THE COLUMBIAN ANDDEMOCRATiBLOOilSBURG, COLUMBIA COLNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Tos Mnrh Stork. Tlio most common error of llio American fnrmer I that of overstocking. In many cases n similar cvlt Is noticeable in too largo areas of land under tho o.imo owner, but ne tloubt whether this It as proilucttvo a source of loss ns overstocking. In all cases, no matter what may tho object In feeding, It requires n certain amount of food to keep up the natural warmth of the animal and re place 'tli2 wastes of tho system. It Is the surptus beyond this amount which is availa ble for llesh, milk or labor. It requires a certain amount of nourishment to produce a pound of flesh, fat or mllir, or to support the system during a given amount of labor. If on a given amount of food a gain of ono pound a day can ho made, It will certainly lie more economical to Increase the food for eah animal than to Increase the number of animals. Many of our dairymen, we think, fall to appreciate tho fact that it Is this sur plus which tells on tho pill nnd not the to tal amount fed, and wo know of many (Ini tios whoss owners would obtain more milk or butter by disposing of one-fourth of their cows, nnd proportionately Increase the feed of the remainder. Tho Xew England Home ttcad puts tho Idea in the following form : "If n merchant were to setup half a dozen stoves in his store and attempt to keep a lit tle fire in each nnd all of them, burning only fuel enough to keep up two good fires, every one would unhesitatingly pronounco it remarkably foolish.TTbelfarmerin attempt ing to keep more rattle than he has hay and grain to feed is doing the same thing. The cow Is really a machine for making hay and meal Into milk nnd flesh. Just ns tho stove receives the wood and Imparts heat, the cow receives food nnd imparts milk and beet. As the stove can throw out no heat without fu. el, so tho cow can return nothing without food. If a man had onlv two cords ot wood there would lie nu propriety in his obtain ing three stoves, and attempting to keep a fir? in each nnd all of them nil winter with such an insignificant quantity of wood. The same principle applies to keeping cattle. If a trtan has only hay enough to keep six an imals well it Is extremely foolish for him to try to keep eight."' Stanley. When he arrived in America, after his splendid feat, than which none more hero ic and daring has been performed during this century, except a later one by himself, uo was received with a small burst of en thusiasm, which soon died out, when It was fodnd that ha could not lecture, and would not be lionized. Nothing was forgiven to him on account of Btrangeness to Bocloty, and the social cold shoulder was turned to- wardhim by. all those who could neither tell a hero when they saw him, nor hold him at his superlative value when they had mm in their hands. Stanley lived In New York for some time. his social relations limited to a few congen ial men nnd women, who reverenced hi: manhood, and believed in him. Then he went away, nnd, at last, we heard of Mm engaged in organizing a force to march across Africa. When he received the iliB' patch which summoned him to this task, it threw him into a violent fever. He knew what the undertaking was. No ono else did; and for more than three years he has bceu.cngaged in the gigantic task of manair ing hundreds of wild men, in the midst of thousands of wilder men, in a passage through a wilderness thousands of miles in extent. He has had to pierce forests, thread rirers, cross lakes, tread morasses, and fight wild beasts and savage men by day and night. His ono will has directed and con trolled everything. The strain upon him must hnvo been terrible -three summers and three winters long. Can any one im agine his joy as he traced the Congo to the sea, and caught sight of tho waves that con nected him with his homo? We feel particularly interesttd in iho hero, and shall be glad to Eee bis face and take his haijd once more. And if New York shall fail to take and hold him 'at his value this time, she will do her self foul dishonor. This man who has done so much to honor tho American name, and so much to illustrate the higher traits and capacities of human nature, should haven befitting welcome on his arrival home. It should not bo a fitful and quickly forgotten affair; but after such tempestuous tossings ujwn ths sea of his great enterprise, he should find himself in smooth water. The beroesif few battle fields have been "worth ier of lasting admiration ard homage than he, is, who will come to u from his latest achievement in African discovery, let us give Mm the freedom of our homes. Scril neror J eli, V1 Horse I'eed. Kvcry good groom knows that sound oats and beans in duo proportiou, 'regularly fed, and at least a year old, are thf very btst fcod for a calloninir horse the oulv food in which it is possible lu get the very beht condition out of a raco horse or a hun ter. It also has recently become known that horses do slow work and get fat, indeed too fat ou inafec -Indian com which is frequent ly ?uo-tbird cheaper than the best oats. In the East horses are fed on barley, and-it is a popular idea with English officers who have lived in Persia and Syria that the change o( food from barley to oat ottcn when Import- ed produces blindness in Arabian horses V .1.1,,., , ...... in, mcu uuurraianu better or so well how to get blnvd horses into callon. ing erudition' us English grooms, they do not and few of their masters do, know the reason wby oats and beans are the best iood Jor putting mucular flesh on a horse. The ngricullural chemist steps in herr, makes the matter very plain, and shows that if you want pace, Indian corn, although nominally i- i . . ii .... J tucajjer is nui cneapcr nt nu, wnen we feed a bullock, n (been or u niif for sale.after it has passed tho store stage we want to make it tat as quickly and as cheaply as itossltle but with a horse for work the object Is to give mm muscle in common language, hard flesh, There are times when it is pro lilablB to make a horse fut, as for iustance, when he Is gciug up-for sale. For this pur- pose an audition 01 about a pound of oil cako to his ordinary food has a (rood effect. It it especially useful when a horse has been closeiy clipped or singed and In a low condl tion. It helps on the change to the new cent by making biui fat. A horse in low condition changes his coat very slowly "When from any cause there is difficulty it getting n tupply of thebist oats, an excel lent mixture may be made of crushed maize und brans, and the proportion of two-thirds hi maize and ono of henus, which exactly afloid the Jlcib. forming and fat-forming iood, Ilran is regarded as a very valuable lota inn sialic lor icducing the intlama tory riitct ot outs and bums. Made into ma lies it has a cooling and laxative effect but used in cxcen (-specially in a dry slate, It Is apt lo form stony cccretinus in the bow ids of tho horse, Ktones produced from th txtmlre use of brau, haro been taken out Lenta hilt r death weighing many jouncls. Miscellaneous. tlncon Vlitorla's Home Life, Figaro has Interviewed John Urown with the following effect i Her majesty leads n very regular life. I believe." I said., "Yes : It Is generally the same day nftor day," was the reply; "She geta up about nine in tho morning, and has breakfast in her apart ments. Then she walks up nnd down the terrace until she comes Indoors to sign her papers. The documents are all put ready for her to sign, with the corner turned down where she is to write. But her Majes ty, woman like, will Insist upon reading most of them and seeing what Is Inside, However, she rarely makos an alteration. Aftor this, which often takes two or three hours, she sees tho Princess Beatrice (God bless her.) Then she wlll.if It is fine, tike a walk in the grounds with tho Prin cess Beatrice and Trinco Leopold, when he or sho will drive out and I have to attend her. Then sho comes home, and one of the ladles reads to her until It Is tlmo to prepare for dinner. After dinner the ladles read to her again, and she looks over pictures nnd things and goes to bed very early." '"The ilinner is rather a stiff affair, I suppose V I said, "Well, Btlff is hardly tho word," was the reply. "The guests assemble and dinner is generally announced before her Majesty enters the room. Tho Minister Is waiting and tho invited sit at the table, and hero is a pause. When the queen enters everybody rises. Her Majesty makes n bow and sits down, and the guests resume their seats. The footmen servo the dishes in solemn ! lenco nnd not a word Is spoken. Her Maj esty usually makes two or three remarks du ring the dinner, but no oue speaks unless the Queen speaks to him, and tho company is more like a Quakers meeting than any thing else, liefore the desert her Majesty generally rises, bows and leaves tho room, but the guests ladles and all remain. Tha Princess Beatrice generally leaves with her mother. Then the conversation becomes more general after her Majesty has left, and at the end of the- dinner Lady Biddulph or Miss Cadagon or somebody rises, the ladies leave the room, the gentlemen remain stand' ing. Then tho gentlemen usually go to the smoking or billiard room and the ladles to the drawing room. Sometimes tho Queen will go into tha drawing room in the course of the evening, but uot often, And the gen' tlemen are all in court dress, which are usu- atlyvery tight fitting, so they can't enjoy their dinner very much. I don't ouvy them a bit." Cleopatra's Needle in London. The celebrated Egyptian obelisk which was presented to George IV., in 1820, by Mehemet All, has at last, after many vicis situ Jen, reached England, and reposes peace fully in its iron cylinder, in the East India Dock. Mr. Du Plat Taylor, the Secretary of the East and West India Dock Company authorized by Sir Walter Baynes, the Chair man, having offered a friendly shelter to the cylinder ship free from nil charges. The abandonment of the obelisk ship Cle opatra, in the Bay of Biscay by the steam' ship Olga, after losing a boat's crew of six men in an ineffectual attempt to take oil Cle opatra's crew.took place on October 10. The Cleopatra was found the following day by an outward bound steamer, the f itzmaurice, and taken into Ferrol on October 18. Here she remained until tho morning of Tuesday, the 15th Inst., the last three weeks of the stay being occupied with refitting and ad justing ballast, under tho supervision of her original commander. The ballast consist ing of railway iron, was secured by being built down into the ship, so as to form an in tegral part of the structure. A new mast and sails were provided, but the water-tight compartments were found to be perfectly se cure, aud ou arriving at Gravesend the cap' lain remarked that there war "not enough water shipped to fill a wine glass." Leaving Ferrol at 7 o'clock on the morn ing of tho 10th in tow of the Angelia, an ex cellent run was made, the Needles being passed at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and Dungeness at about 10 o'clock on Sun day morning. Tno two vessels arrived with out 'accident or incident at the Chapman Light by 10 o'clock at night, where the tug boat anchored tho Cleopatra hanging astern by the tow rope. There was a steady breeze all night, and yesterday morning a start wax made for Gravesend, the latter place being reached shortly before 11 o'clock. Here Mr, and Mrs. Dixon went on board and congrat ulated the Captains of tho two vessels upon their safe arrival. The Custom House offi cers next boarded and proceeded to clear tho vessels, which being completed, the an chor of the Angelia was raised, and the Cloopatra cost off from the buoy to which she had been moored precisely at 12:60. The news having spread that the obelisk was coming up the river, at nearly every wharf and pier crowds were gathered, who enthusiastically cheered as the ships passed. The various training ships exchanged the compliment of dipping their fiajs, the boys f tha Chinchester manning yard. Some time had to clapso before the obe lisk could be placed in the East India Dock, as a large outward-bound steamer was being towed through the dock gaUs, but the road once clear she was brought around by the tug, nnd a hawsei being passed ashore, uo time was lost Is berthing her In one of the inner basins, A goodly gathering of friends f Mr. Dixon was assembled on the pier, and on that gentleman landing, he was overwhelmed with congratulations. The pecul I ar construction of the Cleopatra cylinder, which is about ninety-two feet in length and sixteen feet in diameter, makes it appear smaller than It really is, especially as it li more than two-thirds submerged. In appearance it resembles a huge Cornish boiler, with binnll deck house and mast. l)ndun Standard, A Kentucky youth sent to New York for some visiting cards, and some of a transpar cnt kind were seut him whicb, when held up to the light revealed the outlines oi a donkey. Unaware of this peculiarity the young man gave his sweetheart ono, and was astonished to hear her say that sha did not want his '-photograph, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Health and Happiness aro pilcelewi Wealth to thtlr i-jmwhi wu v iw mo fwiuiu in reuii oi ev ery ono who will use WMG1LTS L1YK11 PILLS, The oniy sure uuiiii ror Torpid liver. DyspeiBla. lleaduihe, hour htomach. CuAbtlpation, ixbluty, Nausea, and all llllllous complalnlsood Blood dis orders. Mme genuine unless signed "Vim. Vrlgnt, futia.1 ' i L, t'ulla, Jux. i, is- ly ur G0LD.i Ureat to make money. If you iiui ii gum jtiu can get green backs. a need a tieraon everv. wlii ro lo take subwrlptlocs lo the largett. cheapest nuu vial. jiiuQumru mtuiu Liuuiiiuuuu lu lue worm. Any one can become a suceettitul sgtfbt. Theinofct elegant worst oi art gnen iree to subscribers. The ririoo is so low that almost eerj body subscnu n.0 agent reports inaklnir overfiuiln a week. lady agent reports taking ut er 4oo suUci I tiers In lea Uu8. All who engage tnske money fast, loucan devote all ) our tune to the LuMntis, or only jour sparo time, lou Lied uot be away from home over night. You can do It as ueUas others, l-ull imruo ulars. dtrietlons and terns frree1 Uegant sua ei lientlie outfit free. If )ou want proruablH work M-nU us your addii aa at once. It ltta nothing lo try the buiuiesu. No one ho engages falls to make great bay. AUdriui"lLe lti'ltfe Joumal!"l'ort- tiu.u, uw ug lu, ii-iy PENNSYLVANIA eailkoad. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL 110UTE. nifl attention ft llio trsVeUlmr nubllo Is respect- f ully Int lte.1 lu norne ot the tiierli s ul this great high way, In the conUtlrnt assertion mid belief that no otner lino can utter equiil IndnceuiriiU as a route ot throuitu travel, in Construction and Equipment Tint l'FNN s5Y LV A N I A BAILUOAD stands confessedly at the head ot American railways. ThotracKisuouDiotiieciiiiroienguim m iwe, o su-el rails laid onhe&iy oak lies, which aro embed, ded In a loumtuipu of ruck ballast eighteen Inches In dptli. All bridges are or Iron or stone, and built upoh the most approi ed Mans, 1 is passenger cars, whits eminently safe and substantial, aro at the samo tlrau models of coinfot t and elegance. THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In use on thli lino well Illustrate the far-RCClng and HDeruxpoiUT or us management, in nceuruiuice wim whlctftuo utility only ot nn improvement and not Its cost has tven Iho iiues'loii ot consideration. Among many may bj noticed THE BLOCK 5YSTI.II C? SAF2T7 SICWALS, JAHHEY COUPLER. BUFFER and PLATFOSH, THE WHAM ON PATEN? SWITCH, asi) Tin: WESTIN3H0U3E AIIt-BBAKE, fnrmthcr In rnnlunctlon with a tiertcct double track and road-bed u combination ot bategnards against accidents vvlttcU have rendored tnetn practically tm- possible. Pullnuiu Palace Cars aro run on alt Impress Trains Frum New VfirU, Phtlnilelldiln, llnltiuinre nnd WitnlitiiMtmi, To Clilrnso, rinrliinnll, !.mtltllte, Indianapolis unit !M. l,Otll, WITHOUT CII lOE, and tn all principal points In the West and Fouth wit h lint one change ot ears. Connections aro mado In t'utou Ix-pols, and aro assured to aU Important points. THS gCHNEHST op the PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE la admitted to tie unsumassed la tho world lor gran' dettr, beauty and variety, i-uperlor refreshment fa culties are pronded. Kmptoyees are courteous and attentive, and It Is an Inevitable result that a trip by Iho Pennsylvania uauroaa must xorm A Pleasing an I Hemerabli Experience. Tickets lor sale at tho lowest rates at the Ticket unices ot tho Company mall Important cities and iowqs. FItANK THOMPSON, General Manager. T.. I'. FARMER, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. K. SHOEMAKER, Pass. Agent Middle nist, is north Third street, Harrlsburg, r, lebl.ns-ly G-ZEN2PS SULPHUR SOAP. Thorouoiily Cures Diseasis optiii: Skin, jjeautif1es the comi'lexio.v, l'uevljits and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, 1IEAI.S Sores and Aurasions of hiu Cuticle and Count eracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Irrup tions, Sores and Injuries til the Skin, nol only REMOVES FROM THE COMl'l-bXION ALL l'LKM- ISIIES arising from local impurities cf the blood and obstruction of Ihe pores, but also those produced by the sun anil w iml, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and l'LI.l.NT, and being a WHOLESOME UEAUTIFICR ii far preferable to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL.ADVANTAfiLS OF SUL riiUR Haths are insured UY hie rsi: of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and I'RE vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHINO and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the itrso.v. It dissolves Dandruff, presents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Thysidans speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: pet Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. B. The 50 cent cakes are triple the hbo of those at 25 cents. "HILL'S HAIU AND WHISKER HIT," Black or Urown, 30 Ceau, C. 5. caiHESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av 5.T. December M, lSJT-ly GaEGQ & BOWS, UANUFAOTUftlHt O JFlNE, J-IGHT AND JlEAYY REPOSITORY, N. E. Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sts., Phllad'a. y.B-sirmrso Jimr attisdio to. also, cis aiiois TASKS 0.1 STOEAOS. march r, isis-sm KEEP IN THE RIGHT LATITUDE WVa. ' , m wm Call on or address the undeis!i:ned for lull lnfor- xnauou. N.b. NGLK, Agu, feb. 8, TS-Sm tiunbnry, I'a, A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! If IV VflfVfl Out do to Wcdk a.ti .ViittdtiitLtU TrraiiM on tn luti ut intrnaa aitl iba A Luuk tor iirltral. Htrt. t tie ird.i.K Uf Wit I, rk I Urls. ' " a- rrttV-Mt MEOICAL ADVlSEfll t- Abut. EiCCftt, orEcrt Utacaaca, uU Ut U-t lutBIM ft Miff, l-.l ,rt Jif, frt-tU(tt, . A rtlKlOAt. I.FOTUREiff lhi ilr dttrtMt an 4 thus u tK ThrOAt aiul X nnci, ULtUrrh,&UDlurt iba Op-uort Ilabll,Jkr.,p'k'a tOiU. 11 her Uk u hi iMMiiwUlnt iH-f'pl a prtt cr allthrae. coti'tttnlrifM)hf..l-irttriliy tl udrattxt, orcti. iddrtaa 1JH. bUll'a, UN. hUi ku bl. luU, Uo, aug UtTT-ly It A O THISfAPERISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 7Q1 (..u Cr biui inn duii l'ba urv vur HHib.rlMil KtfcuUf m4 wii ircelv. AdvirtlM,eBi, t ar i.ou'BiT ouuui itxrua. DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD EME Arc not advert. M"Curo alls." but nre upecinca in the diseases for wlilch they nro iccom mended. InTrtlaTftton ot n a tu ml hctcncc linve ilemnnstAt- ed beyond controrrHy, Hint throughout the animal fclncclom Iho "ilm mirWM of tho nttrnt" la tueomr iftv nidi vomi ihjh- n uinrinn-i pt-rnt-timy. Ioea tint the sumo n I n Into fnrern ihn eomm-relAl prosperity of in it n 7 ah it.Ml'T nitmot MiptTsede llorco'i st a milt M Mtilieinq imvi' tmirlvnh'd nil oth era. ThelrFA.iun (h initio Mntes alone ptceed onomtllon dollnnt pfr nnmim, whi tint amount exported iouin up in niucrai imiiutrn inousana moro Nohuslnei-j eo'tttl ever vntxt la such clirantlo proportions end reft upon any u hcriMls than that ot merit. DR. SAGES Catarrh Rcmody Id l'lCIlNIWlt to I'ni-. DR SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy IIn C'ii ics rxli-nil (Ivor it p cil oil DR. SAGE'S Catarrh lteniedy Its Sale G'oiikfnutly IlltrciiHis. DR. SAGE'S Catarrli Ecnicd Clil'VN ! IIn mllil, Siinlliln effect DR. SAGE'S Catarrli Remedy Cures "t'olil In llrail." and Ca- furrli, or Uzci;iisi. AN OPEN LI4TTER. It Speaks for Itself. lioCKi OKT, Mass., April 2, 16T7. Mn. Kditor t Havlnz road In vour Diiner reports of tho retnarkablo euros of Catarrh. I ant Induced to tell "what 1 know nbout Catarrh.'' and I fancy the snua" nnd "liihallne-uiuo ' makers (mere dollar grabbers) would tie glad It they could emblazon a similar euro In the pujiers. forSS years 1 surfered with catarrn. Tito nasal pivssages hecamo complete ly closed. ' snuff," "dust," aslK's,""lnhallne-tubes" ana "sucks, wuuiun i worK,iiiouEti at; intervals i would snllt up the so-called catarrli snutT, until I became a valuable teBter for such medicines. I gradually ffrew wortse, and no one ean know how much I Bunered or what a miserable tclng I was. bed for many successive davs, eutTerlog the most In tense pain, which at one time lasted conttunously for its hours. All sense or smell and taste gone, sight nnd hearing impaired, body Bhrunken ana weaKenea, nervous fljswra Anatterea. constitution broken, and I waThawklncr and SDltMnc soven- elghthaot the time. I prajed for death to relieve me of my suffering. A favorable notice In your pn rjcr of lr. Kairo'B Catarrh Iteinedr Induced me to purchase a package, and use It with Dr. I'lerce's Na- nress u re. tho onlv way compatible with common sense. Well, Mr. Editor It did not euro mo three- fourths of a second, nor in one hour or moith, but in less than eight minutes 1 was relieved, and In three overfiliteen months, while using the Cutarrh item- euy, i uacu ur. tierce s uoiaen jtieaicai uiscovery to purify my blood and strengthen my stomach. I also kept my liver active and bowels regular by the use of his rieosant Purgative Pellets, if my eipert encewlil induce otlier sufferers to eeek the same means ot relief, this letter will have answered Its purpose. Yours truly, L. D. KF.MICK. A OLOUD OF WITNESSES. Tho following named parties are among the thou sands who have been cured of Catarrh by tho use ot Dr. sage's Catarrh Remedy ; A. F. Downs, New Geneva. To.; 1). J. Brown. St. Joseph. Mo.: K. C. Lewis. Itutland. Vt.: Levi Hprlno cr. Nettle Lake, Ohio ; Uhas. Norcrop. North Ches ler, Hrlder station, Wyo.; J. C. Merrlmao, Logans port, Ind.; M. M. Post, Logansport, Ind.; J. W. liall ovl 1reioont. lz II. Ii. Avres. LaIorte.Ind.: Jessie M W. A.'Tbayer. unarga. .!.;. 11. MchoU .lr., (lalvcs ton, Texas ; .Jonas K. llelnert, stonesvtlie, Ta.: .W, Ijusk, Aii'mriuiiu, ma.; tiuiiuuii iviiuiuus, iirimiCK, uuiu , Mm a. vurrey ireniun, itun,: ,i, it, dobuu, Keene. N. II.. A.J. Coxner. Table Hock. W. Va.:Uw. is Anders, Car sport, Ohio ; C II. Cbase, Blkhart, Ind.; Mrs, Henry JIalght, Han Francisco, Cal; Mrs. ii. 3i. tiiuuiMio, Lawrencevuie, n. v ; w. j, t iruram Adel. Iowa: A. o. Smith. Newman. la.: Chas. k Hlce, HAltJniorv, Md : Jease M. Scars, Carlisle, Ind.;, ima i. jt. juiitT, kjiw, inu.; Airs, Minnie at, ssi) Dt-lancy street, New York; II. w. Hall, Ha&tlngs, JIIcIl; Wra.F. Mars ton, Lowell, Mass.; 1. W. Ko'ierts Maricopa, Ariz.; Chaw. 8. lielaney. Harrlsburg, I'a.; M. C. Cole, l owell, Mass.; Mm C. J Snuriln.Cumdt-ii.Ahi.: Chas. Y. Kaw.Krederlcktown Ohio ; Mrs. Lucy lluuter, i'armlnirton, 111.; Cant. E. J. Hpauldlng, Camp btainbaugn - Wyo.; I. W.l racy, steamboat Kock.lowa : Mrs. L. U'alte. ShuMinn.N.Y. J. M. Peck, Junction City, Moot; Henry Kue. nan us. Cal : L. 1. Cummin es. Itantoul. Hi.: S. E.Jones. Charleston Four Corners, N: Y.; Geo. F. Ha'l, i'ueb- lo, cal.; Wm.K. lurtrle, Sterling, Pa.; II. H.Ebon, WH Venn street. Plttsbunr. I'a : ; j ic llackmRn.tiam- uet a uepoi, Ky,; nenry uonst, tieneio, in. j.; !DO a, in. i.; Aim Hattio 1'arrotL Montgomery, Ohio L. ldtrook. cnatlmm, IIL; H. II. McCoy, Nastitn.rt.ohlo ; V. w. Warner, Norm jockfoo, Mien.; Miss Mary A. Wlnno. Varleo, Wis.; John Zlegler, Carlisle, Pa-i James Tomltlns, 6U Cloud, Minn,; EQOCb I)uerr,!'aiv nce city, Net).; Josepli ". Miller, Xcnla. Ohio ; s. 11. Nichols, Ou Ivesion, Texas ; II. U Lain), Upper Alton, 111 ; John DavHCrescult, Ariz.; Mrs. Nancy Uraham, r ui est i;u v, uiei;. Golden Medical Discovery Ii Alterative, or Blood-thanting. Golden Medical Discovery h Pectoral, Golden Medical Discovery h a Cholagogue, or Liver Stimulant, Golden Medical Discovery li Thnic. Golden Medical Discovery Br reason ot Its Alterarlre crODert les. cures Diseas es ot tho lllood and t&ln, as Hcrolula or King's Krll ; minors; ulcers, or uiu EHres; mournes, nmpies; and Krupllons. Iiy lrtue oi Its l'ectoral properties, Itcures DroncMal. Hiroal, and I.udk Affections; Incipient Consumption ; Lingering Coughs ; and Chronto Laryngitis, lu Cholagogue properties reu der It an unequaled remedy for Bllllousness ; Torpid Liver, or "Liver iComplalnt ; and lis Tonle protier ties inako U equally etkcaclous la curing Indigestion, Loss oi Appetite, and Uyspepfeta, Where the skin Is sallow, and covered with blotch es, and pimples, or where there are scrotulous swel lings and ailectlonH. a lew bottles ot (Jolden Medi cal Uiscovery will edeot an entlrctcure. II you leel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color or sklD, or jullowlsli brown sputa on Uio laco cr body, Iro quent headache or dizziness, bad taste In mouth, In ternal heat or chills alternated with hot Hushes, low spirits andtglootny lorebodlngs. Irregular annetlto and tougue coated, you are suffering irom Torpid Liver, or ',Ullllousuen8.,, In many cnesof Llver Complaint," only partjf these symptoms areexpe- nenceu. jimu reiueuy ior uji bum cubes, nr. i leree s Uolden Medical Uiscovery has no e qual, as It effects perfect cures, leaving iho liver strengthened and healthy. THIS rJiUi'LE'S Medical Servant. Pr, It. V. TuRCX Is the Kilo Proprietor ana manu facturer oltlie foregolnif mandlcs, all of which are sold by druggists llu it also the Author cr the l'eo I'le'H CoiiiDion enso Medical Adlscr.a work of neatly one thousand pagtB, with two hundred and eighty-two wood f neravUKS and colored platen. He has already Hold or UiU popular w ork Over 100,000 Copies ! PRICE (post paid) 1.50. dress : 11. V. PIEIiOE, M. D, World's Dispensary, BulTalo.N.Y, Steel and Iron FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; PaUnt Insld Bolt Work maA 10 U7K COMrUTK WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No, S4 Matdea Lane, Xur WUnia II, IIW TOIA dec I, IMI-ly mil nns it ox ii.k with DWELL & (KESHAN IHlMlrVHWNUT T., ST. LOUIt, tr.tit Begs leave lo inform his customers ami the public Unit his stock is now replete with nil the Novelties for Rpring mid Fuinmcr AVenr, consisting of new nml beautiful styles of ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS AT REDUCED .PRICES. nny of which he is prepared to make Ready-made clothing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, for Boys for Children. nil of the best, make anil nt the lowest prices. Just received a full line of all the For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED ZPZE-A-IR-L SHIRT I For Men and Boys. Sold only by BaYYIDD) LOWIEKBIa MERCHANT TAILOR, B3L.003yESDBXJK.C3-, DP A.. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third tie- cost of painting, and gctn paint Unit 13 much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE A8 LONG A8 ANYOTIIEIt PAINT. Is prepared rrndv foruseln white or anv color desired. Is on many thousands of the finest buildings in theioiintrr. munv i'f wlilch hae been painted six) cars, and now look as ell as whenHrst painted UI1KM1C VI, f-.vlN'i' uaa taken ilrstPllKMlliMS at twentyof the state Fairs of the Union. Samnlecardof olors sent ireo, Atiaress .i. i. r.rt ahihh i ah, 1.UKU SbUN. Aicents 1321, Marxet street, Philadelphia, Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets, 333L,002vrS33XJ3lO, 3? -A.., is Tim ri.Acu to GKT Tim woRTn or youit money in Tim finest and freshest op Fancy Imported and DomesticlStaple Qapenswars. Glassware, Woil ana Willowware, Flojir and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, OR NICE FRESH PRODUCE. For NINETY DAYS 'Elegant Table CM feared fej mj eenplltan with It fallswiDg wodltloMt Tb National 8(it 1 liiH..PIiuil Win. vfll mA to iit ri.-hi. v nti Hh finiuina. ani4 anvHVM inlUftl. T rt rcqalndu cul ooilhfolitog BUterwar Coupon ao54 It t ib ibn Company, with jour raroo Bod 4ilra, ud 1m u t doUh with It 70 mdIi 4 cbarirM. Tot Spovni U1 M Hit br oiprMa (or j.iiu,.4 i. ..nita withoBt Tunlicr Mat. f tbt btii ntvrUl, tad nvil u tb Ual fiilr UillffMimlbt Company will tHUfy I JFFICB vw rnoni oiltib ruTrnv t ua van not pi , i uiinuriyiji. , To whom It nty Concern Tho Spoon ami out uodr ibla trriDirranii vi f qiraniM art of beat quality, flrt fcravll ttlaied with Mn plehfl (tbt bardeit vblto mdal known), end donUo nu tlW of pur Coin standard Silrtr add 4 on lop of tbt nlektl. tbaa ryndnlDg tbtn tbt very bent Sllw.pjiud Ware nannfit tvrtd. will benor no order wbkb doti BoiooDUin tb Bllreraro Coupon, wt4 1U not bonor tbt Cottves bftCf lilntv da rmra Ibt dalo of tbl par Ulfc-uodJ JJATIONAI BILVEH PLAtlNO CO. 4 s - 704Chetnutat..hlUdtph(fc blLVtUWAKE COUPON. Ob TfrHrt f Ibli Conpoa, tntber with 78 etnu to or nil ebtr-ct, tnet4 lof ipr. or tntltlnc. rniravlni and bosl&c, wo fcertby 19 (fi4 .0 19 td- Ml of cut iuo Cofa Sundird daublo-titn plaiw SILVER SPOONS. Ml on f teli "poon onfravo no dralred Initial. Ill cbarftt tn i fc f rrpalj tf tbt 76 ovota Mai iu, nud Uf byvoa will Lw titlitr-i 4t tkmuaUDa ! U nny timer ear(. Ud fold. liDJ) 701 llkMM It ho JlMlrorl. on nno r.f Iho i lltu of inopoont un paymani of tbo folluwini cborgeal bl aellit net I I to l ft, Diaao ana nanaio ana 10114 piecv, iwh oicri, ouui 01 puirr Hied, fit alt tat it, donbln nkktl ond alitor plmud, us eta. If oil tbcm CMdl art daalrod, ondooo tbo total ebarjf, wbteb will bo 15 eta. for aponot, it for bntvto, and Si cU. for fork total, $1.10 tbuo aoaurtna- for 13 11 I eooh article. rxoret knives, will ha IMPORT AKiT TVIa lltwnt lt Mil Mrl tnm onl. Ut to Iho lntort of oil who era ooouro lis ro not debarred r rtkaan of tbt oiplratlni) of tho Hmo Ut ixdttun tiiftrwaio abuuld bo adj rotted diru.1 1 j i bt , NATIONAL bXXVtlt II maicb 1:, 1ST6-4W is th;b AND HAS THE Margesi QizcuIaMQM OP ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Tear. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE DIFFERENT IN THIS PAPER OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL All kiiids of Printing clone on al low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE BLOOMSBURG, up in the lntcst style. latest styles in color nnd quality of v.., ,13 iiuiu olil-vi, .1. 1., vi n.nk ra. July SI, -ly Groceries of Every Description, PROM DATE; Silverware b ha in fti ttla eotk. Mt st IT tin rifh innnfl lOV deilrrrl I mail, it Tou kavt b tlprei Offl) The frxxuii ar auarant'fd Id n FUW4 Wtri mt4e, u tbt IolUU( -.,.. -r-r m Chestnut bt , I'hilade! phti. fonowfnc nrtlelaa wtl! to ornt la engraved Willi uaj luIuj! IU3i KOTOCE. U.t. bnrfl( 1 J'l.ATK.'O CO., 0. 70 1 Cicatnut Street, rniLADELrniA, pa. STYLES OP TYPE Plain and fancy sliori notice an OF THE COURT HOUSE, WOMAN. lljrnn Immrnip vrnctlcr, CTtrmllnu Ihrnueh A riorloil ol year,, limlnff wllhln (lint llmo Irenloil ninny llioiunil rune of thoc iI1ic.1"m tn woman, 1 havo licen rnnlilcil to iicrfcrl n moil Solent mul ncrccnhlo nicillclne HiM mccti Hie ln ICAtlona vmenteil by that clan ol illtMiica ultli Voilllre certainty ami cjnelncn. To ddsnato lhl natural ipccldo comwunJ,J htTe named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The term, howercr, la but a Iccblc cxprewlon of mv lilpli ainircclatlon ol In ynlnc, bascil upon my own veronl obtertatlon. A n close no. errer, I have, while wimeiilnit Ha pontile re- Cults In the few ipeeial dlscaaea Inclilent to Hie eparalo organism ol woman, mirIciI it out ns llio climax or crowning xciii or, mr inrillrnl rnroer. On Us merits, ns n posltlirc, ,afc, nnd effectual remedy for Hi In class ol illt cases, and one that will, at all times and under nil circumstances, net kindly nnd In harmony with tlw laws which rotcih ihe female aystem, I am willing to stake my reputation ns s physician, May, oven more, so confident am 1 that It will not Uliappolnt the most eangulno expectations of a atnfrle Invalid Indy who uses It for any ol Ihe ailments for which 1 recommend It, Hint I offer and sell it under A I'OMTIVJ: llUAItAN Ti:E. II a beneficial cffcci is not experienced by the lime two-thirds ol tho contents of tho lt. tic are used, I will, on return ol the boitlc. two thirds ol the inedlcino liavlna; been taken accord ing todlrcctlons, and tho case being ono for which I recommend it, promptly return! the money paid for It- Had 1 not Ihe most perfect confidence In Its virtues, I could not offer ft ns 1 do under these conditions! but having witnessed Its truly mlrneu. lous cmcs in thousands of cases, I fool lrnr rnnlcd mid perfectly anto In rlaklne; IHtlll 1111 rOJIlllKllUll Ulllk UHJ II1UHUI lu merlin. ' Tim fniiowlnp are nmona riioe il semes In which my I'avorilo Proacrlpllou has word ed cures, ns If lir mnirlc. anil with n ccrtatntr never before ntlnincd bv nny mcdlclnoi Iu corrluea, ICvccsslve I'lowlng, l'nlnful Monthly rcrlM, Suppressions when from unnatuinl crimes, IrrcRtilnrltlcs, Weak Hack, rrolnpsus, or falling ! Iho Uterus, Anlcvcrslon nnd ltclrnvcr ,ion, llearlng Down sensations. Interim! licit, Nervous itcnressinn, ueuimr, icspniiucin-v. Threatencc Alllcarriage, i;nmnic i;nngesiion, in- nml tllrcrntion of tlio UlCrtlS. ImDO- tenev, liarrcnncss, or Slcrlllty. Kemalo cakno. and Very manyoihcrehronlciilcascs incident lo woman not mentioned heic. In nil nrrcctlons of this natitic. my Fnvorllo l'rcscrlpllon works euros llio lunriol of llio world. This medicine I itn not cxtn! ns a curo-all. but it ulmlralily lulillls a oliiRlcnpa of pur- 0C, UCing n mnsi pcricri nirriuo in mi Liiruinw nf thn sexual srstcm of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will It do harm, lu any elate or eondilliin. Those wlm,lelro further Information on these subjects ran obtain II In Tub 1'kople's Common 3knhk Mkdioal AnvisKii, n book ot oer Poo pagos, sent, post-paid, on receipt of I..V. It ireals tnlnulelv nf tho.o illscaci ccullar lo Females. nnd ches much valuable ntivi.'o In re tard to the management of thoio nffcctlniis. FAVIIKlTi: IMMXJIUl'TIO.V SUI.S nv ai.i. i)iti;:iiisT.s. R, V. PIERCE, M. D, Prop'r, UU1WAI.O, X. T. Bep. s, 'jj-tt l)r Sutar-Coatcd, Concciilrntcd, Itool and Herbal Juice, Aiitl-llllloua llrnnulc. THE "UTTLE CIANT" OATlIAK'l'IO, or ninltnni In I'arvo 1'liyaic. The noveltv ol modern Medical. Chemical, and riiarmaceutlcal Science. No use of any longer taking the large, repulsive, and nauseous pills, comMjsed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can, by a careful application of chemical science, extract all the cathartic and other medi cinal properties from tho most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them Into a minute Ilran- uie, ttcarcoiy larger man n uiiisiiiru tioed. that can lie readily swallowed by those ol the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Each little l'urgntlvo I'ollet represents, in a most concentrated form, as much cathartic power ns Is embodied in anv of tho large pills found for sale In drug-shops. From their wonderful cathar tic power, in comparison to their aiie, people who havo not tried them are apt to suppose that thcr are harsh ordrastlc In effect: but such is not at all tho case, the different active medicinal principles of which they nre comiwisod being so harmonized and modified, one bv the others, as to produce a moil acarclitng and OiorouRli. yet ttcnlly and kindly operating, cuthar llc. 8500 neurard Is hereby offered by the pro prietor ol these Pellets, to nny chemist who, upon analysis, will nnd In them any calomel or other forms ot mercury, mineral poison, or injurious 'drug. nelnsj entirely vegetable, no particular cato is icttuircd while using tlicm. They oncrnio i without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or 'occupation. For Jaundice. Hondaclio. SJUllBlipailoii. jmitiiro niui'u, -.... llio Shoulders. Tllfhtiio of llio Cheat, lizziuo. itour i;niclutloii from Iho stomach, Had laslo lu tho inoiitli, II II loua atlacka, l'aln III region of Kid licia, Inlcrnal t'ovcr, lllonted feeling iibout Stomacll, Itluli of lllood lo Head, High-colored Urine, Unsocia bility and Gloomy Forebodluga, tale Dr. t'lcrce'i 1'leanaut rurgatlvu I'cl lct. In explanation ot the remedial power of my IMirgattvo l'ellets over ao great a variety of ill.eases, I wish to say that their anion upon tho auininl economy U iiulver. kill, uot a Klillld or tlaauo cacaplng lliclr aanatlvo Impress. ,Ago does not impair the properties ot lheo relicts. They are sugar-coated and Inclosed in glaa bottles, their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired for any length uf lime. In any climate, so they arc always fresh and reliable. This is not the case with those pills which arc put up In cheap wooden or pastelioanl boxes. Uccollrct lint for all dlitaes wheio a I.nxuliw, Alterative, or liirgutlvc, is indicated. lhee llltlc Pellets Mill guc thu most perfect sail. faction toallwho li.e llicm. Thoy aro nold by all llrugglaii al 43 cciitu a bottle. . &. V. PISUCE, . D Prcj'r, iiurrAi.o, k. v., 'JI-I ( Tho Lightest Running;, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durahlo, Tho Most Popular or SEWING MACHINES. J it canllf understood, makes the doublc-lltreod lot k-fttllcli, insselr resulatluff tenaloua ami take-up. nnd trill do the whole range vf futility work without clianse TJie ' Domeitle in ml fin the ino$l durahle manner, tvlth conical eteel bearing und compvntatlmf Journal throughout PAPER FASHIONS. TieejiojiiilnrXA.rrT13TlNS for (allies', mines', ami rfilfdren' lirtt; ure rut on a ysteui auperlor lo "! u sue, anil can 6 sinilcralood auy ouo. J VII directions and lllmlralloin eacfi eitrrloiie. Send i'lre Cn( for Ututtratcd Cata logue of lOOO J'usilolif. BowinK HaoUno Co,, Now York. I. W. HARTMAN, ApfDoislic" Farer Fasblons Bloomsbur. December li, lU-ljr PATENTS. F. A, Uhtnano, Bollcltor of American (tnrt Foreign l-utente, WatJilcgtou, D, C. Alt butlncss connected with 1'atenU, whether before tha l'atent Office or tha Courts, promptly attended Ux Ho charge nude untesik patent ubecuroo. bend for a circular, y ,tT-U bw pEitrrs.m o o o WTSTA1VS BALSAM WISTAIVS BALSAM OF OF WILD CHERRY WILD CHERRY cunts Cotial't, Odd, Sore Throat, JfoartcncM, Whooping Courjh, Influenza, llronchith, J)ij!c)tlt!ofJlrcathiiig,Atllmii,l)iih' thcria, Vrovn, 'mil in the tide ami Jlrcait, Sinttiny Jlhod, Quiiwj, J'hlhitw, and evcri Affection, Or" THIS THROAT, LUNGS AND 011EST, eviw CONSUMPTION. FltOM UI.DKU II. L. OILMAN, A MINISTfilt OP THE OOSPKL IN (1LOVKI1, VT. "I lmvo lioen troubled for Funeral yeara with n (llf nculty of the heart nnd limits t lutvii nppllocl to tiev cru pltyalclnna fur help, nml linvu Ii led ulintwt every reti ciU rreotntnendod, without rccclvlne any nssli tnnco, but Ind iK-cn trrowlnff weaker uud weakt'r, until, liciirl nir of Wfmir's lialram of vMld cherry about n) ear alnoc, 1 commenced uslnirltwlth Itn ntcdlnto relief, lthas not only rcslori'd my lttnga to n pound ntc, but I nm i ntlrcly rcllcicd of Ihe dlf tlctilty or ill-rnw of tlio heart. 1 liaie no hesitation ltiH.olnir that It Is tho best Inner medlelno lieforo Uio publi and I chiicrfully nnd conscientiously ro comineinl It to nil persons sitlTerlng with pulmonary complaints " Wistnr's flJalsam Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chcriy. of Wild Ohcrry. 1M(U.HsMI inAt' UP KIUn.MU.NI), VT. "Somotliroofars slnco I was nttackpd with a HPcnicmmli. HortMiusi nnd Irritation of (lioluntrs iuu intii hiis uuut'u iisiiiinii m atcvt'ro lorra. uur Intf IIih ilrst car I trtwl pcmth! nr tho most twnulnr inftllclnt'H of the rtrty.uut rccelid no real relit r, nnd I lind nlmmtdpspnlrrd or tner rpffnlnliiff mv lionlth wlicnl was Induced to try Jr. Wihtnr'rt Unburn ol Wild Cherry, flitch ury soon rt-UovM rne, My coujfh lircattio loose, tliwsorenw ind lriH,Hton dls nrpenred, and my pMicruliicnlth bean to inend. l cunllnued its ino and a lew bottles leMored mo to lietier health than 1 ccr hoped to onjov niratn. I I'tiicvu niu iiiLioiiiii iu uv inu iiiusi rt'iiuuio ruincuy tlmt can bo found," Wistars Biusani Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, of Wild Cherry. FltOM BENJAMIN WllEELKIt, STATION AOKNT AT FOUTH 1IOYAI.STON, MAS-S, I was most aeverplv nflllctprt with a hnnl. ,trr cotih with 1U usual accompaniment of night sweats vuilluii.-K-j iJlunimilUK 111, HtirvuUSB HU'IU.ailU pi OS- tratlne my licnoua nyatcin. and produclns ruoIib debllltuU'd stnte of llcaim that, after trjlns medical aid to no purpose, I had git en up all hopes otuver recovirlni;, ns had nlso my friends. At this stairo ot mailers I was prevailed upon, thruiicli tho lniluenco of a try Wistar's luisntn, tlioush with nu uenei wimujver in im iruiy wcnticriui curauio properties, nnd beforo ttslnir two imtlles the erfect was almost magical. Jly cough entirely lelt me t ho nlffht tmcut.s deserted me, hope onco more elevated my depressed Rplrlts, ond soon I had nttalned my wonted Mrength nnd vliror. 'Ilius has this tinlnam, as lias oilen been remarked by porwins conversant with the above facts In this vlclnhy, literally snatch ed me from the grave. You aro at liberty to uso this tonne ucneutui uiu aimcicu." Wistar s Balsam Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. of Wild Cherry. Is prepared by snTH W.I'WI.E I- RONS, foliar rlsou avenue. Boston, Mass. Sold by dealers gen erully. to cts. uud $1 a bottle. march DrsAsGsOLIN'SggS all IiMi-ist-ifa, l'rlvute nftturs. irtntllnr frotii early nbum-t of Inft I Ion of altlivr Ht'fnlnnl M cttllipatnitliuln 5' m lulu . Loai of Mimorfi luiiifilrcd itflit, Ixtl IntihiMitJ or I m pott noy t vrmr Dtly cnrvil t dUa of ttM fUurfdrr, kUin-jts I.hrr, l.UniE-. Aitrmit, Caiarrh. ttlc aii L lifsii.V IAn-, nn.l JH EAhKH Ur FKMALKH, yteUI to bU traMuicnl. Ur.Uw ha h-wl life totiK it1hi-, buI ruret km oihm Wl. II l a zrvlcmitt of Uia Ittfiifinwl Bthftnl, um nn ntemirvs liaa lb liuvpnrnl.-in tha U.S. LA 111 I. A naulring tmtiiMiil wilb rl ( utc hotiM and board, rail nr writ, r.i try enm rliirui' fnf imttcDU heil.1 BflyiDDU fi Mil)U Of ltaLsf l.ouJi and rir- ruhr nf lmntiut InfuttnMlort bvupma. lllt OLI.N'H ywuntf M J in 4 It. wn-l -J w.i - on ,ll dlurM- of s nAiiira. ,A' v. i i ,i.i ii m rAiii-nii.uits tiiwn.. IIili, I il v - 1 i In Ui iiiairt) tlnn 1 irflM.1 .iii4ll iil li i. buk. tri M uuu, 1, tuy mi" (Ira,, leiUI. nug. 17, 77-ly it & c RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE S "piIILADEIil'IIA AND itEAMNG KOAI) AltltANOKMKNT OK l'ASHKNGKIt TItAlNS. JKiJ'lll, 1S76. TlUISa LEiVB llll'KllT AS KilI.0TS (ft'MlAV KXCFiril For New Yorl:, l'hllndclphla, Heading, l'ottsvillo Tnmariua, &c, 11,33 n. m For oatawlssa, 11,3a u. tn. t,4T nnd 7,80 p. m. For WUllatnspoi t, 0,31 a. u. and 4,011 p. ra. rKHNSrOK llCrlKT I.KiVt is FOLLOWS, (StKDlT EX CKITEP.) Leavo Now York, S,I5 a. iu. Leave l'hllndclphla, 9, is a. rn. U'avo Heading, 11,3 in. in., rottsvllle, lf,l5 p. m and Tomaqua, 1,!5 p. in. Leave UaUwlssu, o,su c,83 a. tn. and 4,oo r. m. Leave WUllamsport ,,a I a.m,18,oo m. and B,uo p. m Passengers and from New Ycrk and Pldlade pula go throug.i lUiout change of care. J. II. WOOTTEN, C. 0, HANCOCK, oeneral Manager, (lenerol lleket Agent. Jan. li, isle lr. N TOKTHKHN CENTJtAL 15AILAVAY tUJllAM, On and after November 20th, 1873, trains will leat o SUNDUltYas follows; NOISTIIWAUD. une Jioii a. ni., nrrlvo Elmlra . f. " Canandalgua... 3.35 p. in liochcuer t.6 " Jilagaro. m ltenovo accoinmodttt Ion 11.10 M'llllams p. iu. Elmlra Moll 4.15 a, m., urrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. in. Iluff alo a. in. arrlt o Iluffaio 8.50 a, ra bOUTUWAliD. ItuHalo Eipreks !.ui a. m. nrrti o Harrlsburg 4 J50 a. m " liallluiore s.40 " UlmlraMall ll.loa. m., arrive Harrlsburg u.o p. m " WiuJilngton 10.80 " " llalUmore " Washington 8.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 6.40 p. iu. arrive Harris burg 10.50 p. m. arrive Calthnoro 2.25 a. in " Washington 0.13 Erlo Mall 12.53 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 03 a. ra; llalUmore 8.40 " Washington" I (AH dally except Sunday, D. M. DOYD, Jr., Ueneral Passenger Agen A. J. CABS ATI', Oeneral Manage ELAAVARE, LACKAWANNA , ANK WCSTUIUI KAILKUAD. i BLOOMSI!Uj( DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 8W, Takes effect at 1:30 A, M MONDAY, NOVEMI1KU SS U75. NOItTII, KTATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m, a.m. p m. p.m! s to 3 58 8 44 UfrunlAn 8 00 8 M ii ....!Ulievuo!"!!." 9 48 9 85 e 30 9 6S I m h t 7 55 3 49 7 4t 111 88 iuyioniue... ..Uuawanmu... I'lttsUiu West 1-ltUUin... Wiomiug.,... .....SIaltby" ....liennett.,.. ....Klngsuiu Kingston ..... 1'limr.iith In.. 81 10 Ml 9 IW fi 43 10 m 9 111 e CP 10 It 9 61 t 68 ill II ,M , in 7 411 8 81, V 115 7 S3 8 81 VOl 7 17 8 87 7 VI 83 7 18 3 18 7 15 3 17 7 15 8 II 7 07 8 18 7 01 S 09 58 W (Ml 111 0 45 8 64 a io in 9 15 9 11 10 80 8 04 7 00 10 83 8 ( 7 7 11 9 07 9 OS 9 15 8 69 8 50 I" 81 8 10 7 15 10 97 3 17 7 85 10 81 8 89 7 85 10 sa a r t in .... Plymouth... ,.' 8 61 .......Aionaais.. ...... Nantlcoke.... .llunlock'si reek. .-Shlckshlnny.M ...lllck'a Ferry... ....lieach Haven... ...... llerwlck ....lirlar Creek.. ..Willow drove... ..Uni6 ltldjc. , ..spy., . . .llloomsburg.... 10 40 9 81 7 49 W 44 8 87 7 U 10 63 8 45 B 05 8 4Si 8 41 8 SO 8 18 II 10 4 00 g 95 11 IT 4 la b . k 6 15r 9 8l l 8 85 8 14 1 93 4 91 8 t5 II 81 -a t (ifi III BO 4 87 0 60 5 M fi 65 fi 6 'i fi 48 fi 40 D 84 fi 98 fi 89 fi 80 6 13 4 55 4 50 4 Hi p.m. 8 19 8 18 9 10 9 It 1 68 1 13 1 48 1 43 1 411 1 85 1 ID 1 15 1 ill p.m. 8 OS 8 13 7 68 11 W 4 41 65 11 43 I II tin 7 61 7 40 U 51 4 6! 7 08 7 VI 11 57 19 9 5 19 7 40 fi 08 7 45 7 85 Catawtssa llri'dge. 7 sal 19 07 6 14 7 62 19 10 5 80 8 CO 19 85 II 88 6 83 ,Liai irs nwiu.h. ....I)anvlUo.... ....Chulas y...... in T04 19 89 fi 47 8 40 13 80 8 63 8 41 18 61 fi in Q 11 7 0 . . ...V lUUTI U ..... '.Northumberland. a. in. X.m, p.m. a.m 'I KAf). Klll!!.- H V IT IT 'n mii 1 1 1 1 1 r n n, irei ii 0, lH-C, 10, 15. ONE I'arlorl let tiro pilnlcdln 10 1 tiers . " iaiiii'H vuius null Jtiur ill no fin. I. ni.loH 1A VII-..., a.. . . 1 J,.,.,u. iv HIIMIIUHIUUI j ,o ,1,.:.,.. ,'.i.i.... ,.... ... Ublltt 1-lillr.rl. 1 linllr. a ,...u n... !....'.. iinrlllvtly lortoiints. innali.i Hnmiairti.Hi. Kl HTZ A una. 434, ctttlnut kt., Philadelphia, l Uar. (Libm-iv ' J