THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSJBUKG, ' COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Impairing Township HoaJs. A bill has been presented to the House of Hepresentatlves at Harrlsburg, and report ed favorably by the Committee on Agricul ture, which provides that the cltUens of any township representing at least two-thirds In value of the taxable property of the town ship, may request the road supervisors to give out at public outcry, to tho lowest and best bidder, tho making and repairing of the public roads of tho township, for a term of three years. When Jthcre are not more than twonty miles of road, tho wholo ahall be sold Inono lot; where over twenty, In two lots. Alt new roads shall be let In the same way, with the opening and keeping them lu repair until the next letting. The auditors of the townships shall pay the contractors in monthly Instalments; tho 1 supervisors are required to Inspect the roads twice a month, and report to tho auditors ; on. I klmnl.l tlm rnntriinr4 hmrn fMeA to I . . . I .. Veep tho roaus in repair according to uieir I . ai. ... i. - I comract, ttio auditors may ucciiuo ui iu monthly payments until the rinids are satis- , , . r li factorily repaired. In cae of a disagree-1 nient between tho contractors, supervisors out my yellowest feathers, or upset by uath and auditors, the contractors may petition tub. Now, you look like a sensible little the court to appoint viewers to view and re port to the court, which then may make such decree as justice requires. The purchasers of read contracts shall I gtvo a bond double the amount of their con tracts (security to be approved by the town-1 ship auditors) to comply with their contracts I file the samo In the oftice of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and have the same approved by tho court. In case the lowest bidder fall within five days to give the required security, then the second shall be notified to give it; if ho fail, then a re-sale shall be made. The supervisors shall reccivo not exceeding two hundred and fif ty dollars salary, to bo fixed by the auditors. No supervisor shall be a bidder, or have any interest, directly or Indirectly, in any load contract, aud no bidder At the regular sale I who failed to give security, shall be permit ted to bid at a re-sale. Any neglect or vio lation of duty by supervisor, auditor or con tractor is made a mlsdemeauor, and the of fender can be prosecuted and, if convicted, lined not exceeding twohundreddollars,or im prisoned not exceedidg two months, or both. Each township acceptingthe provisions of the act shall annually elect only one super visor. Any supervisor refusing or neglect ing to sell the making or repairing ot roads can be compelled by mandamus from the Court of Quarter Sessions. We have given a concise summary of the act, because we deem it a very important change, in the laws for keeping the township roads in repair. Some townships have ape- cial laws applicable to them for the sale of I tne repairing ol roaus, out we believe mat I this bill, if generally accepted by the tax payers of the different townshlps,would glv us better roads, at a less cost to the taxpay ers. If this act Is accepted by a township, the supervisor's duty would bo to pass over every road in his township twice every month, and the contractor would give his time to the work ho had contracted to dn, and with a small force bo constantly going over the roads. The supervisor would be paid a small salary, just enough to compen sate him for his time. The trouble with the roads now is that tbey are neglected and al lowed to get "bad" before being attended to, while if taken in time the repairing of them would cost less, and they would always be passable, and never really bad. It will be the bounden duty of one man to keep tbem in repair, and of another to see that it is done, or be will not be paid, and both are liable punished for neglecting to per form their respective duties. On the whole we think the bill ought to be passed. lie. Mother Sliipton's Prophecy. THE WOULD TO COME TO AN END IN 1881. Many people take great comfort just now in repeating certain lines of Mo'her Ship ton's Prophecy," said to have been written in 1453 : In twice two hundred year's the Bear The Crescent Bhall assail ; Put If the Cock and Hull unite, The Bear Bhall not prevail. But look 1 in twice ten years again Let Islam know and fear The Cross shall wax, the Crescent wane, Grow pale and disappear. "Twice two hundred yeark" from 1453 brings us to 1853. This was the beginning of the Crimean war. France (the "cock") and England (the "bull") declared war in alliance with Turkey (Islam) against Rus sia (the "bear") in March, 1854. In 185G peace was concluded by congress at Paris. "The bear did not prevail." "Twice ten years"from this period brings us to 187C,dur lag which year the disturbances commenced in Herzegovina, Bosnia and Bulgaria, Mon . r. . ........ . , tenegro auu oervia; wnicn nnauy involved the Porte in war. This is a good fit so far, but Mother Ship tun proceeds to day : Gold shall be found aud grown In a land that's not yet known, l'iro and water shall wonders do, Kngland at last shall admit a Jew, Tho world to an end shall come In eighteen hundred aud eighty-one If all this is true, the man elected Presi dent In 18S0 will hardly get settled in his seat. Inter. Ocran: 'Old SI." THE OLD GENTLEMAN BPEAK8 HIS MIND ABOUT BILL CHANDLER. Old Si came in yesterday and said, "pbe-wl" with. tho accent heavy on the "ew," "What Is the matter now?" "Well, I'se had er two day's job dat wan wurse dan plowin' in stumpy Ian' I "What was that !" "Well, 1 a bin reedln' dat letter dat AH ter Jllll Uban'lf r rit'bout de l'resldenclill mortgldgel "What do you think of Itt" -wen, uitputsmein minu oi uem two fellers az stole de ham least wise, one stole de ham an' gib bit ter de udder 1" "Well, what of that?" "Why, de one dat got de ham, he eat hit all up I" "What did the other do?" "He didn't git nene an he went 'round turnln' Slate's cbldence on de street cor ners I" "Now, how does that apply here?'' " Hell, Mister Chan'ler, he went down to Flurldy an' stole Mister Tildlu's ham an' gib hit to Mister Hayes." "Yes?" "An' Mister Hayes, be tuck an went up in de While House an' eat up de ham I" "And wbete does Chandler come In?" "Dat's hit I He don't come in at all! Hayes cat de bam, wiped his inouf wid bis cotc-kleve au' didn't then grceze Mia'tr Chau'ler'a mouf wid de ineat tkln an' dat'a what he'a iiowllu' 'bout I" Miscellaneous. ' nth. The Canary that Talked too Math, Annette's canary-bird's cage, will) the canary in It, wai brought .Into-the library anil hung upon a hook btntdo tlie.wjnilow. Out popped a moUso from ft hoio Vcilrid the book case. "Why.what are you Iterator canary ?" he tald, "I thought your place was the bay window In the dining-room." "So it Is o it Is 1" beginning with a twitter, answered the canary ; "but they aatd I talked too much 1" ending with a trill. "Talked 1" repeated the mouse, sitting up on her hind-lees and looking earnestly at him. "I thought you only sang I" "Well, singing and talking mean about the same thlug In bird-language," said the I canary. "But goodness g-r-r-raclousl" he went on, swinging rapidly to and fro In his little swing at the top of his .cage, "'t was thev that talked an much mv mlstrc ss and . . . . I tiie tlocior;s wile, anu uioiioctor asiaier no . t i.i f.. i ...i t nm I me. i iuu ecarteiy u wuru, mi yev m. um called a chatterbox, and punished before , (T.i i i. . ii company, too I I leel mad enough to pull thing, mouse, and I II tell you all about It -what they said, what I said and you shall I judge if I deserved to bo banished. ,The doctor's wife and the doctor's sis ter called. "It's a lovely day 1" said they. " 'A lovely, lovely, lovely day!" sang I. I "The sun shiues bright the sky is blue the. grass is green yes, lovely, lovely, love ly and I'm happy, happy, happy,, and glad, glad, glad 1" "They went right on talking, though I sang my very best,without paying the slight est attention to me; and when I stopped, T f-allirlit t1i wrtr.ta 'lrt bm" frnm mv mistress, and then I sang again: "Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet is th rioter sweet f. Hia rontveet thn song of the bird sweet the bird sweet the clover sweet the rose the rose the clover the bird yes, yes, yea sweet, sweet, sweet 1" And as I paused to take breath, I heard some one say, "What a noise that birdmakeal how loudly ho'sings I" "How loudly ho sings I" repeated I, how loudly he sings 1 the bird, the bird, the beautiful bird aweet, sweet, sweet, aweet ' But suddenly my song ended, for my mlstrees got up, uuhobked my cage,saylng, "Canary, you're a chatterbox ; you talk too much," and brought me In here. "And really, mouse, as you must see, I didn't say more than a dozen or so words. What do you think about it ?" "Well," said the mouse, stroking her whiskers and speaking slowly, "you didn't lay much, but it strikes me you talked a great deal." "Oh 1" said the canary, putting his head on one side and looking thoughtfully at her out of his right, bright, black, round eye. But just then tho mouse heard an approach ing footstep, and. without even saying "good-bye," eho hurried away to the hole behind tho book-case. St, Alcholat for March. What the Blind See. Mr. Levy, In his work on "Blindness and toe tillnd, says : When passing along a street I can distinguish shops from private houses, and even point out the' doors, win dows, etc., and this whether the doors be shut or open. When a window consists of an entire sheet of glass it is more difficult to discover than one composed of a number of small panes. From this it would seem that glass is a bad conductor of sensation con nected with this sense. When objects below the face are perceived the objects seem to come in an oblique line from the objects to tho upper part of the face. While walking with a friend in Forest Lane, I said pointing to a fence which separated the road from the field, "Those rails are not quite as high us my shoulder ?" He looked nt them and said they were higher. They, however, measured three incbes lower than my shoulder. When I made this observation I was about four leet from the rails. Certainly in this instance facial perception waa more accurate than sight. When the lower part of the fence is brickwork, and the upper part tails, the fact can be detected, and the line where the two meet easily perceived. Irregularities in height, projections and inundations in walls can also be discovered. A similar sense is found among the animal creation, and es pecially in bats, which have been known to fly about without striking anything after the cruel, experiment had been made of ex tacting their eyes. London Olobt. The Latest Cariosities. A fence made from tho railings of a scolding wife. A plate of butter from the .,m nr . i.t. ti, ... it :. i iii. " " chango of the moon." The.abriginal brush used In painting the signs of the times, Tbe latest contract with the trade winds, The chair in which the sun sets. A garment for tne naked eve. A buckle to fasten on a laughing stock, Tho animal that drew the Inference. An egg from the nestof thieves. A bucket of water from "All'a Well." Soap with which a man was washed overboard. The strop which is used to sharpen the I water's edge. A portion of yeast used in I raising tho wind. Tbe saucer belonging to the cup of sorrow. Illnges and locks for I the trunk of au elephant. A feather from the wings of a flying report. Aueidote of Lincoln. "One day," said Mr. Lincoln, "when 1 first got here, I got into a fit of musing in my room, and stood resting my elbows on I the bureau, Looking into the glass It struck I me what an awful ugly man I was, The I 1 fact Krew on W8 auj j matie u , min j 1 that I must be the ugliest man in the world. It so maddened me that I resolved, should - I ever see an uglier man I would shoot him at sight. Not long after this Andy " nam- ing a lawyer present) "came to town, and the first time I saw him I said to myself, 'There's the man.' I went home, took down my gun, and prowled around the streets waiting for him. He soon came along. 'Halt, Audy,' said I, pointing, my gun at him. 'Say your prayers, for I'm going to shoot you. " 'Why, Mr. Lincoln, what's the matter ? what have I done?" "Well, I made an oath that if I over saw u man uglier than I am, I'd shoot him on the spot. You are uglier cure ; so make ready to die. " 'Mr. Lincoln, do you really think I am uglier than you ?' " 'Yes.' '"Well, Mr. Lincoln,' replied Andy de liberately, and looking me squarely In the face, ' If I am any ugller,rc atwiy F Ed itor' Draxctr In Jfarpcr't Mayasine ur De cember. Subscribe fur The Columbian the Irrgest and bust paper lu the County, Can color their own Mooklan tot Ima thnn ooA ceat Dero&lr ant Col tiiii cfonr "MaciTu tihtsi Can renew or change the rotor of tncir dress, rmtoro to frratinwii nd brilliancy ladod 811KB. Mcrnoa, aipiicjui. Neckties, Itlbbooii,e,, or Impart to tbern new and lorrly shades Little troublfand nominal cost Slick or any desired color sent on receiptor hi cent, a airrerem colors vac. fosiajro stumps ed. Hend stamp tor circulars and samples. K KAIlrtKY C1IK.M1CA1, WUIlA.r M Corua od it., N.Yorlt. r. O. Hoi, 8119. dec 14, 'I7-m Jwtco PENNSYLVANIA GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Tbe attention of tbe tratelllnjf publlo li respect folly invited to some ol the merits olthn irreat high way. In tho confident aswrllon and teller tht no "J" " TV, ,'vul ""nienu. ua a route of , , Construction and the PENNSYLVANIA X-IIUIIUllVill' 11AILH0AD ,n.ii - ftnfftRiir nt thplien'd nf American railways. the line, ot -tru.i ruiia i.iid nti hoAt v nnk Hps. which nreembed- in a foonil .Uoii ci ruck PaliiiM. eighteen Inches lnd - ptn. All brtditoi are ut irun r atone, nndbulit upoh llio most, approved Mjns, lis piuwnser cars, vltta eminently kaih and substantia), nro at the samo tlmo models of comfort and elegance, THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In use on this lino well Illustrate the tar-eeln? and liberal policy or its mflnaireineiu,iii iui;uruuui;u wnicn tuo uiuuy oniy ui an mi nuiemcui. ...u ..v,, i its cost nas wen tne nucn nucsilou of consideration, Among many may bo nouccu THE BLOCE SYSTEM OP SAFETY SIOMALS, JANNEY COUPLER, BUFFER and PLATFORM, THE WHABTON-PATENT SWITCH, AND TUB WESTIHOHOUSU AIR-BRAKE, rmmihffin rnniunrtinn with a nerfect double track android-bed a combination ot sarcRiiards uealnst accidents wnicn nave renueruu mem piutuvmij possible. Pullliittli PillftCC Cai'8 are ran on all Express Trains From New York, Philadelphia, Ualtluiore and wamimiiiou, To rbleaso, Clnelnnntl, IiuUllte, Indinnapolte anil Mi. i,uniH, WITHOUT CHANCE, and to all principal points In the tar West and SoutU with but ono chanire ot cars. Connections are made In Uulou Depot, and are assured to all Important points. THE S0Z1IVBJLV OP THE PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE la nlmlttiwl tn hn tinaiirnftfluirt In the world for CTan- deur, beauty and varlet y. superior refreshment fa cilities are prov tded. Employ ecs are courteous and attentive, and It Is an Inevitable result that a trip by tho Pennsylvania ltaliroad must rorm A Pleasing anl HenoraMi Experience. Tickets for Bale at tho lowest rates at the Ticket Offices of the company In au Important cities and towns. FRANK THOMPSON, General Manager. L. P. FARMER. Gent Passenger Agent. J. K. snOEMAKER, Pass. Agent Middle DlaL, 11 north TblrJ Street, Harrlsburg, P. feb l, is-ly The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood' Magazine The Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., New York. Continue their authorized Reprints of THE EDINBURGH REVIEW tWblg.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal), THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conserva tive), THE BKITISn QUARTERLY REVIEW (Evangel ical), AND tar These Reprints aro not selections ; they give the originals in full, and at about one-Uilrd the price or tho ungUsh Editions. ' The latest advances and discoveries tn tbe arts and fieii-nt'flH. tho recent additions to knowledge in every department of literature, and all tho new pubUca- uona us uiey issue iruiu iuo preoa, uro iuiu icjwh mi and dlscuaned In the pages of these periodicals, lu language at once clear, forclblo and comprehensive. Tho articles are coaimonly more condensed and full ot matter than the average books ot the period. TerniN Tor 1878 Incliiilliip; pontage Payable strictly tn Advance. Eor any ono Review For anv two Reviews M oo per annum r or any lunu ueviews iu w For all four Reviews 12 Hi For UlackwoodH Magazine 4 (XI For Kluckwood and one Kc lew 7 oo For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 uo For Blackwood and three Revlewa 1310 For Blackwood and four Reviews 15 oo CLUBS. A discount of twenty per per cent, will bo allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus : four cop ies of Blackwood or ot one Review will bo sent to one address for $i w. four copies of the four Reviews anu uiacKwooa iur, anu so uu. To clubs ot ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis wlU be allowed to the gettter up oi inu cuiu. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (applying early) for tho year 1678 may have, without charge, the numbers for the last quarter ot 1671 ot sum periodicals as they subscriber for. Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals, may have one of tho "Four ltdvlews" for 1877 ; subscribers to all nvemay havo two of tho "Four Rev lews" or one set of Black wood's Magazine for 1S77. Neither pemlums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can bo allowed, uoless tho money la remitted direct to tho publishers. No premiums given to clubs. To secure premiums It will bo necessary to make early application, as tho stock available for that pur pose Is limited. mi r a4 tj.. ia :i,: n mo ueuuaiu ouutt x uuueuiug uu, II BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK, febl.lSls. TII0H1S II. 1UKTM1N, ALBSBT 1UKTK1H. HARTMAN BROS,, DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FUDIT, CXQAXS, TOBACCO. nurr, CONFECTIONERY. SpieOS of all kinds, QllSS & QuoenSW FINE GROCERIES, Foroign and Domcstio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions Russell's Old Stand, nUlRRT llLOCK, th door below Market street, Vloomsburg, rain- ooods deUvered to all parts ot the town AprUJT, -77-U TrjlSfAPISKEPTOK FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Siisoii Sr., PHILADELPHIA, Wliv art our ulbrlKri a scut, wid ulll reelv AlrortUmenu M eur LOWKOST CAMU UATSH, I LADIES HOMEY OF HOREHOUHD AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Congas, OolJi, IaJtenn, Hoomntti, DlBnlt BrMtMir, and all Afftctloni of tbe Tlrait, BroooMtl Talti, tii Ltngi, leading to Gonwnptlon, This Infallihlc remedy Is composed of the Honey of the plant Hntchnuml, In chemical union with Taii-Ualm, extracted from the Life Pristine of the forest tree Aheis IHLsamka, or Halm of Gik'ail. The Honey of llorehoumt soothes AND Scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-halm cleanses and hems the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful ncllon. Let no pre judice keen you from trjing this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou, sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.N. The Tar-Balm has no DAD taste or smell. TRICES 50 CENTS AND $! TER BOTTLE. Great uv'ing to buy large lue. "PiUc's Tootlinclio Drops" Curo in 1 aUuttte. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. OEITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December 14, 1877-ly THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet THIS new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether under standing music or not, to play any de sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from tholhost plaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It posses, ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring but the intelligence of a child to manlpulalc.yctcapableof rcpro duclng, without limitation, the musical compositions of the tast, present and future. The execution Is faultless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and the instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at band to perform. Address, B. F. XTEHDHAM & sow, manufacturers, 113, 145 k 117 1. 23d St, New Tort Nov. 16, ft lm. A ew Departure From the Mnnufttcturcr to the Consumer. LForCASn we will sell to tho CONSUMER ln.5uch quantities as ho may Need at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES and thus save a: MIDDLE PROFIT to tho Consumer. Before purchasing elsewhere send for our prices of STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, MONTOUR SLATE PAINTS, M0NT0UH METALLIC WHIM, MONTOUR METALLIC BROWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS SPIRITS OFTURPENTIN"E, LINSEED OIL1 1'UTTV. gamble cards and price list turuUbcd without cnore. Orders and Inquiries by mall will recelie prompt attention. HENRY S. REAY, Rupert, Pa Mays., Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF S A.FES 9 ratant Insld Molt Work an Hlngod Cap. 10 UTI COMFUT! WITHOUT nil W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. S4 Kaldea Lane, Xtar WUllaat It , WW TOI dec. t, lI-ly rtAl "pv (ireatrliance to make money. Ifjou I -v 3 II ,1 I euu b'Cl h,oiu i ou can gel ?reeu WKJXJUt tacks. We need a person every, whf re to lake HubttcrlDtloiiS to the laruefcl. chEancbl and beat Illustrated lamlly nutilleatlou la I lie world, Any one can become a successful avent. Themobt elegant works ot art then free to subscribers. The price Is ao low that almost eerybody subscribes, one agent reports making orr$iu)inaeek. A lady agent reports taking ucr 400 subtcilbcrs.intea .lavs. All who env&ce make money fabt. toucan detoto all your time to the buslnefs. or only jour spare time. You mod not be away from home oer night. You can do It as well as others. Full lurtlo- m&r. oirtciious uuu ii-iuiB iiiid uruuih RUII H pensive ouint free. If you want profitable work iuntt 11a vour addreua at once. It f-bltts nolhlnir La try the business. No one who engages falls to uiske great par. Address "l lie 1'w pit's JomnaV'i'ort. taua, jiaue. "g. iu n-iy Sprmg Goods -I BcgH leave to inform his customers nml the public, that his stock is now repleto witli all tho Novelties for Spring and Summer Wear, consisting of new nntl beautiful styles of ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. any of which he is prepared to niako lleiidV-made clotliins: cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, for Isoys lor nil nf tlm Imsf. mnkn nml Just received a full lino of all the For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED FEI-A-IXj SHIRT I For Men and Boys. Sold only by MERCHANT TAILOR, BTi003VrSBXJHC3-, IP.A.- Tlien Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third the cost ot palntlnfr, and get I. .-T TWICE AS LONO A8 Is nrcnared ready oriwln white or anv color In the iiiuiitr. . 1111111V or uhlrnluno been painted six imii'tr. , 1111111V or uhlrnluno been painted six ears, and now look as wellns whenllrst painted ICAt. rI.Nl' hdslukni HrfctrilKMIUMSnttwentyof tho Htato Fairs of the Union. Samrlecardof scntfrie. Addin.3 N. V. KN A M K I. PAINT CO., lis l'rlnce street, N. V., or IlKNIlY I I .V MN, Aktvnts tail . -Market street, I'htladclphla, l'a, July S7, '77-ly UIIKMH'.M olors neat LUKIl 0". HI- ISrdZIZEl'S Mammoth Grocery, corner BLOOMSBUBG, F., IS THE H..l'K TO nut Till! WORTH OP YOUIt money in the finest and freshest op Fancy Imported and DomesticlStaple Groceries of Every Description, Qaeeasware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, OB NICE FRESH PllODUGE. . Jan 1, 18IT. IS THE LAEGM WEWSPIPME AND HAS THE OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin. THE DIFFERENT IN THIS PAPER OF THE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL All Kinds ol Printing done on at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE BLOOMSBURG, PA, AT PRIVATE SALE, Willow Vale Estate 3 The A Valuable property, li Inc In J'rarAUn township, Columbia county, rennsylvanta, on the eafct branrn ot KoarlDKcrcek. It ronalbUof a beautirul farm ol about ISO ACRES, on wnlch are erected a commodloua ami comforta ble Duelllnj House, a large Hank tnru, Cider Tieaa, and al neceaaary out-bulldinga. It baa erowlng upon It abundance or excellent fruit, baa a well ot water at both tho dwelling bouse and barn, and la convenient ot acccfcaby public roads. OS'IV Adjoining aud being a pari ol tho same, but will be add separately If desired, about the acres ot Ilia abo e lands, w hereon are erected a large CUSTOM, (HOST AMD FL0U1IIN0 illlX, with four run of atone, a Dwelling House, a aw Mill, a Dry Goods Btoru and Dwelling House, and other Improvements, together w ltli the water-pow er and appurtenances thereto. The WIIIom vale 1'ont Ollice It on the premises. It Iswlthlu easy reach of Cala- wlnsa, Centralla, Aibland, Mount Carrnel and other raining towns for market purposes. Tho property Is bounded by lands of Munson, and Artley, and Hheeta, and D. Hower and others. The two described properties will be sold separately or together to suit purchasers. For terms apply to Kllas Mendtnnall, K. II. Drinker or John 11. Freeze, at lilooinsburg, l'enn a, kb.B, 'lilt this rarau is ox hlk with R DWELL k pHLSMAN . Advertising V Agent, IHIRP CHESTNUT T T. t.OUl. Mu Srimig ooste! II 'Ik'l I i.' ,liJ JL up in tho latest stylo. unuureti. at the lowest nrices. latest styles in color and quality of a paint that Is much handsomer, and will ANY 0T1IKU PAINT. desired. Is on many thousands ot the finest buildings ears, and now look as wellns whenllrst painted of Main and Centre streets. STYLES OF TYPE Plain and Fancy short notice and OF THE COURT HOUSE, GLAZING AND PAPERING. "TJ7"M. F. BODINE, Iron Street below acc- T ond, Uloomsburg, l'a., Is prepared to do al kinds ot PAINTINO, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING. In the boat styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. 1'artlca baring such work to do will save money calling on me. All work warranted to glvo satisfaction. Orders solicited WM. F. BODINE. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Health ond llapplne&B ait) priceless Wealth to their po&et&Gm, and jet they aru vltlitu tbe rtutb U c- cry one wuo vtiu ube WRIGHT'S L1VEB PILLS, The only sure CUIUS for Torpid Liter, Dyspepsia, Headaihe. bour Hlomath. Coubtlrutlon. litbliitv. Nausea, aud all llllllous complulnlsand lllood dis orders. Wone genuine unlebs signed "Hw, bright, i'hlla." If jnur Iruvglst will not suprly send ts ems for ono box to liairiik, Holler & Co1e H.Mi ku, I'Liia. jan. , 7-iy nr ALT.X3ET.on. euRBiMLVKrscrTiir:- THROAT.UJNQS.UVER & BLQQU In tho womtcrful medicine to which the nfflietei. mo nboe illrpriM for irhcf, tho itlnrnvfrrr lc hotM ha lift rninlilnctl hnnnont tnmenf X.i. lure'n fnrcioipn rurntlvo imvcrtle, which (irw h'.ii InMHUil Into tho tcgctnbla Llugilom fr heal ing the nick. Hum hcic ncr licforr ci..l.ncl tn ine medicine. The c htenrcof thl fact I found In ttic tixcAl variety or iimMoimitMtculseasci which it h:i4 tceu found to enn'iicr. lu the chic of llronrliltla, Severe Couclm, ami the eaily p tape a of :iii.uiiitlloii, It ha a(onUlicil tho inciuiy. nit-i oimncnc tuivician pro iimiiicc It tho picaicst mcllvnl discovery of tho Hfv't"' While It cure the nrvciet ('ongln. It Mn,nfrthcn4 tho pvstein ninl iMirlflt'M tho IiIimmI. II r ll pt eat nml thorough hl'MHl.purifv iiif iniertlc9, It cures nil Hntunr. from the nrti srrtuiun 10 a roniinon motcii. iiin te.or llrtipltniu Meicurlnl ilii-easc, Mineral oiou. an. I their effect, arc eradicated, nml vitro rou a health ami a uniiml conmitutlnii mtalx llihed. llryslpelnH, Siitt-rlieuiii, I'evcr Stires, Scaly or IIuukIi SUIii, hi uliort. all the tiutueioiu dlenseei ciucd hv hail hlnod, nrc cnit'iiieieti nr mi )ioeuti, purityiiiff, ami in viyniulln medicine. If rou frel dull, tiro war. dehilltatril. hate in How color of Mn, or j ellowish hi mm iiou on faco or uo"iv, irt'(iicni iienuacno r iiiz7iiHMft, oai laste in mouth, Iniernnl heat or chilli alternated with hot flushi'. low nH It, and cloomv forehoillnirs. Ir- icirular nppetltc, and ton cue co.nel. vrnt nro fiiflertng from Torpltl la rr, or HtlloitH iicn." jn many ruc-t oi i.iver t-om-llniiit only i.ut ot lhe.o pvnipinun mu cx- n'rifiirru. ds ;i rfini'iv ir mi fhi'H raui, nr. 'ifn'n'1 Cnlili'li Mi' DUfNiioi'i li.ui..u.iiil as It etect cifeet ruics, leaving the lixcr SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT $1 Pi r JT1LE. I'reparcl lir II. V. I'lIIIII'i:, .11, I).. flc iTniiricmr, iu inu uuui.n.s in.srK.ssAKV. illldnln. S. 1 . Sop. 21, TJ-tf Th,i Cul llluilral.ilh. Mlnntro'! IJl l'llQItClO'H I'l Fountain Natal Injoctor, DOUCHE, This instrument Is especially designed for the ocrlt'Ct application of DR. SAGE'S OATAERH REMEDY. It Is the only form of instrument yet indented with which fluid medicine cm be carried hifjh up and perfectly uj'pltett to nil pftit of the affecied naal ptsages, and the chamieior cavities com municatltiK therewith, lu which gores and ulcers frequently exist, ami from which the catairhal Uncharge generally proceed. The uunt of llc rss lu treating Catarrh hereitore has ariacn largely from the impoasihilltv of applying rem edies to these cat ities mid chnmhera by any of ue on Unary methods. This obstacle in the way of effecting cures Is cntliely overcome by the inven tion of the Douche. Its use ts pleasant am) bo simple that n child can understand It. Full and explicit direction accompany each intni mcnt. When tneil with thU Instrument. Dr. Saee'a Catarrh Itemed? cures recent attacks of Cold In tho Head" by ft ft3 few applications. ESCATARRH iS SYItIl'TO?I."l-Frcilieilt headache, ilincliarge falling Into throat, fonic tlina iirolilrc, watery, lluck mucin, purulent, offensive, etc In others, a ilrynciii, dry, watery, went, nr liillanied cres, stopping up, or obstruc tion, of nanal passages, ringing In cars, deaf ness, hawking anil coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, si-alts from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, iillenslvc breath, Impaired or total deprivation of eense of smelt and uslc, dizziness, mental ilcire.ion, loss of appetite, indigestion, enl.irged tonsils, tlckllns cough, ctr. onlvnfcw ot thee symptoms aro likely 10 bo present In any case at one time. nr. Satro'B Ilcnteilr, when used Willi llr. I'lerco'. Nnnnl llomlie, and ar couiunieil ltli the cnnatltutianal ti eminent w Inch is recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each bottle ot the llemeily, is a perfect spccillc lor this loathsome. ilife.ic. It Is mild and pleasant to u-e, containing no 6trnng or caustio drugs or unison. '1 lie Catarrh Keniedy is sold at 50 cents, Douche nt on cents, by all Druggists. 7". l'Ii:ilCi:. .V. IK, J'l-oj.'r, limwi.o. N. Y. Sep. 23, 'IT-tf The Lightest Running, The Simplest, The Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It It easily uiulemtood, make the Jollble-tlircnd loek-Kllteli, Ansaelr reculatlus lenalon ami take-up, unit etH do (Aewliolo rauye of family trurk without chance. Ttte lfc Domestic U moif. I f he matt durable manner, telth conical eteel bearing' and compeneatlna Journal throughout. 1 PAPER FASHIONS. Tltcie popular PATTEIIN8 (or lattice; tutors', and children' dre, are cut on a ayalem auperlor to any In Iter, and can be underttood by any one. J'lt direction unit lltmtroflom vn each envelope. Send Tire Ccnte for Illustrated Cata logue of lOOU l'athlon. Sewins Machine Co., Now York. I. W, HARTMAN, Anent "Domestic" Paper Fashions Bloomshurg;. UecembcrK, H'7-ly "DMINISTltATOU'S NOTICE. ETATI 0' TUOllia KHEiULUU. nrrvlsrn. U ttera of AdmlnUiratlon ou the eatato of 'I Loin us Krtuler late ot hcott township. Columbia county, IU. deeenbcd, hate U en t-ruuud ty the fteglnter of aald county lo tho undersigned Administrator of liloouishurg. All persona liatlng clalma against the ckUiUi of the decidciit are requested to present Iheiufor billliineiit, and those Indebted to the c. i.ic uj tuam-o iuj uieui, 10 iuu uuuersigneu Aatninia- Irator without delay, . , , V)UJaM KnKSSLEIt,'Tbdrr AdailuUtrilor, mm WISTAR'S BALSAM WJSTAR'S BALSAM OF OF WILD CHERRY WILD CHERRY OUHUH Cohh, fiire Throat, Jfoartcnm, every Ajfietion, OF TIIK THROAT, LUNGS AND QUEST, l.XGI.UUINU KVKM CONSUMPTION. FllOMKI.DKH It. UOIt.MAN, A MtNlSTKItOFTlIE n08PKL IN tlLOVKIl, VT, "I havo been troubled for Buvcrnl years with a dlf Ilculiy of tho heart and lungi j hatu applied to sev era plijslcl.tni for help, nmftmo tried inmost every reu edv recoinmeuded, without receiving any nsili tancf, but had been grjnlu? weaker and weaker, tuitll, hearing of VItai'a liiilcnm nf Mild rberr? nliont a jciir sliuc, I commenced uslngltwliii lirf. ,u,-,iuti,i irun. 11 n,i nut uni,v icsiorrn my iiing.H lo 11 sound state, but I am entirely rellcfed vt II111 illf, llculty or rtlwnso ot tho heart, t lmtii no hoMfillou In K.i log that It li thn bit lung mcdlclnn beloro tho publl , and I cheerfully nml conrtcli'iitlously re commend it loall persons surrcrlng with pulmonary eompl lnts " Wistar's HSalsam Wistaf's Balsam of Wild Cherry. oi' Wild (Jhcrry. FIIOMMItS. 1HAA0 SIOOIIE, OF ItlCIIMONl), VT, "Some Ihreo ears Mnco I was attacked wltlia severe eouifh, soreness nnd Irritation ot Iholuntri, to which was added nsthmalh nsevern form. Dur ing the Ilrt ear I tried si etnl of tlm most popular medicines nt the diy.btit rerelvcd no real relief, and l had almost despaired of over refrnlnlnir my health when I waa Indueed to try Dr. Istnr's Hal sum of Wild fhrry, which veiy soon relieved me, My eoiij-h brcamii loose, the soreness mil Irritation 1II9- apiienreu, nun iny Beneininoaiin tf-nn 10 menu. iiiiiiiiuii'ii us ii'C mm 11 lew oouies rcioieo ino in teller health than I eer honed to enlov iienln. f believe the IUH1111 to bo thu most unable remedy tnar can ue iounu," Wistar's B ilsam Wistar's Ealsatn of Wild Cherry, of Wild Cherry. ritOM 11ENJAMIN WIIUKLKli. STATION AGENT AT SOUTH KOVALSTOX, MAbS, Iwns mo-t severclv nmicted with a hard, drv cough with IU usual oecompanlment ot night sweats completely prostrating-my nervous s stem, and pros trating mv nervous siHit'in, nnd producing: Bucha debilitated state of llealtti that, after trying medical niu iu no purpose, i nnu given iin hu uopeorever recoverlnj?, as had also my frlenus. At this stage of matters I was prevailed upon, through the influence of a try wistar's Hal sain, though with no belief whatever In Its truly wonderful curative properties, ana wrore using two uoaies tne eneex was almost magical. My cough entirely lert me tho nlpht Kweats deserted n.e, hopo once more elevated my depressed (ipirits, and soon I had attained my wontt-d Rtreiiirt h nml vl?nr. T lins Iiom this Hulsam. as has oiten tn-en remarked by persons conversant with the above facts in this vicinity literally snatch ed me from the grave. Yon nro at liberty to use thLs lorinu ueneni oi uie nnuciea." Wistar's Balsam Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. of Wild Cherry. Is prepared by seth v. FOWLK i; SONS. 60 Har rison ntenuc, Uoston, Mass. sold by dealers cen erally. so cts. and (1 a bottle. maich Dr.A.G.i)L!N'S rrifta ItndUl, 1 tju Mulling n ptrf of I'rlvulo naluw, multlni from mlji ubuMf FmUIuii, LoHM of Mem or' r Inriftloti m tutor Pcminni rsi. npni jifoaunnt j, lmpl 1 jScl-TOU lm, hi.l ft lltV-lonK 1 inerint. ml cure hrn Othf fail. eftniuHl Psr hoot, ue tto inerrurv. hu lha luvnl ("V (Win lb U. S. I, llh.H reauiiinti iMintrnt with prlliito liomi and bowd, callor wriw. ty ronvt nirtir fur tth!iiu Rend fifty runU fi inpl ftf nblr (looili and Hr rular of litiportint Infunoatlon bytipraa. IIL OLI'H irTITlTiTn n TTTTT1 S ran. ffmteJk ufinn I ml.l II atrrd of Utn Sue- uii nil ilUam pftu txtlurr. ValuabU altiti to ll 1 iturl, t ti id tr roDtmilatlii( !iinrrin.u, tl'tw to I tniliiYm n I. .f In ilia tnarrfed nl lUrn. htrrrylnxty thouU fell tltU Look, iWn 6 cauU, loaoyaJ" aug. 11, 17-iy It & o RAIL ROAD TIMETABLES JpiIILADKM'IIA AND l.KADINCI 110AD AitUANOKJIENT OF l'ASSKNGEU TUAINS. May si, 1876. TaiiNi, LKAVE KCFKKT A8 lOLlOWR (FrMA 1'XClllK For New York, Philadelphia, Keadiiiff, 1'ottsMllo Tamaqua, Jtc, 11,33 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,33 u. m. 5,47 and 7,3C p. in. For VUllaiiiiiport,o,'is a. m. and 4,00 p. in. TiUINSrOU KCrEKT LE1VS 18 FOLLOWS, (StKDiT K CE1TKD.) Leave Now York, 8,45 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,13 a. m. Lcavo Ileadlnj, 11,3 1 a. m., I'ottsvllle, 1S.15 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,23 p. in. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 c,?5 a. m. and 4, (hi p. in. Leave Wllllauinpoi t ,o,si a.m,l!,no m. and B,oo p. m l'assensera nnd from New York and l'hllado phla bo throuu a w ithout change of cars. J. II. WOtlTThN, C. 0, HANCOCK. licucral .Manager, tleueral'llcket Agent, Jan. u, isin tt. NOKTHEKN CKXTKAL ItAIUVAY COMPANY. On and after November 20th. 1873, trains w 111 leave SUNUUltYas fullowai NOHTHWAHD. Krle Mall 6.10 a. in., arrive Elmlra li , r " Canandnlgua. . . 3.35 p. m Itochester 0.15 " Nlnp-nt',1 . . u j.i li Ilenovo accommodation ll.lo a. in. arrlto Williams rt 18.55 n. m. a. m., arrive Elmlra lo.soa.m. uunaio uspress 7.15 a. in. an It o lluftalo s.511 a. in bOUTIIWAllI). UuBalo Kxpress 2.50 a. in. aritve Ilai rlsburg 4.50 a. in " llaltlmore 8.10 Elmlra Wall 11.15 a.m., arrive Ilarrltburgl.60 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " llaltlmore 0.30 " Washington 8.30 " Itarrlshurg accommodation s.4op. ni.arrltu Hart la burg 10.50 p. m, arrive Haltlmoro s.!s a. in " Wiuhlnglon 0.13 ' Krle Mall 12.53 a. ra.arrhollarrlsbuigaosa. mj " Haltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35" 1 1 Ml dally except Sunday. 1). M, BOYIi, Jr., Ucncral l'awengcr Agen A. J. CAbSATT, Ccnerul Manago XJ WESTKllN ltAlLUOAl). i,i,An.tiu' LACKAWANNA AND LUOAl). HLOOMSBURQ DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, TaLea effect at 4:30 A, M MONDAY, NOVEMllElt S2 1675. NOHT1I, STATIONS. SOUTH. a,m. p m. p.m! p.m. p.m. a.m, 8 05 3 68 8 LI 3 61 IU 11) I 10 3 42 t 4l 3 31 I S3 3 82 7 II 3 27 7 2 4 23 7 18 II 10 7 10 3 17 7 15 3 17 7 07 8 13 7 03 3 IW I 68 8 04 5 61 3 Id t 45 2 64 0 80 2 42 6 10 2 8l 0 UII I 25 1 02 3 12 D 65 2 13 9 4s 9 43 Krniilon .unlet ue luilunUle.,., ,,,!,ackiiw'anna... I'lttsion ,. West inthtou,. ..... Wjommg Mallby liennett Kingston Kingston ,. I'l) mouth June. .... I'l) mouth ...... .Avondale....,, NantIcoke.. Muntock'Htreek. .Wilckshlnny.,., ....Hick's Ferry... ....lieacb llaten... ....... lierwlck .... 9 88 9 48 V 63 9 38 2 24 e so 8 33 II 43 0 (P 0 ts 7 01 7 ts) 7 U 0 81 9 81 10 (l 9 26 9 UI 9 13 2 88 2 40 2 62 2 68 8 04 8 17 10 on 10 11 10 ic 9 11 9 01 in no 10 23 9 06 9 16 10 21 8 111 7 IS 10 27 3 17 7 25 8 69 8 66 8 61 8 48 8 411 e 8o, e 19 8 11 8 U 8 12 7 68 7 64 7 40 7 411 7 80 7 80 7 20 7 11 10 32 3 Vt 7 SS 10 S3 I 21 7 40 10 40 3 82 7 42 10 44 3 87 I 63 10 62 8 45 8 (0 11 IB 4 UI 8 25 11 17 4 IS 8 40 11 23 4 81 8 tS 11 SI 4 ill II IS 4 87 ....llrlar Creek.. ...Willow drove. 9 OS E 62 2 10 6 48 2 l 0 60 0 60 7 20 7 08 7 40 11 KV 11 43 4 41 5 40 6 84 6 28 D 23 6 20 6 13 4 65 4 60 4 85 p.m. 1 68 1 S3 1 48 1 43 1 41) 1 25 1 1 1 IS 1 OU p.m. .uine lunge Epy...... Uloomsburg,. . Ilunert 4 48 4 M 0 19 11 61 11 57 18 j 6 (8 7 43 12 07 6 14 7 62 18 10 6 20 8 6S 12 23 6 88 8 20 12 23 6 47, 8 40 19 8 6 62 8 47 12 61 10 9 IS Catawlssa Urldge. ..liarsa owiicu ... .Iianvllle Chulaa y(,. Cameron 7 04 7 0 6 45 a. in. .Northumberland. P:.n.-.X'h'-:"l , e. iialoibau, bupi, nr.iu cu it- n t e, Hrmdon, im-o. 10, iio. ONE Parlor I'lcture primed In 10 colors 25MBitiiur cards with sour name linely printed. 10 Ulrtatlom ojds 1U Klifflk If WIHi.r. IKifc llfllv for M tftotu flrtirt ii.s... J. urta. l uuiur. 6 ti-im. ' i... i,., j l"!'!Vly' tenia, (renalvit tlckns or i,n ummk lino.. 4M, ctuauut tt. I'mjidi.inLia Mr UUII dHA 'i4.triii . Ii...'i...-."! war, 8,W-ly - Couqht, l nooning Vouijh, Jnjlucma, Jironchiti, Urovp, J'atn in the tide and llrctit, Spitting lllood, Quinnj, J'iilhitic, and