The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 15, 1878, Image 3

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Rail Itoad Time Table.
...45A.M. 7.63 A.M.
. 7.89 A. l 4,19 p. M
,. 1.60 P. M. 11.67 A. II
Accommodation Train,
Mall Train
Express Train
" " e.M P. M.
north. norm
Accommodation Train o,js A. M. 7,87 p. Jl.
ltcgular Express 4.04 p. M 11,83 A. M.
Throngh earn on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and Wllllamsport,
Wank petitions nml bonds for Hotel and
ltestaurniit licenses for salo nt this office, 26
cents n set,
Robert Friend lias gone to Indianapolis, In
diana where be expects to take up his abode for
the future.
Ethereal mildness came last week, but it
stayed onljr a few days. While here It was the
most delightful of weather.
Mr. John H, Townsend who was confined to
the bouse for several days by Illness, Is able to
attend to business again,
The Wllliain4K)rt bond case was heard again
last Mouday on a motion to dissolve the Injunc
tion, It will be decided in a few days,
A friend In need Is a friend !ndeed,a!d a gen
tleman the oilier day, who had been cured of
it terrible cough by Dr, Haas' Expectorant.
ltev. O. D. 8. Marcluy and family arrived
last week Thursday, A reception was given
thetn at the I.'illier.m cliurc'.i by the congregation.
A Mule son of Prof. Q. Wilbur abnnt.T.
nnd a half old died at the Normal Bchool on
Sunday night. W are Informed that It was
aken with croup and afterwards bad convul
ions. The funeral tervlces were held In tl,
chapel on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, The
lUicled parents hare the sympathy of the com-
uiunlly in their trouble.
Stamp Yoitn Own Lett mis, Postmasters
have received orders from the Postmaster lien-
eral that they hereafter will not bo allowed to
llich stamps to letters for anyone, Kvery
person mtSst, therefore, lick his or her own
stamiw. This order Is given that no blame
may be attached to the officials In case letters
hould miscarry.
Tho last meeting of the creditors of N. Ilecse.
bankrupt, was held last week, at the office of
Col. S. Knorr. A dividend was made, and the
signeca discharged. Br the rronipt and care
ful management of Messrs. ltarkley and Knorr,
the estate was made to pay a little over 42 per
cent. It Is not often In this district that Bank-
ptcy proceedings are completed within a
Moycr Bros, have commenced operations on
e old Knpert Block, and propose to Improve
by numerous repairs. The first floors have
lecn lowered to a level with the street, the win
dows will all bo changed nnd the roof raised to
ake a full third story. There will bo three
store rooms on the first floor. We understand
that his enterprising firm will erect a three story
brick building on tho corner of Main and Mar
ket streets next summer.
f the terrible fact that carpet-baggers have write to his father. Neither of the wounds aru
been managing our town affairs for Hie past considered fatal. The doctors arc attempting
We can
S2i0, or a
furnish a new Marvin safe worth
Terwilliger safe worth $125, at a
For Information apply at this of-
wo yean. Just think of U I The President of
the Town Council was not born in llloomsburg
and only moved here about twenty seven years
ago, and the other carpet bat; members have
livnl here only from 15 to 30 year-i. What are
we coming to 7
No Opium 1 No Morphia or other dangerous
drug is contained in Dr. Bull's Biby Syrup, for
tho relief of Colic, Teething, etc. l'ricj 25
All the small curs in town aro barking now.
Tliat other little concern down town gives us nn
invitation to advertise it by putting its name In
our columns, but-we don't take hints.
Dr. W. Howell has removed his Dental room
from Hartman's block to those next Miss
Workheiser nearly opposite the Episcopal
church, Main street.
Mr. Merceron of Catawlssa has placed upon
our table a beautiful borjuet, composed of pinks,
heliotrope, and other fragrant flowers, for
which he has our thanks.
Itartraan Brothers have moved Into Stcr-
ner'a store room while the work on the old
llupert block is in operation. They will move
back into a much improved storo room.
Josephine, a little daughter of Her. J. P. and
Catharine A. Tustin fell a victim to scarlet fever
on the 13th inst., aged 2 years, 8 months and 5
days. She suffered with the disease about three
weeks. We sympathize with the afflicted family
Be sure and call for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
if you are troubled with a bad Cough or Cold
It will give you relief. For sale by every re-
fpectable Druggist. One bottle 25 cents ; five
tattles for $1,00.
Candidates' names will be inserted and kept
in until the Convention nt the following rates
l'rothonotury, llegister and Recorder, Hepre
sentatives, Treasurer, $ each, Commissioners
$3 Perms cash in advance.
The Democratic Standing Committee will
meet Saturday, March 30th in the Grand Jury
r.. e... ..,,,. ,.r i.;n ,t..t.,,..,i,.., ,,.
the State Convention.
Daviii LoWESDEitn, Chairman.
Orders filled after this Jute, for those tha
want eggs for hatching from the largest an
best collection of Pure breed Fowls in this vi
cinity. Apply to Du. II. F. Kinney,
Blootmburg, Pa.
They talk of putting a fence around the towi
of llloomsburg in order to turn it into pasture
land in which to pasture the "mot man's cow.'
We hope they'll put that big ml in, too, whicl
h is bleated so lustily for the cow. Ind, Week-
u. A. Clark lias added still more to the ap
pearance of Ids fine store by painting the frame
work of the windows a dark color trimmed will:
gilt. The curtains In the windows are also u
improvement. Mr. Clark is one of our progres
aire men.
The Means House at Towanda was entirely
destroyed by fire last Friday morning. Loss
on furniture about SdO.OOU. The bouse was
kept by T. K. Jordan, and enjoyed the reput
tion of being one of the best hotels In northern
The Spring term of the Normal School will
open April 1st. Send to ltev. D. J. Waller J
Principal, lor a catalogue. This school is con
stantly advancing in reputation. Its faciliti
are the very best, and the location cannot be
surpassed in ihe stale.
Harry Woodward, son of Judge W. J. Wood
ward of the Supreme Court, formerly of Blooms
burg, died at the residence of his father
Heading, week before last, of consumption. He
was twenty six years of age, and said to be
lawyer of much promise.
There Is a remedy In use many long years,
and tried by thousands with happy effects. It
can have no superior, and has no equal for the
prompt relief and cure of croup, coughs and
colds. We allude to Dr. Core's Wild Cherry
and Setieka. Header, try it.
counr rROCKKMNos.
Court met on Monday last pursuant to ad
journment, William Elwell, President Judge,
and I. K. Krlckbaum and Franklin Shuman,
Associates on the bench.
M. E. Cox, S. J. Case, and N. P. Fowler were
appointed tipstaves for tho first week nnd O.
W. Foster and Michael Walter for the second
Lyons vs. Eves. Case Irlcd, nnd a verdict
relumed by tho jury for plaintiff of $13'S7,
Deputation of Abram W. McCulliim by Oeo.
W. Hurleymen, constable of Benton township
npproved by the Court.
We clip the following from the Elk county
Gazelle of the 7th in-t., published at St. Marys.
Attkmptkh Suicide. This morning nbout
7 o'clock, a genteelly dressed young man madu
his appearance at the Franklin house, in this
borough and slated that he hid been shut by
two men, who afterwards robbed him, Ho repre
sented that the crime had been committed about
a mile wist of town, a little before dark last
evening. The one side of his face was covered
with blood and his general appearance Indica
ted exhaustion. He stated that he was shot In
the left ear and In the stomach. He was taken
to a room, and placed In a bed. UKin cxamln
tng tin wound In the stomach it was found that
the shirt and undershirt was burned with pow
nd upon being questioned he admitted tlist
he had made an attempt to kill himself. H
then gave his name as J. II. Kitchen, his home
is in Columbia county, his father lives in Co-
The silverware delivered by th National
Sllw-Platlng Co. No. 704 Chcalnut Street,
Philadelphia, Is giving entire satisfaction. All
orders are promptly filled, and no one nerd
hesitate about sending Ihtm money. Lnrnn
March 15 -lw.
A liaodsome locomotive, for exhibition at
Paris Is being constructed at tho Hetdlng
railroad simps in U lading. The loomollvo
will bo about the samo style as the f neitio
sent from tlio Heading shops to the ccnteu-
nlal exhibition in 1870, with tho exception
ol the newly patented attachment for burn
ing coal dirt and very small pea coal.
Croaking Is not confined to the Frog Ponds.
At this season almost everybody Is hoarse
The bleating of distressed lungs Is henrd every
where. Why Is this, when Ifale't Honey of
lloiehound awl Tar will cure any cough, cold
or horaseness In 48 hours 7 Sold by all Drugg
ists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute.
March 15.
The Sliver Dollar.
Coinage Begun at Ihe Philadelphia Mint.
Saving a Specimen for the I'rttidtnl.
Owing to the limited circulation of a small
hcet, there are but few people who are aware
A smnll but interested crowd of mint employ-
ccs gathered around the great coining machine
nt tho mint Monday afternoon to witness tho
turning out of the first silver dollar. The dies
were finished soon after noon and tho process
liitubts esunty, and his post office address is of adjusting them to the press occupied some
Central I. (J. Columbia county, Pa. Ilia ago little time. After trying half a dozen planch
he states is ill. He refused lo give any reason
fur the rash act, and b'gged that no one should
Priceless Discovery,
A Sure Cure for Piles.
A sure euro tor the blind. blcedtnir. Itching and ill-
cersteil piles lias been discovered by It. WiillanMan I
mourn renvoi; cauca nr. wunaina inniau uiui i
mml. A sine In box hns cured tbe it oral old chronic I
casesof twenty-five and thirty years' standing. n
ono need unr nvo minutes alter applying- una won
derful soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and
electuaries do mere harm than good. William's
ointment Mipports tho tumors, allays the Intense
Itching (pp rtleulatlv at night alter getting warm In
lied), rets as a poultice, gives tnstmit and painless
relict, nnd Is prepared only forPlles andnoihliisr
else, 'llinnrands of cured patients attest It vlitues
nnd physicists of all schools pronounce It the ureal
est contribution to medicine of Ihtaim. ltlnattcrs
not how long or severely you havo been suffering, I
you can do curea.
jiir .itisepu ju. ityncr, uieveiana. unto, wriujs i i
surfered foryenrswlth Itchlngand Ulcerated lues,
tried remedy after remedy advertised, aod consulted
)ii,bti laus ill I iiiuuivi)ii,., v.iu-.iiiiiu,i.
and this city! and spent hundreds of dollars, but
found nn relief until 1 obtained a box of Dr. Williams I
Indian ointment tome lourmonins ago. ana mm
cured inn completely. I bad a part of the box lclt
wmcu i irav o . io n inena in m no w nu nnu owmrai
wiinmnny rnynnans, nnn as a issirrsoru wbiu ui i
thi noted Hot hi-rlnqs. Arkansas for trostraent
lie Informs inethat the Indian ointment hns also I
cured him of tho piles. U Is certainly a wonderful
discovery, and should bo used by tho many thou-1
sands vl.o are now suffering with that dread dis
f "llo,ono Howard will bo paid for a more cenain
remedy, fold by all Prugglsts. lilt. u. W. KltA-
7.IKK, solo proprietor, uieuiana u.
nr ('old. whpn B5 contfl will buv n bottle of Dr. Frtt
vipr'A f'miffh Mrun t nnv drutr Rtori. It has
wrought a complete change m (he Couch Medicines, I
ir- Pr. Frnrler'a Cough Kyrup used In connection
witn lt. rraziero lioot uiiiers wiu.llkbcujssivj.i--
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
as at present constituted, offers the very best facilities tor Professional and Classical learning. ,,, i,i .ntvnf mire soft
jus, Inviting and commodious s completely heated by steam, w ell ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pun.son
to remove the ball from his head this afternoon.
The other bail has not been found. It is be
lieved lie will recover.
,u,':s 1 KonTABLfc. -ino ivuiiamtpon c,ay an, UmUy 0 t,,e evt,in(. of ji4tcll 7tt,, ,oaltlHl in their respective envelopes numbered
ets the foreman of tho coining room. Mr. Al
bert Downing, announced that all was ready
Mnjor llosbysheli, the chief coiner, appeared
with a dozen Utile envelopes, nnd Mr. 1'oliock ,
the .Sunerintcndent. and Mr. Morcan. tho en
graver, fctood by to loot on. Mr. Downing
then took a dozen polished plnnchels and ad
justing the machine far a single revolution of
the wheel put one in. Tho lint was slightly
defective nnd was promptly defaced and thrown
back. Ten coins wrro then ktnmpcd nnd dc-
authorities are now directing their efforts to
hava dissolved nn injunction issued by Judge
i'.lwell, forbidding the city treasurer to pay out
money for any purpose. The city is in a truly
nfurtunatc position, having money in tho
bank which draws but three per cent., while a
I in the order of coining. The eleventh, proved
a faulty planchct and was also rejected. These
twelve coins were reserved and then steam was
turned on and the coining began nt '$.5. When
tho press is working nt full speed it will make
by the E. L. Church of our borough, was high
ly creditable to the committee who arranged it
and lo the congregation.
The altar nnd pulpit were tastefully nnd
beautifully decorated, above the pulpit and
lianllu utir-tr' lit m.u.u. nml ...mmenl w.m I QO nntn. n l.,nln n.i.l it.nvn uni A nifll-lilnAt 111
UUaU8 uuv . ,u,.g u)j wmc. cUB is ,.er (le worJ . W() The0 Welcoiue." the mint capable of making silver dollars. Pre
V "u. m- Appropriate selections from the Scriptures Burning that these machines run without stop
sport s nnnnciai genius,uut u isn t prontouie. , b j. . , t an(1 . . ... . , work Thua,v.
lnuaaupnia jipkj. fitliiitf liraver was ofn-re,! bv Kev. Mitchell, thev can turn nut S150.000 a dav. but the other
The Bloomaburff corresnondent of the Moun-1 I'- Manharl, on behalf of the congregation departments cannot furnish the material as fast
tain vWto in speaking of the little o00 sheet bade them welcome to their "hesrlhs and hearls, that. The dies used Mouday afternoon were
h ' I .1.. .!-..!... .i ....t.-. i, ij i.. I .i. -. i. . ir i... ......
standard Ktpsm ljinndrv. Cleveland. O. Oct. Se.tC
tin. FRizisiL Dear Hlr: I feel lt a duty I owe lo
suffering humanity to write jou. Kor some time 1
was sorely aflllctcd wllh a cough, raising bad sturr,
v. lih evcrv sj inptom of lielng n connrmed consump
tive. I tried dllTcrentlneillilnes and cures wllhout
niidlm: relhfj 1 also consulti-d three of our most
prominent Cleveland phMc!ans, the last one of
which pronounce my cicse serious, and Informed mo
that 1 could not lire more than atew months. About
this lime, hearing oi yourwonuenuisuccehs, l com
menced Inking jour bjrup In connection with ) our
ilnal Hitler-., nnil wns lit once trt-nf fitted, and after
using the medicine some two months I nnd myself
cnureiv curea. ii,iiniiiuc iiuisis.
ir- Mr. tiunn oirnln writes, under dato of Auirust
i. 1st: nr. Krn7ler. 13ear yir i I can endorsu lour
medliines more strongly than ever from the fact
that It Is now nearly one year since Iwascurid.
My lumrs are to-dny strong and sound, haMngno re
turn or tho dle-eabe.
tir The ahovo Medicines speal; for themselves.
Int. 11. w. KltA.lbK. iTopneior i;ievi'iana, u.
For Sale by all Druggists.
Dec. 14. isTT-ly
Ilulldlnirs SDaclous.
Pffiation hoalthfuL nnu easy of access. Toachers eip.'rlcnccd, cmclen and allrc to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kipenscs
moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expoctlng to teach, students admitted al any timo. jtooins rcsen en n ucu ui-u
Courses of study prcscrlocd uy the btaic t
I. Model School. 11. I'reparatorr. Ill, Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. HI. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Coune m Physical Culture.
The Elementary. Kcleutlflo and Classical Courses aro PKOFESS1U.SAU and StudenU graduat ng therein, receive sww iJipioma i-un;
corresponding Degrees ; Master of the Klemcnt-s; Master of tho sciences! Master of tho Classics, uraddates in me oiuer courses m-cni.
lueir aiiainmems.. signeu iiv ino fuicers oi inu nu.iru ui irustees. ..... .rt n, - v.t rnlleires
l no course OI Mun y prescnuea uy ine ?uue is nuerai, anu ino .-tcienitnc aaa Classical i-our--s are iiui iuiri iui w ...u . ----- rhv ,.,,,.1,1,11.,, inlclll-
Tho Ktate requlresa higher order of cltlzensuin. The times demand It. It Is one of the prime objects of this school .'P,80" 'K inroli ! theVr Umo
gent nnu emcieni l eacners lor ner rcnoois. 10 inn enn 11. souths young persons 01 pnhiaumuHttuu 1"-,'--0. "'.,-r-', "VnV , .rteuvlnt-School
anq tneir taieuis, as Muuenis. 1 0 an sucu. it promises am in ueveioping tneir powers, ana aouuuut uiiiiuituAiv.vo .v. .
catalogue, address the Principal.
HON. WII.I.14.1I Will. 1., rresldrnl Hoard of Tru.te
rwpt. s,
partly printed here, says :
In the first issue after the closing of the polls
that paper claimed a victory for Labor over
Capita! ; and, in the next edition the same
beet labored hard to prove that its ticket was
composed of Capitalists and Producers while
the citizens and tax-payers ticket was made up
of men who barely pay taxes sulficient to allow
them a vote. Consistency thou art &c.
Kate Claxton with a full New York Compa-
their allar and pulpit." ltev Hmyser warmly
welcomeil the new pistor on behalf of the min
istry of the town, ltev. Marclay rw-ponded In
the addresses of welcome and expre-sed him-
relf as happy in coming Into their midst as
minister, and as highly gratified with Ins cor
dial reception. Ihe anthem: "The Lord is
my Light" was tim-ly rendered by tho choir
under the efficient leadership of Mr. Itingtc
ltev. Marclay and family weio tluu nitro-
the lirat pair struck ; Tuesday two more pairs
were ready, and on Thursday half n dozen
more, which will probably be sent tob'an I-'riin-
cisco niul Larson, luesday the mint made
$70,000, but the first delivery willl not be until
Thursday. Tho first piece struc:: will go, to tho
President and the second to Secretary Sher
man. io orders nave yet been received lor
the distribution of tho coinage, but it is pre
sumed thnt it will bo for gold nt the various
In the matter of the) In the Court of (loramon rieas
Kstateot Margarct of Columbia county.
Foruer a lunatic. J
heal V
Citation to show cause why certain salo of real es
tate made by said lunatic should not be rescinded.
Tub commonwealth or Pennsylvania
To MUIsm Former, husband or said Mariraret
Kortner. V llllam Parker and Mary 1:. his wife.Plerce
Lunger and Ann hlswlie. nnd William 1U Uentott,
guardian ad litem of Emma Fortner and Clark Fori
ner :
At the Instance of Ja'nes Masters and Conrad
Kreamer, Committee of Margaret Fortner, a lunatic
and Asm.!. Union and ltebecca LaMonhls wife.
representing that 011 the loth day of April A. D.,
isii saia jwarirarei. r unner oy aeea 01a gram oar-
gam and sell unto the said ltebcccn ijijiou a certain
iraci 01 iauu suuaie in 1110 luwnsuip 01 Maaison in
In nnr stvlo of climate, with its sudden
change! of temperature, rain, wind and suri-
SIIIUO U1ICII lllicnuiligimi ill uruiiuuuj, 1,
is tu wonder that our children, friends and
rein lives run to trcnucnl v taken lroui us by
nocleclcd colds, half tho deaths resulting I said county of Columbia and staw of Pennsylvania
i:J ..-.1.. 1: .1.:- a .,c 11 I contalng forty-nine sicres and one hundred and fifty-
iiiici-i y iiiau nip ts. six perches more or lesslnfee simple with the ap-
urienances : Ana oa uie saia luia aay 01 April, a.
I.. lsIT. the said Asnv J. Lnrlon and ltebecca his
- , , wlIe Dy lnelr aeea acKnowieuea ino same aay,
ness. n Lirco doctors till! ana PCrllllPS acatll, I mnt.rt.,ln,-i1 nnil sold said Mari-ret.
1... 1,A nf tr.rn nr fnnr dnps. lnr enrinc I Former all that certain houe and lot or irround t-lt-
. .. , .1 t, 0 I mil, 111 llm llorrtliph of Mlinrv. I.TComfncr rouotv
four-tenths perches to a stone, thence south eighty-
three nnd a halt degrees east.two hundred and eigh
teen perches to a stone, thence by land surveyed on
a warrant to Mary Scott south thirty-three degrees
east two hundred and flfty-clght rwixhcs to stones,
Uicncebylaud surveyed on a warrant ti Dial 1 1
Ncycr south 74 and a fourth degrees west one
hundred and twcnty-nlno perches ton pine thence
by land surveyed on a warrant to llenjamln Syock
south seventy-three degrees west two hundred and
thirty-three perches to the placo of beginning i con
mining four hundred and forty acres, more or I03S,
It being the same tract of land surveyed on warrant
to Oeorgo Kcyer.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to lw sold as tho
property of the Danville, Hazleton & Wllkesbarre
llallroad Company.
All that certain lot of ground BltuaWln Hoarlng-
creek township, Colombia county, Pennsylvania,
doscrlbod as follows, to-wit : Hounded on the north
by laud of,Abram nice, on the south by land of Con-
ny will play a popular Drama entitled "The audience and were the recipient of many liear
iwo Orphans," at the Danville Opera House ly individual welcomes.
on the 18th inst. Miss Claxton is an actress of The alfiir throushlout was n happy and en
considerable reputation, and is supported by a jnyable one, and as' the reverend gentleman
hrst class Iroup. Arrangements have been I comes arnontr us willi n record of successful la
iluccd to the many iersons who comjiosed the sub-treasuries, nnd that whatever gold is re
ceived at the. sub-treasuries will be used for the
payment of interest, while tho silver will be
paid out for tho purchase of bullion. Jit.
made with the D. L. & W. Itiilroad to run
special train so that visitors from llloomsburg
will be able lo return home the same tiight.
Those who are fond of the stage Bhould seize
this opportunity to witness a fine performance.
bor behind him, we may conGdentty hope that I
the relation so auspiciously imitated uiay
suit in a rich fruitage of blessing to the congre
gation and the community.
r.t Ifrvian-rtn nn tha hvlnnri ... Mli-V.-,! Mtr.iiio.
Consumption, HBraorrhngc, 1 ueumonia, Sc- anrt Mat(, 0( i-ennsyivanu containing 6250 square cr and William Ycager and on the east by land of
vcio (. nucha, uroup or any uiscase 01 me 1 feet wun tuo appurtenances in ice simple, me saia Kphralm Llby, containing seenty-threo acres more
Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonder- mirii ' wh"" "ected n dwelling house, barn
IU1, iisyour uruirist w in ich juo, uinnau Furtner nan iH-en found uy inquisition taken on ibe ana outuimamff3.
on lllis coutiutnt. Sample bottles lor trial. iVn'a?"0 ,or ls u"1 pa5t Blu""" lucld
10c ; rrgular'sue, i5a
April St, 77-ly
Ttiercforo rou and each or you laytnsr aside all
buslneHs and f xeusca whatsoever, are bercbr cltetl
to upikvar befoie our Court of Coinmoa I'leas at
Printed at tbia Office
llloomsburg In and for said county tho first londay
01 May nest to scow cause wuy a uccrea lor me re
scinding of the aforesaid deeds and a reconveyance
of Ihe said lands should not tie made. If suchDro
ce eulng shall not bo disadvantageous to the estate
One other piece of land bounded on the nort 1 by
land of Jacub Strauser, on tbo west by land of Polo
mon strauser, on tho south by land of Peter Ilower
and oa the east by land of Conrad llousman and
William Yoager containing olghtecn acres.
One othor pleco of land bounded on the north by
of the said Margaret Kortner upon such terms as lands of Judge Cox, on ths west by land of Solomon
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
The National Publishing Company of I'hila
delphla h ive sent us advaucts sheets of.2'A? Vc"
torial Jlittory of the HoiW, embracing full and
authentic account of every nation of ancient and
modern fiWs, and including a History af the rise
und fall of the Greek aiul Jloman EmHres, the
grouth of the ixationt of Modern huropc, tlte Mid
dle Ana. the Cruxula. the Feudal Sustem. the lief-
dUtrcssed with the halluclualion Ithat attempts on,k,(i the dUcoteiy and tetdement of Ihe New a specialty of repairing. All work doi
were being made to poison hiui." He had been I yoru e ee by Jauiw D. McCabe a well- him is sure to give perfect satisfaction.
iniiuanui iiiiiumij.iiimiiiiiis J "'"i""" t known historical writer. Una is one of the
Dr. O. W. Ilittenhouse, a prominent phys'i
ciau of ViUiaiusort, died at Danville, whither
he dad been taken for treatment, Thursday
morning. The Gazette and Jlulletin says: "The
Dr. had been suffering for several weeks past,
his greatest trouble being inability to sleep; his
mind became disturbed somewhat and ho was
Business Notices.
Call at McKinneys for Shoes.
Silk Handkerchiefs from 20 cents up nt
Lulz & Sloan's.
For cheap nice casimeres for boys wear
sold by the yard nt David Lowcnberg's.
Extra flood Kentucky Jeans for 22 cents at
I, W. Hartman's.
American Wntches in heavy coin silver
cases warranted lor two years lor twenty
dollars at L. llernhard's popular jewelry
store. feb. 22 tf
1. S. llatcs, iewcller and watchmaker makes
ne uy
t-t 1 Tro Itctnll rrlc SIHKlonly S2CO
I I INV.JO Parlor Or-'ans. price W3T5 only
inner irre. 11. r . iie.a ii,h iuiuhhi,i,w,
SI !.-.
leu 1, -tu-sw
amw Wnt a l'lltll or Iltl.lti:.
XH JUU wltu Independence and plen-
tylu your o.d j, m
m Tint
circulars with .Map, imiui: iuii li.funnutlon, d-dre-s
a, s. Johnson, Acfg land CymY, Topeka, Ks. I
mar ww
shall bo equitable and Just.
Witness Ihe Honorable William Elwell President
iuiC ci our said court at nioomsuurg, tnia nuio-
leeuiuaay or treuruary, a. d., i.s.
match i.vmw iToth'y
Neatly and Cheaply priuted at the Colum
bian uuice.
Real Estate!
LStrauscron tbo south by land ot Abram Ittceand
on tbo eA3t by land or Abraia Ulco and Uonard Ad
ams, corjUlnlnp 15 acren.
Stized,Ukeu In execution, and to be sold aa the
property ot David 11. llcwer.
All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In Hrl
Sale of a Railroad.
The Danville, Hnzlcton and
Wilkesbiine Railroad.
In tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county,
Peuu'a. In Equity, No. !, December Term, 1ST. Be
tween WM. 1. (lUEHNuaill, Trustt-e l'lalntltr, and
I'nder and by virtue ot a decree entered on tho
fifth day ot February, A.D., ISis.ln theaboiesull,
the undersigned, to whom all needful authority In
tho premises has been given, will, on tho TWENTI
ETH DAYOPMAHCll, A.D.,1SIs,atUo-clocl:,noo.
at tho COURT HOVSS In the TOWN if BL0OX8
VANIA.expose to Public Sa!" Ihe ralroad, franchises,
property, real and personal, of tho said Danville, 11a
Jelon and wukusturra Hallroad Company, vli ! Ths
whole line ot ItallroaJ ofs.ild i 'omp iny. from the
borough of sunbury lo tlw Isirougli of Hazleton.anc
to such othsr point as pursuant to exlstlDg laws
shall be nved as tho terminus ol said Katlioad, the
samel) tng, being and "Unite lu the countlas of
Northumberland, Montour, ColumbU and Luzerns
In the Htate of Pennsylvania, with Ps appurtenaa
cos, and all lands, property, estate, railways, ttos,
rails, superatruct ure, side t racks, bridges, vlaaucu,
walls, culverts, u-nees, rUht ot way, machlne.shops,
depots, grounds, station houses and other
buildings, tenements. Improvements an 1 structures
uf eery Mud and nature whatsoevcr,now connected
with, o nod, held or erected nnd used by the said
Damllle, llazleton and Wltkesbarro ltallrocd Cum-
pany for tho purpose or oirat tng, completing and
arcreck township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, , maintaining their sal J ltallrcad, or tho uccommoda-
y ' ' linn jvf llm t iiN-,f- IncnlliAf wit r fi 11 t hu
BY BKV. W. it. DAMEM, A. M,
Profusely Illustrated with l'ortralts and Sketches
and eontslningnvercon Pages.
MNOI.E V tll.HMK. .Ureal Wnnlril Kx-rjsrhrrr.
.suure-s ior e.M ra n-uii , uuu i-iuumn,
NKLSflN c PHILLIPS, His iiroadway, New York.
mar l-tw u
In Dursuance of an order of the Ornhans Court ot
Columbia county, the undersigned Administrators,
&c, oi iiicuaei i.rover, wie oi uie -rown oi iwooms
burtr. said county, do'd., will expose to public salo on
me piciiu.sir.s uu
was formerly a member of the drug house of
Kinney Ilittenhouse it Co., of that city.
He formerly practiced at Berwick.
Jasper Clark, of the Laporte house, came
down from that place yesterday (Thursday) and
reports the woods as bcltif; literally tilled wil h
wild pigeons. They made Iheir first appear
ance there last Sunday morninsr, since which
time they have been coining in by the thousands
until the county is alive with them. YeNterd.ty
morning they were flying thick and ho saw one
flock while on his way here that was not lens
than half a mile in length. Should no snow
storm drive them away, they will, he says, re
msin several weeks. They pass over the town
so low that one can easily bring thetn down
willi a gun at almost any point in the place.
Here is a chance for sport. llughesvillt Jour-
most valuable works ever issued by an Amcri
can publisher, and it is in all rtspects tho ino-l
complete History of the World ever published
The author does not content himself with n
mere dry statement of facts, but sketches the
life and manners uf the various nations of which
he treats, in life-like colors, and points out the
causes which led to the prosperity and decay
of the great towers of the world. Ho shows us
the famous warriors, statesmen, poets, sages,
anil orators of ancient and nuslern times, and
makes thc-ru familiar to ihe reader. The book
is a complete treasury of history, and there Is
not a question that can be asked concerning
any hi-torical subject but an answer lo it can
be found in this great work. It contains 12H0
large double-column pages, and is embellished
with over G50 flue engravings illustrative of the
events recorded in Hie narrative embracing
bailies and ollur historical fcns ; jmrlrsils of
Ihe great men of ancient and modern times
and views of the principal cities of the world.
These engravings are genuine works of art, and
were made at a cost of over S2.),000. The
great niimbrr and high character nl'-lhrir
graving make this the most valuabhs art pub
lication of the century, We cannot too highly
praise the numerous and beautiful portraits ef personages with which it abounds. A
m-irkt-d feature of the work is a mniplcte Jlito-
lory of the late War between Jluma, and Turkey,
mporlant Notice t parties attending Court.
Spring Stvles I Spring Sryles !
.lust received, the largest stock of cloths
and casimeres of the latest stylo and at the
lowest price to be mid by Ihe yard willi
trimmings for coat pants or vest. If youwant
them made at home buy the goods and have
them cut nt David Lowenberg s,
Rubbers at McKinney's.
As there are a great many sales of personal
property throughout the country at every sea
son of the year, we call the attention of auct
ioneers and vendors to a few principles of law,
which do not seem to be generally understood
by them. In a sale by auction there are three
parties, the Owner of the property to be sold,
the auctioneer, and a portion of Ihe public. The which is the only complete account of this war
articles put up must be sold without reserve l'rlnI- inn i n appropriate lluio to read
(unless conditions are announced In advance), ' Histoty of the World and we p'edlct for
and unless the vendor receives one open bid. he '''i' 1)0015 an immense sale.
cannot bid himself cr have the auctioneer or It I' 8olJ u subscription only, and Ihe pub-
any one else bid for him. There aro cases on Ushers want agents, as will be seen by their ad
Auction Bale. The entire lot of Harness
and Buffalo Kobe, will be sold without reserve,
also one Top Buggy, one Open Buggy, on Mon
day, March 18th, at one o'clock p. in., the prop
erty of C M. Christtuan. Sale in Slaves'
Block, Bloomsburg, I'a. It. Harris,-Actiontur,
The Iluiuaa Family are constantly using
Bitters and Tonic lo build up and strengthen
Ibe system. Domestic animals, who-e lives aud
habits more nearly resemble man's, should be
aubjee'ed lo Ihe same treatment, l'outi's Horse
and Cattle Powders will accomplish all that is
claimed for them.
record where a bid was not received and tli
vendor had a bidder who bought a certain
tide lu, and afterwards suit was brought against
the vendor by the highest outside bidder for
the article ; and it was decided that he, the
vertUcmeut in another column.
A large assortment of new Silk Ties, lace
Ties and bows at Lulz & Sloan's.
Tin- lurL'B stock of Clocks. Watches and sd-
vorwnni received bv 1'. S. linlcs only n month
or two ngo is being very rapidly reduced by his
extensive sales in mo iiiwcsi possum- prices.
Plpasant'as hnnev. thtTfdd folks like it llir-
young people likn it and the babies cry for
it we mean Dr. Frailer' Cough Syrup, tf
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
New and Beautiful Spring Styles.
Hula fir the Million. Just received
full linn nf Huts ill nil the newest shades in
slid' and soft felt for Men, Youths, Boys and
children, cheaper than ever at David liw
An extra cheon niece nf nil wool casi
mere at I. W, Hartman's next week.
Boot headqunrtera at McKinney's.
Manv consumptives are now us'uie Dr.
Frailer' Hont Hitters aud Cough ftyrup
with remarkable success. tl
David Lowcuberg is now prepared to give
his customers tho full benefit of tbo reduc
tion in all kinds of clnlhlnp. Spring suits
made tin at greatly reduced prices. Cull
aud examine the latest styles.
If vou have a watch, clock, or any kind ol
jewelry or silvern aro to repair, tako it to 1'. S,
II ales wno always gnes peru-ci muikiucuoh,
nla ntifi: was the h cheat bidder and entitled to found Itliu laughing l enrlily, anil llm Harder
- . . .
the article against the vendol. So. ik if an 1" whipped the louder Ibe ly laughnl, Nop
article is struck off to a person, and It is after-1 llng. "KrHy aed, " hat are you laugh
wards proved that the vendor or auctioneer I '"8 atV" "Sir," said tho youtli, who cuold
practlced fraud, by bidding htmself or having d'y suppress his laughter, 'm irc vAyiyiin; the
puflers. It was held by the courts In England wony "Jf, . M physicians whemiepniding up
nd so repeatedly decided by Ihe Supreme " a Inulttsl experience lu lU-termining Hie n i-
Court of Pennsylvania, that the purchaser could ,llrB of "oluu delicate and complicated alleclion,
not be held, but the purchaser as Boon as he jttn treat the vrong Ute:ie. Many times worn-
discuveis the fraud practiced upon him, must n "P"11 "'!' f,lllly physicians, ouo with
return or lender the article to the vendor. dysK-psiu, another with palpitation, another
Lulz Si Sloan havo lust received a largo
assortment of p.mbrolileries cueap.
McKinneys Shoe Store below Court
Since Ihe discovery of Mr. William's In
dian Ointment there I certainly no excuse
for .ny one to suffer with the riles, cee U-
veniremen!. ii
A lot with good house, barn and out-
bnildings for rent lu llloomtbiirg' Apply
to Wm. Jvrlckpauin. mar a aw
Admission free at McKinney's.
For a Spring suit made up in city vie go
Appointments of the Ministers of Lewlsburg
District, Central l'a., Conference of (he Evan
gelical Church.
I.ewisburg District A. L. Keescr, 1'. K.
Lewisburg W, M, Cromaii,
Buffalo M. Sloat.
Milton-S. T. Buck.
White Deer J. M, Bradcr.
1 . II ,
a'cwari a., zv. jiarns.
l)anvllle-P. W. ItaMabaiitfh.
Bloomsburg Oeo. Hunter,
Columbia W, W, Ithoades.
Berwick J. A. Irvine,
I.uierue A. W, Krcamer.
Catawlssa John MtCamey, under Ihe 1', K.
Shickshlnny 'L Hornberger.
Wyoming und Kingston O. L. Ilurson and J,
A, Hallenbach,
Susquehanna To be supplied.
Duahore S, 1', Itemcr.
Hugheiville-J. F.Shultz.
Wllllamsport S. Yearlck.
New Oilumbla-H, W. Lilly,
with trouble of the breast, another with pain
here aud there, aud ill Ihis way they nil present
COMMUNICATED. alike lo themselvis nnd their eusy-guing ami
OitANOKviLt E, March 9lh, J878. Indifferent doctor, separate and dUtlnct diseics)
To the Kpitohs or THE Columeian : The for which he prescribes his bills and iwtion,
Impression appears to have been received by assuming tin in lo be such, when, in reality,
the public that Prof. Canfleld has rrsigned his they are all symptoms caused by some iittrinu
position or rrincipal or the Urangeville Acade- disorder. title Ihe physician Is Ignora-t nf I nWINNEll-i'OFFMAN.-On the Tin last at Dlooros
iny. From what source such a report oriuina- the cause of suffering, lie encourages his prsc- burg by ltev. Htuart Mitchell, David Winner tuSar.
li.,l T nm utilnf ormed. It is trp llmt nn on- lb- until IsrL-e nills are made, when 1ib .nfl-.r. all A. CoCTtnan, I'll Of Woomhburg.
count of ill health he has for the present relir- ing patient Is no better, but probibly worso for
cd from the arduous duties of the recitation the delay, treatment, and various cuiupllca
room, but the. seminary still has the benefit 1 lions made, A proper medicine dire. ted to
, , . ... . . , . . . , , , i l.i... . .i.i .....i i , ..... J!!: i
ol ins superior laicni aim oi ins long aim sue-1 'v wuum it-map time mumy rruiuvni
ccssful exierience as a teacher. As principal the disease, thereby In.tltuling commit itulead
of the Academy lie commands the commence i pioiongeu misi-ry
of all, and cerefully looks after the Interest, of I Mrs. Henry Patterson, of Xew York City,
his patrons and of Ihe pupils commuted to his writing to Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Bull'ilo, N, Y.,
care, sas; "1 bad been uuileran eminent physician s
New methods of teaching and Improvements care for right mouths fur whal he calltd "i-pl-
KAbi:. In lienOn cn the eth Inst., Mrs. Anna
Ksse, aged as ) ears, 3 mouths and U da) s.
in the courses i f study have been introduced.
The thorough preparation of students, Intend
ing to cuter college, is being made one of the
prominent fealu'cs of Ihe institution.
The school is lu excellent condition and as a
lis) ilsi-as," I became uorre during all this
lime, when, ihanciiig to ne a copy of your
Medical Adviser ut the irideuce of a friend, I
read that part devoted to "Woman and her dis
ease," I soon became convinced that my (lis
teacher, well acquainted wllh the Important I ease was a up-rine a cctlmi, which, as you i-ay,
subject of mental and moral training, I can con
scientiously say that lhoe having children lo
be educated would do well to give IhU pleasant
ly located Academy llieir favorable considera
Mont respectfully,
K. A. McLAiny,
caused rympathilie bocUihe, Inwaid fever, tier-
vousness, and geueral, dibtlily, I commenced
Ihe use of your Favorite Pii-scriptlon and (ltd
den Medical Discovery, applying also the lo
cal treatment which you recommend In (lie
.tdriscr, and In llircu months I was well and
Wheat per bushel..., ,
ltye "
corn, new, 11
Oats. " ..,......,..!.!;
Hour per barrel ,
Cloverseed ,
i-'laxst-ed , ..,,
Putter ,,
Y-w ,
Tallow '"
Potatoes ,
Dried Apples ,,, ,,.
Hides A Shoulders ,
Lard rx-r pound , ,
llaypertun ,,., ' ,',
beeswax , :
Timothy tieeu
. . ouotations roit COAlL
SS:i?.n "'.r' .Jp''sb
No. ' .........,... '; m
UlacktmlUi'sLutunon Whart..JJ... t a bo
. a
sweet mm
Friday, iMarch
lenclng at 10 o'clock, a. rr
ii Mam township, said co
102 ACRES,
commencing' at 10 o'clock, a. m., a Tract ol Land Mt
lime in Main, lownsnip, saia county or coiuinDia,cou
lain in
AwrUil ktatit ib tt Cfotennil Elpoaltlon fir
fine timing tjuaUtu ud txetllente nJ lai'Mf Mir.
MM-Irr nt MurttrnMtt atut tinfOrillO. Th tohlirfd
ttr inA'le, rtir tine ulrlp trisd-mrk m ctuxrlr
Ahussrv nt Tier. Nil lil t.T kllilABtUtJi. KfllJ fflf .Mill '
(r.i, to C. A, Jacxioi A Co., M(r., IcWitburc,
1'. WAItDI-i:, Ciiii rul Aftt.. riiltndrlphln
mar 1. 'Ii 4w d
A;i:NTS WANTr.Ii HcrylitrPi InMtunlb! far
morn or los. adfolnlntr lands of Aaron Masteller.
Aaron Miller and or, tiers, and a public road, whereon
ure erucica a
Go llank Ilarn, Wagon House and Corn Crll). trood
oui-Dmnnn.s, souii hpnotf unu hpnuj; jiou&i;, kuu
water uu iuu premuHis,
ami other fruit tret's land In a rood state ot cultl
Nation. A public ruad runs UiroufU the laud and
one on north fcldu ; convenient to bcUool and church.
Tkkus oy Salk. Ten our cent, of oi.p-fourlh of
CONOUKST OF TURK PA ! ! ot iIk property, the on-Wlh htw tbe ten per
I piinr.nT. rntillrtniYllfin nhnintH. nnn llm riHn&lhiDLT
I rfirkftl, nnd Hun.
Uy ilw. I'.ffpd ftiilhnrs. Dr.
p. i'. I'iM. lhi rumnMe IhrUtlnir hl-toryft
t) full nf nn I.iniilri nfler JUKI f&r& ol hitler Ktrlf.
irrhlc dtriii inns nt tnlblo Imttlrs, etclUntf nil
KurorvH. rosnuriv uie uv esi ana nifaresL .orii.
only hut Bi'lendlnlv illustrated, urannest
phnnri- to coin muncv now oHmd. t or lullparllcu-
lars.midrehs uiiiuiaku jtiuis., ruus., iw puhiju
St.. l'litla.. Pa. U marl-4w
Adantd to anv room, htirh or low
celtlnc. Lowered to tnht w heu In
u,aiid ralstHl hv merely touriitnir.'
IVrfecMv cure trom fMlllutf. Mjhts
wllhout removing chimney. (ult
a-i(orieiiUnt HHiit', and at '4 tho
exwiw. 'I ho same extensl'iu
Pitnclnle Is a nulled to nil our than-
deiu-rrt net exceed In .r ti lights. '1 he
intrant tee a arc: Increased Uffht
wlthfimnuconsiinHtlon of oil, hy
h.iUni; the li''U where t unlet :
wfei , cannot U- knocked ott or
Iiphei. I 111) r.MfllMllJI IIHll-lllHt l y
Is fctmple, aDd ccnttot posalhly
the way. Cuts ot Extension
Lamp and rhandehers of al! fitlD3
funiKhedfree, Wo hell all lamps
haUny merit.
A. J. WE1DKNKK. Dealer In Laui8 andllLAS-
U'A1tl..8C Mouth second street Thlladelphla,
cent. nt coiillrmatlon absolute, and the remalnliiir
iiiree-rourins in onejear inereaii'T wnn inierei
rroin cnnilrniiitlin nist. Tenants Bbnre jf irraln In
the ground to he reserved. Deed to t-e delivered at
expense or purcho-ser.
feh, 22, "S'U Administrators,
Sure Reward.
4 to $io ma ACKB.
Ilcoch mid Mnplo Laiiil lu Mlt'lil
gun III llm :rl 1 1 1 1 la Aire Crtllit
ol lli f Urniiil Itiiills anil lu
ll inn u Ilnlh'uiitl uiiiiiiiij'.
Slroni; Ktill sum crops p'rnlyol
lliiibur-nu tli-ouKlll-iio t'lilncli
biigMT-nu Jiopiicr."
Send Tor mmihlet,Engliih or German
Addreaa W. II. IH'dllAItT,
Lakh Couuissiokeb,
OIIAND KAriUS, Mlllll.
mirch 15, 1S7S-AW
Kor n rae ifn A A T -nw
that Hnnrurd'a ItniliaaKlyrsfur
Catarrh will not Instantly relieve and
HDeedllv cure. Itcrerencea. lienrv
Wells, -gq.. Hells, Karco & to., Au.
1UIO, 11. I ,, It III, 1HIIICD, J!BO . AlO
nation. Grant Ii Bowan, BU Louis.
i cKuuiouiaia. auu ireatiae hy mall.
I'rtce. wllh lmnrorid Inhaler 11. Nuid
everywhere. IVEEKh a- I'iiitkii.
i iuiiiciuib, iiu4iuu, aiai-a.
march 15, minw d
T1RR 'TOR , wu, iii.-i7h.,.u .v-r o'
uosu iasu ynuvKutzu uui-itu count
PPR VTiVI1 18 recommended l.y Ihe nrlcult ural
TajU-1- ajU prcwi.aud Used by thouaandaof the
'RTIT'PK'R very best, dalrjmen. ItKlvewaner.
AJ U A. X ajai, feet June comr, and la aa harmleks
POT OR naaalt. A ts eent bottle colors sue
uuajuiv. nounds, and addn 5 centa perjwund
to Ita alno. Arte jour pruejTikt or Merchant for It
ur ena lor utbcripnifl cireuiara. vkli, men
AiiuMi.Mtui., rrorrietora, nutiiugiou, Vermont,
luurth 15, 'is-iw d
JouNsow.ANniiYca Mxikknt will iwhltlvf ly pre.
r,i. uta vtiwtv uih-iw, uim MU (lUttllll CI J CUre
iduo caaea lu ten. Information that win aave uiaoy
iiira.ciiviitijiij limn, 1.14 l ui'itv II lUUHirui. TO-
vcuiioii id m.'111-r inau cure, l.B. dUUPisua en
march 15, 18W-AW d
rlcullural lands. Hie bebt lolucco rejilon In the
Went, line irult, no BrlHK-ra, aCundancoof
liood walcr.rhoit w.nlers.coueulentmarutavoud
ilely. fcveii yiara' credit. Vite truuitUtioh
injiuou iaiuii iu iuom) wno purchase land Kiui
tor Circular &I)d Citlif-r lrifnrmnflf.n
i'"' Und ''oo'n'Joucr, Vtiople uuiidioir.'su
Louu,Ho. a mar, iVJMw
described as follows, to w It : Bounded on the north
by land of James 'IXity and others, on the cast by j
Und ot Jeph KtacKhouso, nouth hy Und of the
heirs of S. Y, lleidly an 1 oa the west by land of Ow.
en Kult, containing- three hundred acres more or less
about thirty acres cleired Und and the biUnco
well timbered, on which ts er-icted a small stable,
f-clzed, taken In execution, and to be sold us the
property of John Sejbert.
All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In Pine
township. Columbia county, Pennsylvania, descrrbt-d
as follows, to wit : Hounded on the north by land of
Samuel Hnjder, on the east by lands ot Daolel
(lordncrand Jackson Lyons on the.touth by lands
of Ilenjimln Wlnterster-n and ltlchard T.-Whltmlre
and on the west by Und of Thomas Low, containing
fifty acres more or less, on which are erected a Plank
House, frame barn and nut-bulldln?s.
Seized, taken Into execution and to be Hold as the
property ot A. .1. Ilardo.
All that ceitatn lot or piece of land situate In the
Tow not Illoomshurj, Columbia county, Pennsj Ha
ni t, dPscrilred as follow, to-wlt. I.ot No. 114 rnsik
ed In general plan of llloomsburg, bounded on the
north by nn alley, on the west by land or John Mc
Cor i lck, on the south by Canal street, aud on the
cast by land ol Jonathan Chromas, containing 0
feet flout and 113 ft-etln depth on which aro erected
a dwelling house and our.b Hidings.
Seized taken Into execution, aud to be sold as the
property of Tobias Henry.
All that certa'n lot of ground sllinte In Locust
township. Columbia counly, Pennsylvania, descrihol
ns fullon's, to-w It : Hounded ou the north by by lund
of Augustus tho east by land of Solomon
llldcr. on the south by land of mam lli-ach and on
tho wtat by land ot Samuel Schujler, containing
leuacris, moieorless, on whtchU erected a dwell
ing huuse, barn and out-bulldlugs.
bi-In, taken In eu-cutlon, and to be sold aithc
property ot Jumes Kotenbaudcr.
All that tract urpaieel of laud Mltutctu Scott
township, Columbia county, Pc-unsjlcaula, bouudi-d
on I ho east by Undot John Kelchncr, lilng be
tween the I'ciinsUtaula canal and the Susquehanna
rlvi-rohdrmmliit toa ixjlr.t on the west atom-ar
Ihe aipieduct aliovf Vsyy, con alnlng about sou-u
res, more or less.
All that certain lot of ground (ltu.Ho in Ihe town
of Kapy, cclunibli county IV-DUsjlvaiiU, bounded
ond di-scrllKsl nsfollnws: on tho north by Slain
strict, east by lot of M, (!. .McCollum south bv an ul
Hy virtue of sundry wrl.s Issued out of the
Couit ot Contra m I'leas of Columbia county und to
me directed will bo exposed to publU saIu ut tho
Court House at luo o'clock p. m., on
WKUNES1UY, MAUC1I 20, 1878
A eel lain lot cf ground Mtuale lu tbe town of
llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows : bounded northwardly aud east
wardly by on alley, southwardly by lot of M. O
Woodward, and wetiwarilly by street, Ulngca
feet front and 1ST feet deep more or less, w hereon
are erected a flame dwelling house, stable and out-
Seized, luken Into eicutlcn.and to sold as the ley and nest by D.iiilel Keil.r, bi-lng 4Hi feet trott.
property of Casper liressler. oullTJ', Io. t In depth, whereou a'o crtcltd two
flvU, 1 two slorj d A elllng houses,
All thoee certain four tracts of land situate In Pea
er township. Columbia county, and Stated I'enn
sylviiDla, bouuded and described as follows : One of
them beginning nt a po.t al the south-west corner
of u tract ot land sunesid ou a warrant tol'atha-
rlno Longcnl-crger, t.y Ihe said Catharine
iAngenbeigcr tract noilhtlxttm dfcris.-swest two
hundred and sevent.tio perches toa post.thence
north twtnty-cne digiees wtst one hundred ond
tweHf lerthes ton icsl.ll.inie ly lend surveyed
In the name of Thomas south seventy dc.
gnes west one hunoicd end sixty nl is to a post,
thence ly 'aud surwjtd In Ire mine of Daniel
Ncjcr nuilh slxirin nd a half degiis-s cast
three bundled and tcxiity-Mnorerchtsto u post, north se t nly.i Ijht de g n cs i ast eighty-four
perch03 to a p-oit, thence by land of Jesse lirookj
noith twiliedegrefa uestdghtef n pcichestoa red
oak, tbencu by land In ihe uiune of Jesse Hrooks
north seventy- eight dot rets exstiUhly perches to '
t post, the placo of beginning; containing three
hundred and seenty-two and three-fourth acres,
and allowances, mura or less. Surveyed on warrant
to Andrew Clark, dated Ihe day of August, 1TU3,
Sd. uue other of them, beginning nt a post, the
Boulh-we&t corner of the abou described tract sur
veyed on a warrant to Ahdiew Claik, thence by the
western line of tald Andrew (lark tract imrlh six
teen aud a half degrees wist Ihreo hundred and
seventy nine perches to a post, thence by laud stir.
veyed on wairaut to Mary Scott and Jacob Ntycr
eoiilh seienly and a half degree) wt st eighty perches
to a stone.lhehce by land surveyed In Ihe name of
tho said Jacob N eyer south seeuty-four and a fourth
degrees west ono hundred and twenty-nlnu perches
ioapiDB,inenco uy land surveyed on warrant ui
llenjamln Syock south twcnly-sli degrees cast one
hundred and twenty-lite perches toa pine, (hence
by;iand surveyed on a warrant to Oeorgo Kcyer
south thirteen degrees oast two hundred and slity.
nlue and Uni tenth perches to a post, thence by laud
suricyedona warrant to John Harrou, Jr., norlh
seventy-eight degrees east one hundred and six
Sl Iztsl. takt n Into execution, and In La i.olit ils tht,
properly oi auuzo c lioagc.
All that undlildid thiee-Knlhs of Ihcundlitded
one-fourth of tho following tract of Und, situate In
Jackson towus'ilp, Columbia loiiuty, I'a., boundol
and desirtbed as fulluns, to wit: Beginning ata
stone & corner ot land of Mathlas I.'houe, theneo by
Und In the warranteo name r.f Wesley Iless norlh
folly aud u auarlt r degrees west three hundred and
llfteen perches to an Ironwmid Iree cn county line,
Uu ti ce along llm tomo south forty-scun and a Iial
degrees west three hundred and sixteen perches tn
u stone, theucu by Und In tho warrantee iminotf
Samuel vorts south tcventy-tbroo degrees east
thris- hundred acd four irUies Ui a stone, llii
ty ULd of Jesio llhone noith setenlctn andaquar
ler i-uit thirty-scum and two-tenths js-rches to a
stone, and t hence noi I n eighty degrees cast one hun
dred thirty-eight perches to tho li'ace of begluulng :
containing thico hundred and lltty-sei en acres and
cigiity-ruur pen lies ot l.nd, Btrlct measure, be the
some merit or lo.vt.
All the undivided one-tunlclh part of tho follow.
Ing descrllicd tract of Und situate in Jackson town
ship ond sugurloat to nshlp, Columbia county ,1'enu-
sylianla, Isniuded und descilbed us follows, viz.: lie-
ginning at a chestnut oak, a cornel to land of David
(Jolder, llienco bvland of flllbert Iless and llobert
si, Montgomery norlh scienlcen and a nuailcr dc-
grii-scost one tmtidrtd and fotly-slx perinea to a
stone, ihcnce ioit sevinty.iwo hd , dei-nes
wesiono uunnreannu niiy.rcur rruhia lo a slunc
theme north fouittcn nnd a half degrees cast ono
Hundred aud eigi.iy pen hi a lo a largo hemlock
ihenco by oilier land of mlj David Holder lwrtb
thlrty-two and a uuarlcr degnes east twculy-lhree
perchis to a bultirnut, thtLi-o by land tl James
Hess norlh eighty n und three-ipiarter degrees
wesi one uunoreu una nineiy-four pen hes lo u hi ir
tlonotthe business thereof; together with all thti
ways, roads, switches streets, passages, easementA,
waters, w ater courses Had grants and all tho rlghtx
and franchises thereunto belonging; and also all the
machinery, ro!llw stock, tools und Implements And
maWrlals, connected with tho proper equipment
of the said railroad; and also all the rights, liberties,
privileges and franchises of Ihe satdrallroad compa
ny, and all the estate, right title, luterest, property,
CUIms and demands ot any naturo and kind what
soever ot the said rallroid company, In the law or
equity, ot. In And to the aims and every part and
parcel Uiereot ; ntso, fultboso certain jTOU'Jrt
TRACTS OP X. A-lsrU sltuato lu Bea
ver, township, Columbia county, nnd State ot Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows : Ono of
them beginning at a post at the south-west corner ot
atractot Und surveyed on a warrant to Calharln
Longenberger, thence by tho said Catharine Longen-
bcrger tract north stxtccn degreos west two hun
dred and set enty-two perches to a post, thencesaorth
twenty-one degrees west one hundred andtwelvo
perches Ui a post, thence by Und surveyed In tho
name ot Thoraxs Lemon south seventy degrees west
one huudred and sixty perches to a post, thence by
Und sui t eyed lu the name of Daniel Neycr north
sixteen and u halt degrees cost three hundred and
seventy-nine perches to a poit,thence north seventy
eight degrees east eighty-four perches to a post,
thence by land of Jcsso Brooks north twelve degrees
west eighteen iviches to a red oak, thence by Und
In the name cf Jesse Brooks norlh seventy-eight do.
giuei east elghly perches to u pat, the placo of bo
glnnlng ; containing Ihreo hundred and setenty-two
aud three-fourth acres, and allowanceB.more or less.
surveyed on warrant tj Andrew CUrk, dated the
ild day of August, 1TM.
One oth-r ot thsm, beginning at a post, th
sout.i.west corner cf tho fttxne described tract sur
veyed on warrant, to Andrew CUrk, thenco by tha
western line of sjld Audiew claik tract north six
teen and s lull degrees west three hundred and
seveuty-nlu i perches to a post, thenco by Und sur.
vey ed on warrant to Mary Scott and Jacob Neyer
sjatliscteiily and a halt degrees west elghly perches
to bloncs,tLcuie by landsurvcycdlnthenumeoftho
said Jacob Neyer bouth peventy-four ununfourUi
degrees west ouo hundred and twenty-nine perches
to a pine, thence by laud surveyed on warrant to
Ueiijuulii syock sfiulh twenty six degreos east ono
bundled and tnenty-ilvo jicrches lou pine, thenco
by land surveyed on a warrant lo Oeorgo Neyer
south thlrleeu degrees east Iwo hundred und slxty
hlne and riviMentli perches to a post, thence by land
surveyed on n vvairant In Jehu llannon, Jr., north
eve!fty-elKht degns-s cast nuo hundred and tlx
perches lo a hlokOiy, Uiem Iiy land survey id In the
name of Jcsso Brool.8 noith Udcgrits west twenty
eight perches to a post, thence by tho same north
seventy-eight degrees east iilnely-slx peiches toa
post, tho place of beginning; containing four bun
rtred und forty-two and a halt uerrs, more or loss
being Ihu s.ime tract of b,nd surveyed on warrant tn
Daniel :eyer dated l enty-thlrd ot August, 179.1.
One other of them, bi-sliinlns nt a post, thu
south-west corner of the lost abuvodcscrlla-d tract
surveyed on warrant to Daniel Neyi-r, and thence by
luvKuiniMiiiti iseyrr noun thirteen degrees west
perches to a hickory, thence by laud surveyed lu the ,ock"' "1""e sulll,l county line south foity
name ot jesse urooks noun U degrees west twenty
eight perches to a post, thence by Ihe auiue north
6eveut,-dgbt, degrees east ninety-six perches toa
post, the pucoof Ugmnlug ; containing four hun
dred and loity-twoaud nlialf acres, more or less,
belDg tho same tract of laud survey ed on warrant to
Daniel rveyer lUtcd S3d of August, 1TV4,
S.-One other of them, beginning at a nott. the
south.west corner ot Ihe last above described iruct
surteyedon warrant to Danlil Key cr and Ihemwhy
IhosuldDanlol Neyer north Iblrteen Uegreea nest
two hundred ftniUlxly-nlne und nve-tenlh perches
to a plan, thenco by land of llenjamln Syock south
suty-four degrees west to tho Ime. Ulv idlng o part of
tuisinici sum io jocuo
land ur J.ICOU llAklpr In 111.. -.l.a.n i,KA . . .
Burvvrailnn warrant In Icy, On IU0 Wl'Sl by Centre Street. OU IhHumlh l,v
the same norm scventy-elght dogrcci et to a post f k,.rt,f' cu ,Ue ml b Uta ut l-.T.starp.
the placo of begtniilog j contalulag two hundred and ' ,v"'' " " 1 u lu u"l"u,
slxty-nlne and three fourths acrca mors or less, be- . . """" iory irumo store houv,
ing a part of a tract of Uurt surveyed on a vv arrant .
to lieorge Fever dated sa H Augus'. uj "'"s" mioexecuiiou, and lo be sold aa the
4-And the other of them U-glrfnlag ,t wonca In a '"T'If J.1, ,' ""tr- . ,
lloo separaung It from lands surveyed on a wariunt . 1,tl,NS'-iCllsl w Oay cl sole, MhcrvMse property
louenjamin syock, thenco uortU tight and a halt " ,v rM w ,llfKu.v
Ocgltes west threo hulidrcd and ILm,.i.u I ...... J" W. UOFKMAA,
bevtn and a half dtgrtea west me hundredand eight
perchestoau Irouwood, Ihemo by lundlu the war.
rantee namoof Samuel h"i-iurit south forty and a
quarter degru-s cust Ihrte hundred ami tiltin
pcrriies to u aione, thence by land of the Vuld 1 uv Id
Holder north cltl.iy degrees cast thlrty-ulue nnd
-lghm-iithn-hcstoa chestnut and theucon.uih
S3V hty-tuo i egrn-a east nlnety-clghl nen-hestu Ihu
place tf U gliiolug, inntatLlbe four hundred and
eight ucrea und ilglity.Uve jienhes if huid, strict
uieusuie, i- iuv niiuii more or less.
Alllbatccitalulott,! ground sltuato luihuiuw
'h llasler.thcncobythesalJ "'wuisturfc-, i oluuilla i-ounly, Pa , ilesirlbed as
to Iho northern line of In funded un Ihe north by Mdg Bl.
o hdndred and sluy-Mrm and Ilve-tenths peixtcs
a pine, thence by land of Hen Jamlu Si ock sovlli
stxty-tour d-grees west to Ihe line dividing a part of
this tract sold to Jacob Hosier, theuco By the sold
landot Jacob llasler to the noithern lino of Und
surv ey ed on w arrant to John Bannou, Jr., thenco by
iue samo nnu sevmiy -eight drgroes cast lo a post
the laeo of brglnulng; contalnlDg two hundrsdand
Mxiy.nlne and three-fotirths acres, more or less, tie
Ini a part of a tract of land surveyed on n warrant
to (leorge Ney er dated twenty-third of August, 1TJS.
auu uie inner ot tnein brglnnlii: at slows In a
line separating It from lands surveyed on a warrant
to Benjamin syock, thence norlh eight und a halt
gru-a west tun-e hundred aud thlrls.lhreo and
four-tenth serenes to a stone, thence south Ughty.
thrie and a hull degrees east tvio hundred and elgh.
reupeieuisw, intuco by laud Burvey cd oa
i warrant to Mary Scott south thlrly-lhree dctrrwi
east two hundred and Hfty-elght perches to stone
thrcce ly Und surveyed uu u warrant to Hanlal
.veyer soum it and u lowrth decrees wet on-
hundred and tneiity-nlao irche to a pine, thenco
by Und surteyed on u vvarrjnt to Ileujainlu Rvoclc
south sevcuty-threo degrees west two hundred and
thirty-three perches lo Iho placo of beginning j con.
uuuiuk iuur uuuureii anil roity acre-, moroorleta,
It telng the same tract of land surveyed on warrant
to OvOrge Noy er.
The propiily will Ixi mid as nee rnilm inttnihn
rigest and U-st Udder,, upon Llsslgulng thecoudi-
iniusui sale.
TVU tUousand dollars (l!0.0) of the nurrhnvA mnn-
ey shall m raid lu cath when tho i.rooeriv Is struct:
oit, and the balance within leu day a Provided.
uunevrr, mo y mint of the balance of the purcliaso
iaj tuMia in sucu ci ma tonds and over
duo aud uniiuld coujoas Ihtictf cf Hie Danville, Ila
ilflou and Wilkuslaire Bstlioad Cctniiany asoiMke-
"J mongsgiv, instte to f heplurd Knapp,
deceased, and ihe uudfrsignid us Irutlrcs, dated
October 1st, issii. Ka,u londsnd coupon lobe re
ivlved for an amount tqual to their dlv Ideud cn tlnal
BTiiirnn-uu i pon cconimationof the sale by said
court, tbe purchaser or purchaser upon a full com-
imsneu nn u ma londiuona cf sale, and Ihe crdcr of
Court mude cr lo W mi He, uuu.liig Iho jay mi ht of
(lie punhaso money, thall be tut Mid Intake aud
hold all ll.o puriliattd jroiirty, miiiuid, Ughip,
fraucl.lscsi.ud vrpuririf nrcr, litu lumsnyilulm
or demand of the I'anvllle.llazleicu and WUVerUirr
Itallroad fcinpuLy ileum w ihtitto, Ly way of
vqulty of redemj tlou or otherwise.
WM. I. (illCENOltill, TlUklte.
for fuithtrliifiimaiion i.pil in
tOlMtKI. 1 OK -I III bTLK,
tel. is nu i. 50-"l south HmilliMiett.
teu.U.H' tf j nuadi Ij LU, pa.
AsA..h fsuliv,,,.,,!. ti iii.wi.tinu,4
fo' t to uuaiia O uoe.
, " I uuuiiu Blietllt,