The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 18, 1878, Image 3

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1 II K 00L.UM.iM AN.
i.odMKni iiii. ruinAt, tin, is, is;a
llnll ltniil Tliiif Tallin.
4.49 I'. M
droniiatKlitl(tii I mill,.
ila r.Un
x -i- v ' rait,
, . . T.SS A. M
I.Mi I'. M
i i . : wt
SMITH, -ntl'it
, il-itl'if, rrnti. it.VA.M T.ST t. l
, . .... I.llt I' M A. M.
',i ,'. .ir-"ii i-lvpres'-tr'iltiettlierloNew Yolk
,i , iiuit i. t " Ion I ruin rim "1 w i
,i. i . nn ''lllfatn'Kit.
An n-'i
ill '.! !i
iiriiiil Court
I , !! I,., "V
will ! Iirhl on I'VMnr,
ih'K in ll mruing.
linn r'
) I M. II. in t, t
n iiii , i-n I v
-l llnOs-. In It. ntou tnwi,
strovcl lit lire, Is rehiiiltl
A m w Itiiiilnri 'iiminiy lias lin n iireiniztil
l Danville, In lie known a L'oiiipaiiv U, Eighth
Keg unit I' II. Sli. is ctplain.
II" 1 1 Tiill iiml Mclltigh, now under sen
lenc of ileaih for (In r nf A W. Hi'i
iim.iw t link .in .tpp.-al tn tin1 ll.itrii o l'.ti
do i-.
Cltrgyinen, piihllc iieajv.'irt ami singers unite
in the-r prui-e nf IJr'Cme' Wihl C'herrv ami
Seniles, It rentiers the voice cltar ami ntrung.
Price, 25 ami n0 renin.
In ronseq-ietice ot' a lack of a quorum, tde
meeting nt tlie l'xchangc Hotel "ti Moiulay last
lor the purpose nf eltctlnu ntlicers of the llun
lock''. Cretk it Muncy 11. K. Co. was postpon-d
until further notice.
There will lie an nx ihition dy the pupils nt
the Drang, ville Aunliim nn Friday ami Satur
el.iy evenings, llie 18ih nml 19 li lusts , at the
Hch. i il, Pro.',',' Is for the beueiii nf tin in-titll
tion. Alt are iuviteil.
Hon Thotn i Collins, father nf the memh r
of Conurtss of ibis district. Hon F. I) Oil
lins, died i" I) iiunfire I it week Wediu-d.i ,
ajjed GO ve.irs He lit I h.-hl nriny nllicei nt
tru-t. nod -nj'iif ilu- ic-peet nf all win knew
Pii.f Sine-.' orclii'-ira, nf Diuville, hastu'tn
funmhiug irii-ie for the "iieiahhs during th
winter. Their playing is excellent, and the
tueniUrsof the hoi iiilile wirevtr) fonunate in
si curing their suvices.
D-. I! I I's U i ih Syrup is a p trelv vi-ir-tibl-coin
pi iiitiil itiniK'tnt hi n.iluri' ami woti-'erful in
1 1 tl'il. I'
children il
is iuviluahle, curinu
ttc , in a few hours,
or five bottles for $1
w In
i ing cough,
1'iice 25 eents pur Iwiltle
Tin (i.i'pel Temp 'i-.nice M. -li ug announced
for lien Siturd iv uiht at the Lutherau Cliunh'tn piHtpuned on acco'iiit of ahctuicto
he ileliverid there nt that lime. Tne next meil.
ing mil he duly iiiiimuticed uextSuuday,
Toe Kir-t Xi'io'iil II ink of Hloomsburg
e ele I 'in- f.ili.wmr nflicers l.i-t week to sere
fi- lli- i X V ir; C. H '.IX nil, I'rjsident, ,1
I' Tu. I'll, Ciishiir, 1. W. McICelvy, M (i.
Ilujh,-, i;. W .M Lmv and F 1'. Drinker, Di
rei ms
Tin I1 an! H. ( cat nml Iron Company, ii
h Hi C'lhry mar A-hlam), li.tvo Ktnii U
th mimui'i'li v in In. Ii ilie-e proves to b
twit.iv on. . ei iliuk, and ((imposed of coat o
exeii'eli qil.l lt The pie of Athland ait
highly i'i:it d at I In- dii-coviry VutUvilU Chron
11, O. I). Jiiil-y. pi-lor of llie H-fnrim d
Church, ii nigiied liis charge, the lecignatinii
lo nil-, tfliti on .hi- firt of April. Mr (iurh
h sin il. mill y Irii'mU w bile Ii. ie, ami hiseoi
Ki'V'iiimi wni til, d it hard to tin tlie vacant
eau-.d bv his Itavilig.
The oliifers nf the North A West Iiranil
Hi liu ul Coo.ptny fur the present year ore a
follows: IV.sidenl, I). J, W.iller, sr.; Director-
Willlain, ,. K. Wallei, A. I. Turner. J
Schuyler, I. W., .. C Ilrown, Win
Peacock, James .Ma-lers, Willintu I Inline, I. W
II irtiti in, I! S lleiitly, J II. Itnlii-ijii.
Hev. Dr. MtCion lias resigneii his charge til
the Lutheran Churih in this place. Tlie Dr
lias calls to two other points, and lias not yet to accept. Wherever lie got s
the pmplu of that congregation will be fortunalt
while tho church here will lose an able and de
TJtt" luinUtcr.
Mr. F. t'nutey is now cily editor of tlie Ileeoid
vfthtiima, Wilkei-barre, In the absence u
Dr. Ilr.idh'y, attending to his duties as readiiu:
clerk in the House at Harrisburg. Mr. Cool ey
aiso hts the duties of uuuaging etiitor to per
form. Alihougli kept very busy, he get
through with his ta-k in highly satisfactory
Tim following officers of tlie D.tuville, Iaih
ton A Wilkesbarre Hiilroid Coinpiny wer
chosfu at their office in lilooin-h irg. on M
day, January 14th, to serve for the en-iiiug
year: J. I. C.i-selhury, IVsident ; II. J. .Smith
H V. McHeyimlds, J. II C.l-e, U,s.. W Zeif
ler, Cyrus lliiiHirn, L. 15 Hurke and S. I'. Wol
verton, Dirtctors.
At the recent t'Uciion of ollitvis of il
Isioniiishurg Hulking' t'ompiuv tin- toltowin
wtre thii-en : IM-tdeni, John A Fuiision
Oi-hier, II. II (irmz; Telhr, John F 1'..
co k j Uiitctors, J U I'retie, A It Slew-in
WtiNin JI Kvis, John A. Fuu-lon, Jimp
On Monday last, tiy virtue of a subptena
nherifl Hi Uiuuii look Msnus Cud, ofitu Dani
Kelly ulbu "the Ituni," tu .Mailed Chunk to tes
tify what he knuws aboul tho killing of a man
nainid Smith near lliir.UKui bv a per-uu luim
Sliaipe. It sums that this precious ra-cil Ills
been com erunl in ol lit r murders t t ail that ol
Hei Ii j niifoi innate I lint the Commnnwealll
i to take as witnesses the mo-t notori
ous ul a bam! t f iniiidntrs, who would swear in
itiiything to -ave lii tiwn worlhlifis neck,
This i)t what ttic Wilkew'iarre Leadar sals
alioiii us :
The III,. indium Coliinihitu and Democrat
"gin us twelllh vi'lume with the i,ewyiar,au
in a tMiiLTdliilatnrv itlltori il last we.k el ve
il' 1,1 In tniv of its miviss The inner da
glow ii ever vines' it was started and is to day
nn i f the stitunchert D, iu,k.tjIi' joiiiuals iu
'in oiaie unutr tlie siitiervi-ion oi .-viessr
II. ...I f l.i.. it .'. 1 1.1... 1.
.., t.Bji, t 1.IWIM 11 ruillll uu liuiinni; ititn.
That it may iniitiiiuo nn its prosiarous way uu
in Hit mil, Is what we sincerely hope.
A Out to Ah A pair of ha d-ome 0x8
chrt'inus are given frte to every one who silt
senbta for thru- months to Lcuure IlvuiM,
Urge 10 pige literary paper, filled with the test
storiis, poetry, tic, by writers ot estahlMud
reputation. The papers sent will contain the
opening chapters of a charming story entitled
"Holdtii wild llie. Curds," br the author
".-hlloh," "My Wintir in Culm." itc. Tlie
publishers, J. L. l'atton A Co., 102 William
Strut, New Yolk, have decided to nfl'er till
slioil suls-cripllon at fifteen ctlils (Hlg takei'i, aonui tuti coti ol wiute paper
" , . tn 1 ... ..t ..r
allll lllllllllig aim if K1" urn kui:i4 pair ui
btautil'ul chromos as catu.ot fail to please every
one. Double value of money is promised
eviry subscriber, f 1,600 In priies la given free
jau 18-4ir
lumen Ilellly, the Exchange Hotel barber,
lias purc'.ia.eil a shop In Catawissa anil will run
a branch there.
Meeting have been held every evening elur.
iner tdc week In tho Presbyterian Church.
CiergyrneD from oilur places have assisted Her.
H. .Mitchell in conducting thtra.
STAtiTi.t.NO Intei.lioe.nck I We date re
ceived the Brst Installment of the IxgUutht
Journal It sivs something nb mt what oeciirrttl
at llairialnirK tii weeks ago. The last number
Is ixprctnl next 4ih of July.
The tiifiidir annual meeting nf the I'eniisyl.
vnni.i Editorial Asm lallnn will lie held in
llariisburft, on Thursday, January !24tli, 1878,
at three n'clotk p. m.
IMilors and publishers of paper, througiiout
tin. S'.it' air Intittil in he present and council
tlnm-clves Kith ill" orraiiizalion.
Tue Oiuiti Auditors have tinishtd the wolk
ot i x uuhilng the nreounls of tlie Commission
ers, mid express themselves as entirely satisfied
wild the condition of county aff.ilrs, Every
thing showed that the accounts have been care
fully and honestly kept. The annual statement
will he tin bits lied soon.
All babies are diiuiiiu.tve Crcars, since they
c nue, they see, they conquer, suiuetltne by
their gentle slillncs, but ofiener by continued
and uproarous crying induced by colic, teething,
flatulence, etc Dr. Bull's Haby Syrup by its
gentle vet specific influence quiets the little onis
ilhout ever producing the least Injurious ef-
ct. Price only So cents per bottle.
The office of the Luzerne Union, at Wilkes-
barre, was sold by the Sheriff the other day and
brought $1,325. It wa the old organ of the
Democratic parly in that County. Want of
patronage was probably one cause, but then
with a few exceptions the Democratic papers
there for some years past hate not deserved
much support. In fact, it seems that there is
not much of a Democratic or Republican party
lft there
Tlie last number of Harper's JJazar is btfor
As it contains mysteries we cannot appro-
iate, we seldom dsik into it. Hut It ws our
misfortune to lien the last number. We wi re
lartled. Had liny attempted to impose the
Day't lhinn on our unsuspecting spouses ? He-
ciuse here were croups of females exposinc
lnt eiulit inches of their spinal column, as
much ol tlieir tireast tiune, anil lots of shoulders
We rlo-ed tle paper with a sigh.
J. M. Smith, assignee af I. John & Son, will
s-!l re-ii e ts.te in C.itawissa, beginning January
ll-t, 1878
II J. Ileeder, administrator of Deliorah Kei-
chard, will sell real estate in Catawissa on Feb'
ruary 2d.
Sale of balance of real estate of M. Orover,
leceai-ed, continueil to February 2d.
For tlie year 1878 the days and dates of im
pnrtant events, anniversaries and holidays will
fall as follows : Candlemas, or ground dog day,
Saturday, February 2d ; St. Valentine's day
Tlinrsday, February 14 ; Washington's birth'
lay, Friday, February 22 ; Shrove Tuesday, or
Fustnacht, Tuesday, March 5; Ash Wednesday,
beginning of Lent, Wednesday, March 9th ; St,
trick's day, Sunday, March 17th j Good Fri
ll., Friday, April 10th; Faster Sunday and
Monday, April 21 and 22; Acension day,Thurs-
lav, May 30; Whit Sunday and Monday, Juu e
iii'l 10; July 4, Thursday; Christmas, Wed
esday, December 25.
Consumption Cured An old
irtsi from practice, having had placed in his
lands by an Fast India missionary the formula
f a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy
and permanent cure of consumption, bronchitis,
oitarrli. asllima, and all throat and lung aflec-
lions, also a positive and radical cure for ner
vous debility and all nervous complaints, after
having tested lis wonderful curi ive powers in
thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make
il known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by
this motive, ami a desire to relieve human suf
fering, I will send, free of charge, to all who de
sire it, this recipe in German, French or Eng
lish, with full direclin s for preparing and us.
ng. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. W. Slierar, 120 Powers'
Block, Hocliester, N. Y.
The public should keep a strict lookout for
the fol lowing counterfeit ;
A $5 note, Firt-t National Hank of Hanover,
Pa. The paper thin and color dark. Charter
number 187. date Feb. 20, 1S04, bearing signa.
ures of F. 10. Spinner, L. K. Chittenden.
$5 note on the First National Hank of Tama
qua, l'a. Un the face of this note the letter "n
n the word dollars has a blurred look. On tin
back, the word "owing" is spelled "ownig," and
the word "thousand" is spelled "thousand."
$5 note on the First National Hank of Hano
ver, Pa., printed from tlie same plate as the Ta
muqiia, beam the same characteristics, with the
exception that the word "owing" has been cor
rected. but two dots can be ascertained over the
The principals and trustees of tlie Sta.e Nor
ma! Schools met in (lie Department of Public
Instruction (Prof, Wickersham's office) in ro
ponse to a circular issued by the Superintrn-
lint of PuUlin Instruction. All the Normal
choots (except the one at West Chester) were
r. presenlid All the subjects mentioned in the
ircular were dist ussed,
Tin- practice of holding preparatory institutes
wt- disapproved, a- it worked injustice to teach-
ts. Il was decided that one school
hoiild nut use the catalogue of another
A bill was approvisl a-king for ail appropri.i
lion nf $500,000-$100,000 to be paid a- nually
lor five yesra for the liquidation of the indebt
edness of the normal schools of the Stale.
It is claimed tdat if tlie above were approved
no more appropriations would be demanded.
Patriot. Uur school was represented by the Principal
Prof. Waller, and Judge Klwell, U. A. Uecklcy
end C W. Miller, Judge Klwell was
ma e President of the Conference,
The little lown ol Stillwater, with iu neat,
painted buildings, prtnents a pleasing and at
tractive appeaiance!
Our Hipular and enterprising merchant, J.
F Mcllenry, Is doing a lively business. His
MJtto, "Quick sales and soitll profits," accounts
fir it.
Mr. Dsniel'MeHcnry'a large new house Is
nearly rjmt.letetl. It is one of the finest houses
in Columbia county.
The new planing mill in course of erection at
lids place is rapidly approaching completion,
and will add another phase lo the Industries of
this busy community.
Our genial townsman, Moses Mcllenry, tsq.,
intends erecting a large store house the coming
The public sehuol at this place, numbering
nearly sixty pupils, is in successful operation
The altendaLce Is punctual and regular, The
ivrceulage of attendance during last month was
91. Tlie percentage of attendance un tlie ladies
side of tde House fur the same mould was 100.
We fancy this Is hard to brat,
The new flouring mills of Hon, K. J. Mo-
Henry of this place are being run to their fullest
capacity, turning out cust m aael merchant work
that canuol be excelled.
Our llianks aro duo Hon. J, I Templo for a
neatly bound copy of his annual lleport. It is
replele with Interesting statistical Information,
to some of which wc will call attention hereaf
ter. At presnt wo will confine ourselvis to n
few extracts of a local nature.
Tat on Corporation Stotk
llhioinbtirir Iron ('.ninpihv
$.wn no
21 oo 1
10,1 M) Si i
82 I'J ,
131 221 C7 I
lus i o i
Ilerwick HnllliiL' Mill
Caiawls-a Hnllroail Ouiipiiiv
C'atawls.a Ilrhlg" Compinv
Delaware, Lackawanna and W. -ti rn
H K. Company
Kspy Lini" and I'lim-nt ConilMiiy
Jackson fc Wood in Maniitacluriiig
Locust Miuntain Coal and Iron
Nesc p i' Itiidg" Compiny
Tat on Otal Companies
Coal Hidge Impioveuient and
('inn puny
Locust Mountain Cosl and Iron Com
pany 200 00
02". 00
h9 00
3 53
0.313 30
Tat on Personal Piopcily.
Columbia County
Tin on Hank Stotk.
Columbia County, none.
First II ink, lllooinshiirg,
'ilu oa Xtt Dimiiyi or Inromr.
Hloomsbnrir Hanking Company
Jackson, Woodm At Jatk-gn'
71u oa Imani.
351 78
475 00
93 49
CO 00
Columbia County none(?)
Uorougli of liloointuurg
37 30
2'ux on Writs, Wilis, DttJs, Ac.
B F. Zirr, I'rothonotary, Columbia
W. II. Jacoliy, Hetiister and Hecord-
621 18
er, Columbia County,
Hdailers' License.
301 19
H. W. JlcHeynolds, Treasurer, Co
lumbia County,
Hiicrn Liccnw.
II. W. McHeynolds, Treasurer, Co
lumbia county,
IZitlny House, etc., Licenses.
II. W. McHeynolds, Treasurer, Co
lumbia county,
Pamphlet Laws.
H. W McHevnolds, Treasurer, Co
lumbia County,
"Cbmmou Sthools.
Cnlumhia t ountv
Stale Normal Sihuol. Sixtli District,
Ptnsions and Gratuities
Columbia County
Mercantile Appraiser.
(1. Hnwer, Apprai-er, Colmnhia
J, J. Hiown, for costs in Coin in hi a
1,119 00
38 00
1 00
4,50 00
19,400 50
95 00
fi CO
rnrui.ATioN, vai.I'ation or ri:nov.ii.
Propeity subject to tax of 3 mills on
the' dollar
Property .object to tax of 1 per it nt
on the tlollar
Amount of tans on watihta
Assessment of tax
28 701
ti U'.fD
531 lit)
$052 L'O
Washington. D- C, Jan. 15, 1S7S
The following is given us a partial lit ol
siibjtcts of investigation under tlie Gloter
resolution, uliicli piisstd tin House on Fu
ll ay :
Tlie letting nf mail contract in llie latter
part of Grant's administration.
Hobcson's naval construction contracts.
The jobs ol the District Hing.
The circumstances attending tlie defeat of
the opponents against the electoral e'oiint.
The decision of tlie Presidential votes ol
South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana.
The restoration to rank of Runkle and
The construction of public buildings
throughout tlie country.
Tim means by which the "desert-land
steal" was passed through the Inst Congres-,
and tin- subsequent transactions in that con
The whole business of the Indian Hureau
just covered by tho Scliurz investigation.
Our diplomatic relations with Jlex tco
and the nou recognition of Diaz.
The Naval Adniitii-trntioti witli a view to
frauds in general.
The extietidituifs of the Hott-e of Hepre
scntatives since the Fortieth Congress cov
ering all tlie investigations together with a
re-openiug of llio investigations ol the I'or
ty-eecond Congress.
The committees dave power to send for
persons and papers, have, probably, n Ion;
session before them, and may do the catt
of economy and good government great sit
vice. Or, il tit cy do not push their work
with vigor and thoroughness, they may di
gust tbu country and force people ratio r t
bear tlie ills than to seek relitf through it
vestigations. It tlie comniitti es shall pur
sue tlie course of Stcretary Scliurz, making
their inquiries sreret, incomplete line! unfair,
it Mould be better that nothing tit all should
be done.
Prot. Iliiyden's Geological and Geograph
ical Survey of the. Territories for 1877 is ol
interest to all. The survey itasconduclid
in an exceptionally syste malie manner, nml
our knowledge ot tlie paieontology of the it
giuns tiuversid has lit-en much cnlargi-i
i tie topographical work env. n u nn ari a n
about 30,000 square miles, hiii! u cuiiparu
tivrly unknown region rich in i iiu rals and
of great agricitliu al and grazing eapacitt
will be made known. Tlie riurvt-y extendi d
from Oregon to Montana, embracing the
Territories, of Utah, Colorado, Wyotnin.-,
Idaho ond Dakota. The expulsion when
in the field is composul of about 40 prisons,
including -cienti-ts, packers, rooks and la
borers; and it is generally dividid Into sev
eral parties, each lully equipped and prepar
ed to examine a specific area of cotiiilrt,
usually about 10.000 square miles, more or
less, depending upon. the character of the
country to be examined. The field seasoti
usually la-js about 4 months, tt lien tlie la
borers aref elicliarg(d at the starting point,
t ir scientists returning here for office duly.
This Sutvey has issued a scrim of annua!
reports, presenting tlie reulla In a popular
form, for general distribution, A series of
quarto volumes are also issued, embracing
purely cieulific uiattets, for distribution to
colleges, libraries mid scientific specialist
A series of Bulletins are also which
subjects requiring tpe-cial and Immediate at
tention may be found. There are also the
miscellaneous publications, such as meteor
ology, distances and altitudes, catalogues,
Aa an Illustration of the esteem and ap
preciation in which the work accomplished
is held abroad, I quote General Hichard
Strachey, of the Hoyal Engineers of
luid, to n gentleman of digit scientific at
tainments in this country :
"It Is an undertaking in all respects most
honorable to your Government and to the
men of science who have been their agents
iu carrying it out. In truth It is, I believe,
the only really tcieuilllc -urvey of a grrat
country ever entered upou "
"Dollar flrnlibcH."
HocrtroRT, Mass., April 2, 1677.
Mr. Editoiu Hating read in your paper
reports nf the ritnaikalilo cults of catarrh, I am
Induced lo tell "what I know abort iatirrhi
and I fancy the "snuff" and "Inhallng-tnbe'
makers (mere dollar gubhus) would bo kI.h1 if
tliey could .miilaion a similar euro in the a
pets, For 20 ytsrs I so (It rid wild citartli.
Tin nasai passages ht'cntuc fomplettly 'lostd.
"Mnill,'' 'ilnsi." "11-111".,' "inhalii it lubes" mid
'Micks," wouldn't wotk, though at II n rvals 1
wnlil infl'iip ti i- mi cilltd csiiirili Miiiff until i
I htC'iii a tt'sltr for -nib meiili li.ts. j
I gi.iilo'illy grew wor-e, mil no one can know j
Ii' w im ch 1 soli, ml, or what a Inl-irahleiHing I
I was, Mv head achet' over luv ives so that I innlnitil to my lutt tor IlllltiV sUlceslVO 1
lay", so i ring the luo-t intense pain, whilh at
one lime lit-lid rmitiiiii, for ICS hours, All
sense o t.ute and smell gone, sight and litiiring
impaired, body shrunken and we.ikentd, nei
vous system shuttered, and constitution broken,
and I was hawking and spitting seven-eighths
of the time. I prayid for dtatli lo relieve me
of tny FiiflVriug, A favorable notice in your
piper of Dr. Sage's Catairli Heuudy inductd
me to purchase a package, and ue il it lid Dr,
Pierre's Nasal Douche, which applies the rem-
cly by hydrostatic pressure, tlie only way com-
pitihle with common sense. Well, Mr. Kdllor,
it did not cure me In thru-fourths of a second,
nor in one hour .,r month, but in less than right
minutes I was relieved, and in three months
entirtly cured, and have rcmainid so fur over
sixtirn months. While using the Catarrh
Ittm.tly, I used Dr. Pieice's Golden Medical
Di-covery to purify my blood and strcngtlun
my stomach, I also kept my liver active and
bowels regular by tlie use of his Pleasant Purg
ative Pellets, If mv experience will induce
other si fie rrs to suk the same means of relitf,
this lettir will have answered its purpos?.
1 nuts truly,
S. D. Rl'.MlCK.
Kiglit tliniismd druggists and generat stores
In the United States sell Fouti's Horse and Cat
tle Powders They sell Foil r.'s because they
know them to possess intrinsic merit.
One of the surgeons of llie National Surgical
Institute from the Hitern Division, Philndch
phis, will he at the Ktchange Hotel, Hlooms
burg, 21-t nntl 22.1 January. 1878, fur the pur
pose nf seeinir patients now under treatment and
anvniherswhninavwi.h to cftisnlt him with
ref.rence to the cure or relief of all siirt-i
cal di-eases and deformities. This, we under
stand, is the largest institution in the country
devoted to the t'eatmen of all diseases and de
formities of tlie back, limbs and face, and other
surgical di-easea, And as all consultations are
frte we would advise tlio-e who arc thus atfiitti tl
to avail themselves of this opportunity to learn
if northing can lie done for them. Gnearlvon
the first d.iv.
Sudden changes of wetlher are sources of pul
monary and bronchial affections, hem ewe ad
vise all to t ike Dr. Haas' Kxpectorant, evin if
the cold or cough be ever so slight, as the Kx
peftorant will stop the irritation at once,
Tlie Act of April 21st, 1850, requires asses
sors, supervisors anu collectors ot roatl nm
school tacs to make returns to the Couutv
t oiiiinissinners "for the collection of all tues
on unseated lands;" and such returns shall bu
cood and talid if made on or before the lir-
day of February of each and every year, hut
not therealter, liv act ot 1 et'riiary 2.!nl, i8i
tt hen unseated lands are not recubirlv iisscssi
and set forth on tlie duplicate, the collectors of
roail, scnooi anu poor taxes Knowing tlie rate,
which in all cas s should lie set forth iu tlicdii
plicate by tiie ollicirs making the snine, can
make the return, but the officers had better do
it themselves
Foim, for rate where unseated lands are not
assessed iu duplicates, to be as follows:
'Hie rate ot Jut ot
township for 1S7 is mills on the dollar
Unseated lands not assessed iu dtmlicatc
Commissioners of t ohtmhiu Co assess the un
seated lauds nf said township tilth said late '
tllere siltii na'iic ami t-lliee lie lio'tls.)
Form where unseated lauds are regularly as-
sesseil in uutilicatu
"Keturn of Tnvcs on the follow
ing tracts ot unseated lauds in town
ship for tlie year 1P7 which have been reffii
larlv assessed and set out in mv duplicate an.'
tvLicli remain uncollected, a-, tollows : tfiite
natm and lux, and situ name ot collector.
Act of April 27, 111. St.r. II. "All Hen
F.stato within tho Commonwealth, on whicli
personal property cannot be found sufficient to
pay tlie, tlie collectors of the township
in which such lands lie shall return tlie Mime
to tlie Commissioners'."
Collect rs making return of seated land
must ntiirn each tract separate with th
amount uud kind of tax and attach an allidav
as follows :
Personally appeared collector
for Tax aboto named, who, after being duly
sitorn (or afiirmedl doth depose nml say th;
there is not sullicient personal property on alit
or either of tho tracts returned to make the
said tnes from,
Sworn and suh-cribed
before me this day
of 1S7 collector
AP returns shall be written out with ink, nml
signed by the officer or collector The tonus
are given abote ami are the ones to be usei
All olhcers would do well to preserve a copy
ot tlice-e terms.
As nil returns must bo made on or befor
the first 'lay of February i:c.t,nnd us co lector
often tail to make return in the proper time
and afterward claim exonerations forttlmttht
have ueslecled to return, wheieliv the I ountv
or lowiishipa hiso tlie 'laves so exonerated tiuit
should have liven returned tor co lecuon. w
hate fixed upon the followine dais to reccitu
the return: above named, and at tlio same lime
collectors of county taxes shu 1 come iu uud
make final exonerations on their duulicates i
For all Distrii U south of tho river on Wed
nesday, January 23 j those ca-t ot Big Kishin
creek on Thursday. Jauuury 21: and tho
nest of bishniL'cret-k on l riduv. January 25.
We want all collectors to comply tilth this
jionci- it may no ciu meu lo ue soon lo mnK
tue ovousrai iuiis, o t tiv allowing collect
one, two or time tears ueloro making ex ner.i
turns much tax u lust by tho careiessuc-s
easiness of tho collector, and then finally
largo amount of exonerations is claimed on
Heal Lstatti which collectors should havo re
turned or collected
The sooner duplicates arc settled the better
for both taxpayer and ; otherwise col
lectors become cureless uud often collect mon
ey and apply it to other purpo-os, and then fi
lially it hen the money is in ho paid it i- not
forthcoming, and thereby those who pay will,
iugly puy always and many noter, awl then tho
willing ones must maku up lor the neglect of
the collector. Hy order of
S. W. .MllIlKVItT, ) ,
John IIkkskk, ,
Jos . Samis, J Com rs'
Commissioners' Ofiico,
Illoomsburg, Pa., Jan. 9, 1878.
Attett .- U'm. Kiiickuaum, Clerk,
Jan ll-aw
l'KIFF.It-l'AfST.-on the 2Mh ult. by Iter. Win,
(I, Mlule, Mr. Louts FranktimvtrVr to Lavlna Faust
ol Catawissa.
HKs.t-llAVCOCK.-liy thosamsj at Oatawtssa oa
thosth lost, Mr. Philip Hess, of lluuttnjtoa twp.,
Luzerne county, l'a. to Mrs. KllzaUth lloycuek tf
LF.II1V AltTLY.-At the Iteformcd porsonagoat
Cata t-sa, by Itev. O. II. JJochaot , on the situ ult ,
Mr Francis Lelby to Miss Clara Artly both of Colum.
bla county, l'a.
Hl.lCIIllT-LKlltl.-On lbo8tmnit.,at.thesamo
place by the same, Mr. fhailej Itelehart to Miss El
talr.1 Lear, both ot Heaver towuablp, Culutub a
county. l'a.
SCH0Cll-NILi:s.-0n tho ilth ot November, HIT,
by Itev. K. L. Heed, Mr. lleber A. schoehof telln-s-t'rovo
to MUs Hell Mk-s ot sunbury, l'a,
I.U.NGKIt-scilWILI..-At Light street on tho 1st
Inst., by Itev. N. Spear Mark W, Lung r of Terry
town, Uradford 1 ouuty, l'a, to Miss Anna L. Schw til
of Jordan, L) cotnlLg county, l'a.
UU.LEH.-ln Centre township on tho Itli nst.,
Mlu A na Miller, agei) to can, 4 mouths and 11
da a.
ltlLlElt.-InCataw(siiaontUo Utlost., Mr. Uei(
Jsialu Miller aged M years, 4 luoulhs and It days.
lit apito of Flannels, coughs nntl colds
will make n lodgment in the syslctn. Hut
they nrc not tenants at will. You on din
iocss tli cm wild Hale's Honey of Horn
iiriiitul mid, in less time limit it taken i
rhcrift to cm cute a writ. Hold by nil drug-gW-.
I'ike'a Tnothaclto Drop" euro In 1 minute.
j,iti 18.
Business .Notices
Call nt MrKtnnoys lor Shoo.
Cill at I W ll irl, linn's store and see the
line .lock of I)r (binds.
Ill Dress Omuls at Ulnrh it
l.uir. .1 Slotin r. ci ii
I a vt ry l,u go ti-Mirt-
I .,1 l,li,', - Mn.llt.s uii ..lit, r ,l,,,,...utl
..nm s Mils weik nml
are silling them at
ury 'mv pticts
S. 1'. Hairs, tlie jtwel.r, gives special at
It ntioii lo lepaltliig. Watches, clock-, spec
titclis, fie., caiclltlly nml promptly repaired,
He lias u lilgli rrpitlutiuti as a iMitclunakcr
and jeweler,
For the best fining Clenls' Shirt that the
bosuuis won't muss ,uid shirt fronts the sauiu
call ut Clark A: Woli's.
Hoots and tihocs rbeup ut McKinr.ey'a.
Castors, Card li.iskcls, Mugs, Vases, Toi
let ccts, unit u lull Hue ol line .Jewelry ill
iiu uu IiiiiiU ul It, ties'. Special ultenlluu
paid tu icpamtig ot all kiiitts lit Ins Hue.
Muslins, bleached ulitl ttubleaclicd.nt low
est prices ul 1. W. llitrliiiau's.
few Heaver Coats fur Ladles, left. Very
cheap to close, mil ut (Jl.irK iV Volt'auud
Leuiir Clisllis all iliiwn to hard pun.
lluot lieadipuurttia ul .McKinncy's.
Tutu-la, Crushes and all kinds of Linens
well tturtli the iiiouiy, at 1. , lluriiuuti s.
HUNT-' A good house on Kust
Hubbers at .McKiiaiet '.
Did you try nml syrup at Clark &. Woll'a
ul OU etuis it gallon. 1. is splendid.
5. 1'. Hates lias llie
tiucst assortment u!
Watches,' tic, in
ewelty, eilterwarc,
1. V. ilaiiu.titi bus just ttuivtd new lijjui
i ims.
Cheap Muslins just rece it. d, cheaper than
ever al Uiurk it W oil's
McKinuets shoe riLore beloiv Court
Lutz it Sloan are selling tlieir furs so low it will psv 1 idles to buy iheni now for
next st'ii-ou s wear.
Ailinis-ioii In e nt JlcKliiiie) 'a.
(I'linir nil I'.-t, short ends nf Hamburg
Ivlirings Call sunn lor bargains at Clink t
other ineilii me in tlie world was eer
giten sucli a (est of its apatite rittalities a-
lio-clit-es lieitiuin !"ymp In thtrc vi'ats
two million four hundicil tl ou-niid small lot-
tie-of this medicine Wit- ilitiibutitl Vic of
fhnrijf l.y UitniiM-N in tin- rnuntrv to thiKC
ntlhetiil witli Co-sumption. Asthma, Cioup
Setcie Cough-. Pneumonia and other ili-ea-
es of the tdmat and liinsr. pivinu tl e Amen-
rau penplo uuileiuahlu prnol that (icini'iu
Syrup will cute tlietn 1 hu result lias been
that tbuzirist- in every town and lillaco in
the I nitcd Males me icoiuiiicndiug it to
their t-tisli liters do lo your drngei.-ts and
n-k "lint tiiet kn'w about it Sample' bot
tle- 10 rents liegiii.'it sio 7,'i ccn's. 'Unco
do-cs will lelieie any cu-e.
piil I',, ,,-ly jl
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! !
lCxtni iirt'iianttion I
Superior quality !
Orders loft at 1. V. McKelvyV
More' at our oiliee, or sent through
tlie minis will receive prompt at
Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Pno.
May 11877.
Priceless Discovery.
A Sur Cure fr Piles.
A sure cine foi tin-1 .tun, btei'illm,-, Itchlnt; mid ut
cersleil ) lli- l.js bi -li, red In 1 r. tt tlllain.tau
Indlau u-iiieili tail ,1 li. ttlilt.iiirs Indian Hint
Uient. A -lliel,- box I, is run it thu ttorsl old llllolite
easesol ttveint Mm alal tt tin jeurV sumdli.i-- o
oneneiubiui rut.- inutesullei aiiplj Hit; mis won
derful siit'tlilii' ineiit. 1 i- Lol'ol.s, Insll tunelils mat
elei t'lal es no ii.rm uiuu trOwU tt 11J1.HU I
lillitliielil suiioorls tlie luioois. alius tlie li.ltiis,
Iti'hliiir ip.irtl-'U ailv in iittrbt aitei Ki tlli.c waini tu
bed), jet.-, as u tii'lltlli e. lilt, s lustslit mid uuti.lehh
ri'lkr. liliil Is i)rt'i.iri-it oi,I.t t,,r rt'i s and uotlilitw
else. 1'hoiisainls of aired l-iltei, It. alle.-t ttstlitlus
and ilit ski ins of all V' i'is piouou ee tt the trreat.
est rsilitltblllluu lo liuslt.'Uie of Ih'aire. Itin.ilO'rs
not how long or seteuljuu h.tte teen suiterPi,
jou can lie curt tl.
.tu- .11 ittti'T. leteiaiui. einto. unit's :
sutTeted tor le.irstiltit In htng imu 1 Itenited Pile-,
tilu I ii'iiit-di alt-r remedj .tUteiitsed a deoi'sulttd
ph.tslelaiis In I'lilla-ielpld , Lout Mil,, c Im
aiid this elti ; anu si enl huiitlicds of tlollsrs, but
rotind no r. II. t unlit lobiulie da but of Dr. Mtlll.ini s
-lidian iitntiui-iiLs. mo 'ourinonilts aL-o audit lu.s
cur.-d me coiiipletelv. 1 bad a p.. it ol th- b-jx lilt
it men i trai e iu a int'i.u oi inine tvuo nau iiocu'rea
w tth tu.iii) plit sletaiiH, anil a- a lust re-ci I went lo
th noted Ha -nlujis. Arkiasas fur tre tuitnl
He lrifoilus m--lh.t the ll.dl.iu ilnttnelil h-iuiilso
cured blm if the II.--.. Ii iscu" di,ii a woudtri d
i tst-o en, and stiould tie um d by the mat') Uiou
samls ,l.o ,ir' now tuileitufc,' Willi tlititd dls
e,ise. syflo.itHi lli'w.rd will t-e paldlora moie cerialn
r, meil). s,,lil in all Ili-U'.'ifl -Is It !. u . I li
'AVM, sole pl-olTltln
I I, tt'l , uu.
01 c.-ld when 25 ceLU will Luy a Lctti. of Dr. Fra
2ter's Coivh sjrup ot un ditiir Huru. 11 1.-.
wrought a complete ciiam;i. tut he 1 OUjh Medatnt,
Is pleasant as i r-i.evfti-.' attests run
tv Jir. Irazlei'n coun -irui us it tu connection
Willi r. Fruzler'a ttooi miters wiixcuuLCON&L-yjr-
standard stoim Ijnicdry. Cleveland, ti. net. 0,'7
Un. I Kijtn:. Huir sin I feel It a duty I owe t)
s IT. lli'ir hu" .mil totvrlt-ou. For famine time 1
was anr- ly uniii-ti-u till a emisth, ral-lin: bad stutl,
wlihetir ' 11-1 tcie or isliur ai-onnrnit'dconMiiu;-tlve
I tried dlfirn 111 m. e'l lues and luns will. u. it
ili.tlliur reil'f; I -J- r n-ui.'i tliire of otu nui-'
pr. inlni-i.l 1 1. ttlni..! -) hi- lulls, tl.e l.iM Hie it
w lil li n 1'ii.j' in in 1 . -it m 1 lutt-, ai d 11,101 n.e.i 11
I 11 1 eniilit i-ot 'lit nu 1,' ilian nf.'w ui liths .eiHiiii
il-ls Hint-. Iii'.uiiitr of .tour W Ollll, mil nUCi' rS, con -in-
ue. d i.ikliiy your -i rii" In t .iiiiji , 1 'on 11 till 1 01. r
I'ool I Itlei-, unit whs ul one Is 111 rltli-il. aud nfllr
il.-lligllit iMslill," tcilielwo liii'liilisl illiil Inysilf
rnilirlj iui.J Itllil-EM'l. I li..N.
ttr Mr i.iiiin au-iln wiIu-h, uiiiltr'iuioof Abfiist
4, is!?, lir li. zier. 1 ear sin Iran t-ndor-eyuur
meiili met, mo - slii'l,)y tliji- eti-i- trulii the rut
list tl lv 1 1 w 1 1 .0 , e y a r stti. e I wttscmid.
Mv lungs tue itsds) bliui g and feounti. havUig uu itx
'.urn 1 f lb.
ttr Uu- sb.-v Medlrlnes speak for IhemstlYee.
Hit. 1.. if. I 1; tZIEIt. i r.'i Hi tor 1 1. 1. !.u it, 11
ror Calo by all Dnigststs.
Pec. 14 lt7M'
A OKM'i.K 111N 1'.
In our Kylenf tlimale, with its sutltlcn
changes cif'leiiiieiaure. tain, wind and tmi
slntio ni'teii in'eitnitiglcd in a sitiglo day, it
is 110 ttoinlcr that nur childien, fiiinds nml
teiatite's tuo so ficqueiitly taken I'rom its liy
in file cud etilds, haif tlio deaths lesultitii!
directly fumi tliia cau-o. A liottlo i f liu
scltee's Oerman Syriti Lcpt about your-limni)
I'ur inmirdiato use will prevent setious sick
ness, a largo doctnr's bill and petluins death,
liy tho use of three or four doses, I'or curing
Coiisuuiitiott, Heuiorihagc, l'licuuinnh, So
veio Cniiglis, Cimtp or any disease of the
I hioat or Isttiig", iissiireesi. issiuipiy ttoinlcr
fill, as jour druggist will tell j on, German
c-yrtii is now sold in every town pnd village
on this etinttntnt Sttutplu Lollies jor trial.
I He ; p gular size, 75c,
April U7. 77-ly jl
Wheat per bushel.,
11 u ' .
Corn, new, " ..
oats, " "
Flour per barrel ..
t 1.50
, ,K2
' I.N'
l led t pplos
Hams ..." ,, '
sides Jt jehoulders
Jrd pi r pound
Hay per ton iojsi
Timothy heea . , 2.10
viui.tiiuas riui vo.vl.
no, 4 on t barf t 3.(0 per Ton
'.-............. 1. 10
No,6 11 " 1 you
Llacksinllh'sLuHtPOD WUnrt... . ts.ts)
" UliuiuUiOua tt co
-t a- .r.1 ,, 1 J . , i .rr . i, xaa; . iim imi ........ . ... r-
t'tVgiiSsv, - ; : '-'if, 4 iH,,,''i'v":x. wn-"'
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Hov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M Principal. '
TffinS'JM -v.taabountlfuUut,
STJ"'atlou,hPalilitiil, niw onsv ot access. Tearliers experienced, cmclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, tlrm but kind, uniform and thorough, ExpeniM
iucMler.ite. l-'lttj cents a week tlediictlon to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any ttioe. ltooms reserved when dostred.
Cour.ia ot htudy prescribed by tlie stale i
I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses ! I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture.
The niementary HUentlflc and Classical Courses are Plt'Jl'nss0XAI and students trraduatlni? therein, receive stato Diplomas, ronterrlnff tho (olfo'0
correspoiiiliiiir IieVccs s Master of tlio lileuieuts: Master of the Sciences! Master ot tho Classics, ilraiuitea In tho other Courses receive Normal u-runcawa
their iittiilliliielita,, slLtned bv the HUIcersot the IM.ird ot Trustees.
'1 lie course ot study nrescrtbed by llie -state is liberal, and tha Scientific- and Classical courses aro not Inferior to Ihosoot our best Colleircs. ....m
The state reuulresa Higher order of clttaensiitn. Tlio times demand It, It Is onoot tlie prime obJ.icM ot this scuool to help W secure tu by turnlslilpg lnteui
centandenietcnt I'e.ieii.'rs ror her schools. Totlitsendlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and goo.1 parposi-s, those who deslro to Improve meir u
llll' I I ll.'ir lllieillS. Ita -i.i'H'iii-. . vi uu dsi.u fi umwi
catalogue, lul.lrcs! the Principal.
IIIIN. 1 11,1.1 Ut lll.U r.l.I,, I'rrsiilent Ilonrtt
St'tlt. 8, 'ill.-
Nnt'ce. The followtnc named persons have filed
th"lr -s-tltlon-, tor IKen-e wlih the clerk or the
O'uirt.r Sessions ot Coiumtla county, and will ts
J?. n,. .i ,'n,,st ,, ,1... (-.Mi d ivi.r t'
.,-.,.u,,,, ,UV J . ,
Kr. derlck V. (lllmcre, Rating House, moomsburg
II. nap noucn, lii-iei, e.raiiKe
tv. Mi-lielvt. Hotel, Illoomsburg
Inim -. Maim. Hotel. centre'.
Milton Charles, tatlug House, Mooiusburg
t lerk lj. S.
J.1U. 11, TS-tO
sottcets tiert liyutven that thi followine arcount
lu- been It ed In ine ofile of the t'roMiotiotary ot Co
lumtila county and w tit be present-Mi to Hie Coiirt en
Hi" 5tb ilu ot t'enruiry next and tt III bu rnntlrmrd
utter unl. ss exieptlous be ttlod within time.
-rhe account of Frederick Hacrenbucli. Trustee or
Oeoree tltduy uudir the will ot lleorge llldlay, de
ceased. ii. r. z tun.
Prothonotary's ontce, .Ian. 4, 's-tc I'roth'y.
Tlte undersigned apiolnttd Assignee of I. JiiHN
-UN i' I'awlssi, l'a., will oner at putsllc sale on
the premises ou
Thursday, January Ulst, 187S,
U ten o'clock a. in., and to continue thric dajs, the
followlnsv.iluet'lo proiierttest -tvlt:
Ira. t No. 1 -GO ACRES "1' LAND, ad
Joining piopertl.s of Stacy John, John Harmony
and others, situate In -Main towutlilp, Columll.i
I r.tct No. 2 'Ji:t .t'ltl adjoining lands of X,
llarlin-in utidotliei-ssltiia.e In catawissa township.
Tract No 3 Tilltm ACltKS adj lining Itnds of
John Illtlt rand others situate In Cataw Issa tow n-
ract No, I. !i acres adjoining lands ef J. Krelgh
and ethers, sliuateln Catautssa township.
Trait No 5-J, At res adjoining s.shuman and r,
.John bltti.tte tn Catawtsia town-hli).
Tract No. e. One Town Lot fronting on Third
sneet, e atatvlssi, Pa.
Tract No. I. Ono Town Lot corner Hdrd aad Pine
streets. Catawissa, Pa,
Tract No. s. one Town Lot corner Third and Wat
nutstr.cls, cataw Im.i, l'a.
Tract No. 0. Oi.e-ba. f t f a tow n lot corner of Wal
nut stieet and an alley, Catawba,
Tract No. 10. erne house and Houble Lot adjoin-
ng H llolliigshead and V, Kians, sltuato In cata-
1 w tssa.
tract Nu tl. One lot and Iiiieltlngnllhout-bulld-
lugs (occupied bi I..I0M1) cn 1'tr.e Miiet.tatnutssa
'Irael Nu. 12,-Ono Ilousn and Lot corner ihlrd
st reel and an alle , Cal aw las 1.
Trait No. 1J. one LotandStoro llulldlng, corner
iof Main and 1 hint streets, Catawissa.
Tin." No. U.-Ila'.f Intercbtlu seesholtz Tract In
Cataw Iss.x township.
'tho abovo properties will ho sold la tho following
order :
Number 1, 11, 2, i, r, c, 7, s 9, in, 12, 3 13, it.
TEllMsl AN'll I'tlNll.THiNS OF SAI.i:. Tcn per
re r.t. of uiu -fourth 1 f the pun hate money to be pall
at th" striking downof tlie prop-rly; the one-fourth
less il.e ten i-trci nt st toiit.rniattou of sale, and the
reiaiilnliih'three-fonrtUa In one jear tli"rcaltcr witli
lutt'iesl iroincoutliiHttlcn tilfl.
l. si. M. SMITH,
Jan. It, 'Ts ts AssUaee.
letttrs of Admlnhtratlon on the estate rf Met
and-r Ile-ss. late of Pugarloaf tunnsldp.
1,111, muu enuni.v oei easeu Jli e t-een craiiti 1
tu 'h" liectster of asttt eoui-it to the uiUtrsltri
ed AelnilDWrators. All persons having claim-
iiiiiin.M ine saiti esiaie are reniiesteu to piesetii
1111 111 ior seuii meni, auj iiiuse uiucuieu iu uiahe
puttacut tviinout aeiay,
Jan. 9'7S-ei1v' Admlltlslrsiors
Cole's Creek p, ((,
gpiiEMirM wurii asd riiux-
sttni-winder.l- re,-11 itheveryomet llnt
llt tree. J.ll.GsjtordOo., Cliliatu. I.L
, 71-iy It c
A TEAR. Agonta-wanted. Busi
ness tepttlniate. rartleuuira free.
ASdm J TTOSTH CO ,81 LsDls, Md,
uug. 17, 'li-ly
Printed at thin Office
Avtcsrn itTATi! or miiian nomiN'Ariin:.
" (tli-e Is hereby tlven that tin- imderslms1, ap-no'nti-tt
b, tin-1 ouit to dlstrltiite tt e balance In the
inn's or 1 1 ru rn .1 Iteister. asslnee or Nathan hos-
t 1,1 aitdt-r, In an I auions- lb" juillcs entitled tlien
10. will am 1 d ai 1.1- 1 nice, tu 1 liuu.bhutg, on itt.t
11 -d iv, t ,e 23d du of January. Ists, at 1 Ine o'clts k
In Hit roii'iuHiii, iu per'i'rm in, titities or iiiHapp.aiii
11,,'i.t. wh-n :,inl tiheie all t.irtlt-s clslii aul niu-1
.,p esr tn il ptove ilieirciaiuiaoi tufortierUebarresl
1 1 iM I'. II.UIICHU tlU.U
dt'0 2l,17-lw
I 1 W
vmn. tliUdat the l.ltm-t.urir rtasCompKnr will
pi.t tn -ervi.-f rirH at tlrft cost and ftirolnh aud t
Tut- issiiiniriiiv utit on lintiil a lot ct pis tar BUtti'd
or LMtm tin: roolh. nnd nusta or oilier tfiu ber ulAtjr-.i
und'-r (Tuuiul.
rri.-t' I'fm wr trunria nr i. p-t nam1!.
Oa. ' vT5. C. V. M1LLKU,
HOI.!) I'LATIIll 4' ATI! II I'M. (TtiRA nrat
tmln kuou wurltl. Sampt I Uch y u
to XVodiotii ml
M Din act tu.) nt
' Luflt fur li . 1
m tr li?produe'in tnt
In I t'vft rnf.Htl.
rlilVdlt, McUtCAL ADVtstrtl
' -v r..iui ,j. . sr. hi , ... iim retf
1 tp, s.-s. p. penl D'tr-isis, stla iha l..!
. AC.
" s, I-.' -,.Jis..s.), 1, -Mtw
yAL I TTJ't. tt, s', it'...... In4
Or. umlt'S.t
nroistst i'S.,c-uttb,
J.l-. rl. 1 . nl.m,,l,l , .Mlrt pf , m . -1 iv ...
I tl. I.9u.t, 29,
aug. ll.TT-iy It to
JOI! 1'HlsVriNO
't Tin Oni.tiMKMN Or-'FlOf".
wituuai,L5 ciitCErts,
bici, tricts, ricAts sotiA, ta, 4c,
"0rdcni Ul receive prompt i5itlo,
-Ki'1 J'TB;
uiu uuisiuf.ut, t.ivii fun cio, uuu suwjsu. viffu,
of Trusters'
Ii Notice Isliere'by 0ten to all legatees, credi
tors and other persons Interested In the estates of
tlio respective decedents and minors, that tho fol
low injf udmtiilstratlon and guardian accounts hate
been tiled In the ontce of the Itejrlster of Columbia
county, and will be presented for confirmation and
allowance In the orphans' court 10 bo held In
Illoomsburg, on .Monday, tho stli day of I'cu., 178,
at 2 o'clock, p. in. on said da :
1. The first and account of Jtllzabeth Islcr, Ex
ecutrix of Frederick lsler, lato of (irt-envro.d
tow nshlp, deceased.
2. Tim sernnd and pirttal a"connt of Emanuel
bach Executor of John Conner, late of llenton
tow nshlp, deceased.
3, The account of ('. If. narnard and llolandus
lleruclti, 'tdmlnl-trntoraot (Jeorgo Feltennan.
lato or Locust township, deceased.
4, The first and nnsl account of Henry F. tnnan.
(Inanllan ot Anna. (Jeorg-o .Mcll.,and Clarence
Kline, minor children ot Harman Kline, late of
s-iott totvnshlu, d-c -ased.
First and Una! accountot A.J. Tlucknletv, Ad
mtiiisiranr of Anna llosler.lito ot Mifflin town
ship, deceased.
. The account of John (.. Jacoby, Guardian of Lou-
fa iiiank. (noiv iiensll) a minor child of Samuel
lilank, late of Centre township deceased.
The llrst account of John H.Hctler, Executor of
John Mlchtel Into of Miniln township deceas
ed. . 1 he account of Ocoiiro C Scott, Administrator
ct tieorjo seott, late ot Catawissa township, de
ceas, ,1,
. Flrt and nnal account of Iteason Conner, Ad
ministrator of J:manuil Conner, late of ureen
woo. township, deceasi-d.
10. First and pirttal accountot A.J Evans, Exec
tor or the last will and testament of Jacob Elan
late of tlie Tow n of nioomsburjr, deceasea.
11. 'llie nrst nnd Anal account of J. II. Heeler, eitiar-
dian 01 Elizabeth Welllver, it minor child ot Wil
liam Welltver, late ot .MaJlson township, de
ceass'd. 12. 'I he tlrst and final account ot I. II. Ikeler. Guar-
man or niomas u. ucster a minor child of Ill
ram Hester, lato of Greenwood township, de
eeased. 13. Tho first and final account of Iiliman Martz and
iiiram 11. nower. fcteeiiiors or .lonn laitz, Lite
of lirl irereek townsliln deceased.
11. Hi tlr.--t nnd partial account ot Clark llrlnk, Ad-
uuutsi'iiiur 01 i,tuj.uillll t;ilUK, iaio 01 IH'Ulon
town-hip, deceased.
nivlster's ortlce. )
W. 11. JACOllV,
Illoomsburg, J in. 4, 167.
Iz-ttersnf - dmlnlst ration on tin. pst tlwof tn.nltmln
Miller late of catawltssa township, col. co., deceased
haio been granted by tlio Iteglster of said county to
the undersigned Admtnlstrators.totvhom alt persons
lndibted me requested to make Immediate payment
aid those hating claims or demands against the es.
tine win muse mem kcown 10 tue aaimnlstralors
wiiuoui aeiay.
III. Mil J. MIl.LElt, 1
Jan. '.1, 78-cw
Notice Is lierebvctten that w. it. Ahhntf. Esn .
eif catattts-.i has lieen appointed Assignee of hartes
li. Ilarletlno and Majjr steet, trading under tbo
llrm namo of llazlctlnu and steel, doing business as
farm rs, All persons indebted to them will settle
tutu tho undersigned.
v.. 11. Aiiuon,!!'b31! !:.y?w!?ih1'aj
The undersigned Administrator of Deborah Itelch-
ard, late of cataw lasa, dei'eased, will exposo to pun
He sale on tho premises tn CatawUsi, on
SA'i LTIIDAY, l'UllIlUAUY 2.1, 187S.
at 6ne o'clock p. in., tlie following deseilbed real es
tate, to-w It : a two-story
situate on -econd street In bald town, being about
iturty-nie feet In front and two hundred and ten
f"Pt In depth, adjoining lauds ot Wm. II. Tiithtll
nod T. L. Dean.
1 Ell us of BAIT Ten per cent of one-fourth of
Hit purchase money to be raid ot tho strlk'bg down
of the propel tv, the one-fourth less I ho ten per cent,
nt confirmation cf sale, and the remaining three
louiths tnone year thereatttr with Interest from
continuation nt.-l.
William t . Evrtii.T, Administrator.
Atti rney for Estate. Jan. 11, "79-ts
Robert Hryson
and John Iiryson,
In Equity.
Common Picas ot Columbia
Notice Is hereby given that this undesigned was
on the 13th dav nt 1 e-cembir, 1S77, appointed b the
CO tit as totctverof the uomls Mmli-hillMs t.,,tn
tccounls ami money of tho firm ot Hubert I.nson!
a i-ompant now tine or oiiutta tiding, and also of the
rent, trollts andla-ucs ef ine ieni H.intn 1 1 m i
r -w....u.ufc,-u u mo Mtu nun unj hit
by nctlned 10 uukt pay inenl to htm.
Jan. 4,1-78-sw Ashland, Pa.
II'-.ilili uid Happiness are prlo Pus Wealth to their
tsis-i-sois. snd ye t they are wtthtu the rem h of ev
ery tue who will Use
Ilia oulv sure ctlHIi tor Torftd Uter, Dispep-U,
ll,.n,lr-t, Ir,., v.n.nA.I, ". '.I..-..
hlla - If your , niggl.-t ttl.l not sup, Iv sViul ih
ZlwL"" l'0i l" "a,r"k'- 1:"lan' i' 'Iv'nV"
- -
..'.-. s,,,,i, v ,ii,i,n DiLji.un ,, ui trigui,
Dauciiy & Co'h. Advt's.
W A N 'J1 E D !
!t IlKOAOWAV, KLW OltlOllti
t Cuioajo, Iu. ; a BYT OtU-KASS, La.;
ou 8an FinNcisco, Cal,
Jsu. 4, tIMw
Ti.'i"Ws.C0,VV,iainrt diseases ofthe
nitANU. ' U!v('si l-'HAT and MICOUS MEM-
Put tp only in .'3hio 13oxos.
"Ul. Ill ALL lIHLe.OlSTS.
C. N. Cltl'lIENTON, 1 Sum Avni', New Ycrk.
Jan. 4, t-Mw- ii
W A NT I'D liCVf0 ?c"?e o'fatmh lneae:
tlm.rv . .V.V, r h . '".s.-., w.iu iir i.arsner
arsner -
ViriJin,r. I. """"" rsmpio iree,
llttsburg, pa. jitico no
J. e. lliton.
nov. u, tl-Stu
Mjltn of CAItl). 10 c, or5 New Year VdrxU
.... V " $ " - - s V A VT'.( .1
$50 2
1 or R CHttr of O-A TAnp W
Catarrh MM noi instautly rt ltoo and
i 'l'o au.
a, E-q' ic.
' St IbK
sa Hi- .nntl
rnrs XT v- . i ...
llUttOn. f.rullt .f Itnunn
i nee. imjirovcd lulult r, it. bold
08TJLRH, 0. H
NrMI wi-, u-iiply vtnM at the
BUS Ottict;,
s- ..
nST7"IIKHi;AS, the Hon. WILLIAM ElAvrLI.
V President Jude of the court oteijer and,
Terminer and General Ja'l Delivery, Court ot Quar
ter Sessions ot the Peace and tho Court of common.
Ple.isaud orphans' Court In tho icth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of tho counties ot Columbia aud
.Montour, undthe Hons. I. K. Ktickb.ium and T. J
shumau, Associate- Judges ot Columbia county, have
Issued tlieir precept, bearing date the tstn day ot
Dec, In tho yearot uur Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-seven, and to me directed for
holdlnga Court otoyer and Terailner aud General
(Juarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Illoomsburg, In tko
county of Columbia, on the first Monday, being tha
4th day ot February neU to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus
tices ot tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said
county of Columbia, that they bo Ihen and there In
tlieir proper person nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
said tth day ot Feb., with their records, Impil
sunns and other remembi ances, to do thooe things
w hlch to their offices apjiertaln to bo done. And
those that are recognizance to prosecute
against tho prisoners tuat aro or may bo In tho Jftlt
of tho said county of Columbia, t .1 be then and there
to prosecute them as shall bo Ju .t. Jurors are re
quested to tic punctual tn their attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at Illoomsburg tho st day
1 of Jan , In tho year of our Lord one
y thousand eight hundred and seventy -eight
I and in the one hundred nnd ear ot
the Independence of tho t'ntted States ot America.
sherltt's Office, JOHN. w. hoi tman,
Illoomsburg, Jan. 4 to sheriff.
1 V The following appraisements of real and
Eersonat property set apart to widow sot decedents
ave been tiled In tho onico of tho Iteglster ot Col
umbia county, under tho Itules of Court, nnd will bo
Presented for absolute confirmation 10 the orphans
ourt to be held In and for satdcoun
ty, on Monday, tho 4th day of Feb., ISIS, at 3
o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such
confirmation are previously tiled, of which all per
sons Interested In said estates will take notice:
1. Widow of D it-Id Shatrer, lato cf llrlarcreek town
ship, deceased,
2. widow ot Z. Taylor Martz, lato ot Bitarcreek
township, deceosciL
s. widow ot Lewis Mett, lalo ot Catawissa .town
ship, deceased.
4. Widow ot Nathan llloss, lats of uoroiigh of Her
11 lck, deceased.
0. Widow ot Daniel Shulcr, late of Locust towa
ship, deceased.
0. Widow ot oscar P. Ent,latcot Scott township,
Register's Ofiico, V. II. JACOUY
Illoomsburg. Jan. 4. 1S78 1 ltwlster.
UDlfblt'S "notIc!
Tlio undersigned Auditor appointed on exceptions
to account ot lllrom J. Iteeder Executor of Irtorga
S'hlck. deceased, will meet all parties Interested at
lilsoftlco In Illoomsburg, on Saturday, January It,
ls7s, ut 10 octock a. tn.
dec. ss, TT-4w Auditor.
ny vlrtuo ot a w rlt of Vend Ex. issued out
ottho court ot Common Picas ot Columbia co., and
to mo directed, wtilbeexposedto public sale at th
Court House In ltloom-burg at 3 o'clock p. m. on
SATUltlMY, JANUAItY 111, 1878,
All that certain real cstato situate In llenton towni
ship, Columbia county, l'a., described as follows tc
wlt : l.ound.don the notthby lands of Jolin Uelsh
lltic, outho nest by land ot John C. Karns, on the
south by laud of Johu C. Katns, and on the cust by
land of Jonas Doty, containing forty-nlLe acres and
sixty perches, on which Li 1 rected a frame dwelling
seized, taken Into execution, und to bo sold aa the
property sf Hiram Depoe.
CONDITIONS lir SAl.i:. Purchasers must pay
tea per cent of tho purchaso money, or at least
enough to cover all costs at striking down of sal
other wu-o property to bu resold at ouce.
dec. 21, 17-ts sheriff.
I'EllltUAUYTKllM, 1S79.
Sarah W. Snyder's uso vs. illoomsburg Literary In
stitute. Dul l Fowler's admr's. vs. William Kingston.
Samuel J. Cik,o ts. Jonas Doty.
ttlisonGlbbonsts. lonas Doty.
L. F ails ts Jonas "oty.
ti in. 11. Morgan vs. Clark Merr"ll.
C. Il Hrockwoy vs. orange township.
JirulH'U Klaner ts Mlllsra & Sett'ert
i.tiuit-i -iniiu ta. .lonn n. 111 oie.
1 Aslil md Hanking Co. vs. Fred, risk llusti
iir.-,ri,.-nf nn.t i',,.. r Mn,vi,...h
I. Yanderslice t s. li-uiroit ArS'rlcK.
Co'um)ta Insuraueo Co. vs. Jo-e in M. Freetc
coluuibl.t Insuiuiice t'o. s Jnrksou a: '1 cssim.
Coluinbta Insurance Co vs. Jackson tc ttoodln,
otumt't.e Insurance Co. vs. NesrorsTk Prldge Co.
Teter Ke.eebt vs. riamuel -chw eppeuhelser ei al.
Henry C. Conner vs. Emanuel e nnuer's Adm'r.
MI'lUm Itucketvs. George
I'.dward ner.iglity vs. Uont ogham township.
Jeise lilce vs. D. 1.. A- W. it. It. CO
II. It Mtiertsou vs. Joseph F. Long
M. ('.rover s admr's. vs '1 lmtoas I'nln.
Win I- Parka is. J .tut 1111 ct. al..
M. Grove 's Admr's vs Thomas '"aln
i,hniihlki,;,s,,-. .i. -.. - r .
I t ?rrf V ' i"? itpviS hl
' S' S-r! vs'.V,m,.i
I Samuel eilger vs Francis Hvu:
n,., ut. ,'ua.u .a. c. ..II. CUtituamUlCr CI. At
I nomas E. Oeddtset. al.
Is kvitnu
Devld .1. it alter vs. tleore-n Wt-aver'si v.vr'a
Hl'jomsburg Lumber Co. vs. tviiilam Morris et. at.
Illoomsburg Lumber to. vs. wiiuam Morris et u.
William I.tnuvuievs. Peter Ent'sAdmlnUtrator.
I E. D, Ad tins is John seybert.
I Mary t Jeorgo i a. James Moi rimn
; Daniel Lelby et. al. vs. Henry Knapp et, at
sarah Caul vs. Samuel aud Kmm.i iieppcii,
J. It Jamison vs. M, e) rover 8 admr's
1 M. "rover's admr's. vs. 11 I). Knorr.
I Augustus Everliart vs. Daniel Kveriisrt.
lternard Ammctman vs. M. c. Johnson et ut.
M Dtmict0 Con5ns,1un aBlt Lentraiu Poor
I John n. sco'tt ts rternhiird stohn.r.
, Mmou lirebbsvs. William Maalcller.
, n- t.iisjMiay vs. rtrsi .vaiioimt uank of Berwick
1-etils Mochenberg vs. Andrew Hoyer
William Snyder's'a vs Valentino Bldletnan
t'. W. Tliompson vs lternnard stouner
Untied states Fanning illtl coeipany vs Franill -Yocum
Thomas Knorr's ex'r vs. c. A. Knorr et al.
rermelta Kisins s. Keltier .V Miller.
Conrad Nwank vs. Daniel Svtank.
M alt bias. Shaffer t a Jnliu McDuw ell's adm'r
GUlKtrict ,U''"lS nn'ni!liam tt011 L'entraUa rcor
Henry J. Edwards vs. William Wain.
William Kingston vs. Montgomery Cot.
I'atrh k liy rnes vs. ConyLKhata and CentraUa Poox
wtiiidut Kingston vs. Montgomery Cox et. ur
Flljah Lemons ts. Heller A Kvos.
Klljali lemons vs. A. I'. Heller,
Elijah 1 cmons vs. c. W. 1 vts.
Jolio schell vs. John lllnderlteret. al.
Jacob Johnson vs. Itooert s. Ent,
Henry Nagle vs. Illoomsburg Lumber Co
J. Ill Co.
Va. No. ts,Dec, Term mil.
11. Iiryson t Co.
Andnotv towii.,lanuaiT4, ists, on motion ot W.
f.' ', ,' ","'.' ""V'.' ni'iiman s Co. mid First Nai
loiial llstik .. A,l,lnd, l'eiitikjivonla. tie order ot
lh.ti.uuri ordertng the money Into Court arlstnir
trtiia the stile nt the Kr-onal pruiiertv ct eltfenit
antslsinodinedso .s to order Inf. I'.-urtilesurnot
four hundred dollars for distribution and an Auditor
appointed for dlsiributlng the same. t. p liuimrj.
I4T, Esq., UplKjinte d Auditor, uuiutej
The anote Auditor amvttsin.1 inn i..a.
I ,nl.e,lled "or il purpose of bis at rliitnieut at hts
O'leeln liliKiinsbMrgon IVtd t.lebr ury -t u .wS
"Van" aSit K' V- ""-l-MKYFH,
lan, 11. 1S-411 AudlLor.
Nytfe Is i hereby iriven ihat aprlleatlon will tva
rosdeto Uu. Virilism Flweil. 1 re-'ele! 1 arid lUw
a0'.Um i !'.r,.a"' ,"'"d' In Columbia e-ouuy on
the4lhdayot Febiuory.A. H. Is.s to lt'ccri
"llie Hector Church Wardens at d Vestrvint-nVrVf
uabrlell.1 burch, sugarloM" Ulcf un eeclfslaHIICAti
a.p?.,.,& ai'Ac i" "' '"'dVounty, uuu" ihei
act M tbeOctetal ssmubly rproeel Atrlt suC
t.n a rut JOUNM.AIilV- 'UT.
Jan. 4, "!-4t Wardeitt.