The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 25, 1878, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE C0LMMM. BLOOMSntllMi, rlllAI, JAR. th, IB7I lull ltoait time Talile. LACKAWANNA ft DLOOMSDUltn HAIL noAD NOKTIfi BOUtn. Acconimodatlon Train, MS A.M. T.6JA.M. Mall Train T.9 A. M 4.49 P. M Kxpresi Train 1.M P. M. 11.61 A. M P. M. UATAWIHSA HAH. ltOAt). NORTn. porrn Accommodation Train A. M. 7,8T P. M. lleifiilar KxprcM 4.(0 P. M. 11,33 A.M. TlironKti curs on Ktprrsa I ruin either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train rum between Untnwlisanml Wllllamiport. MOI.LIE MAQ0U11B.-WI1I appear at 0r IIoum on Mondaj Erulag Jan oar 8, 1878. Don't Ml to Mfl them. Kfop mwiUcl nlglilly. 8m Programms. Tho Young Mens Christian AwoelMton will hold a prayer meeting In the. Melhodlrt church on noit Ssbtath afternoon commencing at half part three o'clock. A hew fct of rollers has jrrcAtljlmproTdtno mechanical nppenrnnce of tho ColumhUs this week. Mr. K. A. Ileraptrljr, of Williamfport, nmile tho rollers. A Oopel Temperance meeting will bo held In tho Lutheran church to-morrow (Satunhy) eveninR at 7 o'clock, A number of nddrcc4 will be delivered. Kvcrjbody is Inrltcd to attend. NoTicrc To Jurtoim ash Witkessfk Dur lug Court jurors and wllaeoe.1 will Iks kept at HrnwnV Hotel for ono dollar a day. Jan. 25 2w. ltlSAl), AND HHKl). To tWo of our nulicrlber.i who have paid up in rwonio to notion Riven through tho papers and by mall wo arc duly grateful. Wo have, by systematic arrangement got our list In such shspo that wc know who the honest patrons are, and can rely on them for each year's Install! mcnt as It becomes due. Wo alo lave all the delinquents marked, so that e know who thoio are that sponge on tho printer for their Tuesday last. Ho looks "bleached out'" and Information. Let it bo understood oncu for all '''in, but 6ays ho is better in health than when that we nubllsh a turner as a business out of ho left. wlitrti wp PTttprt tn milfn n llvinff. Tills tin- tier is ol,l n II,- .-11 1,1, en,!., fnr Cl.OVEIUEKt, WaNTEP. You can always Ret money, and llioc who do not pay for it, neeel I"! ''i?1'?"1 m"H l,rlce for c,"r ec1 r not expect to receive it, Wehavciut dead-head Samuel Iloccrt of Hohrsbure, who has been in tho Penitentiary for some years, hnvinc been pardoned by tho Governor, arrived here on John Dildine, Milton Pa. Cash dealer in grain ami seed. "an. 25 4w lint. During the past year hundreds of names have been stricken oil' the roll, who failed to pay, and wc are still at it. Others are on pro bation, anil will bo cut oil' unless they settle very soon. Our endeavor is to instruct the pub lic by furnishing useful information and the IK ws of the day, hut wo ex net and Inleiu! to Le paid for it. A small list of good paying sub scribers is far Letter than a large one of worth ies or doubtful names, atnl we pro(oso to keep on cutting down until wo hive none left but honest men. If any now receive the paper who cannot afford to pay for it, they should notify us at once of their condition, pay tip back dues, ami stop the paper. To continue to take it wiien they know they will not pay for it is not wt con,i;,;ot, Rinc(,, mucii better man llielt. It is obtaining goods under false pretences, llefore very long those Tin Jlrailord Argiu says who have pn id no attention to our numerous I The little three-ycsr-old daughter of Ocorge notices will be visited bv a condable. and find 3'on who drives tho Means House omnibus, themselves in for cunts. Then they will como 8 uWriptions nnUide the county must be paid invariably in advance. All subscriptions in the rounly arc duo within the first six months. If allowed to run a year 12.50 will be charged, and no paper will be sent longer than a year without payment. Kemcmber this I Our Representative, Hon. E. J. McIIeury was unable to attend the sessions of tho Mat week on account of tho dangerous illness of Ids daughter. Lnst week ho was suddenly called home by a telegram informing him that she had had n relapse. Wo have not heard of Hocking in with indignation to know why we sued them. Our answer to such will Ve, we must be paid for our goods. If you do not pay anything for lo years and a quarter, we take it for granted that you will never pay until compelled to do so -11 notes yiven fir atiliscrip tionuill jmititdy be sued in February unfw Kl- tlcd before that time. If until we shall add inter est, and include, subscription to date in the suit, at the rate of $2.50 a year. We have given very possible chance to those indebted to us to settle at ihe low rate, and as many have paid was very badly scalded on Monday lut. We are very sorrow for the littlo girl. How cruel of her father to make her drive an omni um I We owe an apology to those of our pitroii who pay for their paper, for obliging them to read so many notices written only for those whc do not pay. It is necessary, however, for us to have money to meet expenses, and the failure of many to settle their accounts render it nec essary for us to talk plain. ATTSMPTID ESOAPE. MCHCOn OiUODT IK TBI ACT. Last Wednesday morning it was rumored on the street that Peter Mcllugh, ono of tho con victcil Mollies, had raado an attempt to escape from jail the night before, and our reporter was sent up to ascertain the facts. About two weeks ago the three men, Hcsler, Tully and Mcllugli who had been kept In one cell up to thai time, were separated, nnd put in cells, each by him self. Mcllugli was left in tho room at llio right on tho first floor. Suspicions were aroined by tho fact that ho hung a blanket over tho win dow, "to keep out the moonlight" ns he sald,and a close walch was therefore kept. On Tuesday night Officers ltowbottom and Titus, while on their Usual rounds, missed Mcllugli, and on pulling out the bed Uowbottoni'srcvolver,whlcli he held in his hand, was accidentally discharg ed. A hole was discovered in the floor, and as the shot was fired tho voice of the prisoner was heard saying, "Don't shoot, Pll come out," and ho did so. The hole was about twenty Inches square, and made by boring around with a g'tn let or bit. How he came bv tho tool Is a mys tery. He had also n case knife witli which he was trying to dig out under the wall. He was put back in his cell and hoppled, and chained to the floor. It has been customary to hopple the prisoners at night for some time, but M"lluglt had by some tueins disposed of these ornaments, and was ready to walk oil a free man when he reached the opm air. Unfortunately for him, lie was discovered, and now clanks his chains with no hope of re lease. Hester expressed the opinion to your re wrter that it was n bail job, and thought Mc Hugh very foolish, as it could only prejudice bis case the more. He said ho had no doubt tljat the pap:rs would say that Pat. Howler was to blame for it, as everything, even the stealing of Charley Itoss, was put 1m his shoulders. Hester and Tully, of course, h id nothing to do with il, as they had not seen Mcllugli fur near ly two weeks. No ono knows where the knife came from. Although a foolish attempt where the pros pect of success was so slight, this eflbrt to escape by a man convicted of murder, refused a new trial, and who has failed to obtain a reversal in the Supreme Court, is no additional evidence of guilt. It was a struggle for life when every ray of hope had fled, except ail appeal to the Hoard of Pardons, and there are but few men who would not escape if wssible under such circum stances. All of the prisoners i-till assert their entire innocence of the crime of which they were convicted, and hope to be sived through the Hoard uf Pardons, but, s.iy they, "While we hope for the best wo are prepared for the worst and if we must die wo shall trv to die liki Do you lovo your children 7 Then do not nl- no attention to it, we shall charga the high rale low them to sutler with coughs and colds. Oct to pay costs, Wc have exercised the greater1 leniency, but forbearance lias ceased to be a , yirlue and we shall now crack Ihe legal whip. Kemcmber that tho Sheriff's sales are for casA, bottle of Dr. Haas Expectorant, and thus have the means at hand to ayert a fatal termi nation. 25 and 50 cents a bottle. The roof is on the prison part of the new Jail, and workmen are now engaged iu cover ing the rcsidenco of tho Sheriff. ine urangevme Acauemy commences a new- term his week with fair prospects. It is a good time to begin. The sale of the mill property of William N. llrown, deceased, iu Mifflin township, has been adjourned to the 21st of hebruary. Mr. fJeorge l Craig, collector of Hoaring- creek for 1877, was tho first one tn pay off his duplicate, llonjiniin I. Vannatta has entered his name I Jervis, N. Y., where it will connect with Ihe as a student at law In the oflicu of Ilrookway of New York and Erie, and thence with tho Cull- The commissioners having finally heard of the murder ef John Van Liew near Lightslrett about six mouths ago, have offered $200,00 for the detection and conviction of the murderer. It is n pity they had not been informed sooner, so that the reward Jmlght have been oflered whilst the traces and proofs were fresh. The present copy of tho Coi.unman is a sample of what wo issue weekly. Contrast it with any other paper published iu the County. Having undertaken iho cause of the people, fur thu people, they should subscribe for it. It should bo larceny tn borrow your neighbor's Coi.umuian. A railroad is aliout to lie built from Tomhlck- en, on the Danville and Haileton road, to Port Elwell. The stock of goods of Old & Pursel has been sold out at auction and the firm dissolved. Col. I'recze's stone pavement has boon com pleted. I, S. Kuhn is new laying one on Cen tre street in front of his meat market, Judge Monroe is so far iniprincil ns to bo ftble to ride out occasionally. Wc hope to hear soon ol his entire recovery. Owing to rt break in tho boilers tho Lumber Company has not Leon at work for several days. Ihcy will soon be in running condition. Tho rusideneo of Col, Cuke, of Northumber land, was burned last week Thursday night. Loss about $1,1,000, Thu light wui seen from here. Henry Ward Ileccher lectured at Damille last Wednesday evening. A special train tool large delegation from llloomaburg, Cutuwissii and other places. A masquerade party is on the programmi ng next Thursday night. Tho chief anxiety now of nil those who expect to attend is tu find out what every body else is going to wear. Mr. Peter Knapp nnd Miss Clara Wicht wero united in the bonds of matrimony at the resi dence of the bride's mother by Itev. L. Zuhiu-r on lliursday morning ut 0 o'clock. May hap piucss attend them. ncclicut estcrn, which runs to Iloston. Tin object is to transport anthracite coal by tlii route tn that city, and also to the Wet by ihe Erie road. Simon P. Kaso is the prime mover in this enterprise. An Aof.i (ioose. Among the aged inliabi tents of Point Lookout, near Washington.Penn- sylvania, is a goone sevcnlyfivo years old, own- :d by Mr. Itobert Chambers. This old patri arch of the barnyard lolls around as if consciou- that toughness is a protection from all the rav enous intents of hungry men. One of thi Washington papers suggesLs that when he shifts his mortal coil bo should be stufled and forwarded to the college museum in Washing. ton. Et. The story is tougher than the goose. Uev. Dr. McCron has received a unanimous call to the I'irst Lutheran Church at Pottsvsll and has accepted. His duties here will cease in about two weeks. In 1830 Dr. McCron or gnniied the first Lutheran congregation Pittsburg and built a church. He has just re fused an invitation to return and take charge of t.iat congregation, preferring to go to Potts villo. The Dr. has resided here since Auiru LS75 and leaves his charge in a very healthy condition. The congregation is in perfect bar. niony, and will greatly regret to Ioso the ser vices of so excellent a pastor. He is an elo- quent seaker, a ripe scholar, a devoted cter gyman, and a genial, poluhcsl gentleman. Xot only the members of his church, but tho entire community will miss him, and wish him (lis speed iu his new field of labor. CIIANUKI) HANDS. Wo are informed that tho iron works of tho AH the world over, Ihby governs. Yet of ten disease will overcome tho Haby and then it is that Dx. Hull's Haby Syrup proves its worth old Pennsylvania Company, at this place, hue by conquering the disease. Price 25 cents iior recently changed hands. Mr. Isaac o. W at bottle You are wasting grain when you try to fallen Hogslhat have their intestines filled with worms. route's Horse and Cattle Powders will destroy the worms and put the animal in a condition to fatten. At the church sociable which nut at .Mr. C 1 . Sloan a on Wednesday evening a ery good programme was performed. It consisted of singing by tho Quartette Club, tableaux, panto mime, charades, Ac. Iho sccno in tho photo. graphic gallery was especially enjoyed by ull present. man, late ot tlie tirin ot waterman ft Heaver, proprietors of tho works has bought tho who! -stahlishiuent, including mills, furnaces, mines, etc. l ioni the facilities Mr. Waterman pos sesses pecuniary and otherwise, wo havu no doubt that this celebrated works will not loi stand idle, I!ut from what wo have leiinus! further, woconcluduthat tho mill will no long or opcruto to maku iron rails. To compete iu making rails an establishment of its magnitude must bo arranged to inauafactiiro steel rails and that will doubtless bo done sooner or later most probably sooner. Danville lntiU'ujcncrr, ITEMS FHOM FOWLKH3VILLE. The store that burned down on thu 19th of November last, Wru, Lamon is oiiig to re build and has contracted with Messrs. Wilis mid ltlngroso for tho same with improvement. Tim miller at Watts mills says that he grind We are indebted to tho Philadelphia IVmas lor two copies of its alumnae for 1878. It con tains a digest of thu election laws, the election returns for tho entire state, names of all coun ty officers, thu Presidential voto in tho United States, and much more useful information, making altogether the most complete collection very little wheat and guesses that the peopl ot political statistics that has como to our no- have concluded to live on a cheaper scale vu "u, i no iimtt never does uuy tiling halt way. buckwheat and com. Our genial frUnd Itev. Ii A. Sliarrotta has Notaries Public have no authority to charge concluded to stay another year. Such Is the ro- more than $1 60 for protisting a note. It is liort. Glad of it. slated tkat there lias been and still is a species Owing to the mildness of the winter our imb- . . , ol gross imposition praclwod ti(ion the public lie schools are very well attended In this respect. Notaries are known to have Oulte a hurso trade that. Heller trade aeal charged from $2 50 lo $20,00, according to dls- cant loose anything but a little sleep. Don' tance traveled. A law was passed In 1873, al- mention names but when he saw hu many com- lowing Xsotaries to send polices by mail, and Ing concluded to surrender and own up beat. prescribing the amount of $1.50 for services. hlislia sits in his new house coney this win s.X. Iter savs ho lias ulenlv nf lmrl-wlipsf -ilfHi unit lots of walterii A ternblo explosion of sulphur gas occurred J, P. Iiinoii has a tine little pony which 1 in tho Potts colliery in this county last week says can trot In 3 j minutes and we igbs only ny wnitli lour men wero instantly killed mul 050 (louuds. .miuuiorsnuuiywouniieu. mo namesoi ine Mr Aaron K'elchner hauled three loads of Head aro Hugh Wilson, W alter Coigrovo I rod- crick (i)cr, and Henry Jones: Iheiujured aro .J nines ivliney aim jonn nans. Jbo accident 'Wised great excitement and an investigation .vus held to ascertain if Iho Philadclphiaand Heading Coal and Iron Company weru repon t!l.l, Tup I tin en!, i mt v iimlor tint i on " going io get new uaii and bat then n u uuvu noi ueuru inu resun ui mu invcangu-1 low that I'rank belter quit, MUU, wood a short distance lately and when told that was a small days work for him he says thats more than you fellows have done all winter. J ust so. The game of base ball that was played on Xew 1 ears Is not dead yet, Jvlbha says ho lie wi Jiu, lllsl'UIIV KCrKATINtl ITSELF. The follo-ring interesting item from the Phil- lelphia Tiws of last Saturday has such a sin- gulnr resemblance to a transaction that oeeurr il here scleral years ago between some of the amo parties and tho I'irst National Hank of is place, that we gixt it Bpace iu our col umiH , Cooper A' O raff having a judgment of $2o 17.3:1 again-t .lames S. llaucs and T. .1. Mil ler. nnd finding that the latter had won a suit gainst Anthony J. Gallagher for the prico of hisky alleged to nave been sold and delivered to him, issued nu attachment and levied tho amount ot the judgment against liallaglicr, :i,2Ui(i7 and costs in liallaglicr s hands n 'arnishee. Two years and a half after the ver ict anainst Gallagher ho ascertained that Mil' ler admitted that the judgment obtained against him wus fraudulent. Gallagher then had the idgment opened, but Cooper it Grail', the t- ulung creditors, cumu inlo court, and, alleg ing that Gallagher had not given them notice t his intention to open the judgment, got the ourt to rescind the order oooningit. When the attachment of Cooper ,t Grutf came before .. ! .C ' .. I i ,1 jurv nir iriai, inu iiirv louuu uimiusi. iiieui. After Miller had commenced his suit ngaiuat Gallagher he Iranslerred it tn .Nicholas lliilliet whereupon several other transfers wero made This raised itucslions as to the ownership, o: the judgment against Unlloghcr, unit utt much litigation, the case has linaliv come he fore the Supreme Court on writ of error. fI ho argument yesterday involved many abstruse technical points. L inter nduscmcnt. Our readers may remember how, by a curl ous transaction, H.tllict, Groll'and Mill cuptur 1 tho First National Hank of this place j nu u a possible aid to the delrauded parties l he ponding suit at Philadelphia, and as warning to others throughout the Staliy w give a brief resume of that affair : Sometime in April 1S73, Nicholas Halli through the agency of T. J. Miller purchase! t number of shares in the l'ir-t National II. m of Hluomsburg of Charles It. Paxton if we remember correctly, which were transferr ed on the books of the Uink. This was to cu ible Haliiet to qualify bim-clf as President the Hank. Mr. Paxton further contracted ill 210 additional shares at the rate of $350, share, which, with the other eleven shares gav Htlliet a control in the Hank. Haliiet had money with which lo purchase any part of tl lock, The money for the eleven shares, wit : three hundred and fifty dollars for eacli share, was to be p. lid upon the checks of Oroll' The purchase of the 210 shares was at the rate, the down payment to be advanced by ( i roll'. Halliet's note and other collaterals were to be given, but the 240 shares were to lie lie- as security for payment of the three hundred and fifty dollars per share. When paid fur Grofi'and Haliiet iqu.dly, they were to be pari tiers in the ownership of thu stock. Hut in meantime it was specially agretd and tiudi stood, that so soon as the purchase of tiie stock should be made and Haliiet elected Director am President of the hank, he would hand over (Iroll'tho certificate for the eleven shares, and thenceforth have no interest therein, but same should be owned by Cirofl) On the 11 Ih day of April this arrangement was carried out so far as regards tho purchase of the eleven shares of stock tho transfer Haliiet the payment of tho money by Gro and the contract foi the other 210 shares. the same day Mr. Paxton resigned as President of the bank and Nicholas Haliiet was elected a Director and at the same lime President of the bank. Ontlielllli of April he gavo bonds, was sworn and entered uou the duties of the office. On the same day Mr, Grofl' by his at torney iu fact, demanded of Haliiet u surrender of the certilicale of the eleven shares of stock according lo their agreement, Ilailiet refused to comply with this demand, In about a week the Directors "smelt u mouse," and on thu 21st of April Haliiet was removed as a President and Director of the Hank, Thereupon Mr, (J roll' made information before Justico Cham- berluin alleging that Haliiet was bailee of the stock, and had convened It to his own use. On this charge he was committed to jail In default of $5000 ball. On the 10th of June a hearing look place beforo Judge Klwell ov a writ of llabetu Cbrjius. During the hearing it became evident that tho charge could not be suti!ned, and the (irotl's, and their accomplice Miller, suddenly left the Court. In the meantime Constable Ilidleman had a warrant for their ar rest, but they were too quick fur him, as well as for Kherift'Smlth. They tumbled over the back fence of the Court House where a carriage hail been conveniently placed lor them. Hul- litt was discharged, Grofl' and Miller wero "run oil'," and Ihe Hank saved. wowd not niciraooATK. Tho following from the Fairchlla (Me.) Chronicle Is neatly dono ami has wldo appli cation outside of Maine. He was the manager of a church fair, and 'one morning he walked Into the newspaper ollioo and said 1 "Want an Item this morning?" "Of course," replied the editor, nhereuion tho visitor laid tho following note upon the ta ble t Tho ladits of the street church will givo a festival at their vestry hall next Friday evening. Literary and musical entertainments will bo provided, and a supper will be served to all who desire. Tho ladles in charge of tho aflair have much experience in such matters and are sure to Lave a good time. The admis sion will bo only 15 cents, and It Is certain no one can spend that amount to better advantage, He sure and go and lake your friends. Win the editor had read it lie said ; "Oh, I see, an advertisement." "No, not an advertisement. We prefer to have II go in the local column," said the mana ger. And seeing the editor look skeptical he con tinued : "It will Interest a great many of your read ers and help a good cause; besides we have spent so much money In getting up our enter tainment that we can't nflbrd to advertise it without Increasing tlie price of tlie tickets, In such n matter ought we not to be willing to help ach other," "Well," said th'eNsliior, "if it goes into the locals, I suppose you would be willing to recip rocate by reading a little notice in the church next Sunday," The visiting brother a'ked what notice, and tlie editor wrote and handed him tlie follow- ng ! The Weekly Chronicle for the coming year II be the best and cheapest family pajier in Main, Its proprietor has had much experience and lias all the helps which a large outlay of money can procure. His paper has a larger rculation than any other published in the county, and is to be furnished at only two dol lars. It is certain that no one can spend that amount to a better advantage. He sure to take tlie Chronicle, and subscribe for your friends. The manager hemmed and hesitated, and then said, solemnly, that he doubted whether it would be judicious to read such a notice, but suggested that if it was printed, copies of it might be distributee! at the door of the vestry on (lie evening of tlie entertainment. Yes," said the editor, "but it would attract more attention in the middle of a sermon. It ill interest a large number of your congrega tmn and help a good cause, beside so much money is spent upon the Chronicle that I don't sec how the owner can afforel to print handbills to advertise without increasing the subscription priee. In snch a matter as tins, we ought to he willing to help each other. Then the gentleman saw the situation ami went straight out, without leaving so much complimentary ticket. tl A Oot to ML. A pair of UanoVome 0x8 oliromos aro given frco to every ono who sub scribes for thtoe mcpttvi t) Jtww TTotwv, n largo 1C pige literary papor filled with the Ixvt stories, ioetry, etc., rby writers of established reputation. The papers sent will contain the opening chapters of a charming story entitles! "Iloldcu with the Cords," by the author of "Shlloh," "My Winter in Cuba," etc. Tho publishers, J. L. Patton & Co., 102 William Street, New York, have ilecideel lo oner this short subscription at fifteen rents (ostnge stamps taken), about the cost of while paper and mailing, and to give free such a pair of beautiful chromos ns cannot fail to please every one. Double value of money is promised to every subscriber, $1,500 In priies is'given free to agents. Jan 18-tw Busiucss Notices Call nt McKinncys for Shoes. Ltitz & Sloan have a large lot of remnants of dress goods, 2 to 10 yards In length that they will sell very cheap. KOPv HALK.-Tho brick hotel in Hlooms burg known as llrown's Hotel. For terms inquire of II. Stoliner. jitn. 25, '78-lw A great variety eif ready cut Ilatnburcs. just received at L 11", Hartman's. r i P. S. Ilatrs, tho icweler. gives special at tention lo repairing. Watches, clocks,spec- tacles, iVc, carelully nnd promptly repaired. Ho lias a high reputation as a watchmaker and jeweler. Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKlniicy's. Castors. Card Il.iskets. Mugs. Vase. Toi let Sets, and a full lino of tine Jewelry al ways on hand at Hates . hpecial attention paid to tcpairing of nil kinds In his Hue. Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. Ladies' cold hunting lever Witches ns low- as twenty-live dollars, silver huntiug, levers tun jewcieei, ten dollars nt ij. iierniiara s ewelry store. Kubbers at McKinney's. of B L OCMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH N 0 11 M A L SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. 1YL, Principal. Tlimwrttnnl as at nrcscnt constituted. oflcrstlioerybC9tfacllltlesfor Professional ana Classical learning. nft nuiiainCTS completely Healed by steam, w clUenttlatcd, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply ot puro.soft spring water. , n-n,nhnr. n.,..rii.nmi. MiMnt. n,i niirntntiiotrworlt. Dlselnllno. Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expnsi moderate? Kitty cents a v. eek deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time. Itooms reserved when deslrea. Cuurses ot study prescrioea uy mo mum i 1. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses t I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. The, elementary. Sclentltlc and Classical Courses aro IMtOI'K-HlOMAt., nnd students graduating therein, receive stato Diplomas, .conferring the ioUowlni corresponding Degrees , Master ot the Kieincniss vaster en iiintecicnci',; .H.isieror mo uiassics. uimra nmrai,!,, inoir nuaininem-.. S-IBIII.U 7 , V...,,, . . m,,i , interior In tho.,. nf nnr host OMrmi. cent and ehlcVnt Teaehirs for her Schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and goon piirroses.-inosc who .ueiire 10 mil and their talents, as i students. To all such It promises aid In ileu-lopIng their powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor alter 1cm lng school, tor Catalogue, address tno rrincipai. Sept. S t".-' Tho lnrirest and most select stock of Linen Towels iu Moouriburg 10 different sizes and prices nt I, It. Ilartman s. P. S. Hates, has tho finest assortment of Jewelry. Silverware, Watches, Ace, In jJloomsuurg. Have you seen I. 11'. Hnrtmau'a new light calico at 7 cents. Shoo Store below Court II' On Ci:ntiik Twi, Columuia Co. Pa. Jan. 21 Mix-its. KoiTOiis. Due notice having been iven, Ihe ten hers, pupils and quite a number f the parents and friends interested ill educ: nutters, assembl cd at tlie Hidloy Uuiim liurch on Saturday lut, for the purpose holding a District Institute. I he audience was called to order shortly nf- ttr 10 o'clock a. m. by Mr. Snyder. County Sir lerinleudent. After making some introduclo. ry reunrks the subject nf reading was taken uy eln-s representing nearly all tlie schools o he district ns formed from tlie pupils present and a recitation was conducted bv Prof. Noel of tlie Nnrm.ll School. lie illustrated very I clearly the elifl'erent meanings conveyed by ma king different wurds in a sentence emphatic, and urged the importance of thorough prepa ration before every recitation. Tho afternoon session was opened with sing ng following which was an exercise in spelling iy Mr. Snyder. Twenty-five words were pro nounced, and upon correcting it was found that nearly on tqnal UHnihir were missed by each of the schools reprm tiled in the class. Prof Noetling then asked a number of questions up on the geography of Pennsylvania and Ohio. He sfHike of the importance of map drawing in connection with this brunch. Kssays were next road by three of the pupils in attendance. A few minutes were lien spent upon tlie Mibject of arithmetic, followed by an exercise in language lesons by Prof. Noet ling. Mr. Snyder then made a few closing remarks urging upon parents tho duty of co-operating with, and encouraging the teacher by frequent vi-ita to the school and not to rely, as too many parents elo, upon Ihe reports which their chil dren may give. A vote of lhanks was tender ed Ptol, Noetling and Superintendent Snider for the instructions given, and to tlie Tru-tees for the Use of tlie church. Tho session was I'lo-e-d willt pinging and prayer. All seemed highly pleased with the day's exercises. We think that it would bo mutually advan tageous if the people throughout the county were better acquainted with our Normal School and lis work, and we know of no hotter way lo attain this end, than by visits like the one Prof, Noetling has just made us. No wonder the people have confidence, when the best physicians are prescribing Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ill all cases of Cough, Cold, etc. Familiar in Kvehv IIocseiioi.d. Dr. U, V. Pierce', tho great "medicineman" of HufTalo, is running lor the oflice of Senator from that cily, lie seems to lie the mo&t popular man on tho track, and well he may be, for his name I familiar in every licni-chold in the land, and people will vote for him regardless of his pol itie-s, iri-Mf"&urre -Votes, Correct, as the .Vara always is. Tlie Doctor was elected by about 3.H00 majority. HuffuJo -eu'.s. McKinneya House. If you want Furs or dress goods go to Lutx & Sloan's nnd they will sell them to you very clieapj Admission free at McKinney's. "GEItMANSYHUP-" No other medicine in tho world was ever given such a test of itscurativo qualities as lloschce's German Syrup. In three years two million four hundred thousand small bot tles of this medicine was distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those afllictetl with Consumption, Asthma, Crou Severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other disca- cs of tho thioat atid lungs, giving tho Atneri can people undeniable proof that German Syrup will euro them. Iho result has been that druggists in c cry town and village in tho Pniteil States are recommending it to their customers. Go to vour druggists and ask what they know about it. Sample bot tles 10 cents. Itcgular size 75 cents. Thtce doses will relieve auy case. April 27, '77-1 y jl Ii. r Pn-nlilcnt lloiird or Trustees KUNKEl.'H niTTEIt WIMB OP IlrOM. ThutMiK-rMioUitptnntn has boon so thorouchty tested by till classes ot the community that It Is now deemed Indlspctisllile as a tonlo medicine. It costs but little, purities the blood and glies tone to the stomach, renoeates tlin system and prolongs life. Kiorjnoiiy should nawui. For the euro ot weak stomachs, general debility, lndlgestlun, diseases ot the stotn eeli.uiid for all case's roq'iirlng atonic. , , , 1 his w Ine Includes t ho most agreeable and etnclMit salt of Iron wc iiosscss citrate ot magnetic oxluc combined with the most energetic ot U'getable Ion ics lellow Peruvian bark. I'OJOU mine suiiicuuiik i" oimu&w J Do you want a good apiietlto ? l)o you want to get rid ot lien ousncss J lio j ou w ant energy 7 Do sou want to sleep well? 1 )o j on w ant to butid up your constitution ? Do 5 ou want to feel well J ...... ,. It you do, try KUN'KEL'S niTTEll WINS OV IlteiS'. I only a iriai or mis vamaoio ionic i llnwiirn nr rnlintorft'lLs. ns Kuntvel'a Hitter 1110 Of Iron Is the only sure and remedy tn the known world for Iho permanent euro of dspepsla and debility, and as there arc a numberof Imitations offerer) to the public, I would caution the community to purchase nono but tho genuine article, manufac tured by K. V. Kunkel, and hai log his btamp on the cork ot every bottle. Tho cry fuct that others arc attempting to Imitate this valuable remedy proves Its worth and speaks volumes In Its favor- Oet tho genuine. E. F, Kunkel's. rum uniy in ri uuuica. c-,,m u,,ta"i ,..., dealers everywhere. E. V. Kunkel, proprietor, a-9 North Mntli street, Philadelphia. TAPE WOK.M ltEMOVEI) ALIVE. Head and all complcto In two hours. No fee till head passes, seat, pin and stomach worms remove d in- nr. Kimknl. u.-.y Nnrth Ninth street, t'lilliidelnlil i. Pa send tor circular or ask jour druggist tor ulxil- iic or KUUKCis vvorm sjrup. n never i.uis, Jan LICENSE NOTICE. Notice. Tho following named persons have tiled their rs-tntons for Ik'en-o with the clerk ot the gu.irtcr sessions of Columbia county, and. will lio I..,....,... - " s nett. Frederick .M.t.llmore, Eating House, liloomsburg s, II. llagenbuch, Hotel, urange I. V. MeKelvj, Hotel, llluomsburg John s. .Maun, Hotel, Centre. Milton Charles, Eating House, lllootnsburg 11. FltANK ZAltlt, Jan. 11, TS-tc clerk i. s. nUOLSTHK'S NOTICES. I JLli Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, "crcdl Ujraand other persons Interested In the estates ot the respective decedents and minors, that thu tol loulngadinlnlstrntlonand guardian accounts have been tiled In the edllco ot tho Ite'glster of Columbia county, and will bo presented for confirmation and allowance In tlie orphans' court to tie held In Hluomsburg, on .Mondiy, tho 4th day ot l'eu., is;s, at 2 o'clock, p. m. on said day: 1. Tho ilrst and llnal account of Elizabeth Isler, Ex ecutrix ot Fredetlck lsler, late of tireenword township, deceased. V. The second nnd partial account of Emanuel Lau-1 bach. Kvectttor ot John Conner, late ot Denton tow nshlp, deceased. 3. The account ot V. It. llarnard and llolandus llerbclu, Administrators of lieorge Felterinan. Lite of Locust tow nshlp, deceased. 1. The first and llnal account of Henry I'. Oman, eiuardlan of Anna, Oeorgo Mcll., and cl.iience Kline, minor children ot llarman Kline, late et Reott township, deceawjd. First and tlnal account ot A. .1, Hurkalew, Ad ministrator ot Anna Holler, late of .Mimin town ship, deceased, Tho account of Johuo. Jacohy, tluardtanof Lou isa lilank, (now Ccnsll) a minor child of Samuel Itlank, late of Centre township deceased. The Ilrst account ot John II. Iletler, Executor ot John .Michael late of .Minim township deceas ed. Tho account of tieoigo c. Scott, Administrator ot Ueorgo seott, late of Catawlssa township, deceased. 9. First and tlnal account of Itenson Conner, Ad ministrator or Emanuel Conner, lute of eireeu wooi township, tleceased. 10. First and partial account of A. .1. Evans, Exec ioi- ui i no i.isi win unu lesiiiineiu oi jucoo cvun late of the Town or Moomsburj, deceased. 11, The Ilrst nnd tlnal account of .1. II. Iketer, Guar dian or Elizabeth vvelllver, a minor child of v II w culver, latu ot .Madison township, deceased. 12. The Ilrst and final account ot .1. II, Ikeler. Guar dian or Tnomns u. Kester, a minor child ot Ill ram Kestcr, lato of Greenwood township, deceased. 13. The Ilrst and final account ot Lahman Martz and iiir.unit. nower, i;ecuiors or John .Martz, late oi iirurcree'K low nsuip ueeeaseu. 14. 1 ho Ilrst and account of Clark Prink, Ad- uiinisi'-iiior ot iienjuniu nriiiK, late Ol lienton townsuip, ueeeaseu. COURT PROCLAMATION. Coal! Coal!! Coal! ! Extra preparation ! Superior quality I Orders left at 1. W. McKelvy's Store at, our oflice, or sent through the mails will receive prompt at tention. Your patronage is respectfully .solicited. C. W. N EAL & Buo. May 1, 1877. Priceless Discovery. ! A Sure Cure for Piles. A Mim euro for the blind. bleedlriL. ltchlncr and ul- rernU'l7llt'SlmHbfenill'-co(rt(l bv 1 r. William, (nn Hull tu mneui) c.uisn ir, miliums incn.irnum mont. A IhkIu I'U liascuml tlio worst ohWhroule cuh'scI uwni live nnd ti.lrtv jemV staEdlr.jjr. No one iiei-il Miiri-r llon lnuttsatttr appoint this won- dtjrmi fenoiiiing irciiu w,e 1,0110ns, luMrumt'iits nnd t-Ifduaricg do tin' re ta.iu kooiI William's ointment mp ports thu tumors, nllays the Intense luiiini: (purucuiuiiy ui uitriu iim-i kuiuik warm in bi-d), aetsasa poultice, fhfS lnsunt and (ulnlttfa relkr, and Is prepared only lor Mies andnoihln? else, Thousands of em ed patients attest lt Wrtues and plmldiimut all school a pi ghoul eu it 1 lie Kteut (M contribution to medicine of tlttuiro. It mutter! not how low: or fceurelyjou hao been fcuUerln jou can be cured. uurlv hm jimannu iuuiuk tmu i im uiiu in..-, triVd remedy alter remedy admtKed, and consulted plDslditns tu I'hlladulphli, LouMlllc, clnclun.itl 11ml ibis dtv: ami srent hundiidti of dulUrs. but found no nllf (until 1 obtained 11 box of lr. W Ullaruh Indian ointment some tour months nyo, and H has cured mu completely. 1 had fi utt of the box k-tt uhlihlk'utu to n friend onr-lne who had doctcred wim tunny pnyMCians, unu as aiasi res-ori went u tiM noted Hot MirlmrH. Arkansas, for trottmt-nt lie informs Hint hut tho Indian ointment Imsnlsn cured tdm of tho plies. It Is certainly a wondt rrul Olaiuer t aial sjiouiu 00 useu oy mu uau) inou- sands vUo ate how buffering with that dread disease. nf"lo,(oo Howard will be raid for a more certain ZIKlt, sole proprietor, lleu-land O. I'L'IlLIU SALES, J, jr. Smaii, assignee of I, John A Son, will Hell real eitate in Calawlj, beginning January 311, 1878. 11, J. Heftier, administrator of IMtorah Kel, chard, will wll real estate In Cutawla on I'tb ruary 21. Sale of balance of rial (Mate of M.Grovcr tleceaaed, conl'mutd to February 2J. pHOTHONOTAHY'S NOTICK. N'nt left U herebvtrlven that tho followlnir account has been tiled In tne onic of the Prothonotary ot Co lumbia county anu win iw presented to mo court on tho sth dav otKebruiry next and wlllbecontlrnifd alter fourdajs unless exceptions bo tiled within mat tune. The account of Frederick Ilatrenbuch, Trutec of (ieort'O iiwiuy unuer me. win 01 ueorgo jimmy, ne ceased, 11. F. ZMIIS. Prothonotary's oflice, .Ian. 4, TS-tc l'roth'y. 4 DMiNISTUATOU'.S NOTICK. ESTATE Of W1LI.UK ItC'tllhrf, nECKASI.U. Letters of Administration on tho (Mate ot WlllUm inches, late of reaver low nsnip, coiumwi coumv dt'ciMSPil. hint been eranted bv the ltetrlstf r of sail county to Allen Mann of same township. All persons .AWiiK claims against me esiaieaiu reipiesiemo present them tor settlement and those lnacbitdto mahu pajinem wiiuoul ueiay. ALI.KN MANN, Jan. IS '7--flw Administrator. iv ui er luwiiMiip. N 'Nbtl'-i' Is lidtlw clcn Ihat I purcliaspil ill fonsla. Hit' aw (in tin mii tt.ij in .iiinu.iry, tno lonow lii vi-fm mil rrupirtj ur S11I1jiii MuMi'.k'r: ttnu cow, 1 calf, a lotof luy, l '-arn1! i.f tni-'ai' u lot ut lUCKi'tisii tn'iH nna u-aaimr. uti" taiU'. il cn.ilrs, ciMitK-turil-,. 11 lot ofcutiHt. 1 cookt.lue. .turlur 111', HUH U 1UI. Ol HIM!'",, Ml I't'IMIIl III U llt'H'I'.V 'autUinril against lull 1 ftTtirlnir with Hie mine iw I iiaMi K-ri tiifmiiii nun aunnir ni pieitsurt'. ..1lLl'.l. 1 ill.N tcnlral, Jan. i", 5-4w Few liomcn nro really happy ami what homo 8I1011M lie utile the littlo prattler are arouinl tho firc-iiile and mingle in tho family meal Fonil niotlierscan le.wn Ihcir cares and anxie ty for the dear little onen hy always having a bottle of Dr, Coiea' Wild Cherry and Seneka in the house. It ftojw the trouhlenome night cough and curen that terriblo malady croup. The following bill hat been introduced in tho Legislatures Mr. Long, relating to evidence iu uroseou. tiona for libel nnd slander. 1 hu bill provides that from and after the passage nnd approval of this net in all protect! tiiiim for libel under the laws of thU commonwealth it hhallbo competent for thouc eun'd to produce in his own behalf nnd defence tcntimony in support of tho truthfulness of the alleged libel or blander, and that the publica tion of tho snmuwni not prompted by malice but was fur nnd in behalf of tho public benefit. That in nil actions now pending or hereafter tu bo prosecuted for tho recoery of damages sus tained by libellous publication or slanderous utterances, tho defendant in tho action shnll liao tho right to gito evidence of tho truth of tho publication or utterance upon which said action is based nnd that it is not prompted by malice, which facts when proven shall go tu tho jury in abatement or mitigation of damages which may bo returned by tho jury ns nominal, exemplary or vindictive ns tliunatuioof the cn-,0 may warrant j neither conviction under tho criminal statutes nor a verdict for damages shall follow when tho alleged slander or libel shall be proven to be justilinblo or madu from proper motives for tho public good or for tho purpose of warning the public against improper practices of evil disposed persons r lawless characters. III spite of Flannels, coughs and colds will muL-u a lodgment in tho system. Hut they are not tenants at will. You cm dis possess them with Halo's Honey of More hound and tar, in less time than it takes a sheriff to ezecuto a writ, Sold by all drug gisU. Mice Toothache Drop, cure in 1 minute. Jm 18. DON'T NKULIiCT A COl'liU or fold, when 25 cents will buy a bottle of Iir. tra iler's l'oukIi iuup at any drue stote. It has wrought a complete change in the rough Medlelm s, is m us uujiey ami iuw uj b cures. TO CONSUMPTIVES. tff Dr. FrttfUVs I'ougli t-jrup useil la connection wiiu ur. nazier s noui Diners wiLj.iiKuiu..aiJfi' Tiov. Mand.inl Steam I.aunilrv. Cleveland, o. Oct. SO. "A IiH. Fkaiier, Hear Mr: 1 teel It a duty I owo to sulTerlng tiutnatillv to wiltejou. For some lltne 1 was sorely anilcteil Willi a couch, mlslne: tad stun, wltheery sjinpiomct belngaeoutlrineil eonsuinii lite. 1 tiled dlttirent uiedtilnes ami cures without rinding relict: 1 also consulted three ot our most prominent Cletelaiid plij&lclans, tlio last one ct which pronounco my caso serious, and Inturmed me that I could not lUe more than atew months. About !h st ine. hear user jaurwoiiaenuiuiecesH, I toic. luenced taking 5 our Sjrup In connection with our Hoot Hitler, and was ntoiice Unttlttid.audatur using the medicine some two months I nnd mjselt TollltliNCE Ul'NN. If ir. Dunn again writes, undir date ot August J, 1517, Dr. Frai'er, Dear Mrs lean endorse) our medicines more strongly than ever from thu fact that It Is now nearly or,o jear since iwascureu, Jiy luugs ore to-d.iy strong aud sound, ha lug no re turn of Ihe dlM'ase. :ar-Tho soon Medicines speak for themscltes. li!(. u. . riiA.u.n, iTopneior. wiccianu, u. For Salo by all Druggists. Dec. u. it;-ij A OKNTLK HINT. In our stylo of climate, willt its sudden changes ot tcuipetaluro, rain, wiud and sun shine often intermingled in a singlo dav. it is no wonder that our children, lrieuds and relatites aro so frciiucnlly taken from us by neglected colds, half tho deaths resulting nirecii; iiuiu mis ttiupi;, uuuiu ui iiu- scheo's Gertuau Syrui kept about jour homo ior iiuiueumiu uso uin incteui serious sick ness, a largo doctor's bill and perhaps death by tno uso ot tnreo or lour uosos. f or curing Con-uuintion, Hetnorrhage. Pneumonia. Se vern Coughs, Croup or any discaso of Iho Throat or Lungs, itsfuccess is simply wonder ful. as vour druggist will tell von. (ierinan Syrup is now sold in every town and village on tnis continent, satupio tottics tor trial 10c ; regular mc, 75c, April 27, 77-ly jl MAftKET JtEPOltTS. I 1.50 .70 10 s.w 1.M1 .1 .1 IlLOOMSBUnO J1AHKET. Wheat per bushel lt " Corn, new, 11 (am, " " Flour per barrel L'lou'rsced , Flaxseed R liutur l.'Kt'S Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples , I!ahi3 , sides & Shoulders .., Hard per pound lUyiK'rtou , , lleeswax , ,., Timothy Hoed OUOTATIONH FUH 11IA1. No, 4 on Wharf i sju per Ton No. ; " i us tsu. . wig, ItlackunlUi'B Lutup on Wharf... l j,ou " Dltumlnous , ii u s .14 .10 10.MJ lio otici: 1 DMINISTIIATOII'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 1IEMIV lliltTMAS, DEC'P. Letters of admlnHtrtllon ou thiestaieit Uf nr Hurt man, late or lli-tnloetv tow nshlp, t'oluinliU cntin- v. Pa.. uae txen eranted tivthd 1 euWtt r rr Culum- hlA county to Jacob lliutman. Admlnl trator. H whomall persons indetted ur- reuuesu'd to nuiKe lmln dlatr- ra inent. and those ha In-' claims i de- mands gal nsi mu Mill estate win muKi tnem known to the under lmied Aumlnlstrat'i wlfliout aemy, OAV Uli II KI .M..V .Ndmlnlstiator. jan i s sw TOricK AM) CAUTION. Nntlee Is hereby elven that tho unden-lirne.l lia punhavfd cf Ullah ucum on the Ulh day i ( .Inn unrv. lTs the fuMowlntr tv-rdonal momm. 'i mown marts, i iwo-norse wagon, i sprnu waon, 1 tulr of IkjIj tled, 1 ahluh. 1 plow.l harrow. 1 loy iled. I lot; chain, 1 na of douhlo harness, 1 bet of Miij'ie hurncHw. 1 cow. 1 rudder, lot of hny, tte hogs, 1 wwk stou, l parlor mou ami an nousenaia j;otHis ine piepen ( Klllah Yoenm. All or which di-erlhed rtroretv 1 ha It il in tharue ot the f-atd U. oium during lny Meas ure and nil persons nro Iwieoj eautloLed against mewmm; wuii iiieiviiue ui uit'ir ihtii. 11ENLO.N LOW, jan, l", i";s-3w assigni:e's sale of v.urAW.E REAL ESTATE Iteu'lsler's omce. iloomsburi;, Jin. 4, Ists, W. II.JAL'OllY, Iteglster. A D-MINISTUATOK'S NOTICK KSTATK OK 1IESJAMIN MItLEK, PECKASEh. letters of Ailinlnlstrnllon on Iheest Atitof Hrntaintn Miller lute ot C'utaw Issa township.col. co., deceased hae txeu granted by the l!eslter ot said county to the undersigned whom all pet sons iiiiicuifu uiu n nuesieu 10 muse iiiiiueuiaie ruj meiu aid those h.i ln' claims cr di'inimds at'alnst the es tate will make Itiem known to ttie administrators v unoui u,'iay. :i, Ts CW SSKJXKK'S NOTICE IIENItV .1. Mll.LRU, 1 l.MiYli Mll.l.Eit, - Admr's. VM. Kltlt.'Kl!AL'.M, I TriIKltKAS, the Hon. William Elwkll President Judge ot the Court ofOjer and Terminer and General Jail I)ellery, Court ot Quar ter Sessloni ot tho l'eace and the Court of Common Heasnnd orphans' Court tnthe nctb Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties ot Columbia and Montour, .and tho Hons. I. K. KrHikbaura and F. k. Miuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing date tho 15Ut day of Dec, In 'ho jearot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, nnd to me directed for holdlngn Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common l'leas and Orphans' Court, in llloomsourtr, in tno county of Columbia, on the first Monday, being the 4th day ot February next, to continue two weeits. Notice Is hereby given to tho coroner, to ino jus tices of tho Peace, and the Constables ot tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then and them tn their proper person atio o'clock In the forenoon oi said 4tli day of Feb., with their records, Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And those that aro bound by recognizance to prosecuto against the pi Honors that are or may be In tho Jail of tho said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute them as shall be Just. Jurors are re quested to be punctual tn Uietr attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Uloomsburg tho 1st day fA1 ot Jan., In tho jear of our Lord ono ) L.H. - thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-eight I r) and lu tho ono hundred and Becondycar of tho Independence of tho I'ntted States of America. Sherlll sonice, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, Uloomsburg, Jan. 4 tc Sheriff. -T I DOWS' A1TRA1.SEMENTS. V TbofoUowlng appraisements of real and Eersonal property set apart to widows of decedents ao been tiled In the ofilco of tho Register ot Col umbia county, under the Utiles ot Court, and U1 bo presented for absolute conilrmatlon to the Orphans Court to be held In llloomsburg.ln and for said coun ty, on Monday, the 4lh day of Feb., 1S7S, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to sucn conHrmatlou are preMously Hied, of which aU per sons Interested In said estates will take notice: 1. Widow ot David Shaffer, lato ot Urlarcreek town ship, deceased, 2. Widow ot Z. Taylor Martz, lato ot Bilarcreek lownsnip, ueceasca. 3. Widow of Lewis Mctz, late ot Catawlssa .town ship, ueeeaseu. 4. Widow of Nathan 1110S3, late ot Borough ot Btr- w ick, oeceast u. B. widow of Daniel Shuler, lato of Locust town ship, deceased. r,, widow of Oscar I'. Ent, late ot Scott township. deceased. lleetstcr's omce. 1 W. U. JACOHY Uloomsburg, Jan. 4, lsts f Register. A T 1ST OK CAUSES EOK TRIAL XJ KEI I'.llllL'AltVTElt.M, 1ST' AT Notice Is hotobreUen thatw. II. Abbott, r.m . rt cataw Issji has been appointed Assignee of i harles ii. iia7it'iiiie unu .iiujor mi-u, trailing unnerine Mrm name ot llazletlue and '-teel. ttntmr business as farm rs, All persons tinlebli'd to them will settle wnu me unucrsigneti. v, ii. Aiinu rr, Jan, 11, 'is-3w Catawlssa, 1M A DMINISTllATOH'S NOTICK. LdTATE OF AI.EXANUKlt 1IE.SS., DEC'P. letters of AdmlnKtratlon on the estate of Alex ander Hess, late of hmrarloar townshln. I'olumbla county, defeated Jiae been grunted m ine iiui-it r or said counti to the underMe:n- ed Admlnli-trotorH. All per&ons haling claims iniiiiiiM uif miti t-Miiiu uiu reiiuetieu vo prchcni inuu nu M-i i ii nil-Hi, una uiuuj luutuivu l'l imihr paiinent without delay. KAl lI r.l. A. IIK, ANUUKW LAl'HAL'lI, J i n. a ' T s-fiw Adnitnist ra toi h Coin's Cretk 1'. o. JUITISH AMKIUCA ASSIMIANCE CO. NATIONAL nili; INtritAXCn COMPANY. The ot-H ts ( f Ihl M- old Cfiriiorntlt n nro nil In. Mstidtn MiL!l Mt UlilTlh-s ni.clere liable tothe niuura vi run oniy. juiiM rii.t' i lies i.n i in ph riKHare nfirn neri'n ph LOtMH llKllllTl tllid HOMtTlA Ullltltl d Qlill fiald ui nu ii ( t urn riiiiiiru in i ii k ivri a n r. km r. fiM. tlal Al'i nt ami Mlltistt r. H'oombuie'. IVhii'a. ii-e tiu7ii h in toiunuia (our.ty Mionid patrnnizo thennenej w U it Unet, if any. mc d justed uttd p.lltl U LI1U11 lllt'll UVll llllVIlti. liUV. Ki. ij-iy .1. Ucllumn ii t'o. ) Fi. t'a. No, i-S.Dec. TernVTiTl. it. Hrj-feonA: Co. J And nowto wll. .ianuars'4. 173. on motion of w A. Marr. Attv. for.l. lUllmnn .tt'n. nnd KirM n. tluuul Hank of AbhUnd, l'tnnslanla, the ordertt uuuiuni unuTinir 1110 monej mio i ourt aitsiny from the f-ale of the ncrt-onal rroiertv of ihrerui. ants Is lmidltled so s to order into Court the &um oi four numbed dollars for distribution and an Auditor uppuiniin ior uisu luuiinir ine tamo, r, r. JUiimey 11V THIU'Ol'ltT. Tho aliO0 Auditor antvjlllted will meet nil n,irtt,.j lnteiesii il tcrthe purpose of his appointment at his omit' ii im.inisuuiH on rmiiij, rmreary sin, isis, luuu uiiim,,. m. r, i . Ull.LlKl, lan. 11, 'Is-4W Auditor, jyOTK'K- :-CIIUKClI CHAIiTEi:. The undersigned nprolntcil Asslgnteof I. JOHN s ON, uatewlss.1, l'a., will otici at puMlcsaleon the preiuues on Thursday, January SUt, 1S78, At ten o'clock a. tu., aud to conttnuo three das, the following valuable properties to-wlt : Tract No. 1 -OO ACBB OF LAND, ad Joining propertlts of btacy Jehu, John Harmon)' and others, situate In Main township, Columbia county. Tract No. S.-9I3 .tt'lllN adjoining lands 01 N llartmiin and others situate tn Catawlssa lonnshlp. Tract No. 3. TllltKE ACHES adjoining lands ot John Klltl rami others situate tn Catawlssa town ship. Tract No, 4. !, acres adjoining lands ou, Krctgh nnd oilurs, situate In Catunlssa township. Tract No. 5. i't Aires adjoining S. bhuinan and I. John sit uate in Cataw Issa tow nshlp. Tract No, 0. ono Town IM ftontlng on Thtrd street, Catawlssa, l'a, Tract No. T.-one Tow n Lot corner Third and 1'lne streets, Cataw Issa, l'a. Tract No. s. ono Tow n Lot corner Third and Wal nut struts, calawUsa.l'a. Tract No, 9.-0ue-balt ef a town lot cornerot Wal nut stret t and an alley, Cataw Issa. Tract No. 10. ono houso and Doublo Lot adjota- nglt. W. Kzns, sltuato InCnta- r Issa. Tract No tl.-Ono lot and Dwelllngwlthout-butld- lugs, (occuf led by I. John) in 1'lne slnit.Catawlsfa Tract No. li.-Ono House, und Lot corner '! bird street and an alley, Catawlssa. Tract No. 13,-Ono Lotandhtoro llulidlng, corner of Main and Third streets, CatawTssu. Tract No. 14,-llalt Interest In Keshollz Tract in Cataw issa township. Tho above properties will bo sold In the following order t Number 1, 11, (I, 4, n, , I, s, 9, io, l, 3 u, u. TUHMS AMI CONDITIONS OF hALK. T(n per cent, of one-fourth if the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down of thoprupcrt); the ono-fuurili less the ten i r cental eonnrmatlon of sale.and ui reuialnlng three-fourths In one eur tlitreatter wltli luicri-si uuiu cuuurinaiion nisi. J.ii. SMITH, Jan. U. T4-ta Assignee. JOI1 1'HINTINQ OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED l'ltOMlTLY At the Columbian OFFior. Notco Is licrtbv clvcn that annllcntinn win i. made to Hon. Vtlllluin Llwell, I'resldent and law Judge of the courts o: liecord In Columbia coumv on the 4th day of February, A. 11. lsis to Incorporate " I he Hector Church Wardens and Vestrj men of .st, fiabrlel's Church, t-ugarloat" Icing an ( ier(-ration, ilrst class In the bald County, under the Act ot the liencriil Assembly appiou'd April imb, JACOn It. FIIITZ, JOHN bWAHTWOUT. Jan. 4, 'T5-4t Ward.ns. Dauchy & Co's. Advt's. AGEN T S W A N T E D ! I'Olt l-AltTICUL-Mtb, ADI1HESS WILSON SEWINQ MACHINE CO. UKOAPWAV, MCW OltkClTVi Cuicago, 111. j Nkw OiaKANs, La.; FIKST WEEK. sanih W. Sujder'a use vs. Uloomsburff Literary In- MllUlU. lUWd Towler'H admr's. vs. William Klnt'Ston, Samuel J. Case s. Jonas Dotv. Wilson (iiuuonsts. Jonas Doty. U F. l als s Jomw Doty. Win. lI.MorL.m vs. Clark Merrell. C. It. lirockvay s. oranje township. immei muiiu -iimn u. inc. Iteutrf-n Klsner s. Millers A: seNrt AshUnd Hanking Co. vs. Frederick Hush trockway and tnt s. j. Miner taub. 'V. J. Vandersiice a. l-ottrott 6c Trick. CulumiiU Insurance. Co. n. Josenh M. Frcck. Columbia insurance Co. s. Jackson Woodln. coiumnia insurance ro s.jackHOnc uoodin. oiuiiiniu iiMiranee uo. ebeonec nritieo co. Peter Knecht s, hamuelehweppenhelter et. al. Henry c. Conner a. Kmanuel conner'n Adin'r Willi tin Ituckel s. (ieord Moore et. al. i;dw.mmerairiu.v s. uonMiiruam townsnin. Jissu lllce a. l. J . A: W. It. It. Co. II. It. AUiert-son s. Joseph Y, Inp. M. (inker's lulmr'n. va. 'Ihomaa CiUn. Win U l'arka vs. Hltl eU al.. M. tiroUT's Admr'a. vs. Thomas Cain iT.tiin Aynic nan s. v. it. L'rawroni. Natlian Creasy vs. Maurer et, ol, Aaron l)relsbich s. Mmon bhellhammer ct, al Kzra. I.onab.l. U.Eus. Jacob Kvans' Kx'r. vs. Thomas tt. (Jeddls et. al. Nimuel tiller vs. rranets juvaiis. KhiomburK Lumber Co. vs. wuiiam Morris er. al. KloomsburL; Lumber Co. va. William Morris et. ux. William MimvlUt) yk. 1'eUTKnt's AdmtntHrator. K. 1, Adams a. John etert. M arj t Jeortj a. J nines Morrison Daniel Lelny vs. Henrv Knannet. al. SArah caul vs. Samuel and Emma iieppctt. M. rover's admr'a, vs. II, I). Knorr. AUffiLstus Everhart vs. Daniel Kerhart. i'.ernjru JMiimerman s. .m. u. Joimsnn et mt. Mel U'nlheu vs. Conjngham und CcntralU Toor Din riot. John II. Scott Ts.Iicrnhard stohnwr, Simon Krebbss. WlllUm Masteller. i,. . urmKHU . rirbi mionai uank or lienricK Wllitam Sni tier's Kxr's a Valentin iiMimnn C. W, 'I hoiopson h r.viiilmrd stohner united Matea Fanning Mill Company va Fr in kit a vocum Thomas Knorra ex'r s. C. A. Knorr et al. ivrme la hoona vs. htltzir ; Miiwr Conrad Mvank s. Daniel wank. viuLunoa duuiilt a jonn McDowell adm t (Jeorifo w, Davis vs. Conj ngham and Cent rail a Foor District. Henry J, Kdw ards vs. W'iniam Walp. rat rick .Ityrnes vs. Conjntham nna Centralla Foor w uitam Kingston s. Montgomery Cox et. ux. Klljih lemons s. Heller & Eves, Elijah Lemons, a. F. Heller. Elijah LemoiiH a. c W. Les. .iuuu M-neti jonn iiinaerlter et. al. Jacob John son vs. Itobert h. vnt Henry ragio s. Uloomsburg Lumber Co. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! ! Jan. 4, ",-iv or Sk Fniscisco, Ciu d; WITH A COLO IS AI.WAYS DANOEUOl'S USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, Tmf,0,n"WKr?rut'o,V,(,,i,l?;.n'1 n" "leases of tlio UltANL- LtN(i,S' CUEbi uhd MUCOL'H MEM. Vnt up only in Bluo 13oxori. ' "I JIU, UllClilllbTS. c. K. CHITITNTOX, t fcuTu A un, New Vortt. Jan. 4, TS-4w d N i:V (llti.N-H. 16 Mops lit; 10, U0; 1!, fid; 9, , I'lniio. retail price 1160 onlv tuas. s, n,t fr.V n.!n,w tui circulars. l)iuil1r.ii,.,,.v.i1i1,u, janL4,',s-jY el W A T 'Y H ! .'Vl" ? "so of CatarrlMneac-h ill. "r.'.' helghboihcXHl, wlUi pr. Karsner'a 1 Ittsburir, Va. J4to nov, sa,TI-8m or, PVf Ml les of '. it ti. to e, or S3 New year Cards ... jitn. i. is 4u y f I'tir ni'Kr of a .A TARR T-T SKI I lut p. ord'. Itii.ilnitcifri-lot- In nurtmanco ot an order of thoOmhans1 court or Columbta county, tho undersigned, Admlnlstratore, 4c, ot Michael Urovcr, late ot tho Town of lllooini burg, In said county, deceased, win exvo&e, to public. oxiv uii uiu iiremineH, ou .tH10''' PKBRUAHV 1M, 1876, atlOoclocka. in , ot Bald dny. A tract of land Bit uato In italn township, in bald county ot Columbia, lOS .A. morn or la8, adttnlni; lands of Aaron .Vasteller, Aaron Miller, aud others, and a public road, where on are erected a two-story Dwolhng House, Good Bank Barn, wason noma) and com cut), sood out.butldlogs,gooet fcprlni; and sprtni; hou', good water on the premls- 1!, k"ou "i'!'iu oreuarci una otuer fruit, trees liend In a srood htatu of cultivation, ono public road runs tnruuifli ihe lund, aud ono on tho north side, come, nteni to bchool and church. TKll.MS Or bALII. Tennercent.of one-fourth nf the purchase money to bo paid at. tho striLtn ,to.n ot satJ premises, one-fourth ot the purchase money wro v u I'c-r ivm, co no paid al tno confirmation ot tho sale, uud the balance ot suld purchase money in iaj imiu iu im jear irom ina connnnatlon of said bale, with Interest on said balance from tho contlr. matton nisi ot said sale. AAlltIM OHOVElt, JOSHUA lUTTKHMAN, Admlnlstratorf, Jan. IMS u 1U.00O AUKNTS WA.NTKI) TO SKLL $501 IS cure? "cS ltZ!WV" " ii,. .. ii J -vc pictures and in mu., bowlie.ui'scsntiin.i.,.,,! iin boclely, etc i n!' lets thu work ot iNmBurK Ai- nation, urant k ltoveen. sl 1,h tstimonlals and trenitu, i.v ... . rice, Willi nnprowd Inhaler, 1. hold .'ten where, wkkkm iM.i,,, Jan. ti, 1STS-4W l- tTH MVfiH nAtini .1 J VISlTINtl CAKliH, USTTfilt UKAD3, llKAOiJ, OBTKltS, tO, JtO, e.coiH i lemiieranee, omau s Crusade, Krun. rl .lliiridti . I'rultllilil,,,,. ,.(.. ..,p ,,Q salo Is mnelluua. ill n lllit,:i'wth UOIKI Iu t DSHATiuks far excel all others. Prices Just reduced 'Jo per cent 1 1 Send for terms. Ill liUAHU llltos., Pubs., U3 bansom si., l'hlladel. P"1". d clec. 11, Tl-4v I PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS rnnted ut thiti Ollico Nftl) kuu cueaply rrinlocl at the COMJH ON SHOUTEST NOTICE AND AT THE ib uiace, 1 unsT iipk(ik'iiii t