The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 18, 1878, Image 1

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Issued weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at
III, lONtSllUllO, OOlAtMlllA COUNT?, I'A.
ri) iou.K4 ikt voir, paramo In advance, or
ll Hi" i f 11 -tiuritlnnflf the wai
r , ..II,
Satu of 2v(U'frlisino.
BriCII, 1M. 9H. ItU. .
Onetnch t.M fs.oi Hon
Twolnches .., D.i ijo'b.m) 8.C0
Three! inches. i t 4.1 4.M I.tiO I.W
Four inches .! .... r.wi T.on t.m .i
ouartcr column s.oo lo.oo
llalf column lo.on ls.eo H.iki
one column UK 80.00 to.w
60 00
Yearly ndvertlsrincnts pajaUf nuorterly. Trim
slent adrertlsements must be paid for belorelnseiuo
except m here parties baTe accounts.
Wal alien Isements two do'lars per Inch forthre
Inwrtlons, nnd at that rato for addltlonallnscrtloM
irlthotit reference to length.
Kiecntor'tt, Amlnlstrator's and Auditor's notkM
three dollars. Jlust bo paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents altnt
regular advertisements half rates.
Cards In the " Business Directory" colnmn, one
dollar per year for cacti line.
I 1 1 ' . I. . , ii,.0- A resp- li
elolo iierson In Coin. uol t cnuuly assumes to p:i) the
B'lliscrlptlon due on demand.
riHTViBts no longer exacted from subscrlberslti
fie rnnntv.
I I' tavi Hi
i II tli r.i dp
5 h SLwIll!7' J-EiltersandProjrietors.
n ' r.- .) .
1 il 'tit Icnti
M' w
,rli es
I 1 1. . h".l
llilii'.KN bl'iuk, jti-l pilules! hiiiI
h.hi1 III snail on hand and
. o1 ennie'i nnlee.
I, I' i ' , III .III ni.l t.llllll
- ii .it nil. I .,r VdmliilH ratnrs, Kecu
s n.r h.i1i' oho.ipnt the Colombian
Mil i I KI'in(TKSi'
I s.,' II llll' l-OII'MIIIAN llllllT. nuns'
I .n't lu-tlees should supply them- i
- i s,. ueeessm armies,
i . - in.' ii-l'iMi" l ir Hilt" Ii" 'iilf
ilt'Iuhn .inl"e. nil' i' intnln tin' i-or.
s ii 'lnhiiliMl the last ct ot the Leg.
mill tlii' shj.ict Kvorv lintlre and 'on-
UlT NOTES in.l priutnl niul t'"i -ale
i. ip at Hie I'm I'mpun utilce.
in. us 'i "rllK". .ti
, VI i I.. In-nlet ill Cluck", Wnlohc
i.'ln Mnln "I.. lost below tliel'entral
I. i'l-IIN.L CAkll.
. UiKl.l'.i'. Attium'V-at.l.iiw, Ollici
i i r' . building, !nd n'.ory, Iiooiuh 45.
.1 .il, -ungcon -t ml l'hysi-
ih'. -, K. corn". Hni'k and .Murkei
! I'h.
I. ,ii..w.i. i, .'.I i , fimm d l'li.
ii',nurthsltli' Main stleet, bcow Maiket.
II ItOlllSON Allirr.1'V-ni.l. t'l'in
ii. itiitmirHM.iii'iti.a Mahi-tri.-t
r.l. I. EYEKIA',
CAUwlSftfe. I'H
i iit. ii t'lotiptb intde and mottled ofitce
nsiii I'alnntHsn Deposit Dank. ra-'
ik & ..uir-
gi ip.i
stum. Main htli't'l
Wll) LOWE.N'HKKU, Merchuni Tallin
lain M ., alioie Central Hotel.
ttlei ii, Meat, Tallow, eti
i-tween seeninl and Thlid.
At (I. t. I AlB. ISO.
in nil rinii i a. k'in,
iummtt It r.encdlct lKe !-oBi,'aitrket
Importers and dealers In
MM Market f In ct, Thlladelt Ida.
i ret itin Ii i ci i iikUnl i (1 , iKriirt Imlnif
i.iiih t, -JI-I-
; k ii i: ii i ;
Kl--Sl'.:iTI''l'l,I.V annoiiiieex to the iiulilii
tliat tin his reopened
rou isrs.
Mnee the chnntri' In ll prnprlctori'lilp (nlilcli ttxik
place Mav, 1, 16!('li'i World una liecninu Hie tirlirlit
est. Nprtirltll(".t, tnovt seliolar'j and tmpnl ir J.jui tml
la the tnttropolin. "ItH enteruilnlLtf, lnt"nitliiif.
tirlpht, deeei.t rlr and triiiMul." 't doe
wltllnirly to no tnin, no creed, no Interest, and no
parn. Tin: W(illl.l) tvllete tl.u ii ini.erutle pnri.v
loextt fortlie ood of the public fervlee. lido
not liellete the puMlcser leu toe.lit tor tlw Koodtt
the Iiemnemtle party
TI1K wtiltl.l) lielleves Hie Unemv ot Mankind inn,' to nttend to his p.irll"iilar buftucs ot
stltrlnc up trite It theritore seeks to rouioto
peace on earth an trood will ainunif noil men
HIK Wdiil.litelKvesthiit een the Mwm has two
sides. H tlnrefore tdtts i vit y hoiiitjt liuiti i ivdit
for supnoi'tj'jx hlinseir Ij lie llrfht, lio inattel how
wrone it may hold . 1m to t-e.
INK unit ll In itfvo- tn t Miniclcnt unto each
day arc the eMls tl.ercnt. t tin n fure fini-iiiirs .u
Select Story.
Tor Billons, Remtttent anil Iuier
mittent Fever
( ir irlnt U mhro commonly tormtvl Vpvct and ag-w.
Mltli pulii In 11" loins udi through ttio back, nn 1 tti
don rilutiV rhllh senHiittrtn town thn -pine,nn Irro-aKUUl-
ill-position to jawn, piiln In llio vym, vrlitrh
W iniTi-aso 1 13 mo-lrij: tlirm, :i Uuc ttnrf tn t't(
fkin, und trrmH UilvPsncM aLil Itv, Vcirrtlno H
u Mart' tmU iotlthf remeilv. It Is cumiKCimlt ilex
rln Iviltf frum llio J'it"( (-f rnn fiiliv cu-ctil larkn
uii'l lien 8, ut.vl ho Rtronjrlv cm CfntrntcM that it U
m p of tlifurtMl i'fin-cr f Mm tlooil that Is or
can In1 put t cetlnr. Vi k tlno tiom not slop with
nMn.; t,iilllt (inilffcr. nut It i -trmN Its wtmiUT
fill mil icnivinfn uvcry part of tlv hmnun cyst fin,
ml i'i.tir-l t r.ultf'atLM um ry taint ul UlscaMtj. Vrtr
i tun (UhS hot act ana powrrdil rnthntl or (lt'lillt-
(jultPiinnccc-vary to ci.'bltu-r i-xUtv wv to-ljy I.j i "lV, Vi"?!1 ilt.V tl?,.VVU Jt'XUi11 iV! w
' h.-MfVfslli'1-c w ('HMitnin senso In the ' ''"t It r-tilki s al. tii ro-duf UH'hhp hy purmtnc tin
, ....ii.. ... i.. f..i-. i it nn . r - orH t ip it xini m npyh m ihmii iv ae-
EwE iSs ai ' JiKiiiii'o;1!,:, irfcri!;g",ciday r,
triu catiifof their complaint.
mill ntiind IllrHjmsburi?. I'ft..
t-'t rktni thp Espy and UkW trcei
al iht
ii is. whrre ll IcBmiitlotis
Waiht'i wtil U mMUi tL- most
. - 1 1 .( n(,.i work - ahtlU' raAnm-r, ivnrt Motil bi
n r to Mm thv ttiifh. rhe hlnheat price Inrtfrh
UlHt RMtllDPslH'pAltlfOr
O K B E N t T P B S
t t M(rl Hon In tin- a untr. lite vMK jwi
1 1 .
.jLAZING and papering.
kliidr. of
HOD1NE, Iron Street lielow wt
llloomshurg, Pa IB prepared to do '
liUtflNKftt' CAlHb.
J K U.l.l,i;li,
tml v. Corner Main and Market Mrects.seeon I dour
frutu 1st allonul It ink.
U.'iHlilllMt(l, I'A.
Jan. II, 1118
II. .1. C. UUTTlUt,
'IIVMCIAN a .smmnoN,
I In the
h.'st stvles, at lowest prices, ano at short
Mat.27, 14
i. onus,
onice, .North Market tiret,
Hlouiiihburg, I
Parties hivlne such -ork to t" 'lll save mini."
calling on me.
orxicK llomn Ko. 1, ' Columbian" llu'.ldlng.
ept. IS.IS70.
A I' T () 11 N E Y-A T-I. A W,
Ilarlniun'n lilorl:, coinei Main nnd Maikei
Ml work warranted to give satisfaction
oil. Ii1
WM. F. noniNK.
i mice
A 1 1 1
y-nl-l ,'iw,
(mice tu Columbian llni.Pivo.
Main 'treet, opposite rpbeopal Church, lilooms
burk', I'n.
ir- Teeth extracted without pain,
aiig U, 'IT-ly.
A T TO H N E Y S-A T-I, A W,
CoLriintAN Hen Pino, llloomsburg, I'u.
Members of the United States Uw Association.
Collections made In any part of America or Kuropi
Itloomsbtirg, Pa.
iifllco on Main Mrcet, tlrat door below Couil IIohm
.t J. M. CI.AUK,
lloointiburg, I'a.
nitlce m Kills liull'ilng.
(irriCE-AdJolnlng C. It. t W, .1. Iiucknlnw,
llloomsburg, Pa.
"C II A U.
K. I.ehmnnn, Solicitor of American nnd Fore'gn
Patents. '.Vashligton, Ii. C. All business connected
lth Patents, whether before the Patent Ofllce or
Mie Courts, prmiiptlj attended to. Noehargemade
'inl.'ss a patent Is secured, send for a circular.
Mai 4. "II tf b t
milnacd or Sensational Stories In THK
People's jjedgei
Klght largo Pages ; -18 Columns of Choice Miscella
neous It. ndlng Matter eury weeKMogeiucrxiuii:. Irnm h.ivnM nf kliCH nrllf TH RH NASBT.tlU'
w'hi.caki'tos'. J T.Irowsrikor.Mabk Twain, and
MHH. MARY I10IUK9. ... ..
Youth) . Humorous. txwUM, tanon
Ilousekeemmj, and A'tws Departmentt com-
I each week. Full of Fun and V it. . A peculiar tea-
I lure of the im Knn.RH LtnniK is im snort an
dotes und I'augraphsfor which it Uaaawlderepu-tatlon.
As an rxpFKimsT. and to Induce jou to give us a, we oner to send 'IHR LjporR to any address
U'rywetKior inreemouius iminai.uii icwiiw
oiilj Ml cents. We ask onlj a trial.
lim eoi leV l.rrar is an old-ettabl-Nicd andr
ilable weekly (.aper publlhhed every raturday.
II. It evil is, i uuiisner.
711 Sansom at., 1 hlladelphla, l'a.
oct. SS. "77-Sm
.i:,T...r :......,. m i .ii,:,, m ,,n.i. in . i iiinntteHor nuinin
i,TVi Vmiterifin i,i et.ffee I ii ItliiT ot wiilrh e o. hav or evi r could, reuch the
Till". (HMi bcl'iv s "man thu herrnlfls
not to be trusted without the sunenlsin nnd cull-
uing lniiuenceiir wi.msn. atniii iiKn'iineiioiisiii.o
a lilllill,' liimnal which falls to altrrti t 111" nth lltlon
and enlist the Ml iortortho i.lni n of the tuiumit
nlty. will neither guldo the p-ibile conscience .iruht
nor klv,i wise eiaiiis, I In nol.llo alia rs.
ah a mere matter ot ou-iness. tnereii.r1. inr.
V(IHI.I) endcnlors to Ik) f llr to lis opponents In pol
itics, camlld In Its discus-Ion of imoll ones Kms.
Just to all men and "up i.. mo inici news.-
I 111. .111.1 ' inii.1.
$10.tid ayi ar. postatie paid
:.5n six months, postngo pal i.
2."5 three months, j-o-tiu-e paid.
tiic f i:i:n,v vtti.i)
t..nn A YUAII. I'lHl'MlK I'Mll.
n...,Ai..u .ill ll... nriLiu .r ll... u.n. L . Ii 11,'raln
coi respondents from all arts or tliewoild; Lrlglit
and eUieriailling eoilUHUia. HUH luuuinn-u nuiiin-i
written expie-sh for Till: W'HM.Ii In Ihebi stnll
thorRi full reuorts of the maikits cr the I nlied
states nnd lorugii countries; a rnrmers uepaii
ment, edited by f. D. T Moore, the fouh er and lor
mny jcara editor ot niHiitti'o lit k.m..m. liiii-
SIMI-li:i,lil.V i
12.(10 a ear. postage paid.
l.oo sin moths, posuigi- paid.
To the ixirhon from nlioin 1IIH UciltL Mull re.
ctive pri'Monsto Maich ;n, ls;n ihe money lor tuo
larpcfctnumU-r of suti.-ct liter. for one jear tot lie
Knr ih" next Lirtri st mincer, a cui.d mUi' of jWitu
rorllietwon xt umesi iim-soi noscni t r-. to "
each, l'or the two next In IM ot -oh rii i is
tworrlesof 17-MKi rmli K r tla Mx next laixo-t
Hats, i-U prUes of IMt.ime uli r tin i lu.en nexl
larfeTSt Hats, clneD pilei ot jw.etfea' h.
Tho-eiles.lro"s ofci lap- tli. U tin s vU tli'ih
ore i nvreii In u:It!llioii t' tin r. - ul.u-t luh pu'mlim.;.)
wlllpleiisi Hit jor rmij ui ueu. im nt
Tin; i(ti(iii, .i'i iiiik mmi.irw iii4i
Jan -i, 'ti-iff
tiu; aukst
a or..
htcuy or tiu:
Thomas I'.. Mai than
Al t.MtT 11A1MA
ha'htman bbos.,
llloomsburg, I'ft.
jrlliHlness before the II. S. Patentonice attended
to. omce In the Columbian liniining.
omce In A..1 I van's new HriuuNO,
I1I.O iMSIil'ltfl. P.
Member ot Conuatrclal Uw nnd Hank- Colleetlcn s-
koclatlon. '
1 K1MIK, or M-crctsot
i ixive. courtship ana
Mariiatre Showlnir
how in get marrltd. llui hipplly-olnaln health,
vualtk and Clstlnciloii, and ajiar to advantage In
... I..vym. t...fifm Dili sol t. M ailed for ' 0 cts In
isi-tiiire stamps or cum ncy. Aaoreb iBBunio
rt'si..iiito coupant. Newark, N. J.
dec. 14, '71-3111 jweco
m ftiij ni... p. n...uM-A
apices ci au villas, uiaua cv uuvwu-v"i
foreign and Domestio Fruits,
Family Provisions
It'HJ3ll'-I Oil HtlH,
IU IM Itl t:i.l! Ji,
4th door below MBikit urtit, HliKimiburg, Pa.
tr" (loods delp eied to nil pjrls of the town
prll.7, -77-tf
werq tn the human t-teni In rvrfertharmon with
natnre'-s laws anil while it h i)i.-aniit othe tnsic,
tr nhO to n.e at jmieh, an1 mill lu its InHuisncc on
the hweN. It Is ths ilute In It action on rti-easnn-1
1-i hot, a, ile, n uimjous hitters, purging HiVall'l Into
i ii e if inai Miey uru it'iug enicu. ekruuiiu it u
ntireh Vi"'e'abie N edlclne. c imnoun led mum aclen-
title prlei h . It H lntlored li the heM ptntOi'H'.s
w!i"ie ItHMrtue hap been tested, Ih recommended
onlj hi.'re iiied.clne ! neud-d, nnd la hot a tnlxturi,'
oi cheap wmi &oia unucr tuo cioaK or biucr-.
cavuH BIu Kli, MrciiKlU ami Ap-
.Mv daughter has n'celved creat 1-pneflt from the
thc of Vct tine. Hi r dfClliilnheiUth wain source
of srreat anxiety to nil of her friend. A few hottlws
ii iiip x'eciiuo reAioreu ucr ncaiin, Mrentiui uim
appellle. N. II. Tl I.PEN,
ears llulldlnff, llo-tun, .Mass.
1'OliCt! I'CstlllKlllS .
110ST0N. NOV. H. 1S73.
ll, Tl. cTr.VF.N, VSQ I
lVirMr-nuilm: tho past ne years Ihauihad
ample npport unity to Judge or the merits of dec
line Mv wife ims iiM'd it for eoniplaUits ntt' ndlng
a 1 uli of di'lle.ite health, tth more i eneitchdii suit
th.nnm lliln'i ri- will h sh eer tried. I hale
mv. n It to mi children uuder almost eiery clreuni
t.mi'i' nuenil a 1 irge lamllv.nnil am 115s with mark
ed 1 ncili. lhaietikcn It m'selt with Mien grcil
in ih tit Mm' 1 en' itni nnii uorn- m i'ini's-mj uii-il'if.lliit-1
.11 or. ei iil'.n of t's uoo Im
" lil'e p ifjiuillig in.' dot'.- n- a ..i'lc'e 1 ll "iv In
llKi'li ill, si.,,. 11 mi in In r 1' lnwitii ere-t
leal ut -u km -s. I ii'die-luitiinri.t 11 1 oioiiiinii ' e e-
Hlii' indliiier kit-" if 11 inw htl It old 11 t
prim-ml Hint "as clilmed tor it. ivrtii'inaiii in
nidi's ot di'l.lltat"il ir llnlioli 1 1st 1 il ttate il llu-
blood lis egeets are realli wonderful : and. f"r al!
i'oiiipla'nls.iils'ngfloiii aiilliipiiles'.iu of thi'l-lo 't,
It tppi'iii-s to work Pke ll i han : at-d I doni I lielli'M
lh"ioari any i Ir- i-in - ntidir nhieh i".-i ui.c
e 111 be 11- d with Inlinl." s 11 - U-: u il 11 " 111 ' .1' -
ainrd nn' p'e.Lsnre in Rive nn tintlii r liiforiiiatiim
us to i liat I know no ot .-l' tine
WILLIAM 11 1111.1. i'olice -l inon 4.
Is Prepared b
II. H. STKVKNS. liostun.
Vf.utiiic id Miilil bv all JJni''i'it"
Wife,1 sai'l Eil Wilbur nup inorninjt.a't ho
sat stirring his enfloc Willi ono Iiiini nnd
Iwliliiii; n lilutii cakn tin his kucu Willi the
utlior, mnl luuked iicross the table Into the
bright eves of liia Jittln wife, 'woillilii t it lie
ngiioil iuko to net bvjliplur Hill fjiulleylo
lakiMvidnw Watson to li.innlm's show ticxi
w eek ?,
'Y'nti can't do il, Kljlie won'task her,
he's so nwful hy. Why, lie canio by here
llio oilier morning when I was hanging out
tlm clollie.s. and he looked over thu fence
nod ejiokc, but when I shook out a night
goivp ho blushed like a girl mid went
'I think J,c,an mnnnyrp it,' saiil Ed j 'but
I'll have Iv lie just n little, lint then il
wouldn't bo much harm under the circum
siniices, ..r I know she likts, bliu, and he
don't dislike her, hut just as you say, lie's
so shy. I'll just go ot r to his place to bur
row some bugs of him, and if I don't bug
him before I come back, dnu't kiss me for a
week to come, Nell.'
So saying, Ed rtnrtcd, ,atul while he i
mowing the fields wc will take a look nt
Hilly Smiley.
lip was rather :t good looking fellow,
though his hair and whiskers showed some
gray hairs, and lie had got in a set of false
t'-elh. Hut every one taid ho was a good
soul, and so he was. He had as good a
hundred-acre larm as any in Norwich, with
new house and everything comfortable,
und if. he hud wanted a wife, many a gin
would have jumped nt the chance liken
rno-tur oij a grasshopper.
Hut Hill was to bashful always was anil
when S-n-'iii Mierryliotlle whom he was -o
s i et i.n, tlp'tigb he never i-sid ii. o' to her
jj'il tpnrrieil in old Watson, be ju-t drew hi
'urn! iiljike .1 mud -turtle into his shell, ami
'lit-tv was tin (jotting him out again, though
since she had bei n a widow he paid more at
ti n'ioii to his rlotlii s.Htitl had been very reg-
u .ir 111 his attendance at the church the fair
wiilnw atieiiiled.
Hut here minus Ed Wilbur.
'Cnioil inorniiig, Mr r-miley.'
'Guild iimmiug, Mr. Wilbur; what's lUe
news ,.ur wm T
U'. indliiiig panii'iihir that I know of,'
- lid IM, 'only I!aruiiii,s jhow, that every
houo on the top of the bill, nnd what, oil
what will ho do ? Then his coat fell nut
and ho flipped it on, nnd then "making a
desperato spurt lie clutched the back nl the
cat and scrambled ln,and pulling llio buffii
lo robe over his legs, stuffed tho other things
bpiiealh, Now the horse happened to bo one
ho got of 'Squirp Moore, and he got It from
he widow, and hp took it Into his head to
top at her gate, which 11111 had no power to at tho dnte they were taken. Hut they arc
prevent, as he was too busy buttoning his j both subject to the corrections mentioned In
coat up to Ids chin to think of doing much the paper of last week. They are both In
ltiLiTAitY ltnconD,
Enrollments of Columbia I'oantT.
We give two lists of enrollments. They
give us the military strength of the county
(Vniniliu, I'a. IS, '76.
(treat chance to luaxe money. If you
can cet gold vou can sev green-
i bads. v.e Deedarerson cveri-
.luiri. t tut,, .niisirintions to tue larcesi. cnearesi
Mid best Illustrated family publication In Ihe or!d.
A in- rm run lu-rome a Mlfct fcfrf Ul BCent. 1 he most
eh L-ant works of art glieu free to si.btcr hers, 'i ho
. . . ..... ,iln',L, Ainrtlmnv enhcnrtrinu
itneuireiit rciwrtd rnHkliif oyer to In a week. A
ttidy UL'ent reporlH Uikluour4WBUbbtTlberaln ten
.. -.....n.. mf.ii.r la.i ..i,riin
evote all your tune in iue nu-im-1-.s. or eniy
si are time. You neea not i awaj irom nonierner
nlL'ht ou i an do It as w ell as others. Fiillpartlo
ulars. ntridlons and lorn s tree, hlegant and ex
.inoip nuiiii in-e. If qu Whnt rrontsble work
end us lour nddiess at once It ions i oth'ngto
. i the business. No one who engages rails to make
uriat ray Addnfes "The peonies journal. rori.-
, Maine. i-'j
(inieo In "I'.NT
Court House,
aug. io.'77-tf
l.i'iUdSH." nioonieburg,
tent Hrnwer's liulldliii-' rloni.rouii
lllooi.nibnrg, I'a.
V X It 11 A W
A II 0 T
Anr ntty'itI ''
i - ' "i i
lis. .."ll
" I
.'I l.-l 1 I J i I I
il W I L I-.
I (: N T I s .
ill it 111 - Link, MVulid floor, i
Mnln und .Market Mlet'ts,
M.l) ill - I.
neulug Macliluihuud Macldner) (.t all kinds re.
wli-ud. (Ji'Liu llorbE liulldlug, liloouikiuirg, ra
K2V.C. K. CAKPIELD.A. M.,Fnncip d.
If you want lo patronlzca
wllll.K MiAltll AMI imio.N AIIK LOW,
glvo u IrhU
NoAt term U'glns
k. r nformutlon or catalogue apply to
THK. I'lilN'Cll'AL,
I .J7 T7-iy Orangcvllle, I'a.
i ...wtvit L'ltitf IVUPIIIVTL' CfllllilKV
m.rf ..Lkii). nf ti.ifH oM rnrortratlenH are all In
vf"-tdlnK)IU t'linu1 aLdarellabl; toUiC
hi7itrti or nn onij
I nks' H lltnulTI Y klld HOMrTLY ftdlUotPd Wld ItUid
tin mx n us oet rroineo vy chkisii r. nrr,
I ID I ALT! ni nil n 11IU-I r. IllHllI UUIK- ITliU P.
'i f-iii7i'i ii of Lulututli. (ountv kiiould Datrocl7f
UieuKuci wLf 10 lofbtf, If any, aie tdJuMetl uid
puia ty cue vi uitir owu ciiueat. uut,
oriiirt'l Main . V-ill tin Is, Ihree duri-llo
J. i Liu Mill I Ui u rluit la.
All eiders proi r)' ullindi d lo m.d wlli-M'tlon
April V7, '71-tf
I.Mtl Ar- IIUllWN h I.NllHAN( 1. AUEN
1 cv. Kichunge Hotel, HKsmisburg, l'a.
.Uttiu. Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut
Lrierpuol. Loudon and ulobe
Ko'ulol Uierpou
l-'lre AssiH latlon, 1'hlladelphla
Athauf llarltord
Farimni Mutual of IhmvUle
luuvllle Mutual
i ,n, Vew York ..,.,.
Oiinm.'rehti I'nlon
Marell r.U I
ItLUUNSlirilC, PA.
Manufictureis ot
THIS t ierii Ii ON Ml.. WITH
. Advertitlnft c-rntt,
TrUHPl CHMIKUT lk, 4l.4.vl, 41
0,0111 l,lSSi I 0.0 (i 1
la -oo.oou I
lu.ouo. ou
lt',wu)gii Carnagos, Btgies, Pluss, Sleighs,
IIT8,t8,ni l'LATKOltk WAGONS, to.
rinUclau work; alwayi oa band.
VrKV'rcduoa to islth Uwm.
Jul. 6. Itn-U
Tlilrlrrnlli nnel rillii'rl Mn.
WrcmliMrflii Air-TigM Heaters
Willi MmUim nml rtliilier..ilinlliii irnlip. Inr
lliirnliiu Anilinieile m Jlliniiili iiiN roni
ivi) m-f-iin .ii. ( T'l JNll !
llltV'lV'JiJIJti J J. ijji
tTiTirnniif. vnrxt rt i.' A rpv n o
Cooking Ranges, Iiovvdown Orntes,
Iipsei-irtue ctreulorf pt vkfk many addrcsa
All 1! "7 . Ill
in p"r-nineeot an order tuned out of the court
of coiniiuii 1'ioaa ot Coluinblu county, llio under.
tiiied I'oiuiullUe of the p r-on and estate ot Pan
Id ili'urliart, uliinatiuot '(o.irlngcreck town-hip In
said county, will o.tpOaO to public sale on the prjni-
Srtl'UItOAY, JANUAUY 20, 1S7S,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , of said day, a certain
Tit ICT 41 T MM),
i u.Uo In tloarlugereel; township, county oi Colum
bia, containing
morn or less, bound.! by lauds of Franklin Vocuui,
cox's hi Ira, ''eter dearhit and I red crick- Dot
wh( reon Is erected
T- iJiiuil lv'llliicr ties,
a ll.inkH.irn and other nut-bidldlngs.
ALSO, all that crtalu tract, township and county
uloresalj, Lont-dntng
moieor less, bouudi'd b) lands ot ChlWlan MiulU
survey, Mary ll.vter's survey, lands of William and
KI1Jj.Ii YiK'um and Ullllam Limnn burej and otn-
era, bold subj-et lo the tollowlng e.cupunns.ud re
ervit'ons. All coal or a nilni-ral or fossil character,
all Iron ore and a I other minerals ot all and overs
description and ail mines now-aie or here if.
ut may bo ois.r.ncd. togi Uier with Ireo Ingress and
t'gre-s to and fur Charles s. ooo, his heirs and air
ALM), another rlooc or parrel of land.sltuato lu
to nshlp nnd county utoresidd.cont.ilnltig w ACHXS
and 10 perches bounded by i.Wii.o( iranuiu locum,
.1. F. rtaliler, and other lands ot me said ocarnarL
The above will be sold ..s a whole or in lots describ
ed so as lo suit purchasers.
Tmims.ol' Ten per cent, ot ono-fourth ot
Hie ptiu'liau mouey to bo paid at the striking down
if the property, tho one-fourtri less the ten per
cent, ati eocnnnatlon absolute, and tho remaining
tine fourth? In one year thereafter with Interest
Irora eotitlrmait n nisi.
.IA.1IK l Kl r Kll,
Jan. I, l7s-is
il ........ .
The underfelsrn-il Auditor nprolnt4d by Ih r-
ph tnv ourt of ihe I'ountj or t'oiumon to uiaK,,ai--(rtbutum
or Ihe-lmlanivfr t e turd tn tin btndrf
, the AdmlnStntur an onjr the putlt k emitlt d t r. -
in, will tiio alt 1 1 rwiis inn r teii tor in puriHi-"
of hi- aniHitnUheiit, nl y oclot k a. m onriNn.the
eUhie n lulii of .hmuary. Itjts. nt the olike ot
.. r'n - in uiawi-Ha. wueu iiuo wnrre mi i-er-ciiH
h.inn.' cl tlm u-iuliM lhn fiul i cfita'Pitre rt quired
to in eent the a-ue before Iho amnior or bo debar
nil now couilt'K Lu tot u f-baioif Hold fund.
die SI, TMW
-Tri: OP UAliOAHVT ATl'I.t HAH. PKCl A'Kp.
'Re mid'rstiire I Midliot app Intel to mike ill
U Hut lun o' the l)itUi(.' ot luuib In iho'tvii'U "I
Annuel Kiiorr. i!in'r. I ami .uno'ii: the n ill. -
unllthd ihereio wilt MUUd lou.e dm Un of tiN tip
I ulnuiii in ii me o ' cy oif r-iirh,) ui iihmh i.
nircontiiei9iun y nr .nniutiry, !, ui ten o'c'rw-K
u. in. win t WlKtS .1)1 ( itous h.HU) clulinu mk
ri qii( stcd io retenf the Kami Ufure the muIPoi nt
tu dcUirrod tiuin ioiiriiK lu for a Mi ituM aM
dec til. iw.
Tho Seaside Library. A
ISTAIB Of Will I AM SM11H1, 10 CKAI-tU.
rlir.lcn l.ooLar.o loi e, r (or the mw only The besl
alandurd inula vllhlii ll.e ril.ili "I evtrs one.
UOi'ks Usually houiinaiif iota i"u iiuivuuiiuo
and unabili.gid) for lou.uso cinis.
ins. Tim Count or loute-( nU'. Alex I uinas 4t
lM 'rho KliiL'sonn. lu-1 apt. Mairint I0i
157. Hand ana i.ion , 03 aiuniaii. ruwmu. iw
IM. 'I rou sure 'I pile, by saui"cl liner 3 s
16. Tho !' untoni sl.lp. bj Cm Uln Warrynl lac
100. 'I he lllatk I ullp, ti Alvxulider Inilnus Us'
111, 1 be World Will lost, L. 1H1 llllton VCi
isi. Mdriev harlotto liiont vo
las. Frank MUdiur, l ( uplaln Miirr- at lee
im. A om.g wife's Mor.i, lliurli't liowrn Un
its. A Modem inlsurtvol. l.)Ch"ely oul
IM The ast tldlni bi (.eorgti sand
187, Ihe one t.'a Miklace, by lex Duiiiiu
His. Con cregan, by harh k I ever
in. M. Patrick's Me, by Charms Lever
170. Ni wl a Lorstir. by Capialu Marrat
III. Hoslago to Foituue, by iik-s Uraddon
171. 1 'hem Hi r do Mul on ltouje, by Huuuis
lIJ,.Iaphet in scutch ot a FdUer by .Captain
174. Katoi 'Iionoghue, bj t l.urles Leior
US. '! ho I'.rha of Mau ales, cap' uln Marryat
lia. 1'ercIv.U Keene by Captain Marr.iat
Ul.Ueorgo Canurburjb Will, by Mra. Henr.
Ut llarofiood Ll'Ct. by it. K. Franellllon
II TimJILifcrj of a crliue, hi Yltlorllugo
1SU, ArmabUli. py w iimo i oiiiiia
stili e Is lurel 1 clien thai the urdi islsned. hn-
niilnli il bi Ul. Lonil to aolust and lettl. ka!du.liLe
tlldti'lik' O'S .ll. ll I f lllf ll HIS III H.Oh'llliiHOf
wi iiam tul. ixiciio'r or sid, 10 and
iiliinlig tli lurllisrulll id lli.-lilu, ul his 111 mot'iusning on i-i;.i y ini' win cay nt
uan, l-;s at nine o'eluck In Iho Jouuuyou, totsr
f. rm lie dm es ot lib, 11 ri oll.tli elit. "lien and nhin
al uirilts claimant jmiat nt'iicar und preve. thoir
cuius it 00 turtiir uiuiieitu piiu coming m
said und.
I , , . JUII.N.I,, 1 KULZIt,
1st, 1h('ouutM(ilti('uiriJ, AlliX liunu
isi Julletsi uarnialLPJ ills. 1 n:icipM
in. Keulliorth, by sir waiter smlt
im. The I title faiago, by Captain Mam at
185. " .ood-IUrtDwei lliearl " bi Ithoda lirougtuu
1W, Hand eoiipi'inein, nj imbues iniAcns
1st, .saiiou, j' Alexander I. umas
Is,, 1 ho las Family llobliisoii
M. Hi ury 'iiuibui. In Miss lirad ion
IM. Memolisof a I'liyslcl 11, by Alex Dumas
lKI.'lhe'ihreoCuiIeis by( uptalti Murryat
192, ihe (nsiilrator, by J loxanUer Hufuaa
iw. Heart of kiidiuilUan, rir v.iurMi"il
No IhtonHoUk, b. HiTiimi M.rrjalt
ins., tsata'i or ttMiarla. be Mexunder liumas
isa. NUholas Mckleb , by Cliai les IHckens v
1QT Klsnev llV IfllOdll ltrUClllOn
im friiirs lnraiiarta.. by Oai tain Mam'at
U9 Clol-tera and the Hearth, by (has lieado vno
u. LAJVU, Al.
i c
Hi TI10 matter r.f th, ShertU "s sal.i of tho protierty of
Jane & It, ICu-U.
The iindi-iai(iied Auditor, appointed by tho Court
by oni.M-i.i bt panics Inn rosu-d to dlstrlb'iivtlis
mvni-y url.log fioin Kad sal-, will meet Iho pai 11(3
III tiesiiu ill inn ooti-n 01 ima-k'iay s rineil, 111
lilouiiistiurg. ou baluiday. Iho IHUluy l( Junuaiy.
Is7s ut tin o'diHk lu Ihe foienisiu, atwhlchUuie
u patties lnierosied win utuni or bo aotturred
iroui eoiuiiig lu uu suii muo.
i.ii, c r.i.w r.i 1
dec 81, '77 iw
I no oim. rHi;iHd. Auditor appoloted. In thAcsne
of Anton Masteltris. LUjrles au tr. .lames K,
M urer and A. scliwepirf 1 helsi r. No j.9 iaj Term
,a, ri. ru ISU.IH pit-uaa 1 itrin ion, r 1 1 a. iaz
iiLbeiuotr 11-riu, ibit "lo n-ceribin wuai a 0 Hit
Ileus amiliist the lands, to whom due and the uuiounl
ul llio sali.e. und ubtthtr the land should be iil.l
subj'-ct to any of the liens, and It so what oi,ts,"wlU
iltteud Vi Iho duties (f I'H appointment, at MsofllCt)
in 1110 iuiiu 01 iioiiiisiurgoii .iiouua) 1110 mi,iiay
oiuauuuiiA 1 110, m v iic-iim. u in.-, w lien hiio
wnere an pereons luuRficu m tuiq Uiutlejs, aiu ic
dec. 81, TT-lw Auditor,
sua. the Itenk. by Matthew
(Mot Lew ks(, IOC
For sala by all HooksollcrB and Newsdealers, er
' "rt" ViorYs.' mSViJI JWhii-b,.,.
i'.O. lini'tist. It, U end J5, yanijuwaur at.', j(, Y,
- - ij-"m r t "i IUt'n't1i"sr
LANK MOIiTOAUIJjforuJrchcapatUie
Lcotulng of Muncy rennsylranta.
.Sorih American of I'buodiluhlo, l'a
Franklin, ot " "
I'oansilvantftot . 1
Farmers of Yon, r.
HauoverU New York,
Manhattan of "
orac. on M arket Strett No. , BlwunUiurg, Fa,
M. 4, tt-ly, 5
inly tstalkiiii abniif, nml everybody inn
is gal ore going J.11.. I wiHjOVwr In oh
"i-iiii, r's la-t night, nnd si e his son Clus ha-
jui a iih Iniggt , and was -urobbiiig up lii-
larinss and he's got that white-faced colt ot
his as slick 11s a st at. I undpr-tiiud he thinks
f taking widow Wat-nn to the show. He'-
been hanginu around there a good deal ol
late, but I'd just like lo cut him mil, I would
Su-an is h nice little niiman, mid de-erves
better man than 1 lint young pup of a fellow.
though I would not blame her much eitbei
if she takes him, for she n.ti-t be ilreadfull(
lonesome, and then -he has to let her larr-
nut on shares, and it i'n't half worked, ami
110 mie il'e seems to have the spunk Ii
speak up to her. Hy jingo, if I was it -iugl
man, I'd show you a trick or two.
Ssi. -aving, Ed burrowed some hugs ami
started around the corner of the bam, wher
he had left Hill sweeping aud put bis ear t
a knot-hole and lisiened, knowing the bach
el 1 1 r had a habU nf talking to himself when
anything worried liiin
'Confound Jhat yjiutig bagrider !' said Hill;
'what busiije-s ha in- there, I d like to know .
ft d a new buggy, has he? Well, so iaye 1.
and a new harness, ton ; and his horse cau'i
jet sight of mine, a"d I dt dare I've half a
mind to yis, I will ! I'll go this very uighi
aud a-k her 10 go to tlm show with me. I'l
show Ed Wilbur that I ain't suc'u a calf as
he thinks I am, if I did let old Watson gel
lltt' start of me in the first plate !'
I'd could scarcely help laughing outri"li;
hut he ha-lily hitched tho bagson his should
er. nod willi :i Inw chucklo at. his siimvh,
started home, to tell, the news lo Ne.lly j and
about five o'clock that evening they saw Bill
go by with Ids Imrso nnd buggy, on his wai
to the w idow's. He jugged along o'lii tly
thinking of the old singiugschonl dais ami
what a pretty girl Susan was then, and won
d ring inwaidly if lie would havo mnl
co urn o (n talk up to- her until ntaili-
i.uilii of about a milei from her house, he
c.une to a .bridge, he gave a tiemeudoti
siiriz.i and blew his teeth nut of his limutli
(ml clear over tho dashboard, and striking
on Ihe plank-, they rolled over the side ol
lu brplgeand dropped ii to four feet (if Hit
ti r.
Words cannot do justice to ponrllillor
isint the 1 xpri ssinn ut his face as he sat
"here isimiileii lv dumbfounded at his pipoi
I tll-luek Alter a while he stepped out ol
is bnggi, in d gi-ltlug down oil his hand
anlkiu'sli, I ed iivef'lntn the nut, r. Yi-
r tlo " I. , ttt the b.iitnin, w ith k crnwo
nl 1 it i Its li,l) rubbing their noses agains
hem, unit Hill wished til goodness that hi
ii.L-ii was s close lor one eeenlid His In
tjul U'sib bad cost hiln so uiuuli, and, tlo
show I'.'inii'g "M nod no time to get nnother
set und ihe widow nml jouiiij Sockri
ler '
1 Well, hp mud try and get them somehow
nnd no time to be'lost, Inrsntne one might
come along and a-k him what lie was fooling
around there for. He had no tuition ol
spoiling his clollii- by wading In with them
611; and besides, if he ilid, he could not go
1 1 the widow's that night, no ho took a look
up and dnw n the road, to see that no one
was in sight, and then ipilekly undressed
liimtelf, laving his 1 lollies in the buggy to
keep them clean, Then he ran around the
bank and wniltil Into Iho utmost lev cold
water, but his teeth did not chatter in his
head he only wishol they could, Quietly
he waded along so ns not lo slir the mud up,
and when he got to the right spot he dropped
under the water anil eanie out with his teeth
lit his mouth. Hut hnrkl What m l-o Is
that f A wngon inula dig barking with all
In might, and his hnrte is starling.
'Whoa! wheal Slop jou brute, yntl,
stop I
Hut stop he would nut, bu went ulfutu
spanking pace, with thu uufiiilunale bache
lor after him. Hill was ivrtaiuly ju a enpi
tal running ii'iUiuie, but though he strained
every nerve, he could nut touch the buggy
or reach Iho lines that were drugging 011 the
ground, After a while .his plug hat shook
off the teat, 'and tho hind wheel wi nt over
it, making if at tlat as a pan cake. Hill
snatched it us lie ran, aud uWr Jamming hi
The widow heard the tat ling of the wheels
and looked out, and seeing that it was Smi
ley anil that he didn't offer to get out, she
went out to see what he wanted, and there
she stood chatting, with her white arms on
the top of the gate, and her face towards
him, while the chills rait down his shirtless
buck clear to his bare feet beneath tlm liuf-
lain robe, and the water from Irs hair and
the dust from his hut had combined to make
ome iilrs- little streams of mud that came
trickling down his face.
tsheaskid him to come in. No, he was in
tirry, he -aid. t'till ho did not offer to
go. lie dm not ask her to pick up his reins
fur him, because he slid not know what
excuse t- tnako lor not doing to himself.
Then he looked down the road behind him
and saw a white-faced horse coming, and at
once surmised it was that of Otis Stickriderl
He resolved to do or die, and hurriedly told
Ills orrand. The widow would bo delighted
to go, of course she would. Hut wouldn't
he come in No, ho was in a hurry, he
said ; and ho would go on to CJ recti's (dace.
'Oh, said the widow, you re going to
Green's are you 1 Why, I'm going there
myself to get ono of the girls to help me
pillt to-morrow. Just wait a second while
I get my bonnet and shawl, and I'll ride
with you.' And away she skipped.
Thunder and lightning I what a scrape I
aid Hill, and he hastily clutched his p.iuts
Imin between his feet, and was preparing to
wrig-le into them, when a light wagon
Ir.uvn by the while faced horse, driven by
boy, came tilon and stopped be-side him
file buy held up a pair of boo s in one hand
aud a pair of sucks in ihe other, and jut as widow reached the gate again, ho said
'Hero's your boots and socks, Mr Smiley,
that you left on the bridge when you were
111 lliete swimmiii
You're mistaken,' said Hill ; 'they are not
'Why,' said the boy, 'uint jott the man
llu I had the race, niter the horse, just nun? '
No, sir, I am not. You had better go on
about your business '
Hill sighed at the loss of his Sunday
louts, und turning lo the widow, said
Must pick up those lines, will you, please?
lhis b.uteof ahorse is always switching
them out of my bauds.'
1 ue widow complied : no pulled one
corner of the robe cautiously down as she
got in
What a lovtly evening,' said she; 'and so
narm I don't think wo want the robe over
, do wu ?'
You see she hud on a nice new dress and
pair of new gaiters, and sho wanted to
how them..
Oh, my,' said Hill, enrnetly 'you'll find
a chilly ruling, and I wouldn't have you
itch cold fur the world
she seemed pleased at this tender care tor
ivr health, and contented hersell with stick
ng one nt her little leet out with a long silk
nektie over the end of it.
'What is that, Mr. Smiley, a necktie?'
'Yea,' said he. 'I bought it tho other day
unl I must have lelt il in the buggy. Never
mind it '
Hut, said she, it was careless ;' and stoo
ing ove r she picked It up and made a million
to stulf it 111 between them.
Hill felt her hand going down and, mak
ing a dive alter it, clutched it In his ham:
mil held it hard and fast.
Then they went nn quite a distance, he
-till holding her hand in his and wnnderin
what ho should do w hen they got tu Oreen'i
ami sue wotniercit why he ellil no! say some
thing nice to her lis well assriueer.e her hand
why his coat was buttoned tin so tightly ou
-noli a warm evening, and what made his
lace and lint so dirty, until they were going
don 11 a litile hill and one of the traces came
unhitched and they had to stop.
'Oh, murder I' exclaimed Hill, 'what
'What is tho matter, Mr. Smiley?' said
theridow, with a start which came near
jerking the tube 01T his knee.
'One of the traces Is oil',' answend he.
'Wei', why don't you get out ar.d put it
on again V
I can't,' said Hill. 'I've got that N, I
haven't got oh, dear, I'm bo tick I What
shall I do?'
'Why, Willie,' said .lie, tenderly, 'what
it the matter? Do tell me I'
She gave bis baud a little fqueeie, and
looked into his pale face; she tliougnt he
was going tn faint, to she got nut her smell
ing boule with her left band, and pulling
ihe stopper out with lie r teeth.stuck It to his
Hill was just taking in breath for a mighty
sigh, and tho pungent udor made hi 111 throw
buck his head so far that ho lost his balance
nnd went over Ihe Inw back buggy.
The little woman gave a low scream as bis
hare feet flew past her head, and covering
her (ace with her liHiids gave way to tears or
smiles -it is hard tn tell which. Hill was
'right ide up' jn a moment, and leaning
over the back nl the seat wits humbly atmlo'
giz ng nnd explaining when Ed Wilbur and
Ins wife und baby drove up behind and
Poor Hill ftdt that he would rather have
been shot than had Ed Wilbur catch him In
such a scrape, but there was nn help for it
now, si lit called Ed to hint and whispered
In bis ear. Ivl was likely to burst with sun
pn-sscd laughter, but ho beckoned to bis
wife tu draw up, and, after saving somethln;
to lirr, he helped the widow out of Hill's
uitggy nnu into ins, and tho two women
went on, leaving the men behind,
Hill lost no lime in arranging his toilet as
well as he could, and then with great per
suasion Ed got It 1 111 lo go homo with him
and hunting- up slippers and socks and get
ting hlui washed and combed, had him quite
ptrseuiauie wncn ti.e ludlea arrived
I need not tell you hqw the story wu
all wormed out nf .bashful Hill, and they all
laughed as they sat anund the tea-table that
I'ljjlit ; but will conclude by raying (hat they
all went to the show together, and 11111 In
nn fear nf Out Sockrlder now
TnU is the nory about Bill and the widow
1S02 one including minors and the other
not. They constituted the basis of nil our
quotas nnd drafts : our quota in September,
lHlii, was 1417, of which we hud in service
Townships. Enrolled. In service.
Hloom -Til 87
Hor Herwlck 117 31
Hriarcreck 221 12
Heaver 101 7
Henton 100 21
Centre 234 23
Catawissa 257 03
Cnnyngham Ml 45
Franklin 111 21
Kishingcreck 258 .13
Greenwood 202 30
Hemlock 184 21
Jackson 80 f
Locust 27 n 42
Madison 175 9
Montour 87 2
.Main 107 13
Mount Pleasant 123 IB
Mifflin 108 2
Orange 101 31
Pino 110 10
Uoaringcreek 07 11
Scott 285 G2
Sugarloaf 141 11
Total 4587 020
T i. O. UOl.LASP.
Valden, I think thee for thy time,
Tliy sweet, shy glance of conscious eyes
For, from thy beauty and thy grace,
My life has won a glad surprise.
1 met then on tho crowded street
A load of caro on heart and brain
And, for a moment, bright and fleet.
The vision made mo ) oung again.
And then I thought, as on 1 went.
And struggled through tho thronging way,
How every ago's complement
The age that follows overlays.
The 5 outli upon the child shuts down ;
Young manhood cloaca over 5 oulh ;
And ripe old ago Is but the crown
That keeps them both In changeless truth I
So, every llttlo child 1 see,
Wita brow and spirit undeflled,
And simple faith and frolic glee,
Finds still In me another child.
Toward every brave an! careless boy
Vhoso lusty shout or call I hear.
The boy within mo springs wlUi Joy
A nd Hng3 nn echo to Ids cheer 1
Whit was It. when thy face I b.uv,
That moved my nplrlt.llke a bicezc,
liesponslvo to tho primal law
Of j oath's entrancing harmonics?
Ah I little maid-so sw cet and t hy
lluildlng each day thy fair romance
Thou dtdst not dream a youth passed try,
When 1 returned thee glinco for g ance I
For all my youth ls stlll my own,
Hound In tho volume of my ngo
And breath from thee hath only blown
Tho leuve3 back to the golden page 1
Scribncr for January.
M 'A
a -3 c c
3 a B
- S s
B S. 5 s
rt) O w
S3 g
Township W B 3
n 3
Hloom 3GG 138 01 47
Herwick 101 80 24 13
llriarcreek 174 OG 12 54
Heaver 150 50 7 40
Henton 143 21 21 33
Conyngliam 318 120 30 30
Centre 214 81 25 5G
Catawissa 208 70 GO 13
Franklin 78 30 22 8
Fishingcreek 215 81 17 04
Greenwood 210 83 31 52
Hemlock 145 54 20 31
Jackson GO 21 5 1G
Locust 22G 87 44 43
Montour 77 28 4 24
Mt. Pleasant 10S 41 15 2fl
Main 87 33 13 20
Mifflin 147 61 1 53
Madison 1G1 G2 10 52
Orange 124 4G 34 12
Pine 9.'. 3G 17 10
Uoaringcreek 52 20 15 6
Scott 214 92 71 31
Sugarloaf 120 4S 10 38
4S41 '1447 693 852
Conscientious Scniplo Exempts.
The names of those persons who were ex
empt from the performance of military duty
because of conscientious scruples wero fur
nished bv tho different boards. Ours were
the fi'llnwiiig
Parvin Masters,
Francis Eves,
Aaron Ke-ter,
Hutler Edear,
Lemuel Garrison,
Win. Sehechterly,
N. S. Timdey,
IS. F Ileiglmrd,
Jnhu Miller,
hillp Creasy,
,a layette Creasy,
Jnhn W, Hageubueh, Etra Eves,
ILL Gearhart, Atorrit Masters,
Isaio lleacock, Shadrack Eves,
Je3 Heacook, Wm. Iteese,
George Eve.
Statement of Number of Volunteers Called
fr,M rath Stite,
The Secretary of War, in compliance witl
resolution of the House ol Itepresentatives,
has furnished a statement of the number nl
vnlunteert called for by the president at n-
riotts penodt.
The 6rst call was for 75,000; the second,
In July, 18G4, for 600,000, aud tbo third, in
December, for SOO.OOt, namely
reduced to
the three
iiiit aa we had It from Ed Wilbur nn.l tr
ti . i... i. . .....i. i. ..i, .i . . .
u iinwii, nuii ii, an uu.iy ami uiinpim there It anyll lng unsatitfactory about it.atk
Joslah lleacock,
Ellis Eves,
C. W. Eves,
Algernon S. Kester,
David Masters,
S. C. Longshore,
Hiram Kester,
11. F. Kester,
Jacob Kester,
.1. W. Kester,
Francis Eves,
Stales. Aggregate.
Maine 71,745
New Hampshire 81.G05
Vermont S3.218
Massachusetlt 1&1.7S5
Uhode Island 23,711
Connecticut 57,270
New York 455.5GS
New Jersey , 79,511
1'eiinsylvaula 3G6,326
Delaware , 13,651
Maryland ' ,,,10,730
West Virginia . ' 80,(X)3
Dietrict of Uedumbla 10,872
Ohio 317.133
ludiana 195,147
Illinois) 258.217
Michigan, , &0.119
WUwualu , . 90,113
Minnesota 23,031
Inwa 75.8GO
Missouri 10S.773
Kentucky 78,610
Kuutat 20,097
The Hartford Times has a New York cor
respondent who lias been looking into the
clairvoyant business, and gives it in these
paragraphs :
The whole number of professional clair
voyants in New York is probably about for
ty. Some of them keep standing advertise
ments before the public, but tbo majority do
not need to solicit custom in this way, their
business being almost ns well established as
that of a first class physician. Men and wo
men who desire to consult them know just
where to find them, so tho cost of advertising
is saved, aud this, at 40 cents a line in the
Herald, is no email item.
Two-thirds, or more, of the clairvoyant
are women, and most of their patrons are al
so women. Among these are many mem
bers of the upper social circles, but the ma
jority are from the poorer classes. It is a
standing rule with hundreds ot the illiterate
women of New York t consult a clairvoyant
about the most trifling affairs. If a child
has tho whooping cough or measles, the wise
woman must be asked whether It will reco
ver or not. If a husband does not come
home quite regularly every evening, the
same woman is consulted as to where and
how ho spends his time. It there has been
a peculiar dream, her palm is crossed with
50 cents to interpret it. Aud so on, nd in
Sometimes tho woman is employed In cases
of sickness, instead of n physician, and, in
such instances, she is at least wise enough
to avoid doing the patient any harm, eyen
if she cannot do any good. The doctor
would be down ou her very quickly, if she
gave mm tlie chance to invoke tbo law
against malpractice, so sho is particularly
careful on that point. All her medicine8
are harmless herbs and often she does not
prescribe these, but contents: herself with
prognosis and advice. The fee, hnwever, is
never overlooked, and ns the clairvoyant's
financial formula is cash in advance, she has
a marked advantage over the regular practi-oners.
Some of tho New York clairvoyants are
so overrun with business that visitors have
to wait hours frequently for an audience.
They ure usually ushered into a dingy par
lor, and required to sit tbeie, with perhaps
h dozen others, till their turn comes, us men
do in a barber shop. Now and theu, as in
the case of some well knnwn patron, an ex
ception is made to this rule; but ordinarily
tho clairvoyant is as strict as a martinet in
carrying out her system, It is a part of her
policy to invest visitors with a sense of her
importance, and even inspire them with
awe, if she can, and the rule requiring all to
consult her pleasure rather than their own,
is a valuable, aid to this end.
The most prnfitnblo patrons of the clair
voyants are the wives nnd daughters of rich
men, who ulways have nlentv of nocket
money and very little to do. There are
many fashionable matrons and belles who
visit them almost as often as they give or
ders to their dressmakers. It may eeem
strange, but it it a recognized truth, that
scores of educated, intelligent, wide awake
ladies have us firm a faith In the reality of
clairvoyance as they have in their religion.
mere are some in Fifth Avenuo who
would not do any important act without first
a-certaining from some clairvoyant or fortune-telling
source its probable result, It is
not uncommon for such persons to disguise
themselves i,s servants or workiugmen, and
thus visit the purveyor of mystic knowledge
to nave solved some matter that, mayhap,
has worried them day and night.
The clairvoyants patronized by this class
are the rWe of the profession, so to speak,
They havo a private and select line oi busi
ness, occupy handsomely furnished apart
ments, generally in French flats, nnd require
a reference or introduction from all persons
soliciting their service. They make a good
Of.7 f.Mt
27,053 u,fal of money, nnd can tifford to live very
11.600 1 comlortaoiy, tlit-y usually do, One wo-
. . '
239,970 I ma"i wliose residence Is not far from the
Stewart tnntnlon ou Fifth Avenue, charges
W for every cnnsuitatlnn, and has as much
business, it is said, us she can attend to.
A littlo girl in Nerristown, Pa , liavlne
swallowed a el Iron seed it Mat luund ncwiary
to cut a slit in hor throat and oxtrttct it from
its lodgment thcio in order to mio her life.
flio opeintioii win performed -witli.n threo
days ot tho accident and it was found that
2.G53.0G2 2,129,041 tho tceel had sprouted.
For present purposes these Bhort memo.
randa will suffice to put our readers in pos
session of all the fact, necessary to connect
our loeat history with the great eveuta ol
the war. It will depend partly upon per
sons Interested to make "this military ketch
perfect ; so that there may be In an access!.
ble fnrm what will dally become more eii-
Flora Temple, the quern of the tuif white
In service, is dead. She (cut neatly thirty
three years old.
Tweuty-oue little graves dot the surface
of the churchyard at Trexlertown, Lehigh
eouuty, the children all having fallen vic
tims to diphtheria within the hut two
lertsuilng and Important.