TEffi COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COI ftT Y, fiC PLOOHHBUHU, FUIIIAT, A PHIL 6, t9 fPTT T? PHT TlUflll A "W The rnemWnofthe new Town OojatoAwer. 1 H III UULUJllDJllW,, oworn In at ten o'oloak last Monday moral. The first regular rotctlna; km held on Weilnw- day evening, but owing to the unavoidable ab sence of two members the appointment for the year were postponed until Thursday night. Would you hurry those who are near and dear to you to their ware ; and would yon mete out the name fate to yourself for the price of a bottle of Dr.llaas' Expectorant for cougln anil colds? 25 and (0 cents a bottle. Rail Konit time Table. LACKAWANNA & IILOOMSUURO HAIL ROAD SOCTII. T.M A. M. 4.4 r. m 11.51 A. M N0HTU. Accommodation Train, 6.43 A.M. Mall Train 7.S9 A. M Express Train Wl'.M, " " .6e P. M. CATAW1SSA RAIL HOAI). NOHTIt. SOUTH Accommodation Train s.ss A. M. T,ST P. M. Regular Kiprcss 4.M P. M. .11,83 A. M. Thron? ti cars on Express train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. Pensions, Bounties and Bounty lands obtain ed by Brockway & Klwcll. George Itess has cngsged In the business of carpet weaving on East street, and solicits pat ronage. Bishop Howe confirmed fourteen persons at the Episcopal church on Wednesday evening. Methcrell'a Cornet Band assisted by the "Quartette Club" and Orchestra of Bloomiburg will givo an entertainment at Backhorn on Friday and Baturday evenings April 12 and 13. Proceeds for the benefit of the band. Admission 10 and 20 eta. Notice to Collectors. Collector! of coun ty taxes in arrear, are hereby netified that the same must be settled during May Court. If. W. MoRrrxoLra, Treat. April 5-4w The public schools are having a vacation this week, on account of the numerous moving'- We are Indebted to the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers for two handsomely bound volumes, embodying the preliminary and final rertorts of that Bainl In tli T.rl.t. The spring term of the KorraalSchooi;openeil turc.rausmUcj ,0,iat ko,,. wI.i. . m,. last Monday. Most of the old students and a from ,iie Governor. These books contain full number of new ones arc In attendance. statistics mnrernlne- llm 1ai R.,.i.ni.i u.M. bition, including the names of exhibitors, and a list of exhibits. It is complete in all Its de- ' lTBSTKrVB RINO, Soon after the execution of the three men, last week Monday, It was reported that a gold ring which Mrs. Hester had placed on her hus band's finger when bidding hint good bye, had been removed while the body was being taken down. A man representing himself as a Coal and Iron Policeman displayed a ring in differ ent saloons on the same day, saying he would not take a thonsind dollars for It, that It wss Hester's. On Saturday evening SlicrM" Hoff man received the ring enclosed in the follow ing letter. PormowH, Pa., March 30, 1877. Mb. John W. Hoffman, Sheriff: Dear Sir PI sue enclosed find "Hester's'1 ring that I removed from his finger when I was np to see the execution's this week. Please re turn to his family, and oblige Amy Emclk, P. A K. Kmployee. (Please answer.) The taking of this ring was a most dastardly act. A man who would steal from a dead body would commit murder. If the fellow is really an employee of the Philadelphia k Heading railroad, that company should give him his deseits by a prompt discharge. ORDINANCE NO. 22 M. E. Jackson, Kcj., of Berwick, purchased at Sheriff's sale, the Seyhert farm lying in Sa lem township, Luzerne county, for $10,001. tails, and will be valuable for future reference. Candidates cards are inserted in another uran. All orders must be accompanied the cash. cot- Pf 1th XI. P. I.uti Is buying spring goods in New York. Look out for barg.il ns when he returns. April days thus far have been most delight ful, and the proverbial showers have not yet come. Fo'ltz's Horso and C.iltlo Powders nro rr. nowned the world over tor preventing and cur inc diseaes: it is. therefore unnecessary to give them any further recommendation . Try them. The New Hampshire Republicans will have a majority of in the senate, and 40 in the house. Last year the legislature was Kepubli can by 73 majority. Mcsioal College. Spring session of six weeks begins on Thursday, May 2d, 1878. r, t ct 1 ii . l-reeuurg onyuer m. x a. March 29 4w MOVINQS. Bev. 8. Mitchell has moved into the house of N. Pursel on Market street. Kev. O. D. S. Marclay occupies the house of C. Bobbins on Main street above East. The JIises Derrickson have moved their storo from Hartman's block to the rooms lately occupied by Miss II. Herman. F.P. Billraeyer's law oflice has been remov ed from the Ent building to the Harman build ing first door below the residence of J, Fetter-mm. D. A. Beekley has moved on Rock street, next door to Mr. Appleman. Thomas Webb occupies the house of J. L. Giiton on Centre street. Hon. C. It. Buckalew has moved back to his residence on the hill. Bloomsburo State Normal School. We visited the above school lately and were very favorably impressed with its beautiful location, The building is erected on a hill at the out skirts of the town from which a magnificent view is had, The building Is spacious and well ThejMauch Chunk gallows has sent seven I ventilated throughout, lighted by gas and heat- Mollle Maguires into eternity four in Carbon I ed by steam. The location is healthful and ea- and Ihreo.in Columbia county. Sheriff Ho"-1 sy of access. There is a good supply of spring man, of Columbia county, operated it well , on I water. The offices, recitation rooms, parlors, An ordinance to open Whitman's Alley be tween Fourth street and Brugler's Alley, In line with other portions of the same north of Fourth street and south of Brugler's Alley. Section 1. Whereas ElWia B. Pursel and Mary h. his wife, and Norman S, Pursel and Susan R, his wife, have by deed beating date the twenty-sixth day of March, A. I). 1878, for thelconsideration therein mentioned, granted to the Town of Bloomsburg an alley sixteen feet in width, through the lands owned by them from I ourth slreet to Brugler's Alley; there fore be it devised and enacted, by the Town Council of the town of Bloomsburg.and It is here by enacted by authority of the same; That Whitman's Alley be opened as and for a public highway of the width of sixteen feet, through and over the lands of the said Elisha B. Pursel and Mary E. his wife, and Norman S. Pursel and Susan K. his wife from the south side of Fourtli street, southwardly to the north side of Brugler's Alley, the centre line of the said a! ley to be a line extending freni the middle point of said Whitman Alley at the north side of said Fourth street to the middle point of the said Whitman's Alley at the south side of Bru gler's Allsy. Passed March 27, 1878. Attest: David Lowendeiui, Wkslzy Wirt. President of Town Council Secretary. Monday. Patriot Ac, are handsomely and comfortably furnished, and everything about the premises has an air of comfort. The school at present offers the I best facilities for professional and classical learn ing. The Rev. D. J. Waller, Jr., A. M. Prln- Cough) Hoarseness, Asthma, or any Irrlla- tion of the Throat or Bronchial Tubes, will bo relieved by taking Dr, Bull's Couch Syrup. It has cured thousands. Recommend it to your cipal has by close attention brought this school Pa. friend and neighbor. Price, 25 cents. Your druggist keeps it. OBITUARY. KiSMim Mrs. J. Kisner deceased at the res Idence of her daughter Mrs. Russsll W. Stout, Shenandeah, Schuylkill Co., Pa., March 2oth 1878, aged 73 years, 5 months and 5 days. This venerable lady was born of Quaker parentage in Philadelphia In 180-1 and in early life, with her parents, removed to Oreenwood, Col. Co. She was converted in her sixteenth year CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA M, K. CONFERENCE. Damilte DittrietW. W. Evans, presiding elder. Danville, Ht. Paul's, W. A. Houck. Danville, Trinity, I, It. Torrencc. Northumberland, M. L. Drum, Washlngtonvllle, L. 8. Clone, Iola, O. V. Savldge. Buckhorn, T. O. Cleese. Bloomsburg, M. L. Smyscr. Epy and Light Slreet, John Moorhend, Orangevllle, It. S. Mcndenhall. Benton, II. B. Furtner and one to be sup plied. Berwick, J. II. M'Ciarrah. Mifllinville, John Loyd; Beach Haven, Atem Britain and R. Shine. Bloonilngdale, W. A. Carver. Muhlenbiirg, Owen Hicks. Slilckshinny, Oeorgc Warren. Wh'tc Haven, J. T. Wilson. Hickory Hun, J. P. Benford. Weatherly, It. It. Colhurn. Stockton and Beaver Meadow, C. W. Mar shall. ILizleton, A, M Creighlon, Jeansvillc and Audeiireid, J. W. Leckie. Conyngham, O. M. Iuned. South Hebetton, ('. L lleiicoter, O. It. Hus ton. Catawbsi, F. Gearhcarl. Elysburg. John (lu, J. Quidin. SlismoMn, T. M. Bees', llelfe-slfln and (lordon, N. B, Smith. Centraiia, Jno. Horning. Mt. Carinel, N. W. Colburn. Ashland, W. G. Fergmon. Trevorton, J. W. Feight. Snydcrtown, (1. II. Day. Sunbury, S. W. Sears. Selinsgrove, U. Swartz. II. A. Cumin, professor in the state normal school, member of Bloomsburg quarterly con ference. Business Noticea. Spring Styles I Spring Brvlcal Just received, the largost stock of cloths and caslmeres of the latest stvle and at the lowest prices to bo sold by the yard with trimmings fur coat pants or vest. If youwant them made at homo buy the goods and have tliem cut at David Lowenucrg a, A vcrv neclal line of now sttrlne dress goods at I. W. Hartman's. For 'sale or exchange. A I Iron axle spring wagon, new. John w. (Jinn-?, Bloomsburg, Cold Frame Cabbage Plants, 75 eta. per Aoutess J. Oarrison, Bloomsburg. IN TUB WHOLE HISTORY Of MEDICINE, No preparation has ever performed such mar vellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputa tion, us Ayer a Cherry Pectoral, which is rec ognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its lore continued serif s of wonderful cures in nil climates 1ms made it universally known as a safe nnd relia ble agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are tho forerunners of more serious dis orders, it acts speedily and surely, always re lieving suffering, and often saving life. Tin; protection it affords, by its timely uso it: tho Tt . 1 1 .1: ' .i ci.:i.i i uiruill will lull); uisuiucrs ui viiiiur-jn, iiiusu n an invaluable remedy to bo kept always on hand in every home. No person can afford to be without it, and those who have onco used it never will, l rom their knowledge of its com position and effects. Physicians uso the Cherry Pectoral cxlenively in their practice, nnd Clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely cer ium in us rciueuiai t-necis, uuu win nivrus cure where cures are possible. For Sale by all Dealers. jl no 1. BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rav. 2D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. THIS SCHOOL mat present constituted, oners the very best facilities for Professional a4'lca'ea;n'!;?-,,,rn,,hj ,, . bountiful supply of pure.eoft Iiiilldlngsapaclous, Uniting and commodious ; completely heated by steam, wetnentllatcd, lighted by gas, and furnlsncd nun a Douniuui uMl v Pu5tKUhfui. anu easy of access. Toaehers experienced, efflcten;, and alive to their worfc Wsdglno l "tMndj uniform and thorough.. Expens.t moderate. Kilty eerlta a week deduction to all oxpectlng to leach. Students admitted at any time. Itooms reserved when uoairea. Courses of study prescribed by thu btatc : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. . 1. . 1 i it n...- ;i nr n r.i t i A rt V. fViiiroe In Phvslcal Culture. iUUllCl V.OUTSCS : 1. ACaiieillll'. ll.llillllll'li;iui. hlwiuikiilhush. .. rrintr Miofollowla Tho' Elementary. SelentMc and classical Courses are PItOPKSSIONAL and students graduat ngUiereln. receive 9ta cnrro-ipondlni;Icfrrcc3: .Master of liio hlcmenls: Master of the sciences; Master of the Classics, uraouaies in mo umrrvuuiK. ... . uip r uiidiiimenui.. ipiii uv iu uuk. ui i. "',,, . , . , ,,.HM.n Hum of our best Colleees. . . 1 ne courRO 01 iuu y ori".TUH.ii uy liiu nmw; i nut-iui, mw uw rcimuu .wiu viiwuiwmj. a Vv , ut7.rt7. hoin tn HM-urn It. bv furnlBhlnff inieui rhesiatnrpiiulresnhlfflierorderof cltlrenshln. Tho times demand It. It Is onoot the prime oblecta of this 80I100 to help itosMure it, py irniiiiuK Kent and cniclent Teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons ot good abilities and (rood ; P'lrppsea , inuw .Yatar after leavlne school. For ind inelr talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor aiier ieaYiuB ov-v Catalogue, address tho I'rlnctpal. HON. Wll.l.I.t.ll CI. Will. I., I'renlilrut Hoard of TriiMces- sept. si.- Louis Ilcrnhnrd makes and repairs all kinds of complicated clocks nnd watches. also fine patent ollico models and designs made to order. Tho virtues ol early rising are set down by Miss Brackett, an accomplished school teacher, of New York, as entirely overdone, and in an amusing little paper, entitled "A Triad of Superstition," sho calls upon people to renounce the worship of this fetich, and to givo over being ashamed when early riS' era take on superior airs of lofty scorn to wards people who come down late to break fast. These last, she argues, have really done nothing to be ashamed of, in sleeping their sleep out. If they hayo wasted an hour or eo of daylight, they may have saved up more strength of nerve tissue, and econo mised their vital forces more wisely than the monomaniacs on the other sldo who get up before the sun does, and burn gas in the early mornings, to shave or study by. But tho whole point, which the satirist falls to A two horse wagon at a bargain. .(.Schuyler tv son. Call at McKinneys lor Shoes. For chean nice casitneres for boys wear sold by the yard at Uavid Lowonberg s. Ilubbers at McKinney's. Look at I. W. Hartman's new Cassi- meres. Boots and Shoes cheap at SIcKinncy's. New and Beautiful Spring Styles. Ilats for the Million. Just received full line of Hals in all the newest shades in stiff and soft felt for Men. Youlb', Boys and children, cheaper than ever at David .Low enoerg s. A Inr-o assortment of first nualltv onlv of . imierore 5011 and each of you laying iiside ail 1 - -- .- - i --. - 1 nusiness ana eeubes v uniue er. are in-reuy vm-u touch, depends entirely upon what the early fcilver and silver-plated table ware, such as to uprear before our court 01 common l'leas at In tho matter of tliel In the Court of Common fleas Kstateot Margaret or Columbia county. Kortter a lunatic. ) .1 seul y (.'ltutlnn to showcausn whv certain Balo of real cs- tatu made by said lunutlc should not be rescinded. The Commonwealth of 1'fnvsvi.vania To Wliunm Former, husband 01 said jviarsraret Fortner, llllam Parker and Mary 1'. his wire.rierce Lunger anu Ann ins wue. ami imam 11. ueinoii, KuardUn ad litem of Emma Portlier and Clark fort- ner : At the Instance of JaTes Masters and Conrad Kreatner, Committee of Mariraret l'ortntr, a lunatic and AspyJ. Laylon and Hebecea Lalonhls wife, representing that on the icitu day of April A. 1., 1S17 sutd Mnruaret Pnrtncrby deed did ifrant bar train and sell unto the said Iteuecca La) lou a certain tract of land situate In the township of Madison In said county of ColumbUandsiatHof Pennslvanla contain? fort v. nine acres und ono hundred and nrty- I six perches moreor less In fee stmplo with theap- Ipui renaucea : Ann on ine saiu mill u.ty vi pni, a. I).. 1S71, 1110 ald Aspy J. Laylon and Uebeccahls wire ny tneir ueeu aeknowieuirtii 1110 same uay, ;raniou, Darirameu nnu soiu unto trie gam juurifarui. former al thutcertsln houo and lot or erounu nt uato tn the liorouKh of Munry, Lyoomlnir county nnu suite 01 rennsjivania couiainintr cxwi square feet with the appurtenances In lee slinple, tho said deeds btuig made to exchange the said lands. That since 1110 maKinj 01 siuu uet'usiim saiu imr,rmvL l-'ortner has been found by lDqulsltlon lakenouthe 12th day of Heei-mlier last a lunatic audio havo tieen a lunutlc for is jesrs last post without lucid In ternals. ess and eicuses whatsoever, are hereby cited to its highest perfection. He is a gentleman of I and united with the M. E. Church, and for 57 amiiiy anu nas 11 is wnoie neari in me interest 1 years mare man halt a century, she was a I of its success. Daily Amtritan. JThc Democratic Standing Committee met on Saturday last at this place, and unanimously I Very few, perhaps, of our readers are Strang selected Hon. C. K. Buckalew and Hon. J. Q. era to the popular dry goods establishment of reeie as Kepresentative delegates to the next Strawbridge A Clothier, Philadelphia, but on- State Convention. No Instructions were given. y those who have visited their store within the The Chairman, Mr. Lowenberg, was authorised past few weeks can form an idea of the immense to appoint conferees to meet similar conferees assortment, now on exhibition, of those unique to select a senatorial delegate. faithful and consistent member. She was the mother of twelve children, eight of whom are still living, The oldest daughter being Mrs- Hampton of Ashland, and her youngest Mrs. D'A. Creasy of this place, both ladies occupy ing high positions In the church and society of their respective places. Her grandson B. F. Hampton of Ashland is personally known to French novelties in dress texture, which of ,he wr,ler' ""1 " mMt Ply ud worthy late have become so fashionable. mln Miovea ana honored, and an active mem The 'Babv'a Best Friend' is the most annro- I Fnree!mr the cre.t .l.m.n.1 ihu. .nt. r th M- " Church of that place. nilate title for Dr. Bull's Babv Hvrun. It is a member of the 8rm tUIim! th. n.nt,r.Pi,,rir. Binc9 dth of Mr. Kisner some ten year absolutely free from Opium, Morphia and other centres of France and personally selected the ,lnc m"" ner nas been living with Her powerlul agenls, is perfectly sale and reliable choicest styles, many of which are confined to 1 """ i"uuB .m, nowever, ir me under all circumstances and by allaying the themselves and are shown nowhere cIm in thla "m" wltn "'n' ,Ba talJ'BS cheer and (.nnntrv I nappiness 01 ineir nomea, be'ng dearly beloved - I L ,1 tl, ,t ... . , , , , . ... . , 1 oy an. one was an ner me a praying woman, The cheaper fabrics, this firm now, as hereto-1 ... .... ,, . . , !, , , , ' fore, are distributing to their customer, at the K,, mnJ Dur. ,',.,. , , ' two years of h l.fe she surTered much, but In usual Stomach and Bowel Disorders of Baby. hood keeps the child from fretting and crying, so injurious to itself nnd annoying to all. Price 25 cents risers get up for, when tkeir work begins, aud on what houis of the twenty-four they must put the heayiest strain. The teacher's work begins at nine in the morning, and she may make an eight, ten or twelve hour business of it and its collateral occupations, continuing these till midnight. Obviously it would be as fanatical In professionals of this sort, or in those called to active appear ance at ten in the morning to trouble their heads about Dr. Watts' teachings, as it would be in a night editor, compositor or night watchman to be disturbed, because their working hours continue while other folks are asleep. It is altogether in tho ad justmcnt of work and hours that the true balance lies. If the clothes are to bo hung out for the short winter sunlight It is a wise laundress that lights her gas early over tho tubs, and duties that call to work at seven and are over by six at night, justify the ear ly to bed and early to rise motto. But there is a questionable practice of workiug before break fas', which is not virtue by any means, but a process that may be pernicious and exhausting. The sagacious French, whose second breakfast comes at snoons forks, knives, caators. &c. warranted nioomsburg In and for said county the tirst Monday spoons, iotas, L1r'7t" f , ' p'Ti of May next to stow causu why a decree for the re- the best at L. Berubard s jewelry store, Cad- semdrng vt the aforesaid deeds and a reconveyance man a building. Boot headquarters at McKinney's. llaviil Lnwenberc is uow tircnared to eive his customers the lull benefit of tho reduc tion in all Muds of clothing. Spring suits made u ft at greatly reduced prices. Call and examine the latest styles. 01 uiusAici mnas sntiuia noitw maue. 11 hui;ii vi ch calnL' shall not bedlsadvontnceous to tho estate of the said Mariraret Fortner upon such terms as suau 00 ctiurutuie hiiu jum. Witness the Honorable William Elweil PreHdent judfro or our said court at inoomsuurg, tnis nine- leeiauuay 01 reuruurj, a. jj., ists. match 1, TS-lw 1'roth'y McKinners House. Shoe Store below Court Best Calico Scents, iu Bbort lengths, at I. W. llartman s. Admission free at McKinney's. For a Sprine suit made ui in city slvle co to uaviu Lioweuberg s. New Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, &c, at 1. W. llartman s. A jNcw Departure From llio MiiiiiifUcturcr to the Coiimi mcr. ; For CASH wo will sell to tho CONSUMKIt In Such iuanuties as 110 may sceu at MANUFACTURER'S PRICKS and thus save a' nxiDDLB rnoriT to the Consumer. 1818 Tho Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood's Magazine Tho Leonard Scolt Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., New York. Continue their nuthorUcd lteprlnta of THIS LDINIlUUdll 1IEVIEW (Whlir.l TUB WF.STMlNHTEIt HKVIBW (Liberal), TI1KLONDO.N OUAItTKKLY IlKVIKW (COnscrva live), TIIK 1111ITISII QUAIITERLY UEVIKW (Evawrel- lean, AND Blackwood's EiinlinrEli Magazine- tTheso Penrlnts nrorotsHeetlonsi thevtlie the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the Kmrilsh Kdltlons. The latent adi ancea and discoveries In the arts and sciences, tho recent additions to knowledjro In every ucpiinment 01 literature, unu au me new puoiica tlons as they Issue from thopress, are fully reported uuu uiscuiseu in ii p iiaccKii ineso nenouiuais. 111 lanfrttavro at onco clear, forcible and comprehensive. Ttio arlleles are coJimonty niorii condensed and full of matter than the aterairu books of the period. TcriiiN lor ISIS Including ponlugo firsENII t'Sj Your Name and Address and In return we will fend ou Free of Eipenso l'ostage paid, a copy of our BEAUTIFUL BOUli or i uhjh', entitled 'iMoscs, The Grent Law Uiver; a collection of rrems Illustrating Iho Ufe or "sr- beinir seitctions rrom irs. iifiiiuii-s "-.V",v. ,.VL ant and other celebrated authors, lleautlfully lllus- ON HECKUT OF TWEN1Y-F1VB CENTS to nav exnenses of mailing, AC , we win. w-iiu )u JIIOICK 1' Aiuof Enirravlnirs, after the old Masters., Address NATIONAL liUKBAU Or KNtiltAA M , tn Hue Street, Philadelphia. piirsnnm WATCH AS! CIHI5- .tn..wimlrr.VrpH with eTerrorder.Oat- 'fit lri. J.Il.U)lorilCoClilc.nL aug. IT, Tt-ly U ft O $45 Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. Tr A ATC! Keult puca SIKXionly i0O I 1 A -LN V )o I'arlor Owan;, price 316 onir xio.v march S! Payable strictly In Advance. nun i o Highest honors at all World UlvVjrA f)i:iiioiiion. niEiTCATiioijum and .much information sent fbkk. MAhON C HAMLIN OllUAN.CO., Boston, New otK or Chi cago, d march CT, 78 -sw Tor anv one Itevlew For any two Ueilevis For any three ltevlcws For all four Itevtews For lilackwooil a,Magazlno For lilaekwood and one lteIew For UlACkwcod and two heieHS For Blackwood and three Reviews For Bldcknood and fourllevlews tt 00 per annum 100 1000 " ' me " ' 4 00 " 100 to eo " " 1310 " " 15 00 " " PIANOS AND ORGANS, UHEAT TtEnCCflON to clo- out our pre "GERMAN SYRUP" Every department ef the house is conducted on the principal of delivering goods to the peo ple at one small uniform profit above cost of production. We would remind our lady readers who can not spare the time to visit Eighth and Market street! In person, to avail themselves of this firm's original Bystem of "shopping by mail," which gives the most distant consumer an near ly as possible all the advantages of the Phila delphia resident. 1IETLKUVILIK ITEMS. Reueuv for II.tnn Timus. Stop spending so much on tine clothes, rich food and style. Iluy good, healthy food cheaper and belter clothing ; get more real and substantial things of life every wsy, and especially stop the fool ish habit of running after expensive and quack doctors or using so much of tho vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, and makes the proprietors rich, but put your trust in the greatest of all simple, pure remedies, Hob Hit- ters, that cures always at a trilling cost, and you will see better limes and good lieallh. Try it once. Read of it in nnother column. Eoiiocaii and Towxsmr Settlements. I The Act of assembly approved the 31st day I A serious accident happened to Mr. I. Snyder of Jlarclt, 18,0, (Pamphlet Laws, page 12.) re- on Friday 22 ult. He went to the woods where quires the auditors of every Borough and Town-1 he had men chopping, and was picking a few ship to meet annually on the second of Monday scattered brush and being on the opposite side cf April, nnd audit and settle the accounts of I of a brush heap to the choppers, the top of a the supervisors, overseers of the poor, and all I tree fell on him fracturing his left arm in two other Township and Borough officers, except places, between the elbow and shoulder besides that of school directors, which comes ofl'annual- some other bruises. The wounds were well al ly on tho first Monday of June. And tiiey tended to, and he is doing as well aa can be ei must post up the statements, or publish it in ptcied some of the county papers, so that tho tax pay- A number ol farmers havo been planting po. era can see the Fame. Auditors will take no- tatoes .Sie.. but the cold weather nf Ki,nH nd ... Monday made them think that they were rath er early, great patienM and resignation. A few days be fore her death, she left a message for all her children: "To be loving and kind to each other, and meet her in heaven." Calling her daugh ter Ellen lo her bedside before she died she whispered that immortal language of the Sa- vlrr: "I am the resurrection and the life! whosoever liveth and believelh in me shall nev er die." Her last words were "Oh. dear Jesunl" The interment took place at Rasemont Ceme tery, Bloomsburg on the 27lh, attended by a large circle of relatives and friends. "There is a world above Where parting is unknown ; A whole eternity of love Formed for the good alone. And lailh beholds the dying here Transplanted to (hat happier sphere." No other medicine in tho world was ever given tucli a test of its curative qualities as Iloschce'a German Sirun. In three vcars two million four hundred thousand small bot tles of this medicine was distributed free of eleven o'clock or noon, have their big bowl ly Urupgists iu this country to those nf pnfTefi and roll before thev iret-nVurative- JNI" uin .-uu.puon, a mi ua, wroup, , ,, ,. , , i ,, , . Severe Uouglis, rncuiuonia and otlicr disoas- ly speaking-on their legs for the day. Hut cs of tlle thloat anj luns, ivin tIle Allluri. there are people so injudicious as to consider can people undeniable proof that German hot tlior nro tnlrlno- n rnnatlrntlnnal In n I SvrUt) Will CUte thctU. TllQ result lias been lonrr walk, ride on horseback, or even stir- '!iat .''.'W ' c,ery ,own antl ,yi,laf m fffmm ring exercise in the way of work, for several hours, fasting, which is about equal to the wisdom of putting the blast oil in a furnace when tho fuel is low. It ought to be re membered for domestic employees who may havo to work for hours before the family is ready for breakfast, that a cup of tea in time may save a good deal of unnecessary weari ness, and that it is in thn little thoughtful nes for the comfort of others that true management depends. The same wisdom the United States are recommending it to their customers. Oo to your druggists and ask wtiat tliey know about it.- -ample Dot- tlos 10 cents. Regular sire "0 cents. Thice doses will relieve any case. April 27,'i i-ly jl MARKET REPORTS. BI.OOMSI1UKQ MARKET. Before purchasing elsehere send for our prices of STltlCTLV l'UHE WHITE LEAD, MONTOUIt SLATE PAINTS, MONTOI H METALLIC WHITE, MONTOUIt METALLIC BItOW.V, PURE LINSEED OIL CLUBS. A discount of twenty per per cent, will bo allowed to clubs of four or mere pi-rsons. Thus: tour cop les of Blackwood or of out, 1'evlew will be sent to one addreai for tl'i so four copies of tho four HeMewH nun imu-kmjuii mrt-is. nnu su on. 'lo clubs of t4-li lirinnri-. In Bildltlnn tnlhn nltnve discount, a ropy gratis 111 be allowed to the settler u,, 1 u,; bum. At Furls r lrlre ii(E'CTil(niIi.'riON lo clo-M out our present sioci; otiOO-New anil Hrroml-llnnd lnlrnment., or. FIVE HKST-CI.ASS MAKERS rri-I.Y wwiiiiM.nmiiii, prices that 1IKFV CO.MI'CTITIO.N tor this clam or INSTKCMINTH. AtJKNTll WANTKI fOT WAJ- KICST M I lllllllll iir.i.i. ni.n.,. AMIS. ItLUSTKATKD CATAIiXlClM MAlLKn. 1IIIK Al'E AVATKUM A: Ms, MASrAFACTCRXBa ANr Alt Kii.t lllh strwf. New ork AUKl general agents for r-iionltixer Celebrniri! Ir- mlnm ursnn.. u UB"u'i PREMIUMS. New subscribers (appljlngearlj) for the year ISIS may have, u Ithout cnartre, the numbcra for the last quarter of 1ST! of such irlodlca!s as they Hubserlber for. Or Instead, new subscribers to any two, tbree, or fourif the aboe periodicals, may have one of the "Four Hdtlews" for 1677 ; subscribers to all nve may hae two of the "Four lit views'' or one bet of Black wood s Matra?lnc for 1S77. Neither pemluuisto subscribers nor discount to clubs can Lo allowed, unless the money Is remitted direct lo thn publishers. No premiums given lo clubs. To secure premiums it w 111 bo necessary lo make i-uny tii-piiruuun, as iuo siucKavaiianio ior mat pur pose Is lluilied. Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 11AK0LAY ST., NEW YORK, feb 1, 187e. Tho AT PRIVATE SALE, WiUow Vale Estate I TUB niONOOItAPII. lice and govern themselves accordingly. A xoTHEii Atthmit to Hiicaic Jaii, Ma fiuiro who escaiied a few weeks aeo from our county Jail' made another attempt on Thurs-1 wt" "'u r day to break jiil. The window sill made of I The public schools closed last week with an iron was discovered to be fiiid off preparatory I unusual number of spelling schools, entertain to leave in the same manner as before. How nients, &c. The term has been well attended, he got a tile or instrument to do the work is a and from all appearances a pretly good work mystery, and it should be a caution to the com-1 accomplished, missioners to not grant permits unless they An interesting Literary Society has been In pro know the parlies visiting the Jail. If strangers, gress at this place for the last two years, con they should be compelled to furnish recominen- ducted by the young people, meeting weekly in dations. Magulre has since been chained to the Sons of America hall. Such societies are the floor and escajie is imiiosilble, but, it will productive of much good and should be cstab- be advisable to be cautious with oilier prisoners JUhed wherever circumstances will permit. The witty man of the Ann York Tima has ex- plained, in his uiual felicitous manner, the re markable advantages we fhnl! all leap from the phonograph an Instrument by whlih, it is claimed, the tones of the human voice can be preserved and reproduced hundreds of years hence. According to the limes editor, all our great men at least their voices and words will The grain in this section looks reasonably I undergo a process of 'bottling,' and 'lit the years to be' the American host will treat his gueIs to and guard against everything that may lea 1 to I aid In tho escape of prisoners. .Iniencan. J. E. ltOAUMGCHKKK ITEMS. The New York .Sim in it report from Mauch Chunk of the execution of FUher, alludes lo Illoomsburg and says that Sheriff Hoffman was drunk when he hung Hester and the others. This Is a lie, without any foundation whatever. beverai tramps have made Ibeir appearance 111 this neighborhood recently. Mr. Barnd of Philadelphia is at present, visiting his friends here. S. Loiur (formerly of Catawhwal The sheriff peiformed his duty wilhout a sini-le toyk ,,0Ssesaioii of the flouring aud grist mill mistake In any 01 the details, uut the (rouble ,t p)aCB ul Monday. Our friend and with the 290 pounds of bun reporler was tint ..acher Mr. Becker, closes his uresent term of ne became impertinent ana insuiieu me sneriu iooi next Monday, having taught 6ve months. 111 inejaiiainori timo uciorc..uie extcuuoni The "Mollle" execution has been the whereupon ihe sherlfl ordered two policemen to principal topic of conversation during the past eject hliu from Ihe building, which was accor- weev u Locmt was well represented at the dlngly done, and the rforter Is now taking hanging. Mr. IX Weaver of Franklin, has sweet revenge by circulating the above false- organiied a singing school, consultse of 35 hood. The only thing thesheriiTIs to be blam- members which meet at the Free-Will church, iu lor is that lie allerwarua accented an Hum- on Tuediiy and Ssturday evenioirs. The ble, apology from the fellow, and readmitted .,0p" at Mr. Kehres In Numedia on Tuesday him to the jail yard. evenlnir of last week was numerously atteuded. however a Ihe working seatou ap proaches Ihe evening parlies are not so fre nuent. Farmers are busy hauiinr lime. ilienext meeting 01 i-omona u range, No. 6, .ml nreuai nit the r irround to sow oata and I'.ofH., will be held the second Friday of ,,!,! potatoes, while some have already pliiiltd prn neat v living mo 1.111 iu u ciock a. fw uut u,e recei tulj weather will certain a bottle of Talmsge or Anna DiiMnnon, just as lie now treats tliem to llnJ.-ick or Mumm's Extra Dry. If Dr. Fierce could have all the encomiums that have been bestowed upon his Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pur gative Pellet, as remedies for Indigestion, con stipation, lot pld liver, or 'billiousness, thus bottled' and pri served, it would be ihe west famous bottle in the woild. SAlfJ'A JtOSA, Sonoma Co. Cut, July 8, 1877. Dr. It V. Pierce, llufli.li., N, V.; Daw Sir Your Golden Medical Discovery has cured me of an aggravated afliction of Ihe skin after different doctors had failed. My face and body weru continually coven d with pimples and blotches. End, ed find $1.50 for a copy of your CoujUioii Seme Medical Adviser. Yours truly, WM.H.MAKION. KMEREL STA 270 A", Ohio, June Ulh, 1877, Dr. Pierce, llufljlo, N. Y. : Dear Sir Your Pleasant Purgative Pellets have cured my wife afltr our best physicians had failed. They helped her frcui the Crit dose. I It A A.MIU.EU 1H1MONA OIIANQB MKLTINO. Necks and Aims of Snowy Whiteness, furins fair as the II lly, are the pleasing endowments couferred by (Jleu's Sulphur Soap. A health ful substitute for the ioisoiious cosmetic former ly in vogue. The tints produced by Hill's Icstantaneou Hair Dye are like those of Nature. March 22, lw. 1., in Corell Hall, Illoomsburg, Columbia coun ly, Pa. Full attendance desired. Officers not installed at January meeting, please be pres ent. Delegatea and voting members will bring their regalia. It is thought best to have "lunch" served in ly .not encourage their growth, -A game I Ihe silverware delivered by Ihe National Hllnr-Platlflg Co. No. 701 Chesluut Street, nf Ill ... .,1. .l n, ),. .,1 ..,.,. ' ninoeipnia, is giving entire sallsfscllon. All , - ... , , .1.. nf last mnnl i alNunnJI. l. Ik. Ih,.. I prin.puy hihsj, aim no one neiU ' . ' - .... It... ,1 r .. Nine and Numedia Nine, the Furnace Nine "s nomj.-j.uineran being the winning side. Ilaae ball has betn imlle an amusement at Ihe public sales for buys Olitervtr. March IS 4w. the hall for dinner, no not neglect that little an j ,iia jun!or !,, Tb, Unon gujly palter of !u. come preparw ior a prolilsble School of this place was rtorganlred on the and pleasant time. Let us make this, our spriog time meeting, of more than ordinary Interest. Our cause Is just ; let eath one assist in haying lit prevail J, W, IIowman, Master, IK M. Tf.wusiii'iiv, Secretary, ICatawIna, March 20, 1878. 24 ult.; tho following otlicers were elected for the ensuing season. Superintendent, K. C, Clever; Secretary.F. Ilerker; Treasurer, B. 11. Croaking la not confined to the Frog Pondi. At this season almost everylmdy is hoarse. The bleating ofdistrewed lungs is heard every where. Why Is this, when llaUt Honey of Jlore bound ana Jur will cure any cough, cold Carl; Librarians, 0, C. Yeager and A. It. I or horaaeue-M in -18 hours f Sold by all Drugg- Carl. 1 lieie Is a ialr prospect lot a prosperous I uu. Sunday School, I Pike'a Toothache Drops cure iu 1 lultiute,. A STCbtxT. 1 March 16. Wheat per busbol isye Corn, new, will st nd people to bed and get them out of I Flou'r is-r barrol It in nr-nnrd-inr-n ivilli tlin wnrV Ihoir l,ov tn I C OVITSOea do, and the hours this work is to be done in, rhita. Ledger, Very tall persons who reach the age of CO need not expect to live any longer unless they ti"e Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka. No danger then of getting short for long years to come. The longer you tolerate that cough, the horter yon II grow, A GKNTLK HINT. .7'i .12 s.oo Flaxseed t.W Putter 31 Kk'K-3 , 10 Tallow .. Potatoes- , no Dried Apples . llama li Mdes s hnouioera - Lard per pound lis Hay per ton .,, 10.uu lieeswax la Timothy Seed 2.10 VUUlAlJUfiB run UOAl.. No. 4 on Wharf t 8.00 per Ton .-II. O ' . 9 S.IO N0. " " I S.OO Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf $ 8,00 uuuminoiis " H. h w BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Paint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, si'iiiits of"tciipentis!:, i,i.vsi:i:i 011., I'trtTV. NAVY SWEET W$m Awtrdtd AiyUil rnw t Cnl,nblftl BlliMiUon tor fine eeutnff owtlitK, Slid vtnUenti and lotting er neier pf nvtiUnuiff anit fienwuij. Th bil lobaeen Tr mft-l. At onr blur strip lrid-mrli In clMtlr hittuii-d on inffrlor inMi, oto llml Jofltwi'i Beil it on i-vcry plug. Sol-1 Sy fclUllei. St-nd for ismpi. Utc. to C. A. Jacuoi A Co., Atfri., letcrobiir2, - (i. P. WAHIII.i:, CenrralAal., Philadelphia. mar Jf, 16-tw d Kamtile cards and rrlco charge. list furnished without Orders and noulrles by mall will receive r-romnt attt niton, HENRY Mays. H.-ty. S. REAY, RUI'CIIT, I'A. A Valuable property. ijlng In Frenlllh township, Columbia county, 1'ennsjlvoula, on Uie east branch of ltoartngcrcck. It conslstsof a beautlfid farm 01 about ISO ACRES, on which ore trtetcda eonunodfous and comfoila ble Dwelling House, n larni- Hack l-arn, Cider Press, and a'l necessary out-butldlngs. It has w-rowlne upon It uLurdaiico of excellent fruit, has a well of water nt both the dwelling house and barn.aud Is conienient of accessby public roads. Adjoining and beluga part of Ihe same, but will be sold sepaiutely if desired, about mo acres of Ihe above lai.ds, whi n co aie ertctid a largo CCSTO.M, (II1IST AND FLOUitlNd MILL, with four run of stene, a Dwelling House, a Saw Mill, a Dry (loods Mori) and Dwelling House, and other linrroteinents, together with the water-power anu appurtenances thereto. The WHUmiiilc IONt Ollico Is on the r mlts. It Is within easy reach of Cota wlsa, Ctutralla, Afhloud, Mount Carmel and other mining towns for market purposes. The property Is bounded by lands of Munson, and Artley, and Sheets, und I). Hower aid others. The two described properties will bo sold seporately or together to fult purchasirs. Kor terms apply to hllai Mendenhall, K. It. Drinker or John 0. 1-Teere, at Illooiusburir. I'enu'a. feb. 8, 'I-tf Sure Reward. ft VEAHS TO PAY rOB A FARM. $4 TO 10 ISK ACKS. Ilcccli und Slnple Laud In ftllcbt gitn In the irlllllon Aero Grant ol'tlic Crnnil llnplita nnd In itial 1 si ilnllroad Conipnny, titiiB zxmrsox. Strang noil miro crop p'onty of tlmbfi--no drouslil-no cltlncli bugs no "lioppcrti." Hdnniku MarAMS Pcai Watbe ItiAnr Mahixt4 htllOOLS 1IA1LKOAD COMPLETFD TOKOCUU TB Cestui ok the (Ioant. Send lor nmvHlv.t, Enylitli or German Address W. 0. lll'dllAUT, LANO C01IUISS10NEB, QIIAND RAl'IDH, MICH, march 15, ls;-4w i'or n H r cy u.T?Em That unlordN Jladlrnl Cure for Catarrh will not Instantly rclleteonit sreedlly euro. Iieierenees, Henry Wells, sq., vi ells, r'arco to., Au rora. N. T.s Win. liowen. Fsa . Mc- nation. Grant A: Ilowen, su Louis. Testimonials and treatise by mail; Price, with improved Inhaler 11 HoM overj where. WKIiKs i: ro'n'Atlt, 1 ropiteiors, nosiou, diusn. march is, lsis-aw d $50 $50 N: OTICIi A DXIINlSTRATOIfS NOTICE. Poisons wlsbln" to save the advert Islnir feo of tax. t-s on Kf itted biul unestrd lands returned to mo for .March nth, HIS-2W 1I.W. JICltEVNOLDS. '1 reasurer. Iu our stile of climate, with its sudden chances of temneralurc. rain, wind mul sun. snino oitcn unci mingled 111 a sinclo dav. it I v":""" i win "i iinnsi to n nnn.U. M.M.I if- , ' 1 "" u uu nunuu iii.il uui tiiiiuii-ii, jneiius nnu relatives arc fo frcueully taken from us by neglected colds, half tho deaths resulting directly liom this cause. A Loltlo of I!o scheo'a Genuaii t-yrup kcjit about your home iur luinieuiuto usu win pievent serious sick noss, a largo doctor's bill and perhaps death, by tho u.-o of thico or four doses, h'ni- plii-ino- CoiiauiUDlion. HcinorrhaL'O. Piieiiinniii.i. Nn. vein Coughs, Croup or anj; disease of the throat or lyings, Ussucfcai is simply wonder- loraandsaid proisriy to a-i ful, as jour druggist will tell you. German llur",lt P'1'"6" ci sal(l J Syrup w now sold iti every town and village Bloomsburg, March , ma mi mis mimiirnt. r-ampio bottles lor trial, iuo , regular size, 13& April 27, 77-1 y jl VTOTICE. 1 his Is to certify lhat 1 have this day sold to James Scott McMnrh Uie following propel lr. Mzi lv shsre. tilug Ihe one-half of cv in res of rjelnthe irround and one parlor stoo ns cullsteral siturliy lor a Judcnit lit and eoslson docket of J. J. Pronur niaouiillng tof-'jor-v ulilch I airreetopiiy In 5 months liom mis uuie unu 11 iuiiu in sum mr luunins n fi lendedlosiuonttisloiietr the auouiitio Is- vdol' remain in uiy possesslun AI.KKKI) 11B.CKMAN. 1878. mar, s, sw IK VOn WANT TO IIS STKONO, HEALTH V and vttroroua Uke K. V. Kunkel's Hitter Wlnooflron. No language can convey an Idea cf the immediate and almost miraculous change produced bvtakuif K. K. Kunkel's I liter Wine of Iron In the diseased, uuumiaifuauu biiuhiitu uciiuiui bsitui. t neth er broken down by excess, weak by nature, or tin- w .uu .itaAru uuu uiisiruiiv: orirull- Izailuii Is nslored lo per'tet h-alth and Mirer, snhi A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage I IVf f ! t'j V 3l'ulll!''"l TrcttlM on int .WN DiJrrrti of Beproduetlen tuj , iHiiaiii vi vvnmiii A txtuk for prUttv. rniinil ! (Mdiux, UUpAjti, (trie CSTATK OF XkKY lILTCIIIStlN, DEC D. Letters of admlulstrntloii. on llo estate of Mury Hutchison, laty dtvutrt) township, CuluuiLIa cu Iai.. lmo been crmits'ti bv Uie itt'irlhtt-r of (- lumbU in., to mnuH'l II. tunc UNO a AUmlnlfairatnr, of I.'Klit Mreet, 10 wbom all rwson Indebted, an rtqutsitid to louho luiuicdlulH pitjmeut and thostj liulni;cliilnwir dt'ioauda iiaiubt ibv tuld e-,-rto will nmku tliem kiiov u to the uoomlcccd ACmlDla I rat or without delay. BAJIUKL II. IIL'TriHSON. Administrator, feb. 13, IS cw Ujjjht MrecU (!iiD Tjpings jou hie Weak, Nhuocsasd I)k- UlllTATisO. (H'K 1 ATFMT IUI'ltO Kl LSFI 1-ACTlNil UAI.VAMC .M- riusrfcH uro n xpmdy and I'khu ANKT core for Mteuina. Urn. Neuralgia, Kidney, Uut and Kemalt) Complaints, Nervous rro&trntlon, Weat Lung, nack aim fniuui irniviiun udu Kiouieti uwuaht.. I'llcoB, WaM Welt tsuotcplnul ik'lt for raraijuln and (-jiliial Al'uu'nts, fio.tx), and upwards. AriiiletK, Anklets. Head Hiiml.s. Km-u ( upa.tioo ech. htispcQ ders fi.i. IlHistiuted 1'jtmphlet Ken. Addrewi march l, 7o ly VT East .Ninth fct New York. E M-cnors' otick, ESTATE Of ELIS1IA BAUTOS', DECKlSEb. uuly In II bottles. everyii nere. boll! d Mirrr. skIiI I by all druggist and dealers I nn.. On .tt?,ffi Abu. Eire, nrfieeret Dieie, i orrui Miitvm s iii:itii.iTv: MiurniHuciiiMTv: IK-blllty, a cepressed, Irrltablo mind, a weak, certous exhausted ferltoe, no enert-y or animation confused heod, iveok memory, Uie consequent's of excesses, menial overwork. 'Ihts ner, oui debility llnds asoerelnn cure In K f. Kuni-,r, i,,,,.., n of Iron. It tones Ihe sstem. dlsin-ls me mental Kloomand d' spondeiicy, and rejuvlnatea the entire stsietn. bold only in a: tottlos. Get th- jrenulne 'I'ako only K K, Kunkel's, it has a jellow wrapper around It, his rhotograpU onouuide. bold by Jour i-rugirlst. K V. Kuukel. IToprlelor. No. ua VoiUi Muth street, Hdladelpbla. 1'a. Send for circular or adi Ice free Try my great remedy. Uetltot your druifirlst. sit bottles tor 13. It cannot fall. UU .nu iu uu la ircvuiuiruueu. WORMS! WOHMSI WOBMS I .rA1'"?1"1'" WoriuByrup sever falU to remove alklnds pt worms. Beat, pin and stomach worms m ro'iiij ICIUUJCU uy KUUSCI S ffunil HylTIP UT, KUtlkellS the Only SUCCes&rul nhVHlrlnn In ttiM i,n. Ijfy lor uie removal of tape norms, lie removes wiwiuiiuBiiuui, wuu iiesu an complete, ullre, and Jno lee unlit head Is passed. L'ou.mon sense, teaches It Tape worm can be removed all other nuiiua inu uu rrumiy acsiroieu. ASK lourdrutr- glst for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm syrup. ITIcbSi oerboitie. it neer falls. If he has It. not. bim Mm get It, or send to 1'ropiletor, K K, Kunkel, itfis North I Muth Mreet, PhlladcUibla, Pa. (adilce at onico imi ul iu,l TEMPERANCE ItEbORM AND ITS UltKAT Hlil'UHUKItS. V HIT. W, U. DAK1IMI, A. U. Profusely Illustrated with Portraits and bkelehtis uuu imuuiiuing ui er wt x-agea. ir"A W1IULU TKAlI'EnANIK IllllfATlv 1ST I inu la ill l Air. -ABrot. Wamtd liirrvMhrre. 1. . iuul;" in "in itrimi auu i ireu are. NBlfiONipiilLUPS, sw broadvtaj-, ew VorV. mum u TL MEDICAL ADVISERI . ol s Trlvst. Nuture sn.iiij Irum Self tin th ilso d'trif i and fhowtui OitThrofttant Lung, Currh.Ilupturo, u lAihrr bNli ar-i'i ?,f.ni.l oi nTtt ft( prtrfi Or t! thr, ciinia'nliitt Vtil MiL'f i. liiBiiltliil t il.ii.in.tMf i..,:t.u AOJrm 1)1U liUl Ttt, .N 13 N, Mlt a:. 6t. Uu., LIo. IUO Iritrrs Tf Momentary oif the ettate of Ellha Itarten latoot Hi town of IdormtHrir,rolunibM Co. pc , deeeawd, haH been trr itted by the liejflitler of -..id cotiniyto Kit Hanoi) ana K. Mfoduuull to wlidiu all iKTfcons Indebted to natd estate aio ro I uuiHtd to muko paitneiit, and tlio-u liaviuir I elalma or demands aeatnst tho aald estate will make tuem known to too bam execuiora wunoui dtluy. ii iUNUtNUAI.I, Kilt L tors. nnrch 15 IS w GLAZING AND PAPERING. WrIU, ltlrlmriUna A: t'o rEUFi.ClKl llUTl'KK COLOK USE THE TT?P Tt'irrrn 13 recommended bytheagTlcnlturst ATJJIXJ. press.and used by thuusandsof th.i ilUUTJSK COLOR fry tH t dalnmen. ltclesatHT- Iect June coKt, and Is aa barnuetiH bH salt. A li5 cent bottlo colors to pound, mid adds & cents per poud1 tolls alue. At-k )our I'rupptst or Merchant for lr, end ior Descriit ve clrtuiars. weli. iticu. HDM)N a CO., I'roprletorB, Uurllnffton, Vermoat, M CIEJf MICHL. PRACTICAL PIANO 9SARZ3K, TUNEB. AND B.EPAIREIL. ISLOOUSHUllG, l'A. Jousfok's Anoptkc I.imhist will posltUely Dt- eni llils rerrlblo dbtase.snd will iioslthelycurti nine c-ts-s In ten. Information that will save many lives sent rrei by mall. Don t deny a rnotnent. Pre vention is tx iter thancuie. I.S. JoilNbON CO.. mWnolt, MAISR march is, lsis-iw n FIIt.1T CUSS I IANPS AND OPOANS FOR HAIK, SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKKN IM KXCIIANdE. OHDEHS 11 V MAIL I'ltOMPTLY KXECUTED. feb-15, 7S-tf Mj MwtihlM tlll UoUt.t, n4 MM.fl " ratl. laluU ..Mblkll,. S..4.UU-D fclll.T,t. 1IK.C,BI.T, IUO OPIUM Aug" 17, 1I-ly LANDS .(iiio.duo ACIIFS In FmuwrtT Mtssovai lrom ii.3( 10 SH.uo an acre. Ktrst.c'au slock ar.d . ricultural Islos. Hie tin tot set o teuton in tl. est. nne iru t. no rrasfhenrera. abundancMnr gooit water, ihort w.nteis,c( menlebt markets goc4 schools low taies, healthful country and good ao cteiy. si-ten jisib' criiilt. Frie Iralisicrtatlon rrom St. l.ouls 10 Ihosi- who urcLase unit. MenA iur circular uau uim r liiiencBliou. .iaur-ss W. IU cukvin. Land 1'on.rolssloLer, Temple building, st, Louis, Mo. it max. 15.1B-4W HITISII AMKIUCA ASSUItACU CO, NATIONAL FIIli: INSURANCE COMPANY. The onels of these old corporations are all In ycslidln niLID SECl'llITItb andorellablo to the Moi.m i-i rii e uuiy, Moderaio lines on tha best rtiksere alcne accreted i(s(8 rsomii.y und iiostsvtY adjusted and bold as Ms h as. Ueieiiuliied by ciisistian r. KNii-r, Mie- Clul Akent snd Ulul. r. lt-r.rimktiiir ln-d Thei-ltiensot t'olumbla county should palronlze Ibeavency where lustra. If any. aie ndiusted nd 1 - ui-ii iiiiimi, uut, 10, it ly aug.lT.IMy A KSIONKK'S .NOTICE. Millee Is hereby given that the undersigned has It-en appol filed an uulgnee for Ibe benentof red. tors of A. tlarnst of 1 ocust lownshlti. Columbia co I'a.,sdhas taken upon hlaistlf the duties cf Ihe trust. All persons are Iberefore retjutslel to seltlo w uu uuu, uuju&t oiiu I'tiy iu uuu miurcuums, uiuts, l -v-v-T-vr ? llnnIKs, rrftn 1,1. uim uues 01 inu ssiu a.curusi onuiuose nav-t iv -"', ..-v. .-.wn wv ing claims to submit incut to the oslguee protierly , IT ona, uiooinsourg, ra., is prepared touo ai authenticated. mar, s, tj-iw WILLIAM L. 11YBIILY Assignee, JOB PRINTING OF i I'AINTINO, At EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED rKOMPTLV the Columbian Omar. aiiA.iNa, S2500r: atig.tu, ly TKAIU AreaUwsnteil.lla.U neMll'.ltlnisto. llirtlculjirarreu. ..arM . WUKTH UU .81 LvlUi, H. AtiENTsi WA.STHIIUirriMkrrr, lu.laulhl fur CONQUEST OF TURKEY Hy ih Killed authors, Dr, U P. I1. C. Uluta. 'Ihe complete anc broekilt. anil linn. mil tlirlllln l,l.ii-n.,.i the fall of an linplre, alurlaw jeaikot bllu-r sttlfe. (iraphlu detcrlpiiunsbf li ruble ltt',ecltliigall Kuroiu. I'osllliely the auk-st' sad Cheapest wurk. ni.iy but BiliiiUldly lllusuatetL iirantlost chance to coin money now onen-d. For full nartlcu. lAItlililtos., Pubs., tu Vamson UUUJ WW and l'Al'Ell HANClI.Va. In the best styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice, I'-trttes having such work to do w 111 fcsie money (alUngonme, All work warranted to give aatuiuctlon. Orders BUllllllU Much 1 WJI. V. IlODINK, lars. address IIUUllAItu linos., bt, i'LUa., tin. rr d BLANK NOTlh.wlil, oiritito.mr4lu lo. tle at tut CvUw aiAAi uanw. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYof.thbWORLD i.iuuiiicii if iu i ana auineriio iirniintM r,r ,-vr- nation i t ancient and h odern times, and lui-luding nhl'torj of the Use end fall ci Ihe llrtek and lit" mm tiurlres, Iho growth of Ihe nations uf modern rurotie.lhe inlddiu fiL-fH.iim i-mv, ,su fU.ini sjsti in, ll.ii riionnalii n, llio discoery' audsotlle- IlieillOf the NfW Wrilld. ln . ft.' 4 " a in one uisioneaiengraiingssnd I vial lurijn duubir column pages, and Is the most cuwnlelu lilslory of thn Woild eter imtillslin.1 it u-lhi sight. bei ior specimen psgea atd extra Urms to agenis, and seo why It tells faster than any other . n Nl""NAU'i'UmsuCo.,!'hltodelpU, a, inarch it, iv-tw ' ' M t 1 IS TIM TIMU TO SELI'IIKTKIIIIITO -IDIIY Hill lilt. Ldl.EH ultltlT WORK TIIK NCY II I.I-KTll.-l k-i. main it i The, glurdett silling loe-k lor Ihe l'muijlianlo held, uberal leitus to scents, srml i-n m nue fcrtomd(teiuifli,riu eenlafor our wiwge niuph', si'd naitie lenllory wanted. Addiess i.C . .v. "I''" i. ii.ii i.uuis, i a Don't tun tu lay what pais rcu saw UiUln. march u, ti m tier BUBlNEfiS CABDH, VISITINO CAltPl, LBTTIBUKADS, UILLIIK.MIS, Neatly ami CLtaply ptiiiteei Vt the Colum Hun uuice. 9gdOtnU. Aiittx, Jl. Cobltki (Ju. CUwUa! ST. IX1UI3 AND SAN ntANClSCO RAILWAY FOR SALE CSLSEIUTZD UBBARY EXTENSION LAMP I Adapted to my room, l-.lgh or leir eilllng. iAiwi-n-d to tubhi when la uvsiiirt ralseil by merely touching. lertretlysafB lrom falling. Llihla without n muring chunney. uulta as convenh nt ssgas. aud at Uie exiiense, ihe same extenoloa, prbiclple Is applied tu all our chan.. dellt-rs n'd eiwedlotf lights. The sdtuuugos srei Inceosed ItgliC w Ph same eonsuinrttoti of otl, by baling Hi ligut where nantodt s let ,e:ttnoi le snocked over or upset, 'llm iitenstun machinery Is simple, und csunot ouasislr lie sat, Cuts of Rxiensluo siiip and C'i'uuaeilers ot all styles furnished frte. We sell all lamps having merit. A. .1 ,l'Kini!'S It. IVnVr In T..u,i nnAntku WAlli:.toSouihhecoiid street PhlUdclbhta. march lMU-4iv r jDvJw l- k'ttiuuio "TT., , Ml lit i all battles. wLlli a oc stamp. 1 UIIU, and most poiiulLf With wrltlnc. nt uetlon and amuse- aiso a list of all ll-e for ii aim wlieie lougU durlrir the war. tor rtflrcis Dimosu k Co.,i 1 ace it!!. Jwaco ttb. JViMm candidal., for i nl . .V vT. I '""""V' " .v... ua j . BiuiKll, ti9 sv IV OVIOtk &. III. ekamlnn'i'i.oS. " sh t u ' ,U r'"e Lt IirUEIt S. TllOHPSOJf, I'ottstllle. MareU,6TKr1'C",d C' Es"n1"- Gold. OOI.U blLVKIl I.KAll IRON MARULK COAL MARL . Mines aud Lauds. ' MINES AMII-ANIM. NIl.II COMPAMES OltOANIZKD. MININil AtlENL V. ' Vim W. HE ENT II bVlltET. A. II. WYMAN A. e.0. Goal. COAI. OIL STON COPPKR 1.1 MS MIU l KilUCH PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed nt tluB Office ON SHORTEST NOTI0E AND AT TUB MOST 11EABONAULE TKHMa 1