of those al 35 cents. "HILL'S HAIR AND WHISKER DYE, lllack or Brown, 30 Cent C. J.CUHESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sath Av.,I.Y. December 14, lSTT-ly WANurAOTURtas or INE, J-IQHT AND EAYY BEPOSITOBY, N. E. Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sti Philad'a. -EiriiBino sniLr ATiiMJin to. auo, cia SIAGSS TAKES OS 870SS0S. march 1', lsTS-3m KEEP IN THE RIGHT LATITUDE V. Call on or address the undersigned for full lnWr- maUn- N. S. SNOLE, Agt-, tcb. 8, 'IS-Sm sunbnry, Pa. Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Vatani Isulda Bait "Work aat Waft Cap. to ura comuTT wmicxrr nil W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 84 Mftldeaa lae, Xat ILUasi It. IIW TO. dec T, Ull-ly TljlSfAJEiSKEPTOM FILjE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Susom Sr PHILADELPHIA, W'k. nre ou mrAtlMrice 4 ajreiU, tuiil wlU (rcoctv AtnitlMiMM at air UDWVM alAstll auTKM. I Ca' I Tfjw a I sbbbvsbbv m v m ( miaMh asm i a rieg Croods ! Begs lcavo to inform liia customers nnd tho public thiit his stock is now replete with nil the Novelties for Spring and Summer Wear, consisting of new and beautiful styles of ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS AT REDUCED FRIGES. any of which ho is prepared to nmko up in tho latC3t style. Ready-made clothing cheaper than ever. Cheap' Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Boys for Children. all of the best make and at tho lowest prices. Just received a full lino of all the For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. BAYUtD MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUBG, I -A Mammoth Grocery, corner BliOOMSBITRQ, 13 T1IK rl.ACK TO GET THE WOItTII OP YOUlt MONEY LN THE FINEST AND FRESHEST OF Fancy Imported and DomesticiStaple Groceries of Every Description Qaierare, Glassware, M ail Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, OK NICE FRESH Jan 1. 18"I. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third tbe cost of painting, and get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LONOAS ANY OTHEIt PAINT. Is prepared ready for use In whlto or any color In the country, many of which have been painted six uuxHiuAL rAim uas tasen rirsi ntiuiiLiMa ai iweniy ui mo who imia ui iuu umuu. puiupieuuru Colors sent free. Address N. Y. K N A M K I, I'AINI u O., ITS 1'rtnco street, K. v., or llKNUY , DEIt & SON, Agents 1321. Maraet street, rhUadelphla, Pa. July SI, 'IJ-ly Sit lttniwt$t IS AND OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin THE! DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE IN THIS PAPER are oasrij-sr A HHJIs BASQUES OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL Im the (DiiiimM )ffi(ee9 All kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing clone on at low rates OFFICE NORTH SIDE RLOOMSBURG, PA, best; business vou cam emratro In. IStottt) ner dav made br anv worker of cither sex, right In their own localities. Par ticulars and samples, worth 15 free, lraproioyour spare time at this business. Addtess stiniotn Co., I'ortionu, Maine. marcn n, -in- y Gold. Mines and Lands. Coal. (10I.D MINES AM) LANDS. COAL. Hlt.VKlt OIL LEAD COMPANIES (WUANIZKD, MTUWR IHON H1N1N11 AOENi:Y, COl'I'Elt MAI1ULK SOS H. HKVKNTlIHTltE&r, I.IMK COAL PlIU.MlEl.l'lllA. MICA MAKL A, II. WVMAN li CO. QYI'SUM Quo Timkos toa Tin Wias, Nikvoi'sInu lis- BlUTATin. Ot'K 1 ATKST IXrROVBh BlLV-ACTIHO QALVAN10 AP- rUANCss are a speedy and I'shmahbnt euro tor Itueuinallsin, Neuralgia. Kidney, Liver and Female Complaints, Nervous Prostration, Weak Lungs, Hack and dplnol Irritation and kindred dlseamo. I'rlces, Wain Uelt jvoottplnal Ueit for Paralysis and spinal Ailments, f, and upwards. Armlets, Anklets. Head Hands, Knit) t'aps.ts ou each. Suspen ders $5.00. Illustrated Pamphlet Fee, Address 0M.VANO-MKIlKIAI.AHSOC'IATIllN, march 1, i7-1y VT Kast Ninth St., New York. TnXECUTORS' NOTICE. ESTATE Of EUSIU BABT0X, DECEASED, Letters Testamentary on tbe estate ot Ellsha Darton.lateol the town of lUoomiourif. Columbia Co. IV , deceased, have been er'Dted by the IteirUterot rid cuuntv to KU Iiarton and E. Mendenall to whom all persons indebted Xo said entate aro re quested ui inaao payuieui, auu uiutwi uaiiiur riaima or demands. aealnst tiie said estate vlll make them known to the said executors wltnout delay, IE LI BATiTON. K. UKNOKNIIALL, executors. march, li IS w $66 a vk Id your own town. f5 Outflt free. No rib t. II (cider li you want a biuunfita al vihicu t pcTMuui of etUer wx can uakg yaJltie tima Ua'jr work, urtte irreat nai fcr partltulnrttoll. UaucvQ,,ivruuaHUiw Sriing Goods! latest styles in color and quality of FOB. BH SOLD ONLY BY of Main and Centre streets, PKODUGE. desired. Is on many thousands of tho finest bulldihP years, and now look as well as when llret pointed THE HAS THE short notice and OF TBE COURT HOUSE, 4.1 l'PLICATION FOH CHAHTER. Co is hereby irlven IhatanDllcatlon will bg mxlo under the Act of Assembly pusued April nth, 1814 to obtain a ChartcrlncorporutluKan os.soclatlou to bo known us the "husquehunnu IlullJlnc- nnd Loan As sociation of ltlooinhburir," whobe object shall bo to ut'HLow au loo oenenu anu enjoy un mo iiriiucKos Incident to imlldln? nnd Loan ARSoclallons lncortio- ruiea uuuer me pruvujons 01 tuoiawaui mil vuiu- uiuuwcmm. 1'AUl, E. llll, maschil, ";s-Sw Att'ylorAssoclailon. GLAZING AND PAPERING. "TITM. P. BODINE, Iron Street lielow sec- ii ono, uioomsDurir, i a., is prepared to ao ai kinds of PAINTING, QLAZINQ, aud PAPER nANGING. In the best styles, at lowest prices, and at short UUUUm Parties having such work to do will save money calling on me. AU work warranted to glvo satisfaction. Orders auuciuxi WM. F. BODINE. MoreblH BLANK NOTF8,wlth orhboueinniil(c tfi' aaia al Vm CoLttKBtasi oakaa. r- n 11 m ThU Cut llli(rt lh UtliMl at Ulin, uit. I'liciioin'H Fountain Natal Injector, DOUCHE. Thi. in.tmment Is eioeclallr deilgned for ths perfect application of DR. SAOE'S 0ATAERH EZUEDT. t 1- k. nnl.tArm ttf Trt InTflntSd with which fluid medicine cn 1 carried high w and vtTnUu nrpHfrt to all rsrn of ihe sffectsd nal tiMUtti, nd the rnamnert or cavmc. com municating tlierewilh, In which, sore; and ulcers fr,,n(.ntiv pxtiL and frcm which tno catarrhal discharge generally proceeds. Tho want ot ;uo reti In tresting Caiarrh herctoforo has srlien i. from the ImnoiAlh lltr of Slipiring rem- .iii.. In tlic MTlllei and chmler by any of Us onlinary methods. This ohitacle In the way of effecting curei li entirely overcome Dy tne inven- lion ot ine uourne. Ill use is ini-ai simple that a child can understand IU Hon of the Douche. It use Is J pleasant and so inn sua explicit direction accompany each Instru ment. When used with this Instrument. Dr. Sage's Catarrh llemedv cures recent atuirki ol JL m "Cold In tlio Head" by a MaJ few applications. ES CATARRH DP If SYSII'TOMS-rrcmienl liea.lachc. disclisrge failing inio iuroi. .ino tlmcs proline, waicry, thick mucus, purulent, otfcnslTc, etc. in others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or lnllamcii cjc. iuvin"is "i'i"' """V". lion, of passages, rlnglny In ears, rleaf. ncss, hswklnff and coughing to c car throat ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered. naal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total deprivation of sense nt smell and taste, d illness, ,.i.n in, nt smietlte. lndlscst OD. cnlarscd tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Only a few ol the.c symiitnms aro likely to be present in any r.n.f. n nne i mc. IJr. Saae's catarrh Itemedy, when used Willi nr. I'lerrc'a Nnnnl Upllclie, and ac- compnnled with the constitutional treatment which is rccomincndnl In the pamphlet that wraps each L,inf n, I'nnk. is a nerfect sneclflc lor this hi.iUi.omp dw.isc. It l mild and pleasant to use, rnntiilnlns no strong or canstlo drugs or ioion. The Catarru uemcnv n niin i win., Douclic nt no cents, ty nil uruum.. ?; vir.ncn. sr. i I'np'r, llfl'KAI.O. N. Y. tep. 8S, 'J7-tt doctor wmmgs CSW3IH EASES OF TKt- THRttlIJINCS,UVBI & ILOOQ In the wonderful medicine to which the affile ted aro nbofe illrcctcd for relief, the discoverer be- iiccii ne nas comninca n narmony more oi wn tiirc's BOTcreiRn curative prnpertles, which .God has Instilled Into tho vegetable kingdom for heal ing the sick, than were over before combined in one medicine. 1 he evidence ot this fact is found In the irreat vnrletr of moit obatiniuedleeni! uhlch it hat been found to conquer. In the care of iirouciiiiia severe cousiib. and the carir stages ot Consumption.. It lias astonished tbe medical faculty, and eminent physicians pro nounce It the greatest medical discovery of the age. Whilo it cures tbe severest Coughs, it Ftiengthcns the system and purifies the Dioou. ur us rreatanu uioroturii i lotxi-nurirv- lng 1'iOpcrties, it cures alt Ilumore, from the wortt Hero fata to a common Ulotcli Plra- PIe(or 12rn.ptlo.uu Mercurial disease, uinerai oisons, and their effects, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution estab lished. jKrralpelse, Salt-rliounij Fever Sores. Sralv or Ilonirli Sklti. In short, all the numerous di leases caused by bad blooil. are rinfiiercii uy iius powcnui, puniying, ana la- vigomung medicine. , It you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowfth blown spots on face or UnU; frequent headache or dlzxlncds, bad taste in motith, internal licit or chills alternated with hot flualieu, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, ir regular appetite, and tAnguc coated, vou arc puttering from Torpid 1,1 ver, or " Rtlloue iiphh." Iu Jiuny cases of 1,1 ver Com pluttit only pait of these STiiipinnii arc e- pericnccu. as a rcmenv ior nil sucu caen, ur. ioicu's (j'oMcn Meilical Discovery hat noi-otial. a it elects pericct rures, ieains mo me iti enffthci.cil unU healUiy, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT $1 PH PJTUE. Prepared by II. V. l'liMTietnr, at the JJutlalo. X. Y. sep. SS, ni-tf I'iriirn. .ti. n., sole UllLU H Util'NUAKV, Tho LigMcBt Running;, ' Tho Simplest, Tho Most DuraWo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. if if easily understood, malcn the double-thread luck-stitch, nneir reculatlne tensions uud take-up, anif telll do the wliolo range of family work without chance. The " Ilouiestlc " ! madeln the mo it durable wanner, with eonteal eteel heartnye and coinpentatlny Journule throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. Theae jwpular IA.TTJ3TtNS for adiet mitti, and chttdreW drtis, art cut on a aysteiH uperlor fa otiy in ubc, and ran fc understood by mif one. J-'ull direction and tUustratloH$ vn each envetope, AnJ J'".r4 Ctnt for illustrated Cata logue of lOOO Fashion. - Sowing MacUno Co., Now York,'. I. W. HARTMAN, Acent "Bomestic" Parer Fashions Bloomsbiire;. December II, HIT-ly PATENTS. F. A. Lcbmann, Solicitor of American and Fsre'gn Patents, Wsshlcgton, D. O. AU business connectod with Patents, whether before the I'atent Office or the courts, promptly attended to. No charge made unlci, s ptcnt U secured. Bend tor a tlroulsr, May,lT-U bw I aaLSBaaVi'l DEBILITY DEBILITY DEBILITY SPRING SPRING Languor, Lassitude LOW BTATE OF THE SYSTEM Peculiar to the Spring ofihp Xmr, aro lmmedlato PERUVIAN SYRUP SYRUP SYRUP PERUVIAN PERUVIAN on Protected Solution of Protoxide of Iron. One of the Moat Eminent Jurists of New England. V riles to a filend as follows : "I havo tried the PE IIUVIA N NYHUI', nnd tho result fully sustains jour predictions. It lias mndon NEW .MAN of mo s In fused Into my system a new viiror and enertrv. I nrn no lonser tremulous nnd (lcblUiatod.ns vlien sou imiww nit', niu stronger, Heartier, wnn larger ca pacity for lalwr, inentnl nnd pliyslcal, than (it nny tlmo during the last nvu years." An Eminent Divine of Boston says: "I liavu used tho PKimvf am Hvntm rn. DAmn time past! It elves ina New Vinos. lumvANnv nv I ijriiurs, Rusticity or .Muscle." Another Clergyman "Writes : 'MWOVfttrn toTillmno 19 inrlpflnltitr tvicttvinA T linvc discovered tbo 'Fountain tf Health' on tills side ottuo Atlantic. Three bottles of I'KKUviAN.STiitir hao rescued mo from tho fangs ot the llcnd Dys pepsia," From the Trumpet and Universal- lst Magazine. "Many of our personal friends hayo been cured by tho I'KHUVIAN 8 VHUP, but wo have one proof mora powerful than all these, and that Is OCR Own 1'ir bonal KjrsnisNcs! No nuthorltv can put this down no argument can contradict (t : and no good word shall be spared on our part until a knonledgo of this blessisgshall be spread broadcast among tho noon r." PERUVIAN PERUVIAN PERUVIAN SYRUP SYRUP SYRUP Supplies thfl blood with ItsTltitl Principle of I.lfo r. I'liirni.iiiun.inrusingMrenctl,, Visor nnd Nrw l.lre Into nil narts of the Kvnrrm. npim. purs vunu IAioiioL. its cnerirlzlng effects Are nor. followed by corresponding reaction, but are permanent 8KTII W. FOlVf.R KfiKS. PrnntlpkAra Rrt TTnr- rlson avenue, Boston. Sold by nil druggists. Pam phlets free. Hend for ono. Dr.A.G.OLIN'S frWa.19 IlospluL 1ST Eaat Waahlnr loo M Cbkftffo,. kil moa of ft l'rlvssl ntur, twitting from twly ibnaM r Inroftlon of oil haw hma. Nmlnial ULnit.atwodsicini UNI 1 Irani Msatihood or iMpetrnrr, Arrvou I't-bllltr, tiantlvcundl dlaasuea of Itiai ltlaaaldrp. Vlatssovsu 1. rrrous iltbllll. nmia MOf h4 IIIkaJ aasidrr, KlalnrTo I4?ri I. li nark. Aittiiii. l"atirh. I Ilea, all Chronic lHwaiM. aad DIM ar.Nr w r.aAi.1.0, jitiii to mainvaoi. iw. una 1 hml llftj-lop 1 unwUi othm UI. ot lb lUfiimasvl Rrlionl, n do morrunr, bM tho ami cumwpt I arc nsl iw'ikan lb U. S. LADIES rtMulrlni IrMtmcnl private homo nd bowil, till or writ. Liory coovintcnco far licnu. Kond BftyronU for aampU of Robbtw (ioodt ond etr rslv f Imprrlant Ufonnotlon bvttjwosa, U1L OLIMH Frmnto I11U. rT Il CnmiiHtlton fV. MARRIAGE GUIDE OssJtti fag aiiit njr-l ot 1hI! hin un all iHmam of a pHU tMituM. ValnftliU l.l.'w in Ihs itinfria.1 an.l ll.M rantcmplalinf ,nvnw. How a l li. iuu, tauiysil- SUIf. II, 7I-ly ItiC RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES piHLADEU'IlA AND RKADINQ ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. .May 21, 1ST0. T1UINS LSATK KCPKRT AS F0I.I0WS (fcCKrAVrxCKPTK ror New ork-, Philadelphia, Ilcadlnir, I'oltaMlla I Tamaqua, ic, 11,83 a. ra For Catawlssa, 11,3a u. in, 5,47 and 1,36 p. m. For WiUUmsport, s,!3 0,34 a. ra. and 4,00 p. m. I TRAINS FOB KCKRI LEATK A8 FOLLOWS, (StMUT KX CEPTSn.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Leavo Heading, 11,3) a. m., Pottsvllle. 12.15 d. m and Tamaqua, 1,25 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,so a, m. and 4,00 p, m. Leave Wllllamspor!,,sj a.m,l!,oo m. and 0,00 p. m Passengers a tid from New York and 1'ldludo pula fro througa ithout change of cars. 3. B. WOOTTEN, CO.nANCOCK, General Manager. General Ticket Agent, Jan. u.HItt- u. XTORTHEKN 1 COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after November 20th, I9J3, trains will leave SUNliUHY as follows: NOUTI1WAHD. Erlo Mall b.!i) a. m., arrive Klmlra 11 . r. " Canondalgua, . . 8.35 p. in ltoche&U'r 5.15 " Niagara ,40 Henovo accommodatlonll.l(ia.m.arrno Williams rt 12.63 p. in. Elmlra Mall 4.I6 a. m., arrlvo Umlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Kspress 1.15 a. m. arrive liuffalo 8.50 a. m SOUTlIWAltU. Buffalo Eipress 2J0 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg i M u. ra " Baltimore 8.4 Klmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrive Harrlsburg J M p. m " Washington " " Baltimore .So " " Washington 8.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.50 p. m. arrlvo Baltimore 2.2s a. m " Washington CIS " Erie Mall I2ja a. m. arrlvo Uantsburg 05 a. m) " Baltimore 8.40 ' " Washington 10.S5" 1 1 All dally eicept Sunday, JJ. M. BOYD, Jr., Oeneral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, Oeneral Manago DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANE WEUTKUN KAlUtOAU. llLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. TUne-Tablo No. S9, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY, NOVEMBEH 22 1815. NOIiTH, STATIONS. -..Kcranton.., ...-Hellevue SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a,tn. p m. p.m s on g as 8 ou ei t 55 3 49 I 40 8 49 T 4(1 8 81 I S3 8 82 I 81 8 81 I 22 23 T 18 1 1 I IB 2 IT t 15 8 II I UI 8 12 I 03 S 02 S 68 8 04 S 54 8 HI 45 2 84 8 SO 2 42 S 15 2 81) tlfi III S 02 2 19 tts 111 5 59 9 10 9 Hi 9 43 9 SS 9 88 a 4s 9 63 1W D 8 25 2 31 2 U 2 4S 2 62 9 58 8 U4 t SO 8 33 41 If 8 65 I 01 I 04 I 11 I 15 t 25 I S3 I 40 .....Taylorvllle..,. 9 31 ..uu;i.awanna-Ht .. lit Lston. ...... . West Pltlston... 10 (s) 10 os 10 11 10 IS II) 20 9 25 9 20 18 ...-.Wyoming....,., ...ilaltby" 9 11 9 01 .....Itennelt, ...Kingston. Kingston 10 23 8 CI 10 81 8 JO 05 9 15 8 69 8 61 10 81 10 82 10 85 10 40 10 44 10 62 8 11 8 V2 8 21 ..Plymouth June,. .... Plymouth.,,,, 8 61 .-...Avonaaie ...uNanticoke.. Uunlock's creek. ..bhlckshlnny. -.Hick's Kerry.... ..Beach Haven... ... Berwick .... ....Ilrlar Creek.. .WIUowOrove. ..LUne ludge ..........Epy.. . .Woo rasburj-.. .....Iturert. 8 89 I 48 6 48 8 81 I 63, 3 43 8 to 4 00 8 25 4 18 8 45 4 21 8 65 4 29 OS 4 81 a to 4 41 8 65 4 48 I 20 ill ID) 6 19 T 40 8 41 8 80 8 18 11 10 It II B 14 8 09 8 12 II 23 11 l 11 at T 68 11 89 11 48 11 61 It 61 5 49 2 06 I 64 5 40 6 84 5 28 6 23 6 20 5 DS 4 as 4 60 8S 1 68 1 U 1 48 1 43 1 40 1 25 1 18 1 15 1 00 I 41 I 411 I 85 I 80 I 24 I 11 19 12 8 03 t 45 12 01 6 14 T 12 12 10 B 20 S 55 12 25 6 88 8 SS IS 32 5 41 8 40 II 81 6 62 8 41 II 61 8 10 8 14 catawlssa Bridge, ,, Clark's switch.! iianviua... Chulas y Cameron . 1 04 I 0. 6 45 1 .Northumberland. I p.m. a. p.m. a.c W. 1'. HAUTKAD, bunt, superintendent crrce, Hrsnttn, Dec jo, wit o.m. s-m, mis rsraa is on fii.b with ROWELL & spHtSMAN . Advertising V Agenti, TitmB A CHUTNUt TS-, T. LOOM, a SPRING Mr