The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 22, 1878, Image 2
"THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCKAT.BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. m iiEtot. s C BROCKWAYA; ELWSMi.EiUort. JiLOOMSBUUG, PA. F i- id ay, V oh . f2f2. 1 8 7 ft. TIIF. NKW I'F.MTHNTIAKY. On ncrourt nf the crowiieil coiiiilllon of Kistcrii niul Western I'enltentlarle.i, tbcro Is jiroi6sltlon on 'foot to erect a new one, ami ik coiiiiiiImIoii Iim been appointed to e Iwt a site. Wc bellcvo a new one U neces sary, but protest uRalnst Its being placed In tlio Interior of the State. It should be lo catpil In nnrtiWatern l'ciiDsylv.inin, because it large proportion of tlio criminals come from that section, and transportation nml onvenlentv slioiilel be taken Into consldera timi. The Philadelphia institution is at one cud of the Pa. 11. U.s and that at Pittsburg Is at the other end, and both In the Southern portion of the .Sttitt;. No bcltcrlocation could be selected than llloomsburg. Coal, Iron and stono are abun dant, nnd labor is cheap. The Heading road connects us uith the Schuylkill nnd West j the 1). II. & W. It. It connects the l.'liigji and Delaware with tlie Susquehan m,and the D.I..&W. and Northern Pennsyl vania with llarrisburg, all centering at or near llloomsburg. l ood is abundant acd cheap, and water of the be-t quality easily attainable. Ily all means throw northern Pennsylvania together, and take a look at our facilities. TI1K PASSAGE OK TIIK SH.VtK lllhb. On Saturday morning last at 5 o'clock in the morning, after a continuous cession of 1 hours the amended Silver Hill passed the Senate by a votu of 48 yeas to 21 nays, or more limn two thirds. Senators Wallaco and I'.uncron voted for it. The Homo will tin- dobledly pass the Bill by more thau a two thirds vote, accepting tlio Senato amend mcnts. Hayes veto iu that event would be inoperative. The full text of the bill with amendments as it passed tho Senate is as follows : lie it enacted by the Senate, nnd House of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That there shall be coined at tho several mints of the United States silver dollars of the weight of 412J grains Troy of standard silver, as pro vided In the act of January 18, 1837", on which shall be the devices and superscrip tion provided by said act, which coins, to- gether with all silver dollars heretofore a coined by the United States of like weight and fineness, shall be legal tender at their nominal volue for all debts and dues, pub 11c and private, except when otherwise ex pressly stipulated in the contract. Aud the secretary of tho treasury is authorized and directed to purchase from time to time, ail ver bullion at the market price thereof, not less than $2,000,000 worth per month nor ,ore than $4,000,000 worth per month, fd cause the same to be coined monthly fast as so purchased into such dollars, nd a sum sufficient to carry out the pro 'ision of this act is hereby appropriated out (f any money In the treasury not otherwist appropriated. And any gain or seigniorage arising from the coinage shall be accounted 'for and paid in to the treasury as provided under the existing laws relative to the sub sidiary coinage, provided that the amount of money at any one time invested in such sil ver bullion, exclusively of such resulting coin, shall not exceod $5,000,000, and pro vided further that nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize the payment in silver of certificates of deposit issued under the provisions of section 254 of the Itevised Statutes. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts incon sistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That immediately after the passage of this act tho President shall invite the governments of the countries composing the I.atm Union, so called, and of such other Kuropean nations as ho may deem advisable to join tho United States in a conference to adopt a current ratio between gold and sil ver, for the purpose of establishing internal ly the uo of bimetalic money, aud securing fixity of relative value between those metals, such conference to bo held at such place iu Kuropo or the United States, at such place in Kurope or the United States, at such time within six months as may be mutually agreed upon by tho executive of the governments joining in the same, whenever the govern ments so invited, or any three of them shall have signified their willingness to unite in the same. The President shall, by and with the consent of tho senate, appoint three coramhsioners, who shall attend such con ference on behalf of the United States, and shall report the doings thereof to the Presi dent, who shall transmit the same to con gress. The said commissioners shall each receive the sum of i2,500 and their reason able expense, to bo approved by the secre tary of state.'and the amount necessary to pay such compensation and expenses is here by appropriated out of any money in the treasury not 6therwise appropriated, Sec. I That any holder of the coin au thorized by the act may deposit the same with the treasurer or any assistant treasurer of the United Slates in sums not less than $10 and receive therefor certificates of not less than $10 each, corresponding with the denominationspftho Uulted States npte. The coin deposited for a amount representing the certificate shall be retained in the treasury for the payment of the same on demand. Said certificates shall be receivable for cus toms, taxes aud all public dues, and when eo received may be reissued. Scranton's Mob. the iiAiiinr.EAWH escape of an offend Kit FHOM 1IKIKII TORN TO I'lECIX. On Friday evening Mr. Lee, uu invalid, and his wife left their littlo jrirl. aged 2j yean, at home iu led whilo they went to n ucighbors. Tlio doors wero locked. As Mrs. Lee returned to her homo Patrick Norton dartrdfrcm tho cellar. Tlio child was very weak aud the mother soon discovered that it had been OMuultcd iu a fearful manner. The news rapidly spread next morning. A war rant was procured for his arrest. Four ofti cers were icut to find liiui. Ho made a ttout lesistanec, and when the officers camo from tho liousj a wild and angry crowd had asn-ui lilcd aud Notion must havo been torn to plo tv's but for tho ofliciw, who with drawn clubs kept tho mob fioui approaching. Norton was taken to tlio city prison, followed by the mob. His examination was delayed until tho cxcitfintnt, ulalcd. 'J bin l.e wus lolcn to foro Aldeiman Hooter. Five police officers guarded. 'iVrii. Tlid'Alderuiau committed him o priiof yrAiic'' )Vr Sim. Subscribe for fiiFjCoi-uniiUN thelirgest ana best paper in too uouniyi ECROPEAX AFPAM9. co5.iTAXTiNori.r, om'r:r,i ret tnz Ttf3" flIANfl AS A fAl'll'lC MEASIIM!. CoNTAXriMil'i.i:, February 14lli, Tho Ilritish fleet passed through the Dardanelles at three o'clock Wednesday nftcrnoon. The Turkish government concluded that a mere protest meets tho neceiwltles of the situa tion. The Timet In Its leading editorial article to-day says! "Himla has Incurred a grave and needle's responsibility, and sho will have to give guarantees to Austria as well ni to England that she will quit Constant! noplo if she should fulfill her rash Intention to occupy It with troops." Tho ienna corraspnndent of tho lute says: "The excitement here Is dally Increas ing at the turn eastern affairs are taking, and the excitement In Hungary is even greater." The Pesth correspondent of tho Slcmdard telegraphs as follows : "The situation is re garded as very critical. Tho emperor has sent for Archduke Albrecht, field marshal and i-jnimandcr-in-chlef of the A Intro-Hun garian army, lor the purpine of oncertlng Important, military measures. "The government organs maintain that P.iHsla has broken her word, and that Aus-tro-Hungary will bo compelled to march to war with Kngland in order to force Itussln to bo faithful to her promises nnd return to her former programme." London, February 15. Lord Derby's protest against Husslan oc cupation of Constantinople is published. It is very decidedly worded. It demonstrates that the entry of tho ltussian troops would be a violation of the armistice and might provoke disorders, causing the very danger to the Christians which the Russian govern ment deprecates. It concludes as follows: "Her Majesty's Government cannot ac knowledge that the dispatch of Ilritish ships to Constantinople has any bearing on the entry of licmiati troops Into tho city, which latter measure they consider uucalled for by any circumstances of military or other ne cessity, and the constquenccs of which may be most disastrous to the whole population of tho city." Lord Derby also telegraphed to Lord Loftus on February 1" that ho had expressed to Count Schowvatotl' the govern ment's earnest hope that the Russian troops would not make any moement toward Gal llpoli or any movement of a nature to threat en the communications of tho fleet, as any such movement would be regarded in Eng land as compromising the safety of the fleet, and iu the actual state of public feeling he (Lord Derby) could not auswer for conse sequences, which might be serious. A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram Compa ny from Constantinople, February 14, says : "The Ilritish fleet is expected to enter the Bosphorus ts-morrow. Sir. Layard, the British Ambassador, has telegraphed to Lord Derby that tho Sultan has received a dis patch from the Czar stating that his treops would occupy the neighborhood of Constan tinople in a friendly spirit and with the same object, namely, for the protection of his subjects. A dispatch from St. Petersburg of to-day's date to Reuter's Telegram Company Bays : There is great anxiety here, particularly among the English residents, ou account of the critical situation. Russiau national feeling is becoming excited. Reuter's Telegram Company has received the following dispatch,datedConstantinople, Friday night ; Namyk Pasha has gone to the Russian headquarter, charged to en deavor to dissuado the Qraud Duke Nicho las from occupying Constantinople. The Berlin Aorth German Gazelle says a request was received from bt. Petersburg yesterday that German influence would make itself felt. That influence cannot but be peaceful. In spite of all assertions to the contrary the relations existing between the three Imperial Courts not only place all idea of any coolness arising between them entirely out of the question, but also oiler a sure guarantee for the maintenance of gen eral peace. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Timet says he has been inlormed that the peace negotiations are now practically in terrupted, for.since the appearance of British men-of-war in the Sea of Marmora, the Turkish Plenipotentiaries declare that com plete autonomy for Bulgaria is inadmissi ble. Austria's voin:. A dispatch from Vienna to the Times says: It is quite possible that the Czir will suc ceed in concluding negotiations with Turkey before the conference meets, thus creating the desired fait accompli. But after the declarations of the British and Austrian Governments she can scarcely expect that such fait accompli will be unconditionally recognized. As regards this government it has not omitted, in its confidental communi cations to St. Petersburg, to point out the clauses in the preliminary stipulations signed at Adrlanople which all'ect European and Austrian interest b, in the matter of which accomplished facts could scarcely be re cognized. No written notes have been ex changed on the subject, but for all that the Russian Government is fully aware how far such faita accompli, effected by a treaty with Turkey, are likely to bo recognized by this country. London, Feb. 10. A Reutcr despatch from Constantinople says the Briti'h fleet has been withdrawn to SludaniaBay forty miles south of Constantinople. This movement is attributed to a desire on tho part of England to facilitate negotiations to prevent the entry of tho Russians. The instructions to Namyk Patha have been revoked, and he has not gone to Adrianoplo. The report that n congress would be held at Baden-Baden is confirmed. Negotiations havo been ".concluded. All Powers, including Russia, have assented. The ienna J'otiltcal CorretjtonJence says : "Negotiations were only delayed by tho sudden neutcness of the relations of England nnd Russia. J ho Czar and Sultan arc actively exchanging personal friendly despatches. It is expected peaco will bo signed by the time tho congress meets, namely two or tureo weeks later." Another Vienna telegram says : "Notwithstanding tho prospect of a congress, the situation is btill considered grave. It is rumored that Lnglaud has made overtures for an under- standing and arrangements with Austria. The latter is uegotiatiting a loan with the Roths chilJi." A special despatch to the Timet from Ber lin says : "Not only Is it uulikely that Ger many will toke tho part of arbiter by declar ing against any power attempting to interfere with Russia, but tho indications are that Russian action is regarded hero as at variance with tho understood programme, namely, tho liberation of Christians and nothing more The Interpellation on tho Eastern question comet in tho Reichstag on Tuesday. ' Tho i-aiuo pflnr,in ils second edition, prints tlio following despatch irom J era, 1'cb. 15 "It is generally expecttd that Grand Puke Nicholas will enter Constantinople with apor- tlou of his unuy.but will como as a guest and friend of tho nation with tho consent of the Sultan, the Russians considering that this will give England no catut lelli, especially as her ships aro near the capital ngaiust the ex pre wish of the Sultan and tho Porte." The Timtt' leading editorial article todny is very tmcific In tone. It says "It will be (lite to como gratuitous mismanagement if the relative position of England and Rus sia near Constantinople leads to any serious misunderstanding. Our own government may be entrusted to net with combined mod eration and firmness. If tho Russians are rea sonably prudent time is no rcaon why the Powers thould not enter peacefully into the confcrciioo'' wasiiimiios i.KrrKR. WamiI.nhtoN. I). (!., Feb. Ill, 1878. Tho vtoe of IS to 21 In the Senato on Sat urday on the silver bill Indicates a new fi nancial policy fur the (hivrumcnt. It means far more than the rcinoiiclhtation of silver. Coming soon utter rcmonetiratlon will bo the repeat of the resumption act and a cessation of high taxes for a rapid reduc tion of the public debt. Senator Beck's bill to prevent undue inert-use of tho sinking fund will pass. Whether or not all these measure aro for the public benefit, there is no doubt that the m-ce-sllles nf the people are what liayr Induced Congre to do what It has already done and to propose the fur ther legislation indicated above. We shall soon know tho rtlVt-t of these various meas ures. Meantime I hero is ouo thing which unquestionably would produce relief, and which should not bu loot sight of. Tliat is a reduction of Federal expenses. There is no doubt that would enhance the value of our bondi, stimulate, business, and lessen the price nf living. No question as to the "public faith" is involved, and the benefits would extend to all exept nllicj-holders and Government t-ontrai-tors. If the Demo cratic majority of the House would bring about uch a reduction the party would se cure an indefinite leaso of power in tho country. The despatch from New Orleans published this morning, that Governor Nichols will pardon Anderson nf the Returning Board, and Wells, also, If convicted, is, to say tho least, an astonishing document. It means that Wells will not be tried. It certainly Indicates a desire to prevent a full exposure of the means by which Hayes was made President, or a submission on the Governor's part to the bulldozing announced by Hayes and Sherman. If the Governor wishes to do his whole duty to his State and to the country, he will not interpose between Wells and the penitentiary. Haynrd Taylor, appointed Minister to Ger mrny is a Pcunsylvanian, a moderate Repub lican and a man qualified by a wide Europe an acquaintance for tho place. He is tho only translator of the greatest of German poems- Faust and is the valued friend of all the lit crary men of the Nation to which ho is sent. This appointment is one eminently lit to be made, aud is especially creditable to an Ad ministration which has so signally failed in most of its foreign appointments. Mnuy some say at least twenty venera bio members of the Senato were subjects for missionary labor on the part of temperance men on the night the silver bill passed. I havo seen no classification of thoio reported to have been "under the inlluencc," but sup pose tnat party linos were not observed. Mur phy spoke uext day Sunday on tho steps of the Capitol but did not allude to the Sen atorial jamboree. Genl. Butler pays he got a plain promise from Mr. Hayes to appoint some one to a Post Offico in Massachusetts, and before the echo of the promise had died out in the Whito Honse another man was appointed. The General has gone into print about it, and threatens vengeance against everybody who had a hand in preventing his friend's ap pointment. When the General commences to throw bricks, of which he said sometime ago his hat wa' full, the administration will know what fighting is. The General is a very able man, and as he hasn't an atom of con science or delicacy, he will not bo choice in the selection of missiles. Seminole. Rome, February 20. Cardinal Glovac- chino Pecci, the pontifical camerlengo, has been elected Pope. He has taken the name of Leo XIIL The Vienna AVip Free Prtn says : it is re ported that tho Austrian Minister of Fi nance will proceed to Loudon on a special mission. TtclMntluit Quarterly Reriew for January las been republished by tlio Leonard Scott Publishing Co , 41 Uarclay street, New York Wo can do littlo more than enumerate the articles : Art. I., considers the moral and intellectu al character of the renaissance in Italy and EuL'lnml. Art. II., on the uso and abuse of Scientific lectures, pives hijdi praise to Prof, Tyndall for his endeavors to render scientific truth to tho public at large, but severely condemns him for carrying his tpeculations beyond the province of the natural sciences. Art. III., In Sehlieinann's Jlycenie, is : discussion by a writer who has seen aud hap died tho treasures of the truth of Dr.S's in terpretation of his discovery. Art. IV. "March of an hnglish (5eucra- tion thiough Life." Art. V "Democracy in Kuropo" reviews favorably Sir Kri-kitio May's recent work on tho hubject. Art. A I. "A I rench critic on Goethe' Art. VII. Treats of railway accidents, and conidors the causes of thc;-e accidents, and gives tho substance nf existing fpeeial legis- j lation with regard to the safety of railway passengers, and urges tho ricccs-sity of enforc ing by tho Legislature of precautions ni-glect- cd by the railway companies. Art. VIII., is a summary of the leading vents in tholifo of Lord Melbourne. Two other articles ou domci-tic polities complete tho number. The periodicals reprinted by tho Leonard Scot Publishing Co Ml Barclay ttrcct, K. Y.) aro as follows : Tho The "London Quarterly," Edinburgh, Westminster, and Ilritish Quarterly Reviews and Hlaelwood's Magazine. Price $4 a year for any ono or only flfl for all, and the pottage is prepaid by tho Publishers. DYSPKI'NIA ! DVSI'l'.l'SIA I DYSPEPSIA I Dyspepsia Is the most perpleilng of all human all. menis. Its h.vinptoins ore almott lunnlle In their variety, and tho forlorn and despondent Mctlmsof the blbt-aso often fancy themsdves tho prey, la turn, or e try known malady. 'Ibis Is duo Juparftotae iloso sjuitathy which fxlats between tho Momach ami tho brain, and In nart albotothe fact any dls. turbancoof Iho dlgestlre functions ncccusarUy dis. oroera iue mer, me uoneia aim iuu nenuuw 8)siem, olid affects to mjidu extent tho quality of U10 blood. K. K. Kuiikers Hitler Wine bflrona burecure. This Is not a new preparation to bo trli-d und found wanting, It bus been prescribed dally for many years in the practice of emtnent physicians with unparal-elt-d success. It is col cxpitn-d or Intended to euro all the cllti-utfs 10 which the human family Is sub- Jcct.but Is warranted to euro Dybtepsla Inllsmokt obbUnatu form. Kunki l s llliu r v, ine of Iron necr falls to cure, Kjniiloina of Dyfc-pfctu aro lots of appetite, wind and rising of tho food, doness of the mouth, heartburn, distention of tho fctomacb and bowels, constipation, headache, dizziness, Mi-eplcs-ijcsh anil low spirits. Try the grt-at remt-dy and bo tonvluctd of Its merits. irt Iho gt-uulno. Take only Kunki l's whim Ik put up only In one dollar InjU lira, li. pol, t'J North Mnth Mrti-t, Hdhidc-lphla, I'u. It t (Alia, t or tale by itll Druggists and dealt rs oi?rywh;rc Ask for K. F Kuukrr lilitcr wino of Iron und taVo no oilier. MX bouts loriKu dullrs, or one dollar lr bottle. WOHM4! WOII.MS! WORMS 1 K, Y, Kunki I'h Worm Kprupneur falls 10 destroy I'lli.Ktai IK Nonuuh worms. Dr. Kunkil, the inly miLcislul inyi-lcian who rrrnuves Tuiw Worm In two liourealuo wih'buui, and no Ico until re moiul. Ci.mmcn H-ubo Uoclua If Tohj Worm bo 11 rooted, all UUer worms can lu readily uVbtrrm-d. Kitdfor circular loK F, Kunl.el, tut North Ninth Mroet, riiltadt-lpbls, 1'R., or rail on your druguUt for 11 bottle of ItuuKelH Wcrm hiiun, wlte l. It htm Mil. leb The ttnmlntil rrmrdlra tor alt dlsoasos (it tho i liuifs are Scbenckt Pauncnlo Mjrrup, Pcbtaci'ssa WoodTonte and Schenck'o Mandrake rills, ana It they aro taken beforo the lungs are destroyed they effect a speedy cure. To thoeo medicines Dr. J. II. 8chcuclc,of 1'bltadelplila owes his unrtrallcd succsss, la the treatment ot pulmonary diseases. Tho Pul monic syrup ripens the morbid matter In ttie lungs, nature throw It orr by an essy ctpeoturatlon.and the patient has rvllof from the prostrating cough. The Mandrake l'llls must bn frrrly used, to cleanse sad "tliuMlnte tli' and lln-rs Iter remove all obstructions, rolit th" " b'a tdcrau.l start the btle frotly, anil fie ltcr ts hjuii ri ,I"tcJ. Schcnck's sea WVfv Tonl- H a geultcMlmuLmt and atterathe; tho otkUl ut nhlch It ti couipJKd miles with tho food and prevents souring. It n-ulsU tho digestion by toning up Mic staunch tu a healthy condition, so Uiat Mio food and tho l'uirnuntc wrup win make good blood : thf n the lungs heal, and tho patient wilt surely get well It ran- Is taken to avoid fresh cold. Full rilrt-ctlnns accompany radi preparation, .Ml who wish to consult Dr. -heiiol; personally, can dj so at his principal otlM-, rourncr of Mull and Arch streets, 1'Jdladt-lplila, i-vi-ry Monl.ij, Letters to tho tiliove ndtltvss, luvkltiy adlcf an swered free of charge. Sk'hcncli'8 Medicines are sold by all drturgMs. fib NEW ADVERTISEMENTS yyssoLU notice Is hrrt noN xonn:. lirrohv irlw-ii tint tho niirtnTslih) bo- twifii White A iu NiVHft'ur onnifovllli, CnlimiuU rounty, IU , ua-t ttKsnlttjil on the li.tli iUy ot Febnury, A. 1)., 1ST j and tli it ttw h iM HiivrtKe has hoM iiH tnterret to thus ill White. Wio p-opos-cftto contfimo the lnism-H in his own n.imo, nil persons lndetii-d to mid firm mil en ne Turward 1m-inndiutt-ly and mike Kottleuicnt thm-of tnthnmr TlWnif partner c. It. White, nnd nil ulnlm-i njMlnst Bald tl r in Ahull bu presented lu t ho said White tor settlement. fcb. 22, TS-lw WliITK & S VA(K. PUBLIC SALE " OP VAI.UA11LK Real Estate! ! In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court o Columbia county, tho undcrblgned Adnvnlstrntors. Ac, or Michael Ltrou-r, late 01 (ho Town ot llloomsn bury, said couut, de'd., will eipo-'o to public Mle o tho premises on Friday, March 15, 1878, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., a Tract of Land sit uate In Main township, said county of Columbia, con talnlng 102 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Aaron Hosteller, Aaron Miller and others, and a public rotul, wliereou are erected u TW0-ST0RY DWELLING HOUSE, (food Hank lUro, Wagon House and Corn Crib, good out-buHdlnK9,good frprlng and spring house, yood water on tho premises, GOOD APPLE OKCHAKD, and other fruit trees hind In a eood state of culti vation. A public road runs through the land and one on north side ; convenient to school and church. Term of Sale. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down the uroperty. the one-rourtn less tno tea per cent, at couilrmatlon absolute, and tho remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter with interest from connnnatton nisi. Tenant3 share of grain tn tho ground to bo resened. Deed to bo delhered at expense of purchaser. AARON OltOVEII, JO&11UA KKTTKIIMAN, feb. 22, IS-ts Administrators. BOOK 33 newest and most popular KONOs. with writings of Instruction and amuse ment : also a list ot all tho battles, when and where fought during the war, for 3C8tamp. Address Desmond & Co.. 915 ltnce St., ruila. Jwtco teb. 21, 'U-lm Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! John Hunslnircr. Administrator of Gideon Huns- lnger, deceased, will expose to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, 3IAKCII lCth, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m.,the following described real estate io,wu : ah mat certain messuage ana TRACT OF LAND ibclng tract No. 1.) situate in Beaer township, Co lumbia county, bounded and deserted as follows, viz : Ueglnntog at a stoue in a public road In otcli Valley, thence along Bald road north f-eienty-nve degrees, cast llfty-seven and one-tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of (Jeo. r. Drelsbach north ten degrees we&t, one hundred and forty-six perches to a sione, thence south seventy-lit e degrees east, ono hundred and forty-eight perches to tno placo of be ginning, containing 50 ACRES, strict measure, with tho appurtenances. Tract No. J, a certain piece or parcel ot land situ ato in Ueaver townsblp aforesaid, bouhded on tho east by Aaron Drelsbach, on tho north by ColumbU Coal and Iron Company, on tho west by other land of told (lldeon Ilunstuger.deceased.and on the south by land of Francis cruuse, containing F O It T V A C It K S with the appurtenances, TEUMS OF SALE.-Onn-fourth upon tho striking down ot tho property, one-fourth upon tho coutlrmu tlon ot the bale, and tho remaining ono-hair In ono jear thereafter. JOIIN llllNSINOKIt, feb. VI, '8-ts Administrator. T 1ST OI- CAUSES FOH TltlAX AT AKCII TKHM, 1S7S. HKST WKCI. Hamucl J. Case vs. Jonas Doty. Wilson (llbbonsvs. Jonas Doty. I.. F. Davis js Jonas Doty. Iteuliru Klsner s. Millers Seybert. llrockway and Kut s. J. Mtllo rllauo. l'eter Kuecht vs. Samuel tchwt-ppenhelser et. nl. Henry u. Conner vs. Emanuel Conner's Adm'r. KdwardGcraghty s. couyngham township. 1'hlllp Ayplenian s. W. 11. Crawford. Nathan creasy s. Charles Maurer t-t. al. Aaron Dreh-bach vs. hlmonbhellbammerct. at Ezra s, Lyons vs J, U. Ky as. Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. Ueddls et, al. Samuel Glger s. Francis Evans, David J. Waller vs. (ieorga Weaver's Exr's. llloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et, al. llloomsbuig Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et. ux. William LlunUlle 1'tter Ent's Administrator. E. D. Adams vs. John Se bert. Mary George s. James Morilson Daniel U-lby et. al. s. llenrv Knapp et. ul. haruh Caul s. Samuel and Emma lieppcrt. J. It. J&mlbon s. M. (Irou-r s admr's M. ''rover's admr's. s. II ll. Knorr. Augustus Ererbart s. D.inlc-1 Emhart, Bernard Aiamerman s. M. C, Johnson et ux. SKCOND WKKk. Nlel Ltnlhen s. Conynghara and Centralla I'oor Dlstilct. John 11. hcott 1 s. Itornhard stormy r. Simon Krebbs vs. William Mastellcr. . C. II. Iirockway vs. First National Hank ot llerwlck Iwls Mwhenberg vs. Andrew lioyer William Snder's Exr's is Valentino Illdleman c. W. 1 hoiopson v 8 Iiernhard Stobner Unltcul states Fanning illll Company vs Franklin Yocuin Thomas Knorr's ex'r vs. O. A. Knoir et al. I'ermella Kooqs s. sclticr i- Miller. Conrad swank s, D.intcl Swank. Matthias shaner ts John McllowoU'a adm'r (loorgo W. Dals vs. Conyngham aud Centralla Poor District. Henry J. Edwards vs. William Wain. William Kingston vs. Montgomery Cot. Patrick llyrncs vs. Conyngham and Centralla Poor lusinci. William Kingston vs. Montgomery Cox et, ux. Elijah Lemons x. Heller & Kt-s. Elijah Lemons vs. A. 1. Heller, KUIoli Lemons vs. C W. liwrt. Joba Schcll s. John lllnderlter et. al. Jacob Johnson s. lcobert s. Eut, neury .-sagio vs. iiioomsourg Lumber Co. 4 SSKINKK'8 NOTICE. otl04 Is hereby crh en that thn iinflprkttrnecl baa been annotated ud asstirneo for the benefit of credu torn of wlliumltaup,ancl has taken upon himself the uum-a ui mo irutc. ah pi-moils uro mereioro ro nmrcd to nettle with him, adjust and pay to him all account, detibt and dues of tlio Knld t llllnm ltinm andtbuso hating claims to submit them to tbuus- Diguvu piupc-riy auuieuiicaioa. W. 11. ARI10TT, :eb. V), 1 4w catuw Isaa, 1'a, SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Couit of Commin l'leas of ColumbLt county and to mo dlrc-cled will bo expo-H-d to public salo at the Court Houmj at two o'clock p. m., on WEDNESDAY, MAUCII 20, 1878, A certain lot of ground Uluate In the town ot llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, de scribed as follows 1 bounded northwardly and east ward by an arey, bouthwardly by lot of M. c Woodncrd, and wetlwordly by Eakt btrcct, being 00 teet rro&t and li feet deep more or less, whereon aro ertetod a frame d elllug house, stable and out bulldlngs.j belied, taken Into elecutlon, and to sold as tho rroKrty ot I'usper Kren-ler, ALSO, All Ihofe certain four tracts of land Mtuato In Ilea- ver township, Columbia county, aud statoot 1'euv syhanla, lKmded und described us follows 1 Ono of them beginning at 11 lot ot the south-west corner of utrauof lamlbuiu-)td on 11 warrant tocatba rlno Longenbi rger, I hence by the bald Catharine Longriibc-rgcr tract norlhbliKen degrees west two hundred and bcvcnty-two perches to a Ji0bt,thence north Itwenty-cne degrees wen ono hundred and (wehc lerches to a lH, IIkjxo ty land bunejed In tho iiaraoof Tlioir.ns I.cpic n boutb bounty de grees webt oue hundred and btxty jtc1b to a iol, tlience ty land burteyed In ti.o nunin of Daniel Nejrr uorth sUUep, slid a half degrees east three hundred and icienty-nlne perches to a poet, Itienip nprthheienty-elght degrees raft eighty-four perches to a pobt, hcn;o bylajid of Jesao liiooka noilh twtlic dtgreea wctt clghttf p perches to a, fed oak, thence by land In the Memo ot Jesse brooks horth soventy elxlit doitreea.eatt eighty perches to a posti the place of beginning! containing three hundred and soventy-ttvo and threo-foitrth acres, and allowances, more or less. Surveyed cm woi rant to Andrew Clark, dated tho fid day ot August, 1TV3. sd, One other of them, beginning at a post, tho south-west corner of tho nboio described tract sur veyed cn a warrant to Andrew Clark, thence by tho western line of said Andrew Clark tract norlh Hi teen and a half degrees west three hundred and seventy ntne perches to a post, thence by land sur veyed on warrant to Mary fcott and Jacob N'eycr tout h seventy ami a half degrees west eighty jwrches toastone.thcnceby land surveyed In tho name of the said Jacob Neyer nontti jcventy-tourand a fourth degrees west ono hundred nnd twenty-nine perches to a pine, thenro by land nun eyed on warrnnt to lienj imln Syock south twenty Plx degrees east one hundred nnd twenty-five perches to a pine, th"nee byj.ind survcyeel 01 a warrnnt to tleorgo Nejer south thtrfen degreos cast two hundred nnd sixty nine and flic tenth perches to a post, thence by land siirtejed 011 a warrant to John llarron, Jr., north heventy-clght degrees east ono hundred and six perches to a hickory, thence by land surveyed In tho nama ot Jesse llrooks north U d'greos west twenty, eight perches to a post, thenso by the same north teieotj-tlght .degrees eastnlnety-slx perches to a post, thi place ot beglnnlug : contilntng f jur hun dred and forty-two and nhalf acres, more or less, being tho sativj tract of land suriejed on warrant to D.inlcl Neyer rlited nd ot August, 1793. 3. Oue other of them, bi-glnntng at a post, tho soulli-w est corner of tho lost abo 13 described iract 8iinc)cd on warrant to Daniel Neyer nnd Ihence by tin sat 1 Danlol Neyer north thirteen .degrees west two hunlred and sixty-nine and nve-tcnth perches ton pine-, theuce byUudof llcnjvmlu Hjocl; south slxti -fo'ir degrees west to the Una dividing a pat t of thts tract sold to Jacob Ha-der, t hencci by the s.ild landofjacob tltvste-r to the northern lino of land surveyed on warrant to John 11 irrou, Jr., thenco by tho sanio nortn smenty-ctght degrees cist tu a post' the place of beginning ; containing two hundred and slxty-nlno and thrc-o-f ourlhs acres moro or less, be ing apart o! a tract of Unit aurvejed on a warrant otlcorgo Never d eted 23d of August, 19.1. 4. And tho other ot them beginning at stones tn n line separating It from hinds sune) ed on a warrant toUenJiniln syock, thenco north eight and a hilt degrees west three hundred and thlrty-tnrj 0 and four-tenths p-rchos to a stone, thenca south eighty, three and a halt degrees east.two hundred and eigh teen perches to a stone, thenco by lan I surve ed on a warrant to Mary Scott south thlrty-lhreo degrees east two hundred nnd llfty.ctght parches to stones, thoncebylanl sirrcyet on a warrant to Daniel Nejer south 74 and a fourth degrees west ono hunelre-d and twenty-nine perches to a pino lln-uco by laud surveyed on a warrant to IlenJ imln Syock south seenty-throe degrees west, tw o hundred nml thtrty-threo perches to tho placo of beginning con turning four hundred and forty acres, more or less, tl being the same tract of land surveyed on warrant to Oeorge Nejcr. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tlio property ot llu lunvllle, Huzleton A. Wllkcsbarre Itallroid Company. ALSO, Alt that certiln lot of ground situate tn ltoartng creek township, Cn! pnbla county, Pennsylvania, dcscrlbi-il as fnil.i.vs, to-wlt : Hounded on the north by land of.Abnuii Hli-i-, on the south by land of Con rad ltou-unin, 0:1 th west by land of Michael Straus erand Willi in Ye.ijrr andnni'io cast by land of Ephralm, containing sevjiitv-three acres mora or less on w utc 1 ru- eii-c"'!d a el .-lllng house, barn andout-b'il'dlu AI.-'t), One otlie-- pl--ev or I e-i 1 b 1 i-i 1 I on tho north by Und of Jeceii) stranger, nu th.- uv-t by land of Solo mon MraUH-r, oinh -)iitli tiliudof Peter Ilower andoa thecal b I ml of e uurui Housman and William Yc.iger c jnt Unbu guieea acres. ALS' 1, One other plco of Und hj 111 1; I on the north by lands of Judge Co, em the) wes ley land of Solomon Ktr.ius.ron the sjiilh b) land of Abratn ltlcoaud on the c 1st by Ian 1 or Abr em tin j aud Leonard Ad. ams, eonl cluing 1.1 a-rcs. Seized, t ikeu In cxtfii'ion. 11:1.1 to bo sold as the property of D.eUd I:. Ilo.u-i." ALSO, Alt that certain kit or piece ot land sltiuto In llrl arcrec'k towushlp, Columbia county, lVnnsj lv.enl.1, described as follows, to w It : Hounded ou the north by land of James 'Doty and others, on tile east by land of Joseph Stackhouse, south by laud ot tho heirs ot S. F. Ilexdly aadon tho west by land of Oev en Suit, containing three hundred acres more or less about thirty acres cleared laud and tho batanco well timbered, on which Is erected a small stable, Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the property of John Seybert. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land situate In I'lno township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit : Hounded on th north by land ot Samuel snjder, on the east by lands ot Daniel Oordnerand Jackson Lyons, on the south by lands of Benjamin Wlntt-rstcen and Itlchard T. Wbltralre and ou the west by land ot Thomas Low, containing Uf ty acres moro or less, on which are erected a Plank House, frame born and out-buUdloigs. Seized, taken Into execution and to be solel as the property of A. J. liardo. ALSO, All that certain lot or of land hltuato 1 n tho Town or nioomsburg, Columbia county, Ivnnsyha- Ida, described as follows, to-wlt. Lot No. 114 mark ed In general plan of llloomsburg, bounded on tho north by an alley, on tho west by land of John Mc Corn lck, on tho south by Canal street, and on the east by land lot Jonathan Chroinas, containing &0 feet front ad 113 feet In depth on which aro erected a dwelling house and out-balidlugs. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold ns tho property of Tobias Henry. ALSO, All 'that certain lot of ground situate in Loct,t township, Columbia countyJ-ennsyHnnla, described as follows, to-wlt : Hounded on the north by by land ot Augustus strauser.on tho east by land ot Solomon ltlder, on tho south by land of W 111am Ueach and on the west by land of Samuel Schuyler, containing 100 acres, moro or loss, on which is erected a dwell ing house, barn nnd out-bulldlngs. Selzoa, taken In oxecutton, and to be sold ns the property of James Kostenbauder. ALSO, All that tract or parcel of laud situate in Scott township, Columbia county. l'ennslvanla, bounded on the east by land ot John Kclclmer, ly Ing be tween tho Pennsylvania canal and tho Susquehanna riverandrnnnlug-toa point on the west at or near tbe aqueduct aboo Itapy, containing about seven acres, more or less. .ALSO, All that certain lot or ground situate la tho town of Espy, Columbia county 1'eunsylc aula, bounded und described as follows: On tho north by Main fctrect, east by lot of M. C. AIcColIumouth bv an al- ley and west by Daniel Kt-tkr, being 4I'4 li-et front, andl73 feet In depth, whereon n'o erected twu tw o-story dwelllog hoiiM-s. Seized, taken Into execution, and tu bo sold as tho properly of Alonzoc Dodge. ALSO, All that undivided three-tenths of the undli Ided one-fourth of tho following tract of land, situate in Jackson townbhlp, Columbia county, 1'a., bounded anddtbcrlbcd as follows, to wit ; Heglnntng at a btona n corner ot land of Mathlos Hhone, thenco by land In tho wanantee name of Wesley Hess north forty and a quarter degrees webt three hundred and fifteen erches to an trouwood tree on county line, thence along the samo south forty-seven and a Iialf degrees webt three hundred and sixteen perches to a btone, thenco by land In tho warrantee, namo of Samuel Y'orks south boienty-three degrees cost three hundred and four perches to a stone, thence by land of Jesse Ithone north heventeen and a quar ter cast thlrty-bovcn and tw o-tenths perches to n btone, and thence north eighty degrees east one hun. drtd thirty-eight perches to the place of Uglnnlng ; containing threo hundred and acres and eighty-four perches of Und, btrtct measure, bo the same more or less. ALSO, All the undlilded one-fortieth part of the follow ing described tract of land bltuato In Jai kson tow n tlilp and sugarloot town;hlp, Columbia county, I'ei'n. fylvanla. bounded and described as follows, vlz.t lic glnnlng at a diem nut oak, a cornel tu land ot Iald Holder, thenco by land of Ollbcrt Hess and Itobert M, Montgomery north seeentecn and a quarter de grocseant ouo hundred and fort).slx perches to a btone, 'thenco nort.. bcveiily-two and degrees, west ono hundred and Ilftj.four perches to a btone thence north fourteen and a half degrees east 0110 hundred and eighty perches to a target hemlocki thence hy other laud of eald DuWd llulder ncrth thirty-two and a quart- r degrees cast twinty-ihre-e perches to a butternut, Ihtncr by land of James Hess north t-tghty-ono anil three-quarter elegrees west ono hundred and ntnety-four peichca to a hein lock, thence along MillUan county line south fotty heei n and a half dr-rrces we ttcnu hundred undclgh( pcrcnestonn uonwoou, iiienit ny unj in tlio ar rantee name of Samuel Nt-jcard bouth forty and a quarter degrees last three) hundred aud intern perches tia stone, thenco by land ot Iho bald I a Id Holder north eighty elegrees east tblrty-nlno and eight-tenth perches to a chestnut and thenco Bouth eaienty-lwoo'egnea eaht ninety-eight perches to tho placo of beginning, containing tour hundred and eight acres und 1 lglit -ID 0 lu rches of land, btrtct raeusure, t-e the same moro or less. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground bltuate in the town of lilooiobburg, Columbia county, 1'a., described as follows, to win Hounded on the north by bldgeal ley, on the west by Cent re btrect, on the couth by Second btrcet, and on tho eabt by land of U T.bharp- lebs ; containing it feet Iremt and 114 V feet In depth, on which ro erected a two-story frame btore house, barn and outbuildings. fcclzed, taken Into execution, and to bo cold as the property of 11, 0, llower. TEHMH.-ca?h pu uay cf sale, otherwise property to bo re-sold. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, !ibx-IJM BhcrUT, eniln Agents Wanted to subac-rlbe- for the eJl't'U Agents Journal, a Handsomely Hound 11 huge Journal, brim fullul Interest to Agents, .spec ,N. V. imen copy sent free. auists' jocrial, n. i. feb. t, '7s-lm DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES Arenotndicrttsod as "cure nils," but are specifics lu the uncases fpr which they nre leeommcndcel. ,v VTiiit i ti si:i.t''rio.. Iniesltgators of natural science Invo demonstat eel bc)ond controversy, thai throughout tho animal kingdom the "tho surMvnl of tho Ilttest" Is tho only law that vouchsafes thrift and perpetuity, Dtiesnotthosimo principle govern the commercial prosperity of man J Ale interior cannot suj-erse-elo a suierlor article. Ilv reason of superior merit. Dr. I'lerce's Jteellclnes have outrivaled nil wh irs. 1 heir sale In Iho t'nlted States nlono exceeds ono million ttollars i,"r annum, while the amount exported foots up to -pveral hundred thousand moio NohuMnesscouldeUTKrowtosuch gigantic proportions und rest upon any oilier basis lhauthat of menu DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy In I'lcsiNiint to Vsv. DR, SAGE'S Catarrh Hemedy tin Ctii'CN r.xlciiil Over 11 pci-loii ni atl Vksii-m. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy Its .Sato Constantly Ilicrtuisrs. DR. SAGE'S Catarrli Remedy Cure Its iti I II, Sootlilne; cu'oct DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy t'lii t s "Cole in IIcuil," ami Ca tarrh, or O.i'O'iia. AN OPEN LI'ITER. It Spuakij for Itself. ItocKi-oier, llnss., April 2, IS77. Mn. Kditok : Haling re,idlnour piper re-ports of the remarkable cures of t alarm, I nin Induced to tell "what I knownbout catarrh." and 1 fancv the "snhlT" nnd "Inhnllnir-ttllifi m.ik-ei-d -emern .Inllnr grabbers) would be glad If they could cmbtarun a blmllarcuro In tho papers. t'or2il jears I surfereil ieu eue-arrii. i n nas.ii passages necamo complete ly closed. ' Snurr," "dust,'' "nslies,"-'liiliallng-iubea" and "slicks," wouldn't work, though at Intervals I would biilll up the so-called catarrh snun.untlll became a vatuablo tester for such ifiedlclnes. I grauuauv grow worse, ami no one can know how much I suffered or what a miserable being I was Mylieadaeh'-doiermyeves, Iwasconflned to my bed for many succesMic d.u s, suffering tho most In tenio pain, which at ono tlmo .astcd contlunously for 10s hours. All senso of smell anil taste gone, sight and hearing impaired, body shrunken mid weakened, nervous sjstem shattered, constitution broken, und I was hawking and spitting seien etghthsof tho time. I rjrau'd for death 10 relieve' ineof mysurferlng. A favorable notice In oiir pa per ot Dr. Sago's Catarrh Hemedv Induced me to purchase a package, and use It with Dr. Pierce's Na sal Douche, which upplles the remecly by hydrostatic prebnuie-. uiu ejwy nu, e-uieipuiloio wuu common sense-. Well, Mr. Editor It did not cure mo three, fourths of a second, nor In ono hour or moLth, but in less than e tght minutes I was relieved and In three monlhs entirely cured, nnd havo remained so for uiurbniceu inouiiis. v niieusiug rue catarrn icem edy, I used Dr. I'lerco's Oolden Medical Discovery to purify my blood nml strengthen my stomach I also kept my liver active and howls regular bv tho use' of his Pleasant Puriratlve Pellets. IrinvexiHTl. enccwlll Induce either surferers to seek the same means of relief, this letter will have answered Its Durrjose. lours iruiv, L. I). HEMICK. A CLOUD OP AVITNESSES. The following named partlca are among- the thou sands who havo been cured ot catarrh by the ue or Dr. agea Catarrh Kemedy : A. K. Downs. New (lenova. Ta.: 1) .1. Ilrown. St. Joseph, Mo.; K. C. Louis, HutLind, Vt.; Hprlny- it, x'ujf ijiKf, uniu ; unas. jorcron, ronin.ne8 urtlcld. Milton Jones, -crlbn. N. v.: J. K. Mil. ler, Urider tatton,Wio.; J. u. Merrlman, Logans port. Ind.; M. M. I'ost, iAiif.xnsport, Ind.; J. V. itall cyi Tremont, P.j II. II. Ayres, Lnl'orte.Ind.; JebSleM, rtenn, ru lininen, inn.; i. miliums, uanwn, mo.; W. A. Tha3er. onawi. ill.; S. li. Mchoi.-t. ,lr oalves ton, Texas ; Jonas f Itelnert, Monesllle, I'a.: S.W. Lusk, McFarland, Wis.; Johnson Williams-, Ueimlck, Ohio ; M. A. Currey, Trenton, Tenn.; J. o. Joslln, Keene, N. II., A. J. Casper Table ltock, V. Va.; Lew Is Anders, (laysport, (hlo;C. II. Chase, KlkUart, Ind.; Mrs, Henry 1 1 night, San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs. Ji. M. (Jallusha, LawrencevlllP, N, Y ; W. J, (iraham Ade), Iowa; A.o. Smith, Newman, (ia.; cius, lun'Lll. Miller, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Mrs, MInnIo Ar- naw, 'jvu iifiancy Btreei, .now otk; m. w, uaii, Uabtlnga, Mich.; Wm.F. Marston, Lowell, Masa.; I. W. liooert.s Mailcop.i, Ariz.; uhas. H. Delaney, Ilarrtsburir. I'a.: M. C. cote, i-owell. Mass.: Mrs O. .1 bourlln.Camden.Al.i chas. v. Kaw.FrLMlerlektown . Onto ; lrs. Lucy Hunter, Farmlngton, 111,; oapt. K. J. fcpauldliiff, Camp .suinibiugn Wyo.; I. W.Tracy, Mcamiiu.iL itucK.iowa ; Mra. u. ane, sIlaIl,.l, J. M. IVck, Junction City, Mont.; Henry Kbe, Han tas, Cal.; L. I'. Cmnmlngs, Hantoul, HI.; S. Ji. Jones, Charleston Four Corners, N: V.; (ieo. K. Hail, Pueb lo, cal.: Win. E. ilirtrie. Kterltne. Pa.: II. II. Kbon. 94S penn Rtreet, Pittsburg, Pa; J It. Hackman, Sam uel a uepot, Ky.; nenry .ounsc, uenea, v.; aiiss lUttle Parrntt, Montgomery, Ohio; L. Ledbrook, Chatham, III.; H. 11. Mcuoy. Nashnort.Ohlo ; W, W, Warner, North Jaekton, Mich.; .Miss Mary A, Wlnne. D.irlen. Wis.: John Zippier. CurlNle. Pa.: James Tomklns, St. Cloud, Minn,; KnochDueir.Paw- nee uuy, rct ; .josepn . tinier, .ema, tnio ; , n, Nichols, Oikcfelon, Texas; II.L.Udrd, I'ppcr Allon, iu; fiuiin uaMs.iTUhuuii, ri.; airs, auuj itraaam, ifoivst co e, oreg. Golden Medical Discovery I Altraiivey or lltood-ckaminy. Golden Medical Discovery Ia Pectoral, Golden Medical Discovery Js a Vhofayogue, or Liver Stimulant, Golden Medical Discovery 1 'Jbnic, Golden Medical Discovery Hy reason ot Its Alterarhe properiles, cures Diseas es of tho ltltHXlnnd skin, as scrofula or KIult's Kll : Tumors; Ulu-rs.or old Sures; IMotchos, ltmplcs; ana i;rupiions. iiy Mrtue of its Pectoral properties, It cures UrunchUI, 'Ihroat, and Luug AtTt-ettons: Incipient Consumption; Lingering Coughs; and chrunlc Laryn?llH. Its chuldgogue. piopcrtles ren der ti an unequaltd remedy for itldlousniss ; Torpid Liver, or "LheriComplalnt ;' and lis Totilfi proper ties, make It equally enicaclotis In curing Inillgehtlon, i.vis ui ppeuie, anu nhpeptia. heie the skin Is hallow, and coered with blotch es, und pimples, or w hero there aro scrofulous swt,-l. lings Hint uifectlotn. a few bottles or (Joldeu Medi cal Dlieot ery w Hi effect an entire. euro. Hjoufeel dull, drovsay, debilitated, bae sallow color of bklo, or ifllowlsh brown spots on tho (aco or body, f re quent headaehH ordlzzinesa, bad tasio In mouth, In ternal heat or chtlls alternated with hot Hushes, low bplrlts and, 'gloomy foretodlngs. Irregular appetite and tongue coated, jou are huffeilng from Torpid Ller, or ,Ullousness., Iu many caitesof "LHer CormUliit."only nartfof theso sviuDtoms areexuu- rlenced. As a remedy for all fetich cabes, Dr. Pltru's (Jotden Medical Discovery hasnouqual, as It tllects In'iit-'i'i uure, jvaiug uw iner birengiueueu uuu icalthy. THE PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. nr. It. V. PmtcK Is tho sole nrunrletor and manu facturer of lh foregoing reindict., all of which are bold by dmggWta Ho Is alsu the Author of the Peo ple's Cuinuiun sense Medical AdtUer.a work of nearly ono thousand pages, wllh two hundred and eltthty-two wood tngrui lugs and colored plates. Ho uas aimiuy buiu vi nus popular worK Over 100,000 Copies ! PRICE (post paid) $1.50. Aelelrcss : II. Y. PIE110E, M. D, World's Dispensary, Builido,N.Y. leu. tP, A N'N UAL STATEMENT Or III.OO.M l'OOU DISTRICT, From Feb. 8, 1877 to Feb. 0, 1878. VH, KHEAMCK, Treasurer for District, lilt. In T!casiircr'8lianetsli76 tmcs liloom elupllcaio " eireeimtXAl duplicate " uin scott " " am i hutarloat " to on liloom uupjlcalc lsil.. i.H3W iirti'nwooel dupllcalo " , nn Hcott " " ..,....... SMlKI sueorloaf '! i Olio llorteQ " 140 1 ii l'roduco " el It orango " ai u l'lirn ' , M1& Potatoes . " tiixt May mill, 1MT, bal. ot riutarloeU duplt. caUifor ...... (OH 3,V-1 ST C1U Ain't of ordera rcdeeiatd 1,003 w Uoinmtbblon ou auiu 101 14 lialance dtiu treasurer, 185 41 tl.loelTi Jl.loalb Plrectors of Iho l'oor lu account with Iilooia. Molt, Urceuuood anil t-ufmloul tow nblilpb. nu. Ain't, of orders oulslandlne; Fib. b, lull 678 114 Arm. ot orders Issued ear 9tt...H....H..,.H. tfitH If J4.&S.3 83 CII. Ain't, of orders ledeemed..,, 4,1415(4 Ain't of orders ouutaudliiL' Feb. Vlh, Ills sifts 4,B&3 81 STHAWBRIDGE & CLOTIUER liavolat ty cji'iioe1 h speolnl Ititulco ut BELLON'S BLACK SILKS, FUIJi 21 INCURS WIDK. Prices, ... SI. 50 rrlci'N, ... Sl.tiO l'rlccx, ... tf.1.15 I'rlccN, ... jsi.tio Prices, ... sa.!25 I'rlccM, ... $'i.r( ITIcin, - S'i.irt Prices - - $;i.oo Thpo boo tll tw found on compitlson tot' fromsa luSio'iils leu tu iirlcej tlian iiu.UI. tie s can bp bought etnowlioni. 'I Uli taako eif (looel li tlioroiiirlily re'lUMu nn i la uuexiflUM lor eliirablil. ly of wt'ur. Also, rebout oOO PI ECUS FANCY SILKS, IN l'UIC'IW HANGING I'llOM 50 CENTS TO Si PAR YARD. All cf which nrp curerantccel to bo be'low ccn cur rent whole'a.ilei pi Ices. H i.lIIM.I'.S of vtl ikteriiil'vini of Dry GmnU j'n'rwarihd an apjiliciitio'i, nml nnler jiroiijili ami tilitac torilj Jilkd through our .Hall Oritur Ecp.trmi'iif , nolo thoroughly organized. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, N. W. Cor. Eighth & Market Sts., lMIILADKLl'lIIA. fcb 1, T'i am Hiainlue'el by unit the IMre'CloM' icipie'SI nnd founel correct. II. ('. II.M!TMN, ) .lelllN I.Me'iK'H, Auclltors. f. M. VAS'lli:ilI.IC'i:,) li:i. To orelers 011 -tnniiiitr rrr.'J Hi'Cil. ro.11 Mi,' lonnihlp from 173 4iii1 Am I of MK.uloer (lupllc.ue for ls; lu i eire'cnuoeul " " VIT49 " " ......... '2114 HO " 140 00 " r.1.77 3134 .'il IS 42 O0 " M'Olt " " " ii.erlo.if lle-c'el. for horstM " " pro luco from farm " froui eiranere towniein.. " for ptrs mom " jKiiale'C lyiu 11 'it. A'mt. e,f oatitaii'llnir oril.Ts rcileointel from Let Kt'tiloiiifin 551104 Coiniuissiuii mm i'eme ml Ion on Muarloaf dllpllcall' I57.1 .... ,259 I'oininKHi in mm exoneration on liloom lllipllClto 1K!iI sj 45 CoimuKikm aim exoneration 011 .scolt elu- pllc.ue 1h70 rj 32 Coinnilleiu and etoiierntlnn on' ilie'eii- MOOel elllplloalelMO 3404 Treasurer's cotnmlsMo'i ls77 nil 14 Ain't, paid lor out noor relie f IneliHllnrf 10.1I 17; .'.rjll " " auetlllnjj 1.77 400 ' " I.IK " Kl S3 " nlteirne'y fe'e-s " '2 1x1 " " lumber for farm " M r.5 " blacksinlthln " ill 3J " '' luereiiani's bills " fill r.a " " lne'illcllies " 37 61 " " heat use-el at r. II.. ' 114 75 " " nukliijeiiipiicaii's... " long " " doctor's bins, poor II. and out eljor relief ... " 327 75 " " ropaliliiir puuips " is 75 " " a horses " '2110 00 " one spring wniroii 1r.11 00 ' " eirele'isol lellellbSUe-el bv Jostlivs " 13 i " " Stato hospllaiut Han- Mllel " 1CJ (2 " " luech.i nle's " e.y 37 " " eoal tor poor house. . " 61 iw " " llmoaml phuspliale... " el 70 " manure' " :ia 00 " " Insurance " 31 i " " colllus " 7J 00 " " pniiilni- " 4il 25 " " UUllellUjf 11JW CbliTII at iwor house " iss 72 " " Muh aril's saliry Tor all work mi fnr.n mul eareor pauirt'i-s " " lllle'Ctuls' and aecre- tarj's satarj Jllscellaneous Hems, iH-e'l.shoe mid harness ineiultiiir, .e 71m 00 200 00 10.192 i,120 11 Examined anil cerlllleel. II. C lIAltPMAN, 1 .IOIIS I.WI'IIUK, Auditors. L'. M.VANUUItsLICj:,) orx.siDi: iti:i.ti:F. Aint.of orders itlven to peisous In acott I 57 IS Ann. of orilers (riven for coal lit Scent 3iS Allit. paid for J. V. Fov ut Any. in 1 11. i'au, 1 lie, iieuu. ei. I u. tlM 43 Amt. lialit ut 31lltou for I. Croi ley, Ureenevoeid 18 Ul Amt. paid for llelij.llulii Allen, Urcenvvooel , loud Amt. of oulels i;lveil to lielsons In llreenwoo.i yso Amt. paid Ilr. II. V. Me UejnoliN for Mib. 1:. he am, e,n-. nwnM 3HU Amt. palil llr. II. K. llui dner for airs. K. Klaus, lileenveood.,.. 'J.ieo 101 s; il M Amt. pd. Jne. llonlner, Snallo-ef .iiil. 111 eoai 10 suieciry iier.on, III011111 JU ;l Amt. paid llr. .1. (J. liulter for It. llee-eer, liloom Ill AO Amt. paid Dr. It. F. liar.tuer lor M. Kalcr. liloom 11300 Amt. paid llr. A. I.. Tinner, for Jonuon ,v Shocinaher.ltlooin Koo Ami. lull. I llr. W. 11, lie be I' for Skunk and llrtii,"'! Hlooiii.. . 130U Ami. ot ordels uUe-n to seindry Jll-IMUI, JIIIKIItl. .., .if CI tWO (Kl 11,0051.1 VALUE OF 11KAI. KSTATB I'KltSO.VAI. J'KOl'F.llTY IlKLDNdtNO TJ AIU DIS'T. Ily faim niul liuildlnit valiie'il ut (valuation tr.Hi i,m s77) 411,900 00 Hy Catharine, l,ontf pioperty, liloom eujooo Ily b-elancu eluo em Miieailouf eliipll eatu 171. li' e'xnuelutleins . coin. 101 40 Ily balaneu eluu oil JH00.11 eleipllealee les. eixiinenetiou enel com , li7 2iW 67 Ily balance etu 011 uie euu oeal itupli. cute, Jess tx. and Com., 1S77. ....... 423 Ily balaneu ilem u beott illlpltcate, lex F..X. and Com., 1B77 312 (13 Ily balaneu duo 011 Huirarloaf elupll. cato, le ss K. and Coin., lejj 110 AO Ily flxtfcn neies of wheat untl rj e lu Kioiiud, 1S77 .... 1IJ00 liy wheat, rye'.oals.eoin. buekeeheeet timothy aud e loverM i'd, ls77 4IS 11 Hy hav, nliuu uuil corn fodder, 177 lni uu Ily horne-s, e-attle.hns A chickens " e.s.1 '23 Ily wuuoiiH, inaehluury uuel ull lallll. 1 11 K nteinlla,!i77 Ma Ily liouschold furniture, Inelmllu all lu bleveaids hoile, 1S77 19573 Jly Jieni4'.hold I'mnltmu In l'oor llnuM-.liW lsOdO Ily pink, laid anil coal, lc77 '.'Moo is,;i-i 41 The, above. Is n correct Invoice etf tlio iier. sonaljiropcityas taken Jauuaiy 30lh, 17. DKIITS AND LlAUILl'I'tK.'-. To orders outstanelln 4 r770 To nml. In favoi ul thuetlslrlcl 17,.vi5 IS.Ssni ritonucTsoF the fa km, 113 Innhi'ls heat ft tl.fio 10 ' ryu li 7eio M " buckwheut ( Clio litis ' corn euis ti 25e '274 " esels ft 30c B " tlniollD.e'cil Q 1;j0 a4 " ClllVeieCl d ( 1 1.50 H5 " potatoes fj Je'c 3 o onions ( Ade.. lu " turnips (f 25c H " rutabeeirus Q 25o ,.. 4 " beets fj) 3"u " btstna 6 t-2.lHJ 15 on. hay 410.141, , 10 Hindu's straw i Uc 3130 hcaws coin toditcr 6 4c 712 icailscabhaKuf2 3c 4130 llu 1101k Q& 332 His beef fj ilo.. astl lbs butter G Sic '27(1 dozen '2k'a lpc. ,,,,,, ,,,,, 41 shoals (i 45eju,,, '2 call es U 411.00 iitnen U 20 :m w :k.7 uu (2'JU 1IX.I 15 73 1SI 50 2 50 '2 0 3 60 1 '20 4 110 IMIbO OOO 12(1 (U '21 30 '218 1(1 '21 12 W73 1J 141 1200 41,eed 32 Number of pauper iciiinlnlntr ut lustirpoit 51 Number of ruiupcis uiluiltttd durlnir yeuv. ,, 13 .Number of puupcis elltihureeil elm Inifyiar jo N umber of liaui'tis elkd durlnir J tar 3 - 57 Number of paupers rtinalnlne lu tho I'oor llouso , ,, Wit.. KIlAMEH.llilrectors ADDITIONAL BARGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS l'OJt WINTER AND EARLY SPRING. Strawbiidgo & Olotliicr toko ple.vsuro In submitting tho following nddltlonrd bargains, JUST Ol'KNKI) t ON'h CAHM TWIM.EI) llltll.MANTINES (AS"Otn i:i coums), nt.n cents, presentialuo 50 cents. ONE LOT ALL-WOOL SATIN STKII'KD IlrNTINO, ut .11 CentH. Tho mahiifacturer has made no salo of these goods fnrlnistlian 4'2Vt eeiits rreitous to our closlnir ti'ir- elHs', nnd tho retail prlco has been and Is how bu eeueieene'wnere. TWO CASE.S MAT15LASSK HEUtE, AM. W(I()I, AND M'I'KlllOlt MTVI.KS. These wc shall sell at .11) cents. ON'K CASE HXTHA AltML'ItES, In me Hum l.tdll t' ceiLOltS, at 8,1 cents. ONE CASK ICXTitA AltMl'ltES, Samo eiuillty as above, but hot equal In styles, AT 2(1 CJ5NTS. ONE CASE AUMUHE9. flOOIl OVAtlrV, AT 20 CISFT3. ONE CASE llOUJtETTES, at l'JJ cents. Tie following aro raplJly ecIUdi nnd w 111 soon bo cloed 1 ONE CASE ENOLISri ltontETTES, WOOf, FII.I.IMI, AT 1 I Cli.NTH. ONE CASE ENGLISH llOL'HEri'ES, 20c, VKItV linsIllAIII 1: AT I ltici:. ONE CASi; J-tiLIII IJOUKEITES, !, llEllt'CKll l'llOM ,111 C'KNTS. ONE CASK LNOLtSlI MATI.IjASSES, 20c, UKAI, VAl.fKtll CBNTH. ONE CAS1C ENGLISH MATELASSKS, AT 2.1 CKNTS. ONE CASE ENGLISH M ATELASSE ItElGE AT 2(1 f'KNTK. ONE CASE ENGLISH J1ATELASSK 1SEIGS AT 2.1 OKNTS. ONE CASE ENGLISH M ATELASSE llEIGM AT III CUNTS. These arc ULdnubted bargains. ONE LOT JIOIIA1K 1IHILI.1ANT1NES, IN COMIllf. AT 2.1 Cl;N1M. Neicr si.ld less Ih 111 41 cents. ONE 1.0 r 1'L'ltE MOIIAIU illtlLLIAN- TiNi:s, IN CHOH'K COheiUM, AT 31 CUNTS. Lalcly sold at M ccnta It Is believed that not a single Item In above list has ever lietore been sold at tho prices In any market of this country. Straw-bridge & Olotliier, N. W. Cor. Eighth & Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. PUBLIC SALE ur vai.uahlj: REAL ESTATE ! The undersigned, Attorney In fact for tlio widow heirs of Charles Felterman, deceased, will sell at public sale on SATURDAY, KEMtUAttY 23rd, 1S7S, at one o'clock p. m tho follow Ing TWO Tll2VC'rS OF LAND, situate In Locust township, Columbia county: No. 1, Adjoining laud of Wesley l'erry, Michael llower Amandus llllleg and luild Krelscher. containing about Oik; Ilunelrt el tuiel I'.'slttV Aci'CN, whereon Is erected n large IlitlCK HOUSE and brick spring house, a largo FKAMIi HAIlN.a warron house, and all necessary outbuildings. Thero Is 11 spring ot water at the house and a w ell at Iho barn, A I.I. KINDS OF I'nUlT TllEES aro on tho premises. No. '2, udjolnlng land of Jonas l'ettennan, John llllleg, and the; aforesaid farm , containing about TEN ACHES, of ground. 'Iholinproiernentsaroafraino Dwelling House, A New Store House, n frame barn, smoko bouse, wood nnd coal house, and fruit trees. There will also bo sold a (JItAIN DK1I.I, and a KIHE-I'ltooi' s.M'D. Said premises nre both under a high stalo ot cultl vatlon. Kile to be at tho More houso ou tliorrem lscs. CONDITIONS OF SAI.E.-One-thlrd ot tlio pur chase money to remain charged upon the said leal cstato during tho natural life or Elizabeth Fetter man, widow, tho Interest thereof to bo paid her un hunllyby tlio purchaser or purchasers during her natural life and tho principal to bo paid Immediately upon her death. And tho two.tlilrds of said pur chase money 10 bo paid as follow s : ten per cent ot said two-thirds on day of sale, one-half ot Iho mid two-third less the ten per cent ou the llrst day of April, IMS and the remalneler on tho first elay of April, l7i, with Interest Irom Apill 1, 187S. Posses sion of said premises will bo gluu ou April 1, 1S78. LAFAYETTE FETTEII.MAN, teb 1-ts Attorney In Fact. LANK MORTGAGfy for sale cheap at the ceixwsti' twit. In tub Uuthict CornT Ol'l TDK I'NITbU STATIS toll) 1 UK Vi.MKieN IIIS1S1CT ort.rt. 1. , ok PhNssvi.VAsiA. iN (-No. 20M Iu llankruMcy. UR IShUSUUll ItfcECK, j lUNKHCl'T. J Nollce Ishirebv glien that there will ts-athtm genenl meeting of UiuCrediiorsof the abuio named liankrupt, for tho purpose coniemplated In tho 'I'wenly-eighth section ot the liiensiupt Act on tho li day of March lsrs, nt 1 o'clock 11. in., ut Iho oftlco of Samuel Knorr Kionintlmrg l'u before I'dwurdN. Wlllard, KegMer In Hankrupicv, scrunion, I'a.: and ulicrwdltois who ioud their debts urn iieieby iiotinedtobo pri'Miitut snid meeting, und at tho same tuno and plaeu wo Minllse'ttl- our nccounls. ami tho samo shall be audi e d.and we shall thcu and thero apply tor our eilscl.argo asasslgnets. llloomsburg, February 12. lsts SAMl'EL KNOItll, CIIAIlLES H. IIAIIKLEV, Assignees. "AbMINTSTKATOKS' S2ILE OF VA1.VA1II.E PERSONAL, JPJtOPJHTY ! Tlio subaci Iters w 111 sell at public sale at the lata residence of Iieiijamln Miller, eleeeased, lncatawissa township. Columbia county, i'ennsjKnula.on l-'itlDAY tfATUKDAY, JIAliCH 1 2, eommeiichig at li o'clock a. m., of each day, the fol- FOllt HOIl-i:s, 'fmiKK COW i, 8 head of FAT TLE, 13 head ot YOL'NII CATi'LE, t Top llu; HAT- H.I." iivaii ui iul.mi c.e i ii.k. i i op iiujriri'. a two-horso spring wagon and a oiio he'rsee sliilng wagon, a Itght tno-horso wagon and lied, a wood aMo wagon nnd bed, an Iron usle wagon audbed, .,,Sui, ,! lnu ma moaera, a gram dilll, a -MOWEit, a reaper grinder. Reaper and Mower, Tread-pcwcr Threshing Machine, a liquid manure spi Inkier, a sleigh, a largo corn ? '.';!", .!.0 worK yy hoisewpowtr.a CI.OVRII 8EK11 IltLU.ll, a goul fanning mill. 75ubulicUioaUi, tu, bushels rie, 5 bu-heh:ttlieat,l, bushels cloier see-el 3M '!1'ile'.s timothy seed, a crosscut saw, u pair of 4W lb. scales, hay forlt, rope, &c, patent btnew and fodder cutter, Hi loos hay, lot of com fodder, 4 Ufa heavy harness, s s-is buggy harness, about l.oou bushe ls corn lu tho eur, torts, rakes, ecoopthovrln, slioiels, grubblug hoes, hoes, crowbar, threshing Halls, lot nf old Iron, .to., w hcelbarrow, lot of ideket ry and oak plank, lot of pine plank anil boards, lot of sawed shluglea und lath, Hue largo breed sow, I lino shoals, a drag sled, acorn planter, a patent elder press, lot of bacs.D lialt bushel measuies aud a busu. el inf asure. grind stone, 3 grain cradles, a grass tcjthes, lot of doublo and sloglo trees, tin pump, weiodsaw, augurs, ehaw kulfchandsaw.Heics'adze! chisels, axes, mall, hatchets, tc., 3 drag harrows, ii iwo-liorse cullUator, U corn harrow s, u hav rake, u com plow a bide hill plow, 3 good plows, a tied. Also HOUSEHOLD GOODS, consisting of twolrou kettles, Icopner kettle, wood fcloje, kiiusago grinder, and sansago kiutfer.l tuba ainl wasli;boller, a wash machines, 4im pounds of lard, large lot of smoked and pickled luiat. to bush e ls cf potatoe s, bartels, churn, 1 table, 1 extension table, n clocks, il room stoles, 1 cook stole, I llowo sewing machine complete, ci $173 organ, lot mirrors, carpets, oil cloths, county map of lse,o lamps, erock f settee, 1 lounge, cloths, lot of chairs and rock, ing chairs. 4 beds and bedding, 4 bureaus, I sterns, ry, lot ot stands, band aud Unegar, chests, wool "'"'''j, 'Pinning w netl, sink, lot dUhes, knlics, forks 11 A cits Wheat, 9 Acres Ryo In the grouud. ladders, meat stands, a tlno lut ot iniciHis and other fowls, and various olhcr articles on tho prenilseslot Ihedcceased too iiun'crouslo iOltV bTocT11' AUU k,!i bUAlilis J,L00M ttTtn'L'y lnatle kn0Hn 0I "ay' tale and attention. 1IEN11Y J. MII.I.E1I, I.IJIYII MII.LEit, f ., -i , WM. KlllCKUAl!.M, feb, n, s-ts Aduilntstrators. DMINISTItATOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK MA1IV HITC1IIS0.V, PEO'tt, Utters of adnilnlnratlon, on iho estate of Mary Hutchison, lato ctCintiu township, Columbia co 1'a., halo been gisuted by lhu IteglMer of Co uinblii co.. lo fauiuil II. Iiutchtsou Administrated of Ught strict, tovilicin all persons Indebitdraro rceiiiesicd to inaku liniurdlatu pajmcnt and thosS haylngclalnuor tfctuaxids agalntl Uio HUd estalo SAJlllELII.lll'TCUISON, j Administrator, I Ughtstrool. ; feb, 15, fs-oir