The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 01, 1878, Image 2

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fgh luIumBhtit.
BB0KWAY& EL77ELL, Editors.
Prldny, Mnroli. 1, 187S.
CAl'IT.Ui ami iai:iii:.
Wliifo wo nro atiiusoil at tho nlmuel elecl.i
r.itloti that tha issue of our recent town elec
tion wai tVat of labor nc'iinU capital, it af
forth ui an opportunity tn review the situa
tion briefly. 1'irst, let in seo where the divid
ing lino coinoa in between I ho capitalist and
the laboring man. It can be defined only in
on3 way, aud thit ii that ho who owns n cow
and takes caro of her ou liis own promise,")
and lias no deVtro to let her run at Inrjre, ii u
capitalist, while ho who wants to paiture his
inttlo tn liu neighbor door yard h the labor
ine wan. Thii ii tho iiievitabla cotieliiMoii of
their owu reasoning, for they claim a victory
over ' capital'' bcamo of tho election of a
majority In the Town Council iu favor of re
pealing (ho cattle ordinnncc.
i iu.1 it all nonono. i he issue was no
inoiu between capital and labor than it wa
nciwecii uiimiitu arm Jionamnieiian. or
was it a t'st or popularity between candidates.
Tin) issue male by the so-called labor party
was simply wliethor c.ittlo should run at large,
anJ to this cvcrytliini,' elc was subordinated
Although this point was carried it is by no
means conclusive of n majority of voters ia
favor of the lcpcal of tho ordinance. There
are men in tho town who hate, perchance,
been arrested for soma cause, by tho Chief of
police, and ah those voted against the old
council which had put a man iu oflico who
t.arcd to do his duty. Tliere arc others who
v anted to work on tho roads, and because
the street commissioner did not seo fit to em
,iloy thorn they too voted against tho council
that appointed him. There are many more
who inver did an honest days work in their
lives, but when the opportunity olfers itself,
ato the loudct in denunciation of tho op-
piesion ol tho poor man by tho bloated
bond-hoMcr. flicso of eouise all voted again
tho parly of progress, aud on day in the
year they aro laboring men, that is election
djy, , There aro printers who call themselves
l iborinr; men simply for tho purpose of get'
ting n chance to do the town printing, and
whilo talking loudly about the poor man, de
sire only to put money in their own pockets.
These too, vote to let tho cows run. And
thcro aro men who ally themselves with
this party to pull tho wool over the eyes of
tuo laboring man, in the hope that it may in
crease the chances of an appointment as po'
liccinan, High constable. Town treasurer or
Solicitor. Aud these arj all precious friend:
of the poor men, who are being used as cat's
paws without knowing it. Notwithstanding
all those sido issues, and tho intrigues of
Bcliemera who aro looking only to self, the in-
noceut cow has tho whole burden thrown on
her back, and she is tuada tho pack horse on
which tho election is carried.
If there is a strugglo between labor and
capital in tins town, it w high timo tho m-
called capitalists found it out. If it be true
that each voto cast for Jlr. Herring was in-
tended as a blow at capital then it is time
that those who furnish employment for the
laboring class should stop putting bread in
tho mouths of tho treacherous rcptilo which
stings tho hand that feeds it. But as we said
in tho beginning tho proposition is an absurd
one, and tho 1'rcstdcut of ;tho council elect,
will bo tho first to repudiate the statement
that the issuo was between capital and labor.
Ileaaish's Pardon.
Tho recommendation of tho Hoard of Par1
dons in the ease of Frank A. Iieauiish lias
been approved by Gov. Hartranft, and the
papers wero mailed last Friday. The reconi
inendation for the pardon was signed by Lieu
tenant Governor Latta, So-rctary of Internal
Affairs JlcCandless and Secietary of the
Commonwealth Quay. Attorney General
Lear who was not influenced by any such rea
sons as the ol hers, but looked at'the case from
the cold standpoint of law and facts, declined
to agreo iu the recommendation. Among
those who petitioned for tho pnrdon aro Hon.
Charles It. liuckalew, and Hon. Stauley
Woodward counsel for IJcamish Hon. Hen
drick U. Jl'right, Hon. Samuel S. Jones.Hon.
1). 51.. Jones, Jldn Jlllliam N. ironies, Hon.
Gcorgo Judge and twenty clergymen of tho
Catholic Church, ns well as a number who
vigorously urged his prosecution. Tho ease
lias) betn before tho board for six months.and
tho ostensible ground for granting the pardon
is the condition ol Beamisb's wife, who suf
fers great mental anguish, and with six chil
dren, is destitute. It is al-o eouteuded that
!eami;h was puuished for a graver crime
than contemplated in tho indictment ajpinst
Tho action of the Governor lifts created a
decided sensation. Thcro is a general feeling
that it has a political significance, and that
Col. I- oyt expects to derivo substantial bene
fits from it. Attorney General Lear lias no
hesitancy In stating that in his opinion the
prisoner should remain in tho penitentiary.
Among the specious pretexts given for
tho pardon is ono that I'cami.di, having great
influence with the riotous elements of Luzerno
county, will restoro pcaco to that county. It
is stated that the miners are drilling and ap
parently ready for another outbreak. With
Beamish froe it .is given out that tho im
pending danger could bo averted.
Anderson's Sentence.
Nirvy Oiu.eass, February 2."'. Thomas C.
Anderson was called beforo tho bar this morn-
iug. Tho motion iu arrest of judgment was
overruled, and when asked if ho had auythiug
to offer beforo sutcnco, Anderson said that
lie oonsidarod this rasa cruel persecution uu
der tho forms of law, that ho was in tho povv
or of tho court and ready to rcceivo his sen
Judgo Whitaker answered that tho accused
had had a fair trial beforo an impartial jury,
tind tho verdict was fully justified by the cvi
deuce. Ho then sentenced Audcrson, in con
sniueuco of tho recommendation of tho jury
to tho mercy of the court, to tho lowest; term
under tho law two years hard labor in tho
penitentiary and costs.
A suspensive appeal was grunted, rtturna'
Mo on the 27th.
A motion to transfer the eases of Wells
Kenncrand Cusuave to tlio United states
court was filed, uud will bo hoard on March (i
II'. H'. Cullender, son of Philip Calender
who was murdered at Huuloek's creek last
January, was arrested on the lilst ult., and
taken to II ilkesbarre, charged with the pre
meditated murder ol lis father. The pris
oner who 13 but IB years old.usscrtod his Inno
cence, but was committed to prison until last
Tuesday when he had a hearing, tho result
ill vliieli wo Lava not yet learned.
IIAltltlSUb'ltO MTTEU.
Iif-giilatlvo Correspondence.
HarrisbUro, Feb". 27, 1878.
Your llnrrlsburg Correspondent, owes you
and your readers an humble apology for his
neglect of tho past twowecks. It was owing
to circumstances over which ho had no con
trol. With n faithful promise, that his let
ters whether good bad or indlll'crcnt In your
estimation shalt not again bo among the
mllng, ho resumed tho broken thread of
legislation. The sessions of tho past two
weeks have been dull and uninteresting.
Last week no session was held until Wednes
day evening. Tho calendar of bills on first
reading was then taken up In the House and
over one hundred bills wc ro read. The ab
sence) of a quorum tn tho Senate prevented
that branch of tlio legislature from holding
any session until Thursday morning.
In tho House on rriilay the whole session
was consumed with tho consideration of ori
ginal resolutions which made It cpilte lively
for n while. A summary of t rldays work-
Is as follows :
Jlr. Shatfer of Allegheny desired to pro
hibit bills from being read in place In the
House after the first of March. This the
House refused to direct. Then Mr. Heller
of l.ehlgh asked and obtained tho consent
of the Houe to granting tho use of their
hall to the Hon. Adam Woolever, to deliver
lis far fumed lecture on the enfranchisement
of woman. The request was granted and to-
night the Hon. Adam is holding forth to a
crowded bouse, and his remarks are being
received with tears of joy, but to resume
our Fridays work, Mr. Faunce of Philadel
phla wanted tho Hoiiso to adjourn finally on
April 10, but his resolution was sent to the
committed on ways and means, and the gen
ial John is confident that tliere is no way or
means by which ho can get it out again
Mr. Schell desired a change in the rules
of the House so as to prevent members from
recording their votes without rising to re
main standing in their places until their
names are called and recorded. This is in
tended to prevent a fraudulent count, and
was accordingly laid ovor for future consid1
Mr. Iluhu, of Philadelphia adorning him
aclfin his old centennial war paint came
forward with a resolution, which tho House
adopted aud which tho Senate to-day sent to
the centenial committee calliug upou Con
gress to come to the aid of the centennial
authorities with an appropriation of one
million of dollars.
Being the birth-day of tho "Father of
His Country" Mr eakle wanted the House
to adjourn five miuutes beforo the regular
timo out of respect to tho said F. 0. II. C.
but as this legislature seems to have but very
little respect for anything connected with
thegood of didn't adjourn even
for five minutes.
Tho Senate has passed a resolution to ad
journ tine die on March 28 but the resolution
upon being messaged to the House was laid
to rest in committee along side of Faunce's
10th of April resolution.
Yesterday evening the Senate held a ees
sion of about ten minutes passed several
bills on first reading and adjourned.
In the House Mr. Souder of Philadelphia
from tho committee appointed to draft reso-
lutions on the death of Harry O'Neill late
member from the fourth district of Philadel
phia reported a preamble and resolution!
which after appropriate speeches by Messrs,
Souder, Huhn, Long v em were unaui
mously adopted. The House then adjourned
without doing any busmess,out of respect to
the memory of the deceased member. At
the close of this session the "Immortal" "I
N" who was present iu the lobby was called
upon for a speech and responding, he enter'
tained the members for half an hour or more,
He gave somo home thrusts of a political
nature to both sides of the House which
were much enjoyed.
To-day has been marked with little of im
portance in legislation excepting the tem
porary defeat of tho Philadelphia recorders
bill. It fell iu the House tor wunt of a con
stitutional vote tho yeas were 9t, and the
nays 77. A political admixture in tho vote
was somewhat of a surprise. Among the
yeas were seven democrats mostly from Phil
adelphia, whilo among the nays wero six
teen republicans.
This bill will be taken up again in the
House, when that number in which safety
lies, is present.
Thomas P. Fisher Respited.
Aliai Death Warrant) of Hester, Tullij and
McIIugh signed by the Governor.
A respito of thirty days was granted by
tho Governor last Friday to Thomas P. Fish
er, who was to bo hanged on Tuesday last at
Mauch Chunk, on tho btrongth of an affidavit
made by a man who avers that when Morgan
Powell was killed Fisher was in his company
at a hotel. Tho reason given for the delay in
making this statement is that ho was afraid
that if ha testified to the fact during the trial
his life would be in danger owing to the bit
ter feeling against tho Mollio Maguircs. The
affidavit conflicts with tho testimony of two
accomplices iu the murder, who stated that
Fisher pointed out Powell to Yellow Jack
Donahue, who fired the fatal shot.
At the next meeting of tho Board of Par-
dons, on tho first Tuesday in March, the new
matter furnished will bo examined, and if
tlio statement be accepted as true tho prison
er's fccntence will bo commuted to imprison
ment for life. Alias death warrants havo
beeu issued fpr the execution of Patrick Hes
ter, Peter McIIugh and Patrick Tully, on
March 25, aud death warrants for the execu
tion of John Kchoo and Dennis Donnelly, on
April 18, 1878.
Tho cases of Hester, Tully and McIIugh
will bo presented to tho Board of Pardons
next week.
Balden, tho Elm Station murderer, con
victed of tho murder of Max Hoehue in
Montgomery county, cheated tho gallows by
hanging himself in his cell on last Saturday
night. Ho made a rope out of the lied
clothes, tore a piece of iron from the cell heat'
er, fastened the rope to tho cross bar in tho
window, kicked a chair from uuder him aud
struck himself on the head with tho iron at
the samo time. II hen found ho was dead
and his skull broken.
Judio H'liitalver lias rendered a decision
upon tlio motion for a now trial- in tho caso of
Thomas 0. Anderson, tho convicted member
of tho Louisiana stato returning board. He
holds that tho verdict is in accordance with
the evidence and .refuses to grant a new
Tho .Silver Hill passed tho House last week
Thursday with tbe Scuato amendments, by
more than a two-thirds voto. Tho l'rcsidcnt
may veto tbe bill, but if lio does it will bo
passed over his head, by a largo majority iu
both branches of Congress. Tho full test of
tho bill was published last week.
Croup, the scourge of thousands lint has
brought sorrow aud death to so many house
holds can be cured by the timely use of Dr.
Cone's Wild Cherry and Beneta. It will not
full. I'rlco -) una w cents.
C'ARTtunr., Jasper Co., Mo.,
February 20. 1878. J
Editors Comjmbiak ,
Iknr Sin t In my last letter I promised
) our readers n brief description ot Carthago
and other towns in tho "Southwest." In this
letter space will only permit me to give a do-
fcriptlon of llio"Queoii City of the Southwest,"
CjUitmaiik, tho county seat of Jasper county,
Mo. It was laid out ns a town nnd becamo the
county scat In If (2. Its location Is on Spring
river and on uu i miuoncei m ar tho centre of
the county, commanding a sjileudid view of the
surrounding country for miles. 1 lie growth of
the town was slow but sure, hoih in population
And Health, until nt tho beginning of the rebel
lion, nhcu it uumbrrcd u population uf &U0.
At that time it was dcuiid of church buildings
(regular preachiug was held at tho court house
every Sunday) and school houses, save one
small building, I believe I and it had no stage
line connection with tho outside world, except
a daily mail carried on horseback from Sjircox
ie, tliu mother tnn of dapi r county, 15 miles
This is the place where tin- famous battle b.
tttceu (len. Fran. Sigcl, of the Union forces,
d Gen. Stirling Price, of the Confederate
forces, was fought, known ns tho "battle of
Carthage" Tho town was completely deus
tated and depopulated during the war, and I
nm informed imlv till' dwellings escaped de
struction. lp tn the conchiMoii of the war the
ton u remained a desolate and silent place ! tlio
public square and streets wero deserted, save
by tho wolf mid deer, and wandering bands of
niarrimlcrs passing through,
After the war the town began tn settle again
and improved nnd piospered until it has gained
the reputation of tlio"QmTii City of the South'
west," Its prosperity now lusts upon u sound
nnd substantial basis. Spring r'uer, which
flows by the city and mirlhwct, is finely adapt'
cd for manufacturing purposes, and the farm'
ing land unrounding is of the best quality and
very productive, nnd plenty of it The city can
boa-t of the bet flouring mill in the Slate out
side of St. Louis, located on the above named
river. The capacity of this mill is over 1,000
husheis per week, and was built at u cost of
$40,000. Two other excellent flouring mills,
a woolen mill, two foundries,four wagon shops,
manufacturing ns good a wagon ns can be found
anywhere in Pennsylvania, nnd a plow factory,
are in successful operation and constantly kept
busy despite the hard times. A furmturo man
ufaetory is successfully nnd extcnsiveyl carried
on by I.eidy Bros. & Co. Tho former nre Co
lumbia county men, well known by a large
number of your Tenders. They came here seV'
eral years ago, started in the business in con
ncction with Mr. John Bottenficld, n gentleman
in every respect and an experienced business
man, from Ohio, and being men of enterprise
established for themselves an extensive busb
ness, and, I am glad to say, they enjoy the con
fidoncc of tho people. Their factory is large,
ns also is their retail and wholesale depart'
ment. There are four banks here doing a gen
eral banking and exchange business in nil its
branches, nnd all have the confidence of the
people. The public school building is an im'
posing structure,and was built at a cost of $36,
000. There are also n Public Library, seven
churches, M. L, Baptist, Congregational, Epis'
copal, Prcsbjtcrian, Christian, nnd M. E.
Church South ; and four weekly newspapers
nnd two dailies, the Jtanner, (Uep.) morning
and weekly, iWn'ot, (Dem.) evening and week
ly, 'km, (Ind.) weekly, nnd the t(fmn, (neit'
tral) weekly. All nro live nnd well supported
newspapers nnd ably edited. Tho different se
crct societies are also well represented.
The city contains quite a number of commO'
dious brick business buildings, together witli
a handsome Opera House just completed, hv
cited in the public square in the centre of the
city; the square is very much like that
Wilkcsbarrc, Pa. The public buildings, court
house and jail, are not as substantial ns they
should be, but the city is young nnd is excuse
hie for the present. Tho residences are fine
nnd tidy, nnd were built, it is plainly seen for
comfort. The city is rapidly filling up with
eastern people and now contains n population
of about 0,000.
I have omitted many things that would be
interesting to the readers of the Columiiian
but it will take up ton much space and I hope
this will sulhce for the present. One word, I
advise the mechanic and laborer not to come
west for tho present to seek work. Stay nt
home if you havo employment, even at small
wages. As for the farmers let them come by
the hundreds, they are wuuted here.
H. II. Rutter,
An Explanation.
Editors Columbian : In your remarks
of last week ou tho County Statement you
wero somewhat in error.
1. The statement gives tho amount of tax
es ases5ed for 1677, and the amount still duo.
The difference between these two is the
amount paid which is greater than that un
.tour luea mat raxes snouiu do paiu sooner
than they aro is, I think good. Tho northern
counties of this State generally have their
county collectors settle their duplicates by
the first of January each year, but in tho rest
of tho Stato it tardy if ever liappens.
2. You seem Jnot to understand why tho
Treasurer is charred with $13,433. when only
$3761. was duo from collectors prior to 1877.
This $13,433 is the amount uncollected at the
end of the year 187S and charged against the
Treasurer at the beginning of 1877, and the
J2701 is what remained unpaid out of the
$13,133 at tho end of the year 1877.
As to tbe frlOO. charge on dog fund, I
think right. It is charged against the dog
fund aud thrown luto the county fund. The
dog and county statements show it.
No oi dors aro drawn on tho dog fund
for anything except sheep damago
and tho County bears all expenses ; such as
paying assessors, paying for blanks, &c.,and
the printing of the dog fund statement, au
diting accounts, and all other matters inci
dent to conducting tbe fund,
1. As to exonerations, no doubt that many
are larger than they should be. As to the
Bloom exonerations for the year 1870, you
give the amount $10 the statement shows
$19.20, but $18.01 was made during 1870,
and that with the $10.20 makes $07.21 upon
a County aud Stato tax of $3105.01. So it
compares favorably with other districts un
less it be Centralla and Couyngham. These
amounts also include returns of seated land.
The Commissioners intern), as soon as all
exonerations for 1877 are taken, to publish
a list, ko the public and all interested can
so who are exonerated.
W.M. Kkickhaum, Clerk.
score one lor nr. .nary vv aiker. i he su
preme court of Pennsylvania has decided,
lu the case of the young lady who was in.
j u red in a Philadelphia street car.and who al
leged In rebuttal that her stays were so tight
she couldn't hold to the strap which hung
over her head that tho condition of muscu
lar helpless that some women get themselves
into, by reason of tbe wonderful Intricacies
of dress arrangement;, are questions of fact
for juries,and not rpucstions of law forjudges,
when such Issues get Into court. This is
what the Chief Justice said : "l'osslbly a
woman may he so fantastically and foolishly
hooped, wired and pinned up, as to deprive
her of her natural iwer to help herself ; but
If o, the ijuestlau is one of fact, and not of
law, aud so we Incline to leave It, Instead of
imposing upon our brethren below the ditli-
.1..... ,.e t..,n ...!' !1 n,
Icim uuy ji priug iuvu iiiu miujciiu oiaya
of the pluintWh case." IU.
The Reason Why.'
We are often asked by well-meaning persons,
says the Lcwlsburg "Chronicle," why they have
to pay higher prices for country newspapers
than for those printed In the titles ? "Why do
you charge two dollars for the "Chronicle,"
when I can get the N ew ork Sockdologer a
bigger paper for a dollar and a lmlf?" Wc
will try to clear up this mvlety, Suppose the
Chronicle hn n rii-h Mih-rrlptlon ll-t of one
thousand nt $2.00 that makts $2,000. Well
now, tnpKe the New York Sockdologer, or
whatever paper you choose for a comparison,
has a paying ll-t of 103 0110, nt $l,.)0-lhat
makes $l.VlO0il. Now, upi-e this paper lias
a profit of lint ten i tiits clears the pub
lisher $10,000. Now mpe the Chronicle
realizes that p r cent ice, ami no more that
would make n sum of $li0 This luttrr amount
would compel a printer to Jive yery "thin"
himself, snd rqnsndtr nothing on his family j
while his city rotemHiritry could wax a's fat as
Jeshurun, You see the nccei'-lly ofcountrv
printer charging more than a city printer, now,
don't yuii ' A piper the sli of the Chronicle,
with its circulation nnd price, couldn't live over
night In a city.
The ponotr&tlngwlnils Incident to Hits season ot
the year are n severe onleal tor tho lungs. The neg
lect of a hard cough generally IcaJs to a weakness
ol the luegs, which, not Infrequently, results in
Sciiisck'8 l'cmosic Stkit will at oneo relievo
and loosen n tight cough and Is such tin itgrccablo
remedy that children wilt take It wlihout helng
coaxed. A cold on the lungs, If consumption Is not
alieady developed, may ho easily mastered hy tho
use ot the Pulmonic Sj rup, together with Schenck's
Mandrake l'llls to clear th3 sj stem of tho accumu
lated mueus.
In more serious cases, where the disease has be
come deeply seated, aud the patient surfers from
1033 of appetite, weakness and emaciation,
Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic should bo used In con
nection with tho above mentioned remedies, to
stimulate the appetite nnd bring thejdlgcstlvc pow
ers Into healthy action, thereby sustaining tho
strength ot tho patient nnd enabling htm to resist
the progress ot the disease until tho Pulmonic S) r
up may perform its healing anil cleansing work-.
Tho use ot these standard remedies aecordtng to
the directions which accompany them, cannot fall
to Iproducc most satisfactory results. A letter ad
dressed to Dr. Hchenclc cor. Slvth nnd Arch sis.,
Philadelphia, asking advice, vvUt promptly recclvo
tho Doctor's personal attention, free or charge.
dchenck's Medicines arc for sale b; All Druggists.
Tim Grt'lit Discovery!
the cure ot weak stomach, general debility, Indiges
tion, disease of the nervous system, constipation,
acidity ot the stomach, and all cases requiring a
The wine tncludes the most agreeable and efficient
Salt of Iron we possess, titrate ot Magnetic Oxide,
combined with tlw most energetic ot vegetable ton
icsYellow l eruvlan Hark.
Tho effect In many cases of debility, loss of appe
tite, and general prostration, of an efficient SJalt of
Iron combined with valuable Nerve tonic, Is most
happy. It augments tho appetite, raises the pulse,
takes off muscular nabbtns.removcs tho pallor ot de
buity. and gives a Uorld vigor to the countenance.
Do you want something to strongtben you? Do
you want a good appetite t Do you want to build up
j our: constitution T i Do you want to feel well? Do
you want to get rid ot nervousness? Do you want
energy? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want
brisk and vigorous feelings I If you do, try Hunkers
Wine of Iron.
This valuabto tonic has been thoroughly tested Joy
all classes of the community, that It is now deemed
Indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but lit
tle, purines the blood and gives tone to the stomach,
renovates the system and nrolones life.
now only ask
inai oi me vaiuauio lunic.
Price fl per bottle.
E. F. KU.NKKL, Hole lTo-rletor,
Philadelphia, Pa. Askyour druggist for Kunkel's
Hitter Wine ot Iron, and tako no other make. Sold
only in It bottles. All outers aro counterfeit, so be
ware of them.
Buy six bottles for 15.00
Worms ltcmovetl Alive.
K. 7. Kunkel's worm syrup never falls to destroy
lln -Seat and btomach worms. Dr. Kunkel Is the on
ly successful phsslelan In this country for the re
moval ot worms. He removes Tape worm, with
head and all complete, alive In 3 hours, and no fee
until removed. Sehd for circular, or call on your
Druggist, and get a bottle ot Kunkel's Worm Syrup.
irueti.w. 1 1 never laus.
No other medicine in tlio world was ever
given such a test of its curative qualities as
Boschee's German Syrup. In three years
two million four hundred thousand small bot
tles of this medicine was distributed free of
enarge by Uruggists in tins country to those
atltictetl with Uonsumption, Asthma, Uroup,
Severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other disease
cs of tho throat and lungs, giving tho Ameri
can people undeniable iiroof that German
Syrup will cuie tlicin. The result lias been
that druggists in every town and village in
the United States aro recommending it to
their customers. Go to your druggists and
ask what they know about it. Sample bot
tles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three
doses will relievo auy case.
April 27, '77-ly jl
MOOKB-ROZRLL-In Orangevlllo on the Uth
ult., by Pev. Henry 8. Meadenhall. Mr. Ell C. Moore
of Cole's Creek to Miss Arista A. Kozcll ot Denton.
BEST BLOOHFIKLD. On the 16th ult.,at the M,
E. Parsonage In Bloomsbnrg, byjtcv, L. Smyscr.Vr
David C. Dest and Miss Susie HI ooinfleld, both of
Milton, I'a.
HOOI'EIt. In Hloomsburg on .the 1Mb ult., Mrs,
Jiancy, wlfo of John Hooper, In tho ?9th year of
ner ago.
ItL'NYAN. Near Jcrsev town on the Mb ult., Mr
John Hunyan, aged so years, II months and 3 dajs.
MKLLICK- In Mt. Pleasant on the tlth ult.. Ood
frey Melllck, agedll years, S monthsnnd 10 days.
Wheat per bushel f 1,40
ItlO " Til
uurn,new, " co
oats, ' " wi
r iuur uer uarrui s h
i loverseea ... , ,
Flaxseed l.M
Ilutter us
Kggs is
Tallow us
I'otatoes as
lined Apples
Hams , la
Sides Shoulders 10
L&ra per pound ua
Hay per ton lo.ou
Timothy Seea 2.00
VUUi'ATlU.a roll UUAL.
No. 4 on Wharf s 3,no per Ton
i. .. I.
No. " $ j.oo
. I
In the mutter of the) In tim Court of Oommon Fleas
Miuiu ui j.itirKurri oi uuiuiaou count)
KurtLH-r aluuuik-. j
Cltatlon to show (uusd v hv certain Kiln nf ih.
tate maclu by bulj lunatic MiuuM not lw iPuL-luauU.
To Milium Portlier, husbund of nalii Mitrcaret
Former, W HlUin IMrkt r ana -Mary k. his wife.I'ierce
'""h ' .inim,uuu Vtlllltlja It. IH'JUUll.
Kuardlau ad litem ol Kiuma fort ner una Clark Fort-
At tin Instance of MaMers and Conrad
KniatLtT, i'ouiinltU'o of Mary art t Fur t ner, a luuatto
and Ahpy.1. Lalon and lit Ih to a LalouliU wife,
reprewntlnif mat on mo lotli day of April A. 1)..
181T Bald wartrarft Kortner by deed did Kraut bar
pain and hell unto tlio bald lit Uvea La ion a certain
tract of lana situate In tho township ot Madon in
Bald county of I'oluriibHanJMaLMur IVunsjlvanU
vuu.uiwu w ij 'iiuiD tM-ii-aait" iav tlUUUietl UUU niljf'
mx permed more or jettsinieo Minpie with theap
imrtenucett : And on the fcald luth day of April. A.
!., IbII, me said Aapy J. LaOn and Kebecca his
wife by their doed acknowledged tho baioo day,
htubvu, uuiimiini mm nwm iiui- luo sain Jiaruurei
Former all thit certain hou o and lot ot ground felt
uato in the Jtorouch of Muncv. LieoinTiii' .i.ium
and Mate ot lennttyivanla containing tito twiuaru
feet with tb appurtonaneeH In leu blinpie, thetsald
deed bclni; madd to est Imnt'e tho said lauda. Tlmt
hlnru the making oftutd du-d-ithu Bald Margaret
Former ha been found by Inquisition taken on the
iu uuy ui in'teiuuer ioai u luitaim unl lu na6 uc-en
aiunauu lur i jeara i.ui past turnout lucid lu
ten ala.
Therefore jou and each of jou la) Ing abide all
Lualneaaaitd eicubes whauoeu-r, aro hereby cited
to uppear u-roio uur Court of Common Fleas at
Wooinsburtf lnand for Bald count t the ort Mnnd.iv
ot May tohuwcaiutu why a decree tor tho ro-
bluiuiuk vi mu uiureBam ueeus anu a rceomeianco
of the Bald lands fehould not bo made, if nuch nr.
ooealnic fchall not bo dlhadantat'eous to thoehlato
of the Bald Margaret Former upon such terms uu
nuuit iw tnuiuui7 mm just
Witness I lie Honorable William KIm ell I're&ldent
Judire. of our Bald Court at it looms uur, this nlno
Ll-VUW IMJ U CUJUttlJ, A l'-t into.
match lI8-4w I'rotlo.
JEW-AtWEATlSENfeNTS . TiDiNoa for tus Weik, Nkrvocs and I)b-
ocr I atfst tsirnovsn Srir-At-rim OAi.vAmoAr.
rLIA!rrs nro a, speedy and I'irmanknt euro fir
Rheumatism, Neuraliitn. Kidney, Liver ami Kemale
Complaints, Nervojs Prostration. Weak Lungs,
liar ami npinai imiauun nnu Kinnreu niseBui.
IHces, Waist licit isooj t-plnal licit tor Paralysis
nnd Pplnnl Ailments, tlo.oo, nnd upwards. Armlets,
Anklets, Head Hands, Knee Cnps.Jl no each, Huspcn-
ilt'rs f.viHl. Illustrated l'nmnhlet. Pro Address
march 1, asts-ly vt Host Ninth St., New York.
Dauchy & Co'h. Advt's.
Ijr XT At! lletnll prlcv uwKtontr sano
I i ll I lii Parlor tWnns, rrlce tnili only
S 10.1. Paper free. 1). r. llKATT y, Wn8hlriBton,S.J.
fcbl,8-(- d
Want a I'AIMI or 110.111!,
wlllilndeuendeneo and plen
ty In our old ago
is Tint
Circulars with snp, kiviuk lull iiiiuiuuttton, Ad
dress a is. Johusou, Act'g Land Cora'r, Topeka, Ks.
mar l-4w d
Profusely Illustrated with Portraits nnd Sketches
and containing over coo rages.
blNOLK VOI.t'MB. Agrnla Wnnti-.l l:i rri u here.
Adilrn'S for extra Terms nnd circulars,
NELSON A: PHILLIPS, 603 liroadway, New York,
mar l-4w d
Awki-drd Atjjii rmi hi Cntnniftl Ftnoiiiloa for
Jt".f Mi-Kin; fualtJtfl Una itttumtt and lotting Mar
titter of rvttttntnf nn.t Jlnrormp, Th bil lobkCCD
Tr mftrtt, As our ttr Atrip trd-mrk in elostlj
tmtulM on Inferior cnndi, if tint Jaektm't iti la
Mirt-ryt'lm. (-olJpf Rlldnli", epn-lforPimT'i,
tree, to C. At tticubt A Co., Mfn., ltriburg,
:. V. AVAUIH,.:, :.nerul At., I'hllndrlrliin.
marl.'TS 4w d
AliHNTS VANTi:i i:rryu.icre, Inntiiutly! for
lly ihf gifted authors, Or. L. 1'. oruiAell, itlnl Hun.
P.O. miss. Tho complete nni thrllllmr history of
tho tall of nn Kinntro, after mi j ears of bitter strife,
oraphlc de.cripUiis of terrible battles, etching all
Europe. Positively I ho nblest nnd cheapest wurk,
only IB'i, hut splendidly tltuMrated. Grandest
chance to coin money now offered. For full particu
lars, address UUllUAltU IIUOS., rubs., 733 samson
at., i una., i-.i, u mar ivt
Real Estate! I
In 11111011 of nn order of tho OrrhanV Court o
Columblacouiitv. tho unders'irncd Administrators
etc., oi uruer, iaie ui mo l own oi uioomsn
uur?, eaia county, uen., -win expose 10 puouc saic o
tho premises on
Friday, March 15, 1878,
commem-liitf at 10 Vlock, a. m , n, Tract of Land sit
uate in .Maui lOvviiMiip, saui county ui uoiumoia.cuu
102 ACRES,
more or less, aillolnln'' iui of Aaron Mastcller,
Aaron .Millar una oIiu-ih, nn l a public road, whereon
nro errum a
Uood H.uik Ilarn, W'agun IIoiish and Corn Crib, pood
uui-uuiiuiiiKS, yuuu hpimv,r ami lJlu uuu&e, t,uuu
aieruu uiu iuuiiiim."-.,
andolber fnUttrus U ml in a tfu..l stato of culti
vation, a publli: rmi I runs tinnuii tho land and
ono on norm Mdo; convenient to whool ana church.
Tkuw- ov Ssvlk.- Ten i r cent, of one-fourth of
thi" puichawj mouov lit m put ai me striking aown
oi mo propeiu, ijiu oue-i'iurni less vne ten pe
cent. at coiiilnii.iiloii ..ii,nie, titnl the rcmalnlnj'
thre fourth- in one ar ti.-reatter with interest
fiom rontlrmail'm IVni'iit shore of trraln in
thoeriMiud tn Ik' rewncii. 1'eod to be.uciivcreu at
expense of purdian r.
feb. 22, 78-ts Administrators.
33 nowest and most popular
M)NCS. with writings of
Instruction and amuse
ment : also a list of all the
battles, when and where fought during the war, for
3csiamp. Auuress hehmomi & wo., vio jtacu ti.
Fhlla. iwtco leb. 22, '17-1 m
Orphans' Court Sale
Jobn HunslDL'cr, Administrator ot Oldcon Huns
lncer, Ueceasod, will expose to public bale on me
.MARCII lGth, 3878,
at 10 o'clock a. ra.,tne follow lag described real estate
'ollowlnff describe
iln mes&uaKe and
iu, n ; ah mm eeriaiu inesbuaKt' auu
tbelnif tract No. 1.) situate In Beaver township, Co
lumbia county, bounded and dcbcrloca aa follows,
u : llecinnlnc at a stoue in a public road in set
Valley, thence alone said road north feentv-the
degrees, east ilfty-iseven nna one-tenth jiercnes to a
stoue, thenco by land of (Jeo. F. Dreisbach north ten
decrees west, one hundred and forty-six perches to
a stone, thenee south seeuty-nedepreeseast, one
nunurcu ana rorij-eiKiit percnes io tne piaco rr do-
tjlnnlng', containing
strict measure, with tho nppurte nances.
'1 roct No. 2. a tci tain Piece or Parcel of land situ.
atolnlteaver townshln aforesaid, houhdod on tJi
east by Aaron Dreisbach. on the north by Columbia
Coal and Iron Company, on the west by other land
of said Cldeon llunsUigedcceascd.aud on the south
oy iaau oi i raucia, containing
F 0 II T V A 0 U K S
with theappurtenanccs,
TEHMS OF SALK.-One-fourth UDon tho Rtrlklntr
uunu oi me, prupeny, uue-ioiirin upon me combina
tion of the sale, and the remaining one-half In one
3 ear mereaiier.
feb. 22, 7s-ta Administrator.
Samuel J. Case s. Jonas Doty.
Wilson Gibbons vs. Jon.w Doty.
L. F. I'avN vs Jonas Doty.
Keuben Klner s. Millers A K'jbcrt.
llrockuay and Kntvs. J. .MlllerlUub.
Fetor Knecht vs, bamuel .ehweppenhelser et. nl,
Henry C. Conner s. Emanuel Conner's Adm r.
Edward (ierahty vs. conynham to v. nshlp.
1'hlllp A pieman vs. W. H. Crawford.
Nathan Creasy vs. Charles Maurer tt. al.
Aaron Dreisbach s. MinonbhellUammeret. nl
Era 8. Lyons vs J. H. Evas.
Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. Oeddls et, al,
Samuel Ulcer vs. Francis Evans.
David J. W aller vs. tieorKe Weaver's Exr's.
ltloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et. al.
Hloomsburi; Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et, ux.
William Liunv tll vs. Ftter Ent's Administrator,
k. it. Auams vs, jonn seyoert.
Mary dcorire s. James Morrison
Daniel Lelby tt. al. vs. Henry Knapn et. al.
sarali Caul vs. Samuel and Emma lteppcrt.
J. it, Jamison vs. M. (lrocr'S adrnr's
ji. TrotTs aumrs. s. u, i. Knorr.
Augustus Everhart a. Daniel Kverhart.
Bernard Ammerman h. M. C. Johnson et uz.
Mel Lenlnen s. Conyngham and Centralla 1'oor
John B. scott s. Bernhard Stohner,
hlmon Krtbbs s. William Masteller.
O, B. Brockway vs. Flrbt National Bank of Berwick
Lewis Moehenbere vs. Andrew Boyer
William Snyder's Exr's s Valentine Bldleman
C. W. 'Ihoiuuson vh Iternhnrd Stnhner
United States Fanning illll Company vs Franklin
Thomas Knurr's ex'r vs. C. A. Knorr et al.
Fermella Koons vs. Seltzer & Miller.
Conrad swank vs. Daniel Swank.
Matthias shatfer ta John McDowell's ndnVr
(leortre W. Dat is v s. Con) ugham and Centralla Foor
Henry J. Edwards vs. William Walp.
William Kingston vs. Montgomery Cox,
Fatrlck Byrnes v s, Conyngham and Centralla Foor
William Kingston . Montgomery Cox ft. ux,
Elijah I-einom vb. Heller K. Kves.
Elijah U'lnonsvs. A, F. llellcr.
Elijah Lemons vs. c, W, Kck,
John Si hell s. John Hlnderlter et, al,
Jacob Johnson vs. Hobert s. Ent,
Henry Nagio h. Bloouisburg Lumber Co.
Hy Wrtuo or stimlry ttrttH Issued out ot tlio
Court of Common 1'le.woC t'olumbu county and to
ino directed Willi osposej tu publle salo atttio
court llousu at two o'cluek p. in., on
A certain lot (of gruund niuale In Hie town of
HloomhOurn, Columbia lounty, l'tlim.)Hnulo, do-
bcrlbod as follows t bounded riorttruordly and east-
wardly by an alley, soutuwurdly by lot of it,
Woodward, and wetlworJIy by KaM street, bcluif CO
feet front and 1ST feet deep more or less, w hereun
aro eret'tcd u frame dwellliiir liouse, stabto and out-
Sclcd, taken Into execution, and to sold ns tlio
rropeity ot Carper Krewler.
All those certain four tracts of landslluatuln Ilea'
er township, Columbia county, and Hated ivoii'
) Ivanla, bounded und described us follows l One of
thtm Ix't'lmilns at a po.tal the south-west corner
of a tract of land sunned on a warrant toCalha.
rlnu Loniicnbcrger, Ibenco by tho said Catharine
Lonseubtrger tract nortlisljtf in degries west tw
hundrtdaud seventy-two jercbestoa iogt,thence
north ilt fries nest ono hundred and
twelio tirclns to a post, the iko by land suneyi
In the name of 'llioinas lemon south seeutydo-
t'nea west one hundred aud suty ptrchcB to a post
thence by laud sum-jut In tbe name of Daniel
Nejrr north silken and a halt degrees east
three hundred and teunty.nlneptnhtsto a post,
thence north set enty-elght degrees east eighty-four
Iierchea to a post, thenco by land ot Jesse lliooks
north In tire l trcis nut tlghteea ptrches to a ryd
Clsiil Toteo!
oak, thenco by land In tho Dame orjesso Ilrooks j
iiui ill netcmy-i igub uejci ci'a.cnpi eiyui jr peruues iu
post, tho'rtnco of beginning) containing three
hundred and neventj'-two nnd threo-fotirth acrei,
and allowances, moro or less. Surveyed on n iftrant
to Andrew Clark, dated the !3d diy of August. Itsn.
M.-Ono ether of them, beginning at n post, the
south-west corner of tho nbovo described tract sur-
eyed on a warrant to'Andrew Clark, thenco by tho
western lino of said Andrew (lark tract north six
teen and a hall degrees west threo hundred nnd
seventy nlno perches to a post, thence by land sur-
eyed on warrant to Mary Ncottnmt Jacob Neycr
south seventy nnd n lmlf degrees west eighty perches
to a stone.thenco br land surveyed In tho name of
ho said Jacob oyer south seventy-four and a fourth
degrees west ono hundred and twenty-nlne perches
to a pine, thenco by land surveyed on warrant to
licnj.imln Syock south twenty-six degrees cast ono
hundred and twenty-nvo porches to a pine, thence
byjland survejeJ on n warrant lo fleorgo Neycr
south thirteen degrees cast two hundred nnd sixty-
nine anl five tenth perches to n post, thence by land
surveyed on a warrant to John Barron, Jr., north
seventy-eight degrees cast ono hundred nnd six
perches to n hickory, thence by land surveyed In the
name of Jesse Ilrooks north U degrees west twenty
eight perches to a post, theneo by tho same north
seventy-eight 'degrees east ninety-six perches to a
post, tho pl.icoof beJtniitng containing four hun
dred nnd lorty-two and a half acres, moro or less.
being the same tract ot land sun eyed on warrnnt to
Daniel Neycr d itcd 2Jd of August, 1793.
3. Ono ether ol them, bcglnntng nt a post, tho
south-west corner ot tho last aboe described tract
surveyed 03 warrant to lunlel Neycr and thence by
tlio saM Daniel Nejer north thirteen .degrees west
two hundred nndslxty-nlno and live-tenth perches
to a pine, thenco by land of llenjatnln syock south
sixty-tour degrees west to the lino dli Ming a part ot
thts tract soul to Jacob Hastcr, thenco by the s ltd
land of Jacob Hosier to the northern line of land
sun eyed on warrant to Jilin H irron, Jr., thenco by
tlio s.imo nortn s;venty-eUht degrees cost to a post'
the place ot beginning ; containing two hundred nnd
sltty-nlneaiid three-fourths acres more or less, be
ing a part ot a tract or land survejed on a warrant
toUeorgo NeverdUod iM ot August, 1T8.1.
4. And the other ot them beginning at stones In a
line separating It from landisurveed on a warraut
tollcnjimln Syock, thenco north eight and a hilt
degrees west threo hundred nnd thlrty-tnr'o nnd
four-tenths perches to a stone, thenco south elghly
threo nnd a half degrees cast two hundred and elgh-
ecn perches to a stone, llienoo by bin 1 surveyed on
a warrant to .Mary Ncolt south thtrly-lhreo degrees
east two hundred and fifty-eight pjrehes to stones.
tlmnce by land surveyed on u warrant to Inulel
Nejer Bouth n and a fourth decrees west one
hundred and twenty-nine perches to a pine thence
by land surveyed on a warrant to llenj.imln Sjock
south seventy-three degrees west, two hundred nnd
thirty-three perches to the place of beginning; con
taining tour hund-ed and forty ncres, moro or less,
tt being the same tract of land surveyed on warraut
to (leorgo Neyer.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
property of the luaWUe, llazleton Wllkesborre
Raiirotd Company.
All that certain lot ot ground situate In lioarlng-
creek township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows, to-wit : Hounded on tho north
by land orJAbram Itlce, on the south by land ot Con
rad Ilousman, on tho west by land ot Jllchael Straus
crand William Yeager and on tho east by land ot
Ephrnlin Llby, containing seventy-three acres more
or less on which nro erected a dwelling house, baru
One other piece or land bounded on tho nort'i by
land ot Jacob Strauser, on tlio west by land of solO'
mon Strauscr, on tho south by land of Peter Hower
and on tlio east by land ot Conrad Ilousman anil
W illiam l eager containing eighteen ncres.
Ono other pleco of land bounded on the north by
lands ot Judge Cox, on tho west by land of Solomon
strauser on tho south by land ot Abram Ktcoand
on tho east by laud ot Abram Itlce aud Leonard Ad
ams, containing 15 acres.
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the
property of Dal Id It. Ilower."
All that certain lot or piece of land situate In llrl
arcrcek township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows, to w It : Hounded on the north
by land of James IDoty and others, on tho east by
bind of Joseph Stackhousc, south by land ot the
heirs of S. P. llcadly and on tho west by land of Ow
en Suit, containing throe hundred acres more or less
about thirty acres cleared land and the balance
well timbered, on which Is erected a small stable,
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the
property of John Seybert.
All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In Pine
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described
as follows, to w It : Hounded on tho north by land of
Samuel Snjder, on the east by lands of Daniel
(lordncr and Jackson Lyons, on tho south by lands
of llenjatnln Wlnterstceu and Richard T. Whltmlre
and on the west by land of Thomas Low, containing
llfty acres more or less, on which are erected ft Plank
House, frame barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the
property of A. J. llnrdo.
All that certain lot or piece of land situate 1 n the
Town or Bloomsbnrg, Columbia county, I'cnnsjlwv
nla, described as follows, to-wlt. Lot No. It4 mark,
ed In general plan of Hloomsburg, bounded on tho
north by nn alley, on the west by land or John JIc
Corn lck, on tho south by Canal street, and on the
east by land'ol Jonathan Chronio-s, containing Ml
feet front and 113 feettn depth on which are erected
a dwelling house and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the
property of Tobias Henry.
All .that certain lot of ground situate In Locust
township, Columbia county, Pennsj Ivanla, described
as follows, to-wlt : Hounded on tho north by by land
ot Augustus strauser.on tho east by land ot Solomon
Klder, on the south by land of Wlllam lleach and on
tlio west by laud ot Samuel Schuyler, containing
loo acres, moro or less, on which is erected a dwell.
lug house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seize, taken In execution, and to be sold as the
projierty of James Kostcnbauder,
All that tract or parcel of land sltuato In Scott
tow nshlp, Columbia county. Pennsj Ivanla, bounded
on tho east by land of John Kclchner, 1 Ing be.
tween the Pennsylvania canal and the Susquehanna
rlur and rnnntng to a point on tho west at or near
the aqueduct above Espy, containing about seven
acres, more or less.
All that certain lot or ground sltuato in tho town
ot Espy, Columbia county Pennsj Ivanla, bounded
and described as follows: On tho north by Main
street, east by lot ot M. C. McCollum, south bv nn al
ley und w est by Daniel Keel jr, being 41 1, feet front
Qndl73 feet In depth, whereon are erected two
two-story dwelling houses.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold ns tiie
proptnyoi Aionzou noage.
All that undivided threo-tenths of the undivided
one-fourth ot tbe following tract of land, sltuato In
Jackson township, Columbia county, Pa., buunded
and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a
stone a corner of land ot Mathlas lthone, thenco by
land In the warranted name of Wesley lless north
forty and a quarter degrees west threo hundred and
Uf teen perches to an ironwood tree ou county Hue,
thence along the samo south forty -seven nnd a half
degrees west threo hundred and sixteen perches to
a suine, thenco by land In tho warrantee nnmo o'
Samuel Yorks south beventy-threo degrees east
threo hundred and four perches to a stone, thence
by land of Jesse lthone north seventeen and a quar
ter east thirty-seven and two-teuths perches to a
stone, and thence north eighty degrees east one hun
dred tlilrly-elght perches to tho place of beginning
containing three hundred and fllty.scv en acres and
eighty-four perches of Und, strict measure, be the
same more or less.
AH the undivided one-fortieth part of the follow.
Ing described tract of land situate In Jackson town
ship aud sugarloaf township, Columbia county,'cun.
sylvanla, bounded and described us follow s, viz.: Ho
ginning nt a chestnat oak, a corner to laud of David
Holder, tbence by land of (llllxrt lless and Itobert
M, Montgomery north seventeen and a quarter de
grees east ono hundred and forty-six perches to
stone, thenco hort seventy-two and degrees,
west one hundred and tltty-tour perches to a stone
thence not th fourteen and a hall degrees east ono
hundred and eighty lurches to a largo hemlock.
thenco by other land ot said David Holder north
thirty-two and a quarter degrees east twenly.thrce
perches to a butternut, tlieocu by land of Jaiuc
Hess nortli eight) -one and three-quarter degrees
west one hundred and ninety-four perches to a hem
lock, thence along Sullivan county line south forty
seven and a halt degrees west one hundred and eight
perches to an Ironwood, thenco by land In the war
rantee namo of Samuel Nejtiiird south forty and a
quarter degrees east three hundred end fifteen
perches to a stone, thence by land of the said Eavld
Holder north eighty degrees east Iblrty-uine and
eight-tenth perches to a chestnut and theneo south
seven!) -two degrees east ninety-eight pcrchtsto tho
place of beginning, containing four hundred and
eight acres and flgut)-flie perches of land, strict
measure, be the same more or less.
All that certain lot of ground Htuatc In the town
of Hloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., described as
follows, to wit I Hounded on tho north by lildgual
ley, on the west by Centra street, on Urn south by
Second street, and ou tho east by land of L.,T,Shar
less i containing it, feet front and Sli vj feet In depth,
on which ere erected a two-story Irame store house,
barn and outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
property ot II. c. Hower,
TKHMS.-Cashouday of sale, otherwise property
tg be re-sold.
febsms-ta bherUT,
A niir nnnnllr-s. forctrrn nnd Domestic, como direct rrom tho manufacturer tn us. Ihcre t.
no Intermediate proilt lo pay, and wo are, therefore,
nro sold by the case.
Wo tiro now oilcring ii superb stock ot
Too nuinorous to specify, but which comprise the choicest styles
that will lo shown in Paris and
These goods have been selected by
We have also received by late
invoice of
French Lawns anfl OraaMies,
Which wo commend to the early
spect full lines of all tho choice and
Has also received the most careful attention, and wc are displaying
in unusual assortment of
From 47 Cents Per Yard, Umvard,
Every quality guaranteed to bo made of FI MD WOOL. The goods
wo sell are made by the best manufacturer in France, and are believed
to be unequalled in every respect.
We shall submit the finest assortment ever shown iu Philadelphia, in
Cotton and wool, all wool, wool and silk, and all silk goods.
llirough our
Customers nil over the tTititcl Stntes aro enabled In enjoy every ailviuitajre that persona resi
lient in IMiilailelphiii ijfl in shoppinjr )iersoti illy at our onunters. Hiqtiest-i for
Promptly nttrnilnl to, anil all OKDKUri executed with care and tlio utmost fidelity to tho
interests of our patrons. Attention is invited
orders filled by return mall.
V. W.
eor. Eighth aoil Market Sis.,
From Fob. C, 1S77 to Feb. 9, 1S73.
VM. Uli "VMIIII, Treasurer for Hhtrlrt.
In Ticasurer'sluuiilslsTO S'ta 03
liluom iluplleuii' " luo 21
UriTiiivetoil aupllcate " iM'JTt,
scott " " 815 Jl
Mis;niloaf " " 611 00
Hloora duplicate liTI I.muiio
tireeinvt'uil duplicate ' tftv 21
seott ' " ss-i no
Nuirarluill ",, " "J I e ' " mil n
1'10'lUCC " fit IT
(r.inge " 31 34
I'IBS w 15
Potatoes " 4ii
.May Ktli, IsTT, lal. ( f KtiK.nltMf uu 11-
fate I jr l;s 40 61
$3,1 1 SI
Am'l of ortli rs redeemed 4,'i03ttt
CuuiinKsloti on ame lei 14
Balance duo treasuitr,
125 41
ii.lMiis i,iu,;T-i
directors of the l'oor In account with I'.Iooin,
Scott, uruenwood and tugnrloaf townships.
Ain't, of orders outstanding
Feb. s. Is" 57!) 04
Am'l.of orders Issued jear
111 in
tl,M3 23
Ain't, of orders redeemed.... 4,"03t
.Am't or ordnrs outstanding
i'cb.'jih, Ish bTTt'J
f4,'.i3 23
TIMS. iii:i:ck,i
It. S. KNT,
Kxamlncil jy us at Hie Directors' request and
found coi red.
jdiin'iick, Auditors.
I'. Jl. VAMlKllSLICE.j
To orders outstanding $s77 CB
ilec'd. uom Ml.trloaf tovvnslilp Iruni 1S75 4n &l
Ain'tof susfarloif diipltc.itu ror IsTti 151 4)
' " liluom " isi; 2,12'j 07
M ilrecnvvcod " " evi.T 49
' "M'Olt " ' 72ii c.l.
' " butfarleuil - " 204 2u
ltcc'd. forliurs's " litus)
' " piuduce from f.irm " tl 77
" from tiran'o low nshlp ami
" for pls sold 54 15
' potatoes 42 ou
f 3,121) 11
Ami, of outstauUlm; orders redeemed
from la t settlement 553 ni
Commission und exoneration on sugarloaf
duplicate ls75 52 2'J
Commissi ui aud exoueration ou liloom
duplicate ls;n 40
Commission and exoneration on hcott du
plicate l7ii 57 32
Commission and exoneration on (Irccn-
vvood dupllcatelslrt 3104
Treasurer's commission l77 lni 14
Ain't. pad tor uut door relief Includlni;
coal IS77 583 71
" " audlllni; i-77 400
" " tax " M 5.1
" ' attorney fees " 25 ou
" " lumber for farm " 64 u-
' blacksinlthliijr m 33
' men haul's bills .... " eryuii
" " inedlcines 37 51
" ' wheal used at 1'. II.. 114 75
" iii.iMik; duplicates... " lone
" iloclor'b bills, poor 11,
and out duor lelle f .. . " 327 75
" 11 repalrlni; pumps . .. " m -5
' ' 2 horses " 'jnu ou
4 ' eui'i-pilnvvuoii .. I6U01)
ordersot iclleils.ue.1
by Jusiuvs " 13 60
" " statu hospital at Dan
ville " 1C3 02
" " u.echaulcs " t.D 37
" coal for prliouse.. " C7 2S
" llineund phosphule... " 03 70
" " manure soihi
Insurance 31 6U
" cofllns " 73 no
" " printlni; " 40 25
" bullUlntf mw clstt-ru
at jioor house " l&S 72
" sievvard's saliry ror
nil work 011 tar u uud
eareot pauiM'i.s " TeuoD
" " Dlreelors'and stcre-
tars salary " 20000
lllscellane ous linns, beer time 1 1.11
harness incii'llui,', Xc " 103 9i
Examined and cerlitlt-d.
11. O. 1IMITMAN, 1
.1011N i.wi'ol'K, - Auditors.
Amt. of outers given lo person
lu scott t 27 Is
Aiut. of (udeis given lor coal In
Sonlt 3 23
Ami. paid lor (1. V. I'ox at Asy-
iillll, i'auvilll-, 01:111 iir. ir;
Amt. nalil at Mlltim for 1. Cioss.
ley, lirei'tivmoil 1S01
Amt. paid lor lienjaintii Allen,
liricnwooil ., ID in.
Amt, nf orden given to persons
111 IJlfcuuiMid 0 50
Amt. paid Dr. II. VV. .Mclinj 1111I1U
for Mis. K. Kvans, tircuuviu'il .'tuiHj
Ami. paid tic. II. F. Uiiriluci' for
jus. r.. i.vuiis.iccimvoihi.... '.'.itii
-flul 57
Amt- pd. Jno. (iordner, bugalloaf
Aiut. of lual tOBUudly btlsons.
Amt. paid Dr. .1. 0. Itultcr for
K, Ilececr. Illonm
21 DJ
til 50
Amt. in Id Dr. II, V. liuriluci' fur
31. 1-.,
Ksler. Illoom..
IB 00
t. Datd Dr. A. 1,. Turner, for
Ami, paid Dr. VV, M. Itebrr lor
skauk und llrlggs, llliKiiu... 15 Cs)
Ami. of oidcis given tucuilry
peibous, Iltoiuu 42sst
(.1,003 15
l'KOl'KllTi 11KI.USUI.NU TO SAID lllb'T.
lly farm nnd liulldlngs valued at
tvaluatlon iVio e l7J) H3,5OI(j0
HyCathurluo Long piopeity,llliHim. oooou
jiy imiaiicu iiuu ou nuiiauoai llupll
cite 1&7U, less exonemtionH ,t coin,
lly balance du ou llloo.11 dupliculu
les exoneration und com., Ia77
lly balance iiui onliiceiiwnnd clupll.
tale. less tlx. and Com., 1877
lly balance due n beiitt dupllcule,
less Kx. uud Coiil.,lS77
lly balaneu duu un hugutldardupll.
culo, less Kx. uud Com,,ls77
lly slxlceii ucies of vv heat and ri e iu
giound, 1M7 ....
lly wheal, re, oaU.coin, buckwheat
timothy uud clovcrsccd, 177
lly hay, stiaw anil corn rnildcr, 177.
3IJ e;o
110 50
110 00
41-4 30
195 75
160 CO
250 00
lly wukoiu, lnachluciy uud all lurin.
lly Iiuu Behold furniture. Including
all lu Steward bouse, 1S77, ,
lly boua.hoiu fdrntiuro jn l'oor
House, in7....,
lly Jioik, hud uud eoul, 1S77
,.jr l Dva, . Uilll.,llllis , CIIICKeUS '
ilS,34 ti
ablo to sell ono dress palern as low ns tho samo goods
London durum the present season.
ourselves, personally, in tho Paris
steamer, and just opened, our first
Jaconats, Toile fl'Alsace. etc.
attention of all who desire to in
latest designs in these goods.
to tho fact that all letters arc answered and
Tliealiove Is a eorrect lnvolco of the per.
sonaliiropcityns taken January tJOtli, IB's.
To orders nulHtuliilltitr.
To unit, in f.ivoi or tlio itlsttlet....
I $ 877 60
. i;,nmu
13,:isi 41
bushels wheat tl..V)
11 20
.in nil
S2 2U
111 no
15 75
151 Ml
2 50
2 .0
. :i 50
1 211
4 00
150 01)
1211 no
21 !
sis in
21 12
Ml 75
I'.l IIS
'Ji IV 00
12 00
rye m 7oc.
lmekiiiieat (I Ode
corn ears jj 25c
outs (i 3tMi
tlniolhvsced J.IO
cloveisceil ifj tl.50
liotnlfies .luc,
onions (it 5oc..
turnips 25c
rutuhumisgTj 25c
beets :i'e
lllMlllS 61) Jl ' (HI
4 13U
tons hay
bumlli's sliiiw 61 l.'f
win lives cum loiblcl- 6t Ic
heads e'abluiifu lie
lbs inn k 6j) ).n
lbs beef Gc
1 lis baiter fc02,e
dozen egs lso
shnats th 3 no
calves ti i'i.uo
Number of paupers remaining at
last report 21
Number of paupeis admitted iluiing
3 cur 13
Number of paupeis illseluugcil dur
ing yiur 20
Number ur paupeis died dm lug year :i
Number of paupers remaining tntlio
l'oor llousu 12
W.V KltAMElt,) Directors
JHOS. ItllKCE, J nftbu
ll.b. II.NT. S l'oor
TtlH U'lM-.uu lliui-.i.-T I
OK 1'KNNrtVI.VAMV. 11 f
Ilk MkUKlllAll llkECK,
No. 2330 In Bankruptcy.
Notice is III reby given that there will be a third
gener U meeting of I he Ci editors of the nbovo named
bankrupt, for the purpose contemplated In tho
Twentj -eighth section or tho bankrupt Act on the
4tli day uf Alaich lMs, nt I o'clock p in., nt tho olllco
or Samuel Knorr Hloomsburg I'a., before KdwardN.
Wlllurd, iiesrlsicr In Uankrupicv, scrunton, I'a.; and
sIH'i Lditoi's w ho have pi oved llu-lr debts are here by
noiniedtobe present at said meeting, and uttho
samo lime and place we shall sell 1 uur accounts,
aud tho same shall lie nudlicd.uud we shall Iheu and
there apply for our discharge nsusslguees.
Hloomsburg, February 12, ls-8
Tho subscribers will sell at public, sale at the Into
reHld-ncuot Henjamlu Miller, iicccased, lucataivlssa
township. Columbia county, I'cnnsvlvunla.on
commencing nt I) o'clock a. m., or each day, the fol
low Ing described personal priHrtv to-wlt:
Flll'l! HOUsKsfllutKcmv s Li-ad or FAT OAT.
II.K.1S hcadof M)l'X(l OATTI.K. 1 Top Iluggy, a
two-horse spring wngon and a one-horsn spilng
wagon, a light two horse wagon und,a wooll
aMo w agon und bed, an Iron axle wngon and bed,
vvoiidlaxli' wagon and two hcts ladders, a grain
drill, a MUWKU, a reaper grinder.
Eeaper and Mov;or, Troad-powcr
Threshing Machine,
a lluuld manure sprinkler, a sleigh, a largo corn
? V.'I'Vl.,1.0 ork bv horse-power, a 1'l.ovhll SKIU)
lib I.I.I. It, a good tanning mill. 7.".u bushels oats, 260,
bushels rve, 6 bu hclsiwhi', bu'hcls clover s.eii
Bi busluls timothy n-i'd, a crosscut siw, a pairot
jiw lb.scu es. hay lork. rope, ie., patent straw und
fodder culler, !o loi.s hay, lot of corn fodder, 4 sets
heavy harness, 2 setn buggy harness, nbout
busbi lscoin lutho ear, Ions, rakes, scoopshov els,
shovels, grubbing hoes, hoes-, crowbur, threshing
Halls, lot .it old fion, Ac., wlus-ibarrow. lot ol hlcket
ry and eiak plank, lot ot pine plank und boards, lot of
sawed shingles und lath, line large breed sow, 7 ilno
khoats. a drag Hcd, acorn plainer, a patent elder
press, lot of baes,2 half bushel measures aud a busu-
.''iiiuS1'''. Bil".d W"'1 3 Br,l,n ""allien. 2 grass
tcithcs, lot of double and single trees, tin pump,
w ood saw, augurs, draw knlfe.hniidsiiw.bleves.adze!
chisels, axes, mall, hatchets, Ac.,3drug harrows, a
two-norso cultivator, 2 corn harrows, a hay lake, a
a iiuIiuTy ot "'" p10"'' 3 KOua ',l0M a "eU- A'w
consisting ot two Iron kettles, 1 copper kettle, wood
stove, sausage grinder, and sausage Mnner.4 tuba
K! .S''"'"p.r "Vi" machines, 4oo pounds of
ard, largo lot of smoked and plekled meat, 7u bush
tihiif S'iti,;"i?'J''"rcH' c"urn. 1 table, I extension
table, 2 clocks, 2 room btoves, 1 cook stove. 1 llowo
o,?i".1urncy,?,? C'0"I"C a ' organ, lot mirrors,
v,li,';lld?t,ll!'cou'lt'""1Pl,I " lamps, crock,
erj, 1 setU'e, I lounge, cloths, lot of chairs and rock
log cha rs, 4 biHls and bedding, i bureaus, I secrett.
n..l 0',?u,'"la' ban:t?l ""l vinegar, clients, wool
2 te'!,l,P""'"l!wueel,bluk,lot Ulshes, knives, torka
auu silverware',
11 Acres Wheat, 9 Acres live
lii!1!: tm" ladders, meat stands, a Bao lot of
thickens and other fowls, and various other articles
n, r.lm f 'ntscs lof Ihe deceased loo numerous to
FifhUV mTw b,x H11AltE3
given ky rauUo li00wn 00 clJJ' ot 6al6 anJ attention
IIES'liv .t. Mil r I'll
fib. 15, '73-ts
i iVf.T-3 ', "'I'nlnlstratlon.ontho estate ct Mary
lutcldson, late UCentie low ushi,), Culuuibl. TccZ
I'a., have been granted by the lieelsilr at vtZ
on lent MiV'c, T.rt V,u,cll'Su " n'to
or i.ignt Mreet, lo whom ul persons Indcbleil on!
f!?,t'8,lt;J,,0 iminedlal rjScLt anil iioS
Mi m e-c , Adinlnlstratur,
feb. 15, 13-tw tight street.
m S L"Nl I'a.. was dlvsolM-d on tho lllh day
?.J?,6MU.1ITI A.' "- UIS! onU "l,t 1110 fcHix Savage
has sold his interrest to tho said White, who p-opos-
Pn ',m '!" "llt'bt,(,l 1 said nnn w in come forward iin
ISvSi '"''y and make M'tilcmcuttheri'of lothesur-
;..ii , vw,,.v: '' "one, auu an claims against
l",,, . .bUa" presented tu the bald White lor
bi'ii.t'inf lit
I'llll'lneul,, 'ti iv
.SolleiV ll I, II, bv liii Ihil tlw. LHi,.ni h.u
len aiinolnli d uu usslgneo or tho benchi ur credi
tors ol V Illluin llaup.und has uisjn hlinscll iho
duties of u,o trust. Alt iieisuns aie Iheriioro re
ciulred toseitlo wltlildui, adpist aud pay tohhnall
accounts, debts and dues ol llin kald W llllaui lluun :
aud those huv Ing claims lu submit llietntu lueas
blgueo properly auihenltcaUd.
:eb.SJ,1Mw Ctuwl,sa,l'A.
BLANK MORTO AQEri for sale cheap at tbe