The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 12, 1878, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every Friday morning, at
Tiro poLLiM per year, payanio In advance, or
tntuif the year. After tho expiration of the. year
W.w will lie charged. To subscribers out of the
oniint.y the Wrm nre SI per jenr, Hrlctly In adranco
-U si If not pild 1i advance Mid tM II payment lis
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No piper discontinued, ctcept at the option of tho
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year will not be itlveu,
All.papers sent out of thoNtatu or to distant post
ofr.ccs must to paid for In advnnen, unless A rcspoti
Bible, person In Columbia county assumes to ay tuu
subscription due on demand.
piwTAtilt Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
the county,
The Jobblcif lieparttocnt of the Columbian Is very
complete, ana our 1 b Printing will compare favora
bly with tint of the large cities. All work done on
domand.neatly and at modcrato prices.
z; -y tracts
rrwnlnrfipa .w w tvv
Three Inches, ,
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Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tram
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Legal advertisements two do'larsper lnfu ,or US
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Translentor Local notices, twenty cent a 111
regular advertisements halt rates.
Cards In the "Business Directory" column, OM
dollar per year for each line.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judge-William Elwcll.
Associate Judgcs-I. K. Krlckbaum, P. L. Shuman.
Vrothonotary, Ac II. rrank Zarr.
Court Stcnographer-S. N. Walker.
Register K llouorilor Williamson II, Jacoby,
District Attorney -tolm M. Clark,
Sheriff-John W, llorfman.
Surveyor Isaac Hewitt.
Treasurer-l)r. II. W. Mcllcynolds.
Ornimlsiloners-Jolin llcrncr, H. w. Mcnenry,
Joseph Sands. ....
Commissioners' cierk-Wllllam Krlckbaum.
Atidltors-M. V. H. Kline, .1. n. Casey, Brown.
Coroner-Charles cl.Mnrphr.
Jurv Commissioners Kll Hobblns, Thcodoro .
Uuiintv Superintendent William II, Snyder.
llloam Pour lltstrlct-Plrcitors-n,, 8. Ent, Scott,
Ym. Kramer, Iiloomsburg and Thomas Iteecc,
deott, Secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President or Town CouncU-I). Lowenbcrg.
Clerk-W. Wirt. ... .
chief ot Pollen M. C. Woodward.
President of (las Company S. Knorr.
Secretary 0. W. Miller.
Bloomsburg lianklng company John A.Funston,
President, II, II. uro'z, Cashier.
First National limit Charles It. l'axton, President
Ji 1. Tustln, cashier. . .......
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
Assoeliiilon-lJ. II. Lltilo, President, u. W.JIiller,
Bloomsljurg Building and Saving Fund Association
-Win. Peacock. President, J. II. Itoblson, secretary.
Bloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association J.
J Brewer, President, C. (1. Barkhy, Secretary.
atrrisr ciiCKCit.
rtov. J. r. Tustln, (Supply.)
Sunday Servlces-lutf a. m. and t p. m.
U,ii,,l. ., Unl.rwtl n m.
Prayer Meetlng-Every Wednesday evening at Jf
Sjats free. The public are invited to attend.
Mlnls-er-ltev. o. O. S. Marclay.
Sunday Services lojtf a. m. and la p. m.
Unnrlni. Hlinnl A (1. In.
I'raver Meet Ing Kvery Wednesday evening at in
Scats free. No pews rent ed. All are welcome.
Mlnlstcr-Bev. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Services in a. in. and Btf p. m.
Prayer Meeiing-Evcry Wednesday evening at BJf
seals free. No pews rented, strangers welcome,
Presiding Elder Hev. N. S. Buckingham.
Minister Kev. H. L. smyser.
Sunday Services Mys and OX ? m.
Bible Class-Kverv Monday evening at Jf o'clock.
Voting Men's Prayer Meoilng-Every Tuesday
e7enlng at v o'clock.
tlencral Prayer Mcetlng-Kvcry Thursday evening
Corner of Third and Iron streets,
pastor Itev. (1. I. ourley.
itesldenco Central Hotel.
Sunday Servlces-iox a. m. and I p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m.
Prayer Meeting Saturday, T p. m.
All aro invited There is always room.
ST. taul's cuCRcn.
Hector ItcV L. Zahner.
Sunday services lux a- Hi., IX P
Sunday School 9 a. m.
,,. iinrio.ln thn rannth. Tlnltf Communion.
Services preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening Dororo ino si ounuuy m iuwu.u.
Powa rented; but everybody welcome.
rresldlng Blder-Hev. A. L. lteeser.
Minister Hev. J. A. Irvine.
Sunday service 3 p. m., in tho Iron street Church.
mi er Meeting Every Sabbath at 2 p. m.
All are Invited. All aro welcome.
t(nn.a in iih. mtin itrtrv cimtT.h on the hill."
kiiowu a.s tho Welsh Baptist Church-on Hock street
"'ucgular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af-
seats free ; and the public aro cordially invited to
ATIUltn JS Y-A T-LiA w,
Office In A. J. Evan's Niw Buildiii,
ULOoMRiiunn. I' A.
Member ot Commercial Law and Bank Collection As
sociation. Oct, it, TT-M
:7-ItiLIAM DRY80N,
Fob 19, It.
onice In Brower's building, second floor, room No,
1, Bloomsburg, r.
V. II, Abbott, W. II. ItniwN,
Pensions obtained.
dee t, Tl-ly
Mr, Alsbrt Crooiir, tho well-known druggist I
andnpothecary of Sprlngttlle, Me, always adMses
r.urj uuu muuui(;u n 11.11 luieuuiull.MU lu iry tt'Ke-
Ilonil HIS Statement.
SrRiKOVILtn, Mi. Oct. 19, 136.
Mr. II. It. Ftevens:
IKuir Sir. Fifteen vnftrs nirn lust, fall t wfl tjibnn
sick with rheumatism and as unnhlo to move until
tho nest .sprll. From that tlmo until threo ears
ago this fall I suffered everything with rheumatism,
sometimes there would lie weeks at ntlmo that I
could not step ono step! these nttacks werequitn
ottn. I suffered everjthlng that a could, mer
iirce jeans ajjo last Fiinng i enminenceu HiKing
ties ; have no rheumatism slneethat time. I always U certain that tho two were present when
wllinDTiriJUUU MUU IS II tMlUlt'll " 1 Ul I 1IUU lllll ll-lll
to try Vegetlne. and not suffrr for j pars as I have
uuoc. una siaiement is gratuiious as laras.Mr.
Stevens Is concerned. Yours, c to.,
ai.iieut cnooKr.n.
Firm of A, Crooker & Co., Druggists and Apotheca
Ma, II, 11. Stbtkns !
II 0 AV E L L,
Ofllco In llartman's Block, second floor, corner
iv. on, ,,ij iiaiiKiiii-i, inu.'i inn iuk ii severe ul
Uck of Whooping Cough, was left tn a feeble state
Main and Market Streets,
May so 1y,
of health. Being advised bv a friend she tried the that fell from venerable lins when tlipv left
ecctlne. and after ustnir a few bottles wn.sruiiv re-I . .
siurea 10 neauu.
. i hum- iieen a great nmicrer rrom itncumatism. 1 -pt- ot l u di . - .. i
have taken several bottles of tho v eetine ror this en 1'leeco nn Accidental Slopes.causeu many
complalnt.an1 1 am happy to siy It hasentlrely cured t0 burst into tears." The nearer facta that
Sewing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re
paired. OriRA IIousi Building, Bloomsburg, Pa.
with the same good results. Itlsa great cleanser many of these spectators were orphans, that
and nurtnpr of t he hlr trif It Is ntntinnt intnL-nnnH I ' '
vuu vurciiuuj' ii-iuuiiueiiu It,
JAMES MOUSE, SM Athens street.
CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
iGtna, Ins Co., ot Hartford, Connecticut.,
. S.SOO.000
Liverpool, London and Olobe ft),wio,ouo
Koyal of Liverpool... is too.oou
Lancanshtro 10,0oo,( 00
Fire Association, Philadelphia 1,100,000
Farmers Mutual ot DanvUle 1.000.000
DanvBle Mutual T-,000
Home, New York. . 5,oo,ooo
As the agencies are direct, policies aro written for
t he insured wltnout any delay in the office at Blooms-
March M.'TT y
RBPRESINTfl thk followino
Lycoming of Muncy Pennsylvania.
orth American of Philadelphia, fa
h ranklln, of " "
Pennsylvania of "
Farmers of York, Pa.
Hanover of New York.
Manhattan ot "
Office on Market Street No. e, Bloomsburg, Pa,
oct, s, 'll-ly.
caUwlsu, Pa.
collections promptly made and remitted. Office
oyposito uaiawiasa ueposit uui. .m-.
SCIIOOI, ORDERS, bTanV, just printcil and
neatly bound in small books, ou hand and
for sale at the Columbian office.
"OLANK DEEDS, on ParcTimint and Linen
!" Paper, common and for Administrators, Execu
tors and trustees, for sale cheap at the Columbian
"TiTARRIAGE CEItTIllCATr-Sjnst printed
11 and for sale at the Columbian Office. Mlnls
er.sof tho (lospcl and Justices Bhould supply them
selves Willi ineso necussiiry lu tii;i;a.
JUSTICES antl Constables' Fee-bills for sale
at tho Columbian office. They contain the cor
rected fees as established by the last Act ot tho Ug
Mature upon the subject. Every Justice and con
stablo should have ono.
Huub, Frj-mler 4c, Edwardi,
(Successors to Benedict Dorseyc Sons, Ml Market
importers ana aeaiers in
23 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Constantly on hand Original and Assorted Packages
June w, 17-ly
Y ENDUE NOTES just jirintcd and for sale
cheap at tho Columbian office
E. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, Watches
and Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho Central
CO. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
, in Brower's building, 2nd story, Booms 48.
Dealers In
N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets.
reorders will receive prompt attention.
WM. M. RE11ER, Surgeon and I'hysi-
omco b. corner hock ana .Market
rll. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon anil I'hysi
. clan, (Offico and Itesldenco on Third street,
corner Jefferson.
B. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy
sician, north side Main street, below Market.
B. ROB1SON, Attorney-at-Law.
In llartman's building. Main street.
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark wolf's store, Main street.
AVID LOWENBEBG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above central Hotel.
Orangoville Academy.
REV.C. E. CANFIELD,A.M.,Principal,
It you want to patronize a
give us a trial.
Next term begins
For information or catalogue apply to
July 87, Jt-ly OrangevUlo, Pa.
S. KUHN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc.,
a ceuiro street, Detween econu ana -inira.
Inerea:e cf renders ctttincd, Collcctlcns made,
Office, becond door from let National Dank.
Jan, 11, im
Office, North Market street,
Mar.!7,T4 Bloomsburg, Pa.
AT T 0 II K E Y-A T-L A W,
Office, llartman's Block, corner Main and Market
Attor noyat-Law.
Increase, of Tensions Obtained, Collections
Office In Columbian BntniKd.
I. L. RAB11,
Main Street, onnoslta Kntsconal Church. Blooms.
burg, 1'a.
tv Teeth extracted without pain,
aug 4,
Members ot the United states Law Association.
Collections made In any part ot America or Europe
Al luitnniD-Ai-wxrt,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Ofllco on Main Street, first door below Court House
F. it J. M. CLARK,
Bloomsburg, I'a,
Office In Enfs Building.
Orrira Adjoining C. II, t W. J. Buckilew.
Bloomsburg, 1'a,
H. & R. B. LITTLE,
Bloomsburg, I'a.
I BrButUcsa before me U. 8. latent Offloe attended
w.onice intueuoiuiubun uuuoinc.
Select Story.
It never was clearly tscertained how lonR
thty had been there, Tho first settler of
Hoiigh-anil-llcady ono L'jw, playfully
'known to his f.unllUrs hs " The Poor Indian"
-declared that the s.ilnls v,erc nfure his timo
and occupied n cabin in thu North Fork'. It
Hum i:iilli'cl.v
Cured .11c.
Boston, Oct, IStO.
the water was first turned on tho Union
Dilch, nnil then anil there received the des
ignation nf Daddy Diiwney nnd Mammy
Doiwiey, which they kept to tho last. As
they tottered toward the refreshment tent,
they were welcomed with the greatest enthu
sitisin by tho boys ; or, to borrow tho more
refined language nf the "Union Recorder,"
"Their gray hairs and bent figure, recal
ling as they did, the happy paternal eastern
homes ttf tho spectator", antl tho blessings
In a DIseiiNo at' (lie
Tho blood. In lilts Is found In nnntntn nn
excess of nbrln. Vegetlne acts byconicrtlngthe
a few were unable to establish any legal
parentage whatever, that others had enjoyed
a Slate's guardianship nnd discipline, and
that a majority had left their paternal roofs
without any embarrassing preliminary form
ula, were mere passing clouds that did not
Palmetto resturant pushed away ono of Mam
my Downey'a pies with every expression of
dlagust and dissatisfaction. At this juncture
Whisky Dick, considerably affected by his
favorito stimulant, approached the stranger's
table, and, drawing up n chair, sat uninvited
licforo him,
"Mebbce, young man," he began gravely,
"ye don't like JIammy Downey's plesf "
The stranger replied curtley, and lu some
astonishment, that he did not as n rule, "eat
"Young man,'1 continued Dick, with
drunken gravity, "mebbeo you're accustom
ed to Cliarlott rusks and blue mange; mobbee
ye can't eat unless your grub is got up by
one o' them Freucli cooks? Yet wo us
boys yar in this camp calls that pie a
good coru-pe-tent pie I"
The stranger again disclaimed anything
but a general dislike of that form of pis
try. "Young man," continued Dick, utterly
unheeding tho explanation, "young man,
mebbee you onct had nn ole a very ole
mother, who, fettering down tho vale o'
years, made files. Mehhee, and it's like
your blank epicurean soul, yo turned back
on the pics, and on her! She that dandled
yo when yo W07. n baby, a little baby !
Mebbee yo went back ou her, nnd shook her
and played offon her, and gave her away
dead away 1 And now, mebbee, young man
I wouldn't hurt yo forthe word, but mebbee,
afore ye leave this yar table, ye'll cat that
pie I"
The stranger rose to his feet, but the muz
excess or norm, vegetlne acts by com erttng tho "","". men, iiuiiiuk uus umi uiu noi
Wood from its diseased condition ton healthy circu- dim the golden imacerv of tho writer From zle of a dragoon revolver in the unsteady
latlon. Vegetlne reguhtestho bowels which Is very , , E"'ue" imagery oi tno w ruer. 1 rom h , fWhl l ni t n,wi i,im ,,,.!,
Important Tn this complaint, one bottte of vegetlne that day tho Saints were adopted as histori- "anils ot Whisky Dick, caused him to Ht
Will f'lVn rpllnf. lillt. In pfTnol n nnrmntinnt ntin, II . . ' J l TT 1- I. - 1 1.t
will glvo relief, but to effect a permanent euro It
must be taken regularly, and may tako several bot
tles, especially In cases of lonjr standing. Veiretlne
Is sold by all druggists. Try It, and your verdict
will bo the same: as that ot thousands before you,
who sav, "I never found so much relict as from the
use oi vegetlne," wntcn is composed exclusively of
uurKS, ruuia uuu uerus,
be thankful tor his zealous',' aire and econo
my, A few, I think, sulTered in noble si
lence, rather tnan bring the old man's Infir
mity to public notice.
And so with this honor of Daddy and
Mammy tho days of the miners were long
and profitable In the land of the foot-hills.
Tho mines yielded their abundance, the
winters were singularly open, and yet there
was no drouth nor fack of water, and peace
and plenty smiled nn the Slrrean loot hills,
from their highest sunny upland to the
trailltiguWa of wild oats and poppies. If a
certain superstition got abroad among tho
other camps, connecting the fortunes, of
Rough-and-Ready with Daddy and Mammy
it was a gentle, harmless fancy, and was not,
I think, altogether rejected by the old peo
ple. A certain large, patriarchal, bountiful
manner, of lato visible in Daddy, and the
Increase of much white hair and beard, kept
up the poetic illusion, while Mammy, day
by day, grew mnro like somebody's fairy
godmother. An attempt was made by a ri
val camp to emulato these paying virtues of
reverence, nnd an aged mariner was procur
ed from the Sailor's Snug Harbor In San
Francisco, on trial. But the unfortunate
seaman was more or less diseased, was not
always presentable, through a weakness for
ardent spirits, and finally, to use the power
ful idiom of one of his disappointed foster
children, "up and died in a week, without
slinging ary blesgin'."
But the vicissitude readies old and young
alike. Youthful Rough-and-Ready and the
Saints had climbed to their meridian to
gether, and it seemed fit that they should
together decline. Tho firvt shadow fell with
the immigration to Rough-and-Ueady of a
second aged pair. The landlady of the In
dependence Hotel had not abated her ma
levolence toward the SainU, and had im-
a traveling varietyjtroupe, then performing
in the town. The result of the visit was
briefly told by Dick. 'Well, sir, we went
in, and I sot the old man down in a front
seat, and kinder propped him up with some
other of tho fellers around him, and there he
sot cz silent and awful cz the grave. And
then that fancy dancer, Miss Grace Somer
set, comes in, and dcrn my skin, If the old
man didn't git to trembling and fidgeting
all over as she cut thempidgin wings. I
tell ye what, boys, men is men, way down to
their boots whether' they're crazy or not I
Well, ho took on so that I'm blamed If at
last that gal hertclf didn't notice him I and
she tips suddenly and blows him a kiss so I
with herjfingers I'
Whether, this narration were exaggerated
or not, it Is certain that old man Downey
You ask me, lovo, how many times
I think of you each day t
I frankly answer, only once,
And mean Just what I say.
You look surprised and somewhat hurt ;
Hut listen to try rhyme :
How can one do moro than onco
What one does all the time 1
"But a week Is so long I" he said,
With a toss of his curly bead
inn tvn ltirrt. fAiir. nw. ulr. RPVPn t
every succeeding night of the performance I stita whole aays I Why, tn six, you know
was a spectator. That he may have aspired I (Yotfealdltyourseif-youtoidmeBo,)
l, mnr H,.n il.i , ..i.t . .1... The treat Ood up In heaven
. . ....... ""sf " Made aU the earth and the seas and ekles.
two later in tlie lonowing incident. A number Tne trees and the birds and tho butterflies I
of the boys were sitting around the stove in now can I wait for my seeds to grow I"
"But a month is so long I" he said,
Vlth a drop of his boyish head.
"Hero me count one, two, three, four
the Magnolia saloon, listening to the onset
of a winter storm against the windows, when
Whisky Dick, tremulous, excited and brist
ling with rain drops and Information, broke roar whole weeks, and three days more i
AUU I ) -WHO UUJO. Will. LUbU .. .1. VK
As tho shadows crawl over yonder steep ;
Thirty-one nights, nnd I shall Ho
Watching tlie stars climb up the sky I
How can I watt till a montb Is o'er;"
"But a year Is so long," he said
Uplifting his bright young head,
I "Alt the season must come and go
Over tho bills with footsteps slow
I Autumn and winter, summer and spring ,
Oh, for a bridge ot gold to ning
I Over the chasm deep and wide,
cal lay figures, nnd entered at once into pos- aown "E81n; 116 ate u,c I"e Rna I0,t
session of uninterrupted gratuities and en- caso llkewlsc- beforo a Rough-and-Ready
dowment. J"'
It was not strand that in rnnntrv We. Inileeil, lar lrom exhibiting the cynical
Iv made un oi ambitious and reckless vmitli. uouuui anu uiatrusts oi age, uauciy Downey p0rted at considerable expense her grand
these two types of conservative and settled rcceiTCd always with child-like delight the aunt and grand-unclc, who had been enjoy
forms should be thus celebrated. Apart ProKres9 of modern improvement and cner- ing for some years a sequestered retirement
says a Boston Physician, -has nn equal as a blood from any sentiment or veneration, they were "' 1,1 "'J' "" "' luo in uie poor nouse oi l-.ast .uacuias. Alley
XrtxffifcSS adorable foils to the community' youth. took us nigh a week-a tv.ek, boys,-to were indeed very old. By what miracle,
tory, and ronMncert myself oi ita Renulne merit it f,,i nmirpsn in.l miprv Thov warn get up n bam, ami all the young one- I even a anatomical specimens, they had been
i ivui uuu men iur nines ruuuu ai me ruisin , preserved uurine lueir loner lournev waa a
la nrpnnrort from linrks. mots, nnrt hrrh. fiirh nf
which Is hlirhlv errcctlvo. anl thev am compounded nut fnrwnnl nt ivppv snial trnlriorin nn.
insucl, a manner as to produce astonishing re- inent h b . f and yer's you boys-rascals ye are, too- my8tery to the camp. In some respects they
I ... . .. . ' ,n, nn Il,l, cdi. clmnh, fur fnmmv 'onil mA 1 !.. 1 !!
eyery public meeting, walked lirst in every
procession, were conspicuous at the frequent
Nothing Initial to It.
Sou Sat ku, Mass., Nov. 14, 1ST6.
funeral ami rarer wedding, and were god
father and god-mother to the lir-t baby born
Itough-and-ltendy. At the first poll
runs up this yer shanty for Mammy and mo had superior memories and reminiscences,
'twixtsunup nnd dark 1 kh, eh, your'ro The old man Abner Trix had shouldered
teaching the old folks new tricks, are ye? U musket In the war of 1812 ; his wife, Abi
ker and liver Complaint for threo years. Nolhlnir opencil in that precinct, Daddy Downey cast
ey"5i,.'J!S y good until I .commenced using our ,. flrst ... . i,u .,.,
momentous occasions, became volubly re
miniscent. "Tho first vote I ever cast,1
said Daddy, "was for Andrew Jackson ; tho
father o' some mi you peart young chaps
wasn't borti then, he I he! that was 'way
long in '33, wasn't it? I disremember now
but if JIammy was heie, sho belli' a school
gal at the time, she could say. But my mem
ory s failin' me. I'm an old man, boys ; yet
I likes to see the young ones go ahead. I
reckelect that thar vote from a suckumstanco.
Squire Adams was present, and seen it was
my first vote, he put a good piece into my
hand, and, sez he, sez Squire Adams, 'let
VKURT1NE. I am now felting along first rate, and
sun using mo vuurcririu. i consiaeri nereis nom
ine enuai to it for such comDlatnts. can hcartllv re-
cummenu u lu every uouy
Yours trulv.
Mrs. i.izzir; si. PACKAitn.
No. 16 Larange St,, South Salem, Mass.
Is Prepared by
H. K. STEVENS. Boston.
Vegetine ia sold by all Druggists.
Ignil, had seen Lady Washington. She could
sing hymns ; he knew every text between
"theleds" of a Bible. There is little doubt
that in many respects, to the superficial aud
giddy crowd of youthful spectators, they
were the more interesting spectacle.
Whether it was jealousy, distrust or tim
idity that overcame the Saints, was never
The Great New Medicine!
Ah, get along you 1" and in playful simula
tion of auger he would shako his white hair
and his hickory stalf at the "rascals." The
onlv indication of the conervative tenden
cies of age was visible in his continual pro
test agalnt the extravagance of tho boys.
"Why," he would say, "a family, a hull
family, leav'n alone mo and tho old woui-
nu, might be supported on what you young known, but they studiously declined to meet
rascals throw away in a single spree. Ah, tiH. strangers. When directly approached
young uog, Uliln't 1 hear about your scat- m011 ttiesub ect.Daddv Downey pleaded ill
tering half-dollars on the stage the other nesSi kept himself in close seclusion, ami the
ntglit when that kyetaliati rapist was sing- glltljay that the Trixes attended church in
In.' And that money goes out of Ameriky thc 86hool-house on the hill, tho triumph of
ivry cent l the Trix party was mitigated by the fact
mere was little uoubt that tliooiucoupic tilatti,0 i)0lvneys were not in their accus
were saving, if not avaricious. But when it homed pew. "You bet that Daddy nd
was known through the indiscreet volubility Jinmmv j, lyingllow test to ketch them old
that always he a reminder of the exercise of " ,i V , . ... , mummies yet," expiaineu a uowneyite. 1'or
a clorious freeman's nrivileee I' He did : T'1 lUB . ' " 'B. E am. m Uy tlll9 tlmo sclllsm nna tifvision had crept
" " ' tn a n n . ud tin ai nm irA ifd ortn in in i t . .1 .1 I I a
helhel Lord.bovsl I feel so nroud of ?. . .h. - into mo camp ; tne younger anu laier mem-
...., ., r..,,,,,,,,, . oers auncring to me irixes, wnue me oiuer
ways carried with him it rather elevated pioneers stood not only loyal to their old
nun in tueir regard. "vnen ye write to
that gay and festive son o' yourn, Daddy,1'
said Joe llobinou, "send him this speci
men. Uive liim my complitncnts, aud tell
him, if ho kin spend money faster than I
A Health-Giving Power!
ye, that I wish I had a hundred votes to cast
for ye all.'
It is hardly necessary to say that the mem
orial tribute of Squire Adams was increased
tenfold by the judges, inspectors and clerks,
and that the old man tottered back to Mam
my considerably heavier than ho came. As
both of tho rival candidates were equally
sure nf his vote, and each had called upon
him and offered a conveyance, it is but fair
to presume they were equally beneficent
But Daddy insisted upon walking to the
favorites, hut even, in tho true spirit of par
tisanship, began to seek for a principle un
derlying their personal feelings. "I tell yo
what, boys," observed Sweetwater Joe
if this yer camp is goin'to be run by
can, I call him ! Tell him, tf be wunts a Ureenhorus, and old pioneers, like Daddy
nrst class jamboree, tn kern out Here, aim ud the rest of us, must take back seats, it's
and me and tho boys will bIiow him what a time we emigrated aud shoved out, and tuk
tquare ilrunk is I In vain wouui the oiu i)a,i,y ,vith us. Why, thev'ro talkin of ro-
man continue to protest against the spirit ol ,aiiml j f,n' aa of putting that skeleton
Thirteenth mill Filbert Stu.
WhAMm Air-Mt Heaters
Wllh KIiuUlnirnD.l CUahrr-CIrindlaic (irntr far
iiiiriunjr Aniumrue or iiuuuiii on . om
Cooking Hanf e, Low-dawn Orate a,
Ac, 4lc,
Pcscrlptlvo ClrcKars bimt rui to aay idlress.
Al'itl T,1t-ly if
Tims irct unll v curtnir tllscase of what.
vr nnme or nature. It Is worthy of tt-
trlal, 11KI,IKI' guurunleea.
n 41tM tniiincli. nnd licti elltt lClltl V I
1IRT1C. Um action U not utteildetl ivitll
uny iinplraannt frellnff mlllier ii lun
gour nor debility experienced, but on (he
contrary. refreiUment und invlgomllon.
It Immediate effect upon the tllfetlve
orsaiii. whether luipalrett by diieime or
niiHUtieu iroin any cnusv is iu iniiraic
their Mem of aliiillatlon antl iiuiri
fllnii.tlie nneltM tieln a Increased atoitce.
To those affected with an eiigorped con
union or uie liver, as iiiiiohh, i" -acterlsed
by a ilusky complexion, a coated
tonirui. u iiastv. bail tast In the mouth a
cauilclous aimetlte and sluirirUU action
OI l lie i) owe is, w ii ii a sense ui iiiiiiira u
lieheadaudormeiitai dullness luun-
K nrnves moit raiuauia.
IS erieci upon ine Kiimeys n tvwm
Hit pit )S a I urn Hi, irr liming urine
null blv rlrsrixl un lv if.
Inflammatory und Chronic IUII3UMA
T1S3I will toon disappear by a peislstcnt
s of VHJtHtK.VK.
For the cure ofNklu iiiseases ami srnp
tloirt or all kinds. VlCiOUU.Ni: Is most
certain, i
V1UUUK.M2 Is compoied nf the attire
properties or iieiiiiss. nun i s. i lijin anu
II AUKS, that Nut ii re alone furnishes,
Kreut care belni; taken by us that they
are gathered at the right sea an it or tho
year, aud that they possess their native
ThutVK'.OHKNK hus the iiowertoPUlt
IVY T1IH ill, ))(!. INVItJOUATK tho
MVEll, and HTI.MUL.ATli: the 1)I(1PT
1VK UUOA1NH, Is liidlHputably proven by
those who have given It a trlul aud have
lif-n nerinatisntl v rurril
We do not ask you to try a dozen bottles
to experience reuer, lorwe uuaha. iku
you will reel better from the llrst few
vifiOirRVK Is astonlshluir the world
with Its cuies, and Is throning all other
ANTS, Into the shade. lut up In large
bottUa, double strength ltequlres siiiull
doses, and Is pieasaut 10 ihkc.
Price, 81.00 per Mottle.
83 Ja&a St., Kt Tui, tti Untj ZUf, V. J.
'THE OBJECT OK EATING," new book every
one thouM reftd, scut free upou receipt of a on
ceni limp. ,-
pol's-a distance of two miles-a., a moral !'!e "e miner Re. .enilly relurned with that Ma'am Decker sets up at the table tn
For Sale at N. J.
ISlooiiisburg', 1B:
example, and a text for the California para
graphcrs, who hastened to record that su;:h
was Iheinlluence ot tlie foot-hill climatejthat
"a citizen of Uouph-and-lteady, aged eighty
four, rone at six o'clock, aud, after milking
two cow, walked a distance of twelve miles
to tho polls, anil returned in timo to chop a
cord of wood before dinner." Slightly ex
liberated as this statement may linvo been
the fact that Daddy was always found by
the visitor to be engaged at his wood-pile,
which seemed neither to incrcae nor dimin
ish under his ax a fact, doubtless, owin,
to tho activity of JIammy, who was ahvajs
at the same time making pies, seemed to giie
some credence to tho story. Indeed, the
wood-pile of Daddy Downey was a standing
reproof to the indolent and sluggish
"Ole Daddy must use up a pow'ful sight
of wood j every time I've passed by his
shanty he's been matin' tho chips tly. Hut
what gets me is, that the pile don't seem to
come down, said hlsky Dick to his neigh
"Well, you denied fool !' prowled his
neighbor ; ''spose tomo chap happens to
pass by thar, and sees the nlo man doiu a
man's work nt eighty, ai d slouches like you
and me lying round drunk, und that chap,
I'eelln' humped, c;ofs up some dark night and
heaves a load of cut plno over his fencc,vho's
got anything to say about it? oay?" Cer
talnly not the speaker, who had done tho
act suggested, nor the penitent and remorso
ful hearer, who repeated it next day
Tho pies and cakes made by the old wo
man were, 1 tulnk-, remarkable rather for
their itiduciug the same loyal and generous
spirit than for their Inlrlnsio excellence, and
It may be said appealed more strongly to the
nobler aspirations of humanity than Itsvul
his pockets that much lighter, and it is not t.,;e ncr boarders' appetite away-into the
improbable a little less intoxicatetl tbait no nostollico in place o' Daddy." And, indeed
otherwise might Have been. It may be there were some fears of such a conclusion
premised that Daddy Downey was strictly ti.e newer meI, ot- nouch-aud-Ueady were i
temperate. The only way he managed to t)le majorjty nn,i wielded a more than equal
avoul Hurting luc leelings or tno camp was influence of wealth and outside enterprise
by accepting tho frequent donations of whis
ky tn be used for the purpose of Itriroeiit.
"Next to snake.oil, my son," bo would
say, "and dilberry and ye dou't teeui to
'Frisco,' as a Downeyite bitterly remarked
'already owned half the town.' The ol
friends that rallied around Daddy and Mam
my were, like most loyal friends in adver
In upon them
'Well, boys, I've just got the biggest
thins; out. Ef I hadn't seed It myself, I
wouldn't hev believed it 1'
'It ain't the ghost ag-In?" growled llobln
eoul,from the depths of his arm chair ; 'tnct
ghost's about played.
'Wot ghost?' asked anew comer.
'Why, ole Mammy's ghost, that every fel
ler about ver sees when he's half full and out That I might cross to the other Bide,
lni r,' ti,i. I Where she Is waltlng-iny love, mybrtder
'Whero? ' I "Ten years may bo Sons," be said,
.., , ,,, , . i o "Slow raising his stately head.
' Where ? Why, where should a ghost be 1 But mucll w VlKn ls BUcS loso
Meanderln' round her grave on the hill a man must labor, a man most choose,
yander in course.' An(1 ue must strong to wait I
' ThAtpnnimiivhAlnn?. tint Khn wnuld WMr
us Buuiin oigger nor met, paru, bhiu i jne crown o( honor, must do and dare I
Dick confidently ; 'no ghost kin rae down So time has he to toy with fate
the pot ag'ia the kecrds I've got here. This
ain't no bluff!'
'Well, go on I said a dozen excited voice.
Dick paused a moment, diffidently, with
the hesitation of an artistic raconteur.
'Well, he said, with affected deliberation,
let's see! It's near onto an hour ago ez I
was down thar at the variety show. When
the curtain was down betwixt the ax, I looks
round fer Daddy, No Daddy thar 1 I gofs
out and asks some o' the boys. Daddy was
thar a mlnlt ago.they say , must hev gone
home, lieln' kinder responsible for the old
man, I hangs around, and goes out in the
hall aud sees a passage leadln' behind the
scenes. Now the queer thing about this,
boys, cz that suthin in my bones tells me
the old man is thar, I pushes In, and, sure
as a gun, I hears his voice. Kinder pathet
ic, kinder pleadln', kinder
'Love-raakin' I' broke In the Impatient
You've hit it, pard, you've rung the
bell every time I But she says, 'I wants thet
money down, or I'll ' and here I couldn't
get to hear the rest. And then he kinder
coaxes, and she savs sorter sassy, but listen-
in' all the time, women like, ye know,
Eve and the sarpint ! and she says, I'll
see to-morrow.' And he says, Yu won't
blow on me ?' and I get's excited and peeps I
in, and may I be teetotally durned el I didn't
see '
'What ? 'yelled the crowd.
'Why, DadJii onhU kneet to that there Since It is every woman's bounded duty
fancy dancer, Orace Somerset! Now, if I and "manifest destiny" to make herself as
Mammy's ghost is roeanderin' round, why handsome as possible, and Bince there is nn
et's about time she lelt the cemetery and put such thing tu these degenerate days as
in an appearance in Jackson Hall; Thet's "beauty unadorned," it behooves us to he
all! well posted in all those mysteries pertaining
'Look yar, boys,' said Robison rising, 'I to tba toilette, of which the male sex r
don't know n it's the square thing to spile- supposed to be profoundly ignorant. It It
Daddy's fun. I don't object to it, provided tbe sheerest nonsense to affirm that the
she ain't takin' in the old man and giving oman who never "powders," nor crimps
him dead away. lint ez we're his guardians her hair, nor takes pains to keep her hands
I propose we go down thar and see the lady, wh"e, not pays any attention to any other
and find out ef her intentions is honorable, such feminine arts, is more sensible tbau
If she means marry, and tho old man per- "he who does. Not a bit of It! It sounds
slsts. whv. I reckon wc kin cive the young better Pt to make a title against all
produce 'emhereabouts whisky is good lor Bjtyi bad case themselves, and were be
ruhbin' onto old boucs to make 'em limber,
I!ut pure cold water, "sparklin" aud bright
in its liquid ligh'," and, so to speak, re-
llectiu' of God's own litiyments on its sur
(iss, is the best, onles, likepoor ol' Mam
my and me, yo gits tbe dumb agur from
ginning to look and act it was observed, not
uulike their old favorites.
At this juncture Mammy died
Tho sudden blow for a few days seemed to
reunite dissevered Kough-and-Keady, Both
factions battened to the bereaved Daddy
with condolement", and offers of aid and
The fume of the Downey couple was not asitance. Hut the old man received them
confined to the foot-hills. The Rev. Henry
Gushingtnn, D. D., of Iloston, making a
bronchial tour of California, wrjto 1 1 the
Chrittiau J'athtliuLr Ml affecting account of
his visit to them, placed Daddy Downey's
age at 102, and attributed the recentcouver
sions in Rough-and-Ready to their inllu-
sternly. A change had como over tiie weak
and vicldinz octosenarian. Those who ex
pected tn find him maudlin, helpless, discon
sohilc, shrank from tho cold hard eyes ami
truculent video that bade them 'begont
and 'leave him witli his doad, Jvven hli
old friends failed to make him respond to
Who would climb to manhood's high estate I"
"Ah, life Is not long I" he said.
Bowing his grand white head.
"One, two, three, four, nvc, six, seven I
Seven times ten are seventy,
"eventy years I As swift their flight
As swallows cleave the moralsg light,
Or golden gleams at even.
Life Is short as summer night
Ifow long, Oh Cod Is eternity t"
Harper't Bazar.
"Tu amas me J"
"fly passion flowers thiu smU'st upon,
Thyself, love's flower not yet full blown.
By all the sweets we ll taste as ono,
Ego amo to 1"
"Tu amas met"
"By all lino thoughts that la me flow.
By deep love Ores that In me glow,
By all sweet springs where loves great grow,
Kgo amo te 1"
"Tuamas mcj"
"By all the loves of a man and maid.
By all the vows la passion laid,
By all tlie vows kept true and paid.
Ego amo te I"
"Tu amas me !"
"By Uie marriage goddess, wife ot Jove,
"Uy blue-eyed Venus, Mother Love,
By Kros, Prince of Love, above,
Ego amo te I"
Ladies The Toilette.
couple a send-off thet wont disgrace this yer ucn B',uful devices, but one certainly looks
better in every day life for practicing them.
Now aa to methods:
Cosmetics, as a rule, Injure the skin t
such au extent that should the modern Jul
iet whose countenance is dally calcomlned,
chance tn be caught some early morning by
her love-lorn Romeo before sho had put on
camp I Hey, boys r
It is unnecessary to say that this proposi
tion was accepted with acclamation, and
that the crowd at once departed on their
discreet mission. Hut tho result was never
known, Tfor the next morning brought a
shock tn Rough-and-Ready before which all
other interest paled to nothingness.
Tho grave of Mammy Downey was lound her "good complexion," that worthy youth
violated snd despoiled; tho coffin opened would stand appalled, and might well mut
ant! half filled with the papers and accounts ter, "Bhe would have the face to prove that, 7s-ijf.
That gifted literary Hessian, Hill tliei. 8V,,,aihv. and were fain to content
Smith, traveling in the interests of various themselves with his cold intimation that
capitalists, and tlia trustworthy correspon- both tha wishei of jlU dcaJ wife j ),(,
deut of four" only Independent American instincts were acalnst fnv disnlav. o:
journals," quoted him as an evldenco of tho the ri,reption of any favor from tho camp
longevity superlmiuceu uy tno climate, oi- t)iat mIg,t tend to keep up the divisions
fered him as an example ol tno Becurily ol l tliey had innocently created. The refusal of
hclples llfo and property In the mountains, i)a,jy to accept any service offered was so
used hint as an advertisement of the Uulon ,. ilko him as to have but one dreadful
Ditch, and, It is said, hi some vague way t The sudden shock had turned
cited him as proving the collateral facts of a hl, i,r., j Yet so impressed were they with
timber and ore-producing region existing in Mi rc,0lution that they permitted him to
tho foot-hills worthy the attention of Eas- ,,etror,n the last sad office himself, and only
terti capitalists. a f0ect fuw of his nearer neighbors assisted
Praised thus by the lips of distinguished ),m in carrying the plain deal cofllu from
report, fostered by the care and sustained ,is lonely cabin in tho woods to the still
gar appetite, llowbelt, everybody ate by the pecuniary ouerings oi tneir leuow- lonelier cemetery on ttie mil-top. When
Mammy Downey's pies, and thought of his citizens, tne nanus leu loriwo years n peace- tne snauow grave was iiueu, no utsmisseu
childhood. "Take 'em, dear boys," the old ful life of 8elltl ib90rPllon- relieve even these curtly, Bhut himself up lu his
lady would say j "It does me good to see you l"em "om tu0 e'nharasslng appearance oi cabin and for days remained unseen, It was
eat 'em : reminds me kinder of inv nnnr elemosynary receipts, au embarrassment evident that ho was no longer lu his right
Sammy, that, ef he'd lived, would hev been Ml more by the givers than the recipients, mind.
ez strong and big ez you he, but was takon tue l'ostmuslershlpot Rough-and-Ready was ,,u harmless aberration was accepted and
down with lung fever, at Sweetwater. I kin lrocureu lor uauuy, anu uie uuiy u. reteiv lreatea with a degreo of Intelligent delicacy
nf tho robbed benevolent associations ; but
the body of Mammy was gone ! Nor, nn ex
amination, did It appear that the sacred and
ancient form of that female had ever repos
ed in its recesses
black is white !" Late suppers and rich food
have more to do with pimply aud muddy
complexions than all tbe cosmetics in tba
world can undo. To prevent the greasy
look which many faces wear, wash often in
Daddy Downey was not to be found, nor some mild acid, such as diluted lemon or to-
Is It necessary to Bay that the ingenuous mato juice, and rub the face several times it
Grace Somerset was also missing. day not roughly with a towel. A piecti
For three days tbe reason of Rough-and- of flannel Is better to wash tbe face with.
Ready trembled in the balance. No work tlun a PonBe ' lhe 8,iBbt roughness cleans,
was done in the ditches, in tbe flume nor In the P0" of lbe "kin' Rnd Prevents tboM
the mills. Groups of men stood by tbe
grave of the lamented relict of Daddy
Downey as open-mouthed and vacant sb
that sepulchre. Never since the great
earthquake of '52 had Rough-and-Ready
been so stirred to its deepest foundations.
On the third day the sheriff of Calayeras
a quiet, gentle, thoughtful man arrived
n town, and passed from one to tbe other of
excited groups, dropped here and there de
tached but concise and practical informa
"Yes, gentleman, ynu are right, Mrs,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Bttggtw, Phaetons, SMgbr,
FtrsUclass worlcalways on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the Umes.
Jan. S, lsn-U
llealtliand Happiness are priceless Wealth to their see him yet: that's forty year ago, dear ! '"B ana "oUvering tlie unitcu fciaies mans hardly to bo believed of bo rough a conimu
uossessors.ourtjet-iheyuiu vsiwm the lewua iv. : .,,. ,i. i. . .i, i.t. i.... i nerformed bv h m. with tbe advice ami as- t, iv,,i i,iluir...ii,i, m,i
err ouewho will use I wm .,u i"1 " u.u-nuuso, uu i . --- ... , , I "'j b q Dv. v.
mllln' n'lcli n liemiltfnl amlli. ltV- vn,ir. sUtance of the boys, ira law letters went iines .the safe containing the funds In
. . ' ' ' I . . .i.i . .i i. ..n.. n.,.:i.,.iA.i I ... ....
dear boy, as I handed him a mlnco or a em- astray at um ume, u vhj miuaw trusted to his care by the various benevolent
i . ., , ...t..ii i ..i.i ,i... i....... i. ...... i .. . ...
to this undisciplined aid, and the boys them
Nausea.und all Btltluus yonipUlutsuiid Muuduis- i nn,i ,i,n,B ,inva i ,t i ,. t m. tn selves were always ready to mase up tne
orders ue genuine unless signed "Wm.rlKlit. .. . ' " ' - i,- , .nnneu.letter nnd "keen
l be Wileol the note -, ""- o j -
1 i , ,, t. .ntn ,n....Afl rp..
had SUg-I ,u0 olu mans accouuia Btjuuiv, iw luwo
gested that she "seemed to live olf them.but to" I'resentiy were auueu tne treasu-
i the truth rersuips oi iuo uuu uuu i-nwivi
."K'mK1fS!?..WR I ra- ... nMr. ,1,,,. !, I ,!,
lleauutue, ftour rwuiuiu, luiibiiihiiuiii, iivuiiii, i --o , -
ill iiuuuuH vuuipiau
t-ennlni, unlehH kliri
hlln." If lour I'ruL'ITUt Will nut SUDrlVUUdul Hob In em nirnln I"
centsfor one box to Barrlci:, jiouer Co., to. N.ith I, " , ... . ,,,.. ,.., ,. 'the old man's accounts square," To these
st., rtilio.
Jan. 4, is-ly nr
societies was broken Into and robbed, aud
although the act was clearly attributable to
his carelessness and ure-occuption,an allu
slon to tho fact was withheld from him in
liis severo allllction, When ho appeared
again before the camp, and the circunutan
"Cornell's lllitory or I Vnnsjlug- a." Now ready.
Write lor Apency at once. JO' jti Hill LY ou,
rubllshers, la Ka&sum meet. l- JiidciUila.
mach to, "Hm
a Hint npfNnn trleil tn ilemntlntrntn
v,f l,r .ili,m,tl,t rpferene tn tl. nf charitablo funds, tho old mail being far ad- LM wfirB cnnsideratelv exidalned to him
Ui raw material used hv tha old ladv. It wn. vanced in their respective degrees, and wlth the remark 'that the bovs had made it
to the nubile considered by the camp too practical and eve tUe "'"i""" f t"e'r bounties was all tf,tl, tlie vacant hopeless, unintelligent
that he has reopened " economical for consideration, "Resides," superauueu. iic, uuiuiwu.mii, .uuy pv0 tUat ll0 turned upon the speaker showed
SNVDKU'S TANNERY, added Cy Perkins, "ef old Mammy wants to "ablls ol ecououiy aim avr ricious propensity too ,,ialtliy t)iat he hadforgotten all about it.
(oldsund) nioomsburir, l-a., at the turn an lfonest penny In her old age, let her C8,ae ue" """" "'" uupujmiar, anu very ijj0n't trouble the lold man,' (aid Whisky
g. a. iicnnixn
T ESI'ECr FOLLV announces
fTTF. 57 whereHlde'scrfptioas' oi do It. How would you like your old msthe r ollcn Deetif urol"er,, !cre '.or.cei? l? OU')eot 10 Dick, with a burst of honest poetry. 'Don't
..InSafaTd'wo'rk to make pies on grub wags ? el. ?" A sug. luantlty and quality ot the uelp extend- ye sea llU ,nemory's dead, andlying there In
pnoes to suit Uie times. The hishest price tncash geatlon that bo affected his hearer (who had luef uluru ucueruus tho coffin with Mammy,' Perhaps the speak
wtuat aiiunbe rdfor 00 mot,lf r) tiat he bought three on the spot. rellef from lbe Prlvtlle 1"lndl of lho brothers er was nearer right than be linaglucd.
ujmii a The quality of these pies had never been themselves, anu tuo remaric - mat tue of Falling In religious consolation, they took
ISISSiXi' TbeputUC(t discussed but once. It is related that a young w 'rying to set au example.-that ho variouJ ...eansof diverting his mind with
i. weoouurg,Ocui,ls- 'Uwyoffrom San Francisco, dining at the n""1 well,' sua mat mey woum yet I worldly amusements, and one was a visit to
little black specks that so many complain
of, and for which they try every remedy ex
cept the right one snap, water and towel
suasion. To keep the skin
make a linen bag large enough to hold
quart ol lrau ; put it In a vessel anu pout
twoqunrts of boiling water on it; let it
stand all day, and on retiring at night, take)
out tbe haitaud wash In tbe bran water. If
this I persisted in, the coarsest skin will
soon bei-Hina as soil as velvet. It ia well
BOinellinis to apnlv cold cream mixed with
Downey Is uot dead, because there wasn't water, to lho bands and face at night during
any Mrs. Downey 1 Her part was played by the wiuter season, and iu summer to usa
OeorgeT. Keuwick of Sidney a "tlcket-of- oatmeal vater lustead. For those whose
leave-man, who was, they say, a good ac- household caies roughen and chap the hand
tor, Downey? Oh, yes! Downey was Jem It la well nlwava in .hmilnt ni..n.
l'lanlgan, who, In 52, used to run tho va- on the lollette table and every time you
rlety troupe iu Australia, where Miss Som- wash, tub a few drops ou your hands whlla
erset made her uWuZ. Stand back a little, they are yet wet, and then wipe dry. The
boys. Steady I "The money?" "Oh, yes, less soap such ladles use the better. A lit-
thtftv'vA trnt awavwlllitliut aal 11..... ...... ., , , . ... ...
.b-"-j "'i 1 """ I ue uorax in tue umiwater will cleanse the
ye Joe?'re looking welland hear- dishes far better than soao. and ... ,
ty ! I rather expected ye, court week. How's dishes. If you would keep a dish of course
this your way?" bran instead of Tcake of boap by your wash
"Thou they were only play-actors, Joe bowl, you would find It an excellent sub
Hull?" broke iu a dozen voices, stltute, nnd almost a sure preventive of
"I reckon I" returned the sheriff, coolly, tuo troublesome aud often painful skin
"And for a matter o' five blank veare" diseases to which many hands ato subject in
said Whisky Dick, sally, "they played this cold weather.
camp! '
'Yes." he observed, muelnelv: "vea. (mal.
A clergyman recently announced from his I nesa is looking un. that's a fact. A Win-
pulpit a beneficiary visit of the ladles of his came in and paid me a nuarter he owed m
congregation to au orphan asylum. He un. this morning, and the chsnces are good for
fortunately ended the announcement with an selling my dog this afternoon. O, yes, things
apstrophe, thus : "The ladles will take are brightening up visibly," and lie went
wltu tuem their own refreshments, so as not over and got trusted for three
to eat up the orphans." , j cent cigars, straight off. -s . ;