THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEGr, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Poetical. LAMENT OF THE PRIKCF, OF I'linSIS ON THE DEATH OF HIS WIFE. 1 lBOMTIII!J4rA1irK. Waking at midnight Ttlicn tho world Is still, Alone 1 seem to drift upon a lido ()f dreary waters wbl'O the dying moon Clnks slowly, (fathering nil her tender rnjs. And leaving tlio dark-vlsagtd night forlorn, iluunn tho wild wind ; tlio air In tilled with froU, 11 eyes am dull, but solitude, and cold, Like cruel-thronlfd watchdogs, scare away The timid traveler, deep. 1 cannot rest! A tlpar faeo rhtnes upon ire llko a star Through denth and darkness. Poor sweet, lonely loTel Ok, 1 would be tlio stone upon her grave, Or the least Bower that blossoms on her dint, for O10 blesK-d hope that I shall meet My darling somewhere In the silent land. Ihe rock of death dlTldes the rushing wave, But the twain streams shall surely meet again. Through the dim world tho vltlago temple bell Touches my or, and every solemn sound Repeats her hame whoso pensive thoughts wire pro) er. Ny arms aro empty, but ray heart Is full, And shall bo full of her forerermore. Japan WeeUy Mail. TIIF. MIICKI.Mi-lllltll AND THE DONKEY. THO THE SMNH1I OP THE MEXICAN 10ET JOSS K04A9. A mock-bird In a Tillage Had komehow gained the skill To Imltslo tho voices of nnlmMsatwili, And Mnglng In his prison, Once, at the close of da, Ho cave, m 1th great precMon, Tho donkej 's heavy bra-. Well pleased the mock-bird's master Kent to the neighbors "round And bade them como together To hear that curious sound. They came, and all were talking In praise of wht they heard, And one delighted lady Would fain have bought tho bird. A donkey listened sadly, And ruld : "Confess I must 1 hat h se aro shAllow people, And terribly unjust, 'ITn bigger than tho moek-blrd, . And better bray than he, Yet not a soul has uttered A word In praise of me." Wm. Cullen Mryant in St. Xicliola. Young Folks, IlOltlN IIDOD'S MIRACLE. BY It. It. HUTTUWOItTH. Fair, fair was the forest of Sherwood In tho days of Itobia Hood: long were the sum mers that garmented the forests with green, and bright were the autumns that browned the thickets and coverts from which the mer ry hunters, clad in Lincoln-green, started the deer. The silver horns of Robin Hood's merry men divided in the morning, and their notes were lost in thegreat deep forests but they blended again at evening, echoing at first from afar and then drawing near. Then merry were the tales of the hunters, as the red moon rose In the dusky shadows, and poured her light over the forests like a silver sea. Robin Hood performed a most wonderful miracle. in his day. Perhaps, though, you may not think it so wonderful alter ail. We will tell it to you as ti very old ballad told it to us. One day Robin, boing in a merry mood, took it into his head to go into the king's highway in the disguise of a Friar. Ho put on hood, gown, crucifix and beads, and walked off slowly, looking yery demure and woe-begone. He had not gone far, when he met two lusty priests, clad in black, and riding gal lantly along. "Menedicitel" he said. "Have pity on a poor friar, who has been wandering Bince morning, without meat or drink." "In the name of the Viigin"said one of the priests, "we cannot help thee. We've been robbfd, and haven't a penny to help ourselves." Robin laid hold on the priest's robes, and drew him from the horse. Robin was so stout a man that the priest could not resist, and when he commanded the other priest to dis mount, he dared notdisobey him. "You say you have no money," said Rob in. "Neither have I." "You know how to pray ?" said Robin. "Yes," said tho priests. "Then let us all fall on our knees, we three together, und for money we will pray earnestly, and we will see what Heaven will send." The priests knelt down. "Now pray," said Robin. They prayed very dolefully. At last they began to weep and wring their hands. Then Robin began to dance. The priests' prayers became more doleful than ever. But Robin said "Pray 1 I'ray I" They prayed a very long time. "Now put your hands into your pockets, and see if yon have received an answer to your prayers." The first priest felt in his pockets, then rolled up his eyes very solemnly and said "Nothing." "Let me feel," said Robin. The priests now looked more troubled than ever. Robin searched the pockets of one, and drew forth a purse heavy with gold. "What an auswer to prayer!" said Robin, and lie searched the other, and found an other purso. The two priests were struck dumbwhat could they say If If they had spoken truly at first, here indeed was a miracle I The old ballad says that they "sighed wondrous heavy." "You have prayed well," faid Robln.en couraglngly, seeing their dejected looks. "Here aro five hundred pounds. Now we will divide it." And divide it he did. He gave each priest fifty poundi for praying so well, and kept the rest himself. But the two priests did not eem very much pleased with Robin's division and liberal present, but rode away looking more woeful than ever. "Always f peak tho truth," said Robin tn the two priests, as they departed ; and we have a sort of suspicion that if they had spoken the truth about their money to the bold outlaw, as good priests ought, the mini acle would not have been so great. Witie During his recent confinement to bed the Pope lias been overhauling his old corres pondences destroying papers or Borting those to be Intrusted to the Cardinal Cauierlengo in a sealed packet for delivery into hU suc censor's hands.Among others,there aro letters Irora Kings, Emperors, Princes, and polltl cal and ecclesiastical personage, relating to the events of his Pontificate, especially to the vlclrsitudes ot recent Italian hintory and the couduct.of the Holy See in 1848. These papers are expected to throw much light on certain obscured points, uud thus berveaa a guidance to hi successes. Miseelaneous. Among Mailmen. A TOn.Nd LADY CONFINED rvtt SEVEN YEARS IN A I.UNATII! ASYLUM, IN ODDER THAT HER IlROTIIEtl AND MSTKIU) MI01IT APPROPRIATE 1IKR sitAiti: ok Tiiiurt fath er's khtate. The case of a young woman, for years shut up in (an Insane asylum by relatives who wished tn deprive her of the fortune she inherited from her father, is of unusual interest. Regarding It, the HorMsnys: Miss Susan Dickie, whose alleged insanity has been the subject of Inquiry by thtee Commissioners und a Sheriff's jury since tho Oih of last December, was to-day declared of sound mind, and to have never been in sane, although she has been confined in an asylum for over seven years. The present proceedings wero Instituted ngnlnst Miss Dickie by her brothers and sisters. It was found that Miss Dickie had been confined lu Hlimii, incd.ilc Asvlum since September, 1871 ; that while there she had refused tn associate with tho lunatics, and was in all respects like a sane woman. One of her sisters persuaded her In leavo her father's homo in 1871, under tho promise. that she would have a much gayer time with her. Jliss Dickie consulted with friends, who advised her not to go. She went, how ever, and after having been in her sister's house about ten days her sister employed Dr. Wm. Hanford, while her friend nnd medical adviser,, and he gave a certificate upon which the young woman was taken to Uloomingdale Asylum. Dr. V Into testified that he had never treated Susan, had never spoken to her, nnd had only seen her In passing through the rooms of the house when attending ber father. He examined lier.liow ever, for n few minutes, and then signed a certificate of lunacy. He did not know the day or the year when the certificate was made, and refused to Bay what he was paid lor it. Doctors Hammond, Clymer and Rauney testified before the jury that Miss Dickie was peifcctly sane and able to take care of her person and property. It appear' ed from the testimony that in case she was adjudged a lunatic, her brothers and slaters would receive about $20,000 more from their father's estate, as she would be enable to make a will disposing of her share and they would receive all the accumulations. The Sheriff's Jury rendered their verdict, declar ing Miss Dickie is not a lunatic, and that she is capable of the government of hersell and the management of her property. Patrick. Dickie, Susan's father, died on the IGth of last November at an advanced age, and imb( cile.leaviug property worth nearly a million of dollars. He gave Susan the income of over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars the principal to go to her children, or in default of children, to her brothers and sis ters. The action of the brothers and sisters is regarded as an outrage, and the physician who certified to the young woman's insanity seven years ago comes in for greater Indigna tion. Nankin. Nearly 200 miles from wliere the Yangise mingles with the sea, half hidden, half ex alted by the hills, stands this great city, whose name to the scholar's ear is quite as familiar as that of China itself. Not Daunt ed out upon the river's bank like cities of the present era, built but for commerce and display, but resting Inland, hemmed about by hills, and guarded yet again by massy walls, as befits the old-time capital of this most ancient empire. The Chinese seem al ways to have avoided coast sites for their large cities, and there is scarcely a place a single place of note whose walls border on the sea or have an extensive river frontage. They are all approached by water, even to their gates, but it is at best a narrow river or canal, whose windings oiler sorry naviga tion to modern ships of war or pence, either, for that matter. China of to-day is the China of centuries ago, nnd if, as it is fair to presume,they build their cities main ly forrefuge and defence.they exhibit a fund of strategy and judgment which time has sadly diminished, So Nankin has its watery highway, scarcely a stone's throw wide, the entrance to which is guarded by forts (if lines of mud wall are worthy of the name,) from whose embrasures Irown heavy guns, and invaders would find their hands full to bring their vessels past the battlements, poor as they are. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E3TATB or 11-tZlNPia HISS., DIC'P. Letters of Administration on the estate of Alex ander Hess, lato of Sugartoat township, Columbia county, deceased Jave been granted by the Iteelstcr of said county to tho unaerslEJ ed Administrators. All persons having claims atralnst the said estate are requested to present them for settlement, an! those Indebted to make pa) ment without delay. 1IAC1IEL A. IIES.S, A.ND1USW LAUIIACH, Jan.in8-w Administrators. Cole's Creek P. o. TJHITISII AMERICA ASSURANCE CO. NATIONAL FIItK INSUilANCK COMPANY. Tho assets of thehe old corporations are all In vested in SOLID HECUltlTIU ondare liable to the hazard of lire only. Moderate lines on the best risks are alone accepted. Losses raOMPTLT and iionfptlv adjusted and paid as boon as determined by cukisiun P. KNArr, spe cial Agent and Adjuster, H'oomsburp. Penn'a. The citizens or Columbia county should patronize the agency whero losbes, If any. are adjusted and liuld by one of their own cltUens. nov.16, 'I7-ly A milNl.STlUTOR'S NOTICE. EST1TC OF niNKV 1UKTHAN, DKC'D. Letters of administration on the estate of Henry llartiiian, late of Ileinlock township, Columbia coun ty, Pa., bate been granted by the Iteglster of Colum bia county to J aeon Hantaan, Administrator, to whom all persons Indebted ar requested to make liulnedlate pa ment, and those- havlnir claims or do mands against tho suld estate will make them kuottn to the undersigned Administrator without to. ()AtUU JiniVUlA. Administrator. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Health and Happiness aro priceless Wealth to their possessors, and t et they are within the reach of ev ery one vtho ill use WUKiHT'S LIVER PILLS, TUo only sura CUItK for Torpid Liter, I)jspepla, lleadaihe, hour Ktomach, CunnUiutlon, Debility, Nausea, und ull nullum complaints and Iiluuddu orden Mono cenulno unless signed "Wm. t right, ehlla." If jour 1 ruggut win not suprlybindu cents for one boi to Harriett, Holler Co., :o N.Jth St., PhlUk Jan. 4, -js-ly nr J. Hellinan Co. vs. It. lirysous Co. Pa. No. IS.IKCTerm.MI, And now to wit. January 4, 1STS, on motion of W A. Marr. Attv. fur.1. lietfumii a- o, m.i tirht n. llonal 11.111k of Ashland, I'viuisyivaiiU, the order of the Court ordering the money Into court utlslug from tho sale ot tho persunul proiierty of defend ants Is modified o hsUj order Into Cmirt ilm untn ot four hundred dollars for attribution and nit Auditor upirfuuuu lur uibinuuung me same. p. p. miuucy er, Em)., uptiolnted Auditor, llYTIIKCOntT. Theaboto Auditor unnolntod tt 111 meet all tiartlps Interested fortho pur)Ohuoi his urpulutuientutlds (juice in uiooiubuurg uu rriu'ty, ri Lruury Mil. iis, at ten o'clock.a. m. Y. P. UlLLMKYKlt. Ion. 11, IS-tw Auditor. VIUtOAI) ELECTION. A rretlous election liatlm? railed! notice la hereby glten to the stockholders 01; the lluulock's creek and Nuocy II. H. Company, that uu election will bo held at the house of peter tl. Ulll, In Ijilnls Mlle, Lycoming county, Penn'a., on TllUIIMiAV, tliu 1MI1 day of February A. D.. IMS. at 11 o'clock 111., tor tlie purpose 'of choosing a President and li directors for the ensuing teur; ulsu a meeting of tho Hoard at same time nnuiiluce. ny order of the President. C. A. DOWKItS, UENltV W, PETIIIKIN. Bec'y. President, feb. 16, -nw JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESRLTTION EXECUTED PROMITLY I At tub Columbian Omar. I A nTFO Can color Uutt own Mnkton 1 JAIIbo lets Usn one cent percalr aut ox miM by iImum f iur"MAOIc TINIB'c tor tlL- TT IhitliM If nur"MA(lIC TIN1B' ci renrw or cnang" the color of then" drrwie. restor tn frrliTieMi i nil brllllaner faded Mils. Mcrnon. Alpacas, neektles, lilbbons, c, or Impart to mm new ana lovtly shades 1 Ittlo tronbltand nominal cost Mick f any desired color sent on receipt of 10 cents, 8 different colors tsc. riag str-m accept ed, tend Man p for clraultrs and sampled. L.KAHMY 1. 1 1 h M I (. A i, I1HKM, m Cortla in 11, K ik. V. o. 1:01, silt. tt e. 14, U-lin jntco PENNSYLVANIA RAILEOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AM) UNITED STATES MAlb ROUTE. mealUntlomtitthe Imti liner nubile Is reicKt- InUy Invited to some of the merita if this greathlgh way. la lbs confident fcuseruoh and tivllel lhat no other Dn can offer equal Induteint-utH ua n route of throngn travel, la Construction and Equipment TUB PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD stands eonlessedli at Iho head of American railways. The track Is d nit.le Ihe entire length ' H' Hi"', of steel rnllsLild 011 heay oak th's, which are imbed dcdln a foundulon of ruck ballast elchneu UicIks In d"ptn. All bridges aro of iron 1 r Mime, aim uui r. upnh tho most approved 1 lan. lis ini.sMit.rir cars, while orrlnentl. Rifo and substantial, aro ut the. same tlino modi-Is ot comlurt and elegance. THE SAFETY APPLIANCES In uo mi this line well Illustrate the fstwrlngnnd liberal iKiticy or us mHn.iwmi-111,111 nccununcti wini which the utility only of an lmrruemi tit and net Its cost lias liecn the iiuesilou of cuuMdcrutlun. Among luauy may be noticed THE BLOCS SYSTEM OF SAFETY SIGNALS, JAMNEY COUPLES. BUFFER ani PLATFORM, THE WHABIOH PATENT SWITCH, AND TUB westwohousi: air-bbaks, formlhtr In conjunction with a perfect dout.e track and l-il u romuin-ulun of sjfcprurdri against accidents which lute rendered tuoni practically Im possible. Pullman Palace Cars arc run on all Express Trains Fmiu etr York, Pbllndelpliln, llnltltuore nutl WaMbhurlnn, To Chtrnao, I'lnclunntt, Loulsttlle, InillnnnpolU nnd M. l.oul, WITHOUT CHANCE, and to all principal points In the far West and south with but one change of cars. Connections are mado In Uulon Depots, nnd aro assured to all Important points. TBB SCENERY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE Is admitted to he unsurpassed In tho world for gran deur, beauty and variety, euperlor refreshment fa cilities aro provtded. Kmplot ecs aro courteous and attentive, and It Is an inevitable result that a trip by the l'cnns) Ivonla must form A Pleasing ant Kenorabli Experience. Ttrtptja fnr H.ite ut. the lowest rates at tho Ticket unices of tho Company In all Important cities and towns. FKANK THOMPSON, I. V. FAItMKIl. Gcn'l Passenger Agent. uenerai Manager. J, K. SHOEMAKER, Pass. Atrent Middle Dlst, 1! North Third Mrctt, llarrliburg, P. febl.Ts-ly The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood's Magazine Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., New York. continue their authorized ltcprlnts ot THE KDINBUrtnil IIEVIEW (Whig,) THE WESTMINSTER KEVIEtV (Liberal), THE LONDON OUAKTEKLY HEVIKW (Conserva tive). THE HIIITISII QUARTERLY KEVIEW (Evascel- icm), AND Blackwood's EflMiir&li Magazine. tir These Menrlnm ore rot selections : they clvo the orlKlual? in rut, and at about one-lHIrtl the price 01 the tfnffltsh Kdlllons. The Uu-st advances and discoveries In the arts and sciences, iho recent additions to knowledge In every aeparimmi 01 uitnuurc, mm uu uiu uvrt yuvuw ttons as they Issue iroin t he press, are fully reported and discussed In the patrcHOf these periodicals, In language at once clear, forcible and comprehensive. The articles are cojimonly more condensed and full of matter than the average books of the period. TeruiN for 1S7S Including noNtagc Payable Strictly In Advance. Kor anyone Ilevlew f4 do per annum 1 uo 1000 " " IS IK) 4 UU " TOO 10 00 ' ' 13(0 " ' 15 00 ' ' For any two Kevlewa Kor any three ltevlews For all four Hevlewn Tor Blackwood's Magazine t or t.iacKwoou ana one ueview For Hlaekwood and two Reviews For Hlaekwood and three ltevlews For Blackwood and four ltevlews CLUBS. A discount of twenty per percent, will be allowed to clubs of four or mure tvi-bons. Thus: lourcoiw les of Ulackw ood or of one l'.e lew will be sent to one address for fl'2 w four copies of tho four ltevlews and iilACtw ood lor is, and so on. To clubs of un or more, In addition to the above discount, a copy gratis w ill bo allowed to the getttcr up of the club. PREMIUMS. New subscribers tarv lncr earlvl for the year 1678 may have, without charge, the numbers tor the last quarter of 1WT of such periodicals as they subscriber for. or instead, new suDbcriDerato any two. three, or four of the abote periodicals, roaj have one o tho "Four Kdiewh"forlsTT; bubscrlbeis toalimemay bae toof tho "Four lteleHS"orone set of Black wood s Magazine tor 1S7I. tenner imiums 10 suuscnuers nor aiscoum to clubbcanbe aliened, unlets tlie money isrtmltted direct to the publishers. No premiums irtven to clubs. To secure premiums it will bo necessary to make early application, as the stock available lur that pur pose Is limited. The Leonard Scott Publishing Oo. 11 KAKCLAY ST., NEW Y0UK, feb l, is;. TlIO iliS U. IiAHTMAN. ALBRHT HAKTUiN, HARTMAN BROS., UKALEH8 IK TEAS, CANNED FKU1T, CIOARS, TOBACCO. snurr, O0NFJ3OTION13RY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Qucensw FINE GROCERIES, foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENKBAL LINE OF Family Provisions ua.. sirs ou smi. IllUM'.KT III.OC'H, 11U doer below Market street, Uloemtburg, ra. ir Hoods dellM-red to all parts of tbe town April vl, IT-It PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON BHOBTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE TEEMS. Till! I'lCES IS UK t'ILK WITH ROWELL & fHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIRP 4 CHESTNUT ST., IT. LOUIS, HOKEY OF HOREHOUHD AND TAR ron thk cure or (otis Mia, Ialaun, HMrieam, Diffl Jinlilsg, ail all Ifftctloai at tt. Tarn BraaoMU Tibet, aad Lmji, leailif to ConinmpUoo, Tlili infallible remcily i composeil of tht Honlv nf the Ifbrclurarul, tn chemical union with Tar-Halm, extracted from the LlFK pRtNCtriF. of the forest tree Anns IIaimmka, or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of Horchound soothes AND scattf.ks nil frritatinnsandlnllammalioiu, and the Tar.halm CLF.ANSF-S and 1IFALS the throat and air p.nsa(;e? lcadinr; lo the lungs. 1'IVR additional ingredients keep tlie organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keen )ou from trj ipf this great medi cine of A famous doctor who has tavcd thou sands of lives by It in his large private practice. N.ll. The Tar-Balm has no BAD TASTK or smell. 1 RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 TER TtOTTl C. Great saving to buy targe size. "l'lko's Toothache Drops " Cure in 1 Uniitf. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. 0SITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y. December U, Ml-y THE NEEDHAIW Musical Cabinet THIS new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether under standing music or not, to play any de sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It posses ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipulate, yet capable of repro ducing, without limitation, the musical compositions of the tast, I'RLSI'.nt and FUTURE. The execution Is faultless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and the instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is tcquircd, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, a. v. HimsBAK at son, manufacturers, ' 13, 115 & 117 E. 231 St., Hew York. Nov. lo, '77 tin. A New Departure From flic ManufUcturcr to the Consumer. For CASH we will sell to the CONSUMER lnlSucli Quantities as ho may Need at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES and thus sae a', MIDDLE rROFIT to tho Consumer. Ilefore purchasing elsewhere send lor our prices ot STIUCTLY rUKE WUITE LEAD, MONTOUR SLATE PAINTS. MONTOUlt METALLIC! WHITE, MONTOUIi METALLIC I1I10WN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Paint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, srilllTS OFTU!irENTIN12, LINSEED Oil., PUTTY. SaraDle cards and orlco list furnished without charge. Orders and Inquiries by mall will receive nromnt attention. HENRY S. REAY, Rupert, Pa, Mays, -je.-ly. Steel and Iron O?3?3plo Flauge FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; WKot Inalde Halt AVork and lllugad Cap XO tUt COMPUTI WITU0DT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 84 Slutdcu Lune, Hut WlUUm It, IIW TOBX dec. 7, Hll-ly CHRONIC si Piattt'U. &r all booUb "i'lam Home Tulle und Medical uuimuii K'Utte' nearly 1,101 tuftn, xoo lllustrti. lloua,by Dr. . 11. t'lHiTK, ot ISO, U'xuslou Ate., N. V. I'urcliawri ot tills txx k ure at liberty to con sult Its uui nor by mall me. Wee by mall f3 s tor the BTiKiiAuutditloii, vr l.fiu fortliu i-onLiueai tloo.ulilcli contains alltho eatne matter ami Illus trations. Contt'ntb tattles free, Airnu Wanlodb MUHKAY JllLL ll'llLlbHl.NU to!, It9 lul Ul OPIUM cum4. I-JW, hoiHiktLiljr. ltt4Uu.y I 1 WtaLlituti bl. t-kWk. ILL h ill lHiElmiiHIvN BOY THE BEST $1,00 SHIRT -THE PEARL Nono Genuine without (his (pARU Patented. Trade Mark, 1 Tlenrons why the FEAKL SHIRT is proferred to all otluM-3 : 1t. They lire made of the best ''WAMSUTTA" MUSLIN. 2d. l()-om3 are three lily nnd bein guaranteed to bo all linen. 3d. They sire made only by capable and experienced hnnd.-i, are eare fnily inspected and are uiiMiriaed by any other in work manship. lth. They are guaranteed to (it and to give satisfaction in every particular. Ts?3- chem and be Convinced ! FOR SALE ONLY BY . &OWBKBIIBGI, Morolnint Tailor, Clothier and Gent's Furnisher, BLOOMSBTJRQ, FV. Thou Buy N. Y. ENAMELPAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, tiiuls.ivi oiii'-tlilrd tlio coitof painting, and getn rilnttliat Is much handsomer, anil Kill , I.A.-VTWICK AS LONll AS ANY OTIIKIt PAINT. Is irtiiiri'l rciidv foniM-m white or any color desired. 13 on many thousands of thoflnpstbulldlnffs In tin' i. uui r . ii'jn nr uliM. I e be painted six J ears, and now look as well as whinllrt,t lulnUil CIIKMIt Al. . IM liutul.i-ii Mi-t l'llESIItiMSattwentyo(tho Mate 1'iilrs of the Union. Nimniocaj-dot olol'S Mill fne. uiImi-h , UN AMUl. I'AINT UO., 178 l'llncu btleet, N. V., or IIKNKY L. 1,1)1111 smi., M.111U 1:121 Market direct, l'lilladelphta, l'a. Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBURQ, PA.., IS TUB I'i.XL'l! TO lll.T '111 II WORTH OP YOUIt MONCY IN THE FINEST AND l'ltEMIEST OP Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description, Qneerae, Glassware, M and Willowware, Fl our and Feed, Tohacco and Cicars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR GASH, OH NICE FBKSII PRODUCE. Jan 1, 1S77. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ! In pursuance or an order ot the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned Administrator ot Margaret Karns, lato ot inenton township, deceased will espo to Hule On tile prfmjs on SATUKDAY, MAUCU 9, 1878, at ten o'clock a. m., the following real estate or said decedent, situate In Denton township, bounded and described as follows : On tho north bylandsor Wil liam Smith, on tho east by lands or Peter Kase, on the south and west by lands of Joseph Hess, con taining THIRTY-THREE ACRES, mnro or less, all lmproed, whereon Is erected a two-story Fit AM E DWELLING HOUSE, Fit AM E BAHN, andout-bulldlngs. Terms or sale will bo made known on day or sale. 1. K. KHICKI1AUM, Administrator. Denton, feb. 15, lws-ts Gold. Mines and Lands. Coal. (IOLI) MINES AND LANDS. COAL. SILVEIl HOLD OH, LEAD COMPANIES OUOANIZED, STOND IKON MINIMI AUKNUY, C01TEH MAP.BLE S. SEVENTH SI'ItEEr, LIME COAL PHILADELPHIA. MICA MAUL A. 11. WYMAN 4: CO. OYPSUM &T0 BUY A FARM. WHERE Send foi our Catalogue. A. TI. toTaN & CO. No. QOG South Seventh St., PHILADELPHIA. reb. 13, '78-lm Jw.tco AT PRIVATE SALE, The billow Yale Estate A Valuable property, lj Ing In Franlllh township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, on Ihe cast branch or Itoarlngcreek. It consists or a beautltul furni ot about 120 -A. C 1R. E S, on which aro erected a commodious and coiuforta blo Dwelling House, a large Hank liaro, Cider Press, and all necessary out-bulldlngs. It has growing upon It abundaiee or excellent frujt, has a well or water at both tho dwelling Uouso uikI barn, and Is conenlent or aecessby public roads. ALSO, Adjoining and being a part or tho Bame, but will be sold separately lr desired, about me acres or Iho abo e lands, hereon ai o erected a largo CUSTOM, OIllbT AND i'LOUltlNO MILL, with tour run or stone, a, Dwelling House, a Faw MUl, a Dry Roods More and Dwelling llouso. and other Improvements, together with the water-power and appurtenances thereto. The Willoivviile Vont Ofllcc Is on tho premises. His within easy reach or Cata wtssa, Centralla, .shland, Mount Carmel and other uiiuiuj; tuwua lur iiiiirhet purpwhes. The property Is bounded by lands or Munson, and Artley, and bheets, and D. Dower ard others. Tho Iwo dekcrlUd properties will bo sold separately or together to suit purchasers. For terms npply to LlUs Mcndnhall. E. It. Drinker or John II. Freeze. at Illoomsburg, Penn'a. feb. 8, 'I -II KEEP IN THE RIGHT LATITUDE SANK INMOWli ANU NEBRASKA Luii ui oi uudaw uu undeibigntd lor lull Infwr inatlon. N.8. ENTILE, Agt., feb. 8, 'is-3m bunbnry, Pa. DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICE. ISTATI Of W1LU1M Hl'llllEJ. HfCCiSSB, Ifttcn of Administration on Ihe estate of William Hughes, late of Keaver tojrnshlp, Columbia aiuiiiy, deceased, bavu been grana d by Hie Iteglster of mlj county to Allen II minor tame township. All persous having claims against Ihe istateuro requested to present Ihetn lor settlement and those IndUitedto mako pa) ment nllhout delay, ALLKV MiNN, Jon, It Is-tw Administrator. leaver township. I it BUY THE BEST THE SHIRT I Trade Mark mnde of the hct linen, eaeh ply July 27, '77-ly Dauchy & Co'sAdyt's. V AMTrU'0 cl,ro acnsu of Catarrh In each I P.7 ntlghboihood, with Dr.Karsner's llemedy to iniiouuie lu s-omple Irie. J. c. Illton. PltUburg, Pa. Jwleo nov. S3, '77-311) TT A XfrC lutall pilco !4l(M)onV M3RO I I IO Parlor tlrtrans, piffc !fm only, S Uk-.. 1 'iips r free. D. F. DllATl V. ,SilnBlt.ii4b. xitirnG WITH A COLl) IS ALWAYS JIANQEItOUS USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS ?.f,li,r.t;!!',Plt;',;.'?' . and all dleavcs of the DHANP Im"s ""d ML'COUS MEM Put u.,?,i,M5;i.DH?toBoxe!5 ;. N. CltlTTEM'ON, 7 t-ixrn A it, New Y'ork. feb. 1, 78-4 w U SWEETgsrasgaNAYT" nil ' Awu-dtd ktghttt prut at Croteninil Liuoaiilon for fini thmnng quaittui snd treelltnee and liulmo Mar oeltr of rutfcfcniR? ami fiararng. Tim b.l tobacro n.r mmle. A. our thlo atrip trid--mrl I clustly ImiUlril on inferirr couijl, tlit JaektonU hett li onrtrrjrplng, Pold tf ll.l-iil. benj for.miiM-. ucii, to L.A, jAciugH X Co., Mfm., l'vtvr.burif, . i. I'. W.WtlM.i:, lieiirrnl Ant., Plilln.liliUiii feb 1, 7S-4w d VI Kl 1 That ,-n, in,, Tl ) I Catairh win ni smedlly cure CATAP TI T-7' ril'N Itliillfiil I'lir,- fur niit InSlJIIillV rMloin nnrl dllv cure. Il,'fr-rriir,rf llnt.rv Wells, Esi rura. N. VL Pv II Ti'istlmoiil! IIJf) Price. win Vr J eter"wht Wells, Esq., Wells, Fargo & Co., An. ruru, N. Y. Wm, llowen, Em.. Mc- rant A- Dowen. kr. tlmonlals and trealtso by mall. llh Improved Inhaler, f 1. sold ervwhtre. U'KKKs I'mttitk Proprietors, Poston, Mass, ' feb. in, 1678-4W 10,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ny Iho veteran author, T. s. .triliur. 'Hie most In. ten,story with powerful arguments and (startling i.r.ii.u, ever combined In one volume, 'ihoworkot .iliirph), llKVSOLks, Inkiikute AsvLriis, Crusudc, etc. A marvelous book, grandly endorsed by all 'J cuiperanee authorities. Ma Is rapid. A limit Chance to COIN MONEY, For extra terms address IIUIUIMID linos., Pubs., Vii bar.toui St., PhlladiU phla.Po. (Iiut HUH, lis just reduced ...percent I are selling last d Itb. It, ;7-iw ST. LOUIS AND SAN FI1ANC1SCO 11A1LWAY LANDS FOR SALE 1,00(1,(1(10 AtltES in t-oriuwrsr Mifjornt ntui V!..10 hi ss.oo an acre. First-class taknuUg. rlcullurnl lands. Iho ben totucco region In tlie. West, lino trult, no gratshopits, oMindnucr of good water, short winters.conenlent markets.good sihools, low taxes, healthful country nnd good so ciety, hcven jears' credit. Friu transportation Iroin I.t. Louis Ik those who purtbasu laud, bend for circular and other Information. Address W. II. COFFIN, Land Commissioner, Templo building, t-U Louis, Mo. d fD. 18, 7sV A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! ini (l iiinrriaa tu (h i-mlltu Ilarat of Wnmn. m r'l.iir' Mi-ntrAi Anwicrm Oitllil m riit-nui 1' tur. t ..i t tmm 8olf AMjo. Eicc-f, nrpcei-ct P:sutt.ei, viu lU UI " "f .in-, .I , t P'i -Ht a CLtiiicAL i.rcTun'ii.ii in-if d iri.f. nd thn ..t Thicut un.1 1 img, C-t-rrU.Uui.lur, li. Uy urn ptlie Id i ii. Cfit'i lliiiKA"rts,.ni.hhi vil n-t-tirfT, I'.rr. rl. mm (Jicat rhaiiei' lo imtko n.oiuy. It jou "h kvui mi can pt'i pri'tn wiiitp ui i n Kf huuhrnpuons in iho iiiructi. cncaiHH nnd U n ii-tnilcl family iHibllrullon lu the wotU. Anv "no con hci c-jini u tuat ntui i,vnt. Tho moht el'imt wnrkHof en rrtetosubmltrrrs. Tlie rrlce Ih ko low Hint oluicbt errytMnly mliacrtties. OnoPK'!it repcrta innkli.(f c i firo In u v-ak. A Udy fluent if iwrtH taking tci wihnbscilbtis.lntf n c1ah. Mi who irnroyo iiitiKy money lufct, loucan rtpvoto hi) your lime to tlm 1'iiMnt'f-Htcruily)6U uparu tint. You tn i-d bfrt bu avy rrom fiomo ovf r nlpht. Yourrtii Uv'w wJnVfthSti. ivUTl ularn. rtlrcitiniia uffu urn b frrrw flni?f nua vx penfcho outiw fri-e. it )vn ht pnJ4ib1ft mi- ppiiI us our ncldrihH at (lift1, it iiMKiiotliliiKio irj iuti uusuivba. imi i no no rntrncfHrauH 10 mako ('rent tnv AHiiirhu fi im I'ikTii. v .inniKui iihah. l'orl. A njjixisTjjATon's notick. EST1TK (IV TllOUiH KUTfijlf vunrrviuvn Ittersof AdmlnUtratlou on tho estate of 'Ihomas hrtsslrr lato of scott tnwuHilp Columbia county, l'a., deeeated, have len tianied by tho Itrglsterof jaldemuify to ttio undei signed AUinlnlstrelor ol Illoomsburg. All persona having claims atalnst I heestutool tho decedent aro requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to tlmea. tiito lo make pu ment to tho undersigned Admlnls Satora wlihoul delay, . , VILLIaM KItlCSSI.EIt, Jan. S5. 1sw Admlnlstn tor, BosiNEN) oAitna,-" VKITINU OA KIM, LETTElt IIKADB( WU.IIKAUS, 1-08TBI1H, 40, 0, Neally and CUraly printed at tlio Colum wan Office. "-Tifif.l-ii rrr WOMAN. II in 'nttneiiT iiriicll-!'. n,h,llllf 'hi n 'li n j.n t- t - w li, liuvihif m nuin ii a. 1 1 itt' . tii ii M mi'iiti'l rn tit tImvp -li-c i n-in-i'iil. ii lo ttntii. in, 1 imYt lr'f rimt-ii''! tt ).i-rfivi n iut putt in tin. I ,mr-'"ililo lnrl'cii i tit t Mi i'H the in O.rjitioti inr-cniril Uv tii.U oiif( .liM'.wt'Mvtth r-Miiht' trrtalnty nml I'tiujitii'in, Tn 1I0 'l?nnic ttiit nntnrul (juvlfic Cfmi"un1, X like IllUllf'l 11 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tin trrin. liowcrpr, n I'tit n ffOiiH' cxitrpntnn of iv lii'h utitP(.ialtii t iU .iiin. iii-i't) Uhi my intt iiTnnnl nl(prvntlnn, 11 ciue uii Piter, 1 liiitr, while ilntMHiir iu nithf ic ito m tin' frw 'tM, lliu-r lin'I'U'itt In tlio irinralp miMim nf woman. t.i: It. I it tiil ns tin I'llmin or f-rnu iihiu i'tu i f tn i W4 1 in I rurcrr. (hi ft-t mtiil- ih a tm-llt .ifi it Hi l miu'ilv fr rln nf ntui 1 mil' (hit Hill, at nil (Iiiilm iiit unlrr alt flT'lin--t.iiin act klmllv amt In h.-irmtnv wnii J.iwn nhirii pmcrii Ihr renin!1 n aicm. I 11m CM I1HMI", r'l CUllll'irill II III 1 1 11.11 Will iltotnt 1(10 intt Miirtiiiip t'viH'uffttlons of ;i L V IIMilll'l HIM Willi Uv It l"l "UT '"i; ..- ...t.t..l. T ( nnniil 111 wn I II. Ili'lf 1 ntTiM 'I If a heriPflHHl vicn it nt eP'ilt' I Uv lliHlinio iHiwlhlnls nf Ihe cnntwil kI tlie 1 it tlV II1C ll'Pil, 1 will, on tl'tltlll of llHJ linltlC, two tlilnh of the metlU'hiC Imhnf hnMi takvn nrror I Injr toillirrtlons.nii'l Ihe hphiK'm" fr whh li I iiVomim'iitl It, in-oniih lcinnt tho nioner f)rll Il.ul I not the tnml t-prfei t poinhlcmi' lu Itx irtiie, I rniil'l nit ttiter It a-i I 'lo umler Ihe-o comUlioini hut h.inr wltt cnl tn irnU iiilinrit Ion rnie In lli'iinnm!- of i-jw's I feel ivur rniitcil tind iterfiTilv .alo In rlikliis Ittilh ut ioiiiiiuliiii and ni) mmiuy mi U mi rllf. l'lm fiilloM Intf nn flinonj- PUo'e ilhri-ri In wluili mjr I'uviirlln Tt i'rrl plloii lm tK el rini'-t, a If hv luauir, un Willi a leiliuul)' tirer ln'ftui iitl.ilnel lo anv nir'llrinpt I n iMrrh r.l, LrrA"lvc I'lowihf, l'.iiiiful Mnntli ' Pcriu I. Mi'ire-lon w hen f-oin in. il r.inis Irtt'irn'tuitie.s, Wr.ik lln'l, rnv-iptm, or f tllin-f ii l hi I'ti'in, Aiitcti'i)!!!! itinl ItiMimor fiit lie hir Down bcn;illon, llri NtuitM liei'ir-oon, llchiliiy, 1 io-ifiii.k'it' , Tlirr.itriiru MiiMvrhijrp. t'liroiilc t,otti!P.ilon, In n inimatlon ttnl I Uenilon )(f the t'lcrij, lini teni'x, l!.int,iine.',orMtM illt. I piii.i f " L'.ikm- s iiit'l urv ni.iiivotliprrlnoni.iill-Ti.iip-i lnfMcut 10 nmtiMii not tuci 1 tunc! hole. In all nflei'tloin ot tlm inline, inv l'a voi ite 1'ie-rrlpti-oi nmki chi-p; - tlio ninrvi! uf tin u orll Tin iiicilii'Mif I ilo not et"l ut a i-itiL-.tli. mil It mimir.iiilv fnliUls a ilfiulctirn r ur M)i'4 Irt-ititf a Mo-t j ei ri-ri -ipi im' in till plirmnp. lilHUHM of ihr hVWl ll f -ti'lll of Mni.ui, It w 111 n it iD'-inn-'liit. hr will it ilo )i:u m, In an)' eluto or i'oiituti"ii. Tv.-o lilp-hc fin ihpr inf otirif iom on iIipo 4H ,-Ptitoln.i.o i in I 111. Pi. ' I' i i SUmu..s M' -. M' it. i I, AIM IKit. :i I (I UM'. -I t. niM-n ml, "0 I ' ' mi i ii'c mi I mi it i i it I . :i- lie .i- "l uo C HO I" II P i.l I t- i,i in .if th t i woiiin: pisi:scitiri'nt .ssn.ri r;i Ai r Ki'.i iiciviv Ft. V. PIEFiCC, a. D m r.rm'j i.i), x V. eep. 2J, '77-tf o y w 4 O O Or siiuiir-foalpil (Nnirciili aled. Moot an t Ilprbal Julrr, A ntl-lll 1 1 nun i.raniilc. TUT, "IJTTl.i: tilAM CVMIACMC, nr .nullum In lurYo Ph)it-. '1 hp iioe!lv nf moilern Jleillcnl, Chemical, ninl Pli.i urn piitlViil N'lence. No n-ie nf anv lonper UWni'i the l.trjic, ropulslie. una iutt-C"in julis, fMiiiioipi of elie.ip. crmle, and Imlkv inerpiliPtit'. when we ran, ly a careful application of chrnueal ertcin e, extinct all the cathartic and other niMi rmal propettiea from tlie most rnau and l.erh-, niul t-oiH-enlrate them into a minute liran tile, kfarrel) larcer than u iiiumaril vvl that cm 1p re.tdilv twatlMwed hvthoeof tin' inri'i t;iHitlw! fu.mat'in and f.i-ttdinM l;ties. h. u li little I'urtfnlltu 1'ellct tPpre.enn, in a i. iot eoiicenii.iiPd lonn, at mucli eath.iitle p iwer m is iniliniiN'd In anv of the laie pilU found for Kile In i1niK-li"p. Ft-om tliciruouderful p.'iihar lic pnwer, in ctunpat ison to ihpir fti7P, people w iio h;io not tried them arc apt tn tmppo-o that thev aie lt.irli or ill attic hi e fleet: hut Mieh is not at all the cat the ditlcient aptiio iniiiflji'es of which thev ate cmupoafd belli? to h.uinonied and modified, one hv the otheia. a, to prohire u motit teareli I iik an'1 tli4riui:Ii ct Ketitly and kludl) upuratinui lalliar llf. $.()0 Heu artl Is hereby offereil bMhe pro to u'tor -f ihee Pfllets, to anv eiPinlt who, noon un.ilyhK will llml in them anv calomel nr other foims of moicury, mineral poison, or injuuoui dms. ' HuIhs nttrelj' vccetnble, tm vantlcnlar rare i-iietimivd wane iisifth' mem, Thevifperalc MiHiO(ililiftihat.Hl- ff the eonsttnii,n: diet, or opiMip.i"i'u Kor Jan Kill re, J lend ache, t:niiitlpatliii( Impiiro Illuod, I'aiii In llic Mioiiltlvrt TlulitueM or the ('lle lllzfincnf sour lriiutatliiiN (141111 ilio stimiut'li, Hail tatu In tlio iiiont ti, Itll ion nitiH'ltN, lalu In resloti nf Kid iu'j Internal to or. Illumed fceliut; ahout Ntomarli. Iliikli of Itlootl ii lieatU lIllieoliired Urine, IJiiNoeia liillt) and (Itniiii)- KinnbiidhiK. take llr. I'leri' l'lcaaut Puruutl vo lel lei 1. In pxplinntion of the icuu-dKil puwer of niv Purifailit Pellcti mer to ,jiputa arlv n( dieare, 1 wish to fay that tlii'ir aetloii upitii tlio aiilmnl ffoiioiiiy N iiiiIut tal. not u ctaud or 1 1110 '-x-apius llit'lr haunt i o I iiiprc. A,e noes nut impair the piopetue- ot it.e-ie Pel leu, Thevaie tuar-eoated nnd itielo&ed In pUii hutilos, thPir Miluei lipinjr therebv pifsprM'd unnuu uted for any lentrtli nf Unu1, "in any elmiaie. m that they am auav detti and ri-liahlp. '1 hi n tyt lift v.tbC with' those pills Uct :,re p:u 00 m pheap wm(. leu ur p.f'teiiiiard bue-, Um ' -i Iir ;ih it -pa u wi.oie a laati't iltoiiuUe, or 2Miruatle in tinr.i .iu-i. mt -t e i v eu wui jr vr the ni-jii ptifcet r.iuiaetiuti loan wno up tnt'iii. 'J'hey nrr sold by all IlrMNl t'flllH u lnttle. at i j m 1 l Al.o, V Y The Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It is cnOr lliidcmtood, makes the double-tlirend lot-lt-Mltf h, hnamtlf rcculatlus tciikluiiH mf tuke-up, ami trill do the tvliolo rany uf family work wltliouf limine. The u loiiietIc tn tnatle in the mo$t durable mtnmr, uHth conical ttret heart ny amt tompfntatluu Journal tlirougUout PAPER FASHIONS. yipw j.o;iHf(ir 1WTT33UXH fnr ladle, ml?', ami vhttitren ttrenu, are cut vn a ujMem superior fa i in use, and can he understuud by nil) olio. Fall dlrei'lluiiMfimt tttuutratlon on fneh erpfojr. Se'ml J'lre Cruta for iltuntratrd Cata toQ6 t-f IOOO ltldonst Bswins Hachlno C:., Now York. I. W. HARTMAK, ipt "Doiiiesiic" Faier Mm, Bloomshtire;. Deecmbtrll, HIT 1 Bryant & RTRflTYrm $ vt y itaa tt lor i. BUSINESS COLLEC out. M, U-tm I mo r;.'?,1"1' inimilr, I in... . . 1 . 'Ji'lf a.i-i fmmaeiph la. Pa. I IRON IN THE BLOOD la Nature a own Vitnlizer aujuiz-n oni PERUVIAN SYRUP A protected tolutlonot tlio l'rotoil'lo of Iron, Is no CGintilnM m to hato the cnnrni'Br rf nnnllmcnt nsnKllrrtlirritrdnncl nximllattil Willi tlin IiIchhI nn the simplest fowl. It Increiises lliu iiuanllly t.r Nn tiirn'Honn Mtnll?!nff ninnt, Iron In the Word, una iires nthnuwiMi 111.', Rlmpiv hy toiiIiil' up, Intliforiv. I1.?",.'"" 'VlKll'lhtr Ih" iijutem. 'I ho enriched nnd ll lied blood tiunnentes every part of tho body, id palrlni; damnren nnd vatto.rearclilnirout morbid seerellons ami leaving holhlng fordlwiu'o lo Ictd upon. For 11 Spring Mcdiciuo It lint no cntial. f timulntlnir wltimut reaction, Its SiMleoiffifi "l"crrnB m "'Hpect from PERMIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP OL'IIKS Dyfipcjisin, Debility, Liver C0111 plnint, Chronic Diarrh(uii, Uoils, Xervons AtK'ctions, Chills and Fevers, lluiiiors, Loss Constitutional Vigor of Female Cotnjiliiints.Klc. FROM A WKIiWTxdWiV WltlTKIt : l-rom Mrt. liary I'ranch, woll-linoivn n Mariraret lilouni;' 0 lmMllTIUNK, WmaUlOCk, vt Oct. n, iw. selh W.KoloHons: flentlemen-Tivo JTnri'apo'r.beran to takotho ermtin Mriip. hvm In a hintriild, imir-alUc ."tnto IhroiiRh Inclnlei.l idjpcrH.i tui.T lnni 1 1 "li culnl lou of tlio . .I' d 'Hire.' Lotties of thclvnn in syr,, cliamred its to itluw inif, lunrlii,R health. I huvo u ihe lo, can hlerp soundly im.l canwnlkllvo inllnenMlv v.lthmi reMhiff.op busy raj'wlf out of doiiiR all diy lontr ultliotit mtiiruc. ' A InilvcnuMii, who iesldcsllhme, took llioSrr updiirliiK her reiWer) from a serious Illness of bomo S.. 1 '..."' i'."." Uc" Hiallil rnr Miinn stars. Hip bottles or tho rup have su built up In r xUturi ut sun now eats qulto lu art 111 , t loops ell aid can jMilklliiio iiill,.3( Ml 111,0 Heather) uilliont fatiuuo. I cnnsl lertho inedlclno s . Invidu.iblo tn persons of wdi man pur ults, or to those l.o suner fioin hm cnor or Ion spirits, thai I retain this pi rsonal i'mi". rlenco of lis ellecls lo j ou. leai Hut you to make w Imt use jou plejue of my Ictttr. Yo'irs. m r n srccttul. -MAItY 1'ltAKCIS. PERUVIAN RYRITP PEIUTY1AN SYPUP From Clias, II. Colgate, Es:q., Onoof tho firm ot Colfrnto ft t'o.. Jlanufaclurers of Havorlug Kxirocts, at lilackstono sticct, lioston. 1-OMtllVll.l.l!, Jtas.s Dec. 0, 1SI0. Messrs. Seth W. Fo.tle ,t Cons : (ienllemen-I.ast spring my little dauuhter, nwd me, bpcamo U'ry inueh emacfated with liitsof upre tlte, undKreat; jirintr.ulon or streii!;tli. so much o thatMoMcieobliffodtotakeherout otsehool. a hit HI . "!!loa 'l.1.rt"1'11.11"-' dimmer and caused us much anxiety. Alter trylnj- various remedies wit limit do 3VinM i1y l'('lt;, "'if '"n"J' I' Kcommcn 1 tht.hoori'eriul.'msjrup. Alter uslnifltono TO-ek wesaw iuiiarkea linprouiiient In the child's roudltlun, nnd In a month slio was rapidly calnluir '.".W1.1 md "irriictli. her iippi'iliobelni; excellent. At this d Ue slio4isMrectly m ell, llh round, plump 5i'.'',H "'"IheaTSyXcolor, ondls ot-aln ntlendlntf school regularly. -T consider her restoration to hea t 1 entirely due to tho ferurtin Sjrup, and feel lhat I cannot too highly recommend It as a tonic. oiy k'rnlifully jours, UNAS. II, COI.OATE. PERUYTAJT SrRUP PERUYTAN SYPUP Is prepared by sirril W. FOWLE SON'S, lioston, and sold by dealers generally. feb. Dr.A.G.OLIN lUj.11 Ml, liJ ljt WiwLlrijc lon St.. tlilt io., 111. ft- ti,. ..7!: 1 iiirwcf l'rllBto Clur, naultlt.ff from tuy nbuw or InrcrlliinoTvlllirft. Krmlnnl cuk frotttirlnc 1-ntU-Iuita, lrf uf llcmorft Impnlrctl ""tilit, I ah1 Mujihuoil or Itiiptftrnry, .Nrrtou lillllir( iwn nnyptirl JWvmof lliw ltlulitcr, KIiIiicjp, I.Urr, l.tinai, Atiliin. I'ntwrh. MIm. all ibrmiL IHw&i, rd IIW i:hl.sOI' p:MALK,leIi lo U Imtmni. Ir.oiio Iim life Ion iiwrlamt, ttnl rum MhrntotruM foil, U U pvtuiU of th lur.irmcd School, utn no merrurv, hu tha l7l icvllr in lh U. S. I, IMKH mnilrlrg liraiintnl with rl Htc home n& bowJ, i all or ni. I r rbDvrniira 1w lMlenU 'send tlfiy cn for uniple of ItubU-r UikmI ami dr lular of lmnrt.nil InfonnMlon lyiprm. Dli OLIH mnUHlls jrll..i fontiilf .Hon fnt. MARRIAGE GUIDE KSEt.'Stt J-unj in I ml 111. ,'wl of liin St-,, iiuall ilbrM of prU.M iHitur., Klutl I. a.l. it I' II10 invri. 1 m,4 Okm miilrttii.Utlne lowriiuft. lm, lu I li.Vnhv 11 J l.m 1. 1, In tl. I.I.- ftujj. ir, ;;-iy 11. to RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE S piULADKU'HA AND I113AUINU I10AD AKItAXGKMKXT OF 1'ASSEXGKIi TItAINS. Jlayii, 1S7C. TKUN9 I E.tvr. liri'EKT AS I0I.10W8 (El'KPAT MCXITE For New York, rhlladelphla, lteadlng, l'ottsdlla Tnmaqun, c, 11,33 n. m Tor Catawlssa, 11,33 u. m, sj aua 75 p ra For YVIUIamsport, e,is c,S4 a. in. ancj 4,00 p. m. TIUtKSFOH JltTKIW I.EAVH AS FOlJX)y8, (SCKDAY XX CEil Kt.) Leavo New York, 9,4! n. to. Lea 0 Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,3 1 a. m., I'ottuvlirc, 12,10 p. m andTamaqun, l,s3p. m. Leavo Cata lssa, 0,20 0,25 a. m. and 4,00 p. ra. Leave Wmtamsport ,9,2,) a.m,l2,do m. and a,m p. m l'asstngers 11 td from New York and l'hllado phla go throuif.i lthout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. O. IIANCOOK, UenCrJ' """!'-' tleneral 'Hcket Ageiit. Jan. 14, ifis tr. N OltTHKU.V CKiNTKAL KAIMVAY C'OJII'ANY. On and after November 20U1, 1SI3, traits 111 leave bUNUUHY as follows: NOIITHWAIU). Erie Mall 5.C0 a. in., arrive Elinlra 11,50 a. " Canaudatgua... 8.85 p. ra liochesttr 6.15 Niagara (1 jo ' lienovo accommodation 11.10 a. uuarrno Mllliams rt 12.M p. m. Elmlm Mull 4.15 a. rn arrive Elmtru 10.20 a. m. lluiialo Exprtss 1.15 a. tn. arrho liunalo a. in SOUTHWAltll. liunalo Express 8.10 a. in. arrn e Hat rlsburg 4.50 a. m , , " Uttltlm010 8.4U " Elinlra Mall 11.15 a, m., arrlo IhirrlsLurg i.mi p. ra " Wusliliiiton 10.30 " ' ltalthitoiuu.3u " Washington S.30 Harrlsburg accommodation Harrit burg 10.50 p. in, arrive Ualllmore 2.25 a. ra ., " Washington 6.13 " trio Mall 18.55 a. m. arrive llanlsburgs 05 a. inj " Ilalllinoi 0 S.40 " I IA.1 dally except Sur'i'day.1"8'011 " 11. M. BOYD, Jr., (lencral Passenger Agen A. J. CASSATT, Ceneral Manago D KLAWAUK. LACKAWANNA A Nil WEbTEltN liAlLHUAl). HLOOMfjJiUllO DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. sn, Takes cm a at 4:30 a. ji MONDAY, NOVE.MIiElt 22 U75. NOHT1I. M'ATIONS. stirnr p.m. p.m. s 05 Jti s no s 51 1 s 4'J 7 4ll S 42 7 41 3 37 7 33 S 32 7 27 3 27 7 22 21 T IS ,1 III T 15 3 1! a.m. 11 in. D.m! ' Vranton H I 2U li 5 0 43 a c so f iieiieue TaMorMlIo... . .utcKawnnua.... 1'lll.stmi 10 00 V SS li 43 . West I'lttslon.! 10 00 2 40 G IP 10 II 2 f.2 0 55 10 10 III 7 ot ::::...::v::-Mn5 ,s U'l-nhi.i. Helmut .'.Hlo 23 3 7 7 11 3 HI 7 15 3 II 1 25 i uiigston 111 ji 9 ' 5 MlJL'StOIl lift V7 7 15 7 t'7 7 ''3 II M 11 tl 8 17 3 12 8 l"J 04 t 1 8 ) 2 42 S 59 8 Ml 8 51 f 4S ! 41 S 811 8 1U b 14 8 OS 8 2 7 5S 7 54 7 40 7 4i J 85 ..rijmouiu June, lo 32 3.2 J J5 7 40 1 4S 7 53 ...1 ijiiiiiiuu im 35 a ot .AMind.ile 10 4J 3 82 it,?,i'i1.llt!et'l't,"V' "' " " " ll 45 0 UU J ii . 1 .'M 3 45 8 16 dck'hlhny ,11 15 4 on a 'a 0 15 V S'l 0 10 5 02 2 U ..ffiiViU&r.'ilJj KJg UciMiok 11 3' 4 n u 0 9 A tl 2 10 ! ,S 2 10 6 40 1 6.1 Id j 53 5 -it 1 4t 5 23 I 4.1 5 20 j 4J MO 1 15 4 65 1 19 4 50 1 13 4 S5 1 W p.U. J.ln, ;::::Lime.,tdgV.::ii4j v ...... . u D1 .Iiloomsburg... 11 it 4 55 1 OS K I O - .A Icatnwlssa lirl'dje! ..J.UJUlb... 12 2 SW I 45 12 07 B 14 7 fill 7 20l..uiark'b Httltc, ;h.- 12 in S 50 8 25 8 40 S IT ' 1 1 iraiiMiie T 04 (.'hulas j-....!. 1 0" Cumtron 6 45'.Northumbcrlund. a.m. ill 5 88 5 4T 12 82 12 to s 52 '12 tl 0 10 9 IS .PJP?.-. n-w. a.m l-u, c mi Ofllce.craiton; d15. 10, i" TfjlSfA.PEtISKEPTOrl FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. 733 SisSOM St, PHILADELPHIA, MIm uu. uur u.ill.orUed uncut., uud rcctliu AdrkrlU.-iiieiifM ut uur LOWEST CAHII UXTVS. I PERUViAM SYilUP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers