THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. n!,OOJI8!lUUfl, rill PAT, MARCH R, tSJR Rail Konii Time Table. LACKAWANNA & llLOOMSnUMl KAIL ROAD KORln. Accommodation Train, Ms A.M. Mall Train T.89 A.M Express Train, " " .M1'.M. CATAWISSA HAIL l(OAl). NORTH. Accommodation Train CM A.M. Itcgular Express iM I'. M. Throngh cars on Express train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runB between Catawlssa and Wllllamsport, SOUTH. t.M A. M. 4.41 1'. M 1I.6T A. At rocTn T,8T T. M. 11.S3 A. M. The adjourned session of Court begins next Monday to continue two weeks. M, C. Keller Is serving his ntnctcenlli term as constable of Orange township. "Brown's Hotel" Is no more. Last Fridny It was newly christened, and now Is known as the " City Hotel." Don Cameron, it is sild, is about to remarry. He had belter keen his father from spooking about the house then. Will Democrats support a paper which claims lo be Democratic, but which is always ready to sell them out for money ? Capital and labor go Land in hand, K-ich is dependant upon the other, and he who seeks lo set them at variance is a villian. March came in after the most approved lamb like fashion. To keep up ils reputation it Is in duty bound to go out like a lion. Tho Montour American reports two Indict ments ttpuuhed in Court at Danville last week. New bills will probably turnip next Court. vV. C. Johnston, Esq., Kegtster and Recorder of Montour county, was In town on business yesterday, Dr'. I. I,. Habb has moved his Dcntat rooms n few doors north on Main street, nnd now oc cupies tho building next to K. Mendonlinll'R sjore. Dr. Habb is establishing a high reputa tion as n practical dentist. . PUBLIC SALES, I. K, Krickbaum, administrator of Margare Karns, deceased, will sell real cstalo In Benton township, Mnrch Dili, at 10 o'clock a. m. Tho mnp spoken of in our lost issue pub lished by J. H. llutlcr & Co., of Philadelphia, Is n mnp of Pennsylvania, which wo neglected to stale directly, though it was implied. It Is one of tho best wo have seen nnd wo nro glad to have it on our office wall. It was exceedingly unkind in a member of the old Town Council who was re-elected at the late election, to object to the allowance of exon erations of town tax to a number of poor men. He ought not to have done It for two reasons, first because he Is a blatant protector of the poor man, and second becauso ho received the votes of nearly all those who pay no taxes. Tiir New Penitentiary Again, The Dan ville Intelligencer and some other exchanges are calling upon the citizens of their respective towns to take active and prompt measures to se cure the location of the proposed new Peniten tiary. Our geographical position and unequall ed facilities should make Illoomsbiirg the choice. The advantages to the town and country can hardly be over estimated. Why do not A flood Investnicn'. Buy a twenty-five cent package of Fouti's Horse and Cattle Puwdera our citizens act in the matter ? to prevent diea-c in your Horses and Cattle, the ll!ooui-.biirg goes oil In ecstacies ounit Callemler who was arrested for tho over the success of its factional the late elec' murder ol Ills Miner, was uicli-irgeil alter a (ion in that borough, all of which turned on the 11EATINO llY STEAM. A telegram from Lockport, N. Y., snys the experiment of heating that city by steam, by the " Hole? system " Initialed there at the begin ning ol the present winter, has proved success ful. By three miles of pipe, covered with non-conducting material, and laid under ground, through some of the principal streets, about fifty dwellings and other buildings, Including a large public school, "have been thoroughly warmed nil winter by steam thus distributed, and turned on or oft" as required by tho tenant with the facility of water or gas." It Is staled that dwellings more than a mile distant from the steam generator have been heated as readily as those next door. Steam metres are provided, so that tho consumer pays only for what he con sumes, and the rates, It Is not exceed the cost of coal and wood under the old system of heating by fires. It is claimed that the sys tem can be developed so as to furnish steam "at fifty pounds pressure, transmitted through !0 miles of pipe, thus supplying power for en gines and manufactories, and steam for cooking and laundry pursue", for extinguishing confla grations, for cleaning streets of ice or snuw, or protecting hydrants from frost." We called the attention of a number of our cit izens to this matter a year ago, but no one seems disposed to take a lead In the matter. The fcasl bility of the plan is unquestioned, and It would be economical even if only applied to the Court House, and surrounding buildings. The ad vantages are apparent. In the first place Insur ance would be largely reduced. Stoves could be thrown aside, coll and wood bins would he unnecessary, and the labor of building ami kee ing up fires, carrying oft" ashes Ac, would be avoided. The dirt, dil-t and sutphcr attending coal (love would al(0 be dispensed with. Why cannot a number of our citizens who are nterested in the subject, form a company and heat the'r houses and offices by steam ? hearing, the evidence being Insufficient to hold htm. The Keformed congregation lias unanimously elected Itev. W. P. Krebs as pastor, lo'fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Qurley. Now is the time to get your posters printed for spring sales, and tho Columbian oflico Is the placo to have them done, neatly, cheaply and promptly. 1 t the Ale Wynkoop suit reported last week, Esquire Morris gave judgment for the tilaintifl' fo'r $10, The costs amount to more than the judgment. Babies are too highly prized to permit them lo suffer witli Colic, Flatulence, etc., when Dr. Bull's Baby Syrun will at once relieve them Price 25 cts. a bottle. Col. Freeze, Capt. Brockway and J. M. Clark went to Harrisburg Inst Monday to appear be fore the Board of Pardons at the bearing of the cases of Hester, Tolly and McIIugh. question whether the " poor man's cow " should be free to browse on its untraveled and verdant Inncs. The "ring" oppo-ed It, nnd now " a voter" writing to the Slicnadoali Herald calls it the " laboring man's victory," So, after this Illoomsbirg cm be fenced in and made a pas ture land for the " poor man's cow." Danville Intelligencer, The Intelligencer names the paper, but we cannot ndvertise for nothing. Local notices twenty cents a line. The Masquerade Ball at Evans' Hall last Monday night was largely attended, and suc ceeded far beyond tho expectations of thoo who had it in charge. There were over one hundred persons in costumes of every description, ele gant, grotesque, comic, and hideous. Nine Bets occupied the Uoor at one time. Masks were re moved at eleven o'clock, after which all joined the dance and from twelve to fifteen sets were in motion the rest of the evening. Mr. Thomas Webb acted ns prompter, and the music was furnished by the Bloomsburg Orchestra, under whose management the party was got up. At least two hundred spectators were present, Dancing was kept up until about three o'clock in the morning, when all went home well pleas. From tho Carthage (Mo ) Banner.) COMING TO JASl'KIt. In another column we give the views of Gen. Brindle on the money questions. The General ed with Lie Masquerade is known to many of our citizens and has paid much attention to the subject about which he write A colony of about thirty five persons from Scarlet fever has been prevalent in town for Pennsylvania is expected to arrive in this city some time, and there are still a number of cases, to-morrow or the day following. Three gentle- Parents and others in houses where this disease men of the party, Messrs. Warden, Ale and itj should be very carefel not to carry it to their Bowman were hero last spring looking over the neighbors. What claim upon the support of respectable people has n miserable little sheet (printed part ly in this town by one apprentice,) which is habitually opposed lo all progress and every' thing that is decent? The minority of the Town council chosen at the recent election were nominaUd and sup country anil also went to Kansas, but forming a decided preference for Jasper, purchased farms; one of the farms bought is known as the Mitch' ell farm about five miles north of Carthage, and they have also purchased John Wicks' farm lying immediately west of Mitchell's, The credit of having brought this enterprising colony belongs in part to J. L. Bottenfield, J, G. Leidy and II H. Butter. The former gentlemen took great interest in showing the ported by the citizens who pay three loiirins ol parlic3 over the country w,en here, while Mr, the town taxes, mat is why it was caueci me UllUeri aUnchee of ,ie Banner, who nbout taxpayers liclcet. I ruur months since came here from the same town" in Pennsylvania, has written several Economy is wealth, and by attending to your lettr8 to ,le ,,ewsnaners of that cough or cold at once, you not only save your Bcribinc this county and urging bis friends to strength, but save your money. If you use any cough medicine, use Dr. Haas' Expectorant, -o and 50 cents a bottle. What claim upon Democrats has a certain contemptible little sheet which in 1872 offered to sell the use of its columns to the Republican party for $500, for the purpose of injuring Mr. Buckalew, then candidate for Governor? T. B. Fielders, reporter of the Miners' Journ al' formerly of tho Sliepadoah Herald, assaulted Sol. Foster, editor of tho Pottsvillo Chronicle, villi a whip, cutting him accross the face, for winch Mr. Foster gave Fielders a good choking. Why suffer with a bad cold if one bottle of Dr, Bull's Cough Syruji will cure a cough of the worst kind. Dr. Bull's Cough Syru is told for 25 cents per buttle, or five liotllcs for $1.00 in every respectable drug store in tiie United States, The Union Benevolent Society acknowledge the following donations for the month of Feb ruary. Mrs. M. C. Brittitiu, clothing nnd shoes; Mrs. Jos. Miarpless, coat nnd shirts; Mrs. Judge Klwcll, clothing shoes nnd groc eries; Mrs. Henry Philips, groceries; Mrs. Norman Pursel, children's clothing; Mrs. C. Knapp, muslin ; Mrs. Win. llngcnbiicli, dress and sausage ; Mrs. B. P. Zarr, shoes and cloth ing; Mrs, Hicks, chairs nnd clothing; Mrs. l'licbe Wolfe, clothing and food ; Mrs. P, Dill- en, potatoes nnd beets; Mrs. Boyd Hobisou, hildren's clothing ; Mrs. V. Boone, clothing and scrnpplo J Mrs. C. Foruwald, children's shoes ; Mrs. Mendenhall, nine yards of flannel nnd two hoods; Mrs. S. N. Walker, coat, hoods and food ; Mrs. I. Miller, clothing and food ; Mrs. Win. Nenl, Woollen stockings and shoes; Mrs. J. M. Nuss, clothing and food ; Mrs. try- mire, children's clothing J Mis. I. W, Hiirtmnu, clothing nnd jar of plum butter; Mrs, Creasy lothing and girls' hat; Bev, J, Thomas, one bushel of potatoes nnd one coat; Mr, m Neal, coal ; Mr. C. It. lhicknlow, one bushel of potatoes and buckwheat Hour ; Mr. Win. Hag ciibuch, one bushel of potatoes ; Itev. D. J. Waller, Jr., one overcoat and one dress coat ; Mr. Bnwlings, thirty pounds of meat; Mr. S. H.Miller, new shoes; Mr. I. S. Kulm, meat order. CASH COXTHlBUTIONs. Presbyterian church collection, fifteen dol lars ; Methodist church collection, nine dollars, Mr. H.J. Clark, three dollars ; Mrs. E. Little, one dollar; Mrs. S. X. Walker, one dollar; Mrs. C. It. Buckalew, one, dollar. Notwithstanding tho liberality of the citizens, our supplies are not equal to the demand, we again appeal lo the people for aid. I ho room in tho house of Mr. I. W. Hartmnn, kindly given for the purpose, is still open to receive clothing and food, n e are compelled to spend money for many articles muslin, calico, flan nel, material for boy's clothing, flour, shoes ,Vc. We would be glad to have our treasury replenished. Money contributions can be given to Mrs. M. H. Clark, treasurer of tho society. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. COCNC1 L FllOCEEDraOS. The last regular meeting of the present Town Council was held at the council room on Monday evening, nt seven o'clock, D. Lowenberg, President, nnd Messrs. Holmes, Drinker, Jones, Habb, Corcll and Klwell, present. Tne minutes of the last meeting wero read and approved, Tho following bills wcro passed, nnd or ders directed to be drawn lor tho same. Pollco services for February $60.00, street commissioners bill for February f 1G.10, gas bill $70.21, J. J." Ilrovver rent Ac. $50.7fi, O. M. & J. K. Lockard, coal $1.80,0. A. Clark, stationery Ac. $3 08, O. O. Ilarkley, legal services during year, $102.00. A building permit was granted W. Ultigroso to erect a house ou West street, A list of unpaid taxes amounting to $112.05 wero presented by M. C. Woodward, tax collector, and ex onerated, aud a credit of $93 90 was allowed for taxes on unseated properties for 1877, returned to tho Commissioners. B. W. Mcllenry, John llerncr and .1. E. Sands county commissioners, presented a petition asking for the erection of a street lamp on the corner of Seventh nnd Iron streets nt the new jail. The petition was ordered filed. Mr. Lowenberg reported a contract with the Gas Company for one year, beginning March 1st, 1878, as directed by the Council nt last meeting, at tho old rale. The con tract was adopted and ordered executed. A proposition was made for the town to accept land of the Purscl heirs on Wido man's Alley, between Fourth and Fifth (reels in payment of an assessment made on their property, Accepted, and necea-ary pnjers ordered to be drawn. Messrs. Klwell, Drinker and Jones wero nppointcd a com mittee lo examine tho Town statement for tho year ending April 1st, J87S, and report to the Council, On motion Council adjourn ed to meet ou tho 27tli inst., at seven 'clock. When more than n quarter of n century ngo Tom Hood stirred the heart of Immunity with is wonderful " Song of the Shirt," he little reamed of the revolution that would tako place in the making of Shirts or that the day would conic when wo could put on a shirt without feeling that we are "wearing out Im man crentures lives." The manufacture of shirts has become one of great importance. Thousands of men nd women nro engaged in this branch of in dustry. The cutting of shirts has been brought to n science. The result is wo have better made, better cut and better fitting shirts than has ever been in the market. Machinery has cheapened ns well ns improv ed all articles of clothing, no longer nro stmts mnde by '-fingers weary und worn," or bv eyelids heavy and red." The skilful! shirt maker with the aid of the sewing machine can produce from one to two dozen shirts per dav, nnd can earn wages enough to live comforta bly. Among all the shirts now in market and in fact without a rival is tho Pearl Shirt. They are rnado only by capable nnd experienced hands, are carefully inspected and are unsur- passed by any other shirts in tho market. The fit is perfect. The material is of the best qual ity. Try them nnd bo convinced. Sold only by David Lowenberg, Merchant Tailor and Gents Furnisher, Bloomsburg, Pa. immigrate to Southwest Missouri. The colony cumjri8e men and families of energy and caju tal and will he gladly welcomed by all our peo pie. They come from Bloomsburg and adjoin ing townships. CoUNTEitFUir TiiAm: Dollars A very clever (and therefore dangerous) imitation of the genuine trade dollar has made its appear ance, within the la-t few days. On comparison with the genuine coin it will be found that the trade dollars are pinkisk white in line. They may readily be detected by this jieculianty in their color. The milling of llie counterfeits is nearly perfect, but there are alight traces of a mould, in which coin has been run, visible on the edge : it is also light in weight, and will not rebound much when sounded. However,- no bogus coin larger than a dime will rebound to any extent, no matter how hard it may be struck on a wooden surface. BoAim or Pardons. On Tuesdav night the Tho deceilfulnesB at times of fome of our,i lll0 .rUInents in tho case of 1'r.t- raost trusted friends almot compels us lo lose rick I(.slerj Patrick Tully and Peter McIIugli our faith in humanity itself. But that tru-ttd and sterling old remedy, Dr. Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Sciieks, is ever faithful to its promise, 25 and 50 cents. All survivors of Anderson and other southern military prisons who reside in this state, are re- sjiectfully requested to send their names, com jianies und numbers of regiments to which they belonged, together with the names of the prisons in which they were confined to S. L. Hagenbaugh, Wilkes-Uarre, Pa., Corresponding Secretary of the State Association. Will laboring men allow themselves to be disgraced by classing among their number a lazy fellow yUa pretends to run a newsjaper,but who really spends his time in loafing, with his baud in Ins pockets, and makes bis one apprcn- tlce do what little work there is to be done? For the honest laborer we have great respect ; the pretender Is worthy only of universal coiv tempt. Colonel J, G, Freeze and C. It. Brockway, of Uloomsburg.nnd S. P. Wolvcrton, of Sunbury, appeared for the culprits and asked for a pur- dou or a communication of the death sentence to imprisonment for life. The Commonwealth was represented by District Attorney Clark, of Columbia county. Tho principal argument of the attorneys for the condemned was that the conviction was due to the uncorroborated ovi deuce of un nccomi)lice,who bad not only been guilty of murder, but every other crime on the calendar, Mrs. Hester and her daughter atten tively listened to tho arguments. The decision of the board will bo rendered next Thursday. In the case of Fisher tho Board will take no further action. LIST OF PETIT JUKUltS l'OIt MAItCII TEItM, 187S. SECOND MONDAY. Bloom David Armstrong, N. S. Pursell Frank Mcllride, E. B. Bidleman ; Beaver Jcsi-c llittenliouse, l'rauk Ithodes; Benton I. II. Stiles, Win, Ash, Samuel Appleinan, Daniel Shullz ; Berwick Benjamin Hicks, Win. H, Slackhouse; Briarcrctk vm. Hippensteel ; Catawissa John S. Mensch, C, P. Pfahler, Ja- V. B. Kline; Centre Freas The enterprising su)erinlendant of the Ex change Hotel has made some elegant and con. Y -iilent additions to the office of that well known house, A handsome black walnut writing desk occupies the corner at the left of the door, and rob Federolf, M a revolving walnut desk for the register Is I Fowler: Centralia David Walsh; Fishing jdacud 011 the counter. A more comjilete und I creek Win. Eveland, Geo Pe&ler, John Crev better kejit establishment Is not to be found In I ellng ; Franklin--Washington Parr; Jackson the interior of the state. I T. S. Christian, John Itantz; Locust Chris. I .; t,,,n cm,il Moom. i,t: ti, Pennsylvania Canal. The Pennsylvania ,, wn. 'f.,n...i ifr.,n. m.:., t.... u ..... w. UU11K Jolin. Milllin-A. C Millard; Montou luii'iuvcmcm ui iis main line, lis nei ..1 u,.r t revenue wis $237,812.37, a decrease of $US 411.21 fiotu the revenue of 1870. With refer ence to this shrinkage, tho management say in their rejwrt 1 " The abandonment of all ttlbrts to maintain .a reasonable relation between the supply and demand of coal in August. 1870, Fred Stauger, John Thomas ; Orange George W. HJj Pine L. A. German j Scott Geo. Kelchner, THIRD MONDAY, Bloom Wm, WIntersteen, Geo. A. Clark W. O. Holmes, W. W. Barrett, Michael Casey, produced a marked iffect In the conmany's Jr.,-Henry Sloan, Levi W. Cox, George A business during the latter ruonlhs of that year, Herring, C. S. Fornwald j Benton Eli Mc coal being the principal item of Its Iransjiorla- Htnry ; Briarcretk J. II. Mestellerj Catawis, lion business. The same cause, with the remit- sa II. J. Keedtr, G. W. Jteifsnyder, Wm. Mil tng keen competition on all the comiwling lines, ler, George A, Scott ; Centralia John Spring was felt throughout the at year ; but with the Pishlngcreek Samuel Thomas; Greenwood increased ucmtlca and reduced expenses of the Isaac Heacock : Hemlock John P. Guild, canal, it could have endured this, and met its Daniel Voeum ; Jackson-Samuel Vocum j Lo- interestand sinking fund obligations, but for cust Henry II, Ithodes, Enoch Kester) Madl the prolonged strike of the miners In Wyoming son Albert Glrton, Jtcbert Manning; Mlillln district, which stopped all coal slilnients dur- Wm. Creasy, 11. S. Workhelser; Montour Ing about twelve weeks. Jvotwlihstandlng the John G, Quick : Mt. Pleasant Wm Grimes luforced Idleness during that period both of the I Orange H.J. Conner j Pin John Bruner, canal aud ils boating tquliuent, the deficiency I John W, Dawald J Scott II, II. Brown, Wit lias proved much less than was at one time ex-1 lets Hartniin ; Sugarloaf C. L. Moore, Win peeled." 1 Peteruian. Be.vton. March 4, 1873, In pursuance of arangemeuts a District Insti tnle met nt this place last Saturday. A large number of people was iresent. The audience was comjtosed of the peojile from this beautifu little town, and of teachers and students froffi this section of the county. At ten o'clock A. M. the house was called to order, nnd Mr. W. H. Snvder, county Superin endbnt, was chosen President and A. L- Frit secretary of the Institute. Mr. Snyder in hi friendly He, nddresstd the audience. He stated the object of the Institute, and made few remarks in regard to the imjurtance 1 awakening an inlerent in educational matters ii this stct'on, The .audience was then favori with some choice music by a quartette club se lected for the occasion, after which Mr. Snyder introduced l'rofessor Noetling, of the Bloom: burg State Normal School, who gave an exer ci-e in reading. The teachers anil students were very much interested in Ids manner of conducting a reading exercise. He would hav a'lass read 11 sentence or a i.iragraih until they thorouuhly iiudtrslaiid it, before irocetding any further. This should lead them to accept the motto, "Not how much but how well." At 1 l M. the afternoon session commences with music, followed by an exercise In "telling Prof. Nrotling gave an ixercise in langu.i les-ons. He was followed by Mr. Snyder, who explained llie shorter methods of ('.milling ii terest, He sjioke briefly of the imjiorjance o inalheniatlcil studies. Prof. Neotling drew map on ihu board and exjdained the iuip-.rtttnce of Geographical studies. In teachiig Uecgra j.hy we should go from the known to the 1111 know. Teachers should commence at bun and tsach the children the (ieograjdiy of tl neighborhood in which they live. By so doing they will moie readily cotiijireheud the (ieugra- liy of disunl id ices and counties Tho exercises wero then turned into gener. juetions. A qucAtinn which is very imjKii ant to the School Director is the lollowing: I it advantageous ta have the school year in one term, or would it be jireferable to have n sum mer and a winter term? Prof. Neoilin answerd that it would be belter to have 0111 teacher fur llie whole year audi have one term than to divide the school year in two terms. It takes at least (no weeks to organize a school which makes the turns very short by having two terms a year. Mr. Snyder urged llie Directors to lake more interest in rrgird to having a uniformity of text Kicks, This Is one of the great stumbling blocks In our schools. Another drawback is the irregularity of attendance which is tae fault of the parents in a great mea-ure. School time is money. An I every day that a father kees his children ou, of school, he Is depriving them of that knowledge which will be of inure valua to them in afier life than leu limes what they vill earn at the reeiit. Another lmHrtant ittui lo the Directors is the manner of taxation for school nirpu.-cs which Mr, Snyder briefly exlained, '1 hty can not tako both occupation aud kiII tax; but the lax must in all cases be one dollar, If the lax on the occiijiatlon exieeds one dollar, then It must be estimated from the occiiiallon, But if it is less than one dollar take the jkiII tax. A number of important questions were answered which weiu Interesting lo Directors and teach ers. The exercixes closed with mindc by Miss Haltlo Mclleniy, whose rejnitatiou as a 111 us! clan Is well known. Among the many jilccea that she sing anil played were, " Watohlng bv the Golden Gatus," and "Mother Is the old home lonely ? " After a very deasant and profitable, day the Institute closed and was, wo believe, roducllve of much good and a credit to those who con. ducted it. A TtACHKK. IttftVct that In evcrv cemetery J of the silent tenanls ate the victims of ntgteeted Coughs nnd colds, and If you are thus filleted, oroi'd thirate by resorting ol oner to Hale' Honey of Jlorrhound and Tar, an linmnllate, agreeable, and certain means of cure. Sold by all Ding glt. Pike's Tooliache DtojH cure In a mln ute. feb. 15. Business Notices. Call nt McKlnncys for Shoes. For cheap nlco caslmercs for boya wear sold by tho yard at David Lowcnberg'it. Now Is tho time to buy Domcslics nt I. W. Hiirtinan's. American Watches In heavy coin silver cases warranted for two years for twenty dollars at L. lleriiliard'd popular jewelry etore. feb. 22 tf P. S. Balcs, jeweller and watchmaker makes n specialty ol repairing. All work dona by him is suro lo give perfect satisfaction. Important Notice to parties nttendlng Court. Spring; Styles I STlng Sryles ! Just received, the largest etnek of cloths and caslmcres ol tho latest stylo nnd nt tho lowest price to be sold by the yard with trimming for coat jmnts or vest. Il'.youwaut them made nt homo buy tho goods nnd have them cut at David Lowenberg's, We tasted J. F, Caldwell's bread and found It tweeter and cheaper than ever. The large stock of Clocks, Watches nr.d sil vvrwaiu received by P. S. Bates only n month or two ngo is being" very rapidly reduced by his extensive sales nt tho lowest possible prices. my JsirS Mr, m BLCCMSBUBC STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rqv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tills SCHOOL, osttt present constituted, oners tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning, . ., Iiuildlnirs spacious, inviting and commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful sunpiy 01 pure.scn Location Healthful, ami easy of access. Teachers experienced, onlclcnt, and allro to their work, lilsclpllnc, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough. ExpenM moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any lime, ltooins reserved when desired. Courses of study prescribed by tho Slate : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses 1 I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. Tho Klcmrntary. Selenttne nnd Classical Courses are l'lt')FR-Ilt)X.M., and Students graduatng therein, receive statsj Diplomas, conferring tho follow! corresponding Degrees ; Master of the Klyuicnts; Master of tho sciences: .Master of the Classics, uraduatcs in tho other courses receive Normal cerlincaies thetr attainments.. Msrncd bv tho onlcers of tho Hoard of Trustees. 1 no course 01 Mud y nrcscrihed by tho Mate Is liberal, and tho Scientific and Classical courses are not Inferior to tlioso of our best colleges. VOU It llonrd of Trusters- In tho mntler of llie) In the Court of common Picas Kstnteot Margaret - of Columbia county. rum era lunatic. ) oil Citation to show cans? whvenrt.itn sale or reil p.s- tate inailo by said lunatic should not ho rescinded. TlIK I OMMONW R U.TII Ol' I'FNS'SVI.V 'l V To William I'ortn'T. liu-aiand of said Margaret l'orlner. llilum I'arlccrand Mary 1:. his wife.llerco Lunger and Aim his wile, and William 11. nemott, guardian nd litem of Emma Former mid Clark Fort- ner : At tho Instance of James Masters anil ironrnrt Committee of Margaret Former, a lunatic and Aspy.I. Ijijlon and Itebeeea Lu.Monhls wife, repioeiiiing that on the loth day of April A. D., 1st: said .Margaret lortnerby deed did grant bar gain and sell unto the said Ileocccn Laj Ion a certain tract of land situate In tho township of Mad son In said county of Columbia arid Mat of Fennsvivanla coLtalng forty-nine acrcsand one hundred and nrty- sn perenes iiiorenr ic-siniee simple w lin ineap- Aim on 1110 saiu nan uay or April, v. four-tenths ivrclics to a stone, thenco south eighty llireo nnd a half degrees easl.two hundred and eigh teen lurches to a stone, thenco by lan t aurve) ed on a warrant to Mary Scott south thirty-lhreo degrees east two hundred and fifty-eight perches to stones, thenco by Ian 1 surveyed on a warrant' to Daniel Ncyer south "1 nnd a fourth degrees west one hundred and twenty-nine perches too plno thence by land surveyed on a warrant to llenj.imln sju k south sevonty-threo d-.-grees west two hundred nnd thlrty-tiirco perches to tho place of beginning : con taining four hundred and forty acres, moro or less. It being tho samo tract of land surveyed on warrant to (leorge Never. sl.ed, taken Into execution, and to bu sold as the propertv of tho Daavlllc, llazlcton 4; Wtlkesbarre Itallroid Company. ALSO, Ml that certain lot of ground situate In Uoirlng. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture, 1 Liieir iii.iniiiineniH.. sitroeii ov I nil unicpr ni mn 111,1 ro nr 1 r isrc.s. DI....Ht l,n,,.u ,,1.1 fnlba lil-a i tit- Tho courso of stud v nrcscrihed bv the Mjiln is llls-ml. and rhn scientific. . .1 Thn Htntn i'iilr,.u.i hlfrhar nr,lrr nf cltwnn,iln Tlmn,n..,lnini,nt i),n,in,.nuu. ,1,1a unLnnl tn (mln tn an-nn. Ir hv furnish tig people like It ami tiie Dallies cry lor gent and eniclent Teachers for h-r schools. Tollilscndlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good pu'rposes,-lhoso who deslro lo Improve wo mean Dr, Frailer s Cough byrup. If and thetr talents, as Mudenla. To all such It promises aid in developing thetr powers, nnd abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving si IWU.n.lShLtMrfinr.A .'.' V." ' lil.WlSl'.l., 1'rr.l.lent II N'cvv nnd Beautiful Spring Styles. Hats for the .Million. .lust received n full line ol Hals in nil the newest shades in still' nnd soft felt for Men, Youths, Boys ami hililren, cheaper than ever at JMvld law- cnberg's. GltANI) PUBXITUUK SALB MARCH Dili OF SOLID BLACK WALNUT SUITS, PA I STUD SUITS nnd Extension Ta bles, wood Fent Chairs and cane-sented Chairs. Louiieps. Looking-glasses. Cup boards, Sinks, Bedsteads, Bracket'), Picture ! rnmcs and Chromos, also a six atop UL (JAN. The above Furniture is New and of the latest styles, neither second-hand nor cheap ly made. Sale at 10 o'clock a. lu. nt Cad' man's lAirniture Store. Do hot miss tlieso nico spring days to call on I. S llartman. Hoot headquarters nt McIIintiey's. Many consumptives nro now using Dr. Fruzier's Root Bitters and Cough Syrup with remarkable; success. tl Tho lloyal Safeguard Oil at D. A. Crcasy's is all the go. Mr. Elisha C. Barton, nu old and much es. teemed citieu of this place died ou the moriv ing of the first Inst., nt tho residence of bis daughter, widow of J. John, at Mount Cnrmel, Northumberland county, where he bad gone with his family to spend the past winter. His death was sudden and quito unexpected, by even tho members of his family. Ho had taken cold from which he suffered a few days. On tho evening previous to his dentil he was taken with a disease of the bowels, and at one o'clock in the morning died. He was a son ot Isniali Barton, whose father was one of the oldest settlers in this neighborhood j grew up in this community, nearly his whole life hav ing been spent here in different business pur suits, was appointed by the council of the town of Bloomsburg ns the first Commissioner of Highways under the town organisation in 1870, In public and private life his course was up. right, and at the age of sixty-one years he il parted this life, leaving a large circle of friend: and relations, who will long remember him His widow, daughter of the Into Daniel Snyder, nnd two daughters, survivo him, and mourn his loss. furnishing Intelll- e iiieir uiu school. Tor m leiiKiice'.s , .11111 un iiiu bum loin uay ui April, At , nri,ni- ,n.P,,ol,ln pnimw. nn..n,.- i.nnn3Wi...,ni , lt.71. the Mild Asnv J. Uiv on nnd Kcbeeca h s n wu, ......... wife by their deed acknowledged the snino day, described o3 follows, to-wtt : Hounded on tho north ninieo, unnjuineu nun sum unio uio saui jiarirun-i. by land oLAbratn Itlce, on tho south by land ot Con borltier all tint certain houe and lot or (rrounl sit. I .. ,, - . . uate in tho Lorough of Muncy, Lycoming county ,uu ""'ra'ln' un lu wc" oyianaoi.incnaeiiHrau.s- and state of i'eniisjivanla contnliiliig tun square erand William eager and on tho cast by land of ftet with the npiiurtfiiances In lee Minnie, thesald nplmdm Lltjy, containing soventy-threo acres more d-cdS belllgniudeloHCllilIlgelhos.lldl.UldS. 'Ihat which nn rf'l i rtii-lllnt- l.mis,. him since llie miking of sntd deeds tho said Margaret r less on w men are erected a dwelling house, barn Foi tner has iiem found by Inquisition taken on Ihu ana oat-uunniugj, l:ilh dsvof Decemlv-r last a lunatic nnd to havo been alunauc for is jears last past without lueld In tervals. Tliereroro volt and each or you lavlnir aside all business nnd e.vcuses whatsoever, are hereby clU'd io appear oeion- our e-ouri or i;oininon nens lit IiliMimsburir In and for said county tho first -Monday of May nent to ?1 ow cause vvhyn decree for tho re- sciiKiini; or ine nroresuKi uceus ami a reconveyance ot tho said lands should none made. If such pro i oilier Miun i in oo ui-iuiTsniuKluiis io mucMdie ALSO. Ono other pleco ot land bounded on tho north by land of Jacob strauser, on tho west by land ot Solo mon Mrauser, ou tho south by land of I'eterllower and on the east by land of Conrad llousrnan and llllam Yeager containing eighteen acres. A1.SU, One other pleco of land bounded on tho north by David Lowenberg is now prepared lo give shall bo equitable and Ju-t. s customers the lull benefit of the red'.lc- Witness iho lloncraMo Will ot the Mild Margaiet Fortnir upon such terms as lands ot Judge Cov, on tho west by land of Solomon hi tion iii all kinds of clothing. Spring made up at greatly rcduotd prices, and examine tho latest styles. suits Call ilsm Khv eil President iiidire of our said Court at li.oenisbuiL-. this nlne- uviiiuuay oi rcuiuary, .v, ji., iis. it. ri,,isi ..viiit. mai eh 1 , Ts-iw I'rotli'y. If vou have a watch, clock, or any kind of lewelrv or silverwnro to repair, take it to r. h. nates who aivvnys gives peneci mui-iucuoii. A. Crci- Boss Cigars, 2 for 5 cents, at D, sv s. Rubbers at McKinney's. MeKinnevs Shoo Store below Court House. Buying and selling Spring Goods now at 1. w. uartman a. Since the discovery of T)r. William's In- .lion (liniment there is certainly no excuse for sny one to suffer with the Piles. See nd- vertement. A lot with ennd house, barn and out buildings for rent in Iijoomsburir Apply to Wm. Krickbaum. mar 8 .ivv' Admission free at .McKinney's. Royal Safeguard Oil gives the safest yet most brilliant light ol any nil in tne worm I,-.,.- na nt IV A flrPflSvV tllP OIlU' lllllCP In . . i,. i, ..,, I, l'.,l nwMlM water on the premises, " (iOOI) APPLK OltCIIAKD, For a Spring suit made up in city style go to David Lovvennerg s. Charles Dansherger; of Danville, was arrest ed on Tuesday for setting firu to his largo three story brick building, comer of Mill and Centre streets. The first floor was occupied by Charles I.imbergcr ns a harness shop. Tho second floor was formerly ued ns n residence nnd tho third floor was occupiasl by Calumet Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Dansherger gained uccess to the lodge room and bored holes in the joists, poured kerosene into the holes, nnd, after turning on a full head of gas, placed a lighted candle in the middle of tho room with the expectation (hut when the room was full of gas the lighted cau dle would cause an explosion and set the build ing on fire. Fortunately the strong smell of gas nttrnctcd the uttcntion of outside pmtiis, nnd ii)ion ascertaining thu cause the gns was cut oil' before en explosion occurred. Then) was an insurance of six thousand dollars on thu building and this is the third attempt Dans herger has made to secure it. He succeeded in escaping from Iho officers while looking for bail, and to thn promt time hns eluded nil attempt to secure him. N'i:w Mcsto. " AYrrr 6'roy." We have re ceived a beautiful song und chorus, entitled ".SVrer 6Vny," composed by S. Ttiruey. It is said to bo one of the prettiest songs now- pub lished. Any music dealer will mail it lo your address on receipt of pike, 30 cents. Pub lished by W, L, Thompson A Co., Fast Liver pool, Ohio, TlIK TELEPHONE. That which would have feeincd lmiossibe and miraculous a few years since, is now re garded as the legitimate fruit of our mental de velopment nnd invenlivegenlus. The telegraph, sub-marine cable, and telephone, have each in ils successive turn been thought the crowning marvel of llie age. That a speech pronounced in Boston should report it.elf oyer the wires to an audience in Brooklyn, and u hymn played In New Wk, should be audible in Washing lun, is Indeed wonderful. But Is It not equally wonderful that It. V. Pierce, M. P., of Buffalo, N Y,, an, through his peculiar system of diagnosis, and without seeing the patlent.oblaln as accurate and perfect a knowledge of most chronic diseases as though he had madn a per sonal examination 1 And Is it not reasonable to supfcsxs great progress has been made In tho occult sciences as in the more tangible and readily-demonstrable problems of melaphysio-, where each new invention Is but the logical se quence of the one that precedes It ? The failure of physicians lo fulfill their promises has creat ed a wide-spread feeling of distrust ; but Is it right to condemn all physicians because the greed or Ignorance of a induced them to do wrong? Many are prejudiced against Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines, and erroneously f.ncy ihem to be " cure-alls," but has not the Dottor repeatedly disclaimed their ability lo cure cancer, or give other than temporary relief where the lung was hall wasted away? By dealing fairly willi the people, ho has earned their confidence, and built up a practice so Urge lu the Ircatintnt of chronic diseases that the erection of the (Irand Invalids' Hotel, at Buflalo, N. V., lo accommodate his patients, became a necessity. At an eipense of nearly half a million dollars he has erected the largest and most compute sanitarium In the world, Ilujfalo A'cui, Priceless Discovery. A Sure Cure for Pilon. cum euro fnr the wind, blepdlnir. Itclilnsr and ul cerated riles tins been discovered by l)r. Vv lillnm.din Indian reinedv) called l.r. William's Indian mm ii.eni a sint'lii box hasciircd the worbt old chrunlc ensesof tvveiiivllve and tidrlv ears' standing. o rn. suit, r tlvnn inutesnflerannlv In ir lids won. derfill soothing lindliliie Uilions, Instruments and electuary's) do mere harm than irond VV Ilium's ointment supports the tumors, allays Iho Intense Itching (parlieiPnilv at night niter getting warm lu bed), acts as a poultice, gives Instant and painless relief, and Is prepared only forl'tles and nothing else, Hiousnndsnf cured pnllentsntlesl lis virtues and phvUelmsot all schools pnmou ce It the great est contribution tn medicine of Hit age. It mailers not how longer severely jou have been suncring, vnn run 1hi rnreil. ts .iiik.-iiii M nwler. c'leielshd. Ohio, writes: I suffered for jeiirswlin Itrhlngimd 1 icernted Piles, tried remedv alter n ineilv advertised, and consulted phvslctnus in 1'hlladelphli, lml-UUf. Clneinnall nnd this city; and spent hundreds rf dnllnrs, lint found no nllri until lolilnlnedn bnv of nr. v llll.uns Indian oiniminl seine inur inoiuns ngo nnuii n is ciirel run cnlniili telv. 1 llinl il tl.llt (if the IkiX led which I gave to a friend of mint- w ho had dot ton d with mans rhjslel.iiis, and as a last icsert vvei I 10 tie, noted Hot si . Arkansas nr ireiiii.ini llolniorms me that the Italian ilrdment lms nlso cured Mm c( the piles. Ir Is eir'aliilj aw lurid dlscovcrv, and should le used hv U n innny tiiou- snnus v.1.0 1110 now suiiering vviiu inu uicuu uis- ff"tiO,fno llewmd will be paid for n mcreceiiiiq. remedy. Sold by nil muigl-is. I It. u. W. I'K.v- ZIKli, sole proprietor, I'Kviiui.d u. DON'T NKHLKCT A ( til'd'H nr Cold, when iiv ei ids will buy a 1'o.tlloc.f nr. Fiu- 7lers cough svrup .11 nn.v urug Fine, ir mis vvioughl a loiupltte change In the I'ou.di Mediums, IS plesani asnui.t) una uiw 11) seines. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Sf- Dr. l'razler's cough svrup usid In connrrtlnn wun nr. tr.tiers koui i.iuers wna.ii'UMussi-Mr TION. standard Meam Laundry. Cleveland, o, Oct, so, 'M. int. ii'ur sir. 1 nil 11 u um 1 luwcio snlTirliig humanity lo wrltejou. lor some Itine 1 was sorely iiftllcled wllh a cough, raising had stuit, vv nil every si niptom or being a conHrined consump tive. I tried dfrreientmedUlncs and cures without rinding relit I: I also consulted Ihiee of our most pioinlnent (levelaud phiflclans, the last one of w hlih pronounce my cuso serious, and lnfonr.ed ine that I could not live moro than afew niruiths. About nils lime, healing ot v our wonderful success. I com- lliemcu iusiuk ,uui cjiuihu iu.jue.ttuM nnnju.1 ltout 1'tltcrs, and was ntoneo benentted, and after using tho luediclho some two months I nnd luvseif enlireiv eureu. juiiiu..sur. mirtiVt rir Mr. nunn again writes, unuer aaie 01 August 4, 1S7T, Dr. Krazlcr, Dear Mr 1 1 can endorse ) our medicines more sirongiy man ever irora mo met mat 11 is now neuriy 010 esr since iwascunii. My lungs are to-ilsy strong and sound, hav tng no re turn nf Die disease. fsrihe nbovpj Medicines speak for themselves. lilt, u. vv. r, rieptieior L-teveiana, u. Tor Salo by all Druggists, ixc it, i7My Strauser on the south by laud of Abraiu litcoand on tho oast by land of Abrim Itlce and Leonard Ad ams, containing 15 acres. Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold a3 the property of D.ivldlt. Ilcivcr. AISU, All th it certain lot or pleco ot land situate In llrl- arcreck township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit : Hounded on the nort h by land of .tamos 'Duty and others, on tho east by luiid of Joseph hUickhouse, south by land of tho heirs ot m. v. He idly ami on the w est by hind of Ow en Suit, containing three hundred acres more or less about, thirty ucrei cleared laud nnd the balanoi well timbered, on w hleh Is erectod a small stable. died, taken tn execution, and to bo sold as the property ot John Seybert. .vLSU, All that certain lot or pleco ot land situate In I'lne township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, desert bed as follows, to wit : Uound.'d on the north by land of Samuel Snyder, on the east by lands of Daniel (iordncranl Jackson Lyons, on tho south by lands ot llenj.imln WlDtersteeu nnd Itichard T. Whitinlre and on the west by land of Thomas Low, containing llfty acres more or less, on which are erected a I'lank liouse, framo barn nud out-buildings. Silretl, taken Into evecutlou and to bo sold as the property of A. J. liardo. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land sltuato 1 u tho Towuot Dloomsburg, Columbia county, 1'ennsj Iv a nta, described as follows, to wit. Lot No. lit m irk ed In general plan of lUoomsburg, bounded on the (lood Hark ll.irn, Wagon House and Corn Crib, good north by an alley, on tho west by land of John Mo out-bulldlngs. good spring nud spring house, good foci Iclc, on the Sjuthby Canal street, and on the east by land ol Jonathan Chromos, containing rsi feet front and 113 feet In depth nu which are erected u dwelling house and uut.b tlldlngs. seized taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the pt opc rty ot Tobla s Henry, ALSO, All that oeria'n lot of grounil situate In Locust towu'LIp, Culumblo county, l'ennsjlvanhi, described "pUKlNEr-S CAKI', XJ VISITING CAHU.1, LMTTJSlt HEADS, iiillhi;ai)s, 1V1STEIH. .('.. if.. Neatly and Cbcnply printed at the C01.USI MIAN Uilico. PUBLIC SALE W VALUA HLU Real Estate! ! In rmratinnco of tin order ot tho OrolifinV Court of Columbia uountv. tho un-lerMnect Administrators, A.C., ot MiclUPl firmer, Lite vt iho Tuwn of ltlonnis burtf, said couiity, do'd., . Ill expo-io to public talo ou mu prt-imst's un Friday, ilurch 1j, 1SK, lenPlnp at io o'clock, a. m., n Tract of I.an1 it .Mum towiuhlp, wild county oE (.'olumUa.c 102 ACRES, or les. adjolnlnif lands of Aaron Ma-dot 1 Miller and others, and a public load, wlier ructcd a TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, and ether ft tilt trees hind In a rood state of culti vation, A iiiiille iokI runs thruuirh tho land und one on north side ; convenient to school aud church. Tkkvis or Sai b Ten per cent, ot one-fourih of Uio purchase inoiiev lobe pul,l nttlie striking down or 1110 tironeriv. tut! oiiL'-tnuriu less 1 10 ten cent, at coiitlriuatlon absolute, and tho lematning threisro'iiiiiH in onoear tie realtor Willi inierc from continual Dn nisi. Tenants smrc of irtnln In as follows, to-wtt : Hounded on the north bvbv land thoirrouiul to lie reserved. Deed to be delivered at of Augustus Mrauser.un the east by land ot Solomon exiK'iiaa of purchaser. AAI()N ouhvk, lilder.ouihosouthbyland of Wlllimlkachandi.ii josiil a ' ' ' khmam, weai uy i.iuu 01 Aaiuuei fcuujier, containing feb. w, !S-ts Administrators.. I'D acres, more or less, on w hlch Is erected a dwell- "V, n t-TirrTiivi"; 7", "i" ing house, bvrn and out-buildings. OlLJiiLliLj:!? O bAljrj. s.l.i0ji ,aucn in ovcculton, and to be soli us the property oia.iuies liostenbauder. ALSO, All that tract or parcel ot laud situate In Scott township, Columbia county. Pennsylvania, bounded on tho cost by land of Juhn Kelchner. 1 Ing be. tvv ecu thu Pennsv Ivnnla canal and the Sunpiehanua liver and i mining to a point on the west at or near the aqueduct nliova D-py, com atulng about seven acres, moro or less. ALSO, All that eertntn lot ol ground sltuato In the town of Uspy, cclumbU county I'enusjlvanla, bounded and described ns follow i: do iho north by Main sirtei, oust ny lot of ji. c. Mccolluni.wulh bv itn al- being 41 t feel front, Ily vlituo ot sundry wills Issue.! out of tie Coui t of Common I'lo.u of Coliimbli cjuuty and to mo directed will bo exposed lo publls sale uttl.e Conn Housoot tvvoo'eioek: p. in., on WUD.MDAV, .vlAKCll al. 1678, A ceitaln lot of ground situate In the town of lUoomsburg, Columbia county, run.sjlval.tJ, d. scribed aa follow s : bounded northward and cast vvardl tiyau alley, southwardly by lot of M, a Woodvvaid, und westwnrdlj by ui,t hirtit, titiigiis feet front and luT feet deep more or less, vvlieivuu are erictcd u traine dwelling house, Malle and out, butl.Itngs.' Feled, Into e(ctitton,ar.d lo sold as the ley and west by luidel Kccl pi oirty ol uisj-or Kressli i . A I. Ml All ihofe certain four Haitsof laud situate In Tea ver township. Columbia loui.ty, and Mate of 1 svlvtifila, bounded and u scribed us fo'Iovvs : duo of theiu higlniiini; ui n petal tho south-west comer of it tract of land sinveji d on avvurnuit toCatha rlne loiigeiiltrgtr, ti.cnic Ii tho said Catharlco Longi itLerger liait 1 iiihtlMit n decries west two h'Uidrtd and tevcnly.lwo reichistoa nosl.tlience noitli .Twtnly-cno degucs west one liundied and twelve Ion jcn, ll. nre ly lend Fiirveyed In the r lln ims It men south seventy ele git es west cue iiiiiuiied unit slxtv pirtl i a Ion nosi thence Ij 'nnd unvijid In tie lane of Hanlcl Nejrr noiih sljtiin ti.d a halt iicgiees east Ihrie hui.dred aid,o rtiiliisto a post. t hence norili sev enty-t Ight ill gi c es i list i Islity-four IKrihes to a poi-t, Ihcnce by land if Jesse llrooks ncrlli twelve clegiecs wist ilghttt n prrclusto a red oak, thenco by land In lio naino nf Jesso llrooks and 1.3'. !.! In depth, wheieon ac erectcdlvvo tvvostoi) dwelling houses. Seltd, taken Into execution, nnd tolio sold ns tim I'lUl'vllJ UI AiOUlO I ItOOge. ALSO All that undivided of tho undivided onc-Mui Hi tf tho following tract ot land, situate In JacKson township, Columbia counly, l'a., boundo and uescrlbed us follows, to wit: Heirlunlnir at a stone a corner of land of Mathlas Ithone. thence In land In tho wairanuo nniuo of Wesley Hess north forty ui.d a ipiarti r degrees west thru) bundled nnd lifleeu perches luon Ironvvood trto cn county line, inenco nicng ilo tamo south furti -seven and a Nil degrees west th no hundrnl and sixteen perches to a sioue, inenco uy land In the warrantee name cf Sumuil Vorls south lever.lj-tliri'o degrees east three bundled ai.d four rihes to a stone, thence i) ianu ot jesso ithone noilh seienleen and a quar ter east thirty-seven nnd livo-tcutlis perches to a stone, and thence noith eighty degrees east ono linn- north seventy-eight .let rees iat , Ighty perches to f, i 'h . Z ?e" ,' , , T9 7," '"'n' a post, the placo of beginning; contal .tnu Ihiee rlJ-,Vel", , trC,l'C" tu 1,10 vaee0' 'nnlngi hundred and seven.y-tvvC nnd iree foimh'scres. Wy 'folfr S and allow iiuces, more or less, siii.ev,. Ion warrant ,r;:,;:"S0, felrlCt mtauri;t tbo lo .uitirovv i i.ii u, uated tho !3d daj of August. lToj, su.-uiio oiuer ci ihem, becliiniii at a rw. tho smuu-vvest corner ottl.o abovo described I ract sur, leje.loniiiiarruntlo Andrew Clark, Ihtiicobvtho western lino of said Andrew c lark tract ii"i lh sti. leen and a half degrees wist three hundred nnd some more or less. ALSO, All the undivided one-fortieth part of tho follow. Ing described tract of land situate In Jackson town, ship nnd sugarloat tow i ship, Columbia couuly.l'ei.n- sjivuiua, iouuccuniiUdciKilbediis!c.ll(iW8,vU.: lie- St'V I'lll V tllllll llCrfllftu t(l n I.. 1. I ....n.i ., ,, usrnr ,i . Z .. . , I giiiuiug at ii ciifsi Hal oak, a cornel lulaudd Havld A GK.NTLK HINT. In our f tylo of climate, with ila sudden r:"7' "u" lwl)''' I'crcnea weit ono ,,irt.( nil tutv.rour net. : to ii nine, inenco nv i.imi survei.,.! An u.rmn, ,,, .. .... - ihi,.iuoJUI.uiiiii iweutv-stv uerrn'S cost ono 1,1,,, 1 ,i .i,i,, ..,... ... Iheice noit e liuiidretl tn Ihcnce noith foiirtcin and a half deitl ees east one Sale of a Railroad. XOTIOIC. PUBLIC SALE. Tlic Uutiville, Htlzlelon aud Wilkcsbanc Kailroad. In the Court ot Common Picas of Columbia county, Penn'a. In Equtry, So. S, December Term, 19". Be tween W.M. I. (lltEK.Vf)Ueill, Trustee rialutirr, and THKUASVILLK, HAZLKTOS AND WlLKESIlAHHB KAILUOJiD CO.MI'ANV, Defendant. Under and by virtue ot a decree entered on the nrtUdjyof February, A. Ii., lsis. In the above suit, tho undersigned, to whom all needful authority lu tho premises has been gtven, will, oa tho TWENTI ETH DAVOKMa'hcH, a. D.,lST,at 12o'clock-,noon, at the COUHT IIOUSB In tho TOWN 1 r III.OOBH HUltU, in the COfN rV OP CUI.UMIIIA, l'ESNSYL V'ANIA.oxposo to Public sale the ralroad, franchises, property, real and personal, ot t ho aald Danville, Da- j icion alio vv iiKesoarrii iiHiiroaui-oiiiiiiiuj, 11 . im wnoiciine or liauroati 01 saia vouiiiauy. uum uw borough of sunbury lo tho borout;h of IIaleton,ana to such othr point as pursuan t to existing laws) shall be fixed as tho terminus ol said Itallroad, the. sameljlntr, liclng and situitc In the countljs of Northumberland, .Montour, Columbia and Luzerna In the state ot Pennsylvania, with t's appurtenan ces, and all lands, property, estate, railways, ties, rails superstructure, sldo tracks, brldscs, viaducts, walls, culverts, fences, light otvvay, tnnchlne.shops, depots, grounds, station houses and other buildings, tenements. Improvements an I structures ot every kind and nature connected with, owned, held or erectid and used by tho said Danville, Hazleton and Wtlkesbarre Itnt'rord Com pany for tho purpose of operating, completing and maintaining their said Kallrcad, or the accommoda tion ot tho business thereof; together with, all the ways, roads, switches, streets, passages, easements. waters, water courses and grants and all tho rights and franchises thereunto belonging; and also all tho machinery, rolling slock, tools and Implements and materials, connected with tho proper equipment ot tho satd railroad; and also all tho rights, liberties, prlv Hugos and franchises of the said railroad compa ny, and all tho estate, right title. Interest, property. claims und demands ot any nature and klnrTwhat- soever ot the aald railroad company, In tho law or equity, or, lu and to the samo nnd every part and parcel thereof ; also, all thoso certain ITOTTH. TRACTS OF LAND sltuato In Bea ver township, Columbia county, and State of Penh- s) lvanla, bounded and described as follows : One ot them beginning at a post at tho south-west corner of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant to Catharine Imgenberger, thenco by Uio said Catharine Longen bergor tract north sixteen degrees west two hun dred and seventy-two perches to a post, thenco north twenty-one degrees west ono hundred and twelve perches to a post, thenco by laud surveyed In the name ot Thomas Lemon south seventy degrees west oneliundred and sixty perches to a post, thenco by land BUrveyed In ibe namo ot Daniel Neycr nortu sixteen and a halt degrees east three huudred and seventy-nine perches lo a past,thenco north seventy eight elegrees east eighty-four perches to a post, thenco by land of Jesse llrooks north twelve degrees west eighteen perches; to a red oak, thenco by land n the namo ot Jesse llrooks north seventy-eight de- gices east eighty perches to a post, tho place ot be ginning ; containing three hundred and seventy-two and three-fourth acres, and altovvaiices.inore or less. Suiveyedon warrant to Andrew Clatk, dated tho iid day of August, 17U3. Ono other ot them, beglnula? at a post, the soutn.w est corner of the alioie described tract sur vejed on warrant to Andrew Clark, thence by tho western lino of said Andrew clalk tract north six- teen and t halt degrees west three hundred and aeventy-nlii) jierches to 11 post, thence by land sur veyed on warrant to Mary Scott and Jacob Neyer somuseicnty aud a halt degrees west eighty ltercliea to Etones.theiK by landsurveved lu thu name of thu said Jacob Never south seventy-tour and a fourth dejrees west ouo hundred and twenty-nine perches to a pine, thence by land sun eyed on warrant to lienjimlu Mock south, tvventy.slx degrees east one hundtednnd ivvenly.nvo perches too nine, thenco by land survejed on a warrant to Georgo Neyer south thirteen degrees east two hundred and sixty nine and nvo-tculli perches to n post, thence by land survejed on a warrant to John Ilannon, Jr., north seiorfly-elght degrees east ono hundred and sir perch's to a hickory, thenco by land survejed tntLe name of Jesse llrooks 1101 tli IS degrees iitsllweuly elght perches to a )ast, thenco by Hie same north tcT.-ntj'-olght degrees cast tilnetj-slx jierches to a post, tho place ut beginning; containing four hun dred and forty-two und a half acres, mora or less being tho same tract ot lnd survejed on warrant to Daniel Nejer dated Ivventy-tldrd ot August, JIM. 0110 other of Ihem, bcglnnlm; at a post, the south-vvcsl corner ot the last about described truct surve.vetl on warrant to Daniel Neyer, and thenco by tho said Daulil Nejir noith thirteen ilogiceswest two hundred und sIMj-ulne and live-tenths perches toaplue, theniuby laud of lienjanilu Sjoct soutli slxtj.four tl 'grei'.s west to the lino dividing a part of this tract sold to Jacob llasler, thence by the said lan lot Jacob llasler to tbo northern llnouf land survejed on wnrrant toJohnlinnnon, Jr., thenco by mo same n'rth seventy-eight degrees east to a post the. placo of bjginnlng ; containing tw u hundred and stxt j -utne and three-fourths acres, more or lcs,lbc Ing a part nf a tract ot land survejed on a warrant to (leorgo Neyer dated twent j-lhtrd ot August, lt3. And the other ot them beginning at stoncBlna line separating It from lands sunejed on a warrant to Ileujamlnsjock, thenco north t ight and a halt degiees west Uuee hundred and thirty-three, and four-tentii perches to a stone, thence south eighty tim e and a halt degrees east two hundred and eigh teen porches to stones, thenco by land survejed on .1 warrant to Mary Scott south thlrty-tlin-o degrees east two hundred nnd ilftj-.elght nhes to stones thence by laud survejed on 11 warrant to Daniel Nejer south Tl and n fourth dtgrces wen one hundred and twenty-nluo penhes lu a rlne, thenco bylantlsuivejedou a variant to lienjsuiln Sjock south sexe Lty.thlve degrees west two hundred and tlilrtj'-threo penhes to Iho placo of beginning ; con. talnlng four hundred and forty acre, moro or leu, It lielug tho same tract of land suneyed oa warrant 10 1 leorge Neyer. elonen i.ortn cigutj-oiio nnd thrcc-iiuarlor decrees ono hunt red and nine! j. four reuhes lu a hem. sliino often, in a.ioclo day,-it 0 l" Ki":.1 - ''c'r. al," -oventylght degrees east one hundred and six ! I? is no wonder that our, iliildrcn, relatives aro so liequently taken from us bv Wr, i,es t i,i,.v,t,v ., Z. . " . . ." '-o millian ccuuly line souih foitv- neijlectfd colds, half tlio deullis rcsultin'' uameuf Jesso brooks uoithi,doL.i.s,, tl,',,, 1 H'vl" "da l.idtdigitcswwttnehundrednndiluht directly lioui tliis cause, perches to an trouvvood, theme by land In the war. , uuitiu ,,1 j.ti-1 eiiriiL tierciiei. ill niui.r inniis.i hut,,-,.- fclioefl licrman iyiuii kept about your lioino sevenl.-elght degrees east nlnely-six inuhestoa V Mmuei M'ji.ard south forty and a lor iliuucdiato ufo will prevciit fcrious sit k- posl.llw placoot beginning; containing four huu- Iuoiut degries east thrio liundiid Bli uriteu iiess, n larjjo tlnctnr's bill and perhaps death, dred and loity-two and a half acres, more or 1. ss, !? , ?, '!"', ,'Ct 1 y 01 ,l10 MM um by tho use ol'ttirco or four doses. Vor cuiing Mag the same tract cf laud survejidon wairuii- to , , , . ? y ,l-',u' 'ttrlj-nltio end Cplisuinption, Ilcinorrh'aro, I'lieuinonia, He- "'u1''' Nej er dated ad of Augu.t, i;m. I'luut-uniiiieiil.eslon eluinutnnd ilteiuvsuuili vcro Coutths Croup nr liny disean) of Iho .--on ether of theiu, ,,.gii,i,,g at a post.ihe 't' ' ) ', '. VtV re"J''''"..-'''l'l' the Thioat nr Lungs, itssticcess isbiniply wonder- "" est corner of iho last above ilesciiud iract ?i? ,L h ,1.! 11 '"ur ,'u"uu'1 lul.usyour 1 riicg st u 1c yon. (lermaii """'leuoti wurrant to Hunta No.vcraiid thenet. by 7." ' ,1 'V 11 'M'a,r41 Sv Uliis iiowsnufiii evori.tmv, ,1 ,dll "'-' said Daniel Nejer noith lliliteen degris west ",l'"k,1'' ! orless. 1 . . 011 Ibis cominrut. Sauinlu lssttlcs lor trial. lwu u"ulw '""isuty-nlue ami nve-uiith peiouos lOo j regular mo, 7flo. to u pine, thence bj lander Benjamin oeksoulh ipril.'7, 77-Iy jl suty-luurtlegiiS'SWiSitotheliiiedlvldliigii,nituf 1 "risin lot rf groiiml ntuate Inllir-town iui nam eoiu 10 jaooo iiasier, Ibeuce by the said , . wmuj, 1 n., uttarits ii us M'untril lokiiliu-Hlu. ' agents aouriiai. u nanilsou.1 page Journal, bilui full of liitoen lu Agents, linen eopv tent lief. Autsis' Jociissi, 1 .tw. Ill, ,s 1111 PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS rriiiteil at this Oflico ON SHOUTF.ST NOTJOU AND AT THE MOST Itl.AKONAULE TERMS, 1 tiiiuuwacou nosier 10 ino uortueru lino ot land . . '"""oiuiny 1 i.igenl. it'Sr..!1 P"f'C)loaw.irrauttoJohnliirron.Jr..thwieeie ". ",0 Xlt'1 "y UrU,ro t,n-t' cn thetouthby Mh " t"o "W norm seveutj .eUht dogrcwi e t lo a st , . , .' B u IUB i u-v UiEU ' S'. 1 . the Place ot bogluulug 1 cunUilnlitir iwo 1.1.., 1,.. ,,h ' ccnlali.lug sa fu t front and lx, feet In ilenih. J'' suu-ulueaiid thrcvfjuitlii wi os mwe or Ks. be- , . ' r""wl a ostcry frame store lious,-, In. a n irt of a tract of lu,l s,.,.- ' .. . " ''tl ouiouiwingi. tuiioorgn N. vor dat 'd M nf August, l.tu l-i tzed, taken Into extcullui, and to lo sold as the t.And theotUeroftlieinbegliinlogatstonrslna I"'0K'r,' " v- "uwr. line separating It iron, landssuivejedoiia vvurtunt 'ifiX.' U(Jl U AJ fc' kalc' 'bcrwlso property iuu iijouim ojucn.menee north ilghtand ahi'.f ,.,v ... aegKswet three hundttd and thirty inue und febmi-u "OrrJIAN, TEHMSOK SALE. Tin) property W ll bo told as ono entire lot to the higest ninl best bidder, upon his signing thecoudl tionsot salo. Ten thousand dollars ( ) of the purchase rnon ey shall be paid In cash w hen the property Is struck otr, and the balance within ten daj. ITovlded, how ever, Ibe jtaj meut ol the balance of the Durchase money may bo made In such of the bonds aud over , due and unpaid reef of tin Danville. Ila. zlilon and Wliketbaue Itallroad Company usarese fared by Its inorlgugt, made to Miepherd Kiiap;, deceased, end the uudeisigned ns 1 rustles, dated October Ist.isoT. Eah bondar.d coupon to bo re "elved for an amount equal 10 ll.elrillvldriidcnrinal settlemeut, Tpun ee nnimalloiieif the saleby said court, the purchaser or purcbatcin upon a full com pllaue-o vvlih Iho conditions of sale, sudlhe trdrrof e'otirt innde or to be inmle, louehing ihe j uj imnt ot the pun base money, shall Iki enlltlid Intake and hull all the puiil.atid rueny, rallioud. lights, !iaiiiblsiiund ui purliiiiiits.lite Him hi) elului or Ueuiund of the l'omtlle.llazleicu and llketbarre Itallroad t cnipaty lUrelu nr thciilo, l way ol tsiully of redcrnj Hon orolbervvlse, WV. I. (Hll-KMIVIIII. Trustee, ler further lnfoiireilon sptlj to SAMl M. Ul'M'INli THO.M1-SON, ICVNtEL lull, jxo gut uvuth louithnieir, l'L',Uonpl.u, I'lK fi'b.U, IS-1 1 i t.AMs MJ I !-.&,. un ojxllhoutieajwicim. i 1 fa. -Ou u the ouLCKSUJi (amoc- 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers