THE COLUMBIAN, COttmsll DBVOCRAT, STAR Of Till KOKTII AND COLCM BIAS COS90I.IDAT1D.) Issued weekly, every Friday morning, at IILOOMSUUHO, COlAjMUlA COUNT?! FA. two DoiAtns per yoar, payabio In advance or mtug tbnyear. After tho osplrattonof tlwyear .so will bo charged. To subscribers out of t lie oountr the terras are 1 per year, -.Irlctly In advance -11 i It not pud In adranco and s.0ii If payment bo delated beyond tho year. Mo nnpir ducontlnued, ovcept at tho option nf tho publishers, until all arrearages are paid, but long continued credits after tho expiration of the ilrtt year will not be given, AlUpaperssentoutof thoHtato or to distant post orr.ccs must Impaltl for In advance, unloss a respon alblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription duo on demand. I'OSTAdE Is no longer exacted from subscribers In tho county, job FE.i3sr-ri3src3-. The Jobbing Department of ttinOoi.t'MBiANlsvery complete, ami our .1 b Priming win compare favora bly with that of the largo cities. All worlcdonoou demand,noatly nud at moderate prices, twn .aim.uL,jyi 'it Jim KjnL.UMmjimm. vmm Columbia County Official Director President Judgo William Klwrll. Associate Judges-I. K. Krlckbaum, P. I shuman iTuiuuiiuiary, sc. 11. rranK zarr. Court Stenographer-H. N. Walker, lleglstorfi Iteoorder Williamson II, Jacoby. District Attorney John M, Clark, Sheriff John vv. llonman. Survevor Isaao Hewitt. Trcnurcr-lir. II. W. Mellcvnolds. y ntnlssl.iners lohn llcrnor, w. W. McIIcnry, Commissioners' C'terk-.WIlllnm Krlilrhniim. Auditors-M. V. ii. Kline, J. D. Casey, K. 11. Drown Jury Commissioners tell Ilobblns, TUeodoro V Smith. uouiitv Mimerlntendent William 11. Rnvrter. lllooin Poor imtrlct-lilroctors-It. 8. Knt, Scott, Wm. Kramer, Illoomsburg and Thomas lteccc. ouuu, necrciary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. ITesident of Town council D. Lowcnbcrg. Cierk-w. Wirt. Chief of Police M. C. Woodward, rrcsldent of lias company s, Knorr. Secretary o. w. .Miller. Uloutnsburg Hanking Company .lohn A. Funston President. II. ll.llroiz. Cashier. Kirs Na lonal Hank-Charles II. Paxton, President Columbia couuiv Mutual Saving Fund and loan AssoolHIon-K. II. Little, President, C. W. Miller, Secretary. Illoomsburg Ilulldlng and Saving Fund Assoclat Ion -Wm. peacock. President,. I. II. HoMson, secretory. Illoomsburg .Mutual saving Kuntl Assoclat Ion J, j urower, iTcsiucnt, v, w. namey, secretary. CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CllUltCII. Iter. .1. P. TusMn, (Supply.) Sunday Services luu a. m. and 6Jtf p. m. Kuml.iv school 9 a.'m. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at 6tf H3ats free Tho public are Invited to at tend. ST. MATTHKW'S LtTTHKHAV cnTHCH. Minister IK (). I), s. Marclay. Sunday Services ox a. m. and 0 p. m. Sunday School Da. in. Praver Meeting livery Wednesday evening at Otf ClOCK. Heatsfree. Nopewsrented. Allarowelcomo. FKKSBTTEKIAN CltUKCH. Mlnlsler-IIev. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday Services lux a. lu. and OX p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. Praver Meeting livery Wednesday evening at o'clock. seats free. No pews rented, strangers welcome. UKTI10D1ST Ertscoi'ALcnrKCH. Presiding Elder Iter. N. 8. lluckuuham. Minister Kev. M. L. sinjscr. Sunday Services lux and 0rf p. m. Hundav school '2 p. m. lllblo Class Kvcrv Monday evening at 6tf o'clock, Voting Men's Praver Mooting Every Tuesday , 67enlng at. sjf o'clock. (lencralPrayor Meeting Every Thursday evening 1 O'CIOCK. BIFORHinCnCKCH. Corner of Third and Iron streets. Pastor Ilev. 0. 1), ourley. Kesldenco Central Hotel. Sunday Services 10x a. m. and 7 p. mi Sunday School 9 a. in. Prayer Meeting Saturday. I p. m. All are invited There Is always room. ST. rAL'LS CUCRCH. Hector ltev L. zahner. Sunday Services lux a. m., fx P. m. Hundar school 9 a. m. First sundav In tho month. Ilnltr Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Friday evening before the 6t Sunday in each month. pews rented ; uut overyuony welcome. KYANOKLlCAt, CITCHCn. Presiding Elder Kev. A. L. Keeser. Minister Itcv. J. A. Irvine. Sunday Service 3 p. m., In the Iron streetchurch. Praver Meeting Every Sabbath at 2 p. m. All ore Invited. All are welcome. TIIK CttERCn OF CnRIST. Meets in "the little lirlck Church on the hill," known as the Welsh Baptist Church on ltock street cast of Iron. Itegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af ternoon at 8X o'clock. seats free ; and tho public are cordially Invited to attend. BLOOMSUUllO DIRECTOHY. SCHOOL OKDERH, blank, just printed and neatly bound in small books, on hand and for salo at the Colombian office. BLANK""DEEDS, orTirarclimjnt andTinen Paper, common and for Adtnlnlst rators, Exccu tunt and trustees, for solo cheap at tho Columbian onioe. TyTAKRIAOE CEItTIFICATES just printed and tor salo at' tho Columbian orflce. Mlnls craof tho cospel and Justices should supply them selves with these necessary articles. JUSTICES and ConstabTes5" Fee-Bills for sale at tho Colcubian omwk.They contain the cor rected rocs as cstabiishcdWioiast Act of tho Leg Mature upon trrtrurrbjeerftery Justice and con stablo Bhould havo one. VENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale cheap at the Colvmbian office. CLOCKS, WATCHES, tC, f ,E. SAVAGE. Dealer in Clocks, Vatclics lltcT 111(1 ''ewclr ' SIaln st" u3t lelow tb0 Central PROFESSIONAL CAIIDS. C(. HARKLEY, Altorney-at.Law. Office a In Ilrowcr's building, 2nd story, Kooms 4 5. ER. WJ1. M. REHER, Surgeon and Physi cian, omco S. K. corner ltock and Market ?tH. TR. EVANS, JI. D., Surgcou and Thysi . clan, (Oftlco and Residence on Third 6trect, corner JeCTei son. " R. McKELVY, JI. D., Surgeon and l'hy . slclan, north sldo Main street, below Market. JR. ROltlSON, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Ilartman's building, Malnstreet. HROSENSTOCK, l'liotoRrapher, over , Clark WoU's store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID LOWEN11ERG. Slerchant Tailor Main St., above Central Hotel. r S. KUHN, dealer ii. Xleat, Tallow, etc., u a Centre street, between Second and Third. RUSINEbS CARDS. J E. WALLER, Attorney-at-LaW. Increase cf Pendens obtained, Collections made. ' omce, Second doorfrom 1st National Hank. 1ILOOMSUURU, FA. Jan, 11, bn R. J. C. R UTTER, l'HVSICIAN SCROEON, Office, North Market street, Mar.S7,7 .illoomsburg, Pa. s AMUEL KNORR. A T T O It N E Y-A T-L A W, BLOOMSUURO, PA. Omce, nartman's Block, corner Main and Market Streets JT U. FUNK, Attor noyat-Lnw, Increase of l'eusions Obtained, Collections Made. BLOOMSBUItO, PA. Omco in COLUMBIAN UCILDINO. Tyi, I. L. RAII1S, PRACTIOAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa. ttr Teeth extracted without rain. aug u. T7-Iy. JJROCKWAY &ELWELL, A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A W, COLUMBIAN BCIUINO, BlOOttSbUTg, Pa. Members of the United states Law Association. Collections made In any port of America or Europo Q R.& W.J.BUCKALEW, ATTOKNEY8-AT-LAW, Bloomiburg, Pa. Omce on Main Street, nrst door below Court House T F, it J. M. CLARK, " ' ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Bloomsburg, Pa. Office In Enfa Building. in P. BILLMEYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ornci-Adjolnlng C. II. w. J. Buckalew. Bloomsburg, Pa I. II. I4TTLB. MOIT, B, LITTLX. "7 H. & R. R. LITTLE, J" ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. I fHustneu before the U, B. PatentOffloe atlendM w.ouico In tke Columbian uulkllsg, -s I , J1L" i -' I'm i in J" "I gb!g!gs - ' "" g:!'.!MT'Mtor.M4?r.p!rt. H EHVKY E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offlco In A. J, Ktah's Niw Bciuiiiw, 11 f riAllnlitinn a Mcmtwr of Commercial Law and Bank Collation At- "yiLLIAM BUYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Centralia, Pa. Fob 18, 'J. c, W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW omco In Ilrowcr's building, Becond floor, room No, ! Illoomsburg, Pa. W. II. Abbott. w. It. KntwN. AHBOTT & 1UIAWN, Attornoys-at-Law. CATAW1SSA, PA. Pensions obtained, dec II, U-ly MISCELLANEOUS. y II O W E L L, DENTIST. omce In Ilartman's Block, Becond floor, corner aiain ana juarKei aireets, . , BLOOMSBCIta, TA May SO ly. ' 2; M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired, otrra Hocsx Building, Bloomsburg, ra. IREAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN ; CY, Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. ".tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... Liverpool, London and Globe SO.ikuouo Hoyalof Liverpool 13 froo.oou Lanconshlro lo,ooe,'00 Fire Association, Philadelphia t,loo,ooo Atlas of Hartford .. sno.ooe Farmers Mutual of Danvtllo 1, 000,000 Danvlllo Mutual T 000 Home. New York. K.anarmn Commercial Union ....... 17,000,000 $U8,6S,000 March M.fl y B, F. IIARTMAN KKrBKSBNTS TDK rOLLOWIKa AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES! Lycomtntrof Sluncy PrnntrvlTftnl horth American of Philadelphia, ra ranklln. of I'ennsj Ivanla of " Farmers of York. Pa. Hanover of New York. aiannaiianor " omce on Market street No. , Bloomsburg. Pa, ocuso.lT-ly. CATAWISSA. jy M. L. EYERLY, AlIUJinfil-AT-LAW, CaUwKu,Fa. Collections nromntlr made and rrntttd. offlM ooposlto Catawlssa Deposit Bank. Im-tt ACQ, L. KAUB. JNO. K. FETMIIS. CBAS. I. IDWABDB. WM. It. HAGENBUCH, WITII Kauli, Frynilcr 4l Edvrardi, (Successors to Benedict Doraey t Sou. til Market street. Importers and dealers In CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWABE, 823 Market Street, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand Original and Assorted Packages Juno x9, Tl-ly "yAINWRIOHT 4 CO., WUULltt)ALS UIIDC'XIUI, PaiLABULTIIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUOAR, MOLASSES, KICK, bPICES, B1CABB SODA, C, AO, N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, tfOrders will receive prompt attention. Orangeville Academy. REV.C. K, CANFIELD,A. MPrincipal. It you want to patronize a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL, WHERE BOARD AND TUITION ARE LOW, glvo us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY. APB1L 15, 1S78 For Information or catalogue apply to . . . THE PRINCIPAL. July !T, 77-ly Orangeville, Pa. HTfTFn?.RrP AWAPTiS I fDieiBi lixlilbliiou. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER Tlilrtccutli nud Filbert Sin. PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers or Patintu WronehMnm Air-Unit Healers With Miakluff CIlnkcrJrlydlB Orate far iiurniBtf jinibrariie r liuuiuiEoit i'ai CENTENNIAL wiiought-ieon: heaters. FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking' Kacfei, Xiow-dawo Srates, Ac, &c. Descriptive Circulars ixnt mil to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECT INO, ApiU tl.ll-ly A I M. C. SLOAN & BHD., ULOOSISBVnC, PA, Manufacturers of Carriagss, Buggiw, Phistaa, Slriglu, rLATFORM.WAOONS, C Flrst-claaa vrorkr.always on hand. 11EPAIRINU NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. Jan. t, 1677-U A CHANGS TO MAKE SOME MONEY SUEE. "Cornell's History cf renntyluanla." Now ready, Wrlie for Agency at once. John BUH.Y iSx. I'ubllsherv fto mouio ureet, PUladoiLOUa. iaacain,-tn Jwoo PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Tho undersigned, Administrator tc, of Henry FrlU.latoof hujarloaf Uiwnslilp, Columbia county, deceased In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, will expow to public salo on me premivi on SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 1878, commencing at n o'clock a. m of said day, alt tho rltthr, title and Intcrett of said llsnry Fritz, djoj.u id, in tho follow Ing described Ut or V I E 0 E 0 V L A N D containing 11 AC'IIEI m'ro or less, Bltuato In StiL-nr. loaf township, County of Columbia. adJoltilPR lands or :amuellles Sdon tlio north, landt of Jacobs. Hess on the east, lands of Andrew and Philip Hess on mo souin ana a ptibtio road runi.lng to Mary Po lerman's ani VI Ham 11. lvicrmans on tho west, v, hereon are erected a LOO DWELLING HOUSE, ono and a half stories high a Framn Barn, a (lood Small Applo Orchard on the premlscs-also a good springer vinipr. Tho lands villi bo sold for payment of debts and sold subject ro Ihtsumof fils.u unpaid purehafc money duu Samuel Y. Ilesi May tt. Is:. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be pold at the striking down of said premises, one-fourth of tho purchase money less tho ten per cent, to bo paid at tho conllrmatlcn of tho sale, and the balance of said purchase money to bo paid In one year from tho continuation of said salo, with Interest on said balance Irom the confir mation nisi of tald sale. JOSIAII P. FIIITZ, Administrator. Central P. O., Columbia co., Pa.-march S'J, lS7s-ts GOLDi tireat chance to make money. If you can get gold s ou can get green. where to take subncrlptlons to Hie largest, cheapest iuusuuu ,uuillj IUUIJC1UIUII 1U 1110 WOTIU, Any one can become a successful sgvnt. The most elegant works of art given tree to subscribers. Tho price Is ho low that almost everybody subscribes, oneagent reports making overstrain a week. A lady agent reports taking over 4t subscribers In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or onlyvour spare time. You need not bo aw ay from homo over night, iou cando Itas weUas othrts. Fullportlc ulars. dlrectlonB and terms trrte Elegant and ex. pensive outnt free. It you want prontablo work send us your address at once, it cost nothing to try the business. No one who engagcsfalls to make great pay. Address '"Jho Petplo'a Journal," Port land, Maine. aug, 10, n-iy a week In your own ton n. IS Ouint free. l i t, wt niuitU UU1IUCHS . . .a1-""!'1 an mr nine iuej wors. wrile for parutulars to 11, IIallkt tu, Portland. Maine. Ucan make money faster at work for us than at anything eLw capital not required ; wo will 'rt you. $13 per day at home made by the " , 'u uoniuu-,. mcu, women, ooys ana girls 1-7. n ..l,nwS v wurx lur us. now nine X1- Cost'r outtlt and terms free. Address Tsui Co., Augusta, Maine. March S2, 73-ly BEST business you cas enratre In. Ktntin per da y made by any worker nf pit hpr sci, right In their own localities. Par ticulars and samples worth 15 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Address stisson 4 Co., Portland, Maine. march 21, 7d-ty A PPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that application will be made under the Act of Assembly passed April 29th, 1874 to obtain a Charter Incorporating an association to bo raawn as the "Susquehanna Bunding and Loan As sociation of Bloomsburg," whose object shall be to mi lue wucnia uuu eujoyati me privileges Incident to Butldlner and Loan ANNnrtnt tnrw tnenrm. rated under the provisions of the laws ot thli com monwealth. , PAUL E. WIRT, masch JJ, TS-Jw Att'y lor Association. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS -OF i - The celebrity ot our TIN TA( TOBACCO has caused many Imitations thereof to be placed on gthe market, we therefore caution all Cbowcrs a g against purchasing such Imitations. All dealers billing or selling other plug tobacco bearing a hard or metallic labehrender tnemselvei liable to the penalty ot tne law. snd all tiersons f violating our trade mnrks are punUhable by nne sand Imprisonment. SEE act OK commes i-Ald. 14, 1876, P The geulne I.OItll.I.t Kit TIN TA(I TO tcllACt'O C4in be distinguished by a TIN TAO on 3 each lump with .'ho word LOKILLAUD stamped ; iiirn-iui. Over T.oss tons tabaero sold In 1S7T, and nearly j. 1,000 persons employed In factories. ,UACSiaiuitu, IIUUII 1911 KUUUl ?3,0UU,IIW. BUU pdurlng the past 11 years, over -'0,000,000. S These goods sold by all Jobbers at manufacturers march , 1878-Sm RCO The Great New Medicine! A Health-Giving Power! PUKiriE THE BLOOD, INVIOORATIS THC LIVER, PROMOTES DIGESTION, and STRENGTHENS THE NERVES, Thus ffectiAalljr raring illsas of what ever UHuie or nature. It Is worthy of a trial. IlISLIKF (uaranteea. Ii AOIIKK AUL.K to the tatte. GnATEfllti to the stomach- and act elflclently as a CATIIAUTIC. AL.TKUATIVK sail lilt'. llSTICi. Ita action Is not attended with any unpleaiaut ffellue, neither Is len fonr nor debility experienced, but on the contrary, refreshment and luvliroratloii. Ita Immediate effect upon the digestive organs, whether Impaired by disease or -exhausted from any cause. Is to Increase their powers of assimilation and nutri tion, the appetite being Increased at once. "To those affected with an engorged con dition of the liver, as Illllouuiess, char acterised by a dusky complexion, n coated tongue, a pasty, bad tasle In the mouth, a capricious appetite and sluggish action of the bowels, wllh a sense of fallnrss la the head and omental dullness, V1UOK ENK proves most valuable. Its effect upon tho kidneys Is no less happy, a turbid, irritating urine Is quickly cleared up by It. ' Inflammatory and Chronic ItHKUMA TIHM will soon dlsappearbya persistent iseor VIUOUKNK. For the cure of Skin Diseases and Krup lions of all kinds, VICiOltKNK Is most certain, t VIUOIIKNE Is composed of the acltva ropertlceor HKnilli, HOOTS, UUMS and AriKtf, that Nature alone furnishes, great care being taken by us that they are gathered at the right season of the ear, and that they possess their native virtues. That VIOOIIKNK has thepowertoPVK IVY TIIK UUOOa, INVIGORATE: the I.IVKH, and KTIMULATK the UIUKttT. IVH OKCIANK, I. Indisputably proven by those who have given Ita trial and have been permanently cured. Wo do not ask you to try a doien bottles to experience- relief, for we UUAIIANTKE gov will feel belter from the first few tloses. yiOOllKNK Is astonishing the world SAyii' " d throwing all other TifSL0".' A-SUATIVIs and iNVKJOK i ".T." '" shade. Pat up In large battles, double strength. Hequlres small doses, and Is pleasanT to take. Price, SI. 00 per Bottle. WALKER I BADGER MFG. CO., Prop'.. II JsU St., Miv Ttri, ul Jiry Mty, . ;, "THE OWEOT OF rATlNCJ." s nsw boox svsry one should read, scut true upou rsctlst of s us eulituup, ' For Sale at N. J. IDRXJO STORE,, r..-ly. BLOOMSBUIlG,PA.,rilIDAT,APIUL5. DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES T,1c5i'u''r".v"1 n""c,lra but are nwcincs In tl.o diseases for which Ihcy 1 ro iccommended. M il UAI, Mil,) CTIOX. Itin-wtg.ilor i.f nil' r,,I sflonco havo ilnmonatat. ,. Vl" ,m".'.roVr.' UM tt.) aiilimfknnlointlie'ili.. .tirvlml of the fittest" Is lh lint) law ilirlftatid iirt-tultv. ".mMA""? .H,"',",M u"u" 11,0 comnwrrlji a .n,-riiir urtli le. in- r,..wm 1 f superior lm rli, Dr. Jl , 1 Vi1"!1! l','ll,.l"f" b"0 imlrhalcd all otli l,1,'"1";"!',1" ""' 1 Me( ktntesaloi,opTccdi one in ll'on iluliars j r nntiuni, wnitn the amount m.rr',;rl vV',',"r "' "'.'.'0 ,'r"1 "tri'd Ihouyind mare Nnbu-lness ro'tld ever crow 10 such tUnnllf oft'il?"'01'' """ rt"!t "po" "ny ' htr ,"'s" n'a" lhat DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy IS I'lCSINIItll III I'sc. BR SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy IIn Cures i:Ipiii1 0cr 11 iicilotl or ao Vcnrs. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh llemedy Il Snlc Constantly Xlicrcasrs. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Curc'N bj- IIn 111II1I, Sootlilngr cITcct DR. SAGE'S Catarrfi llemedy Cures "Cold In Head," ami Cn loi'i'li, or Ozctciia. AN OPEN L MITER. It Speaks for Itself. HocsroKT, Mass., April s, 1st,. Mr, Koitoh :-lIavln( read In your paper reports of the remarkable cures of Catarrh, I am Induced to tell "what I know about Catarrh, and I fancy thu "snurt" and InUalliiir-iubc" makers (mere tfollar crabbcre) would lieglallt they could emblazun a hlintlai euro in the paiers. Korlt) j ears I surfered with catarrh. Hie nasal passages became aim plete- ly closed. Miurr, lust,'' "ashes, "InhalinB-tubes" and "sticks," wouldn't work, though at Intervals I would snltl up the so-called catarrh snuff, until I beiame a valuable tester for such medicines. I gradually grow worse, and no one can know how much I suffered or what a uilieiablo being I was Jly head ached over mv pvph. l.ttamnflm-l rt .nn bed for many succesilvo dais, suffering the most In tense pain, which atone time .astt'd conllunously for ICS hours. All Kensn nf cmoll nnri ....... .: sight and hearing Impaired, body shrunken and" ncaicucu, iit-r,uua sHiem Htiaiiereo, cun&lltutlon broken, and I was hnuk-tnt. unit bnit,in ua...,n. eighths ot tho time. I prajod rordnatii 10 relievo mo or my sunenng. A favorable notice In 5 our pa per of lir. Edge's Catarrh Remedy Induced me to Durchaso a nackatre. and iirttt. nttti ir ii.rna v.. sal Douche, which applies the remedy by hjdrostatlo ' .- ,'.. .. '..-.. ' yuiiifuwuie wiiu common sense. Well. Mr. Editor It did not cure mothreo fourlhs ot a second, nor In one hour or moLth, but In lc than eight minutes I was relieved, and In three months entirely cured, anri hn VO rutnntriiiil tin tnr oversljtceu months. While using the catarrh llem edy, I used Hr. llerce's oolden Medical Uiacoverv 10 purity my mood and strengthen my stomach I also kept my liver active and Tiowels regular by tho use of his Pleasant Pureattvn Pellets. l7 mv i,t..h. encowiu lnduru other sufferers to seek the same means ot relief, this letter wilt havo answered Ita 1 ours truly, L. D. KKMICK. A CLOUD OP WITNESSES. The following named parties are among tho thou- sandswho have been cured of catarrh by tho use of nr. ougu s uaiarrn Jiemedy : A. F. Downs. New Geneva Pn II .T timwr u. Joseph, Mo.; K. c. Uiwia, Hutland, Vt.; Ui spring er, 1 Nellie Lake, Ohio : c has. Norcrop, North Chcs urneld, Me.; Milton Jones. -crlbo.N. v.: J. E..MU ler, Under station. Wjo ; J. c. .Mctrlman, Logans purt, Ind.; M. M. Post, Logansport. Ind.; .1. w. lull. ejlTreinont, P.; II. It. Ajres, ljl'orle,Ind.; Jessie M. Ka'?,'t- "ranch, Ind.; I. w llllaras, Cantun, Mo.: U . A. Thai it, ouarga. III.; s. II. Nichols, Jr., ualvt-g! ton, Tevas ; Jonas t' Helnert, btonestUlc, Pa.; b.W. -'"-ruiinuu, .is.; .lunnson wiutams, lietmtcif, Ohio; .M. A.currey, 'Ireutou, Tenn.; J. o. Joslln, Keene. N. II.. A. .1. i'nin,.r nsihtA r v. . t Is Anders, (laj sport, ohlo;c. II. chase, Klihart, !. ..' ';,'rr.' ",ry naignusan rranctsco, CaL; Mrs. K. II. oallusha, Lawn ncevllle, N. V ; W. J. uruhain Add, Iowa; a.o. smith, Newman, (la.; than. s. lilce, lialtlmoiv, 5ld ; Jesse M. sears, Carlisle, Ind.;' Hani. II. Mlllir, Kt. Vayne, Ind.; Mrs, Minnie .r- !, . ' 1 ... , mw loric; 11. w. nail, llasllngs, Mich.: Wm. V. .Marston. Ijjwell. Mass.: I. . uooerls Maihopa, Arls.; thas. s. Delaney. uuiii.uuis, 1 u.; 1. loie. 1 oweii, .Mass.; .vtrs c. J. Spuitln.Cuuidvn.Ala.; Chas. F. Kaw.r'rederlcktown, -'. iiuiiici. ruiiuiuuiuu, 111.; uupi., c. J. Mutt ding. Cumn Sliiinli.itiirii ft'vn , 1 U' 'iVi- steumboat iock.liiwii , Mis. 1.. u'nim wt,ch,in v v .1. M. Peck, Juucilon City, Mont.; Henry be.'iian tna, 1 111 , u. 1 . uiuilllllgs, ItuniOUl, ll - H, K. JOnt'S, Charleston Four Coriieis. Ni v. i;pn. t. unit I'nM,. lo.cnl.; Wm.E. Iiirlrle, bterllng, Pa.; II. II. Ebon, ts pennstteet, littsburg, Pa: J It. llockican.snm uel's Depot, Ky.; Henry Zobrist, (iencva, N. Y.j Miss llaltie Pairott, Montgomtry, Ohio; L. Lrnbrook, Chatham, 111.; S 11. McCoy. Nasnport.Ohlo : W. . Warner, North Jacktou, Mich.; Jilss Mary A. Wlnne. llarlen. wis.! .Inlut 7lfx,ir f.rii.i. t- . James Tomklus, st, Cloud, Minn,; EnochDuerr.'rawi uee i.iiy, neii.; .jo&epu .Muter, Acuta, Ohio ; H. B, ;....'.'.' 1 1 1,. ltll 1 1, l ipt?r A1IOD. Ill ; JoliHi.ivls.Prescott, Arlj.; Mrs. Nancy Oraham, Golden Medical Discovery Is Alterative, or Illootl-cleanilng. Golden Medical Discovery U Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery ha Cholaij'ijuc, or .iter Stimulant, Golden Medical Discovery h Tonic, Golden Medical Discovory By reason of Its Alterartvo properties, cures Dlseas- va ui 11m isuwi uiiu okiu, us ocroiuia or nmg s tvii ; Tumors; L'lcers, or Old Bores; tuotchos, pimples; and Eruptions. By virtue cf Its I"ectoral properties. It cures Uroncblal, Ihroat, and Luog Affections; Incipient Consumption; Lingering coughs; una Chronic Laryngitis. Its Cholagoguo properties ren der It an unequaled remedy for Btiltousness ; 'I orpld Liver, or "Liver iComplulnt ;" and lis Toidc proper- tics wane it niuaiiyeiHcaciousin curing inuigestion, Loss 01 Appetite, and 1) spepsia. here the skin Is sallow, and covered with blotch es, and Dlninles. orwliere ttier,. htm urrnfnlnna ,.,i. lings und affectlous. a few butllt.snr cniii,,,, xii. vui uiscutcry nui eneoi an euure-cure. Iflouieel dull, drowsj, debilitated, hae sallow color of skin, or yellowish blown spots ou the face or body, fre quent headache or dizziness, bad taste lu mouth, In ternal heat or chills utternatil with lint tliikhfs inur spirits. and Jgloomy forebodings. Irregular npputlto and tongue coated, jou are suffering from Torpid Liver, or "Ullllousnebs." In many coses of "Liver complaint," only panful these sviuptoms areeipo rlenceu. A s a remedy ror all such oabcs. Dr. Pierce's tloldeu Medical Discovery has noequat, as It effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. TliJS PEOPLES Medical Servant. -ee e.t ' -. I-J UtO DUiO JI UJJI KWt UUQ U1HUU ractureroriliy rort't-olni: remcilleH, all or wiuolmro knlii hv (IriU'trlstta lis. Isi uUi tua a i,th. n i ... nlo'M I'nmiiinn kivnin MiiasI a ,ui 1. hef rly one thousand pages, with two hundred and has already sold ot this popular work Over 100,000 Copies ! PEICE (post paid) $1.50. Address ; R. Y. PIERCE, M. D, World's Dispensary, Buffiilo.N.Y. BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. II R II II I V ti v FSPKrrrpnT.r.v ...1 m. -e ..... . iu me iiuuiic XV that ho has reopened SNYDER'S TANNERY, fnM Dtanr1 IllAnniDViiiM tin . v. Iforksolthe Kspy andXlgLt Btreet luuvus nucru mi uescnpuoua or substantial and workmanlike manner, ana sola at wui at all times be paid (or G K K K N HIDES oteTerrdeacrlptlon in tbe country, Tbe rubllopat ornate w respectfully Bollctted. suivuuivuurtc. vtv It IB1D JohnttOn'H Anodvne Mnlmrnt will nAKititotvnrn. vent ihla Urrlblo dlseas, and tll iwhttlvely cure nine cusos in ie n, Intormatlou thai wiU tme many lUtrU Htstil frHt hv mail ivin t ii.iavn r,...w.t HMUVU f Ilie- IQ VEGETINE mil CUKK UIIKUMATISM. Mr. Albert Croosfs, the well-known druggist and apothecarj-of Hprlngvitle, Mo, always advises tine7 no tro","", wlth lllieumatlsm to try Vege llcnrt Ills Statement. SrxiicflTlu , Mi. Oct. 11, 1ST. Mr. It. It. Mcvenst- .,,,,c:"'..'.,r'rn"',,ncl,rsl,K0 last fall I was taken StCk Wttll HtPlimntt.m tl,1 wn ltr.Al.1n In ttinva .,n,ll he next April. From lhat tlmo until thnnvears "!' "iniTeit everjmtng with riieumattsm, sometlmeithcro would bcvveiks ot atlme lint I Pnill 1 tint titnn ..nn.l. n..t .. ... i , ' iiv-i. uiiiii.-k iii-rr nu'ii! omn. I suffered everjihing that a man could, over hreo J ears ago last spring I enmrnenced taking rgetlneaiid followed It up until I had seven bot tles; havo no rheumatism Mncetnat lime. Inlwajs udvlso every ono who Is troubled with rheumatism 1 ,r Wko'1"0-nd notsurrrr for years as I havo L. ""miiK-iit 11 graniuous as laras.vir. Mel ens Is concerned. Yours, etc., pi,., ,. , .. . ALIIKUT CHOOKKIt, lies Co., Druggists and Apotheca- VEGETINE IIiis Entirely I.'iircil in p. IIOfTOV, Oct., 11T0, Mr. II, II. Stsvkns i IH'nr SIr, My daughter, after having a severe at ttuk of M100plng cough, was left In a teeblo stato ot health. Helng advised by a friend she tried the egetlne, and after using a few bottles was fully re stored to health. I have been a great sufferer from lllieumatlsm. I have taken several bottles of the V getlne for this coniplilnt.and am happy to siy It has entirely cured mti. I have recommended the Vegellno to others with the same good resultB. It Is a great cleanser and purltler of tho blood s It Is pleasant to take and I can cheet fully recommend It, JAMES -MOUSE, 8M Athens street, RliouiiintlNiu In n nigcttNeer tlic IIIooiI. Tho blood. In this disease, Is found to contain an excess of nbrln. Vegellno acts by converting the blood from Its diseased condition to n healthy circu lation, vegellno regulMcstho bowels which Is very Important In this complaint. Ono bottle of Vegctlne will glvo relief, but to effect a permanent cure It must be taken regularly, and may take several bot tles, especially In cases of long standing. Vegctlne Js sold by all druggists. Trv It, and jour verdict will be the same: as that ot thousands before you, whosav, "I never found so much relief asfron'thn usoof egetlne," which Is composed exclusively ot barks, room and herbs. VEGETINE Sajsalloston physician, "has no equal as n blood purlner. Hearing of Us many wonderful cures after all other remedies had failed, I visited, tho Labora tory, and convinced myself of Ita genuine merit It Ls prepared rrom barks, roota, and herbs, each of which ls highly effectivo. and they are compounded In such a manner as to produce astonishing ro sulu." YEGETINE Nothing Equal to It. sotrrn Silim, Mass., Not. u, 18;. Dear Sir I havo been troubled with Scrofula, Can ker and Liver Complaint for three years. Nothing ing eaual to It for such comnlalntji. nan heArtttr re. commend It to everybody Yours truly, Mrs. LIZZIE M. PACKARD. No. 10 Larange St., south Salem, Mass. VEGETINE Is Trepared by H. R. STEVENS. Boston. Vegetine is sold by all Druggists. March HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Health and Happiness nre priceless Wealth to tlielr possessors, ana jet iney are wunin xne reach or ev ery one w ho will use WKIUIIT'S L1VEU PILLS, Tho only sure CUTIK for Torpid Liver, Dyapep'-la, Headacho. Sour Stomach, con tstl nation, iiditv Nausea, and all Ittlllous complaints and Blood dis orders. rJono Kenuine unless signed "Wm. Wright, Phlta." if your Druppt&t will not supply send as cents for one box to liurrlck, Koller L Co., TO N.ttli 1 uiuie jan. 4, Ts-iy nr PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ltOUTE. The attention of the travelling publlo Is respect fully Inv Iteil to ni)e of the merits of this great high way, In the confident assertion and belief that uo other lino can 0H1 r equal Inducements as a route of lurougu iravei. lu Construction und Equipment TUB l'FXNSYLVAN'IA IUILKOAD stand9 confessedly at the head of American railways, 'inoiracK is double the entire length ot the line, ot steel rails laid on heavy oak Ilea, which .aro embed ded lu n roundatlou ut roeK ballast eighteen Inches lndpth. All bridges are of Iron or none, and bul.t uiwu um wunt uijjnjiwi piaus, us passenger cars, while eminently safo and substantial, are at tho buuiu uuiu muueia ui cuiuion. ana eieganco, THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In ue ou this line well Illustrate tho rar-seelug and liberal policy or lis inanagemeut.ln accordance with which the utility only of an Improvement and not Among many may bo noticed THE BLOCS STSTEU OF SAFETY SIOMALS, JA1IMEY COUPLES, BUFFER and PLATFORM, THE WHABTOW PATENT SWITCH, AND THE WESTIHGHOUSE AIE-BEAKE, forming In conjunction wllh a perfect double trade and road-bed a combination of baregnards against accidents which hare rendered tnetn urAciLariv im. possible. Pullman Palace Cars are run on all Eipress Trains Fruul Neiv York, I'Ulladf l,l,lu, llallliuure uu.l vvasuinMlou, Tu I'lili-iiBO, t'luclnnall, I.oul.vllle, ludlaDapolls muu m, l.ULtu, WITHOUT CIIAXGK, and to all principal points In tho far West and South with but ono change of cars. Connections are made In Uuion Depots, and aro assured to all Important THE VOUNSKY OP TIIK PENNSYLVANIA ROUTK Is admitted to bo unsurpassed In tho world for grnu deur, beauty end I variety, t-uperlor refreshment fa cilities are provided. Emploieos are courteous and attentive, and It Is an Inevitable result that a trip by the Pennsylvania Kallroad must form AFle&sicg aai Uensrabb Experience. Tickets for sale at thn lowest rutm ntthnTfit Dniccs of the company in all Important cities and FItANK THOMPSON, U V. PAHMEIt. uenerai Manager, Oen'l l'asaenger Agent, J. K, SlIOEMAHI'lt, 1'as.i. Agent Middle Plst, .. . i'wiiu .uiiu oireci, iiarrisuurg, I, feu 1, s-iy SHERIFFS SALE. Ily virtue or a writ, nf ki. pi tnm, nir. t exposed to publlo sale at tho Court llouso la Bloomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on SATUUDAY, APIULClh, 1878, All that Certain tract nf ,lnialn r..,.. . ... .v ii, .uiunirta township, Columbia county and State of l'ennsylr.i. "i""""i law wcii'iwn usiay, Uttiss ed, Davis llchrbach, the helm of llllam II, Davison deceased and others, containing ono hundred and sixteen seres and i lghty.nvBperchca neat measure oa which aroereitedafrauiodwclllng housebarn and other outbuilding. Seized, taken Intiiiiviiitlnn. amikn c-.i., -u ,1.- property of Auguttus btrausser. -AbiiMe i;asii oa uay CI aie. 1878. Poetical. DltKAMINO. When 1 sat In twilight's silence, When the stars have all gro n still, I dream ot the green old meadows, And the old homo on the hill. And I sco the roses blooming And my heart gives uladdust greeting, To the frlencs cf long ago. There I see my mother sitting Wllh 1 Imo's snow flakes on her hair, And she smiles above her knitting A nd her f.ico Is saintly fair. And I seo my father reading From tho Illble on his knee, And again I hear hltn prajlng. As, of old, ho prayed for me. Oh, tho dear, remembered fACss Of tho boys and girls at home I They ore here, as In life's morning, Kro our feet had learned to roam, t InRlng all the old songs over 1th the friends I used to know, I forget life's toll and trouble. Kar and wide our feet hav e wandered From tho old home's tender ties i Foine have crossed the ocean's billows. Some havo passed beyond the skies. And my heart grows sad with thinking Of I ho friends I used to know ; Oh, pray Ood I meet In Heaven All the loved ot long ago t Select Story. THE SPY. It was nearly n hundred years aro, on 11 bitter December night in tho dark year of 17i(i, that f-reo persons were earnestly en gaged in conversation, in a small room of a house on second street, opposite Christ Church, in tho city of Philadelphia. Tho dimly Ilaring light of a wax candle revealed tho group as they sat by the table an old man, a beautiful young woman and youth attired in tho Continental uniform. Tho topic upon which they conversed seemed to agitato them greatly. Tho old man was especially nervous, and while ho was tonic- itifr. there suddenly came a great dash of sleet against the window, and tho startling crash of a banging shutter, that caused him to start with a look of alarm and lose tho thread of speech. When ho rosumed, he said tremulously : 'God be merciful to us all I These aro evil times t Methought I heard the rattle of drums and musketry I May tho good Ood defend us ?' 'Ainen,' said tho young soldier, reverent- ly. 'Go on, daughter !' continued tho old man addressing the girl. 'Tell us what thisson of Belial hath said to thee 1' 'I will tell tho all,' answered tho young woman, with tears in her eyes. 'This man, Robert Esteleck, hatii been my ctou for years ! Ho has tortured me with his attentions claimed my heart and hand, although I spurned and despised him, and dogged my fctc-ps everywhere. Have I not told lum that 1 was thy betrothed ?' laying her hand soflly on the soldier's. 'The wife of thee,, the bravo Joseph Stamford ! He knows no honor, Uut toIay,he telleth me, union I become his wifo ho will bring dis grace and ruin upon mo and mine. He taunted me said to me, 'beware of me, if thou roueeth me 1' Heaven pity mot What can I do to avert his pursuit, his calumny ? To-day ho hath even spoken to me the evil 1 'Say no mora J' ejaculated tho soldier, grinding his chair back upon the polished tloor, and smiting his sword hilt wilh the palm of his hand. Peace, Alice, peace, in God's name 1 I have heard enough 1 I know all 1 This maddens me I This man, this monster of a Kobert Esteleck shall not escape me 1 He shall not escape me I He shall not escape me ? He shall not live ! So, by heaven I' 'What is this?' broke in the old man, with an expression, pf anger. 'Mad words and malite I Man ugaint man ! Is this thy talk ? Prithee, let me hatrn 110 more of it I Ltave the wicked to God,. 'Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord 1' This rebuke brought a spejl of s;iUace up on the place for a moment. In an instant alterward there was a great knock atUo door. 'It's the wind,' cried the old man with a face of terror. The knocking continued louder and louder. Alice and tbo young soldier running with one impulse to open ths door, there entered two dripping figures. 'A bad night I' said one of the wen. iu ho entered the" room. 'Yea, verily, friend !' answered the old man peering at the new-comers ; then con tinuing, 'Art not thou Captain Tamper?' that Is my name, and I present you to Corporal llest, at your service,' And your name is Abraham Shippen. I mistake not V said tho officer. 'True, true,' said tho old man : 'and Cap tain Tamper and Corporal llest are welcome to shelter, God knows. Draw near the fire, menus.' I'm sorry to say It's a had night, and bad business brings us I' Baid the officer, 'There was a large meeting to-day at tho Indian Queen Hotel, on Fourth street ; respecting immediate action against spies, Tories and friends of tho king, Several were implicated. Among others, the Committee of Safety give us tht name of one Hobert Esteleck. 'Ah I' broke in the young soldier. 'And ouo Joseph Stamford I' A (cream t rom Alice. A sudden outburst from the others. 'Joseph Stamford I' riio young soldier ruse up, and bowing to the officer, said excitedly : 'At yor service, Captain Tamper I Joseph Stamford Is pres ent. He salutes his superior officer 1' ' i ou are suspected of being a friend to Geo. tho Third P 'ThatforGeo. the Third 1' mapping bis fingers. 'Geo. Washington for me!' i ou are accused of singing 'God savo the King,' iu this house I' 'What ?' 'This is strange brolo in Alice. 'We are true patriots all, Heaven be our wit ness I' Does this look like hvinir the Kim.?' said the young soldier, touching his military coat aim aworil, 'Ah, ha I It's a good joke Captain! A good joke!' 'Friends !' exclaimed the old man ; 'I'm man of peace, an old Quaker, a foe of foes, an enemy of blood-sheddlm?. vet I am fain,. ful to God and tho American Uuiou, and let no one insult tho flag of our rights in my home. I will fight fur my beartb.tny country, and my God We are friends of liberty here, not spies I' THE COLUMBIAN. VOL. XII, NO. 14 COLUMMA DEMOCRAT, VOL. ILtl, NO, It 'One can't tell friend from fo, these time master,' aald tho Corporal Best. 'Wo but do our duty,' said Captain Tam per, 'We havo orders to hold our men until the Council of Safety decides !' 'But I am a friend of independence. I go to join Waihlngton to-morrow,' said Jo seph, 'So might the gallant Robert Esteleck al lege,' answered the Captain. 'Captain 1' cried Joseph, know you this man Esteleck 7" 'Not I, comrade.' 'Then,' returned losepb, let me tell you what he Is like. Ho Is like any other sneak ing, smiling, smooth facet), little black-eyed -villain you ever saw ; wears his own red hairlifd tup with a black ribbon and pow dered. Only be limps n little. A bullet wound they say J Oh I know him ' 'Where is he 7' asked the Captain. 'Everywhere,' answered Joseph, 'and in all disgulses-but, Captain, on my parole of honor as a soldier, 1 promise to appear to morrow before the Council and take the oath of allegiance if need be. Leave me alono for tills night. 'So bo it I' said the Captain ; 'but wo must find Esteleck. The town is incensed against traitors and spies and they wilt mob your houso if you harbor him. Can you point him out 7' 'Good sir, said Alice, the man you seek hath often visited this house, but will do so no ,more. Though I hate him. I will not slander him, he is a truo patriot and no spy.' lut, tut I' blurted Joseph, 'a patriot for sooth a Tory scamp 1 a ren52ade I Art tiioti on ad, Alice 7' Wo have no time tolose?' said the officer brusquely. 'Lady, farewell 1 Soldier m member to-morrow ! Good night, master !' So saying, Captain Tamper and tho Corporal left the room abruptly, followed by Joseph, who opened the street door for them. 'Ha, ha?' exclaimed the Captain, as he looked across t lie street 'Old you mako that 7' A muffled figure sank into the shadow of the great church opposite. ' Wc must keep our eyes opeu.' tSo so 1' cried Joseph. There is somo mischief atoot to-night I Captain stay in the neighborhood for Gods sake! That looks suspicion. Good-night to ye' and Joseph slammed tbecor and ran shivering into the room. 'Haste thee, while I tide mystlf behind these foldiog doorc of, the room.' Alice opened th.e door ,to p tall man wrapped In a wet cloak And wearing long horsemen's boots, with a faint cry she rec ognized him, and strove to keep him out. He pushed her aside geutly and entered the parlor. Abraham Shippen glared at the in truder a moment and then cried 'Evil on evil t Hath tho wicked night brought thee to punish us 7 Away wretch, or as old as I am I will myself drag thee forth 1 Away Robert Esteleck ; I will not harbor thee.' Hobert Esteleck smiled. He was always smiling, always smooth-voiced. He threw his cloak and said, 'Peace, good Bir! Lis ten to me, I am your friend, and you will find it out. Do you know the danger you are in i The British are e'en now at the thresh old of the city. They will slay all I Fire, ravage and death await us! But I see a war to escape, I come to rescue you and your aaugnter ' 'Stop!' interrupted Alice with a defiant gesture. 'Robert EsUsleck, thou hast sought to dishonor me do not jiflsult me further I I forgive thee all ! Vet X beg of thee leave us instantly. Thy life is in .dacger I Al ready have the o&fltfrs beeu herelnawirch of thee I stay not a moment. Forget thy wicked designs and save thyself. Bo quick;! The town is alarmed against thee I' Robert Esteleck smiled at her, but his smile was the smile of anger now. 'Oh ! my beauty ? I care not for myself nor care I for your devoted father there, I want you ! I will have you ! Come !' He seized her hand. She withdrew with a scream, and the old father clasping his hands cried out 'God deliver us from this scourge I' At that instant the folding doors Mew open. There stood Jorepb Stamford. The villain did not forget his smile I He dr,ew a pistol from his inner waistcoat and slice it at the soldier. Fortunately the flint lock laimed fire. In an instant more the old man wrenchtvl the weapon from the rascal's gaasp. 'I arrest you w a traitor and spy,' cried Joseph, drawing bis sword and rushing on Esteleck, 'Give me your sword.' The coward yielded the weapon without a word. Hfs face became livid. 'Alice, let in the officers 1' cried .Tmenh and shortly afterward Caotain Timtwr and lht Corporal, who had been waiting in an aney way re-entered. Here's your man continued Jnumh breathlessly. 'A spy, a villain keeping up communication with the enemy I carrying ou Illicit trade ! Murderintr. tlilevlnt.,!!.. guialng himself ! Take him oft", I hayo all tue proois. io-morrow;the council shall hear me. Strip oft" his uniform, he illrr the holy cause of Liberty ! Away with him I' And they took him. well cuarded in !. old Walnut street prison. Idid not tell thee. love. fr fear of lrHn thee,' said Joseph, nressiutr the, hemitir,,! Alice to his bosom and kissing her fair fore- ueaa -mat tuis man yesterday, fired twice at mo on High street.' 'Did he hit thee?" the asked wltli . t ol tear. 'No beloved. Thank flrui T 1.1. I . "v g l i, 1, 1 a shot I I have known him long as a spy. He wm meci ins ueserts uow. He hath bsen designing great evil here. I have all the papers, all the evidence necessary to send u.u, .wy vo me gallows. There are more like him hereabouts. Let bis fatl . ,..- ing to all traitors! Wish him no evil save bis own bitter thoughts,' murmured Alice. 'For thy sake I forgive him, love, said the painoi : out ue must meet his nnnU,mn( Tho times are bard and need hard tneas ures,' Not many days after this event, a horse gnuopea tur ous r un Rntnn ed by a crowd shouting, U prisoner escap vu) a lory prisoner! Death to the spy ! Some frieud of the nrlm-mr h. 11. procured him a bone to accelsrsts hlsea capo. a i.vt. , . . . .miner in me mob happening to fire at toe uorseman, the steed made a spring and '"'" ,uo nuerover tils head. They ran to inct up me man. It itnk. v-,.i..t. TI....11.., . . ."'" ..cict;i Auomwemsanot touched him. The fall . oroxen his jk!c, and be wm dead, .1M. IX. IM. (Jl. mm ft so Men ,, s.oo ajo mo s.ooc,r ,.4. 0-JD JOT 1I.W" n,'fAinitii.V.. sVi Hon lu.Aa li rour incurs .oo T.e w i HalJonlumn.w 4 Wxi ls.00 IS.00 tfcj6i onocolamn.. .....i.f.oo 115.00 eo.oo i.w.i Tearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran lent advertisements must be paid ror berorclntertc except Tfhert parties have accounts. UgaladvtrtlwmenlatwodoUri per Inch forthJf Insertions, and at that rate for additional iiisenitSM without reference to length. Executor's, Amlnlstxator's and Auditor's notw throe dollars. Must be paid tor when inserted. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alia regular advertisements half rates. Cards In the "nuMncss Directory" column, one dollar per year for each line. Joseph Stamford came back from that campaign with the title of Captain well earned, and with a sabre cut In the shsull- er, but he lived to see peace and union, net only In the country but In bis own home. wherewith bis own beloved Alice, the has. py queen, and the three merry children, lUh was to him an epoch ot happiness and bllna fut rest. I1IST0IIY OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. MILITARY P.ECOBD. Drafted Militia-Nino Mouths S try ice. 178th Jltgimtnt, COMPANY P. This company was credited to Monteuc county, but it will be observed that many ot the men are from Columbia. It was muster ed in mainly November 2,1802, and mustered out July 27, 18C3, and uuless otherwise dis posed of, that is the record of each man named. John A Winner, Captain, mustered out with company July 27, 18C3. Isaac Pursell, 1st Lieutenant, promoted to Quartermaster December !), 18C3. Abner H Brown, 1st Lieutenant, promoted from 2d Lieutenant December 24, 18C3. Samuel A Mills, 2d Lieutenant, promoted from 1st Sergeant December 24, 1862, Ellas B Yordy, 1st Sergeant, promoted from Sergeant January 1, 18C3. Reese Flanlgan, Sergeaut. George A Brown " Emanuel Peters " U W Mustleman, Sergeant, promoted front private March 1, 18G3. Daniel MoIIarn, Corporal, David P Childs " David P Young Henry W Snyder " Charles Sage, Corporal, absent, sick at muar ter out. William A RifUe, Corporal, promoted t Corporal December 28, 1862. William F Graver, Corporal, promoted t4 Hospital Steward December 3, 1802. John R Rishel, Corporal, died at George town, Virginia, January 12, 1S63. John II Hunt, Musician. . Arnwine George W, Private. Ashland Alexander, discharged ou surgeon' certificate November 21, 1862. Baylor Peter, Private. Bogart Cyrus " Bogart Joseph " Burger Peter " Burger Wm II " Byerly Wm II deserted Novernber 10, 186?, returned December, 10 1862. Bowman John, Private. Bfldine Charles W " Basel Lewis " Crevcling Moore, deserted November 19, 1862, returned April 1, 1853, absent in hospital at mmter out. Coxey Thomas A, discharged on surgeon'fl certificate November 21, 1862. Cooper Chsrles Wj discharged on surgeon's certificate, January 19, 18C3. Cooper Albert, deserted November 13, 1862. Derr Frederich, Private. Dreibleplce Jacob " Dreibleplce James " Elmes William, Everett John " Fox John " Fox Samuel T " Fought Edward " Flick Erastus " Fetter Cyrus " Gaskins Herbert B " OoUchalk W W, died at Yorktown, Virgi nia, July 12, 1S63, buried in National Cemetery, grave 115. Heinbach Peter Jr.Private. Helnbach David " Johnson John ." Jones Daniel H '' Jacoby Williamson H, promoted to Quar termaster Sergeant Deimber 8. 1862. Karschner Daniel, Private. Peter, " Knouse Washington " Koons Samuel " Kelly Stephen S, transferred to Company K, lujj Kegiment, Pennsylvania Vol unteers, November 24, 1862. Lawrence Thomas, Private. Lynn Wm S " Lazarus Daniel T " Miller Wesley Miller Andrew " Me inch Solomon " Moyer.Iohn D " Morrell Samuel H " Marshall David " Marshall Daniel " Mbllick Henry M " Mellick Henry W " Mordon John It ' Musgrave Franklin " Miller William, died at Yorktewn, Virgt nia Aiarcn ui, 18U3, Mott Daniel, deserted date unknown. Mcllenry Samuel.Piivate. Oman Geo L " Persing Ilif H, " Rudy Jeremiah 8 " Hi file James S " Roup L ifayette V " Reppert George " Runynn Samuel 0 " Runyun Oliver P " Runyati Sheppard, deserted November 12 18G2. Renslmw Robert, deserted November 15 1MJ2 Snyder Clayton, Private. Snyder Peter K " Spotts John Spoils William ' Shult Harrison, deserted November 19. 1862 -..I I T-V 1 . 71 I c.uiucu Arcemuer IU, ISO.', Stroup Philip A, Private. Smith Harvey 11 Shearer Charles, discharged ou surgeon't certificate Jauuary 15,4803. Snyder Johu 8, deserted November 18, '02. Sheet John, dese ited November 19, 1802. Swisher Clemeut, deserted November 12 1802. ' Thompson Wm, Private. Thomas Joel, deserted November 18, 1802, Wintersteen II jr., 1'rlvat. Walter Jackson " Wise Ellas O, transferred to Company I, 103 Regiment Pennsylvania volunteers. November 23, 1S62. WintersLeo Jub0, dtserted Novetubtr 10, West Uwls D, dsserttd November 8, m. Yarlch David V, discharged on surgeon' certificate November 22, 1802. Subscribe for the Colujiwan, (he largest paper published lu the County. num. One Inch , Two Inches Three Inches