THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COI NTY, PA. Miseelaneous. Spontaneous (Irnrrntlon. TTMIALL'S LATEST EXrEIUUEXlB OS TI1E Ernjr.CT. Vtot. T.vnilall rlellverdl the opeiilng IfC lurn of tlio winter sr-!on on Monday night. Doc. 10, nt ihoj London lintittitloti. IIo tftlil ttint within ten minutes walk of n little cottaRO which ho has recently built In the Alps there la a urmll lake fed by the melted piinwn of thn upper mountains. Du ring the cnrlj wi-cki of rummer mi trace o( Ufa Is to be decerned In thli witer, but In variably towanl tho end nt July or begin ning of August, (warms of tilli-d organ htan arc cren enjoying the sun's warmth along the shallow margins of thelako, and rushing with audible patter Into the deeper water at the approach of danger. The ori gin of this 'periodic crowd of living things Is by no means obvious. For yean he has never noticed in tho late cither an ndult frog or thesmalUst fragmcntof frog'sspawn, o that weir'he not o'hcrwlse Informed, he should have formed theconclminn of Mathl ole a natural one -nsmely that tadpoles are Knerated In lat" mud by the vivifying ac tion of the sun. The checks which experience alone can furnish being nWnt, the spontaneous gene ration of animnls quite in hiiih a the frog in. the tealo of being win assumed forages as a fact. For nHriy twenty centuries after Aristotle men found no difficulty in believ ing In cacsof pnnlinrnus generation which would now be regarded as monstrous 1 the most lanatieai supporters of the di ctru e. The discovery of the microcope, revealing a world of life firmed of individuals m. mi nute so clne, as it were, to the ultimate particle of matter as to ugg(-t an casj passago from atoms to organisms, revived the dying doctrine. Dr. Tyndali traced it- support by DtifTon and Necdham (1748), and the experiments with a contrary tenden tlency of Bpallanranl (1779).Schulre (1SSG), Schwann, llelmholte, Schroeder, and Von Zluseh. In 18.' 'J Ponchet, a vigorous and ardent writer, strongly influenced opinion in favor of spontaneous geneiation. Pastear 'published his classical paper in 1862, and his main position has never been shaken, lie has applied the knowledge won from his inquiries to the preservation of wine and beer, to tho manufacture of vim gar, and to tho staying of the plague which threkt 'end destruction to the silk husband ry of France. Prof. Lister ha thanked bin in a published letter for having furuUhed thn only principle which would have con ducted the antNeptic system in surgery to a successful issue. Our knowledge has been greatly extend ed by Prof. Cohn, of Iiresluu. "No putre faction," he says, "can occur in a nitrogen' ous substance if its bacteria bedetroyednnd new ones prevented from entering it. I!ac teria are the miuuto animals, so called from the rod-lite appearance of some of them, which are now thought to be at the root of disease as well as of putrefaction. Accord ing to this view, a contagious fever may be defined as a conflictbetween thepersonsmit ten by it and a specific organism which raul tiplies at his expense, appropriating his air and moisture, disintegrating his tissues, or poisoning him by the decompositions it causes. Dr. Tyndali referred in detail tohisexper imenta made this summer on tho Bel-Alp above the Rhone Valley, the spot 7,000 feet boro the sea, being selected for the sake ol the purity of the air and its freedom from srganlsms. Sixty flasks would be filled in the manner described in tho lecture with an infusion ol beef, mutton, turnip and cucumber, steril ited by boiling and hermetically sealed They arc transported to the Alps. It is tin mouth of July anil the weather is favorabli to putrefaction At the Bel-Alp 54 flasks are counted out with their liquids b clear as filtered drinking water. In six flail;, howevor, the infusion is found muddy. On examination it is dicovered that every om of these has had its fragile end broken oil in the transit from London. Air has enter ed (ho flasks and muddines is the result Examined with n microscope of iusufiicieni power, nothing is seen in t lie muddy liquid; but regarded with a magnifying power of h thousand diameters, what an astonishing up pearanco docs it present. Leeuwenhock estimated the population ot tingle drop of stagnant n atr at 600,000, 000 ; probably the population of a drop nt oar turbid infusion would be this ten time, multiplied. The field of the microscpe I crowded with organisms, some "wobbling" slowly, others shooting rapidly across the microscopic field. And yet the most cele brated naturalists tell us that they are veg etables. Has this multitudinous life been spontaneously generated in these six flasks, or is the progeny of living germinal matter curled iuto the flask by the entering air? If tho infusions have a self-generative pow er, how are the sterility and consequent clearness of the fifty-four uninjured flask? to be accounted for ? It has been afllrined that the vacuum above the infusion is favorable to the produc tion of organisms, and their absence from tins of preerved meat, fruit and vegetable is accounted for by the hypothesis that fer mentation has begun in such tins, that gases have been generated, the pressure of which has stifled the incipient life and stopped its further development. Hut in well-preserved tins Dr. Tyndali has Invariably found, not an outrush of gas, but au inrush of water, If they were perforated under water. On the other hand, ho lias exposed tho organisms to pressure of gafs without killing their The fifty-lour pellucid flasks dec-lure again' the heterogenic t. The flasks are next expood to a warm Alpine sun by day, and at night suspended ill a warm kitchen. Knur of them have been accidentally broken, but at the end of a month the fifty remaining flasks are found u clear as at the commencement. There i no sign of putrefaction urofllfe in any of them. These fiik are divided into two groups of twenty-three and twenty seven re spectively. The question now is whether the admission of air can liberate any ecner- atlve energy In thn infusions. The flasks are carried to a hay loft, and the ends snip ped offfrom the group of twenty three. The 27 flasks are borne to a ledire 200 feet higher, from which thn mountain fall away precipitously in thenorlheast fur about 1,000 feet, A gentle wind blows toward it frnn the northeast, scros tl e rrema and tinw fields of the I! nit-ae Oht-rlarnl. The spoi i, therefore, batlu-d In air which must huv been for a good while out of contact with either animal or vegetable life. Staudlng carefully to the leewaid of the flasks, for no dust or particle from their cIoiIkh or Ix-dies must be blown to the flasks, the operators first singe the pliers in A spirit lamp to de stroy all attached germs nt organisms, and then snip off the sealed end of the flask. In this way the flasks are charged with clean vilifying mountain air. The 60 fla-ks are placed with their necka open over a kitchen stove in a temperature varying from SO'to 00 Fahrenheit, and In three days 2 nut of the Si ihuka opened on the hay loft are found to be Invaded by organisms. Alter litre weeks' exposure to precisely the tame conditions, not nno of tho 27 flssks opened In free air had given wny, No germ from kitchen air had nccnded tho narrow necks, the flasks being shifted to produce this re sult. They arc still in the Alps, as clear and as free from life as they were when sent oil from London. Is not the conclusion imperative that It was not the air, but something in the air which produced the effects observed In the flasks placed in tho hayloft t What Is this something? This air Is laden with sus pended dust particles. Can they have been the origin of tho observed life? If so, are wo not bound by all pntecedent experience to regard these truthful particles as the germs of tho life observed ? Ho would place before his friend and cn- inquirer two liquids which had been kept for six months In a sealeil chamber exposed to olitically pure air The one is n mineral solution, containing in proper proportion all tho substances which Piter into the compo sltlou of bacteria j the other i an Infusion of turnip. Iloth liquid are as clear a dis tilled water, and there I no trace of life In either ot them. A mutton chop, over which a little water lias been poured to keep its juices Imiii drjiug up, ha lain fr thne davs upon n plato in a warm room. Itsnul's oflcn-ively. Placing a drop of the feiid mutton juice under a microscope, it is fmitid swarming with bacteria, nhlihlive bv putr- faction, nnd without tvhlih no putref'iict on can occur With a speck nt the swarming liquid, Mi. clour Milti-ml -oluiliiii and tin clear turnip infusion arc eaeli iuocuiiiixl In twenty-four hour th" Inn psrent llqu'ds have bee one turbid throiichoiit, a'ld in stead ol beliia liirr ii, us at fi'st, they are teemimr with life. The experiment I now varied. Intuitu pure mineral solution and the pure turnip infusion is dropped a small pinch of labora tory dust. The effect is tardier than when the speck of putrid liquid was rrtjiloyid In three days, however, nfter its Affection with tht dust, the turnip infusion is muddy, and swarming a betore with bacteria. Dot what about tho mineral solution, which in toe hrst experiment b"havel in a manner undistiiiguishable from the turnip jnlce t At the end of three days, at the end of three weeks, it is innocent of bacteria life. While both liquids are able to feed the hotteria and to enable them to multiply after they have been once fully developed, only one of the liquids is able to develop the germmal d:ist of the air into active bacteria. The mineral solution, to take an illustration from higher life, can feed the chick but cannot develop the egg. The death point of bicteria is another im- - -IM. i - -t J.. jmii LniiL suujcli. Alio UAjici Illicit IB mil-nuy recorded show that there is a marked differ ence between the dry germinal matters of the air and the wet, soft, and active bacteria of the putrefying organic liquids. The one can be luxuriantly bred in the saline per tinn, the others refuse to be born there, while both of them aro copiously developed In a sterilized turnip infusioD. If wc boil ourmuddy mineral solution with ita swarm ing bacteria for five minutes, not one of them escapes destruction in the soft saccn lent condition in which they exLt in the solution. The same is true of the turnip infusion if it be inoculated with the living bacteria only the aerial dust being careful ly excluded. But the case is entirelv differ ent when we inoculate our turnip in fusion with the desiccated germinal mat ter afloat in the air. Dr. Tyndali proceeded to explain the sys tern (if killing eerms by boiling liquids re peatedly for a short time. Thoe which are nnc killed begin to sprout, and are destroyed it the next boiling, when they arc in their noit tender, helpless, and unprotected con dition. The Old Maid's Pr-greSHS. :U IS. Anxious for coming out, and the attention of the other sex 1G, ISegins to have some idea of the tender passion. 17. Talks of love in a cottage, and dis'n- lerested affection. 18 Fancies herself in love with some handsome mau who has flattered her. 19. Is a little more diflidvut on account of being noticed. 20. Commences being fashionable. 21. Still more confident in her own attrac tions, and expects a brilliant establishment 22. Refuses a good offer because he is nut a man of fashion. 23. Flirts with every young man she meets. 24 Wonderi she is not married. 25. Itather more circumspect in ber con duct. 26. Begins to think a large fortune not quit so indispensable. 27. Prefers the company of rational men to flirting. 23. Wishes to be married in a vuitt way with a comfortable income. 29. Almost despairs of entering the mar ried state. 30. Rather-fearful of being called an 'Old JIaid !' 31, An additional love of dress, 32. Professes to dislike balls, finds it diffi cult to get good partners. 33. Wonders how men can leave the so ciety of tchilblt women to flirt with chits. 3i. Affects good humor in her conversa tion with men. 35, Jealous of the praises of women. 3d. Quarrels with her friend who is late ly married. 37, Thinks herself slighted in society. 38. Likes to talk of her acquaintances who are married unfortunately. 39. Ill nature increases. 40. Very meddling and officious. 41. If rich as a dernier utort, makes love to a younj man without fortune. 42. Not succeeding, rails against man kind.', 43. Partiality for cards and scandal com mence. 41, Severe against the manners of the age. 45, Strong predilection for a clergyman, 40. Enroged at his discretion. 47, Hi comes desponding and takes to tea, 48. Turns al! si nsibility to cats and dogs, 19. AuopU mleneiidetit relation to attend . hvt Mine and canine nur.ry. ou, liecomes aiagutteU ftitli tbp world and vents all her ill liunior ua her uufurtunrte relaliuus ., . .. UiKUh OU.NO hADIM Hit tiiiniix-rol idle, Ues4 L'lris III all cur large towns and i-illaiFHS .. em- t,i l, i.i,.a,lllv lner,..l n.r ,r. , . .11 i T They lounge or sleep their morning-, parade the jslrrets during the alteruixiii, and an- eitihle Id IrivoUim cmnputiies n their own and the other ex Hi tirt-t away tlieir even- IK. Wliat a ..ore f uob.P.1n. for1 ,i l,Jn.,.l .!.. i.t . v. ..... ,, , ' 6 ' for the coming time when real duties and high respunslbil iliex ahall bo thoughtlessly U Um property, lha oco-IouiUikmiueUn ptremt a.umed Thev are stilled in no domestic " M'an"0U" U tal. and the niuiau,u.g turee a.uinea. iup nre sk lieu la no oobimiic uufUa ,n )ar Ulwe4XkrwlUl toteWt(,m uuiirs-uy, lury uesiuio tueiu I iqct uim tin habit of induntry uor taste for the useful. What will they be as wives and mothers? Alas lor the busbaniU and children, aliM for themselves Who can woadar If diaianlW uubapulueas and docuiilc rats fullown I 1 niPQ fan color I heir own Ptnrklnus tor i I I I I J.l less Unit nun ei-nr. tier nslr ant mi on shahs hr the use ot our ".MAtHC 1INTS' can roiiew orcnniiKviiKi cnitrortneir aressew, resioro to freshness nnd lirllilnncy failed. llk. .Merino, Opticas Neckties, Itluhons, A'C, or Impart to them new unit tovely Rh.itles l.lttlo trouble and nominal cost,- Mirk of any desired colnr sent on receipt of 11 cents, 6 dim-rent colors 250 rostnite stnuir-s accept d, bend stamp fir circulars and smnple. KliMf.KY l-IIE 1UM, HOURS, U rorllinJst., N. Yen, '.o. Iloi,JlS9, dec. 14, tJ-am Jirtco HOLE'S HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Doughs, Golds, InHoenu, Rosrtenen, Difficult Breithlng, and 11 AffKtloni of tot Throat, Broaoolil Tiles, and Lugs, leidhg to Oonsnnptlon. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant llorchound, In chemical union with Tar-Halm, extracted from the Life 1'rinciplf. of the forest tree Abeis BALSAMF.A, or lialm of Gilead. The Honey of llorchound SOOTHES AND scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm CLEANSES AND 11EALS the throat snd air passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judicc keen yon from trying this great mcdi cine of a famous doctor who lias sated thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.D. The Tar-lJalm has no iiau taste or smell. trices jo cents and $i ter bottle. Ctcol saving to tuy targe l!ie. "Pike's Toothache Dioiis" Cure in 1 Miuuto. SoM by all Druggists. 0. N. 0BITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y. December 14, lsll-ly A !New Departure t-Voiu tho ItlnniiRiclurcr to the Consumer. For CA8II wo will Bell toth) COXiUtiBrt lnSuch Quantities as he m.iy Need at MANUKACTUKKIl'8 PKIURS and thus save, a; middle morzT to the Consumer. Before purchasing elsewhere send for our prices of BT1UCTLY I'UltE WHITE LEAD, MO.NTOUH SLATB PAINTS. MONTOUIt MRfALLlU WIHTi, MONTOUlt MKTALUC BROWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, SnitIT9 OFTVItPENTlKE, LINSEHD OIL.. PUT TV. Hamplo cards and price charge. list furnished without Orders and Inquiries by moll will receive prompt attention. IIENRY S. REAY, Rupert, Pa. Mays. TH.-ty. THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet THIS new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether under standing music or not, to play any de sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It posses ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring but tho Intellicence of a child to manipulate, yet cnpablcof repro ducing, without limitation, the musical compositions of the past, present and ruTimn. The execution is faultless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and the Instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all caes where good, correct music Is reulreO,and no musician is at band to perform. Address, XL. X. SnTBDHABK tfc SOI7, MANUFACTURERS, 113, H5 k 117 B. 234 St., Uw Tori. Nov It, 'II im. Oiphans' Court Sale OP VLDUILI! Real Estate ! In pursuance of an or ler of Uio OrphMi" court of Columbia oiuw jr Uio und-'ml,'ne1 wtu sell at public taleatthe Eicaingu Hotel Ira tho Uiwnof llonton In the County of Uulumbla on Friday, .Jununry 18th, 1878, at 10 occlock a, m. the following Uoicrlued realc3- Ml that certain lotorplocaof land sltuauintii, county, PennsjlvanU marked on tho plan of Bold vme No 1 and bound-! und dtncrlbed as ful. ihwsi lieglnn ng la ipont tntio road W Itohrs- burg ; thenoe by hinds of Joan J, Mo Henry :uxtof i Kit No. li) on tho west sido of a -irdon tenoo. north. '1 degrees cadt I' perches to u D"t; then a by landi Uwof Ur. John W, rulmer U t of lot No. 11 north w d-greo wea, fjur and cl.-ht tenth perches W a pot j Iheucu by land of 1UU Crossloy, so uth w degreeswen ti-n nlits tou iio-ttby th public roa IC11I. uyiaia roads,utu to degrees euit, four and elght-tenih perches tu tho plaosu beginning, be,D I,urta 01 lol;1 Nurt-1J unJ "Kontainiug u ii.,n-.,. UWUl.INU UdUsh MdonUbuIMlngs. Tkms or HiLH.-Ttn per cent of one-fourth of tht pun ua.- money k be paid at the striking down , uurinftUQIlALlL K. 8 IITIH, Admlatolrator d4 bunti nun. w u. K. Altx.rtOU. mm. us, Tl -u Mdtav..ltkn BL.. Am . tt-u DR. PIERCE'S STANDARD REMEDIES Aro not fulvcrthtM nvciire nltn." but nre BpecMca Id the tlUcbUM for wlilon ihey i.rc h cotumeuiled, ,ITrltk, HIIM.CI I Off, lnrnMliffttnrsi'f lmtuml nir' rf IntnMlrrmnstntrd beyond conirnVf'M that thnmirliuiit the animal klnitfnni tlm snru,..ur llutlMst tn th only law tliat vourtmhM turtrt jmti tut Do h not tho Maim 1 1 I u I'll i..v rti tlitM otiiifii r t il picsiHTlty ntmin? An tniri r dimmi -m k ilV u KUpcrlor nrtlcl'. It v it'ii i i f upi'1-i..r inert, I Jr. I'icrn'i stuttitdM Mnt t ncfl Im' i invtl'il i!1oI1mt. ' heir mil tilth t'nltnd t 'touilom rW'tM one mlllttui" h r u -, w iiiic the nmu-itit vv noi foot-uptOK-u-nlii j ml HiOHiind in'U. ,i iulne'H rouhl ktow inhiirli KlKmtic pniporttuna utid refct upon uny othiT (Inn thatoi uuitt. Holdon Medic il Discovery U Aftcrativr nv Wowtcft anting, Oolduu Medical Discovery Golden Medical Discovery Ua i'hnhvjfi'ptf or 1 Aver hthiut font. Goldon Medical Discovery Tonic. Goldoa MedicJ Discovery ly r nson nf lta liorillvo pr 'ppitle1. Hire rllwts pHOf tht1 hIk.)1 nnd klrt, hh i rotwh or Kin Kl J Tumor i II vr. or Old 'on" i lUoirht-Hj Mm pit"; and Fnii Mmis y n tip' uf ita Prc' prutH'itUs, ItniTM ltronrhtnl, I'litoit nnd I.tmir nfTrclhMts ; In clph-nt oiiMintptlon ; Mtijii'Hiitf tiultn; ud 1 Curonh LamtgiMs It i ltoinuotu (iroprrtl h rrii t (l'T It an uni(pi led remntli tr iiilll'"U-iifHj Totpld Il.lver. o "llv r Coi-iplnln and llu'lonir proptr Hl'S nuke t'q'iilly llUMd'Xis to ( liilu ludlv thn, bts-or ppcilte. nnd U -da n n tli skin Is sulow mnt t'miT'-d wrli Mf.toh is iitid pi 'pi", or hmM!ifrt an afroful uswwrl lira's ut iiITt't!)! n. tift'W I'ottlu- ufOohlt'ii Mt'tllc.i )l-CO'T. Ill "0 it n Mill lit uiv lr J nil I'-fl d'Ul t drowv, (ii'lilll'aii 0, hnvn - 'iuv t o'o ol fM, or HlloWh 'irixMi r-potn cm Uiv r ImI , tr fpu lit h uuoii'or lli.ctH. Imd t fto In mo ih, inuinul htMt, -ircld Is aitiTiited with not H unties, low spPUn ii nd ktofinx l.irixi-llnifK, irr utar appetite nnd tmi?nT'iiri'i. 1 uu r tt fTf I rrom nrplrt nrrr or "MM 1 1 cn. In inn i-.f.-H r.f "Llv. r ' m !'' ' 1 fi fiu 111 ii nn t'M il 'ii- ' J r i iii v f i iu. -1 lr i I IV- V liod'il' 'it' dvn i t tirqu d. nn It ctttCt p-'trvi I'urui. loavln;; the liver sti 'iitftUL'i.ctf und bf.ilthy. P. P. P. t. r. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets , Purely Vegetable. No care required while using them. Thu ' Utile OUnt" rnthartlc, or Ml itum ts Parvo Physic, st'arceh larger ttian intHtard hti da. nnd arc biipjr-COatt'd, They remove thu r.fctsltj of tuklug thu Knat, crude, drastic MckenlDjj pills heretoforu so much lu uny. As u reuit'di for Mendiche, lilzzliieis. Hush of niood, to tho Head, TUhtucs aK)Ut tlio I'hcKt, Itad luhto lu Mouth. KructaUoni rom the Momach, l:il Uous AlUcks. JtiunJlce. I'.iln In tlie Kldnejs. Illph-ly-culored I'rlnc, and I Urnal tVver, Dr. rifrct's I'k'asiiit Purgative i tllets areunBurp.isst d. Funh frmore. I would B.iy tnat their ucilun In unlverbul, not alnnd fHcaplnj; thtr amativt tinpr-tB ko does nut Impair thopropt'rtltKf f these Pt-llts They are Buar-cuthted und tnctOM-d In Kloi bottles, their virtues teliiif therpny prestTved unlmpulrtd for an kiiLtib of lime, ho that they art always frtsh and re llaidu. This S t'Ot the cuhij 1th tlmsn pills which am put up liichjup wnoden or puatcboard boxes. The dally usoi f two I't HetH has cuted tho mufct ob btlnnta cases of hLTOful.i, 'letter. Milt-rheum, try hlpclas, Holts, lilotclieu, J'lmples. Horc Kes, and KrupUons. They ore, however, rcoomuiende I to be taken In connection with tho t.oldtn Medical Discov ery, in order to fctcure the beBt results. PIERCE'S FAYOKITK PRESCRIPTION. PIERCE'S FAV0K1TB PRESCRIPTION. X5K,. PIERCE'S FAVOttlTK PRESCRIPTION. Tho remcdnl it anareincnt fif thosn dlneawi r recul- lar to women haa afford ed a lare experience at thu World's DlnrenBary. of which Dr. llerce Is chief con. sulUnf puyMeUn, In ajUpilntf remedies for their curw. Ur llerce'u Kavorlto 1're Bcrlp' Ion li there. Ruit of this extended cxp- rlenco, an l t.como Justly celebrate i f'ir Its many and remaxkablo cures ui uii uiutu curuuit; uiaeasea auu WEAKNKSSHS PECULIAR TO Kavorlto lToncrlptton Is a row erful llctorallre Ton Ic to IhR entire nvstpm. It a ncrvlnu nf utiHiirniuH. cU frCQcacj, and, w bllo llqult-tB ntrouy irritation. usuQfriiiens me enieeoi"i nervous ba Bt-in. tncre dv rwstorlnif It to n-.-.Utnral vKor Tho U Kiwlng tllwvheH are among thwe In which the F.orlt' t'rt--bcrlpilon him worked magic cure-1, Mzi l4.ncorrhu3.i. ur "Whit, h," Kxcti-.vo Flowing, I'Aiolul MeiiBtrua. tlon. UnxiKturul -upprehfloiiB, Wtitk 'jatk I'ntlap-8U-. or lainni; ol the Pterin, Aotenurf Ion. iietruer. (.ion, iioanntr-nown enHlllon. Lunmic Lonsebtion. Inll unuiutlon anrl Ulcenatonof tlio Uterus, lntt rnal lien. Nerro'is Uenn-sslon. Ilebl Ity. Ds.nondencv. and vcrylinjny.otJier dlAea-M-B ptcuilar to wotnca,but uv uicuiiuiteu lieie. Tho following LadleH aro n few of tho many thou sands who can testify to theemcacy of Ur llerce'b favorite l'recrlptlon, tiouj caw rlenco and observa tion : Mrs.iorncna nison, i'eota, Iowa; Mrs. Thos J. Methvln. Hatcher's hlot-oii.tlo.: Mrs. T. A. sevmour. Itointi N. V.: .Mrs Fronds lluswlclc, VerBatler.tinlo ; Aim. I-roy rutnatn.Nortti Uharion. I'a.; virs.MMry A. Ilumilt, Rdlna, Mo: Mrs. Maiy A. rrlsble, Leh man. I'u: lrs. I), i.. (illl. Uilllloothe, Ohio; Mrs. Harriet K Milone, West HprlnKtleld, I'a; Jlrs. It. Illutt. Hinnorla. Kan.: MUs Louise 'rati. BuJli- vtlle Mass.; Mrs. L. A. Iiashileld, Norrolk, Va ; Mrs ii. Allison. I'roctor. Iowa: Mrs. .1. N. Vernun. M Thomus, OnLj Mrs. s. c. Moran, jj North Howard street, llalilinore, Md.; Mrs. Cntlman, Harnes vllle, rihlo ; Mrs. Naney McNasunt, Jelftrson, low , .1110 u i f-w-iniu", r nrii'jbuip, pi. i,; jiii-s r-ueu Cadv. Wt-strield. N. Y.: Mrs. Antho-iv Ainunu. Ver. ona. N. V.; Mrs. 11. N. llrooles, (irand Kapld., Hkh ; Mis. P. II. Webb, Watertown, N. Y. 'I liouoands of rcli-rences can bu given ut tlia World's Ulupensiry, THE PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. Dr It. V. Pikrcs Is the note nronrletor and inanu- ffleturer o(Ue foreifolnir retu'dleH. all of which are bold by drurefett) Ho is also the Author of the 1'eo- pie-s (.oiniuon henbe veuicu Atm-er. u witk oi nearly one thousand paeti with two hundred and elifhty.iwo wood nrravlntts nnd tol irtU plates, llo Huh already uoW of UUs popular work Over 100,000 Copies ! PRICE (ixMt paid) $1.50. AoVIrCHit II. V. PIERRE, M. D., World's Dwpensiiry, IJufTulo,N.Y. doc 11, IT-iir Welded Steel and Iron FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Valenl Inalde Moll XVuiU and iiiai:(S ;ap. no uri uhputx wnHovT it 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 54 Bfuldcu Laue, Hmi WUUm h, WW yowl die 7, l.l i) CHRONIC ill n ol all burAn "Plain HctnuTallc and Medical Common w-nao," nearly i.uu paLt-i., sou Ur K. K. r-ooTK.or llo IitnKton Ate., N. Y PurthasttniU IlitiU) k are at liu.rl loctii hult IV author iiy luali Kre. rrleeLr mailt) a lor tbbTUUitiutdilku, r I1.M lortiMi i tumm edi tion, wtltli iuUIu U tha taut loktctr aad lUm- kthhAY lUULfUiOUUIAtt tut' U l..t nt MdMt, . r. oi. uii-cjq "UY THE BEST SUIT. THE 3PE1.Xj SHIRT I .Voir' Genuine Trade Mark without, (his TpEARL) Piitenleii. Trade Mark. ( ) IJi'ii-oiiri why llif PEARL SHIFiT prefcrrnd to all otlicrn : Nt. lid. :id li!, 'I liov nre of tin lnvt ' W A MSl-'I'TA" MUSLIX. Ho-onw mo 'href ply nnd minlo t' tlio ln"-t lini'ii, each ply lii'inii iriMtriiiiti'i'il to Ic ui' int'ii. 'l'li"V nre iiimle only liy fiipiilili; sind cxpei iL'ticcil liiind, arc ciire-f-'ily iiwi(!ctcl und nro nn nr'ii--ed lty nny other in work manship I hey are jruur ntoed to fit and to u;ive sati-litetion in every parti ular. Try tiit-m and ba Jonvinced I FOR 3 ALL 0NL BY Morclnmt Tailor, hthiu- and Gent's Furnisher, BLOOMSBURG, 3? -A.. Stoves, Tin, Sheet AMI HOT And Barstow's .Elevated Oven Range. ST5S M. WAT lilt IIPC, VALVIJS AN'I) IT I I'TINGS, Constantly onS, PLUMB ING ) , t. l'J. '77.-tf Attended to Than Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, ana nave one-third the cost of rinlntlnR, and get a paint tlint Is much handuomcr, and will LAST TWICE AH LOXO AH ANVOT1IKH I 'A INT. la prepared ready tor use In white or an color desired. Is on many thousands ol tho nnrsthulldlnps In the counin . inun ct which hae Lien tnlnted Blx ears. und nou look as uellas Hhtnllrbt painted CHEMICAL Pnl.NT hastakm Urt-t I'ltKMIUMS nt twt nty ol the Mate minor tho Union, samplecardol olors Bent rrec. Addrets .N. Y. 1SN A M i: I. l'AINT CO., lib 1'ilntc ttreet, N. v., or HKNitY L. ipKH & hU.N, Atenta 1321. UarKct Btrect, I'hlladelphla, l'a. July !7, 'Il-iy J" HI. IVCIZEl'S Mammoth G-rocory, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBURG, OP.., 11 Tim ruci: to oet tub woiitii ok voua money in thu finest anh kkhshest op Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description, Qaeensware, Glassware, Wonfl and Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR C.SH, UK NICK FKKSH PttUHWJE. Jan 1, 1377. HARMAN & HASSERT Proprietors; i:aht Slrci.1!, .Soulh hl(lcol'2.. & bi. icailruatl ttlouiiislun, Ia. Hespcctrully call the attention ot the public to the follow Iiib statements : They inanufaetiiro 1 d IKON mid MltA-s t'AKTlMi". 1 hey male tho on. Muted oilgluul and IMPHOVEtl MONTBOS FI-CWS, also all Unds or Itepalrs, bucli as -Mold Loaiua I'oiulB, Lauutluea bolLu. handlt-B, Ac. '1 Uey also make HEATING AND COOK STOVES and are prepared to rurnlBh all kinds or repairs, nticli as Urates, rire Uriel;, ic., u unit-salt, nnd retail. They maWe the luilirtnetl 1'uuI-iiIiih (Irule ltr lue in. reiiu Mine, the moK tcoietlnleal l.ralo In use. They arealstipri-IM-i d toIumUhNAW ANUliltWl' 1IIL1. MAClllNEKY bllAI'l I.Sd, ITLLKY, 4.C. They pay eiiclal atuntton to the Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapois, &c. The proprleujrii being practical uicchanrfc, hatlnghad an ot-c Hence ot over thirty years, the puhilccan roly up i I , i , . , ,i 1 1 1 1 1 ii .i 1 1 1 1 1 , i ii ikt iunt.ii ui.o ut Ian liutb. Jan. M, 77-ly , A DM 1 N ISTIlATOlih NOTICE. K.STATE Ot irDIl K(IPITi. PFt-'n. Iitlera ot u cl u.lii It in tit ii . nu iheeHaleot l)dla lloUltu. lute 1 Cel tic loviifhlp. Coluu tla to., I'u., have leeu I'mnnd b Hie l.ti.-lmr or Co lumhtu count), to Himtitl -ejliard, Administrator, or t-iiiuo inn nhiilp. to in in all Krtous lndtl led. are retiut-Ji'td to make Immidlule ittjn eiil and thio hatlni;clalm ' r dtn antis acalr" il" " te wilt make iht m knoKii to theu' r i lnls- trutur Hllhniit Oeluy .-All CI NKUIAlm, Adiulr.lhiiiilo . deo?s-cw UDITdlf.s MTIl V.. khTK OK OLOtiCt: kBKtflkll, MCI K1 Tho undtrhljrnt.l udltoi tiptiflnled to make dU trlbutKiu.t tin halanifl or minis In tin hiintls ir amuei hiii-hltr uiliiiltiltrutor to and umoni: the ' Pur lies i n t II led tht ret i lil uttintl to Ihe Uutlisor Ids aprolntuicia nt the tniie or C (1 l ull, i lu liluiiUMliiirir, n -aturda' , Januury !iiih I67. when and where all iisun huvlu tluln baio leipe sled tuprewni ihe sain- Ulon- ihe udlt rerh- dibar ii u ,ruoi oommu' in lor u bnure ot s.iia unu l'AUi K. I'T. Auditor dec!!S-lw J OiBJ..TIVK XOTICK. inact to treet Into and eonnlluletbe District or Uio I'u- rol Ihe Township or Inoiim In the o-mi y or Columbia, Uo Poor lUstUU ol Coluioblj eount, N'oiooUl-rtb.vtlietitlut uttne next tewluu or reel I'eniisrltuulu upi-llrailou win Uj made (o tho pa.-ank'e r.r an net under tli-j -t i)Vi IM-, lie i'urpo.-ool hl( U U to erect and oroiio i Ben- ra1 IKlllOue 1 ir the om ty or culu i bi t n ouuso'ld tie Into It nil existing dl-.trl?li. dec. is sw W, c l UIVKN AY P.p""y '"" A Premium Steol Engrav iipi rntltlttl KlMI 1MI Ol-l UK MTIoK INIllHTeX- fin' v.'h ihe VMM K1M1 1 lll'licn, a u p.iee Hell;, luim fan. IU MvtsiaMr.drtotrd to iiruM-hold Ihe hunda Mliw.l, .Mu-lc ard (leneral I'lnirth work. in mrnlliMilal .tms wan ed 1d drtss j. it. iiiikw Kit, It vWarnnnrett.New Yirlr. nor. , ll-Siu jwim y KaiHLATlVK KOTICK. " luthehberebvcltfn Utat an application wlilbo Hindi! to i e Upl-latiiren I' ut lla reir ular se-slcu ot IK7S, lor the euttuee or un Act to be i-ntltiltU "An Act lu trtel the Vu-hlnrtMir I'ocr lilnrkl." The ohjtit ii litis act lu lu tuahle tha tOMUthlpacI Ceniie, Mrtarcret, orante, nshlair crtek, I'lne, Jackson und litnton, In Columbia coon- BUY THE BEST ROLLINS & HOLMES, Evans' Block, Main Street. DEALKIIS LV Ranp, Fire Place Healers, Mantles, PUMPS Ac. Ac. MAXUPtUrUltKS OF Iron and Copper Ware, and GALVANIZED IRON CtPNICE. Sole Agents for the BASE and STKAJI FITTING Promptly IN TOTICR Noil-e Is heri-bv clien Mist ni-tillcQllon wl'l I mnili- lit the nexl ii it nuk-el tin- ( nHan-ie lor the or an ait In tuiihir-ri tl.e .nelitiri- lout Ihe li ukll K anil it -ulrll-i: vt l epuule lot-da ll t'ul uvtlsu invwi hip I'tiliiniblu to the lovust bldtler, tin- letlllik' tu l-e miitle li. the vudlluif, und tot liulhli Ihi mice ol ruiuu oislli snlu tonnshlp, die. v, '77-w (tu OMON HR'JJAN. Jl (il-l ativi: SOI U K .-In la h r h Klvn ilia ap Ileal I- n will hi intuit t ihe liKlsliimt st- n li. t- it i one. lor the p -.-bin 1 1 in. uit 1 1 till t n An i. i p- al - rl ii act Nn r l.ttlteb upi rnpn iiiniis.out ur enun I) n.i.ds in i t'lii u.turul -ul Ut " upt-ruwd the Mx la of , nini omlitfii- ihoni-Hrid elnMt htin uultlM) j, ur l.e obji 1 1 i-l lids at 1 1 tutu. l-lell,i 1 liiinl. u ei ' el Hi u mail, Ilollliultll Mi-, heiileul An-f i Hill n. io repieenlntlon In Ihe " i i.ui-i . r e nun iii e. tri-uttd b unaci epi luieiUh-nn -'nj t A:u !. 1-T0. , , A. ,Mifn, ' I--on tburt: 1 -. i,77in .Cujlruun. jyun.Tr . ( Notli-els.lieitliygnnilliut I piireha'U tho 'ollow. I'm K-rson .1 ini-ii'i- t.r i.lsm-I Inn ot Klshli-K-eieek ttiwnMdin 1 1 liit.ti ealt on 'luesda- the llrst dayor J.iiuuij isjsi 1-i-T i-lials, I woodiu Uam nluiv. 1 slih -hill pi iiu.iirntii , (sled, wood work: at it ii t aiote nnd plp-aiidcui-kluir Utt Itsllhll si les 1 1 lu Ihe gti-uml lntle or less, 3 ocresor lye teeie rlss.oiu lannlliirlriUM cross cut nn and lit us, l.i 11 eiodn. I have loantd tho uuim- in itiiti iiiirink' uy pieisure.und itenoycau Hull ULyout llh lulu lu iul' ah the eaine. JuU. 4, 1s-i DMINISTItA'lOH'" XOTICK. kSTATK Kf JAI OU ST, lll l'KAUH), Letters i r Admii.hirnllon on tho ettato or Jacob Mine, late ot Itcusi tivinshlp, Columbia county, I'a , diet ttstd, htne tti-eiiyrumtdbv Hie Heclateror kuldi-ituntx in l-iiihli-r und Iiaulel I. Mlno or same liiw it-lilp. ll s rsons ImviiiE i litms uk'ulnst lltetsi te or the tlieedtut eie rt-nU'-sletlto present tli-Iii tl-r sttllimeit aim IlKi.e Indt bled to the es tate to iiiufc u mini tot e luitli-r.-l-ia-d AduiloU trulors vlthcut delus. vir.i mm i'kaiii.eii, , . HANILI.I. SII.S'K. VUAlhV'- Adu.Utlstr.tora. STOVE JKOIKLATIVK KOTICIi .Notleeljh'relivtrlifn that Iho undirkhjned wui al'ply to the Uk-la ulure or Peni-nlvaulautltareir. ularu-i-Blou ol iniilor Ihe pan-uue ot uu Aettobo entltlrd "An Ait to authorluj thu Court 01 Ouaner eitloiHoi Uolunilila cikiuii to ruthe amount or ooraoeimtlw p-r I tytor m .ttitilnliit S'liiuortinj null pitvont-re wt mav bo legally roniiiied iuefcliii'i ihe i i.l)tu wlu rout ahull Ui Utirlmthe hhorinol talk rouittr reamnabhi coupiniaitloa (or Ueuui iortIiii.lprUjLM. im.u. jn. i, -in j, w. uornua. Thn Cut llluilnlilllii Minntrof Uiln, IJlt. I'llnHClG'H Fountain Natal Injceior, j DOUCHE, This Inilmmcnt la eipcclally deslgncil lor Hie eerfect application or DR, SAQS'S CATAKRK REMEDY. t( I. I.a Mil tnrm nf iHilfiimnnl ItiVnrtlfiit with which tluiil mcilfcliiepnn le carrtrit high up nnd perfectly ttppiiett tn fill nnrt of itio ntferied nnAi juiMrtgos, nnil llioctiambcranr I'Milles com municnlinB llicrcwltli, lu which ami ulccrt fremicntlj' exist, ami from which tho RAtarrhal illfcliftiac cenorallv nrorccds, The want of ue- rcn In ti eating Catarrh heretofore has arisen larc-elT from the limioiilbllltr of niMtlvlnsr reri. etltcs to tce cailtlci and clminliers or any of La onlinirr ntetlinih. Thli ol)tacle In the way or eflcclltifr cut ei li entirelv niei-e.nnic by tlio tin ca tion nf the Umichc. Hi uc 19 plcaimil ami bo lmilelliltn rhlld ean itnileritninl It. I-'llll and oxillelt illrcetlulln ncciitniianv each liistru menu When tlcd with thli Intttrtinient, Dr. Eiaitoa Catarrh Kentcile euiei recent Altark ol c-itiii in mo iiona" oy a fctr ajipllcatlons. SY3I I'TO.HS-I'rcuucnt hea-laelie, tll'diarce MUlnir inio, ftune tlmei proline, watery, thick mucin, purulent, oflenitlie, ele. Innlhcii, a dryncsi, dry, watery, weak-, nr Inllnmcl crc. altipplng uPi or olnli-ne-tl'iit, ol nnal paisugci, ringinK In car, tlcaf. ne!i. Ii.tuklntr awl enuglilni; to clear tlimat, ulecrntliins ncjlis from ulcers, v.uec nlleieil. n.-i'.il twin . otlenlie Ine.-ilh. Itnpahcd or total ileprlvalinit of teno ot itnell and t.i-le, ill7ineii, mental ileprei-lon. Inn "I nppellle, Imlu-eMlon, cnlarued tun il-, tlrk'.lit" eout:li. etc Onlv a few of tlit--e iMiijiiiinti ate likely lu be pu&cnt lit any cae at,niic tunc. llr.SiiBe'pi rntnrrli Ileineil). when itn-d Willi Dr. IMeri-e'H ,Niilll lliillelie. uml ur cuitii.iniiil with i tie cwii tieiilineni which Ii it i-iiinn.eii p I in the p.trni'lilct thai wr.ip- each liottle of tin l.'cnicdy. Is a perfecl ii-cllie for this loatll'-nnie .li'i-.uc. It Is mild and plc:iant tn ne, i-imiulnlntr no strnnp ur e.iuitii-. iimim or iioi-nn.. 'I he Catarrh lieiue-lv I tmld nt So tonu, bmirhc ut tie cent", by nil lriicgiti. ;;. r. rimer:, m. .. i-mr, 111 II Ml), s. v. btp. SS, 'TT-lf ALT.XT.OR - ' CORES DISEASES crTiIE- THHDAT.mNGS.LIViR.BLQQa In Ihe wnnilnful moilioine toiThich the nflllcteit ftn- uhmc illiii'icl for relief, the iH-coeirr he In1-!' ho ha- ( (MiihliM'il iu iKtrmuntj mmonf Xn-luif'-i nicieipn fiimtlo irfiKTltO', Hhiuh (iml liai innllicil into tlio rgetutilo kiiigilom fur tniC tho sick, limn were ocr licfore conitilneil in one incilicinc. The c Mcnrc of this f.trt H fiuml in the fit cat rnrirr r of ninit olit Inateitt'easci Inch it has I'l-cn fotiml to rmncr. In the cmc of llronclittl, Scvoro 'oii'Iiii, ami tho oailv blv-() ol Ciiiikiiiuplioii, iili.u at'iulditjil th'o incilU'.il faculty, ntul uinhicnt iihvhlciaiis iiro iMiuncc tt the est mctieat ill'-rmcrv of the ajje. While it cuies the tooiet Cuughs, it r-tienfihciK the fHicm ami inrUlc tlio hlootl. Jiv lis ftreatiuitl thniout'lj lhmilimrify Ing )miterlip. it cmcs all Humor, fn-ni the orfct .Srroliilii to a rnmnmn llltitc lu llm ilo,or i:i uplloii. AliTcurlAl iIih-ih-c, Mineral l'i'loiii, nii't their efJecH, aie craiilrntcil, nn.l ik'orous health ami a Bmiml umstlnitlon oatab Ilslieil. i:rj NlpcJitN, Sali.rlioitm. Fever Kortv.Mn.y or ICuiikIi Skin, in nhorl, all tho iimuoioiH tliicabc i-.m-eil hv li.i hlmj.t, ore nm-nicrcfl Ur Urn p-nuiful, nuifyiti!r, ami in u0'ui;ii(ii incihciLC. If ynn feel tlull.ilrowRv.iIcliilltale.l. haionallow mlor of t-liin. or rolinwrxh Imiw n Kpotrf on face or ho I v, fre'iurnt headacho or (IhmiiCrv, t:ttc in mtnith, iniminl heat or chllla alternaioil with imt llii-tu-ei, liiw uplnu, ami pln)niy foiohoilintfi. ir uvular aphetlto, ami t.Hiiriio ci,i;i-il, von aie eiulerltii; from ToriUU river, or IlillniiN. ':" .In in inv c.te- of I.Ivor Com Ilnlul only pait of ihe- svimiiom- niu o-ioiiont'c-i. a rrmcilv fur all oin'ii i-.i-c-. Ijp, rieno -dol.ten .Mcilnyit JUaemerv ha- tu. v nal, - it i nc. ia jieifect omrea, U'.tvjn n.u kueuyU.out'il uml li faith). SUL0 BY DRUGGISTS AT SI Ft ' JT IE.'i i,v u, v. l'intt'i:, i)., s!e rronrti'Or, at dm H'om.n s Ii-im n.-iakv. lluflalo. N. V, '77-tf Tho Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durahlo, Tho Most Popular or SEWING MACHINES. It it easily iiiiilcmttioil, .,in.-.i tht tlntlbli-tlireiitl lnrU-.lltt h, wtiaell resulnllns lenkluim nut! Iakelii, ami it-IM Ju rte Itnlo riiite vffamilu ieer:lvltllollt t-liuiie. The i Dlueattc la mtitfeln IA. mail flura6le mtittner, ic-lli rotilrtil .(! (te-triiyi ttnet cumjtetinulliii Juuritaf. rirouftOMt. paper fashions; Thne fulpiiltir PATTKItNH for luJIe.', mloci', and children' drtie, are cut on a aystem miperlor iouny In uje, riml ran he uiuleretaoit by auy ouo. i'uf tllret-loilnml((tiiitrtitttiiu on eaeh envelope. Send J'it- Om. for illustrated Calm, logue of XOOO i'lt.Atoti., iMiTiaira I II ! Ill II.HI1III Sawanft Machine Co., Mow York. I. W. HARTMAW, ipt "Diesiic" Paper Fashions, Kloomsbur. Uecetr.befi.mMy -i.ll B r J.V ,r ii. i. i' BUSINESS Coli rWF .-r- .--.i.m wvwi ihi IUIV AnJ Trlt-trnplilt, liMltiueT In.1,00 S.T!nll,' 6..,phll.idBlohia.Pa. tyu nuiu.. iit-irrr'."- CATARRH c til' II lIMI !" IIIM -111 . .... I , )!. 1 IM t ! LIS . ,11 v' iftnrV lUiVnn of Wilt! Uiu.ry. of Wild C'lierrr. of i Id In iii. of Wil.l ( li.fiy. U'islur's lLlsuni. I'oi' Colli, tiw I or ' i imp, live IVir ts'll llsii Wist .r'.s r?!ilstui). I'nv "J'l ti-st'ticsi. m,. Wistar's $h s -ill I'OI' til'OIII illlU tl. Wislar's IS;;!sm I'or t ii 13 ii - iii-n. us. . Wistar's Pa Uam. I'OI' 'IDStllllpfloK. itNc W?ST sf's '. M I'or Miff Miro t ii o Wistar's :lsiuo. ror V Iinoplut: oi'fil-. i'.- Wislar's ! alsuni. I'or ItNrsist'N or (lir I. imp , use Wistar's SSalsam. I'or IH.iiim'. ol' Ui I'ln oil I . iim- Wistar's alsam. I'm- ItlsriiMN I (In- . lu-(, us Wistar's Halsiim. SO cts. anrl 31 a hottle. 50 cts. and (SI a bottle. SO cts. and SI a bottle. SO cts. and Ol a bottl . .Villi llj till ili'tigs? si Mi I it Im all li-tini;l,l. Milil h;, ;ll ilriiKlsls Milil Iiy Illl :i'iiulHt. J-i OriA-OtM'SlElI all IieFt of ft I'rf lute iiUtr r - illhi,- & n mt nbuacK InTM-tloii at HitH"-i Mrmltiul ckU k1ui lti rmlluii T Mcmor, luipulrt i) Mtrlit, l.unt MuuhtitHl or Immli'iir7. Ncrvnu Hthlllly, ivnuv rifiilly HUr..4of IL Itladtilrr. lfiliMj, Liter, l.iiiiir-. 'ttimi, (MaitI.. 111 ml io ii. Iilttr, nml III i:M.s (It ri;M!.i:H,)!ll to ,U IrvMinmi. I d" h I a lib Ion it uplfnce, uml ritiw w bent oilirri fail. h pirl l nf tli Jj firing.) hi Imnt, itrt tin mririn. li tbl,vin tba U.S. I,AIIKrwilrfna in-umtiit wlih rirHulc hou unit IxwJ, rail it wrlir. Ktr-rv font rnn-DH for ttlni, Sfi-.t flftypenU ft-r iti.U of HubUr (.iwln and rlr tiilv of linirLinl lufiritifillon b .nimi ilJt, ULI.N'fi Nmftlwllll,. 4rr Hit Ct.. ..t(ii1.m f,W. MA11JUA0-H GUIDE MSJrS'l& y.anit.ri.1 , .if. 'i s-n tif I iirlv.ta li .int.. t si il' - n l.i I . -visnim lln. Lv ' - i . . Umi -...TUnlji u.wul I .i ti. . . . dras, wsl.J. I i 9-9 i-iitrit IVlnf j 1 1 tli. tinr.1. I r.l- M t.uU, kts.j Sjr nue. 17, 77-ly RAILJIOAD TIME TABLE S piUI.ADKItl'JIA AND UKADIXd liOAD AUKANGEJIENT OV l'ASSENGEU TJ.AJNj.. ilay 21, IS".. T1UINS I.B4VK HITEKT AS lOIIOWd (FrNI'AVl'Xl 1 I'TE I'or New York, riitUulclj.hla, Heading, l'itttillle Tainaqtiu, ic, 11,33 a. nt For CataHUsa, 11,33 a. in. 6,17 and 7,10 . tn. For Wllllauisiiurt, 0,2-c,3. a. in. andi.oti p. ni. TKAINSKOK Kl'l-EKT 1 EAVR AH IOIIOWS, (UINIIAV b CKITk.ll.) Iave New 'ork, e,4r, a. in. Leavo I'ltlladilphla, 9,15 a. rn. Uaielteatllnp, 11,3 a. in., Itittsililp, p. n and Tamaqua, 1..J p. m. U-a e Catau ls,sa, c,2ti a. tn. and 4, no p. m. l.eai u Wiuuinspui i , 2 a.m,l:,tio in. and p. n, rast-ngi-ra irdrroinKen Yoikaod Mtllaue pblaKoUiroui;.! - lUioutehanse or cars. J. k. ivtKincN, C (1, HANCOCK, ,iL'"ir'11 Sl0I1S"-' Gem nil Ik-Let Agent Jan. li, i in ti, NS2ffi CKXTJfA1- On and arter November soth. 1873. trains m lenie SU.Nl-UKYnsrolloHb: NOiailWAIIIi. Krle .Mall a. in., niiln- Kluiira u.r,i, A. " C'annudalt;ua j..,.', , i lioche&lcr a.ia Maeara a 4u Itetoio accomntodatloi. ll.iua. nt. unlit- viimn rl MM p. in. ISImlra a. in., urrlio Khnlr.i 10.20 a. m -.uiTulu Eipr...-, j.iru. ,. Ulrl, llul-Jl0 iM u (i bOUTllWAltl). liunalo Exrrebs' i.m .., . " llalihi.oie Mti hliulmilall 11.16a. 111., miiu Itui-rWtun, u. " Wahltlijluii ij.;u -" - " ILsUlUl-tuIl m.sii lUi-rlsburi;iieeoiiinii,aaliun p. 111, arm, inuii. Imrslo.dtip, iu, arrive llaltliuore 2.2a a. id ' Wus.hii.yionii.ia " hrio Hall 12.M, a. in. arrlio UarrlanuiG 3 ntn. m " llaltliuore sav .uj ,, " WatliiKtoii in.. i All dally except Mimda). U. M. IlliYli, Jr., l.enirul 1-iiM-i , Altru t'ASSATI, (.tnt-tn, M..I.U4.1' Dei.awaue. i.a(;kawa.. WKSTKUN ItAlLl.UAll. HI.OOMH1IUIUI DIVlMd Tlme-Tahlji No. no, Tn).e errt s-t al i:.,i 21t ls;,i. HONDA Y, NOVUM Mill n,NT"' STATU INK. p.m. n.111. a.m. 8 00 8 f B Ii 3 6 T 66 3 49 7 III a 48 14 a 37 J -crnnton.... IJi-lluiue. 38 . .. Tallolllllr. H 31 1 ...Uit-k-jvai.ita. 24 .. . I'ltlntm, "''"I'lllMon e 15 Wjoiulluf. n.m. p in 1 .it. II 4S 4 r., 10 In i in 11 1 10 1 20 10 211 I 2t illl 27 .III SI . tie 36 10 4l 1' 44 10 62 II 6 11 17 11 23 II 8 . II .6 11 9 , II II ,11 61 '11 67 12 . '2 117 12 10 "i V 12 ei 12 36 . 12 61 7 sa 3 3-i 7 27 7 n 7 18 3 27 23 I 111 3 11 f 11 n a 1 iv. . 07 ... .."iiHint-ti;."" . u 7 l 7 Id I 2;. 7 .J 7 4U 7 4S 7 63 6 S 20 t. 45 8 15 16 7 16 3 17 7 07 1 IV 7 III t till 61 04 IN I 1 46 2 64 t 30 2 42 9 116 1 6 611 k 60 S 61 -.Ml'Sitou.,., .KliiRkton ". I'll mouth June ...1'lj mouth ... .. .Aloiiitale Vnntifti .. 4 a 41I.Ulliilr.L-u ......'i. 0 16 83' S 1 .IliaVrVrri' J!2 i2 !" '"''; i'..ii. 6 16 8 8 ." . Mllfl.l.hlni,i . e 02 6 .'.1 6 62 6 18 6 40 6 34 6 24 2 2 13 2 10 2 16 1 ns 1 u 1 4-1 1 43 ...I'.rlarji-rtik ' WIHouroie. llt-rtrlr-lr .11 0 05 ill C 60 II 0 6.1 4tl 7 2li 6 1 Ok 2 1 40 ; 46 14 7 -.2 an 1 M W 8 15 47 8 40 62 8 47 1" 11 16 ii .tti -Ulno lilclife 1 m rpv 1 4-i .lthmini-inirtr.. I a ... , llurt . 1 so I'titnv iiii(t.. I'lurk'HHWIl.t. I 11 lijimile . J-041 Chilian y. in 1 . A aineron . e 45 -orthiiml.rlarid 6 29 6 20 1 4H 6 13 1 26 i 66 1 19 4 60 1 HS D.U1. p.m. I) nt MiHUitfl IHIIM f,V Irr" I, tl u . . . lil 1 mi 1 I- e '1 ipt JfllWEfISKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICF nr 733 Sum St, PHILADELPHIA, W'f i....'- . ..iJ'.t.' ' 1 auv. w, 17-tai I.OWJ4UT UUI ILXTlU"