THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE C0LimBl AN. nLooaHBuna, riitu, Mtncntv, is; Rail Road Time Table. LACKAWANNA nLOOMBBUItO HAIL nOAI) Accommodation Train Hall Train , Express Train NORTH, ..48 A.M. 7.38 A. M , 1.60 1'. M. .M P. M. CATAW1SSA HAIL ItOAD, NORTH. Accommodation Train ,S9 A. M. Itcgular Kxpress 4.M r. M. Throngh cars on Express train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. socni. f. 62 A.M. 4.49 P. M 11.61 A. M OOTrl 7,T P. M. n.aa a.m. Mrs. Rebecca Carmen of Benton lias jmt re ceived a full line of Millinery anil Notion Good's from the city. The Heading U. It. Co., did a noblo net in providing a special train for tbo removal of Hester's body, and bis bereaved wife audio latl cs to their home at Locust Gap. Babies arc the institution and ihould bo Ruarded from attacks of Colic, Flatulence, eta, by Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, Price 25 cents per botllo. Oscar Lowcnberg, a son of our townsman David Lowcnberg. ono day last week fell from n hayloft, and broke ft leg. This is the third time, and it is to be hoped the lat. Thomas P. Fisher Hang Fisher was executed yesterday at Mauch Chunk on the same gallows that wi used here last Monday. ".HAT KELLT INOW8 ABOUT TI8HEB. I-st 'tVodncsday night at 7 o'clock Kelly the "Bum" mado tho following lUtemont which ho insisted upon having nt to the Governor by telegraph, and it was aocordlngly done as follows i "Two months previous to the arrtsl of any of the Mollle IMagulrcs, Alec Campbell came to me to my cell In 1'ottsvlllo and said he would try to get me pardoned out, said he you know what we wero talking about before. Well I guess thats all dead there wont be any more about it. I asked him If Tom Fisher was the principal man'.ln the murder of Powell. lie tld me that Tom Fisher knowed no more about It than I did that was In jail. lie said I got that thing up on my own hook. Dispatch this to the Governor and tell him I believe ther re going to hang an Innocent man to-morrow. (Why didn't you say anything about this bo fore?) Became I was not believed before and lObody thought I was telling the truth until Tully made his confession," his Daniel y, mark As the above cor.tains nothing that would !iave been admitted as evidence on the trial, ii if course had no effect, nnd Fisher was execu ted as above stated. W did Dot publish 1 notice of the death of Christian Wolf, because his friends neglected to send us details. The following Is now sent UK! Christian Wolf was born In t'lolnfiekl town ship, Northampton county, Pa, he was but five years of sgc when he came to Mlfilinvllle, Co lumbia county. Ho lived In Mifllin 72 years. He moved on the farm owned by his father John Wolf In the year 1824, In 1835 he was commls-loner, he was an lionet and upright man. He was a good democrat and was willing to do all he could for his country, lie was a king and respectable man, and many friends to mourn his loss. Persons who Intend changing their place of residence this Spring should notify us of tbo change oflhelr address, giving the name of their present post office and also of the place to which they will remove. Fouti's Celebrated Horse and Cattle Powders will, If given Id Milk Cows, according to the directions, increase the quantity and quality of milk twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. The earnest efforts of our Mayor David Low- nberg, Esq., to a wore tbo safety of persons and property, by bis efficient policing of the town dining the past few days of excitement occasioned by the late executions, ought It Reems to the writer elicit the thanks of all good citiiens. X. Musical Coi.lke. Spring cession of six weekB begins on Thursday, May 2d, 1878. Freeburg Snyder Co. Pa. March 29 4w, A lady in our neighborhood who had suf fered for over three months the most extreme torture by a violent ceugli, has become com nletelv cured bv Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup. For sale in every drug store. The Democratic Standing Committee will meet Saturday, March 30th in the Grand Jury Boom at one o'clock p. m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State Convention. David LmvENBunu, Chairman, Tell me not In mournful numbeis, life la but an empty dream. Go and invest at once in a bottle of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka and break up that troublesome hacking cough Price 25 and 50 cents. Life and health Is God's gifts, and it is a sin to impair them by neglect. You can promptly relieve the disorders arising from a cold tending to consumption, by the regular use o: Dr. Haas' Expectorant. During the recent execution a crowd clam bered upon the roof of a shed attached to tb jail yard, and it gave way. A boy named Har ry Williams was seriously injured by a cut in the head but is now believed to bo out danger. On last Friday Peter Dcsova, a brakeman on the D. L. & W. K. It. while attempting to coup. le some cars at the depot, stepped into a water course, and fell, The moving train passed over his arm, It was amputated by Dr. Gard ner. The Trimmer Contest In Luzerne conn ty is at last decided. The following appears among the proceedings of the Supreme Court : By Woodward, J. In recuntesteU election of A. P. Barber, Prothonotary of Luzerne conn ty. Judgment of ouster reversed and judgment In favor of S. W. Trimmer, with costs. Kelly, "the Bum," alias Mjnus Cull seems to beln demand. Sheriff Hoftman has received a requisition for his appearance before Judgi Drehr at Mauch Chunk on the 8th of April the case of the Commonwealth against James McDonnell, Charles Sharpe, and Thomas Du kin, who are then to be tried on the charge murder. To our shame we chronicle tbo fact that there was more liquor sold, and more drunk enness in town on last Monday than on any day for many years. We are glad to say how. ever that most of the drinking was done by strangers, some of them being editors and news paper reporters who afterwards went home am told their readers what an immoral place Bloomeburg is. it oni Some two hundred and fifty shares of stock tavo been subscribed for in a new Building ml Loan Association to be known as the Sus quehanna Building and Loan Association of Bloomsburg. The care of the bUHines-i of this association is to be vested in the best hands and all desiring a safe and profitable Investment for savings should make application at once, to J. . Brower, I. S. Kuhn, J. Fetterman, 1.. K. Drinker, 12. II. Little and Paul E. Wirt. There appears to bo expressions of relief throughout this county since it is known thnt Pat. Hester suffered tho penalty of the law for the crimes that be had committed, But while satisfaction is expressed there is great sympathy lor his family. Mrs. Hester has the srmpathy of the community mostly on account of tho active part sho took to got her husband libera. ted- Ever since ho got into trouble she clung to him and traveled day nnd night to secure his liberation. In fact she was willing to give up all for sake of her husband, and stood out to tho last declaring bis innocence. Her devo- tion is worthy of emulation, and no matter what crimes Patrick stood guilty of tho 'com munity will respect her for being faithful to her marriage vowa and clinging to him alone through evil and good report, Sunbury Amer ican. Ladies visiting Danville should not fail to call at the Boston Shoe Baiar. The only ladies shoe store in Danville, and examine the fine grades of Ladies,Mlsses and Childrenshand and machine sowed shoes, among which is the Agnes, Lady Washington, Opera, Gipsy, Side Button Boots, with French, Half French and plain (heel, Empress Strap Sandles, Spanish, Centennial, Parlor, New Port Tie, and Canoe Slippers, also 500 pair Walking Shoes of all the latest styles and best makers, with a larger lot of Button and Alexis Buckle Walking Fasts for beys, and a full line of Spring Ball, Mas. querade, Wedding and Party Button Beots and Slippers, i ine custom made shoes a special Danville Pa. Mrs. J. S. Huber. Necks and Arms of Snowy Whiteness, forms fair as the lllly, are the pleasing endowments conferred by Glen's Sulphur Soap. A health ful substitute for the poisonous cosmetic former ly In vogue. The tints produced by Hill' Icstanlaneou Hair Dyo are like thoo of Nature. March 22, 4w. WHOM SHALL WR TItl'ST? When afllicted with a complication of di-nr ders, and the limited resources of the f.unily physician have been exhimletl without be'efit and all important question H, whom shall wu Inn. 1 Many physic'ain are bidding fur Iho patronage of tliii clss1, and it becomes the nf flicted to thoroughly examine Into a physician's claims, and know upon what they are b.ied, be fore trusting him, It. V. Pierce, M. I)., of Buffalo, N. Y., is ono of the most succti-wful and widely known of authors and phjslclans in America. He has encUd a Grand Invalids Hotel, in Buff.ilo, at the enormous expense of nearly half a million dollars, it being the mot complete and elegant sanitariums In the world, Dr. Pierce has originated a system of diagnosis by which he is enabled to dUtiiiguWh iwit chronic diseases without seeing the patient This scientific system is fully described In his Common Sense Medical Adviser, which Is sent to any address on receipt of $1,50. Addnss It. V. Pierce, M. D. Grand Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. The doctor Is endorsed by tho clergy, as well as by the mctlicsl profession, of the land. We have space for only the following among the large list to whom he refers : Hon. A. I. Boreman, Ex Governor of West Virginia, and late U. H, Senator ; U. K. Fair- child, M. D., Seneca, N. Y.; W. B. Cousins, M. D. Albia, Iowa j M. J. McClellan, M. I). Garrattsville, N. Y. j W. F. Hazlelon, M. D. Silver Lake, Kan.; F. S. Turner, M. D. Veaiie, Me.; Geo. Dieterich, M. D. 105 Vine Street Baltimore, Md.j J. H. Sherrod, M. D. Psoli, Ind-; Geo. B. Chapman, M. D. l'latt-nioulli, Neb.; T.J Casper, M. D. Springfield, Ohio; James H. Porter, M. D. Gorh mi. N. H. ; D E. Wells, M. I). Bristol, N. H. ; .1. A. Miller, M.D.San Leandes, Cal. ; J. N. Camp, M. 1. Baladan, Mo.; I. W. Rhode, M. D. Northum berland, Pa. ; Joseph S. Burr, M. 1). West La fayette, Ohio; Kev. E.S. Harmon, Elsah, 111. Kev. Isaac N. AugHrtin, Shlpman, III.; Kev. Thos. O'Beiley, Newman, Kan.; Bev. L Wes ton, Bucklin, Mo, ; Kev. L. A. Dawson, Homer, III.; Kev. W. 8. Long, Graham, N. C. ; Kev. Andrew Adams. Calhoun, G .. ; Rev. A. l Moore, 712 Washington Street, Boston, M.iss. ; Rev. I. A. Thayer, M. D., Baco..sburg, Ohio Rev. I. P. Proffit, Palmyra, III. The Largest Stock of 111 II I in, PIPER Priceless Discovery, A Sure Core for Files. A nro cure for lUo blind. Moc-Jlfiff. ifcMhir mjJ ul ocmi-fld piles has born dlMOTf rr rt lijr lr. llllam,(an In film retard) ),call3d hr. William TndMn oint ment, A Mngfe box baa cured tho worst old chroDto ca('Bof twenty-n vp and thirty j earn' ft ending, tto oar noed suit- r flro n-tnutesafu rnpplyini this won riorful soothing incdlcloo. Lotions, lnstnimrntflQnd electuaries do mere harm than pood. William's ointment supports the luroors, allays the lnti-nw Itching (particularly at night after getting warm In lod), nets as n poultice, gives Inst Ant and painless relief, and Is prepared only ferities and nothing elHC. Thoitfands of cured patients attest Its virtues and physicians of all schools pronouoce It the great, est contribution tomcdlclnoof theage. Itmatters jot how long or severely you have been surrerlog, jou can bo cured. Mr. Joseph M. Ryder, Cleveland, Ohio, wrlloat I Buffered for jenrswim Itching and Ulcerated Piles, tried remedy arter remedy advertised, and consulted physicians in 1'hlladclphU, Loulnvllle, Cincinnati, and this city; and spent hundreds of dollars, but found no relief until I obtained a box of Dr. Williams Indian Ointment some four months ago, and It has cured me completely. I had apart of tho box left which 1 gavo to a friend of mine who had doctored with many physicians, and asalaatrefortwentto the noted Hot Pprlcgs. Arkansas, for treatment lie Informs nvMlmt the. Indian tlntiuent has also cured hi in of the pile. It Is certainly a wonderl id dlmoery, and should be usodbytue many thou sands Vsho are now suffering with that dread dis own, tsr Howard will be paid for a more certain remvdr. Hold by all DruinrlMn. bIL j. W. KKA- Zl lilt, cole proprietor, Cleveland O. iu Columbia County at GEORGE A. CLARK'S DON'T NEGLECT A I'UtlGH or Cold, when 55 cents will bur a bottle of Dr. Fra 7ler's Cough S'yrup at any drug store. It ha- w rotight a complete change In tho Cough Medicines, Is pleasant ns honey and alwajs cures. TO CONSUMPTIVES. t" Ir, Trailer's Cough Syrup iisd In connection with It. Fr.uter's Hoot Hitters wtixcCHECoNsi'Mr tiov standard steam Laundry, Cleveland, o, Oct. B0,'l. Dr. nurtRK, !rar Mn I reel It a duty I owe to suffering hutranlt. to wrltnjou. Tor some time 1 was snrely it filleted wllh a couirh. rnlMn-r bad stuff, wltheurv Minrtom of belne a continued consump tive. I tried different meUKlncs and cures finding relief: I a!., consulted three ut our most prominent Cleu-lnnd phlclans, tho last ono of which nrunouncn niv cuo stria in. and Informed me that I could not live more than afow umnths. About thHtlmc, hearing of jour wond'-rtulsucCf l com menced taking jouxHjrup In connection with ) our ifoui tMiiens aim was ui once irf-neimea, nna wu r uvlng the medicine Rome two months I nnd my wit enitrely cured. KMiHK.NCK DUN. far Mr. Dunn again writes, under date of August t. 1:t. Dr. Frazler. Dear Mr ; I can endorse our medicines more strongly than ever from the faei that it Is now nearly oi-e year tlnee Iwascured. My lungs are to-dny strong and sound, haMngno re turn of the disease. ivThe atsove Medicines speak for ihcm-wives. DIE. (t. W. FHA7.IF.Il, iTOpilPtor Cleveland, o ror sale bv all Druggists. Dec. 14. 1S7T-1J' A GENTLti UIXT. In our M via of cliiuutc. with its sudden changes of temperature, lain, wind and pun shine often intermingled in n singlo day, it is no vronder that our children, menus ana relatives arc so frenueutlv taken t'roin tis by neglected coiu$, hall the dent ha resulting directly lioni this eaue. A bottle ot io- Kihce's Genuau Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will prevent wrious sick ness, a large doctor s bili and perhaps death, by tho uo of three or four dosei, lor curing Consumption. Hemorrhage, Pneumonia, Se vere Coughs. Croun or anv disease ot the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonder- lui, as your urucgist win tell voh. ucrraan Syrup is now frold in every town and village BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL RTXTTT NOllMAT, SCHOOL DISTRICT. Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Bloomsburg, CHOOU nsatrwuTit constituted, oners tho very txst facilities for lTofesslonnl and a"9Jc",leftralP?v,,.,,r,rt .h . bountiful eunrly o' puro.soK s spacious, Hit Itlng and coinmcsllous ; completely heated by su-ora, w ell ventilated, lighted by (fas, and furnished with n Dountmu budi u i s experienced, eniclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough pectin; to teach, btudents admitted at any lime. Itooina rcbcnod when acsirni. Till Si Iiulldlngs Rnrlntr wntr. IKHlloti healthful, aim easy ot access. Toachcrs moderate, t itty cents a week dediictl.ui to all e i Courses ot study prcsci loeu uy mo sinie : I. MikIvI School. II. l'reiiarjlorv. III. Klementary. IV, Classical. A.ljimct Curses : I Ac.i.lemic. ILCommercul. lit. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Cour-e In Physical Cu ltu re. Tho Klementary. sclentlilc and ClasMcnl Courses aru IMlOPRSslUNAU and fltudents gradual ng therein. njcelvBStatonlo crtincitw corresiH.ndlng Degrees ; Master of Hie hlementa; Master ot tho sciences! -Manerof ihoUlasslcs. draduatcs In tho other courses rectivo ;uiui their attainments,, signed bv thi omcyrs of tl.e ."oard of Trustee-. .hrt,inihnf our best Ooltettes. . . . . i ne course 01 iuiy itruscrnK'u uj um .tuiu is uut-iui, mm v..o -wi:uLiiiu uiui ,iaii:ui wuim.-3 wo uuv y,,, .,.01,0 iieln to secure It. by rurni.ninT mini The stal reiiulresa hljrher onler of citizenship. Tho limes denuud It, DntandenicleutTeachirsforherSch,H)H. To this end It solicits younir nersons of good anilities and gooa P"fl" V.,... . ... i .Cmvsehoul. and their talents, as Mudenw. To all such it promises aid In developing their powers, andabundaut opportunities lurni m iuu,uui Improve their time f!ufflln(7iie. nihlles.. the Principal. HON. WII.I.IA ll i:i. 1. 1. 1.. I'ri-lclrnl Hoard oT Trusters1 Nept. h, In the matter ot the) In the Court of Oommon Tleos Kstntoot Margaret of Columbia county. FortLcr a lunatic. ) Citation to show caue why certain sale ot real cv tale made, by said lunatic should not be rescinded. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania To William Former, husband of said Margaret Former. llilain Parker and Mary II. his wife.l'lerco Lunger and Ann his wile, and William It. lwaotl, guardian ad litem of Emma Fortner and Clark Fort ner : At the Instance of .Tarces Masters and Conrad Kieaii er, committee of Margaret Former, a lunatic and Aspy J. Uiylon and Hebecen Laylouhls wife, representing that on the mtu day or April A. 1)., IstT said Margaret Former by deed did grant bar vain and sell iinlu the ftald Itebecca Im Ion a certain tract of land sltuaUj In the townshipof Madton In Bald county of ColunibUand statwof Pennsylvania coutnlng forty-nlue acres a ml one hundred and lltt six perches more or less 111 fee simple with the ap- punenaiK es : auii ou me miiu 111111 iinjr ui nirii, i. 1S1H The Four Quarterly Reviews AND on thi! continent. Sample 10c : regular izc, i5o. April i!7, 77-ly jl bottles lor trial, nil As Attempt to Commit Suicide. A tuan by the name ofKobert Dan, of Broom Co., N. Y.f made an attempt to commit fluicide by cutting his throat with a jack knife, on Monday lat, on a raft tied up on account of high windi ut Hepburn's Kun, on the north branch river, a abort distance above thia pUcts When be made the attempt to commit tbe rash deed he wa.4 laVwritig under a fit of temporary insan' ity, cau-ed by financial embarrassment. The firot cut be made was on the right side of his throat behind the jugular vein, and finding that the knife wan too dull to accomplish his den ire, he sharpened it on a crock, and gave his throat a cut on the left Hide, After hit wound were dreaded by Dr. Priestley he was taken to the Washington House, where he is nursed by his wife, who arrived at this place the day after the sad occurrence. The prospects are that he will recover. Xorthd. Pras. TI10 Great DlNcovcry! E. P. KUNKKL'fl BITTER WINK OF I HON. Kor the cure of weak Rtomach, general debility, Indiges tion, disease or ine nervous system, consupauon, aciaiiy 01 lue Biomaco, aim au casts requiring tonic. The Kino lncmdestno most airrocaD onni cnicieni Salt of Iron we possess citrate ol Maenetlc txldi't combinea wun tn-s most energetic or vcgeiame ton les Yellow eeruvlan Uark. Tun caect in manv cases or acDintr. loss 01 anre- tlte. and treneral rroHtratlon. of an eft. dent Suit ot iron combined wun vaiuaoio rere tome, ii most hapny. It augments the appetite, raises the pul- takes off muscular nabbtns, removes the pallor cf do bllitv. and eives a florid vleor to tbe countenance. uo jou want Borneming iu fcirenKiueii vuu. io i you wnnt. & pood aDDetlte? UovotiwanttooulldiiD your constitution? IX) you want to feci well? lu you want to get rid of nervousness: Do you want energy? Dojouwant to sleep well? Do jou ant brisk and vigorous feelings? If you do, try Kunktl'H wine 01 iron. This vftiuahln tonic has been thoroughly tested bv all classes nf the community, that It Is now deemed lnaifipenftaoie as a iodic meaicine. it costs dui 111 tl. niirines the blood and elves tone to the stomach. 1 renovates the system and prolongs life. l now oniy ant a inn or mis vuiuauie iudic. i PrltT tl tier botllf. K. K. KUNKHL. Sole ITOTletor. I'lilladelphla, I 'a, Afikyour druggist for Kuril, el's Bitter U lnu of Iros, and take no oiber make, hold only In tt bottles. Allothersaro counter.'elt, so be ware oi mem. Buy six bottles for ts.oo Worms Kemovea A live. K. V. Kunkel's worm svruD never Mils to destroy I Pin Seat and stomach worms. Dr. Kunkellstheon- lv .ue(Vt-ful rhVRlclan In thi coiinlrv for tho re moval OI WUlUla. U n IIlOVfM IHJ'l" iYUMU, llll I head and all comclete. alne In 2 hours, and no fee until removed, send for circular, or call on ourl DruiTpist. and get a doi tie or Kuukera orra si rup. JTicefi.uu. jiuevcr iaus. Business Notices. Sprine Stvles I Spring; Srvlea ! ".1u-t received, the largest slock of cloths aim casuneres ot tho latest style una at the lowest price to be sold by the yard with trininiines for coat pants or vest. If youwant them made at homo buy the goods anu have ! them cut at David LowenbergV, $ 7i per set 40 pieces Queensware, war ranted not to crack at I. W. Harlraan's. lsTT. the said Asnv .1. Lnrlon and Helxoeahls wife by their deed acknowledged tho same day, granted, bargained and sold unto the tsald Margaret Former all th it certilu oi-e and lot of ground ut uato In the Borough of Muncy, Lycoming county and state ot rennslvanla containing t'iM pquiro feet with tbe appurtenances In leo simple, the said deeds being made to exchange tho said lands. 1 hat since the making otsald deeds tho Bald Margaret Fortner has been found by lntjuliltlon taken outlw 13! b day of December hut a lunatic audto le been alunatto for is years last past without lucid In- fnrvnU. 'therefore you and each of you lajlng aside all biislnt-ss and eicuses liatsoeer. ore hereby cited to appear t-efore our Court of Common I'leas ut nuiuiniuurg in uuu iur nwi uuuuij uic uiai .nuuutij of May next to 5how cause why a decree for the re scinding of the atoresald deeds and a reconveyance of the said lands fthutild notbe such pro- co eulng shall not be disadvantageous to the estate of the said Margaret Fortner upon such terms as Blmll bo equltablu and Just. Witness the Honorable William Elwell President Judge of our said court at Bioomsnurg, tun tiinc- leeainaayoi v eoruary, a. i., it. B. Fit AN K ZAIllt. match 1, TR-4W rroth'y. BLOOMSBURG, PA u full assortment Also ol" Louis Ifornhnrd makes and repairs all kinds of complicated clocks and watches. also nno patent olnco moueia anu uesigns maue to oruer. A two horse wagon at a bargain. J. fccimyler iv bon. ever, liny your Hamburg Edgings at Clark & I olfs. They are selling them cheaper than A !New Departure From the lUimtillicturer to tlic CoiiNUtncr. XForCASII we will sell to the CONSUMER InSuch Quantities as he may Need at MANUFACTUKKIl'S 1'KICES and thus save a' MIDDLE PZLOrZT to tbe Consumer. Blackwood' t Magazine Tho Loonard Seo.t Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., Now Vork. Continue tKelr nuthorlzeit IieprtnU ot Till) KDlNlll'ltOll IIKVIKW t'VId?.) Till: WEM MINNTEI! tlEVIRW (i llwrall. TIIK LONDON I'llAUTKHLY ItKVlElV (Conserta- TIIK m'tlTlSH (jUAnTEHIA KEVIEW (Evanirel- AND Blaciwoofl's Eflinlinriili Mapme tv Tlicst ItCDrlnU nro not splnrtlons : IhpvrrKr Uie originals In tun. and at about one-third the prlco ot tin' hugilsli fklltlotis. Tlie latest ud ances and discoveries In the arts a nd sciences, the recent additions to knowledge lit eery ucpuiiuii-iii. in ini'raiure, anu ail ine new puwicu tlons as they Issue from the press, are tully reported and discussed In tlin dhitms of 1hisn ncrlnntejils. In MiiKunu, uiiLc iii'ur, luniuie uuu lumiiaucnic. 1 ho articles nru eoaimunty more condensed and lull oi m.nieriuiiu mo aversifu ihjuKs ol the period IVrniN Iur ISIS lnc.uilii po.-ilagc Payable Strictly In Advance. For anyone Ilevlew Kor any two Itet lew s Kor any threo Itovlews Kor all four lieviews Kor H'ackwood's Maazlno Kor Msekwood and ooe Kev lew Kor Ittuckwood and two KeviowH Kor lilacknoud and threo Itevlews Kor liucknood nnd lour KuiIch.s Your Name and Atldres3 nnd In return we will icnd jou rrco ot Ejrne l'ostaito I aid, a copj oi uui litLM'TJirr. hook or roEit?, entitled .Moses, The Great Law Giver, a collection ot l-m ilIustrotlniT hc Lite 'ft Mow belni seleillons irm .Mrs. Ilimnns, . ut e n rj-, tint and otliir celebrated authors, lleautltully luu- lratC) IICCEIIT OP TWr.Niy-VlVE CENTS inrav,.rnf-n..s or malllnir. no , wo will t-end jou OIIOICK I'.M Ul-i riuu .iii' , ...... ..m IrK i'Ultot En"r.vinis, alter thnold -InRters., rVs? ;VtJONA1. iiUKK VU OK NliUAVJM.. a jm m i-r.!llUl WATf It ASl) CHA1 "tTvyot Int J.ll.Oil)l.jnl&Co..CliUM! Mirf-a .lar. fill,. ( CllUSBO, III. aue. IT, '7T-ly r. i O Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. llctall prlo lo.if Aper ireo. 1. IIEaTTV. WnshluBton,NJ, !HM)only !2nl ni.i oniv inarch Sfl, 5-lw - Iltsrhost honors at. all WorldW lured lrlreM and much lulorpauon sknt r". iA-Vr: IIAJ1LIH 0KUA.7 '"" "V's .m caffo. a ,um., r1r I C Htsrhost honors nr. ( ) 1 VVJ A x O Jivhloli Ion. Latsst C and OIRCCI.Alts, will! new rtilm reilui ft 00 per annum ico low " m ' 4 Ml " ' 1 01) " Ion) ' " IS 10 " 15 0i) " " CLUKS. A discount of t wenty per rs-r cent, w III be allowed to clubs ot four or more persons. Ihus: four cop ies ol lllack wood or of one Hevlew will be sent to one address for I2 to, four copies of the lour KeMews mid lilackwoud torfis. and so on. '10 Clubs of ten or morn. In nrliltMnn In thfl klinH discount, a copy gratis will bo allowed to the gettter PIANOS AND ORGANS;? ECS DHK vr HhBUC I ION to clou- out our preont stocl: otSOONrw nnd MermnMlnml liiMrniiirnliH ,0 FIVK HKST-CLABS MA&Kltn " ....... prices that li:i'V i.vil-l TlTtONJOi "as OUNSTIU MBSTS. AtiltNTS WANTJIII for W AT 1SIIK. IIIIHTOATED C4TAIOOUIS HAILKII. 11(111. am: vati:i(s .V KO.Nm, .MANFAHCTCRKIW AM' Usalfks, so, Kast 14ih Mreel, Hew "lork. Almt general agenis lor sioinwrr .,..... ... ... - uluin (rinu. d rnareum, Call at McKinneys for Shoes. For cheap nice casimeres for hoys wear solu by the yard at uaviu Jjowcuuerg s. Kubbers at JIcKinney's. OIUP APER Large variety of Corsets at Clark & Wolfs irom OU cents to Pleasant as honev. the old folks like it the I young people like it and the babies cry tori it we mean Dr. Frazicr's Cough Syrup, tf H00U and Shoes cheap at McKinney V and Coffee at 1. W, Hart- On Saturday night Inst the Angel of Death took from Dr. and Mrs, W. M, lieher, their little daughter Margaret. It was sudden and unexpected, and a terriblo blow lo tho fond parents. Little Margaret was a lovely child, bright, pretty, and affectionate, and had just reached the most interesting ngo of prattling childhood two years. The funeral took place on Tuesday aftcrnoon,tho llevs. Mitchell, Tus tin and Zahner taking part in tho ceremonies, We tender tho afllicted family, our heartfelt Bympathy, Lucy Lobdell, the half crazy woman who has made her home for years In the woods of Wayne County, I'a., where she has lived by hunting, begging and picking whortleberries, has become a land owner, haviog purchased a few acres of land, paying therefore sixty dollars, and having had her deed regularly recorded. For twenty years the woman has dressed In man's attire and for thirteen years has had for her companion an unfortunate woman whom she calls her wife. Dispatch. DKATU Ol HON. J. CLANCY JONES. Heading, I'a., March 2-1. Hon J. Clancy Jones died hero suddenly to-night at 1015o clock, of heart disease, at the residence of his son, lion. Kichmond I. Jones, Deceased, while deputy attorney general of the commonwealth, was elected to congress from the Berks district, and served continuously, with a brief interrup tion from 1850 to 1658. In October of the 1st ter year he was appointed minuter to Austria by Fresldent Buchman. During bis congres sional career he served as chairman of the com mittee of ways and means for two years, lie was sixty-six years of age. Without A MrvrsFAr-ER. Nothing pre sents a sadder commentary upon the present condition of society than the large number of families, both In town and In the country, but more especially In tbe latter, that subscribe to do paper of any kind. Hundreds and thousands of families are thus growing up, utterly ignor ant of what Is transpiring In tbe world around Ihem ignorant of the mighty events of the day, But who can tell the vast amount of in jury that Is being Inflicted upon (he rising gen eratlon those who are to take our places in the busy world at no distant day growing up without knowledge of the present, or any study of the past; this Ignorance, loo, being imbued Into them, by the sanction of those who should nd doubtless do know better, would they only think of the injurious efects of their Insane .course, Lt the head of every family think of tills, and place in the hands of those whom he iU rciponsilie for, tbe means of acquiring some Blackwood's Magazine, for March (Leonord Scott I'ublishing Co., 41 Barclay Street, New York,) which has reached us, opens with the ninth part of "Mine is Thine," in which we are treated to a very amusing account of a deer drive. The second paper is a historical and practical description of the Canadian fisheries, explaining the object and action of the Halifax Commiwion, Under the heading, "New Books' we find notices of the biographies of Leasing and Charles Bianconi ; of two novels ; and of a work called "North Italian Folks." The "Influence of Women" forma the text for the aper on "French Home Life." "Their action can be as tender, as moderating, as that of any woman on earth, bat it can also assume, with amazing ease, all the forms of incitation and arousing." "Only Jean" is a quiet Scotch story. Then there is a long retrospective pa per on the Storm in the Kast, and a shorter one on the relative positions of Lngland and Lus- The periodicals reprinted by The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. (41 Barclay Street, N. Y.) are as follows : The London Quarterly, VUim- iuroA, Westminster, and JlritUh Quarterly lie- viru-j, and lilachmod't Mayaxint. Price, $4 a year for any one, or only $15 for all, and the postage is prepaid by the Publishers. A WOltD OF WAHNINQ TO PARMEKS. We copy the following from one of our ex changes and it applies to this county as well as to any other With the beginning of our out door opera tlons, and the opening of Spring business, the rural districts will be overrun, as usual, with hordes of "agents" vending every imaginable article, alt "patent in their construction and compound, from a "salve" to cure corns, to a lotion" to cure all tbe ills to which flesh is heir to and from a cambric needle, in the way of michlnery, to a log chain. With these will be added seeds, plants, trees, and every variety of the Kingdom of such growlhs. In nine cas es out of teu these agents are impostors. They never visit the same locality twice, because their first object is to swindle every one with whom tbey come In contact. The safest course for farmers Is not lo buy any article from a stranger, and at a rule lo avoid peddlers. They are, as a class, knaves, who regard their ability to impose on farmers as a species of business sharpness for which they claim grsat credit. On no consideration sign any paper purporting to be an agreement between the signer and an agent to do certain understood thlngt in refer ence ta patents. Such agreements are general ly spurious, and many cases are on record in all the courts showing that parlies who have put their names to "papers" had been entrapped into signing promissory notes for money for which tbey never had received value, We throw out these bints at a warning In season for farmers. II they are needed our "GERMAN SYKUP" No other medicine in the world was ever given fuch a test of its curative qualities ns Boschce's German Syrup. In three years two million four hundred thousand pniall but tles of this medicine was distributed free of charge by Drupgu-ts m tins country to tlioo I alllicleu with uonMiinption, AMIiuia, v-rotip, Severe Coughs, Pneumonia and oilier di.ea c of the throat and lungs, giving tho Ameri can pcoplo undeniable proof that German Syrup will cute them, 'lhe rot-It lias been .i V, : . i :.. iiiui uruK'Ms in every town uuu vuiuu ui the United States aro recommending it lo their customeis. Go to your dmggi.-ts and ask what they know about it. Sample Imt tlcs 10 cents. Bpnular firo 75 cents. Tluco doses will relieve any cao. April it, 77-ly jl Marriages. Ill Finent Teas mans. New and Beautiful Spring Styles. Hats for the Million. Jiut received full Hue of Hats in all tbe nenrst shades in stifl and soft felt for Men. Youths, ltovs and children, cheaper than ever at David 1-ow-enberg's. Did you try that Syrup at Clark & Wolf's at ou cents per gallon, Before purchasing elsewhere send for our prices of STHICTLY l'UHE WHITE LEAU, MONTOUIt SLATE.l'AINTS. yONTOL'It METALLIC WltlTH, MONTOUIt METALLIC IlItOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL A large assortment of first nualitv onlv of Siler and silver-plated table Ware, such as spomis, forks, knives, castor, Ac, warranted the best at Ij. llernliaru a jewelry store, Cuil in ail's building. BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, SPlltlTS OKTTW'ENTINE, LI.SEE Oil., 1'UTTV. Thorn nrr K3fcUtb UUDniuy, IMVY PItKMIUMS. rve.v subscribers fnnnh Iht parU . for Iho vrnr 1ST-1 may hau, without charge, the numbers for the last quarttr of IbTT of such periodicals as they subscrlU-r vm limi'.lWJ, urn (MIU-.LI 11 CIS IU UUJ IHO, lUrer, UT four of the above imrlodlcals. mav hne oricortlirt kvui nut ii-vi a lui -Pit : euuifi iih-i's iu nil lit r m v i ha.e toof fhe "Four Hult:.s"ur ono set of Bluik- .viKKi h i tiazine ror isti. Neither peinlumsto bubscrlbers nor discount to CluhH call ! allowed. utIpfs the mnnt-v Is rrniit ted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to clubs. Jo secure premiums It will bo necessArv to mnke early nr plication, as the stock available lor that pur pow.' Is limited. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 KAKCLAY ST., NEW YORK, fob 1, 18TS. e ut OntcnnUl Ei pewit ion lor arui ieuixn ? mar Tttft Wit tobtco (In ehfwng wolit" nn-t imUmet ond lu!vg rhar. The AT PRIVATE SALE, ril!ow Vale Estate -vtr niAtH. Ai our blue itrtp trtvl-nirfc i clulT lmUittrd on tnfrticr bA; tttM Jaekvm'i Jiat i IICi i IU W A UMVI t "". si (J. I'. WAUDIX, Ci-nrrnl Aat., riillnileliwin. mars:, '"s-i'v S Sure Reward. VIM KS TO PAY Toil A FAUBf. $4 TO $10 rSR ACRE. Ipccli mill Mllo I-aml in Mlclil- ir-iii la Hi ii irilllioit ,lcr lirniii ol Hut I'rniul (SipiiiN uuu sn- iliaiia Ilallrunil iiini:iiij. Sir on;; -.oil suvw croiis ii'cntyol lliulii'i'-iio ilroiisin.-ii" Iiiirn no liopicrn." HCNMNO -TBE1MB 1TBE WATKB-IIEiUV- JllKKim .-CllOOLd lAII.KOJlltuiri.r.i-.i' iiiiwwu tua CINTKE OK TUB OKINT. Send lor ftuuipUU't.Engl'uhor German Address W. O. IlflillAUT, UNII COMUUIOMIl, nllAND KAVlUS.illCH, march 15, w-4w $50 $50 I'or ii rut of CjfS TAFEH 'lliat Minliirii'i. 1Iii1Ii-ii1 Ciiri- M Catarrh 1U not lunantiy relieve un.l srrpillly cure. Iieliunfcs, lltiiry Wc'ls, Imi.. wrlln, lraieo cS o.. An icnu N, V.: Mm, l'c wen, Ytn , Xc lluttcn, Oront & Iiowin, n. Iuuls. Tit,tlmcnlals ami liratl'e IjS- moll. I'rlce. wllh imtnnvrrt lnlinlcr i Kkl nerjwlH-n-. EEKh I'uTTEIi, lTOMlelors. lioston. Mais. march '5, iSTs-tw d HootlicaJquarters at McKinney's, Many constiinntivp-s are now usitm Dr. Frazier'a liout llitters anJ Cough Syrup vvilli remarkablu success. tf KamDlo cards and price charge. Hit MrnlshedxvRhout orders and naulrtea by mall will receUo prompt atttmtlun. Majs, TB.-ly. UEN'RY S. ItEAY, 'F.urEr.T'A. Call aud see I. Goods, Y. Hartuiaii'a ue Dress AVoluablo property, Ijlng In Franlllh township, Columbia county, I'cnnsihanla, on tho cast brancU ot lloarlngcreek. Itconslstsol a beautltul larm ol about ISO ACRES, on ulikharo erected a commodious and comforta ble Dutlllns House, a large Hank l'.arn. Cider Press and al necensary out-fculldlngs. It has growing upon It sbutdanco of eicellent Irult, has a well Ct naterut both the dwelling liouso and barn, and Is convenient of acce&sby public roads. ALSO. AdWnlncandbelntrarart ot the same, but vein bo TZ"?!lliTe'tt''T flr acres "bu USE THE VK&hS$rLvwK CUSTOM, (WIST AND KLOUIIING StILt, with tour run of stone, n Dwelling House, a Faw -Mill, a Dry (ioodsf-toro and Dwelling House, nnd oilier Improvements, togethtr w ltu the water-power ntt appurlenances thereto. 1 he M Uloivvalc VoNt Olllcc Is on tho premises. It Is within exsy reach of Cata- wlsm, centralla, Ashland, Mount Carmeland other mining towns for murket purposes. The property Is bounded by lands of Munson, and Arlley, and Sheets, and V. llowerard others. Tho wo described properties will bo sold separately or together to suit purchasers, ror terms apply to hllas .Veudnhall, E. lc. Drinker or John (1. mere. at liioomsburg, I'cnn a. tcb.s.l tf BiMciLs Wiu.iAua. At the residence of the bride's father on Thursday, Varch SI, 1$7S, by Iter. J, p, Tustln Mr. George feomueis to Miss Jaoo Wll- llama, both of Hemlock township. WINTKR8IIKSBH.LHIMB. At tho residence otthe brtde'slparenta March U3,by tbe Kev. II, C. Munro Mr, WUIIatnJ, Wlnter&teen of West Hemlock to Miss Utile C. HI llhlmoot Madison I'a. CiHOTiiKKS hiss. On the St Inst, at his residence by liev. K. Kullmer, Mr. Charles II. Carotners of Pino townBhlp to Miss Hannah T. He&sof Jackson Colum bia county. Kociiek Haks, Jan SSth at the Hiformed sonage, Catawlssa, Pa, by Kev. O. II. Declunt Mr, Dald Kocher toMIss Malls.ia Hans, both of Heater township Col. Co., Fox lUnrTON. Feb, J9th at the same placo by tho same Mr, Jacob Fox to Miss C'athailnu Jane Hampton, bc.tb.of Cutawhs.aCol.Co. (Ublk Usivik. Feb. HI at the same place b' tho same Mr. Paruuel II. Gable to MtssCatuarlnu Heater both of Locust tow usblp. just Ladies Ties, Hows, Barbs, andC at received at Clark & Wolfs. Crepo Laces David Loncnberg is now prepared to give lull ueiietlt ot the reduo his customers the tion in all kinds of rlothliiK. made up at greatly reduced and examine the latest styles. Spring suits prices. Uall McKinneys House, Shoe Store below Court DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATK OP M1RV HCTCHOV, DEC'D. Letters of administration, on the estate of Mary Hutchlbon, luto cf Centre township, Columbia Co., I'a., have been grunted by the lteglster of Co lumbia co.( to r.uuiuel II. Hutchison Administrator, ot Light Htreet, to whom all persons Indebted, are requested to make Immediate payment. and-lUose havtngclalmS or demands against the said es'Ata will make them know n to the undersigned Adminis trator without deluy. SAMUEL H. HUTCHISON, Administrator, feb. 15, 'TS-Ow Light Mree t. M OB EI S MICHL. PRACTICAL rXATCO MABEH, TUNER AND REPAIRER, 15M)0MSBl', PA. at Clark & Muslins at 0 cents and up, Wolfs, i'rints ti cents and up. ! cent prints are taking at I, V. Hart- uians. Since the discovery of T)r. William's Iu- dian Ointment there is certainly no excuse for my one to sutler with the 1 ilea, nee au vertUcmeut. tl' (ll.lD TlDISGH I'OH the Wk.ic, Nkkvolsind He FIMT1TEU. OCR 1 iTrfT IKPUOVED SiEl K-ACTIVO OALVlNIOAl' i-i.UNCEs are a speedy and 1'ekuanknt euro for liheumatlsm, Neuralgia. Kidney, Liter and Kemalo Compluliita, Nertous I'roslratlon, Weak Lungs, Hack and Kpinal Irrltatlou and klnHrrd diseases, prices. Waist lielt t'.oo; rplnal Ueltforl'arai'sls and hplnul Ailments, tio.oo, und upwards. Armleli, Anklels, Head HundH, KiitsCapsj-iuoeacb, buspen ders 5.eo. Illustruled Pamphlet Fee. Address lAl. Alsu-sir.i'lAl. is:hh;ia i iuis, march 1, is7S-ly 'ii Koat Mnth St., New York. FIItST CLASS PIANOS AND OHOANH FOR HALK, SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN I.M EXCIIANtlE. OIIDEHS 11V MAIL PHOMI'TLV EXECUTED. feb- IS, 'JS-tl Deaths. TEHLiNd.-- Died In nioomsburg, March 15, ins, Ut&sle Sterling, maghter of Clinton and Lucy Ster ling agsd 1. years, 11 months and 17 days. MARKET REPORTS. BLOOMSHUUa MARKET. Wheat per bushel live " i .70 Corn, new, " m i,4ls, ,.,,..,,,.,.,,, .a Flour per barrel , s.ihj Cloverseed Flaxseed i.m uutter u Eggs 10 Tallow , .u Potatoes so Dried Apples , . s llama...'. W Nldea C Shoulders ,,. .ox Lara per pound 09 Hay per ton ,... , , lo.uu Iieeswai s Timothy Beed 'ioo No. 4 on Wharf , t s,ou per Ton No. a " 1 1.75 ' No." ' .,, is.oo " Ulackimltb's Lutup on Whart........ i i.oo iiiiuminous hw JOB PRINTINQ OF EVERY DE8RIPTI0N EXECUTED I'KOMITLY At the Oolximbun OFnor. 'jjcowUtlgeoflLeiuoTing norma in which I KrIculture reader will profit ty this couu araaclcur dllleririt ita. -He stl. $2590 au.i7, "rl-Iy ATF.AII. AsenUwuitMl.IliuU ness irrniDisia. itortiouurs rre. iuw rosru4C'0,lii ib,Sk U0 i'iiikerloii'.s History oft lie MOLLIE MAGUIRES and HITOHES' Lame lino of Ladies' fancy goods iust re ceived at Clark & Wolfs store. E XlXUTOItS' NOTICE. estjltk or KLisiu asnTOM, deceasbh. Admission free at McKinney's. 10-4 Sheellne Muslin 20 cents at Clark AWolfs. yard For a Snrlntr suit niacin un in cllv stvle l-o to David Lowenberg'n. To try one ia to buy rooie of thoso Patent sums lor one uollar. ! routs won t muse. At Clark & Wolf. Letters Testamentary on thoe&tato of Etlslia llarton.late of I he tow n of Dloem-'biirg.CoIumbla Cu. l's , di-ceased, have been gr. nted by tho Iteglster of rid county to Ell uaruin and K. Mendouall Ui whom all arsons indebted to said e-itaic aie le nuesied tu make Datmeht. and those huvtiiL- eialms or demands. ugalnst the said ostale will make them known to the said ciecutore wltlioui. delay. ELI lUfcTO", K MKNDKNIIALL, Executors, march 15 78 aw speech, for sale. j-OTICE. i ciBuua msiiLU lu baid iiw liuierLisiui; leu fi mi. t-B on seated and unseated lauds returned to nie fur collection can do to by pa) Ing the sane by April 1st 11, t MCUGYNOLDS, March Hth, 1578-Sw Treasurer. -rOTICE. n . ... .1... ...... 1 ...... ..... . I iuis is iu etruiy iuui. i uat o mis uay sold lOtiamoa i Scott McKlnch the following property, tin My I susre, miiig tueone-uaii 01 osi aereaot Doiuihu gruuud undone purler slotu as coUateral secuilty Iur a Judgment and coslaou docket ot J. J.liruner uinouutlng to ivu it whu h 1 agree to pay lu 6 months from this date and If paid In said live months Is ex tended to a months longer lhe amount lu be IV dol lars and salil proivrly lo remain lu my possi&slun during lhe phasurv of said J. h. McNinih. AUIIUI IIU'KUA.S', Woo nuburg, Manh 2, HTs. mar, s, sw BUSINESS CAHDH. VlBlTlNU CAKliS, LETTKK HKAUtf, 111LL HEADS, 1'OSTKIU), tOH tO., Neatly and Cheaply printed at the liUN Ouice. DP-A-iisr-rinsra-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. "YirM. F. BOD1NE, Irou Street below sec- T w ona, liioomsourg, i'a., is preparva to ao ak PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER IIANGING In the best styles, at lowest prices, and at ahoit Partlca baring Bueh work to do will save money AU work warranto, to elve aatlatactlon. Orders BUUC1U3U WM. F. BODINB. flWJlfn .A'1'1U .V I Cll KM. lliulxaT fc .-a1 uwin wvriB, mmvm irosArM gii, n-iy "DVD WCT Is recommended by tho agricultural i JjrtJ; Hiu ' press, nud uedby Ihousanrtsof th j THIT'IT'D iryUbt. dairmeD. Itglteyai -DUI XCjVi feet June tolor, and laualurmleM PflT fiD rssolt. A KMentuoitio toioraawi VjUIjUH, guilds, snd edds 5 cents rer pouuil to Its tnlue. Ask- our Druggist or Merchant lor ir, or ii ud tor Pewrltttte circulars. WELI.N ItRil AIIDmin v. Co.. 1'iui rleior.., ijuiiuigtou, Vermont. luuun ij, 1S--W a .Tnitkink-'. AkmiVhf: I.IN1MKNT Will tlOSltlVelV nre- tent this urrlhle disease, and will pcsllltelycuro nlDecshisln leu. lufoimatlon that wlilsate mauy lit ts si nl live I'V man. iion ioenyawioiuui.. rrt venllon Is better than curd. I.S. JOUNsO.N SCO, HAN ,n(, MAINK. murcu 15, istshw a ST. LOUIS AND SAN FItANClSCO ItAILWAV FOR SALE LANDS 1,000,000 ACHFK Jn f OCT H WEST VlffOTKI trOIU ucuiiurai miiM. 'Jim imi loracco rekin m ii.n Wtttt, Uno irult, ro prtibbhepperg, utundanccut coort watt-r, iliort w,riris,ccinfn.t-iitinorkcts.goocl hcliools. low tuxt8. lit alibtul couctiy anit Komi hk clclj'. h-yen jiars crtdtt. trutifiiorutleii irunt ru uiuis io iuomj thiio luriuase lauu. ihlu for circular bdO otht r InfurLrutlun. A(lcln-friv. Ii. cov t'jN, Lana Coitrelasloiicr, Ttuipl iiiuitilitc, nr. OPIUM AU? U, TT-ly 1UU ivlUarphlntlLkUtWluMyl imI wii -ps-Has -MaiMksjt MlMl i trf lUkHll-HlftH. llH. I'IIISlA.V Louts, Mo. mar. ivi-tw 1TISII AMKHICA ASSUIUKCK CO. NATIONAL KIKE INSUItANCE COMI'ANY Tilt attM-tK Cf tliessft fill! mrnnrntlrtin am in. ve&udluhOUI) hEt'UltJTUi) anUare liable tolUe tiazAril of litts only. LOfeMH I'HOHniY Uliil IIIIM-I.1I.V HflttiKlf A m.ti unlii clat AgeniaLU AUjutttr, irocmsbuiir. ivinr. lui-iuiitisti vwuioLiafouMj t-iiouid iutlroci7e tbe actney wlHTolOhK, if any, mo atfluisiHl and P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL . KISTORYofjueWORLD Kmbraclbir lull and alltlier.tlo nefniintxiir i.rv nation ot ancient and H.udem limes, and lmiudlov' nbl-tory of the 1U0 and fall of Iho Uriel; and llc- iiiuu i-.iueues, mo urottinor me iiutionsor inotiern huroi. the middle ages, tbo nusadesi,the rjt,uw,uiu reioimaiinn, ine oiscottry andbettli. meniot iho New uoiiii. te ti lt Contains lim Aim hlHlrirleiil ..ncrraelnra flnrl IMItfl largo double column pages, and la the most comnlete history of tho World ever publlhed. It tells ut oigui. muh icrepteimen pugeaandeslrattrmsto pfents,ai.d see why It lells faster than any other nations'. rcBMsnuu Co., l'hlladelpbla, Fa. march 15, iv-w NOW dim on"- II TIIK TI.MK TO SECl'HF.TEllllITO lOItY FOIt l)H. LtlLKH IIIIKAT WOHK TIU NES' lLLrsTllATl!!) OF 3?EIsTIsTSVr,VV-NTA. The crondekt selling took lor the Pennsylvania Held, Mit ral lenns lo agents, bend b'.MKI at once for complete outAt, or lo tents Icr our w page nauiiir, auilllUlllli leilliurf niUUU AUUrUM II. t. UOODHICll, Publish! r, Ilurrlsburg, I'a. Don't fall to suy what jp r jcu aatv this In, Uiarcu15, Ibini Dur 4' KSIONKK'S NOTICE otlce tibeivbr trlftn tbat tbo umlenh'rif-il hn beeuappoliilt4au u&lKiiCd furliie U'licntuf irtdl- lontoi a tarnei oi uuuusi iomiuin. tHiuiuuui'u,, I'a., nnd has taken upou lilibtlt UieUutu-aol thy truki. AU perfcouaartj tut-more rrquihttni towttlv wun uini, aujun- uuu iaj iu ituu Muatwuiiia, ut ui, auddm-a ol the &aid A. tariifct auUihoh lit tiiKcJulius tOfcuLmit ihetn to the lUtJato iropcrly UU1CU UVttlVU W1IXIAU U KYF.1ILV, mar. 6, 14-lw Aulgnee. A. .. EXTENSION LAMP! Adapted to any room. Men or low cilllutf. lwervit to tablo when In uif.aiid raised by merely tou 'hlus. vrffctU fcafo Itom rullltitr, HurhtH v. llhout reiiiovihi; chlmuey. uitu aacomt'iil'iHaai;:v, utidattbo wwnv. 'iho haioe extension prim iple la appUcd to all ourchnn-delk-r' notexeeedlniro Unhts. Tbo Hdvahtugtis arc: lrjrrvud light, ft Ith fauio cotiMiinirtloti of oil, by ImMutf tlin UK'iit htrn runted: tn-tU-t , cannot iv iu.el.ed oer or npbit. 'ibu tituiHuu niachinerr Ut hi n i pie, and eaiihbl ix)&$lbty Wti Yt& CMH Ot KAtUIlblOll lu fun buWutf u.iiU. n una ChiindrlkTS of nil stvles fuml-ihedfrto, Wo ull all lamnti .EII)KNRn.nealerln I.ri andOLABS. WAHK. au Hcuth scond btrect, rniUdelpUu, BOOK W new est ami most popular MJMiS. turn wrlilnga of lustructlcn and umue ment : also n list nf ll tint t ulllcs, when aru where lought during thu ttur, for eiRiuj,, nuuitta iirpKunii v ".u., mo juieu si., l'blia. JWdCO nuts, 'U-lm TV ofi7 inii a I'i'i j(nts KOit oki'ici; 1 UFMlNKINhl'Kinolt. Notice Is hereby glten lLat un exemluatlou C candidates for tl.e cilice tf Aline Insititor ot the Fit or bhamcLIu Dlslilct will bo pehliu I'ollsvlUooutLn ioih day of March, 19 ct li o'lloik n. in. Due notice will Legit en of Iho phicoUhcUltngtun exaiuluallou. IlEIiEIt S.TIIOJII'WIN, 1'iesidtni Hoard of Lii miners. 1'otutllle, March a, Wi w Gold. Mines and Lauds. Coal, (IOI.T) MINES AM) I-ANDS. COA! . MLVhlt SOLD Of. LKAO COMPANIES Ol.l.AMZtD, t.Tl'.vl HiON ill.MNi: ACUNi , IIU'IH IA1II1LE tiWH.I'KVKMIIhTKEKr. IUi coal rim mniiin nt MAI;L A. II. MAN 4 IU l.Ttl'sl" RJBiJcTsALE HAND BILLS Printed ut thin OlLic ON SIIOHTKST NOTICE AM' ATU1I15 MOST liKABONAULU TE1U1S.