THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCKAT.BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA XWJNT5. PA. TIIE-OOLUMBI'AN. II I, (JO MHO I! 11(1, Ml I hit, r r, II. M, ls,8 Hall Time Talilc. LACKAWANNA ft DLOOMSDUIHI KAIL 110AD SOKT11. SOUTH. Accommodation Train o.i A. M. 7.82 A. M. Mall Train 7.8S A. M 4.4 I'. M Express Train 1.N) I'. M. 11.67 A. M " UtP.M, CATAWISSA HAIL 1IOA1). south. poctn Accommodation Train (I.9S A. M. 7,87 1. M. llegutar Ksprcss 4.00 1 M. 11,33 A. M. Through cars on Express train ell her to Now Voi k or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Willlamsport. TtlK TOWM ELECTION. Below we giro a tatlo of tlio role In full a can at the polls lal Tucsilay. Tlio name marked" with a star or iluuhle elaeger are those of thu candidates clccleJ, The vote on school director la so mix. cil llmt we shall not attempt to nay who In elect- Jlic returns from Hie cat d strict do not show whether the voles were cant for the two year or three year term, and there Is a iiucslion miner there Is a vacancy caused by the ab sence of W. II. Koons. Dicsiitcnt cf Tumi Council. To-day la Washington's lllrlhday. Court at Danville next week, Keen your shovels handy for me next sum. mer. Snow fell on Wednesday to the depth of about an inch. Grand Hall at Kxcbange Hotel, llenlon, Feb ruary 22d. A few bushels of potatoes wanted, on Bubscrip lion at this office. Don't furRCt the Grand Hall at Illram IIcss's IJenton, Fcluuary '-2d. Como one, come all. We wero In error last week in etating two Jury Commissioners were to be electeil this Fall. The personal properly of the Wooiii-burg Lumber Company wan wild by the Sheriff Is-I week, Thursday. Messrs, Hiram X. Amorman ami .T. Clinton Coleman of Abury, with their f.imilies move In Nebraska this week. Simon, llio KrumliUr, has been toot'iiiR hi horn, lint the more lie touts llio more nobody jinis any attention to him. Kverybody expects lo have a pood lime at Hiram Hiss's, lle-uton, February 22J. lilooms burg Siring ll.intl in attendance. The Friendship Fire Company gave a Hall at r.vaus' Hall last night. It was well attended and much enjoyed by those present. The reported railroad accident at liy last Hiltirday was not so serious after all. The "(Jrowner's 'ipiCKt" couldn't find anybody lo sii on. Tlie sociable given by Mr. II. W. Sloan last week Thursday was one of the most enjoyable of Ihe series. When he undertakes to do any thing he docs it right. The Local Option was defeated in the House last week by two majority. Some CO members dodged the vote. ltepreentativo llron vote for the Hill, and Mr. McIIcury against it. Wc regret to learn that Hon. Myer Stroitso, a member of Congress in 1801 and lb(W, diid at I'utUville last week. He po-vcsied many good nihilities, and had unite u number of friend hire. The date under your name on the little slip pasted on the outside of your paper is the time up to which your subscription is paid Never allow it to show you more than a year behind. Cough when sou must j cough when you can and when tirtd of annoying yourself and ever) body else get and use a bottle of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Soitcka and you will cough no more, l'rice 23 and 6U cents. A. I!. Bowman, of Dushore, has purchased the printing machinery and material of J. K Bittenbeiider and will remove the same lo thu place, where ho will commence the publication of u weekly paper lo bo callcil tlio Jlei.ew. The annoyance occasioned tr the continual crying of the Baby, at onco ceases when the cause is (as it should be) promptly removed by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. 25 cents per bottle. Itollect that In every cemetery I of the silent tenants are. the victims of neglected Coughs and colds, and If you arc thus afflicted, moid their file by resorting at cmct lo Halit Honey of llorehouwi and 7hr, an Immediate, agreeable, and certain means of cure. Sold by all Drug gists. Bike's Toothache Drops euro In a min ute. fcb. lfi. ri'BLlO SALES. VAisf DUt. Wed Dili. Herring 107 155 352 tawenberg 177 121 301 Herring' majority 51 Members nf Usuneil. Drinker 207 233 630 Holmes 211 231 .175 l'lwell 2S7 231 521 Hilih 372 307 079 F.vans 412 301 713 t'harpiiss - 370 303 073 MiCormick 122 5U 181 Crawford 145 145 School Director Brown 217 lSG,3yrs, 403 Fiirman 7 J 3 " 7 J Furman 213 141 2 " lt'7 I'eaooclj 130 115 2 " 243 McDonald 143 02 3 " 205 Khorr 207 1SS3 " 305 Townsend 121 61) ISO Iwessor. Garrison 235 ISO 415 llouscl 205 15 220 llrolz 40 IIS 87 Bonne 151 151 CWnioc Woodward 278 172 450 Thom.'i-t 200 293 692 r.idleman 151 70 230 We-l District. Jmhjc nf lilutinn, T. L. Ci'iilrn 114 T. . I. Morris 115 T. W. Guidon 41 Inspectors. W, II. Itiintc-J 110 .1. K. Girtont 157 I'nst District. Judge of Election. S. C. ShtveJ 229 J. Ilnlston 123 News Items and all mailers of general Interest will he Inserted In the columns of the Colum bian fiec of charge, but obituary notices and resolutions to the extent of a quarter tolunin, more or les, In which only a single community is Interested, are Inserted only when paid for at the rate of ten cents a line. This Is our fixed Lafayetlo Fetlerman, attorney In fact for the rule, and without it wo would ba called upon widow and heirs of Charles Filtermau, deceased, weekly to ilcvolo a largo amount of space to will sell real estate In Locust township, Febru ary 231, al one oclotlc p. m. I. K. Kricklmum, administrator of Margaret Karns, deceased, will sell real estate in Benton township, March 0th, at 10 o'clock a. m. The administrators of Benjamin Miller de ceased will sell a largo quantity of personal property at bis residence In Catawlssa township on Marcli 1 stand 2.1. See advcitiscments. rev such notices. THU CONSTITUTION. When In tlie course of human events tlio con stitution commences to break down, and the system becomes debilitated, is it not wisp to know what to do, and In whom to trust ? Many through prejudice, refuse to heir or read any thlngconi'eriilng physician's or mee'icini's, but taken In need blindly and contentedly acquiesce in tlie choice 01 friends. Suppose an Invest- nienl becomes jeopardized, involving a few hun dred dollars, would you enlm-l its management to others wilh as little concern and thought as you would entrust a physician with your life ? tcntion. Your initioiiiige is respectfully solicited. C. W. N i:al & Bno. Mtiy 1,1877. Intpecton. 1 JonefJ 233 I, Haeenbnclil 117 Out-hie of the cow question, there h but little nii'e fur complaint at the result of tlie election The ma' 11 fight wa on President of Town Couiv cil, n ml both camiitlate1-. wrrc Dtjmocrata ami excellent men. Mr. Lowcnbcrg b:w occupieil the portion for the Iat four years with markeit ability as an executive olficer, ami the healthy condition of our town finances is owin greatly to UU rureful mlmiiiHtration, We particularlv regret UU defeat bec.mae be was a iiiost reluc- t'int caiulidnte, htivin decided Fome time tunce he would not be :t candidate for re-election. Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! Extra preparation 1 huperior ntiulity I Orders left at 1. W. Jlclvelvy's The Family Medicines of Dr. Pierco of the Store lit, Olir ofllCO, or seilt through e ran., invaihis iioiei, or, lnvc held t lu ,na H will receive iirompt lit t in (1..I.I !.. ,, ., el. 1 A .... .nanj eain ;ig;,lll-l all lllllC III compcling anil rival mumfictiirers, and arc to- lay the standard medicines of Amend. His Oulden Medical Disiuvery lias no equal in pu rifying mid enriching the blood, strengthening tlie stomach and aiding digestion and ns-iini' I- tion. His Pleasant l'urgitlve Pellets art mild ly, yet posiiively upon the liver, overcoming "torpidity" and perfectly and pernnnently cur ing constipation, while his Favorite Prescrip tion is sold under a positive guarantee lo cure Ihe many ills and weaknesses peculiar' to fe- mabs. Tlie Common Sense Adviser is an Illustrated work on Dome-tic Medicine, of nearly o:c lliousmd pi-res, replete with practi cal sugge-lions to old and young. Over one hmid't'd thousand copies already sold. Price SI 50. Address Ibu author, 11. V. Pierce, M. D. Bufl'ilo, N. Y. The following named parlies li-tify to ihe efficacy of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines : Cleo. Hulsiger, Williamsport, Pa.; P. W. Crady, Hallock, 111. ; Tlios. Ueene, Slralton ville, Pa.; L'll.i Harrow, Mechanicsburg, Ohio; Hannah Sharpies, Olen Mills, P.i, ; Simon Smith, Yoiingstown. Pa. ; G. F. Vernier.Soutli Creek, P.i.; L. Bryant, Wenona, ill.; Peter Millenberger, Qiiincy, 111. ; Mrs. y, s. Bon ner, Homer, Li. ; John Martin, Vernon Cen tre, X. Y. ; L. Thompson, Sidney, Ohio ; Mrs. D. B. McMillan, Arlington, (ia. ; Mrs Mary 1!. Heckeniloiu. W. Blanch, Wis.; John C Mor-e, M. D., Proplietstown, Iowa; Mrs. Km mi A. Metialf, Wrights, P,i. ; Mrs A. M. Canos-a, 1 12 Street, Toronto, Out.; Miss M iry Ilerkes, F.ggerHville, X. Y. ; Mis. Cecelia E. Julian Birui'ngliam, Conn.; Isaac Elliott, Shirmnville, Ohio; J. 1!. 1'errel, Dan ville, Va. ; John S. Glandon, Abingdon, III. ; jgTATEMENT of THE rUSAXCKS or THE UOUNTT OP COLtrMDlA. fiom January lit, 1S77, to January lit, 1!78, Statement showing taxes nssesseil anil bal hiicu still due. nisTaiCTS( S ? I g o g : : 1 : 'icnvrr.. llriitnn . Iterwlelc. ... Itlnom. llll.ircrrek.. t'utawls-a. . Cenlralla e'entrn ('nnviillll'im. Kshtinrrrk Knniklln ... Ureenwooil,. Hemlock.... .Tacksnn .... l.nriis Miullson..... Mulnn . . Mltllln.. Mnnlnur NVKHl ismns' IliTH (si .Will 7.1 1P.S2 rsi 2110 II' IVkl (7 ai.M hj 3 MB Ml in MM 7(l 111 loin 7Ji nai in . mi . , 1711 117 .1 llisll ,, KIJSI I niaiai 107 .V). 8(101 4'IKM 7 BO VII co M 10 inaoiKiis iam la so sjiio ",am 171"! i tinn M nn 31 -Hi HOI 81 Ml n73 in .mi is i.v fimii 7 mil ii. vi t :m llinili II HA l.'VU'l 71 nil vnini sii c 47 Ml II 7"! C2I7S 77ii 2.1 nn s'ini M( 11 "hi H7i aim .11 I'll Will Ml 21 21 10 .11 0U 2.S2.1I Mil ml 11 (XI .Uim 1 2.1 .'litisiil si mi 41 (in 2111 14141 2100 M.Kl 31 1.1 1I7IIISI 1.1511 CI U 312 Hi. !.) 23 4.17(11 27 VI S7I so 1.1 .HI IVIJ.VI 211 (Kl SS 17 111 1111 7C2P )MI wioni moo (.'2 49 17ll losr,3'il 3i no 301 ro son 1143 SI 42 no aini n m lint mi Sinn Dil'.M 2nmi KM 01 13. VI in ni 2100 27 00 Business isotiues. Call at McKinnevs lor Slioe American Watches in heavy coin silver ,.aes warranted for two ynus for In i lily dollars nt L. Bernhardt popular jewelry fib. 22 If Hamliurgs in cuti-dges, White Laces, llnch ings, Ac ,c.,in liesl new styles nt 1 . W. llarl-uuiu'ii. MMMeiisant siasili (IIUIIKH U2S21II Plm, M1S-21 Itoiirlngcr'k. (ill 22' Meolt UU" "I iifiiuailoiif ... 51521 Total WIS .lil IVil .V! (J2.11II ISII18M (llilO.) amocnts i,uk poa raRViocs ykaiis. lllst. lets. Collectors, year. Co. Dog. ConyiiKham, .T..I.Cniililln, 1173, fioi 13 t-USO IliMilnn. Hum Anplcnuin M 1.121 Uentou, 1 K l Lauliacll, 1S75, llVIHI 13 DC l.'uln l-sil, .In.i ph Jliillr., " 4'll(l 14.10 C't.iiynghiilil, Neul l.enlhaii, " ll.T,3a tfui I'lnc, .1 II I'ninell-on, " 211 (1.1 llRI llenlon. (IV lliiilemun,IS7fl, 4H3.1 27MI lllliucieek. .1 C Mnllh. ' lit II 2.1(0 Cutiiul-ii, .lii-eph Jlal'lz, " !I4.1 3.1 .V) Ceutlf, Jn-eph A Hess, 22H 70 2I00 coiivnpl'iim, Aatnii l'erson, s41 nisi Mt I'leu-iilit. .liihn Mimiuli, " Hi 24 I ml IMne, .1 II Collii ll-oil, " (1.1 isl .1151 biifiirloar, l; ,) -lbirison, " 173.14 irj:i 3111 I'J 2.17 .V) II. W. Mcll KY.NO Ml", TrPBsnrcrnfsalil conn ty liuiecoiuH with salil county on county rnniis. 1S77 J It. Jan. I, Touint. uncnlli't'li-il prior to 1 .77. 113,111111 Touint. on lianil lit lust settlement. . 1,2'I'IIU " county anil jiitllaxusst's-eil lor '77 " 1n on leiil-try or votels mr 177 . 4S M " lux mlileil to colteclors necolltlts. a.17- )m llalme, llenton luioroi etseer ror Co'.li'is To nolo ili-eimnti'il ut li.uik ' note ill-eounleil at lunik, renew el P. S. Bates, iencller mid watchiniikcr miikes ? . ,11 1. .1 1... ft specially ui repairing. .111 "miv uuue- j him is huiu to giiu perfect snlisfuctiun. FIUKl Xo Haw Bread. Persons liuvinir liread would find it to their interest to stop at J. K. Caldwell' a. The find quality of llour used, properly worked and well baked by n baker ot 12 yenrs experience) i now having Bread too mco to eat next to Brown's Hnlel. Some new styles Spring Prints just rrcc'ncd this week at 1. . llnrlmnn s. 1 A fresh lot of Crackers and Cukes lit Conner s. The larL'C sloek nf Clocks, Watches ai.d sii lorware reeeieed liv P. S. Bates only a month or two ago is being very rapidly reduced by his extensive) .ales at thu loni'tt possililc prices. 4 Kl ri 1,117a , 1,'ISI HS 1,7 JO 77 Ui ' .1 II '-iiiuls for e-ase of iiliieon holes " II Dmik A linker, collectors entiy rns To II K arr.Jury feus 7 To tux collecleil o.l limit leturneil, Seutuil. Unseatcil. BL00MSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. Tlll1r;ilOOl,.asat present constituted, oirers tlio very best facilities tor Professional and ansslcal learning. ,.... .,... .,,..1, , nr.. liiitlilhiL-s spacious, lniltlng and commodious , completely healed by steam, well lentllateU, llgliteel Ly gas, and furulslieit with a bountiful suopl or pure Spring W.ller. ..iArtrt,, , 1,lar.,nt,nn Arm l.n, Vlnrf nnlfnrm nnrl tlinrouph. KXUCDMI liOL.lllOU lie III UlUl, llll'l t 113,, Ul iiueu 5. lMUlcnr.i"ii.uiui,vm.i.ui,UM mnu iuiucii nutiv. v.,vi.i.u, u.w -. moderate, Klfty cents a week ileductlon to allexpccllnj to teach, students admllled at any time, ltooms rcsened when desired. courses or study prescriovu vy lue nuuu 1 I. Mod.d School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic, II. Commercial. I If. Course 111 Music. IV. Course in Art. Course in Physical Culture. The nieiiientary Hclentino and Ulasslcal Courses nro I'IidfhuioSAIh an 1 students graduating therein, receive state) Diplomas, conferring j'1?""?1" COrn'sponiling Ul'yreeS , .I.IAU rill 1 1 ,.- i.icineiiin i mmti ui m., nuvmr, , .iL.isue'i ui luc Lii'.ius. ,niiK, 111 iiiw wmu their ilttaliimenw,, signed 1,1 me imieersoi 1110 notmui iruuees. !,S0tt Tliocuiusuol Mudy ureserllii'd by the Mate Is Ito-rjl, and the iclcntlne and Classical courses are not Inrerlor to ihose or our tiese e-oiieges. ,,,,., Tin. sum n.nniresn hiiriier unler of citlzfusiiio. rue limes demand it. It Is 0110 of the iirlme oblects of this sckool lo help lo secure It, t" furnlsiung lniem- gent and cnlclent Te'aclicrs for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who deslro to Improve ine'ir iim and tnelr talents, as students. To all such It promises aid lu developing their powers, andabuudant opportunities for well paid labor after le'ailnghcnooi. m irnii, nifue. ml.lress the rr ne nal. IHI.N. Wll.l.l 111 III, M lll.l., I'reslilent llonnl r Trnsirrs- sept. Heaver Helllmi Illooiil llilaieri ck ,., I'ouyiMhaiu KI-tiiiiKCieek (ItlM'llMUOll llemloek Mllllln Mount I' oriiugo 11 in- lliultiitfereek Seott , 2 SS . .1 3't . 15i,S 3 71 13 30 1 17 4S 1 (IS Kl 27 21! 2 07 SO Toeotmty bonds sold " iis-essmj;,liiiinagl'g Ac.,of ilei 32 Kt 70 72 i : fund luo 00 fj,w;;i.i CIt. lly eommlsslon and cxonerallons allowed col-li-etois who hu o settled for 1711. frs. .Tend Orei'nrv. Uirlil.qtiil. Inuii Mij. .1 anil consenting only on .Monday night at the ,- i0Ci j.;.t poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; Jli-s Marv urgent reqtiect of Ids friends, against hisoMii wilies. Mr. O. A. Hening, llio President elect, is a good business man, and we believe lias had some experience in municipal allaira elsewiieie. We have no doubt he will make an able presid ing ollicer, Tlie olher issues in the election were on school director and constable, and strong fight was made by the opposition on the appointment of strcit commissioner, all of which tended lo tlie defeat of Mr. Iiwenberg, lie could have been elected, however, if the progress parly had gone to work in time. Success can hardly be expeet ed iihen the preliminaries are postponed until twelve hours before the uolls open. h. Stump, P.iw Paw, Mieli. ; Andrew Wil liams, P. M , Elm Tree, Term, ; Joseph Har- rold, Fayette, Mich.; 11. '.. Heywood, Water ville. Me. ; II. C, Iloercliner, Eureka, Xev. : K. Posey, Brookhaven, Miss. ; Tlios. Dawson, Ilelfenste-iii, Pa, llnrilill tlio Ilp.iil, HON. JOHN KOONS. All old and eminent physician oncu auurcd in w lien ho not hold of a case of difficult hacking ough.he always prc'acribe'd Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry aud Seu.ilt.i witli llio bent of re sults It always "filled the bill," Healthy Milk Cows arc profitable. They eat less and yield more milk than poor unheal thy citlle. They can bo kept in good condi tio.i by u-iiig FouU's llorso and Catllo Pow ders dining Winter and Spring. To be thoroughly happy, you must be well ; to be well at this season, in many cases, you should take the great medicine, Dr. Haas' Ex pectorant, which cures all cases .of coughs and eolds. It is sold at 20 and 50 cents a bottle. A fatal accident in tlie borough of New Co- lumhiis last Friday resulted in tho death of one of ils most esteemed and venerable citizens, Judge Koons, a name for many years conuecud with every enterprise t)iat had fur its object the public good, met liis denlh in this wise: wi-li ing to Muni a borrowed sausage machine he started lo take it across the street to '.Squire Chapiu's granary, and as he was ascending ihe outside steps he lost his is supposed. falling violently to the foot of tlio stairs. 'Npiire Cliapin hearing his groans immediately lia-ten ed to tho spot to find bis patient in an in-imi ble condition. Willi the help of those near ly le was carried lo his residence and aid fiimmone-d. His injuiies Here found to be slight wuuud upon the lip, and a eerious hrui across the pit uf Ihe slomach, made by one of the legs of the machine in l.illiug upon him. lie remained in mi unconscious condition until about 11 o'clock at night when he expired. Judge Koons, for by this naiuo lie has been known ever since our recollection, was born in Hon. Charles F. King aud wife, of Ashland, weio among the number who sailid ill the Biihmoiid la-t week for Brazil. He is one of the sub-contractors 011 the proposed rail road. We wish them a happy voyage and sale return. Mrs. Jones, how is your health? Thank you madam, much improved. 1 bought a bottle ul Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup last night, and afier the first do'c my cough was checked. I h pi well, aud have .not coughed once this morn- Muxtouk's ItEi'nt-KNTAiiVK. We have had occasion to obseive carefully the course of Hon. James McCormlck in the Legislature. His most bitter opponents must give him the credit of being a faithful and intelligent legislator. He is always at his post, is discreet, as well as untiring. Acc'Idkkt. We are informed that the step daughter of Dr. T.J. Swisher, of Jersey ton 11, while riding down hill on a hand sled one day last week got upset and her thigh bono win broken. She is about ten years old. Another lesson lo parents and children. Monroe county, this Slate', August 25, . 1793, was pu-htd into tlio ictort and the door clos ed. In eighteen minute tho body was en tirely reduced and at llio end of nn hour and llirto quaitcrs tho cremation was proiiuno, d complete, and tlio Hues of tlio finnan- weio c!o-ed and thu door sealed hermetically to ar ret combustion ami allow the rctoit to cool This will require at lca-t thirty hours, when lliu door of the retoit iiill be opened and tho calcined bones leinoved. Thu result of tho cu-niatiou is not ashes hut tiaginciits of cal cined bone, white as snow nml entirely odor less. Mr. Pitman ex prcss"d lilinself as more than satisfied with ihe usult of tho crema tion. Ho is undccide'il ns to what lie will do with tlie remain-,, hut ho thinks 110 will hence was over 8!t years of age. He always enjoyed good health, and it has ofieii been re marked that his end seemed as fir distant as r. He came to Huntingdon in 1817, mid soon after settled at New Ceilumbiis. With his own hands lie helped to rear almost tne urst building in that borough, using Ids pile of shav ings for bis resting place at night. He was soon a Used in-titiitinn of Ihe town, and built up lot himself a reputation that will live long after the sods have grown green oyer his grave, He occupied many positions of local trust and was once elected Associate Judge of this county, position he tilled with honor. The old Acad emy, to which many of us point as the plac where we received tlio rudiments of an educa tion, was largely a child of his creation. Of In another column will be found a nollce of dissolution of partnership between Messrs While it Savage of Orangeville. Mr. C. B, While continues the business. He Is a man well known in the community for probity and enterprise, and deserves success. A full week's session of court was again held la.t week, the last jury being discharges! Satur day evening, The li-t-of civil causes was con .siderably liduced, and March Court will bring it up to within a year, Tlie list of causes trial in March will be found elsewhere, for The ridlologlan Society will give an enter tainment in Normal Hall on Friday evening February 2, 1678. The proceeds to bo eipend ed toward increasing the library of tho Society, Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Un served seats 35 cents. Tickets cat be had at Clark's store. v I 'I S. P. Wolverton, Esq., of lids place, has been chosen by the Legislature as one of Ihe commis sioners to select and purchase a suitable site and attend to all Ihe details of creeling a new penitentiary for tlie Middle District of Pennsyl vania, in which Northumberland county is In eluded, A'oiMumtoiiijid Democrat, HAhTltovs l-'iiiK. On Saturday morning a disastrous fie broke out in Berwick In l'rnnlz building, and ulti.ilcd from the al y lo Bcrger's. We are Infoimid that Ihe in mice was ample, Tlie new enrine workeel we'l eoiisidtriiiK that there was no proper sup- ply of water. MIlS. 11R.V. PITMAN CltEMATIU) AT WASH INGTON, PA. Washington, Pa.. Feb. 15. Tho crema tion of tlio remains of Mrs. I!cu. Pitman, of Cincinnati, was successfully accomplished this afternoon, the ciftiro operation lasting less than two hours. Tlio train with tlio re mains reached here at 11 o'clock this morn ing, and tlio body was taken diicctly from tho station to the crematory. The casket was inado of cherry, witlun unvarnMieel mahog any cover beautifully carved and a piescnt fiom the Cincinnati school of design, of which tlio deceased was lately a member. It was lined iusida with wliito satin. Tlio cnrpxi) was accompanied only bv Mr l'itiiiau and .Mr. I'lyiupmn, of Cincinnati, a personal friend of the Pitman family. All strauccrs and news-piper representatives were excluded fiom the building during thocreina- tion, llie parties present being Messrs. I'it man and Plytnplon and those persons in charge of tho furnace. Tho estimated heat of the ictnrt at noon was 1,'JflO degrees faren licit. The arrangements at the crcinatniy wore similar to llio-c ii'ed during the eieni.v tion of Baron Del'alni. The remains were taken from the ca-ket and placed in the iron cradle and a mu-lin cloth, previously snakid in alum water, was spread over them to hide them from licw. At two o'clock the cradle Pleasant as heuiev, Ihe old folks like it the young people like it and the bullies cry lor it -we menu Dr. Fruzier's Cough Syrup, tf Boots and f-hoes cheap at's. I. W. Hartman has in stock 11 large line of I.incu Bosoms in one half doens nt whole-ale prices. Hoot headquarter at McKiniiey's. Many consumptives are now using Dr. I'razicr's Boot Hitters and Cough Syrup with rininrkable succe-s, tf The Royal Safeguard Oil at I). A. Crea-y's is all tho go. FOR RF.N'T. The store room now occu pied by A. It. White at Light tftiect, with or without ihe Dwelling lloii-c attached Alo a (irist Mill known as Peter Hut's mill, and now under lease to Flit Brothers, I esMon given April 1st, lixo. l or par ticulars address TJ. II. F.nt, Adm'r., Feb. 1 tf Light Street, Columbia vo.,l'.t. Dlsiile-ts ( nm. Iieni 1 r.... ami llliinin .... 1117 11 Cell! 1 alia. 22 31 e'liiiy'gh'iii KL'uek... 4141 Kl-.inktln V.x. 1 list 1 lets Colli. s IS Mudixou... 42 '2S I'.liO Mlilno '2.1 7.1 US72 Mllllln 4J31 14 Hi Mnnlnur.. si 23 12 II! OliiiiKii.... .1141 so KCleek... 1SS7 seott . .17 71 ror isi.i. ugailouf.. is 04 eiri-inno'd 4'.K CI '23 Hemlock.. 4 1 4-i 11,1 .liiekson... llsii 4 41 ),oe-u-t.... iVI 127 3 5.1 lly total coiiiuitsMtoii " exonerations ' county orders rvdecined " note paid to bank - county lax to meet slate quota... ' county lux duo fiom eolleelors... 1 eoupons 011 eiiiinti bonds paid.... ' tli-usuler's e-ouilillssloii ' biiheliee III hands ot Tre'iisiirer, In e-iesh and louchevs bills paid Kt. 2 s-2 7 CU a 3.1 I IIS II '21 1 a CI !l 5 M If you have a watch, clock, or any kind of jewelry or silverware lo repair, take it to r. b Bates who always giics perfect satisfaction. Ham and Dried Uocf at Conner's. - Boss Cigars, 2 lur 5 cents, at 1). A. Cre.t sy's. Rubbers at McKinney's. Many Spring and Slimmer Goods now being recoiled at I. W. llailman's. McKiiiiiejs House. -dioe Store below Court erect a monument 111 Ihe nisidaof which ho ,.'i.,'..i.. -n..t , i.iir i, ,i:i will place tho jar aud contents. Ur. Lem- niii -e uuuei ijr uveniiiiiivuin muiaeii, lie. iiu.iuj a 1 1 i 11 Sinc.i the discovery of 'r. William's In dian Ointment there is certainly no excii-e lor'iny one to sutler willi tho Pilrs. See ad-vcrti-cmcnt. tf Admission free nt McKinney's. Royal Safeguard Oil gives Hip safest yet nio-t brilliant light of any oil in Ihe world For sale at 1). A. Crensy's, the only place in town w here it can be had, JCvery one should try it Priceless Discovery. A Suro Cure for Piles. A sinecure lor Ihe bllno, bleeding, lirhlnir and ul-cei.ite-d piles has Is t-n dlscou-n d h Pr V. Illlaui.taii Indian umcdu called i,r. William's Indian (dut uient. A Innle box has cured tho worst old ehroidi caM-sof lieenli live and third jeers' slflndlM;. No one need surf' r live" Inut es after applying Hits won eiciful soothing niedlel ,e. Lotions, Instruments and eleiMuiines do men' harm ( irond iMI'lmis ointment supports the minors, allajs the Inb n-e ItehlnL- martli ulutli ul liledil niter er It tne iwulu In lK-d). nets us a poultlee. glu-s Instant and painless relief, mid Is prepared only for Piles und nothing e-tsH. Thousands of cured patients attest Itsilrtues and phjslclnnsof all sclioois pronource lithe great, est conn Ihutton lo medicine of tlmaiie. Huiaueis nothon loneror suierelyiou liaiu la en sulfei lug, you can bo cured. Mr. Joss-ph .11. Iijde-r, Clcielaud, Ohio, writes: I tried remedy alter u niedy adierltsed. aud consulted phislclaus In I'lilladelpld), Louts) tile, e'lDCinuall, and this ell) ; and sptnl huudie-d.-, i.f dollars, but found no ri lie rum II Iobtaliu-da boxer l)r. Williams foresiwlhat Ihe youth of liis nei stood in want of a higher class of education Tlio deceased connected himself with .Masonic .odge, No. Gl, of Wilkesbjrre, in 1317, and kept good his membership until the lime of his leath. Ho was the oldest Mason in this couu ty, having belonged In the order for over 110 yeirs. Several of the membership) wero pres ent at the burial to assist in the last sad rites lue to their deceased brother. Ho thrice took upon himself Ihe marriage vows, his last wife surviving hi in. A number of children long since grown to be melul men ami women, are left to mourn his sudden demise. The burial services were conducted by Rev. Arthur John son, of ibis place, on Monday, and the ntten lance was large. "After life s fitful fever he sleeps well." l.'cho. l ..l.l i. n - i mi I luuiaxl eiiiiiiiiriii Minit luur iiiuniiis ui;ii, nun 11 n.ts i,i,otilooj oyno says that hereafter all crematnitu will cured laecuinpielely. 1 had a part of tho uix lilt i i .1 : . i it . i wniL n b.i ,.m,iliintil ill slriM nriinee- ,.nn,. l.nt lli Mute 11 1 era! e to a rll lid of lldliu w no hud ues-iored Pirrr.ii IlEHiucfs ArrAiits. The Williams port Jlmncr of last week alluded as follows to llio nqiorted failure of Peter lleruie: ror sev eral days past the air has been thick with ru mors that Peter Hemic Had lalieii, as these reports had been heard so often a great many people gave no heed to them, nnd did not be. lieve lliem, A visit to the Protlionotary a anil Register and Recorder's office disclosed the fact that to day there are $900,000 in mortgages and I ', . ' !.. 1 I. ....1 ...l..a, .nil the large number of suits iqun which judgment will be given within ten days, will bring the total amount to one million of dollars. A large number of executions are already In Ike Sheriffs hands, and that official, willi several deputies, was busy all day Saturday and Monday making friends being allowed in tho building during the process, and says the success of to-day was not needed to ennvice him that cremation is tho quickest, most and saiiitaiy w.,y ofdisposing of the dead. list oi- petit jL'iioits run -maiich tkii.m, 1S7s. SIX'ONU MO.N! IV. Bloom David Armsliong, N. S. Pnrsell, Frank Mcllrlde, F.. B, Bidleman ; Heaver Jesse Rillenlioin-e, Frank Rhodes; llenlon I,. B, Side's, Wm. Ash, Samuel Apple-man, Daniel ShulU ; Berwick Benjamin Hicks, Win. H. Slaekhouse; Briartrctk Wm. HlppeiiMcel ; Cnlawls-a John S. Menscb, O. P. Pfahler, Ja- cob l'ederolf, M. V. B. Kline; Centre Freas Fowler ; Cenlralla David Wal-h ; Fishing cnek Wm. Kveland, (leo IValer, John Crev ellug; Franklin Woshluglon Parr; Jackson T. S. Chrislian, John Kant.; Locmt Chris tian Smull, Samuel Mears; MadUon Thomas C, Wilson, Conrad Kramer; Main James V. John ; Mllllln A. C. Millard ; Montour Fred Stauger, John Thomas; Orange Cleorgo W. Hess; Pine L. A, German; Scott Geo. iilth muni physicians, and asa last 1-esoit went lo i lie iioieu jioi springs. He Informs me thai Hit- tlie note ring Art.iinsas, tor troatinent I Lilian Liniment basutsu cured lilm of Ihe piles, ir is certainly a woiidt-llul illu-i.iiri ii (ul wl.nnlil l, ii.fil he tin, tiniiiie tliim. sands wl.o are now suflerlng with that die-ad dls- fuse. rs"ii),0(i l.'eward will ho paid for a more eeitatn reine-dy. Sold by all Druggl-is, Lilt. ej. w. K1IA- ZIKll, sole pruprletor, lleielaud V. TlllIIIl MONDAY. Bloom Wm, Winlerstetn, Geo, A. Clark, W. U. Holmes, W. W. Barrel!, Michael Casey, Jr., Henry Sloan, Levi W. Cox, George A. DON'T XUGLK0T A UilJUll or cold, when '23 cents will buv a boltluof Dr. Fra- ler's coiiLrh srup at any drug stoie. It baa wiought u compieie change mine cough Medicines, is pa as Lour aim uiei a s cures, TO CONSUMPTIVES. iriir, I'ralcr's I'ough sjrup used In connection iviui ir. rruii-rs iiooiiuueif iii,eeieeeu.aea.i Tins. Standard steam I aundry. Cleieland, O. Oct. si). 'Tel. Hit. KKAzif-u. Dear sir: I feel ltaduti I owe to stiflerliig huiiianllv lo write jou. For some time I was sort I) nnileii-d Willi a cough, raising bad stun", w lih eie-ry sjinpti'in cr tit-liig u coiitlrined e-onsuuiiw llve. 1 tiled ellrferi lit inedlelnes and Clues without Itndtnj; relief; 1 also consulted three ut our most prominent Cleieland ploslclans, the Inst one of whle-h proiioimca ioy case seilous, ami Inforuie-d me that I tould not llie more than afeiv months. About tlilslline, bearing of 5 our w cindertul success, I com meneed taklatt juur Si run In conne-etlou null lour Hoot Hitters, and was ut once U-ntllllt'd.andarter iistni; the inedlclLO soinelwo months 1 nnd in)self enureiv eure-u. iuiuu-.eK lhi..-. 4, isit, Dr, Frazler, Dear sir : 1 con endorse ) our uiedlcliies more fctronsly than ever from the fact, i hut It Is now nearly olio jear slncu I was cured. My luiiers are to-day strong und sound, liai liif no ro- eurn oi tne uiseuse-. liT'iho aboie Medicines speak for themselves, Dll. u. ii, riiAAii.ii, rrupriuior. eieieiauu, u. For Salo by all Druggists. Dec, 14. l77-ly A GENTLE HINT, In our ftylo of climate, willi its sudden v-, .... . ., Herring, C, S. Fonmald ; Benton-KIl Mi 1 ' 1 t ,. ' 'V'TJ"'"' V"? Tu- Henry ; Briarcreek J. It, Modeller; C'utawis- levies, The furniture of Mr. Herdic's residence, sa II. J. Reeder, O, W. Reif'iiyder, Wm. Mil an 1 the Herdic House, and also tlie HolchkUs ler, Geoige A. Scolt; Cenlralla John Spring; Fihlngcreek Samuel Thomas; Greenwood Isaao lleacock; Hemlock John P, Guild, Daniel Yocum; Jaikson Samuel Yocuui ; Lo custHenry II. Rhodes, Lnoeh Lester ; Mad!, u. tho tiso of thrco or four doses. For curing son Albert Glrton, Riherl Manning; Mlfllln Consumption, Hemorrhage, Piieuuioniu, Se- sliino ol I en inlcriuinglcd in a single day, it is no woiuicr tliat our cliileircn, tnenels ami rt'lalncs nio so ficnucntly taken from us by iicgleeled tolds, half the deaths lesulting diicctly ficin this cause. A Isittlu ed' Bo sclioc's (lennaii Syrup kept about jour homo ior luiiiie-uiaeu uso win iiie-icui serious mck ness, ii large doctor's bill und perhaps death and Barber mill have been levied on, together wi'h such other properly as could bo found, Mr, Herdic has no lumber, he having sold it all to his father-in-law, Judge Maynard, some two weeks ago. Me learn that Mr, Herdic, accompanied by Charles Gibson, U row at Bos- Wm. Creasy, II. S. Workhelser; Montour vero Coughs, Croup or any disease of tho ton, endeavoring to negotiate a loan of one mil- John G, Quick ; Mt. Pleasant Win. Grimes- Throat or Lungs, ilssuccess i.stiuiply wonder lion of dollars on his coal lands, so that these nr.rn.r H. .T. rn.,. PITnl, n ful, najour druggist will fell yem, Gcrmiiu debts can be paid off. Peler Is very energetic, John W. Daw..,, , Sco-II. H. Brown, WIN cT&XT ' SaIe t"ui5 nml wa l.niiA tin ,n.v l.a nl,l In mill ,1. m,,..l. I l.i. 1,.., .C , . . , ... I . r. , . , I v , . . i.i.vufc... n unrimaii j nujjanoai u. u. MOOre, VI lu I JUG., tegular H7.0, (OC. A few days will tell the story, however. Pcteriuan. April 27, 77-ly jl 715 02 221 lis (11,274 02 '2,(KS)liu -2.IHMI Ul) l.T.M) HO 27 Ol 22,11-2 74 HI .VI ;,45i Wi 2,019 tl t'ji,i;7M) 11. W. JlcllKYNOI.DS, TKXASirUXU, IX ACCT. WITH POO FUND. ls?7. Dlt. Jim. To unit dun from last year S17(2i To nml. ilssi,ssf d for 1-77 l,.Mil .'.1 " " on liaml at last settlement.. . Hunt Clt. Ity eoiiiuils-ton anil exouemilons on Dlslllcts Itrlll er ... lllnom Cenlliilhi.. F Cnek... Fiunkltn . (iie-eiiui)'d lleiuloek.. .lae-k-on .. l.oe-u-t eiile Cum. .i 47 a.ji I 1.1 4 a i 1 7 4 M 2 (,-i 2 10 llll'il. lor l7 l.i.. lllstllots aoo .ilaillsnu... litlne 12(l Mllllln 111 .Mniitniir... .'SI Oiiiiiko .... (loo U Cu-i-k... a. HI seott 1 .'si For 1 10 10 suguilo.if.. llupll- Hx. Com. a-s 211 3 7S 2 ia 2 II : i i '2 41 : ij 2(H) 2(0 II .VI 1 HI (1 SO 2.7) .',1 IS) 70 .1 1 51 7.1 (""(1 .VI Ulkl -2 1 1(0 (l 112 117 '.SII 4 I l-.'HI'J lly eoiouilssfon " t-Mim-iullous " onli-is paid of 1ST.1 " null T-p.iiil OI1S7H " outers paid ot 1S77 " unit lo a i oi-s ,tc., m.iluifilli fund imd to enmity " (oiiiiills-.lou lo Til-usurer " tilnl due tiinii e-olli-etors " bittuueo ill li.iniU ofTle-llsuiei',,.. i.'.M'.ill COM.MIS10.NKIlS KXI'KNSKS FOIt 1S77, for w hle-li outers w i-i,, I-iumI on the treusui er. Mist KLLARLOI'S tX VKS 8KB. l'alil U ill H siijite-r for reaehelslll' -lllilti, 11270 Mii-illl Wiiilier.brlimlng I'alilek lli-ti'l e t ill II om I'litl-vlllejill 37 in " I li Muiphv. 1,-e-s ys s IliiLrult... 7.17 " .1 It Hi-s, -iiLratloal eiilh-clois . loo-i " Win Hoii(-kJ.iilor.VJ.iullor'2inos '21110 " 11 in II lits, lieu dozen asscs.-ors Miiihel 14 4'l " IV 11 ul.ttiullttiiLt- public aco'ts. '2.1nl " IV IE le'ouns, bouldliiL- poll,,' 511.1 " IVm M Kebe-r, b.ll lor im-t moi- trio c-a-o 17 '2il " Jluii-r llios., i-xpiess on model In Mini H) " Shulir llnllinun, taking,! (iieen to rhiliidi lplihl (12 3.1 " .She-rltt lliilluian, takluir linden, nod. .loni-s aud suyiler lo I'lliladi'lphl.i CO 03 " slie-iiif Hiiltuiau. Inking Kiiimi-r to I'lilhidi'lplila 414.1 " slit'illl'lliilliii.iii.tiiktug .lolin-on to I'lilliuli-lpliiii ,11'jo " latins Hills, for dttliiago al West I ni-k blhlm' 42. V) " ii.iihi " II 1 iiri.riiiiliiuintari's bill Ma in " 2e I' Funk, e-t ul e-osls in lull suit, .1-112 1170 63 L'()UHT5,.It;i!0l!S l'AV AND LOXSTAIII.i: llKll'IIN's. l'uld iri and luroi-s iluilng year e ftio.'io " tiiiii-isiijuiorsiiuiliiu jiui- 4,i' " e-on-tiilile n-tiirus iltirlng jeur.. 27u 12 ' e-ouil ciler during i i-ur l.Vllsl " llislai('situiliiL: M-ur Ml) Is) " i-4m t eali-ndar din lnir ... a2i) " ei ui it ti-iiiiLrtiipbei-,WiilKi-r,ilur. lug yi'iu, ut ten dnlluiH pi-i-ilav. Ciuo " tin saiuc lor ihe follow Inn bill-, wlileli iveli, oldele-d by court, spi-elal cii-i--: Cum. is I'alilek lli-steretul 1171 hi ( mil. vs II A Kiami-i- 71 .11 .luck-nil i-t at vs h lotel also V.i nili-l slice usti isAbe Siljdi'C... -211,1 l'alil -hi-till'llntrinii:, Jurv liotle-es . I'll 4ii ' 1.11 lioljbllls..ltiiyCoiilltllsiolli-r -21 Id " Thi-o M sniith " '- M in hi iektutnu, Llcik 1.1 (si iti.'.sm y, COST- IS COMMO.VWEAI.TIl CAHK-, II UKUE I OCSTV IIKI AMU LlAULIf. raid Injusilees, constables and wit. nesses " W II Koons, Jury board, Hester tilal u Jno M ClarK,ullnn unco by court to tilteml eupremu court 1h 1 tes ter trial " 11 A rotier,iniperbookforsaino John M Clark-,lHsti1ct Attorney " 11 F Zarr's bill ., " bherltt llolliuan's bill ,ITUso Udtil) ion 00 23 00 17100 1IU43 Hdss i3,Z)i 111 noAii and iHimaK viiuvkiis Am, noAii- UAMAUE. ' . l'alil sundry persons asvlewers " sluion Caile, damage, Locust.. " W ui l'fahler, " 's .... " Jacob btlno, " .... " tieore'e Smith, " Sltl'leasp.nt " t'lnis --iMfile!, " Mniitour. .. " Widow Tloxc-1, " laieitt " ll'esletv .lolmson, " ladUou..., Mm sliu'.U, " .... " Alesiiooil, ' llenlon,,.., " A Wilkinson " ' .... ' .lose-ph Cuil, " Locust..,.. " Wush'loiiCi-orgo" " .... " A J Kviins, - llloom ' lsKuhti, " .... " Casper Kicssler, " " ,,,, " Amos lleaeoek, " lltl'leatant " .liihn Kllehell, ' " " John Woll, ' Itlnom...;.. " Allliil .Mills, " Mtl'.tOW (leo 11 Thoinus, " Jltl'Ieiisuiit " WmJohnson, " ' .... .fiiiiii inn p, Siildtiie ilcllenry, Jaeksnn ... Iii-o W lkeler, " JItl',siant riixon s neir, ., I'llllllllll'S John 4J Lemon, ' Win U Cox, William Ash, ' II 1' huiiuii', ' Abi-o'iu M'llemy ' John Savuue, ' Siimue-l Jouiuon 1 A J lkeler, eiieenwoeiel Flsli'enek. llenlon Jue-kson ... Mtrjiautut ts 03 2I0O 1301 ADO 2.1 IS) 73 IX) i-O l.'sl Ol lis) oil 3 till II) IK) .11 00 21(0 (A) 01) 4J00 18 Ol' 41ISI 33 Ik) ISIO.) 41) Ol 40 011 77 M 3-11(4) 23 Ol ',11 (A) .'1.1 Ol -. ;nm :nio 3.10) SMI 0(1 73 Ol IS IM 1IOOI 3 00 Ma) 27 HI Men 2.111 Ml AND llOL'UT COilMlSSIONLUtt OFFICII ilOI'SK, l'alil 31 V II Kline, county auditor... 7 fa K It liiowu, county auditor 7fti " J II Cusey, eounly iiudlloi- 7 so 11 Wm Krle-Lbiium, slating uee-ts. 2310 " Ules'lili-buig tins Lo.t'Us iliu'i; y OS. 0 " A L riitllia, bill leiideieil.,, .. no " Uiiulsbuiu ink touiiuiuv csi " KnllliisAlloilius, Kusllxlmi.. Din 11 E Cnx.eleuuing Couit II, etc. ST 6n ' fills lllKOld, 'i " 21 U) " sundiy ,ei sons " " juo "a. Mover llro, bill for court room Fleas Untie ii,lnsuiiince CIIouso 11' V. sii-i net-, ilonr u-p ilr Itolu it It iel I tot t. roruilure 0 M Hilnki r, lock lepulr Tlioiiuis Oorey, 11 ork us eurp'ter Del er Jones, carpenter w 01 k aud bill icndc'e-il I-i Mpnilt-ilhilll, uliibi'l' llloouisbulg l.lllllbi-f Co, lumber II IV Sleilli l'i-t ill, bill li-ndi-li-it J0I111 Dndsnn, eontliiet painting John Hod-ou, palnttniriit pilvy s II Miller A Son, bill iiiideieii. II Vost, eliair repair bill I, Itiliiion ,t Co. bill u-ndeifil.. scliuj ler ,t Son, bill lcndered. .. 31 C shian, bill lendereil 1 ILtiLri'iibueh.slovuiepalr hlll.elo Sear Is and eiroul, repair to cliltn, neiRuiid snmitM, etc l.ouls lii-inliiird. cle'ieslng town t-lock und warruntliu? lor one eiirtii keep In tunning Older ftoiil Noyi-lubcrll, 1877 ' William Woikhel-er, kindling.. II II .1 K l.ockiitd.eoal bill.... ' Ilai-inan ,t lla-se-rt, stnvo bill... .1 11 Mulzi-, lilllienileicd s iv Mcllciiry, Commissioner... ' John lli-lner, Cmiiiiils-lonei'.... ' Jii-t-plt E .inds,l;,,ninilssloner.. William Kile-kbauui, Clerk ' John ei Fiee-zo, Attorney 1 III 213 7 50 1 0.1 1 23 111 31 71 37 1(1 so III 30 CI 01 1.1 311 2 .111 I Kl t'21 7(17 13 SI 3 l 2.161 3 40 COVNTV JAU- 20 ro 1 30 w 74 30 137 .Kll O) 3-1 SO 422 lil SiMIU 100 uu "ivw)3S 21 (K) .... 19 (ill a 01 s 1.1 1. .1. Iliuliml. Keg. Centralli ls7U I. s. KreU-h.'l rlemdal Catawlssa 1S76 storiiir,vshUes,'lrl"nnlal llloom 1816.. J. I'. Ilannon, appeal Assessors for reylsii ring voters John sutton, llcg. Flstiiugcreck IsTC 800 . 31 (s) . S3 23 3 IK) , 104 IS) , 3 IS) 1715 W SCVU'S. l'ald sundry persons tor fox and wild cat scalps 6130 El.KCTION EXrsVSES. l'ald to Spring election omccrs .... 3390.3 general " " r.Miw " " " room refit ......... 135 01 " spring " " - 13.100 lorniir " 1 eonstahlcs Adg .attending spring elect. 184 so ere-n 1. " fall election lilanks U. F. Zarr, Clerk to gen'l. election SOO) 13 23 b 32 I). Lowcnberg, a blankets ... " ' clothing pilsoncrs " ' x fninirsi; clothing io . c, M. Drinker, lepjir bills I. Iliigeiibucli. stoio repair, ic Loek.irds, le-pahs " coal , Jno. Hicks, crockery Peler .lone-, lep.drs Ac Pen r .tones. 1 1. al , repairs , llarinau A llaesert, sleiic M. II fox, rle-nilnif prliy W. e'. McKlimey shoes E. Meli'lelihiill, lumber blooiusbiirhr Lumber e ompanv hollliisi Iljltnes, bill reniie-ied s.imtii'l Thoinss, lepalr E. .11. Knnrr. et al ciulhes s. It. .11 liter A sun, bills ivndeied 1 nomas iiorey, iiuiiks, ac .lo'ui Allsiatt, shailujca prisoners sueriii rornwaiu ooaruuig prisoners ana turnkey fees 12 77 slirrliT lloiluian boarding prise ners.wash liur. eleaiiln and light; and turnkey lees sin 75 she-nil HolTuun, boaruiig4 police I2ns no ' " bourdlng 7 special po.tce 21 01 .1. II. Maize, bill rendered 3 72 e'. A, Menu, medic no for prisoners is so Moier thus , " " " 1 01 J. M. Clii'iubirlln pump and cistern repair 3 imi Joseph E. sands, 213 blankets 11 em " " U'dJIne' 21142 Hoard of 4 prlsoneis while lu Pottsilllo Jail 123 43 i;s 2 no 27 1)7 80 7 74 3 1(1 4 (Hi 5 110 S (10 1 09 1.19 2 33 2 111) 3 sll 2H27 ltH7 13 30 $2,439 Ol! rillXTIKU, STATI0M11W ASn rOSTAOK. IlrockwayA; Elnell, liteimlilialuatlon 1 ill bonds . bl 1 inks annua! statement " " i h-i-tton pnicl.iiiiitlon " " Court pioclaiiiiitton. .. " ' general adiertbhig.... K. Iilttenbend,r. blanks II. stall Ut annual statement " advertising. J. C. Iiroiin, annual statement t-ii-ction proclamation Jail spi-elllcatlous trteniilal initiation e'fiieml adierLlslnir C M. Vandcrslice. election proclamation. nuu'riising J n. sands, stamps 1). A. Iicekley. stamps 11. A. I't.irk, stallitnery It. I.. Thorn is, J. (J. llradlsli. " Mongolli 1 rliillng Company, stationery.. IV. F. llil'eli 1,111. .. Ilarrhbtirg "l'atilot'' .. 10 on ,. 1.1 () ,. Us T3 7(1 (I .. iill IMI SO Ol . 1 0 211 . 14 21 ,. 20 IKI . 4 00 ,. 70 IS) , 3 no ,. 20 00 , 1001 ,. 4S 50 . .10 IS) ,. 10(H) . 21 SI . 5s7 . 33 C3 4 71 .. 2 25 . 1301 3 (HI . 14 SO fliJO 00 ivuriiTtnxi. c. (!. Murphy, Inquest on body of 4 men. . 23 00 1 nomas I'-.l-man 11 00 Ii. I', runner, Inquest on body of 1). 11. Ilubi Hs 11 37 Wm. It. Itobbliis, jHt-t 1110 rti m on samn . .. m 01 I hlllp ll.iril-.lnipifsl iui.1. 1". ci erAvilIo los4 c, (i. ilurpliy, lu-piest on 'llios. ri itiug.iu 12 53 ,1.11 Itartnan, ituiut'st on sarah snydt-r . lino Jacob Tt-rwUllger, inquest on Johu Van l.lew .' 21 07 A s.i Vorks, Inquest on I. 11. .Me-neleuhall .. 12 32 1131 (12 iir.iuans-iirn.DiNo and hepaiiis. r.t:e)i.ii. Moses Sltchcr, mill bildge 1IEM0N'. Jo-lah e'otenian, Hams bridge Ki-kiel shulu, litntun bihU'e M.J. Kills, " " Ellas .Melienry.westcf Ite-nton W. 11. " E. M111I1. at coles lii-ti'dson Ceiki at Colo's E. .-hull, hsmble'.s L A. ejeiuiau, new bridge west of llenlon BKUttCUKF-K. J W. Ei k Frk's brldre E. Delttcilek's liltteuhouso bridge I1IX10M. wm. w Intersteen, Haiton bridge Win. 01,'ger " " CITAIHSSI. Dai id llflutg, mouth ot Cuianlssa creel: II. .1. Itft-di-r, " " 'Me-Ki-liy's bridge John A. K!lhc,sliliit:lt-s for 'lliomas bildge 11' 1'. saiuge, hauling " liouer el al " " CKXTKS. Wm. slianer.Cenlreilllo 1). S. Heltlij COXVKOnAM. Erushi alley I'ISIIIMlCllSiKk'. Aarf n lieudcr, rtslilnirereek bridge . Isaiah HaLt-r, Xantr's Lildge John, " " " " " " e'a't s iiniii-l Knouse, ' "-east Joseph liedllne, Jr., new bildge on aee't.. Suinuel smith lie-ss bildgei I.H llobblnset al Hess tirfilge. J.J. .Mcllfiiry, shlii,,-le'3 Jonea bridge .... . )'. Mcilenry nails Win. Ei eland , SKlMtl IK, 1). Ilower Hohrbaeh bridge OIlfcENWOOn. Win. Law ton Eckmau's brHgo HKillJlK, II. 1). Appli-man, I'urcell bridge iwm. nigger ruu-ell bridge. ' 11. V. Ite-ulliie, lied Mill 1011 contract additional JACKSON'. Ein Sle-phciis, Hess bridge iiict'sr. c.I. Thomas, Esther furnace bridge Jerry snidir, snide-r's brhlire lli-lli r a, Ei es, bal. on 11 Ibuu b. contract.,, SIII'FMX, I. K. Scinieppctihelscr ee,nlrait mt. 1 l-EmsT, John Melllck. Vandi isllco bridge , 7, 01 Ml 40 UJ -2 (Ml 8 73 7 2.1 4 50 8 St If. 10 .09 73 ISC 7 50 2 00 I is) 14 Is : co 511 89 is) Goo II Is I (V) S21 8 61 27co 2 91 330 57 I 23 20 (0 30 23 S ss, 13 SI 2 00 3 (SI 99 IS) 5 0) TsXES RirCKDED. Am't township taxes refunded BLANK DOOKS, I Hutter. rejlstrv blanks Mllllatn Mann, dei'd book . hooks tor prut 113 a umeu.. L. llntter, 3 sels duplicates (;co. a. Clark, 2 eiocke ts, srothy'a once.. Wlillam .Mann deed book SEW COVSTV JAIL. V. II. lacoby, recording deed c s. Wetrel. Architect, on account...., (leo. A. Clark, tele-grains s. Nejnatt, sunt' mg lot- , Adicrllae-mcul In 1'hha. "Ledger" E. Meu.lenliall, lumber for tool houso.. Itunian & Co., teil locks, Ac , c. Kiuge-t al digging foundation s ernt r A' Jones on contra.t loiUns .er lloltnos. " cruikslisiik. .Mover Co , on contract. Cha3. Krug ou contract ItF-CeilTfLATIOS, Mlseellaneous expenses., oiui ,-iieiui-ii, iimui isuco bridgo John Wuiutsite, poor houso bridge C. W. Ens, cuniruct binllliuuuic'i oiuxak, Jacob Snjder, Orange-itlto bridge I'lSK, E, bhoe-inaker, Mioemaker bridge ., HOAItlNl.e'lt.Hk. o. V. Cherrlngtou, Clierrlnglon's budge SUIAKIOlt, ,E, Shult, Cole's Cieek bildge j. 11. coie, ....;..;.;..., J, I', lirow u and Jones, draw Ings, tc for Ihreu Irldgis ; bl)3 no 21 li 10 3 SO 1 ft I 4(ii 0) lic-a er Hi liUili lienilek llloom ')i Ui it 1 it. ... CUIUWlsstl ., CfUtralta , ( ntrd ( on nei am . FkihlnKeieek Iianknn ., Qre-enwuexl.. lleniletl. Assrswiii's riv. is tw duel; ion.. VI isi jxcusi , is 23 Madison 81 s7 Main SI 75 Mlltlln . . .. 24 IS) Montour . . .. . 23 ew Mt, Pleasant ui 10 orange .,. nueiu 1'inu, 1 so Koartuircrce k. 11 M cott..". vo 30 sjugierlemt. . Ills) 14 73 MOI ....... 22 01 Uesl 19 50 12 2.1 14 O) 13 d) 1510 tt,244 13 ... 4S5 4S .. 18 23 10 30 33 is) 42 3S 10 00 10O1 (13391 223 ..... fSSes) 1 40 8 eo 4 O) .... 23 20 2 911 1S4 20 ,...24,029 02 .... 2.Ss.1G3 .... 7.S52 (SI 9-21 90 ItJ fJ0,230 22 ... S70 35 Co iris, juroi 's pay, constable's return Ac 0,990 50 Costs in commonwealth eases 3,293 lo Itoad A bridge i lewers and road damages 2 usii r coinmlssloneis' ofllco and court House... 2,os9 3s county Jail 2,4i9OT I'rintiiig. siaitoncry anil posiago cthj Itiuillslllons 131 02 lirliL-i's, building and nbulldlnf 2,17! 3-2 lviilientl.iry and As turn 724 04 Assessor's IUV 713 59 l'ox and ivu.i cat beaips m bo 1 lecllon epns,ls 1,-214 13 Tau-S retuuded 4s 4s lilank books 153 91 New County 1'rlson 36,534 22 (01,274 02 Deduct from amount ot 01 ders Issued (iss 4S taxes rerund.d; (149i paid for lliu support of Miry and Alex, colleyat Danville Aslum and (.iti,2:ffl22, bills patdon newcounti prison, leans (24 402 3s, the real eipenses for llio i-ar for the county outsldj ot the prison Oulldtiu, llrldgt) expenses this ,eir are low. 'Ihe e ourt expenses and Couiinoniieami costs are inucli larger than usual. SllKt.l'OKllEK.S ISSt'tn. ll.-titon f-uv) .Mt. Pleasant.... 3200 IMu-crcck UMiorango lboso Flslitngctee-k ICS 95 line 83 611 (.leeuuood ss wi Hoarlngcreek.... 80 01 Jaeksnu - .. 13 01 scolt 3015 locust S3 an sugarloat...,, .Madison 22S 75 sreTEUKKTOF 00(1 TAX ANO SHEEP FCNP, Orders unpaid ot l.-iil " 1'70 " " lsiii " " ls77 Dog tax duo from collectors i'robable commission und e oneratlon oa Add amount in hands ot Treasurer ... 1st! 5 1 (1,1142 93 000 so) . 37 S'i ,. 712 75 SI4 23 904 43 2IH) th! 120 09 (-.11 12 Tho Indebtedness ono year ago was (f liis 12. Not 171443 duo from collecieirs with (I2091n llie band! or ihe Treasurer, 111 iko (sat 12. 'Ihe liidfbt"dni's.s Is (.-II 23. le'inlng a dlfferenco la favor of said final of (10 sr I ast )eaaril.olu-ih-bifdn-ss was (IG.112 aid (10 sr amount now due sdd fund show again during lht'e-arof (isi 99. Th" above statement shows ihatFlsh lug rei-k. Ma dson, orange and "-ugarloaf con sunicd llio principal of Ihe fund :tho Heavy il.inwgi's run lu loen'lllfs for certain i'rlodof llnie. Now if nil pers 'tis, and especially Atldl Kir, would cause all klll-shrep dogs 10 lie killed, ur niak' Hie p,'ions whooiin such dogs nnd re ruse lo have them kille d pay llie damace, tlm fond ii mud be lu 11 good condition ; and again It the taes were collu-ted slu-ep orders could bo paid as soon as IssupiI. Wo hope that this will receive proper attention. COl'MV FINANCES. ASSS.TS. Taxes In hands of Collectors' duplicates 22.112 74 r rotable coinuilulon and ex, oil 3, Oil) 01 (19,112 74 Ad I amount in bands of treasurer 2,0 9 si Hataiico due on Cera Hower note 95 00 Due from lteuton two., for supiiort of Olleys 82(9 Due from Ee-hton tu p., sherHI'B bill on same 9 50 1 50 eoo 4141 lr.,177 32 lESITESTUHVAI-DAlimSI. Support e,f Mrs. Mltlon, Hamlllo icon) " Haildshay, ijjiu ' " Alux. tulley, ', T420 " Mar cull.-'. .... ,lu Coailcls 111 E. b. l'eidte-allary for 110 u 71 (72104 1013 noes) 13 U (21,209 91 LIABILITIES, Hal. due c. w. Eves on bridge contract Mt. 1' 433 73 Hal. duoJoM-nh lle'dllno on brldgo con tract, Ilshlngereelc 133 93 Ain't taxes d' O II11 seieral districts . 177 22 ltoad d.iina?o asse-ssed, csllmatcel l,2isi 01 ltoadaiidbrldgoik'tvs pay duo 1C703 costs ituulu Coinmoniiealth cuses ou books 45ir,l county prlsun bonds lsaued.......... ss,ouo w (37,5St 10 Heal Irjdebl eness January I 157s, Inclu ding prison bonds Issued (16,319 16 We, the undersigned Commissioners ot Colum bia county, do hereby certify that Ihe fore-going Is a e-orreet statement of tho acetountscf sola county for the ear A, 1)., lstr. JOHN DEilNEIt, 1 Couimlsslon'ra sins W. NcllKNIiVA of JiisEi'll E. sands, ) Columbia co. Attest : Wu. Kiiicxsii'u, clerk, We.the undersigned auditors of Columbl 1 county hailiisbeen duly elected, lo adjust and settle the ats'ounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners or Columbia eounly, do hereby certlfvthat we met at llio ofllco ct the Treasurer and Comml-vdonerH In lllootnsburg, and carefully examined the ur-i-iiunlsand loucherst or the same from 1 be 1st day of January, A. I)., 1S77, 10 the 1st da of .lanu iry, l-Ts. an-1 found litem correct asaboio dati-it, and wo Und a bal.uico due coluuibla eounly on county tund of nlnett-f n hundred for-ly-thrie and (9 110 dollars ((1,913 09) Iron) II. W. Mel(enolds, Tieuurer ot said county. And we llnd a balunco of oiiu bnndred twenty-six slid 29.100 dollars ((120 29) dog fund In luo handsel fcitld II, IV. MeItenolds.'lretesurur. eilien under our hands Hits eleventh day ot jauuaiy, a.ia, isis. JM, 1. II. 1-.I.I.-NJJ, iM 11 iiitiiu r Feb. S, 177S. J. II. CASEY, County Auditors. I'llEMU'M WATCH AMI I'll U V-- iste-lil-uuidsr, rtsi lellhevi ryorelsr. Out. ue ire-e-, 11. u.ijutu neu, eilieHKO. ill. jaug.17, '17 iy It c I (Kl Ml I'LATi:!) WATCH list. Cliestut liillu knosu uorld. .setifipls a'al,A'res to '..gtnii. Auurcjs, A.v.ovi.rEi. eee, e.aica0. $35 Lli. It. "IT-1 MORRIS MICHEL, rn-ACTicAii riANo MAniin,, iumer awd AcrAinsrs, lUiOOMSUl'IJtf, .l3?e535---i2iM FI11ST CIJlSS liAVOS AND OIK1ANS KOH Hslj; bEl'OND HANI) I'lANOS TAKEN l.M EXCIIANOH. OHDEHS IIY 1IAIL I'llOMPTLV EXECl'TED. fib' 6, 'IS If PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS 1'i-inteil at this Ollico ON SHOltTKtiT NOTICK AND AT THE MOST Itr.AliONAIlI.E TKHMS. J Oil 1'IilN'i'iNU OF EVERY DESRIPTION KXEOUTKU l'ltOMlM'liY At thk Colombian Offioi. Sale of a JRailroad. XOTIOE. publiOale. Tlio Danvilk', Ilazlcton and Wilkesbarrc Kauroad. In the Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county, I'enn'a. In Eiiulty,',No,3,l)eeembcrTcrm,ls7,. Ile- tween WM, I. eUtEENOUUH, Trustee, nalntin, and TIIEDANVII.I.E, 1IA7.LKTON AND WI LK ES13 Altlt B HAILIIOAD UGMfANV, Defendant. UndeT and byilrtuoota decree entered on la- tilth day ot Febrmry, A. I)., isis, In tho abovo suit, tho undersigned, to whom all npedrul authority la tho premises has been given, will, on tho TWENTI ETH DAY os'.M.ltcil, A. I).,l7i,at n o'ciock.noon, at tho cul'ltr HOVSB In the TOWN e-F UlJOMS I1CUO, in tho COI N rV OF COLUMnlA, I'ESNS YL VANIA,exose to l'nhllo Sale the ralroad, franchises, property, real and personal, of tlie said Danville, Ha zlcton and 11 llkesbarn Hall road Company, viz : Th whole Hue of Hallioad otsalJ Company, from tha borotish ot hunbury to tho borough ot Ilazleton.acet to such otlwr point as pursuant to existing lawi shall bo ttved as tho terminus ol s ltd Hallroad, th satneljlng, belDS and situito in tho countlc3 of Norlhutnberland, Montour, Columbia and Luzerne in tho Statu of Pennsylvania, with I'B appurtenan ces, and all Jands, property, estate, railways, ties, rails, superstructure, sldo tracks, bridges, viaducts, w alls, culverts, fences, right ot way, machlne;sbops, depots, grounds, station houses and other buildings, tenements, Improvements and structure! of every kind and nature whatsoever,noiv connected with, owned, held or erected and used by tho sail Danville, Hazleton and Wtlkesturro ltallrosd Com pany, for the purpose ot operating, completing and maintaining their sail Hallroad, or the accommoda tion ot tho business thereof; together with all the ways, roads, switches, streets, passages, casements, waters, water courses and grants and all tho rights and franchises thereunto belonging; and also all .the machlner , rolling stock, tools and Implements and materials, conuected with the proper equipment of tho said railroad; and also all tho rlghta, liberties, privileges and franchises of llio said railroad compa uy, and all tlio estate, right title, Interest, property, claims and demands ot any nature and kind what soeicr of tho said railroad company, la the law or equity, of, ta and to tho same) and every part and parcel thereof ; also, all those certain FOUR TPS. ACTS OF XiAlSTID situato In Uea ler township, Columbia county, and stale of renn- sytvunla, bounded and described as follows : One of them beginning at a post nt the south-n est corner ot a tract ot land surveyed on a warrant to Catharine Lougenberger. thence by the said Catharine Longen- bcrgor tract north sixteen degrees nest two hun dred and see enty-two perches to a post, thence north. tweuty-ouo Ui'grt ea west ono hundred nnd twelve. perches to a post, thence by land sun eyed In the name ot Thomas Lemon south seventy degree's west oue hundred anil sixty perches lo a post, thenco by land sun eed lu the name of Daniel NeyeruortU sixteen and a half degrees cast three hundred and see e uty-nlnn perches to a post.thcnce north seventy- eight degree's east eighty-four perches to a post. euencc i,y laud of Jesso lirooks north tw elve degrees westelghtis-u perches to a red oak, thenco by land tn the namo of Jesso Urooks north seventy-eight dc gi cos east eighty perches to a post, tho place of be ginning j containing thrco hundred and sei enty-two and three-fourth acres, and ullowances.more or less. .-surieyeeion warrant to Andrew Clark, dated thu '.'3d day of Aujust, 1791. Ono othe-r ot them, be'ginnln-,' at a post, the s011tu.11 est corner of tho aboio detscrlbed trnet sur ged on warrant 10 Andrew Clark, theuiobytho western line of said Andrew Clark tract ncrth six teen aud c lLilt degrees nest threo hundred and se'ienty-nlu. perches to a post, thenco bylandsur eyed on warrant 10 Mary seott and Jacob Meyer aoathsoienty and analf degrees westelghty perches to stones.ihfue-e by laudsurveyed In llio nameottho said Jacob Neer south buventy-four and a fourth degrees west ono hundred and tweuty-nlno perches to a pine, thence by land surveyed on warrant to lleuj iniln syock south twenty.slv degrees east ono hundred and iwcnty.tlve perches to a pine, thence by land sun ej eel on 11 warrant to (leorgo Neer south thirteen degrees east twu hundred and sixty nine and nie-tenth perches to a lost, thence by land suriejedou u warrant to John Ilannon, Jr., north Seienty-elght degrees cast ouo hundred ar.d six I orehrs to a hickory, thenco by laud sure ej ed In tho name of Jesse UrcsAs north Udegrie s west twenty eight perches to a post, thence by the same north soienly-elght de'grees cat nlncty.slx perches to a post, Ihe place of beginning; containing fourliun. dred and forty-two and a half acres, moro cr less being the samo tract of Und sun eyed on warrant to Daniel Ne er dated tivei.ty-thlrd of August, 1IS3. ju.j omer 01 mem, bcxluhlujf nt a post, ths south-west comer of tho last above describes! tract survejed on warrant to Danli 1 Ne-j er, and thenco by the said Danh-I Neer north thirteen degrees west two hundred and sixty-nine and llie-teuths perches toaplue, tbcbcoby land of He njamln Sexk south slit.four degrees w est to the Una dividing a part of this tract sold to Jacob Easier, thence by the Bald land ot Jacob Easier to the northern Una ot land sun eyed on w arrant to John Ilannon, Jr., thenco by the same ucrtb se-ienty-elglit degrees cast to a post the place of b-glnntng ; containing two hundred and sixty-nine und three-fourths acres, more or less,lbe tug a part of a tract ot land buneed onanarrant to (leorgo Ne-j er dated tweutj-thlrd of August, 1793. Aud tho other ot them beginning at stones In a Ubo separating It from lands suriejed on a warranl lo Henjaniln syock, thence north eight and a half degrees west three hundred and ii,irie.tbr,. nnd four-tenlli perches to a stone, thence south eighty three and a half degrees east two hundred and elgh. leen porches to stones, Iheneo by land sun eyed on a warrant to Mary seott souUi tl.lrty-threo degrees east two hundred and fifty-eight iwhes to stones iiieue-e ty lanu surveyed on a warrant to Daniel eer south 11 and a fourth decrees west one. hundred and twenly-nlno lurches to a pine, thence i) iiuuburieji-don a wurrunt to uenjimln S0Cfc south seventy-three degrees nest two hundred and inirt -three pmbes to Ihe place of beirtuulne-: con. Utulug four hundred und forty acre. more or less. 1t being the same tract cf land suriejedou warrant sei sieorgo M' 1 r. TEEMS Or" HALE, The properly wi Hie told as one entire lottolhs lilgest and best bldeier, upoa his signing the coudl Itonseif sail-. Ten thousuud dollars (Ito.ocv) of the inircluse mon. ey shall Ui paid in cash hen Ihe roperty Is (truck off, and llio balance within ten das. 1'roilded, how ei er, the pa luent of tho balance of the purchasu money may te made In tech of the 1 ends and oier dueond unpaid coupors 1 hereof of the Dam llie, Ha zleton and Wllkesliarre Hallroad Company assre se cured bj its merigago, made to shepherd Kuapp, elrceased, otid the undersigned as trustee-a, dated Octube r 1st, 1MT, Each isuulotid coupon to lie re cent d for aiiamouJit iqual Id tbelr dividend on Bnal seltleiiieiil. rpon fonnrmatlon of lliu sale by said Court, tuo purchaser eir purchasers upouufull ccm pllanie with the (ni.dllloiis cf sale, atdllie e rderof Court made or to L made. louelJuetb, 1 10 me nt of the puri-ham money, shall tie eMIilexl to take and boll all the puitbued pruterly, ralltvsd. rlghls, franchisee and erpuneisteis, DeQ mm snyejarm or de inand of ihe 1 'pin llie, Hsz-ii n ma H liVesl-arre llallrtd (eunraty therein cr theretu. Lv way of. . equlb of redeinpllonoroihtrnue, T . WM, 1. UKElSit'anli fcunee. I'or further Infeiinaiion eprly 10 1 s3AiIUJiL tavrlNE THOMPSON, sVltHNsrt Kit fiti me. N. "t fcouin Kouilh Street,, 11 tt j ttUiUi lua, ix HI, AM. hlHJ- tb c wltliousieiciiilos foe ule si Ui i.oii,i iuuuu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers